- 4 years ago
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This is a story just possibly based on reality. A story of a betraying wife, her circle of manipulating, cheating friends and their influence on her. Forming a pact to separate from their husbands, the consequences of her breaking the vow is painful; humiliating as she struggles with her own conscience, chooses the wrong path, passes the point of no return and pays the price in more ways then one. The first chapter of the story begins with Bonnie submitting to a discipline session for breaking her promise to her supposed friends.
Chapter One
Maneuvering onto the brick laden circular driveway from the gas-lamp lined street, the steady mist of rain leaves a shadowy haze in the early autumn evening air of the upper scale neighborhood. The gas lights lining the curbs just beginning to flicker on, Bonnie glances through the slowly sweeping wiper blades toward the well kept house behind the abundance of trees, the meticulously manicured shrubbery and lawn. An older Buick, Christina’s car, Christina’s driving as the pair’s been silent much of the half hour or so drive across town.
In her late thirties, more then attractive, Bonnie’s actually still quite stunning. Tanned, the firm, curvy body of someone barely more then half her age, she’s a dark eyed, dark haired beauty. On the other hand, her friend Christina’s a couple years her elder, suggesting she’s just on the ‘big boned’ side’s generous and she’s certainly not nearly as attractive as she sees herself. Both married, and along with Christina’s sister Charlene, the trio all are going through marital discourse of their own accord, the sisters having used, manipulated her. In fact, Bonnie has been enticed by the sisters to leave her husband after being guided into adultery and the out of hand usage of her bank account and multitude of credit cards without his knowledge.
A temporary separation agreed to but still willing to see one another as she tells him she just needs time, wants to sort things out in her own mind, she’s already being passively blackmailed by the sisters (For her own good, they tell her) being threatened that her indiscretions, some embarrassingly documented, will be exposed to him. Now, under considerable pressure, she’s been forced to agree to be disciplined after spending what turned out to be an intimate night with him.
The car slowing to a stop behind a parked, dark sedan, the wipers still swiping back and forth across their fogging up windshield, Cristina slides the column shift into park, stares straight ahead momentarily before speaking in a scolding tone. ?I can’t believe you Bonnie.? She admonishes while slowly shaking her head back and forth. ?After we’ve discussed this after the last time, you still didn’t keep your word, your vow with us.? Slipping the key from the ignition, glancing over toward her, Christina nods toward the parked car in front of them in the driveway, continues. ?I see Charlene’s already here with my brother and Tim. They’ll be waiting inside for us? When I told them what I found out you did!? Let’s just say they were really upset with you? Oh, well, let’s get on in the house? Get that punishment you agreed too, started!? Turning toward Bonnie, reaching across the seat, Christina palms her right hand under Bonnie’s left breast, giving a light squeeze. ?You’re not wearing any underwear? Right??
A slow affirmative nod, glancing out the passenger window up toward the draped second floor window as she reflexively arches her back, slips her hand on the door handle, Bonnie barely whispers in an annoyed tone. ?No underwear? Chris? Just like you told me too? No underwear.?
?You understand this is for your own good Bonnie.? Christina scolds, dropping her hand down across Bonnie’s skirt, patting her fingers across her crotch before opening her door. ?Shaved too??
?I said I’m shaved? And not wearing any underwear? Okay Christina?? Damn!!?
?You have to leave him behind? Like we all promised each other.? Keeping her hand between Bonnie’s legs, staring toward her face, her teary eyes, she continues. ?You’re going to be punished tonight for your own good Bonnie? You’re going to have welts on you that you can’t explain if you even think of being intimate with him again!? Leaning toward Bonnie, squeezing her thigh, she almost rasps. ?It’s for your own good!... Damn-it!?
Turning away, opening the car door, stepping out, Cristina walks around the front as Bonnie, still silent, opens her door, shuts it behind her as she again glances blurrily toward the house, again up at the pitch dark upper window centered under the peak of the dark stoned Tudor. The pair walking through the mist, across the cobblestone walkway to the side entrance, the porch light flicks on as the door’s opened. Charlene, Christina’s sister with the same physical characteristics, just a couple years younger, stands with her arms crossed before slowly moving aside as Christina steps up the couple flat slate slabs in front of Bonnie, leading her into the kitchen.
?Do you believe she had sex with him again, Char?? Christina rasps as she glances back toward Bonnie. ?I found out at work that she let him do her again a couple nights ago!?
?I know? I know!... I couldn’t believe it either!? Shaking her head slowly, nodding back toward her younger brother entering the room, Charlene smirks. ?She’s here? Might as well get upstairs? Tim getting everything ready up there??
?Oh yea.? A nod, turning toward the steps, her borderline gothic appearing brother motions with his hand. ?Upstairs Bonnie!?
Following, still silent, Bonnie counts the steps up toward the second floor, to a single large room, the room of atonement. The landing leading to that singular, open room, its front window in fact covered with a heavy black drape, its walls soundproofed with similar heavy dark cloth, Bonnie reflexively crosses her chest with her arms as she enters behind the rest. Glancing over toward the back wall, the discipline area with straps swaying down from eye hooks fastened in the peaked ceiling, dark leather cuffs dangle from their knotted ends.
She can feel her stomach churning, her heart picking up a beat in the quietness of the foursome surrounding her. Standing in the middle of the carpeted floor close to the steps, she glances around toward their eyes staring directly toward her as she presses her arms closer against her chest, lowers her head.
Shuffling across a tray filled with assorted implements, Tim, the owner of the house, himself a long time divorcee is older then the rest. Slender, somewhat distinguished looking with just a hint of a feminine trait or two, he shares his single bedroom house with Steven, has for some time. Glancing up, nodding toward Steven, then back toward Bonnie as he handles one of a number of implements, a narrow bamboo shunt, he asks. ?Bonnie? You’ve agreed to be punished? That’s why you’re here tonight with us? Right??
A hesitant nod while still starring toward the floor, she whispers. ?Ye?Yes? I agreed.?
?Okay? Then that’s settled!? He smirks as he glances at the sisters, back toward Bonnie, swishes the willowy cane back and forth through the air. ?Now? Go stand over there with him where you’ll be striped naked so we can start by whipping your tits with this? Okay??
Instantly flushing a beat red, the warmth spreading across her face, glancing at the bamboo, then back down toward the floor, she barley nods her head in the affirmative as her forearms press even tighter against her tingling breasts, the thought of what he just said, the sight of the flailing crop being swished back and forth almost psychosomatically sending flashes of pain across her chest.
?Do it? Now Bonnie!? Tim orders as he lays that crop down, picks through a couple others on the tray.
Before taking a step toward the dangling straps, looking up at them swaying from the ceiling, mouth dry as her lips slightly spread apart, she inhales deeply. The concern, the humiliation on her face is obvious with the frightening thought of stripping naked in front of them, then the physical pain of her proud breasts being flogged. But, somehow back in a corner of her mind, she realizes the physical pain’s not as much a concern to her as to the possible visible damage that one of those crops will leave behind, hopefully not permanently.
Finally she almost mechanically obeys his command in cautious halting steps as she crosses the floor between them. Her mind’s almost numb, willing herself to allow her body to be stripped naked in front of them, then to be bound, flogged. Yet again in that same dark corner of her mind, she struggles with the thought that she really deserves her punishment, not for breaking her vow with them, but in breaking her vow with her husband.
?Line her up? Strip her and cuff her wrists and ankles? Steven.?
Gripping Bonnie’s wrist, a tug, a spin and a couple, three steps backwards and he has her in position, as ordered.
?Chris?? Char?? Want to give your brother a hand there?? Tim mutters as he checks the feel of a couple more crops, switches.
Christina quickly stepping on one side, Charlene on the other, Bonnie’s tan wool halter’s stripped off, her firm, symmetrical globes braless. Her tan oval areolas spread flat, the nubs of her nipples thick from rubbing against the wool material, her surprisingly large, firm breasts barely sway as her arms are lifted, her wrists cuffed, spread upward above her head. Unsnapping her black wool skirt, sliding it down over her hips, her bare flawless flesh glistens, totally exposed. No panties, no stockings, her sandals removed, just her bald pubic mound barely sloping outward above her spreading thighs as the sister’s cuff, tug her ankles apart.
Momentarily stepping back, Bonnie’s left under the shackles alone. The room’s quiet as she’s finally completely naked in front of them. Her dark hair tightly wrapped behind her head, her dark eyes glancing downward toward the floor between her global breasts, her washboard stomach gently rippling on her near perfect hour-glass form. Tautly stretched in a spread-eagled position, her face, just a hint of makeup, flushed, her separated breasts jaunts outward, nipples hard and pointing apart, ready to be disciplined.
Steven breaks the silence, approaches her, stuffing a rather smallish bright red ball gag into her mouth as he stands behind her snapping the black strap beneath her braid of hair fashioned above the back of her reddening neck. ?Just to help squelch your screams Bonnie? It’s going to hurt? A lot!?
Sliding his hands palms inward down against her sides, the curves of her hips, he reaches back up, cups her bare breasts as her stomach quivers, her abs flex beneath her navel. Pressing his trousers against her bare buttocks as he manipulates her breasts, agitates her puckering nipples, feeling her firm rump press against his thighs, he whispers in her ear. ?I see why Tom still likes to fuck you? We’ll just have to make it hard for you to let him?. Okay??
Barely nodding her head as she feels him step back from her, trembling, jaws already aching, practically chocking, even on the smallish ball gag almost loose in her mouth, she watches the others approaching, surrounding her. Her face flushed, hot, the humiliation unrelenting, she closes her eyes as she lets them see her, feel her, discuss her total nakedness, tell each other, her, how she’s going to be punished.
Stripped, secured, ready to be flogged, the sisters and their brother collectively take their time stepping around her, the women obviously enjoying the moment as well as the men as for the next couple minutes their hands roam across her bare flesh under the pretense of checking the tension of the stretching bindings. Cupping her breasts, sliding their fingers, thumbs across her tan, flattened areolas, nipples, spreading her freshly shaven labia, exposing the nub of her clitoris, slipping their hands across the rounded cheeks of her buttocks, they work her naked body, explore her curves, her crevasses as Tim chooses his first implement for her.
Standing by the tray, he picks out the same slim, willowy bamboo cane, decides to use it first. Less then three feet in length, the tip narrow enough to bow, he flicks it back and forth, the swishing sound almost a whistle in the silence. Stepping in front of Bonnie’s tautly stretched body, nodding toward the women to step back as he slides his left forearm tightly up under her bare breasts, he nods toward Steven. ?Stand behind her Steven? Spread her breasts out for me? Spread ‘em apart? Wide apart so I get a good aim at those nice dark nipples.?
Following his instructions, reaching around and under her up stretched shoulders, Steven palms, grips both globes, squeezing as he separates, forcing her areolas, nipples to spread, the tanned ovals to swell as they lay fully exposed across Tim’s forearm. ?Okay??
Holding the stock of the cane in his right hand, Tim mutters. ?That’s good, yea? Squeeze a little tighter? Puff those nipples out? Perfect!... Hold them right there!?
Staring directly into Bonnie’s widening eyes, he quietly asks. ?Ready Bonnie?... Ready to feel this cane across those titties?... Now I want you to watch? Don’t take your eyes away or I’ll have to do it again? Understand?? Sensing barely a nod, a muffled grunt, he glances toward Steven.
Okay then? Ready Steven?... Now let go? Watch your hands!? Flicking the cane back and forth, he lets it curl into an arc, slicing inward directly in front of, then into the targeted left breast. ?Swish? Thwack!?
?Oh my God!? Bonnie gruffly grunts through the gag as the cane slashes into her tit flesh, glances off, leaving a crisp red welt horizontally across her outthrust globe, her shriveling nipple as she lurches forward in the ropes. ?Ooohhh!? Blinking her eyes, the pain searing through her breast, she tries to block the pain, surreally accept the beginning of her penitence as her teary eyes focus on the instantly rising red welt.
?You’ve not kept your word, Bonnie.? Tim scolds as he glances down toward the cane ominously again positioned just a few inches from the center of her other breast, being squeezed, resting securely on his forearm. ?You know you have to be punished? Don’t you??
Barely a nod, glancing toward the cane as she can feel the heartbeat in her breast awaiting the release of the cane’s tip again, she mutters, barely audible through the gag. ?Ye? Yes? I’m sorry!... I’m sorry!?
?Swish? Thwack!? The curling tip of the cane flicks forward, snaps across the bud of her other nipple, the bamboo burrowing into her flattening breast as Steven leans against her, forces her forward, arching her back, thrusting her breasts outward across Tim’s arm.
?Aaaggghhh!? The rasping screech emits from the ball gag, her head jerking, instant tears welling from her darting eyes as the instant welt is traced with tiny dark splotches, the willowy cane almost breaking the flesh as she forces herself to focus on that welt.
?Now.? He begins to speak to her in a soft, gentle tone as he again lifts his forearm up under her breasts pushing her bruised nipples even higher as they peek out over his arm. Aligning the tip of the cane with her left areola again, he gives it’s nipple a couple gentle taps as he continues. ?I think the only way to make sure you keep your word with Christina, Charlene? Is to make sure you don’t want him to see you naked? To have to explain these welts I’m administering to your tits.?
?Swish? Thwack!... And your ass!?
?Oomph!? A guttural groan’s emitted from the mouth gag as Bonnie twists, the cane’s imprint standing out barely above the first welt on her left breast, streaking across her flattened areola as she reflexively tilts her head forward, glares down through her instant tears toward her flogged breasts.
?Swish? Thwack!... And your pussy!?
?Swish? Thwack!... And anywhere else!?
?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!... Damn? Damn it to Hell!!!? She curses through the gag.
?Swish? Thwack!............ Swish? Thwack!............ Swish? Thwack!!!?
?Uuuummmmppphhh!!!... God!!!... God!!!!... No more!?. Stop!?. Please?. Oh? Please Stop!!!!? Grunts, screams, pleadings emit from the ball gag as Bonnie twists her naked body, jerks her chest back and forth as her breasts flail across his forearm, the cane slashing across her bare breasts, her swelling nipples as she struggles through the pain, tries to accept it.
Stopping, holding the cane down toward his side, lowering his forearm, Tim lets her welted breasts drop, bounce, gently sway off her heaving chest, the half dozen or so welts evenly distributed across her firm globes glistening under the ceiling light directly above her stretched body as her tears drip off her chin, across her bare, striped chest.
?Wipe her breasts down Christina.? He nods as he lays the cane on the tray. ?Then rub some lotion across her butt cheeks too... They’re next.?
A white cloth, some alcohol from a plastic container, Christina swipes Bonnie’s tortured breasts back and forth, swabbing under, over, across her raw, bruised nipples while also pressing against the crisscrossing welts scoring both globes.
?Ohhh!? Ohhh God!?. That hurts!? Oh? My?? God!!!? Bonnie’s head jerks back as she mutters through the gag, feels the alcohol rubbing, soaking into her raw flesh. ?Aaaggghhh!... That burns? That burns!!!?
?Oh hold still!? You brought this on yourself? It’s all your fault!? Charlene scolds as she steps next to Christina, grips Bonnie’s chin in the palm of her hand as she continues. ?Quit whining? Your punishment’s just begun Bonnie!? Leaning around, smacking Bonnie’s rump with the palm of her free hand, she smirks. ?Your Butt’s next!? Glancing toward her brother, turning toward Tim as she continues to grip her chin in her fist, she asks. ?We? You going to? To flog her between her legs too? You know... So he can’t do her? You know? Whip her? Her thing too??
?You mean her twat? Cunt? Pussy? What?? Tim chuckles? Yeh? I think she needs her pussy flogged too.? He smiles. ?We’ll whip it good and hard so it stays swollen for awhile?. That way she might want it, but won’t be able to have sex for awhile? With anyone!... I guarantee that!?
?Hear that?? Charlene grins, virtually face to face with Bonnie as she squeezes her chin, her cheeks just a little firmer, harsher. ?You hear that?... We’re going to burn up your? Your pussy up, too Bonnie!... That’ll work for me!... How ‘bout you??
Twisting her head back and forth, her arms, legs tautly stretching in their bindings, her naked body past glistening, heavily perspiring as the searing alcohol from the soaked clothe streaks across, drips off from her bare flesh onto the floor between her spread feet as she tiptoes. Stretching as she can only grunt through the saliva soaked ball gag, her drool slings down from the gag, clinging to her shimmering breasts.
Picking through, choosing what could possibly be a leather barber’s strap from the tray, folding it evenly and snapping it through the air, Tim steps behind Bonnie, motions for Christina and Charlene to position themselves to either side of her. ?Hold her hips back? I want a good shot at those round rumps!? He sarcastically orders. ?I think maybe a half dozen before we center our attention between her legs.?
Charlene, standing to Bonnie’s left, presses her left hand across Bonnie’s navel, her right hand down across her thigh just below the fold of her butt cheek as Christina’s open palm slips across Bonnie’s pubic mound, her fingers of her other hand sliding against her sister’s just below Bonnie’s buttocks.
?Ready?? Tim asks, the tan strap dangling, swaying back and forth as he centers himself, glances toward Steven, nods toward Bonnie. ?Steven? Grip her tits again? Hold her tight.?
Stepping in front of Bonnie, palming both glistening, welted breasts, twisting, squeezing, Steven holds firm as he spreads his legs, his shoes scuffing against her bare ankles, braces himself. ?Ready!?
Encircled by the group, her breasts, buttocks firmly griped, Bonnie glares straight ahead through her watering eyes, over Steven’s shoulder toward the stairwell as she braces herself. ?Thwack!?
Jerking, barely moving in the others tight grips, she virtually bites the gag as she grunts. ?Oomph!?
Stepping back a step, inspecting the long, wide five inch wide welt almost horizontal across her thrust out rump, he again slowly positions himself, this time slightly to the left.
The strap flexes, elongates as he flicks his forearm. Twirling through the air, flattening against, sinking into the bare flesh of her right butt cheek, the flat leather’s smacking sound resonates throughout the room. ?Thwack!?
?Aaaggghhh!!? Another grunt, higher pitched as Bonnie’s head jerks forward, her chin pressing against her sternum between Steven’s gripping fists tugging at her bulging breasts as her hips flex, the ropes binding her spread limbs creaking, twisting.
Another quick inspection, another wide welt appears at a slightly tilted angle overlapping the first stroke on her right buttock.
?Grip tighter.? He almost quietly orders, glancing individually from one to the other as he lets the strap sway back and forth beside his right calf. ?Grip whatever you can to hold her still? Whatever you want to use to hold her by.?
Glancing toward one another, sharing smirks, Charlene slides her left hand downward, pressing her palm into Bonnie’s inner thigh, letting her thumb jam inward until the tip disappears inside her spread slit. Following suite, Christina slips a hand across Bonnie’s backside, rams her thumb upward, past the puckered rim of Bonnie’s rectum.
Hoarse, muffled grunts mix with Bonnie’s saliva as Steve joins in, lessens the tension, grips firmer and harshly twists her shimmering globes, watches the swollen nipples bulge even more.
?Okay? Ready?? Tim asks as he aligns himself in front of Bonnie, her toes barely touching the floor. ?Let’s nail her pretty good here? Then it’s on to her cunt!?
?Thwack!... Thwack? Thwack????Thwack!!!? Three quick, crisp lashings, followed hesitantly by a forth. Backhanded, forehanded, another forehand, finished with another backhand as Bonnie’s body quivers, twists as she’s held tight by her breasts, orifices.
?Aaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhh!? A seemingly endless shriek, guttural, hoarse echoes across the room as the trio holds her firm while Tim flexes the strap back and forth, steps over to the tray as he quips. ?Okay? Let her go for a few minutes? Take a break for awhile? Let her think about what’s coming next, huh Bonnie??
Releasing Bonnie’s breasts, watching them bounce, sway in front of her arched chest, Steven steps back as his sisters also slide their hands away, their finger, thumb slipping out from between her twitching thighs. The trio steps over toward the tray, Tim. Letting her hang spread-eagled in her restraints, the balls of her feet resting on the floor as moisture beads, streaks down off her bruised bare flesh while the foursome head for the steps together, down to the kitchen.
Watching them descending the stairs, her stretched body aches, her wrists, ankles chaffing in the leather cuffs as the group leaves her sight. Glancing down across her bare breasts, toward the stinging red welts, her swollen nipples, the alcohol’s remnants still burn as it mixes with her perspiration. The welts aren’t as harsh as she thought they could be, she thinks to herself, hopefully just a few days of bruising before disappearing altogether. Left alone for awhile, the warmth from her back side isn’t quite as painful, the wide strap lashed across her butt more forgiving then the cane slashed across her boobs. Her real concern now is what’s next, what she’s going to be punished with between her legs, her shaven vagina when they come back upstairs to continue.
Minutes pass, even longer as she occasionally hears them downstairs. Wondering when they’re coming back up, realizing that even more severe pain’s still in store for her, still in a way she almost wishes they’ll hurry up, get it over with. The aches, pains becoming more of a discomfort as her arms seem to becoming partially numb, the burning sensations passed, the sting of the flogging more a dull ache as she again thinks about her punishment, dwells on the atonement for her indiscretions.
Glancing again down toward her welts, knowing she’ll have more between her thighs, she still can’t help worrying about going home, concealing her body for the next few days, its bruises, welts for at least a few days, maybe even a week or more. Trying to think of ways to insure her deception, to hide the unexplainable, the metal anguish seems even more painful then the physical abuse being heaped on her. She’s forced herself to believe she deserves the pain, yet how to conceal it from the very person she’s receiving it for, for deceiving him gnaws at her. Closing her eyes, trying to breathe, she lets her body go limp; gently sway under her taut arms as she listens for the footsteps on the stairs, tries to let her mind go blank.
More minutes pass, the quietness of the room surrounding her as she barely sways back and forth, the feeling now completely gone from her arms. Feeling her drool dripping across her breasts, her chest, she tries to wipe her chin on her shoulders as she hears the footsteps, their voices. Opening he eyes, staring toward the stairs, she silently watches as each finally enters the room in single file.
?Get her ready.? She hears Tim’s voice as he steps behind her, watches as Christina and Charlene step toward her, each with a vial of salve.
Feeling their hands sliding between her thighs as they kneel in front, behind her, her body reflexively jerks before trembling, quivering as their fingers spread the cold lotion into the crease of her buttocks up to her pubic mound. Their fingers spreading, massaging, manipulating her sensitive flesh between her legs, she feels her labia folds stretched apart, her vagina, rectum probed front and rear, fingers sliding in and out as the salve mounts, builds between her thighs, is packed deep inside her orifices.
Biting into the ball gag, chewing, gnawing on it as her body responds to what amounts to her being masturbated, she begins to grunt, her hips begin to flex. Staring downward between her breasts, toward her hardening nipples jiggling, on down at the kneeling sisters working her, she feels her face continuing to flush as the familiar stirring deep inside her womb becomes obvious with her reflexive tremors. The pleasure overriding her pain; she struggles to block the sensations. Biting the gag, clinching her fingernails into her palms, she centers on that pain as her thighs tremble, jerk. Just as her stomach’s tremors become a steady ripple, the sister’s finish, and step back.
Her body tingling, twitching, she tenses as she hears a click, senses a flash, another click, another flash. Glancing across her shoulder, at Steven with a camera in his hand, stepping around, in front of her, snapping, snapping, she reflexively jerks her head away. Twisting as she realizes she’s being photographed, she grunts through the gag, glares over at Tim, the sisters.
?Just a record of your little discipline session Bonnie!? Christina smiles. ?Something to help you keep your promises to us in the future.?
?Yes Bonnie.? Tim smiles as he steps in front of her, an ominous dark leather riding crop in his right hand as he kneels, spreads her labia folds apart with his thumb, index finger. ?There’ll be more when we get done flogging that tight little wet pussy of yours with this!? Flipping his wrist, the crop slices forward. ?Thwack!?
?Aaaaaggggggghhhh!? Shrieking though her ball-gag, the searing pain jolting like an electrical shock through her womb, she bucks in her restraints as the crop’s tip borrows into her exposed clit.
Back and forth, the crop slices across one labia fold; the other as he releases his fingers, backhands the crop between her spread thighs.
?Swish?Thwack!... Swish?Thwack!... Swish?Thwack!... Swish?Thwack!... Swish?Thwack!!!?
One long constant shriek as Bonnie’s naked body flails in her restraints, the sound of the crop resonating in her mind as the concussion of the leather biting into her vagina ripples throughout her stretched body.
One final slash, a harsh, vicious slash, directly across her battered clit, one last pitiful yelp as she goes limp, Tim stands, drops the crop on the tray. Glancing down at his handiwork, toward the already swollen, purplish flesh of her vulva, he turns toward Christina. ?Go ahead, coat a glob of salve down there, she needs it.? Turning toward Charlene, he adds. ?Take the gag from her mouth.? Turning toward Steven, he nods. ?Pictures first, after her gags removed.?
A few more clicks, flashes of the digital camera after Charlene slips the gag out from Bonnie’s slobbering mouth and Christina begins swabbing a palm of salve between Bonnie’s quivering thighs, across the warmth of her swollen, discolored vagina.
?Well.? Tim smiles. ?She won’t be fucking for awhile? That’s for sure? We made certain of that!? Stepping in front of Bonnie, snapping a capsule, whiffing it back and forth beneath her nostrils, he glances into her blinking, reddened eyes as her head jerks.
?All done? For now Bonnie? In a couple minutes you’ll be uncuffed and you can dress so Chris can take you home? Okay?? Holding her chin in the palm of his hand, leaning across, again glancing into her hazed eyes, he asks again. ?Okay?? Getting a slow, painful nod and he drops his hand, lets her head slump forward between her bruised breasts. Watching as Christina finishes up, letting Steven help with the cuffs, Bonnie’s unshackled, assisted to a chair in the corner.
Barely able to walk, bent over, she squats, barely groans with each obviously painful step as she keeps her knees spread apart. Feeling herself wiped down with a couple terrycloth towels, her skirt, halter slipped back across her aching, bruised flesh, the sandals slipped back onto her feet, she finds herself still in a daze as she’s led down the stairs, Steven in front, Tim in the rear. Fighting back tears, the pain excruciating between her thighs, yet the anguish of the thoughts of the consequences of the photographs already haunting her, she realizes the depth of despair she’s allowed herself to be led too.
Led outside to Christina’s car, the mist more now a steady shower, her bare shoulders glisten as she’s turned to set back across the car seat. Legs lifted inward, she’s left to slump back in the seat with her arms almost limp at her sides, her hands resting palms up on the seat cover. Christina sliding into the driver’s seat, shutting her door, leans over toward Bonnie.
?Ready to go home? Girl?? She asks as Tim stands beside the open door, Steven, Charlene behind him. ?Want to see some pictures first?? Glancing toward her brother, reaching for the camera, she holds it in front of Bonnie’s swollen eyes.
Flicking its buttons, the vision of Bonnie’s naked spread-eagled body flicks by, picture after picture of her, close-ups of her breasts, her vagina, the expressions on her face. Handing the digital camera back to Steven, she nudges Bonnie’s shoulder. ?He’ll have you some copies made for your scrape book too? Okay?... And by the way? Let me run this past you? Just to stay on the safe side? I think we’ll make this a weekly event ? Maybe if you’re good all week? Before your discipline session? Maybe one of these guys here will fuck you if you want!... Or maybe we can use a nice dildo on you instead? I know that’s okay with you? Isn’t it!... Bonnie? I said isn’t it?... Damn girl? There’s all kind of possibilities now!... Isn’t there?... Shit? You just might learn to use every hole you’ve got there on all of us with enough practice!?
Staring straight ahead into the rain across the windshield, Christina on one side of her, the others looking in the open door on her other, obeying, slowly nodding her head, a tear streaks down her cheek. The door shutting, the car started, backed out of the drive into the rain pattering across the gaslight street, Bonnie watches numbly through the swiping wiper blades into the darkness, fighting back tears, suppressing the disgusting thoughts of her future.
End Part 1
Ok, here's a quick story and true at that. I was away on business one night and surfing for sex on Craigslist. The title of my post was "If I'm so strait then why do I want to get fucked like a girl?" It was a popular post and I got a bunch of replies, and a bunch of men wanted to fuck me. I'd just broken up with a girlfriend and I'd decided I'd finally give in to my urges and try the sissy thing for a few months.After many advances, I ended up going with someone a little older and little less...
Thursday, June 6th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – South Hill, WA Mary and I exited the Heavenly Creature's Salon, arm's wrapped around each other's waist. "Where's your car?" Mary asked, peering curiously around the parking lot. "I got rid of that P.O.S.," I told her, leading her to my new, silver Mustang. The original owner decided to be an asshole to me, so I swapped cars with him and sent his wife into an orgy to punish him. "Here's my new ride, Mare." Mary raised her eyebrows at...
Extremely horny Adira is begging Ramon to get to her house quickly for a surprise treat waiting for him. Just to get her juices flowing, Adira rubs her pussy getting her water works in order, spraying up the mirror. Taken by surprise, as soon as Ramon enters the house she gets him to his knees and burying his face into her hot wet pussy for his first pussy shower covering and soaking his entire outfit. With that Ramon face fucks her cock hungry mouth before slipping his hard cock inside her...
xmoviesforyouSearchExplore Experiences Ask Questions Find People Post 115 estephania55 Me Share on Facebook Share on Google+I So Wish I Would Have Been Born With a Female BodyI Envy Women and So Wish I Could Be A Beautiful, Soft, Submissive Girl I love to watch xxx adult films. Mainly, because I love to watch heavily hung male studs do the things they do to women. Most of the women in the adult films are beautiful and I wish I could be the girl. Watching a woman allowing a man to penetrate her and take...
Emily was fun, much more mature than her tender s*******n years and we had a good chat while we topped up our tans and smoked. She told me that she always got teased for her lack of boobs and had learnt how to suck cock to compensate and get boys to like her, she also confided that her Dad worked away and when he was home for weekends she didn’t see him much as he and Mum fucked like rabbits and she felt a bit neglected and had a far better relationship with her Mum as a result.By this time...
The next morning Mary woke up early and went for a shower. Her stitches were a bit red round the holes, and they were itching. Perhaps Dr Ruth would take some of them out later, she thought. Bob had promised to take her into town, but there was only really Beale’s that stocked what she was looking for. She wanted a really smart outfit for her lunch with Imogen, and she assumed that there would be some of the other women there. She needed to impress, and she hoped that she could be accepted as...
Throughout all the trials life has brought me I have maintained an interest in symbols. In my adolescence, my friend Oscar pointed out to me markings on a gravestone, and told me they were the marks of a Mason. He had been told by his father, who was himself quite highly regarded amongst the county’s Freemasons and a member of many years. When we reached the appropriate age of twenty-one he signed us both up. We took in the lectures and the lessons, and memorised the plays and the words we were...
BisexualHello friends, Hope all are doing well in health wealth and sex. I’m Jason from mumbai and yes this is my first story on ISS and hope to receive feedback on for the story I’m penning down. I have been following iss for a good 9 to 10 years, I have mostly read all the possible stories on the website. Telling you about me I ‘m 6ft 3in tall athletic body and a dick long and thick enough to please any women. Not wasting time this story is about me and my cousin sister and its a true story and my...
Incest“Good morning, The Rural Therapy Centre, Trisha speaking, how can I help you?” The lady taking the call was a mature, well-built person, the sort normally described as a BBW, or big beautiful woman. She was dressed in a knee-length black skirt and a crisp white blouse that struggled to contain her large, well-shaped breasts.“I'm not sure, maybe you can. I have a problem... no, I shouldn't have called, forget it, sorry to have bothered you!” The male voice sounded cultured and mature but...
MasturbationIt was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with lots of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet....
Not so long ago he'd still been just a boy, but now that he was fifteen he knew that Michael would have more difficult of a situation with discovering puberty. Michael himself was starting to ask questions about sex and girls as school sex education had raised so many more questions. Living in the countryside, neither could turn to the internet. Anyways—as the family celebrated, the two boys readied themselves up for their annual crotch measuring event. By the time night fell, the two boys...
As time passed, my cursed eyes became more accustomed to the darkness. Before long, I could just barely make out the shape of my tied up hands if I bought it close to my face. Other things around me began slowy to take on their own dim shapes, like timid little animals letting down their guard in the most gradual stages imaginable. As much as my eyes became use to it, though, the darkness never ceased to be darkness. Anything I tried to focus on would lose its shape and burrow its way...
“So, Chloe, here you are! Welcome to Acapulco!” Ned hugged his ex-wife, even as she planted a kiss on him ... and she wasn’t alone. “See who I brought with me?” Chloe pointed to Annette, Ned’s own sweet sister, who definitely had a thing for him. “Ned!” Annette ran into her brother’s arms, kissing him openly, not caring who saw them. “Sweet sis ... let me look at ya! Yep, you’re as ravishing as ever! Meet my new ... ladies. Jessenia and Marisol Ramos, meet my sister, Annette Samuels....
Having a stepsister means… well, many things… we’ll get there. But it definitely means pranks, and boy oh boy does Parker Ambrose have one in store for his cute stepsister Violet Gems. Parker plans to use an empty pizza box with a carefully situated hole in it so that he can distract Violet with a movie and get her to grab his dick! The ol’ cock in a box prank, ya know?? Anyway, Parker sets up his naive stepsister perfectly – she feels around for a slice but gets...
xmoviesforyouMy mind was wandering, as it does when idling in the sun, enjoying a rare day off. My thoughts bounced from topic to topic, mental pictures flitting across my closed eyelids, like vintage film flickering against the screen that were my eyelids. As so often occurs, an unbidden thought caused me to focus more attention upon it.Doreen. I hadn't given her a single thought for many months, if not years. I first met her when I was a youngster, and I spent many a load of cum imagining what I would...
HEY, IT?S A JOB HEY, IT?S A JOB. Part One: As I start writing this account I do so knowing that I shall never finish it.? However because of a very interesting and nasty situation that developed a month ago, I know that it will be completed and published, as that is part of the arrangement I made with the other person involved. Sound confusing?? Well it probably is so let me explain.? As you read my part of the article please do not feel sorry for me.? Quite the reverse, I want you to...
I began playing online games quite by accident. I was checking for messages on Facebook when a friend invited me to play a game. It began quite innocently. After more than twenty years spent married to the same guy I thought my sex life had pretty much been bludgeoned to death by life. Just coping with repressing the urges was becoming troublesome and finding an outlet, difficult. I began making short comments in the online chats of the MMORGs I played, in response to the flirting that others...
"Okay, wow.""That is vigorous."I looked at the nightstand trembling on the floor of our room. "Are they shaking our lamp?""Old buildings, thin walls," Kevin noted. "Quite a reveille for our first morning in this backwoods log cabin.""It's a lodge, Kevin. And it's located approximately ten yards from the exit off a major highway. I confirmed that fact when you three nature lovers conspired to make our couples' vacation an outdoorsy adventure.""What's the difference between a...
Straight SexI grimace as I feel the pressure increase on my back, and grip the armrests of my chair for support whilst my 'friends' all whoop and cheer. I force the corners of my lips to turn upwards into a smile, though that smile soon fades when the roar of the jet engine is drowned out by a loud squeak from my right hand side. "Oh! My! God!" Georgie squeaks, shredding my nerves more and more with every word she says. "This is so awesome!" "Yeah," I reply, using all of the acting skills I've...
HelloLush Stories readers. I am Kritagya, 27 years living in Kolkata. I am tall and slim have a fair complexion and look cute. If you like the event that I am going to narrate then please do send in your views to . The main character of my story is my Aunt. She is an awesome lady. I bet any one who looks at her can't ignore the erection in their pants. Her boobs size are 34B and her hips are 38. She is a bit plump on her waist and very short in height but when she wraps her selp in a saree...
IncestWell, now that the war was over, what was I going to do? Along with most of the active troops, I was mustered out before the end of July, 1865. With a little fast talk, I managed to keep my Spencer and my revolvers. There was no question about my bowie knife, I had that when I was conscripted. Like most everybody else, I went home to find that there were no jobs. The few jobs that there had been were snapped up by the guys who were mustered out first, so there was nothing left by the time I...
By : Sudesh I am Sudesh, age 25 years, unmarried from Bhopal. Mai ek private MNC company me job karta hu, Baat 2 year pahle ki hai jab meri company ne mera transfer jaipur kar diya, shuru me mai 15 din tak hotel me hi ruk kar apne liye koi room ki talash shuru ki, akhir ek room mila jis ghar ki malkin ek vidhwa aurat aur uske 3 bachhe, ek ladki 15 saal ki, ek ladka 12 saal ka aur phir sabse chhhoti ladki 10 saal ki rahate the. Maine vaha apna saaman room me shift kar liya. Makan Malkin ki umar...
When Helen was tired from fucking the two horny men, they all fell asleep in the motel room till early the next morning. Helen awoke early and slowly pulled back the covers on Gordon and exposed his cock. Her cunt-smell was still on his cock and she could taste his cum as she started to suck his fat but soft cock and as she sucked he began to get hard in her mouth.As he woke she motioned to him to be quiet as she sucked his fat cock so that they didn't wake her hubby beside them. She wanted to...
Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...
Michelle’s Awakening Ch 1Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more.Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the more...
Wife LoversMy neighbor, Mr. Joe, was talking to his wife. It was 8:00 on a Saturday night, and my dad and I were all hanging out by Mr. Joe’s pool. My stepmom was out of town with her parents, and Mr. Joe’s son was over at a friend’s house. The subject of Mr. Joe’s comment was none other than my dad, and the three of us roared with laughter as his wife arched her eyebrows at him. We had all had more than a few drinks that night and were feeling great. “How would you possibly know that?” she...
Hi iss readers I am back with my second telugu sex story nenu me andari kosam e story ni telugu loki ravadam jarigindi idhi na life lo jarigina real story of course ipatiki kuda jarugutundi Na name telusu kada karthik and I am from tirupathi any unsatisfied housewifes auntys girls from tirupathi chittor nellore and banglore unte nannu contact cheyandi nenu mimalni evaru satisfy cheyalenantaga satisfy chesta na modda 8 inches untundi mimalni anni rakaluga satisfy chestanu nannu contact cheyandi ...
Kit Kat - Part One Copyright 2002, Katherine Star It all started one afternoon while my wife and I were watching trashy daytime television. There was a show on where a multitude of beautiful women would strut across the stage and audience members would holler and shout above each other trying to outdo each other's guess as to whether or not the beautiful woman was actually a woman or not. "Ha!" She cried. "Called it again!" She smiled at across the living room. She was very...
Hi. This is Jessi. I’m 21 now. Its been 5 months since I changed into fully girl. Actually I was born as a boy named James. I had gender identity disorder. I feel like girls always. I watch porn with my frnds they say,”how it will be to fuck a pussy” but I will think ,”how it will be to get fucked by a cock in a pussy” I don’t like boys dress much. So I started to wear my mom’s bra secretly from my teen age itself. I feel very happy. I don’t like to have a single hair on my body. I kept it...
LesbianThe noise didn’t fit! Arriving home I entered our house and stopped to listen. The sound of the woman was familiar yet wrong. What I mean is, the orgasm sounds was that of my wife,but it was accompanied by sobs yet not distressing sobs. – ‘You fucking shit,your cums right up inside me you idiot!’ Now that was my wife in orgasm,but the sob bit was out of place! – Do I charge in and destroy the cock that was in her? – Who is in her? I am inclined to always ascertain what’s going on before –...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE LIBRARY: REWRITE, PART 2 by Bobbie Cabot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I used to be a boy scout. Yeah, yeah, you can shut up now. The only reason I mention this is because of the ghost stories that we told around the campfire. No, we didn't roast weenies or marshmallows, but we DID tell stories. Stories about ghosts in the dark - scary-fun. But there's no fun if you...
Charles: To form a more perfect Union 1) ________________ 2) Public face 3) Arguments 4) Bills 5) Cooking 6) Sniping 7) Workdays 8) Decor 9) Socializing 10) Kath stays solvent Kathleen: It will be OUR house. (1) Society (and church?) (3) All sorts of pleasure from sex (6) Learn to clean (4) Mrs. Johnson? (2) Time for ourselves (9) Allowing me freedom of judgement (10) Expanding the menu (7) Entertaining your family (8) Contribution to HB clinic (5) After dinner Sunday, Kathleen and...
Britt Blair and her friend Molly Little are enjoying popsicles when Molly asks if it makes Blair think of sucking on a dick. Soon enough the girls are using the popsicles to pantomime their BJ techniques. Just after Britt admits she’s been having a bit of a sexual drought, the popsicles begin to leak all over the place, including on their shirts. Britt confesses that she thinks her stepbrother, Nick Strokes, has a titty fetish and that she has a fantasy of having him suck her tits and cum...
xmoviesforyouJack London Square in Oakland is an interesting place. By day it is a shopping and gathering spot for people who work downtown. In the late afternoon and night it becomes totally different. My favorite place to stand and observe people is Doggy Diner. You can get just about anything at this Doggy Diner food, sex and drugs. As I was cleaning up from having eaten a late lunch, two young ladies approached. “Do you work at the Oakland Navy Hospital?” They asked. “Yes I do. Is there something you...
Last hot summer, on a June weekend, after doing some aerobics workout at a Fitness Club, and then shopping at the nearby stores, I saw a tented area in the large parking lot of the shopping center. There was a large banner: "Free Car Care Clinic for Ladies" for minor services, questions and answers. From 9am to 3pm. The ASE certified car mechanic, a gorgeous buxom lactating Carla Lennox, was showcasing her auto mechanic skills and services. On a hot weekend, under tented area, at a nearby...
My Annual Dr'S Visit 2014i guess I'll describe this years visit and if you like reading them I'll continue to describe my annual Dr. Visits. I've been seeing the same Dr. and his Nurse for about 4 years now. The first one was mostly normal however the last two previous ones have been kind of embarrassing for me and I wondered how this year's would be. I made my appointment and and as usual the nurse came to the waiting room and got me and took me back to the exam room. She had me go into the...
After Jennifers' and my gang **** at the Nude Beach, she turned into a cum slut. She couldn't get enough cum despite my best efforts and I wanted to have some of my cum to cause i was almost as bad.She was also whipped quite severely that day and now wanted to be whipped daily. I picked her up at her house one day at 10AM for a sex/BDSM filled day and her sister was there with her. She was going to come with us and join in. I had no problem with it and found out that she(Lynn) had been gang...
I never considered myself to be a lesbian and I don’t think I would now… I . Just as much as I love pussy, so I’ll settle for bi. Tory had a perfect body to me. She was taller than me at about 5’8” to my 5’1” frame with curves in all the right places. She didn’t have big breasts but it was the perkiness of her a-cup tits that always attracted me to them. Her ass was lovely; when she walked it gave a little jiggle to make its presence know. Her face was heavenly with slit eyes and the sexiest...
LesbianNote : This story is completely fictional! I called my grandfather in August, the last opportunity I would have before school started. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. He was turning sixty one the following Sunday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His answer was short and what I would expect. "You," he said instantly. "Can you come down to celebrate an old man's birthday? I won't be having many more you know." I was instantly concerned. "Are you sick, grampa?" "No, nothing...
IncestPart 9Having barely gotten hidden in the kitchen and witnessed Mrs.Bishop's hasty retreat out the back door Bobby wasn't sure what todo. Then he heard his mother's footsteps at the top of the stairsas she entered the hallway. Luckily for him she headed to the livingroom. When he was sure she wasn't moving around, he very cautiouslywent to the back door and then opened and closed it loudly as ifhe had just come home. Then he turned on the kitchen lights andwent...
He was there. In the front row. The room was packed; the crowd was buzzing, staring at me, murmuring my name. Soon enough, it would turn into chanting, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything but Him. Gun to my head, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you that this was a dream. The corners had been painted in, the details were complete. Everything was crisp - I could smell the smoke, I could taste my sweat, I could hear the music beginning to swell. All that mattered was Him. He...
The limousine was at the curb as promised and a woman who looked like she had just stepped out of a streetfighter video game was standing at the rear door. She was every bit as tall as I was at three and a half inches over six feet. In fact, she might actually have that last half inch I had been disappointed about. Her shoulders were almost as wide as mine were and her arms were every bit as muscular. She was dressed in a short-sleeved white blouse with epaulettes that made it look like part...
I wasn't sure what to expect, but I nearly felt like I won the jackpot as we were all dressed and put the seats back. When we were out of the car, they each took one of my hands and escorted me into their small house. I was more than gitty, and in less than a minute, we were in their bedroom."You're messy ladies; you have clothes everywhere," I observed, looking all over."And it's about to get worse," Patty added, taking off her clothes. "You see, this isn't gonna last long," she reminded us,...
LesbianThe deep web is a chaotic place where anything goes. Illegal programs and destructive code are all over the place, trapping those unwary enough to understand what dangers await. The deep web is so vast and dangerous, that no one knows what powers or programs might sit in the darkest corners. Some CIA agents report glances of what might be sentient AI with access to secret quantum computers in Israel and China, capable of affecting the world above in unimaginable ways. Sometimes, especially...
Mind ControlThese stories, the porn ones, are all a bit far fetched. Even the ones that purport to be ‘confessions.’ So once again suspend reality and hopefully enjoy.Lunch time at my desk, trousers round my ankles and she was kneeling between my legs, her mouth around my stiff dick her head bobbing up and down. It was exquisite. She was very experienced and had total mastery of me. I was paralysed with pleasure, this wasn’t the first time she had indulged me thus.I hadn’t taken her on but I am still her...
I can’t believe it. This all has to be a dream. That cunt, she used me. Why did I not see it from the beginning? Here I sat and thought we had become such wonderful friends. But boy, did she ever pull the cloth over my eyes. All I can do is sigh again as I think of how easily she fooled me. As I sit here, my thoughts start to wander. That's it, I want my revenge on her so bad. And I think I know exactly what I want to do to that little bitch. Okay, so I figure I better start from the beginning....
NovelsOut of AfrikaA fantasy created by International writersCurt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 13The Church of The Black Staff sat on the edge of Hawksville. It had once served as a Baptist Church but with a continuing drop in attendance the church had fallen on hard times. When the elders were approached by Pastor Erasmus they eagerly accepted his most generous offer to sell the property.“It is the will of God,” the elders said as they mentally divided the profit.What the Pastor didn’t...
Last summer I set up my sister who is just a year older than me, to catch me jacking off and shooting a load. I’m not sure why I did it other than we have always spied on each other ever since we were k**s. Her room is just across from mine upstairs in our house, so we are pretty close to each other. I guess I wanted to show her just how big my cock has grown and how I can shoot some pretty huge loads of cum. She is always bringing home some really hot girls and I hope she told a few of...
Part 1: Heaven’s door opened I am chetan. When I joined engineering in a nearby town, my father anil kumar insisted me to stay in the hostel. But my mother lakshmi took exception for that and suggested me to travel daily from our village. She was concerned about my health due to substandard food served in the hostel. My father told- “lakshmi, don’t treat him like a baby. Allow him to grow”. My father’s words decided the matter. But that made my mother take more care about me. Her immense love...
IncestDeep Space, Today: For something that was nicknamed by its pilot as ‘The School Bus’, it certainly had style: a civilian vessel temporarily leased by Starfleet, it was designed for short-term tourism, with a large central area dominated by a series of tables and chairs and overlooked by large observation windows, now currently filled with streaked starscape as the engines dilated normal space into a warped version of itself. The third-year cadets it currently carried sat around, availing...
When Donna was a teen, aged around 18-19 we loved going down the local bar. I had a flat in the middle of town so it was really handy for getting wrecked in the local 50 yards up the street and getting home. We both loved playing pool and she would flirt like crazy with all the guys. By the end of the night we were both a little worse for wear and she was always real horny so back at my flat we'd fuck like rabbits till we drifted off to sleep. If the weather was good we'd sometimes go down the...
HiThis is a true story and my first post so please be gentle.My girlfriend, Sarah, and I had been seeing each other for about 2 years and our sex life was still very good but had slowed down to that comfortable level.To spice things up we started telling each other fantasies that we had, mine was to see her with another woman and she said she wanted to see me fuck another girl as well. We talked about how we'd take turns fucking this imaginary woman and Sarah said she'd love to eat my hot cum...
July 21, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written July 22] Today’s practice was unremarkable, except that Coach sent us home about a half-hour early. Heather, Rhee, and I went home to our respective houses. The families are getting together this evening, so I’ll see Rhee later. Meanwhile, there are chores to do and lunch to eat. I also have to do some prep for dinner, including making up hamburger patties and putting together the potato salad. Once Dad gets home with the fresh corn, sometime after...
It is rather a sophisticated club and we meet about once each month for an evening of wining, fine dining and societal exchanges. The men all wear tuxedos and the women all wear fine evening gowns with no exceptions to the dress code. I suppose one meeting is pretty much like the last and so I will relate what was a fairly typical evening at the club when we dined there earlier this month. Daddy’s driver collected us both from our apartments and we drove to the venue seated either side of...
"I'd cut a lotta deals, but none spiffier than this. I spared Kronika and she gave up the Hourglass. The Power to shape time and history to my liking? Oh ho ho, fuck yeah." Kano sat in what he liked to call his "Throne Room." Despite the name, it wasn't some fancy hall in a big castle, though he did have an amazingly comfy chair for him to sit on. Kano's Throne Room was a pocket dimension that existed outside of time and space. It acted as his private sanctuary and his hub to hop between the...
My xHamster friend, Bill, and I finally decided to meet. No expectations, just a drink and conversation. We had been online friends for some time and shared similar sexual interests, values and fantasies. So, we agreed on a place to meet that was half way between where we lived. We arrived at about the same time, instantly recognizing each other. It was nice to finally meet. We sat at a table in a bar that was biker-like, so we didn’t want to project the image that we were gay, or anything like...
This story is fictional; any resemblance to real life events is coincidence. I woke up feeling great. I could hardly wait to see what the day was going to hold for me. I stripped off my cloths put on my robe and headed for the bathroom. On the way there I noticed Ryan's door was still shut. That seemed odd, normally he would leave his door open. I presumed it was so he could hear me head for the shower so he could peek in on me. Ah well guess the day before must have worn him out....
Prolog Dies hier ist mein Erstversuch auf chyoo. Ich hatte diese Geschichte vor Jahren bereits in einigen für diese Thematik einschlägigen Boards angefangen zu posten. Irgendwann habe ich aber den Faden verloren. Insofern ist die von mir geschriebene Geschichte zwar mittlerweile recht lang aber eben auch sehr unfertig. Ich beabsichtige hier Stück für Stück die fertigen Teile reinzustellen, hoffe aber vor allem, dass es für Esther ganz andere Wendungen gibt, als die bisher von mir erdachten.