Gastly X MachinaChapter 2 free porn video

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Miranda smiled down at Nezumi as she slid her glasses back on and the little rodent chuckled merrily. "As I said," the courier replied, scooping the pokemon up into her hand and holding him close, "Nezumi said 'rattata'. That's it. That's all."

"He said his species name?" inquired Joanne, her pale blue eyes going wide as the scientist twitched a little at the sight of both the courier and her rattata nodding in unison agreement.

"Rattata," they both agreed to Iago's amusement.

"Oh I give up!" muttered Joanne, shaking her head and turned back to the hopeless case she called her computer as several more phones came to life, ringing incessantly and ever more loudly.

"Um, you, whatever your name is," ordered Iago as he turned to leave, waving his hand dismissively in the security guard's direction, "Would you mind getting that?"

Geoff threw down his newspaper in frustration as he hauled himself up off the chair, his bones creaking just a little. "Oh, alright," he muttered walking over to one of the workstations and snatching up the phone, "Hello?"

Miranda turned as the tall, thin man went silent, his expression paling as he eyes widened. "What is it?" she asked, breaking whatever trance Geoff had gone into.

"It, it's for you," he replied in the strange silence that overtook the room as soon as he'd answered the phone.

The courier gave him a suspicious look as she put Nezumi upon her shoulder and walked across the gleaming white tiled floor to where the security guard stood with a shocked expression upon his face. When Miranda held out her hand to him, Geoff dropped the phone into her palm and fell back into a swivel chair, staring blankly out at nothing.

"Yes?" the courier inquired, turning back the way she had come to where Joanne was hitting keys at random, trying to unsuccessfully disengage the screensaver to no avail.

The phone was silent for half a heartbeat; all except for the omnipresent mild crackling static on the line that showed it was connected. But as the courier glared and was about to hang up, a voice came on the line. A voice whose tone spoke of malevolent humor as its giggling, cackling words issued loudly from the receiver. "You're next!"

Miranda's stormy gray eyes widened for a moment as they cast about the room, catching sight of all the flat-screen monitors that faced her. Each and every single one with the same, block-letter screensaver. Each with the same phrase bouncing, rebounding and slowly shifting about. "You're next!"

"Okay, this is getting a little too weird," the courier muttered, glancing at Geoff who was finally shaking his head to clear his mind. "How long's it gonna take to purge your system?" she asked Joanne, walking back towards the relative sanity of the scientist's desk.

"I'm not sure-" the woman began, her sentence cut short by the sudden high-pitched whine that issued from TI-85 as the metallic pokemon broke the connection and flew backwards across the room, spinning and shooting sparks before crashing into the far wall.

"Ti!" Joanne exclaimed, leaping out of her chair as her monitor cracked, shattered, and all but exploded behind her.

"What'd it do?!" exclaimed Geoff as Miranda ran to meet Joanne as the magnemite rattled around on the floor, vibrating violently and making a long series of wavering exclamations of pain.

"The ghost must have caused a power surge," muttered Joanne, bending down to pick TI-85 up and held the strange creature close to her chest, "She must have pulled away at the last second..."

"She'll live, right?" Miranda inquired, standing by Joanne's side and placing a reassuring hand upon the woman's shoulder.

The scientist nodded, returning TI-85 to her pokeball before standing up and shaking her head slowly. "Look," said Joanne carefully, "if you want, I'll show you the way out. This isn't your fight-"

"No," interrupted Miranda, shaking her head slowly and causing Joanne to take pause, "I'm in. Your people nabbed this ghost from my hometown, so it's both our problems. Besides, you guys don't seem to know all the tricks necessary for handling ghosts."

Joanne smiled, micronizing the pokeball back into storage mode and waving Geoff over. "Okay, then," she explained in a more confident tone, "With the terminals on this level down, we're going to have to access the mainframe directly. Once there, I'll try to flush the ghost out again. But I'll need one of you ready to nab it."

Geoff gave a short laugh and quickly looked away, seemingly taking an interest in the suddenly flickering florescent lights along the tile ceiling as Professor Kipp pulled out a black and gray pokeball.

"I'll do it," Miranda replied with a shrug, accepting the ball with a displeased glance at the security guard, "but it'll take me a few minutes to bypass the imprint codes-"

"No, no," assured Joanne, waving her hand dismissively as she walked back towards Iago's office, "We did that already incase there was an emergency. That way anyone can 'return' it. Now just hold on, I have to inform the boss about our plans."

"It's dangerous to mess with the imprint codes on these things, though," Miranda muttered, shaking her head again and pushing her glasses back up her nose, "It means any moron can just go off and walk away with your poke'."

"Yeah, but controlling it's a different story," added Geoff, rolling his eyes in dismay, "Ya'd think with all the tens of thousands of cred' this company puts into all their projects, they'd be able to plan ahead a little. Especially when dealing with a freakin' ghost! Aw well, good luck catching it, kid."

"It's a 'he'," Miranda replied smugly, ignoring the 'kid' remark as Nezumi chuckled and resisted the urge to make fun of her.

"Huh? How can you tell?" inquired Geoff skeptically.

"Oh, a ghost looked after me a lot when I was a child. My aunt and uncle were always a tad 'busy'," Miranda chuckled with a smile as the door to Iago's office swished open once more.

"Okay, all done, let's get going," said an optimistic sounding voice from across the room briskly, "We've got a lot to do, so we'd best get started." But as the courier glanced up, expecting to see Professor Joanne Kipp, she was surprised to find someone similar, but different standing in the doorway.

"I- Err, um-?!" Miranda stammered as a tall man in a lab coat over the suit he wore entered the room and tied his shoulder-length light brown hair back into a short ponytail.

"What?" inquired Geoff, giving the courier a confused look, "There a problem?"

"Well, kinda," the girl admitted as Nezumi leaned forward an sniffed the air between his trainer and the strange, bespectacled scientist, "I was kinda expecting Professor Kipp to be coming with us-"

"Kipp?" the man inquired with a start, giving Miranda a discerning look over the top of his glasses, "But... I'm Professor Kipp. You can just call me Rob, though. Anyway, shall we be off?"

"Now hold on a sec," the young courier interrupted in mild aggravation, holding up her hands to stem any argument, "Firstly, where's the Professor Kipp we were talking to a moment ago? And secondly-"

"Tatta," interrupted Nezumi with a chuckle.

"What?!" the courier demanded, turning her head to look down at the rodent upon her shoulder as Rob tried to keep from laughing and Geoff just rolled his eyes in dismay again, "You can't be serious?!"

Nezumi simply grinned toothily and nodded slowly in satisfaction.

"You mean-?"


Miranda turned to the scientist and walked towards him skeptically. "You're sure?" she inquired, lifting her glasses and looking up into Rob's pale blue eyes.

Nezumi sighed heavily as Professor Kipp grinned broadly and held up the clipboard he was carrying. "Okay," he said in a more business-like tone, "The mainframe's locked away in the basement, but with everything else that's been going on we're probably gonna have a few problems getting down there."

"You're 'her', aren't you?" Miranda inquired, tilting her head to one side curiously.

"Oh, and Geoff, I will need you to come along as well. We don't currently know how many levels of the building the software's infected, and some of the non-Sylph offices on the lower levels may not be as accepting of my explanations."

"But, why-?"

"The tazers?" inquired the security guard, accessing a hidden panel in the wall without waiting for a response.

"Um, hello!" exclaimed Miranda exasperatedly.

"Oh, sorry, you had something to add?" inquired Rob, catching the long metal rod-like device that was tossed to him by Geoff.

Miranda sighed heavily, shaking her head as she waved away the offered tazer. "Never mind," she replied defeatedly, "Maybe it's better that I don't ask."

Rob merely smiled as he activated his tazer, causing the tri-prong end to light up with a bright blue triangle of focused elections that hummed pleasantly. "Very well then, shall we be off... ?"

"So, Nezumi was able to tell that Professor Kipp was a cross- dresser, then?" inquired Bob, leaning back in his chair as the computer behind him made an unpleasant grinding noise that he chose to ignore, "By his/her scent, I take it?"

Miranda smiled in reply, soliciting an eerie chuckle from the haunter in her lap. "Oh, I guess that's technically true," the courier chuckled, her stormy gray eyes filled with distant humor.

"Technically?" her stepfather inquired.

Miranda blushed lightly, smiling like the mother of an amusing but mischievous child. "Well, Nezumi didn't actually call Professor Kipp a 'cross-dresser'."


The courier shook her head, glancing out the door and wondering how much longer her beloved's Gym Challenge was going to take. "No, what he actually called her was a 'bean-picker'."

Her stepfather blinked loudly, suddenly feeling dreadfully inadequate a man for not being able to decipher a simple rattata's pun.

"Oh, it was something he picked up that first time we were in Celadon," said Miranda quietly, speaking the words as though they might cause her to burst into flames of embarrassment, and speaking the name of the city's Gym Leader with equal caution, "It was because of something one of Erika's assistants said when they insisted on doing my hair and all that."

"I heard the one girl had to wear her arm in a sling for two weeks," agreed Bob with a nod, glancing at the perpetual wavy tangles his stepdaughter's hair grew into.

Miranda nodded. "Yeah, but it was more to do with that outfit they made me wear," she explained cautiously, desperate to avoid the subject and return to her story, "One of them, her English wasn't very good, said that I looked like a 'first-time bean picker' because I looked so uncomfortable in that silly kimono they made me wear."

"I'm sure it looked very nice."

Miranda shrugged. "Anyway, in Japanese 'bean-picker' is a very similar word in to 'cross-dresser' in some fashion," she explained with a smile, "I think it's the pronunciation or maybe the kanji's similar or something. But still, I'm proud of him for remembering! Anywhen, where was I? Oh, yes. Well, when Kipp lead us down to the next couple of levels the power went out again, and..."

The red emergency lighting system cast an unpleasant crimson glow upon the gray plas-crete walls of the emergency stairwell as the metal steps clanged dully under their collective feet, taking the group down only five levels before encountering a problem.

"It's sealed our section off," explained Rob as the stairwell down to the next level was blocked by a set of thick tri-tanium doors that slid out of the walls to seal off the top five Sylph Co. controlled floors of the building incase of a problem, "We're going to have to find another way down."

"Can't you bypass them?" inquired Miranda, staring down at the imposing metal 'floor' that began after the last step, and had the words "Gate 3" written in large white letters across it.

Rob shook his head in dismay as the words slowly began to seemingly 'melt' as they watched. "No," he said slowly as the painted words slowly bled into one massive puddle of white goo, "Not from here. I'll need to open them manually from elsewhere."

'Good thing then that she's a 'man' right now, ' chuckled Nezumi in pokespeak, only to be ignored completely as the puddle of white goo oozed once more, spreading out across the joined metal plates to form the words, "You're Next!"

Miranda glanced at the rattata on her shoulder and smirked, missing how pale Geoff's face became as the words morphed. "Where about's is the override?" she inquired of Rob who was already heading through the closest door and into the first level of the purely Sylph Co owned office space.

"It's not far," he replied, glancing about before motioning for the others to follow, "We'll need to tear up a few floor tiles to get at it, though."

"Were you expecting an attack or something?" the courier inquired, causing Geoff to blink and turn away from the words.

"Naw. Well, not from the outside anyway," the security guard explained as they followed Rob into a room that took up the entire floor, but was dominated by a perfectly square wall of intricately connected cubicles.

Miranda merely nodded, noting the heavy tri-tanium shutters that had rolled down to block all light from the windows that encircled the room. "Seems pretty quiet," she commented in a low tone as Rob activated his tazer and crept cautiously forward, "Think everyone got out okay?"

Professor Kipp gave a small shrug as they walked along the outer edge of the huge beige square formed by the cubicle walls, the room seeming deafly silent save for their footsteps upon the polished tiles of the floor. "Can't say for sure," he replied, raising his hand to stop the others as the trio came to the opening across from the elevators, "But I figure the people on this level got out okay at the very least."

Rob glanced back at Geoff and raised his tazer, causing the security guard to roll his eyes and shuffle past Miranda. "On three," the scientist whispered, causing Miranda to smile and shake her head in dismay, "One, two-"

"Hey, wait a sec," interrupted Geoff much too loudly, "Do we go in on three, or just after?"

"Oh get over it," the courier muttered, stepping past both men and walking into the short hallway between the seven-foot high walls, "A tazer's not gonna hurt a ghost anyway."

"It's not?" pouted Rob.

"It'll tickle," Miranda replied with a shrug, glancing into two open cubicles before moving on and taking a left at the cubicle crossroads she came to, "A tazer's designed to affect the nervous system of a living thing, right? It's meant to stun them by messing with their natural electrical systems."

"Yeah, so?" inquired Geoff, holstering his tazer and following the girl into what soon became a strange hedge-maze variant.

"So, a ghost lacks a central nervous system," continued the courier as Rob walked behind Geoff, desperately resisting the urge to tazer the security guard just for fun, "You'll do a little damage but nothing that it'll really notice. I'm afraid you'd need to switch them to a more lethal setting to make the tazers effective."

"I can do that!" said Rob with a grin as Miranda stopped, contemplating the four-way intersection she'd come to, "Oh, take a right here, miss."

The courier nodded, her hand suddenly clutching the hilt of her wooden bokken as a muffled sound several cubicle entrances in the wrong direction caught her attention. "Hold on," Miranda whispered, slipping her sword free and creeping along towards the sound.

"That won't help you much either then," muttered Geoff as Rob paused and glanced in the direction he'd indicated.

"Um, it's-"

"Shh!" came Miranda's response as she suddenly pressed her back against the thin beige wall and listened carefully, the blade of her wooden weapon held straight up in both hands, "Listen."

The two remained quiet for a moment, listening to the faint whimpering coming from close by. "Hop up and take a look," the courier whispered to Nezumi who nodded and quickly clamored up the rough texture of the wall.

Once at the top, the rattata glanced around inside the small office space, inhaling the scent of the human that wasted his life away working in the cramped, doorless prison, his whiskers twitching in response to the perpetual breeze from the air-ducts, but failing to spot any occupants.

'Sorry, Boss Lady, ' Nezumi whispered in pokespeak, shaking his head in dismay at the half-eaten, but by now stale donut on the desk, 'There ain't nobody home.'

"We must have the wrong one," the courier explained, reaching up and taking the rattata in her hand before leading the way down the aisle, "we must be close to it, though."

"But, um, the override-" stammered Rob, glancing back down the way he'd directed, only to have Miranda and Geoff make a right turn and disappear. "Hey!" he exclaimed as the air became still and devoid of sound once more, "Wait for me!"

As Professor Kipp rounded the corner, he caught a glimpse of Geoff taking a left down yet another passageway. "Hey!" the scientist hissed in a harsh whisper, chasing after the fleeing security guard, "Would ya wait up already!"

But as Rob rounded the second turn, he found the long hallway devoid of life, empty except for the several dozen openings onto cubicles. "Guys?" he inquired a little nervously, creeping forward cautiously as he unscrewed his tazer at the center joint, "Where are you? Would ya come out already, this isn't funny!"

But as he slid the casing back on the metal rod, revealing a mess of wires and odd circuitry, Professor Kipp happened to glance back the way he had come. "What the-?!" the scientist exclaimed, nearly dropping his tazer as the scientist spotted the wall that now blocked the way he had come.

"Oh, this is NOT funny," he grumbled, pulling out a small Phillips screwdriver and making a few fine adjustments to his weapon before sliding the casing back in place and giving it a quick test run.

The tazer flared as Rob hit the switch, sending an arc of electricity a meter or so long before grounding out into the floor and searing the ugly gray carpeting down to the linoleum. "Alright!" he called out loudly, holding up the weapon and glancing around, "Who wants some?!"

With that, a horrible grinding noise issued from one of the cubicles, causing a look of horror to spread across Rob's face. "No..." he whispered, recognizing the sound almost instantly and running into the closed office before staring in horror at the computer monitor.

"No... No, it can't be..." the stricken scientist repeated, rushing off into the next, and the next, only to find the same result. The same words printed neatly at the bottom of every screen he checked. Every computer the scientist came to had dropped down into DOS, and the words "C:\>Format C:\" were all followed by "C:\>Y" and accompanied by the horrific grinding of hard-drives self-destructing, sacrificing all their data to the eternal void.

"No!" the scientist shrieked, running to the console and desperately banging the keys ineffectually, "That was my thesis on the kingdom Inanimae! And now it's gone!"

Just then, another computer's hard drive began to grind, causing a look of horror to cross Rob's face as he ran across the way and into the next cubicle in time to see the same words at the bottom of a black screen.

"Noooo!" he exclaimed, grabbing hold of his hair with both hands as several other computers began to format C:\ in unison, "Not my Swiss bank account!"

Rob ran out into the hallway again, barely taking the time to poke his head into each cubicle as his personal horror mounted. "Ack! All my saved games!" he exclaimed, rushing about in a blind panic, "No! Not the last ten years of e-mail correspondences that I've been saving for no apparently good reason! And... No! It can't be! Not my entire hentai collection! Noooo!!!"

Bob raised an eyebrow.

"What?" his stepdaughter laughed, causing Wraith to smirk and suppress a chuckle.

"Go on," the man sighed, leaning back in his swivel chair and smiling paternally.

"Anyway," continued Miranda, "As I was saying..."

Geoff turned as Rob's scream of denial filled the expansive, cubicle-infested room, bouncing off the many flimsy walls of five hundred some odd Sylph Co worker's willing encumberie.

"Rob?!" the security guard inquired, holding his tazer before him and rushing off suddenly in the direction they had come, "Rob, guy! Where are ya?!"

The scientist's scream came again, and this time Geoff turned around to make sure the courier was following him. "Oh, well now that's just great," the security guard muttered dryly, not the least bit surprised to find his passage blocked by a beige cubicle wall.

"They really don't pay me enough for this," he muttered bitterly, turning back around and jogging off towards the sound, taking a right at the first intersection before suddenly finding himself in one of the large cubicles the middle management used.

"Rob?" he inquired, skeptically, walking across the thinly carpeted floor as he scanned the room, making his way towards the peculiar wet slapping sound that filled the air, "If that's you man, you better tell me now, 'cause I'm tazering the first person I see!"

But the only response was the strange wet slapping sound, only made worse by the dim red radiance of the emergency lighting system, and the sudden gasping, gurgling sound that Geoff now realized was coming from the chair in front of the desk.

"Oh, man," the security guard muttered to himself as he grabbed the back of the chair and pulled it away from the desk, "I'm sooo gonna regret this..."

And as he turned the chair back around and looked at what was lying upon it, flopping about in an obscene parody of helplessness, Geoff did regret it. "No..." he gasped, taking a step back from the large blind albino cave fish that lay across the chair, "Oh man why... ? Why does it always have to be fish?!"

With that, the Anoptichthys jordani tilted its eyeless head up towards the man, its wide, razor sharp tooth filled mouth opening wide as it suddenly spoke. "Explain THIS security guard class four Geoff!" the fish demanded, its tail flipping impatiently.

"It- It's a fish-!" stammered Geoff, dropping his tazer and taking a few frightened steps backward.

"I know it's a fish!" the sightless, albino cave dweller reiterated in a deeply annoyed tone, "I said explain it!!!"

"What?" inquired Miranda as Bob coughed into his hand.

"Oh. Nothing..."

Miranda glanced over her shoulder at the sound of the two screaming Sylph Co. employees, and gulped loudly as she realized that she'd somehow managed to leave them both behind.

'Oh, man... ' muttered Nezumi, shaking his head at the cacophony of terror.

"Don't tell me," the courier replied, shivering as she carefully leaned to one side and glanced into the nearest cubicle, "We're all gonna die, right?"

'Well, they might... ' the pokemon replied leaning with Miranda, his nose twitching as he caught the scent of another human. 'Hey, looks like we got a live one here, ' the rattata squeaked quietly as Miranda nodded slowly.

"It's probably one of the people from the higher levels who didn't quite make it out," she whispered quietly, not wanting to alarm the huddled figure in a lab coat they spotted cowering under the desk.

Nezumi nodded in agreement, clinging more tightly to the shoulder of Miranda's courier jacket as the girl stepped carefully into the doorway and walked slowly forward across the dull gray expanse of thin carpet.

"Excuse me?" she called in a sweetly maternal tone, "Are you alright?"

The huddled figure made a pained noise as it shuffled itself farther into the shadows, kicking the wall of the cubicle with a dull thud as it moved. For a second, the courier caught a glimpse of a haggard looking face before an emaciated hand reached out and pulled the chair in closer to protect itself from the outside world.

"It's alright," assured Miranda with a small smile, crouching down to place her wooden sword upon the carpet before taking a few steps forward, "I'm here to take care of the ghost. That's what you're hiding from right? The gastly you guys brought in?"

The thing under the desk gave a surprised exclamation, and soon Miranda could see a pair of wide eyes staring out at her from the darkness. "M-Miri?" came the pained sounding tone, "I-Is it really y-you?"

The courier blinked, glancing at Nezumi whose eyes narrowed as he sniffed the distance between them. 'Fang Face nailed him with nightshade, ' the rattata muttered, 'And he ain't in good shape.'

Miranda nodded, kneeling a short distance away and leaning forward to peer into the darkness. "How do you know that name?" she inquired suspiciously, her heart thudding harder in her chest as Miranda thought she recognized the man's voice.

"Miri..." came the pained reply, followed by a dry, hacking cough as the chair was forced out of the way with a pained grunt, "Please, I- I've been hurt..."

The courier shook her head, refusing to believe what her mind desperately tried to tell her. "You're an illusion, aren't you?" the girl accused through gritted teeth as she bowed her head and squeezed her eyes tightly closed, "You're nothing more than the gastly trying to mess with my mind."

"No..." the man replied as a shaking hand touched her shoulder lightly, its grip as weak as a newborn's, "Miri, it- it's me. It really is."

Nezumi glanced at her with befuddlement as Miranda opened her eyes, desperately wanting to accept the illusion for real as the courier looked into the cloudy gray depths of the man's eyes and saw a wounded vision of her Father staring almost happily back at her.

"I- I hate you," she told the man in a shaky tone as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Miri," the illusion of her father whispered paternally, his warm smile marred only by the emaciated look of his face as his shaking hand reached up and touched the courier's cheek with cool, dry fingers, "how can you say that to your own father?"

Miranda smiled weakly, her body shaking as she shook her head slowly. "You- You're just an image pulled from my mind," she whispered, sniffling and pushing up her glasses to wipe away a tear, "you're just an illusion sent here to distract me."

"Shh..." her father whispered, wincing as he shuffled forward on his knees and put his arms around Miranda, "It's alright now, dear. You can stay here with me now. It'll be just like it used to be."

The courier felt her heart ache painfully as she simply threw her arms around him and found herself crying against his shoulder. "You're not real... You're not real..." she sobbed, shaking all over and knowing that she should simply leave, yet not finding the strength to do so.

"I'm as real as you want me to be," Nicholas replied, his voice sounding a little more pained before a hacking cough overcame him for a moment, causing Miranda to hold him closer until the fit had passed. "Th-thank you," he managed as his daughter pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Is, is there anything I can do?" Miranda asked, her tone sounding almost helpless as she became lost in the illusion, unable to find the strength to disbelieve.

Her father smiled, the crimson glow of the emergency lights above their heads dimming as the air grew cold. "There is one thing..." he chuckled, sprouting long sharp fangs as somewhere in the distance Miranda could hear the sound of a panicked chittering in her ear. As though some kind of rodent were screaming something at her.

"D-daddy?" the girl stammered, pulling away and stumbling backwards as the man's eyes blazed suddenly red and long black claws sprouted from his fingertips, tearing painfully from beneath the skin, "Wha- What are you-?!"

"I'll swallow your soul!" her father laughed as a sudden blur of purple streaked out of nowhere, leaping at the illusion's throat.

'Swallow this!' Nezumi exclaimed as his oddly gleaming fangs sank into the man's throat and black dust erupted from the wound like a partially plugged geyser as Miranda's hand fell upon the hilt of something hard and reassuring.

"Dreck!" the courier exclaimed, suddenly remembering where she was and thankful for her habit of placing the business end of her wooden blade forward whenever she put it down as she grabbed it up and jabbed the bokken forward with all her might.

The illusion howled in seeming pain as the curved wooden blade passed through his chest as though it were made of straw, spewing more black dust as he clutched at the weapon with both hands.

"M-Miri-!" the man stammered in seeming shock as he looked pleadingly into Miranda's eyes, "How-? How could you do this to your own father?!"

"You!" the courier growled, taking the sword hilt in both hands and twisting it with a grunt, "Are NOT my Father!"

The room filled with an awful laughter that seemed to come from the intercom system as the illusion exploded outwards in a hail of gritty black dust which quickly dissipated, causing Miranda to fall forward as Nezumi dropped to the floor with a piece of chewed up paper in his teeth.

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If you insist and April isn’t a bother. “Sir,” a butler said at the door. “Please allow me to show you to the kitchen. We were just having a late dinner. I will warn you now, David, that the cook has a mean streak, and you are best not to try to get into her dishwashing area. I doubt even poisoning your food would have any effect on you, but she can make sure your daughter has the shits with a vile odor. Look, we know already how the estate came to you to settle an annual debt payment. The...

3 years ago
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Ascent of VulvadorChapter 9

Veen was soon to find that not all males who found themselves entertaining the hospitality of Zeeta and the women aboard the Atalanta, fell victim to the immediate sport which lustily appeased feminine sadism there. Now safely returned to Varnella’s leash after having provided the women with a little entertainment himself, via a sound whipping by her, He watched from a parapet high above a grand entrance to the citadel he’d not witnessed before, as a column of males under strict obedience...

3 years ago
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My Father in law with benefits

by Kiran AliMy story began one Saturday morning and the events that unfolded took me completely by surprise. My name is Kiran, I am 30 years old and I have been married to Kabeer, a wonderful husband for about five years. We live in the Karachi, Pakistan in a nice double story house in a posh locality, just as we like it, nice and quaint and everyone knowing everyone else. Kabeer’s parents live on the ground floor, and keep to themselves, not causing the problems some people seem to meet under...

4 years ago
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How i became Head of the family at 16

How I became the head of the family at 16 – Chapter 1Written be: repAUTHORS NOTEAny resemblance of any names and persons is purely coincidental and is not reflective of any events.Present Day?Come on bitch? I screamed ?Tell me what you want?? as I was fucking her from behind.My own body moving in time with the strap on as I grabbed her hips and pulled her body back even harder. Pulling her savaged cunt onto this monster cock I had belted onto me. As I looked down at her arse all I could see was...

3 years ago
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Third Times The Messy Charm

"You're a Trekkie?""I haven't seen all the episodes or films, but I can tell you how all the characters and plot lines intersect. You could call me Trekcurious.”“When I was little, I watched the animated series when nothing else was on.” My fingers were sandwiched between Kevin’s as we walked into his one-bedroom apartment on a Sunday afternoon. We removed our shoes, and he guided me to the couch.“Welcome to my humble abode, Jax.” He handed me a water bottle from the refrigerator.“Thank...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 17

Mom was waiting for me at the back door when I walked in. She asked, "Have you had a shower yet, Kyle?" "No, I haven't." "You need to be quick about getting cleaned up and dressed. We need to leave for church in ten minutes." I glanced at the kitchen clock. It said 8:38. "I thought I didn't need to be home until 9 in the morning," I said. "One of the ushers at church is sick. They called your father this morning and asked him to fill in. We need leave in ten minutes," Mom...

2 years ago
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Heidimaries New AttitudeChapter 2

The four of them were seated on the carpet in the conversation pit in front of the fireplace. Tony was reading a very dirty story by a French author with a flair for unexpected kinky activities in the strangest of places. His new bride Victoria was face down on her elbows opposite Heidimarie's older brother Peter's friend Werner playing a game of chess with the handsome 20 year old student. Heidimarie was sitting between Tony's legs absentmindedly trailing her fingers over his muscular...

3 years ago
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Workouts with My PE Coach

My, Coach Cocker, was a tall, handsome man. More than once when I saw him blow into his whistle, I wished he was blowing me. I was a seventeen-year-old tranny-in-training and I loved having a big handsome man sucking my dickie for me. So, it was only natural that I would want Coach Cocker sexually. I already liked flirting with him like the girls did. And I thought he liked me, too. Then, one day, I was walking in from the sports field toward the gym. I was wearing my sexy little gym...

1 year ago
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Anyone for tennis

Knowing I went to a gym close by my friend Dan asked a favour one week. He had to work late so asked if I would collect his wife Helen from the tennis club after her lesson. I didn’t know her that well but agreed telling him he owed me. On the day in question I finished in the gym and not bothering to get changed drove round to the club to collect Helen. When I got there I parked in the car park looking over the tennis courts and soon spotted her having her lesson. I quiete liked what I saw...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 23

After lunch I collected Jess and we came back to the camp to allow her to clean up and change her clothes. When she was all dollied up we headed for the hospital to see how Ernie had fared. After a short wait the sister allowed us into the recovery ward. "He's just coming out of the anaesthetic so he probably won't recognise you. It was a lengthy operation so he was doped up fairly heavily." As the sister warned us, Ernie was completely dazed and I don't think he even saw us there....

2 years ago
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My first true sex and feet story

Sex something I love to do, but feet ladies feet are my weak spot. Melissa knew that the best truly able to use her feet with sex and the means to gain sex from me basically just used her feet to control me. This story I'm going to share is about sex also about the reason why i love feet so much with women. Melissa curvy big boobed very much a woman to take care of herself. Also a woman who new what you wanted when it came to sex. We met one August day while she was visiting from Jersey. I...

3 years ago
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Alice Found A New Toy

It had been months since Alice and Drew happened. And he had moved on with his life since then, leaving Alice hungry looking for another man to play with. She felt like a wolf stalking its prey because she was so careful at choosing her next partner. She locked her target the day she met Brent. Brent was an old manager of her college roommates previous job before she started college. He was a nice enough man, offering Alice drinks and places to crash when she first met him that night...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 8

"Are you ready, Paulie!" "I guess so!" "You don't sound very sure!" "I'm not! Are you?" "Of course! You know I've wanted one for ages and now I'm old enough ... but if you don't want to come with me..." Whether the sad look on her face was genuine or not, it didn't matter: she knew he hated to see it and would agree to virtually any­thing rather than have to. Penny took his hand in hers; something else he didn't seem comfortable with anymore, so it was more like a limp...

1 year ago
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KellyChapter 21

The President was addressing a special session of both houses of Congress. Normally, he addressed a joint session once a year to report on the State of the Union. It is very rare otherwise. If it does happen, it is normally reserved for most serious matters such as declarations of war and major national crises. This special address was scheduled for eight o’clock in the evening. The TV networks were carrying the speech live, although there had been no advance word regarding its subject...

1 year ago
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EmergencyChapter 5

"STEVEN — WHERE ARE YOU?" Julie screamed, now up and walking, after being cleaned up. The police arrived. They took the gun from Mary, put David's dead body on a gurney, and whisked him away. "JULIE, are you all right?" her brother asked carefully walking back into view. "Daddy ... our father ... is dead!" The kids took a shower and got their suits back on. They went out and waved good-bye to Jeff and Jo. It was scheduled for them to come back on Saturday for dinner with the...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Lady In Indore

Hello to all beautiful ladies and aunties.I am Sam Saluja from Indore. You can get into my contact through my mail id: . All females who want to satisfy herself can contact me, your privacy is confirmed. Coming to story, it was around 10 months back me and my wife were shopping at a mall. There I accidentally collided a lady pragya , and accidentally I pressed her bobs badly to which tell sorry , she smiled and revert me with that’s all rite. Afterwards I found that she is attender in...

3 years ago
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Stepmoms solve all of your girl problems

'Fuck that exam was brutal,' I think to myself as I leave the exam room.Thank God it was the last one I’ll ever have to write. I had just written the last exam of my university career and am set to graduate in a couple months. It feels good to be done after four years and I can’t wait to get home. I broke up with my girlfriend a little over a week ago because I found her with my roommate’s cock in her mouth. I had packed all of my stuff the night before so that I could grab it and go this...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 53

I came out of the spa in a flash. "What?" "Sorry John, I don't know much yet. Roy heard the license number on the broadcast and knew it was yours. I told him Tamara was driving it." I was headed to my room to get dressed. Lena followed me asking what was going on. I told her I didn't know anything yet. She bolted out of the room, I assumed to go put clothes on. I was fully dressed in less than five minutes. Lena was running down the stairs as I passed them. Sam already had his car in...

2 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 1

Vilchjo, my computer friend woke me up gently with a buzz that slowly increased in volume. He spoke in our language of Esperanto, "Time to get up Michjo. You have work to do." I had a small stretch and said, "Thanks Vilchjo. That was kind of you." "Think nothing of it, Michjo." The people of Pack countries were always very polite to one another and over the years this carried over to the entities that inhabited computers. All of us had the esper ability to heal but more importantly...

1 year ago
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Twins n best buds V

Introduction: Maybe brothers with benefirs huh Twins n best buds V First off, something about our fun with Gavin, the kid at the water park. After we met him on one of the water slides the 3 of us started hanging out. We sat by the wave pool checking out the girls and judging who we thought was hot and who wasnt and that got us talking about sex. Gavin asked us what we had done with girls so we told him and he told us about stuff he had done. His experiences were pretty close to ours except he...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Desiree Dulce She Wants Your Pop Shot

My name is Desiree Dulce, and I know I am one of the sexiest MILFs you have ever seen. I hear it all the time. But guess what. Today, I am all yours. I want to please you with my mouth. You have been staring at my lips all day, so I want to show you what they can do. Just watch me wrap them around the tip of your cock. Mm, you taste so good, I want to feel you inside my pussy. I cannot believe how wet I am getting for you. Just knowing that you are watching my body makes me so horny. You are...

2 years ago
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Female Friend Tricked Me and I Fell For It

Well I had known this girl for a very long time, we had dated very early on in our teens and then lost touch but we ended up meeting up again about 6/5 years ago and we hit it off well again on the first meet by having sex.This story is when we just decided to be friends after a few sex meets and she told me that she had found herself a boyfriend and she knew I was bisexual so she was telling me that he had the biggest cock she'd ever had. I didn't quite believe her and she kept going on about...

2 years ago
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PlushChapter 29

Molly, the love of my life, the bringer of joy to this most undeserving soul leans over my chair and asks, "Done yet?" "With the past," I explain. She sits on my lap. I rub her emerging tummy mound and admire her heavier breasts. "You're writing what I say," she exclaims. "Like dictation. So I'm the boss." "Always," I say and give her a quick kiss. "Sonja called," she says. "Hey, stop that." "Nope. How is she? How is Anna?" "They're arriving in like ten...

2 years ago
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Thailand trip

“Hello you two. You want to come in here to buy me a drink and have a good chat?” The voice was the usual high pitched squeaky sound the girls had given off all night as Ruth and Bob had walked through the streets of Bangkok. This time though there was something extra attractive about this girl and Bob stopped and eased Ruth into the bar. “Come on babe, we may as well stop here for a while. I’m ready for a drink and she looks like she could help us pass the night along. What do you...

3 years ago
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Something Like That

"FUCK!""FUCK!""FUCK!"The words bang out, followed by a locker door slamming shut, the metallic bang echoing in the large concrete locker room. Coach is off to a staff meeting, so it's only me and whoever is having a fit about eight aisles down. Channeling my inner Adams, I gather up a handful of towels and make my way to the eruption.I find her in the aisle just before Varsity Corner, where the team maybes get lockers until they prove their worth. She is half way down, sitting on the dividing...

3 years ago
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Reconnecting with my Baby Sister

As I stare out the tiny window of theairplane at the clouds, I find it oddly peaceful, just gazing into a seemingly endless white void, it's relaxing, calming, comforting, and it's making me drowsy. Having not had a good night's sleep in a week of just catching a few hours here or there, I'd been fighting to stay conscious all day, and I though, finally I'd be able to just catch some shut eye. Right as I feel myself drift off I'm quickly jolted back to reality by a sharp kick to the back of my...

1 year ago
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Why I am on xhamster

My story: I thought I was a fairly normal heterosexual young man. I chased the ladies when and where I could. I always admired their beauty. I was always taught that homosexual activities was just plain wrong. I was taught that our sex organs were like plumbing. You can not hook a male end up to another male end, and the same with the female end. Believe me , I can't make this stuff up. My first journey into same sex activities was in junior high. I was in the boy scouts in Germany and a...

4 years ago
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BreedersChapter 5

Jason watched her every move. The whip laces hanging loose at his side, his eyes searched each curve as it peeked out of the opening front of her dress. When the last button hung open, she shook her shoulders free of the material. It hung up momentarily on the high thrust of her firm young breasts, then slid down over her hips to the floor. Carolyn bent over and picked it up, looked about and carefully laid it over the back of a near chair. Jason watched the fat twin breasts swing against her...

1 year ago
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Smashing Perfection

       Smashing Perfection.        Page 1.        I took her there under duress.        Since I supposed, at gunpoint was under duress.        And was pretty sure the cops would see it that way.        She was utterly shocked and speechless, as I pressed the barrel to her temple, as she got into her car, in the underground parking garage of her condo building. But she was smart enough not to resist, and quietly slid over to the passenger's side, and crouched down into the floor space, as...

4 years ago
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Helping hand

A new theater opened not far from me. It wasn't very big, but I was curious. Coming home I finished my school work and thought I'd check it out. I knew it wasn't like any I had been to the second I opened the door. The hallway was dimly lit and pictures of movies I never seen before we're on the wall. Going to the window, the older man never looked up as he took my money, and buzzed the door open. Going in the room, there were several doors. A little nervous I went to the last door and stepped...

2 years ago
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The Cynic 01

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Nick, I'm 31 years old, muscular with short blonde hair. I'm unmarried with girlfriends on and off. A few years ago, I inherited some money which allowed me to life a life in moderate luxury, without working – at least for now. The story I'm about to tell began 18 months back where I met Linda. I was at a large cocktail party at some friends mansion. I was standing by myself looking around the room filled with happy people...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Office Exhibitionist

Hello everyone I am Rocky from Mumbai and i am posting the below story which my chat friend Rekha as told me to do for her. If Any girl or married woman want to contact me my id is So Rekha narrates the story from here on..I am Rekha and I am going to narrate true incidence of my life. I am working in a private concern as Personal Assistant for many years. By the way let me tell you something about me.I am 28 and married to loving husband who too works in public sector company. We have been...

1 year ago
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BraceFaced Rosie Riches She Looks Better With Braces

Petite Rosie Riches is super excited to get her braces off! But her stepdad has always thought she looks cute with braces on her teeth. Before her orthodontist appointment, he gives her a couple of kisses and runs his hand up her leg until she lets him slide his girthy schlong inside her teen snatch. She mounts him and eases herself onto his rod, bouncing up and down orgasmically while her body quivers in pleasure. Then, he pulls out and jerks a huge load of semen on her innocent face. This...

3 years ago
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Toni By Callie Messenger I didn't have a clue that Sharon would get so lucky when we moved over to America. I had a job to go to, while she didn't even have a working visa to get herself work as a secretary. But within six months she had been spotted for a TV commercial and now she was travelling all over with a succession of movie roles. She was good looking, that was the main thing. A tight body with curves in all the right places. Long blonde hair and a beautiful face....

2 years ago
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Junkyard FamilyChapter 8

Jim hadn't missed Joey's furtive exit from the bathroom, especially after the long time he'd been in there. He was in his room, sitting on his bed, leafing through some papers. The door was only open an inch, but it gave him a view of the bathroom door. He had watched curiously as Joey had come out, looked quickly around, then closed the door behind him. Stupid kid, he'd thought, since the bathroom door had to be left open after a shower to let the steam dissipate. Then the door had...

1 year ago
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Sigil and Seduction Part Two

Sigil and Seduction Two Solkah grinned to himself as he shoved his leanly muscular leg into the empty leg of the skin of Lady Ravenshield. She was quite a bit thinner than him, which wasn't a problem, but the large empty sack of the belly was new. The drow began sliding his body, still slick with sweat and fluids after the sex into the empty suit and he relished the feeling of the empty skin sliding over his thick member. He was getting erect again, and knew he had to work fast....

2 years ago
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he is my slave

So i got him. I have tied him up at wooden sticks on the sand on the beach as he behave very bad and argued on my decisions. He´s naked, people pass and see, get shocked but don´t approach.I wear leather and latex outfit of red color, which are: boots, painties and top made of leather, also mask on my face and holding in my hand a whip on a long stick ( to punish my slave ).he has been very bad, not accepting anything, arguing all i say and saying no every time to me.i put on the sand in the...

3 years ago
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Married Pussy Boy PT 2

It's been a little more than a month ago when I met a man who would forever alter my life and my wife Laurie. I met Steve at a conference in Hilton Head where I was attending a sales conference. Steve was a trainer at the conference and my company teamed attendees up with trainers, at least those who elected to do so, in order to cut costs. It was at this conference that Steve seduced me and by the end of the week, I had completely submitted to him as his gay cock slut.I had never given a...

4 years ago
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Familys Wild UrgeChapter 6

"Take the car and run down to the store to pick up some cold beer, Kurt," Gloria said as she tossed the car keys to her son. "Jeff can go with you." She watched Kurt and his friend hop into the car. Her cunt tingled a little as she stared at the way Jeff's ass filled out his jeans. Her hands itched to get a hold on the boy's ass. Gloria walked back into the house and thought about how she was going to seduce Kurt's friend. Jeff had been visiting for three days now, and each day she...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 6

“How’s is he this morning, doctor,” said the three striper. “Depends on what you mean,” said the man in white. “He’s out of the woods as far as surviving is concerned.” “Doctor the man saved nine guys including me. He’s got to be fixable,” said Sergeant Michaels. “Sergeant, we’re going to do our best, but you and the others need to be prepared for—stuff,” he said. The sergeant nodded, sadly nodded. “Doctor Hargrave, tell me. I was there. I know it’s bad. If he’ll let anyone besides...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 29

About two months later I asked dad if I could borrow the car one weekend and he shook his head. I was a bit surprised, as he had said nothing about having to work that weekend.He looked right into my eye, and said “Well, it’s not work. I actually got a date this weekend.”I gave him a big hug, and could tell he wasn’t sure how I would take that. “ I’m glad for you dad. Anything serious?”“Nope, just going to go have dinner and see a movie. Maybe a drink or two afterwards.”“Well good for you. It’s...

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Margies Holiday

My wife and I lazily walked up from the beach. We'd been on holiday for the last week and were feeling lazy and relaxed. We reached out apartment and I got our lunch while Margie had a shower and changed into a skimpy little dress. As we sat out on the balcony eating our lunch, I began to feel sexy as I looked at Margie's legs and looked past her gaping neckline at her small, firm breasts. She was sitting opposite to me and I put my foot up and caressed the insides of her thighs with...

1 year ago
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Before blessing my fantasy Part 1

Blessing Opara worked as the Librarian at the local high school. She worked there since college. She and her husband Jude moved to this town after the birth of their first child. Blessing was 27 and kept her 5-foot, 4-inch frame in excellent shape. Eleven months ago she had her third child and continued to breastfeed. This helped Blessing maintain her low weight at 135 pounds. Blessing felt that most of that weight was in her 38D breasts that had grown to 42DD since breast- feeding. Her husband...

Erotic Fiction
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My Grandma 7

My grandmother woke before me the next morning and when I woke she was lying there staring at me, her ass still in the air. After I kissed her lightly and wished her good morning she proceeded to apologize to me. She said she might have had too much to drink last night and was sorry things went as far as they did last night. I was kinda pissed thinking here we go again. I told her never to apologize, and told her I loved it and thought it was hot that she wanted it so bad. She blushed. And then...

2 years ago
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The Love Making With My Gf

Hi, guys, this is Akshay living in Raipur, as everyone does I am too hiding my name and but this is my first sex story and incithent is about my past relationship by the way I am single now.   As I have given Title Love making is itself a love making and I adore that day will cherish it forever coming to the lady love Miss Apurva. She also lives here as I am currently pursuing studies and have joined my dad business and I am a normal guy with little fat there haha but not that fatty so my...

4 years ago
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My first time with a transsexual

I'm going to tell you how I met Kelly, my first transvestite girl ...It turns out that at the age of 25, I just finished with my girlfriend, which made me pretty sad.It was a Saturday and I was coming from the work I had on Saturdays, taught in a computer school in which my ex-girlfriend worked too; I returned home like every Saturday and I turned on the computer immediately opened the chat and entered the room of transvestites in the hope of finding something, and more than anything to...

2 years ago
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Whats in Store

I bought a present for my niece’s birthday last week but when we gave it to her, it didn’t work properly, so today… I took it back. The young lady on the customer service desk was about 22 and a really bubbly girl. So friendly, and I noticed, very pretty, with medium length blonde hair, lovely blue eyes, and a smile that would warm the coldest of hearts. She was dressed in the store uniform red fitted shirt, which accentuated her lovely figure, and tight black pants. I explained the problem...

1 year ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

Fifteen-year-old Barbie clone Tiffany Standish was clasped tight on his lap, back to his chest, the kitchen knife threatening to sever an artery should any of the women step out of line. The white tank top discarded, Joel amused himself by playing with a pair of peach sized breasts that felt like two stress balls. And oh was he ever about to relieve some stress. The pleated blue skirt remained in place, from time to time riding up Tiffany's thigh when Joel's hands squeezed those sweet...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Wife Curing Our Friend

Hi all…I am back with another of my stories from the past when I was yet to marry my girlfriend. This was the time when a very close friend of mine – Manav – who was married a year back – was with us and looked a bit downcast. Manav had known my wife through me for a couple of years and knew what a horny pair we were! Today he appeared downcast and the two of us were a little concerned for him because his was a happy nature basically. On inquiring he was hesitant at first, but later spilled out...

2 years ago
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We Agreed

I sit at the bar of the Renaissance hotel nursing my ginger ale. Something stronger would be nice, but it’s a lunch date. I need to be back at work in two hours tops, so ginger ale it is. Stirring my tame drink, I look around the bar area, not really seeking anything specific. You would be there eventually. As I lift my drink to take a sip, a strong hand wraps tenderly around my shoulder. On a slow breath, I look up and find your eyes. I had no idea you would be so gorgeous. Dark hair, tan...

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