Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Hi friends this is Rathode and it is my another new story please leave your comments and opinions on my id
This story includes some of the concepts about quantum physics and general theory of relativity and it also includes romance, lust , love and sex between a mother and son .
Year -3151 place-egl head quarters
“Earth” the home of all human beings is going to became an abandoned planet, due to selfishness activities of humans made earth unstable, the resource of earth vanished all of suddenly earth is nothing but a waste land, due unstable nature of earth all the nations formed a committee called egl that is earth guardian league through which they found a planet which contains exact atmosphere like earth, the newly found planet is exact replica of earth like when earth is in earlier stage
Year- 5056 place-omega providence
Blue 041 is the beautiful city in the omega providence of the norma planet, people are very busy here and we respect nature here every home got its individual little greenery to maintain the eco balance, as our four fathers or elders says that our previous home planet destroyed or abandoned due to disrespect towards nature and I am here tell you the story how we survived, get established over this planet and the different ritual followed by our peoples which previously not followed in earth.
We call ourselves normans as compared to earth norma is really bigger , each day counts 62 hours here and the year exactly contains 826 days , so compared to the earth peoples we live for more than twice and half of their life span , if any people there in earth then the one year of our life is equal to their 2 and half here so technically we live more than humans in earth(if there), every year we celebrate mother son day in our planet to respect the saviors of our planet and our race, in this particular day all mother and son should mate each other and all the fathers should not be in there home , when son reach his puberty and become 20 every son must mate his mother on this mother and son day.
I know why all you peoples become shocked why we peoples are committing incest in the name of our planet saviors , yes it contains a reason our planet saviours are both mother and son and they committed incest in order to save our planet so to respect them and their courage we are committing incest , so let’s go to story how did this happen.
Year-3060 place-egl station
The earth destruction started early from what egl expected so the egl directors took the decision to evacuate the planet but the problem is the selected planet still not studied completely and we partially known that the planet we are moving is compatable for humans or not, but in the present situation we do not have any options rather than abandon the planet so egl committee decided to immediate launch.
The spaceship we are going is called glacier, we have 3 glaciers each capable of holding 15 crore people, 92 landers which are well equipped to stay and observe in any atmospheric condition, 402 rangers which are capable of withstand and fight back any resistance they came across, 69 reserves which contains fuel for the glaciers (each landers can hold 10000 people in it and rangers can have 2000 peoples in it) other than this we had planters which can take 1 lander, 1 reserve and 3 rangers.
The evacuation starts on feb 21 3061 the glaciers are stayed in polar axis ,the landers and rangers pick all the peoples who are still alive and made them to reach glaciers but some of the peoples couldn’t rescued because calamities occurred on that time some might left behind due to shortage of space in glaciers.
Glaciers our spaceship contains its own world inside it, it has all the necessary for human life, each glaciers contains one crore thirty thousand cabins where each cabin is well enough for 4 peoples to live very luxuriously.
The captains of the mighty glaciers announced the commencement of our voyage around the space which is unknown, never explored and contains mystery within, we know that our fuel is the main cache and details about the planet is not sure but the last hope we had is this planet so we continued the journey the scientist identified the wormhole nearer the orion molecular clouds belt which directly connect us to noran galaxy which is billions of light year away from our milky way galaxy, so if we get in to that wormhole we can clearly go to the selected planet without any trouble and our fuel can be saved.
As the days passes in the glaciers there are lot of responsibility on the shoulders of glacier crew they need to look after education of children, food for all peoples, glaciers contains many soldier who trained for any circumstances ,the days turn into months and months to years, everyone adjusted to the living life style on the glaciers it took 3 year 78 days to reach iras dipole crossing centaurus cluster, hydra cluster, cmb dipole in about 3 days all the glaciers will reach orion clusters where the wormhole has been showed up.
Computer- alpha c-36 unit commando assemble in defence control chamber number 12
Every team had 40 soldier 2 doctors and 5 health assistants and one group head, alpha c-36 is one of the group in the defense of glaciers, as commando and some unit entered
Computer- authorized entry , password confirmed ,alpha c-36 welcome
Captain- team check the if any consequence is there near wormhole because our approach should be clean and we don’t want to take any chances it’s the matter of all the life of our people
Ramaiah(group commando)- yes sir , it’s our duty to serve our peoples sir
Captain-i love the guts of all my armies go ahead and lets name it as mission clear
Ramaiah- roger sir
Ramaiah – sir I had one request to u
Captain- what is that ramaiah
Ramaiah – I will assign this mission to my soldiers on the supervision of my son sir if you permit
Captain- go ahead I heard your son is brilliant learner and he is the topper in all the task during is training, indeed I will salute you ramaiah for the contribution from your family
Ramaiah- sir it’s our honour
Captain – no it’s shows the respect you and your family had towards egl and earth , your younger son died during rebellion suppression on earth but still your wife is working as doctor and your elder son is now getting his promotion as commando that’s really shows courage of your family
Ramaiah-thanks sir
Captain- you may leave now
Ramaiah-yes sir
Computer-authorised exit please visit us next time
Alpha c-36 base
Ramaiah – boys take your positions
All units getting in their position
Ramaiah –boys mission clear is given in to the hands of alpha c-36 so I am ordering you all to make this as successful as our previous missions
Soldiers-yes sir
Ramaiah- rathode take a step forward
Rathode- yes sir
Ramaiah-i am making you as the head of group and you will lead the mission clear team
Rathode- thanks sir
Ramaiah- I need full effort from you and all your team members you understand
Rathode- affirmative sir
The group dispatches for their respective places, ramaiah called is son rathode and take him to the private cabin of their family
Rathode and ramaiah sit in the couch and ramaiah put his hand on the shoulder of his son and begins the conversation
Ramaiah-son you are now a respectful officer ,i want you to became famous and honorable person as our family guys , your brother achieved a respect in the society we have your mother is one of the great doctor we have and myself group captain of the glacier defense, so I need all this respect to you also
Rathode- dad don’t worry i’ll make all your dreams come true
Suddenly vijaya enters to the family cabin
Vijaya- oh looks like father and son are in deep discussion
Rathode-no mom we just talking about new mission
Ramaiah-u heard our son is getting promotion
Vijaya-yea I know that honey that’s why I took some sweets for all and some bear it’s call for family celebration
Family get into celebration and they watched some movie and get in to deep sleep, the family cabin got 2 rooms one drawing hall, kitchen, bathroom each and I entertaining room. All three members fell asleep in entertaining room but somehow rathode got up because there is no comfortable space, he tried to push his mother to make some space but during process somehow her gown opened a bit and revealed part of her breast and suddenly she put her arms around rathode and made her breast to settle opposite to rathode chest , rathode become too red and then he started to feel a bulging in his pants so he pushed her and went his room.
The wormhole came nearby and the alpha c-36 units took a planter vijaya is assigned as chief health organiser to mission clear, ramaiah ordered for green signal rathode took captainship and ordered to get dispatch from glacier 2.
The alpha c-36 took all the readings and measurements and indicated a green signal to glaciers to move forward towards the wormhole, but suddenly a small space junk which is about large as football stadium coming towards glaciers, the planter of alpha c-36 released the all three rangers they have , rangers started to fire towards the space junk rock but the velocity of rock is so high they came hit one ranger that ranger get fall on other the fire from one ranger misplaced and it made target on other ranger so all with in fraction of seconds all rangers destroyed the space rock is slowed and all the peoples of glaciers became happy, here rathode announced to re connection of planter to glacier because it is about to enter wormhole.
For humans taking a journey in wormhole is new experience since it is shortest war to travel long distance in space, several gravitational turbulence may cause so they prepared for everything, sometimes wormhole may redirect us to time travel because in wormhole time is also dimension, it is considered as dimension which we practically vary it.
Planter alpha -36 is attached to glacier 2 all units get down and glaciers about go with zero gravity rathode and vijaya remains inside to last checks in planter but suddenly the space junk rock gain velocity due to the activity of gravitation near to wormhole and it started to move directly towards glacier 1 main frame, captain declared emergency to defense since planter alpha c-36 is nearer rathode immediately took responsibility and ejected planter towards direction of space junk , rathode and vijaya shifted themselves to lander and planter containing reserve is made directed to rock the sudden huge explosion of planter made glaciers and lander alpha c-36 to get separated in wormhole (planter had reserve which is more enough to get huge explosion) inside the wormhole due to gravitational turbulence the glacier not able to contact the lander.
After traveling 1.5 light year the captain announced the call off of emergency in glaciers, the people nearly experienced the death and they thought the brave act of commando rathode and senior doctor vijaya made them alive, captain took the responsibility and gave all the medical needs for peoples in glaciers , captain also announced the 2 min silence for our brave commando rathode and his mom who served all the rebellion suppression act and missions through her medical help and I am giving this honorable medal to his father on behalf of them.
Ramaiah felt proud that his son and his wife achieved something in their life and he requested for immediate rescuing support for his son and his wife, captain took oath that he surely find them when the signals can transmit over the horizon space.
Glaciers approaching the end of wormhole as every wormhole contains black hole in it’s one of the opening side, the gravitational anomaly and it’s pull are the main threats for glaciers.
Mom ,mom………..Mom where are u?
Rathode get consciousness he as fallen from the control chair, he stood up and immediately ran all over the lander shouting his mother name but he didn’t get any indication of his mother, he had some small scratches and wounds suddenly he ran to control chamber and took control of lander and set it in auto mode and again he started to search his mother, in a upper laboratory he heard some voice he went through the voice trail and there he found his mother on the floor and above her a table has fallen he took that table up and made her stand up, finally they both found each other vijaya bursted in her sorrows cuddling her son in both her arms, rathode made her calm and gave her the strength she required then both mom son went the control chamber.
Rathode- mom are you okay do you need some more medical assistant
Vijaya-no son I am good all I am worrying about is where we are and how can we reach to glaciers
Rathode- mom don’t worry I send call back signal in all the frequencies and in all the ranges it will surly reach glaciers and they do definitely come for rescue but due to some gravitational turbulence signal is so weak but we need to keep try hard
Vijaya-i wish they would come for us
Rathode- mom don’t be so narrow they will come for us
Vijaya- ok let’s check the lander for any damages and food reservoir
Rathode- ok you check that i’ll look after the main frame engines ,connections , fuel and batteries okay
Vijaya-okay do fast
They went and check all the cabins of lander for their luck everything is running smoothly and they came back to control cabin and they found that the wormhole dead end is about come.
All the glaciers came out from the wormhole and they used maximum energy to get pass from black hole , they all happy that they cleared the one risk they mainly afraid of, here the lander is about to reach the opening of wormhole ,rathode recognizes the power of gravity pull is more than he expected so he and his mother transferred the all the important things to first main half of the lander when they came out they went to subjection of gravity by black hole.
Rathode deployed the other 2 halves of lander in order to attain maximum threshold energy for first half of lander, the multi staged lander get split and the rathode and vijaya escaped from the gravity of black hole.
Rathode-mom o my god
Vijaya-ufff really we came just from the hell
Rathode- I thought we will never make it
Vijaya- yes me too but thanks to smart and handsome kid of mine
Rathode-(with blushing) woo mom stop I am not that smart
Vijaya- no son you are really a smart no one can handle this situation as better can you even your dad can’t
Suddenly computer voice interrupts the conservation of mother son
Computer- low fuel , low fuel, low fuel requesting immediate refill , immediate refill, immediate refill
Rathode-mom all the fuel is in last half of the lander what should we do
Vijaya-don’t worry son go and check in emergency storage in lower grounds
Rathode checks and he found some gallon of fuel and some solid fuel which is capable of travelling 30 thousand of light years
Rathode-mom we can only travel about 11% in the way of our targeted planet and yet we didn’t receive any messages from glaciers
Vijaya- ok go to hyper telescope chamber and take the redings whatever you got okay
Rathode-okay mom
After about 1 hour rathode called his mom to hyper telescope chamber
Vijaya-did you find any good news
Rathode-yea it’s merely a good news
Vijay-what is that
Rathode- mom I found a planet which atmospheric condition is good on based on this readings if we could make it over there we can save our fuel, food and batteries , we can live about 80 years with the resource we had once we reach there we try to send signal to glaciers and they will definitely come for the rescue
Vijaya-but son
Rathode-mom no but’s it is the only chance for our survive
Vijaya-what if they do not come
Rathode-mom we had enough resource we can stay there without any worry and from this observations I am sensing some living creatures is present in this planet who knows may be humans like creatures can exist over there and if there they can support us if not we can survive but here we have to keep moving still we have fuel after that what mom , think about it
Vijaya-okay son you are wright that is the only chance
Rathode- I am going to set directions to that planet once we reach nearer to that planet we synchronize with that planet rotation and then we land
Vijaya- why are you taking orthodox method of landing
Rathode-mom we don’t have fully equipped spaceship over here rather than that we are alien particles to this planet that planet suddenly cannot accept us wright that’s why
Vijaya- you are so smart son, come hug your mommy
Rathode hugs his mom and they stayed for a while and then took up their respective works in order land the lander
Glaciers were ahead towards the targeted planet still signals are not strengthened so they are doing more than they have to find the lost ones, ramaiah is drown in sorrows
The lander approached the planet they have found and they slowly joined to the rotation of that planet
Rathode-mom it may take 5 days to jump to next orbit so please go take some sleep
Vijaya-no son we can take to next orbit with in tomorrow
Rathode-no mom planet is comparatively big compare to earth so it takes longer time to one rotation and yet I have to make some observations so it requires 5 days to me to shift the lander in to next orbit
Vijaya- okay son bye
Vijaya went to hyper sleep chamber and starts to take nap in the tub shaped bed , she closed upper portion went to long sleep
After about 15 days
Mom get up, mom…….. Hurry get up
Vijaya get up from hyper sleep chamber in a trans state suddenly she don’t know what’s happening
Vijaya- what rathode
Rathode-mom we are near to the last orbit jump I need co pilot to land so please we don’t have time
Vijaya and rathode went to control cabin and they took controls , the lander enter in to the stratosphere of that planet , the pressure, intensity are so high as they expected but they entered atmosphere neatly without any damage, he saw lots of greenery and yellowish trees like structure and many more creatures flying and running in the forest like areas unlike in earth there is no concrete buildings no pollution at all but still they need to check the oxygen level for the human compatibility , he ran lander on the surface of that planet they found more number of islands he knows that south and north side poles of every planet is cold and so he opted the equator region, he slowly landed on the one of the beautiful island which much bigger compare to other islands nearer , the land holders opened and they landed safely.
They both took the oxygen bags and came outside of the lander , both mother and son put their first step in the inhabit planet for the first time they collected air samples and they ahead towards sea , the sea is like crystal clear water and they took the sample of that water also and went back to lander.
They made that air and water to undergo several experiments and they both find the oxygen level is more compare to normal requirement for humans and the methane level is good and other gases made satisfy to them but they still not know that their body get adopt to that environment , one main think they are happy about is the water , the sea water is so sweet there is no 0.00001 percent of salt in it so the problem of water is solved they can use as much as they can, the gravitation of that planet is more that’s why each and every step is feeling like tagging 10 kg of weight in to their legs but they know as the time goes on they will get adopt this gravity.
The first half of lander contains a control cabin, hyper sleep chamber, laboratory, hyper telescope room, entertainment hall, lower reserve , medical care cabin, food reserve, energy synthesis chamber and 7 rooms to stay.
The planet contains 2 suns and three natural satellites (means moons) but both the suns rise at a time and sets at a time, day is so much hotter and night is so cold but during night darkness is less compare to earth because all three moons will give sufficient light to look clearly.
Six months as been over both mother and son slowly adjusted to the environment and now they don’t carry oxygen bags with them their lungs can in hail the atmospheric oxygen they can run and jump freely as they can.
Sun rises rathode and his mom vijaya were still asleep in separate sleeping cabins , they doesn’t care about time they don’t have any rules and regulations to follow both are tired of their life in this planet, rathode wakes up and get freshened when he about to move towards control cabin he passes across his mother cabin and he went there to check on his mother, he entered password and buzz in vijaya still sleeping wearing a transparent nighty it reveals everything in her body, when saw his mother in that state his dick got erected without his notice suddenly vijaya woke up and saw her son standing in front of her
Vijaya-0h son you wake up already
Rathode-yes mom (unable to control is erectness)
Vijaya-what happened to your voice
Rathode-nothing mom go get fresh and come to cabin we had things to discuss
Rathode leave his mom’s cabin as fast as he can to hide the erectness but during his running his dick came in full size and it made is boxer to like tent, vijaya saw his son got erection but she thought it’s just common for boys at his age maybe it’s morning erectness but when she went near mirror she herself and thought “ damn I am fully visible” that’s why my son got erected and she went to fresh up.
She keep on thinking about his bulginess he is not a boy anymore he is 21 now and in this age all the boys always thought about sex and sex only, poor kid he can’t resist when he see woman body but wait I am his mother how can he see me like that oh first I need to get rid of this concept this making me crazy all this things are just accident that’s all.
Vijaya enters control cabin while rathode is busy in some work
Vijaya- hey son what’s up you said there is things to discuss
Rathode-mom good news our message has been delivered to glaziers we may get rescue in 10 or 20 days
Vijaya- is it real son is it?!
Rathode- yes is it is
Vijaya- hurray finally we made it, I thought we gona rest here our entire life
Rathode-don’t worry mom when your son his here, i’ll always be there for you at any time at any moment
Vijaya-yes son if you are not here I am sure I let lose my hope of rescuing
Rathode-ok mom we will enjoy this 20 days in planet let’s see what this planet got
Both mother and son took some things and detach a 4 seater flying machine which they call mob and went to trip they found a big waterfall which is 70 times bigger than niagara falls, some beautiful beaches which is sweet in taste, different kinds of animals birds, caves, mountains during same time they tested each and everything which are organic and edible and what’s the composition of that things, indeed they found some of the other element which behaviour is not as same as our elements listed in periodic table so that means this planet had many more elements which is not known to us.
They spend several days and nights in travelling and finally when they are going back to lander they saw rock which is shining they went nearer to that and found that that is radioactive material and it’s not harmful means they not emits radioactive rays and gives energy more than 1000 times better than uranium 328 isotope which is energy source of current in earth, they become over exited and check if they are more and they found this planet is full of this rocks.
When they came to lander a message is blinking on the screen of control cabin, they now that is from glaziers, rathode went and open the message there appeared captain of glaziers in screen
Captain of glaziers- happy to get a message from you two and I appreciate what have you done and to save the people and we are happy that you both are alive please came into live contact we are expecting you both
Vijaya and rathode become most happy and rathode establish the live contact with glaziers
Rathode-requesting for authority to contact captain of glaziers
Computer – personal identity verification number please
Rathode-alpha c-36 line 111000020
Computer- welcome now you are rerouting to glazier main controls
Captain-hello rathode and vijaya
Rathode and vijaya- helo sir
Captain- okay thank god you are safe, but here’s the situation the planet we had selected for staying is not good from above readings we getting from here but still we are not sure, so we need to go near that planet and check the possibilities if it’s ok we can reside there or we must find other planet for that to happen we need more fuel so we can’t offer you rescue, I think you understand the situation we are facing and please be co-operative with us and your husband ramaiah is here to talk with you mam
Rathode-what? What are you saying cap
Captain – yes rathode this is our present situation
Rathode- but sir…….?
(vijaya interrupts and rathode and she continues)
Vijaya- yes sir we understand the situation and we respect your decision for the welfare of our peoples
Captain – thanks for understanding us mam, now please talk with your husband
Ramaiah- hey fellows (this is how he usually calls them when he is in fun mode but now with mixing expression of joy and sorrow)
Vijaya and rathode- hey dad, hey ram
Ramaiah- I am very proud what you two did early and what you going to do now, I am not going to be in depression instead I celebrate that my wife and son are such a brave ones
Vijaya- we gonna miss you ram
Ramaiah-me too darling
Rathode-love you dad
Ramaiah-me too son, don’t lose more power in the lander use very less in amount so that you can live more longer
Vijaya- ram why is ramya in that cabin and why she is holding your hand
Ramaiah- because .. Because I married her , I thought you died and she likes me more so I had to do this
Vijaya- how cruel you are, your son and wife is missing and you married her
Rathode- mom cool down
Ramaiah – what can I do it’s already 7 months since you missing but we thought you died and she forced me and I am also man I too have some needs
Vijaya- but ( rathode interrupts )
Rathode- shit! Dad I forgot say something
Ramaiah- what is that son
Rathode- what a damn I am, dad when we separated I found one planet it is really good for habitat and we also found some flora and fauna
Captain- what, what are you saying, is it real!
Rathde- yes sir it is
Captain-did you check the respiration ratios
Rathode- sir everything about air and water we already conducted preliminary test and experiments and the results are positive but we need to conduct a full deep experiments
Captain-what is adoptability percentage on basis of this conducted experiments
Rathode-adoptability is really difficult for starters but as time goes on and who had healthy immunity they can really fit here sir, I can give 71% to that
Captain- rathode we can’t take risk, just think if we adopted but our children who born there couldn’t adopt what we do all this thinks we made will go in dust
Rathode-yes sir but to check that possibilities glaziers have to come here
Captain-rathode just for checking we can’t come over there if it’s doesn’t work out we lead all of our kind to danger, now we add two option
1 go and check our predicted planet, if it’s ok we reside there or else find other planet compatible for us nearer to that planet
2 come to your planet and check the possibilities, it’s ok we reside there
Once we come to your planet we don’t have enough fuel left with us to go our predicted planet and vise versa, so check all the possibilities in your planet for humans to stay
Rathode- sir we don’t have enough equipment here
Captain – okay go check lander’s last storage cabin we always preserve embryos take that and put them in computer surrogate cabin so we can test the adaptability of human children
Rathode – sir we dispatched the last 2 stages of lander now we are one lander I on 1 sir, so we don’t have embryos
Captain- give us a minute i’ll contact you again okay
(connection stops )
Vijaya- son what would they do
Rathode- don’t know mom
Vijaya- how can your father do that
Rathode- mom don’t worry I am here I will take care of u
Vijaya-( looks rathode in different way) son you really a responsible person and a son
Rathode hugs his mom she put her head in his chest
Vijaya- but how can he do that
Rathode-mom shh dad is good person but his need and pressure from her made him to do that, just get rid of that our task is to save our peoples
Rathode feels her breast getting slightly bigger he felt a womanly nature from his mom, again the connection established and captain came in to screen
Captain- rathode we don’t have any option we need to see the new born baby get adopted there or not based on that we should take next step
Rathode- but how we don’t have embryos here
Captain- yes we don’t but we can produce baby naturally
Vijaya- naturally! What?
Rathode- sir what are you saying
Captain- yes we want you two to produce baby and see whether that baby survive there or not
Vijaya – what are you saying sir are you out of your mind, for god sake we are mother and son how can you ask us to do this
Captain- I know this is embarrassing I can’t ask from you peoples but what else we have as option, please for the human kind please take this one step I am begging u
Vijaya- oh no we can’t to it
Captain- it’s not like you are making any crime, it is for saving the whole human beings, our kind please don’t say no to this
Vijaya- what peoples think about us and my husband think about me
Captain- no you don’t have to worry about anyone they all respect you because you are doing this to protect mankind and your husband only first agreed to this
Vijaya- what ? Can you please put him in
Captain- yea ok
Ramaiah- vijaya I know this awkward foe all of us but it is mater of human kind I don’t have any objection with this and after all this for world not foe your satisfaction
Vijaya- how can you say that you are one cruel person first you married that lady and now you are asking me to sleep with our son
Ramaiah- your miss understanding me I married her because I thought you are dead and I asking you to have baby because of the welfare of our kind
Vijaya- no I can’t
(by saying that she ran away to her cabin and locked her door)
Ramaiah- I hope you understand rathode
Rathode-yes dad
Captain-rathode go find your mother and please realise that it is not bad it is foe whole human kind
Rathode- sir i’ll try
Rathode ended connection and ran to his mother cabin, he opened the door through his master access password when he enters room vijaya is crying in her bed
Rathode-mom don’t cry, I don’t want to see you like this please
Vijaya- look rathode what they are saying
Rathode-i know mom it’s to weird but they are asking for to save our kind
Vijaya- yea I know but I can’t digest what they said
Rathode – mom
By saying that he hugs her from backwards like a son to mother hug and then vijaya realise that what she is doing entire species is depends on her decision and she finally said ok, by hearing this ramaiah ,captain and all crew staff of that control room becomes happy initially it kept as a secret but later on everything revealed to all peoples .
A day after the both mother and son agreed for giving birth to child
Rathode-mom where are u
He doesn’t get the answer, he checks all the bed cabins and control room when he about check storage cabin his mom answers him
Vijaya- I am here son in the bathroom of second bed cabin
Rathode-how many times should I call u, come we need to change the oxygen portal our automatic injection went to failure we need to do it manually
Vijaya- yea one sec
Vijaya came nearer to rathode in her bathroom robe but it is fully transparent revealing her bra and panties and her sexy outline is showcasing in front of his son, rathode went in trance for a second
Rathode- what a sexy body( he said himself)
Vijaya-what did you said something
Rathode-nothing mom come lets fit that one
During exchanging of oxygen portals accidentally vijaya slips and her huge breasts get rest on rathode’s back , she is his mother but he forgot that he started to feel her as woman.
For the reference vijaya is well built women of 42 with 36dd sized breasts and slim tummy she had some flesh on tummy but only to add little sexiness to her body figure totally and with little big ass she is looking like goddess who got wealthy treasures whereas rathode is boy of 21 who is very well built and had athlete body since he is a soldier his body is just like a rock which every girl fantasies .
Rathode-mom it’s almost night
Vijaya- so
Rathode- nothing mom just said
Vijaya- you are hiding something come on tell me
Rathode- nothing mom
Vijaya- come on son I am your mom tell me don’t be shy
Rathode- mom you know what I am saying
Vijaya- no I don’t know at all
Rathode-ok I won’t say
Vijaya- ok baba I am just kidding with you that’s all, I know what are you saying
Rathode- so today
Vijaya- so eager to go to bed with your mom
Rathode- mom I am not asking because of pleasure it’s for our people
Vijaya- but you are just a little more interested in that isn’t it my son
Rathode-(with blushing) no mom
Vijaya- okay baba come to my bed cabin after half an hour
Rathode absorbs his mom while she is going to her cabin with little mischievous smile in her face and her ass dances each time she took a shape
Rathode says” oh my god” he never thought his own mother will acts as seductively like this , she is flirting with him and he just imagines her in naked and he is fucking like her husband in that cabin, just a imagination lead him to get a big erection which he never ever got in his life time.
He is eagerly waiting for get in to room he looks at time calculator and he wait’s again he looks at time calculator and wait’s finally a voice is generated in computer “ sunny you come in now”
Rathode eagerly went his mom bed cabin and he opens the door , his mom is looking ravishingly sexy she is in just a small piece of towel which covers her deep breasts to her thighs, when he saw her his mouth get opens but he managed to not to show his feelings to his mom
Vijaya- sunny look we are doing this because world’s need this so we need to make some ground rules
Rathode- what is that mom
Vijaya- since our aim is only for baby we will not enjoy sexuality here just a normal fuck that’s all
Rathode- anything ok mom
While she is tasking ground rules and moving from one end to other end of bed cabin her breasts and ass making rathode to get blast in his pants
Vijaya- okay then get into bed
Rathode steps in to bed from one side from another side his mom came in, vijaya took his son face near to his face “i am getting naked just to arose your tool don’t thing dirty about your mom” by saying this she took rathode’s face nearer to her breasts
Vijaya- open the knots of towel
Rathode- ha hmm yes mom(with lust and fear)
Rathode opens her towel wrap to her body her big melons came outside like a butter rathode thought “oh my holy and divine breasts of my mother “ after removing he looks above to look her mother
Vijaya- go on taste your mother breasts after all you did this long time ago now you are getting another chance
Rathode- yes mom no son got another chance like this
Rathode came nearer to vijaya’s left breast and cup her both breasts in his hands but that breasts too big to get cover in his hands, rathode took her lest breasts nipple in his mouth suddenly
Vijaya- ouch ha
By hearing this rathode got aroused and took her another breast in his mouth he, fondles and takes her breast in his mouth for about 10 min while his mom moaning in full enthusiasm , rathode hugs her and make her rest on her bed and then he came above her
Vijaya- sunny remove your dress it’s not fair that only your mother is naked
Rathode- sure mom
Rathode removes his dress vijaya impressed with his body but she didn’t appreciated him because he thinks she is on to him, now rathode came back above her looking her like a hungry tiger his shaft is become too long that even he can’t also imagines, he went nearer to her lips and gave her huge kiss but she said “ no, no just a sex that’s all”
Rathode become so furious and he get his shaft ready to enters his mother lovely cave which he came from before 21 years, he apart her sexy chubby legs and saw his birth hole whooshing sex juices from it, after seeing that first thought came inside him is to taste his mother pussy and give that pussy a toungue massage but he knows that his mother not going to allow him to do that, he took his weapon in his hands and looks his pennies and his mother pussy, oh god what are we doing the organs which never ever get each other they are going to make connection here, my dick and my mother’s pussy oh my god
Vijaya- are going to stay like entire night or you going to do what we have to do now
Rathode-yes mom i’ll
Vijaya-(in lust filled voice) it’s to time come back to mummy go on son
Rathode inserts his dick inside his mother’s pussy the sensation is really amazing they are both lost in heaven, the walls of vijaya’s pussy giving a well treatment to his son’s dick, the warmness inside the pussy made rathode’s dick to grow more bigger and he give a one big trust to his mom’s pussy
Vijaya- oh ouch
Rathode- what happened mom
Vijaya- nothing son it’s just pleasure pain that’s all
Rathode then again gave another thrust his mother vagina is really tight like a teenager after giving three more thrust he completely went inside his mother pussy, then rathode took the flow and gave her rapid strokes they both came into suitable flow and started pumping each other every strokes of son meets every strokes of mother, vijaya wraps her legs across his son and holds him with her hands, they are fucking in full throttle and give each other most sexual sensation they ever got, the fucking of rathode made vijaya to scratch his back with her nails
Rathode- oh mom that hurts
Vijaya- what
Rathode- you scratched on me
Vijaya- you scratching all over inside what should I do, baby just fuck don’t spoil the mood
Rathode by hearing that word from his mom he started pump her with much more power, for each and every thrust her moaning gets increased
Vijaya- uff hmm ha
Rathode- ha ha ha ha ha
Vijaya- o god hmmm ufff ufff oh this is so good
That whole cabin looks like a honeymoon suite filled with moans of two lovers ,after about half an hour rathode send his sperm into his mother pussy to make her pregnant , the potent sperm of a son went inside the mother’s cave in search of egg to fertilize.
Rathode and vijaya rests in the same bed vijaya experienced her best sex in fact this is the first time she ever been fucked this long duration, her husband had sex only maximum of 7-8 minutes , she looks her son sleeping beside her and thought “ is this the son I gave birth oh my god he is really good in bed”
Without knowing herself she is getting started to fall for her son, she gave kiss to his forehead and cuddle herself with her son in his arms.
A beautiful morning two suns shining like a crystal, one sun is in 25 degree another is in 40 degree birds were chirping making a pleasant sounds a light morning cool breeze is in flow rathode wakes up holding his mother naked in his arm, they had nothing except a bedsheet he slightly removed the bedsheet from his mother her glory of treasure came into his presence, such pretty and sexy lady who would doesn’t want her she had perfect body that a angel can having proper amount of flesh in proper parts but she slightly chubby due to her age and add little more sexiness.
His moment made her to awake when rathode notices vijaya waken he pretend to be sleeping, vijaya looks her situation her naked body is cuddled with her naked son her face become red and she gave a kiss to her son on his lips and went to get fresh up, rathode become so happy that she is not only doing it for the sake of peoples she also enjoying the sex with me, rathode also stood up and make himself freshened and went control room.
He established the connection with glaziers, glaziers stop there journey and stay where they are waiting for signal from lander c-36 to know human adoptability in that planet, rathode told about their improvements in order to produce human off spring and glazier captain requested them to make it quick rathode assured them that they really going to do as fast as possible.
When rathode came out from control cabin vijaya appears in front of him wearing her old transparent robe by seeing her only his pole get erected
Vijaya-my son become a more than a man I expected
Rathode- no mom it’s just a ha
Vijaya- I know you all men are same seeing a woman it’s enough for you guys
Rathode- no mom I am not that kind I am one women guy
Vijaya- what’s your point I am your only women
Rathode- mom it’s difficult to answer
Vijaya- okay enough discussion come to my cabin we need to try harder
Rathode boner get much more increased by hearing that and he follow her to her bed and the computer door closes
Rathode in a naked position pumping his mature sexy naked mom in the bed while his mother enjoying each and every bit of moment
Vijaya- oh god your like a hunk
Rathode- is it mom is I am that good
Vijaya-yes my boy your good than your father was
Rathode- so mom can I kiss you in lips
Vijaya- for just to arose I will kiss you but don’t think bad about momma
Rathode- no never mom you always great in my eyes
By saying this he gave a mouth watering kiss to his mother , vijaya let his son to go inside his mouth and their tongues fighting each other , they both fucking and kissing ( what a mother and son bond ) after about 20 minutes rathode came inside his mother and they fell exhausted.
That whole day they were in there bed cabin fucking and mating each other, the whole agenda of their life is to fuck and make baby, from 2 days they are not a mother and son they are more than lovers their genetic organs always in union situation .
1 month as been over after they started fucking each other and they are lying inside their private cabin holding each other nakedly
Rathode- mom I never thought that we would do like this
Vijaya-me too son, I am feeling like a complete woman now, I never experienced this much fun this one month is days of my life, thank you son for making so special
Rathode-mom don’t praise me, this all because of u
Vijaya- what I did
Rathode- oh mom not like that I gave that much pleasure because you make me that much arose
Vijaya- (with smiling) did my son loves his mother
Rathode- yes mom I love u, you know mom I love since I am 19
Vijaya- really how
Rathode- mom one day when I came our private suite in glazier you and dad were fucking each other and that day I saw you nude for the first time, during nights I always had dreams about you and me living in a home with lot’s of kids
Vijaya- oh you want to marry your mother
Rathode- yes mom you are the only one I loved and I want to marry you
Vijaya- oh son me too, you know when I saw your father with other girl then only I decided to marry u, I found a hidden love for me in your heart that I needed , I love you son I love you take me as your wife
Rathode- really mom, hurry I am going to marry you mom and i’ll give you all the pleasures of world
By saying this he kissed her and took her to bathroom nakedly and closes the bathroom door
After 4 months
Rathode and his mom become so close that they never feel shame on what they doing in fact they are enjoying the moments where as in glaziers ramaiah had a dream which visualized the picture of his beautiful wife came to room with white silky robe in front of his naked son while his son holding his dick in his hands showing to his sexy mom and his son take off that robe and took her in his arms exchanging mouth to mouth kisses finally takin her in missionary position and fucking like two wild beasts .
But suddenly ramaiah woke up his younger wife is sleeping beside him but he is so jealous of his son luck to fuck his own mother, initially he took that matter in a sportive manner because he too had sexy younger wife with him but as times go on he lost interest with her and began to think about his wife and son, he went to his control where his wife and son send some video of their sex moments because it is demanded from captain to check whether they are really doing or not.
Ramaiah opened the folder contains that video, he saw two video and he opened first one length of that video is about 1 min, he played
Rathode and vijaya fucking in natural waterfalls in that planet, vijaya is fully naked and her body and her hair are fully wet, rathode fucking her(standing position) in rapid force holding her firmly she is supporting him by grab his waist her breast which is half immersed in that pool pressed against manly chest of his son, for each thrust she is jumping and biting her lips and giving kisses to his sons, they were playing in that pool like two teenagers, the video ends
Ramaiah- I can’t belive they are mother and son they are fucking like hungry dogs
By saying this he switched to next video
Rathode and vijaya are in the top of lander both the suns were in their brightest position, the rays were so hot but both mother and son fucking like rabbits rathode is in down while her mother driving him like no one ever, ramaiah saw his wife breasts they were bouncing like crazy balls, he noticed that his wife become little chubby taking proper amount of flesh in wright places just to make her more sexy she ever been, he blamed for his situation and get jealous for his luck, the intense of fucking and suns bright rays made them to sweat like a rain due to their aggression in there fucking the lander assumes that it is earthquake and opened some air bags, both mother and son are laughing at what they did, video ends
Ramaiah is out of mind” what a luck they are having even in a unknown planet just mother son sex made that planet to look like heaven, it’s almost four months since they started fucking may be in 6 months we can go there but what she likes to stay with him rather than me and does this society accepts this, fuck why should I worry about if they are enjoying I should also”
By saying this he returns to his room and saw his 23 year wife sleeping in two pieces his dick get erects, he thought “ why should I call them lucky, I am also lucky who got 23 years wife in the age of 58”
In the unknown planet
Rathode and vijaya in cold regions of that planet fucking in the land of snow and ice surrounded by the big ice bergs , they are enjoying in every place of that planet
Vijaya-hmm ha uff fuck
Rathode-yes I am
Vijaya- you are better than anyone, you’re the best
Rathode- yes I am the best for my best mom
Rathode fucking her in doggy style in standing position, vijaya holds her breast squeezing with her both ends biting her lips and making loud moans since there is no one to hear her, whole planet is their fucking bedroom now they are free to fuck, they are free to nude all the time.
Rathode- that day you said your first preferred fantasy is to get fuck in the sea beach during night with cold breeze coming and moon should be in his full size remember
Vijaya- yes rathode , why are asking me now
Rathode- because I have surprise for you tomorrow
Vijaya- oh my little son have surprise for his big breasted mommy
Rathode- yea my sexy queen, my dream lady
Vijaya- now shut up fuck me and lick my breast
Rathode –okay
Both were fucked for about evening and they left to their original position where the lander is landed.
Vijaya is checking for the something in control cabin rathode comes slowly and hugs her from behind and says” happy birthday mom”
Vijaya- what today is my birthday
Rathode- yes mom
Vijaya- but we are in another planet time varies here
Rathode- yes but I comapared the rotation timings of earth with this planet so on that basis today is your birthday
Vijaya- thank you son, thank you very much
Rathode- no mom it’s my duty take care of my mom/my queen
Vijaya- you naughty
Rathode- are you not my queen then
Vijaya- yes I am your sexy queen and you are my lovely king, your father never made this type of surprises to me in fact he doesn’t know when my birthday is
Rathode- I am happy mom because you said I am better than my dad
Vijaya- yea your lot more better than a good husband and a good son
Rathode- I also have another surprise
Vijaya- and what is that( making her eye brow up with the mischievous smile)
Rathode- remember you said your fantasy about having sex near beach in night)
Vijaya- hoooo really
Rathode- yep my dream queen and please that golden silk robe which as no buttons just a thread
Vijaya- you are so romantic and sexy
Rathode- yes I am and please do not wore anything inside
Vijaya- okay now go out and make arrangement I’ll going to get ready
Rathode- okay mom
Vijaya get bath and become fresh she ware the golden silk robe underneath that robe there is nothing in a meanwhile rathode take some woolen blankets and spread them near the beach, both the natural moons of that planet shining in glory sounds of waves and birds chirping and cold breeze made that night romantic just what the newly weds needed but here they are not newly weds they are mother and son.
Rathode is waiting for is mom nakedly counting each seconds of the time
Vijaya- hello my dear
Rathode looks at her and her beauty is mind blowing her 36dd breasts oozing out from that robe, robe covers till her thighs which give the wonderful seen for his son, her skin his radiant and shining in the moon light, her lips and cheeks are red as rose
Rathode- hey beauty mom come here your son his waiting for u
Vijaya- yep my son I am coming
Her cat walk make his dick to maximum, she went towards him and held his jaw of his face and make get up and took her mouth towards his face and says
Vijaya- undo me
Rathode –( in mouth watering face) yes mom yes
Rathode slides the robe from her shoulder and gave her a kiss on that place and untie her thread, robe slips from her smooth silky body revealing her glory of body
Rathode-mom you are the most beautiful woman I ever saw
Vijaya- you are good liar
Rathode- no mom ( and shows his dick to his mom) look at the effect you made me, it only happens when a beautiful women comes in front of us
Vijaya- now show your momma how much you love me
Rathode gave her a long kiss their tongues fighting in the mouth exchanging saliva each other and make her rest in her back he concentrate towards the breast taking both the breast one after the other he made her realise what the real pleasure is.
Vijaya is moaning very loudly while rathode exploring her entire body like a tiger, he went towards her navel part and have hot kiss and move towards the gate of heaven ( pussy ) and looks up to see his mother, she saw her son is about reach the his birth place and realise herself there is no pleasure in world that equals to this looking at my son when he is about to look my womanhood.
Rathode licks her pussy put is tounge inside made her feel the pleasure, he licks for about 20 min she almost experienced 2 orgasm now this is her turn to show how much she loves, she gave him blowjob that he never going to get, finally rathode took her below and showed her the tool which she made and now it is going to same whole.
The first thrust made her feel moan slowly and then rathode gave her enormous thrusts back to back she never been had
Vijaya- fuck me my son like a husband and make pregnant
Rathode- I want you to make pregnant with my babies not just a baby
Vijaya- oh ya , you can make as many babies you want
Rathode – I want to raise my family with you , take this ha
They were in kinky mood they teased themselves and fuck like wild animals who don’t know what civilization is, vijaya looks towards sky the stars were shining, moons were in their full size, waves are making music, the waves reaches there body making them full wet and the feel of cold and warmness in the arms of his son made her fantasy real
Vijaya- I love you son, may be god made my lover through me only fuck me
Rathode- yes mom I love you too
Rathode put his potent sperm inside his mother and fell exhausted, she gently combed his hairs holding him in her arms, rathode head rested in her breasts
Vijaya- you know my love I too had a surprize for u
Rathode- ( fully exhausted ) what is that surprise mom
Vijaya- I am pregnant
Rathode-what , are you serious
Vijaya- yes my dear
Rathode- mom this is the most wonderful thing, our whole world will be happy
Vijaya- I know son
Rathode stood up nakedly and took his naked mom and held her up making swirls around, they discussed their future life and they both slept in each other arms in sea shore itself
Rathode constantly fucking his mom in every possible places and every possible ways and looking her belly grown, he is enjoying his present life while vijaya experiencing everything as new girl who is spending her life like newly wed, she is happy that she found a lover in her son and she also enjoys present life rather than old life
After 6 months
Vijaya delivered the baby girl, when she had pain he took her to emergency cabin there they had an advanced equipment which is capable of delivering a baby, rathode is so happy and he make that situation live to glaziers, all the peoples of glaziers are so happy that baby is survived during birth and they want know how that baby develops, ramaiah feeling jealous about his son but he can’t do anything since he only gave them permission but some where he is also happy because the birth of baby is hope for them to live
Rathode and vijaya put baby into constant observation and when it becomes 1 year old they conformed that human survival is possible in this planet for a foreign human body also and local human body also.
On the time the glaziers reach that planet rathode and vijaya already become parents of another two babies, then the construction of world began, government also formed, constitutions came into existence, new technologies introduced, so this planet converted into our home planet but earth remains as origin planet for humans and all nobel ones call this planet as norma planet and in honour of our guardians rathode and vijaya we perform mother son mating day.
I am the citizen of omega providence of norma planet aged 22 going to take my mom in my arms because this day is mother son day
Please do leave comments and opinions in my mail id and I am eagerly for your comments, thank you all.
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv’s father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...
IncestFrom that point onwards, she turned all attention to her new boy. All the frustration and anger that she felt that her husband’s subpar performance was turned into love and affection for her only child. She made no other attempt at pregnancy, even when her husband floated the idea of a second child. The only thing she was interested in was her fast-growing boy. Regardless to say, both the son and mother had grown extremely close. They were affectionate with each other. Especially Kirsten...
I hope I have got your attention. This planet is in trouble and I figured TEN years ago that the human race has got less than 50 years or so left before extinction becomes inevitable. I posted this on a newspaper’s website and was the immediate victim of the most offensive abuse imaginable. However, many respected scientists are now saying my arguments and reasoning were correct. But no-one else has drawn the logical conclusion that I have. Read on:- 1 The Global Crisis This planet...
We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...
Brandi Fails At Being A Mother. #8 In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle,...
Mother Catches Son“Young man!!!… What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?” “Oh Shit… MOM!!!”“Oh my God… Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven… Did I hear what I think I just heard?… This movie is pornographic i****t… Those two boys are having sex with their mother… That is disgusting… You sick boy… Is this what turns you on? … Huh?… Is it?… Answer me you little pervert… Is this...
Planet of the Gigantic schlongsBy The IcemanIt all began in a place not too long ago but in a farawayplace. There was a planet way out of the galaxythat no researcher ever discovered and most likelynever will be. The story begins on a planet calledWeenus. Nobody knows how the planet gotits name. Perhaps we’ll never know….. Although not very much is known about the history of the planet Weenus, there was something very unique about it. There was no war, pollution, crime or poverty that existed...
"Young man!!!... What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?""Oh Shit... MOM!!!""Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic i****t... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is...
"Oh Shit... MOM!!!" "Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic incest... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is this what turns you on?... Seeing two boys having sex with...
I was walking by my son's bedroom one bright Sunday morning, when I heard a funny sound coming from inside. It sounded like a drum being struck in a slow, steady, heart pounding rhythmic beat. Thump, thump - thump - thump, thump - thump. My curiosity was aroused. I gently pushed my son's bedroom door open a crack and peeped inside. There was my son, totally nude, with his feet toward the door.His eyes were tightly shut. Legs pressed together and his hand clenched around his erect cock. The...
True Story! and he did mom's lez lover too!Presented by Oediplex 8==3~The following is a narrative shared from a real mom - until just after the shower scene - then my OediPal, KiwiSailor, helped me edit and complete the narrative based on the true facts of her confessions. Just like Tom_Hathaway and Tuballcain, Julie is an actual person that I can vouch for, who experienced a positive sexual relationship with her son. Oediplex 8==3~I have one c***d (Robert) and I have been given my 'Freedom...
I have one c***d (Robert) and I have been given my 'Freedom Papers' recently from my ex-hubby. I work as a stripper and do erotic posing for a couple of photographers, including my best friend and lover, Karen. [Email me if you are interested in seeing nude pictures Julie posted. - Oediplex] I know that sounds kinky, the three of us, but I've never been a conservative or conventional type of person.That is not to say I don't have a sense of morals or feelings of guilt sometimes. I do. But...
True Story! and he did mom's lez lover too! Presented by Oediplex 8==3~ The following is a narrative shared from a real mom - until just after the shower scene - then my OediPal, KiwiSailor, helped me edit and complete the narrative based on the true facts of her confessions. Just like Tom_Hathaway and Tuballcain, Julie is an actual person that I can vouch for, who experienced a positive sexual relationship with her son. Oediplex 8==3~ I have one child (Robert) and I have been...
Dianne and her fourteen year old son, Daniel were close. He wanted to be with her all the time, sometimes sneaking into her bed during the night so he could sleep beside her. Dianne didn't discourage the behavior, feeling it would stop as he progressed through puberty. One evening while Dianne was taking a bath, she saw a smiling Daniel looking at her from the doorway. This wasn't a new occurrence and Dianne continued with her bath. He remained there until she got out of the tub and...
The morning started just as every morning seemed to anymore. Get up, don her robe and begin breakfast for the k**s before awakening them for school. She hadn't slept well since Joel's promotion. His new job was several hundred miles away and they had decided not to move until the school year was over. Because of that Joel stayed there during the week and then came home most weekends. She seemed to always have a pulsing awareness of how long it was between their bouts of lovemaking. This morning...
I’m a 33-year-old single mother living with my 16-year-old son; I fell pregnant with him on the first time of having sex and have never had a man since. Caring for my son, on my own in the early years, took up all the time that I had and a social life was out of the question, I’ve never really think about men now. We have a good relationship, me and my son, we have always done things together, especially in the early years, like having a bath together, sleeping in my bed, I only stopped it when...
WOMEN AND TORTURE: A MOTHER INTERROGATE IN FRONT HER SON p. 1Every human perversion is possible in a torture centre a universe of pain and human evil. My story-article it is a real case of mother-son interrogatory:. Real it are the types of torture described, real the victims and the jailers confessions, real the victims emotions?.. In this version there are not the photos but only the text. If do you want the version with photo write me.Incest and torture are embarrassing and scabrous matters...
Mother and Son Peta Wilson The boy and his mother were working alongside one another as they often did. When it came to housework they thought of themselves as a team. She had encouraged their special relationship over the years. When he was younger he had been "Mommy's Little Helper" but at twelve he had grown into the second team member. And there were just the two of them. She had divorced the boy's father many years ago and once she had recovered from the shock...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
? ? STILL MORE SYNOPSIS!I had originally thought of beginning this series 'in media res', (as Horace recommends!) and allowing Readers to discover the odd practices of this strange society for themselves as the tale unfolds. On second thoughts, I concluded that this might be a little too much of an imposition, and this further synopsis is intended to give those Readers who have persisted so far a basic introduction to my imaginary world. ? This is a planet much the same as Earth, but far...
Dianne and her fourteen year old son, Daniel were close. He wanted to be with her all the time, sometimes sneaking into her bed during the night so he could sleep beside her. Dianne didn't discourage the behavior, feeling it would stop as he progressed through puberty. One evening while Dianne was taking a bath, she saw a smiling Daniel looking at her from the doorway. This wasn't a new occurrence and Dianne continued with her bath. He remained there until she got out of the tub and started...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Once there lived a family in a town. The house was turned out to be a home only because of the loving nature of the family members. The family had a loving mother“Vasundhara”, Responsible and Caring father “Ashok” and two adult k**s “Rashmi” urf Chinni (age 19) “Chinmai” urf Chinnu (age 26). Elder s*s Suman urf akka (age 34) was already married and had a k** 3 yr old but was staying with her hubby in a different town.One fine day Rashmi came from college and found that the main door was locked...
Manel Sharma, aged forty-five, was an extremely attractive single mother to eighteen-year-old Raju. The boy's father had long since departed so mother and son were the only occupants of the three-bedroom house. Manel worked in a shop and Raju was attending college.Raju was very good looking although he was rather shy and he had had next to no sexual experience but there was one female that he found alluring and captivating but the trouble was that she was his mother. Manel was curvy and her son...
IncestI am Vasu age 28. I lives in southern part of India. There are four members in my family my dad raman age 53 and my mother Janu age 50. And my brother sham age 25.At this age I am still unmarried. Several times my parents fixed my marriage. But it all got cancelled because of my brother. Five years ago he committed a crime. He tried to kill our uncle but he failed. But the court punished him. Everybody says that he had a physical relation with my aunt.After he got out of jail he became a outlaw...
Mother and son experience unexpected results from an experimental depilatory by Oediplex 8==3~ A cure for baldness. That's what my husband was working on, when he invented “Depil-X”. That is what he called the experimental depilatory that changed all our lives, my son and myself, and my husband the master of 'Follicle Follies' as the product came to be named. “Get your jollies with Follicle Follies”, so the slogan went, before it became illegal. But before that even, my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My 19 year old cousin and I room together at school, and thanks to hanging around with him I’ve had some wild experiences with a lot of women. But this last summer on vacation, I had an experience that I never thought would have been possible. It all began on a Friday night at a dull party put on by my cousin's parents. The people there were all family and friends of our folks, and my evening started out really dull. Thanks to my cousin, however, it...
IncestDear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
David finally woke just before mid day, lying in bed going over what had happened the previous evening. In so many ways, Heather had not been what he expected her to be. He had never had a proper conversation with her before, it had just been a quick fuck then back to his mates. He had imagined her to be just another empty headed slut but that was not the Heather he had discovered, she had tuned out to be intelligent and funny, very much her own person, she knew what she was and she didn’t give...
(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...
Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversHi.. Readers.. This is my first story.. I may seem a bit in a hurry but trust me you’ll get what you will be looking for.. I assure you that..!! So.. Here goes the story..!! My name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought...
IncestBengali mother and sonHello FSI friend this is my true story. This is originally happening to me last February. I am Mr. Gopal Roy age is 30 year. I am the only son of my family. My father name is Ganesh Roy. My mother name is Kamolika Roy, her age is 48 years. This incident happened between me and my mom. My father died last November 2005. My mother is now widow. I am the only earning member of my family. I am a business man. I stay in home. We really based in agriculture. We have some cow and...