The Bride Of Yannis: Quite A Busy Day (Part 3 Of 4) free porn video

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Notes: 1) Even feeling in peace as a woman, after her transformation, she didn't forgot her past as a male boy, which becomes evident in the plan she develops and in the need she feels about being accepted by her father. 2) As in any person who is challenged by fate, she grew well beyond the psychological age she should have (14 years old) as her complex plan demonstrates. The bride of Yannis By Sylvia Wechsel Part 3 - Quite a busy day As soon as Vri'e woke up, she made quickly the morning hygiene, dressed in a working tunic, and went straight to Rha'de'Yannis' room. The previous day could only be described by one word: madness. And the day started so promising! Tired of the effort spent in the labor, mother and son slept continuously for about 12 hours, as soon as they woke up, however, problems started. As Rha'de'Yannis breastfed her son for the first time, she noticed her milk was not white, in fact, it was almost transparent, resembling water. She went nuts, thinking she would not be able to feed her son and thinking he would die of hunger. It took one entire hour, and the assurance of four priestesses who were mothers (including Vri'e), saying that was normal in all pregnancies, and that with the time her milk would look as everyone's else until she finally calmed down. This crisis was barely over, when the next one started. The child evacuated a green goo, making everything dirty. It was a mess, but the worse part was Rha'de'Yannis' panic, because she thought her son was ill and would die. It took some hard words by Vri'e (she almost slapped her face), until she convinced herself that any child evacuated that green goo in the first time, that this was normal, and that her son was healthy. By then, however, Rha'de'Yannis' nerves were a mess and her stress contaminated everyone, including her baby, who started crying almost continuously (he stopped only when he was being fed). He was clearly fighting the need to sleep he was feeling, and this made everything worse. Finally everybody who was trying to help gave up, and left mother alone with her son, going to sleep themselves. Vri'e felt guilty, she felt she abandoned her friend when she most needed help. She couldn't blame Rha'de'Yannis for her inexperience. Sometimes it seemed that she was the only one who saw Rha'de'Yannis for what she was: a scared little boy trapped in an impossible situation. The others saw the power of the office of the high priestess (anointed by the god himself), or the strong woman, who used her strong will to back up the council's decisions and fought her enemies in the priesthood. Sometimes seemed that only Vri'e saw the truth, she had not been a woman in her previous life, and she was never prepared for that. Everything was new, and scary. In the name of Yannis' horns! Ordinary women felt scared in a first pregnancy, she remebered! As she opened the door, she was expecting to find a battlefield, but the scene she saw worked as a bucket of cold water over the fire of her fears. She saw Rha'de'Yannis laying on her bed, radiant, smiling, with her black hairs spread over the pillow, and her son, sucking her right breast. Vri'e said, "Hi, I see he calmed down." "As soon as everybody left," Rha'de'Yannis said and completed, "I think he was feeling the tension in the ambient, and this is why he was so nervous." Vri'e though silently, "And you too, my dear," then she asked, "Did you sleep well last night?" "Yes, he woke up only once, I gave him my breast, and he slept again." Vri'e noticed that she wanted to say something more, and so she asked, "And you?" Ashamed, Rha'de'Yannis said, "Perhaps you can give me some advice?" Vri'e was happy that she was finally acknowledging she needed help. Then Rha'de'Yannis continued, "As he woke up, I gave him my left breast, when he finished I tried to put him to suck from my right breast, as I did yesterday, but he was already asleep again." "I ended up with an empty breast and a completely full breast and it did hurt a lot, I could not sleep right and the pain only went off when he started sucking my right breast this morning." "That is why you have to alternate, here let me help you." Vri'e approached the bed and took the baby in her arms. The child made some attempt to cry for the lost food, but soon he was facing her left breast, and resumed sucking. Vri'e had skillfully switched the boy form side, fast enough he could not understand what was happening. While the baby peacefully sucked the left breast, Vri'e said, "I want to talk to you about what you said, when your son was about to be born." "Sorry for that, my pain was so intense that I thought I would die, I am ashamed," answered Rha'de'Yannis. "Don't be silly, every new mother feels that, I did, and my labor took only six hours to complete! yours took almost 25 hours, a kind of a record." The girls laughed, but Vri'e then said, with a serious face, "There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle again." "I know, I know, I think I told you that also because I needed to share that secret." Then she continued, "That's right, the fourth message Yannis gave me was that he abandoned us." "Why would he do that, especially after showing himself so vividly to everybody?" "He told we need to grow, we are too dependent on him and this is holding us back." "Where to he will go?" asked Vri'e. "He didn't explain, but he said it is a place beyond the stars." "This is dangerous news, if our enemies discover this, we are doomed!" concluded Vri'e. "I know, why do you think I was scared all the time during my pregnancy?" answered Rha'de'Yannis, and completed. "He told me I should keep this message for myself, and share it only with my successor, which should share only with her successor, and so on, until people were ready for the truth." "You are crazy appointing me as your successor, you know that I am as old as you, most probably I will die before you" said Vri'e joking. Rha'de'Yannis answered, also joking, "If this happens I can always appoint a new successor." Both girls laughed, then Vri'e said, "Look, your son fell asleep again!" "Good, help me putting him in the cradle, I'm starving, I want to go to the refectorium to get something to eat." "I can pick something there for you there and bring here." "Nonsense, he will sleep for a while and I need to get out of this bed and walk again" she answered, and continued. "Besides that, I 'm pretty sure the priestess you put on guard before my door will call me if he wakes up." "How did you know? did she make some noise, I ordered her to be completely still," answered Vri'e. "No, she made no noise, I just know you, and you would never let me here unprotected during the night." She stood up from bed, stopped for a few seconds to endure pain, and dressed in a working tunic, similar to the one Vri'e was wearing. Vri'e asked, "Are you feeling alright?" "The physician priestess examined me yesterday, when you were out, and I'm OK, this is only muscle pain due to the effort." Both girls left the room for the refectorium, Vri'e said, "You should take dairy products, milk, cheese, this is good for your milk." "I promise you, I will be a conscious milk cow," answered Rha'de'Yannis. Both girls started laughing again. Then Vri'e said, "I know you, you are worried with something else." "My father will pay me a visit in about one hour." "What does he want?" "I summoned him," answered Rha'de'Yannis, and completed, "He will prepare my, or better said, our, visit to the senate this afternoon, you come with me." Surprised, Vri'e asked, "Do you think this is wise?" Rha'de'Yannis answered, a bit upset, "It is time the senators know their new emperor, and our presence will strengthen the position of the council against our enemies." At this point they had already reached the refectorium, she took a piece of bread with cheese filling, and completed, "Besides that, the true reason is that I miss him." "This was the 14 years old boy talking,", thought Vri'e. *** Valian was conducted to the presence of the high priestess, by, what obviously was, an emasculated priestess. In the rare occasions in which a man was admitted inside the temple area, this was the custom. The emasculated were easy to recognize, they were fat, their breasts were not well developed and they still showed male traits in their face, an, of course, the Adam's apple, although they used to paint their faces and dress in women garments trying to disguise this. The number of the emasculated was smaller than of the women, reason for that was the high mortality rate of the "operation," which, up to the recent events, was conducted in very precarious conditions. His "daughter," the high priestess, once told him the temple consisted roughly of three quarters of original women and one quarter of emasculated priestesses. He could only agree with the decision of his "daughter" to release the boys which were in preparation of their oath, allowing them to decide whether they would participate in the ceremony or not. The plans to perform the emasculation in a more controlled fashion were also promising, even though no ceremony happened yet since that day in the temple to test this. As he entered "her" room, he saw Rha'de'Yannis (he found easier to think of "her" using "her" new name, so he needed not to be reminded all the time that "she" was his son) standing in front of the window, "she" was wearing a working tunic which, against the sunlight, was translucent, and did nothing to hide "her" female forms, which were clearly visible in her silhouette. He deviated his sight, this was too much for him. She was standing close to the cradle, as she saw him, she said, "Come closer father, take your grandson in your arms." He approached the cradle, saw that the boy was awake, and took him in his arms. A memory came back of the time in which he did the same with his son, when he was a baby. He smiled under that thought, but then his face became serious again, he returned the baby to the cradle and said, "Thank you... daughter." She came closer, held his left arm with her hand and forced him to look in her eyes, then she said, smiling, "Father, accept me for what I am now, I already have..." "I will try... my daughter," he answered, walking two steps back. In order to change the subject, he asked, "Have you already decided how will he be called?" "What the people say in the forum?" Wanted to know, amused, Rha'de'Yannis. She knew quite well that there was a poll running in the streets, and that even the senators were betting. No one would win that bet. "Some argue that his name should remind of Yannis, others think he should be called after one of the old heroes, the majority think he should be called after the name of the first emperor," Valian answered. Rha'de'Yannis heard all of that with a smile in her face, and then, obviously proud of herself, announced, "His name will be Valian'u" Pride invaded Valian, that name meant "from Valian" in the old language. His family name would not only be honored, it would become eternal , as the new emperor of the Gurran, but then he asked, "Do you think this is wise?" Rha'de'Yannis was visibly upset, twice that morning she had been accused of being unwise by someone she cared for. It seemed that people wanted her to be a strong woman when she needed to be a young boy, but when she took decisions as a strong woman, everybody thought of her as a silly boy. She decided to go straight to the preparations, since her mood became quite sour, "Is it everything prepared for my visit?" Valian recognized this was the high priestess talking, it was not his intention to offend his... daughter, but apparently he spoiled everything, again, He thought it would be better to go to the professional side of his visit and started to describe the events which would take place that afternoon, "You will be transported, in a litter, together with ... Valian'u, and will climb the stairs in front of the senate, you will be received by the commission, and then by the decanus of the senate, after that the special section in honor of Yannis, you and Valian'u will start." He was becoming more comfortable with his gransdson 's name, Rha'de`Yannis said, "Good, I want to strengthen the position of the commission without offending the senate, but I want to bring Yannis'Vri'e with me, I appointed her my successor and she can help me with Valian'u in the ceremony." "Of course, there is no problem that she comes with you, but tell me the truth, you are planning something for this afternoon, aren't you?" "Even if I were, it would be a surprise and no one wishes to spoil a surprise, isn't that true?" answered Rha'de'Yannis with a face which clearly showed she was up to something, like a naughty boy. *** She watched the port from the litter's window. It was already almost six years since she left the premises of the temple (during the entire pregnancy she remained inside the complex) and the last memory she had from that view was from the day she had been transported by the priestesses, as a young boy, the day she became a bride of Yannis. She was wearing a marvelous purple stola, which was held in her right shoulder by a golden pin which shined under the direct sunlight. Purple was reserved for the high priestess and for the emperor, of course. That garment had been used by the previous ones, but since they were invariably taller and more corpulent than her, she asked to adapt. The previous garment was straight and had no decorations, now it was showing many folds, becoming draped. This improved the visual appearance. The hemline had also been shortened, which gave a 'fluffy' appearance to the skirt. In the set, the garment looked more female than it had been for the other high priestesses. It was also convenient, she didn't need to get her breast fully exposed in case Valian'u got hungry. Yannis'Vri'e was sitting on the litter bench in front of her, The girl worn a light blue stole, similar to her's, but since her friend was taller (Rha'de'Yannis was as tall as a underdeveloped 14 years old boy, Yannis didn't think to make her taller, when he transformed her), her stola was less draped, which fitted their difference in rank, this day it was important to keep the right appearances. Yannis'Vri'e was a beautiful woman, she had thin nose, delicate lips and a long face, and shiny red hairs. She was not very comfortable, though. She had been submitted to a ' beauty' section by the priestesses. She had green shades in her eyelids, her eyebrows had been thinned and arched, a black paste had been applied to her eyelashes, making them to extend straight in front of her eyelids and her lips were skillfully painted in a bright red color. Her long hair had also been styled and embellished with golden hairpins. Rha'de'Yannis went through a similar process, with the difference that the color of her eyelids was deep purple, which fitted her black hairs and the color of her stola. The idea for this treatment came from Rha'de'Yannis herself. No other high priestess had used these things before, but she intuitively knew that her plan required she looked like a mix of fragile and seducing, besides that, it was important to show that these were new times, the church would not be a place of sorrow anymore. The travel was not quite comfortable. The litter was conducted by four strong slaves, who were quite skilled, but this didn't prevent to shake violently from one side to the other. Valian'u was sleeping peacefully in Vri'e's lap, he'd been fed before the travel and, apparently, he enjoyed being rocked during the travel. The girls felt relief when the litter was placed on the solid ground in front of the senate, so they could climb out the litter and up the senate stairs. It was the first time Rha'de'Yannis entered the senate building. When she was a young boy she enjoyed the descriptions her father made, dreaming of the day she would enter that building as a senator, as it would be expected for the aristocratic son of Valian. Well, fate intervened, but anyway, she was entering that building as someone quite more important than a single senator. It was not a fancy building. It reminded of an arena. There were benches for the elderly senators, but most of them stood to give their speeches. All senators dressed the white toga, which was a sign of their rank. The girls were received by the ruling commission, which led them to the center of the arena, where a fat, bold man was standing, he was the senate's decanus. Rha'de'Yannis took Valian'u from Vri'e and handed him carefully to the man and hailed him, saying, "In name of our lord Yannis, I bring you, our new emperor." The elder, with visible emotion, took him and carefully lifted the child over his head. Rha'de'Yannis was worried and ready to run an catch her son, in case he fell, but the elder managed to hold the baby and displayed to all senators, saying with a strong voice, unbelievable coming out the mouth of that fragile man, "Long live Valian'u the first" Cheers came from all sides. This was a happy day, and there was a truce between the fighting parties in the senate. No one would dare not to celebrate. Her son, showing some skill for the politics, decided to open his eyes for the first time when he was above the head of the decanus looking at all the senators upside down, and this was a further reason of joy, fortunately he didn't cry. The presentation ceremony was over, a religious service in honor of Yannis followed and was held by Rha'de'Yannis herself. She learned all the ceremony by heart since the day she decided to do this and did everything right, although she was nervous. After the ceremony they relaxed. Slaves and servants brought olives and bread and also watered wine and they were allowed to chat. She was entertained in a conversation with her father and another senator, which she knew, was the informal leader of the opposition to the council. They were chatting about amenities, as Rha'de'Yannis was giving her breast to Valian'u, who was partially covered by the folds in her stola. As is it were a casual question, she asked the senator, "The last conquer of our empire was made 30 years ago, why this was not followed by others?" While she asked that, she made sure to blink her eyes twice, which, with her long eyelashes, increasing the appearance of a empty headed girl. The vain senator assumed a paternal tone and answer, as explaining that to a child: "Our last worthy adversary was the empire of the Medes, there is nothing more to conquer, we reached the limits of the civilized world." "And there is nothing beyond these limits?" she asked, with an innocent look. "In the south there is the land of the great king and, beyond that, the great desert, it is not of our interest to mess with them, since we get most of our wheat from them, and they get most of their metal from us, we have therefore a truce, elsewhere there are only scattered tribes, goat raisers in the west, horse riders in the north and jungle dwellers in the east" answered the man, still finding himself very clever. "And why we don't conquer these tribes?" she asked. By then, everybody else was paying attention to their conversation. Her father intervened, "The costs would be prohibitive, and the way these tribes fight, by attacking in ambush and cowardly fleeing to the mountains afterward is not consistent with the way our organized army fight, and they also do not have riches worth of plunder, daughter." The way he called her 'daughter', stressing it as if she were a child being taught, showed that he understood her play. "Even so, there are absolutely no riches in these lands?" "On the contrary, there are reports of copper, gold and tin mines in the west, arable land in the northeast and good quality iron ore in the far north" explained the fat senator. "So why don't we exploit these riches?" she asked, thinking "almost there." Her father, now pretty sure of what she was planning, answered, "We would need advanced posts in these areas, and the logistics would be impossible to administer, child." He, again stressed the last word, to help her disguise as a fool woman discussing things she didn't understand. The fat, senator, then fell in the trap she set, replying to her father, "Not if we could settle colonies in those places, as it is said the eastern merchants did, these colonies would mine and exploit these riches and send us the product!" "Perfect" she thought. After that she let the senators discussing the idea of building a colony in some place far from the empire. Since she was a young boy, she believed the only way the Gurran empire had to survive, was evolving from a conquering power to a colonizing power. Back then she dreamed of giving inflamed speeches in that same senate, summoning her fellow citizens to do that. The appointment for the brides of Yannis ceremony initially quenched this dream. In the last months, after being raised to the office of the high priestess, she began considering how she would spread that message. The reports her father made from the fights between the council and the senate, showed her, however, how pride and vanity played a role in politics, she realized that if the idea came from her, this would be dismissed as a fool idea, if her father brought the idea, he would face a strong opposition by his enemies, by making the leader of the opposition the "owner" of the idea, and showing him the "carrot" of getting richer exploiting the goods in the far lands, she practically secured the project of settling colonies, She met her father eyes and he was clearly proud of her, He understood what she did and he slightly waved his had to compliment her for the smart movement. Perhaps after that he would stop whining for his lost son and understand she was not less worthy just because she had been transformed into a woman. A lively debate was going on among the senators and they were even discussing what would be the best place for he first of such colonies. They agreed the best place would be the island which the natives of the western provinces called 'Trinacria'. She was satisfied. It didn't matter where this colony would be, the important thing was that the senators were discussing it. She had other things to deal with, among them, how to administer a religion with an absent god. As the ceremony came to an end, they left the senate, only to discover that word of her presence and of Valian'u's spread among the common people. All city was expecting them to leave. They had a hard time to walk down the stairs towards the litter, even with the guard's protection. Everybody wanted to touch her, and worse, touch her son. They were cheerful, but she realized that if something went wrong, panic would ensue. Also, they were exposed and anyone who desired to do harm to them could do it easily. As to confirm her fears, a male voice coming from behind her, said, whispering so only she could hear, "I know you!" She saw a young man from the corner of her eyes, she had the impression she knew him, but couldn't locate from where. She said, whispering, "What do you mean?" "You are one of the priestesses I fucked some months ago!" She froze in that place: one of the boys with which she had sex in the hidden room. The guy would expose her and this would be a scandal, but he continued, "If you are interested, come back to that room tonight, after everybody else goes to bed" and left before she could give an answer. Later, that night, after she fed Valian'u and verifying that he was safely asleep, she slipped off towards the secret room, avoiding the priestess who was on guard (and who was also asleep) . She took care to bring with her a small knife, which she could hide in her tunic. When she arrived, the young guy was waiting for her. She asked, "What do you want from me? Do you wish me any harm?" and secretly held the knife, ready to attack if he came over her, but the guy answered, "I positively wish you no harm" and left his toga fall to the ground, exposing a very long penis. She couldn't still place from where she knew the guy, but she would surely remember such a large cock, she said, "I didn't remember you were that... big!" "I'm using an aphrodisiac herb, if I remember right, you prefer to be taken from behind, why don't you get into position?" She eagerly dropped off her tunic and when it hit the ground, she heard the metallic noise of the knife falling to the stone ground. She went in all fours over the bed so her butt was exposed and at a good height, he approached her from behind, and, standing, penetrated her vagina. He liked it rough, just like she preferred. Soon she got her first orgasm, and then a second one, when she noticed he would ejaculate, she said, "Inside me, but not in the cunt." The guy understood what she wanted, he removed his cock from her vagina and penetrated her anus. His cock was covered in her vaginal fluids, so it did slide without much resistance, she also felt only a brief pain, which was quickly substituted by the intense pleasure of feeling that large cock inside her. The guy said, "I see you are tighter here!" Deep inside she thought, "No your moron, the body of my son just passed through my vagina and I would be tighter there," but she was too busy moaning, to say something. Then he came, filling her ass with his semen. He was cleaning himself with his toga and dressing himself, when she did something quite unexpected. She came closer to him and kissed him in the mouth, after that she said, "Thank you!" "You are welcome, if you wish, I can come back tomorrow," said the guy. "I do wish, but how should I call you?" she said. "My name is Jan," he answered, and left the room through the door which led to the street. Then Rha'de'Yannis dressed herself again and returned to her room, with a smile in her face and a drop of cum leaking from her anus. THE END (third part)

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Story: Bondage Bride (fsub spank bond)There were only a few friends at the wedding.  Family just wouldnot have understood.  The bride got all the attention.  Not onlywas Shawna beautiful -- she had walked down the aisle with hergloved hands cuffed behind her.  She was also deliriously happy. Her bridal veil covered her face, and her white wedding dress wasa touch on the modern side - low cut in front to show somecleavage, and the hem settled just above her knees.  She hadmeticulously shaved her...

4 years ago
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Blushing Bride Part Four The Hen Party

Blushing Bride - Part 4 The Hen Party by Richard-to-Rachel I've already told you all about the night a couple of days before my wedding, the night of my stag party, the night where I got to live out all my fantasies and play the blushing bride, dressing in my soon to be wife Gina's gorgeous white wedding dress and lingerie and being used and fucked by a whole big group of hunky men, my best friends. All of it was the...

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The Boy Bride Three Married

The Boy Bride Three -- Married By Gingerfred Man Previously For some of you, I guess this is the part of my life story you've been waiting to read. The part where I, Dylan Griffith, a pantied little sissy, get into a lovely wedding gown, attended by lots of envious bridesmaids and adored by a legion of jealous men, then get my ass plowed again and again by a big, strong, snorting, rutting husband. Well you won't be disappointed. Telling you about my wedding and my marriage...

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First Place Bride

First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...

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Olivias Bride

This is the second story I have written for the folks who use Fictionmania. I would like to express my thanks to the people who run this website. This is a work of fiction that came from the gray matter between my ears. Similarities to anyone living or dead are coincidental. I left it open-ended, so if someone wants to pick up the story and run with it, please feel free. I appreciate all the feedback (positive and negative) that I received from my first story, Ghost Mistress....

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Reluctant Bride A Porn Thriller

The Reluctant Bride? The man kept shoving me towards the old derelict house, the one where the murders took place or so the school rumour went! I wanted to run but he was quicker. “Com’on little pissy panties!” The fine drizzle made me shiver in just my rapidly chilling and transparent school uniform shirt as that man held my blazer jacket over his shaggy head.I had pissed my pants so my trousers were soaked, and I would have shit myself too if I hadn’t had that unusual big dump at school! That...

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My Brother8217s Bride

Huma presents another hot incest between brother and sister story. I thank you all for your comments on my stories. I had kept myself away from my incestuous love with my own brother Karthik, younger to by three years. Actually our first encounter had been a chance encounter. It had been my birthday and we drank just for fun. Slowly I grew tipsy and aroused sexually. My brother was fascinated by my large boobs and firm ass. To crown the evening, our Cable operator showed a blue film by chance....

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Mothers of the Bride

Mothers of the Bride By The Princess The morning of my 45th birthday. Things were pretty good. I was lucky to have a successful business, Jenny my wife of 19 years and three great kids, Tracy, 16, John, 14 and Katie, 10. We lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and I ran my own plumbing business, employing eight tradesmen and two office staff. I had long given up the tools and now concentrated on managing my growing business. True I was not as close to my wife as I once was, but...

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The Boy Bride One Feminized

The Boy Bride One -- Feminized by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Left out The Day began the way most days began for me. Nothing odd about it. But it ended so strangely that it made the rest of my life completely different from whatever I had imagined it might be. It was a Friday in October. My senior year in high school. I was 17 years, 6 months and 3 days old. Oh yeah, my name. Dylan Griffith. I lived with my Mom and Dad. Nice people. Decent, loving and understanding....

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

5 years ago
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Male Order Bride Part 2

Please read the first part of Male order Bride or this will not make as much sense... ... after several hours bouncing around in the box... his heart was pounding ... he was hot... sore from being bound in the box... his jaw was sore from the metal brace... his head was pounding from the strap encircling it... he was sweating from rubber wedding dress he was encased in... and he was incredibility sexually frustrated as his member was engorged and held firm and curved downwards in the...

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The Pinch Hit Bride

The Pinch Hit Bride (A Fantasy Of The Delights Of Transvestism) by Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown Hi. My name is Tommy, Tommy Girard. I am fifteen years old, and it is mid way through a Friday morning. At this moment, I am sitting in my sister Janet's room. And, I am torn with guilt, with fear, with a sense of perhaps betraying a loyalty, and, mostly, a sense that I have to do this thing that has been asked of me to do, for my sister. Let me...

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Straight Bride by Fianceacutes Lesbian Sister PT2

THE WEDDING DAYJennifer was a nervous wreck.Sure, part of it was the typical pre-wedding jitters. In a few hours she would no longer be single, she would only have sex with one man for the rest of her life, etc....But, what had been consuming her thoughts of late was much more devious... fantasies of a lesbian romp with her fiancé's sister. She couldn't explain it, but what had started out as playful flirtation had become an obsession... which had taken hold not while Lara was aggressively...

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The Widower Bride

The Widower Bride by enduringshades Three months ago Tom gathered his immediate family together and told them of his plans for his wedding anniversary. At first they were not sure they heard correctly, then they were shocked, and then they became very emotional when Tom told them of his ambitious plan and asked for their blessing and support to make it an unforgettable day and to celebrate Jessica's memory. Tom had married his childhood sweetheart Jessica last year. They were...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Wedding DelightChapter 3 Futarsquos First Sultry Bride

April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it was,” Adelia said, the talk show host interviewing me. She had such a naughty...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 9

It was finally the day of Mel's bachelorette party. It was amazing how fast the next month went. The speed came from everything coming together for the wedding so smoothly. None of the vendors or caterers called about issues. In fact the video photographer called and offered to stay a little longer. He got a new camera and wanted extra time to try out the new features. Each week at the dance lesson the couples were getting in better sync with other on the dance floor. Even Rhoda...

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The Saddle Bride

This is a story based in the old west of the 1870's. I have tried to be historically accurate in many regards but have chosen to use modern references to feminine undergarments in some places simply for my own pleasure. I hope that you will forgive me for that one indulgence. The story is quite long but I originally wanted it to be much longer. "The Saddle Bride" Chapter One Claudius Hopper, known locally as 'Claude' ambled down the very center of the dusty street. It had...

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The Pinch Hit Bride Redux

In October 1997 while wading through a newsgroup I found a shard of a story called The Pinch Hit Bride. It was originally attributed to Miss Karen-Anne Brown. Much of the beginning was a mass of garbled text, big sections of the story seemed to be missing. As I read it, I saw something in that story. It seemed like a great skeleton to create something around, so I did. Flash forward to a few months ago. While poking around on Fictionmania I was reminded of the 'search by keyword...

3 years ago
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A Day as a Bride

A Day as a Bride The following is a true story but some names have been changed. My name is Shari Williams and this is my story of a once in a lifetime dream come true for me. I was visiting a nearby town on business, and as luck would have it there was a bridal shop across the street from my hotel. After knocking off work early one day I decided to stop by and look around. When I walked in I was greeted by Candice and her mother Helen. They run the shop together. They said feel...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 10

Here Comes the Bride Chapter 10 Johnny Heenan was as cautious as a child crossing the street with how he was going to respond to the proposition his parents gave him; going to his second cousin's wedding as Jasmine. The offer had been on the table for months and it should have been answered by now. Johnny knew he should of and was expected to say yes. After all, how nice it would be to be seen by people when he was her was something Johnny brought up every time he dressed as...

1 year ago
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Find Bride

Find a bride? Today’s the day my dudes. Today’s the day that TPD is going to settle down. And what better way to do that than to find a bride online! is the perfect site for this. Granted, all the women on this site are Russian and Ukrainian, so if you can get over the thick accent then we’re on our way. Besides, we both know how sexy those eastern European girls are. And they raise them to be good housewives! Just the way it should be. Alright, before I doze off by thinking...

Hookup Sites
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The Bride

Jenna was born in a country where girl babies were raised and sold by the fathers for brides. Jenna's mom had birthed f******n babies and the eight girls were to be sold for brides. Girls were taught to serve the husband. Leo bought Jenna as when she developed she was very sexy looking. She had a slender waist and nice thick ass and great tits. Leo loved sex and had a huge craving all the time for it. He had a nice long thick cock and nice big balls. He was thirty years older than Jenna and...

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Blushing Bride Part Six Wedding Presents

Blushing Bride - Part 6: Wedding Presents by Richard-to-Rachel I was on an incredible high for a couple of days after my wedding. Like many bridegrooms on the day, I had felt very nervous, both about the day itself and the years of married life that stretched out before me. Only, I had a little more to be nervous about than many. It wasn't just my bride- to-be's contrasting virginal Catholic upbringing and sexy clothing choices that made me worry about my wedding night, it was the...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 10 The Bride

Introduction: The ghost takes a bride and her sister on her wedding day! The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Ten: The Bride Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Paris, Texas You dirty slut, Happy giggled. The reverends adulterous wife was sprawled on Franny Reynolds bed, her best friend and one of her many lovers. I used to think Happy was a shrewish prude, but after I molested her in the middle of her husbands church service, I...

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Sororal Twins 8 Picture Perfect Bride

Please read the other parts of this story first! Sororal Twins part 8: Picture perfect I wondered how many more surprises Jenny had in store for me. Amy started on some solo pictures of the bride alone. She took pictures from various different angles and used several different backgrounds. I moved from location to location and position to position as Amy requested. Jenny adjusted my train as I moved around. I really hoped that the pictures turned out. It would be nice to have...

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Proof of the Bride

Mark hated Claire. Despite becoming his aunt after marrying his uncle, he couldn't stand her. Claire was a confident, decisive woman. With long blond hair and a curvaceous figure, she cut an immaculate image beside her new, and rich, husband. She was also, of course, a shameless liar and only a slutty outfit away from being considered a bimbo. Her relationship with her husband, Jeffrey, proved her to be a gold digger, siphoning money from his bank to fuel her and her friends'...

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I Cant Be A Bride

I Can't Be A Bride by Throne The closer I got to my wedding date, the more nervous I became. It seemed almost impossible that I was marrying Talia, a gorgeous blond with the figure of a swimsuit model and the face of an angel. I got so stressed on the day we went to city hall for our license that she gave me a pill to calm me down. It certainly helped my jitters and the whole afternoon passed in a pleasant blur. Her gay brother Mark drove us and was there for every step of the...

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The Prince Bride IV

The Prince Bride IV By Missy Crystal Chapter 4 - Love and Marriage Under the influence of the magic and with the guidance of Elisse, Princess Charlene blossomed. Even the most critical ladies of the court could find no fault about which to gossip and all else were captivated by her grace, poise and charm. As she enjoyed meeting foreign visitors, practicing her languages with them and learning about their countries, word of the beautiful princess spread quickly. In return, inquiries...

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Rain Bride

She opened the box. Inside was a long robe of soft cotton, pure white and almost translucent. It was the garment worn by all Rain-Brides for their consummation with Sebak, but this one was made specifically for her. She put it on, savouring how silky it felt on her olive skin. She suppressed a nervous shudder as she tied the woven belt around her waist. Nailah had been elated when the high priest told her she had been chosen: such an honorable position seemed above her status. There were...

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Virgin bride seduced

Andrea,is a slightly stuck up teacher,she does not talk to strangers unless she has to,tall and slender with medium size firm breast,vegan diet and dally yoga keep her very fit.She is going to be my wife.After years of refusal she finally agreed to marry me,i can't wait to have sex with her,she is a virgin, at 24 she never had a boyfriend or anybody touching more then her arm,simply repulsing any physical contact.This was driving me mad with frustration but also with an immense desire for her...

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Blushing Bride Part Two

Blushing Bride - Part Two by Richard-to-Rachel I stood there, with my hand on the doorknob, waiting to go into the living room where all my friends sat drinking to celebrate my upcoming marriage. I hesitated there for a moment, not quite sure what their reaction would be upon seeing me dolled up like this, my fiancee's beautiful strapless wedding dress worn over sensual white lingerie, my face covered by Gina's veil and painted with her sexy make-up. What would these people who...

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Blushing Bride Part Three

Blushing Bride - Part Three by Richard-to-Rachel "Those pretty white panties are appropriate given that it's going to be your first time," David, my friend and former flatmate said, lifting up the white skirt of the wedding dress I was wearing and running his hand over the white lacy french knickers that I wore beneath, the feel of his hand on my arse causing my cock to twitch in excitement. It was my stag night, I was supposed to be enjoying my last night of masculine freedom,...

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Bride Gets It From Many

© 2001 This is a true story, though it happened quite a few years ago. It's a story of how my best friend managed to get into the pants of my conservative bride with my unwitting help. He took full advantage of the situation and wound up doing many a kinky thing with her. At first I did not know what was going on, but eventually found out, or rather was told - no more correctly, shown - that my conservative uptight wife was in fact a slut. In the 1970s the sexual revolution was in...

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Darkness and LightChapter 39 A Bride a Wedding and a Widow The End of a Journey

They had dismounted their horses, and as they now walked towards the three negotiators Athea watched them dismounting their horses as well. They all were tall, of pale complexion and it was difficult to guess their ages. Coming closer she could discern more details. Athea remembered Sureyssa’s remarks. She could not smell them like the cat, but now she understood the meaning of young bodies, but old minds. Their dark red heavy armors did not look shabby, but as if they had worn them for...

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The Bride

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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Bride Submission A Big Surprise

Introduction: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise Summary: Feminist lawyer learns of familys secret sex society life. Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991, Robert, and goamz86 for editing this story. Note 2: This is the first part of a year-long plus multi-part story of the brides extensive submission from powerful lawyer to obedient incestuous submissive slut during her wedding week. BRIDE SUBMISSION: A Big Surprise I just need to warn you my...

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Bride of the Boss

Bride of the Boss By Margaret Jeanette Judy Stimpson was sitting at her desk going over the last quarter's figures. They had made a profit but it was not as much as she had expected. She had bought this company a little over a year ago and wanted to see it expand. This was the lowest profit except for the second quarter after she took over. She had nine women and two men working for her. The nine women were doing their jobs excellently but Ted Martin and Tracy Holmen were...

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Mother of the Bride

Dave sat in a chair surrounded by his mates, family, and his father in law as the stripper started the music. We watched as she strutted over in her high heel shoes and her sexy secretary outfit. She was tall skinny and blonde not as I had requested from the strip club in the city. The woman new how to put on a show she had Dave naked and hard after two songs. The next song she pulled a pearl necklace from her shaved pussy and ran the strand of pearls under his nose. Stuffed them in his mouth...

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The Prince Bride II

The Prince Bride By Missy Crystal The door opened and Prince Charles entered. He was dressed in the style of the day for boys of the his age, a white linen shirt with long sleeves and a high collar, dark wool knee breeches over white cotton stockings and black leather shoes with a silver buckle. His attire was quite simple compared to the frills and frippery worn by the gentlemen of the court, a result, most likely, of the King's attempt to shelter him from all feminine influence....

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The Prince Bride V

The Prince Bride V By Missy Crystal Chapter 5 - Lady Marlyne The next morning, the Queen began her search by questioning the servants, who she expected would know the palace gossip. Indeed, with her royal assurance of confidentiality, they were eager to tattle, leading her to conclude that promiscuity was the favorite pastime of the court. Only one woman, however, was consistently mentioned as having the unusual combination of popularity and respect, and so the Queen sent for...

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The Brother Bride

My twin sister Julie and I had always been close. Growing up, we shared each other’s deepest secrets. I had always told her I would do anything for her.Julie was a girly-girl, and loved being female. She had said she would be happy if she could wear dresses and heels all the time. Her wardrobe reflected that. She had also known about my urge to wear female clothes since we were young, and being my dear sister, never told anyone else. She told me she could never mock me or embarrass me in front...

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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Virgin Bride

ForewordHello readers, sorry to delay the storytelling, this is just a short note about why I wrote this story. If you page down to the Prologue now, you won't miss any of the story.The creator of Sherlock Holmes – Arthur Conan Doyle – is possibly the world's most famous author of short stories, and these days erotica is the literary genre now most commonly presented in small, delicious portions; so the marriage of the two was too enticing for me to resist. I own (and treasure) a paperback...

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Three months a Bride Now Blacken

Brenda was spread out wide on the bed in her fifth floor hotel nearby the St. Thomas branch of Barclays Bank International. Three glasses and two bottles of Jamaican Rum sat on a table nearby. Her skirt was pulled up to her waist showing her trimmed mound while her light blue blouse, pink bra and panties were on the floor. The attractive white woman was bouncing hard on the bed, almost feeling the springs on her ass as Derrick, a newly hired young teller, pumped his dick eagerly between her...

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Here Cums The Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday.That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met.As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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MAU Blushing Bride

MAU: Blushing Bride Synopsis: At a bachelor party, a few friends use an MAU to liven up the party. This leaves the groom in a very strange situation with the upcoming wedding; he and his bride-to-be have to improvise a lot. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Blushing Bride "Hey! The unlucky victim is here!" Paul called cheerfully as he recognized the guest standing on the porch. "We've all been...

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