Meine gro e Schwester
- 4 years ago
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Einpaar Jahre her machte ich einen Auslandsjahr auf einer kleinen Farm in Amerika.
Meine Gastfamilie bestand nur aus den beiden Elternteilen die zwar Kinder hatten, aber die Kinder lebten nicht mehr zuhause da sie schon 20 und älter waren und alleine lebten. Das Haus indem ich war, war SEHR groß es war eine Verbindung von 2 Häusern ein neues und ein altes, im alten residierte ich und meine Gast Eltern im anderen also waren wir sehr abgeschieden.
Ich muss zugeben, dass das Jahr ziemlich langweilig war, weil ich sehr abseits des Dorfes wohnte wo meine Schule war und ich mich deswegen nur selten mit Freunden treffen konnte.
Babsi, eigentlich Bärbel, war Hals über Kopf in Ihren Schwager verliebt. Es nahm schon komische Züge an wie sehr sie sich wünschte endlich in seinen armen zu liegen, ihn zu Liebkosen und sich ihm auch Hinzugeben. Babsi war 16 Jahre alt, und shcon seit einiger Zeit total verschossen. an ihrem 16 geburtstag gab es mal wieder Stress mit der Muter, ihr Stiefvater hatte kein Interesse an ihr, und ihr Mutter machte sie für alles Verantwortlich. Vor allem das sie eine tolle Figur bekam, lange braune...
BDSMDas lange, weißblonde Haar, das sonst meist zu einem bauschigen Pferdeschwanz gebunden ist, fließt jetzt weich und üppig über die runden, schmalen Schultern. Es umrahmt Sandras hübsches Gesicht und lässt es eine Spur kleiner erscheinen. Lustig und keck wirkt das Stupsnäschen, das von drei, vier Sommersprossen beherrscht wird. Der volle und trotzdem fast noch kindliche Mund hat sich leicht geöffnet. Die weißen Zähne schimmern feucht. „Na los, mach schon, Sandra, wir warten, blas´ sie doch...
Rob thought for a moment as Geoff stood and dusted himself off. "Well," he said thoughtfully, "there are some extra security measures in place just in the off chance we were attacked." "Attacked?" the courier laughed, picking up Nezumi and checking to make sure his pained expression as he limped towards her was just an act, "By what?" Rob shrugged; making sure his tazer was okay. "Oh, mostly just by the other people who work here," he explained, "When you rent out more than half...
Miranda smiled down at Nezumi as she slid her glasses back on and the little rodent chuckled merrily. "As I said," the courier replied, scooping the pokemon up into her hand and holding him close, "Nezumi said 'rattata'. That's it. That's all." "He said his species name?" inquired Joanne, her pale blue eyes going wide as the scientist twitched a little at the sight of both the courier and her rattata nodding in unison agreement. "Rattata," they both agreed to Iago's...
Crystal hängte ihre Schürze auf und machte sich bereit, auszufahren. Es war ein vernünftiger Tag in Bobs 'Ice Cream Emporium', in dem sie nach der Schule mehrere Tage in der Woche für ihren Onkel Bob arbeitete. Heute war Freitag, was bedeutete, dass es Zahltag war, was hieß, dass er geil sein würde. Onkel Bob wurde am Zahltag aus irgendeinem Grund immer geil. Eines Tages, wenn sie auf dem College war und vielleicht Psychologie studierte, könnte sie den Lehrer fragen, was es mit dem Zahltag auf...
She smiled "Good morning," then, "Please don't stop." Beast couldn't help smiling too. He nodded, bringing his lips down to her nipple and his hand toward her shaved pussy. Gently, he put one of his fingers inside her tight hole and wiggled it. She was very sensitive down there; she began to moan and lift her ass up from the bed. Beast had an instant hard-on. Her innocence turned him on easily. Belle lifted his face from her breast and kissed him full on the mouth, sticking...
"KNOCK KNOCK" At Gaston's door at around Eight O,Clock came the knocking "Great just as I was about to woo Belle with my spectacular muscles." he muttered as he opened the door to reveal an old woman carrying flowers. "Um, can I help you ma'am?" "Yes young man. Can you tell me where an inventor named Maurice lives." Gaston was about to avoid her and to try and woo Belle but then he remembered his mothers advice that old ladies "Can help you if you help them back." "Sure you got to go to the...
MILFDer gestrige Hochzeitstag ist der schönste Tag im Leben der neunzehnjährigen Nadine Bauer gewesen. Zunächst hat sie in der Kirche ihrem geliebten Schatz ihr heiliges Jawort gegeben, und anschließend haben sie gemeinsam mit der gesamten Hochzeitsgesellschaft ausgelassen bis tief in die Nacht gefeiert. Die daraufhin folgende „Hochzeitsnacht“ haben sie verschlafen, was für die noch jungfräuliche Nadine aber nicht so schlimm gewesen ist, denn erstens ist ihr Sex in ihrem bisherigen Leben noch nie...
Es war ein kühler Sommertag im Juli, unsere Mutter war gerade verreist und so organisierten Annie und ich den lieben langen Tag alleine in unserer kleinen Berliner 3 Zimmerwohnung. Eine Woche war schon um, genug Zeit um die anfängliche Organisation durch alltägliches Chaos zu ersetzen... mein Name ist Jessica, ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin um 168 cm groß, habe lange blonde Haare und ein sommersprossiges Gesicht und eine helle Haut und habe eine weibliche runde Figur und weiche C-Brüste. Meine...
Ein langer Tag lag hinter ihm. Müde steuerte Thomas Schmidt seinen alten Opel Corsa durch den Abendverkehr. Eigentlich hätte er sich freuen sollen, denn heute war sein 28. Geburtstag und die Mädchen hatten sicherlich etwas für ihn vorbereitet. Doch Thomas war erschöpft, der heutige Tag im Büro war anstrengend und nervenraubend gewesen. Sein Chef, Herr Mayer, hatte morgen eine Vorstandsbesprechung, entsprechend hektisch war es im Büro zugegangen. Die Ergebnisse des letzten Monats waren nicht so...
Es war drei Uhr in der Früh als die junge Krankenschwester ihre Schicht beendete. Sie war sehr müde, und als sie sich im Schwesternzimmer umzog musste Uschi sich gegen den Blechschrank lehnen um nicht vor Erschöpfung umzufallen. Doch schließlich trug das schlanke Mädchen mit den kurzen, dunkelblonden Haaren wieder ihre Privatkleidung und nahm ihre Jacke in die Hand. Auf dem Weg zum Fahrstuhl verabschiedete sie sich von den anderen Schwestern und dann fuhr sie hinunter in die Tiefgarage. Die...
Jasmin hasste ihr Schwester Chantal. Und das aus tiefstem Herzen und mit gutem Grund wie sie fand. Chantal war Jasmins aeltere Schwester und ihr nicht nur zwei Jahre, sondern stets auch die beruehmte Nasenspitze voraus. Sie war besser in der Schule, bei allen weitaus beliebter als Jasmin. Kurzum, Jasmin platze vor Eifersucht gegenueber ihrer Schwester. Und jetzt auch noch das: Ihre gutaussehende und immer perfekt im Businesslook gestylte 20 Jahre alte Schwester stand kurz vor ihrer Heirat. Es...
Part One Schwestern ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...
Sie war meine erste richtige Freundin. Melanie hatte sich mir an den Hals geworfen. Eigentlich war ich eher mit saufen und kiffen beschäftigt, aber die Vorstellung eine Freundin zu haben, die ich ficken konnte machte mich geil. Ich hing wie jeden Tag mit meinen Kumpels am Flussufer ab als irgendwann Nicole, ein Mädel aus unserer Clique, die Cousine von Melanie, mich fragte wie ich denn ihre kleine Cousine finden würde. Ich meinte nur naja geht so, wobei ihre Titten ja schon recht gross waren....
TeenWie schön, dass es Dreierkonferenzen gibt, und die auch zu dritt. Wie sonst ließen sich die Einschränkungen derzeit besser überwinden? Manchmal telefonieren wir uns zu dritt zusammen und manchmal zum chatten. Mit 'wir' meine ich meine beiden Schwestern und mich. Ohne die beiden könnte ich einfach nicht sein. Und nachdem uns Corona einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht hat, uns regelmäßig zu besuchen, sind wir auf Telefonate und Chat ausgewichen. Manchmal auch mit Video dabei. Auch wenn so...
IncestAmelie war müde. Der Tag war anstrengend, obwohl sie doch jetzt endlich frei hatte! Gestern war sie aus dem Internat nach Hause gekommen und hatte jetzt einige wirklich entspannende Tage in Aussicht. Ihre Eltern sind nämlich heute in den Urlaub aufgebrochen. Sie und Maximilian waren mittlerweile zu alt um mit ihnen mitfahren zu wollen, Daher blieben sie und ihr Stiefbruder im Elternhaus. Ihre Mutter war deshalb heute nicht nur im Kofferpackstress, sondern musste ihr auch noch alle Neuigkeiten...
Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...
Incest“Need water?” My brother, Jacob handed me a water bottle with a lovely sprinkle of condensation forming on the outside. I nodded, “Yes!” said a breathless Colleen. I would have liked my name if I didn’t figure out a few years ago that my parents named me after an aunt who was later put in jail. No wonder my parents never tell us about her, they are ashamed. Every family has their problems… little did I know my brother and I would be adding to them. “It’s getting late.” Jacob said,...
HDoom appealed strongly to me as soon as I heard about it, but then again, I’ve always been a huge pervert with a few nerdish proclivities. If you tell me I might be able to shoot off a few loads while shooting my way through hordes of big-breasted imps and cocksucking demon whores, well, I might show up at your house with a gamepad, a chainsaw, and a big bottle of lube. Fortunately for you, me, and those mobs of satanic sluts, HDoom’s a free download so you can play along without leaving the...
Free Sex Games"I want to give my husband to you." "Oh, Sweetie. Thanks, but I already have a husband. Things aren't working out?" "Yes. I mean no. Sheesh. Things are working out just fine. I want to give Wil to you for a night. We both do. It's a new thing Keri and I want to try, to help us dominate him. I was hoping you would like it." "Let me get this straight, Mindy. You want to give your husband to me, like when we give a sister to our husband for a night?" "Yes, like that only backwards. I like being a...
Straight SexToday’s the day. Sara Jay has been anticipating this for the longest time, and she can’t hold it in anymore: she just wants to fuck one of her students, Tyler. She’s asked for him to come into her classroom early to speak with him on a private matter, and once she comes out with her feelings and truthfully tells him how bad she wants his dick inside of her, Tyler does what he can to make sense of his big tits math professor’s complex problem. But soon she’s got him...
xmoviesforyouHe had left her no choice; the stubborn prick had decided not to accept her invite. He had stopped answering her calls, and she didn’t want to have the conversation over text. “Aarrhh!” Her frustrations boiled to the surface. “Think woman. There’s got to be a way. I… I can’t let him win this battle.” She opened up the messenger app on her phone, and seeing Bradley’s smug smile on his profile picture only infuriated her further. She pressed record on the voice message option. “I know you think...
MasturbationWhile they enjoyed their meal, Sandra revealed her desire for Dan to expose his balls and sometimes by accident, his cock in public. She mentioned the different ways she had her husband show his cock and how exciting it was to accidentally let his cock be possibly seen. He agreed and she said his wives liked the idea also and he’d start being more of an exhibitionist for them in public. Jason returned to see how they were doing. Sandra smiled saying everything was very good. She loved his...
Brett was a changed man after his week as a slave. No longer did he see his sister as just a fuck toy, although he did still occasionally use her sexually. He was much more tender and comforting toward the sister slave. At the moment, he was holding her in his lap as he watched a baseball game. Kathleen liked the new Brett much better and it made her wonder what they had done to him while he was gone. She rested her cheek against his arm as he held her. He held one breast in one hand and...
Lesley pushed herself back, into the luxurious leather seat in Robs BMW and closed her eyes. She wasn't tired by any stretch of the imagination, she just wanted to relive the last experience of there visit to the sex shop. Lesley's mind was running amok with all the explosive orgasms she had just had. While walking from the shop to the car both Rob and her were laden with all the bags of new underwear and some clothes that the girls had so kindly given her. Some ot them were really naughty, and...
(I was writing this story when I was involved with two people. The three of us were the character basis. But they ended up committing to each other and forgetting I even exist, so I have no desire to bother trying to finish this story in the slightest. No names need to be changed as I already changed their names and Marie is my own middle name. To whomever decides to finish this story and make it their own I have only two limitations. 1- Be respectful of gender issues when writing the Marie...
Hello thanks for the response for my first story jinhone meri pahli kahani nhai padhi unhe bata du ki mera pahla sex meri mami ke sath huaa tha wo meri badi mammi ajj jo kahani mai app ko batne ja raha hu wo uske kareeb teen char sal bad ki hai Mai engineering kar ke Bangalore me job karne laga tha iss beech meri choti mammi bhi sadi kar kke aa gayi thi but dur rahne ke karad hamra jyada interaction nahi tha lekin wo fair colour gao ki mast chori thi uske curve ek dum Greece ki godess ki tarah...
I was always told that if you want to see what a girl will look like when she gets older, to look at her mother. Well, if this is any indication, then I picked the right girl. My wife is 5’6” and 115 pounds dripping wet. Her mom, Meeno, is about 5’4” and the same weight and build, but slightly larger breasts. She and I have always had a good relationship, and were always friendly to one another, sometimes in a less than appropriate manner. She always dresses in tight clothing, revealing every...
IncestSuper hot secretary Sybil gets XXXtra horny during office hours and as soon as Kai Taylor walks into her room, she’s all over him! Get ready for a brand new Hands on Hardcore adventure by the one and only DDF Network. This brunette bombshell with small natural tits, extra sexy green eyes, and that innocent teen look is going to ride that Brit’s hard dick as if there was no tomorrow! A 4K porn adventure loaded with deep pussy fucking by the office desk and some mouth-watering titty...
xmoviesforyouWell, I was reluctant to let my daughter’s friend Janice move into our house for her last year of high school. But like most parents I gave in. Little did I know I was creating a disaster? Now Janice is a nineteen year old six foot tall, sexy, blond haired Scandinavian beauty living who was blossoming into full womanhood. She was stunningly beautiful so of course when my 21 year old son came home from college for winter break he and Janice fell in love. Now they are fucking their brains out in...
I was recently away from home for a few weeks, however, I was able to complete my task ahead of schedule and come home early. I didn’t want to tell my wife as I wanted to surprise her, but it turned out that I was the one in for a surprise. As I turned onto my street after a long drive home, I noticed a strange vehicle in my driveway. At first I didn’t think anything of it, however, I decided at the last minute to drive by and park the car around the block. I got out of my car and walked over...
G-wave - Raped by Shrike It was hard to believe, but Ken had missed all the warnings and reports on the strange phenomenon that people called the Gender wave. There was a good reason for it though. You see Ken had just run away from another foster home and was looking out for a chance to steal some cash. Ken was headed straight for a life of crime. His mother had left him on the street as a baby with only a note attached saying that his name was Kenneth. So he was admitted to an...
The sixth day of Hrive ‘Isia ‘Your Highness – a pleasant surprise, please come in. I will admit I did not believe you were courageous enough to step over my threshold again.’ Gilraen handed a bundle of coins over to Ireth’s open palm. ‘I wasn’t sure if I were brave enough either,’ the princess admitted. ‘I do not have a companion at this moment, so I cannot demonstrate anything for you, so I am not sure what I can help you with.’ The Princess took a seat that Ireth offered, and settled...
Hello friends eh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 11 sal ka tha. Aur meri maa 32 sal ki. Mare papa navya me thae mare papa 40sal ke thae unka ghar pe bahut kam rehana hota tha. Hamare ghar ke 10,15km ke duri me meri bua fufa rehte thae papa ne hamari dekh bhal ki tender mare fufa ji ko de rakha tha, to bua fufa roj friday ki raat ko hamare ghar aate thae aur monday ko subha chale jate thae mare fufa teacher thae unki saturday, sunday holiday hoti thi. Mare fua, fufa ki marriage 2,3 sal pehale hui thi....
Now we just love girls that can’t wait to get naked and start sucking dick her at ExCoGi. But what Cam loves even more than getting his dick sucked by some stranger is getting his dick sucked by a sexy ginger and today’s newbie’s from the great state of Texas. Now I’ve heard the saying, Don’t Mess with Texas. But if all the young ladies from the Lone Star State look like this girl with her perky pink nipples and milky smooth white skin then I say everyone should definitely mess...
xmoviesforyouAgain Sally stumbled as she talked "Yea, I guess your right, I'll see you tomorrow night. Good bye." And she hung up. I hung up the phone and smiled at myself. Poor Sally I had her so fucking confused one minute I am threatening to kill her and the other minute I am talking double talk about Brut. All of this had turned my thinking around again and I was stimulated. I stimulated myself by the daydreaming and then the touching myself as I played with Sally's brain. I also remembered that I...
As I sit here writing, I can recall the event with such clarity that it keeps playing over and over and over in my head, without missing the slightest detail. It was a situation that I would have never believed would have happened or that I would have let happen, with just some minor resistance. A brief synopsis, this would be the second time my wife has had sex with another man. The first time she fucked another man was a Valentine night dinner and it was with a stranger. The problem, it was...
Bianca sat in the Cuntsville Public Library, absentmindedly flipping through a book on female sexuality by Dr. Ingrid Muffsniffer, mostly admiring the full color photos of female genitalia. It was a lazy, dreary Friday afternoon, and Bianca found herself without plans for the weekend. While she should have been studying for her exams (she was earning her masters degree in Reproductive Therapy), she couldn’t focus on anything in front of her. All of the study material was dry and boring, and...
This was a game devised by a couple of friends of ours from an incident at a party they’d had, not a sex party or anything like that it was a birthday party for Allison. Allison and Ricky were into swapping in a low key way as they were essentially friends of my sister. My brother in law had told me that a game had been devised as a result of an incident that Allison had which she also confirmed and it was her and her husband who planned the game. Allison said at the time of this...
Hi Indian sex stories readers…. This Sricharan 19 yrs old….. I am new and this is my first story ….. Please read it and let me know whether you like it or not …… Now to start my story I was 18 yr old when this happened …. There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are 1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 36 2.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 34 3.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34 4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last 5.) Bhagyama...
Young, all-natural Gianna Dior has been with fiance Brad for almost two years. Although the exotic beauty is no longer satisfied with their dull love life, Gianna is unwilling to give up the lavish lifestyle that her future husband provides. Her boyfriend’s father, Charles, has been pressuring both of them about setting a firm date for the wedding. She’s entertained the notion of calling the whole thing off, but can’t bear the thought of losing precious material possessions....
xmoviesforyouExtra Month #2, Day 27, Day 273, Year 0001 DA Katia While Walter was concentrating on the sloop I had been watching the two big ships opening their gun ports, and when the cannons rolled out, I waited until the last second to turn the ship into their arc. The nose dropped down into a troth and the two broadsides went over us and slammed into the sloop, and she disintegrated under the combined firepower of the two man of wars. "Quickly, fire on them before they can reload," I shouted as...
Hello Friends, This is my first story @ ISS. I’m an active reader @ ISS. I’ve read many stories and wanted to share my story one day. Before we move on I’m Vineeth kumar (name changed), 24, working in an IT company in Bangalore. Everyone can contact me on Well, to begin with this is not an actual story, just my own fiction with loads of romance and sex. If you guys are for real stories then I’m sorry, I’m still a virgin, but would love to lose it soon! This story revolves around Kumar and...
Well, after my adventures with Aunt Kelly, I find that I'm a little low on cash. Damn, that bitch is expensive, but its worth it. I figure I'll go ask my dad for some cash, as his new job has left him with a lot of money (and a horny wife). I pulled up into the yard unannounced, and then let myself in. I still had a key to the house, and they didn't usually mind my unexpected showing up. I walk back to my parents bedroom, as they usually hang out in there to stay away from the other kids. As I...
IncestI lean up on my elbows,looking back at my young little mink, smiling, and saying; " What are you doing?" She smiles back at me and says; "I always hear you and mom doing it in the mornings, and I thought I would like to see what it's like to wake you up the way she does." I ask her; " Well does this mean your ready to lose your V-card this morning?" ( A statement I heard my daughter's friends say to each other about their virginities.) She thinks for a moment and says; " No, not this...
One summer, we were on the couch, and Leena was lying down. It was a fairly warm day, an she had decided to wear a shorter top than usual; one the showed off her belly. At one point, while my left hand was stroking her hair, I looked down at her exposed torso. It looked so smooth an pale; more pale than the rest of her skin. I asked, "Hey Leen, mind if I touch your belly?" She responded with little hesitation, "Sure. Go for it." I gently placed my right hand on her navel; her skin felt as...
Hi, ISS readers, lemme introduce myself first, lemme not take much of your time.Myself Nishant(changed) this is a true incident which happened to me 5 years back whenever I used to read other stories used to feel like sharing couple of my experiences, but always thought lemme not reveal it to anyone and keep it a secret all my life, now let’s hope to the sex story, here it goes. I was working with an MNC in Bangalore the place where I was born and brought up, once I joined the company after a...
Where do I start my first post? I have so many stories to tell.I'll start with the first married woman i was with. I was 20 and she was 40! We had met at work like most affairs start at.Her name was Sue (we'll keep name's different cause you never know who's reading!)Sue was for me at that age an older woman, she had great legs a little belly and nice tits! she was in descent shape for her age and i was a horny young guy.Trying to remember how it started was a blur but if memory serves me...
A monday to rememberIt was month earlier when Jack had first discovered a wifi network was available in his house. Protected, but still with a nice strong signal.He had just moved to Oakville, had yet to find the time to sign a contract with an internet provider. Because he was on the internet all day at work and on his mobile phone, having internet at home had not been a high priority for him.But well, what the heck? Why not get the chance to brush up his network hacking knowledge, rarely used...
Hello friends, ye meri pehli story hain is site par agar koi glti ho toh maaf kr dena ab aapko zyada bore na krte hue seedha kahani pr aata hoon Ye kahani meri cousin sister shivani(name changed) ki hain uski age 22 saal hain,rang ek dum gora ,or uska figure aisa ki bas agr koi dekhle toh seedha chodne ka mann kr jae 34D-28-36,aap andaza lga skte hain uski figure ka. mera naam sahil (name changed) hain age 18 saal or lund ka size 6 inch hain.ab kahani pr aata hoon meri or meri cousin sister ki...
Harriet and Jessica, with their largely fading bruises and Gwendoline proudly bearing her extensive and freshly acquired cuts and bruises to say nothing of her newly leathered arse (she particularly liked the marks left by the studs) as if they were prized and valued trophies, came downstairs after Gwen's return from her naked orgy in the snow and rejoined the party, many of whom were preparing to leave. The ex belly-dancer was sitting dressed again and looking angry as ever in a corner. Mr...
Next day, Reg asked that they leave early and do a detour to the bank where he had his account, so that he could formally acknowledge receipt of the money that had arrived, and at the same time discover how much the sum was. That happened, with the bank staff pleased to see him. He was happy to find the total was a little higher than expected, due to interest added to the sum by the insurance company. He checked that the type of account was the highest-earning interest one they offered. He...
After a fitful nights sleep, I awoke with the same sheepish feeling I had walking downstairs the previous evening on my way to facing my mother after being caught by her wearing my sisters Capri pants, vest, make-up and jewellery practising my picture perfect pose. Well I tried it at least! although I think it would be safe to say, at that point in my endeavours to be more feminine and womanly, I don't think I would have fooled anyone, including Stevie Wonder! Though I have to say and...
I went into the bathroom and got one of Mum’s face-flannel and some warm water then washed her all over. I opened her sex and tried to scoop out as much of my sperm as I could. Somehow I got her to her feet and walked her to her room. She kind of woke up and muttered something indistinguishable when I lay her on the bed and pulled the covers over her naked body. On my way back to my room I noticed her panties in the corridor and a bit further her bra. I followed the trail downstairs and...
We had a bi black couple Samantha and Ben over last night. She is about 4'5 200 lbs huge tits very dark skin hairy pussy. He is about 6'1 220 lbs light skin 8 in cock thick. We talked and had some drinks and flirted. After a few drinks me and his wife went to the bed room while my wife and him made out on the couch, we made out and felt each other for a while she was so wet I had 2 fingers in her while she stroked my cock n sucked my tounge. I moved to her tits nod sucked on her big nipples,...
Eliza Ibarra is on vacation in Spain… So why is she staying inside instead of going out and having fun? Ramon Nomar is concerned and asks her what’s wrong, so Eliza sadly explains that she figured out through a video call that her boyfriend back home is cheating on her. Ramon is sympathetic, and tells her that the best way to get over that scumbag is to have fun without him. Eliza realizes that Ramon is coming on to her, and decides that DOES sound like a good time. In fact, they...
xmoviesforyou(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Perhaps This is a touch ‘Mills and Boonish’ but you know me by now! (No pontificating this time!). Contains oral, straight, anal. Caroline’s Tale Lena and Guy again, the party and marriage. After we’d finished eating Jo collared me in a corner. ‘Lena,’ she said pensively,...