Meine gro e Schwester
- 4 years ago
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Einpaar Jahre her machte ich einen Auslandsjahr auf einer kleinen Farm in Amerika.
Meine Gastfamilie bestand nur aus den beiden Elternteilen die zwar Kinder hatten, aber die Kinder lebten nicht mehr zuhause da sie schon 20 und älter waren und alleine lebten. Das Haus indem ich war, war SEHR groß es war eine Verbindung von 2 Häusern ein neues und ein altes, im alten residierte ich und meine Gast Eltern im anderen also waren wir sehr abgeschieden.
Ich muss zugeben, dass das Jahr ziemlich langweilig war, weil ich sehr abseits des Dorfes wohnte wo meine Schule war und ich mich deswegen nur selten mit Freunden treffen konnte.
Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...
BDSMDas lange, weißblonde Haar, das sonst meist zu einem bauschigen Pferdeschwanz gebunden ist, fließt jetzt weich und üppig über die runden, schmalen Schultern. Es umrahmt Sandras hübsches Gesicht und lässt es eine Spur kleiner erscheinen. Lustig und keck wirkt das Stupsnäschen, das von drei, vier Sommersprossen beherrscht wird. Der volle und trotzdem fast noch kindliche Mund hat sich leicht geöffnet. Die weißen Zähne schimmern feucht. „Na los, mach schon, Sandra, wir warten, blas´ sie doch...
Rob thought for a moment as Geoff stood and dusted himself off. "Well," he said thoughtfully, "there are some extra security measures in place just in the off chance we were attacked." "Attacked?" the courier laughed, picking up Nezumi and checking to make sure his pained expression as he limped towards her was just an act, "By what?" Rob shrugged; making sure his tazer was okay. "Oh, mostly just by the other people who work here," he explained, "When you rent out more than half...
Miranda smiled down at Nezumi as she slid her glasses back on and the little rodent chuckled merrily. "As I said," the courier replied, scooping the pokemon up into her hand and holding him close, "Nezumi said 'rattata'. That's it. That's all." "He said his species name?" inquired Joanne, her pale blue eyes going wide as the scientist twitched a little at the sight of both the courier and her rattata nodding in unison agreement. "Rattata," they both agreed to Iago's...
Crystal hängte ihre Schürze auf und machte sich bereit, auszufahren. Es war ein vernünftiger Tag in Bobs 'Ice Cream Emporium', in dem sie nach der Schule mehrere Tage in der Woche für ihren Onkel Bob arbeitete. Heute war Freitag, was bedeutete, dass es Zahltag war, was hieß, dass er geil sein würde. Onkel Bob wurde am Zahltag aus irgendeinem Grund immer geil. Eines Tages, wenn sie auf dem College war und vielleicht Psychologie studierte, könnte sie den Lehrer fragen, was es mit dem Zahltag auf...
She smiled "Good morning," then, "Please don't stop." Beast couldn't help smiling too. He nodded, bringing his lips down to her nipple and his hand toward her shaved pussy. Gently, he put one of his fingers inside her tight hole and wiggled it. She was very sensitive down there; she began to moan and lift her ass up from the bed. Beast had an instant hard-on. Her innocence turned him on easily. Belle lifted his face from her breast and kissed him full on the mouth, sticking...
"KNOCK KNOCK" At Gaston's door at around Eight O,Clock came the knocking "Great just as I was about to woo Belle with my spectacular muscles." he muttered as he opened the door to reveal an old woman carrying flowers. "Um, can I help you ma'am?" "Yes young man. Can you tell me where an inventor named Maurice lives." Gaston was about to avoid her and to try and woo Belle but then he remembered his mothers advice that old ladies "Can help you if you help them back." "Sure you got to go to the...
MILFDer gestrige Hochzeitstag ist der schönste Tag im Leben der neunzehnjährigen Nadine Bauer gewesen. Zunächst hat sie in der Kirche ihrem geliebten Schatz ihr heiliges Jawort gegeben, und anschließend haben sie gemeinsam mit der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft ausgelassen bis tief in die Nacht gefeiert. Die daraufhin folgende „Hochzeitsnacht“ haben sie verschlafen, was für die noch jungfräuliche Nadine aber nicht so schlimm gewesen ist, denn erstens ist ihr Sex in ihrem bisherigen Leben noch nie...
Es war ein kühler Sommertag im Juli, unsere Mutter war gerade verreist und so organisierten Annie und ich den lieben langen Tag alleine in unserer kleinen Berliner 3 Zimmerwohnung. Eine Woche war schon um, genug Zeit um die anfängliche Organisation durch alltägliches Chaos zu ersetzen... mein Name ist Jessica, ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin um 168 cm groß, habe lange blonde Haare und ein sommersprossiges Gesicht und eine helle Haut und habe eine weibliche runde Figur und weiche C-Brüste. Meine...
Ein langer Tag lag hinter ihm. Müde steuerte Thomas Schmidt seinen alten Opel Corsa durch den Abendverkehr. Eigentlich hätte er sich freuen sollen, denn heute war sein 28. Geburtstag und die Mädchen hatten sicherlich etwas für ihn vorbereitet. Doch Thomas war erschöpft, der heutige Tag im Büro war anstrengend und nervenraubend gewesen. Sein Chef, Herr Mayer, hatte morgen eine Vorstandsbesprechung, entsprechend hektisch war es im Büro zugegangen. Die Ergebnisse des letzten Monats waren nicht so...
Es war drei Uhr in der Früh als die junge Krankenschwester ihre Schicht beendete. Sie war sehr müde, und als sie sich im Schwesternzimmer umzog musste Uschi sich gegen den Blechschrank lehnen um nicht vor Erschöpfung umzufallen. Doch schließlich trug das schlanke Mädchen mit den kurzen, dunkelblonden Haaren wieder ihre Privatkleidung und nahm ihre Jacke in die Hand. Auf dem Weg zum Fahrstuhl verabschiedete sie sich von den anderen Schwestern und dann fuhr sie hinunter in die Tiefgarage. Die...
Jasmin hasste ihr Schwester Chantal. Und das aus tiefstem Herzen und mit gutem Grund wie sie fand. Chantal war Jasmins aeltere Schwester und ihr nicht nur zwei Jahre, sondern stets auch die beruehmte Nasenspitze voraus. Sie war besser in der Schule, bei allen weitaus beliebter als Jasmin. Kurzum, Jasmin platze vor Eifersucht gegenueber ihrer Schwester. Und jetzt auch noch das: Ihre gutaussehende und immer perfekt im Businesslook gestylte 20 Jahre alte Schwester stand kurz vor ihrer Heirat. Es...
Part One Schwestern ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...
Sie war meine erste richtige Freundin. Melanie hatte sich mir an den Hals geworfen. Eigentlich war ich eher mit saufen und kiffen beschäftigt, aber die Vorstellung eine Freundin zu haben, die ich ficken konnte machte mich geil. Ich hing wie jeden Tag mit meinen Kumpels am Flussufer ab als irgendwann Nicole, ein Mädel aus unserer Clique, die Cousine von Melanie, mich fragte wie ich denn ihre kleine Cousine finden würde. Ich meinte nur naja geht so, wobei ihre Titten ja schon recht gross waren....
TeenWie schön, dass es Dreierkonferenzen gibt, und die auch zu dritt. Wie sonst ließen sich die Einschränkungen derzeit besser überwinden? Manchmal telefonieren wir uns zu dritt zusammen und manchmal zum chatten. Mit 'wir' meine ich meine beiden Schwestern und mich. Ohne die beiden könnte ich einfach nicht sein. Und nachdem uns Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat, uns regelmäßig zu besuchen, sind wir auf Telefonate und Chat ausgewichen. Manchmal auch mit Video dabei. Auch wenn so...
IncestAmelie war müde. Der Tag war anstrengend, obwohl sie doch jetzt endlich frei hatte! Gestern war sie aus dem Internat nach Hause gekommen und hatte jetzt einige wirklich entspannende Tage in Aussicht. Ihre Eltern sind nämlich heute in den Urlaub aufgebrochen. Sie und Maximilian waren mittlerweile zu alt um mit ihnen mitfahren zu wollen, Daher blieben sie und ihr Stiefbruder im Elternhaus. Ihre Mutter war deshalb heute nicht nur im Kofferpackstress, sondern musste ihr auch noch alle Neuigkeiten...
Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...
Incest“Honey,” I said, “we need to get up early tomorrow for the airport.You should start packing.” I only had myself to blame. This was our last night in Barcelona; after a fine fish dinner and a walk down to the statue of the Columbus by the Mediterranean, I’d let Ashley choose from the list of for-pay movies. Barely seventeen, she hadn’t yet acquired the notion of first finishing everything that must be done before playing or relaxing. I had expected her to pick a movie recently released, but...
IncestThe glistening pinkness sparkled as the sun’s rays shot its warmth down on her. She lay there on the beach towel, legs spread as wide as she could get them, the meaty folds that usually hid what was inside, outstretched to the limits of no purity. Her breasts, so firm, formed perfect cones that projected up in the hot summer air with nipples so erect, they resembled pink pencil erasers dangling rigidly in the salt laden atmosphere. Her fingers ran up and down her genital orifice, catching the...
VoyeurChapter Five: Good Girl Flogged By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I trembled as I rode beside Daddy in his truck. I squirmed, wearing only my terry cloth bathrobe, the pink cloth caressing my naked body beneath. I bit my lip, my stomach nervous. Today was the big day. Today I would prove to Daddy I was his good girl. His submissive sex slave. A week ago, he showed me a gold-chain choker with a unicorn charm dangling on it. We were at the mall with my BFF Sun. The two of us had remote...
THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR By C Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and...
My 50th birthday was right around the corner and my wife told me that she would like to do something special for me. She said dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant in Chicago and spend the night in nice hotel downtown. Sure, my kind of weekend - no big party just weekend away with my wife and good food. The dinner was awesome and we went to a little club for a few drinks before retreating to the hotel for the night. We were both feeling pretty good from the drinks and in the...
Jeanine the virgin, looked up at Robert with apprehensive eyes . He smiled down at her with a barely concealed contempt that made her both revolt against him... and desire him. He told her , withou ceremony, to lie face down on the bed, with a pillow under her tits and her ass in the air. Jeanine did as instructed, her face pressed into the mattress, a pillow under her chest and her ass high and inviting.She presented a delightful view. Robert once agin marveled at his good fortune. Not only...
Introduction: Passions blaze as a set of twins awaken to their sensual side after a terrifying incident at the lake. (Contains Squirting) The sound of excited whoops and yells filled the area as the final bell rang signaling the beginning of summer break. Tony rushed past his locker and out into the muggy late afternoon sunlight. It was a perfect day for swimming. He turned with a grin as Jamal, Tonys best friend called out across the courtyard and jogged toward him. Yo Tony, you bring your...
I watched the two naked young teenagers as they climbed off me, while I lay naked on the living room floor, my pulse racing. The sensation of Susie's tight pussy sliding up my erect shaft, her juices dribbling down it's length as she finally released me from her warm, wet sex, elicited a deep groan from me. Susie smiled as she looked down at me. "Aww, do you miss me already, Jerry?" she giggled, then knelt down to give me a peck on the cheek, her still-hard nipples brushing against my arm. My...
TabooThere was nothing I could do. Somehow Grace had figured it out all by herself, although it wasn't like I was hiding my crush very well. Sitting there with her thumb between my lips it was impossible not to feel my desires to submit to her deepen. She took her thumb back and her grin disappeared.''Portia, I asked you a question. Don't you think you'd better answer me? Hmm?'' Grace's voice broke my thoughts, she was commanding but playful and ended the statement by tapping my nose. I was...
BDSMHi, ISS readers, i am Tinku shah Nagpur (Maha) back again with my 2nd part, My mail id is “bhabhi, I Love You” i says in her ears, but she says nothing. Then i starts kissing on her neck, cheeks, hands, ears, as i reached towards her lips she stops me by her hands. “this is not the right place” she says, and my good god i got the signal after very long long time positive, i don’t believe this. After movie ends Shalu Bhabhi says ” I will call you”, then we say bye to each other. At home i...
IncestThe HydrantAnnette Vuygent turned forty-three about two months ago. She was Italian/Jewish/Irish mix and she would claim which ever ethnicity was convenient for whatever situation she was in. When she met her first husband who was Italian, she was Italian. When she met her second husband who was Jewish, she was Jewish attending Temple with him and the 'whole nine yards'.Annette stood 5'11" tall and had DD's that hadn't really been affected by gravity in the thirty one years she had them....
Saturday morning I saw my mom and grandma off. Bob was at work, as he usually was open a half day on Saturday, but he didn’t get home to 5:00. He came in with several bags. “Chris, come upstairs with me I bought you some things.” I followed him up wondering what he had as he usually didn’t buy much for anyone including himself. He sat on my bed and started to empty the bags. “I thought you might need some of your own things “ he said. One bag held a bunch of makeup accessories and a booklet on...
I hadn’t slept yet when Andi called and asked if I was interested in a cup at the Analog. I glanced at the clock on my screen and realized it was after eight in the morning. After I said yes, I looked at the results of all my research during the night. What I had to report wasn’t good, but neither did it explain why Melissa would suddenly up and run away without even telling her best friend. I met Andi at the foot of the back stairs in the alley and we walked down to the Analog Café. We’d...
Chapter 11: A New Star Is Born I wanted to feel nervous and scared to what was about to happen, but my instincts were telling me otherwise. This was my time to shine in front of the camera and for the first time I was able to show the skills I had learned over the past few days. I stared at all the men surrounding talking about the shots they were trying to set up and what was about to go on. I had no say in how this would turn out but most actors don’t in general. Quinn was grinning at me...
I looked out the window and daydreamed while my history teacher was in the middle of his lecture. “Jay, would you like to answer the question?” I immediately snapped my attention out of my daydream. “I’m sorry. What was the question again?” The teacher smiled, knowing that he had caught me daydreaming again. “I asked in what year did the space shuttle as we know it today lift off for the first time?” I sighed, “1981.” He smiled at me. “Very good. I see you have been reading like I have...
Love StoriesKristie Davenport draped her arms over the rail in the mall atrium and looked around. What a hole! She thought to herself. Look at all this space! I mean, if this were my mall, I'd get rid of the skating rink, put in some more stores! They've got these little kiosks all through the place... I bet they could make a lot more money than they do now with more room! Around Kristie the crowd flowed, going about their errands and business, the sound they made was loud but not entirely...
Hello everyone, my name is Brian. I’m a senior who lives in Holyoke, Colorado. I live in a decent apartment complex near the edge of town. My dad divorced my mom after she went through some destructive habits when I was just 3 years old. I’ve lived with him and my 2 younger sister in this small but cozy apartment for 14 years now. I’ve never really had any neighbors to brag about, just a few older women and a young couple that were getting settled before they bought a house. My life has been...
Cassie and Vera turned and walked around the suite to check it out. “Very nice,” Cassie said. “Let’s get comfortable, Vera.” They both began to undress and by the time they were naked, Terry was fully erect. Vera was much smaller than Cassie, almost flat chested but she had small hips and a tiny firm ass. Her pale skin was quite a contrast from Cassie’s. Cassie walked around the room a little more and Terry was amazed at her perfect body. Her breasts stood out from her chest, full and firm...
Hello ISS readers. This is Aman (name changed) again. I am back with a new fantasy. This is about me and my Mami. Those who don’t know me, I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. I am 21 years old. To be honest, I am a normal guy with a fair color. Height of 5’8. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s nearly 6 inch and 2 and half inch thick. Coming to the story, this all happened when I was 19. My Mama shifted from Mumbai to our city. So they...
IncestAfter a bit of relaxation and recovery, I announced to the group that I had plans for Joey and Patty together. I wanted them to know exactly what I had in mind ... this was Joey’s chance to back out if he didn’t want any part of helping to raise Carver’s and Patty’s love child ... Though it wasn’t as if Carver would be out of his life ... not really, since Carver and Candy would be around a lot. Joey would be the legal father and Carver the biological father ... both would be...
Attention porn pervs that enjoy petite blondes getting visibly skewered by long black dong. You have found a scene to quench your thirst. No wonder it’s called cam soda. Little Piper Perri is putting on her show and she has Mandingo over to deliver for her fans. Piper takes control and Mandingo seems to approve. The starlet two hands her meat missile and sucks the end while stroking. She works up the courage to climb aboard and there is a clear discrepancy in size. Amazingly, tiny Perri...
xmoviesforyouHi, my self manoj agrawal from raipur (C. G.). Main ek married person hu. Meri shadi ko 4 saal hue hai. Story ki heroin meri dedh saali hai jiski shaadi ko 9 saal ho gaye hai. Wo bhi raipur main hi settle hai to usse milne main koi takleef nahi hoti. Uska pati uspe shak karta hai, jisse wo bahut pareshaan rehti hai. Aur use uski is pareshani ka solution maine diya. 34d-40-40 figure hai uska. Behad sudar dikhti hai. Height kam hai lekin height ka kya kaam. Uske paas duniya jahan ki jaanat hai....
100% fiction! Many years in the past me and my sister were always in what we called "love". Kissing each other on the lips as a goodbye, playing doctor still at the age of 19, saying I love you was a regular thing between me and my sister, but now... Saying I love you randomly is all a distant memory ever since she moved away to live with Dad in England. Well now I'm 27 and mom died leaving the house and its many bills in my inheritance. I took up a couple part-time jobs after finishing...
IncestAs I came out of the shower, I watched my stepdad standing in my room near the window. “Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked, adjusting the white towel wrapped around my naked body. “How was your exam?” he asked, as he stared at my breasts. “It went quite well,” I told him. I waited for him to leave the room, but he said, “Good,” and came closer to me. “By the way, last night I came to your room. I thought you might be studying and needed a cup of coffee,” he said. “But…” I got a...
TabooAlaina was a robot in her double period Chemistry class that day. She took notes as usual and raised her hand to answer questions as usual, but she wasn’t truly there. She came back to herself at the end of the period. She needed to get away. To be somewhere else. Anywhere else, as long as Will wasn’t also there. She walked quickly out of the room with her head down and immediately collided face first with the soft, sweater-restrained chest of Laura Jansson, who was waiting just outside the...
Mr. Thomas drives down to a little breakfast place a couple blocks from his house. The place is only open during breakfast hours. And it has a carryout which makes it even more convenient, especially when they are close to closing. Waiting for the food to cook, he begins to realize that he should have called ahead. What’s done is done, though. As he stands by the register, an elderly man is reading the morning paper. Mr. Thomas glances at the front page and snickers. There is something about...
My man and I had finished our shower and he is sitting in the dining area reading the paper with just a towel around his waist. His friend Tony is visiting and is sitting across from him. I come up behind him and run my hands over his back and into his hair. He leans back into my hands enjoying the attention as I lean over his shoulder with my long dark hair brushing his back and body. While my lips and tongue enjoy the taste and feel of his skin, Tony is getting a full view and is looking...
VoyeurAlthough I let this chunk of a possible Kim history go as I was writing it, I wanted her to be confused, as that confusion was what got her hanging with the girls at the lunch table. I wanted her not particularly understanding how and why her life was where it is, thus this is an outtake. She held up her hand to stop me, then said, “I probably know what question. Even if I’m wrong in that, I’ll still answer that question: No. I’m not trying to ingratiate myself with Brett. Yes, he’s very...
Ok, Im 21 now and this happened about 2month ago, but ever since i was about 18 ive always dreamed of having sex with my dad's wife.but it never became like serious thoughts untill recently. so i would stay up my dads place for a couple days a week and his wife was obviously always there , shes about 5"10 and still has a amazing body for 35 , the best part were her legs and ass ,,, i could stare at them all day. but thats all it normally ever would be was just staring. then my dad started...
Cheating WifesIt was nearly a year ago today that I was given the best gift I’d ever received. The day started off like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school. Today was my birthday, eighteenth to be exact, but I didn’t feel different at all. When I got to school my best friend, Travis, came over to me, swung his arm around my shoulder, and started yelling, “Make way for the birthday boy!” I felt a little embarrassed but I still laughed at Travis’s stupidity. Travis was...
What I did not regret, once I was inside the shower with her, was the view. She was slender, with small, exceptionally firm breasts and slender, almost boyish hips that barely extended out past her taut, entirely flat stomach. She had the body of a professional gymnast, muscular and strong enough, but possessing exceptional agility and flexibility. I watched her with polite but avid interest as she applied the soap generously and washed her front and sides with a fervor and intensity that...
You’re My Bitch NowPart 11Rick had confessed everything to Chris, who hadn’t stopped saying sorry for leaving him alone. Chris dragged him back to the flat where Rick collapsed onto the sofa. Chris wrapped his arms around him and tried to get him to calm down. What Scott had done to him freaked Rick out, and it felt good to have Chris hold him tight until he got himself back under control. Chris kept apologising and Rick told him to stop. It wasn’t his fault he said, he’d been so star struck...
Alex's Blissful SurrenderAlex turned to the North in the shower as she began to shave her pussy. It was Master's instruction that she should always face his direction when she removed the fine blonde hairs from her sex. Facing North was a very good thing. It meant she was away on her quarterly business trip, and Master was only forty-five miles away. She showered, and then dried off in the steamy bathroom. A thrill went through her as she stepped into the white lace thong, which she was only...
If you read my blogs you will understand.True story happened last week my daughter in laws cousin Shab come over from Leicester, they all stayed at my house.We talked watched a film it was about 11 my son said he was going to bed Shab asked if she could use the shower and daughter in law sat with me till shab come back, daughter in law said Shab is the one having sex with her father in law.She come back with her dressing gown on, my daughter in law and said going up to bed to, we started...
Marred as it was by the sadness that naturally followed Fred Weaseley's death, it had still been, Harry thought, the best summer of his life with Ginny and the others at the Burrow. He was now an adult and it had been fairly safe to go wherever he wanted. Ministry Aurors had entered 12 Grimmauld Place, and after carefully checking for malicious enchantments, curses and hexes, Harry was allowed to return. New protective spells had been placed on the house, which meant that he and his friends...
Mystic Falls, 2011 Chapter I: Awakening “Get up! Get up! Get up!” I wake up, with the image of Damon screaming. “We have lots to do today, come on, sleepy heads!” “Damon!” I almost forgot about my girlfriend, Elena, rapped in my arms. She began to wake up, too. “Oh my God, Damon!” she screamed at him. He rolled his eyes and continued his speech as if nothing happened. “We have lots of research to do, come on get dressed!” “Get out of here, Damon, and we’ll get dressed,” Elena...
(Lil warning, this is my first story so I am truly sorry if shit turns stupid) Description Piper is a recently turned 18 year old girl who's a blonde with green eyes and has messy curl hair. Her chest size is a d-cup and with pink colored nipples, she as well has a great ass and thighs that are worth dying for. Story time The sound of the alarm brought Piper back from the dream world. She groaned and tried to find her phone by digging her hands into the bed sheet that layed on top of her....
She listened to the chimes of the doorbell echo in the hall for a second time. 'Maybe he's still asleep?' she thought to herself as she stood there. Usually her sister was home on Fridays, but only her sister's boyfriend's car was in the driveway. She waited patiently because she wanted to leave a magazine for her sister that had an interesting article on coping with the death of a spouse. She watched her sister Gina go through such a death, and was amazed at how well she handled it....
Straight SexI heard Robins singing outside my window in early April when Jimmy rolled over on top of me. His morning wood pressed against me. The grin on his face told me what he wanted. Although, I was tired and barely awake after last night’s love making and multiple orgasms, I knew there was no way I could say no. ‘Looks like you are interested in an encore Jimmy.’ I leaned over to the nightstand and looked at my iPhone. ‘Jimmy it’s your lucky day we have time for a quickie. Your morning wood...
Note : This story is completely fictional! If you saw her you would never know she looked and acted so Innocent but when we got alone she was insatiable and till this day i still masturbate to her memory's from 20 years ago to me she is by definition a woman . It was 1989 and i was just out of high school my girl friend Nicole @ the time was one year younger about to graduate and go off to collage . she was a very intelligent girl for 18 she weighed 105 pounds and like most girls who are that...
First TimeThe story continues from the first part. Karan fucks his mother, pretending to be his father, and has a wonderful experience. All references by Karan to Radha will be Karan pretending to be his father. After spraying cum in his mother’s (wife’s) face, Karan felt immensely happy. He realised his dream of fucking his mother, that too, with little effort. Radha got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself. Karan decided to follow her into the bathroom. Radha quipped, “I am shy to say, but this...