Mando & Lek free porn video

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(I was writing this story when I was involved with two people. The three of us were the character basis. But they ended up committing to each other and forgetting I even exist, so I have no desire to bother trying to finish this story in the slightest. No names need to be changed as I already changed their names and Marie is my own middle name. To whomever decides to finish this story and make it their own I have only two limitations.

1- Be respectful of gender issues when writing the Marie character. Don’t turn her into the sissy panty crossdressing gay man that populates 99.9% of all Trans related stories on this site. She, like me, is a WOMAN, who just happens to have some boy parts.

2- Try to keep it a romantic erotica. Write the sex as you feel is best but try not to turn the whole thing into dimestore trash.

Thank you and good luck to whomever finishes my story.)



Marie and Lorelei were trying very hard to look like they were having fun while staying as close to the security booth as possible. Teenage boys and greasy men in costumes ranging from utterly shitty to completely fabulous leered lustfully at them as they passed. Attending a Star Wars convention it seemed, was probably not Marie’s most well thought out idea.

‘I swear I’ma fucking kill you tonight,’ Lorelei grumbled through a fake smile, in her half-assed Princess Leia costume that included a bad wig and a cardboard laser blaster.

‘No you won’t,’ Marie replied, smiling equally as fakely at all the passing geek pervs. ‘You’ll spank my ass and probably border on raping me but you’ll spare my life. Princess Leia would never harm a poor Twi’Lek slave girl.’

Marie was garnering far more of the attention between the two of them. Both women were exceptionally beautiful, and the man to woman ratio at the convention was about 6 to 1, but it was obvious which of the two was the hardcore fan. Marie’s Twi’Lek costume was amazing, and it better have been for the 8 weeks and $700 she put into making it. Twi’Leks were the Star Wars aliens that had two long tentacles in place of hair, and Marie looked right off the screen of the movies. She had designed and sewn her own leather slavegirl costume, and had build a headpiece for the tentacles with moving parts remote controlled by buttons in her gloves, allowing her to move the head tails at will with her fingers. Every inch of her skin that was exposed was painted purple like the tentacles.

In short, she was a sci-fi geek’s wet dream, a beautiful woman in a decent costume with a visible love of the medium. And yet she still managed to be surprised by how much attention she was getting.

Lorelei and Marie had spent the past two hours huddled by the security booth, posing for pictures with the other conventioneers for $5 a shot. The insane amount of money Marie was getting to pose was all that kept Lorelei from dragging her ass home to fuck stupid. But she still made sure Marie knew in no uncertain terms she owed Lore her immortal soul for making her attend, and that it would never happen again without extensive sexual favours.

Despite how pushy and creepy some of the older geeks could be, most of the conventioners were nice guys, polite and respectful and just appreciating Marie’s hard work. A lot of guys chatted her up about how she set up the head tail relay for movement, some of the more hardcore fans asked which stories inspired her, and every 5 minutes some guy asked to get a picture taken of him being held by her head tails.

While Lorelei wouldn’t outwardly admit to how much fun she was having watching her usually insecure wallflowering lover and friend be so popular, Marie was having the time of her life. She had been waiting months to attend the convention, but was too insecure and shy to go unless Lore went with her.

Lorelei and Marie had been friends for 6 years, and occasional fuck-buddies for 4 of those. But Lore was really one of Marie’s only friends, and the only lover Marie had ever had. Marie was different than normal girls, and her self-esteem was lower than mud. All the attention was doing wonders for her.

Sadly it was when Lorelei went out to catch a smoke break that Lore’s fears for Marie almost came true. The security booth was empty due to an altercation on the east side of the convention centre between the Star Wars crowd and some Trekkies who had crashed the party, and a particularly sleazy fat guy who was dressed as a very ill fitted Stormtrooper made his move. He walked up to Marie while she was talking to a young Luke Skywalker lookalike when the man shoved his way between them. Coming off like a much more aggressive version of the Simpsons character called Comic Book Guy, Greasy Stormtrooper outright grabbed one of Marie’s breasts and leered at her, licking her painted cheek.

‘Come Twi’Lek slave girl,’ the greasy man sneered. ‘You shall be my concubine for the evening. Your attire is a clear admission of your desire to be used as a Twi’Lek should be.’

‘Don’t touch me you creep!’ Marie spat, shoving him away. He just sneered and grabbed one of her head tails, breaking it.

‘Bad idea tentacle slut,’ The creep said, grabbing her breasts again. He was about to lean in to kiss her when a black gloved hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

‘I believe the ‘Lek has asked you to piss off good sir,’ said a large imposing man dressed in a black and red version of Boba Fett’s Mandalorian Armor costume.

‘Who asked you fag?’ the creep sneered.

‘She did,’ the Mandalorian replied, ‘when she told you to stop touching her. Now beat it.’

The creep took a swing at the Mandalorian, who easily dodged his clumsy punch. He replied by knocking him out cold with one clean swift uppercut, just as security came back. The Luke Skywalker kid was with them, having brought them to help while his older brother helped Marie out. The Mandalorian big brother stepped aside while security dragged the greasy man off the premesis.

‘Thank you,’ Marie said, shaking.

‘My pleasure ‘Lek,’ The Mandalorian said. ‘Allan pulls something like this every year. I’m amazed he never gets banned but then his dad is on city council. An Alderman I think. You okay?’

Marie nodded, grumpy as she carefully took off the now broken head-piece.

‘8 months gone to hell,’ she sighed. ‘I was having fun til he came along, and now my costume is screwed. I put all that time into making it perfect, now it’s a doorstop.’

Marie sighed and stuffed it into her backpack, tears ruining her facepaint.

‘Thanks for helping me,’ she said. ‘I’m going to go snag my girlfriend and go home to a tub of Breyers.’

‘Let me walk you out then,’ The Mando said. ‘Just to be on the safe side. You’re too beautiful to not attract at least one more pervert.’

Marie smiled, blushing under the facepaint, and nodded sheepishly. The Mando told his little brother he’d catch up to him later. With that they headed to the smoking area, getting to the door just as Lorelei was heading back inside. Lore saw Marie’s tears and missing headpiece and feared the worst.

‘Who touched you?’ she spat angrily. ‘Who fucking touched you cupcake? Who’s balls do I have to bootfuck?’

‘It’s alright Lore,’ Marie said. ‘The Mando here saved me. Punched some oily gropey Stormtrooper right out cold just in time for security to toss his ass out.’

Lorelei looked the armored man up and down, smiling.

‘Wow,’ she said in genuine shock. ‘Chivalry actually lives! Well, thank you for helping out my cupcake. She’s kinda helpless socially, she’d get into shitloads of trouble without me. As this incident proves. So we leaving then Cupcake?’

‘Yeah, I guess,’ Marie said meekly. ‘I’m not going to have much fun the rest of the night with my costume trashed. I made nearly $800 from all the pictures though, so we can at leasyt go to a nice restaurant after we clean up.’

The Mando spoke up.

‘I rented a Winnebago to get dressed in rather than drive here like this,’ he said. ‘I would consider an honor and a privilege to let you both use it.’

‘A gentleman too,’ Lore said with a smile. ‘Dare I hope you’re as handsome as you are charming?’

‘You tell me my lady,’ he said as he unlatched his helmet and pulled it off. He was indeed strikingly handsome, a sexy two day stubble of a beard on high cheekbones, a jaw that was square without being severe, and languid shimmering black eyes to match his creamy chocolate skin. He had the rough sexiness of a young Mario Van Peebles. Lorelei shivered looking at him and bit her lip.

‘My name’s Savin,’ he said, smiling. ‘This way ladies.’

Marie and Lorelei introduced themselves in kind as he lead them to the rented Winnebago. He politely waited outside with his back turned, every bit the true gentleman, as the ladies took turns cleaning up in his RV. When both women looked like normal human beings again, they thanked him for all his help. His appreciative smile could have rerouted an iceberg.

‘Would you like to come eat with us Handsome?’ Lorelei asked him. ‘Marie’s treat!’

Marie punched Lore in the arm.

‘Don’t be rude! He has a little brother in there and the convention’s still got 8 more hours, I’m sure he’d rather stay.’

‘Actually ‘Lek,’ he said warmly, still calling her by the name inspired by her costume,’ Jimmy will be fine. He’s 17 and came with his friends. I just happened to run into him here. He lives with his new dad and our mom. And frankly that incident soured me on Star Wars for the rest of the day, if you two ladies will have me, I’d be honored to join you. Just let me get out of the armor.’

He went into his rv and went through the arduous process of unlatching every hand welded piece of armor and then stripping out of the leather undersuit. He took a quick shower and slipped into some jeans and a teeshirt. He didn’t notice Lorelei peek through a window in time to see him shirtless.

‘Ohhhh god Marie,’ she moaned. ‘I could wash laundry on those abs.’ She turned to see Marie, quietly fuming. ‘Oh seriously Cupcake, get over it. You know I’m not monogamous and that I’m bi. And he’s hot and a gentleman. Why shouldn’t I invite him to join us just because you’re a lesbian?’

‘It’s not that,’ Marie muttered. ‘And I’m not a lesbian or feeling possessive. You know exactly why you’re the only person I’ve gotten involved with. Besides, he terrifies me.’

Lorelei blinked in confusion.

‘Terrifies you?’ she asked. ‘Why? Did he do something to make you uncomfortable?’


‘Did he hurt you too like the fat creep?’


‘Then what could possibly be so scary?’ Lore demanded. ‘He’s gorgeous, charming, polite and wants our company. What could you possibly be scared of?’

Marie was about to answer when the door opened. Lorelei visibly approved of the change, taking him by his arm.

‘Come handsome,’ Lore said seductively. ‘Let’s take my car.’

‘Lead on my Lady,’ He said.

A half hour later the trio were at DV8 on Davie Street, talking like old friends over the food. Marie seemed uncomfortable, and Savin noticed, but Lorelei was doing her best to get them both to forget the earlier unpleasantness. The three cracked jokes, shared stories, and laughed for an hour together. When Savin excused himself to the bathroom, the third degree began.

‘So spill it already,’ Lorelei said. ‘What’s so scary about Mister Perfect?’

‘You know,’ Marie began, ‘how hard it is for me to be comfortable around men, let alone trust them. After what happened to me in Juvey I just don’t feel safe around most of them.’

‘So?’ Lore said. ‘It isn’t like you’re expected to fuck him. Though I might if he’s interested. But I know you Cupcake, and I know that’s not what’s bothering you. So spill it.’

‘You’re right,’ Marie said. ‘What scares me is that….’

She took a deep breath.

‘Within 5 minutes of meeting him,’ she began, ‘I felt safe with him. That’s never happened to me before, ever, not with a guy. So that in itself was unnerving. Especially given how a girl with outdoor plumbing is almost never safe with a guy.’

‘There’s more isn’t there?’ Lore asked.

‘Yes,’ Marie said, playing nervously with the straw in her coke. ‘The minute he took off his helmet, I caught myself wondering what his lips tasted like.’

Lorelei went wide-eyed and smiled.

‘My little Cupcake is finally coming out of her shell!’ Lore said with a smile. Marie just frowned.

‘It’s not going to happen,’ Marie said very matter-of-factly. ‘He’s a guy. I have a penis. Nothing is ever going to come of this stupid silly crush. So please just drop it. I need to get home anyway. You two have fun, I have work in the morning.’

Marie gave Lore a hundred to cover the meal and left, just as Savin got back. She waved sheepishly to him as she walked out to hail a cab, and he waved back, slightly puzzled.

‘Early morning?’ he asked.

‘For her yeah,’ Lore said. ‘She manages a 24 hour net cafe and Monday mornings are staff meetings.’

‘Ah, good then,’ Savin said. ‘For a minute I was worried she didn’t enjoy my company.’

‘She did sweetness,’ Lore said. ‘And that’s the problem.’

‘Could you maybe elaborate on that one?’ he asked, mildly confused.

‘Well,’ Began the amply bosomed blonde girl, ‘For starters you need to know it’s nothing personal. And while she’ll probably kill me for giving you her life story, I think given what she told me today and your obvious interest, it’d be best if you knew everything now rather than later.’

‘I’m not sure I’m comfortable invading her privacy,’ Savin said seriously, ‘but you know her best, so I’ll trust your judgement.’

‘Marie’s had a shitty life,’ Lore began. ‘First of all she’s a very special girl, and I swear to god if you make fun of this I’ll smash my pint glass over your head right now, but Marie’s a hermy. Well, the medical term is Intersex. It means she has extra bits because her mom shot speed during pregnancy and it screwed up her fetal development.’

Savin went wide-eyed but said nothing. Lorelei continued.

‘When she was born, on the outside it looked like she had two sexes. But 25 years ago all intersex kids born were fixed by dumbass doctors, forcibly assigned to one sex. The doctors look at which genitals they thought were the more prominent and normal looking, and surgically destroy the other set. That’s what they did to Marie. But in her case they chose wrong.’

‘That’s horrifying,’ Savin said, disgusted. ‘How can a man do that to a child and still call himself a doctor?’

‘Yeah really eh?’ Lore said. ‘But Marie always knew. She tried to be a girl from a young age, and her mom beat her for it. She was put in foster care young, and bounced all over. She got in fights, and to make her life more dangerous, she grew boobs when puberty hit. She loved it because it proved her right, but it just got her more beatings. One day she fought back and broke a group home worker’s collarbone. She went to jail.’

‘Oh god,’ Savin said, already guessing what came next.

‘Yeah,’ Lore said sadly. ‘I can tell you guessed it. And you’re right. She got raped, bad. It left permanent scars and nerve damage. That’s why she limps and her eyebrow droops. She refused foster care after her release, striking out on her own. She began living as a woman right away. I met her in therapy 6 years ago. We hit it off right away. After a year she confessed her deep dark secrets to me. Another year later we graduated to friends-with-benefits, so yes, she and I fuck sometimes, no, we’re not exclusive.’

‘Um… okay, heh,’ Savin chuckled, refreshed by Lorelei’s openness compared to the coy games most women played. ‘So she’s understandably not good around men then.’

‘Usually? No,’ Lore answered. ‘But you scared the fuck out of her tonight.’

‘I did
?’ Savin said, looking hurt. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I think she’s wonderful. The love and devotion she put into her costume spoke volumes about her.’

‘Well, there’s one thing though,’ Lore said. ‘It isn’t because you’re a guy you scared her.’

‘Then what?’ he asked curiously.

‘It’s that you’re the first guy,’ she replied, ‘that she ever wanted to kiss. And she’s convinced that A, you’d never want a dickgirl and B, that the safeness she feels around you just has to be an illusion.’

‘I see,’ he said, pondering. ‘And the fact you want to fuck my ass off probably isn’t helping.’

Lorelei burst out laughing.

‘Am I so transparent?’ she asked.

‘Well,’ he replied, ‘I heard you say you want to fuck my ass off as you caught up to me with her after parking the car.’

‘Oh fuck,’ Lore said. ‘I didn’t think you’d heard that. You really are a gentleman, most guys would’ve taken advantage of such a thing. You’re not gay are you?’

‘Not in the least,’ he said. ‘My kid brother is. His dad is kind of an ass about it’

‘Well,’ Lore said, ‘it’d be perfectly fine to fuck me. Jealousy isn’t her issue. She knows she and I will always be lovers no matter who else I share my bed with. It’s insecurity. That girl honestly believes she’s an ugly damaged goods freak of nature. Some days she picks fights with me trying to push me away, convinced I’ll eventually dump her anyway once I realize what a carnival freak she is. You’d think after 6 years and I’m still around she’d get the hint but nooooooo.’

‘Well then,’ Savin smiled. ‘Maybe we should go back to my rented RV and discuss ways to boost her self esteem over breakfast?’

Lorelei smiled. And kept smiling 30 minutes later as his cock was slamming deeply into her aching pussy. She was grateful it was dark as hell in the arena parking lot because they couldn’t even wait for him to unlock the door, and he took her right there against the front fender, his incredible 8 inch hammer stretching her wide open, as she kissed him feverishly, cumming multiple times before he finally shot his load. They both took a minute to catch their breath, and she licked his still hard cock clean as he finally fumbled with his keys. They went inside, fucking 3 more times before falling asleep together.


After work Marie met Lore at Blenz for a wind-down coffee. She smirked at Lore’s glow as they sat down.

‘Fucked you good did he?’ she asked.

‘Ohhhh shit Cupcake,’ Lore beamed. ‘He’s the single best male lover I’ve ever had, ever. And second only to you overall. He went from pounding my pussy like I was a two dollar slut outside his camper, to lingering gentle lovemaking once we got inside, and both just felt so natural, you knew neither was forced or being put on as a display. He really is the true modern gentleman.’

‘Well, I’m glad you had a good time,’ Marie said, sipping her hot chocolate. ‘Better luck for me, no risk of him being interested in me if he’s screwing you.’

‘You only wish Cupcake,’ Lore smirked. ‘I told him everything.’

Marie looked up from her drink, anger burning over her face.

‘Why would you…?’ she began, then just stood up, furious. ‘You fucking cunt…. how could you?’

She ran into the bathroom, tears welling up in her eyes. Lorelei chased after her, crawling under the stalls to get to her.

‘Cupcake please,’ she began, while Marie just sat on the toilet crying. ‘I told him because I could just tell he wouldn’t care. He really is an impossibly decent guy. And he knows we fuck, he knows what you are, and he doesn’t care, he still thinks you’re wonderful and creative. You have nothing to be afraid of. And fuck, seriously girly, do you really think I’d spill your life story to him if my instincts didn’t tell me he was safe?’

Marie looked down at her kneeling best friend, eyes puffy and wet.

‘I don’t know why you’d tell him at all,’ she said angrily. ‘He’s a complete stranger.’

Lorelei reached up and lovingly brushed Marie’s soft ginger hair off of her milk pale face, staring into those gorgeous hazel eyes that made her fall in love all those years ago.

‘Cupcake,’ she said soothingly, ‘you know I’m so madly in love with you. So much so I would’ve tried to be monogamous for you if you’d asked me to. Deep in your perfect porcelain heart, so beautiful and so fragile, you surely know I’d never do anything I thought might get you hurt.’

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At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...

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Along the FinkeChapter 18

Gordy It took us about four hours to get to the hotel. The first 60 kilometers were the worst: ruts and bumps all the way. Then it got easier and the last hour we were doing at least 75kph. We got ourselves checked in and washed up and walked to the Italian place in the Mall for lunch. Charlie said he "hankered" for more of the hot sausages. After lunch, we went into the jewelry store — actually, Charlie steered Maddy into the store and I grabbed Weena's arm so she couldn't...

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BrownBunnies Jenna Foxx Virtual Reality Jenna Fox Fucks So Real

Tommy Pistol ordered the newest Bangbros VR set. When it arrived he was very excited to check it out. He chose Jenna Fox from the menu. Almost lifelike she appeared in his living room. She danced for him, she shook her ass, she masturbated. When she touched his cock it felt so real. She started to give him a blowjob. Wow, amazing!! Tommy couldn’t believe his luck. He fucked Jenna doggystyle. Again, so real! He fucked her missionary, sideways, then came right in her mouth. She swallowed it...

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Lingerie Shopping

Shopping...I sighed at my reflection. I desperately needed new underwear, and being recently dumped gave me a perfect excuse.Since Simon had dumped me out of the blue, several months earlier, I'd decided to give myself one big makeover. Two weeks in Spain had given me a beautiful golden glow and it was about time I treated myself to some sexy lingerie.From the outside, the boutique looked like someone's house. The front door was imposing and black, with a doorbell. My friend at work had...

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First Time With Toys

(Can be read alone but is part of the series, "Daddy's Desires") My daughter and I have been having sex regularly for the past month. It was dangerous, because it was always so spontaneous. Neither of us stopped to grab a condom, or even think about the existence of such items. We just went for it, we did what we desired, we followed instincts that neither of us previously knew we had. We made love. We had sex. We took it rough, we did it slow. We simply could not stop. My adorable princess...

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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 8

Ch. 8 – Unbreakable Bonds and Forbidden Passions Robin sat at his desk, reviewing the week’s reports from his lieutenants. All seemed to be under control, though there was still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the unexpected death of his brother and niece last week. As he continued to read, a knock came at his door. “Come.” “Father,” said Geoffrey. “I would speak with you.” “Ah, what is it, my son?” Robin replied, looking up from his work. “I shall come straight to...

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couldn't believe I'd actually had the courage to drive to the address of this mystery couple I was about to meet. Sure, they seemed nice through e-mail but there was no telling what I was going to find on the other side of the door with the wreath on it. Psychopaths don't have wreaths on their doors, do they? It was one thing to go online looking for sex partners, another thing to answer an ad of a nice sounding couple, but it was absolutely gut-wrenching to be sitting in my car parked in their...

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my slut for hire

You had been in the UK for a few days now and the play had been getting more and more intense just as I had planned it, I had been pushing your limits and wanting to see your reaction to each thing we did. Your punishment the other morning had been short and sweet your body still had the slap marks on your ass and your breasts were still tender from their treatment too. As for your cunt that was red and swollen from the four men I got to come around all who I know from the club and all who were...

4 years ago
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I Guess My Roommate Is Gay After All

A couple of years ago I had a roommate who everyone always thought was gay but he always claimed to be straight. Big deal, ‘cause I always have kept my male on male adventures to myself and live my life as a straight guy. Since I keep my stuff on the down low, I have learned to hit up the cruisier areas here in Orlando for some discreet fun.One day I was home alone while my roommate was out and I was getting seriously horned. It had been a while since I had done anything with a dude so I...

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Heavenly Kim

Don't get me wrong, here...I love to be teased. But I am human. There's only so much teasing a person can take before their hormones blot out every rational thought they might otherwise have. When that point is out. All hell could break loose. And believe me, over the years I've had moments where I'd been overly stimulated to the point where I tried to do things that were physically, humanly impossible...and almost accomplished them. Under this type of stimulation, the old...

1 year ago
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Tushy Chloe Scott Can you not tell my dad

Chloe’s parents are pretty conservative and they like to keep portraying that image. Chloe on the other hand, is the opposite. She is a naughty girl and is always getting into trouble. Now, she is at college, her parents have made her a deal. If she behaves herself, she can have whatever she wants. However, she is still a bad girl, ditching school to misbehave. When her dad’s friend walks in on her latest conquest, it takes her by surprise, and she’s a little embarrassed, and she asks him not...

3 years ago
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Doki Doki Virginity Club

When I first saw who my fellow club members were, I should have turned tail and ran. Monika, Yuri, Natsuki… three girls who skyrocketed in popularity this year were waiting for me in the classroom at the very end of the hallway on the deserted 3rd floor. Their names were on every boys’ lips and they were the last people I would have expected to be virgins. Monika is a brunette beauty queen who has any guy in school eating in the palm of her hand. Even teachers… I’ve seen her leave an exam...

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Eva is a fictional character living in a fictional world. She is aware of that fact and that she was brought to life by her creator instead of being born like a real human. Eva doesn’t care about that. Everything she cares about, just like any fictional character would, is a good story. Each main branch (story) is governed by its own set of rules.

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A Goth Boys Hot Tranny Fantasy

So, dude and dudettes, rock on. Well, your boy BigBabyBrett has one hell of a fuck story for you. Well, as you know, my band The Ministry of Evil was touring the states, and we came to the hellraising community of Waterloo. So, we set up shop in McElroy Auditorium, which was on the ground of some cattle congress bullshit, oh and trust me, with what i am gonna tell you, a lot of beefsteak was shared. So, we rocked the place out. During one of the Ministry's hit songs, as i was rocking to the...

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Pati Ne Dilai Bete Ka Lund

Hello friends mai kavita aj ap logo se apne jivan ki ek sachi ghatna suna rhi hu. Mai ek housewife hu aur mai west bengal ki rhne wali hu mere pati ka naam rahul hai jo ki 45 saal k hai aur mera beta amit jo 18 saal ka hai aur mai 40 ki . Dosto mera figure 37-34-39 hai mai dikhne me kaafi gori aur healthy hu meri chusi mote mote aur bur burger jaise hai. Ab mai der na karte hua apni story pe ati hu jo meri life ki real story hai aur avi 4 month pehle ki hai Mai apne pati se aksar naraj rehti hu...

4 years ago
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Horny Mother Fucked By Dicky Son

Coming back to the real incident, let me explain you the scene what had happened when i was at 26. Let me introduce my dear mom, her name is Sudha and size is 34, 32 and 34. She looks gorgeous and sex appeals like old heroines. Literally many of uncles was looking at my mom with their horny hunger. Those who come to my home to meet my father tried to touch my mother with their hand when my mom was serving tea.Coming to me, i never had feeling of looking at my mom at that angle. It was started...

2 years ago
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Dancers Debut

(mf,first)Jennifer never thought it would come to this. The21-year-old college junior had no idea it could feelthis wonderful. A virgin up until about a month ago,she had had a couple of relationships with guys, notquite going "all" the way but getting far enough toget turned on every now and then.She had had orgasms in the past, masturbating whenevershe thought she needed the release. The guys she hadbeen with had touched her. She had been topless andhad her large nipples sucked on more...

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Revenge Is Mine

The day that changed my life started out as a normal day. It was not until I returned home after work that I got the bad news. My wife Karen was waiting for me at the kitchen table "Please sit down Rich, we need to talk." I knew right away this was going to be bad. "I'm very sorry but I have already moved out of the house and I have filed for divorce." Karen was talking fast and not looking at me, her words seemed rehearsed. She slid a manila envelope across the table to me. "Where are...

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Jeannie Submits

Jeannie who was fifty-four-years-old looked wide-eyed at Laura, her thirty-year-old step-daughter. They were in the dining room at the Hotel with Jeannie’s friend, Chuck, who was also fifty-four-years-old. The noisy kids on the next table were still misbehaving and their mum was still doing nothing to quieten them down. Jeannie and Chuck had just accepted that Laura was going to spank them and that they had to leave the table now and make their way back up to the bedroom.Jeannie and Chuck...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 60

I held hands with Zoe as we walked to the mail boxes. For the last day of January, it was gorgeous. The fact that it was Monday but there was no school because of an in-service day just made it better. It was about fifty degrees, with just a light breeze blowing and not more than three small white clouds in the sky. I unlocked the box with my key, pulled out a small stack of mail, and wasn't surprised that most of it was bills. There was one from the Porsche finance company that somehow...

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Young and SingleChapter 2 My sister and I

Following our time together, Febe and I were never really apart for too long and to everyone around us we seemed to be just Uncle and Niece, the best of friends. When we were alone we held hands and kissed and every chance we got to have a grope in the pool we took it, but never again found the time for anything more. Until Grandma Galena got ill and spent some time in hospital. It wasn’t anything to serious, just a case of the flue, but at her age the doctor felt that she would need more...

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Amber Sun

My name is Amber Li Sun, and thanks to a decision my parents made I get to start a new school part way through my senior year of high school. At least they waited until after I turned eighteen to move so I could have one last party with my friends. It was a nice event. I guess my parents felt guilty, because they went all out and reserved a section of Dave & Buster’s for me. At least I didn’t have a boyfriend I was leaving behind, that would have been unbearable. But I had broken up with...

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Third time with Mike

This one picks up right where the story "Second time with Mike" leaves off, so make sure to check out that, and probably my story of my first ever experience (Was my first time ever, and first with Mike!) to catch up to speed! 4th and probably final one I will write about my adventures with Mike coming soon!We finished paying and then grabbed an Uber. Mike was quick to that and made sure it was on the way fast! We said our goodbyes to friends that we were going to go crash. We headed outside,...

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Womens Inderpendents Reversing the Roles

Womens Inderpendents - Reversing the Roles Womens Inderpendents Headquarters. A Group of women sat around a table. The 10 of them where part of a old order of women, hell bent on putting the men of the world into the rightfull place as the weaker sex, the ones who get fucked and not the ones, who do the fucking. They had spent years and hundreds of dollars, on reserching and developing the best way of putting men into there right full place. They all had their own personal...

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She opens the door for me without a word, leads me through her living room then outside to her deck. She was mad at me for not coming through on a promise I made her. I beg for her forgiveness as I lightly kiss her neck, shoulders, and cheek as she stands beside me at the counter. She tries to fight it, trying to appear strong, but I won’t give up. I try giving her a hickey, but she pushes me away. She hasn’t warmed up yet. Coaxing her a little longer, finally, she lets me kiss her pouty lips....

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 14

Nebraska City, Nebraska, September 21, 1874 It was Saturday noon when the Malone wagon train drove into the oldest incorporated city in Nebraska. Located on the banks of the Missouri river, Nebraska City was a shipping and transportation hub. Finding a stable with security was not a problem. Messrs. Smith and Jones had the biggest and most secure stable in town, according to the deputy Bob stopped to ask. Bob entered the office and was greeted by a nice looking young man. "Do I have the...

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First time hooking up with a shemale

Well the first time I hooked up with a shemale was an escort visit (night out, massage and the rest :)), this was when I just started to gain interest in shemales (about 2 years ago), so I became curious and wanted to know what it was like to spend a night with one, after all they say its having the best of both worlds. I looked up a Brazilian shemale online and when I saw the pictures, I couldn't resist a visit. I mean her femininity was beyond this world, stunning from head to toe. I gave the...

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the summer I became Suzie

I was 18 years old and taking estrogen for about two years. As my ass and tittles started to grow my desire to dress up became all consuming. I wore sexy panties to school everyday and the excitement about getting caught, grew as well. I was very tiny for my age and picked on by the jocks at school regularly. I'm 5foot 5inches tall, with long brunette hair and blue eyes. I had no body hair and a penis so small, my panties made it almost disappear. Which was OK by me, but I wore baggy clothes...

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Everybody Wants to Rule the World

The skies over Pyramid City were deceptively calm, but Adventure Girl wasn’t fooled. There was no such thing as a calm night while Doctor Damian Darke was on the loose, his escape from his infinite-security cell in the Tomb, the specially-designed prison for supervillains, had put every superhero in the world on guard. Samantha Steele had gone on an ‘extended vacation in the Bahamas’ so that Adventure Girl could patrol her home in Pyramid City non-stop, but she also kept an eye on her Liberty...

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How I Fucked My English Teacher Anjali

I Anjali when I was 17. She was twenty seven and sexy as hell – beautiful long legs, slim body and breasts to die for. It was the magnificence of her enormous breasts, along with her wonderful smooth thighs that sparked my lust. At age 18, I was well developed, with a six inch penis that throbbed painfully whenever I looked at a hot woman. Ok so coming to the story, I was in class twelfth and it was the month of July when it all happened. July is one of the hot months in India. Anjali was our...

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Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully’s side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn’t getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully’s kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...

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Raped by Jesus Christ

Jenny's boyfriend had been pressuring her to have sex for weeks. The most recent time had been on a Friday in his car after driving her home from school. Parked in her parents' driveway, the high school seniors had been kissing passionately, Jenny even letting her tongue snake into Andrew's mouth. But when he began to caress her breasts through her top, she had moved his hand away. "Come on, Jenny," he complained. "We've been going out for almost a year. We're 18! All of our friends are having...

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Wife Training

Wife Training It started with an email, as it usually does. My postings on the Internetdescribes me as a 'slut trainer', and I get frequent queries as to what thatinvolves. The queries are usually from husbands, or Doms that cannot administerproper training themselves, for whatever reason. I explain that I achieve mygoals through bondage and discipline, including, but not limited to, whips,leather straps, paddles, canes, clamps, breast and vaginal punishment andpunishment enemas. Many times I...

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BlacksOnBlondes Vanessa Vox 02152022

Rico and Isiah are relaxing and watching the game discussing how they both hooked up with this hot brunette girl at the club last night. Isiah hooked up with his girl in the night club bathroom. Rico then replied that he hooked up with his girl in the nightclub parking lot. Then in mid conversation there was a ring at the door. Isiah got up and answered the door. He was super surprised that the girl at the door was the girl he hooked up with last night. She had a drink for him and said:...

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I was caught. “Blue?” “No, they aren’t, Loverboy,” Katie said. “Brown!” “Sorry Ladies, it’s a fault I have. Like a moth to a light.” “You mean like a babe to its mother’s teat, don’t you?” Alice said, starting another set of giggles. I was getting used to being hassled like that ... and stayed quiet. We got our food, which was delicious like always. After we ate, Katie paid, but I left a tip on the ticket. I suggested we get up and go, the kids will be back at ten am in the...

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Home From Work

As I am on my way home from work, I can't think of how nice it will be to kick off my boots, grab a cold beer, and fall asleep on the recliner. Working the night shift has that effect on you. I pull in to the drive-way at seven in the morning. Just in time to see the sun rise, and hear the birds chirping. It's gonna be another nice day. Too bad I have to sleep through most of it. But the good thing is, it is my last shift for another four nights. I walk through the door, take my boots off, and...

Oral Sex
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Need advice Is my friend and his wife hinting at

I’m not sure how to start this. I guess over the past little while I’ve been getting a vibe from a friend and his wife, and I’m not entirely sure what it means, if anything. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure it out.The whole thing started pretty innocently. My buddy’s wife had a k**, and afterwards he told me she’d been feeling a little self-conscious about her about her looks. I thought that was a little ridiculous, because she’s a good looking woman, and if anything she was now...

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11th GradeChapter 31

Life for me was really going well. I was really enjoying all my class work at the school. Shirley and I were getting along so well it was positively frightening. Anne Coulter was progressing very nicely in her treatment for alcoholism, and, for once, Mama and Dad seemed to be getting along really well. Mama was in one of her periodic long respites from her depression. Uncle Bunny, as usual, added to my sense of well being, sending me frequent humorous accounts and observations of my parents...

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