B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 291
- 3 years ago
- 43
- 0
July 21, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written July 22]
Today’s practice was unremarkable, except that Coach sent us home about a half-hour early. Heather, Rhee, and I went home to our respective houses. The families are getting together this evening, so I’ll see Rhee later. Meanwhile, there are chores to do and lunch to eat. I also have to do some prep for dinner, including making up hamburger patties and putting together the potato salad. Once Dad gets home with the fresh corn, sometime after 3:00, he and I will shuck the corn and wrap the ears in foil. There are also a few bratwurst (but they don’t need prep). The Devlins are due around 4:00, though Mom won’t be home until 5:00 or so.
I wonder if Carol and Rhee will stay here tonight. That’d be nice, certainly for me, but I’ve begun suspecting that it would be nice for Dad and Mom, too. Where did they stay last Friday and Saturday nights? I could demand that Supplicant tell me, and I might resort to that, or ... Hmm, I’ll have to think about that option. However, the important bit of this digression is that if Rhee stays here tonight, the soonest that I’ll be able to update you will be tomorrow night. We’ll see.
[Added July 22]
Dad got home at 3:20. He and I, wearing only our aprons, prepped the corn for the grill and got everything else ready to go. When Mom called to let us know she was heading for home, we fired up the grill. Of course, unlike the Devlins’, our yard is partly open to the neighbors’ view, so we cannot do the naked thing out there. Bummer.
My phone sang out its incoming-text jingle. I looked at the phone to confirm my suspicion that Carol and Rhee are here, then headed to the front door. Still wearing only my apron, I opened the door. They were just getting out of the car in the drive. I saw that Rhee is wearing the university T that I bought her a couple days ago. And a skirt. A short skirt. A very short skirt. She obviously isn’t wearing a bra and I’d bet a large sum of money that she’s not wearing undies, either. My libido, which certainly hadn’t been asleep, considering that I’d been hanging with my nearly-naked Dad, roared to a higher state of awareness.
Then I noticed Carol. She, also, was wearing a crop top, though it didn’t reveal quite as much abdomen as Rhee’s; understandable, considering her larger breasts. She, too, was wearing a very short skirt. Oh, I think that Dad’s gonna like this. Yeah, he likes smaller breasts, but he certainly finds both Devlin women attractive. And sexy.
They each had a gym bag over a shoulder and Rhee was carrying a smallish box; I’d guess there is wine in it. As Rhee came across on the short walk from the drive, I was further stunned by the shortness of her skirt. I couldn’t see anything that “shouldn’t” be seen in such a situation, but it seemed a close-run thing.
“What, you couldn’t find a shorter skirt,” I asked facetiously as she approached.
“Hah! I considered trimming it, but there’s already quite the breeze on my ‘nether parts.’”
I held my hands out for the box and she handed it to me. As Carol entered, I closed the door behind her, and said, “I love the outfit Carol, but I bet you wouldn’t wear that to Safeway.”
Carol chuckled and said, “No, I wouldn’t. However, we decided to wear something that would at least barely work for keeping us modest in your back yard, but that would suggest the nudity that we prefer. At least, I assume that you three aren’t doing the nudey thing in the yard.”
“No. I’ve got clothes waiting on my bed. Hey, did you guys plan to wear clothes all the time today or just until we come in from the yard this evening?”
“We figured the latter, rather than putting on or taking clothes off every time we turned around.”
“Cool. I’ll join you in that. May I take your bag upstairs, or do you want to keep it down here?”
“May I tuck it into the closet here?”
“Sure. Go ahead.” She did so, then said, “I’ll take that box off your hands, if you’re going upstairs to dress.”
“Okay,” I answered, as I handed her the box. I then turned to Rhee. “Do you want to put your bag upstairs?”
She nodded, so we began climbing steps, leaving Carol to head to the kitchen with the box. As our bedroom door closed behind us, Rhee dumped her gym bag along the wall next to my soccer bag.
“Okay, Beth, now you need to check out my skirt.”
I slowly dropped to my knees, then started leaning over to see how much skirt extended below her crotch. It was very little.
“Oh, man. you couldn’t do anything more strenuous than walking slowly on level ground in that thing!”
“Yeah. It’s got me going, knowing how short it is and feeling every wayward breeze on my pussy.”
I stood up and that shoulder imp whispered in my ear. I quickly reached under the skirt with my right hand and under her shirt with my left, grabbing her right breast and her crotch.
“Hey, hey! Hands off the goodies!”
“I can’t help it. As soon as I saw you get out of the car, you and that skirt raised my blood pressure. I missed you last night and this morning. And this afternoon. God, I want you. You are so sexy, and you rock that outfit!”
For that, I got wrapped in a Rhee hug and then got lips on mine. We kissed, without tongues, for nearly a minute.
“I missed you, too, baby. Practice wasn’t nearly long enough nor private enough.” After a short pause, her face suddenly lit up more. “I nearly forgot. I think that Mom brought this weird die that was at the house. It has more than six sides. I’m not positive that she did, but it was sitting with a pad of post-it notes yesterday, so...”
“Oh, wow. Is she going to propose another game?”
“If she brought the die and notes, I think she is. A die with more sides suggests that she’s come up with a new wrinkle on the game. If so, I wonder what it is. Every time that I think about that die, I get gushy.”
“Yeah. Maybe more sex in front of us, tonight. That would be great! You’ve seen how more accepting Dad’s been of us seeing Mom sexing him up since we had that talk in the car and since the first T or D game. Wow. WOW! If Carol can get the game started, I think that we’ll really see some stuff!”
“Yeah. Oh, I hope so, I hope so, I hope so.”
“That reminds me. Did you ever find out where the three of them stayed last weekend? Did they stay at your house?”
“They did, at least on Saturday night. My bed was a little mussed, but only a little. I’ve been wondering about that. Do you think my mom’s been having herself a good ol’ time with either or both of your parents?”
“I’ve been wondering that very thing.”
With a somewhat-anxious face, Rhee asked, “How would you feel about that?”
“I wouldn’t mind at all. In fact, remember that morning that your mom cried about that jerk at work? I started wondering then if my mom would be willing to share Dad with your mom, as your mom certainly seemed to need some loving.”
Rhee brightened. “I’m glad that it wouldn’t bug you. She did need some loving. And she’s seemed a lot happier of late, so while I have no certain data, I have strong suspicions in that direction. Are you sure that you’d be okay with that?”
“As long as my mom was, I would be. I love Carol like a ... well, a mom, and I’d like to see her happy. She deserves it. And, from what we’ve seen, Dad seems to be quite the lover. Oh, god. I feel like I’m dripping.”
Rhee wrapped me up again and said in my ear, “I want you. So much. Now. I know we can’t but know that I love you and really want to make love with you tonight. We both brought clothes for tomorrow and I’ll bet if we do play the game that we’ll be staying here tonight. Oh. You’re going to wear that tonight?”
She was looking over my shoulder at the bed, so I assumed that she was talking about the clothes I had laid out for this evening.
“Yup. Do you like it?”
“Oh, you’ll get me even hotter wearing those.”
“That’s only fair, considering how you got my motor going with what you’re wearing.”
“May I dress you?”
I pulled my torso back a bit to look at her face; it was lit. I smiled, “As you wish.”
Rhee nodded emphatically, so I stepped back, out of her arms. “Have at it. You can undress me and then dress me.”
Rhee proceeded to take the apron off me, fairly slowly. She threw in a two-handed grope of my ass, free of charge. I had expected her to clothe me in the opposite order, so I was a little surprised when she presented the tube top to my feet. I figured out what she wanted, so stepped into it, and she raised it up my body to my waist. I raised my arms and she pulled it up and over my small breasts.
“Oh, god. I love that on you. It’s so short and does for your breasts what that top you got for Heather does for hers. Oh, god, you’re delectable.”
“Thank you. You make me feel so sexy.”
“That may be, but you shouldn’t need me to feel sexy. You ARE sexy. So sexy. So pretty.”
“Okay, okay. You’ve all told me that, and then Dad said the same thing the other night. I’m trying to accept that, but it’s working against my own long-held image of myself, so I won’t manage to fully accept that anytime soon.”
Rhee then leaned in and kissed me softly. She picked up the shorts, yes, “those’ shorts, and held them at my feet for me to step into them. After I did, she slowly pulled them up my legs, though I had to do a little wiggle to get them up all the way. She then buttoned the button and zipped the fly.
“Wow, that was fun. I’ve enjoyed stripping you, Beth, but I think that it was even sexier to dress you, particularly to dress you in these clothes. Wow! I am jonesing for your bod.”
She then plastered her mouth to mine, her tongue spearing in after mine. Her right hand began feeling up my left breast. Oh, that felt good. So good.
Rhee ended the kiss and pulled back. “We should probably get downstairs. We wouldn’t want our parents to think we’re having sex up here, would we?”
I cocked my head, looking at her. “Well, their finding out about us, even if they don’t already suspect, would be very far from the worst thing that could happen. I’ve been thinking that they wouldn’t be surprised or disturbed. Now, I’m not interested in just telling them, but, as with our friends, I’m not willing to lie about it, either. I think that Heather would be the harder sell. And, I shouldn’t get myself started on Heather. We cannot afford the time to, again, hash out our non-understanding of her and us. Let’s just go.”
With Rhee’s nod, I turned, and we headed out the door and downstairs.
When we returned to the kitchen, we were greeted by a staring, open-mouthed Dad, who, after a few seconds, shook his head sharply, as if to clear the cobwebs.
“Both of those outfits would be illegal in parts of the world. Remember what I said about your outfits two nights ago? These are ... worse? Sexier? Even-more-revealing? All of the above? Since it’s apparently a clothing evening, I’ll go get ... dressed.”
I looked at Rhee, who gave me a raised-eyebrow rapid nodding, telling me that she, too, noticed Dad’s cock growing from a bit erect to more than that.
“Beth, those ... shorts would make almost any top work, but you really rock that combo. Your tube top is giving you Heather’s crop-top look of covered-but-virtually-exposed breasts. You’re very lovely.”
I dropped my head in embarrassment, but then channeled Heather, and forced my head up and my eyes to look at Carol’s. “Thank you, Carol. And speaking of clothes, wouldn’t your outfit have been even sexier if you’d worn a button-down shirt with the tails tied below your ... bust? You know, like in all those hillbilly caricatures?”
Carol’s eyebrows crawled up her forehead. “Wow, I should have thought of that. Although, that look works better with old jean cutoffs, like yours. Hmm. I’ll be back.”
Carol turned and headed to Dad and Mom’s room, knocking on the door. “Are you decent? May I come in?”
I didn’t hear Dad’s response, but Carol must have, as she opened the door and walked in. I looked at Rhee, who was already looking at me.
“Umm, wow,” she said.
“Do you think that she’s going to borrow one of Dad’s shirts?”
“Uhhh, maybe. If so, the bigger question is will she change her top in there with Dad still in the room? I know that they’ve spent quite some time naked in the same room together, but her changing with him there seems more ... I don’t know ... familiar? Personal? Perhaps they are, as we talked about in our room.”
Rhee and I had chatted for another minute or two when Dad walked into the kitchen, wearing an untucked and unbuttoned button-down shirt, revealing a stripe of chest and belly down the center of his body. The shirt tails were hanging over his ... shorts? No, maybe tight, short-legged boxers. His penis was somewhat obvious. Carol followed him less than 30 seconds later.
“Rhee, honey, will you help me with this?”
Carol was ... wearing (for lack of a better term) one of Dad’s button-downs, all right. A rather thin one that was somewhat translucent. Her arms were in the sleeves, but none of the buttons were buttoned. She had the tails of the shirt in her hands and only portions of her breasts were covered; one nipple was peeking, and that nipple was not quiescent.
“I need the tails tied, but in such a way that I don’t spill out of the shirt too readily. The appropriate button needs to be buttoned, too.”
Carol and Rhee worked on it for a couple minutes. At one point, both breasts were bared and Rhee apologized for losing hold of the tails, but they eventually got her put together.
At that moment, the garage door began opening and about a minute later, Mom walked into the kitchen, then came to an abrupt halt. You know that phrase, “her eyes bugged out?” That describes Mom’s reaction to a T.
“Oh,” she said after she recovered, “we’re ... uhh ... dressing today? Is that the correct verb?”
Carol grinned. “Yeah, you know, since we’re cooking out and this isn’t the Devlin house and yard. However, I do understand your query about the appropriate verb. I think that the rule is no more than two clothing items per person. At least I know that Rhee and I are wearing only two, it certainly looks like the man of our family is wearing only two. I assume that Beth’s wearing only two, but I don’t know that. Beth?”
I turned pink but nodded.
“So,” Carol continued, “I don’t know if the rules permit wearing only one item, but I assume that all of the naughty bits need to be covered. Though, like Heather before her, Beth’s breasts couldn’t look sexier if they were bare.”
Mom chuckled; I got pinker.
“Yes, that tube top does make one want to rub those breasts, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, pooh, Beth. Remember the discussion earlier this week. You’re a lovely young woman, a lovely, sexy young woman. Perhaps you will learn from this that even a lovely, naked body is often less sexy than an alluringly clothed lovely body. With that top and those shorts, you exude sexiness. Hell, you exude sex.”
I felt my face burning and ducked my head. “Mo-omm.”
Rhee gripped my shoulder and used it to pull me into her. “Poor, baby. Poor, sexy baby.”
Carol decided to throw her iron on the fire. “And, Beth, sexiness can be a hit-’em-over-the-head outfit, like the one you’re wearing, or like what Rhee and I are wearing. It can also be elegant and, at first glance, demure, but upon closer scrutiny prove to be provocative.”
“Carol’s right, Beth,” Mom piled on. “With your willowy shape, you could really do a number on a provocatively elegant ... Oh, I know what I’ll wear. I’ll be back.”
Dad walked over to me, looked a speaking glance at Rhee, who released me, then put his arms around me and pulled me into him and just held me for a bit.
“Beth, your mom and Carol are right. You’re lovely and your outfit is screaming ‘sex.’ Remember what I said the other night. If you’re going to wear a sexy outfit, you have to expect to be ... appreciated. This outfit, however, is not just sexy. As your mom said, it is sex made tangible. I know that you wouldn’t do so, but if you wore clothes like this on a date, your date would certainly infer that sex was in his immediate future. Perhaps wrongly, but that would be his inference.
“I know that my nudist daughter ... uh, my nudist actual daughter, wanted to wear as little clothing as propriety would allow for the back-yard cookout. Might you also have wanted to be sexy? Wanted? You’re allowed that desire; it is found in virtually all people. Don’t be embarrassed that you have it. By the same token, don’t be embarrassed when others tell you that you have achieved that desire. Allow yourself to feel good about it.”
I looked up at him, then reached up and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll try.”
As I turned around, Mom returned. My chin dropped. She was wearing two items of clothing. The first was a long, button-down shirt, of which three buttons were buttoned. The shirt was of a medium green but somewhat see-through. I think, however, that it would look opaque from longer distance and her breasts would not seem to be showing. The tails of the shirt hung to mid-thigh and entirely covered the skimpy, dark green bikini panty she was wearing, but which was quite noticeable at close range.
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"Morning sweetie. You're up early." She asks, "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah, I slept the whole night," I reply. I’m surprised she is happy this morning. "I guess your chastity belt worked," she says. I never thought much about it. However, I guess it did work even though I want this to miserably fail. She continues, "Let's talk about yesterday. Mrs. Donna and I wanted you two to develop a relationship that is more than just sex. It needs to be about love, commitment, and trust....
Our first conversation occurred at Doc Disorder's, the neighborhood bar. I stepped in just like I did every day after work. Only this time, I saw a strange face -- a really adorable brunette with hypnotic dark brown eyes. She also looked like she just came from work. She wore a short black jacket and a slightly above-the-knee black skirt. Black nylons and pumps completed the ensemble. She eyed me from across the bar and motioned me with her flashing brown eyes to sit next to her. She was...
Patti Part -4 By Princess Panty boy I wake up the next morning shaking my head hoping this was all just a really bad dream. I sit up in bed seeing I'm still wearing the hello kitty nightgown. I lift the edge of it up and see I'm wearing a Barbie diaper. Well at least I'm dry. My life sucks I can't believe I woke up in a diaper and all I think about is that I'm dry. I am so messed up. "Honey come down and eat breakfast is ready. Hurry before it's all gone." I roll out of bed and...
I am Mahehs25 years old Jaipur Rajasthan Dostoon Meri Shadi Ko 2 years Hogey Hai Aaj jo Main Aap ko Yay Story Sona Raraha Hon yay 1 year Pehley ki Hai Aur Meri Sali ”BILLO”ki hai main uska Nam Nahi Batana Chahta Use Sab ”BILLO” hi Kehtai Hai tu Yaroon Pehley Yay Bata Calon K meri Shadi (SIALKOT) Main Hoi Hai Yani Mera Susral (SIALKOT)Main Hai Yay Un Dino Ki Bat Hai Jab Meri Wife Thi Meri Walda Borhi Hai (zaeef) Aur Main Aklota Hi Hoon ”” Tu Mre Susral Waloon Ne Kaha K hamare Yahan Larki Ka...
'My father is failing, ' said the prince Iordan to himself. Try as he might, he could not silence the thoughts which came unbidden; his unconscious mind would no longer suffer to be quieted, and even the distraction of the bustle all around him was not enough to tear the part that listened away from the part that spoke. 'Even in his age, he grows old before his time. He was wounded when my sister and I were lost to him, and our return did not heal the hurt. No: if anything, it's...
Slut! I will do what you want.For a number of years I have enjoyed a strong, sometimes kinky, but always eventful, sexual relationship with a very, very sexy woman. She is still married to her husband, a guy who does not perform in the bedroom and is somewhat under endowed. His sex drive and potency is nonexistent which as much as she loves him it leaves her extremely sexually frustrated. After discussions with her husband, this has brought her to my bed for sexual gratification. She is a...
All storiesNaughty mamma an daughterWell my girl wanted a three sum so I let her pick the girl an the one she picked was a little dirty cause she had gave me head an had a threesome with this hot girl well I had my way with heran all she did was sit on the girls pretty face.after I told my girlfriend she wanted her to join us .so we had her over with a few friends well her boyfriend was downn ass she was sucking my cock while my was eating her pussy as here man called for her.so they left butt...
Brunette Abbie Maley is so hot and fit, she is very athletic and every part of her is so firm! Damn! Miss Abbie has an amazing body! Today, she tell us her experiences on adult business, sexual desires, and sexual projections in a short interview before she is ready to show us her sucking skills and fuck with Robby Echo, first, she takes his cock and inserts deeper in her throat while she moans and gagging, after that she places on doggy position on the couch and Robby give her a good pussy...
xmoviesforyouIt was a Monday last year. Spent age's getting ready. Really nice hair and makeup and my fave outfit. Had arranged with Jake to meet at mine at 10am. Jake's in his 40's, 5'10 and a nice 8 inch THICK uncut cock. He's a regular, we have sex a couple of times a month. Anyway, about 9am i finished getting ready and slid my 10 inch dildo into my hole and pulled my knickers up to keep it in. 10am came round and there was the knock at the door! After spending an hour on the dildo my ass cunt was wet...
Jiti and I started doing lesbian sexIn the last story maid brought Jiti to my home so we can play.We started getting together once a week if not more.We were like sisters. sisterly love was in the house when she come to our home. One day when we has finished having sex with each other we sat and talked.Jiti asked me how you will feel if I do sex with your husband.I said to Jiti I have no problem for sharing my hubby with youWe are like sisters. sisters always share.We set the date for Jiti to...
I’m not a story teller, so, please forgive me if I will just share the pig picture and not so many details with you. I’m a mixed Vietnamese/Persian male. My dad is Iranian, working for the embassy and my mom is a shy Vietnamese housewife. I’m very energetic and emotionally sensitive and my Persian wife loves (or loved) me, but I’ve always felt bad about my penis size. (it’s definitely more than 12 cm but maybe not 13.) Most websites and books say anything above 10 is OK, but I still felt bad,...
Hi Everybody I am Bharathi. I am a regular reader of this site. I am 31 years old from Tamil Nadu. Frankly telling I am very beautiful with a structure of 32-30-34. I am married. My hubby is working in Software Company in US. I had a daughter 2 years old. Let’s come to my story. This is my first and true story. It happens when I was a teen aged girl. I visit my uncle’s house on December. My uncle got married at that time. I and my mum reach his place on the morning. My aunty and uncle are...
My girlfriend Cristy and I have been together for three years now. Our sex life is out of this world as one can expect from two 22 year olds. My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful, with red hair, brown eyes, a perky butt and 34 D perky tits. She is only five feet two so her ‘assets’ tend to stand out more than normal. She always talks about sex and is always dressing sexy so you can imagine how desirable she is to other men. Lately I’ve gotten her to stop wearing underwear when we go out and...
I woke Saturday morning with the sun streaming in through the window. I rolled over and saw that Henrietta was watching me. "Good morning." She said."Good Morning" I replied. I levered myself onto my elbow and leaned over to kiss her. "I have never had a day like yesterday." He said blinking at me. "That was brilliant.""And George was the icing on the cake." "He certainly was. He is even nicer than I realised.""I need a wee." I told him and walked across to the bathroom. I was in the middle of...
Most recent adventure with another of my wife's best friends. I have changed names to protect everyone. Enjoy the story and let me know what you think. Happy reading.My wife and I have married for almost 7 years, and although we married in our late 20's, we're still sexually active, and as far as I know, we've both been faithful to each other. On our honeymoon, we tried a couples massage and loved it. Over the next few years, we would trade off giving massages to each other, and would get...
Not an unattractive lady she took pride in her appearance and healthy lifestyle and was the sort of girl who got the second glance from the opposite sex in the street however she did have a reputation amongst friends for being possessive towards the men that she dated. Her work contract had come to an end and her new contract wasn't due to start for another twenty eight days so she had planned to make use of some of this down time by taking a two week trip to a remote part of the north of...
WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 15: Three in a bed The mild weather in January had enabled the builders to move on with the work at the garden centre well ahead of schedule and the units in the old outhouses were almost completed, the walls had been plastered, flooring laid and drop-down mesh shutters fitted. The barn was also well on the way to being ready with a new...
#1 I’m in the kitchen at my house, entertaining some guests. My man walks up behind me, and discreetly pulls the back of my pants down, before wrapping me in a hug. He slips his cock out of his pants, and slowly eases it into my already lubed ass, while I try to pretend nothing is happening, and carry on normal conversation with the guests. He moves around the counter, separating us and our friends, as he continues making dinner, slowly pushing in and out with his big man meat, sending ripples...
TranssexualI'm in a committed relationship. We have done some swinging in the past, but we've maintained some pretty strict rules about deciding who we sleep with. This story is about a time where I didn't follow the rules. I live in a town near the ocean. As you can imagine, boats come in during the summer and dock here. My boyfriend frequents the only classy bar in town. About a month ago, he and I went to the bar to eat some oysters. We met a guy at the bar named Tom. Tom was a big man with a heavy-set...
CheatingFollowing the Saturday session and a short review of some of the recording, Bob let the girls know they could pack up the gear and take it to the next practice garage if they wanted, but that he was going to look for some place where they could spread out like on a stage and practice that way. They could also leave things set up so that when they went to practice they wouldn't have to spend time doing that and could get right down to business. As the girls were packing their things, he and...
This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...
I first met Kira at a book signing for one of my favorite female authors ‘E.K.’ She writes semi historical novels about Vlad Tepes. The signing was held at the downtown Civic Center as there was lots of interest in meeting her and having her signature. The center was buzzing and the line for signing was long, but I joined it anyway. Everyone seemed in a good mood and were festive and friendly. There was a younger woman behind me in line that seemed to bump into me, by accident I assumed, just...
It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watchsome football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all myfriends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giantswere playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony thatbefore half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packingour shorts.The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was theleast they could do, since I was providing the TV. I...
Caution–No DD’s, no 8 1/2 inch plus, no ANAL, no force. Everyone over 18 and on birth control. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It was just after 11:00 PM. I had boarded my train in Harrisburg that morning and spent most of the day in my compartment. I had a lot of studying to do and I could enjoy the scenery through the panoramic window. I ate a late lunch and skipped supper. I made my way back to the club car with the intention of enjoying a late snack and a drink or two. I was on my way to Denver for...
We all went to the shower room and took another fun shower. I wonder what we’ll do when we get home, no more gang showers with everyone laughing and touching and grabbing. This life was the life to live and I can only hope that I’ll be able to find a career that’ll let me live it. We all dried off and went to bed, we even went to sleep when we got there. The next day, we all signed up for sports, mom and Aunt Karen played volley Ball again, I played with their team, and we won. We had a...
Party At Moms Bernard is the bar stocked for tonights orgy Sheila asked casually "yes it is dear " responded Rocky's father , well you are after all the bartender & photographer .Bernard was a cuckold , & Rocky had now been dominating his mom for a couple of years now . As Sheila went to the bedroom to put on her bdsm wear Bernard wondered who would Rocky bring tonight. Just then the doorbell rang , Bernard opened it & Rocky smiled & said hey Pops as Nina Rogers , Denise & his new...
Sexy hot babes Alexis Zara and Valentina Nappi come together for the first time LIVE and there is no keeping these hotties off of each other. Valentina can not get enough of Alexis wonderful tits and all Alexis wants is for Valentina to sit right on her face. These horny girls love making each other moan and cum and making sure you all are cumming right with them. They bring out some toys to really get naughty with fucking each other and tasting all the sweet juices they leave behind. Now if...
xmoviesforyouKate had wondered if Sef would lose the napkin with her number and she was surprised and delighted that he phoned one evening. Although the call was to ask her to have dinner one evening; a request quickly accepted and the details agreed within the first fifteen minutes; the call went on for ninety minutes. There was no single topic but a conversation that would flip easily from one subject to another. The surprise was that at the end they had returned to the original topic. Kate went to bed...
My wife Pam and I are in our early forties and have been married for a little over sixteen years. We met during our senior year of college and as far as I know Pam has never cheated on me and I have never stepped out on her. For the most part life has been good. We raised two kids who are out on their own. We’ve built a nice stable life together and outside of a few normal marital hiccups over the years we’ve been completely satisfied with our life, that is until recently. For whatever...