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Había pasado un año desde su participación en la 4 guerra Ninja. Naruto tenia dinero el respeto y la admiración de su aldea lo que proporcionó un exceso de confianza en el. Con el tiempo esto se convictorio en anhelo de poder y deseo, corrompiendo poco a poco.
Naruto se encontraba entrenando en los limites de los bosques de konoha. Poseía un poder con los que muy pocos podrían enfrentar, pero no bastaba, quería verdadero control y poder sobre la gente. Uno que llegó a encontrar por accidente un las ruinas de un laboratorio oculto, en ese lugar encontró lo que tanto amelaba. Un pergamino que explicaban jutsus descocidos por los ninjas. Alguno destacaban sobre otros en especial dos: uno que podía el uso de dos persona con alto nivel de chakra para hacer real otros jutsu, como convertir las hojas de un árbol en kunais como un jutsu de transformación. El segundo combina las mente de 2 personas, pero es muy difícil encontrar el equilibrio entre que tanto quieres domine una personalidad o información una de la otra.
En los siguiente meses, estudio rigurosamente el jutsu y entreno un tiempo con animales. En tres meses no solo había logrado dominar estos jutsus, también pudo combinar sus técnicas con las técnicas secretas encontradas. A estas alturas estaba ansioso por probarlo, pero en quien ?
Naruto se encontraba caminado a unas calles de su casa a la luz de la luna pensando en un plan.
"probarlo en una persona cercana seria lo mas fácil y no levantaría sospechas"
Sumergido en sus pensamientos no se percato que Sakura caminaba en su dirección, el encuentro era inevitable.
"Naruto, que haces ?" sorprendido respondió:
"aaa, Sakura-chan, solo estaba dando una caminata para bajar la comida, solo eso"
Naruto mantuvo una cordial conversación con Sakura durante un rato, pero en su mente había comenzado a desarrollar una idea.
-Esta podrirse mi oportunidad, podría probarlo en Sakura. No me molestaría tener un tiempo a solas con ella.
"Sakura, no tendrías un momento, quiero practicar un par de jutsu y necesito un compañero/a"
"No puedo ahora Naruto, estoy de camino a un mandado, no podrías usar uno de tus clones para practicar ?"
"Es que necesito una reacción natural, mis clones ya saben de como funciona, y si me prestas un clon tuyo" Sakura lo piensa un momento.
"Esta bien, solo no me hagas hacer nada raro, aun que da igual, desaparecerá y no es como si fuera uno de los tuyos y recuperara sus recuerdo"
Sakura crean un clon simple y lo deja a disposición de Naruto y se retira tranquilamente.
"Ven, mi casa esta cerca" Naruto le dice al clon tomando marcha.
Ya es su casa, Naruto se relaja y se saca la chaqueta. Naruto se había mudado hace media año a a una casa un poco mas grande de 3 ambiente,esta un poco desordenada, pero hay un gran espacio vació en medio del living.
"Podrías pararte en medio de la habitación", le ordena al clon.
"Y ahora" pregunta Sakura.
Naruto su sello de manos característicos y crea tres clones de sombra que se posicionas al los costados de Sakura formando un triangulo. Los clones comienzan a canalizar mucho chakra en sus cuerpos y dos de ellos murmuran un par de palabras.
El colo de Sakura mira un poco perdida a su al rededor y no entiende de que va. "Que estas haciendo ?"
Naruto no contesto a su pregunta, solo la miro a los ojos con una mirada seria con cierto aire de deseo. De repente Sakura pierdo la posibilidad de hablar ya que un clon de Naruto se le había puesto deslizado por atrás y la había tapado la boca con la mano. Sakura intento lucha pero ya era tarde, uno clon con una mano la sujeto de la cabeza y realizo el primer jutsu.
"Mimetismo", con estas palabras el clon desapareció y todo el chakra entro por las orejas boca y nariz de Sakura, ahogándola en masivo chakra hasta que que sus ojos quedaron en blanco. El clon que aun estaba acumulando chakra se acerco y junto al otro sujeto a Sakura de los brazos para que no callear al suelo. El jutsu funciono, combinado y sacrificando un clon de sombra convirtió el clon de Sakura en un ser vivo. Ya dándole fin a esto los dos clones restantes combinaron manos y ejecutaron el segundo jutsu, "Combinación clon". El proceso se repite una vez mas, la inconsciencia de Sakura es a remetida por el dolor de la asfixia que sufre duplicada por el doble de chakra que esta entrando a su cabeza.
Naruto rápidamente el cuerpo de Sakura que caía. En cuestión de segundos Sakura se recupera y se pone en pie.
"Sakura, funciono ?" Su cara toma una sonrisa juguetona.
" Si amo, estoy a sus ordenes", pequeño guiño de ojo asía Naruto.
Naruto salto y festejo, no sabia si funcionaria correctamente la re-proporción del cerebro. Tubo que usar dos clones para ello; uno remplazo la moral, lujuria y sentimientos de Sakura por los pre terminados que tenia el clon; el otro introdujo ordenes, recuerdos y ideas a la memoria y conciencia.
"Sakura Sírveme bien y seras recomenzada"
"Por supuesto amo"
Naruto había logrado su cometido, obtuvo una clon de Sakura totalmente real, servicial y fiel solo para el.
Aquí comenzaría su plan, tener su secreto Harem ninja.
Me llamó con la excusa que la ayudase a decidir el color de una habitación y fui aunque hubiera sido una clienta horrible hasta la fecha. Siempre cambiando de opinión, exigiendo más, tirando por tierra todas mis ideas... Aquella mujer y yo no conectábamos desde el primer día, y sin embargo, fue ella la que convenció a su marido, cuya única aportación a la casa había sido económica, para que yo se la hiciera.Llegué a la casa, que estaba para entregar, y no quedaba ya ningún operario. Estaba ella...
It as been little more than fifteen long years and you now an eighteen year old of the Uchiha Clan Your Father is Shisui Uchiha the second and your mother is His wife is Kūrõtsūchi Kamizuru, the Fourth Tsuchikage. You have already Awakened your Byakugan, and you are a Jinchūriki host much like your father and the Seventh Hokage Lord Naruto Uzumaki. Unlike most Jinchūriki however you have more than one Tailed-Beast inside of you, you have the Four-Tails, Six-Tails, Seven-Tails, Eight-Tails, and...
Before we get started, there's a series of character's for you to choose from. From Naruto to Jiraiya and from Tsunade to Mei Terumi.
Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...
HaremHotel! Think about your dream job for a moment. What would it be? A porn star that fucks the hottest, tightest bitches? Or would it be a guy that puts suntan lotion on beautiful women for a living? All of those are damn good jobs. But did you ever stop to think about how fucking hot it would be to own and live in your own hotel?If that sounds fucking boring, I want you to think about it for a moment. Where else are you going to be able to spy on so many people all at once? And if all your...
Free Sex GamesYou are the leader of the harem in which you can order your harem to ride that big fat cock of yours or do something else like recruit another member or get a job so you can have more money. To your harem, you are god. You can do anything. Now i am going to try and be consistent with adding chapters as im going to focus on 4 characters. 3 of them will be harem leaders. A man named John Doe, a futa named Vin Dockerson and a female named Mary Jackson. One, however, will be a harem slave named...
BDSMHarem King is a game that takes place every couple years of on a private island own by an eccentric million. He managed to create perfect recreation of all your favorite fictional characters and celebrities. So every couple years he invites people all over the world to compete for a chance to make their dream harem. But losing could mean going into crippling debt and losing everything. At the start of each characters arrival they will be given an random character of their preferred route. They...
--three days later-- Mona stood close as King Levan penetrated her daughter. Completely naked, Petra quivered as the deed proceeded, and Mona tried and failed to not notice her daughter's attributes, and was grudgingly impressed at how beautiful her daughter had become. Her breasts were larger than Mona's and her waist slim, a nubile beauty that any man would want to have. Petra squealed as the king's sizeable cock slipped past her bush and into her body, slowing his entrance as he came...
(I'm re-writing this story because I thought to limit it to one tale was thinking too small. This way, I can tell more stories about multiple Harem Masters instead of just one. Feel free to add on to it if you want!) People think that Harems are unrealistic aspects of anime and hentai. However, in secret, Harem's are real things, and they come with all the sexy shenanigans a person would assume they have and more. However, having a harem comes with a price. The Harem's Master is tasked with...
Harem Mannequin By Paul G. Jutras David rarely went out dressed up in his Helen persona. When he did, he tried to look his best. His wig gave him a perm look and he always looked good in his white silk blouse and navy split skirt. He loved the feeling of the cool air against his nude nylon legs and the click of his three inch heels on the pavement. Tonight, he was on his way to a magic show. ?May I have a volunteer from the audience to come work with me?? the magician David...
Far from the prying eye's of civilization buried deep into the temperate woods of the American mid-west lies the camp Beaver Falls, it rests beside a small gentle lake that remains liquid through even the dead of winter and the surrounding forestry is lush with life. The facilities themselves are fully modern despite the distance from urban life, with well insulated cabins, fully stocked cafeteria, and dedicated trained medical staff Camp Beaver can provide the greatest experience for even the...
FantasyIt was Day 0 of WeebCon 2020, one of the most highly regarded anime conventions in North America. The badge pickup line was bustling with activity; eager con-goers exchanged stories, heartfelt hugs and video game friend codes. Cosplayers struck proud poses and friend groups swapped schedules. Not John though. He had come alone. This year, WeebCon had added a new feature to their VIP badge that he had initially not believed when he purchased it. For the duration of the convention he was a Harem...
Mind ControlIt starts off as the User is having one of their normal average days. Until a notice on the user’s smart phone tells them that they have the chance to download the app. And that message makes some bold claims. “Congratulations, you have been selected to get the Harem App. The App allows you to make any man or woman, real or fiction a willing and loyal member of your personal harem. Modify them to your hearts content, have different versions of the same person side by side with you… In...
'We live to serve you master' the two slave girls speak sultrily. they were your father's favorites and trained extensively to sate his sexual lust. he was a very fat and cruel old sultan but he had impeccable taste in slave girls. the blonde girl is alina a slave girl from the sunset kingdom of the far west. she came to the harem an 18 year old virgin. your father was very pleased and paid the slaver 1000 gold coins for her. then he took her in every way a man can take a woman. for the next...
FantasyMona's eyes snapped open and her body stiffened atop her king. She had been grinding Levan's cock inside her lower body, gyrating her hips with him completely swallowed by her pussy, stimulating her clit against his pubic flesh, an orgasm brewing inside her pregnant body. When he spoke the words aloud, she heard a trio of gasps from around her, and her eyes sought out Levan's serious brown eyes below her, searching them for humor or lies, and finding none. The concept thrilled her, the...
Please refrain from hating on people’s chapters as they wrote it for the Chyoa community, but don’t let the possibility deter you from writing. For **people wanting to write**: Just add your path on this with an appropriate title and I’ll read through it to see if it is ready to be approved. If you want me to edit it for you just PM me and I’ll do it. And finally only add onto other people’s paths if you are working with them or they allow you to add onto it.
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Choose your girl
(feel free to add to the story if you like) Your name is John Doe you are 18 years old, 5'11 spiky white hair and red eyes. You wearing sunglasses to cover your eyes, you also have a weird birthmark on your right arm. All you can remember from your childhood is a few people, and a pair of red eyes with evil shining in them. You are on your way to the Hidden Leaf Village since you decided to return after living in the Hidden Sand Village for half of your life. Your uncle decided it would be...
My name is Tyler Uchiha and this is my story. As you can guess from my last name I'm an Uchiha, my clan was wiped out by my own cousin; Itachi. He and his little brother; Sasuke are my last living family...besides one person... but I swore not to talk to them. One thing before I talk about my life story. I have black spikey hair, white pale skin, my eyes are permanently set in three tomoe sharingan, I can preform jutsu even some highly trained ninja can't, and that's it.
You have just been declared the daimyo of the reformed Land of Whirlpools. Your people are loyal to a near fanatical degree and your army stands at five hundred shinobi and two thousand Samurai spread out across the Land of Whirlpools and it's Vassal nation the Land of Waves. But this brings up a question. In the elemental nations you are viewed as the ruler of a average nations, with many of the nations outclassing you in ground troops, though your fleet of three hundred and fifty military...
The Third Shinobi World War has just ended, but tension is still brewing and another conflict seems to be on the horizon. You are given the leadership of the rebuilt Whirlpool nation. Since you are a new nation your army is not that strong, leaving you with just below the amount of troops in an average army at around 2,500 samurai and 600 shinobi. However, as a island nation your navy is very good, highly above average With a fleet of 400 military ships. As and island nation you rely on trade...
He's been to the desert. He knows what heat is. But every summer, Kiba can't help but believe that nowhere else in the world could possibly be hotter than Konoha. As spring rolled out the numbers on the thermometer crept up. But in a way, the numbers were only a state of mind. They might claim something mild, even temperate. It didn't account for the humidity, for the way the forest seemed to close in around the village, baking the roads into surfaces shimmering with mirages. It didn't consider...
Now as dawn broke, with heart pounding she felt the strong arms of a captor release her neck chain, and raise her from the bed. Terror and a certain thrill surged through her bones. Although she was used, of course, like all American girls, to appearing in public in rather revealing bikini swimsuits, she had never stood before a man in her underwear. The farthest she had gone was to let her boyfriend unbutton her blouse and caress the smooth fabric of her bra. But she did not feel embarrassed...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Six: ' Tarn-Five-Elipse-Fathom-Eighteen-Cable-Nine' I was dancing in the mosaic tiled room before the two men who conversed together as they watched me move. Aside from them there were two musicians in the corner providing the rhythm and melody for my dance. One sat with a czehar - a Gorean eight stringed instrument shaped like a large flat box which is held across the lap when sitting cross-legged and played with a horn pick. The other set out a beat on a...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Seven: My downfall is complete. The dried blood on my upper thighs was evidence of what I already knew - that I was no longer white silk. I lay now on my belly on the tiles of the alcove floor, the slave ring and chain still locked in place around my ankle. The length of white silk lay near the curtain where Seremides had cast it aside. It was no longer appropriate for me. In future if I was to be given pleasure silks to wear, they would almost certainly...
Harem Girl of Gor: Studio Outtake The final chapter of the Emma trilogy should be posted next week, but in the meantime I thought I'd post a couple of 'outtakes' from the various books that never made it to the final draft. This is one of them, and it would have appeared somewhere in the middle of 'Harem Girl of Gor,' after Emma's experiences in the slave pens of Banu Hashim. This was originally written before I decided that Brinn would buy Emma outright at the Oasis. I originally...
I awoke alone in the bed trying to shake the cobwebs from my head. Fridays were always like that because the shift from working nights to living days; well that was why you earned the 7% shift differential. Pulling myself out of bed I headed to the kitchen for some coffee which was overriding my need to attend to my morning relief at the moment. I smelt the food before rounding the corner and was pleasantly surprised to see Joyce. I startled her as my hands ran up along the side of...
It has been twenty five years since all of this came to be. Shortly before Daniel's and Shelia's marriage I took her into my harem. So, it was six women that I have shared my life with all of these years. Daniel has been included up to a point, but no further. He made his bed early in life and he lived with those choices. I blew Ray away the next day when I spoke to him. I wasn't opposed to having Daniel included but I knew that I didn't want him to be the father of any of the children....
From the people who brought you Bimbo or Billionaire comes a brand new reality show: Harem Hotel. The premise is simple: six or more contestants, plus a master, will be whisked away to a private resort in which they must compete against one another for the affections of a single master (whether they want to or not). The master could be anyone, but the contestants all share a connection to him or her. Winners get a private place in the master's harem, while the losers will never be the same...
Mind Control"What time is it," Dee asked with yawn as she was being roused awake by a hand shaking her shoulder, "leave me alone, I'm so tired!?!" This time the shaking was more persistent and a voice intoned almost harshly, "all three of you get up at once, the prince requests your presence immediately, and he shall be more than a little disappointed if you keep him waiting!!!" Midori, Dee, and Gracie had been sleeping together in a huge king sized bed, struggled to their feet while trying to wake up from...
EroticParalegal Paralysis by Fidget Oh no, not again, Bill thought to himself, as Kara winked at him and pulled her blouse dangerously low, showing off her generous cleavage. Kara was a paralegal in his firm. He had known for months that she had a crush on him, but nothing he did seemed to discourage her pursuit. He had been careful never to give even the appearance of returning her affections, and remained strictly professional no matter how much she threw herself at him. It wasn't that she...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Five: Erin I was dressed in clinging white pleasure silks as I danced before two men on mosaic tiles on the ground floor of the slave pen building that surrounded the open courtyard of metal grilles which in turn provided light and air for the dismal slave caverns below. It was the first time in six weeks that I had been taken up out of the cavern and onto the surface of Patashqar and the first time since then that I was breathing clean air. One of the...
FOREWORD This is a story I've been working on for fun over the past year. The primary focus is a mixture of action, comedy, romance and smut. There is no rape, mind control etc - the romance is mainly vanilla with a little multiversal manipulation. The premise is simple; you can summon girls from various fictional franchises and use them to fight bad guys. The story is nearing 100k words at the time of writing this opening chapter, and I'm intending to go for as long as I possibly can,...
There were three things of which I could be absolutely certain.1. If I didn't escape soon, I was going to brutally executed.2. I could escape whenever I wanted.3. One of my captors was packing a huge cock, so I was really on the fence about things one and two.*"Stand up, bitch! It's time for your trial!" one of the brutes shouted at me as he knocked his fist against the metal wall that emitted the containment field."Aw, couldn't you have sent me the black-haired one with the broad shoulders?" I...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIn this Game you are a big guy who have decided to finally spend his life doing what he's always wanted do to, owning and training slave girls. Ever since you turned 18 the only thing you've ever really felt like doing was getting a harem, being able to fulfill all of your perverted fantasies without anyone questioning it. And now that the previous slave master of the town has moved away, you decide to take your chance. All you have to do now is get a girl to get you started.
FantasyAfter the passing of your father (the former king), you have inherited all of his possessions. Including his massive harem. Including, Maria a sexy milf who has perfect curves. Amy, a voluptuous but shy teen. Joan, a flat chested tsundare. And Michelle, a straight foward girl with a massive booty. With many more. Now, after a long day of work for the kingdom. You head to your private area in the castle. Feeling in a "mood" you decide you need to relieve some stress. With one of your new wives...
Group SexPiper emerged from the mist and sighed. She’d spent what seemed like forever wandering into the mist, trying to find a way out of this... wherever she was. No matter what direction she had gone she had always come right back to this place. The space was about 250 feet square, a large bed dominated the center of the area. Soft red carpet covered the entire floor, a table covered in fine food, drinks and a large book, was off to the side. On the other end of the room was a small walled...
Harem Slut Nikki by Popov It has been one year since I began making adult films. I have an exclusive contract with Drew Wilson, the porn director. In that time I've mad some 40 odd films and I've become quite the Internet celebrity. There are tons of fan websites dedicated to me. I was nominated for a few adult video awards but lost them all because I only do anal and oral scenes. I have to say at first I was a little flattered by all the positive...
Harem Mannequin 2 By Paul G. Jutras A pair of black two inch open toe heels clicked along the pavement as Janet went to meet Annie and Cindy at the Best of the West strip club. She looked lovely in her black turtleneck with the sleeves rolled to the elbow, black pants, hose that darkened her purple polished toe nails and a black and white vest. ?See you?re already in costume.? Janet smiled as she dropped her purse off her right shoulder and checked her face in the light up...
Harem Mannequin 3 By Paul G. Jutras Stanley took off his hat. The increasing wind blew against his map and threw sand and dirt into his face. The silhouette of a building could be seen in the distance. ?That place isn?t on the map,? he muttered. ?What is this wind?? He thought to himself. ?It came out of nowhere. Just like that building.? ?Hello!? shouted Stanley as he reached the building. He could hear the murmuring of girls from the other side of the door. When the...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter One: The Floating Market of the Oasis of the 23 Palms As I stood there in the dust, naked, in a collar and sirik chain arrangement, perspiring under the heat of the late morning sun, I remember thinking to myself how strange it was that there were only 21 palm trees growing in the so called 'Oasis of the 23 Palms'. The 'floating' market met once a week and like many markets formed around a desert oasis it broadly consisted of three tiers of...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Two: Kara and I enter the public pens of Banu Hashim where I am forced to fight the slave-girl Kima and where I gain a chain sister. I have been writing this account of my time on Gor for sixteen long nights now, by the light of the three moons, inscribing words on paper from early dusk in the place I now call home, and during that time I often speculate on who you are - that is, you, the person reading this account of my adventures here. I suspect you...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three: Our slave training begins in earnest. "Not good enough, Emma!" The switch struck my thigh with a sharp crack, causing me to scream for the third time this morning. Tears welled in my eyes as I knelt on the floor in what I thought was a very good Nadu position. I wondered what I had done wrong this time. "Head up!" The switch tapped under my chin and I raised it another inch. "Shoulders back!" Bahira now tapped my shoulders with the switch and...
Harem-girl of Gor Chapter Four: A Thousand Years of Suffering I tried not to smile as Kima, the bully who had made my life horrible these last couple of weeks, wept floods of tears as she knelt in the training room to the left of Bahira. You're not so tough now, are you, bitch, I thought to myself with a considerable degree of smugness. Oh, but this was wonderful. She looked like the most pitiful of slaves now, as if her life had practically ended. As I watched, Bahira told Kima...
I was a long range scout and most of the time I did not even carry a weapon. Well I did carry a long knife. I was eighteen and had grown up in the hills back in Genta. When I walked off the huge Atlas a slim man wearing the stripes of a master sergeant took one look and gestured. I stepped out of line and walked towards him and went to parade rest. He snorted and gestured to the long knife I wore, "that is not issue." I stiffened and waited but he smiled, "by the look I would say it was...
I walked into the house there was a new order in place for the moment. Lisa had a strap on attached and was pounding into Joyce who was on her hands and knees face buried in between Trisha's legs. Lisa was forcing her head there by holding the hair in her hand while leaning her weight into Joyce. I walked closer and saw Trisha was tied in place. Looking over at couch, Lee and Susie they were tied up and lying there. Their turns were likely next if I didn't intervene. Lisa did not hear me...
We had a whirlwind of activity in the weeks between the time Lisa went back to Phoenix left and when she returned to be with us permanently. The first thing we did was to move from the rental that Trish and I had shared into Joyce's four-bedroom home. For Santa Monica, it was a large home when it was initially built; with the seven of us it was tight, but comfortable. Another thing that was accomplished was the various ownership contracts and the powers of attorney for those who wanted full...
Each girl was instructed to put a leather hood on. The attachable gag and blindfold were in place. One at a time the girls were brought to a large playroom and instructed to kneel and wait. Once all five girls were kneeling I had them remove the blindfold and gag. Eve was kneeling next to me. I began to explain how Eve was now responsible for their care. They were to obey her as they would obey me. Failure to obey her would be just as bad as failing to obey me and would be punished just as...
She paddled slowly across the large pool and slid silently next to a beautiful japanese girl and introduced herself, "Hello, my name's Delilah, but everyone calls me Dee, I'm pretty new here, and just wondered if you could tell me exactly where we are!?!" The pretty young Asian turned to her and with incredibly sad eyes replied softly, "I'm not sure of the country, but I think we're in the Middle East, and by the way, my name is Midori, it's nice to meet you!" "Why are we here," Dee asked...
LesbianWe had been married about 12 years when I was offered the post in Grand Cayman. Warm all year, too hot in summer best beach in the world. Turquoise sea like a tepid to warm bath.i had to work of course Chris was free most of the time but she did some part time jobs to pass the time. I had bought her a new vibe to play with a rabbit from Ann Summers and she loved it. The first time she felt those soft vibrating finger things again her clit with the main stem in her she came so so hard. I thought...
"Story was written by the wife, edited by both husband and wife." "It is the wife's story.""Each of our stories is written together and reflect our real-life experiences in the swing lifestyle over the past fifteen years. Any images or video attached is of us from the time of the story. We welcome and encourage all comments since it keeps us posting new stories if we know people are enjoying what we write. At this time we have many single male friends from over the years and are not actively...
Hola amig@s de xhamsterSoy un hombre con las ideas muy claras respecto a mi vida , de mente abierta(no solo eso tengo abierto,jijiji),morboso,educado,sano y muy muy bien dotado.Me gusta en mis ratos a solas vestirme de mujer con vestiditos,medias,tacones y dejar rienda suelta a la imaginacion.Me encanta jugar con mis dildos y notar como mi culo se abre mientras mi polla se pone dura como una piedra,pero ultimamente quiero probar a vestirme y jugar con alguien mas.Mis pensamientos estan en CD...
Ami tokhon class 12 ae porashona korchi. Samne boro board exam, ar tar upor entrance test er jhamela. Eirokom matha pagal shomoy amar jibone ek ghotona hoy gelo Ruma Boudi’r saathe. Ruma Boudi amader ulto dike’r barite thakto. Choto bela teh mone aache Baptu Da onek jagjomok kore Ruma Boudi ke biye kore enechilo. Prochur lok ke nemotonno kora hoyechilo oder boubhat ae, amio Baba Ma’s saathe gechilam. Mone aache Ruma Boudi ke khub shundor dekhte lagchilo shei din. Tarpor joubon ae pa rekheche...
"Reparations," said the Man in the Shadows. The way he spoke, so cool, so calm... it brought a chill down Nick Martin's spine. At 6-2, 250, Nick was a big guy, and just five years removed from being a pretty decent Division III college football linebacker. This person he was looking at... must have been going on 50 and was 170 pounds, tops. "Why," he thought, "am I just standing here... scared to death?" In truth, fear had nothing to do with it. Nick's drink had been spiked with...
The story written below is a work of erotic fiction written by me. It might be a bit long for those that just want to read about fucking but I was trying to create a realistic scenario. I hope you enjoy it! The Reparations Act The Reparations Act. Nobody gave it much of a thought when a few years back a small faction of people from the liberal far left started making noise about how white people should be paying reparations to black people for the years of social and racial injustices that...
It was only a dream, but it was so realistic!In this 'dream', I was doing 'penance' for having grown up in the South, and who's relations had owned, and profited from, having slaves. It was 'just' a dream, remember, but I'd often felt guilty that my relatives had actually owned other human beings! Sure, the Civil War had left the largely unrepentant South devastated for generations (and in some places it had never fully recovered), but defeated, or not, many Southerners didn't feel sorry for...
I was surprised when I saw the image, but drawn to it. I was on Tumblr scanning sites using the search term 'pantyhose'. I was a secret crossdresser fan and loved to see pretty and sexy images of girls wearing the things I couldn't. It was a fairly harmless way to express and relieve my desires for such things. I had just started using Tumblr, so, I was scrolling down, looking at any site tagged with pantyhose when I saw the image. It was a torso view, from chest to knee, wearing...