Rebel 1777Chapter 86 A Change of Heart
- 3 years ago
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"Are you having company later?"
"You tell me. I don't call her. The girls are right there"
"I will make her day. Her little trysts are the highlight of her week. Okay, I love you. I need to call Laura and then get something to eat."
"Do you have an alarm clock?"
"Yes, daddy, but no one will lick my ear, or any place else."
"I hope to see you tomorrow night. My life is better when you're here."
Laura called while I was grilling the burger. I said, "I'm having onions. Be warned."
"Okay, I'll match you. Cynthia said I was to keep you from missing her, so I will see you when."
She came up at about ten, wearing nice shorts and a halter. We sat beside each other and enjoyed our drinks. I could feel her relax and gave her my welcome kiss.
I asked, "Are you still comfortable with the arrangement?"
"Oh, I am. I was dying for her to call and invite me up. We had such a nice time shopping and at the fashion show. She is my best friend and that says a lot, given that we haven't known each other very long."
"Mine, too, and ditto. What's it been, maybe three months?"
"Yes, it's gone pretty fast." She chuckled. "She told me again tonight that she wants to watch us soon. I agreed so long as she returned the favor. How do you feel about that?"
"Great. Unless someone freaks out, I can't lose. I'm game for a threesome."
After I had licked her to several rather animated orgasms, I moved up her body and whispered in her ear. "I like licking pussy. Do you?"
I think she was taken aback at the question, but then she smiled and said, "It's been a while, but I liked it when I did it. My partner moved away."
"I'm hoping that we can have a mutual threesome in which we are all comfortable with each other. I mean, as long as I get to watch."
"Mark your calendar for this next weekend. My kids are going with their dad to visit relatives Friday and Saturday night. I believe that neither Cynthia nor I will be having a period, so we can give it a try if everyone is willing."
"I, uh, won't have to mark a calendar. How could I forget that opportunity?"
As we were talking, I had maneuvered her atop me, just waiting for the moment. With the pause in the conversation, she chose carpe diem. She had me completely buried as she began riding toward the sunset or sunrise or wherever she was going. She was in a hurry. We both exploded at about the same time.
I said, "I can't believe how good you are and that Cynthia set it all up. Whatever will we do to amuse ourselves this weekend?"
"Perhaps we could pick blueberries or can peaches or, maybe we could try to drum up an orgy."
"I'd like to go for the third choice. If that doesn't work out, we can find something else to do."
"Bradford, I hate to remind you, but will you set the alarm? I must be the responsible parent."
"What would it take to get Tyler to release his grip on you?"
"I don't know. For a while, he was trying hard to get us back together. I even told him that he could stay over sometimes. I mean, I was horny, too. He said he couldn't because it would be painful for him to be in my bed and then leave."
"Do you think he's homophobic?"
"What a strange question. He's not a cross-burning bigot, but he's not comfortable with what he thinks is the chosen lifestyle of homosexuals."
"I wish we could get across to him that it is unnatural for you to be restricted to women friends. After all, the girls might think of you as a role model and copy your behavior with women."
"Oh, that's a long shot, but I haven't come up with any better ideas. Let's talk to Cynthia and see if we can come up with a story."
"You just did. You now have a female roommate. If you can't go out with men, maybe you'll try women."
"I think I'll have to get a job and make up the difference in child support."
"That will cut down on your study time."
"Okay, we'll try to come up with something Tyler might accept as reasonable. I'm sure Cynthia will have ideas and if we continue to think about it, we could find a credible story."
"Okay. One of the really nice things about this is that you cuddle so comfortably. Feeling your skin all over me provides a feeling of well-being and contentment. Maybe I am reincarnated from a puppy. You know how they always have to touch each other."
She kissed me. "Puppy or no puppy, when you enfold me in your arms, I easily drift off to sleep like one of those TV commercials for sleeping pills, only I don't need a chemical."
Once again, the alarm sounded at about three AM and she was up and out after a quick hug and kiss. "See you tomorrow."
I would never have guessed that Cynthia could be comfortable with this arrangement. She seemed so jealous earlier. I suppose she regained her composure and confidence once she was through the divorce crisis.
Tuesday morning, I went to my workout and then returned to do some Internet searching. Although many stories described activities in Afghanistan, little additional news came across about the helicopter. Later, I contemplated my situation. I didn't have anything scheduled that required effort or completion. Because of my reserve obligation, I couldn't enroll in the short summer term. I thought about getting a job, but how long would I have to work? My situation reminded me of being rotated away from combat operations back to the base. One week, we were scared all the time and the next week we were bored all the time as we rested.
After lunch alone, I dressed, grabbed my tennis bag and headed for the courts. As I drove over there, I thought about the rich and famous having to fill all their time and I wondered how they did it. I'd have to look into that and seek some ideas. I found a singles match, but he was much above my game. Next, I played mixed doubles and had a nicer time. My partner and I won. I invited her over to the snack bar for refreshments. We had a nice chat about life in general and school. She told me about learning tennis as she made fun of her efforts. We laughed at each other and generally enjoyed the break. By her smiles, words, and posture, I knew that she would have accepted my request for a date. Any other time, I would have moved on her quickly for an evening together. Where was she when I was lonely?
After my shower, I checked my phone. Cynthia left a message that she would be home at about six-thirty. I had some things I could fix for dinner, but I thought I'd let her choose between my gourmet dinner and going out. Many restaurants would have plenty of space on Tuesday night.
I was watching the TV news when I heard her come up the steps. I opened the door, took her laptop bag and kissed her. "Welcome home. How did it go?"
"I'm not used to that frenzy or the traffic, but it went well. I think I will be challenged in the job and that's what these experiences are for."
"Why don't you hop in the Jacuzzi tub and I'll either make dinner or take you out."
"My lunch was unremarkable. So, if you're asking me out, I accept. Where?"
"We'll find something casual. Jeans and a shirt will be fine."
We chose the Indian place that was fairly close to home. We were enjoying our drinks as she told me about her day. I'm afraid I didn't have much to offer in the way of scintillating conversation.
She smiled at me beautifully and asked, "Charles, may I ask you something very personal?"
"You take me out to the jazz club and out to dinner and treat me as a kept woman. I don't know whether I'm a strain on your budget or what. You know I'm willing to share." She breathed uncomfortably. "You said that your time in the Navy paid for your living and school. Do you have other sources of income that you didn't mention?"
"You're not a strain on my budget. Actually, I'm pretty frugal. Yes, I do have other sources of income that are reliable. At least my financial planner tells me that I am too prudent. I'm not living on credit card debt — actually; I pay off my balances every month. Fortunately, I won't graduate with a huge loan debt like so many students."
"I feel better about it now that you say that. But, I'd also like to share since I'm working. My parents didn't cut me off, so I'm not a poor college student, thank goodness."
"If that's what you want. Don't spend your money if you don't have to. You may need a dowry sometime."
She stuck her tongue out at me. "Smartass. Jerk."
"Now that we've settled our argument, what do you want for dinner?"
"I want a spicy chicken curry, and for you to be nice to me."
Back at home, we chatted a while about her job and I told her about the tennis matches. She wanted to know if my doubles partner was good looking. So, I told her. She said, "Good. I don't want you running around with plain women. I mean, now that my sorority sisters know who you are, I don't want to get reports that you're out walking the dogs."
I laughed at her clever remark. "I'll try to keep my standards up. However, playing doubles, I reserve the right to go with the better player, regardless of looks."
She hugged me and looked up. "You know that I thought on the way home how lucky I am to be with you, living right here and wanting to come home. I love you every day."
I kissed her and said, "I love you every day, too, and I'm damn glad that you do come home to me."
"I'm not sure how well I'll handle being gone three nights a week. I hope I can cope with it because I'll be lonely." She sighed. "Okay, that's enough heavy talk for today. Let's watch some mindless TV and go to bed. I'm a working girl and I need my sleep."
Cynthia's Perspective
Yesterday, as I drove to the job, I had a sense of dread, knowing that the orientation wouldn't be a lot of fun. Today is different. I'm anxious to get to the lab and my colleagues. They are classy people and seem seriously smart.
I feel greatly relieved that I asked Charles about his ability to afford what he does for me. I felt nervous asking him, but we have to talk about those things to keep communication open. Perhaps someday, he will tell me the source of his reliable income. I hope it's not from some illegal activity. Couldn't be. He underwent investigation by the Navy before becoming a SEAL. Why do I hate that word? Somehow, my images of seals are those adorable creatures in the water, or holding a ball on their nose in the aquarium. I don't like to think of him in his combat uniform with all the armor and weapons hanging on him. I wonder if he can balance a ball on his nose.
Laura says she is free this weekend. She even asked me about my period. I think she's getting into the idea of the threesome. Why do I want that to happen? Why do I encourage her to sleep with Charles? Why doesn't it bother me that they both enjoy sex together? Somehow, I made a transformation of attitude and I like it better. We'll both do fine with Charles since we've both had practice. How will we do with each other?
Charles is unhappy being at home with nothing important to do except work out and make his own meals. He was even going to cook for me yesterday and then he took me out for a semi-expensive delicious dinner. We both want to go to graduate school and we'll have to work out the arrangements.
Stopped at a light, I checked my makeup in the mirror. Then, I smiled and felt content with my life. The guy behind me honked impatiently. I was so deep in thought that I missed the light turning green. Pay attention. Last year at this time, I was struggling and arguing with Blair. What a mistake he was. I never felt about him like I feel about Charles. Wow. I have friends at the sorority who know the truth and seem to be okay with it. I have Charles and Laura to be intimate with.
Charles is comfortable when I tell him I love him and he also tells me. He made a giant leap in a short time. I feel loved.
Oh, well, only fifteen minutes more and I'll be at the building looking for a parking space. I think this will be a good day.
When I watched her go down to her car this morning, I felt like the house was empty. Isn't any wonder that people with no jobs do bizarre things like drugs or booze. Oh, well, it will be over in a couple of months. Time to get ready to go to the gym. Then, will I go play tennis? I could sit around the snack bar and pretend I'm at the country club.
My news searches at the usual sites turned up no new developments relating to my point of interest and the helicopter. Go work out and then go see the Chief before the tennis match. That sounds like a plan.
I walked into the Reserve Center and found the Chief in his office. He actually smiled, "Morning, Bradford. Your calendar break? Meeting isn't until Thursday night."
"Morning, Master Chief. Maybe I have to reset the calendar. Been acting funny. I can't find any news on the net about the situation. Anything you can tell me?"
"Nothing definitive. Rumor has it that they have had some weak signals from their transmitters. Don't have a fix on them yet and we don't know if their radios have been captured."
"I've known that guy for a long time. We had some interesting experiences together. He dragged my weak ass across a field to the chopper, loaded me in, and tied me down. He then gave me a morphine hit that allowed me to tolerate the pain."
"Where the hell did he get morphine?"
"I'll bet he got it from the Army." I then paused and smiled at him. "Or, somewhere else."
"I'm not going, so that's something I don't need to know right now."
"You know that I want to do this mission. Who would keep me from it?"
"At least six each lieutenants, lieutenant commanders, and commanders all up the chain. I'm trying to handle this quietly to make you sound like a reasonable choice in case anyone finds out."
'I know you're trying. I shouldn't even be asking, but I hope you understand."
"I've done 24 years in the Navy and I can't even count the number of times other people have saved my ass. Not all of them were enlisted. I'll do what I can. Just in case, check your BDUs or you might have to get new ones when you arrive and no one will want to wait for you. Get it all together in your bag. You won't have much time if they tell us it's on."
"Thanks, Chief."
At least I had something to do and I had to do it while Cynthia was not at home. No need to worry her. So, I spent three hours washing and drying my uniform and getting all my gear in order. I cleaned the Garmont T8 boots. They ought to clean up well—they cost me $120. I tried on all my stuff and made sure everything fit regulation. I hadn't gained weight, but strange changes do happen. When I checked out the fit in Cynthia's mirror, I felt a slight uneasiness. I knew I was going. By the time I finished with uniforms, it was too late to go to the tennis courts. I'll go tomorrow.
Cynthia was not coming home tonight. Laura would come over unless something happened to one of the girls. Now, I had to decide what to do for dinner. I had some chicken breasts to broil and some frozen mixed vegetables. That with a salad and a roll or two should do it. I had time to surf for some stories on the Internet or maybe look up some career sites to see what I might do when I graduated.
Cynthia called. "What mischief have you found to get into today?"
"Just the usual. Laundry, housecleaning, working out, and looking at pictures on the Internet."
"Do I have to guess what kind or do I already know?"
"Caught me red handed. Of course, I don't have any of you, so I have to seek pleasure elsewhere."
"I just talked to tonight's pleasure. She will be coming up to see you at the usual time."
"Good. How's the job?"
"Tough, today, but good. I spent most of my time looking up research studies in the online library. I have to read a lot to get up to speed on the project. Each time I read a new study, I become even more acutely aware of my own ignorance."
"I know what you mean, but remember, they've been at it a lot longer than you have. This is your first day."
"That's right, it is, but I still want to be a part of the team. I'm determined to do this well."
"You have a good work ethic, motivation, and seem fascinated with the work, so I think you'll make it."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think you're right, but I'm not there yet. Enough about work. I'm anticipating the weekend."
"What do you imagine what will happen?"
"Oh, do I dare tell you? Well, I read about this threesome that had a kind of weekend orgy. No BDSM or unhealthy action, but they did a lot of exploring. They also came away feeling a lot closer."
"It was a story, though? I mean, not a case study?"
"We'll see. I have some time tonight while I'm not getting laid, so I'll go see what I can find. I've read some good erotic stories and some plain dull trash, but maybe I'll find something good."
"Ain't the Internet grand? It would take forever to find all that information in bookstores or libraries. Hell, most libraries wouldn't even carry it. I've been to some sex shops, but the reading material they have is written about the fifth grade level by someone who wouldn't know subtlety if it fell on them. I'll bet some of that crap has migrated to the Internet."
"Charles, are you the least uncomfortable with this idea?"
"I'll never know until I try. However, unless you two get in a fight I think it will be great. You're my two favorite women in the whole world."
"Don't worry. We'll work it out. I still want us all to live together. I wish we could find a way to get Tyler's rules changed."
Damn Tyler's golden rules. "I do, too, before she goes out and gets a job and doesn't go to school."
"We'll have to keep trying. Okay, I'm off to the porn sites to see what good information I can find."
"Maybe you could also try the erotic sites. Their stories might be a cut above porn."
"Night, Charles. I love you. Oh, give Laura a nice kiss for me."
"I'll tell her it's from you so she won't be confused. I love you, Cynthia. Bye." She never ceases to amaze me. What is she up to?
When Laura came in, she was wearing her cutoffs and a tube top looking all sexy. I kissed her first thing and made it a good one. "Welcome. That was a special delivery from Cynthia who requested that I give it to you personally."
"Wow! I haven't played Post Office for years. I like this game." She pushed away from me. "Before you do that again and fog my mind, I have a message to deliver from Alyssa. I'm afraid it isn't as exciting. She has a soccer game tomorrow afternoon at three thirty and wants you to come."
"I believe I can barely fit that in to my extremely tight schedule."
"She will be thrilled. Ashley is going to some event or club after school. If you're going, can Alyssa ride with you?"
"Be glad to take her. I even know where it is."
"Now that we've finished our business, I'd like my drink now."
We sat in the usual place on the couch. She said, "I've been thinking a lot about Tyler's restrictions. I'm going to decide how to approach him and talk to him directly. He's not totally unreasonable, just a little jealous. If I can convince him that I won't come back, maybe he'll change his mind about the rules."
"You know him much better than I do. I hope you're right. Cynthia is upset that we can't be seen together in public."
"Maybe if we all three went together, it wouldn't be bad. She is your girlfriend. I hope he can understand that."
"We can try it on Saturday if you want to. We can go to the jazz club, or to dinner, or to Louie's, or wherever you want to go. I think Cynthia would approve any choice you made."
"Bradford, you are so agreeable. What makes you so nice?"
"You do. I like you and always like to have you in my bed. Good loving goes a long way toward making me agreeable."
"In that case, maybe I could try to give you some good loving. C'mon, let's get horizontal."
I undressed her as she did me and we soon found ourselves in a favorite position with arms around each other, face to face, charging ourselves with impassioned kisses and body strokes.
Several minutes later, she whispered, "I'm taken with you Bradford. You make me feel desired and give me great sexual fulfillment. I can't get enough. I worry that Cynthia will change her mind."
I kissed all over her face and said softly back to her, "She opened this arrangement and I don't intend to give it up without compelling reasons. I love having you here, too. Sex between us was great from the first times."
"Oh, I remember that. I felt like such a hussy sneaking around and coming to your apartment in the middle of the day. I think even then I had an itch for you before you did anything to tempt me."
"Well, maybe I shouldn't have tried to seduce you, but I was drawn to you and you seemed to be okay with my moving forward."
"More than okay. Something short of desperate, but not much. Tyler and I had a good sex life before he strayed. I was spoiled."
After our sexual encounter, we enfolded each other until the alarm sounded in the middle of the night. She said softly, "I'm glad I came again." She giggled out loud. "Tomorrow night, I won't have you to myself. I wonder what Cynthia has in mind for our adventure. G'night, love."
"Sleep well, Laura. I hope it is as fun as I think it will be."
Friday morning, I slept in. How would I ever go back to a normal schedule that required me to do something every day? Okay, I had daddy duty today, but that wouldn't happen very often. Remember to take a book. She might not play all the time. Watching a bunch of teen girls play soccer when your charge wasn't playing would not be fun. So, I'm off to the gym after breakfast and a little surfing.
I was working at the computer when the doorbell sounded. I let Alyssa in and admired her uniform. "You look like you're ready to go get 'em today."
She jumped up and threw her arms out, "Go, Tigers, go!" Then, she gave me my hug. I couldn't help but notice again how much she had grown in the year or so I had known her. She let her hair grow and her breasts and hips developed nicely with her height. She was pretty. Her uniform displayed her body as it should be seen.
During the ten-minute ride to the soccer field, we were stopped at a light. Alyssa looked at me with a sly grin and asked, "Does my Mom tuck you in at night? She kisses me good night, and then I see her going to your house." The look on her face was pricelessly innocent, but I knew what was behind it.
No use lying. Uncomfortable as I was with the subject, I replied, "Yes, she does make sure I'm tucked in at my bedtime."
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Usually I accompanied my mother when we dined in the hotel restaurant. All the attention of the diners would be focussed on her as we made our way to our preferred table, my mother is a very attractive woman and men's eyes follow her like hounds on a scent. However this evening mother was in a consultative meeting with an important client and I was entering the dining room alone. I admit to being slightly nervous, and I paused momentarily to steady my breathing, and to think of my mother. I...
To my amazement, and a certain relief, Rebekka did not take me back to her home, nor to a gingerbread house deep in the dark, dark woods. No, she took me straight to my apartment, escorting me as far as the main entrance. ‘I need to see you again soon Julia. Come and stay at the weekend.’ She gave me no opportunity to decline, continuing, ‘My weekends start on Thursday evening, my driver will collect you here at 5, OK?’ ‘Well, why yes, I, erm …’ I feigned slight indifference whilst my mind...
It was 1998 I’m 36 now you do the math.We were at a bonfire me and my friends, I drank way to much and passed out. I woke up naked in the woods. My soft cock smushed in the mud . It was damp and clammy the side of my face held down into the wet leaves. It smelled of old forest. I’ll never forget that smell. In the distance I could see the barely lit fire. It was quiet. Except for the sound of mikes balls slapping my taint. My asshole had a burning pain. With each thrust my body went deeper in...
I am a regular reader of the ISS,and I find lots of nice and hot stories on this site,I don,t know wether those stories are true or just imaginations of those people,but whatever I like it. So let me tell you about me.I am ZARRAK KHAN from ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN and am 27 years old.I am doing business here at PAIRS,FRANCE and most of the time i am in the process of travelling all over the world manily for my business or sometimes for vacations,any way lets come to the story how I fucked my Bhabi...
Wife tries to help friends' struggling marriage.I'm Eddie, my wife Lana and I have been happily married for 8 years - which is why I was completely floored by the question she asked me last week. She had just gone to lunch with her best friend from college, Deb.Deb had been a true knock-out, a strikingly beautiful blonde with a firm body that she kept in shape by playing 1-A singles in tennis for North Carolina, our alma matter. She was also a bitch who never paid me much attention until Lana...
Let's just call my ex gf A as Idw to expose her identity. Her cup size was B with slim figure. We she was 18 when I caught her cheating on me. Me n A has had experiences on bed. We basically done everything except sex. She was one horny bitch. She can never resist my d. She said she only Wan me to take her virginity on her 18 birthday. But 1 day before her 18 birthday she said her group of friends had us her out to celebrate with her till past 12. But she will come n find me when she's done. I...
Hi Friends, I am a regular reader of this site and today let me entertain you guys with one incident that happened with me. I am a working professional and stay in Bangalore. My Name is Aks. This is my story with a girl in my office. Her name is Anjali. We both joined the same company as fresher’s and were in the same training batch. Bangalore was a new city for both of us and soon we became good friends. After few months in job I bought a bike and then we used to roam around in my bike. We...
Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...
The Littlest Witch By Anon Allsop When they told me that the Covington family had volunteered to be my foster family, I was pretty happy, that was until the guys began to tell me about them. It seemed that the family had been around almost as long as the town had, in fact, the original member of the family had been burned at the stake for witchcraft. There were many who still held that belief to heart. The funny thing was that I didn't really have a problem with them, they...
Neeche mama mami ko chod raha tha. Bahut dinon baad usko pyar karne layak akela pan mila tha. Mami nidhal si apni taange chouadaye padi thi aur mama uski khuli choot mein apna ‘jaisa bhi tha’ lund pele ja raha tha. Par wo chudayi mami ko formality bhar lag rahi thi. Jaise bus karwana hi hai. Usko mama ke 4 inchi lund se koi khas lagav nahi tha. Ab mama ki umar bhi to ho gayi thi na. Aisa nahi hai ki wo dushron ki aur dekhti thi apni sex ki purti ke liye. Bus wah ‘jo mila’ se hi santust...
A Sudden Turn Of Events It sounded so simple. All I had to do was spend a degree of time with him as his companion - his 'female' companion at least that was the plan. A facade maybe, but one that would project a convincing enough image of being his attractively dressed, feminine partner and a woman on his arm. He wanted the vision of an ideal housewife, a homemaker and as an added bonus, if at all possible, someone who could maybe even fill in as his secretary! This role wasn't...
[Another for Robert...!]Why do older gay (or bisexual) men crave younger men so much? I can't answer for every older gay/bi man, but for me, the reason I crave a younger man so very much is partly that they are younger (of course!), but along with being younger, they have this incredible lustful energy, that infuses everything else!As you get older, and whether your gay, bi, straight, or other wise, you start to find yourself becoming invisible to the rest of the world (and this seems to be...
Hello friends, I am extremely sorry itne late se story post karne ke liye. Me samir k sath ek mahine ke vacation pe gayi thi aur us time I did not want to spend time using my phone. I wanted to enjoy every second of our time. And now I am back to share my sexiest experience with you all. Jin logo ne meri stories nahi parhi hai pehle ki. Please parh lijiye. Mera naam hanshika hai or main kolkata me parhti hu. Mere stats ab change ho rahe hai. Currently I am 36 32 36. But I feel meri chuchiya ab...
The party at home had gone well and I had enjoyed the evening.As the last guests were beginning to leave I saw my beloved hubby talking to his good friend Eric in the kitchen. From the immediate look I could see Victor was close to pass out, after having so many glasses of red wine, mixed with beer, champagne and whisky…My hubby could not even stand straight and his speech sounded fuzzy and he was rambling from topic to topic. But Eric was listening to him, showing a nice attitude.Eric’s wife,...
Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story. Story: Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And...
Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm; and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....
Wife LoversSaturday Afternoon, and Evening I tried to hold my meat lower and almost ran to the refrigerator. Sasha and Diana followed me. “Mick, what’s up? I don’t think I have ever seen you so flustered,” Diana asked. “I actually had an erection?” I asked in a panic. “Yeah. A full hard-on, sweetie,” Sasha answered. “Yup, definitely. Full on. Definitely,” Diana affirmed with a grin. “FUCK!” I almost screamed. “MICK?” Sasha was shocked. “Mick! I’ve never heard you use that word before, let alone...
We split up after dinner, Dan and Robert going their own ways, and Sandy going home with us. She was laughing. "You guys have to be gentle with me. I'm serious. I'm so sore now I can barely walk. Between you two the other night, and then how Robert was when I gave him all the details, I haven't been pounded like that, since, hell, since ever!" She stopped, and grabbed Sheri by the hands. "Please? I'm serious. A little gentle, tonight?" Sheri hugged her. "I think I'd like to make...
Hi! I am Harish from Thane. 28 years. Married for 4 years. Have 1 child. My sex life with my wife is simply not fantastic. We have been having sex whenever we want to. She is 22. She has good structure. So I wanted to have sex with some one elder to me and with massive structure. This is a big story. Please read it and definitely all of you will enjoy it. my thoughts went to my mother-in-law who is 40years old. Still had wonderful structure. Her bra size was 34D and had huuuggge buttocks. I...
IncestEpic bombshell Anastasia Brokelyn rides on Kai Taylor’s big British dick in today’s brand new Hands on Hardcore episode, brought to you by the one and only DDF Network! Get ready for another masterpiece straight from the epicenter of endless adult entertainment and watch this leggy stunner swallow his big fat dick down her insatiable deep throat. She should be at work but prefers to seduce that muscular man in the bedroom! He can’t wait to lick her and fill her shaved pussy...
xmoviesforyou17:50 Wednesday, November 13th, 1991 392 7th Ave San Mateo, CA 94401 It's nearly time, Jack Kostowe knew. Tonight, they were to have supper with two couples that had contacted them through the Oakland Yacht Club, inquiring about the berth the Joy Redux wasn't actually occupying. Jack and Deb had discussed possibly subletting the spot out, and she'd advised sounding the other couples out, first, over supper. Deb had done some research, and found both couples were partners on a wooden...
Hi dosto,waise mera naam Virat he.i just want to tell about my sexual relation with my Maami. Unka Naam hain Sudha, wo ek houswife hain. Jo log mujhe ni jante unke lia. My name is Virat from Mumbai, hyt 5.8 tool size 8 with avarage body so ap logo ka jada tym waste na karte me apni story pe aata hu, ye bt aaj se 3 years pehle ki hai mai west Mumbai me rehta hu aur jaisa main btaya tha meri Maami jo ki Bandra main rehti h apne husband k sath yaani mere mama ke sath ,Maami ki age 30 hai.unka...
Mom and dad divorced when I was about ten, it wasn’t a very amicable divorce, so when everything was finalised me and mom ended up living in a small 2 bed apartment near town, and I only got to see my dad about once a month, and on birthdays and holidays.About six months after we moved in to our apartment Aunt Paula moved in with us, to help mom out. For the last five years she shared a room with mom, so I could have my own room. I recently discovered she’s not really my aunt, and being only...
The year is 2024. Your name is AJ. You live in England. You are 24 years old and you’ve just came back from graduation at your university. The only great thing about it was getting your degree in chemistry. The shit things that happened... let’s see; Your girlfriend broke up with you. Your parents didn’t show up Your car broke down on the way home Youhad to sit on a crowded bus in between two screaming kids Could be worse. Right?? Anyway. You’ve just gotten home. As soon as you open the door,...
IncestThe Alameda Running Festival was scheduled for October 25th and 26th, with a 10k scheduled on Sunday. I filled out the entry form and sent it in with my fee. I had no idea how many people would turn out for this event, but I suspected they would number in the thousands. It was listed as a “fun run,” meaning there was no prize money, simply a ribbon and recognition. That was fine with me. I wouldn’t likely be in line for a prize anyway. I was there for the change of pace and the exercise. It...
I finally decided how I wanted to finish this story, and there are still a few chapters to come. I hope you enjoy them. ~Hotsprings ~*~ Chapter 8 Desiree’s eyes snapped open as she bolted upright. She tired to see through the night but her eyes were met by nothing but blackness. Her heart hammered in her chest as she desperately felt under her pillow for Gabriel’s note. A bead of sweat made its way down the small of her back as she could feel herself starting to hyperventilate. She tried to...
At 20 years of age, Janet was the youngest member of the management team. She had earned her way to the top with her creative marketing ideas and her excellent ability to free-hand artwork. It also didn't hurt her career that she was 5'5" tall, 105 pounds, with long brunette hair to the middle of her back. She had almond-shaped green eyes that perfectly accentuated the shape of her face. With her tremendous ability in art, she was a genius when it came to make-up. She had a figure that all of...
My mother would drag me along to many of her friends house's so she could have a drink and a catch up. This was a regular occurrence and boredom would always set in the minute i would had to sit there.Visiting Maureen was different though, Maureen was a smoker. Maureen was a petite loud carefree woman that didn't hold back in saying what was on her mind.She was a northern working class mother who was rough around the edges but naturally attractive. I would sit and wait patiently for her to grab...
In April, 2013, spies inform Gerry of a series of meetings between U MAMA executives and senior members of a major South American drug cartel. Efforts are spent to find out what’s going on. After two months of dedicated work by some very good agents the picture forms. U MAMA are offering their resources to the drug cartel to smuggle their drugs into the USA if the cartel will supply U MAMA with trained troops. They’ve an operation planned that needs twenty thousand mercenaries and U MAMA...
Lewis could not believe how much he was enjoying himself. When Eric leads him back out to the pit he goes without question, head down, mouth and arse wide open, like an animal. It shocks him how willing he has become in such a short space of time but for now he is done fighting his urges. Lewis’ heart skips a beat. He has spotted Ross lying in the pit and he is being lead over to him. ------------------- Ross scrubs at his eyes, then blinks rapidly trying to focus. His view blurry and...
Gay MaleCopyright 2001 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Your name is John. For the past few years you have been a graduate student at your university in the field of bio-mechanics. You have slaved day in and day out on one project, only known to you as Project Zeta. Every day you head in and work tirelessly to meet the requirements of the project. You are on the lowest rung despite being brilliant. Each day you are ridiculed by your colleagues and your Professor. One morning you head into the lab and sit down at your terminal. You don't know why...
Mind ControlKiki Klout was on the bus and she was horny. She would pick up some guys and hope that they could satisfy her. She pretty much undressed, was hanging out of the bus window, shouting at the world: I want to fuck!!!! Luckily guys don’t need much convincing to climb into a white van. A little tit hanging out of the window and they are lured in right away. Just like the guy at the bus stop. Within a few minutes he was inside the bus, getting a blowjob, fucking Kiki and then… he came… ??? He came???...
xmoviesforyouShe was the first thing I saw when I looked outside the kitchen window of our newly acquired house in the small Yorkshire village, and I was smitten the moment I glimpsed the saucy twintails in her red hair, the big eyes that appeared to look at the world with utter astonishment and the lithe form of her cute body, pale skin painted with delicious freckles and barely covered by the lime-green bikini. ‘Blessed be the weather gods for allowing me this sight,’ I thought to myself, quite aware how...
I was lying in bed waiting impatiently. I was fidgeting and I couldn’t keep still. Davey should have been here ages ago. Or was I just being too impatient?My heart slipped a beat and my whole body trembled when I heard the door open and close quietly. He came quickly to my bed and slipped under the covers. I put my arms around him and hugged him tightly as he pulled the covers over us and we wriggled down the bed until we were both completely under the covers.I wrapped my arms around him...
I was downstairs in the laundry when I heard Jake’s car pull in the drive way. He was finally home from his date with Jen. Things seem to be going well between them. They had be going out for the last two years. They had met while in college as things appeared to be moving along nicely. I liked having my son live at home with me since the big house was lonely empty these days. Jake’s mother Cara had moved out where Jake was two, after I broke the news to her that I knew she was cheating on...
Dan was sitting at the kitchen counter, half concentrating on his news feed on his tablet, and half on the focus of his latest fantasy. His portfolio of fantasies changed regularly, but his faithfulness to his wife always held him back from attempting to fulfill any of his kinky thoughts. He could still recall vividly the day this current fantasy became his current erotic favourite. Like this morning he had been catching up on the latest news, when he noticed her, she was preparing for the last...
Hi dosto, mere naam krish (age:20) he , mail me : Aur me gujarat ke ahmedabad se hu, waise me jaha taha chodne ke liye nahi jata hu, lekin chodne ki meri iccha bahot ho jati he, lekin muth marke chala leta tha. Intro: Ek bar mere papa ke friend unki ladki ko leke humare ghar aye, woh 12 me padhti he aur bahot sexy dikhti he. Us din uski aur meri mulakat hui. uska naam mitali hai. Woh mere ghar ke najdik hi rahte he, maine use pehli bar dekhte hi aankh mardi thi, to woh thoda sa muskurai. fir...
"Mom, can you go any faster, Mom?" My son, Scotty squirmed excitedly in his seat, straining against his seat belt as he would lean over to peer at the minivan's speedometer and repeat the same question he'd been asking me for nearly an hour. Of course, his eyes would wander from the speedometer to my partly bared breasts, my meaty tits bouncing as we drove down the interstate, barely contained by my black bustier that I'd struggled to get back into at the adult bookstore in the city.I was...