- 3 years ago
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I remember seeing his still lifeless face as he lay there in the coffin,I peered inside and tried to catch a glimpse of the man I once knew, my motherwas crying uncontrollably and when I went to comfort her she pushed me away.
I remember waving to her as the train pulled away and watching as she slowlydisappeared into oblivion. I can still see the blue sash around her waist ripplingslightly in the updraft of the train.
I think back at my first glimpse of the ship and the noise of the crowd asthey pushed and shoved their way along the gangplank, children crying and motherscomforting them as the storm crashed along of us, nothing but water surroundingus and no sight of land. I lay in my tiny bunk wondering why I had been sentaway, I had never seen my aunt or even heard of my mother speaking of her tillthe funeral, I can still feel the tears dripping off my cheek as the ship swaystoo and fro the thunder roaring all around.
I remember my first glimpse of the pyramids in that overcrowded coach andthe stench of the live stock as we all travelled together. My dress which waswhite with a golden trim had once hung proudly from my figure but the harshnessof the trip and turned it a musty grey and I was lathered in sweat. I can stillsee the women as they sit their in their black shrouds, as though they weregoing to a funeral, I felt so out of place, so infinitely lost.
If I close my eyes the images of those men, the men who were to change mylife forever was burned into my head as if by red hot needles, the anguishI felt every time I saw their faces cut so deep into my heart, my breath wouldshorten and my chest tighten as the pain raced through my veins.
I watched as the pyramids passed into the distance and the burning heatof the desert surrounded us as though by a blanket. I watched as the horsesapproached the coach and thought nothing of it till they produced swords andforced the driver to quit his occupation. They dragged him from his seat andboarded. I sat so quiet and so still afraid to move in case I stood out, whata silly thought, of course I was going to stand out, a lone white female attireddifferently from every other body on the bus, but back then I was young andnaive, every little hope was still hope.
I remember the trepidation I felt as one of them approached me, yellingat me in a language I didn't understand and getting frustrated and agitatedas I sat there confused staring blankly at him. He dragged me to my feet slappingmy face hard and roughly pushed off the bus onto the floor on my knees. Thedust was kicked up around me as the bus driver sped off and left me there atthe hands of the kidnappers, he neither tried to stop my abduction nor slowedto look back, within seconds he was out of sight and I was alone and helpless.
The tallest man of the group came and tied my hands around my back, withrope he tied my lead to his horse and my two day journey across the swelteringdesert began. I was mercilessly hauled behind them for the entire trip, ifI fell to my knees I was whipped till I arose again, water was scarce and rarelysupplied to me and by the time I reached my destination my dress was tatteredand torn and covered in my sweet and blood, my knees where torn to shreds andthe blisters on my feet had melted my feet to my shoes.
It was nightfall when we got there, I remember vividly the stars, so manystars, like the blanket of night was so moth eaten it would take merely thefinger of a child to rip it into daytime.
There was no sign of the building from the ground above, I entered it bysteps leading down, and the corridor was dimly lit by candles, slipping a fewtimes onto the bare rock I ragged my knees further as I fumbled to find myway around.
My holding cell that night was sufficient to sleep in, nothing but sandas my bed, but the rest was so needed I didn't care, we had stopped that wasall that mattered to me that night.
In the morning I was woken by the men who had captured me, they led me toa room with a large hole carved in the rock in the centre and filled with water,here they stripped me and bathed me slowly, rolling the cool water over mycuts and washing every trace of the desert from my being ready for the 'presentation'.
Clad in just a simple white shroud, I was taken to a large hall where therewas a substantial gathering of men, money was trading hands and the smoke thatfilled the air was suffocating. I stood in the centre of the room and for afew seconds all went quiet.
I felt the blood rush to my head as for the first time I was stripped totallynaked in front a man and not just a man a whole room full, no other had everseen my flower or the delicate curves of my haunches, but here I was, vulnerableand alone and I was soon to find out, for sale.
I stood there in all my glory, and the men sat and stared, I shudder andstill do as I see their faces surveying my body, but more so do I shudder asI recall how they lay me on the floor in the middle of that stage and partedmy legs, I watched as the man closest to me lent down and parted my outer labia,I tried to pull away from him, but the others held me fast as he slid his fingersinside me, immediately I tensed up but it didn't stop him from completing histask.
Once finished he stood and announced in perfect English that I was untouchedand my hymen was still tact. The shock I felt when I heard him speak my nativetongue was unbelievable, but more so was the shock when the money started topass hands, and I was pulled to my feet for full inspection.
I wriggled and writhed as their hands moved sensually over my naked body,the ambiguous feelings that filled my head were, for a few moments unbearable,till I saw the gentleman who had bought me, he was such an outward gentlemanbut his accent was heavy and his skin colour was a deep brown, he had largebrown eyes and a full head off hair amazingly he was one of the oldest of thegroup.
He didn't say much in the coach ride that night, but what he did say wasin perfect English and straight to the point, he made little effort to comfortme but at the same time his presence made me feel safe.
He explained to me I was to be a present, a gift from father to son.
Once at the house, I was dressed accordingly and made to wait in my roomtill my presence was required. I remember that room, the lavish tapestriesand the mounted art, most of all I remember the large wardrobe, and the secretshidden deep within.
He called me late on that first night, I was to strip and kneel on the floorat his feet while he brushed my hair and spoke to me with a loving kindness,such a rarity for me since my father died, I let my head fall back onto hislap and listened to his low tone.
He said I was to become the perfect wife for his son, and to do that I mustlearn how to become 'perfect'. He said I must understand their ways, how theyeat, what were his favourite things, and most of all how to obey every orderhe gave me down to the most miniscule of detail's, to create the overall outwardappearance of sheer perfection.
I closed my eyes and thought for a few moments, this was the most loved andwanted I had felt in years, the way his hands softly caressed my hair and thecurves of my neck, I wanted to please him and remain by his side, to do thatI had to become 'perfection'.
He explained to me the importance of pleasing a man in the bedroom and promisedto teach me how, above all though he stressed the importance of me keepingmy 'innocence' for my betrothed.
Slowly he led me upstairs back to my room, he lay me down on top of the plaindamask sheets and went over to the wardrobe, with a small key from his lefthand pocket he open the doors and I saw for the first time, what looked likethe most evil cavern I had ever laid my eyes on. He reached deep inside andproduced a long chain and some metal cuffs.
"I know this seems cruel my little one" he said stroking my hair as he slippedthe cuffs around my wrists "but believe me you'll thank me for it in the end".
As he roped me to the bed he continued to speak "I know your are scared andfrightened, you look so small in my arms, so innocent, if id have left youin that room you would have been raped, ravaged and murdered by now, you wouldn'twant that would you?" he asked "no sir, I wouldn't have liked that" I saidas I lay there trembling on the bed, his strong arms securing my arms to thehead board. "you don't want to be sent there, do you?" his deep brown eyeslooked into my face, I felt like he was looking straight through me," no sir". "Areyou willing then, to do what is required of you?" he said, his tone has deepenedand his eyes twinkled, I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do but I agreed.
"first things first then, we cant have you going about like that, my sonwill never accept you if you are circumcised" he said as he chained my feetup, the chains cut into the skin under my knees, this was now the most vulnerableexperience I had ever endured.
All I remember about that was the immense pain, like a searing shock wavepounding through my body, gushing over every single orifice like a forty foottidal wave against the shore, sweeping away every other thought in my head.
I spent the first week of my new life with him there in that very room, everydayhe came and tended to my every need, for someone who could be so intolerablycruel he was surprisingly attentive and kind.
My training began the day I was fully healed, the sun was barely peeringover the horizon the first morning he came to me, callously I was dragged frommy resting place and flung onto the rug, his dominating figure blocking thelight from resting upon my skin as he tore the clothing from my body. I lookedinto his eyes before I felt the sting from the first lash from the leatherwhip across my bare naked skin.
By the time he had completed his task my body was aching and covered in smallcuts, carefully he lifted me and lay me onto the sheets, stroking my hair backhe looked into my eyes and said "this is the first day of the rest of yourlife, I never want you to look into another mans eyes and you wont be permittedto look into mine unless I demand it from you" I lowered my head and beganto sob pitifully.
He walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a long black robe he threwit over to me," this is the only form of clothing you will be adorned in fromthis moment on" I lifted it up and noticed there was nowhere for my head togo, then I remembered the women on the bus, they were clad from head to footin the same item, I lowered my head and put the shroud on.
"The only time you're allowed to take it off is when your bathing and whenyou're Master tells you to" he said as he came and stroked my head throughthe shroud.
It took me a long while to get used to the new item of clothing, it was horrendouslyheavy, when I wanted to look to the side I had to turn my entire head as thehole was only just big enough to see through, it was like wearing a set ofblinkers and at first I hated it.
The morning beatings continued daily, each morning I was awoken the sameway, although I had to sleep in my shroud. He would make me hitch my shroudup over my shoulders exposing my raw naked back he made me lean over the bedfor my lashings. How I detested them, each one would cut into the skin, sometimesone would occasionally go over one from the day before, the way in which Ihowled then must have deafened him. I got used to them however and one morningI was up before he came to my room, I decided to cut out the beginning , Ihitched my skirt high up over my shoulders and lent over in position and waitedfor him. When he entered the room I saw the biggest smile spread across hisface, "you may cover" was all he said to me then beckoned me to follow himas usual to breakfast. That was the first breakfast id had in the morning roomof that house being able to sit down comfortably, I realised how I had pleasedhim and avoided the whipping and vowed to always to be up, bent over readyfor him from then on.
Slowly I was learning how to please my master, he showed me how to take hishuge cock down into my throat without chocking, at first I hated this too,I would gag and choke the second it hit the back of my throat, he would pinme down and ram it in, raping my throat, slapping me harshly if I pulled awayfrom him, but I soon learned to like it.
As time progressed I learned how to wait on him hand and foot, I took speciallessons from a local chef on how to prepare and cook his meals. In all honestyI enjoyed it, I was useful and I had a master who was loving and kind as longas I obeyed him and pleased him. The biggest reward for me was to see his satisfiedsmile whenever I had completed a task exactly how he had set me. I hated beingdisciplined though, I hated it when he ignored me or beat me, I know thoughif I did as I was told and followed the rules he wouldn't, he was only teachingme how to be a good wife, I loved him for it.
I remember the day I first met his son, he was so tall and handsome, I waspresented to him at his birthday. I stayed in my room until the master camethrough with him.
"Remove" master said, I did as I was told and stood there in all my glory,I watched as his son surveyed my entire body, touching me and gliding his fingersover my moist clammy skin, I felt so nervous, I wasn't bothered about my nakednessI had learnt from Master this was a good thing when requested, but I wantedto please him and his son, I was so afraid I wasn't going to be able to.
Here I have remained, in masters house until this day, today I am to be wedto his son, to the man I've only ever met once, I am terrified, I'm also sovery afraid to leave my master, his son lives a long distance away, I knowthat I will probably never see him again, if marrying his son is the last thingI can do to make him smile in gratitude for something I have completed perfectly,then I will do it.
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I had just been into exploring my sexual side for a short time when this happened.I was about 16 and still shy and nervous. I had kept my sexual liaisons to the local cruising places at night and anonymous. I wasn't old enough to get into the gay bars, and hadn't worked up the courage to go into the local bath-house, The Apollo.I was walking through the mall one day when I noticed a guy checking me out. I was surprised by how obvious he was in such a public place. The mall was dead, but it...
Trish was twenty one and was no stranger to hard sex. She had been having sex since she was thirteen. She loved it rough and kinky. Many of her men friends were older or married. She was pretty and sexy and a freak in the sheets. There was very little she would not do for the right cock. A good cock to Trish was a hard one. She loved them hard and long. She loved cum rather it come from a hard cock or a wet pussy. She would spread her legs for a male or female tongue. She loved to suck a nice...
She was riding in her usual covered carriage with her trusted driver at the reins. The trip was thus far uneventful. They had traveled this road many times. As they turned a corner in the road, they were confronted by a band of scruffy looking young men. There were three of them; more than her elderly driver could fight off. One of the men looked in the carriage and saw the long curly red hair of the woman sitting clutching her breast as if to ward off an attack. The man pulled her arms away...
You drive down the dark, dimly lit street in your van. You hope you have the right road, because the time is almost upon you. Suddenly, you see her. She is dressed just like she said she would be in the email, short jean skirt, black tank top, and a little over-shirt that she has dropped down below her shoulders. She's carrying a white bag with blue straps.She wasn?t kidding about the hair either. Its long curling waves flow down her back almost past her full lush ass. You know...
####This is my third work on CHYOA, hooray! This work needs polishing and perhaps more content which I will be updating in the near future. If you don't like cuckhold & stupid male protagonist & rape & minor violence, turn around now. Otherwise, enjoy! Lara and Jake are neighbors. They go to same college and live next doors. Lara is the nerdy type when at school, with a rather short build, wearing a giant pair of glasses, dressed like a typical good gal that doesn't stand out among the crowd...
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"I love you," I whispered. That was how it began. I didn't know it at the time, of course, but those three words sealed my fate. They were true. Still are. She loves me too. Of that, I have no doubt. She tells me so with every touch, every lingering kiss. It's just that she has needs... But that is not where I begin. We had been casual lovers for some time, and she had always been in control. I loved that about her - her strength and confidence. She was demanding, but I loved...
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I woke before the alarm clock sounded and turned it off without disturbing Joan. I love lying in bed beside her on a Saturday morning, savoring sensations of warmth and comfort that never seem so intense at any other time of day. I could spend whole mornings with her in my arms, hitting the snooze bar over and over, staying on the threshold of sleep, reveling in her heat and fragrance, savoring the best part of my life in nine-minute gulps. She, however, insists on staying unconscious till...
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Part 1: Japan I'd been wondering for years how it would be to experience sex with as many different women throughout Asia as I could manage to be with. I decided to start out with women in China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. After that, I'd either go to Europe, AFrica, or the Middle East and continue my research there. This is the account of my first evening of Asian sex while on this trip -- in Japan. When my latest sexual conquest, who I'll call Beth...
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The next morning Reece woke up stiff, rolling his tongue around in his mouth. His mouth tasted funny. Oh yeah, it's pussy. He thought with a smile. But not Gia’s pussy! Panic erupted in him, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked in the bed; Tasha was sleeping soundly beside him. FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK!! It wasn't a dream. He actually had done it. He cheated on his wife. Gaping anguish threatened to swallow him whole now as his stomach lurched. He felt sick. He looked around the room trying...
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Sex ToyI was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me right, Georgia. There were a string of murders that had happened and strange things I guess had been going on. My boss figured if I got a really good story that maybe we could start selling our papers to bigger cities. I had...
Wish Shift: Chapter Seventeen Seed Year 1 A.S. Day 91 Grandma sauntered out of the trailer wearing a red and white bikini. She had her auburn hair pulled back and she was wearing a pair of oversize sunglasses. She lay down on the folding lawn chair and started rubbing tanning lotion into her skin. Jenny giggled to herself and tried to imagine her as she was before wearing that bikini and just couldn't picture it. She turned back to cranking the blower on the coals to get them...
Gianna interrupts her stepdad, Ryan, while he is working on his computer at home. She has something to tell him. She saw her mother cheating on him. Gianna assure him that he deserves better. He deserves her perfect, twenty-year-old body. Both begin to use each other’s bodies to get back at her mother, though soon Ryan gets so lost in Gianna’s tits and her tight pussy that he seems to forget he is even married. They have obviously spent a lot of time fantasizing about fucking each other, and...
xmoviesforyou“Zeus, Apollo, Athena.” “That’s because we are them.” “That couldn’t be” you replied. “Do you think a mortal could have a cock as big as his? Or a better tasting cum?” she teased. She was right about the size of his cock but Sonia had never tasted anyone else’s cum. He was much bigger than a normal human in every aspect. Everyone had always talked about how handsome Apollo was and how he looked better than Hercules if not stronger. She was speechless. She didn’t know what to believe....
Back in 1975, my young wife and I had moved from our hometown to El Paso, Texas. I had taken a job there and we moved about seven hunded miles early that summer. As I have told in my stories earlier, we had purchased a house with a swimming pool. I worked various shifts in my job and my wife was unemployed and staying at home working around the house. Our home was in a quiet neighborhood. We had two neighbors on either side and one on the back of our yard. The previous owners had raised the...
SeductionPart 1 – Robert Andrea had to be one of the most wild and exciting women I have ever known in a carnal way. Absolutely ready and willing at a drop of a hat. She had no inhibitions and she had orgasms that didn’t quit. It was hard to know if they were multiples or just one marathon long ones. When she came, she completely coated my cock if I didn’t take the opportunity to pull out and watch her cum pour out of her vagina that was so damn lickable if it wasn’t so enthralling to watch. And she...
"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 7: "B" is for Blossom, the Forest Fairy Princess It was a few days before Christmas. The snow had gone, but it was raining very hard, so me and mummy stayed in the house. Mummy told me to put on my pink tutu and my white ballet tights and my ballet shoes. "You should practice your dances for the pantomime, Beverly," she told me. "You don't want to make any mistakes when you perform in front of the mayor, now do you?" I was puzzled. I knew that a mare was...
Hot yoga just got a lot hotter with these 4 hotties who are best friends. They are headed into a hot yoga session with their instructor who asks why there is a cameraman with them. They inform the yoga master that he is just there to film and take some glamour shots of them doing hot yoga. The class begins and these 4 girls are in very sexy yoga pants, ones that look really good when a hot girl is wearing them and bending over. The camera is picking all of this up when one of the girls pulls...
xmoviesforyouAfter a night out, my wife and her friend Joan came home pretty drunk. My wife had been texting me that Joan had given her boyfriend a blowjob earlier in the care and he didn't recipricate so she was angry with him. When they were at the bar, they were surrounded by several younger guys. Joan had taken a fancy to one and I am pretty sure my wife wated no time flirty with the others. They had left the one bar and headed to another. They didn't last long at the second when Joan walked out...
Hi I am Vineet back again with a new incident happened a few days back, for those who r reading my story for the first time, I am Vineet from jalandhar (punjab). Dikhne main slim hun age 22 hai or height 6 feet hai , vaise to smart hun , ladkiyan or bhabhiya mujhe dekh ke jaldi fas jaati hai, meri recent stories ” fucking newly wed bhabhi in train ” and “fucking punjabi neighbur bhabhi” pe aap sabke kaafi ache ache comments aaye, u can mail me @() Main kaafi time se ghar par hi tha, colleges...
Master Lucien Relan was a merchant master from the city of Cat Harbor, a seaport on the Souter Peninsula, southeast of Aithen. He was in fact the wealthiest and most influential merchant in Cat Harbor and had his hand in almost every endeavor within the city, both the legitimate and the not so. He was at his desk early going over paperwork for the day when a knock at the door interrupted his train of thought, and his mental calculations "Come!" he called out irritably, placing the latest...
Up till now I haven't had any further encounters with my pretty redheaded neighbor or her friend since that wonderful night. Although the weather has started to change here, I did get a verbal confirmation they're throwing one last party at their place before fall/winter.Beth's husband was out mowing his backyard today and I managed to socialize with him at the end of our fence. Small talk really but he apologized for any loud music or noises they had made that might of bothered me. I told him...
This story is a literal translation of my own German story "Der Hacker". I appreciate it if you point out bad English in my text, it's not my native language and I'd like to improve my story. The keyboard clacked, Thomas stared at the computer screen as if spellbound. The instant noodles had already gotten cold, his cola just tasted stale, he hadn't closed the lid. His eyes burned like hell and his head ached. It had to be possible. Another line of codes flowed from his fingers, another one, he...
Mind ControlChaos that somehow seems to work, that’s how I’d describe India. You go into a shop, perhaps to buy some silk and you are assailed by eager sales staff who deliver their patter without giving you a chance to draw breath. They offer coffee or tea, show you endless items in which you’ve already told them you have no interest but they are relentless. On the streets you have to avoid potholes, beggars, cows, appallingly parked cars, burning piles of rubbish, other pedestrians who are so busy...
LesbianThe first Potions lesson of the new term was an interesting affair. Six Gryffindors had scored the required E to study it at NEWT level, and we made our way down to the dungeons along with five Ravenclaws, two Hufflepuffs and three Slytherins, Gerry Stebbins looking rather disappointed once he realised Mary wasn’t there. I knew that Charlotte had only just scraped into the class, but she was clearly thrilled to notice Remus had also made the grade. Severus Snape made a beeline for Lily...
Was war das für ein Gewitter in der Nacht! Hab kaum durchgeschlafen! Gut dass Wochenende ist und ich ausschlafen kann. Aber jetzt ist auch Zeit aufzustehen. Ich öffne mein linkes Auge. Wo ist mein Radiowecker? Ich wisch mir die Haare aus dem Gesicht. Aber da wo er stehen müsste, ist er nicht! Was für Haare wisch ich mir da eigentlich aus dem Gesicht? Mein Igelschnitt ist das wohl kaum? Ich richte mich auf und öffne auch das zweite Auge. Durch die Vorhänge fällt sanftes Vormittagslicht ins...
Hi, dosto, mera name Sushant hai, main West UP se hu. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai. Meri lambai 5 feet 8 inch hai, main dikhne mein smart hu. Yeh kahani mere tau ke ladke ki wife Mansi ki hai. Mansi ko main bhabhi kehta tha. Bhaiya ki shadi ko abhi ek sal hua tha. Bhaiya subh office chale jate aur sham ko ghar aate the. Rat ko kabhi-kabhi hi bhabhi ko chodte the. Yeh bat bhabhi ne mujhe bad mein batayi thi. Bhabhi ghar par akeli rehti thi, kyoki mere tau aur tai gaon ke rehte...
In the previous part, I explained how my mom and I had sex for the first time. We went on lingerie shopping for her. We returned from the shop and had lunch together. We sat on the bed, talking to each other. I said, “You were looking so sexy in all the lingerie. You don’t know how I controlled myself there. My dick was hard till we sat on the bike.” Mom replied, “My son is too horny. I think I should start searching bride for him from now.” We started laughing. She asked me, “Why did you spank...
IncestMy friend Isabel a Spanish called me on that day, saying she had a problem and needed my assistance. She then gave me an account or her story, with details of her problem, on the phone: she had gone on a trip for a few days and, on having returned home, she dug in her purse for the apartment keys, even pockets, everywhere; the apartment keys were gone. She possibly had lost them. She lived alone in her place, so nobody would open from inside. The only way out of this would be to get a new...