- 3 years ago
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Chapter 1
It was nearing six o'clock. Tammy was running a little late picking up herdaughter Stephanie. Tammy was a single mom and her daughter Stephanie, a beautifuleighteen month old, stayed in day care when Tammy was at work. It was lateFriday; Tammy was trying to get some extra work done before her and Stephaniewent on a well deserved two week vacation. She was going to take Stephanieto see snow for the very first time.
Tammy had gotten divorced before Stephanie was born. It was just the twoof them now. Tammy's parents had been killed in an automobile accident yearsearlier.
Tammy pulled up and went inside. Stephanie ran over to her jumped into herarms. The two ladies that were still in the daycare said their goodbyes asTammy gathered Stephanie's stuff. Tammy buckled Stephanie in her car seat,put the extra stuff in the truck and started to get it, when all of the suddena man rushed out of nearby bushes, jumped into the back seat with Stephanieand told Tammy to drive. He told her that if she did exactly as he said thelittle girl would not be hurt.
Tammy tried to remain calm. She did not want to upset Stephanie, so she startedthe car and headed down the road. The man told her where to go and to not attractany attention. Tammy did as ordered.
The man, sitting next to Stephanie was playing with her as if he knew her.He had one of her favorite toys and was waving it for her. All the while hewas telling Tammy, in a calm voice; that as long as she did as told, her daughterwould not get hurt.
The man directed Tammy to an area behind a shopping center. It was fairlyisolated and starting to get dark. He told her to get out of the car and standbehind the car. He told her he was going to drive and she was going to be ridingin the trunk. When Tammy protested, the man told her to go ahead and say goodbyeto her daughter then.
Tammy got the message and got out of the car and walked to the back. Onceshe was there, the man, still sitting next to Stephanie, told her to open thetrunk and get in. Tammy did as ordered and once she was in, the man got outand quickly closed the trunk
Tammy laid there, in the dark, wondering what was going to happen. Why washe doing this? Would he hurt them anyway? If she did as he said would her babybe okay? She had to obey; Stephanie was all she had in life. She decided notto take any chances.
After maybe an hour's ride Tammy felt the car come to a stop and the engineshut off. She heard the back door open and Stephanie being taken out. Aboutfive minutes later, which seemed like an eternity, the trunk lid opened. Shelooked around and saw she was in a big warehouse type building. The light waslow in the main area, but she could see rooms off to one side. The main areawas nearly bare except for a stack of boxes on one side. She could not seewhat was behind them, if anything.
"Please," Tammy said "where is my baby?" "She is fine," answered the man. "Iwill let you see her in a few minutes, if you do as you are told." "What doyou want?" asked Tammy. "Why, you of course," answered the man.
He then proceeded to tell her that she was going to serve him for the nexttwo weeks. She was to be his slave and would do as he instructed. He addedthat if she did not agree to that, he would have to wait 6 or 7 years and makeher daughter his slave. She broke down at that and told him she would do whateverhe wanted, just not hurt her daughter.
"Very well," he said, "I am glad you understand." Tammy asked if she couldsee her daughter and he told her shortly. He told her that he needed to goover some rules first and to get ready. Ready for what she thought; what rules.
He then began by telling her that she was not allowed clothes, unless hegave them to her. She hesitated for a minute, trying to absorb it. "Are youso stupid you don't know what that means, or are you saying goodbye to yourdaughter," he asked her in a very demanding voice. His tone snapped her outof her trance. "Sorry," she replied and proceeded to take off her blouse. Hestood there and watched as she removed piece after piece of clothing. Soonshe was down to just her panties and bra. Seeing hesitation he asked her, verysarcastically, "Did I give you that bra? Or those panties?" She knew what hemeant and removed both. As she stood there, she covered her breast with herarm and her pussy with her hand. Hands down by your sides, so I can see whatI have to work with. You are to NEVER cover yourself, unless I tell you to.
She lowered her hands to her side. He walked around as if inspecting a caror horse. On occasion he would reach out and touch her. She asked again ifshe could see her daughter. "You are not ready, yet," he replied. Rule numbertwo is that you will only go to the bathroom when I say it is okay. Rule numberthree is you will see you daughter only when I allow it. You will not let herknow what is happening to you. Rule number four is that you will obey everycommand I make and do it in an appropriate time frame. "Do you understand therules?" he asked." She nodded. "Oh, another rule," he added, "You will addressme as Master. When told to do something you will say "Yes Master" and do it.You will be known as either slave or slut. You will answer to either of these."
"Now, let's try again," he said, "Do you understand the rules?" "Yes Master," shereplied. For now you will be chained to this building. You will go where Itell you, do what I tell you, sleep where I tell, etc. etc.
He then attached a cuff and chain to her left ankle. It was a long chainand allowed her a lot of freedom to move around. "Follow me," he told her andshe did. He took her to the rooms off to one side of the big building. Onlyone of the rooms had doors on them. He took her over to the one with a door.Next to the door it had one way glass on the wall. He told her that this iswhere Stephanie sleeps. Tammy looked inside and saw Stephanie playing on thecarpet with a few toys. She seemed quite content. She also noticed a baby bed,changing table and several supplies in the room.
"May I see her now?" Tammy asked. "Very soon," came the reply. Tammy continuedto watch Stephanie and forgot about her situation until she felt the man'shand reach up between her legs from behind.
"Spread em," he commanded and she did; spreading her legs some to permithis hand access. He played for a few minutes, rubbing her clit with his fingers.He then slid a finger in her and began to finger fuck her. Tammy stared atStephanie, trying to focus only on her, nothing else.
"Good slut," he said, "Go may go take care of your daughter now; she is probablyhungry. He proceeded to unlock the door and Tammy quickly went inside. Stephaniewas hungry and as soon as Tammy picked her up she began to suckle.
The man stood and watched for a minute as Tammy held and let Stephanie feed.After a few minutes the man walked over and said, "Save some for me," and beganto suck on the other breast. Tammy's breast gave up milk to the man, just asif it were Stephanie. As the man sucked her he also played with her.
Tammy couldn't believe it, but her body gave her away. She was actually gettingwet at the touch of the man and having her breast sucked. She tried not toshow it, but the feeling grew. Soon she came, sitting there being sucked onand played with, captive to a kidnapper and who know what else. The man, pleasedwith himself, stopped what he was doing, stood up and said, "That's a goodlittle slut." Tammy was humiliated at his comment. She tried not to react forfear her daughter would react. Stephanie kept sucking away until she was full.
The man left the room. Tammy could not see out of the one way mirror walland he was no longer in sight through the doorway. She quietly tried the cuffattached to her ankle and decided there was no way she could get it off.
Tammy finished feeding Stephanie, changed her diaper and clothes, and thenlaid her down for the night. Stephanie was sound asleep within minutes withno idea what was happening to her mom or her.
As Tammy appeared in the doorway the man came over to her. He looked in thedoorway and saw Stephanie was down for the night. "Did you enjoy my touch slut?" "No!" shebarked back. For that she quickly received a slap across the face jerking herhead in surprise more than pain. "What did you say, slut?" he asked. "No Master," shereplied. "Wrong answer again, slut," he said, "Your body says otherwise." Shethen told him, "Yes Master." But that was not enough, he wanted details andfor her to say the words. He kept at her until he heard what he wanted herto say, "Master, this slut loved your touch on my cunt, please use me as youwish, anytime."
With a big smile on his face he told her okay and had her drop to her knees.He then pulled out his cock and made her suck him until he came and then swallowevery drop. When he was done, he made her thank him.
He ordered her to follow him and she was taken to the other side of the boxes.There she saw all kinds of devices, benches, hooks, chains; all kinds of things.She was trying to take it in, figure it all out when his voice brought herback to him. "Over here slut!" he ordered and she walked over to him. He reacheddown and felt her cunt. It was a little wet from before or maybe even the cocksucking that had just taken place.
"This will be your first toy," he said as he pulled the cover off of a contraption.It was basically a sawhorse which had been padded in places, except risingout of the top was a huge black dildo. The master let Tammy look for a momentbefore he told her to get on, by standing on the padded cross braces. She hesitateda second, but them deciding she had to do as he ordered she climbed onto thecontraption. Once she was standing on it, he told her to lower herself downonto the dildo. "A slut like you needs to be filled with cock," he told her.
She positioned herself over the head of the huge black cock and tried towork it in, but it was difficult as she was holding herself up with her hands.The master decided to help her and began to play with her clit as tried totake the dildo. He was able to get it started in her. "That is good for now," hesaid. Master decided he was going to have to help her again and applied somelube to the dildo and her cunt.
He then told her to put her hands behind her back. She told him she couldn't,which brought a slap across the face. "What are you suppose to say and do?" heasked her. "Say yes master and do it," she replied. "Then do it," he ordered.
She reposition her legs a little to take the weight of her body off her handson onto her legs. Eventually she was able to hold herself up by her legs andmoved her hands to behind her back. When she did, they were quickly handcuffed.She tried to reach back and steady herself using her cuffed hands, but he quicklyremedied that thought as he tied her hands to a rope that was hanging fromthe beams. Her hands were no longer of any use to her.
After a few minutes her legs began to give out and she felt her body easingdown more and more onto the huge black dildo. "You like that big black cock,don't you slut?" he asked. Knowing what her reply should be she answered, "Yesmaster."
Master enjoyed watching his slut squirm on the huge cock and so decided tospeed things up a bit. He reached underneath the contraption and flicked aswitch. The big black dildo came to life, wiggling and moving inside and onthe edges of her cunt. It was not a regular dildo, but a mechanical one.
As it moved she felt herself moving with it, even enjoying it a little. Onoccasion she would snap back to reality and try to raise her legs some, butthey were giving out more and more each time. She was, without wanting to,lowering herself down on the waiting machine.
Suddenly she felt herself reaching an orgasm. This could not be happeningshe thought to herself. She tried to fight it, but it felt so good, so full,with each movement of the dildo, she got closer. The master saw her squirmingand reaching a point of no return.
After a few minutes of fighting it, her body gave in and she climaxed likenever before. As she did her left leg slipped off the brace causing her toloose her position and driving her down onto her waiting dildo.
She screamed as it drove all 12 inches deep inside her cunt, now wet withexcitement. She tried to get her foot back up, but the master told her notto. "Put both legs down," he ordered, and she did. She was in a moment of incrediblepleasure and pain, all at the same time.
Master let her stay that way for several more minutes. She came four moretimes, impaled on the big black machine. Eventually her turned off the dildoand let her just sit there; still full of the cock that had brought her tomore orgasms than she had ever experienced.
"Now thank you master for letting you experience real pleasure," he toldher. She hesitated, still reeling from the many orgasms she had just had. "Situp!" he shouted to her and when she did she felt a crop slam across her fullyexposed breast. "AHHH!" she screamed. "Hush slut or you might wake the baby," hetold her. She tried to lean over to prevent another swat, but the master toldher to sit up or it would be worse. He also told her to thank him each timeshe received a blessing from his crop.
Tammy sat up as ordered and with each swat winched and then said, "Thankyou master." After only a few swats of the crop her breasts were scarlet red.Tears rolled down from her eyes as she continued to thank the master for eachpainful swat.
He finally stopped after 20 good swats across her fully exposed breasts.He reached over and unhooked her hands from the rope that held the up behindher. He then ordered her to get off her stud and follow him.
Tammy put her feet back on the braces and with the steadying of her handsrose off the huge black dildo machine As her soaking wet cunt cleared the topof the dildo it came out with a great suction noise. Master smiled, sayingher cunt loved it so much it didn't want to let go.
She was embarrassed that she had cum several times while on the machine,and that her cunt was still dripping from her own juices.
Once she was down she was positioned to suck her master. She was a good cock-sucker.He came and she swallowed every drop.
It had been a long day for her and she was exhausted. Master told her togo get a shower and then fix him some dinner. He showed her where the showerand toilet were. There were no walls or privacy. The walls around the bathroomhad been torn down and everything was in plain sight. He then showed her wherethe kitchen was and told her what to fix once she had showered. It had no door,but was well equipped with stove, microwave, refrigerator, and cabinets. Therewas also a small table with four chairs.
Once he had shown her what she needed to know he told her to go get cleanedup and if she needed anything he would be in his room. He pointed to a room,just the other side of the nursery where Stephanie slept.
Master then headed for his room and Tammy went to get a shower. She neededto try and clean herself after he ordeal. She found the water was not verywarm, but felt good anyway. She scrubbed as best she could and even thoughshe was clean, she still felt dirty. She had done things this evening she hadnever even dreamed or thought about. She did not realize it them but her lifehad changed forever.
Master watched her shower from her room and smiled as he thought about howhe would use his new property. He laid out in his mind the day by day, hourby hour things he could do with her. His mind was racing as he saw her acrossthe room showering.
After her shower Tammy went to go fix master's dinner. She prepared the steak,potato, and salad as he had ordered. She was so hunger, but did not want torisk being caught eating without permission.
When his food was done she went to his room and told him. "Good," he said, "Iwas getting hungry." She walked with him to the kitchen. She had placed hismeal on the table. He then told her that her meal was under the table. Shecould eat him as he ate his meal. Tammy crawled under the table where masterhad already pulled out his cock. She began to suck him, just as before hopingthat there would also be real food to come.
After he came and had finished his meal he laid the plate on the floor nextto him. He told Tammy she could finish the meal as long as she stayed on thefloor like a bitch. She was so hungry that she did finish the meal on her handsand knees.
Master got up from the table and told her to come to his room when had finishedeating and cleaning up. After about 45 minute she stood in his doorway andsaid, "Master I am here." He called her in and told her to that she had onemore thing to do before bedtime. She was glad to hear that she would be ableto rest soon.
He undressed and lay on the bed naked. He then told her to come and mounthis cock like she had her stud machine. She climbed onto the bed and he reachedto feel her cunt. Not wet enough he told her, maybe you need to play a little.Lay here and show me how you play. She lay at the foot of the bed and beganto rub her cunt. Touching her clit each time she moved her hand. Eventuallyshe slide a finger then two into her cunt. As she did he began to play withher nipples and took her other hand and placed it on his semi-hard cock. Shestroked him as she masturbated herself.
After a few minutes he decided they were ready and lay back on the bed. Mountme slut, he told her; and she did sliding her wet cunt down over his hard cock.She rocked back and forth, up and down, fucking his cock for what seemed likeforever. Was it that she was tired or was really lasting a long time? Eventuallyhe came, filling her cunt with his cum. After he did she was told to get offand clean him with her mouth. She sucked and licked his cock until he toldher she could go to bed for the night. He told her since she had been so goodfor the first day; she could sleep in Stephanie's room. He showed her wherea pillow and blanket were and told her to get some sleep; she had a busy daytomorrow.
It did not take her long to get to sleep; she was exhausted. However hersleep was not a good one. The floor, even though carpeted was hard and uncomfortableand she though she heard noises in the night. But all and all exhaustion wonout and she was able to get maybe four good hours in.
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MasturbationBonjour, je m'appelle Sonia, je suis une jeune maman et je m'apprête à faire une confession très confidentielle. Je vis seule avec mon fils depuis maintenant dix ans. Son père m'a faussé compagnie alors que j'étais enceinte et je me suis débrouillée avec toutes les difficultés d'être un parent unique. J'ai fait pas mal de sacrifices pour assumer ma tâche seule et j'aurais bien sûr voulu que mon fils ait ses deux parents, mais la situation n'est maintenant plus du tout la même. Aujourd'hui je...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the things written about. This is a sad story about my wife (Jackie) and I (Dave) who live in Boston. My wife is a Realtor for a large firm who specializes in selling commercial property, large sprawling ranch houses and large old mansions through out the tri state area. Myself, I work for a utility company, so I’m on the road a lot. I’m six foot 1 inch 200 pounds while Jackie is a stunning red head, five foot four inches 115...
Hi readers, Thanks a lot for your feedback for my previous stories. As always, expecting your support for this and my upcoming stories as well. This is not a story but a real incident which happened in the middle of March, 2017. It has femdom and gruesome torture and hardly has sex. If you have interested in it, please proceed further. For those of you who don’t know me, am Divakar, a software professional and a masseur and male escort from Bangalore, offering different types of services to...
The next day Mrs B had arranging the boat around the Island and the trip to the ship wreck on Zante was a must do, we spent most of the day on the large boat and when I met up with Magaret on the same boat I felt a lot more cheerful and as I went to thank her for last night shekissed me and asked, “Can I see you again Later tonight?” I said , “Yes what time?” Magaret replyed, “ About 10:30pm in the bar!” I kissed her and said, “OK!” she was carefull not to let Mrs B see her and I could not...
As his eyes fell across her naked body, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His moment had finally come. He'd thought he'd be a virgin forever. He was almost overwhelmed by an incredible sense of awe as his intense gaze followed the soft curves of her body. Her skin was warm under his hands. Trailing his fingertips across her muscular belly brought him to a state of gentle arousal, his dick hardening with anticipation. Her dark eyes looked up at him, her tanned faced framed by...
First Time"Welcome, Brittany," Mr. Grayson greeted Friday evening. "I hope you are ready to play some more." Was that what it was to him? Play? I left my clothes by the front door as usual and followed him. He was naked again too. Instead of the back room we went into the kitchen. "Make me dinner," he said, sitting at the kitchen table. "You may wear the apron to protect your skin. I took the apron on the counter and put it on. He stood to tie it behind me then sat back down. "What do you...
Wes had worked himself up into a fine state of readiness by the time he heard Helen's key in the lock. He stood in the middle of the living room and grinned as his prudish wife came in. "I suppose you've been out to that awful bar again!" Helen snorted, walking up to Wes and wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I can smell liquor and I don't like it!" Before Helen could say another word, Wes took the bull by the horns. He grabbed his wife in a tight embrace, almost knocking her off her...
"So, how did the baseline exams go?"Karen Naylor, MD, Associate Dean of Clinical Research and Director of the university's Clinical Research Department, looked at the woman sitting across from her desk. She had known Brandee since just after college. Karen scrutinized with disapproval the changes in her friend/employee's appearance since the divorce. The transformation to single life showed in the heavy makeup, the sinful shade of lipstick and nail polish, and the gym-toned body. Speaking...
InterracialThe next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...
= CHAPTER 1 Advertising creative director Katrina Cole was on the cusp of a meltdown. Her department was under notice it was in danger of losing a $3.3 million account because the client was alleging the branding campaign was not working. The agency counter-claimed that the Genuine Cowboy Belts Corporation (GCBC) was at fault, it’s sales and marketing arms were responsible for sluggish sales. That finger pointing was rejected by the client as ‘standing too close to the wall while...
I stood in my room pleasuring myself, I placed mom's panties to my face and inhaled deeply then moved the panties to my cock and came in them, a large load but not very satisfying. I had this feeling that I was being watched. I looked at the load I just put in the crotch of mom's panties. Not as big as usual I thought to myself. Who would be watching me? I knew mom was deep asleep. I decided to quietly go check. Down the hall and to her room. I pushed the door just enough to see in. A small...
A picturesque little café an thecorner of a normally busy road was the favoured meeting spot for young flames in the area. Most days the café would play host to men and women of all ages at all times of the day. The rush hour for instance attracted the people in their prime of life. Twenty somethings and thirty somethings all flirting and laughing over a coffee whilst their lunchtime freedom from work lasted. When that freedom ended and they retreated again to their jobs, the schools would soon...
MasturbationHere I am in a small town in Louisiana with hardly any black people. I just knew life for me was going to be hell. I was proven wrong, after only being at my new school for a two weeks I had fucked three girls. I had been in the gym practicing my free throw shots after everyone had left practice, when I heard coach Rachel Leadeux ask me if I would be long? I'm going to be here for about an hour and than take a shower. Ok, just let me know when you're finish. I told her ok and went back to...
InterracialMy name is Beth. I am an eight-teen year old red head. I have green eyes and pale milky skin. I am your typical Irish girl I guess. My tits are rather small, but a very good shape I believe. I know boys like big breasts, but I tell myself I am better to have little round ones than big saggy bags. At least my back agrees with me. To make up for my small tits god blessed me with a big ass. Still feeling self conscious I found myself sleeping around a bit, this gave me tonnes of practice. I can...
Once upon a time, there was a young woman, who lived with her parents on a small farm by the edge of a forest. Everyone called her Red, because her grandmother, who the girl loved dearly, had given her a red riding hood, that was her favourite piece of clothing and which she wore every day. And also, because her real name translated to something like “Dawn of the Earth Serpent”, which is not only a whole mouthful but also somewhat intimidating. Red blamed her mother, though, who was something...
If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...
My husband's friend offered me and my man alot of money if I'd do a strip tease for him and even a lot more if I did something "anything" extra, surprisingly my man agreed and told me to change for the occasion. I put on a pair of tiny, tight black g-sring panties matching bra and 3" high heels. He put on a CD that I could really move to and I began dancing "erotic" his friends (Brendon) eyes were popping out of his head following my every move. I started bending over for him my ass and crotch...
EroticIntroduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...
You catch my eye standing at the end of the bar, all blue jeans and shirt sleeves rolled up. I'm a total sucker for that half-smile you flash me before you disappear in the crowd.I sip my drink and try to catch sight of you. I see a stunning woman take your arm and one of the drinks you had carried over. I pout a little, clearly, you're here with someone - girlfriend, wife maybe?I make my way to the dance floor ready to dance the night away. Someone's hand brushes my shoulder and I hear...
Straight SexYou know I can’t keep calling you Doctor,” I said the somewhat older scholarly guy. “Why not? It’s my title.” “Are you going to call me, Your Excellency, Mister Ambassador Plenipotentiary?” “Umh ... no.” “Why not? It’s my title.” I whipped out my Diplomatic Passport and flashed it at him. I hoped he wouldn’t ask to see it. This was going on while I had a million people ransacking Abby’s garage. Not that they were stealing anything ... per se ... but there were so many and I had no idea...
A Dish Best Served Cold Ellen was a colleague of mine at a large advertising agency. She and I were competing for the same promotion. The bosses at the agency made it clear that the winner got the job, and the loser had to leave. Ellen is a bright and attractive woman in her late 30's who was completely driven by work and success. So far as anyone knew, she had no private life. Her dress was stylish, but her in-office demeanor very prim. Ellen also never admitted...
“Some women do, that’s all. They need pain to make them orgasm. From what I have seen, you are very orgasmic. Not really like what Mike told me about you at all.” “What did you just say?” “I said that you were very orgasmic.” “Not that. You said that Mike had been talking about me.” “Oh, he just said that you did not come when he fucked you; that is all. I know that a long hard penis like his would make me come, time and time again. That is why I assumed that you were frigid.” “I’m frigid, eh?...
On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a f****y friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well – I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big s****r to me. After I had lived with Shelly for a week, she began to reveal her true intentions. After dinner, during our usual conversation, she said, “I...
He probably should’ve realized something wasn’t quite right when he came home and she was waiting for him in nothing but a sheer top in a candlelit living room. It wasn’t totally new to find her this way. Tonight something felt different? Maybe it was that she was wearing a new top he hadn’t seen before? But what really caught his attention was that she was playing with the new dildo he bought specifically to tease her ass with the night before. ‘I didn’t think I’d enjoy last night quite the...
‘It’s not chaos…’ he interrupted. All eyes turned to him, hinging on that one word: ‘not.’ ‘Explain’ we said without words, letting our eyes goad him back into speech. He looked nervous. His hands twittered at his sides, and he stood up slowly, clearing his throat as he did. ‘Its not chaos’ he began, stopping to clear his throat again, ‘have you ever juggled? No? No. of course not. Let me explain.’ We waited through another round of phlegm reduction. ‘When you juggle, you wait till at...
The woman sitting at the bar was all alone, and if anyone had been watching her closely, they would have seen that she was not a happy person. At forty two years old, Katie felt like she had lost everything, and she just wanted to have a few drinks by herself and wallow in self pity. She had been sitting for nearly ten minutes on the comfortable bar stool, nursing her drink, when a person sidled up to the bar and sat down two seats from her to her right and ordered a light beer. It was a...
Lesbian(Dave’s Story) mc, mf, impreg. voy. It wasn’t until they reached the bottom of the escalators that Dave realized he and Kurt weren’t just being escorted away from the fucking couple. They were getting tossed out of the store all together. “This is so unfair! What did we do that was so bad?” Dave whined. “Nothing,” Shawn replied. “I just can’t have a couple of teenage boys watching live sex shows in my store.” “Can’t we at least hang out on the ground floor?” Dave pleaded. “No. There’s...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 25, 2011) Chapter 33 - The Songs We Sing Dad awakened me a few hours later to allow me enough time to get ready and eat lunch before we had to go. I was a little tired from the wacky schedule, and wondered if going back...
Hi, my name is anand, 25 year old living in mumbai. My email id is gmail.com…You can send me feedback on my email….Now I am telling you a genuine story…The incident is one year ago… I have joined a job in mumbai in 2014 .Aage ki story hindi me. Mai delhi se mumbai aaya aur office jana start kiya tho ek din mai bus se aa raha tha tho mere mobile par ek phone aaya… Lekin bhind jyada hone ki wajah se apna mobile pocket se nahi nikaal paya.Ghar jamar dekha ki ek unknown no tha. Maine wasps se us...
Charmaine woke up the next morning and thought about the night before. Arousal welled up within her and she headed straight to the bathroom. A cold shower helped a little. However, she couldn’t take a cold shower all day long though, and thoughts of Ryan would not stay out of her head. She was horny. With Danny, if she had sex with him the day before, she often was fine with going another couple weeks without it. A nine and a half inch cock made all the difference. 6 o’clock could not come...
I watched as Jenny Card came out of the rear entrance of her parent's pizza place. She trotted lightly across the parking lot and jumped into Eddy's car. I was parked next to Eddy, but it was late in the evening and I was sure that Jenny couldn't see me in the shadows. I scrunched down in the seat of my old Mustang and prepared myself for a show. Jenny immediately wrapped her arms around Eddy's neck. Their faces moved in and out of the shadows, but it was obvious that they were swapping...