Planet Of Mother And Son
- 4 years ago
- 36
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I had originally thought of beginning this series 'in media res', (as Horace recommends!) and allowing Readers to discover the odd practices of this strange society for themselves as the tale unfolds. On second thoughts, I concluded that this might be a little too much of an imposition, and this further synopsis is intended to give those Readers who have persisted so far a basic introduction to my imaginary world.
? This is a planet much the same as Earth, but far older. Its mountains have been worn down, its great rivers wind and twist placidly across its continents on their way to the quiet oceans, and the temperature gradients across its latitudes are now too gentle to provide the energy for the storms of younger planets. Climactically quiescent, its temperatures varied from averages of eighty degrees on its Equator to forty at the poles, though its ice caps still return in the Winters.
? Its species of flora and fauna, pitifully few and lacking in variety by the teeming standards of Earth, cover the normal range: marine life forms in the seas; trees, bushes and grasses, worms and insects, birds and animals on land, but in only a very few varieties of type. The sole large mammal on the planet is a two-legged creature whose possession of a ludicrously large brain and opposable thumbs has won it the chief place amongst its few would-be competitors. This creature terms itself Man or human beings, and its species Mankind or humanity. But it is only the males of this species who reserve for themselves this description, the far more numerous females they call Women,* and they are so different as to be almost a different life-form. They are bigger and stronger than the males, though with life-spans a mere fraction of theirs at about seven years as opposed to about eighty. There are other, more significant differences between the sexes. The brains of the females, although as large or larger than those of Men, are severely limited. Unlike human beings they cannot converse either by telepathy or simple speech, lacking the mental capacity to do so even if their primitive voice-boxes could cope. They have no opposable thumbs, nor, indeed, digits of any description on their blunt fore paws upon which they walk by preference, although they can and do stand upright upon their hind-legs at need.
? *Or beasts, or animals. The word is the same in both their (single) spoken language and their mental one.
?The men, or human beings, of this planet are uneasily aware that, despite their manifest superiority over these animals, they are essentially parasitic upon them, for they rely on them for a constant supply of new human beings i.e. male babies. But, for reasons they can only speculate about, the vast majority of births are those of foals, female animals. During the yearly birthing season they must search amongst the scattered herds of wild women which roam their continents for the precious male babies. The superficially easier method of breeding from domesticated women was long ago found not to work; no human being has ever been born to tamed women, and even the females born to them deteriorate physically over two generations. (Indeed, it is for this reason that periodic raids are made upon the herds to replace the stock of domestic animals.)
? And now I must mention a subject the human beings of this planet found uncomfortable; that is, their essential part in the propagation of their species. No longer are they physically obliged to carry this out on each individual animal (fortunately a woman, once impregnated, continued to give birth for the few years of its breeding period; it would continously produce milk, too) as less inconvenient means had been discovered. But they must make sperm donations at regular periods, and all of them had experienced sexual intercourse with women as a youthful experiment, always with a young and reasonably attractive animal once she'd been cleaned up. And some of them continued this practice -- which was regarded as vaguely perverse -- long into middle age.
?Human beings are equally dependent upon their animals for meat, for clothing which they make from their pelts and woven hair, and for their milk from which they manufacture plastics and pharmaceuticals along with many other useful things. On a planet so metal-poor as theirs, women are used as draught animals, to pull their carts and ploughs, to pump their water and to generate their electricity; in short, to perform all the tasks motors are employed to do on Earth.
?This is not to say that the men of this planet are ignorant of such machines. On the contrary, they discovered their mechanical principles long ago and only the paucity of sufficient metals and the non-existence of any sort of industrial base prevent their widespread use. They do have personal, portable computers cum mobile message senders, but they are crudely constructed and somewhat unreliable; necessarily the case when each man must assemble and programme his own machine. They have ships, powered by the wind and by great paddle wheels turned by teams of women trudging around deep in the holds, and they have airships too, though they are few and rarely seen. They have a, more or less, efficient (by their own happy-go-lucky standards) land transport network for both goods and people, the former bring powered by great teams of the biggest and strongest animals and the latter by smaller teams of swifter animals (the so-called 'pacers'). Passenger travel operates on a rough and ready timetable, honoured more in the breach than the observance, and is the subject of universal complaint. But no-one ever does anything about it: this is, after all, a purely male society; ramshackle, slovenly and badly organised, relying on solving its problems at the very last moment by feats of brilliant improvisation rather than taking the obvious steps to resolve them by timely and obvious action. Their chief advantage over the human beings of Earth is their telepathic ability and their general mental powers. Together, enough of them can generate enough power to move objects physically over great distances, although the after-effects are physically and mentally debilitating. For the last few years they have been operating a series of mental probes deep into time and space. This they call the 'Dimension Gate'; it allows them to view creatures and events on other planets, and even to bring back small objects for further study. The whole operation takes but little power, and there are nearly always enough men sufficiently interested to volunteer their mental efforts on a regular basis.
? Another invention as yet unknown on Earth was their mechanical servants whom they collectively called 'Androids'; robots of human shape, hand-assembled and programmed at home by each individual man and as cranky and dubiously efficient as their computers. It was to these whom they deputed the disagreeable task of artificially impregnated the women in the short period each year when the animals came onto heat. They helped in other ways too, cleaning their houses, looking after their animals and helping around their farms, but all in a somewhat slipshod fashion. But this was, after all, a solely male society in which what was near enough was good enough!
? It was the Dimension Gate which provided the hero, 'Gershon', of my tale's official position in his society. In between farming his land and caring for his animals -- as nearly all men must -- he was second in seniority at the grandly entitled 'Faculty of XenoAnthropology' at the prestigeous 'Institute', the oldest Higher Education facility on the planet, rivalled only by the newer Eastern and Western Universities on the neighbouring continents. His Faculty was a newcomer, founded by Sisath, his older superior, who had argued for its essential existence for the study of intelligent life, if and when it was ever found, which some doubted. Despite the heated objections of the already existing Faculty of XenoBiology, who argued that their own remit adequately covered such an eventuality, Sisath, an elderly, irascible and energetic man, got his way, and Gershon, who had been one his students, had immediately been co-opted as second in command of the new and tiny Faculty. Alas! No such intelligence had yet been found on any of the twenty planets the Dimension Gate had scanned, but the new Faculty attracted its students none the less. The whole thing was, all agreed, jolly good fun; and Sisath gave good Dinners and was generous with the contents of his excellent cellar. And so matters proceeded on this planet where the ratio of the sexes had long been stabilised at one million widely scattered human beings to five hundred million women.
? My tale opens with an account of the final days of one of Gershon's obligatory annual expeditions into the interior of the continent in search of bands of wild women. Each year they must be tracked down, the new foals collared, and the ones nearing puberty given their adult collars in exchange. This signalled that the women had been seen and inspected by a human being, and ensured that any early indications of disease were learnt of well in advance of its possible spread. Also, of course, it enabled those men unfortunate enough to have to undergo these tedious tours to compensate themselves with taking away with them any of the animals they thought might be useful, either for use on their farms or to barter for accommodation on their long return journeys.
?I hope to develop this theme further, and would be most grateful for any comments or suggestions.
?Gershon pulled back on the reins and halted his cart downwind of the little herd of wild women he'd been tracking for the last two days. Dismounting, he closed the blinkers over the eyes of the two women between the shafts and tied their reins to an iron-wood stake he thrust firmly into the thick turf of the steppe. Satisfied that the animals were secured, he took his bag and stick and walked away, his nostrils following the pungent woman-reek emanating from the nearby herd.
?He found them two hundred yards away, in one of the innumerable folds on the otherwise featureless landscape, feeding on the patch of fodder plants usually to be found in such places. They had been there some days and would soon have to move on in search of more food; they would have to move for another reason, too, for Gershon could now smell the distinctive metallic odour of a band of termagants. These huge, semi-intelligent, carnivorous insects preyed exclusively on women, but then, Gershon thought, so did a great many creatures, from the flies who laid their eggs and hatched their larvae under the skin of their backs, up to the little carrion-eating rodents who devoured what the termagants left, through the huge insects themselves, to Men, who enslaved these creatures for their muscles and the products of their bodies; their meat, their pelts, their hair, and their milk. It had always been so, and always would.
?Standing on the crest of the little rise beyond which was the shallow fold in the ground, Gerson looked down on the grazing beasts below. As was usual, the women had trampled and fouled as many of the plants as they'd eaten, though several of the weaker ones were grubbing about amongst the wreckage, their short muzzles probing the filthy churned-up soil for any broken fragments they could find. With a practised eye, Gershon estimated the herd's numbers at about fifty, along with some twenty foals feeding by their mother's sides. That would be about right, he thought; thirty or so of the women were of breeding age; all would have dropped their yearly foal over the last two or three months, and about ten of the foals would have died in their first month or so of life from one cause or another. The vast majority of those living were now old enough to take care of themselves, and most of them would breed at least once after their first and only impregnation; all of them dropping a foal yearly for their full breeding term of four years. There were, of course, no human babies amongst them, but he didn't expect any; such births were rare despite their vital necessity.
?Since a human being had last visited the herd some six of the women had reached puberty and were ready for their adult collars. But first he would collar the youngest animals, and he walked slowly down the gentle slope towards the herd, his bag of collars in readiness in one hand and his stick in the other.
?The cattle, as was the way with women, took little notice of him, continuing to graze on all-fours and only lumbering to their hind legs in alarm if he came within less than six feet from them. They would stand and stare down at him with their dull, brown eyes, trying to decide if he was a threat to them or their offspring. Then a gentle prod with the pointed end of his stick would persuade even the largest of them to shift from his path. The mares with the youngest foals were the most nervous; in a typical defensive mechanism of their kind, they would stand protectively over their foals and freeze motionless, hoping that their hairless skins, striped and mottled brown, black and purple under their thick coating of dirt, would enable them to pass unnoticed by a predator.
?But Gershon was well used to dealing with women. He would stroke their thick bodies gently, talking nonsense words to them, until they were calm, then allow them to sniff and nuzzle his hand. Then he would gently push them away and collar their perplexed foal. He would leave the mare to sniff its daughter's collar suspiciously for the few moments before all recollection of the event faded from her dull brain.
?The last foal he collared was the youngest; a tiny creature of little more than a month old, no larger than a human baby of three years. Gershon sighed; so helpless at her age; too heavy for her mother to carry her to safety and too small and weak to run along beside her in flight when the nearing termagants struck. Her mother too was unlikely to survive; she was badly infested by parasites and she had an unhealed gash on her leg. It was scarcely worth collaring her tiny foal, but he did so anyway; the collar could always be recovered later.
?Then it was the turn of the older beasts. They were a more difficult proposition, skittish and unpredictable. But they were impulsively inquisitive at their age, and he only had to pick up a a length of battered foliage from the mud and they would come to him on all-fours. Then, while they chewed on his gift, he would remove their first collars and put on their permanent, adult ones, oddly bulky around their still slender necks. Two of them were outstanding for their height and strength; they would make good pacers, fast and enduring between the shafts once they'd been broken to harness, and those he leashed, intending to take them with him and barter them on his long journey back for his food and lodging. As an after thought, he also leashed one of the bigger foals, at three months old as tall as a six year old human being. She he intended to cover the price of his stay at the first Inn he came to. It was nicely plump, and it would make good eating when she was slaughtered.
?He left the herd, climbing the slope with the three women leashed behind him. After their normal brief resistance, more puzzled at not being able to wander wherever they wanted than anything else, they followed docilely enough; women were easy to tame. Even when they crested the rise and cought the scent of the termagants they came on trustingly, as if knowing as well as he did that their predators would not -- dare not! -- harm a human being, nor even approach him.
?Once back at his cart, he tethered his three recent acquisitions to the wooden stake and lowered the rear ramp of his cart. Down it he wheeled a small, wire-mesh cage, its floor thickly carpeted with the pulped fodder plants stalled animals were fed upon. Taking up the little woman's leash, he took her over to the cage and ushered her gently inside. Then he detached her leash, shut and latched the door, and pushed the cage back up the sloping ramp. He secured the cage in position on the load-bed of the cart and closed up the tail-gate, leaving the little animal staring around her and butting her head tentatively against the bars of her prison, puzzled by her inability to pass their obstruction, before lowering her blunt snout into her bedding and beginning to graze, fouling herself as she did.. After leashing the two younger animals to the rear of the cart, he untethered the women between the shafts, flipped open their blinkers to the straight-ahead position, and took his seat behind them, carrying the precious metal stake in his hand. Laying it safely aside, he whipped his beasts into a slow walk, then into a fast trot.
?About a hundred yards on his path, Gershon decided to return to the scene of his recent exertions to watch the impending attack by of the termagants upon the herd. Tugging hard on their bits, he urged his animals round in a big semi-circle and whipped them back in the direction they'd just come from.
?He found himself just in time to observe the massacre, being able to see the predators take up their positions along the sides of the little vale where they hid amonst the scattered boulders. The wind was blowing from him towards them, and they paid him no attention. Then the carefully prepared trap was sprung.
?The first termagant sauntered out into plain view at the head of the valley; its demeanour casual, almost insolent, as it walked slowly towards the grazing women on its six legs, its shiny black carapace gleaming ominously in the sunlight. The women nearest to it caught its scent and rose to their hind legs in sudden alarm, their foals huddling against their mothers' legs for protection. At the giant insect's inexorable approach, their fright spread to the rest of the herd. All the animals were standing now,and at a further pace from their Nemesis they broke and ran in panic. As they passed the line of hidden predators, the termagents sprang out at them in turn, each choosing its prey and leaping at her thighs. A quick slash with a razor-sharp mandible and the woman was hamstrung. She stumbled and fell; another leap and the deadly mandibles tore out her throat. Then came the feasting.
?Gershon watched dispassionately as the little foal and her lame mother were dispatched in the same coldly efficient manner. The limping woman was carrying her foal; doubly handicapped she was easy prey. An insect crippled her, and her daughter fell from her arms. Pausing to rip out the foal's throat in passing, their hunter leapt upon its prostrate mother. Then the mare's own throat spurted blood; lying on the ground she kicked spasmodically and died even as her killer was tearing off the first portion of her flesh.
?Despite the attack's suddenness, and despite the efficiency of their hunters, only fourteen corpses remained when the last of the fleeing women had vanished into the hazy distance. Eleven of them were of beasts too old or too young to keep pace with the younger and stronger women; two of the remainder were those of the little foal and its mother. The skirmish had not been completely one-sided; the fourteenth body was that of an attacker.Though it had killed its victim, her last, frantic, dying kick had sent its surprisingly light body somersaulting away to crack its carapace upon a rock. The green ichor the insects used for blood would not coagulate, and it had bled to death still tearing at the flesh of its dying prey. The casualties amongst the cattle were normal, as was their escaping further attacks from this band of predators. Twelve termagants; twelve victims: the foal's death was by the way. The insects were much slower than a running woman, nor did they have a woman's stamina; the only way they could succeed was by ambush, stealth and guile.
?Gershon slapped down the reins on the shoulders of his pair of patient animals, laid his whip across their broad and muscular haunches, and drove off on the first stage of his long return journey.
I had
originally thought of beginning this series 'in media res', (as Horace
recommends!) and allowing Readers to discover the odd practices of this strange
society for themselves as the tale unfolds. On second thoughts, I concluded
that this might be a little too much of an imposition, and this further
synopsis is intended to give those Readers who have persisted so far a basic
introduction to my imaginary world.
? This is a planet much the same as Earth, but
far older. Its mountains have been worn down, its great rivers wind and twist
placidly across its continents on their way to the quiet oceans, and the
temperature gradients across its latitudes are now too gentle to provide the
energy for the storms of younger planets. Climactically quiescent, its temperatures
varied from averages of eighty degrees on its Equator to forty at the poles,
though its ice caps still return in the Winters.
? Its species of flora and fauna, pitifully few
and lacking in variety by the teeming standards of Earth, cover the normal
range: marine life forms in the seas; trees, bushes and grasses, worms and
insects, birds and animals on land, but in only a very few varieties of type.
The sole large mammal on the planet is a two-legged creature whose possession
of a ludicrously large brain and opposable thumbs has won it the chief place
amongst its few would-be competitors. This creature terms itself Man or human
beings, and its species Mankind or humanity. But it is only the males of this
species who reserve for themselves this description, the far more numerous
females they call Women,* and they are so different as to be almost a different
life-form. They are bigger and stronger than the males, though with life-spans
a mere fraction of theirs at about seven years as opposed to about eighty.
There are other, more significant differences between the sexes. The brains of
the females, although as large or larger than those of Men, are severely
limited. Unlike human beings they cannot converse either by telepathy or simple
speech, lacking the mental capacity to do so even if their primitive
voice-boxes could cope. They have no opposable thumbs, nor, indeed, digits of
any description on their blunt fore paws upon which they walk by preference, although they can and do
stand upright upon their hind-legs at need.
? *Or beasts, or animals. The word is the same
in both their (single) spoken language and their mental one.
?The men, or human beings, of this planet are
uneasily aware that, despite their manifest superiority over these animals,
they are essentially parasitic upon them, for they rely on them for a constant
supply of new human beings i.e. male babies. But, for reasons they can only
speculate about, the vast majority of births are those of foals, female animals.
During the yearly birthing season they must search amongst the scattered herds
of wild women which roam their continents for the precious male babies. The
superficially easier method of breeding from domesticated women was long ago
found not to work; no human being has ever been born to tamed women, and even
the females born to them deteriorate physically over two generations. (Indeed,
it is for this reason that periodic raids are made upon the herds to replace
the stock of domestic animals.)
? And now I must mention a subject the human
beings of this planet found uncomfortable; that is, their essential part in the
propagation of their species. No longer are they physically obliged to carry
this out on each individual animal (fortunately a woman, once impregnated,
continued to give birth for the few years of its breeding period; it would
continously produce milk, too) as less inconvenient means had been discovered.
But they must make sperm donations at regular periods, and all of them had
experienced sexual intercourse with women as a youthful experiment, always with
a young and reasonably attractive animal once she'd been cleaned up. And some
of them continued this practice -- which was regarded as vaguely perverse --
long into middle age.
?Human beings are equally dependent upon their
animals for meat, for clothing which they make from their pelts and woven hair,
and for their milk from which they manufacture plastics and pharmaceuticals
along with many other useful things. On a planet so metal-poor as theirs, women
are used as draught animals, to pull their carts and ploughs, to pump their
water and to generate their electricity; in short, to perform all the tasks
motors are employed to do on Earth.
?This is not to say that the men of this planet
are ignorant of such machines. On the contrary, they discovered their
mechanical principles long ago and only the paucity of sufficient metals and
the non-existence of any sort of industrial base prevent their widespread use.
They do have personal, portable computers cum mobile message senders, but they
are crudely constructed and somewhat unreliable; necessarily the case when each
man must assemble and programme his own machine. They have ships, powered by
the wind and by great paddle wheels turned by teams of women trudging around
deep in the holds, and they have airships too, though they are few and rarely
seen. They have a, more or less, efficient (by their own happy-go-lucky
standards) land transport network for both goods and people, the former bring
powered by great teams of the biggest and strongest animals and the latter by
smaller teams of swifter animals (the so-called 'pacers'). Passenger travel
operates on a rough and ready timetable, honoured more in the breach than the
observance, and is the subject of universal complaint. But no-one ever does
anything about it: this is, after all, a purely male society; ramshackle,
slovenly and badly organised, relying on solving its problems at the very last
moment by feats of brilliant improvisation rather than taking the obvious steps
to resolve them by timely and obvious action. Their chief advantage over the
human beings of Earth is their telepathic ability and their general mental
powers. Together, enough of them can generate enough power to move objects
physically over great distances, although the after-effects are physically and
mentally debilitating. For the last few years they have been operating a series
of mental probes deep into time and space. This they call the 'Dimension Gate';
it allows them to view creatures and events on other planets, and even to bring
back small objects for further study. The whole operation takes but little
power, and there are nearly always enough men sufficiently interested to
volunteer their mental efforts on a regular basis.
? Another invention as yet unknown on Earth was
their mechanical servants whom they collectively called 'Androids'; robots of
human shape, hand-assembled and programmed at home by each individual man and
as cranky and dubiously efficient as their computers. It was to these whom they
deputed the disagreeable task of artificially impregnated the women in the
short period each year when the animals came onto heat. They helped in other
ways too, cleaning their houses, looking after their animals and helping around
their farms, but all in a somewhat slipshod fashion. But this was, after all, a
solely male society in which what was near enough was good enough!
? It was the Dimension Gate which provided the
hero, 'Gershon', of my tale's official position in his society. In between
farming his land and caring for his animals -- as nearly all men must -- he was
second in seniority at the grandly entitled 'Faculty of XenoAnthropology' at
the prestigeous 'Institute', the oldest Higher Education facility on the planet,
rivalled only by the newer Eastern and Western Universities on the neighbouring
continents. His Faculty was a newcomer, founded by Sisath, his older superior,
who had argued for its essential existence for the study of intelligent life,
if and when it was ever found, which some doubted. Despite the heated
objections of the already existing Faculty of XenoBiology, who argued that
their own remit adequately covered such an eventuality, Sisath, an elderly,
irascible and energetic man, got his way, and Gershon, who had been one his
students, had immediately been co-opted as second in command of the new and
tiny Faculty. Alas! No such intelligence had yet been found on any of the
twenty planets the Dimension Gate had scanned, but the new Faculty attracted
its students none the less. The whole thing was, all agreed, jolly good fun;
and Sisath gave good Dinners and was generous with the contents of his
excellent cellar. And so matters proceeded on this planet where the ratio of
the sexes had long been stabilised at one million widely scattered human beings
to five hundred million women.
? My tale opens with an account of the final
days of one of Gershon's obligatory annual expeditions into the interior of the
continent in search of bands of wild women. Each year they must be tracked
down, the new foals collared, and the ones nearing puberty given their adult
collars in exchange. This signalled that the women had been seen and inspected
by a human being, and ensured that any early indications of disease were learnt
of well in advance of its possible spread. Also, of course, it enabled those
men unfortunate enough to have to undergo these tedious tours to compensate
themselves with taking away with them any of the animals they thought might be
useful, either for use on their farms or to barter for accommodation on their
long return journeys.
?I hope to develop this theme further, and
would be most grateful for any comments or suggestions.
?Gershon pulled back on the reins and halted
his cart downwind of the little herd of wild women he'd been tracking for the
last two days. Dismounting, he closed the blinkers over the eyes of the two
women between the shafts and tied their reins to an iron-wood stake he thrust
firmly into the thick turf of the steppe. Satisfied that the animals were
secured, he took his bag and stick and walked away, his nostrils following the
pungent woman-reek emanating from the nearby herd.
?He found them two hundred yards away, in one of the innumerable folds on the otherwise
featureless landscape, feeding on the patch of fodder plants usually to be
found in such places. They had been there some days and would soon have to move
on in search of more food; they would have to move for another reason, too, for
Gershon could now smell the distinctive metallic odour of a band of termagants.
These huge, semi-intelligent, carnivorous insects preyed exclusively on women,
but then, Gershon thought, so did a great many creatures, from the flies who
laid their eggs and hatched their larvae under the skin of their backs, up to
the little carrion-eating rodents who devoured what the termagants left,
through the huge insects themselves, to Men, who enslaved these creatures for
their muscles and the products of their bodies; their meat, their pelts, their
hair, and their milk. It had always been so, and always would.
?Standing on the crest of the little rise
beyond which was the shallow fold in the ground, Gerson looked down on the
grazing beasts below. As was usual, the women had trampled and fouled as many
of the plants as they'd eaten, though several of the weaker ones were grubbing
about amongst the wreckage, their short muzzles probing the filthy churned-up
soil for any broken fragments they could find. With a practised eye, Gershon
estimated the herd's numbers at about fifty, along with some twenty foals
feeding by their mother's sides. That would be about right, he thought; thirty
or so of the women were of breeding age; all would have dropped their yearly
foal over the last two or three months, and about ten of the foals would have
died in their first month or so of life from one cause or another. The vast
majority of those living were now old enough to take care of themselves, and
most of them would breed at least once after their first and only impregnation;
all of them dropping a foal yearly for their full breeding term of four years.
There were, of course, no human babies amongst them, but he didn't expect any;
such births were rare despite their vital necessity.
?Since a human being had last visited the herd
some six of the women had reached puberty and were ready for their adult
collars. But first he would collar the youngest animals, and he walked slowly
down the gentle slope towards the herd, his bag of collars in readiness in one
hand and his stick in the other.
?The cattle, as was the way with women, took
little notice of him, continuing to graze on all-fours and only lumbering to
their hind legs in alarm if he came within less than six feet from them. They
would stand and stare down at him with their dull, brown eyes, trying to decide
if he was a threat to them or their offspring. Then a gentle prod with the
pointed end of his stick would persuade even the largest of them to shift from
his path. The mares with the youngest foals were the most nervous; in a typical
defensive mechanism of their kind, they would stand protectively over their
foals and freeze motionless, hoping that their hairless skins, striped and
mottled brown, black and purple under their thick coating of dirt, would enable
them to pass unnoticed by a predator.
?But Gershon was well used to dealing with
women. He would stroke their thick bodies gently, talking nonsense words to
them, until they were calm, then allow them to sniff and nuzzle his hand. Then
he would gently push them away and collar their perplexed foal. He would leave
the mare to sniff its daughter's collar suspiciously for the few moments before
all recollection of the event faded from her dull brain.
?The last foal he collared was the youngest; a
tiny creature of little more than a month old, no larger than a human baby of
three years. Gershon sighed; so helpless at her age; too heavy for her mother
to carry her to safety and too small and weak to run along beside her in flight
when the nearing termagants struck. Her mother too was unlikely to survive; she
was badly infested by parasites and she had an unhealed gash on her leg. It was
scarcely worth collaring her tiny foal, but he did so anyway; the collar could
always be recovered later.
?Then it was the turn of the older beasts. They
were a more difficult proposition, skittish and unpredictable. But they were
impulsively inquisitive at their age, and he only had to pick up a a length of
battered foliage from the mud and they would come to him on all-fours. Then,
while they chewed on his gift, he would remove their first collars and put on
their permanent, adult ones, oddly bulky around their still slender necks. Two
of them were outstanding for their height and strength; they would make good
pacers, fast and enduring between the shafts once they'd been broken to
harness, and those he leashed, intending to take them with him and barter them
on his long journey back for his food and lodging. As an after thought, he also
leashed one of the bigger foals, at three months old as tall as a six year old
human being. She he intended to cover the price of his stay at the first Inn he
came to. It was nicely plump, and it would make good eating when she was slaughtered.
?He left the herd, climbing the slope with the
three women leashed behind him. After their normal brief resistance, more
puzzled at not being able to wander wherever they wanted than anything else,
they followed docilely enough; women were easy to tame. Even when they crested
the rise and cought the scent of the termagants they came on trustingly, as if
knowing as well as he did that their predators would not -- dare not! -- harm a
human being, nor even approach him.
?Once back at his cart, he tethered his three
recent acquisitions to the wooden stake and lowered the rear ramp of his cart.
Down it he wheeled a small, wire-mesh cage, its floor thickly carpeted with the
pulped fodder plants stalled animals were fed upon. Taking up the little woman's
leash, he took her over to the cage and ushered her gently inside. Then he
detached her leash, shut and latched the door, and pushed the cage back up the
sloping ramp. He secured the cage in position on the load-bed of the cart and
closed up the tail-gate, leaving the little animal staring around her and
butting her head tentatively against the bars of her prison, puzzled by her
inability to pass their obstruction, before lowering her blunt snout into her
bedding and beginning to graze, fouling herself as she did.. After leashing the
two younger animals to the rear of the cart, he untethered the women between
the shafts, flipped open their blinkers to the straight-ahead position, and
took his seat behind them, carrying the precious metal stake in his hand. Laying
it safely aside, he whipped his beasts into a slow walk, then into a fast trot.
?About a hundred yards on his path, Gershon
decided to return to the scene of his recent exertions to watch the impending
attack by of the termagants upon the herd. Tugging hard on their bits, he urged
his animals round in a big semi-circle and whipped them back in the direction
they'd just come from.
?He found himself just in time to observe the
massacre, being able to see the predators take up their positions along the
sides of the little vale where they hid amonst the scattered boulders. The wind
was blowing from him towards them, and they paid him no attention. Then the
carefully prepared trap was sprung.
?The first termagant sauntered out into plain
view at the head of the valley; its demeanour casual, almost insolent, as it
walked slowly towards the grazing women on its six legs, its shiny black
carapace gleaming ominously in the sunlight. The women nearest to it caught its
scent and rose to their hind legs in sudden alarm, their foals huddling against
their mothers' legs for protection. At the giant insect's inexorable approach,
their fright spread to the rest of the herd. All the animals were standing
now,and at a further pace from their Nemesis they broke and ran in panic. As
they passed the line of hidden predators, the termagents sprang out at them in
turn, each choosing its prey and leaping at her thighs. A quick slash with a
razor-sharp mandible and the woman was hamstrung. She stumbled and fell;
another leap and the deadly mandibles tore out her throat. Then came the
?Gershon watched dispassionately as the little
foal and her lame mother were dispatched in the same coldly efficient manner.
The limping woman was carrying her foal; doubly handicapped she was easy prey.
An insect crippled her, and her daughter fell from her arms. Pausing to rip out
the foal's throat in passing, their hunter leapt upon its prostrate mother.
Then the mare's own throat spurted blood; lying on the ground she kicked spasmodically
and died even as her killer was tearing off the first portion of her flesh.
?Despite the attack's suddenness, and despite
the efficiency of their hunters, only fourteen corpses remained when the last
of the fleeing women had vanished into the hazy distance. Eleven of them were
of beasts too old or too young to keep pace with the younger and stronger
women; two of the remainder were those of the little foal and its mother. The
skirmish had not been completely one-sided; the fourteenth body was that of an
attacker.Though it had killed its victim, her last, frantic, dying kick had
sent its surprisingly light body somersaulting away to crack its carapace upon
a rock. The green ichor the insects used for blood would not coagulate, and it
had bled to death still tearing at the flesh of its dying prey. The casualties
amongst the cattle were normal, as was their escaping further attacks from this
band of predators. Twelve termagants; twelve victims: the foal's death was by
the way. The insects were much slower than a running woman, nor did they have a
woman's stamina; the only way they could succeed was by ambush, stealth and
?Gershon slapped down the reins on the
shoulders of his pair of patient animals, laid his whip across their broad and
muscular haunches, and drove off on the first stage of his long return journey.
We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...
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I was in my green rocket ship flying back home to planet Gorox, but my fuel was running low so as soon as I got near to the closest Planet I planned on stopping and getting fuel for my ship. Suddenly my phone rang, it was my wife she called and asked when i was gonna be home I told her soon and I loved her. Then I hung up and saw a planet in the distance it was neon green and round. Maybe this planet has some fuel hopefully...... It took me about 10 minutes to land my ship on this strange green...
GayWe fucked for a long time that night and she fell asleep in my arms. When I awoke the next morning she was still there, and she had a blissful smile on her face. It felt real good to wake up with a beautiful woman in your arms again. She stirred, and kissed me softly. She took my hand and placed it on her breast and put her hand over it. We both fell asleep again. Anna's voice through the intercom woke us up about an hour later. "Larry, I need you on the bridge. Can you find Marilyn? I...
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Humans decided to spread across the galaxy and colonize other worlds, one such world the colonists call Utopia. A beautiful tropical planet, Utopia is in the center of the other colonies and earth. The people of utopia have evolved to be perfect, the only place they can grow hair is the head but some are capable of growing pubic hair and some men can grow chest hair. The Utopians take special vitamins which allow the men to stay hard after orgasam and are always ready to go again immediately...
In the 28th century Humankind has managed to expand across the galaxy forming pockets of colonized planets and warp lanes for faster travel. but along with expansion comes risk of piracy and black markets. Over the past century pirates and smugglers have begun to increase activity and many rare and unusual drugs and materials have been floating around the black markets, your ship was sent to investigate a potential planet that could be the source of these new drugs and potentially even a base...
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"What's wrong, Jenny?" "Larry, I can't go back with you. I promised Ryll I'd be his slave if he would feed me and give me a home. I don't love him, and I don't fuck him or want to, but I did promise. How can I give you up again?" I just smiled. "Don't worry, honey I have a plan, and Ryll will like it. He wants me to train you in the finer points of slavery. I think I'll take him up on that. It would be nice to have a slave for a wife. She could cook, clean, make beds, entertain...
Hello everyone, this is Varun, age 24 athletic body 5’11”. This is my first story in ISS. I work in an MNC in Bangalore. I met Menaka (age 26, 5’6″, Fig: 32, 28, 32) in this company. Menaka was a senior in my company and she was supposed to my initial trainer. This story took place 2 years Everything was normal during the first week of my training. She had a variety of dressing sense. The first day we wore jeans and tee and the next day she wore salwar and the third day she wore one-piece...
FOREWORD FOREWORD This story is copyrighted. Please do not repost this without my express consent, or use it for your profit. The characters portrayed herein are not based on any real people - any likeness to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. While this story is not intended to offend, it does contain material that you may consider offensive. If you find non-consensual sex, humiliation and blackmail (just a few of the themes in this story) unpalatable, then please, for...
“I went to the allotment today, dear,” Sarah revealed as her husband sat at the small dinner table. Sarah sat opposite and started to eat her dinner with her husband Allen. “Have the rabbits got to the vegetables yet?” “No not yet the small fence you put up has kept them at bay for the time being. They’ve devastated several other plots thought,” Sarah went on as she ate, “I had a go at weeding that plot we’re resting when Derrick made some very suggestive remarks to me.” “What did he say?”...
Ari woke up and to her surprise she didn't see Romulus. Immediately she knew that he wasn't on earth anymore, but she did not have to worry because he now was where everyone else was. She couldn't explain it, she just knew it. She began wandering through the forest. It wasn't a big forest so she quickly found the entrance. She knew exactly where she was. A kilometer away was the former highway, and the nearest town would be some kilometers more. There were farms all over the region,...
Every choice is important. Every life you hold in the balance can change your fate. Mercenary brutality, alien encounters, and perverse criminals. On Planet Oblivion you are not in control. You can only survive. Please feel free to add to this story. Just stick to the theme of it and beyond that, anything goes. Have fun :)
This story follows Emma from the SPACELINK programs in Free Use Laws: Human resource Management. Emma is recently 33 year and now officially free of the SPACELINK programs. However, like many other recently retired woman she often feels empty now, both literally and figuratively. She had been part of a generation of women who spend their adult life with the constant overdose of intense sexual activities. Those experiences were intense and not suitable for women's health over the age of 33. Some...
FetishShe was able to see all the intertwining buildings that made up her beloved St Saviour’s and the long tree-lined drive that was now showing signs of wear due to the increased number of visitors. “Today, we are going to have so much fun!” she told herself. The newly built dungeon will at last come alive with the sound of children’s screams, as they struggle to entertain the lusting audience. Alice had to pinch herself to be reminded that this wasn’t a dream. The very thought of...
(Please feel free to write your chapter if I like it I will add it to the story) Hi my name is Maria Mendez. I'm 37 years old. Despite having three kids I still look good for my age. I stand 5 foot 6 inches tall. Im a honey skinned mexican milf. 36c voluptuous breast with all the exercise I do I manage to keep my tummy and my 40 inch ass tight. It was Friday morning when the sudden noise of the alarm clock woke me up. 4:15 ugghhh!!! Time to go drop Dan off. Dan is my husband. I married him...
297 PT1 The last atonement! This in pt1and 2 is a 100% true story as given to me by the lady concerned, some features of it some will find distasteful and normally I would not deal with in my normal course of writing, but because its true I have included the whole sorry story in her own very precise wordsThe last atonement! I was going through a bad patch emotionally, things were very difficult at home and I was in a rather dark place, I knew I needed some release from the mental struggle of my...
The Consequences of Embezzlement Synopsis ? Rather than taking his and his friend’s wife to court for embezzling a considerable sum of money, Alan hands them over to ‘The Organisation’ for punishment and disposal. ? ? The Consequences of Embezzlement ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...
Atonement How a simple essay spawned a global movement Much has been made of man's inhumanity to man, but sadly, the notion of man's inhumanity to women has been under developed. This essay proposes to explore the methods men have used during the span of recorded history to control the minds, mold the bodies and silence the voices of women. This is not comprehensive, but does touch on some of the more insidious methods, as well as the obvious. With the woefully late...
ENSLAVEMENT PART ONE: THE PINK MILEAngie’s Story? ?I’m scared,? Tina whispered. ?Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad,? Angie replied, in an equally soft voice, ?I use to work here, for five years. There’s nothing to it.? Angie hoped there was enough confidence in her voice to help settle the petite brunette’s anxiety. In truth, however, she was probably just as scared as Tina. She kept telling herself that she should not be this scared; she HAD worked here for five years, after all, and knew...
---- Anna 1: Anna and the Firemen ----Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeezed Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she had, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She'd collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddled in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeezed her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I could roll her over, throw her legs over my...
Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...
My names Chris, im 23 years old and this is a story of what happened about a month ago. I work in a local Record shop, iv'e been there for a couple of years it's not a ideal job but I enjoy it and it pays my bills. As it's a small shop it never gets very busy so I work there fulltime with my Manageress and a guy that works there at weekends. My Manageress is 42 years old and for the sake of this story i'm going call her Pam. Me and Pam get on really well, we have worked together for a good few...
Group SexThis story is not intended for anyone below the age of consent. They will have to be corrupted by their own erotic imaginations. COMMENCEMENT By Vickie Tern I. That's right dear, I'm sorry, it's just that you caught me at a bad time. But I can talk just fine now. No, nothing serious, only a customer left over from when Bill was running things here. He said he hadn't...
ASCII Pictures praesentiert: "Auch Aliens sind nur Menschen" von Mark Soul Der Sturm wurde schlimmer. Marcel bereute es bereits, sich nicht mehr beeilt zu haben, womoeglich haette er dann den Bus noch erwischt. Aber wie ueblich hatte er die Zeit vergessen, und es blieb ihm nichts anderes uebrig als zu Fu? zu gehen. Er hoffte nur, das er Zuhause ankommen wuerde bevor es anfing zu regnen. In diesem Augenblick entschied sich der Himmel, seine Schleusen zu oeffnen, und ein wahrer ...
This is a serial story that was written and posted over several months to my Yahoo group Augmented By Morpheus Part 1 I leaned back in my recliner, watching a movie on TV and feeling annoyed. I'd been looking forward to this movie since I first heard it was coming out, yet now that I was seeing it I could only feel disappointed. It starred an actress that I'd once had a crush on back when I'd been a teenager, back before I...
Note: This is a follow-up to ‘How Is This Night Different…?’ submitted in the non-erotic section on 7/28/16. There is sex and romance in ‘Day Of Atonement,’ just enough to lend support to the prime focus of the story. * Ben Glazer is still conflicted. Part of him wants to kick himself for wimping out when the beautiful and sexy Mindy Setrin-Greenwald, married to the boorish Sam Greenwald, suggested they have an affair. The other part pats himself on the tuckus for doing the right thing, for...
ATONEMENT This is a story just possibly based on reality. A story of a betraying wife, her circle of manipulating, cheating friends and their influence on her. Forming a pact to separate from their husbands, the consequences of her breaking the vow is painful; humiliating as she struggles with her own conscience, chooses the wrong path, passes the point of no return and pays the price in more ways then one. The first chapter of the story begins with Bonnie submitting to a discipline session...
1. Jack and Isabelle were drinking tea in the parlor. Carmen was upstairs, Martin was out on a social call, and Kelly was out riding her horse, overseen by one of the grooms.“How did Carmen and you meet, Jack?” asked Isabelle.“We met when we were in college,” said Jack briefly. She waited for him to go on, but he did not.“Were you at the same university? Come on, I’m curious!”“No, she went to Wellesley – that’s a girls’ school.”“And where did you go?”“I went to a university in...
ReluctanceMentoring By Beverley Anne Miles I couldn't believe my ears! "Sorry. What was that again?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me. "I said 'I absolutely love sucking cock'!" said Krystal. What can you say when you finally get to be alone with the girl you've lusted after for years, and the first thing she says to you is that she's a cocksucker? I tried to be nonchalant about it; it seemed like pretty good news to me. "Any particular reason why?" I prompted. "Let me...
Carmen was considered by Ron to be a voluptuous size 14, with long well formed legs, with generous ham thighs which was a turn on for him. Her crowning glory as far as Ron was concerned, was her wonderful forty three inch arse which he enjoyed telling her constantly, “Was magnificent, and the flawless twin orbs of your beautifully proportioned arse are my ultimate turn on.” Usually he told her this in bed as he was licking and kissing this part of her anatomy. He used to like putting her hand...
REASSIGNMENT By Ingrid Halb Reassignment Case file 2107-6306-G Subject: Candace (Ethan Kaine) Classification: FOUO/Sensitive Start Run: Yes it was possible for a tired 47-year old man to continue to be a productive member of society, but Ethan Kaine had chosen an increasingly obsolescent career path. His line of work was rapidly being automated with new AI software. But after 22 years of federal service Ethan was of the firm belief that the system worked and that the...
This is Matt, your narrator. You should know that Matthew’s Recruitment is a completely farcical work of fiction and should be taken seriously nowhere, not at any turn. I began writing with no idea of story concept, or where it would lead. I wasn’t certain if the story concerned a boy, or girl; it only became apparent once I inserted a 20” long dildo up his/her behind, that a gender requirement clarified. Even then, I wasn’t entirely sure. I might write a female version, anyway. Homophobes...
Thousands of years after a forgotten war, that killed almost all of The Elementals, the call of destiny awakens the powers of the last four Elementals. Born to protect the world from darkness: Connor, Natalie, Lynn, and Katie must rise to the challenge and protect their home. No matter how great the cost. Who knows what may happen on their journeys, only time will tell. It's up to you, the reader, to decide how the story goes. A lot of possibilities await you. Enjoy...
FantasyOn my six-weekly visits to Cape Town, I mostly stayed at a beautiful, old-worldly hotel in Sea Point, on a beautiful promenade. Let me explain the word, ‘mostly.’ Please bear in mind that Cape Town is in the southern hemisphere and therefore, the global seasons are the opposite of the north.With the summer season approaching after September, the hotel got very busy, attracting mostly a Germanic clientele. Understandably, most of the management and reception staff were proficient in German....
Gay MaleAnaximander's Fragment By Jacquie Windsor SEP 2002. A One-Act Play Cast: MARTIN HEIDEGGER: A German Philosopher PRINCESS DOUHET : A Bourbon Princess MARKUS : A Burgher From Geneva THE CHORUS : An Assembly In Calvin's Square, Geneva (The Scene opens on a balcony overlooking the square. THE CHORUS is assembled in the square below. MARKUS stands in a tricolour...
Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...
Love Stories(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...
As soon as Lucy arrived home from school, she knew that something was wrong. There was an atmosphere in the house. Something had happened. She glanced anxiously at her mother and saw that that she'd been crying. Her face was flushed, and she wouldn't look at Lucy directly, and so Lucy was anxious. "What is it? What's going on?" Lucy demanded, but her mother would only say that Lucy should go see her father. He was in his study. That's what she kept saying over and over. He was in his...
Lisa's head swam. She was so damn horny it was difficult for her to think straight. Every inch of her skin felt alive and sensitive. Her puffy and extended nipples even more so. Her cock ached with pleasure even as permanently limp as it now was. Even her balls, shriveled and atrophied as they now were, also ached with pleasure. Her ass was even worse. It felt empty now that Master Carl had removed the plug. Not that the plug helped much with that horniness. Oh, it filled her up...
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A subs lament There I was kneeling quietly as most subs do while waiting for my Dom to come home. It had been some time since our last time together and I was very anxious to see him and to make that connection again. Sometimes he would be gone for a week or more, and when he returned I always got so excited that I wanted to leap at him in exuberance. That was always met with a stern rebuke as subs don't leap anywhere like that especially at their Dom. So I needed to learn some self control.He...
BDSMCarmen and I found each other online (surprise, surprise!). We had been exchanging correspondence for a little while, and when we were both comfortable, we decided to meet. She was 49. The best encounters happen when a connection is established over a little time, rather than jumping in too quickly. We got on very well at our first meeting over coffee and a light lunch. We knew we shared similar kinks and also a similar desire to keep things discrete due to work issues. We were both looking for...
Chapter 1 I was doing the laundry one afternoon when I found a note in my son's work pants. I normally don't snoop, but I figured this one time wouldn't hurt. I unfolded it and read it: "MILF CLUB" and then it had about 12 names on it. Some of the names were actually women that I knew. It took me a little while to figure out what he was talking about, but then all of a sudden it dawned on me. These were women/mothers that he would like to have sex with. Jake is 18 and is my oldest son....
Ben Tramer attended North Castle field high schoolBen Tramerattended North Castle field high school. The boy wasfifteen years of age and already was a high achiever both academically andphysically. He was one of your common all American Jock boys, a very confidentcharacter and could certainly pick and choose the sexiest of girls at his whim.Strongly built physic, blue eyes, blonde hair, the boy was a bombshell, and thegirls just loved him. Though itwasn?t the girls which had caught his eyes in...
A Divine Sacrament By Cal Y. Pygia A cock is a symbol, to me, of resurrection, And new life, for, erect, it engenders life, And, although it "dies," an erection Can be born again, rising to impregnate a wife Or girlfriend, and, for men, like me, Who enjoy transsexual love, a cock, thick And stiff, is a source of ecstasy, Able to make that which was dead quick Again, for life is not merely physical, A matter of seed begetting flesh, But also has emotional and spiritual Aspects; in...
Working for AllServe - my recruitment. When my house was broken into I assumed it was a random thing. I was pissed off that my laptop had been stolen but wasn't too concerned because it could be replaced. I was more worried about the USB stick that got stolen with it. That had loads of photos, taken by myself, of me in various items of womens clothing in secluded areas and a few of me acting out some of my kinkier fantasies (tampons up my ass, wanking while licking womens boots,...
The judges took their places in the midst of the most profound silence; the jury took their seats; M. de Villefort, the object of unusual attention, and we had almost said of general admiration, sat in the arm-chair and cast a tranquil glance around him. Every one looked with astonishment on that grave and severe face, whose calm expression personal griefs had been unable to disturb, and the aspect of a man who was a stranger to all human emotions excited something very like...
Entonyan Entrapment Synopsis ? Stealing the money so temptingly laid out would have brought punishment and given them the hold on me they wanted, but that would have been mild compared to what I received for the insults and racial slurs I levied on the owner and his people. ? Obohobo / ENTONYAN ENTRAPMENT ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended...
Foot Entrapment Foot Entrapment My name is Sarah, I was never popular while I was at school and the boys never really looked at me.?? I was always seen as being shy.?? I was pretty with beautiful pale skin long brown hair I was a size eight with small perky breasts.?? However I was always small for my size at five foot three inches tall.But when I want to Hanford University to study engineering.?? I moved into my room a week before the term started, it was a small room with a...
Unemployment took its toll. After approximately three months of not being able to make a mortgage payment or pay down any of my credit cards, unpleasant things began to happen. First, the finance company came and repossessed my car. I received notice from the bank that my home faced foreclosure if they did not receive at least two months payment by the end of the month. Charges had begun to appear on my credit card statement for merchandise I had never purchased! Since I was a little girl,...
298 Part 2.The last atonement. Sitting on the old leather sofa, wearing just my hold up stockings and shoes I felt somehow relieved. I’d reached this far with little more than a few slaps and a couple of painful punches to my still tender stomach. That poor girl sitting next to me however was in a very different place. Her once wild eyes and her defiance were now reduced to the self-pity and some realisation of what lay in store for her and I watched this poor wretch sobbing uncontrollably...
162 First Atonement. This story is made in combination with the lady concerned, nothing has been changed, that’s why its longer than most I do. but it`s all perfectly true. enjoy Oh… Yes I remember it well in fact its etched on my mind… In my murky past I had something that I felt very guilty about, I am not going into detail, in fact there were a few things that I felt this all-consuming guilt about. I had over the years had a failed-marriage, with a husband who was well into BDSM, scene...
With her heels up to my shoulder I had my cock buried in this 60 plus year old mature woman. She had come into my life just three weeks after my wife had left me for an older man. How ironic here was me a 25-year old, now fucking the arse of an elderly woman who had just walked in off the street. This was the third time this has happened and I wasn't going to let an opportunity like this pass. The elderly woman was moving under me as if her life depended on her making me reach a climax. She...
PLANETARY AGENTS 3: Tentacles of Doom CHAPTER 4 LAST EPISODE: Something with nasty tentacles has been killing off the big-name scientists, and the next target is a high school teacher. Our heroine has now spent her first week in high school, but the weekend has finally come. Now she is finally free to engage in the dream of every high school girl: Role Playing Games! "Okay, everyone have their characters? Download them to the stage." Esker was the Stage Director. "I still need...