Magic Anime Network: The Planet Winning Ecchi Blitz free porn video

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Magic Anime Network: The Planet Winning Ecchi Blitz A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn Major Elements: TG, Transformation, Furry, Fan Service, Anime. Author's note: I did not intend to continue with the character I whipped up for my story "Captain Kitten." However upon discussion of the worlds contained within the Magic Anime Network I found myself put on the spot explaining why each planet exists or in some cases why planets that should exist currently do not. As I laid out my ambitions for Planet Nekomimi; ideas started to flow in my head and I felt I had to make a story which gives a little bit more background to that sector of the Network. For indeed, if this world is meant for all types of critter people, why call it planet "Cat Ears?" Well the short answer is because Cat Girls have always been so darn prevalent in Anime. This story, however, will help fill in some neat history on how that system was set up within the Network's private history. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sam stood in front of his television. The Connecting protocol of his Magical Anime Network Box had already cycled and now he was viewing a scene from the last place he had been while still in the Network. His screen showed a rather serene village in the Feudal Lands. "Pfft!" he said out loud, "Should call them the Futile Lands." His experience there was not pleasant. No weapons worked, no electricity or modern convenience of any sort was allowed. Things had to be done the old fashioned way before folks became civilized. There wasn't much chance of Sam revisiting that world. Sam waved his hand in front of his screen and the image of the Feudal Japanese village was replaced by a system map. He pointed to the Animetic Belt. Several blips showed locations of the Star Alliance Strongholds. He zoomed in on the one he usually started at. Star Alliance Fortress 6. It was a heavily fortified Dwarf Planet. There was no atmosphere on this world, but the planet was riddled with tunnels that made for natural life containment pockets when capped with metal buildings. Including quite a few hangers for ships. Sam kept his Star Droid hangered in one of them. He settled his monitor on an image of his quarters then jumped into his tv. Within moments Sam found himself standing in the middle of his quarters. He'd done this many times before and materialized his close fitting uniform on him as he came into the Network. He looked over himself in the mirror. He cut a striking figure. Young, handsome but tough. His eyes had a piercing green depth in them. His hair was blonde but with hints of orange with black tips. The style itself was a little unruly, but since it was rather short for an anime guy it didn't flow much. He lowered his eyelids and tried on his most seductive look. Sure enough Bishounen Sparkles appeared around his face. "Heh, I've still got it." Sam turned to leave the room when he noticed a light flashing on his wall com. He went to check it and noticed a message from his buddy Mark. **Sam, am now part of Zeta Group Star Droid Squadron** **Can not meet at usual rendezvous** **Meet at following coordinates** Sam sent the coordinates enclosed in the message to his Star Droid Navigation Computer. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The trip took little time when using Sub-Hyper Speeds. Sam looked on the world below. He pulled up information on his computer. Planet Nekomimi, second closest in orbit around the Sun, much of the planet is covered in lush forest. There is a civilized side to the planet with its own space port, but his coordinates were for a remote sector in a Jungle referred to as the Niskell Regions. Sam put his Star Droid into Atmosphere formation and started descent maneuvers. The canopy of green came up at him rapidly. A little over treetop level Sam switched to float mode and coasted to his eventual destination. Passive scans revealed a lot of life below him. He wondered how much of it would reflect the plant and animal life of the Amazon and other rain forests back in the real world. Minutes later he was parked on a plateau that overlooked the Jungle. The tree line didn't come too close to the edge giving him plenty of room to park next to a similar Star Droid that had already been parked here. He recognized the markings. It belonged to Mark alright, but he couldn't read the script where the pilot's name was at. Mark was not in the Star Droid, and apparently not right outside of either. "Mark?!" Sam called toward the jungle-line. Nothing. Sam sighed a little and wandered to the plateau edge to look at the breath taking view. He tried to theorize why Mark wanted to meet here. For goodness sakes, they could be out battling aliens right now. He did not hear the approach of padded feet. He found himself yanked away from the cliff edge and unceremoniously thrown to the dirt. He rolled and landed on his feet with his weapon drawn, but a hand wrested the blaster from his grip and he looked up into the eyes... ...of a very cute girl. She was lithely built with an ever so transparent coat of light fur. Her bust was massive, she had a gorgeous human face with a pink feline nose that had a pair of saucer-sized emerald-green eyes. Her hair was long and straight, but flowed with the light breeze like waves on the sea. At the top of her head were a pair of cat ears that twitched and aimed at the different sounds she picked up. She was also quite nude. Sam grinned. "Can I have my blaster back please?" he asked holding out his hand. The cat girl grinned and stepped closer. She spun the weapon on a claw and smoothly slid it into his holster for him. "Its good to see you Sam," she purred. I'm Captain Murr Kitten of Zeta Group Star Droid Squadron. "Oh," Sam said having a hard time meeting her gaze. "Do you know Captain Mark K'Tan? I'm supposed to be meeting him here." Murr laughed. "I totally forgot my old name. That explains why I'm Kitten." Sam looked at her perplexed, "eh?" Murr composed herself. "It's me, Mark," she indicated herself. "I was...err, transformed into this body when I came to this planet and now I'm a bonafide Cat Girl. Isn't that neat?" "You're...nude," Sam said, not sure what else to say. Murr screwed up her expression and teasingly stated, "And you seem to be enjoying the view." She arched her back to swing her massive mammaries in his face. Sam's face reddened. "Ok, cut that out." He looked away too late. "Are you serious? You're really Mark?" Murr nodded with a little smile. "Mm Hmm, My back-story in the network even changed too. Instead of being a military brat raised on the frontier I'm a native to the Niskell Tribe. A primitive group of Cat People who live in trees. At 9 years old I was kidnapped by a wealthy matron from the technological side of this world and raised as a house servant. At 16 I ran away from the house and caught a lift on a Trader Frigate bound for the stars. There I apparently hung around bars at spaceports where Star Droid Pilots would frequent. I cooed a few into teaching me how to pilot, was discovered as a natural talent for being a fighter in space and was offered a formal training to become one of their front line fighter pilots." Sam nodded. "That's nice, but where do you and I come in? I thought we'd always be buds on the network." Murr frowned a little. "That's why I called you here. Technically, Captain Mark K'Tan doesn't exist anymore, so I wanted to talk to you and see if you wanted to change too?" "ME!?" Sam asked a little indignantly. "Me a Cat Girl? Are you nuts?" He took a step back. Murr gave another pouty expression. "Ok ok Fine...wimp." She perked up. "Still, would you like to meet my new family?" Sam was still a little put off by his former friend. He looked up and down the cat girl. She was hot. Very hot. Large breasts were even a weakness of Sam's. Murr noted this eyeful and struck a standing pouty pose that displayed more cleavage. "Y'know," she said, "my family is just as cute as me." ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Murr led Sam a ways into the jungle. Far enough that he now had no clue as to what direction his Star Droid lay. They occasionally passed broken ruins. Something Sam hadn't expected. "What are these things from?" Sam called out. Murr stopped and turned to look. The broken stone structures were covered with green overgrowth. There was something very ancient about the place. Not just in a time sense, but in a grand powerful sense. Like ancient beings a hundred feet tall who could wield lightning swords and stir up the clouds to create thunder shields had lived here. Had battled here. Had ruled here. Murr and Sam, typical anime fan geeks on the inside, could not explain their attraction to the ruins. Indeed, Murr had passed by these ruins before but hadn't even bothered to give them notice until Sam pointed them out. The two approached a stone monolith with pictographs on it. Strange humanoid figures played out a battle or...something. The object of this battle, its prize was on a piece of stone that had crumbled to dust eons ago. Sam reached up and traced his finger along the relief patterns. His finger found a strange depression. He felt his hand automatically slip into a form that fit his human palm and fingers perfectly. The rock suddenly warmed to his touch. Murr felt her fur stand on end. "SAM!" she said sharply. The forest floor suddenly dropped out from under them and they freefell into a dark pit. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "Wakey, Wakey, sleepyhead." Sam tried to open his eyes. Darkness. He opened them as wide as he could. Still darkness. He felt his surroundings. Something hard and sharp was holding his arms up. He couldn't kick his legs either, as they were restrained in a similar fashion. He bucked a little but another restraint had him firmly by the waist. Damn this darkness, he thought. He wondered if he could activate a light on his flight suit. Then it hit him. He was naked. Sam tried to let his eyes adjust to the dark, but even the big luminous ones he had as an anime character couldn't see when there wasn't a photon to spare in the room. He sighed trying to get his bearings. He felt as if the chamber he was in was large. There was a feeling of moisture. Non- fresh air. Lots of Earthy growth that he could smell. What the hell had happened to him? Where the hell was he? How the hell did he get here? When the hell did he lose or, hell, have his clothing taken from him? Why the hell did someone do this to him? And who the hell was looking at him with eyes that glowed softly in the darkness? Sam looked at a strange pair of eyes a scant few feet before him. They blinked and then squinted. An accompanying voice told him that those eyes also had a smirk to them. "Ahh, welcome back to the world of the lucid, Sam. Did you sleep well?" Sam swallowed. "Who are you?" The voice giggled. "Just think of me as...the referee." It was a feminine voice, but had a very controlled edge to it, a very mature tone. Sam got the sense that he was dealing with someone who was very much in command of his current situation. "The referee for what?" The eyes started to fade into the darkness. "Have a good time, you stud you." A scrape of metal on stone sounded from the walls and floor and Sam felt the bonds restraining him let go. He stepped forward and tried to grab whoever was in front of him but she was already gone. Sam noticed details as ambient light built up in the chamber, luckily it was very dim, giving his night adapted eyes time to adjust. It was a strange light, it felt natural somehow. He suddenly realized what it was. As the room he was in gained a little illumination he could make out stone walls with moss, lichen, roots, vines. He must be in an underground cavern. The light was being produced by patches of mold or lichen on the walls. How does someone control natural elements like that? He wondered. Motion caught his attention. He looked to his left. There was a rather dark area on the wall. About half his height. It had a sound emanating from within. A clicking that echoed eerily. He realized he was looking at a tunnel. He also knew that something was in that tunnel. Something that clicked as it walked. Claws? He could make out shallow breathing. Then...eyes again. Not the same as the...referee's eyes, similar, but not the same. As soon as those eyes focused on Sam the creature froze. Sam could sense movement from it. It was wiggling. Then he heard a low growl. Sam wanted to reach for his sidearm, but since his uniform and everything with it was stripped from him he turned and fled instead. "AW HELL!" Sam ducked into another dark patch that proved to be another tunnel. He raced down it as fast as he could, thanking his lucky stars that the floor was devoid of rubble. He could hear the quick clicking and breathing of the creature right behind him. He had just broken into another chamber with more ambient light when the creature finally had him. He felt himself tackled. Something wet lapped at his asscheeks and he looked back to see what he could do to extricate himself from the creature's grip. He blanched at the sight. It was a dog...a woman...It was some kind of person who was half collie and half hot girl. Much like his friend Murr. She licked him affectionately, he could see that her nipples were aroused, several pairs of nipples were aroused. She had longer fur than Murr but a smaller bust. She had black and white hair that set off her eyes of gold. The collie clawed her way up Sam's body, trying to get eye level, licking all the way. He felt an involuntary jolt when she got to his crotch and lapped at his quickly responding penis. The pleasure also drove home the situation to Sam. He pushed her away. Getting her paws off him and rolling to the side. For a moment they both were on the floor, several feet apart. Then she knelt before him. Head down. She let go of a low whine, letting her breasts push out towards him. Sam noticed that her tail, too, was wagging and lifting. She wanted him. She wanted him bad. Sam's cynical side fired up. "Why?" he said out loud. "Why do you want me? What will happen?" "She will win," said the voice of the Referee. "Win what? What the Hell is going on here?" Sam shouted into the air. A massive wind answered him. He crouched a little to hold his ground and looked for the source. The hair on the nape of his neck stood up and he felt a presence of something right above him. Sam looked up and was struck by the image of a half-dragon half-girl beating massive wings and lowering from a tunnel that shot straight up from where he was and opened to a brilliant sky. Sam gawked a little at her, she was dark against the light coming down from the tunnel. He noticed that most of her was very human, only her hands, feet, part of her torso, tail and dragon-fin-ear-things were scaley. The rest of her was bountiful, beautiful maiden with a rack that went out to next week and dark hair that whirled about her head as it became caught in the updraft from her flapping wings. The dragon-girl turned her head towards Sam and pierced his eyes with her own reptilian gaze. Then she gave a predatory smile and swooped down on him. Off to the side the dog girl had been ruffling her fur and snarling up at the larger dragon girl. As the dragon girl swooped the dog girl jumped and the two animals collided and crashed away from Sam. Sam looked at the two females stumbling over one another, if he wasn't so confused about the situation he would be feeling rather turned-on at the moment. A soft pair of hands grabbed one of his from behind and a breathy musical voice whispered in his ear, "Come with me if you want to live." That statement, although clich?d to death, got his attention and he turned at the hands pulling him into another dark tunnel. He didn't see who was leading him to safety, though he could tell it was another woman. Hell, he thought, what critter is she going to be? The tunnel ended and the woman paused to do something in the dark. Sam took the moment to steal an impression from the hand he was holding. It was human shaped for the most part, but definitely had fluffy fur about it. He could feel sharp claws on her as well, although not as sharp as feline claws might be. The girl gave a sound of triumph and opened a secret door, the two entered and fell into a pile of cushions. Sam struggled upright and for balance as the girl disappeared from his side. "Where are we?" he asked. A match was struck and the girl lit a candle. The low firelight managed to illuminate her figure. She was much much furrier than any of the other critter girls. Her fur was snow white, she had big puffy breasts that looked like rather comfortable pillows, her waist pinched in and her hips flared out to accommodate two powerful looking folded up jumping legs. She had a cotton-ball tail and her ears flopped down her head, matching her hair, also white. She had the cutest face Sam had ever seen with pink eyes and a button nose and a pair of buck teeth that overbit her lower lip ever so much. They were in a tight little cove where no floor showed, there were only velvety soft pillows everywhere. The Bunny girl settled seductively on the pillows and inched towards him. "Now," she said lowering her voice an octave and giving herself a breathy sound, "tell me a little bit about yourself." "Like what?" asked Sam eyeing her suspiciously. "You cut such a striking figure, your muscles ooze with strength, your eyes pierce my very soul," She paused and fanned herself, "you are a hero aren't you? You are here to save me." Something seemed a little backwards to Sam, he tried retracing his steps mentally. "Wait a minute, what are you???" She fell in his lap and smiled up to him. How she got to him so quickly from so far away was lost on Sam. She pulled one of his hands to her bosom. "Can you feel it? Can you feel my heart? It beats only for you my love." "Ok, I think I need to go now," Sam made to get up but the Bunny Girl threw her arms around his torso. "No, my dearest, the others aren't like me. I promise to always be your love bunny, to always meet those needs of yours. They can't do what I can do." "Persistent, isn't she?" a voice said apparently from nowhere. "What?" Sam asked. The Bunny Girl looked up at him. "Oh I swear it, I will always be your servant and wife. I can promise you my sisters as well, we would all be yours in servitude, your bunny harem." "Sounds like a good deal, why not take it?" said the disembodied voice again. "NO," Sam said. The candle went out. Sam dropped through a trap door with a bunch of cushions into a dark cave that opened out into a cavern. He tensed up to hit rock bottom and was shaken to his core when he splashed into a body of water. He frantically pawed for the surface and gasped for air after his head broke water. The water was running, not quickly, but he could feel himself moving along with a current and even heard water move past banks in the darkness. Something suddenly slid past his leg. "Ah, now what?" he asked out loud. "Umm, I don't think you really want to know." That disembodied voice again. "WHO ARE YOU?" Sam shouted out loud to the voice. "I told you, I'm the referee," the voice replied. "If this is a game, then I want out," Sam said. "Then you must choose." "Choose?" Sam asked. Then found himself grabbed from under the water. But not by a hand. A fleshy arm wrapped itself around his leg, torso and lifted him out of the water. He was being held by some strange tentacle, dripping wet in a dark cave. Before him loomed a shape, a shape that glowed a little in the dark. A lovely shape of a woman. She floated towards him. She seemed very normal looking, until she spoke. A forked tongue came out of her mouth. "Ssssso, you choose do you? That makes Ssssooolieee verrry hhhhappy." It was then as his night vision came back, that Sam looked down and noticed that this woman's lower body didn't end in legs. In fact it didn't end at all, it remained a solid unit and disappeared into the running water, only to come back up as the articulate appendage that was dangling him over the water surface. He looked her in the eyes. "How do you keep balance?" "You'll find I'm full of many talentsssss," the Snake Girl told him. To emphasize her point her tail tip found its way into his asshole. The shock of which made Sam squirm and yelp. "NO!!" Sam shouted. "Yeah, I figured as much," The Referee's voice said. Sam found himself let go and splash back into the water again. The current carried him faster and faster through the cavern. He tried to make out a bank he could swim for but saw nothing. Suddenly he found himself sucked underwater into a tunnel. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? She frowned. The young man was clearly not enjoying himself. This was different from the times they've done this before. If he didn't make a choice soon he would force to contestants to get rough. Something about that worried her. It took an element of fun out of everything. Before her she watched a miniature image of Sam. The tunnel she had nudged him into took him out of the ancient caves and to a waterfall coming out of a cliff near the sea. He lay on the sand coughing up water. He really was attractive, she envied the girl that won him. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sam wiped more water out of his eyes and stood up to look around. He was on a shoreline, a shoreline of an ocean or sea. The water disappeared into the horizon and there were two-foot waves crashing into the beach not too far from his position. Behind him was a cliff jutting out from some woods. The cliff had a small cave where water came pouring out, that's where he came from. He scanned the forest line. Now what was going to come after his loins? "SAM!" Sam turned to find Murr running toward him. She must have been running quite a ways the dust trailing her was thick...too thick. Sam's jaw dropped. The dust trailing Murr wasn't caused by her. Sam could make out animal girls of every kind trailing after Murr. Cat girls, Dog girls of many breeds, Vixens, little Mice girls, a handful of Dragon and other reptile representative girls. All were in bikinis and beach wear, many had nice bouncy assets and most had long flowing hair. It was an anthro-girl wannabe harem stampede. "Double U Tee Eff, is the entire animal kingdom out to fuck my brains out?" Sam asked. Murr grabbed him and pulled him along down the beach running from the estrogen-enhanced crowd. Suddenly Murr pulled harder and they veered into the woods. "Hold on!" she said giving him her back and indicating he grab her around the shoulders. He did so and was surprised when she very quickly climbed a large tree. He held on tightly, impressed with her strength. They found a large enough branch and Murr managed to pull a couple of other branches close to them to hide from the pursuit below. Right after that the stampede of girls broke through the underbrush. They were giggling and calling out and continued right past Sam and Murr's tree without looking up. A moment later it was over. The woods were deathly quiet. Murr let go of their hiding branches and stretched. Sam looked down the path the girls had made trying to guess how far away they were. He felt a light grip on his shoulder. He turned to find Murr smiling at him. Sam smiled back. "Thanks for saving me, that was..," he noticed something strange. Murr was purring, her eyes had half-closed and she was squirming around as though the very air around her was giving her a sensual massage. "Take me," she half whispered to him. "Wha..." "Take me," she said again and leaned in to embrace him. "DAMN IT NOT YOU TOO!" Sam shouted and scooted away. His hand missed the branch and he tipped over backwards into the air forty feet from the ground. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Sam blinked his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn't imagining what he was seeing. He was surrounded on all sides by murals. These weren't just any murals, these were moving. He saw the group of animal girls that had chased him on the beach. He saw the dog girl and bunny girl from earlier in the bunny girl's cushion room pleasuring each other, he also saw Murr sitting on the tree where he just was. She was looking down the tree with a horrified expression on her face. "Here." A mug of steaming liquid that smelled like a combination of cinnamon and something citrus-like was shoved in front of his face. Sam took the mug and looked up at the person offering it. He found the pair of eyes from before, the eyes of the woman who only identified herself as "the Referee" Sam could now see who those eyes belonged to. She was mostly human. She had a very light covering of soft fur, but for the most part she was bare with skin. Her eyes were set off by a sharp nose that darkened somewhat at the tip and her ears were pointed as well. Her hair was bright red orange and flowed into spikes. She wore no clothing, letting her assets hang freely. Her hips were wide and Sam saw the swish of an red orange furred tail behind her. "'re a fox," Sam said. The Kitsune rolled her eyes and turned around. She flipped her three tails in Sam's face. "Does a fox have more than one tail? I'm a Kitsune. A guardian of all creatures on Planet Nekomimi and her moons." Sam was stricken speechless. The Kitsune stepped over to the wall and waved her hand over a portion of Mural that showed Planet Nekomimi. It changed into a view of Sam and Murr at the ruins earlier today. Sam was placing his hand on the ruins. "When you agreed to take part in the contest I had no idea you would be so picky in your choice." The mural changed to show Sam falling off the tree while Murr scrambled to grab him and missed. "I certainly didn't expect you to reject your own friend." The Kitsune looked at him with narrowed eyes. "What kind of Hentai are you? She is smoking hot." Sam regained some of his composure. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked. "What contest?" "The contest for the planet," the Kitsune answered. "The contest you agreed to when you read the agreement and placed your hand on the marker start." "But that...I COULDN'T READ THAT!!!" Sam said exasperatedly. "How was I to know what it meant?" "If you couldn't read it then why did you place your hand on the agreement mark?" the Kitsune asked. "I don't know, it...drew me to it." The Kitsune sighed. She sat down next to him and put her hands on his shoulders, "look," she said. "I'm sorry you didn't read the instructions like you were supposed to, but that doesn't change the fact that you are entrenched in this contest. You have to make a choice. Which girl do you want?" "The only way I can end this..." Sam asked, "is to choose someone to have sex with?" The Kitsune gave a small smile and nodded. Sam looked the Referee in the eyes. "Fine, then." Sam leaned in and kissed the Kitsune. The Kitsune's eyes widened for a moment and she seemed about to protest, but Sam had more womanizing wiles in him than she counted on. His hands found marks on her body to stroke and massage. Areas that made her lose control of herself, suddenly instead of being a powerful clear-minded judge the Kitsune found herself thrown into a deep feeling of desire. She wanted this man's touch, she loved the taste of his tongue, and she royally fucked up her responsibilities in the contest. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Epilogue: The Star Droid was settling into its cradle in the large receiving bay. The cradle hooked into the Star Droid and then pulled it inside the station from the space exposed bay. As the Star Droid moved past a hole the cockpit separated from the frame and was lifted into a different receiving corridor. A uniformed figure stood in that corridor and watched as the cockpit rose from a depression on the floor. After a moment the cockpit opened and Sam took off his helmet to look up at his friend. He smiled, "Greetings Captain Kitten, long time no see." Captain Murr Kitten looked a little flushed, she had a hard time meeting Sam's eyes. "Sam, don't know how to explain what I tried to do." Sam laughed and jumped out of his cockpit. He hugged Murr and then started them walking down the corridor. "It's alright, come with me. I can actually explain to you what happened on Nekomimi." The two went to Sam's quarters. He made sure that the door was locked to outside entry and also checked that the video feeds into his room were switched off. Sam had Murr sit in a chair and he went to his dresser to start taking off his flight suit. "I was stupid enough to inadvertently agree to an ancient contest of sorts. You saw me agree to it when I touched that ruin in the jungle. Well, it turns out that Nekomimi wasn't always the planet of Cat girls. At one point in time it was the planet of Dog girls, at another time it was the Planet of Dragon girls. The reason it changed was because every once in a generation a human would visit the planet. This human had the power to shift the planet's populace from one species to another, displacing the new minority onto one of the moons. This was done with a contest. The human that agreed to this would be given the option to have his way with any girl he chooses, and her species would essentially win the planet." "I've never heard of that, why did I...y'know...try to..." Murr trailed off. Sam smiled back at her, "You had no choice, the magic that chooses representatives for this contest binds you to do whatever it takes to have sex with me. Unless I say 'no' that is. It was my choice after all that would decide the contest...for the first round" the last part Sam said under his breath. "How often does this contest take place?" "It hasn't happened for a long time. I think the folks that set it up decided it was not in the best interests of the planet after all. At that point in time more cities were being built where all the different animal girls were living together peacefully. So I essentially restarted a competition that was no longer needed. The last contest winner had been feline, so the planet stayed named Nekomimi." "So...who did you choose?" Murr asked. " myself out," Sam answered. He was down to his underwear and removed that too. "I sort of made a pass at the Referee, which wasn't allowed. This disqualified me from the contest essentially ending it." "So where have you been for the past three weeks then?" Murr asked. Sam made to answer but got a strange look in his face. He opened his mouth, then opened it wider suddenly inhaling then sneezed. Murr turned her head and winced. Then opened one eye slightly. On her lap she noticed a leaf. She picked it up and turned it in her hands. "Can I have that back?" a feminine voice asked. Murr looked up and gasped. Sam was gone and replaced with a cute vixen. The vixen had red orange hair, a sharp nose, upturned ears and....two tails? The Vixen was reaching out for the leaf. Murr handed it over. The Vixen placed the leaf on her head, scrunched up her features to concentrate, and started to shimmer visually. In a moment she had morphed from a cute Vixen into Sam. He smiled back at Murr. "For the last three weeks I've been busy learning about my new body and my new family."

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Anime Sharing

Who’s up for AnimeSharing? Don’t answer that. I can already tell from the fedora, neckbeard and stale aroma of virginity that you are. Well, put the princess body pillow waifu in the closet, so she doesn’t get jealous, and tell your friends on Reddit you’ll be right back after you go on a big dick-rubbing, anime-watching bender. Oh, and better put a note on the basement door, so mom doesn’t come downstairs and see you cranking it to big-eyed manga sluts, tentacle sex and lolicon...

Porn Forums
2 years ago
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Blitz by Shannonq Synopsis--It is the beginning of World War 2. The Nazis are advancing toward Dunkirk. A mass evacuation is taking place to bring the British troops across the channel. While this happening another evacuation is taking place. Children are being sent north to escape the upcoming bombings upon the major cities of the British Empire. One boy is put on the wrong train by his famous mother and sent to Wales...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 14 Marketing Blitz

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 25, 2009) Chapter 14 - Marketing Blitz "Hurry and get dressed," Dad told me when I walked into the house. "We need to go." "Ok," I said. I dropped my book bag on the couch and headed for Sarah's room. "What should I...

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Telephone Blitz

I don't usually listen in on other people's conversations and have no idea what possessed me to listen in on this one. It was Sunday afternoon and I was in the basement working on the hot water heater when I heard the phone rang. I didn't know what my wife, Janet, was doing at the time and since the basement phone was close I picked it up. Before I could say anything I heard my wife on the upstairs extension. "Gary you shouldn't have called here. What if John had answered the...

4 years ago
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Anime Dot Com

This story hit me one night as I sat at my computer reading Fictionmania stories I archived on my computer while listening to some Anime soundtracks when I ran across one of Bill Hart's DC Universe Stories. The combo was just the thing to get the motivations for writing another short story for posting before my move out of state. I hope you enjoy this little late night Snack I whipped up for you. Oh and by the way, if you're Under 18, shut this window down now. And to Quote another story...

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Hentai Anime

There are many worlds of alternate dimensions that need exploring. Worlds of different elements, different possibilities. Worlds that you Can now alter to create worlds where what you want to happens, happens. Worlds where you create the reality from the elements provide. You get to create a new path for your favourite characters to try. Even the ones that might be more mature than the one that they normally travel. Welcomed to the world of Hentai Anime... You can now choose the character of...

3 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 03

What the hell am I doing here? Kelly thought, scowling into the restroom mirror. It had been years since she’d attended an anime convention, and too much had changed. She didn’t recognize a single costume anymore, and everywhere she turned con-goers were enjoying some kind of inside joke that was part of their geeky little culture. Pathetic. Kelly considered herself a scene-girl goddess, her hair dyed a perfect shade of black and her artfully teased bangs cut along an angle to frame the...

2 years ago
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Wishes Granted Inc The Anime Case

Wishes Granted Inc.: The Anime Case By (Miss) Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Mei never could understand what her boyfriend, Mohammed, liked about Anime. "Mohammed! You are always watching Japanese cartoons. I really don't understand why." "Gee whiz, Mei! What is your problem? Don't I buy you stuff and take you places?" "Yes," said Mei. "Last week, we went to a Ranma 1/2 film festival and you bought me a Lum Urusei Yatsura T-shirt!" "Oh, come on Mei, I just wish that you would...

5 years ago
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The Network Boy 2

THE NETWORK BOY . 2. INTRODUCED ….WITH A THREESOME. I got frustrated, I began to doubt Eddie’s claims after the third time ringing the number he had given me. There had been no answer as I’d let the phone ring for fully five minutes. Each time I’d tried to get in touch with him I’d had a delicious sexual tingle running through my body, thinking about what I had done with Eddie in the works hut, only to be disappointed at the unanswered call. I was going to give it one last shot, one more call...

5 years ago
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The Network Boy 6

The Network Boy The Driving Test.Life under the wing of the network was becoming an exciting and eye opening experience. I duly passed my driving test in a fashion that could only be network organized. I had taken a course of lessons as any normal young guy would do, but when it came to the time to take my test the network took over. The person who so many people hate with a vengeance, their driving test examiner, for me was a network member. I had instructions to go to Eddie’s to be taken to...

2 years ago
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Stuff about me anime

I like anime, you know those japanese cartoons that are all the rage with those fringe types of society. I think it's great most of the time, I love the stories, I love the characters, and I love the art styles.some of my favorites are:Cowboy bebop, yes I'm one of those where this can't go anywhere but the top, It's great, I started watching it on adult swim and now I own the DVD's. It turned me on to getting a taste for jazz, and queens. I've identified deeply with different characters, and I...

4 years ago
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Friday Anime List

FRIDAY NIGHT ANIME LIST BY PAUL G. JUTRAS George woke up and kicked off the comforter. He was covered in sweat. With the dawn light shining in the room, he looked across the room at the anime posters, statues, clock and reading lamp. ?That weird dream again.? He said to himself. Every night for the past few weeks, George had dreamed he turned into a girl named Janet. The sort of transformation he often enjoyed watching in his favorite Japan animation. He felt his hands down his...

5 years ago
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Planet Of Mother And Son

Hi friends this is Rathode and it is my another new story please leave your comments and opinions on my id This story includes some of the concepts about quantum physics and general theory of relativity and it also includes romance, lust , love and sex between a mother and son . Year -3151 place-egl head quarters “Earth” the home of all human beings is going to became an abandoned planet, due to selfishness activities of humans made earth unstable, the resource of earth vanished all of...

3 years ago
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TV Listings for the TG Network

If you would like to archive this story elsewhere, please contact me and ask permission first. However, any story ideas that appear in here, or in the review section, are "Free Game" for development (Unless the author specifies otherwise in their "review"). "Thanks for your support" (Hey, there's an idea for a TG commercial...) gregri [email protected] "TV" Listings for the TG Network By Gregri Copyright 2000 The TG Network: "Television for New Women". (Lifetime is a...

2 years ago
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The Network

I had no idea where this was going when I started. I was thinking stroke, added some fetish elements that I know very little about and then tried to make it all work in the end. ‘Fred, this neighborhood has got to have the cutest teenage baby sitting corps in the whole state!’ The two friends were chatting on the periphery of the typical neighborhood pool party. ‘It would be hard to argue with that, Mike. On the other hand do I need to remind you of the legal penalties for having sex with...

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My Escort Network

MyEscort.Network calls itself “The #1 Female Escort Directory!” It’s a bold brag with an exclamation point for emphasis, but I don’t know, they might be on to something. Their traffic has nearly doubled in the last couple months, with nearly 300,000 eager users hitting up the joint. The big question with a site like this is always how those user numbers break down. With any luck, a good chunk of those thousands are escorts actively hawking their services on the platform, but there’s really only...

Escort Sites
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 02

‘Sooo glad we pre-ordered our convention passes,’ a heavy-set girl in her twenties said, a pair of plush panda ears bobbing excitedly where they were affixed in her dirty-blonde hair. ‘That line is just nuts.’ ‘Oh, yes,’ her companion said quietly, a pair of similar rabbit ears poking up from her long blonde hair. ‘It’s so crowded…’ Her blue eyes fluttered behind her glasses. ‘I can’t believe you talked me into this.’ Megan had become Stephanie’s boisterous big sister ever since they met in...

3 years ago
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Anime lovers have needs too

Elisabeth is what some people call a fangirl. She loves anime and mangas, the Japanese culture, and would probably give anything for it. She’s just obsessed. Just don’t go thinking she’s a nerd with no life and no friends… well almost not. She’s a nerd, has no life, but she does have friends. Although, there’s her best friend Eve who shares her obsession. Physically, Elisabeth isn’t a hot blue-eyed blonde, far from it. She’s a 19 years old...

4 years ago
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The Network Boy 3

3. THE FIRST OUTFIT SESSION AT NAUGHTYNESS!. The night after my confirmation call to Eddie I had meeting with him and Jim at the pub and was officially enrolled as one of The Network Boys. True to their recruiting spiel, things had started to happen for me within a few days. I was enrolled for a course of driving lessons which meant that I would be tested and passed within two months, courtesy of a network member who ran a driving school . I was offered jobs, the offers were open ended and I...

3 years ago
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In another world defined by anime genres

Your life was over before there was time to panic. One second you were watching a truck speed towards you, the next you were in a black void receiving a disapproving look from a cute girl seated on a throne, wearing a ballet dress and knee-high boots. From years of watching anime you knew she was a goddess about to give you an exciting new life in another world.... ... And you were %90 positive that she was a tsundere. "That makes eight-hundred-and-fifty lives you have gone through without...

1 year ago
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Mother son new planet

100% fiction! THIS STORY INCLUDES mother son INCEST. IF YO YOU FIND THIS OFFENSIVE, PLEASE SKIP READING IT. Year - 3151 place - EGL head quarters. “Earth” the home of all human beings is going to became an abandoned planet, due to selfish activities of humans made earth unstable, the resource of earth vanished suddenly earth is nothing but a waste land. Due to the unstable nature of earth, all the nations formed a committee called EGL that is Earth Guardian League through which they found a...

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Anime Convention Harem Ch 05

‘Hey, s’your foot actually on the gas, Rebecca? Or.. are we just idling forward?’ Emily grumbled, rhythmically tapping the armrest of her friend’s station wagon in irritation. ”Cause we’re movin’ a little slow.’ ‘Really?’ Rebecca asked sleepily, squinting through her unruly tangle of auburn curls. ‘No one’s going faster than us, though.’ ‘Maybe ’cause they’re all stuck behind us? Like, right behind us. That huge line of cars breathing down our exhaust pipe. See all the angry little faces in...

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Anime Protagonists Harem Adventure

Choose any anime protagonist that you want to have a harem and start having fun. Anime protagonist the main character of the anime the one who fights the antagonist and save the world multiple times and, now after everything they done risking their lives for the ones they love it’s time that they deserve a lot of love from a bunch of ladies that fell in love with them. You can choose which ever character you want to choose like Goku, Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, and so much more. You can also choose...

2 years ago
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Dogfart Network

The Dog Fart Network! Fuck, I love watching slutty babes get absolutely wrecked by some big black cock in interracial porn. Or watching a smoking hot Latino chick bounce up and down on a dick while she sucks off the five other dudes in the room. Interracial porn brings the good shit. And it’s not just the same old scenes every time. Are you as tired as I am of watching a plain ass white couple have lame, uninteresting missionary sex? It fucking sucks. It’s time to branch out. Help break down...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The Network Boy 4

THE NETWORK BOY THE FIRST PARTY--GETTING INTO THE GROOVE.Thursday night came at last, less than forty eight hours had passed between hearing about my first job at the party to arriving for it. It seemed longer, much longer. I got to the George and Dragon at the time Jim told me to, he was just ushering out the last of his normal customers and bidding them good night as I went in through the back door."Hey, our new bar boy is here,” Jim said as he saw me arrive, “Go up to the living room and get...

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Fetish Network

FetishNetwork is a pretty great name for this network, since it is comprised of tons of fetish sites that cover a wide variety of topics from usual to spooky to super hot and taboo. There are more than 40 sites in this network and they are always adding more, which is unusual for a network. There are even different categories of sites for you to pick from that all keep it really kinky. There are about 20 BDSM sites, a couple hypnofetish sites, spanking sites, female domination ones, smoking and...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 04

By late afternoon on Friday, Animecon was simmering with excitement, a soup of colorful costumes and eager, chattering geeks. Pockets of empty space opened and closed in the packed multitude of people like bubbles on boiling broth as cosplayers were stopped for impromptu photo-shoots. Incredibly large, elaborate costumes towered over the press of people, and there were entire groups of cosplayers representing large casts from different animes. Intricately detailed monsters, gorgeous couples in...

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Anime Convention Harem Ch 06

The last strips of daylight crawled up the high-rise hotels as the sun sank beneath the silhouette of the distant cityscape, painting the horizon brilliant shades of orange and pink. The downtown area surrounding the convention center had become a gala of convention-goers and cosplayers as they trickled out from beneath the gigantic AnimeCon banner and spread through the streets to seek out restaurants or the comfort of their nearby hotel rooms. Otaku were chatting with animated expressions,...

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Shameless Anime Parody

Marco could feel something was odd as he got off the bus, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked down at his arms while he walked. They were the same shade of brown he remembered, or at least, the parts that weren't covered by the long sleeves of his uniform were. The same skin color. The same hands at the end, with the same ten fingers. Everything looked as Marco remembered, and yet, something about it all felt off. When he reached the school building, he got a glimpse of...

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Anime Convention

The girl in the back was really hot, Carrie thought as she leaned back in her chair. She looked around the rest of the room, enjoying just watching the people. She loved science fiction and fantasy conventions. She had never been to this particular one in Oklahoma City, and this one was actually an anime convention, but it was close enough. It had all the same elements that she loved. This time she got involved and was working as staff. Which was what she was doing now, although nothing much...

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Anime RoboSluts

Thank you for calling Anime robosluts. We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several anime companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite anime series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a series you like a character from. ....

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AnimeCartoon God

Hi I'm Dan if you didn't know and I've recently been granted the amazing power to travel into anime/cartoon universes and basically do almost anything and guess what this power was given to a horny teen that is only 19 and loves anime/cartoons and masturbating I wonder what anime/cartoon I'll go to today.

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Anime Fanfiction

Congratulation! You have been selected by Animetor Corporation to test our new Virtual Reality Anime! We, Animetor Company have please your eyes with many Anime for 20 years! Now then! Please Select Anime you want! Press 1 for: Naruto Press 2 for: Gundam Press 3 for: Ranma Press Pound for other Category!

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Heraldic Echo Gaming and Anime Emilys Quest Introduction

Standard Disclaimer and Warning (SDAW): This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such. This story contains (some) strong language, and adult situations. If you are under 18, or are legally a minor in your place of residence, do not continue. This story also contains a transgender (TG) theme. If such offends you, or makes you uncomfortable, I highly recommend that you do not continue. This story...

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What’s the worst part about quality hentai? I know, I know, it’s probably tough for you weebs to even think of a single negative thing to say about squealing waifus getting fucked. But there is one thing that sucks, and that is having to pay hundreds of dollars to stay up to date with the newest, most fap-worthy content. Hentai can get expensive. Just check your favorite studio’s site, and I bet you’ll find that they are charging a hefty price per video. Fuck that. Hentai should be enjoyed by...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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The Network Boy 5

THE NETWORK BOY THE FIRST PARTY-- THE DEBUT SOLO SHOW. I won’t insult my readers intelligence by saying I hadn’t rehearsed this moment, I had, either alone in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom, or in front of Jim after a nights working the normal pub trade. Doing it for this large, hyped up audience was a different prospect entirely. I had taken the advice that Chris and Bernie had given me onboard and had worked out a routine that I was now about to put into practice. I took...

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Sung Hee The Network Part 7

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...

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Sung Hee The Network Part 7

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...

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The Network Boy 6

The Network Boy (6) The Driving Test. Life under the wing of the network was becoming an exciting and eye opening experience. I duly passed my driving test in a fashion that could only be network organized. I had taken a course of lessons as any normal young guy would do, but when it came to the time to take my test the network took over. The person who so many people hate with a vengeance, their driving test examiner, for me was a network member. I had instructions to go to Eddie’s to be...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Tripletit 02 Saving the Planet

Saving the Planet Tripletit Copyright Oggbashan April 2008 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The events in this story happen shortly after those in my story ‘Tripletit’ but it can be read on its own.Introduction.Tripletit. That isn’t the planet’s real...

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Network Adaption

Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen. She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the...

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The Network Boy 1

THE NETWORK BOY.1. IT STARTED WITH A STREAK!.Do you believe in fate? That things happen to people because they are meant to be? Or maybe it is just sheer coincidence that seemingly random and mundane decisions can turn into life changing ones.My life as a Network Boy began with one of those decisions, and a streak! An unplanned and initially unwilling one, but a streak nonetheless. I was almost eighteen years old and my hormones were as rampant as any chaps of my age. I was feeling happy...

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The GF Network

TheGFNetwork! We really live in the glory age of amateur sex movies. Everybody walks around with a video camera in their pocket capable of making pretty fucking decent porno movies. Don’t believe me? Check out Just about all the videos were shot on phones or webcams, and you’d have to have serious erectile dysfunction not to appreciate this site.For the past decade or so, TheGFNetwork has been collecting a massive and exclusive stash of DIY porn. They’re popular enough that...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

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On The Planet Hell

FOREWORD:This story is Fictional.  Any resemblance to characters or persons real or fake, living or Dead is strictly coincidental.  This Story Contains Adult Content not suitable for those under the legal age in your country of origin, or those that are offended by fictional depictions of any of the following story codes:  Enema, NC, M/F, bondage, Modification, Torture.  if those codes offend you or you are not old enough to view Adult Content, Kindly Leave now, you have been warned.  Everyone...

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Anime God

Do you know what's funny? That me - probably someone who will be sent to Hell due to his unholy thoughts and actions - got these powers. That ME, the most lust-ridden, perverted, horniest bastard in the world got these powers. The world is one fucked-up place. But anyways - I got these powers, and I'm enjoying them. Haven't you ever seen those animes, and then closed your eyes and imagined that you were jerking off to that hot chicks' tits? If you haven't, you probably have a life - but seeing...

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Planet Mansrulia

Planet MansruliaBy Master Bjorn[Disclaimer:  This is an entirely fantasy world (obviously).  The author does not condone any illegal or violent behavior in any way in the real world.  The author does not condone sex with minors, nor sex slavery in real life.  Once again, this is entirely FANTASY]Backdrop:  Welcome to Planet Mansrulia, a planet very similar in geography to our planet Earth, located in a galaxy far, far away.  On this planet, Men are few in number while lowly females are...

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A Planet Is TornChapter 9

The two Woden ships that had previously crossed WS Reaper's breadtrail were still relatively close (in galaxy terms anyway) to planet P73197. One was a scout ship appropriately enough named WS Scout and the other a seeding ship named WS Clarion. WS Scout had been doing exactly what its name suggested — scouting far flung galaxies looking for valuable minerals — when Captain Marlon had received an order to return to Woden due to the Zytol attack. Marlon had barely given the order to set a...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 16 The Planet of The Clones

Linda introduced Gen. Matilda MacArthur from intelligence to Jason’s group. “Matilda is the brains of our Intelligence outfit. She has already met with Major Connie Ross. They have been hard at work together, which is why you didn’t meet her at lunch. She will update you on what we know and have been thinking.” Matilda stood up to speak, “We have returned your senior intelligence assets back to the planet together with some of our people. “We are attempting to assess if there are other...

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A Planet Is TornChapter 17

Marlon's state room was being used for the second time in only a few days. Once the AI had confirmed that the immediate danger from the missile had passed, Marlon had retired to his cabin to try to recover, but he also asked the AI to set up a meeting of his officers. The officers were seated much as they had been for the previous meeting and the low murmur of their conversation filled the room. Marlon himself arrived, flanked by two troopers and he strode to the head of the meeting...

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Terror On Planet Alpha IV

This is for a female friend on X-Hamster who wanted me to write a story about her. This is what she wanted....The U.S.S. Frontier was just three days from reaching a newly discovered planet called Alpha IV. The World Space Center's interstellar's telescope, the Star Searcher, had discovered this planet 12 years ago. 5 years after, the WSC, launched space probes to investigate this new planet. The data that came back from these probes, was a promising sign that life could, and may possibly exist...

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The Master of Anime

Jack woke up for what he thought would be just a normal day at college. He turned off his alarm clock and wearily rubbed the sleep from his eyes. After a quick shower and breakfast he was ready to go so collected up his books to put into his bag. Unusually there was a notebook on his desk which he couldn't recall ever seeing. He picked it up and flicked it open to the first page. He read: 'Congratulations Jack, you have been chosen as a Master of Anime. This means you now have the power to...

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Planet GykadaChapter 2 The Slave auction

We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...

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