Reginald's ChildrenChapter 2 free porn video

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Next day, Reg asked that they leave early and do a detour to the bank where he had his account, so that he could formally acknowledge receipt of the money that had arrived, and at the same time discover how much the sum was.

That happened, with the bank staff pleased to see him. He was happy to find the total was a little higher than expected, due to interest added to the sum by the insurance company. He checked that the type of account was the highest-earning interest one they offered. He was assured of that, and told that the account required him to give at least a month’s notice to remove or transfer any of the money. He told the bank manager that he had not yet decided on the disposition of his funds, but would let him know soon what his plans were.

He then hurried out to his impatient wives, and they went on to the university. Once there, he asked his girls if he himself should contact Tom Hancock about the Commitment ceremony for Fiona to join them; or did one of them want to do that. The consensus was for him to get on with it. They wanted him to be responsible for some aspects of the arrangements, though they didn’t tell him so.

Reg managed to get an appointment with Tom during the afternoon at a time when both were free for half an hour.

Tom was surprised when Reg explained his need to have another ceremony. He looked shocked, then shrugged. “Reg, lad, how you cope with four women I cannot conceive, so saddling yourself with a fifth seems crazy to me. However, it is your life, and if the girl is the one pushing for it, it is up to you. You are the one to have to live with your decision. Is she another student here?”

“Yes, I am afraid so. Actually, she is a graduate in Sociology, intending to do a PhD now, so she is several years older than me and the other girls. Also, she has just had it confirmed that she is pregnant, so that is another reason for going ahead with the ceremony. Do you think we all have to go through the repetition that we did before, or can we shorten it, do you think?”

“It was long enough last time, Reg.” He considered for a moment then suggested, “Why not have her and you commit to each other, and then have her commit to your other wives, and simply ask them to say that they will accept her as another wife. They just need to say ‘I will’, and that should suffice. It is not a legal ceremony, anyway, so we are simply going through the motions – even though to you all, it is a binding contract.”

It suddenly registered with Tom what Reg had told him a few moment before, and he blurted out, “Eh? Pregnant, did you say? Your doing? How the heck will she manage to continue her studies, lad?”

“Tom, she is not the only pregnant student in the university.”

“Yes, but the others are all married, as far as I am aware.”

“Well, so will she be shortly – to me and my girls. We have a cook and housekeeper at our home now, and they have promised to do baby-sitting as part of their duties.”

“Dammit, your life is better organised than I expected, for such a young and inexperienced man. How the hell can you manage to afford staff to help you? Come into funds, did you?”

“Actually, I did, Tom, more by accident than design. I won’t bore you with details, but I can tell you that we can now afford our staff.”

“Still, it is a bad precedent. You don’t want your other women falling pregnant, do you?”

Reg looked embarrassed. “Umm, on that question, Tom, the girls say they all want to have a stab at pregnancy soon.”

“Good God! In that case, I can tell you, as a medical man, that at least some of your ladies are going to suffer from morning sickness; but that is a misnomer. They might feel nauseous all day at times, and have to keep running to the loo to vomit! Not much fun in a lecture room situation, Reg.”

“They are aware of the ramifications, and accept that there are always side effects in pregnancy. Does the university not have advisers on such matters?”

Tom reluctantly admitted, “We have had to institute such provisions, under the Equality Act, 2010. That demands that we give reasonable support to both male and female students, which we didn’t properly do before for the females. Believe it or not, we found that at least eight per cent of all full-time students at UK universities are parents. It has to do with the higher number of more mature students at university. The figure is even higher for part-time students, in fact considerably so.

With thousands of students on campus, it is inevitable that some will get pregnant. Being clever enough to attend university doesn’t prevent some females being silly over lack of contraception, if they are Roman Catholic; quite apart from the ones who are pregnant by their own intent. We have prenatal classes to give the girls decent advice to help and support them, so your wives will not lack for help at this university at least. We have a Student Support Manager to advise on what ways the university can help, during pregnancy and after having the baby.”

“That sounds great, Tom.”

“Care to let me know who the lucky girl is, that you have fathered a child on, Reg? I am presuming you are the father.”

“Oh. Sorry. Yes, I am. She is Fiona Prentiss.”

“Prentiss? The sociology graduate that you mentioned? But she is so much older than you!”

“So? What has that got to do with the price of cheese in Oxford?”

Tom goggled at the question, then realised it was rhetorical, to point out the irrelevance of his own question. “I see. Age does not matter to either of you?”

Reg explained, “Tom, the difference is minor in the long run. Fiona wants to be happy and believes that I can help her to be happy. I believe it too. You are unaware of her background; a family situation that makes it so important to her to have me to depend on.”

“Hang on a mo, Reg! You don’t get married just to become a crutch; there has to be a deeper justification than that, or it will easily fall apart.”

“Don’t I know it! The girls grilled Fiona for ages before allowing her even to be seriously considered as an addition to the family. You surely didn’t think I would be allowed to decide on my own? No, Fiona observed us as a family group for some time beforehand – she is a sociology graduate, remember? She came to the conclusion that we had the kind of togetherness that she was seeking, and when she first contacted us, professed to want to study us for a sociology project. That was merely a ruse to see us close up, to get confirmation or otherwise that we were genuine. It was only after we saw through that gambit that she admitted what she was after.

At first, she simply wanted to live as part of our household, but the more she saw and heard, the more she was attracted to us, and it got to the point where she asked Frances if she could join the marriage. Frances explained that, to us, it was a permanent commitment with no divorce-style get-out, and sent her off to think about it. She came back later and told Frances that she wanted in, permanently. In order to discover if Fiona and I were compatible in bed, Frances insisted on a test drive with me. That is how Fiona got pregnant; she had never made provision for birth control.”

“Stupid woman,” commented Tom. “Still, if she was prepared to be pregnant...”

Now Tom wanted to know, “But is she happy with that state of affairs? Pregnancy?”

“Indeed. She is looking forward to having the baby. Her excitement when she told me I was going to be a father; that was positive and forward-looking, I can assure you, Tom.”

“All right. On the ceremony, I think we can do something along the lines I suggested. I’ll get back to you about a date for the commitment ritual.”

Reg reported back to Frances and Fiona about his talk with Tom Hancock. They approved the plan, and passed on the information to the others. They shelved their next response until back at home.

Once back, activity centred on mealtime and the evening meal menu. The twins were working on standard British recipes based on regional English dishes. This evening it was Beef Wellington in a wine sauce, with roast potatoes. As an alternative, for a vegetarian choice, there was Bubble and Squeak.

Jessica and Sidra had been fascinated by the preparation of these two dishes, and had been in the kitchen for most of time with the twins. Carol had concentrated on the Beef Wellington, and Holly on the vegetarian option. All were happy with the results, and Jessica had been recording the recipes for use by herself.

Prudence remarked to her, “Who are you intending to make these meals for, Jessica?”

Mrs Sadaf stopped for a moment, then admitted, “I hadn’t thought that far. I suppose I was subconsciously thinking of this family, Prudence.”

Prudence replied, “I am flattered, Jessica, that this is the way you are starting to think. Perhaps we are all looking at you as part of the family, thinking in the longer term. I am certainly not expecting us to put you out on the street, ever.”

Jessica gazed at Prudence, then gave her a swift hug. “Thank you, Prudence. You have made my day.” She stood there a while longer, thinking to herself, until her daughter came up to her, “Ammi, are you okay? You were away somewhere in your mind, I think.”

“Yes, sorry, Sidra dear. I was indeed thinking: thinking about the future.”

“That’s good; that’s very good. It means you are getting over all the trouble you were in with father.”

“Yes, that is true, Sidra. I must start viewing life differently from before. I think I must speak to Frances soon.”

“Oh, about us staying here longer? Goody. I like staying with the Robertsons, and with the twins as well: they are fun. But, ammi, can you talk to the Robertsons about what we do to protect us from father in the longer term? We need some kind of way of keeping him away from us. There is no guarantee that a divorce will stop him wanting retribution.”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, that too. Leave it with me, Sidra.”

Mrs Sadaf remained quiet through dinner and beyond. It was mid-evening before she managed to find Frances alone, and asked to speak with her privately.

“Privately? In this house?” she laughed at the idea. “I think we should go to your bedroom and lock ourselves inside. That is the only way we can have real privacy to talk. We normally never think in terms of privacy in this family. What ones knows, the rest should know, is our practice.”

“I just want to get your opinion on an idea of mine. If it is a non-starter, then it goes no further.”

“That sounds reasonable, Jessica. Let’s go.”

The were soon inside Jessica’s bedroom, and Frances watched Jessica lock them in. Frances asked, “Now, what is it that is on your mind, Jessica?”

“It is a delicate question, Frances. If you say no, then that is final.”

“So? What is bothering you, Jessica?”

“You know that Sidra was my first child, from when I first got married?”

“Yeeess. Where are we going from there?”

“I soon discovered what Sidra’s father was like, and I resolved not to have any more children and put them at risk. I secretly went on birth control, so Sidra was my only child.”

“I had heard. Quite understandable, my dear woman. If I had been in your position, it would have been my choice also.”

“I am happy to hear that you understand, Frances. The other factor is that I always wanted more than one child, so I was punishing myself as well as HIM.”

“That I can understand as well. I myself hope to have several children.”

“I am still young enough to have another child, don’t you agree?”

“What, at 36? Certainly. I would expect you could have several more if you were of a mind to do so.”

“Thank you. All I need is the sperm donor to provide the male component that is essential for a baby. That is where you come in, Frances?”

“Me? Don’t be silly! Oh, you mean ... Reg?”

“Exactly so. I would be happy to have a child with Reg as the father; perhaps more than one. I am not asking to become a wife; merely have him impregnate me, but I still need you, as his wives, to approve the plan before I even suggest it to Reg. What do you say, Frances? Am I asking too much?”

Frances was forced into thinking deeply about this question, and its ramifications.

Eventually, she started to explain her thinking to Jessica.

“Dear Jessica, I have to tell you a few home truths about our little family. One is that we agreed that any child of Reg’s would be OUR child. We would all regard ourselves as the child’s mothers, and bring it up that way. The concomitant to that is that the child’s mother would be treated as one of us, should she reside with us. It is the best course for the child, you see. Should the mother not wish to reside with us, and not take care of the baby, she can leave the child with us to be brought up as OUR child. She would abandon all claim on the child, leaving responsibility for the baby to Reg and us.”

“Good grief! You must have thought about this beforehand, Frances.”

“We have. With our commitment ceremony, we commit for life, but should any girl wish to leave, we have no legal right to prevent her. We can, though, make sure that Reg’s children do not go with her, though. This is why the prior agreement of Reg’s children staying with the family should such a situation ever arise. I intend to get a short contract drawn up to make this a signed legal agreement.”

“Very well. I can see the value in that arrangement. If it was Reg who changed and was no longer the man that you loved, the whole commitment would be dissolved and you would each have your own children. Am I right?”

“Jessica, we have never really pondered that option, but I suspect you are correct as to the solution, though we girls might decide to continue to remain together.”

“Well, I am willing to abide by that regulation. It would be always Reg’s child, and remain with his family group. Does that mean I have your blessing?”

“I suppose it does. I think I talked myself into that!”

“Thank you, my dear. I shall s[eak to Reg as soon as the time is appropriate, if you will clear it with the other wives first. Will you speak to Sidra about this for me, as I am not certain how she will react?”

“You don’t feel that you should speak to her as mother to daughter?”

“It is another delicate question, you see. I have an inkling that Sidra is starting to see Reg as her saviour; the opposite of her prior experience of men, and as a consequence sees Reg as a man to be viewed in a way akin to love. She may not see my having a baby by Reg as a positive development, as she might – I repeat, MIGHT – view Reg as a possible future husband. You see the problem?”

“Good God! I did not realise that might be a possible outcome of taking Sidra into our home, but your analysis is valid. She may indeed view Reg in that way. Do you want us to actively dissuade her from that idea?”

“Gosh, no. Who knows what she might think or do if she was upset in that way? I would much rather you keep an eye on her and gently avert her from such a course.”


“Is there a but? Oh, I see what you mean: should she not be deterred, then eventually I would not be distraught if you all added her to your marriage. I can think of very few outcomes that would be better for her.”

“Even if you had children by Reg? She would expect to have children by Reg herself, if she married us.”

Jessica considered this, but declared, “No, I see no reason to object. There is no genetic problem involved, and no legal problem either, as there is no legal marriage to be considered. If she should eventually wish to join your marriage and you approved, it would be with my blessing, Frances.”

“Okay. I think we ignore the Sidra aspect for now. She is too young to be part of the equation at the moment. We simply discuss you and Reg having children. Do you want me to broach the suggestion first, or let you ask him direct?”

“I like the idea of you introducing the subject, so that he can think about it without any immediate pressure.”

“So, it seems that I have been lumbered with speaking to Reg and also speaking to Sidra. Reg should be first on the list, Jessica. No need to disturb Sidra if Reg has an objection, eh?”

“Quite right, Frances. Do it that way. When do you have to talk it over with the other wives?”

“AFTER I have talked with Reg. I want to be able to tell them what he thought of the plan and what we intend doing about it, if anything.”

“Yes, makes sense to do it like that. Thank you, Frances. I really love the way you run your family: always considering the other members and their future together.”

“It is mostly applied common sense, Jessica. I’ll get back to you after I talk with Reg.”

“Thanks, anyway, no matter which way it goes. You are a good woman, Frances.”

“I am Reg’s good woman, Jessica, and don’t you forget it.”

The two left the bedroom and returned downstairs, where Frances was accosted by several other wives. Freda looked the most anxious, so the others waved her to the fore.

“Where did you get to, Frances? I was looking for you,” Freda accused.

“I was talking with Jessica, in private, Freda. You’ll hear later. What did you want me for?”

“To let you know that Daddy phoned me back a little while ago. He has got the letter off to the school – and he turned up his nose at the name of the school, metaphorically speaking. He doesn’t think much of it, same as us. He just has to wait for their reply, confirming that Sidra is off their pupil database. To quote him, ‘If and when they get around to it! I may have to send them a reminder, recorded delivery.’”

“I warned him that the father was never to be able to connect back to us. He said he had marked the file – Personal and Private to Hubert – to let his staff know the file stays closed to everyone except him, should anyone enquire about it.”

“That should do the job. Thank you, Freda. Have you told Reg?”

“Not yet.”

“I think you should, and let him thank you properly.” Frances winked at her. Freda grinned back, and left to find Reg.

This allowed Prudence and Erika to make their plays.

Erika wanted Reg to be reminded about investments. “Now that Reg has his money, it is time to get his investments sorted out, Frances. Do you want to speak to him about that, or shall I remind him again? I don’t want to appear pushy, but he can get better interest than what the bank pays.”

“I have to see him about something else, so I’ll mention it in passing, Erika.”

Prudence simply wanted to get Reg’s mother’s birthday, so they could make sure a card was sent, and possibly a present from Reg and themselves. Frances agreed, but left Prudence to extract the date from Reg.

At last Frances was free to tackle Reg in his study, if that was where he was. As it happened, he had been at the kitchen to see the twins (and coincidentally Jessica and Sidra), to thank them for their dinner menu tonight. He ended up being briefed on their proposed choices for the rest of the week, so he arrived at the study just as Frances was turning to go back out.

“Looking for me, love?”

“I was, Reg. We have a serious matter to discuss, you and I, so can you lock the door, please?”

Surprised by this request, Reg did as asked, then enquired, “What is so special that we must talk behind closed doors, Frances?”

“It is a matter of babies. Another lady wants to be pregnant.”

“So? What’s the problem with that?”

“The person in question is Mrs Sadaf. She has always wanted more children, but did not want her husband to be involved. She has been on birth control since Sidra was born. Now she feels free again, she wants another child, and you are the chosen sperm donor, my love.”

“Really? She is a good-looking woman for her age, but why am I elected? Does she not want to suss out other possible fathers?”

“Reg, please be sensible. With her hiding from her husband, she cannot be seen in public to hunt for suitable men, and anyway, what is wrong with you? We are happy for you to father our children, and Fiona has already achieved that status, so why not with Jessica? She has asked me if you could be persuaded to get her pregnant. The woman has even declared that there is no need for her to be married to us. She just wants a second child while she is still young enough to conceive. I have agreed that there is unlikely to be any dissent from your wives. All that is required is for you to accept another opportunity to be a father. What do you say?”

“You are okay with this, Frances? Your words so far did not include agreement by you. Your opinion is what matters. The other girls will go along with you, as I am sure you know.”

“Very well. If you want my input, I say ‘yes’, with a small proviso which you have to keep in mind.”

“A proviso?” He queried. “What do I have to consider?”

“Sidra.” she went to speak further, but Reg jumped in with, “Oh, I know Sidra will be peeved at her mother wanting another child, but that is just teenage angst. She’ll get over it.”

Frances glowered at him. “Reg Robertson, please listen to my words properly before speaking. I had not finished.”

“Oh. Sorry, my love. I am still a bit wayward in my interactions at times. Do go on.”

“As I was saying, Sidra. Jessica knows her daughter and in her opinion, the girl is in serious awe of you, as the only man in her life who has ever placed her first in anything. You were the one who rescued her, in her mind. She ignores the Reverend who started the ball rolling and the input from the rest of us. The male figure is still a major factor in her way of thinking, and it has had an impact on her. Jessica thinks Sidra may already be in love with you.”

“Oh. Fuck.” Reg was subdued. “Is there more?”

“Yes. Jessica says that she would not be surprised if Sidra later asked to join our marriage, so she sees a problem if she – Jessica – had one or more children by you, then Sidra married you and had her own children by you. Jessica is concerned that Sidra might react badly to you and Jessica having a baby. That is what Jessica told me, anyway. I have promised to speak to Sidra about the possibility, should you decided to agree with Jessica’s pregnancy request.”

“Thanks, Frances. Now I see the complications that might arise, unless the matter is handled well. That, I presume, is why Jessica wants you to discuss it with Sidra?”

“Unfortunately for me, that is the case. You seem to think I will handle it well, darling, but it frightens me that I might say the wrong thing and cause a blow-up between mother and daughter.”

Reg leaned forward to place his arms round Frances. “Frances my darling wife, I admit that I do see you as our family miracle-worker. In my experience, you have always managed to say and do the right thing. The other girls noticed this as well. That is why they elected you as Senior Wife. It was a deserved elevation to a position of authority. All you need is time to marshal your words before you speak to her. You can use this study to ensure you won’t be disturbed.”

“You really think I can do it without Sidra crashing, Reg?”

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DetentionGirls Kendra Spade Sexual Rehab

Kendra Spade is new to the detention facility and as she’s having her intake interview with her counselor Damon Dice she makes it clear that she’s not having it. She starts talking about how much she misses fucking her stepbrother. Going all out to make Damon uncomfortable, Kendra starts feeling herself up and then moves on to taking off her clothes! Damon tries stepping out of the room for a minute so Kendra can collect herself, but rather than obey the missive Kendra just gets...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Ruby Chachi In Inox

Hello friends, myself Rajan(changed) again back with the new story those who dont know me let me tel u briefly about me m pursuing my graduation from a college in hyderabad m 21 yrs old and I have an average body with a 7″ tool sleeping inside my pants which is 3″ wide. Koi ladki ya aunty mere sath video sex fone sex ya sexting ya real sex karna chahti ho toh you can contact me on any time anywhere Today m gonna share a story which happened last week with me its about me and my aunty...

3 years ago
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Sister Takes Solace in her Brother

I was sitting at home on a Friday night, yet again, when my phone rang. I quickly answered it. "Hello?" I said. A few seconds went by without an answer. Then I finally heard "Andrew?" "Yes who is this?" I asked. "I... It"s your sister, Rachel." I heard her say. it sounded like she was holding back tears. "Is everything okay? What"s wrong?" I had a pretty good feeling I knew what it was. "It"s nothing I just..." she stopped for a minute, "It"s just that my husband...", "What did the asshole do...

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JuniorChapter 7 The Summer of 1991 Wanda

Admittedly, we were late getting to the airport, but finding Wanda barricaded inside a telephone booth, crying because I didn't answer the phone at Holly's house was ridiculous. We had to pry the door open because she had dragged both pieces of luggage inside with her. (Yes, two pieces of luggage for a one week stay.) "Wanda, this is Patti, Patti, Wanda," I introduced them. Wanda wiped her eyes and half-heartedly shook Patti's hand. Patti wrapped her arm around Wanda's shoulder and...

1 year ago
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My First M4M Massage

I had been working out all day and desperately needed to unwind from the tightness in my muscles. After I got home from the gym, I poured myself a glass of wine and thought of ways to relief my back pain. I then thought of having a massage to solve the problem. I googled "massage" and came across the website "Rentboy" that offered M4M massage options. Curious, I clicked on the link and did a quick search based on my location. I figured that a man would be able to give a stronger massage and be...

Gay Male
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Steve and ChuckChapter 54

Chuck What a bunch of bullshit. First thing this morning, there's Steve having to get wound up with someone breaking into his R&D building. They didn't hurt the guard, but tied and gagged him while they ransacked the building. Because Steve, or at least, Sue and S&S, are government and military contractors, I was able to call Jan into the investigation right away. She had their CSI group on site in minutes and was able to glean a lot of evidence to work with quickly. Nightfox had...

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Precious Gift

“I’m scared.” He was behind me and leaning over my back. His left arm wrapped around my waist, brushing my hair away from the right side of my face with his other hand, kissing my neck, giving me tender love nips on my ear, and softly said, “I am here, you are MINE, trust me, I will not leave you.” Those two simple words; trust me, played in my mind over and over again like a record on a phonograph hitting the same spot due to a scratch. I did trust him. I waited to give the person who loved...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 221

Miracle Surgeons Three Toronto surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed. One of them said, "I'm the best surgeon in Ontario. In my favorite case, a concert pianist lost seven fingers in an accident, I reattached them, and 8 months later he performed a private concert for the Queen of England. The second surgeon said. "That's nothing. A young man lost an arm and both legs in an accident, I reattached them, and 2 years later he won a gold Medal in...

2 years ago
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Animal God

I blinked awake on my nineteenth birthday. And the day before I started attending college courses at the community college. I’d taken a travel year where I didn’t actually travel, just lounged around town and my parents’ house. My younger sister, Jessica, just turned 18, and was already more ready for adulting than I was. But oh well. I had a pretty boring life, until of course, the golden light filled the room. I blinked rapidly against the glow, and I saw a stunning figure standing in my...

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Going to Hell

“And those sinners who dare argue with our Lord’s divine will,” shouted the Reverend Gary Whitman, “Will be doomed to spend an eternity in hell! Who is that, you ask? Who are these sinners? Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you. It’s the murderers, the criminals, the thieves!” The congregation cheered. Reverend Whitman’s movements were animated and exaggerated when he was in the middle of a sermon. Whitman was a man in his mid-forties whose light brown hair was beginning to gray. He was...

3 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 22 The Lost Semester

Spring semester, 1982 (January – May) No sooner had I arrived back at my dorm room than I experienced a flashback to the other timeline. Benny, my soon-to-be-ex-roommate, was in the process of moving his belongings out of the room. He told me that he'd decided to live at home and commute to his classes. He shook my hand, told me it had been great to have me for a roommate, and left. Technically, the housing office had the authority to assign someone else to the room, but I knew they...

1 year ago
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Late Twelve

By Systematic “Can two guys even do that?” Sandy asked. Friday had come at last. Yes, he was in my study, yes, he was in my lap. He still had his pajamas on, and it was going to stay that way. I was injured, after all. “Probably,” I said, looking at Oracle’s latest story. There are only so many ways she could write about beautiful boys having sex, so she was getting creative. She actually wrote two kinds of stories – most of them were this flowery gay stuff, but a few were more down...

2 years ago
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Just a Few More

The woman I knew as “Mistress Rebecca” helped me into the back seat of the van and then put a blindfold over my eyes. She wrapped the seatbelt around my shoulders and waist, and then I heard her get into the driver’s seat. There was soft jazz music on the stereo. She didn’t say anything. We drove for what seemed like an hour. We turned off the main road and Mistress Rebecca said, “It’s going to be bumpy for a while.”Finally, we stopped. I heard her say "Hi” to someone outside. The...

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The story of sissyslave gunnarsub

The story of sissyslave gunnarsub The story of sissyslave gunnarsub  Prelude? [email protected] I often dream to get enslaved by SUPERIORS who are more than eager to dominate and humiliate males, SUPERIORS who force me into unlimited obedience and especially also force me into ways of acting opposite to my normal behaviour, acting in a way I never would be prepared to under normal circumstances. The driving factor behind this urgent wish is humiliation. Already the thought that I...

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A Very Small Thing

Okay, I'll admit, my mother didn't cause the situation but she certainly took full advantage once it presented itself. Our family had always been very open and free. We never locked doors and often did not even close them. Glimpses of nudity were everywhere. We never thought much about it; we were family.My parents were very loving and were not shy about showing affection in public or at home. Oftentimes when we were out as a family or getting something to eat my sister and I had to ask them if...

4 years ago
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Taming Tina part 1 of 3

“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 33

"First, I need to speak with Olu, to sort out the arrangements for his family group. Can you have him phone me from your phone? I will pay for the call." "That is acceptable, Winston. Next?" "Do you know if Olu or either of the twins have married? I need to calculate the total number of passengers: it affects the take-off weight. It will also determine how much luggage they can bring." "The last I heard of the family, there was no suggestion of marriage, or even engagement to marry....

1 year ago
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The CatalystChapter 13 Work in Progress

[The four of us decided that we wanted to go for a swim as soon as we got home.] That was our plan, however, Mother nature had OTHER plans! We were about 10 miles from home when the skies got really dark. It had a strange greenish hue. We were headed south on Randall Road when we saw it. A tornado was about 5 miles south and already on the ground and coming RIGHT AT US! We saw a road coming up just ahead. “Turn right and floor it!” Greg shouted. Mary jammed on the brakes and turned. We...

2 years ago
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Flexible Morals Ch 06

‘I mean, when you think about it, the whole thing don’t make sense.’ ‘You don’t make any sense, Biris,’ retorted Firis. Trailing behind the two brothers, Malik could only roll his eyes. They had been like this for the entire journey, never tiring of their back and forth. Occasionally the endless quarreling came to blows but it was never anything severe, unfortunately. Just the semi-good-natured jostling of siblings. He couldn’t understand it. Maybe the men had been dropped on their heads as...

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A Masters Story Ch 02

Chapter 2. The Slave pushes her Master’s buttons Saturday I was drifting between asleep and awake, something was different. There was a strange sensation. The hairs on my chest were being touched. There was a strange hand on my cock. I had an arm round smooth shoulders. I finally came awake with the memory of… Jessica, there was a girl, a young woman in my bed and her name was Jessica. ‘Master do you think that I could be so bold as to suggest that I, er, we make use of this?’ The voice was...

1 year ago
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A New LifeChapter 8

Note: I write this story which is purely a figment of my imagination. All characters are over 18 years of age. This chapter will be written from the point of view of the Master and Aimee Bailey. Aimee’s trip to the mall and seal headquarters need to be told as the Master is at the business he sold. All constructive criticism is appreciated and will be responded to unless it is rude and obnoxious. Thank you for your assistance, I hope you enjoy this continuing story as much as I am in writing...

3 years ago
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Sail The Seven SeasChapter 6

Off Cuban waters Karen screamed! "Dead? Paul's dead?" "No, Karen, this miserable dog failed. We found Paul right after he fell from the ship. We were assigned to protect you from danger. Our lookout saw the whole thing. Paul is in my bunk. He was hit with a glancing shot to his head. He just woke up, but our medic will not let him up yet. We waited to get an arrest authorization before we could make contact." KT ran to attack the kneeling man when she heard a small Spanish voice...

3 years ago
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my cousin anna

well this happend to me a few years a go but i think i post it on here for you all to see a few years a go my cousin anna was liveing with us well i would joke a both her showing me her tits saying mom anna just flashed me but it was a joke i use to do that because she would allways dress in low cut shorts and late at night i could hear her useing her toys on her self from my room that made me horny and wanting her so i would listen to her and play with it till i cumed all over my bed well...

2 years ago
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Mother and Son

A bit of background first my mom at the time was 40 as i was 19 and my father had died the year before. My mom is about 5ft 11 with blonde hair size 10 and her tits are a 36c.She used to miss not having anyone to share her bed so sometimes i would sleep in the bed with her but nothing would happen this one time however, she must have been dreaming of some horny sex has i woke up during the middle of the night and she was pushing her knee into my groin i became aroused and started to push my...

2 years ago
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Meeting Your Girlfriends Mom

"John!" Mary, your girlfriend answers the door. "I'm glad you could make it. Dinner is just about ready. Mom and Dad are in the Living room and they can't wait to meet you!" Here it was. The event that makes you more nervous than the time you had to turn your head and cough. You and Mary had had 2 dates, but her folks wanted to meet you before the two of you went on any third date. Now you like Mary, but it's not like you want to get engaged or anything. If they want to meet you, that's ok, you...

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The reflection in the mirror was better than any fantasy I’ve ever had. She was down on her knees before me, white pumps tucked neatly under her plump, little ass and not a stitch of clothing on besides a pearl choker and long, ivory-colored gloves. One hand cupping my balls, the other stroked my cock in between the deep pulls she was taking on it. I caught my own eye, smiled at myself and remember thinking, “It will never get better than this.”Eva was twenty-five years old. On the rare...

First Time
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Big Little SisterChapter 3 Tanya Sees The Doctor

After that, Saturday nights became even wilder. Tanya still hung around on the corner with her posse. They were all older than her, mostly two or three years older, but even though she was much shorter than the others, her amazing development made her look easily the oldest. She no longer took a shower when she came in from her afternoons and evenings of sexy talk. She let me wallow in the smell and taste of her pussy just as it was when she came home after a whole day of running around,...

1 year ago
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The Changing of my Life 3

The Changing of my life --- part 3 Well a few days have passed since I got my new breasts. What a difference there is, they are bigger and heavier, they throw my balance off, but most of all it's the feel, by that I mean I can feel them, I can feel them moving about, I can feel them when I put my bra on, or even when they're in my bra, they move, they bounce when I walk. There tender, I never thought in a million years that this is how breasts feel. Miss Lucy loves them, she...

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Lawnmans dream come true

I have been doing my landscape business for 8 years now,and always dreamed of having one of those (Penthouse Forum) moments of unexpectant sex,but never thought it would happen,...until 3 days ago. I'm 48years old,6'2",180pounds,good looking,and I have a 7.5"inch dick. My client,who is 53years old,5'0",105pounds,nice 34c tits,a great,little butt(my favorite!),and very hot. I was doing my normal work around her yard,when I had to fix a sprinkler problem,which just happened to be by her bedroom...

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All about me

Hello everyone:-) Well everyone has told me to write a story on my fam*ly adventures so here goes.Please keep in mind that Im not a writer of any recognition but I hope you find it both entertaining & arousing. First off I want it clearly known that I have never considered myself a victim & don't now. So with that being said here goes. I was blessed with being born into a rather large fam*ly. I have 3 sisters & 1 brother, all older so I was the baby of the crowd & got to see...

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The Sexy Black Mamma

The following story is 100% true and my own personal experience! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did experiencing it!It’s funny how some nights out seem to just end up with a bit of a twist and this particular night was indeed one of those!I had been out drinking with a friend for a few drinks but nothing too heavy and after closing time we parted ways and I started my usual 20 minute walk home. On the way, I happened to fall into the company of a few people who had been for a work...

4 years ago
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my bosss Daughter

My boss’s daughters are gorgeous. One blonde, one brunette. Beautiful angels. The brunette Charlotte had just turned sixteen and the blonde Amy was seventeen. Every time I visited my boss and his wife I had trouble trying to keep my eyes off the angels. Amy was well developed with huge jutted torpedo tits. On the odd occasion they would be unfretted when I visited and they would bounce and jiggle under her tight white t-shirt. Other times she would be wearing a wonder bra that would make...

1 year ago
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What price curiosity Part 1 Wi

“You look like shit!” Paris peered over her sunglasses and took in Tom’s seedy appearance. The heavy eyes, tousled hair and dark stubble that shadowed the ridge of his jaw could lead to only one conclusion - he hadn’t been home last night. Her lips pursed as she blew the foam from her cappuccino. “And you’re late. Again.” A small burst of air raised a chestnut curl from in front of hazel eyes as she huffed her displeasure. Tom looked down at his wrinkled shirt. “Just rolled outta bed,” he...

2 years ago
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Meagans Tail ch2 a tail or two

Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...

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My Friends Hot Mom part 2

My mind had been making a mess of my situation. I was struggling with the ethics of what I was doing, my best friends mom watching me jerk off to her. At the same time enjoying this goddess and giving me the naughty thoughts that were driving me to stroke my cock.The next couple days were much the same scenario. Debbie would leave her bra or bikini in my bathroom for me to use as encouragement to please myself. Each time, she would walk into my bedroom to watch me pump my cock for a few minutes...

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It was the first Saturday in August, and the weather in London was warm. Effie and I had known each other for only a few months. We were visiting her brother Stephen, and we had gone out for a walk in the park near his flat. We were lying on our backs on the grass, my head in her lap, enjoying the sunshine and each other's company, relaxing. After we had been chatting desultorily about pretty much everything, the conversation had inevitably turned to the things that we enjoyed. We were talking...

3 years ago
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This is maybe 20 yrs old but still funny

The other day my friend Jay comes over to my house and he wants to show me that his bald spot has grown so much that he has completely shaved his head. My son Mark comes in to say hi, soon as he sees Jay he runs out the room screaming. I thought that was odd but I figure he was just playing since he's known Mark since he was in diapers. The next day Jay comes over to help me work on my car, Mark comes out to hangout with dad, takes one look at Jay and again he goes running away yelling and...

4 years ago
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His first try with bi

At the time of his seduction Greg was an 18 year old total virgin, He had never got much further than heavy petting with a girl and never even thought about dudes. We had gone to a quiet country bar for a drink with some friends like we had done many times before. It was a nice warm summers evening and we had a few pints and played darts until closing time. When we left we had to walk to the end of the lane to a small car park on the edge of a forest that the local people used for walking their...

2 years ago
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My Next Time With a Dirty Mommy

It had been a little while since my late night with Krissy. In the past, I’ve never known people who work together screwing around to be anything but a total pain in the ass. Someone always feels weird, someone always wants more, it spills over into the workplace, someone ends up quitting or fired. But this situation seemed to defy all logic. We laughed and joked when we were together. We talked about people we were dating, or wanted to date. There was nothing hostile or tense between us. It...

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Paige On The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

3 years ago
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Slave Club

The little fat man put his hand up my tunic and started stroking the back of my thigh. Gradually he moved upwards to cup and squeeze my left buttock. His other hand then lifted the hem of my flimsy garment exposing my pussy, naked and shaven. Forced into a kneeling position by ankle stocks, with my arms suspended on chains above my head I was powerless to prevent his hand from crossing my belly, down my smooth, hair-less triangle  to delve between my captive legs. Soon I would be stripped and...

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