- 2 years ago
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There were three things of which I could be absolutely certain.
1. If I didn't escape soon, I was going to brutally executed.
2. I could escape whenever I wanted.
3. One of my captors was packing a huge cock, so I was really on the fence about things one and two.
"Stand up, bitch! It's time for your trial!" one of the brutes shouted at me as he knocked his fist against the metal wall that emitted the containment field.
"Aw, couldn't you have sent me the black-haired one with the broad shoulders?" I pouted.
"Why would I do that?"
"A prisoner is entitled to her last meal," I beamed.
"Just stand the fuck up and get over here, cunt."
"His loss." I stood and complied. He tapped a few buttons on the console I knew to be on the other side of my cell and the force field dropped with a dying hum.
His partner—also not the hung, hot guard I wanted— pointed his concussion rifle at me as I freely offered my hands to the brute.
"Try not to pinch my tits this time." I smiled with the request. He slapped the grav-cuffs onto my wrists and they whipped together, pinching my breasts in exactly the way I'd asked him not to. If there was one thing I hated about being imprisoned above the low-quality food, the beatings, the casual abuse, and of course, the smell, it was almost never being allowed to have even a bra.
I'm sure for the usual criminals, even the female ones, that sort of ammenity was understandaby absent, underwire could be used as a weapon and it's not like it mattered if their tits bounced a little more while they were walked to the decorporializer. But when you're saddled with a pair of MMM-cup shirt-rippers like mine, bralessness is a downright cruel and unusual punishment. My girls ached for relief from their own weight as much as they longed for some affectionate handling.
I trudged between them, the blue-and-grey jumpsuit straining to hold together around my curves. If there was any real victim here, it was the clothing. At least they allowed me a hair tie, my platinum blonde pony-tail was high and tight, except for a single errant strand that fell between my pale purple eyes.
The march led us into a crowded court-room; perhaps a hundred people had stuffed themselves into the public bench areas to finally see me get mine, different aliens, and androids, and humans like me, all champing at the bit. They were a picnic compared to the judge, the old bastard had a scowl that could have melted Nusteel and I didn't think he was going to be feeling particularly merciful.
I kissed the air, then blew; not being able to use my hands made the gesture somewhat less clear, but I think my adoration for my public was obvious. The lawyer who would be speaking against me was actually kind of cute. I lamented not having time to get him naked and seeing if he was worth my time, but those pretty black curls would have to get sweaty over some other space-slag for the forseeable future.
My lawyer, a public defender, was by contrast, the least sexy thing I had ever seen. He was of an alien species I had yet to encounter, but it was as though he were fashioned of the imperfections of humans all wadded up into a big bunch. His suit was actually a thick coat of fur that grew from his back, his head was bald save for a single curly patch in the center. His chest was concave and his gut an outward jutting oval that jiggled when he moved. That made sense, they would have picked him for maximum failure and looking like this, any argument he put forth (in what I assumed would be a wimpy, nasal voice, just to complete the picture) would be ignored by the jury.
To be fair, I was guilty as sin and twice as attractive.
"Vanity Nova, for thirteen years your reign of terror throughout the seven solar-systems has been the stuff of true infamy. In the wake of your passage, there have been fortunes worth of robbery and looting, untold expenses in property damage, scores of kidnapped women and men an–"
I interrupted him, "Correction Your Honor. Kidnapped men. The women all came willingly. They wanted their own lives and power in the world and I gave it to them."
The Judge scowl-smirked at my outburst. "You know, Miss Nova, you might want to consider disputing claims the prosecution makes in their entirety next time. When you jump in to correct one point like that it almost makes it seem like everything else you didn't correct is true in your opinion as well."
"It is," I said, beaming, and the judge went back to scowl-scowling.
"Then I see no reason to go on. Ladies, gentleman, nueterkin, hyperdimensional, bacterial and all varying identifiers therrein, before you sits a woman who admits to her crimes and is unrepentant for them. Keep that in mind as she speaks in her defense and know in your hearts and various other organs and metaphorical constructs that you have no choice but to vote guilty in your deliberations."
"Would you like to take the stand, Miss Nova?" The judge asked.
"I would, Your Honor," I said.
"Bailif, escort Miss Nova to the bar." The judge instructed. My heart leapt as he came from the back, it was the hung stud! So that was why he wasn't with the other guards, he'd been picked for court duty today. Now that I had my prize I could escape!
I let him lead me to the stand, grinning as he stood to the side and clasped his hands in front of my prize's prize, the one that dangled between his legs.
"What do you have to say in your defense, Miss Nova?" the judge asked.
"Well your honor, and all you fucks in the jury box, I'm gonna keep this short and to the point. Today is about truth, is it not? Let's have some. I comitted all the crimes of which I stand accused, and a number that haven't even been brought up. I'm also guilty of being a cheat at cards, a lush, and certainly a bit of a slut. Now that that's all clear, let's have more honesty, shall we? This is a kangaroo court that will not allow you to think for yourselves because it isn't what society wants you to do. My crimes have largely been victimless, and where there were victims, trust me that they fucking deserved it. In addition, all the guards but the one to my left have teeny tiny penises and I suspect their life of protective service is to cover for the insecurity they all feel because of this. And lastly, since we are speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I'm fucking out of here!"
With those words I abruptly dived left, my tongue peeling the adhesive strip from the roof of my hard palette to allow the Pill containing Hrunja extract to disolve in my mouth. At the same time I wrapped my leg's around stud-boy's torso and used my cuffed hands as a sort of loop to shove his face between my massive breasts. Guards aimed weapons and people hollared, but all that was just a glimpse before the extract kicked in and the pair of us faded from sight.
I had trained to withstand the disorienting effects of Hrunja, which was what gave me advantage over the poor bailif. By the time he was done gasping for breath, and, I suspected, his vision was be clearing I already had my knees trapping his arms to the ground and was letting my tits do what they did best: rest heavily. I could feel his feeble attempts to breath as I ground the big mounds into the ground around his face. I spoke directly into his ear.
"I want you to listen to me very carefully. With my boobs on you like this you have maybe two minutes, possibly three if you can really hold your breath before you go unconcious from oxygen loss. If you're smart, you'll reach back, as painful a position as it may be, and use your fingerprint to deactivate the cuffs that I'm using to hold you in this near-fatal position. If you're not, you'll die, and I'll just have to find another way to dump the cuffs later, but I'm not keeping you alive if you don't prove cooperative. Clear?"
He paused a moment. The hot ones were almost never smart, but finally he did as I had instructed. The second the cuffs deactivated I snatched his weapon from the strap around his shoulder and pointed it so that it was the first thing he saw when he finally rescued his face from my vast expanse of titflesh.
"I am so fired," he groaned.
"Aw, don't fret dearie, you're going to have a job with me from now on."
"You heard the trial. I kidnap men. Well, it starts out as kidnapping, but eventually they almost always end up liking it. I think you will too."
"You're free, what good am I to you as a hostage?"
"Oh no, not a hostage, hon. You're gonna be in my harem."
"You're what?"
"You're the whole reason I'm here."
"Think back to the night your band managed to capture me. Do you remember what you were doing before you stumbled on my crashed ship?"
"Uh, we patroled awhile, we landed on the planet, that stuff?"
"No. You took a piss."
"You and one of the other guards put down your guns, went over to the bush, you hauled out your big fat limp swinging dick and took a piss. I was watching from my hiding spot. That's why I didn't run when the rest of your boys came from the other way; I was mesmerized."
"You're kidding."
"You're the most dangerous criminal in the entire galaxy and we brought you in because you saw my cock!?"
"You got it."
An odd little smirk crept over his face and he blushed a little. "You know, that's actually quite flattering."
"Well in my defense, it's a very big dick."
"That's what the other guys always say, but--"
"Shhhh!" I raised a clench fist as I shushed him, "your nano-cocked coworkers are gonna be looking for us, we've got to find somewhere to lay low for the night, then we'll be hooking up with The Audacity in the morning."
"You've got to be kidding me. Why do you think I'll implicate myself?"
"I'm the one with the gun," I explained. "Now move those three legs and march."
"I'm not a Sirius Sigma 9 Alien, I don't have three legs," he protested as he began to walk.
"Yeah," I said, gently patting the bulge of his penis with the rifle-stalk, "you keep telling yourself that."
We found a decent clearing. It would suit my purposes nicely, from the soft moss to the obscuring trees that would keep us from view.
"Now we're going to sleep," I said, gesturing for a particularly dense patch of arboreal softness with the gun.
"I'm going to stay awake. Then, when you go to sleep, I'm going to get away or get my gun back. You might as well just surrender now."
I laughed, "That's exactly where you're wrong, tripod, you're about to be very sleepy."
"What?" He didn't have time to think as I pulled the trigger, bursts of field-contained magma burst out in red-hot lines, he screamed in panic as I fired again and again, then blew the smoke coming from the barrel as I admired my handiwork.
His pants were melted slag, his perfect cock hanging free and limp, drooping admirably over a pair of balls the size of valencia oranges. I pointed the gun back at him.
"Hands behind your head and close your eyes," I commanded as I closed the distance between us.
Blind, terrified and possibly hungry, he would was probably shocked when he felt the heat of my saliva licking and lapping across the surface of his massive testicles. I worked hard, letting the tip of my tongue slip into his scrotum's many wrinkles and creases, slavishly polishing the fear-sweat from them, warming them, loving how they descended in lusty fullness as he relaxed.
I'd come back to them later, but I had to pay respect to the massive appendage that had so caught my attention. I seized the middle of it, loving how heavilly it drooped in limpness as I pursed my lips and kissed the head, tonguing deep beneath his foreskin, swirling around his extra-sensitive head with a deep lusty moan to let him know how I was enjoying the flavor of him.
He was beginning to fill out now, and I took the time to get the rest of his shaft coated in slobber, giving flat-tongued licks up and down the sides, bathing the veins that criss-crossed along the bottom of his cock, nibbling and slurping my way up the tip with sloppy mouth-motions, letting drool spill from my lips, running in rivulets up and down his lengthening shaft, slipping into that foreskin, dripping from those nuts.
I pulled back to admire the effect I was having. His cock was starting to resemble the rifle-barrel for all its length, I pressed the two together a moment just to appreciate it.
"Please don't shoot my balls off!" He begged, voice husky with lust despite the pleading tone.
"Never in a million years, dummy. I have plans for those." I moved the gun aside, hand still on it just in case and proceeded to angle my neck, attacking his balls from the bottoms this time, kissing and sucking at one, then the other, bobbling them like toys on my face, moving and swaying so that they'd drag ruggedly over the whole of my countenance, my features nothing more than a platter to cradle their weight.
"Come on stud... you're teabagging the most feared Pirate Queen in the known universe. Don't tell me that isn't making your little head just about burst with ego overflow," I purred the words into his nutsack, knowing full-well that if he did open his eyes and look all he'd see was my chin beneath his titanic equipment.
He didn't have to answer with words, his prick was finally at full-stand, jutting up powerfully from his crotch like a rocket prepared for launch, and launch is exactly what I planned to make it do.
But first things first; I opened my mouth as wide as it would possibly go, lifting up to totally engulf one of this monster balls, letting the huge sphere of sperm syrup descend deep into my throat, gagging on it as the thing stopped my gullet completely. I teared up a little; I didn't want to look weak just now, but I couldn't help it, I had never gobbled so massive a ball.
Painfully I dropped, my throat making a horrific "GLURRRK" noise as the colossal cum bag broke free.
"Holy fuck," he groaned, "can I please look at what you're doing down there, you uh, wicked, evil pirate bitch?"
I laughed, playfully giving his hard dick a slap, "Okay, one more time, but not a third, your balls could fucking kill a girl."
He looked down, those innocent brown eyes wide with awe as I repeated the act of deep ball suction, tugging the bag a little as I retreated off this time, loving how his face went through what seemed twenty different joyful, confused and ecstatic emotions as I did. He might have an enormous cock, but this guy would suck at poker. Well, maybe not strip poker.
But I digress.
Then it was on to the main attraction itself, I took a few deep breaths to ready myself before plunging my face onto that seeming mile of meat, taking advantage of my now free hands to peel the ugly prison jumpsuit seam open, famously massive tits bobbling into view. There are endless rumors about just how my boobs stay as firm as they are. Some think I'm cybernetic, others believe I've recieved some sort of alien training or technology, while others say, "holy fucking christ those are some gigantic titties!" and let the issue rest at that.
He marveled at them, eyes somehow even wider than they already had been, like if he just peeled his lids open far enough he'd somehow be able to take them all in a way that stuck. Just to be a bitch I gave the girls a healthy jiggle, watching the way his pupils jiggled right along with them. You can threaten men with violence, or try to make cogent arguments, or even attempt to bribe them, but I'll take my pair of MMM cups in terms of converting people to my cause any day.
Speaking of mmm, I went "mmm" as I opened wide for his girthy helmet. Not only was the guy hung but he had one of those dicks where the head is clearly the biggest part... he was gonna feel incredible every time he popped in or out of my pussy, but the goal tonight wasn't to pleasure myself, I had to wear him out, so instead I popped that megalithic pricktip in and out of my fat pouty dicksucking lips over and over and over, letting myself take in a little more with each dive in, adding perhaps a centimeter or so of cock to my face at every plunge.
I had to be careful, this was exactly where I could get myself into trouble. On the one hand, I had to show this gargantuan god-rod the time of its life, pleasure him like no one ever had until he was a mewling mess of spent sperm at my feet. On the other, the best way to do that was to take this sucker DEEP, and deepthroating a dick that could probably reach my stomach was dangerous. I couldn't assert control over him if I was puking my guts out onto his boulder-like balls.
So I worked up to it slow. I took time to stick his cockhead into my left cheek, stretching my face out for his horny pleasure, swiveling it across my tongue to the other cheek, showing him that my mouth was big enough to suck an ordinary average cock sideways. I let the girthy invador probe beneath my tongue, testing the limits of my jaw, pushing it down. It was actually a good way to warm my poor hinges up who were about to get a SERIOUS work out. I don't know if you start your day cracking your jaw open to suck a mag-light, but I don't, so I wasn't used to this.
Finally I started to bob up and down on him, letting a hand help keep me from biting, or rather throating, off more than I could chew. As I worked into it more and more I couldn't keep my horny moans of approval from rolling around his shaft and spilling from my mouth. I was truly fighting my cunt, which begged and begged that we stop all this sucking and let the beast fuck it. Sucking dick makes me horny. Huge dicks make me horny. Sucking a huge dick could put me into a frenzied overdrive that made me hard to control.
That frenzy was making other aspects of this hard to control too. That helping hand I was using had started to slip and every few bobs I'd back off with a cough or gag, the fearsomely fat fuckstick was gaping my throat into new shapes even as it stopped my air. The up-and-down motion of my body was more than just my head moving, I rocked on my knees, tits swaying and bouncing explosively. I realized I was neglecting a valuable weapon and angled back even further, my huge tits coliding with his massive dangling balls at every epic bounce.
Sometimes they would just brush the bottoms of his sack, and others slip to caress the sides front, and if I really angled my arms right I could get my undulating udders to part and then slap together around his ballsack, the wait of them tugging his nuts down as they'd descend. Humongous cock or not, this poor boy didn't stand a chance against me.
But I had to respect his staying power. I was so caught up in the moment it was a long time before I realized it had even been a long time. Beads of sweat rolled down my forhead and shoulders and tits. Waves of thick, pearlescent slobber drooled from my lips, making a complete mess of my jaw, and dripped down with such constant excessiveness it looked like I was wearing a bib made of ball-batter draped over my tremendous tits.
I couldn't wait to measure this monstrosity when I was back in the safety of my ship, but I was fairly certain I was hitting at least ten inches of cock at each bounce, and there was still so much cock left to go. Finally I hit him with a real show-stopper, gargling that preposterous pole of penile plowmeat (oh good lord, he'd skull-fucked the cogency right out of my terminology) as deep as I could then swallowing on it while rolling my head, letting the depths of my gullet caress his head while my esophagus rippled on his shaft.
The balls I was battering with my bouncing boobs began to bunch up, their low-hanging sack cinching up on itself as they prepared to deliver what I guessed would be one unbelievable payload. His expressive face had "Holy fuck I'm going to cum!" written all over it as I sucked and glucked and throatfucked my way to the ocean of cum being greedily hoarded by his humongous hanging nuts.
"AAAAAUUUUGHN!" he roared as the massive cum-cannon began to go off. On the first shot I thought I was in for an easy time, the copius head erupted in what was more a spray than a stream of jism and I let it dance into my gullet as I pulled it back, wanting to control what happened, loving the feel of what seemed a hundred drops spattering all over my insides, astonishingly warm and thick.
That first shot had lied. If it was a juice-glass of nut-nectar, the second was a heady pint, it spewed from that cock like a rolled up newspaper of gooey fluid, hitting my jugular from the inside, making my neck look a little cobra-like as I fought to keep it in. I swallowed three times in a row, painfully, my eyes tearing up slightly as I unleashed a horrid belch, my pour gut already fighting to free some space for what it knew was coming.
The flavor was delicious. Days of prison food had left me wanting protein, and in what this dick was delivering you could probably adequately nourish a city for weeks. Tasty though it may have been in all its umami goodness, the unctious third shot was even longer and thicker than the second, my throat gurgled grotesquely as it chopped the load into four, five six different portions, almost chewing the seed more than swallowing it.
I was still ingurgitating that shot when the next came and it was game over, I retreated with something that was half-cough and half-gag, losing all that was in my mouth, a little of what was in my throat, and possibly some of what was in my stomach as well. This torpedo of titanic teste tonic was unfathomable and when the tail end of it slapped not into my mouth, but my face, the world went black with white.
I'm not entirely sure how long he kept blasting away. I know I felt shots hit my face a few times, then my tits, really raining on the old girls with unrelenting fury, and then, somehow, it was over. I shucked cum from my eyes with desperate palms, peering through my smeared visage at the stud. He'd apparently sat or fallen somewhere in the course of his orgasm, and he was panting with a satisfied look on his face, a shit-eating grin on his lips to match the cum-eating grin on mine.
"Wow, you're...you're incredible," he finally managed.
"Damn straight, donkey-dick. You sleepy?"
"A little, but we can stay up and talk or cuddle if you want."
I laughed at him. "Idiot. Shut up and get ready for round two."
"What?" he looked a little scared, but I had him by the balls in a heartbeat and his semi-soft cockhalfway down my throat in the next, letting my cum-slick body guide his dick between my tits, wrigling my torso to give him an even more mind-blowing full-coverage effect. I undulated like a snake, lying prone to suck his dick while he sat, his face a mask of bewildered extacy as I went to town on him. Thankfully by the time I reached his second orgasm, it was maybe at half the strength as the first, and while I felt sick and queasy after swallowing it all, at least it didn't paint me.
Now he was a puddle of pleasure before, murmuring into sleep as he lay before me. I marveled at the huge dick, lamenting that I absolutely could not afford the risk of fucking it just yet, and settled into an uneasy, cum-covered sleep.
Even though I did nod off a little through the night, I still managed to wake up with a start when he finally stirred away. He looked a little chagrined at my still-stained condition, but said nothing about it. I kept the gun trained on him as he stood up and uncerimoniously pissed into a nearby bush before finally tucking his floppy monster away.
"So how about it stud? You really wanna take me in to the law?"
He fretted, "I'll never be able to work for Galactic Squad again I don't. And they'll promote me for sure if I bring you in. Hell, I might skip Seargant and make Captain. And there'd be money."
I smirked. "Sounds like an easy decision to me."
Then I peeled my shirt off, letting my gigantic tits sway free, cocking my head a little as I put my hands on my hips and tilted my pelvis to show off my curves to their maximum displayability.
"You're right. It is," he said. "When do we leave?"
(Part one of many, lots to come in the Vanity Nova saga. I hope you all enjoy! As always, contact is prefered via the e-mail in my profile page, but I will accept and respond to messages here, just more slowly.))
Harem King is a game that takes place every couple years of on a private island own by an eccentric million. He managed to create perfect recreation of all your favorite fictional characters and celebrities. So every couple years he invites people all over the world to compete for a chance to make their dream harem. But losing could mean going into crippling debt and losing everything. At the start of each characters arrival they will be given an random character of their preferred route. They...
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I look in the mirror that is slightly misted by the hot steam rising from the shower. The candle light is just perfectly lighting up your skin. Your nakedness is dancing with color from the small flame. In the mirror I see the desire in your eyes, your boobs hanging free, the nipples hard with want. My hand runs around your tummy and you let yourself be pulled into me, feeling my hardness pushing at your bum. You moan and close your eyes, biting you lip in anticipation of what is to come next....
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Now as dawn broke, with heart pounding she felt the strong arms of a captor release her neck chain, and raise her from the bed. Terror and a certain thrill surged through her bones. Although she was used, of course, like all American girls, to appearing in public in rather revealing bikini swimsuits, she had never stood before a man in her underwear. The farthest she had gone was to let her boyfriend unbutton her blouse and caress the smooth fabric of her bra. But she did not feel embarrassed...
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Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Seven: My downfall is complete. The dried blood on my upper thighs was evidence of what I already knew - that I was no longer white silk. I lay now on my belly on the tiles of the alcove floor, the slave ring and chain still locked in place around my ankle. The length of white silk lay near the curtain where Seremides had cast it aside. It was no longer appropriate for me. In future if I was to be given pleasure silks to wear, they would almost certainly...
Harem Girl of Gor: Studio Outtake The final chapter of the Emma trilogy should be posted next week, but in the meantime I thought I'd post a couple of 'outtakes' from the various books that never made it to the final draft. This is one of them, and it would have appeared somewhere in the middle of 'Harem Girl of Gor,' after Emma's experiences in the slave pens of Banu Hashim. This was originally written before I decided that Brinn would buy Emma outright at the Oasis. I originally...
I awoke alone in the bed trying to shake the cobwebs from my head. Fridays were always like that because the shift from working nights to living days; well that was why you earned the 7% shift differential. Pulling myself out of bed I headed to the kitchen for some coffee which was overriding my need to attend to my morning relief at the moment. I smelt the food before rounding the corner and was pleasantly surprised to see Joyce. I startled her as my hands ran up along the side of...
It has been twenty five years since all of this came to be. Shortly before Daniel's and Shelia's marriage I took her into my harem. So, it was six women that I have shared my life with all of these years. Daniel has been included up to a point, but no further. He made his bed early in life and he lived with those choices. I blew Ray away the next day when I spoke to him. I wasn't opposed to having Daniel included but I knew that I didn't want him to be the father of any of the children....
From the people who brought you Bimbo or Billionaire comes a brand new reality show: Harem Hotel. The premise is simple: six or more contestants, plus a master, will be whisked away to a private resort in which they must compete against one another for the affections of a single master (whether they want to or not). The master could be anyone, but the contestants all share a connection to him or her. Winners get a private place in the master's harem, while the losers will never be the same...
Mind Control"What time is it," Dee asked with yawn as she was being roused awake by a hand shaking her shoulder, "leave me alone, I'm so tired!?!" This time the shaking was more persistent and a voice intoned almost harshly, "all three of you get up at once, the prince requests your presence immediately, and he shall be more than a little disappointed if you keep him waiting!!!" Midori, Dee, and Gracie had been sleeping together in a huge king sized bed, struggled to their feet while trying to wake up from...
EroticHarem Girl of Gor Chapter Five: Erin I was dressed in clinging white pleasure silks as I danced before two men on mosaic tiles on the ground floor of the slave pen building that surrounded the open courtyard of metal grilles which in turn provided light and air for the dismal slave caverns below. It was the first time in six weeks that I had been taken up out of the cavern and onto the surface of Patashqar and the first time since then that I was breathing clean air. One of the...
FOREWORD This is a story I've been working on for fun over the past year. The primary focus is a mixture of action, comedy, romance and smut. There is no rape, mind control etc - the romance is mainly vanilla with a little multiversal manipulation. The premise is simple; you can summon girls from various fictional franchises and use them to fight bad guys. The story is nearing 100k words at the time of writing this opening chapter, and I'm intending to go for as long as I possibly can,...
Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. NOTE FOUND ON YOUR WIFE'S VANITY Hank, I can't do this any more. I love you, but you're not the man I married. Everything I did, I did for you. But now I realised you didn't give a shit about me at all, you cheating ass. So from today, we're going to start again. We're going to finally start a family, with three kids, a cat and a dog. And you're going to be utterly faithful to me...
Había pasado un año desde su participación en la 4 guerra Ninja. Naruto tenia dinero el respeto y la admiración de su aldea lo que proporcionó un exceso de confianza en el. Con el tiempo esto se convictorio en anhelo de poder y deseo, corrompiendo poco a poco. Naruto se encontraba entrenando en los limites de los bosques de konoha. Poseía un poder con los que muy pocos podrían enfrentar, pero no bastaba, quería verdadero control y poder sobre la gente. Uno que llegó a encontrar por accidente un...
Mind ControlIn this Game you are a big guy who have decided to finally spend his life doing what he's always wanted do to, owning and training slave girls. Ever since you turned 18 the only thing you've ever really felt like doing was getting a harem, being able to fulfill all of your perverted fantasies without anyone questioning it. And now that the previous slave master of the town has moved away, you decide to take your chance. All you have to do now is get a girl to get you started.
FantasyAfter the passing of your father (the former king), you have inherited all of his possessions. Including his massive harem. Including, Maria a sexy milf who has perfect curves. Amy, a voluptuous but shy teen. Joan, a flat chested tsundare. And Michelle, a straight foward girl with a massive booty. With many more. Now, after a long day of work for the kingdom. You head to your private area in the castle. Feeling in a "mood" you decide you need to relieve some stress. With one of your new wives...
Group SexPiper emerged from the mist and sighed. She’d spent what seemed like forever wandering into the mist, trying to find a way out of this... wherever she was. No matter what direction she had gone she had always come right back to this place. The space was about 250 feet square, a large bed dominated the center of the area. Soft red carpet covered the entire floor, a table covered in fine food, drinks and a large book, was off to the side. On the other end of the room was a small walled...
Harem Slut Nikki by Popov It has been one year since I began making adult films. I have an exclusive contract with Drew Wilson, the porn director. In that time I've mad some 40 odd films and I've become quite the Internet celebrity. There are tons of fan websites dedicated to me. I was nominated for a few adult video awards but lost them all because I only do anal and oral scenes. I have to say at first I was a little flattered by all the positive...
Harem Mannequin 2 By Paul G. Jutras A pair of black two inch open toe heels clicked along the pavement as Janet went to meet Annie and Cindy at the Best of the West strip club. She looked lovely in her black turtleneck with the sleeves rolled to the elbow, black pants, hose that darkened her purple polished toe nails and a black and white vest. ?See you?re already in costume.? Janet smiled as she dropped her purse off her right shoulder and checked her face in the light up...
Harem Mannequin 3 By Paul G. Jutras Stanley took off his hat. The increasing wind blew against his map and threw sand and dirt into his face. The silhouette of a building could be seen in the distance. ?That place isn?t on the map,? he muttered. ?What is this wind?? He thought to himself. ?It came out of nowhere. Just like that building.? ?Hello!? shouted Stanley as he reached the building. He could hear the murmuring of girls from the other side of the door. When the...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter One: The Floating Market of the Oasis of the 23 Palms As I stood there in the dust, naked, in a collar and sirik chain arrangement, perspiring under the heat of the late morning sun, I remember thinking to myself how strange it was that there were only 21 palm trees growing in the so called 'Oasis of the 23 Palms'. The 'floating' market met once a week and like many markets formed around a desert oasis it broadly consisted of three tiers of...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Two: Kara and I enter the public pens of Banu Hashim where I am forced to fight the slave-girl Kima and where I gain a chain sister. I have been writing this account of my time on Gor for sixteen long nights now, by the light of the three moons, inscribing words on paper from early dusk in the place I now call home, and during that time I often speculate on who you are - that is, you, the person reading this account of my adventures here. I suspect you...
Harem Girl of Gor Chapter Three: Our slave training begins in earnest. "Not good enough, Emma!" The switch struck my thigh with a sharp crack, causing me to scream for the third time this morning. Tears welled in my eyes as I knelt on the floor in what I thought was a very good Nadu position. I wondered what I had done wrong this time. "Head up!" The switch tapped under my chin and I raised it another inch. "Shoulders back!" Bahira now tapped my shoulders with the switch and...
Harem-girl of Gor Chapter Four: A Thousand Years of Suffering I tried not to smile as Kima, the bully who had made my life horrible these last couple of weeks, wept floods of tears as she knelt in the training room to the left of Bahira. You're not so tough now, are you, bitch, I thought to myself with a considerable degree of smugness. Oh, but this was wonderful. She looked like the most pitiful of slaves now, as if her life had practically ended. As I watched, Bahira told Kima...
I was a long range scout and most of the time I did not even carry a weapon. Well I did carry a long knife. I was eighteen and had grown up in the hills back in Genta. When I walked off the huge Atlas a slim man wearing the stripes of a master sergeant took one look and gestured. I stepped out of line and walked towards him and went to parade rest. He snorted and gestured to the long knife I wore, "that is not issue." I stiffened and waited but he smiled, "by the look I would say it was...
I walked into the house there was a new order in place for the moment. Lisa had a strap on attached and was pounding into Joyce who was on her hands and knees face buried in between Trisha's legs. Lisa was forcing her head there by holding the hair in her hand while leaning her weight into Joyce. I walked closer and saw Trisha was tied in place. Looking over at couch, Lee and Susie they were tied up and lying there. Their turns were likely next if I didn't intervene. Lisa did not hear me...
We had a whirlwind of activity in the weeks between the time Lisa went back to Phoenix left and when she returned to be with us permanently. The first thing we did was to move from the rental that Trish and I had shared into Joyce's four-bedroom home. For Santa Monica, it was a large home when it was initially built; with the seven of us it was tight, but comfortable. Another thing that was accomplished was the various ownership contracts and the powers of attorney for those who wanted full...
Each girl was instructed to put a leather hood on. The attachable gag and blindfold were in place. One at a time the girls were brought to a large playroom and instructed to kneel and wait. Once all five girls were kneeling I had them remove the blindfold and gag. Eve was kneeling next to me. I began to explain how Eve was now responsible for their care. They were to obey her as they would obey me. Failure to obey her would be just as bad as failing to obey me and would be punished just as...
She paddled slowly across the large pool and slid silently next to a beautiful japanese girl and introduced herself, "Hello, my name's Delilah, but everyone calls me Dee, I'm pretty new here, and just wondered if you could tell me exactly where we are!?!" The pretty young Asian turned to her and with incredibly sad eyes replied softly, "I'm not sure of the country, but I think we're in the Middle East, and by the way, my name is Midori, it's nice to meet you!" "Why are we here," Dee asked...
Lesbian“2 minutes Mimi” the stage manger told her. “Be right out” she replied. Mimi sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared at her luscious brown hair and her perfectly formed body. She had been truly gifted and blessed in her life and now it was time to give back to the world. She strutted out to the edge of the stage. She peered out and thousands of her biggest fans waited patiently in anticipation. She smiled at them for they were so loyal and sweet. They were not just her...
"To recreate this scene, you will need..." John tightened his calf muscles as he watched the young woman on the TV present an untidy scrap of cloth. "One white fishnet dress." He thought he knew her, somehow - something in her voice perhaps. He didn't know anybody with a crimson streak through her long blonde hair. And he certainly didn't know anybody who'd do a porn movie. The camera remained pointed at her wonderful breasts. They were small but very firm, and semi-aroused...
John sat in the chair awaiting his punishment from Ms. Pierson the school principle hoping like hell she didn’t expel him, or worst call his mom, he was embarrassed enough as it was. Ms. Styles the school secretary stopped what she was doing from time to time to look up at me from her glasses and smile or bite her lip. He was aware that he had a developed a bit of a reputation and not just with the students. One he never asked for or wanted, well maybe he did want it, what guy wouldn’t he...
TeenEinleitung Es ist gut, der Häuptling zu sein. Natürlich gibt es Schattenseiten, wie die Verantwortung für den gesamten Clan zu übernehmen und vielleicht von einem eifrigen Usurpator getötet zu werden. Aber ich bekomme den größten Teil der Beute von unseren Überfällen, und die erste Wahl beim Essen und Trinken und natürlich die meisten Frauen. Ich war nicht immer der Chef. Ich musste erst Chief Hanzan töten, um seinen Platz einzunehmen, so wie er meinen Vater Chief Ubrecht getötet hatte. Der Tod...
First cholce : do you wish to prohibit a particular type of character i.e. furries , anime , real people or any other thing you can think up if you dont specify they wont nesscarrily be there but if the do it isnt our fault your story and world will be shaped by your choices also an idea I had you could eliminate everything but a particular type or series like everything but naruto and then you could pose yourself as a character in the naruto universe but I do ask that you create your own...
The business trip to Riyadh had been an uneventful one for Peter. Having just started with an American petrochemical company he had been excited to be offered the chance to travel as part of his job. Little did he know that his trip was about to take a decided turn for the worse.Across the breakfast room in the hotel Mehmet was staring at the clean-shaven handsome American while he slowly sipped his coffee. This white man was just Mehmet’s type – smooth light skin, slim build, an almost...
I was finally done with my work. To release my stress, I decided to read One Piece. But today was a special day! It was the premier of chapter 1000 of One Piece! Finally, it had felt like ages but it was finally here. I switch on my phone while on the elevator and search up reddit, browsing for a scanlation because I just couldn't wait for the official release. I found a post with a sketchy link but I decided to take my chances. What's the worse that could happen? That was when my phone...
FantasyTuning out, last period, ReligionTeacher, "... now turn to page 175, we will begin comparing themes from the old testament to..."...drifting away...I am smooth, from dancing oils atop ancient volcanic minerals. My body is perfumed with hyacinthe, glistening with flakes of gold and silver. Our baths are carved from solid gemstone. Mine is of rose quartz, pink, like my gem. Fresh pressed cane juice is added to my tub. Like the cane, I am sweet and earthy. I am my Master’s pear. He tears into me,...
LesbianTuning out, last period, ReligionTeacher, "...now turn to page 175, we will begin comparing themes from the old testament to what we find in..."...drifting away...Fresh pressed cane is added to my bath. Like the cane, I am sweet and earthy. My body is smooth from magnolia oil, glistening with flakes of gold and silver from the living waters. The baths are carved in solid gemstone. My tub is rose quartz, a blushing pink like my flower's gem. My Master tears into me, as if I am a pear freshly...
TrueCopyright© 2007 Said a madam named Mamie La Farge To a sailor just off of a barge, "We have one girl that's dead, With a hole in her head-- Of course there's a slight extra charge." Grandpa was sitting in his easy chair rolling another cigarette in the cool basement on a bright sunny summer morning. But you would not know that by being down here, in the dungeon where it was dark and damp. It was the seventies and I was a wild but naive sixteen year-old. There I sat, not a little...
Lee showed up with her little sister Suzie in tow on Friday night. They were fifteen minutes late but I attributed that to nerves for the both of them. Suzie had just turned eighteen and was a very cute brunette. She fidgeted as Lee and I were speaking. I turned from Lee to look directly at Suzie and said. "Suzie, Its nice to see you again, would you like something to drink?" "Yes please, a Coke or Pepsi would be nice." She replied. "Lee, what would you like?" "I'll have whatever...
Lee was on the kitchen table lying face up blindfolded with every hole at the perfect height for easy access and she would find out just how perfect in a short time. I took a few of the straps out of the bag and made sure she was not going to be moving any time soon. Suzie was in disbelief when I took a couple of clothes pins from the bag and then attached them with a quick snap to Lee's tiny nipples. I knew that Lee did not like a lot of stimulation there but wanted Suzie to visualize the...
I spent a boring night in the computer room. Did the weekly reload of the operating systems then sat around thinking of all that had transpired. Ray had said things would go quickly once the issue was pressed. With this time to reflect about all that had transpired Ray's words were an understatement. To top it all off Lisa in the background and in two weeks she would be here to serve. When there is nothing to do the time passes so slowly. So my mind wandered here and there and finally the...
Waking to my cock being sucked while bright light came streaming into the room is something I am learning to enjoy. I glanced over at the clock it was just after 11:00 am. Suzie leaned over to kiss me as Lee continued her ministrations. While her mouth and throat created a wonderful sensation. My mind told me that it was pussy fucking time. I reached down and grabbed Lee by the hair pulling her off my cock and up into position. She kissed me deeply when her mouth was near mine and then I...
I need less that 6 hours of sleep a night and we had finished last evening before1:00 am. Trish and Lee were just zonked and I was too pooped to pop after all the time we had together. I knew that Suzie was awaiting her turn after we spent the better part of two hours with Lee. Suzie was curled up next to me when I woke up. I can only assume she wanted to make sure if I moved she would be ready. Hey, it's a tough life but someone has to love it. Waking being held tightly by Suzie was not a...
Nature arrived right before dinner for Suzie and Lee. I guess what they said about women living in the same household being on the same schedule was true. We still had an enjoyable dinner Trish was a good cook but after living cooped up inside the house for so long we were running out of food. Lee and Suzie were not feeling very sexy and they needed to head back to their parent's for the night. While they were adults they still lived under their parent's roof and rules. Given the situation...
When I had gotten to work with Ray on Monday I talked at length about my new found wealth of slaves. Ray helped in tweaking the way I should set rules and what to expect from each of the ladies. His insights had been right on the money to this point so I had confidence in what we were planning. We spent hours at breakfast discussing all kinds of issues that would come up with Lisa coming in on Friday. I told them Tuesday evening that they needed to take the next week off from work. We...
I pulled into work and Ray was just getting out of his car. I had seen him pass when I was out of my car talking to Officer Cindy Smith. She had gotten me out of the vehicle to discuss more than my Hollywood roll at the stop sign. Ray asked "So did she give you a ticket? "Sort of." "Sort of?" "She said she wanted her ticket punched. Does that count"? With a little laugh added in. "You're falling into a shit house and coming out smelling like fucking roses." "Better lucky than...
"Hello Von. We need to talk lets go inside." It was her commanding presence voice. "I was on my way out, if you want to talk we can either go to your place or you can come along with me. Either way you will be doing as I tell you not as you want. There is no topping from the bottom with me." Ray had told me I would need that complete control and from the very start. She came to me on her schedule looking to push me. I was that rock she would not budge. At this point I had four committed...