Wife Turns Slut At Football Game free porn video

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It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watchsome football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all myfriends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giantswere playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony thatbefore half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packingour shorts.The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was theleast they could do, since I was providing the TV. I didn't realize I wouldbe providing the entertainment as well. The guys handed the goodies toBobbie, my wife, and took their seats in front of the TV. Tim smiled atBobbie and asked, "Bill, how did you get this beautiful lady to marry your ugly ass?" I replied, "It must be my considerable charms." "Bull shit,"returned Tim. "If that was the case she would have gone for LD over there,"he added. I chuckled and said, "You have a point."All this was lost on Bobbie who just smiled in her shy way. I shoulddescribe Bobbie. She is five feet, four inches of the cutest, sexiestfemale I have ever known. She has a tomboyish manner but her physicalassets are all woman. She has natural long blond hair and light blue eyes.She won't tell me her measurements, however, by my eye she probablymeasures about 36D-23-35. I'm certain of the first number because it'swritten on the tags of her bras. Her fresh all American face looks tenyears younger than her 26 years.Bobbie has only seen my friends a few times before. She doesn't really knowany of them. This fact caused her to be a little shy at first. By the endof the first quarter she was becoming her usually friendly self. It was nota great surprise that my friends were paying almost as much attention toBobbie as to the game. She volunteered to keep us all supplied with beerand chips even though she is a big football fan herself. She actually knowsmore about the game than I do. I was amused to hear her arguing with Pauland LD about the draft choices picked up by the Giants.By the end of the middle of the second quarter the boys were getting prettyloud. They were going through the beer fast. Looking back, I think theywere guzzling it so they could ask Bobbie for more. All eyes would followBobbie as she bounced up and hurried to the kitchen. She was wearing atight tank top and short shorts that showed every curve. The top was cutlow enough to show Bobbie's substantial cleavage and the shorts did notfully cover the bottom of her ass.She would return shortly with the latest order. I began to notice that shewas walking with a little more shake than usual. Bobbie had evidently had afew beers herself. She knew how the guys were looking at her and shedecided to put on a show. Her nipples were now poking through the thinmaterial of her top. Knowing Bobbie as I do, it was just her way of alittle harmless flirting.Bobbie sat down and continued her discussion with LD about the Giantssecond round draft choice. After a few minutes of discussion theconversation lulled. Bobbie broke the silence by asking LD, "Is LD yourinitials? What do they stand for?" LD smiled and the rest of us justchuckled. Bobbie asked what was so funny. LD answered, "You don't want toknow, Bobbie." She looked at all four of us with a hesitant smile and askedin a cute little voice, "Why not?" The laughter increased.Bobbie's expression changed from amusement to frustration. She said, "Idon't appreciate this kind of treatment, guys. Why can't you tell me whatLD stands for?" I asked, "Are you sure you want to know?" Bobbie nodded. Iagain asked, "Are you sure?" Bobbie bellowed, "Yessss, Bill." I motionedfor LD to answer the woman.LD began, "It refers to the size of my genitals. LD stands for 'LongDong'". Bobbie began to blush. She said, "Ohhhh." Every one kept smilingand looking at Bobbie. After a pause she said, hesitantly, "Well, how longis it?" LD's face took on a more serious look as he asked, "Do you meanright now?" Bobbie croaked, "I mean, how long does it get?" LD proudlyanswered, "f******n inches!" Bobbie shook her head and said, "I don'tbelieve it." LD looked offended by Bobbie's skepticism. He said, "You wantme to prove it?"To my surprise Bobbie said, "Prove it!" As far as I knew, Bobbie had neverseen another man naked. We had dated since we were both fifteen and wereboth virgins when we were married. Without hesitation LD pulled down hisshorts revealing a huge bulge. He continued by hauling his briefs down tohis knees. LD's big schlong was folded under his balls between his legs. Itmust have been about eight inches long soft. Bobbie rose up out of herchair to get a better look. She was obviously impressed with the size ofhis cock but she tried not to let on. Bobbie smirked, "It doesn't look likef******n inches to me!"LD loudly replied, "Well, its not hard yet." Bobbie said, "Am I supposed totake your word for it?" LD angrily said, "Why don't you come over here atstroke it a few times? Then you will see f******n inches." LD shot me alook and then said in a calmer voice, "I'm sorry Bill, I forgot who I wastalking to." I said, "It's all right LD, she asked you how long it gets nothow long it is."Bobbie looked at me with sort of an inquisitive look. I figured that shewanted to see how big LD's cock would get, but she didn't want to jerk himoff. She asked, "Is there any other way you can get it hard without metouching it?" LD thought for a moment then said, "Well, if you or Billdon't mind, you could do a sexy dance." Bobbie looked at me to see myreaction. I looked at Bobbie and sort of shrugged my shoulders with myhands out, leaving the decision to her.I left it up to her because I like to look at her sexy body and I reallydon't mind if other men do as well. I secretly hoped she would do a sexydance, but expected her shy nature to keep her from doing it. Bobbie lookedback at LD and his cock and at me again. We all held our breath to see whatshe would do. Suddenly she jumped up and hurried from the room. I thoughtthat she had become embarrassed. I started to go and see about her when Iheard music.Bobbie appeared again with her boom box in hand. It was playing the MichaelJackson tune that goes, "Pretty baby with the high heels on..." I noticedthat instead of bare feet she now sported a pair of 4 inch red spiked highheels. She set the box on the coffee table and began to strut around LD andhis cock. Her fresh face now had a lusty look to it. She never took hereyes off LD's cock as she wiggled and bumped. She would alternate thrustingher big tits out as she bent over, her hands on her ass, and thrusting herhips and pelvis out in a motion that looked as if she were fucking. Ididn't know that she could dance like that. She had never done it for me.It must have been the beer.Bobbie was having an effect on LD's cock. It was no longer soft. However,it was not yet f******n inches. When the song had ended, Bobbie looked atLD's cock and observed, "It doesn't look hard yet." She pouted and added,"Am I dancing right?" Everyone chimed in, "Yes!!!!" Bobbie continued,"Then, why isn't LD hard?" LD reluctantly replied, "Your dancing is greatBobbie, but what I probably need is something a little more revealing."Bobbie looked at me as she asked, "You mean you want me to strip?" LDlooked at me apologetically and said, "Well yea, that's what I had inmind." I could see in Bobbie's eyes that she was torn. She had obviouslyworked herself up but wasn't sure that she could take her clothes off infront of these men. She looked to me to help her solve the dilemma. Ilooked at her for a moment or two then I nodded. A smile immediately cameto her face. I knew then that she really wanted to do a strip tease for allmy friends.Bobbie bounced over to the boom box and started the music again. She setthe song to repeat over and over. I guess she figured that she would danceas long as it took to get big LD hard. She began to dance as before, withlots of suggestive moves. After a minute she crossed her arms and grabbedthe bottom of her tank top. She slowly raised it over her breasts and thenover her head. She was wearing a shear red bra that gave her support butvery little coverage. Her big tits were essentially uncovered.Bobbie then hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and struggledout of them. That left a pair of matching panties that amounted to a smalltriangle of semi-transparent cloth covering her trimmed pubic hair and heldin place by thin spaghetti straps. The strap in the back disappeared intothe crack of her ass. Her bottom was naked. When she would bend over andthrust out her tits, her cheeks would separate, clearly revealing herasshole, bisected by the strap.Bobbie continued to dance. The boys seemed eager for her to take it all offbut she seemed reluctant. She glanced my way to get my reaction. I againnodded and she blew me a kiss. She reached behind her back to unhook herbra and then stopped. She blushed red in the face as she realized what shewas about to do. I thought she might stop. The boys egged her on. Theyyelled how beautiful and sexy she was. She smiled and regained herconfidence. All this was having a positive effect on LD's cock. As Bobbielooked at it, she seemed more determined than every to make it grow.Bobbie turned her back on us and reached back to unhook the bra. She heldthe cups against her tits as the straps popped when she released them. Sheslowly turned to face us as she swayed her hips. The blush had gone andlust had replaced it. She hefted her big tits, pushing them together. Sheslowly lowered the cups revealing her large rock hard nipples. Shecontinued to sway, her tits attempting to keep up. Bobbie noticed LD's cocktwitching as it lay on his belly. It was still not fully hard.Bobbie hooked her thumbs in the straps of her panties and began stretchingthe material away from her mound. Her soft blond curls became visible. Sheturned around and slowly bent over pushing the flimsy garment to herankles. This exposed her asshole and pussy to all assembled. To exaggeratethe view Bobbie spread her legs farther apart causing the folds of herpussy to open. It was clear that she was sopping wet. The spot on herpanties confirmed the fact. I never thought I would ever see my beautifulinnocent wife dancing nude in front of a group of men. She was obviouslyvery turned on.Bobbie returned her attention to LD's cock. It was still lying on hisbelly. However, it was longer. Bobbie asked with a frustrated tone, "Whatdo I have to do to make it hard?" We all knew the answer to the question.The question was, did Bobbie know. She continued to dance but there wasindecision on her face. She looked at me a couple of times but I was justenjoying her sexy dance.Slowly Bobbie moved closer to LD. She nudged her knee gently into LD'scrotch, making contact with his plum sized balls. She rubbed him gently fora few moments and was rewarded by a twitch or two in LD's cock. He stillwas not fully hard. Bobbie looked at me with a frustrated look. I justshrugged and her frustration turned to determination. As she looked at meshe slowly sank to her knees. It finally dawned on my pea brain that Bobbiewould do anything to get LD hard. She continued to watch my face forreaction as she grabbed LD's cock with her right hand and slowly began tostroke it. I could see the passion in Bobbie's eyes. She was daring me tostop her from going further. I was tempted on the one hand to put a stop toBobbie's lusty act. On the other hand I found myself hoping that she wouldstuff that monster in her mouth and let LD face-fuck her. My indecision andthe probable excitement in my eyes gave Bobbie her course of action.Without fanfare, she guided the head of LD's cock into her soft littlemouth.Bobbie bobbed up and down a few times, never taking her sparkling blue eyesfrom mine. Her actions affected me more than I thought they would. Iwatched with great surprise as my sweet, tender Bobbie wrapped her soft redlips around the biggest black cock that any of us had ever seen. She wasfuriously trying to make it bigger. It was working too. Satisfied that Ididn't disapprove of her actions, Bobbie looked away from me and focusedher gaze on LD's face. I don't think that I actually approved of whatBobbie was doing, I was just too turned on to stop her. LD too wassurprised to see this beautiful blond white woman sucking his big blackcock. Her blue eyes mesmerized him as she licked and sucked the head of hiscock. LD's cock was bigger around than Bobbie's wrist and longer than herforearm. It was all she could do to get the whole head in her mouth. Hersoft plump lips were stretched thin as she attempted to swallow LD'smonster cock.Bobbie could only manage to take three of the f******n inches in her mouth.She did lick the shaft and LD's balls, all the while gazing into his eyes.It was one hell of a show. LD was now fully hard and so were the rest ofus. I don't know what I expected to happen next. LD had managed to prove toBobbie that his cock was as big as he said. She could have stopped but shedidn't seem to want to.If I thought I was surprised when my wife Bobbie began to blow LD, nothingcompared to what she did next. After giving LD's cock a thorough tonguebath she slowing crawled up onto LD's body dragging her big tits acrossfirst his legs, his cock and then his stomach and chest. She planted a bigsloppy kiss on LD's lips and allowed her tongue to wander into LD's mouth.I was so focused on this that I didn't notice that she had aligned herpussy with LD's rock hard monster and slowly lowered herself onto the headof his cock.I was alerted to the fact by Paul who said, "She's going to fuck him."Again I didn't stop Bobbie. I was totally caught up in the lewd act thatwas taking place in my living room.LD's cock was so big around that it could only penetrate maybe two inchesinto my sweet Bobbie. She seemed to struggle to get the b**st inside. Sheswiveled her hips to no avail. Finally, Bobbie broke the kiss andstraightened up. This allowed her to put her full weight on LD's cock.Slowly, more and more of the cock disappeared into Bobbie. She moaned likeI have never heard her before. It was as though ever centimeter caused herto shake and shudder.With eyes closed she lowered herself onto LD. Her pussy was stretch out ofshape. It actually seemed to disappear. LD's cock was touching both ofBobbie's thighs as he impaled her. Her asshole was almost erased by thegirth of LD. In the front her clit wasmashed against LD's shaft. This wasno doubt causing the lengthy orgasm she was now experiencing. We allwatched in awe as Bobbie took about twelve inches into her womb before shebottomed out.She began now to rise off the b**st. The big black shiny shaft revealeditself as she ascended. Before the head was able to pop out, Bobbie againbegan the downward journey. Now there was more lubrication. Each trip downthen up took less time. Finally they were fucking in earnest. Bobbie evenmanaged to take an inch more of LD's cock. He was only about an inch fromgetting the whole thing into her.For a moment I was concerned that Bobbie wasn't protected. I didn't know ifshe was wearing her diaphragm. I'm sure that it never occurred to her thatshe would be fucking during the ball game, much less fucking someone otherthan me. My rational mind didn't relish the idea of her getting pregnant,especially with LD's baby. I pictured Bobbie and me explaining to herparents why she gave birth to bouncing black baby.I wanted to ask Bobbie about the diaphragm, but I couldn't. I found that Ididn't want to do something that would stop the show. My concern began toslip into the background. I gave way to my own lust. The dark side of mymind actually hoped that Bobbie was unprotected. That made the act moredangerous. As it was, several taboo's and social customs were being brokenby Bobbie. Adultery, exhibitionism and mixed races are high on the list.Why not add the risk of disgracing herself by having a baby by a man otherthan her husband. It was about as slutty as a woman could get. That's whatconsumed me. I liked to see my heretofore innocent wife act slutty.As LD and Bobbie fucked, he helped her up and down by putting his big handson her small waist. His fingers touched in back and his thumbs were onlyinches apart in the front. LD began to roughly push Bobbie down on hiscock. Bobbie supported herself by placing her hands on the back of thechair. This allowed her big jugs to hang close to LD's face. He tookadvantage of this and began to maul her nipples with his mouth.Occasionally, he would place one of Bobbie's nipples between his teeth andpull it. Bobbie moaned loudly each time. I counted at least four orgasms inthis position with her on top.LD slowed his pumping and said, "Baby, lets do some doggy." Slowly, Bobbieextracted herself from LD's cock. She seemed to miss the b**st immediatelyas she got off LD. He got up and Bobbie straddled the chair. She laid herhead on the back of the chair and waited for LD's invasion. Soon enough heburied his tool into Bobbie's cunt. Her moaning began again. The action nowwas more intense. LD was in control now and the speed with which he pumpedBobbie was incredible. Bobbie whimpered with the intense pleasure. LD addedto her passion by inserting his thumb into her ass. This caused her to moanloudly. A lengthy orgasm followed.I was amazed. Bobbie has never allowed me near her ass. She always saidthat it was nasty and was not for sex. I could never persuade her. Now, shewas having intense orgasms while my friend LD plugged her but with histhumb. There were certainly a lot of new things happening today. Not theleast was that my wife was fucking a black man with a huge 14 inch cock.Bobbie was loving every minute. The strip tease and the blow job leading upto the fuck were new as well. I had never received that kind of treatmentfrom my wife.LD was continuing to pound Bobbie's pussy while fingering her asshole. Hehad managed to work two of his large fingers into her ass. The froth ofsexual juices from Bobbie's pussy served as lubrication for LD's fingers.LD asked, "How are you doing, Baby?" Bobbie replied breathlessly, "OHhhh..Greeaat!!" LD continued, "Do you like my fingers in your ass, Baby?" Bobbiemoaned, "I lovvveee it." LD said, "Want me to fuck your ass, Baby?"Bobbie's baby blue eyes popped open wide and she looked at LD with purelust and said, "Oooohhhh yeeaaaa, LD, put it in."I was now shocked. I watched as LD pulled out of Bobbie's well-stretchedpussy and slowly pushed it into her asshole. Bobbie screamed with pain asLD enter her backdoor. Even with the lubrication from Bobbie's pussy it wasslow going. Slowly but surely he regained the speed that he used in herpussy. Bobbie was now screeching with each thrust. I then noticed that Pauland Tim were now standing behind the chair with their cocks out. WhenBobbie noticed she didn't hesitate; she started sucking on them as LDpounded her ass. She would suck on one for a while then work on the other.The excitement of the whole scene was to much for Tim. He began buckingwildly. He filled Bobbie's mouth with his load and she swallowed the wholegooey thing. This blew me away. She has never allowed me to come in hermouth. She licked him clean then turned back to Paul in time to get herface plastered with his load. She quickly latched onto his prick to receivethe rest of his thick load. She licked him clean then worked the come onher face into her mouth.LD watched this show as he pounded her ass. He said, "I see you like cum,Baby." LD added, "I've got a big load for you back here." He quickly pulledout of Bobbie's ass and she spun around and sat down. Without hesitationshe grabbed LD's cock and stuffed it into her mouth. We all watched as shebegan swallowing the massive load. She swallowed about five times before LDstopped coming. She then licked the tool clean that had been buried in herass. She was so nasty.I was at a loss as to why Bobbie was doing these nasty acts to my friends.She first tasted my come on our wedding night and threatened me with mylife if I ever came in her mouth again. She had always turned down myrequests for anal sex and now she was licking the residue off a cockfreshly pulled from her bowels.Bobbie looked up from her cleaning job with those big blue eyes and said,"Anybody else want to fuck me silly?" We proceeded to do just that. For therest of the afternoon we fucked her every which way. I think her favoritewas when LD fucked her pussy, Paul fucked her ass and she sucked Tim andme. The most surprising thing was how she cleaned us up after we came. Shewould lick our cock and balls and finish off by tonguing our assholes.Finally, I had to ask Bobbie why she had suddenly become so nasty. Shepaused for a moment then replied, "I don't know, I guess LD just broughtout the slut in me." Dumbfounded, I asked, "What about me? Don't I bringout the slut in you?" Bobbie quickly replied, "Honey, I'm sorry, but youdon't have a f******n inch cock." So that's how it was. My wife is a bigcock slut. My wife was certainly no virgin before her special half-time,however, she was a gang bang virgin. The boys and I took care of that.Bobbie made me promise that we will do this every Sunday. We're halfwaythrough the season and she's had about fifteen different guys. Some were strangers that she met at the market. About two weeks ago she took on eight guys. She has learned to deep throat cocks now and has actually been able to take twelve of f******n inches of LD's cock down her throat.Bobbie wants to start an amateur porno flick business. But that's another story.Oh. By the way, it turns out Bobbie was wearing her diaphragm. I wonder how she knew it would be needed that afternoon?

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It was the start of the high school football season at Central High School and Coach Johnson was looking over his initial roster of players. He recognized a few of the names from the previous years–some of his best players were on it. Of course, he had lost some good ones as they graduated this spring and were now playing college ball or had moved on. But he was still pretty pleased with what he had to work with this year. There were positions to fill, just like every year, but he had a good...

1 year ago
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Chapter 6 How my wife turned into a slutThe poker game

Hello again. I’ve been writing these stories to tell you how my wife became a slut. I’ve really enjoyed telling you about our little adventures. Anyway a little catch up, we decided we wanted to try a threesome and that is when we meet Michael and we have been having fun ever since. Michael is basically been living with us now and we all fuck all the time. I’ve never gotten jealous even though Michael has a bigger cock than me and I know Anna loves to fuck and suck his cock more than mine but I...

Group Sex
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The Football Coachs Wife Part 1

I have to admit that I did enjoy seeing all those muscular boys. I never saw so many six-pack abs and tight bubble butts in my life. They were even hotter in their uniforms, which i got to see when I went to the games with my husband. He'd be down on the field, of course, and I'd be there in the stands cheering on the team. It was a nice arrangement and it gave me plenty to fantasize about. Yes, there were times when Bill would be fucking me and my mind would drift off all those muscular...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Football

Fantasy Football by FLA527 Part One "3 ... 48, 3 ... 48" Mitch barked out the signals as he looked over Tech's defense. Looking to his left, he saw just what he was looking for. "HUT ... HUT" As Jimmy Sams snapped him the ball, Mitch faked the hand-off to Mo Ellington and tucked it in his belly. Then quickly he looked to the right for a split second. Now the clock in his head was ticking, he was at three when he turned and saw Robinson accelerating and Mitch wound up and let...

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Fantasy Football 3

PART FIVE Suddenly, he jumped with a bit of a start. He was confused as there was some sort of red haze over his face. Looking around he recognized that he was in his room, then he felt something huge behind him and that huge something was pinning him to it and to the bed. Then before his panic ran away with him, he remembered that he was actually a 'she' ... and she was Laynie. And what had happened and who 'she' was now and who was behind her. She realized they had fallen asleep as...

4 years ago
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T Fantasy Football Almost the Final Part

Fantasy Football - Almost the Final Part by FLA527 Aurthor's note: Sorry for the delay and extension. Chapter 10 Slowly, ... pleasantly Laynie woke, she was wrapped up in Mitch's arms and she was in heaven. Snuggling into his chest, she delighted in being in his protective embrace. Smiling as she knew this was yet another new day as Elaine Rose Addison, the 4 foot 10-inch-tall, redheaded cheerleader. As she nestled into his chest, she just lay there listening to him breathe....

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Fantasy Football

FANTASY FOOTBALL By Ted, [email protected] A rich friend pays me to humiliate myself under his feet, with unexpected consequences. Chapter 1 ? Fantasy Football My name is Ted and I run a fantasy football league with some friends of mine back in my college days and a few new people we added for a 20-team league. We meet every year for our face-to-face draft. There is no money involved, just a bunch of guys having fun. We are all very competitive and research the players, smack talk, and all...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 32 Ohio State Football Camps

Tami and I had arrived in Columbus the night before, because the football staff wanted to show us around before sign in at eleven that morning. We were directed to the Woody Hayes Athletic Center. The facilities had been originally built in the late 80s. Recently they did an almost twenty million dollar upgrade and expansion. If there was a better football facility in the country, I wanted to see it. Tami and I went to reception to meet our guide who turned out to be a guy that looked like...

3 years ago
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Wife becomes black cock slut

John and Amy have been married for almost 5 years now. They have had a good sex life,John is 23 years old, and Amy is 24 years old. John stands 6’2″, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, weighing about 200 lbs. Amy stands about 5’4″, with long brown hair and green eyes. She weighs about 190 lbs, with 42D tits.They had hired a local lawn company to do their yard work for them. Roger is a 40 year old. He stands 6’4″, with dark skin, a shaved head, and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build,...

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Football Buddy Part One

Sometimes things happen for a reason, that's what they say. I tend not to believe that shit happens is more my philosophy. I work at a packing and shipping firm in one of the busiest cities, so I usually do not have the time to socialize. My days are usually spent in front of a computer printing shipping forms or receiving invoices. My only savior is football season, its the one time of the year that I can relax and scream and shout at the box. My football buddy used to live down the hall from...

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Love and Football Intro

“Wake your ass up Ramesses,” she said quietly, as she smacked my literal ass. She was a morning person. I was not. I checked my phone to see the time. 4:46 AM. “Ramesses, let’s gooo,” Geneva said urgently, shaking me. I rolled out of bed, threw some shorts on, grabbed my football and followed Geneva back out of my window, down the fire escape, and through the streets of Harlem to her dad’s garage about a half-mile away. We arrived at 4:52, which was “on time” since it was at least 5 minutes...

2 years ago
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Football Khelto Ho Tum Ya Cricket Ka 20 Twenty Match

Football khelto ho tum ya cricket ka 20 twenty match? Mujhe to dono hi game bahut pasand hai. Koi heavy bat se mujhe mare, ya me apne khula hua goal post dikha ke goal karne ka offer du. To kya socha khula hua goal post zada mazadar hai na? Ab kya batau tumko, football ki to mai bari deevani thi. Mere ghar ke samne football maidan tha, jaha mohalla ke sare jawan larke khelte the. Aur me dekha karti thi har rozz apni balcony me khare ho kar un jawan lando ko. Par me to tis sal ke vidhwa aurat hu...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 16 Football and Paula occupy Sammys mind

Colonel Travis made an announcement at the Monday morning formation that created havoc among the cadets. Bancroft Preparatory School was canceling the junior varsity game, which had been scheduled to be played before the main event on Friday afternoon. This announcement was a devastating blow to our junior varsity guys, juniors and sophomores who labored hard without much recognition. A disturbing murmur rose from the ranks, which had to be quelled by instructors and senior cadets. The...

3 years ago
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Wife heels and sissy slut

When I told my wife that I love sniffing and licking her shoes and that I would like to fuck her shoes sometimes, she wasn't too surprised. She told me a secret that her brother is also a fetishist and that she has no problem with that.I was very happy that my wife didn't mind, I could kiss her legs and feet, lick them, sniff her tights and shoes. I loved when she came after work and she left me sweaty tights and shoes. I also loved her sexy, fragrant panties with the juice from her pussy....

2 years ago
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Barbara Model Turns Slut

All the credit goes to NiteWriter for this one. And Man is it hot I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received. The magazine publisher was in a hurry and needed someone by next week. With the pictures submitted, choosing the best ones for interviews was going to be difficult. I reviewed the pictures and...

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Football Star And Secret Whore For Big Black Cock

This is an erotic fictional story that I wish really did happen to me...My name is Josh. I'm 19 years old and I play football at State College. I'm a quarterback. It's the summer after my first year and the coach liked my performance on last year's freshman squad, so he recommended me for an elite 6 week summer football camp for the elite freshman players all throughout the country.I am one of six quarterbacks and we all get along very well. The first week was mostly conditioning and try outs...

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SRU The Football Hero

SRU -- The Football Hero By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Mall Security, Sam Crawford speaking." "Sam, this is Al Dehner at Rite Aide. I've got a crazy man screaming in my story." Al's voice was quivering, a sure sign the man was nervous. In the background, Sam could ear what sounded like someone shouting, though he couldn't make out any words. "On my way," Sam said. The Rite Aide was only about six stores away from the corner where the Security Office was located. Sam...

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The Slut Game

Sitting at a small desk in her dorm room during a late evening, you see a beautiful red headed woman working on a project for her freshmen college course. This is Morgan; she's a young industrious woman but she wanted something else in life. Despite being drop dead gorgeous, her body was lithe with very little curves to her and this saddened her. Additionally she never wanted to go to college, she wanted to do other things in life. What she dubbed as being "adventurous" was her code word for...

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wife become a slut

All sex acts need full permission from all parties. Please don't do any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don't know. This story has been with prior agreement from all. Wife becomes a slut to please husband. I walked into the bar; this was the seventh, bar I walked into in the last few weeks looking for just the right place. I was very disappointed the bar was rowdy with a lot of people but not the kind of place I was looking for. One quick drink...

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Football Studs Day Off

The name is Harry LaPierre. I’m a young black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’ve got something to confess, folks. I am a self-admitted thrill addict. It doesn’t matter the nature of the thrill. Sex. Speeding. You name it, I do it. That’s okay, though. There are plenty of chicks and dudes in this town who wouldn’t mind hooking up with a six-foot-three, muscular and sexy black stud like myself. I guess it pays to be fine-looking. For real. Anyhow, I’ve been trying to get my...

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Halloween Football Magic

Halloween Football Magic By Constance Grant (c) Copyright 1999, Manasquan, NJ 08736 [email protected] This was a very important game for me, perhaps the most important of my short career. So you can understand, I was a little on edge. It wasn't that I hadn't prepared myself for it, I had. Long hours in the weight room, and more hours using Cathy's dad's exercise machines, plus several hours of field practice six days a week. I was only a high school senior, but...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 21 Football Camp Kentucky

Mom dropped Dad and me off at the school. We were meeting the bus by the football stadium at ten o'clock. Coach Hope and Brad were the first two there. I could tell something was up. "We wanted to get you two together and clear the air. We're a team come this fall, and if you two are not on the same page we have a problem," Coach Hope told us. "Who wants to start?" Brad shot off his mouth before I had a chance to react. "David thinks he's God's gift to football and needs to be...

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Football Saturday

Football Saturday. Oh joy. I love college football but I don’t enjoy Football Saturday when it is my hubby’s turn to host his gang. He generally contains the mayhem to his man-cave but when the action gets heated, the only thing that seems to cool off him and his buddies is more beer. They are actually a really good group of guys, my hubby was a jock in college and despite the years, most of his friends now were his teammates and fraternity brothers then; they are all loyal fans, in good years...

3 years ago
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Football Party Part I

On Saturday night, I crawled into bed beside my girlfriend, Jessica. She was lying on her left side, facing away from me, wearing nothing but her favorite white silk lace panties. Jessica is 22 years old. She's about 5'2", and she has shoulder-length, curly blond hair. She has perky, C-cup breasts, and nice squishy ass. In these particular panties, her ass cheeks protruded invitingly out from beneath the frilly lace trim. I sleep naked, and the moment I lifted the covers to join her in bed, my...

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Football Is My Life

Football is my Life Transgender fiction by [email protected] The following is a work of adult erotic fiction, intended for consumption by adults. If you are too young to be reading such things, or live in an area where sexual fiction between men and transgendered men is illegal or immoral, please stop now. Otherwise, enjoy this little work of mine. I was always immersed in football. My father played as part of the famous "fireplug line" at his University in Texas....

5 years ago
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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

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Summer Football Practice

I'm the bad girl who loves the ballers. I love sports, I love hip-hop, and I love the boys that do both. When I got to college last year, the first thing I did was find out how to get student tickets to the football and basketball games. I had to support my team, and if I could meet the boys, even better. Ours is a big school and I never did meet any that first year, but just as final exams were ending, I saw a flyer in the student union that grabbed my attention and didn't let go: the football...

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She likes FootballPlayers

Hank sat dejected in the chair in front of Coach Johnson’s desk.  On the other side of the desk sat his college football coach, his elbows on the desk with his head in his hands. Hank was not feeling much like the star quarterback at this moment.  He wondered if he was even going to remain on the team, or hell, he may lose his scholarship as well, fuck, he thought.“Coach, there has to be something that can be done,” Hank’s father said.  Hank looked to the chair next to him, his father’s face...

College Sex
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Varsity Football Part 1

Knob View was known to the surrounding towns as “Society Hill”. With its beautiful mountain views, long winters, 3 story high mansions, country clubs, and beautiful people, it was always the envy and talk of the newspaper columnists. But more than its views and more than the mansions, country clubs, and beautiful people, Knob View was known for its football team. Eight time all-conference Champions, and two- time 1A national champions. The team could beat anyone. Most of Knob Views citizens...

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Wife become a dirty slut

Hi Readers, The incident i am posting today is real and i know a lot of couples would be enjoying this discreetly. Those who are reading me for the first time, I am 27yr old single guy from delhi and love to enjoy life to the fullest. This happens when a reader of my story got in touch with me with a very different problem. Rajeev and Kusum are married for around 4yrs now and are blessed with a baby boy Naman. Both are in early 30’s and enjoy a good sexual life and professionally both are...

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The Football Locker Room

It was a raining day and I did not want to get up for school. The alarm clock sounded and I just laid there for a moment day dreaming before I turned off the alarm. I got up and went into my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. As I was getting ready, I remembered that we had a football game that night. Now, I didn’t really wanting to go. It was a going to be a muddy mess tonight. I only played football because I wanted to look at the hot guys on the team while they were...

4 years ago
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Football Buddy Part Two Lose Some You Win Some

My relationship with Brittany was doomed from the start. Yeah, the sex was out of this world, but we were from different worlds; she was pure country, and I was a city boy. Eventually, it had to come to an end. However, we had a  good three months. She had moved out of her apartment and into mine. We couldn't stop ourselves on most nights.The sex was incredible even on the last day we spent together. I took her to the airport and when we got down to the security she gave me a look. I knew that...

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The Football Team And I

I sit in my calculus class, trying not to stare at the back of Liam’s head, his dark brown hair like chocolate. Every time I’m in his vicinity, I have a hard time concentrating. And I love math.Moving to California has been quite a change from Maine. I didn’t want to, but my mother got a job offer she couldn’t refuse, and since I don’t have a dad, we both rely on her. I’m almost eighteen, and as I’ve been accepted to a few colleges, I’ll be able to move wherever I please after graduation. There...

Group Sex
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Different Football Recruiting Trip

Wyoming State University, Home of the "Blizzard," is the Division I FCS participant and where I am Special Teams Coach. Along with coaching, I am responsible for recruiting Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. With school colors of white, silver, and gold, the school just screams cold weather and a tough place to sell to a high school football recruit. I am the oldest coach on the staff, single, and never been married because I have been a coaching gypsy. In thirty years, WSU is stop number...

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The Football Jock and Chrissie

The Football Jock and ChrissieBack in college, sharing an apartment with my BFF/roommate Kelly, a lot of my dates and hook-ups were arranged by Kelly. For some reason she always seemed to know just who was into what when it came to sex. She learned a lot about other people’s likes and dislikes from hanging with her lesbian crowd. She was also super inquisitive and fancied herself as somewhat of an amateur detective. I just thought she was nosy. It was 1998, the middle of our junior year, and I...

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Football Time

Football season is here, and along with it we have the chips, the beer, the big screen TV, the pool up and ready to go, and of course, the friendly football rivalry. What is football without a little friendly competition. This football season is going to be one of the best that I am going to get to experience. My girlfriend, Allie and I get along great, we like most of the same things, expect when it comes to sports. No matter what the game is, we are always on opposite sides of the track....

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Girls Cant play football

"Girls can't football!" Dylan laughed as Misty came running onto the practice field. Dylan and his friends laughed and pointed as a clearly uncomfortable Misty looked around at the group of high school boys. "Funny guys," Misty said trying to act as though they were just give her a hard time because she was "one of the boys." Dylan and his friends looked around at the mostly empty field and decided that Misty clearly hadn't received the message. Misty stood awkwardly in her...

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LoriFootball playoff lust

Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...

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Football Game Night

"Wait, what?""You heard me, unless you're afraid," she said teasingly. "I would understand that coming from you, not to mention your sorry-ass third-string Broncos."Dani's proposal caught me off-guard. Maybe it shouldn't have, but it did.It will help to have a little background. I made the hardest decision I've ever had to make in February. I was offered a promotion by my company, but it meant I would need to move to corporate headquarters. That meant a move from Denver to Newark. Nobody goes...

Office Sex

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