Completely Taken free porn video

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She took a final look in the mirror by the front door, flicked her tousled hair behind her ear, and checked her watch. Late, again. She hadn’t even had time to put on the chic outfit she’d outlined in her head the night before. Instead, it was a summer dress, ankle boots, and a leather jacket. Again. She did like this green patterned dress though with the slit up the thigh so maybe not the end of the world.

Grabbing her coffee in the travel mug she’d taken from some event, she took one last look at her watch, the watch that had caused this latest argument. Her eyes rolled as she thought of the look on his face when he’d seen the tiniest scratch on the glass case last night. She remembered the moment when she thought his anger might turn into passion. The thrill that maybe, just maybe, he’d take her. He didn’t and instead, it was another session with her latest toy.

Bag over her shoulder, coffee in hand, she edged out of her front door and felt it slam shut behind her. A final check in her bag as she walked down the steps into the street and she was off. 

Straight into a lamp post. Or something. 

Her coffee went tumbling out of her hand and she looked up to see nothing but a crisp white shirt. Even in her moment of pure panic, she realised she had noted that that is exactly how a white shirt should look on a man. No buttons under stress but equally no spare fabric. Ironed, perfectly white, fitted to an inch.

She looked higher, an open-necked shirt, stubbled chin, and up into those eyes. Eyes she could spend days thinking about. She snapped her head down as she apologised. Her hands ferreting in her bag for something, anything to clear up the coffee. Or better still a time machine. To take her back to four seconds earlier, or maybe four years earlier.

Mumbling her apologies, again and again, lost in her frenetic panic she thought she heard something but her focus was so intent on finding a solution she hadn’t absorbed the sounds. Her hand found her compact and it served as a reminder that she wasn’t in her chic outfit, she hadn’t managed to do her hair. She was, in fact, a mess.

She felt the colour draining from her face the longer it went on and the longer she rummaged. That noise returned and she realised he was talking to her. She looked up as she felt his hand on top of hers in her bag. With that movement, she realised it had been the first sign he was human. He hadn’t moved an inch otherwise.

His hand felt heavy on hers and she heard it now. He was saying, “Stop, stop.” She continued to try and rummage but she felt his right hand squeeze her left, felt her diamond engagement ring dig into his hand. That was when she heard his other instruction, “Breathe, just breathe, take one deep breath in.”

She couldn’t believe it but she just looked up and nodded, taking a deep breath in. In through the nose, filling the lungs, buying her time. Holding for a count of three as she looked into his eyes, waiting for his next instruction. He simply nodded, “And out.” She released her breath, slowly, remembering her yoga breathing. Overcome by her embarrassment her pale cheeks flushed with pink, her eyes darted to the coffee cup on the floor, the spill she had made.

Determined to fix this, she stared straight into his eyes, “I’m so sorry, I just, I wasn’t looking, fuck.” She couldn’t keep looking but those eyes were now imprinted in her mind. Dark but with a thin surround of colour, full of kindness but also that something else. That something that spoke of animal. That brief moment of thrill she’d had with him last night was layered on this man.

And that was when he spoke. He took her wringing hands in his, holding them still and the action made her look up at him. He smiled softly and she felt her knees go weak. She couldn’t believe it but she actually bit her bottom lip. This was surely only what happened in films. That corny overacting she so despised but here she was doing a great impression of a smitten schoolgirl. 

His lips were moving.

** ****

She sat at her desk, the monitor on but nobody home. Her mind was racing. She knew she had accepted to go for a drink with him tonight but she wasn’t sure how. Or why. Well, she knew why, that deep urgent need inside her was why. He hadn’t even taken her number or given her his. He’d just agreed a time and a place and she had gone along with it. It felt impossibly romantic and old-fashioned. She’d accepted even as his hands held hers, his fingers nudging her engagement ring.

She looked up the bar they were going to on her work computer. Oh god, a hotel bar. All hope drained from her when she realised it was a hotel bar. Looking at the pictures it came back to her, though. A bar that sang of clandestine business deals and illicit affairs. This was not a hotel bar, this was the hotel bar; dark corners, a pianist, a long cocktail list. She found herself smiling as she looked through the drinks list wondering what he would drink, what she would drink.

She surreptitiously pushed her thighs together under the desk as she thought of him, their interaction. From the moment she collided into what she thought was an immovable object, to the goodbye she had whispered. Had she really looked back at him not once but twice as she hurried away? Oh god, she had. And he had just been standing there, looking after her, that smile on his face.

** ****

At lunch she found herself alone and composed the text she knew she had to send. It was his fault really, if they hadn’t argued again in the morning, she wouldn’t have been running late and run into Sean. “V” she’d said, “My friends call me V”. Barely able to eat her sushi she cringed at the memory but smiled as she replayed the way Sean had repeated it. 

She sent the text and waited. It didn’t take long. The usual complaints, what would he eat, what time would she be home? She answered with the last of her patience and put her phone away, determined to enjoy the sushi and the feeling of the summer breeze on her. She liked this park, had enjoyed lunch here somewhere close to a hundred times but now she saw it anew.

She saw a young couple walking together, laughing, giggling, feeling mutually desired, wanted. She realised her fingers were trailing over her thigh as she sat there. A guilty smile as she checked nobody had noticed. Her phone was thankfully silent but it made her think. If she had Sean’s number, what would she do? As she packed her things away, she laughed at herself, “You’d probably just ruin it!”

** ****

Back at her desk and with less than an hour until she was going to be there, in the bar, with Sean. Her fingertips tapped at her keys as she finished the last tasks of the day. Nobody had seemed to notice how absent she had been all day. She’d replayed their interaction again and again. That look, those eyes, that chest, his strong hands.

And, oh god, those thighs. As she’d dropped to pick up her coffee cup she’d wobbled slightly and reached out to put her hand on something and found his thigh through his navy blue trousers. Thick and with a muscle like an elevator cable she had found her hand squeezing it reflexively. Astonished, at her own behaviour she hadn’t dared to look up. 

Her own thigh had been on show as she’d squatted and the slit ridden up. She had finally plucked the courage to look up, up past his crotch, the thin brown belt, that white shirt and what she’d seen had nearly made her do something very silly. Instead, he had caught her, held her hand, and helped her back to her feet. His hands had re-adjusted her hair, her jacket, and her dress. It had taken all of her being not to just jump on him there and then.

Shaking her head at the memory, she looked at the bag between her feet and made her decision. She made her way to the women’s toilets and changed her underwear and bra to the matching black lace thong and bra she had bought at some expense earlier in the day on a whim. She looked in the mirror as she caught herself lying, it wasn’t on a whim. It was for Sean. 

** ****

Sean was waiting in the hotel bar fifteen minutes before V was due. V’s research had been correct, this was not a normal hotel bar, stuck on the side of reception, filled with the sounds of elevators, people checking in and generally low-key humdrum. This was a throwback to the bars of the fifties or maybe the roaring twenties. 

Low lighting, on the third floor of the hotel, booths and tables discreetly spaced throughout the room.  A long rounded wooden bar with some of the best cocktail makers in the city. Not flashy, showy, throwing around cocktail makers, but masters of their art. A focus on seasonal products and breathtaking drinks.

The ice in his gin and tonic clinked as he lifted it to his lips and remembered their interaction as clearly as V had. The look of panic in her eyes, then the recognition, that unexpected bite of her soft full lip. He’d watched as she’d busied herself, hiding from her own desire. In the moment she had glanced back up at him he’d known they were kindred spirits.

He’d seen her coming. Head down. Not looking. He’d simply let her crash into him. Was it subterfuge he wondered, as he took another sip? He chuckled to himself, yes, it definitely was. His cock throbbed against his thigh as he remembered that look in her eyes. Her tousled, teased, curvy, whatever it’s called, hair. Raven coloured against her pale but vibrant skin. He had dearly wanted to tangle his fingers in that hair but he’d held back.

The toned right thigh she’d exposed as she’d squatted before him and the feel of her hand on his thigh were lodged firmly in his mind throughout the day. The way she had looked up at him. Seeing but not seeing him. He’d known that look before and it stirred deep within him. Rearranging himself he looked up and saw her.

** ****

Fuck. He’s there. Fuck. Same white shirt, same confident smile. She made the briefest pause as she steeled herself before walking as confidently as she could towards him. He had the prime booth. Of course he did, no waitress or maitre d’ gave this guy the table by the toilets. Oh god, he’s standing up. Tall, taller than she’d remembered. Before she knew it she felt his stubble on her cheek as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. One hand on her hip. Had he really placed his other hand on her neck or had she imagined it?

She sat, flustered. To his left, the curved booth letting them sit at forty-five degrees. She tried to rearrange her dress more modestly but it failed and he just smiled at her failure. His eyes definitely lingered on her thigh and she felt her confidence soar. Right up until those eyes stared into hers as he asked her what she wanted to drink.

She mumbled the name of a cocktail and realised what she’d done. He just chuckled and with one hand waved the waitress over whilst his other covered her hand on the table. As he ordered their drinks V watched his easy confidence, taking time to talk to the waitress but not flirting or making her uneasy. She wondered to herself, where do people like this learn this stuff?

With their drinks ordered, he turned to her and V felt as though they were the only humans on the planet. The rest of the room blurred like a fisheye lens. She looked into those eyes, eyes that were much darker in this room, the low light not providing the flash of green she had seen earlier.

** ****

Blue Madonna by BORNS was playing as they left the bar. His hand palming her ass as they walked. The most obvious display of ownership she’d ever experienced. Her ass felt on fire as the last few hours went in a blur through her mind. Their initial conversations, the gentle touches, the looks, oh the looks.

His laughter had shocked her. So easy, not loud, a laugh that spoke of pure pleasure. Her confidence had risen and risen as he’d laughed with her. She’d quickly forgotten everything else. Attention only on him, Sean. Right there.

When she returned from the bathroom she had sat close to him, much closer than they had been before and she’d encouraged him to put his arm behind her shoulders. His hand had drifted onto her thigh. Just grazing her skin with the back of his fingers and she’d nearly moaned at that first touch.

It hadn’t taken long for them to agree on their current course of action. A swift ride in the elevator away from his room. Her mind snapped back to the present, the feel of his hand on her ass, that song. It had been in her head for the last week or so. She turned to look up at him and whispered, “I love this song.” He had just smiled and gripped her ass more firmly as though he had known all along.

Walking through the bar to the foyer she had held her head high, proud to be there. She had imagined her head would be down, embarrassed, engaged, attached to this other man. Skulking in the darkness but now her smile was broad and her arm around his waist. She was leaning into him, feeling him as a tower of strength next to her.

They reached the elevator and he beckoned her in ahead of him. Pressing his floor, he turned to her with his finger hovering over the stop button. The door closed and the elevator moved. She watched his finger as the numbers went up and then he pressed it and they came to a stop. Paused between floors. 

She looked into his eyes, nodded. Begged, pleaded with her eyes. He smiled and walked her back against the wall. He took her hands lifted them above her head pinning her wrists there with his strong left hand. His right brushed her cheek, lifted her chin, and the next thing she felt was the world turn upside down as he kissed her.

She melted into the kiss, pressing her hips forward, wanting more contact with his body as he fixed her there. A desperate need to give herself to him completely. She almost whimpered into the kiss that she had pictured all day. Somehow here in this elevator, it felt right, no silk sheets, just a hard mirrored wall against her back, a close confined space and Sean.

Her hips were grinding thin air until she felt his hand on her thigh, slipping up the slit in her dress, unhurried but never slowing as it slid up her inner thigh and then there it was. Cupping her mound, she knew he must feel her heat. His lips opened and found her tongue in acknowledgement. Fingers pushing past her lace thong, feeling her wetness, her slick folds, he growled his approval in her ear.

Sinking two fingers inside her he whispered in her ear, “Let go.”

Her back pressed against the wall, her hands above her head, she looked into his eyes and nodded. His fingers stroking deep inside her she was exactly where she wanted to be. V heard the faint scratch of her diamond engagement ring on the mirror above her head and in that moment the need she had felt rising for months if not years was finally set free. She left her body to watch as he took her. She saw his control over her and saw her own desperate need.

She started to writhe and buck, mewling and whimpering as her legs grew weak. Babbling as she came hard on his hand. Her breathing was nothing but pants as he held her there. Fingers inside her, wrists pinned holding her up. He slowly pulled his fingers free and brought them first to his lips, tasting her and then to hers. Watching as she eagerly sucked on them.

Watching her, he smiled, “Good girl,” released her wrists and pressed the Stop button again sending them onwards, higher.

Climbing up, he rearranged her hair, her dress and straightened her jacket, taking his time. Brushing his fingers over her cheekbones, tracing over her lips with his thumb. She reached for his hand with both of hers and sucked his thumb into her mouth. He leant in and nibbled her ear as the most welcome ding in the world brought them back to earth.

She floated down the hall, her hand in his, willing every single door to be the one. At last, it was and they were in. She barely had time to register the suite, the floor-to-ceiling windows, the large bed, the sofa, desk, so many, many places to fuck. She heard the door click shut behind her, just the two of them alone.

Turning slowly to face him, she dropped to her knees, hands behind her back, and asked, “Please?” As he cupped her face in his hand, his fingers fanned across her cheek, his thumb over her lips he smiled “come” and walked to the desk, leaning back against it before kicking off his shoes and socks. Hands on the desk edge he smiled at her, impressed by her desire to serve.

She had crawled across the floor to him, the instruction not needing to be said. She’d seen her own reflection in the tall windows and for the second time in a matter of minutes, she saw the whole scene and felt her body tremble with need. Reaching him she ran her hands up his thighs as he pulled her face to his crotch, rubbing her cheek into his bulge. Her mouth opening and closing trying to feel it.

It felt so right as they freed his cock and guided her hand around it. So alive in her small hand. Throbbing with his own need as she placed it between her lips. Looking up at him through her eyelashes, her tongue laying flat she pushed her head forward, taking every last inch of his cock until her forehead touched that white shirt.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she felt his hands in her hair, tangling and then gripping. He drew her away from him, looking down into her eyes, and then released her, grunting his approval. A smile on her face and in her eyes she set about pleasuring his cock, seeking to earn that approving grunt again.

Her hand gripped his thick shaft. Taking the base of his cock and squeezing, her mouth surrounding the head. Her eager mouth bobbing down to her hand. Mouth wide, testing her own limits, feeling saliva building in her mouth as she looked up to see his eyes dark with lust. She moaned around his cock at that look and started to fuck her own mouth with his cock.

The moment his hands found her hair she moved her hands away from his throbbing cock and started to finger her needy pussy frantically. Under his control, she forgot herself and could think of nothing but the pleasure she could hear she was giving him and the torrid need to have him use her over and over again.

Blinking, she realised he was talking to her, looking down at her as he held her free from his cock. She barely comprehended his instructions but found herself crawling to the bed. The huge bed dwarfing her as she looked back at him. Her knees sinking into the mattress as she pulled her arms behind her back in preparation and pressed her cheek into the pillow. She wanted him to know she was his.

She watched as he slowly removed his clothes, unhurried, his eyes never leaving her body. Sometimes she felt his eyes stare into hers and she felt her heart hammer in her chest. A wave of lust and need starting from her core, she dug her nails into her ass cheeks and spread herself, aching for him.

His approving growl made her moan uncontrollably and she started to beg, “Please, please, please fuck me.”

His words were calm but they tore her insides as he smiled, “Close your eyes.”

Descending into darkness, she felt the weight of him on the bed behind her. The way his hands felt on her ass as he enjoyed her. His knees nudged hers apart and she arched her back lifting herself to him, presenting herself to him. She was rewarded with another approving moan followed by his hands guiding the head of his cock to her pussy.

Her world narrowed to the sensation of him. As though in slow motion she recalled how her day had gone from the chaos of normality to this. Here. Now. Face pressed into the pillows of a stranger’s hotel room. Her entire being aching to be taken by him. And then as fast as she was brought back to this moment as she felt the unhurried stretch of his cock inside her.

Inch by inch he pressed his cock where she needed it most. His body slowly enveloping her, his arms surrounding her. She collapsed into the bed as he bottomed out inside her. She had no idea how long he held her like this, his cock buried in her. His steady deep breaths in her ear seemed to become her heartbeat and everything slowed.

When they did start to move their bodies slowly, she was already gone, the deep rhythmic fucking that he gave her was nothing she had experienced before. Whilst the hard fingering had scratched the first hunger this was a darker deeper thirst he was quenching. He cupped her face in his hands as he fucked her again and again. His tenderness, an antidote to the raw passion with which he now took her.

She had lost count of the times her body had given her away, had lost control of the orgasms that ripped through her body. His unwavering desire for her just drove her on and on and on. She heard his breathing change. In that moment she knew this was it. This would never happen again ever like this. She wanted to tell him everything. Everything she had felt but could barely muster that simple word once more time, “Please.”

In her voice and with that word, she sent him over the edge and she heard his breath hitch, a sudden groan and then she felt him. All of him, spurting deep inside her. His cock twitching. Hips jerking as he held her close, their bodies now completely one.

His breathing slowed but still, he held her like that. She felt his lips first as he kissed her neck, Her hair in his lips matted with their sweat. A mutual groan as he pulled out of her, she turned under him to look up at him. Studying his face, finally able to stare into those eyes. She found her hands and traced his cheeks with her thumbs, a small smile playing on her face.

When he smiled back and for the first time pressed his lips to hers she made the decision that she would stay there tonight. With him. Sean.


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My virginity taken

Hello friends my name is sangeeta agarwal i m 20 yrs fair looking fig sizes are 34 28 36 .one day in metro train i met one guy as he helped me in getting the ticket as there were to much crowed that day his name was imran we became friend he was nicelooking handsome guy tall and age was around 30 yrs but as ever girl knw its always good to make friends who is elder to you anyway lets come to story… Its was monday as i start frm my house for my college imran called me and said lets off ur...

2 years ago
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Taken. I remember seeing his still lifeless face as he lay there in the coffin,I peered inside and tried to catch a glimpse of the man I once knew, my motherwas crying uncontrollably and when I went to comfort her she pushed me away. I remember waving to her as the train pulled away and watching as she slowlydisappeared into oblivion. I can still see the blue sash around her waist ripplingslightly in the updraft of the train. I think back at my first glimpse of the ship and the noise of the...

2 years ago
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From Tease to Taken

Megan was your typical high school senior who lived a sheltered life in a beautiful suburban home with a loving mother and father; your classic all american midwestern girl. From a young age Megan had always been into ballet and swimming leaving her slim and athletic but also a bit of an outsider at her large school due her travel and sports, especially with the boys. It also didn’t help that despite having an athletic physique, she didn’t have many of the attributes that typical high school...

4 years ago
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The Road Not Taken

Jennifer Sutherland stared out the kitchen window as she took another sip of her morning coffee. Mentally, she made a note to call the lawn service to trim the grass out by the back fence. The paper was calling for rain this afternoon but looking at the clear morning sky she thought they were wrong once again. "I guess she's not coming this morning." the 38 year old brunette said to herself as she placed her now empty coffee cup down on the table. "She" was Sally Yee, the 25 year old...

3 years ago
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Confused and taken

Joe stepped into the hot communal shower and shivered. Just five short minutes earlier, he had ran the 400 yards from the school playing field, through the short corridor, past the gym, and into the changing rooms. He tugged his rugby shirt off, pulled his shorts down, getting tangled in his muddy soaking boots, and somehow rove the boots off leaving them all in a pile. He was nearly into the shower when he realised his socks were still on, having to turn back and add them to his mums new pile...

4 years ago
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This is my first story.. would love feedback! I woke up lifting my head up and all I could see was darkness. I was standing and my arms and legs were restrained. It is chilly and I Realized I am completely naked. I hear an owl then I feel a breeze and smell the crisp night air. I am outside! How did I get here? The last thing I remember was I was walking to my car after my night class, and I remember nothing else. Someone must have drugged me and taken me here. Where am I? I start crying. I am...

3 years ago
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My sexual deviancy knew no bounds and had, by now, taken control. I was merely a passenger in an un-halting ride that I had no control over. One wet Sunday I was in a club I had started to go to, a sweaty little basement venue that struggled to free itself from a rank odour of urine and stale sweat.I was standing at the small pop up bar, naked except for black workman's boots and my cock ring. A trickle of piss ran past my foot from the toilets. Inside, a small group of men dressed in leather...

Gay Male
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Police Cadet Missy Taken

It was Monday morning, and police cadet Katja "Kate" Perssen was driving in from the suburbs in the shiny new Jetta her parents had given her as a present for graduating police academy. Although she was newly assigned to the sex crimes unit, until she finished her training Kate was mostly working in the office writing reports and doing clerical work, so she was dressed appropriately to the task: she wore a white blouse that fit snugly against her 34D chest and presented just a bit too much...

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The taken

Megan Fitzpatrick is 18 years old, a pretty and petite (5'3, 110) Irish-American girl with pale skin and a few freckles, red hair, green eyes, slim hips and 'C' cup breasts. She spent her whole life so far in a small whitebread town where everyone knew each other and was nice. She only ever had one boyfriend, a kind white boy from her church. Megan is a nice, sweet Christian girl. Nobody has ever been mean to her or taken advantage of her before. She would feel too guilty to be racist, even...

3 years ago
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Terri Taken

Zack grinned and then licked his lips, as his long firm fingers traced a path along the expensive silky-smooth pantyhose material. The sheen of the material still almost sparkling in the dim light of the back of his cube van.As his hand passed over the last half dozen strands of snug rope, he moved his palm around under the soft thigh flesh, quivering under his finger tips. His fingers finally meeting the swollen rows of flesh and pubic hair sticking out of the shredded hole in the crotch of...

4 years ago
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Tied and Taken

I had always had fun and gotten excitement from crossdressing and bondage play. After my first encounter with Chris, I was forced to accept the fact that I had desires and needs that I had suppressed for years. After having been tied up and mouth fucked by Chris, I realized that I didn't just like dressing up like a girl. I just didn't get a kick out of being tied up. I wanted to be a "damsel in distress" at the mercy of a man, to be helpless before him, to be used as a woman as he saw fit. My...

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It was a cold rainy night and I was walking home from work. I like my job, well about as much as you could like working in an office and staring at a computer all day. I was wearing a jacket, slacks and a button up shirt. My face was the 5 o’clock shadow that I get whether it has been 5 days or 5 minutes since I shaved. A small amount of long chest hair poked out of the top of my shirt. I was not really paying attention. I had walked this path home a hundred times before. I had no reason to...

1 year ago
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It was a cold rainy night and I was walking home from work. I like my job, well about as much as you could like working in an office and staring at a computer all day. I was wearing a jacket, slacks and a button up shirt. My face was the 5 o’clock shadow that I get whether it has been 5 days or 5 minutes since I shaved. A small amount of long chest hair poked out of the top of my shirt. I was not really paying attention. I had walked this path home a hundred times before. I had no reason to...

2 years ago
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Confused and taken

Joe stepped into the hot communal shower and shivered. Just five short minutes earlier, he had ran the 400 yards from the school playing field, through the short corridor, past the gym, and into the changing rooms. He tugged his rugby shirt off, pulled his shorts down, getting tangled in his muddy soaking boots, and somehow rove the boots off leaving them all in a pile. He was nearly into the shower when he realised his socks were still on, having to turn back and add them to his mums new pile...

1 year ago
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Is It A Sin To Allow Yourself To Be Taken

I won't lie to you and say that I didn't have anything to do with the following events that transpired. I won't tell you that I was just an innocent victim, because that isn't true. I asked for this, played with fire, let the monster into my life, and naively thought that i could somehow control the outcome of what was to ultimately be ... and in retrospect, (hindsight 20/20,) i don't think i truly understood what the consequences of my desire would produce, nor comprehend the fiery need that...

3 years ago
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All About How The Beti Pictures Were Taken

I am NOT the simply sharing, hot and wetI felt her first kiss on my clit, then her hot tongue in my pussy,So many of you have asked who took my pictures you see on Lush, I thought it would be good to write a short story about that day last summer. Another bigger than life true story, here is how it went that warm afternoon in June.Barb lives down the hall from me in our apartment building. We both are on the second floor. I had been down to the pool earlier and was talking to Barb...

4 years ago
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This is a fictional story. Enjoy!! :)All she ever wanted was to be taken, dominated against her will; to surround to her passion and be free of her fear. To be with someone who would push her limits, challenge her boundaries, release her inner b**st, as you will.She felt this way with him, a man she would not have normally been attracted too but yet, there was something that drew her to him, like a moth to a flame. When she laid beside him afterwards, snuggled deep into his warm, comforting...

1 year ago
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Trainee Employee8217s Virginity Taken

Hi All, My name is Akshay Ganna. I am now 36 year old and have a very nice athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show their hidden desires. So I use it to the best of my choice. The incident I am narrating just happened 2 days back and is of the girl by name Bhavya, a new trainee in our office. She is from Mandya and joined our Bangalore office 3 weeks back along with another dozen fresher. I came to Bangalore from Pune for a month schedule to track their...

3 years ago
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Wanting to be taken

It was 3 am when she heard the down stairs door open. It was her son arriving home after a night of hanging out with a few of his friends. She called out to make sure he was okay; he acknowledged and told her some friends were sleeping over. Having a few friends over was a common thing, nothing out of the ordinary however this time she didn’t get up to see who was sleeping over, which is something she normally does. Consequently, she woke up early the next morning to check on her son and to...

1 year ago
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Teacher mom and her colleagues are taken

Hi, my name is kishore patil. I stay with my family at in a village name dombivali near thane city (maharastra state, india). My mom’s name is vaishali patil. She is a teacher in government school by profession. The incident i am going to share happened when i was 18 years old. My mom’s school is far from our house. It takes 1 ½ hour to travel. She has to take a bus from her school to railway station and then travel by train to a station near our home. Now by mom is bit of miser. Her school was...

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My wife’s sister was irresistible and teased me once too often.Joanne was gorgeous! Blonde, blue eyes, a body to die for, and a flirt. When we picked her up at the airport, she gave me a hug that lasted so long that my wife, her sister, noticed.“Hey, Joanne! That’s my husband you’re hugging,” she reprimanded loudly.“Sorry sis, but you said that Bill was good looking. I got carried away.”But I knew she wasn’t sorry and neither was I. I got a nice boner holding Joanne and I knew she felt it. I...

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She is taken

A woman now, she had a deep feeling within her to have some male seed planted deeply inside her and to birth a baby. She had had unprotected sex many times since her younger days , but lately she’s wanted more. Males lined up to have her but not a single one ever produced a child within her very fertile womb. She needed a real male to impregnate her. She was lost without it. All the ones before be it white, black, Hispanic , what ever, never had the correct single sperm meet her egg . So what...

2 years ago
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Road Well Taken

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. I have heard of the ‘road less traveled’ this is about one taken positively right. I was returning home from a six-day trip to Davenport IA for a Bakery/Restaurant Equipment convention. I was trying to interest the big equipment companies in a few of my patents and as a fallback my abilities as a technical writer. I was successful in both categories. It was a highly successful trip. It was also an eye-opener for a 25-year-old mechanical nerd. I also...

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I am a FOOL, for I have loved my wife for now going on twenty years. We have or I thought we loved each other. I was and am a FOOL. Let me first tell you that my name is Franklin, I am 48, with gray hair and eyes, my weight is just about 280lb, I stand at 6/3, I have a fair mussel mass though out my body. My wife Joan is44 and stands 5/4 at 145lb, with a good body 44dX38X40 just the right size for loving. We live a good life with our two children Joshua at seventeen and stela sixteen both...

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Evil Awakened Lives Taken

Ginna Thornbreak, actually the creature that was once Thadius Thornbreak in his daughters stolen body, waited in the small room she had taken at the only inn in Sombourn village. It was ratty and worn by time, abuse and lack of care from the half dead owners. The constant feeding of the local vampire population tended to age and weaken the living quickly to death. He knew his companion would return before sundown and they would secure the door and the small window until the sun was up enough to...

1 year ago
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Weakened and Taken

It started simply enough. I see an attractive woman at the hotel bar and offer her a drink. She accepts and we converse. Soon, we are laughing and joking like intimate friends. She recommends that we take the conversation and drinks to her room, and I agree. I allow her to walk ahead, not only to lead the way, but also so I can admire the extreme curves of her ass. The sight of their provocative sway entices me, and I feel myself harden. She stops at her door, and with a sensual glance, opens...

She Males
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*** This story is fantasy and not intended to be taken literally*** It was a pretty typical Saturday night for me. I'd been at the nightclub all night, was well on the way to being tanked and had had no luck with the babes. I'd struck up a conversation with some guy at the bar, and after a few laughs and backslaps, I excused myself and went to take a piss. Afterwards while washing my hands, I heard the door open behind me, felt a sharp stab in my left buttock, then everything went hazy and I...

2 years ago
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They don’t see each other often. But when they do, she is his completely? She gets to the door before he even rings the bell. She says ?Hi.? But, he doesn’t answer, just grabs her, putting one arm around her back, bringing her into him firmly and securely. His other hand slides up her neck to the back of her head where she feels his fingers grip her hair. He pulls her head toward him, kisses her softly, passionately. Her mind becomes dazed instantly. She can feel her pussy tingle and...

3 years ago
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Completely Yours

It’s winter break, the kids stayed with my family for the week. Perfect opportunity for us to take off to a fabulous secluded lodge near the river, rented just for you and I, no other guests on the site. 3 bedrooms, a screened porch, a hot tub, a great room with fireplace all to ourselves. No lines we can’t cross this time, only the white hot fire we’ve been fueling with gasoline. I can’t keep my hands off of you on the drive there. Nothing too overwhelming, stroking your hand and arm and leg...

1 year ago
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Completely Casual

‘What do you think the team would do if they knew about this?’ I stared down at Joe, completely confused as to why he chose this moment to ask the question. My hands were currently wrapped tightly around my throbbing shaft. His own saliva was sliding between my fingers as I massaged my length, preparing to push deep into his depths. ‘I don’t know Joe. I honestly don’t. We have so many different kinds of teammates. Some would be disgusted, some wouldn’t care, and then there’s some freaks who...

2 years ago
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Completely Dominated

So here I am, 24, full time college student, and bored on a Saturday night (even though I know I should be working on my 6 page paper thats due the coming Wednesday). As I'm sitting there thinking of all the things I could possibly do on a Saturday night I realized that I was extremely horny. I knew the person that could fix my problems would be at my favorite bar that night because he had sent me a text earlier in the evening. So I got dressed in my favorite Red and cream lace bra and matching...

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It was early in the morning, around seven o'clock. You were sitting around the dining table with your parents and twin sister, except, none of you were eating. You had been asked to come downstairs for a family meeting. Looking around the table you could see that your sister was looking at you with a worried look in her eyes, and your parents appeared both serious and anxious. "Why is everyone staring at me?" you ask, rustling in your seat, nervous at the attention everyone was giving...

4 years ago
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Pop was so mistaken

All day long I anticipated the talk from my Pops when he got home...I could hear him telling me of how he worked all day and I did nothing and he would not stand for me having my little girlfriends over. If he only knew the truth, I could imagine how his face would have looked if he had came in to break up the little fuck party he thought I was having.How could I tell them that since my second year in high school their little boy had been turned into a fuck toy for guys. How could I tell them...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 49 Mistaken

On the road toward Richmond again, I passed a farm where some nice-looking work animals were grazing in a field by the road. I could hardly believe that anyone in this area had any horses left, so I went in to investigate. A young black girl answered my knock and called her mistress to the front door. The woman, dressed for work with an apron and cap, was a very handsome matron of thirty-five or so. I told her that I was concerned that roving bands of British and Tory raiders might fall on...

3 years ago
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Completely Transformed

Hi guys this is Raj here, well I am writing a continuation of my old sex story. In case if any girls or women is interested in having some fun or making new friends or who are interested in having a chat, Please do get in touch to I assure of 100% secrecy and other readers please give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let’s get started. Well the call was from my cousin sister Nidhi. Nidhi –Hi Raj Me- (with Riya sitting nude on my lap) – Hiii di Nidhi – Why the fuck aren’t coming...

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bitch taken

The street was quiet and in darkness, 16 year old Sara liked it this way it gave her more chances to work undisturbed, she had already broke into 2 cars and got a camera worth a couple of hundred pounds, she was now watching a house knowing the owners were away, Sara was about to move when she saw Mark a boy from her class staggering down the road, Sara saw he was drunk and staggering around, Sara waited till he was by waste ground before getting him on the floor without any trouble and...

4 years ago
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Wanting to be taken

It was 3 am when she heard the down stairs door open. It was her son arriving home after a night of hanging out with a few of his friends. She called out to make sure he was okay, he acknowledged and told her some friends were sleeping over. Having a few friends over was a common thing, nothing out of the ordinary however this time she didn’t get up to see who was sleeping over, which is something she normally does. Consequently, she woke up early the next morning to check on her son and to...

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