ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Next day, Reg asked that they leave early and do a detour to the bank where he had his account, so that he could formally acknowledge receipt of the money that had arrived, and at the same time discover how much the sum was.
That happened, with the bank staff pleased to see him. He was happy to find the total was a little higher than expected, due to interest added to the sum by the insurance company. He checked that the type of account was the highest-earning interest one they offered. He was assured of that, and told that the account required him to give at least a month’s notice to remove or transfer any of the money. He told the bank manager that he had not yet decided on the disposition of his funds, but would let him know soon what his plans were.
He then hurried out to his impatient wives, and they went on to the university. Once there, he asked his girls if he himself should contact Tom Hancock about the Commitment ceremony for Fiona to join them; or did one of them want to do that. The consensus was for him to get on with it. They wanted him to be responsible for some aspects of the arrangements, though they didn’t tell him so.
Reg managed to get an appointment with Tom during the afternoon at a time when both were free for half an hour.
Tom was surprised when Reg explained his need to have another ceremony. He looked shocked, then shrugged. “Reg, lad, how you cope with four women I cannot conceive, so saddling yourself with a fifth seems crazy to me. However, it is your life, and if the girl is the one pushing for it, it is up to you. You are the one to have to live with your decision. Is she another student here?”
“Yes, I am afraid so. Actually, she is a graduate in Sociology, intending to do a PhD now, so she is several years older than me and the other girls. Also, she has just had it confirmed that she is pregnant, so that is another reason for going ahead with the ceremony. Do you think we all have to go through the repetition that we did before, or can we shorten it, do you think?”
“It was long enough last time, Reg.” He considered for a moment then suggested, “Why not have her and you commit to each other, and then have her commit to your other wives, and simply ask them to say that they will accept her as another wife. They just need to say ‘I will’, and that should suffice. It is not a legal ceremony, anyway, so we are simply going through the motions – even though to you all, it is a binding contract.”
It suddenly registered with Tom what Reg had told him a few moment before, and he blurted out, “Eh? Pregnant, did you say? Your doing? How the heck will she manage to continue her studies, lad?”
“Tom, she is not the only pregnant student in the university.”
“Yes, but the others are all married, as far as I am aware.”
“Well, so will she be shortly – to me and my girls. We have a cook and housekeeper at our home now, and they have promised to do baby-sitting as part of their duties.”
“Dammit, your life is better organised than I expected, for such a young and inexperienced man. How the hell can you manage to afford staff to help you? Come into funds, did you?”
“Actually, I did, Tom, more by accident than design. I won’t bore you with details, but I can tell you that we can now afford our staff.”
“Still, it is a bad precedent. You don’t want your other women falling pregnant, do you?”
Reg looked embarrassed. “Umm, on that question, Tom, the girls say they all want to have a stab at pregnancy soon.”
“Good God! In that case, I can tell you, as a medical man, that at least some of your ladies are going to suffer from morning sickness; but that is a misnomer. They might feel nauseous all day at times, and have to keep running to the loo to vomit! Not much fun in a lecture room situation, Reg.”
“They are aware of the ramifications, and accept that there are always side effects in pregnancy. Does the university not have advisers on such matters?”
Tom reluctantly admitted, “We have had to institute such provisions, under the Equality Act, 2010. That demands that we give reasonable support to both male and female students, which we didn’t properly do before for the females. Believe it or not, we found that at least eight per cent of all full-time students at UK universities are parents. It has to do with the higher number of more mature students at university. The figure is even higher for part-time students, in fact considerably so.
With thousands of students on campus, it is inevitable that some will get pregnant. Being clever enough to attend university doesn’t prevent some females being silly over lack of contraception, if they are Roman Catholic; quite apart from the ones who are pregnant by their own intent. We have prenatal classes to give the girls decent advice to help and support them, so your wives will not lack for help at this university at least. We have a Student Support Manager to advise on what ways the university can help, during pregnancy and after having the baby.”
“That sounds great, Tom.”
“Care to let me know who the lucky girl is, that you have fathered a child on, Reg? I am presuming you are the father.”
“Oh. Sorry. Yes, I am. She is Fiona Prentiss.”
“Prentiss? The sociology graduate that you mentioned? But she is so much older than you!”
“So? What has that got to do with the price of cheese in Oxford?”
Tom goggled at the question, then realised it was rhetorical, to point out the irrelevance of his own question. “I see. Age does not matter to either of you?”
Reg explained, “Tom, the difference is minor in the long run. Fiona wants to be happy and believes that I can help her to be happy. I believe it too. You are unaware of her background; a family situation that makes it so important to her to have me to depend on.”
“Hang on a mo, Reg! You don’t get married just to become a crutch; there has to be a deeper justification than that, or it will easily fall apart.”
“Don’t I know it! The girls grilled Fiona for ages before allowing her even to be seriously considered as an addition to the family. You surely didn’t think I would be allowed to decide on my own? No, Fiona observed us as a family group for some time beforehand – she is a sociology graduate, remember? She came to the conclusion that we had the kind of togetherness that she was seeking, and when she first contacted us, professed to want to study us for a sociology project. That was merely a ruse to see us close up, to get confirmation or otherwise that we were genuine. It was only after we saw through that gambit that she admitted what she was after.
At first, she simply wanted to live as part of our household, but the more she saw and heard, the more she was attracted to us, and it got to the point where she asked Frances if she could join the marriage. Frances explained that, to us, it was a permanent commitment with no divorce-style get-out, and sent her off to think about it. She came back later and told Frances that she wanted in, permanently. In order to discover if Fiona and I were compatible in bed, Frances insisted on a test drive with me. That is how Fiona got pregnant; she had never made provision for birth control.”
“Stupid woman,” commented Tom. “Still, if she was prepared to be pregnant...”
Now Tom wanted to know, “But is she happy with that state of affairs? Pregnancy?”
“Indeed. She is looking forward to having the baby. Her excitement when she told me I was going to be a father; that was positive and forward-looking, I can assure you, Tom.”
“All right. On the ceremony, I think we can do something along the lines I suggested. I’ll get back to you about a date for the commitment ritual.”
Reg reported back to Frances and Fiona about his talk with Tom Hancock. They approved the plan, and passed on the information to the others. They shelved their next response until back at home.
Once back, activity centred on mealtime and the evening meal menu. The twins were working on standard British recipes based on regional English dishes. This evening it was Beef Wellington in a wine sauce, with roast potatoes. As an alternative, for a vegetarian choice, there was Bubble and Squeak.
Jessica and Sidra had been fascinated by the preparation of these two dishes, and had been in the kitchen for most of time with the twins. Carol had concentrated on the Beef Wellington, and Holly on the vegetarian option. All were happy with the results, and Jessica had been recording the recipes for use by herself.
Prudence remarked to her, “Who are you intending to make these meals for, Jessica?”
Mrs Sadaf stopped for a moment, then admitted, “I hadn’t thought that far. I suppose I was subconsciously thinking of this family, Prudence.”
Prudence replied, “I am flattered, Jessica, that this is the way you are starting to think. Perhaps we are all looking at you as part of the family, thinking in the longer term. I am certainly not expecting us to put you out on the street, ever.”
Jessica gazed at Prudence, then gave her a swift hug. “Thank you, Prudence. You have made my day.” She stood there a while longer, thinking to herself, until her daughter came up to her, “Ammi, are you okay? You were away somewhere in your mind, I think.”
“Yes, sorry, Sidra dear. I was indeed thinking: thinking about the future.”
“That’s good; that’s very good. It means you are getting over all the trouble you were in with father.”
“Yes, that is true, Sidra. I must start viewing life differently from before. I think I must speak to Frances soon.”
“Oh, about us staying here longer? Goody. I like staying with the Robertsons, and with the twins as well: they are fun. But, ammi, can you talk to the Robertsons about what we do to protect us from father in the longer term? We need some kind of way of keeping him away from us. There is no guarantee that a divorce will stop him wanting retribution.”
“Hmm? Oh, yes, that too. Leave it with me, Sidra.”
Mrs Sadaf remained quiet through dinner and beyond. It was mid-evening before she managed to find Frances alone, and asked to speak with her privately.
“Privately? In this house?” she laughed at the idea. “I think we should go to your bedroom and lock ourselves inside. That is the only way we can have real privacy to talk. We normally never think in terms of privacy in this family. What ones knows, the rest should know, is our practice.”
“I just want to get your opinion on an idea of mine. If it is a non-starter, then it goes no further.”
“That sounds reasonable, Jessica. Let’s go.”
The were soon inside Jessica’s bedroom, and Frances watched Jessica lock them in. Frances asked, “Now, what is it that is on your mind, Jessica?”
“It is a delicate question, Frances. If you say no, then that is final.”
“So? What is bothering you, Jessica?”
“You know that Sidra was my first child, from when I first got married?”
“Yeeess. Where are we going from there?”
“I soon discovered what Sidra’s father was like, and I resolved not to have any more children and put them at risk. I secretly went on birth control, so Sidra was my only child.”
“I had heard. Quite understandable, my dear woman. If I had been in your position, it would have been my choice also.”
“I am happy to hear that you understand, Frances. The other factor is that I always wanted more than one child, so I was punishing myself as well as HIM.”
“That I can understand as well. I myself hope to have several children.”
“I am still young enough to have another child, don’t you agree?”
“What, at 36? Certainly. I would expect you could have several more if you were of a mind to do so.”
“Thank you. All I need is the sperm donor to provide the male component that is essential for a baby. That is where you come in, Frances?”
“Me? Don’t be silly! Oh, you mean ... Reg?”
“Exactly so. I would be happy to have a child with Reg as the father; perhaps more than one. I am not asking to become a wife; merely have him impregnate me, but I still need you, as his wives, to approve the plan before I even suggest it to Reg. What do you say, Frances? Am I asking too much?”
Frances was forced into thinking deeply about this question, and its ramifications.
Eventually, she started to explain her thinking to Jessica.
“Dear Jessica, I have to tell you a few home truths about our little family. One is that we agreed that any child of Reg’s would be OUR child. We would all regard ourselves as the child’s mothers, and bring it up that way. The concomitant to that is that the child’s mother would be treated as one of us, should she reside with us. It is the best course for the child, you see. Should the mother not wish to reside with us, and not take care of the baby, she can leave the child with us to be brought up as OUR child. She would abandon all claim on the child, leaving responsibility for the baby to Reg and us.”
“Good grief! You must have thought about this beforehand, Frances.”
“We have. With our commitment ceremony, we commit for life, but should any girl wish to leave, we have no legal right to prevent her. We can, though, make sure that Reg’s children do not go with her, though. This is why the prior agreement of Reg’s children staying with the family should such a situation ever arise. I intend to get a short contract drawn up to make this a signed legal agreement.”
“Very well. I can see the value in that arrangement. If it was Reg who changed and was no longer the man that you loved, the whole commitment would be dissolved and you would each have your own children. Am I right?”
“Jessica, we have never really pondered that option, but I suspect you are correct as to the solution, though we girls might decide to continue to remain together.”
“Well, I am willing to abide by that regulation. It would be always Reg’s child, and remain with his family group. Does that mean I have your blessing?”
“I suppose it does. I think I talked myself into that!”
“Thank you, my dear. I shall s[eak to Reg as soon as the time is appropriate, if you will clear it with the other wives first. Will you speak to Sidra about this for me, as I am not certain how she will react?”
“You don’t feel that you should speak to her as mother to daughter?”
“It is another delicate question, you see. I have an inkling that Sidra is starting to see Reg as her saviour; the opposite of her prior experience of men, and as a consequence sees Reg as a man to be viewed in a way akin to love. She may not see my having a baby by Reg as a positive development, as she might – I repeat, MIGHT – view Reg as a possible future husband. You see the problem?”
“Good God! I did not realise that might be a possible outcome of taking Sidra into our home, but your analysis is valid. She may indeed view Reg in that way. Do you want us to actively dissuade her from that idea?”
“Gosh, no. Who knows what she might think or do if she was upset in that way? I would much rather you keep an eye on her and gently avert her from such a course.”
“Is there a but? Oh, I see what you mean: should she not be deterred, then eventually I would not be distraught if you all added her to your marriage. I can think of very few outcomes that would be better for her.”
“Even if you had children by Reg? She would expect to have children by Reg herself, if she married us.”
Jessica considered this, but declared, “No, I see no reason to object. There is no genetic problem involved, and no legal problem either, as there is no legal marriage to be considered. If she should eventually wish to join your marriage and you approved, it would be with my blessing, Frances.”
“Okay. I think we ignore the Sidra aspect for now. She is too young to be part of the equation at the moment. We simply discuss you and Reg having children. Do you want me to broach the suggestion first, or let you ask him direct?”
“I like the idea of you introducing the subject, so that he can think about it without any immediate pressure.”
“So, it seems that I have been lumbered with speaking to Reg and also speaking to Sidra. Reg should be first on the list, Jessica. No need to disturb Sidra if Reg has an objection, eh?”
“Quite right, Frances. Do it that way. When do you have to talk it over with the other wives?”
“AFTER I have talked with Reg. I want to be able to tell them what he thought of the plan and what we intend doing about it, if anything.”
“Yes, makes sense to do it like that. Thank you, Frances. I really love the way you run your family: always considering the other members and their future together.”
“It is mostly applied common sense, Jessica. I’ll get back to you after I talk with Reg.”
“Thanks, anyway, no matter which way it goes. You are a good woman, Frances.”
“I am Reg’s good woman, Jessica, and don’t you forget it.”
The two left the bedroom and returned downstairs, where Frances was accosted by several other wives. Freda looked the most anxious, so the others waved her to the fore.
“Where did you get to, Frances? I was looking for you,” Freda accused.
“I was talking with Jessica, in private, Freda. You’ll hear later. What did you want me for?”
“To let you know that Daddy phoned me back a little while ago. He has got the letter off to the school – and he turned up his nose at the name of the school, metaphorically speaking. He doesn’t think much of it, same as us. He just has to wait for their reply, confirming that Sidra is off their pupil database. To quote him, ‘If and when they get around to it! I may have to send them a reminder, recorded delivery.’”
“I warned him that the father was never to be able to connect back to us. He said he had marked the file – Personal and Private to Hubert – to let his staff know the file stays closed to everyone except him, should anyone enquire about it.”
“That should do the job. Thank you, Freda. Have you told Reg?”
“Not yet.”
“I think you should, and let him thank you properly.” Frances winked at her. Freda grinned back, and left to find Reg.
This allowed Prudence and Erika to make their plays.
Erika wanted Reg to be reminded about investments. “Now that Reg has his money, it is time to get his investments sorted out, Frances. Do you want to speak to him about that, or shall I remind him again? I don’t want to appear pushy, but he can get better interest than what the bank pays.”
“I have to see him about something else, so I’ll mention it in passing, Erika.”
Prudence simply wanted to get Reg’s mother’s birthday, so they could make sure a card was sent, and possibly a present from Reg and themselves. Frances agreed, but left Prudence to extract the date from Reg.
At last Frances was free to tackle Reg in his study, if that was where he was. As it happened, he had been at the kitchen to see the twins (and coincidentally Jessica and Sidra), to thank them for their dinner menu tonight. He ended up being briefed on their proposed choices for the rest of the week, so he arrived at the study just as Frances was turning to go back out.
“Looking for me, love?”
“I was, Reg. We have a serious matter to discuss, you and I, so can you lock the door, please?”
Surprised by this request, Reg did as asked, then enquired, “What is so special that we must talk behind closed doors, Frances?”
“It is a matter of babies. Another lady wants to be pregnant.”
“So? What’s the problem with that?”
“The person in question is Mrs Sadaf. She has always wanted more children, but did not want her husband to be involved. She has been on birth control since Sidra was born. Now she feels free again, she wants another child, and you are the chosen sperm donor, my love.”
“Really? She is a good-looking woman for her age, but why am I elected? Does she not want to suss out other possible fathers?”
“Reg, please be sensible. With her hiding from her husband, she cannot be seen in public to hunt for suitable men, and anyway, what is wrong with you? We are happy for you to father our children, and Fiona has already achieved that status, so why not with Jessica? She has asked me if you could be persuaded to get her pregnant. The woman has even declared that there is no need for her to be married to us. She just wants a second child while she is still young enough to conceive. I have agreed that there is unlikely to be any dissent from your wives. All that is required is for you to accept another opportunity to be a father. What do you say?”
“You are okay with this, Frances? Your words so far did not include agreement by you. Your opinion is what matters. The other girls will go along with you, as I am sure you know.”
“Very well. If you want my input, I say ‘yes’, with a small proviso which you have to keep in mind.”
“A proviso?” He queried. “What do I have to consider?”
“Sidra.” she went to speak further, but Reg jumped in with, “Oh, I know Sidra will be peeved at her mother wanting another child, but that is just teenage angst. She’ll get over it.”
Frances glowered at him. “Reg Robertson, please listen to my words properly before speaking. I had not finished.”
“Oh. Sorry, my love. I am still a bit wayward in my interactions at times. Do go on.”
“As I was saying, Sidra. Jessica knows her daughter and in her opinion, the girl is in serious awe of you, as the only man in her life who has ever placed her first in anything. You were the one who rescued her, in her mind. She ignores the Reverend who started the ball rolling and the input from the rest of us. The male figure is still a major factor in her way of thinking, and it has had an impact on her. Jessica thinks Sidra may already be in love with you.”
“Oh. Fuck.” Reg was subdued. “Is there more?”
“Yes. Jessica says that she would not be surprised if Sidra later asked to join our marriage, so she sees a problem if she – Jessica – had one or more children by you, then Sidra married you and had her own children by you. Jessica is concerned that Sidra might react badly to you and Jessica having a baby. That is what Jessica told me, anyway. I have promised to speak to Sidra about the possibility, should you decided to agree with Jessica’s pregnancy request.”
“Thanks, Frances. Now I see the complications that might arise, unless the matter is handled well. That, I presume, is why Jessica wants you to discuss it with Sidra?”
“Unfortunately for me, that is the case. You seem to think I will handle it well, darling, but it frightens me that I might say the wrong thing and cause a blow-up between mother and daughter.”
Reg leaned forward to place his arms round Frances. “Frances my darling wife, I admit that I do see you as our family miracle-worker. In my experience, you have always managed to say and do the right thing. The other girls noticed this as well. That is why they elected you as Senior Wife. It was a deserved elevation to a position of authority. All you need is time to marshal your words before you speak to her. You can use this study to ensure you won’t be disturbed.”
“You really think I can do it without Sidra crashing, Reg?”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
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I left the lawyer feeling more upbeat than I thought possible. I was hatching a little plan that could win back some of my manhood. I smiled as I raised my phone and called my wife. She answered on the second ring. “Hey baby,” she said, “what’s up?” “You at work?” I asked bluntly. “Yeah, I got in late. Mr. Quinlan was pissed and is definitely going to make me work late tonight to make it up.” Of course, he was, and I knew exactly what she’d be doing to make things right with her...
The next day at school, Jasper asked Anna Belle if he could get a ride home and she agreed. It was the first chance they'd had to talk since their little spat. As she pulled out of the student parking lot, she asked if he'd like to stop at the little cafe near the school for a soda. As they settled next to each other in a booth, he said, "I'm really sorry about the way I've been acting lately. I had a long talk with Elmer yesterday and he straightened me out about a few things." She...
I dragged anna upstairs and into the bathroom instructing her to run me a bath. I passed her a jar of bubbles and she added a cap-full. The bathroom filled with steam and the scent of jasmine. I motioned for her to help me take off my robe and then to remove my panties. I like to keep fit and trim so I have no shame in showing my body in front of my slaves. I cautiously tested the water. Not bad, I thought for a first try, a little warmer than I ideally liked, but not bad. I stepped into the...
Say thanks to OldGreyDuck for this one! Living in the South for many years ago, I recall a deeply religious couple that were neighbors. They stated that they were searching to buy a Baptist dog. Eventually, they found a preacher that was also a specialized dog breeder. They went to see him, and a particular dog named “Rev”. The couple asked “How do we know Rev is a Baptist dog?” The breeder said; “Rev! Go get a Bible!” and off the dog ran to a shelf and grabbed a King James Bible and...
Hank spent the next few months traveling back and forth between Cairin and Rav's home, he was a frequent visitor to SheringCross and the Keep. He watched them slowly forget WindWhispers, he saw once again Kim and Jacquilt avoiding each other, each afraid to be the first to go to the other. Chad came and went spending most of his time at home and at the fairy village. Natalie watched Hank pacing back and forth from one end of the solarium to the other, finally in exasperation she put down...
My Step Mom Seduces Me Pt 2 I woke up the next morning in the middle of this sexy dream. As I was starting to become more awake, I had the strangest feeling I have ever had. It felt like I was still partly in my dream and it felt just like my cock was really getting sucked. I raised my head up and cleared my eyes to see my step mom down between my legs sucking my hard cock for all she was worth. As she saw me coming awake, she slowed down a little and pulled her wet mouth from my cock, still...
IncestAs I came back to my senses I sat at a long wooden dinner table laid out with fine china and silverware. The room looked like a natural cave of sorts. The place was elaborately and expensively decorated. The art and decoration was selected by a talented interior designer and the shelves and furniture had been expertly blended into the rough cave walls. Wall sconces and crystal ceiling lights illuminated the place and fireplace radiated warmth from what seemed to be burning gas. The place, the...
Where am I? It's dark. No, my eyes are closed. Are they? I can't tell. Why can't I tell? What's going on? I can figure this out. The last thing I remember... I went out last night to my usual bar, Pete's, and I met this gorgeous blonde, went back to her place. What was her name - Cindy, Sandy, Sadie, something like that? Woke up this morning and couldn't find my boxers. She made me borrow a pair of her panties - that was weird! They were pink and tight and didn't cover very much, really...
Pete was brought in a dark room. He was laid on a bed. He had sign up for nymphomania class thinking he could get chicks. Unknown to him the class was pretty strict. It offered a somewhat unorthodox way to curing your problems. He signs a contract that basically cured the doctor and woman who ran the place any ethical restraints. Basically he accidentally wrote away his right to sue or press charges. He sat on the bed wondering what was the big plan was. What was the doctor cure all treatment....
BDSMWhen the letter arrived at the offices of Parker, Wilkinson and Partners, Solicitors, in Oxford it caused something of a stir. It had been posted in Kobekistan and read: To Thomas Parker-Wilkinson, Esq., Senior Partner, Parker, Wilkinson and Partners, Sir, I have need of legal representation in the city of Oxford and have been recommended to your good self. Please telephone the above number, make yourself known and ask to speak to me. It was signed, apparently, by His Magnificence,...
My boyfriend's name is Jamie. He is 28, very rich and I know where my bread is buttered. He buys everything I need with the understanding that he is in charge. When he snaps his fingers my undivided attention is expected. Jamie is so sweet, not like those other boys with thier cheap liquor and unwashed penises. He serves expensive drinks in the proper crystal and treats me like a lady. I love to be pampered with expensive perfume and satin panties, chocolate candies, shrimp cocktails and...
Her petite legs seemed to glow in the light as you watched her at the counter. They tapered away to thin ankles, and her bare feet rolled to their sides as her toes danced to the music. Her brown cotton dress only hinted at the ass beneath, dropping slightly to shadow where it fell at the crevice between her ass cheeks. She turned to face you, smiling as you pulled your eyes from her figure, as if knowing what was in your mind. She strode forward and introduced herself as Rose. Water...
It could've been worse though, I had been going to my Aunt Gladis' house, a fat, wrinkly old woman that stank of BO and carpet cleaner. That was until she had a fall and had to go into hospital. So fortunately I had to go to Nat's. Aunt Nat was only slightly older than me, i was 18 and she was 21. She was 5'4'' tall and about 120lbs. She had long back-length brown hair that she wore curled and with blonde highlights. Her 32C tits were almost always in some kind of push-up bra that made...
The Appointment Joyce looked up from her reception desk at the small boutique shop as the bell on the door tinkled signifying a client entering. The assistant's eyes raised as a tall elegant woman in her early thirties entered, she was well dressed with expensive clothes and a hairstyle that was obviously from a top salon. She wore a cream Chanel suit with knee length pencil skirt, which showed off her long slim legs and model figure, this woman oozed power. Joyce's eyebrows raised in...
"Thank you very much for coming to the interview Deborah, Please take a seat." She looks every inch the businesswoman, smart suit, classy, oozing intelligence and competence. She also exuded sex; her beautiful face was framed by long, golden blonde hair. 4” Stilettos enhanced her height; she was at least 6’2” in heels. Small but pert breasts and an hourglass figure completed the package. But it was her eyes that drew you in. When she looked at you, it felt like she was inviting you to fuck...
Back in Chicago, I monitored Winston's actions in his office, and he was doing exactly the kind of job I wanted him to do. He was going after Al Qaeda cells right and left. I gave him copies of all of the intelligence that we had gathered, including stuff from outside his jurisdiction, so that he could pass along anything that looked worth while to other offices. If Winston stayed on his current path, he should have the terrorist situation in the Chicago sector under control within six...
she: Hey sweetie :) thanks for adding me. You're really gorgeous :)i: you too *kisses* time to chat dirty? ;>she: Always ready for dirty chat babe :Pi: *hugging you* and kissing you....feeling your hard nipples poke into mine ^^she: Mmmmmm nuce beginning babe I feel your hard nipples on mine while my hand slipped under your skirt :Pi: our tongues roll around each other while we rub our naked boobs against each. soft moans of pleasure escape our mouthsi: our pussies becoming moist with...
--------------------- I and manish are close friends. We are doing 12th.Our public exams are to start soon. So we decided to do night study in any of our house. I am Ram Kumar, i was 18 and manish turned 18 just one week b4. Though we are of same age, manish is 6 month younger than me. I have black eyes and medium built, wheatish colour and look like normal south indian guy. Manish is a north indian guy he is too fair, slim and had brown eyes. We are best friends and i am good at studies....
The internet has rendered commuting superfluous for many types of jobs. I realized this years ago, but many employers, control freaks that they are, are still resisting the idea. I’m among those fortunate’s whose “commute” is from my bedroom to my den, though once a month I must make the two- hour drive for “co-ordination meetings.” There are advantages to living out where there are trees and grass, clean air, and where no one thinks I’m a terrorist if...
One evening after one of our intense fucks Della and I were laying there on my bed and she seemed a little preoccupied with her thoughts. I kissed her on her forehead and asked her if she had anything on her mind that she might want to talk about? She appeared conflicted and somewhat concerned. It was a cool Friday evening and Della and I took in a movie earlier in the evening across town together. We decided to take in a movie and kept our appearances in public very platonic and almost...
The days turned in to weeks. The relentless fashion shows whilst her mother was at work, the accidental walking in on me showering (whilst I was behind the curtain), the walking into out bedroom practically naked whilst I returned from a night shift. It was relentless. Laura had created this weird, erotic, hostile environment that only we knew about. Everytime my missus was around, she was nice as pie. As soon as she left, the bitching started followed by flirting. It was a head fuck. A few...
It was Sunday, and Robert left us after his first night of steamy sex with my wife in our bed. At around eleven a.m. Carole saw him to his car, and returned some ten minutes later and told me that our next door neighbor, Ken, was in his front yard and saw her kissing Robert. I asked her if Ken said anything to her, and she said, "He smiled at me and said in a joking manner, 'I'll tell Malcolm that you were kissing that guy'.”She'd laughed and calmly said, “He knows, Robert stayed here last...
ExhibitionismCuckold lifestyle My wife and I got married two weeks after she graduated high school. L is a real cutie, 5 foot 4 and 100 pounds, she has 34 B tits and the best legs I have seen on a woman. I'm a leg man and thats what first attracted me to her. She is also blue eyed and blonde. Any way we got married in 1977 , back then there wasn't any video cameras , at best we had 8mm movies. I bought a few "porno" films and we would catch a buzz and watch them together. I...
The head of my dick pressed against my panties and jeans, stiff again. But I was trying to ignore it, trying to make time. I did forget about it for a few minutes as I drove past the Albany skyline on my way north. The skyline was beautiful at night, especially in January. It was only around 6 o'clock and I was tired; work had been a bitch over the past few weeks. I was looking forward to a few days at the cabin with only the fire, a bottle of whisky, my sexy lingerie and my three favorite ass...
My wife’s sister came to visit last year and hasn’t been back. Partly from the fact that I fucked her in the swimming pool. Now in my defense, alcohol was involved and sister jealousy played a factor. I guess growing up my wife blew her boyfriend and she didnt find out until later in college. Needless to say i was a pawn in some twisted game but I still stuck my cock in her sisters pussy so had to take some of the blame. As months went by the anger stopped by she’d always ask if i thought of...
I’ll start by describing myself. I’m 5′ 5,” 145 lbs., with Brown hair, Green eyes. I measure 44-34-38 ( I can be described as Rubinesque ). My breasts are huge as you can tell and they are very sensitive. I have above average body hair. I keep my pussy hair well trimmed, although I sometimes let it, as well as the hair under my arms grow. I love the sight of a women with lots of hair under her arms. My Kinkiest sex experience involves a women I met at work named Kim. She...
I’m 22 years old living in Chennai. I always feel like sniffing a girls armpit and pussy. But I didn’t get a chance. I’m so horny always. So I used to read iss stories and watch porn videos. Some times I used to check in locanto also. I’ll contact the girls on locanto but I never had a gut feeling to have sex with them. Recently I saw one ad in locanto. A Telugu girl posted an ad for fun. I responded to her add. She gave her email id and asked me to chat in Gmail. After seeing her email id, I...
The view outside was filled with activity as servants, stable hands, and wagon drivers flowed among the buildings surrounding the temple. Maids carried produce from farm wagons to the manor kitchen. Stable hands kept the estate mules in hand as workmen unloaded boards of wood for a workshop. I tried my best to ignore the tourists. In my mind many of the women traveling to the public side of the temple were tourists or voyeurs. The constant stares and obvious manner as some of the women tried...
Jason switched off the TV. He yawned. “I’m going to sleep, babe.”Miranda smiled. “Sure.” She patted Jessi’s leg. “Come on, Jess. Time for bed. You’ve got an early plane tomorrow.”Jessi stretched on the couch, hitting Miranda’s leg. “I don’t want to. Can’t I stay here with you?”Miranda frowned. “Don’t be lazy. You need to be ambitious. Look at me, I’m already the Vice-President in my company.”Jessi sat up, then flopped her head down on to Miranda’s lap. “Then can you take care of me, Madam...
IncestI had just had a weird run-in with my old College principal where he had been vandalizing public property with a rather interesting interpretation of Iron Man snapping his finger at the end of Endgame. But this time he was just flipping the middle finger. It was kind of simple but kind of good too. I wonder what kind of work he could have done if he hadn’t run off early like he had. I had all that running through my head when I came home and saw Bree in the living room with her cousin and...
hi friends my name is ashish..i am from pune ..this is a true story that happend with me recently.i am a 18 yo boy who lives with his mom. my mom is muslim . her name is heena. my mom and dad had love marriege. my dad (now45) and mom (42) love each other dad lives out of statte wheneva he is home my parents have great sex.which was usual for me to see a few usual my dad left pune for his trip in and me were alone at mom has maintained her body...
He lay on the concrete. His hands clasped behind his head and he curled into a ball to protect all of the most vital parts of his anatomy. He was bleeding, bruised, in pain and vaguely wondering if there were any internal injuries. ‘And for what? A belief?’ A belief that had gotten him shunned by his peers, kicked out of his home, ‘out of my family really’, and now beaten. All for a necklace they had thrown back at him. He risked opening his eyes when no blow had come for a few minutes. Lying...
Denny stood above Cally now, as the sun slowly sank down below the hillside, and Loretta quietly got up and lit several candles, placing them in various parts of the room. "Honey," said Cally, "there's one thing that's bothering me..." "What that, baby?" "Well, I really don't know if it was me... those feelings and all... or if it was just the grass we smoked." "Don't be silly kid," Loretta chimed in from her position in the armchair. "Weed will get you high, but in order...
This happened 2 years ago, and another true story. 100% trueI've know Liz and Ted (Not there real names) for at least 7 years I think. our youngest boys go to school together and have played hockey together for sometime. Liz is 5.9 with blond hair brownish green eyes full figure large fake tits not sure how big but they are not her's and are very nice her Nipples are about an inch in length at all times longer when she is horny. Nice round bubble ass with long legs. I wouldn't say she was hot...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil Merlin teacher kama kathai thodarai pagirugiren. Merlin en udan hardcore seithu avalaal sariyaaga nadaka kuda mudiyaatha nilai ear patathu. Naan staff room poi ketathum avalaal sex seithathaal nadaka mudiya vilai endru solinaal. Pinbu veru oru teacher vanthathum naan angu irunthu vanthu viten. Ipadi irukum nilaiyil Merlin en udan sariayaga pesamal irunthaal, naan en nanban idam machi Merlin teacher udan naan matter potan da endru sonen. Avan ithai ketathum apadiye...
The Slexi Moon orbited a barren planet deep in the Scorpious Sector. They had been on the run now for three months and had at times come close to being captured. Varna sat at the Navigation console moving randomly through the database. She was alone, attempting to forget the pull the casket in the hold had on her. When she was occupied or asleep she forgot about it, but when she had time on her hands, time to think the emotion bubbled to the surface. She hated it because it was how Sisanna...
This is for that boy who made my heart fludder way-back-when...It was Christmas. year 2006. We were at his grand parents house celebrating and we had decided to go for a walk to have a little more privacy. This boy was a hot. 5" 7 blond hair that did that little flip. All the girls wanted him and i was the lucky one to have gotten the chance to spend Christmas with him and his family. He also had these dark brown that just captured your soul. He was my hearthrob. He made my every inch of my...