BethChapter 29.1 free porn video

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July 21, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written July 22]

Today’s practice was unremarkable, except that Coach sent us home about a half-hour early. Heather, Rhee, and I went home to our respective houses. The families are getting together this evening, so I’ll see Rhee later. Meanwhile, there are chores to do and lunch to eat. I also have to do some prep for dinner, including making up hamburger patties and putting together the potato salad. Once Dad gets home with the fresh corn, sometime after 3:00, he and I will shuck the corn and wrap the ears in foil. There are also a few bratwurst (but they don’t need prep). The Devlins are due around 4:00, though Mom won’t be home until 5:00 or so.

I wonder if Carol and Rhee will stay here tonight. That’d be nice, certainly for me, but I’ve begun suspecting that it would be nice for Dad and Mom, too. Where did they stay last Friday and Saturday nights? I could demand that Supplicant tell me, and I might resort to that, or ... Hmm, I’ll have to think about that option. However, the important bit of this digression is that if Rhee stays here tonight, the soonest that I’ll be able to update you will be tomorrow night. We’ll see.

[Added July 22]

Dad got home at 3:20. He and I, wearing only our aprons, prepped the corn for the grill and got everything else ready to go. When Mom called to let us know she was heading for home, we fired up the grill. Of course, unlike the Devlins’, our yard is partly open to the neighbors’ view, so we cannot do the naked thing out there. Bummer.

My phone sang out its incoming-text jingle. I looked at the phone to confirm my suspicion that Carol and Rhee are here, then headed to the front door. Still wearing only my apron, I opened the door. They were just getting out of the car in the drive. I saw that Rhee is wearing the university T that I bought her a couple days ago. And a skirt. A short skirt. A very short skirt. She obviously isn’t wearing a bra and I’d bet a large sum of money that she’s not wearing undies, either. My libido, which certainly hadn’t been asleep, considering that I’d been hanging with my nearly-naked Dad, roared to a higher state of awareness.

Then I noticed Carol. She, also, was wearing a crop top, though it didn’t reveal quite as much abdomen as Rhee’s; understandable, considering her larger breasts. She, too, was wearing a very short skirt. Oh, I think that Dad’s gonna like this. Yeah, he likes smaller breasts, but he certainly finds both Devlin women attractive. And sexy.

They each had a gym bag over a shoulder and Rhee was carrying a smallish box; I’d guess there is wine in it. As Rhee came across on the short walk from the drive, I was further stunned by the shortness of her skirt. I couldn’t see anything that “shouldn’t” be seen in such a situation, but it seemed a close-run thing.

“What, you couldn’t find a shorter skirt,” I asked facetiously as she approached.

“Hah! I considered trimming it, but there’s already quite the breeze on my ‘nether parts.’”

I held my hands out for the box and she handed it to me. As Carol entered, I closed the door behind her, and said, “I love the outfit Carol, but I bet you wouldn’t wear that to Safeway.”

Carol chuckled and said, “No, I wouldn’t. However, we decided to wear something that would at least barely work for keeping us modest in your back yard, but that would suggest the nudity that we prefer. At least, I assume that you three aren’t doing the nudey thing in the yard.”

“No. I’ve got clothes waiting on my bed. Hey, did you guys plan to wear clothes all the time today or just until we come in from the yard this evening?”

“We figured the latter, rather than putting on or taking clothes off every time we turned around.”

“Cool. I’ll join you in that. May I take your bag upstairs, or do you want to keep it down here?”

“May I tuck it into the closet here?”

“Sure. Go ahead.” She did so, then said, “I’ll take that box off your hands, if you’re going upstairs to dress.”

“Okay,” I answered, as I handed her the box. I then turned to Rhee. “Do you want to put your bag upstairs?”

She nodded, so we began climbing steps, leaving Carol to head to the kitchen with the box. As our bedroom door closed behind us, Rhee dumped her gym bag along the wall next to my soccer bag.

“Okay, Beth, now you need to check out my skirt.”

I slowly dropped to my knees, then started leaning over to see how much skirt extended below her crotch. It was very little.

“Oh, man. you couldn’t do anything more strenuous than walking slowly on level ground in that thing!”

“Yeah. It’s got me going, knowing how short it is and feeling every wayward breeze on my pussy.”

I stood up and that shoulder imp whispered in my ear. I quickly reached under the skirt with my right hand and under her shirt with my left, grabbing her right breast and her crotch.

“Hey, hey! Hands off the goodies!”

“I can’t help it. As soon as I saw you get out of the car, you and that skirt raised my blood pressure. I missed you last night and this morning. And this afternoon. God, I want you. You are so sexy, and you rock that outfit!”

For that, I got wrapped in a Rhee hug and then got lips on mine. We kissed, without tongues, for nearly a minute.

“I missed you, too, baby. Practice wasn’t nearly long enough nor private enough.” After a short pause, her face suddenly lit up more. “I nearly forgot. I think that Mom brought this weird die that was at the house. It has more than six sides. I’m not positive that she did, but it was sitting with a pad of post-it notes yesterday, so...”

“Oh, wow. Is she going to propose another game?”

“If she brought the die and notes, I think she is. A die with more sides suggests that she’s come up with a new wrinkle on the game. If so, I wonder what it is. Every time that I think about that die, I get gushy.”

“Yeah. Maybe more sex in front of us, tonight. That would be great! You’ve seen how more accepting Dad’s been of us seeing Mom sexing him up since we had that talk in the car and since the first T or D game. Wow. WOW! If Carol can get the game started, I think that we’ll really see some stuff!”

“Yeah. Oh, I hope so, I hope so, I hope so.”

“That reminds me. Did you ever find out where the three of them stayed last weekend? Did they stay at your house?”

“They did, at least on Saturday night. My bed was a little mussed, but only a little. I’ve been wondering about that. Do you think my mom’s been having herself a good ol’ time with either or both of your parents?”

“I’ve been wondering that very thing.”

With a somewhat-anxious face, Rhee asked, “How would you feel about that?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, remember that morning that your mom cried about that jerk at work? I started wondering then if my mom would be willing to share Dad with your mom, as your mom certainly seemed to need some loving.”

Rhee brightened. “I’m glad that it wouldn’t bug you. She did need some loving. And she’s seemed a lot happier of late, so while I have no certain data, I have strong suspicions in that direction. Are you sure that you’d be okay with that?”

“As long as my mom was, I would be. I love Carol like a ... well, a mom, and I’d like to see her happy. She deserves it. And, from what we’ve seen, Dad seems to be quite the lover. Oh, god. I feel like I’m dripping.”

Rhee wrapped me up again and said in my ear, “I want you. So much. Now. I know we can’t but know that I love you and really want to make love with you tonight. We both brought clothes for tomorrow and I’ll bet if we do play the game that we’ll be staying here tonight. Oh. You’re going to wear that tonight?”

She was looking over my shoulder at the bed, so I assumed that she was talking about the clothes I had laid out for this evening.

“Yup. Do you like it?”

“Oh, you’ll get me even hotter wearing those.”

“That’s only fair, considering how you got my motor going with what you’re wearing.”

“May I dress you?”

I pulled my torso back a bit to look at her face; it was lit. I smiled, “As you wish.”

Rhee nodded emphatically, so I stepped back, out of her arms. “Have at it. You can undress me and then dress me.”

Rhee proceeded to take the apron off me, fairly slowly. She threw in a two-handed grope of my ass, free of charge. I had expected her to clothe me in the opposite order, so I was a little surprised when she presented the tube top to my feet. I figured out what she wanted, so stepped into it, and she raised it up my body to my waist. I raised my arms and she pulled it up and over my small breasts.

“Oh, god. I love that on you. It’s so short and does for your breasts what that top you got for Heather does for hers. Oh, god, you’re delectable.”

“Thank you. You make me feel so sexy.”

“That may be, but you shouldn’t need me to feel sexy. You ARE sexy. So sexy. So pretty.”

“Okay, okay. You’ve all told me that, and then Dad said the same thing the other night. I’m trying to accept that, but it’s working against my own long-held image of myself, so I won’t manage to fully accept that anytime soon.”

Rhee then leaned in and kissed me softly. She picked up the shorts, yes, “those’ shorts, and held them at my feet for me to step into them. After I did, she slowly pulled them up my legs, though I had to do a little wiggle to get them up all the way. She then buttoned the button and zipped the fly.

“Wow, that was fun. I’ve enjoyed stripping you, Beth, but I think that it was even sexier to dress you, particularly to dress you in these clothes. Wow! I am jonesing for your bod.”

She then plastered her mouth to mine, her tongue spearing in after mine. Her right hand began feeling up my left breast. Oh, that felt good. So good.

Rhee ended the kiss and pulled back. “We should probably get downstairs. We wouldn’t want our parents to think we’re having sex up here, would we?”

I cocked my head, looking at her. “Well, their finding out about us, even if they don’t already suspect, would be very far from the worst thing that could happen. I’ve been thinking that they wouldn’t be surprised or disturbed. Now, I’m not interested in just telling them, but, as with our friends, I’m not willing to lie about it, either. I think that Heather would be the harder sell. And, I shouldn’t get myself started on Heather. We cannot afford the time to, again, hash out our non-understanding of her and us. Let’s just go.”

With Rhee’s nod, I turned, and we headed out the door and downstairs.

When we returned to the kitchen, we were greeted by a staring, open-mouthed Dad, who, after a few seconds, shook his head sharply, as if to clear the cobwebs.

“Both of those outfits would be illegal in parts of the world. Remember what I said about your outfits two nights ago? These are ... worse? Sexier? Even-more-revealing? All of the above? Since it’s apparently a clothing evening, I’ll go get ... dressed.”

I looked at Rhee, who gave me a raised-eyebrow rapid nodding, telling me that she, too, noticed Dad’s cock growing from a bit erect to more than that.

“Beth, those ... shorts would make almost any top work, but you really rock that combo. Your tube top is giving you Heather’s crop-top look of covered-but-virtually-exposed breasts. You’re very lovely.”

I dropped my head in embarrassment, but then channeled Heather, and forced my head up and my eyes to look at Carol’s. “Thank you, Carol. And speaking of clothes, wouldn’t your outfit have been even sexier if you’d worn a button-down shirt with the tails tied below your ... bust? You know, like in all those hillbilly caricatures?”

Carol’s eyebrows crawled up her forehead. “Wow, I should have thought of that. Although, that look works better with old jean cutoffs, like yours. Hmm. I’ll be back.”

Carol turned and headed to Dad and Mom’s room, knocking on the door. “Are you decent? May I come in?”

I didn’t hear Dad’s response, but Carol must have, as she opened the door and walked in. I looked at Rhee, who was already looking at me.

“Umm, wow,” she said.

“Do you think that she’s going to borrow one of Dad’s shirts?”

“Uhhh, maybe. If so, the bigger question is will she change her top in there with Dad still in the room? I know that they’ve spent quite some time naked in the same room together, but her changing with him there seems more ... I don’t know ... familiar? Personal? Perhaps they are, as we talked about in our room.”

Rhee and I had chatted for another minute or two when Dad walked into the kitchen, wearing an untucked and unbuttoned button-down shirt, revealing a stripe of chest and belly down the center of his body. The shirt tails were hanging over his ... shorts? No, maybe tight, short-legged boxers. His penis was somewhat obvious. Carol followed him less than 30 seconds later.

“Rhee, honey, will you help me with this?”

Carol was ... wearing (for lack of a better term) one of Dad’s button-downs, all right. A rather thin one that was somewhat translucent. Her arms were in the sleeves, but none of the buttons were buttoned. She had the tails of the shirt in her hands and only portions of her breasts were covered; one nipple was peeking, and that nipple was not quiescent.

“I need the tails tied, but in such a way that I don’t spill out of the shirt too readily. The appropriate button needs to be buttoned, too.”

Carol and Rhee worked on it for a couple minutes. At one point, both breasts were bared and Rhee apologized for losing hold of the tails, but they eventually got her put together.

At that moment, the garage door began opening and about a minute later, Mom walked into the kitchen, then came to an abrupt halt. You know that phrase, “her eyes bugged out?” That describes Mom’s reaction to a T.

“Oh,” she said after she recovered, “we’re ... uhh ... dressing today? Is that the correct verb?”

Carol grinned. “Yeah, you know, since we’re cooking out and this isn’t the Devlin house and yard. However, I do understand your query about the appropriate verb. I think that the rule is no more than two clothing items per person. At least I know that Rhee and I are wearing only two, it certainly looks like the man of our family is wearing only two. I assume that Beth’s wearing only two, but I don’t know that. Beth?”

I turned pink but nodded.

“So,” Carol continued, “I don’t know if the rules permit wearing only one item, but I assume that all of the naughty bits need to be covered. Though, like Heather before her, Beth’s breasts couldn’t look sexier if they were bare.”

Mom chuckled; I got pinker.

“Yes, that tube top does make one want to rub those breasts, doesn’t it?”


“Oh, pooh, Beth. Remember the discussion earlier this week. You’re a lovely young woman, a lovely, sexy young woman. Perhaps you will learn from this that even a lovely, naked body is often less sexy than an alluringly clothed lovely body. With that top and those shorts, you exude sexiness. Hell, you exude sex.”

I felt my face burning and ducked my head. “Mo-omm.”

Rhee gripped my shoulder and used it to pull me into her. “Poor, baby. Poor, sexy baby.”

Carol decided to throw her iron on the fire. “And, Beth, sexiness can be a hit-’em-over-the-head outfit, like the one you’re wearing, or like what Rhee and I are wearing. It can also be elegant and, at first glance, demure, but upon closer scrutiny prove to be provocative.”

“Carol’s right, Beth,” Mom piled on. “With your willowy shape, you could really do a number on a provocatively elegant ... Oh, I know what I’ll wear. I’ll be back.”

Dad walked over to me, looked a speaking glance at Rhee, who released me, then put his arms around me and pulled me into him and just held me for a bit.

“Beth, your mom and Carol are right. You’re lovely and your outfit is screaming ‘sex.’ Remember what I said the other night. If you’re going to wear a sexy outfit, you have to expect to be ... appreciated. This outfit, however, is not just sexy. As your mom said, it is sex made tangible. I know that you wouldn’t do so, but if you wore clothes like this on a date, your date would certainly infer that sex was in his immediate future. Perhaps wrongly, but that would be his inference.

“I know that my nudist daughter ... uh, my nudist actual daughter, wanted to wear as little clothing as propriety would allow for the back-yard cookout. Might you also have wanted to be sexy? Wanted? You’re allowed that desire; it is found in virtually all people. Don’t be embarrassed that you have it. By the same token, don’t be embarrassed when others tell you that you have achieved that desire. Allow yourself to feel good about it.”

I looked up at him, then reached up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll try.”

As I turned around, Mom returned. My chin dropped. She was wearing two items of clothing. The first was a long, button-down shirt, of which three buttons were buttoned. The shirt was of a medium green but somewhat see-through. I think, however, that it would look opaque from longer distance and her breasts would not seem to be showing. The tails of the shirt hung to mid-thigh and entirely covered the skimpy, dark green bikini panty she was wearing, but which was quite noticeable at close range.

Same as Beth
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It was a boring Thursday night, so I clicked on my Twitter app. So much crap that people thought I might want to read, but they were very wrong. Then I saw that my friend Jeff had favorited a tweet from one of his friends, a very attractive friend, named Tonja. The tweet was snarky, yet funny, and she had my attention. I figured it would be a good idea to check out her profile and that was an excellent decision. Although she didn’t smile in a single picture, it was clear that there was quite...

3 years ago
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The Diaries of Chloe Wilson

After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.

First Time
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Steamy Service To The Reader Of Delhi

Hi this is Vikram back again with a new memorable adventure. I really owe you guys,  a lot more thanks for your valuable suggestions and feedbacks. Please do comment and send me your feedbacks at and and boys please stay away asking for girls details and I will never tell you as this is a matter of privacy and secrecy.   Coming to story, I got a mail from the reader named vanitha and appreciated my story and we started chatting on hangouts and came to know that she I also from delhi and her...

1 year ago
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Gayathri Love And Virginity

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaahh!!” Gayathri screamed as Sammy came inside her. She felt her inside filled with his warm semen. She looked sideways as Sammy collapsed on top of her. He was still inside her and was licking her neck. She could see her bra, panty and clothes scattered everywhere. That morning when she woke her up she was a shy, conservative virgin, but now, she lay there naked, little blood trickling down her thighs, moaning with pain and pleasure as she had sex for the first...

1 year ago
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Allure Ch 02

‘Allure’ chronicles a true story. No names are used to avoid any possibility of identifying the participants and causing hurt where no hurt has been intended. The story unfolds simply, but the complexity builds beyond the moments enjoyed. What the future brings come as uncertain as each moment the man and the woman enjoyed. A slice of life cannot be altered, cannot be reduced to body parts, for the parts become merely a means to an end–if an end can ever occur. A Journey Properly Begun He...

1 year ago
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MILF on her own

I was working in a large office as the general manager so had overall responsibility for the staff, the married woman who looked after reception and telephones was a cracker to look at but I rarely talked to her until this afternoon a few weeks ago. She put some papers on desk for me and said my wife had called to say she had arrived in New York I thanked her and she left. On the Saturday morning I had to visit an older relative who was in a home and on my way home stopped for lunch at a local...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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A Brothers Confession Part 9

KieraI had never realized how Bobby made me feel until the moment he kissed me for the first time. He was so gentle, yet aggressive and desperate to get his point across to me - that he loves me. I was so distracted by him and his embrace that I didn't hear my brother enter the house until I heard him shout, "What the fuck?!" With that, I saw his face, fuming with anger, and I was glad that he was angry. I wanted him to endure pain like I had to. Upon Caleb's entry, naturally, we stopped...

3 years ago
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Briefs Buddy Part 1

As Dave woke from a deep sleep and stretched out in bed he fell to wondering about the events of the last two days. He was wearing a favourite pair of white M&S slip briefs. Nothing unusual about that - he always wore briefs in bed and possessed no other night wear. His briefs were soft from lots of use and felt good and tight around his arse, his cock and his balls. Nothing unusual about that either - he had a big collection of well broken-in briefs chosen just because he loved the feel of...

2 years ago
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Sad Pervrsquos 1st Times

I’ve been a wanker such a long time, it’s difficult to remember all my experiences. But the 1st Time Round always sticks in your mind, like the 1st Time I saw girls bare in magazines, the 1st Time I saw a girl pose for real, the 1st Time I spontaneously spunked in my underpants. These are some of my 1st Time Round experiences, to the best of my memory. Go-go girlsJust thinking about skimpy-dressed girls dancing go-go sends shivers down my spine. I first saw this on Ready Steady Go! A pop...

1 year ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 26

I then had a thought. "Is it set up for communications or emergency work?" Matt smirked. "No, it's a fancy sedan. It was purchased for communications and emergency use but can't be used for either. It's too softly suspended and isn't real good for a satellite phone much less radios." I was neither surprised nor impressed. "Get rid of it with as little loss as possible." "What about the driver?" I started to say, "You have to be kidding!" Instead, I said, "If there is a...

3 years ago
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Happy birthday

“Seems like another warm day”, I thought and opened my eyes. Maybe I would go to the beach. Nothing to do anyway. No places to be, no people to see. Ignoring my aching body I got up, checked my few belongings. Not that I wouldn't have woken up, if anyone had tried anything but it was something to do. With only enough loose change in my pocket for a coffee I walked towards the beach. Even though it was early morning it was already warm. Wiping the sweat from my brow I stopped, took off the...

1 year ago
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A Better WorldEpilogue

The Moslem countries had the biggest social change. The women really took charge there. Monogamy became the rule in marriages. Multiple wives was a farce of Mohammed. The love of one man and one woman is difficult to share. Gay and lesbian couples appeared in public. Rigid sex laws were abolished. The Arab/Israeli conflict disappeared and Gaza, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria became the garden of the Middle East. Towns like Tire, Beirut, and Haifa were quickly becoming beautiful resort...

4 years ago
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Packing Clarissas GenesChapter 6

Bob was sitting there, when they came slowly into the kitchen looking like frightened mice venturing into the cat's lair. Bob had switched from tea to whiskey, and didn't feel at all bad about it. He'd been trying to think of how to deal with the situation. It was completely unexpected. He was pretty sure yelling wouldn't do any good. He had laughed long and often at the people who thought teens could be convinced to practice abstinence, so just telling them to stop wasn't going to cut...

1 year ago
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My first male to male massage

Jason didn't need any more convincing. He picked up the pace and slammed his cock deep and hard in me, I was getting light headed. He fucked me for what it felt like hours but it was only about twenty minutes. I knew he was getting close to cum, he got thicker and I felt him begin to jerk inside of me and then, he asked me if I wanted him to cum inside of me. This happened about fifteen years ago, I talked my wife into having a threesome with a friend of mine. My wife had never had sex in a...

1 year ago
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Georgia Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 03 I woke to the sound of Daddy shouting my name. I was still on my back and I discovered that my right hand was cupping my pussy. I wondered if I’d been playing with myself in my sleep. What I did know was that my pussy was wet. When I opened my eyes daddy was above me looking down at the naked me. “Come on...

1 year ago
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New Cleaning Lady Part 3

Having had sex with Harry's nineteen year old nephew a few weeks ago and then told that he and his uncle would like a threesome with me was more than I could ever have imagined happening to me. Both of these guys were really well endowed making it even hotter. And to think that they were turned on by a black woman in her fifties was even more amazing. Since I was just filling in for Harry's regular cleaning lady I sure didn't expect to get all the sex I wanted out of this.Even though I was...

2 years ago
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Jays new bitch

My name is Niall and I’m 23, if you’d asked me 3 or 4 years ago if I was straight I would have said yes but then a few years ago I met a guy named Jay, now straight isn’t even close. Jay was 5 years younger than me when I met him (I was 20), the brother of my then girlfriend (just to make things more complicated). I’ve always been fairly in shape and slim but Jay was nearly 6 foot (I’m 5’7) and very fit; exactly what most women look for in a guy.I quickly learnt a lot about Jay, I found out...

4 years ago
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My Stepdaughter and I p5

The next morning when I woke up, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom and just as I finished peeing and fixing to turn the shower on, Joanne came in and sat down on the toilet to pee, "I went ahead stripped the bed and got the coffee started Sammy love.""You must have got up as I was leaving the bedroom, to have all of that done all ready.""Yes I did and didn't think, I was going to be able to hold off my peeing till you got done, as bad as it got before I got the water in the coffee...

2 years ago
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Helping Out The Sitters

I had swung shut the door for the cab, waving again to the pleasant older man who had given us a lift home from our friend's house party.  It had been the first time out in a bit for us and my husband Mark had certainly taken advantage of the night. The cabbie had been great about it, helping me settle him in the back and letting me sit upfront.  I’m sure he wasn’t overly upset with having a chatty and obviously buzzing auburn-haired woman sitting beside him.  Since it had been a relaxed little...

4 years ago
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Animalistic Desire

From high in her stone tower, the long haired beauty hummed a peaceful tune. Her long golden locks billowed from the window in the breeze as the maiden carefully worked the knots out of the soft strands that made up her hair. Her eyes were slightly dazed as she gazed out the window, it was the gaze of a dreamer. The gaze of an innocent girl very much in love. He had visited her once before, and she had promised to wait for his return. With a sigh she spun gracefully from her spot by the window,...

3 years ago
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How I became a boob man

Have you ever sucked a woman’s boob? I mean take it in your mouth and suck on it so tightly that you cause her to wince and yelp in sweet pain. Is it not arousing to hold a woman tightly from around her waist like she is your captive and then devour her bare tits like those nipples were attached for your sadistic pleasure? To cause her to melt in your arms while you subject her tits to your assaulting mouth, showing the bitch no mercy. If her tits are nice enough to get you that wild, that...

2 years ago
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Bahubali8217s Fantasies 8211 Part 1

Hii.. Indian sex stories readers.. My name is Bahubali and this story is about my fantasies to fuck lot of girls. To be very frank, I am a great fan of lot of authors here and Indian sex stories as well. These stories and the platform Indian sex stories inspired me to share my own real experience also. Thank you very much. Now without wasting my time I would like you to introduce myself. I am from Bangalore working at an MNC, Age – 24, Body – Average. I had very few friends at my company. Once...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Emma Bugg Teen Pregnancy Pussy

Turning 18 is a big milestone in anyone’s life and apparently Emma celebrated the moment by getting knocked up. When she sees the dreaded 2 lines on the pregnancy test, she knows she has to think fast. But when her stepfather Peter finds the positive test in her room, things spiral out of control. Emma sees the writing on the wall and corners her stepdad Peter. She promises she will do ANYTHING as long as Peter doesn’t tell her mom. Emma strokes her stepfather’s massive knob....

3 years ago
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MoverChapter 5

While Uncle Andy took a shower, Paul put coffee on, then went to the bedroom where he found the girls sitting up in bed wearing their night clothes. He closed the door and took a seat next to Nikki. "Uh, something's come up with my uncle," he said looking from one to the other. "So, you need to get dressed and go back to your apartment." The disappointment in Nikki's eyes was apparent. "Why do we have to leave? Can't we just stay till it's time for you to go to work? We don't need...

2 years ago
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Michelle The Story of Serial Masturbator

Hi My Name is Michelle and I have a serious problem my pussy always demands I finger it. It all started when I was 20 years old I finally moved out of the family home to go to college my parents had ordered myself and my brothers and sisters I am one of 8 c***dren that masturbation is a sin and you'll go to hell if you do that. So I never did anything like sex or masturbation until I become obsessed with the idea after I a woke one night and my room mate Lucy was fully naked she had such perky...

3 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter I The Looking Glass

Alice plucked a daisy and idly plucked the petals, one by one with a sigh. She’d grown bored of sitting on the bank, her bare feet dangling in the cool waters of the brook, while her sister read.‘It’s not even an interesting book’, she thought to herself, having glanced once or twice over her shoulder. ‘Full of romantic notions and flowery verse. Much too polite for my tastes’. While the title had promised randy pirates, she was quite convinced that there was very little adventure, let alone...

1 year ago
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My Uncle Me

My parents had to leave out of the country on a business trip.  Both my parents worked together at that time.  It was May and I was still in school.  My parents didn't want to pull my out of school being that it was near the end.  My father called his sister, Sylvia, to see if they could come and stay at our house until school finished and then they would send for me.  My father had to pay her so she could stay at our house.  My aunt and uncle arrived on Sunday afternoon because my parents...

2 years ago
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Bar anal pick up

My first time was surely my best. It was late Friday night, my girlfriend was in Greece with her parents and I really needed a fuck. I went to the local bar, that is where I used to meet girls before I met my girlfriend. I saw an average looking girl at the bar. She was pretty average but she had a huge and beautiful ass. I bought her a drink we talked for a bit and then I decided to risk it and just invited her back at my place. To my surprise she said yes.On the way to my flat she told me...

4 years ago
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Sister And Her Friends Part 8211 3

Hello Indian sex stories, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real.   I am teasing adi’s dick from my sister saliva. She took his dick into my face and order me...

3 years ago
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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 12

When I woke up the next morning, with bright sunlight already streaming into the room, I found myself alone in the bed and with Anne nowhere in sight, which left me slightly disappointed. I had expected to be woken by her, or the other way around, and after last nights intimate confession, revel in the new closeness. I crawled out of the bed and made my way to the coffee machine, my mood brightening when I saw the note on the kitchen table. Though the small flutter of happiness was instantly...

4 years ago
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Taking The Next Step

Note: Folks, this story is going to take a while to get there. Hope the payoff is worth it. Let me know. This one is from the heart. I was going to break it up into 2 parts — one for the divorce, one for falling in love… but I didn’t. * Dammit, it’s just never gonna happen, I thought to myself as I drove to the office. I can’t seem to figure out if this girl is interested in me. I’ve been single now for months, and despite some calls and emails from other women, I couldn’t get Nashey out of...

2 years ago
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Angies slave experiment

Angie was (and is) a beautiful woman, dark skin without a tan, long & straight brunette hair, and pretty green eyes. These were great accents on a knockout body: not tall, not skinny, but with perfect breasts with small brown nipples (which were almost always erect), an excellent firm heart-shaped butt, and a perfect small pussy. Angie had always been titillated by the thought of being a sex slave. She had read stories about the roman slaves who served their masters and friends, she had...

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Doing a girlfriend8217s mother a big favor

“Hi, Mrs. Collins, I said as she opened the back door, almost hiding behind it, her long blonde hair tumbling freely. Cindy home?” She smiled and shook her head, moving out a bit so I could see her bare shoulder. “She went to the mall with a couple of girls. Probably have lunch out there. You got a minute?” “Sure,” I said and she opened the door wide and I stepped in. She closed it and smiled at me. My cock jerked to life. Cindy’s mother was something....

2 years ago
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Coquette and her cuckold Part 3

Introduction: A few new strokes in the pool Julie handed Dave and me a plastic cup each and filled them with vodka. Then she leaned back against the edge of the pool and took a drink straight from the bottle. What little glow there was from the string of coloured lights that surrounded the pool, was just enough to highlight the silhouette of my wifes breasts. The surface of the warm water lapped against her dark, puckered nipples, still stiff from her orgasms of a few moments before. Standing...

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