Taken free porn video

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You drive down the dark, dimly lit street in your van.  You hope you have the right road, because the time is almost upon you. 

Suddenly, you see her.  She is dressed just like she said she would be in the email, short jean skirt, black tank top, and a little over-shirt that she has dropped down below her shoulders.  She's carrying a white bag with blue straps.

She wasn?t kidding about the hair either.  Its long curling waves flow down her back almost past her full lush ass.  You know it?s her and the anticipation makes your cock jump eagerly in your pants. 

As you slowly move the vehicle closer you see her flick the remainder of a cigarette into the street.  You know for sure now that it's the right girl.  You drive past her in the van, your eyes lingering in the rear view at her large round half-exposed breasts.  You pull up around the corner and wait.  The forbidden thrill of what you are about to do makes your dick get even stiffer.

You climb back into the main part of the van, happy that you remembered to remove the middle seats.  Keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror you loosen the door from its latch so it will easily slide open when the moment is right.  You grab the hood off the seat and open it widely.  You can see her approaching, sauntering slowly up the sidewalk.  She passes the back of your van and is in the blind spot.  NOW! you scream silently to yourself.

You slide the van door open and see her shoulder pass right in front of you.  You leap from the van sliding the hood over her head and pulling her back in with you.  She struggles but doesn't make a sound.  You know now why she needed a strong man, she's a big girl.  You grip her under her tits, drag her inside and slam the door.

Once she hears the door slam she starts to whimper behind the hood.  You listen to the frightened mewling noises and your now rock hard cock starts to throb.  You grab the spaghetti straps of her tank top and pull them down to her elbows, locking her arms against her body.  The top of the shirt folds off her breasts and exposes her large pink nipples as they harden against the chill...and the fear.

You quickly grab the bag she was carrying, unzip it, and dump it out behind the driver's seat, delighted at all the potential you see.

"Well well, little slut.  Looks like you were going to a party.  Don't worry, it'll still be a party...in fact...you could say that you're the guest of honor."

The muffled sounds behind the hood increase as she starts to thrash around in fear.  You push her down on her stomach, sitting yourself on her cushy ass.  You lean over and grab a strand of rope from the pile behind your seat.  You flip her shoes off so her feet are bare and tie her ankles together with the beginning of the rope.  Then you pull her onto her knees.  She struggles against you, and her own clothing, as you force her hands behind her, tie them together at the wrists and then that to the tie at her ankles.  Fully secured you push her back against the rear seat of the van. 

You lean back to study your handy work, pleased at the sight of her exposed fleshy mounds quivering as her terrified breath comes in short gasps. 

You climb back into the driver's seat, your hard cock pressing almost painfully against your jeans.  You will have to do something about that soon, but now that she is restrained you feel the need to leave the area before someone sees you.

You drive for 10 minutes until you find a remote park with a dark empty parking lot and park the van.  This will do for the start.  She has fallen strangely silent during the drive.  That will never do.  You want to hear her beg.

You climb into the back and select a scarf from the pile.  She has fallen over sideways during the drive, you can see that she's been writhing against her bonds, trying to escape.  Good thing you know how to tie a fair knot.  You push her back onto her knees and sit behind her so the back of her head is in your groin.  You feel the erection that had sunk to a half-stock start to twitch and grow. Her muffled cries resume as she feels it too.

You reach around and grab her throat with one hand, while the other pulls the hood from her head.

"Don't scream," you say, squeezing her throat a little bit, "or it will be worse for you."

You can feel her jaw move as her mouth closes and she bites back her cries.

You release her throat and tie the scarf around her eyes (tying it under her hair so it doesn't loosen and fall off).  Once she is blinded you move back in front of her to take in the image.

The sight of her helpless, sightless, breasts heaving as she gulps air brings your hard-on back to the painful point.  You decide that something has to be done about that.

She jumps in her bonds as she hears your pants unzip.

"Please, please, don't hurt me.  I haven't seen you, please let me go, I won't tell anyone."  Her ragged breathing causes her pleas to be breathless, and intoxicating.

Resting your knees against the seat on either side of her head, you grab a handful of hair and force her head to tilt backwards.

"This is how I shut sluts up."

You drive your cock deep into her mouth, feeling her gag on it.  You keep her head immobilized as you slowly fuck her face. As you start to build up speed you feel her start trying to close her teeth.  You pull your dick out quickly and slap her (not hard enough to bruise) on the cheek.

"I was going to do this the easy way, but I can't having you ruining my moment."

You let go of her head and draw back, rummaging through the pile of tools. You emerge with an electro-stim TENS unit, complete with pads...perfect.

You take one of the pads and grab her left tit with the other hand.  You squeeze the base of the breast so that her nipple jumps up...hard as stone.  You lean over and run your tongue around the areolla, not quite touching the peak.  She squeaks and helplessly writhes her body against your grip.  You plunge your mouth down on the nipple sucking it firmly into your mouth and then latching your teeth on the tip of it.  You bite down until she screams, lightly, you can tell she is trying not to make any noise.  You let go of her nipple and quickly put the electropad over her little erect pink spot.  Quickly you repeat the process on the right nipple, making sure the electrodes are firmly adherred.

You turn the base unit on and slowly ease the power up.  You can tell when she starts to feel the tingling in her breasts, her breath catches and she instinctively sits up straighter.  You know the fear is starting to almost overwhelm her.  She is completely within your power and just starting to realize it.  You feel the precum start to pool on the tip of your cock as the thought boosts your arousal up even higher.  You bring the unit setting up to 7, just to the point when she involuntarily starts making noise from the sensation.  You change the setting to pulse, you want her nipples to throb with each thrust of your dick.

"Now, I am going to leave this little tool at this setting while I fuck your mouth.  I have the controller for those pads in my hand.  If I feel so much as a scratch of teeth against my cock I will turn it up to this."

As you say "this" you turn the base unit up to 9 and she screams with the pain.  You quickly turn it back down to 7 before the next pulse. 

"Do you understand me now, little slut?"

"Yes, yes," she nods her head emphatically, "no teeth, I understand, please don't hurt me."

"So now you understand about no teeth, but I specifically said no screaming.  I'm going to have to punish you for that."

"No, no please, I didn't mean to, I swear."

"Well you must learn to control yourself better if you want to avoid punishment."

"Please, no.." "Shut up."  She responded with alacrity to your order, clamping her mouth shut and breathing heavily through her nose.

"Now, what would be appropriate..." You dig around in the tools and find a likely insertable.  "I don't want to get you too stretched before tonight's festivities," You hear her breath catch at that, "This one is only 2 inches around..."

"Sit up straight.  Open your knees and put your heels beneath your ass."

She struggles to comply, bound as she is.

You put your hand beneath her skirt between her widened knees.  She twitches as you hand brushes over the top of her slit.

"No! Please don't.  Don't put your hand there!  Don't put ANYTHING there!"

You pinch the top of her cunt, grabbing her clit cruelly until she squeaks again.  "I said shut up, slut!  Why don't you want my hand there?  Are you afraid of what I'll find?"  You release her clit and slide your fingers back towards her dripping hole.  "Just as I thought.  You're wet, so wet that it's oozing from you.  You're enjoying this aren't you?"

She shakes her head violently. "Ah, ah, ah," you say, positioning the head of the dildo right at the entrance to her hole, "lying will only make things worse for you.  Just remember...I have larger tools than this, and crueller ways of shutting you up."  You slam the dildo deep into her pussy, pumping it in and out a few times while she tries to hold herself still.  Then you push it as deep into her cunt as it will go.

"Now, prop yourself up on the base of this dildo using your heels.  You need to keep this thing inside you.  If it falls out, I'll just assume you need a larger one."

You wait a moment while she positions herself according to your desires.  Then you once again grab her hair and thrust your cock into her mouth. 

You fuck her face quickly, deciding want to get off the first time so the rest of the night lasts longer.  You feel her mouth twitching and sucking with each pulse of the electrodes on her nipples.  Just for your amusement you turn the dial up to 8 for a few pulses, just a little stronger, before backing it back down. Her throat opens as she tries to keep her teeth from contact, sure that that is why you turned up the device.  You feel the long vibrations of her screams, wonderfully muffled by your hard member.  You chuckle to yourself as you feel your throbbing cock start to reach its limit.  You pull out of her mouth at the last moment, leaving her gasping as you shoot your hot cum all over her blinded face.  She tries to pull her head back in surprise, but your hand anchored in her hair leaves your target unmoving.

You laugh out loud as your cum drips off her chin.  You move back towards the front of the van, admiring your handywork.  You see her straining to keep her balance on the dildo when you let go of her head.

"Now, we can really get this started." You chuckle.

"Started? Please, you've had your fun.  Let me go!"

"Fun? Oh little slut, my fun for the evening has JUST begun.  As further punishment for your screaming defiance, I am going to leave your titties pulsing, possibly for hours."  Even with the blindfold you can see the expression of terror at the thought of hours of this torment. "I'm going to drive now, remember, you better keep that dildo inside you.  And if it falls out, you better tell me immediately, so I can remedy that, do you understand?"

"NO! I don't understand, why won't you let me go!?"

"It's simple, because you are under my control.  And I'm not done using you yet."

You start the van and drive out of the parking lot, you're amazed at how little time has passed.  You drive for a few miles, thinking of how next you will use your little slut.  You're glad you decided to share this bounty. 

You pull into a driveway, as you go around the corner you hear a THUMP.  Looking in the rear-view you see that your toy has fallen over.  You see her ankles wriggling, undoubtedly trying to keep the dildo inside her.  You laugh to yourself, you'd picked that one specifically because you knew it would fall out.  More reason to punish her later.

You beep your horn at the house where you've just arrived.  Your partner in crime comes running out to the van and hops into the passenger seat.

"Welcome to the party," you grin.

"Is this the toy you promised?" he leers into the back.

"This is the one...go ahead and use her while I get us to where we're headed.  But make sure that if you cum you do it on her face.  I want her soaked in it by the time this night is over."

"No!" the toy flinches back as far into the seat behind her as she can manage, "please, help me!  He's crazy, make him let me go, please!"  You feel your dick start twitching again as you realize she has started crying.

From the look on your friend's face he is experiencing the same sensation.  He runs his hands over her exposed breasts as she shudders.  "I like these," he says, tugging lightly on the electro-pads.  "But what is this?" He reaches down between her legs.

"Noooo..." her voice trails of in a wail as he lifts the slippery dildo off the floor where it had fallen.

"Was this supposed to be in her?"

"Tsk tsk, little slut, one task I give you and you can't even keep that in.  You must REALLY be enjoying yourself if your hole is that wet."

"No! I'm not! Leave me alone!"

"Do me a favor, Fred," you use the agreed upon names, "shut her up by sticking your cock in her mouth, if she gives you any trouble turn this up." You hand him the control panel.

"Actually, I think I'll use this," he held up the ball gag, "I have other plans for the ride there, I'll give her my cock later.  Right now I think I want to shove my fist in that dripping cunt."

"No! No you can't! Please no, I'll rip in half"

You go back to driving and let Fred take over control of the toy.

"Open your mouth."

You hear a muffled denial through closed lips.

"I guess I'll have to use this after all."  You hear a sharp screech quickly muffled.  You chuckle.  Fortunately, your destination is not far and is well known, so you can watch what's going on while you're driving.

You drive down the dark, dimly lit street in your van.  You hope you have the right road, because the time is almost upon you. 

Suddenly, you see her.  She is dressed just like she said she would be in the email, short jean skirt, black tank top, and a little over-shirt that she has dropped down below her shoulders.  She's carrying a white bag with blue straps.

She wasn?t kidding about the hair either.  Its long curling waves flow down her back almost past her full lush ass.  You know it?s her and the anticipation makes your cock jump eagerly in your pants. 

As you slowly move the vehicle closer you see her flick the remainder of a cigarette into the street.  You know for sure now that it's the right girl.  You drive past her in the van, your eyes lingering in the rear view at her large round half-exposed breasts.  You pull up around the corner and wait.  The forbidden thrill of what you are about to do makes your dick get even stiffer.

You climb back into the main part of the van, happy that you remembered to remove the middle seats.  Keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror you loosen the door from its latch so it will easily slide open when the moment is right.  You grab the hood off the seat and open it widely.  You can see her approaching, sauntering slowly up the sidewalk.  She passes the back of your van and is in the blind spot.  NOW! you scream silently to yourself.

You slide the van door open and see her shoulder pass right in front of you.  You leap from the van sliding the hood over her head and pulling her back in with you.  She struggles but doesn't make a sound.  You know now why she needed a strong man, she's a big girl.  You grip her under her tits, drag her inside and slam the door.

Once she hears the door slam she starts to whimper behind the hood.  You listen to the frightened mewling noises and your now rock hard cock starts to throb.  You grab the spaghetti straps of her tank top and pull them down to her elbows, locking her arms against her body.  The top of the shirt folds off her breasts and exposes her large pink nipples as they harden against the chill...and the fear.

You quickly grab the bag she was carrying, unzip it, and dump it out behind the driver's seat, delighted at all the potential you see.

"Well well, little slut.  Looks like you were going to a party.  Don't worry, it'll still be a party...in fact...you could say that you're the guest of honor."

The muffled sounds behind the hood increase as she starts to thrash around in fear.  You push her down on her stomach, sitting yourself on her cushy ass.  You lean over and grab a strand of rope from the pile behind your seat.  You flip her shoes off so her feet are bare and tie her ankles together with the beginning of the rope.  Then you pull her onto her knees.  She struggles against you, and her own clothing, as you force her hands behind her, tie them together at the wrists and then that to the tie at her ankles.  Fully secured you push her back against the rear seat of the van. 

You lean back to study your handy work, pleased at the sight of her exposed fleshy mounds quivering as her terrified breath comes in short gasps. 

You climb back into the driver's seat, your hard cock pressing almost painfully against your jeans.  You will have to do something about that soon, but now that she is restrained you feel the need to leave the area before someone sees you.

You drive for 10 minutes until you find a remote park with a dark empty parking lot and park the van.  This will do for the start.  She has fallen strangely silent during the drive.  That will never do.  You want to hear her beg.

You climb into the back and select a scarf from the pile.  She has fallen over sideways during the drive, you can see that she's been writhing against her bonds, trying to escape.  Good thing you know how to tie a fair knot.  You push her back onto her knees and sit behind her so the back of her head is in your groin.  You feel the erection that had sunk to a half-stock start to twitch and grow. Her muffled cries resume as she feels it too.

You reach around and grab her throat with one hand, while the other pulls the hood from her head.

"Don't scream," you say, squeezing her throat a little bit, "or it will be worse for you."

You can feel her jaw move as her mouth closes and she bites back her cries.

You release her throat and tie the scarf around her eyes (tying it under her hair so it doesn't loosen and fall off).  Once she is blinded you move back in front of her to take in the image.

The sight of her helpless, sightless, breasts heaving as she gulps air brings your hard-on back to the painful point.  You decide that something has to be done about that.

She jumps in her bonds as she hears your pants unzip.

"Please, please, don't hurt me.  I haven't seen you, please let me go, I won't tell anyone."  Her ragged breathing causes her pleas to be breathless, and intoxicating.

Resting your knees against the seat on either side of her head, you grab a handful of hair and force her head to tilt backwards.

"This is how I shut sluts up."

You drive your cock deep into her mouth, feeling her gag on it.  You keep her head immobilized as you slowly fuck her face. As you start to build up speed you feel her start trying to close her teeth.  You pull your dick out quickly and slap her (not hard enough to bruise) on the cheek.

"I was going to do this the easy way, but I can't having you ruining my moment."

You let go of her head and draw back, rummaging through the pile of tools. You emerge with an electro-stim TENS unit, complete with pads...perfect.

You take one of the pads and grab her left tit with the other hand.  You squeeze the base of the breast so that her nipple jumps up...hard as stone.  You lean over and run your tongue around the areolla, not quite touching the peak.  She squeaks and helplessly writhes her body against your grip.  You plunge your mouth down on the nipple sucking it firmly into your mouth and then latching your teeth on the tip of it.  You bite down until she screams, lightly, you can tell she is trying not to make any noise.  You let go of her nipple and quickly put the electropad over her little erect pink spot.  Quickly you repeat the process on the right nipple, making sure the electrodes are firmly adherred.

You turn the base unit on and slowly ease the power up.  You can tell when she starts to feel the tingling in her breasts, her breath catches and she instinctively sits up straighter.  You know the fear is starting to almost overwhelm her.  She is completely within your power and just starting to realize it.  You feel the precum start to pool on the tip of your cock as the thought boosts your arousal up even higher.  You bring the unit setting up to 7, just to the point when she involuntarily starts making noise from the sensation.  You change the setting to pulse, you want her nipples to throb with each thrust of your dick.

"Now, I am going to leave this little tool at this setting while I fuck your mouth.  I have the controller for those pads in my hand.  If I feel so much as a scratch of teeth against my cock I will turn it up to this."

As you say "this" you turn the base unit up to 9 and she screams with the pain.  You quickly turn it back down to 7 before the next pulse. 

"Do you understand me now, little slut?"

"Yes, yes," she nods her head emphatically, "no teeth, I understand, please don't hurt me."

"So now you understand about no teeth, but I specifically said no screaming.  I'm going to have to punish you for that."

"No, no please, I didn't mean to, I swear."

"Well you must learn to control yourself better if you want to avoid punishment."

"Please, no.." "Shut up."  She responded with alacrity to your order, clamping her mouth shut and breathing heavily through her nose.

"Now, what would be appropriate..." You dig around in the tools and find a likely insertable.  "I don't want to get you too stretched before tonight's festivities," You hear her breath catch at that, "This one is only 2 inches around..."

"Sit up straight.  Open your knees and put your heels beneath your ass."

She struggles to comply, bound as she is.

You put your hand beneath her skirt between her widened knees.  She twitches as you hand brushes over the top of her slit.

"No! Please don't.  Don't put your hand there!  Don't put ANYTHING there!"

You pinch the top of her cunt, grabbing her clit cruelly until she squeaks again.  "I said shut up, slut!  Why don't you want my hand there?  Are you afraid of what I'll find?"  You release her clit and slide your fingers back towards her dripping hole.  "Just as I thought.  You're wet, so wet that it's oozing from you.  You're enjoying this aren't you?"

She shakes her head violently. "Ah, ah, ah," you say, positioning the head of the dildo right at the entrance to her hole, "lying will only make things worse for you.  Just remember...I have larger tools than this, and crueller ways of shutting you up."  You slam the dildo deep into her pussy, pumping it in and out a few times while she tries to hold herself still.  Then you push it as deep into her cunt as it will go.

"Now, prop yourself up on the base of this dildo using your heels.  You need to keep this thing inside you.  If it falls out, I'll just assume you need a larger one."

You wait a moment while she positions herself according to your desires.  Then you once again grab her hair and thrust your cock into her mouth. 

You fuck her face quickly, deciding want to get off the first time so the rest of the night lasts longer.  You feel her mouth twitching and sucking with each pulse of the electrodes on her nipples.  Just for your amusement you turn the dial up to 8 for a few pulses, just a little stronger, before backing it back down. Her throat opens as she tries to keep her teeth from contact, sure that that is why you turned up the device.  You feel the long vibrations of her screams, wonderfully muffled by your hard member.  You chuckle to yourself as you feel your throbbing cock start to reach its limit.  You pull out of her mouth at the last moment, leaving her gasping as you shoot your hot cum all over her blinded face.  She tries to pull her head back in surprise, but your hand anchored in her hair leaves your target unmoving.

You laugh out loud as your cum drips off her chin.  You move back towards the front of the van, admiring your handywork.  You see her straining to keep her balance on the dildo when you let go of her head.

"Now, we can really get this started." You chuckle.

"Started? Please, you've had your fun.  Let me go!"

"Fun? Oh little slut, my fun for the evening has JUST begun.  As further punishment for your screaming defiance, I am going to leave your titties pulsing, possibly for hours."  Even with the blindfold you can see the expression of terror at the thought of hours of this torment. "I'm going to drive now, remember, you better keep that dildo inside you.  And if it falls out, you better tell me immediately, so I can remedy that, do you understand?"

"NO! I don't understand, why won't you let me go!?"

"It's simple, because you are under my control.  And I'm not done using you yet."

You start the van and drive out of the parking lot, you're amazed at how little time has passed.  You drive for a few miles, thinking of how next you will use your little slut.  You're glad you decided to share this bounty. 

You pull into a driveway, as you go around the corner you hear a THUMP.  Looking in the rear-view you see that your toy has fallen over.  You see her ankles wriggling, undoubtedly trying to keep the dildo inside her.  You laugh to yourself, you'd picked that one specifically because you knew it would fall out.  More reason to punish her later.

You beep your horn at the house where you've just arrived.  Your partner in crime comes running out to the van and hops into the passenger seat.

"Welcome to the party," you grin.

"Is this the toy you promised?" he leers into the back.

"This is the one...go ahead and use her while I get us to where we're headed.  But make sure that if you cum you do it on her face.  I want her soaked in it by the time this night is over."

"No!" the toy flinches back as far into the seat behind her as she can manage, "please, help me!  He's crazy, make him let me go, please!"  You feel your dick start twitching again as you realize she has started crying.

From the look on your friend's face he is experiencing the same sensation.  He runs his hands over her exposed breasts as she shudders.  "I like these," he says, tugging lightly on the electro-pads.  "But what is this?" He reaches down between her legs.

"Noooo..." her voice trails of in a wail as he lifts the slippery dildo off the floor where it had fallen.

"Was this supposed to be in her?"

"Tsk tsk, little slut, one task I give you and you can't even keep that in.  You must REALLY be enjoying yourself if your hole is that wet."

"No! I'm not! Leave me alone!"

"Do me a favor, Fred," you use the agreed upon names, "shut her up by sticking your cock in her mouth, if she gives you any trouble turn this up." You hand him the control panel.

"Actually, I think I'll use this," he held up the ball gag, "I have other plans for the ride there, I'll give her my cock later.  Right now I think I want to shove my fist in that dripping cunt."

"No! No you can't! Please no, I'll rip in half"

You go back to driving and let Fred take over control of the toy.

"Open your mouth."

You hear a muffled denial through closed lips.

"I guess I'll have to use this after all."  You hear a sharp screech quickly muffled.  You chuckle.  Fortunately, your destination is not far and is well known, so you can watch what's going on while you're driving.


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It was a cold rainy night and I was walking home from work. I like my job, well about as much as you could like working in an office and staring at a computer all day. I was wearing a jacket, slacks and a button up shirt. My face was the 5 o’clock shadow that I get whether it has been 5 days or 5 minutes since I shaved. A small amount of long chest hair poked out of the top of my shirt. I was not really paying attention. I had walked this path home a hundred times before. I had no reason to...

4 years ago
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This is a fictional story. Enjoy!! :)All she ever wanted was to be taken, dominated against her will; to surround to her passion and be free of her fear. To be with someone who would push her limits, challenge her boundaries, release her inner b**st, as you will.She felt this way with him, a man she would not have normally been attracted too but yet, there was something that drew her to him, like a moth to a flame. When she laid beside him afterwards, snuggled deep into his warm, comforting...

3 years ago
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My wife’s sister was irresistible and teased me once too often.Joanne was gorgeous! Blonde, blue eyes, a body to die for, and a flirt. When we picked her up at the airport, she gave me a hug that lasted so long that my wife, her sister, noticed.“Hey, Joanne! That’s my husband you’re hugging,” she reprimanded loudly.“Sorry sis, but you said that Bill was good looking. I got carried away.”But I knew she wasn’t sorry and neither was I. I got a nice boner holding Joanne and I knew she felt it. I...

1 year ago
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I am a FOOL, for I have loved my wife for now going on twenty years. We have or I thought we loved each other. I was and am a FOOL. Let me first tell you that my name is Franklin, I am 48, with gray hair and eyes, my weight is just about 280lb, I stand at 6/3, I have a fair mussel mass though out my body. My wife Joan is44 and stands 5/4 at 145lb, with a good body 44dX38X40 just the right size for loving. We live a good life with our two children Joshua at seventeen and stela sixteen both...

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*** This story is fantasy and not intended to be taken literally*** It was a pretty typical Saturday night for me. I'd been at the nightclub all night, was well on the way to being tanked and had had no luck with the babes. I'd struck up a conversation with some guy at the bar, and after a few laughs and backslaps, I excused myself and went to take a piss. Afterwards while washing my hands, I heard the door open behind me, felt a sharp stab in my left buttock, then everything went hazy and I...

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It was early in the morning, around seven o'clock. You were sitting around the dining table with your parents and twin sister, except, none of you were eating. You had been asked to come downstairs for a family meeting. Looking around the table you could see that your sister was looking at you with a worried look in her eyes, and your parents appeared both serious and anxious. "Why is everyone staring at me?" you ask, rustling in your seat, nervous at the attention everyone was giving...

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—All characters in this story are fictitious and are at least 18 years of age.— Rachel awoke. Her eyes drifted to the clock next to her bed. 2:33 AM The night was eerily quiet and she was restless. “Ugh! Why can’t I get any sleep!?” She threw the sheets off her bed and went to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and splashed some water on her face. She paused there, looking at herself for a moment. Rachel was a long haired brunette, mid back length, naturally straight and thin. She was tall,...

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HIS POINT OF VEIW: You’d wake up wet and bucking at fingers intruding in your panties, fingers that had obviously been at it for a while considering how wet you are. You are so horny and blissed out you don’t care who it is. At hearing you gasp awake, I lift your top and begin to lick and suck your nipples. Tickling each nub with my tongue strongly, switching back and forth. You raise your ass to help me remove your panties. My thick cock is now hanging between your legs, aimed right at your...

2 years ago
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From tiknala (a fan) 05/10/2013Knock , knock … the door opens and there you stand , just out of bed it seems , hair tousled ,your dressing seemingly hurriedly put on , not quite tied properly ,I can see the rise of your breasts trying to push out from the gown , I cant take my eyes off the view …...Yes , what is it , you say …..You asked for a quote on some decorating , I say . Oh , yes come upstairs and I will show you wants needs doing …... oh boy , I know what needs doing , you .We begin to...

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In the city I went to high school in there was three parks in walking distance of my home, I mean you could walk to the parks which was between one to two miles from my home. One of the parks is small with a basketball court and baseball, softball diamond and numerous walking paths. Doing the weekdays this park is pretty much empty of people until about two in the afternoon. It was near eleven in the morning and I was bored at home so I went to this park to walk the trails and do a little...

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I had just been into exploring my sexual side for a short time when this happened.I was about 16 and still shy and nervous. I had kept my sexual liaisons to the local cruising places at night and anonymous. I wasn't old enough to get into the gay bars, and hadn't worked up the courage to go into the local bath-house, The Apollo.I was walking through the mall one day when I noticed a guy checking me out. I was surprised by how obvious he was in such a public place. The mall was dead, but it...

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Trish was twenty one and was no stranger to hard sex. She had been having sex since she was thirteen. She loved it rough and kinky. Many of her men friends were older or married. She was pretty and sexy and a freak in the sheets. There was very little she would not do for the right cock. A good cock to Trish was a hard one. She loved them hard and long. She loved cum rather it come from a hard cock or a wet pussy. She would spread her legs for a male or female tongue. She loved to suck a nice...

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She was riding in her usual covered carriage with her trusted driver at the reins. The trip was thus far uneventful. They had traveled this road many times. As they turned a corner in the road, they were confronted by a band of scruffy looking young men. There were three of them; more than her elderly driver could fight off. One of the men looked in the carriage and saw the long curly red hair of the woman sitting clutching her breast as if to ward off an attack. The man pulled her arms away...

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####This is my third work on CHYOA, hooray! This work needs polishing and perhaps more content which I will be updating in the near future. If you don't like cuckhold & stupid male protagonist & rape & minor violence, turn around now. Otherwise, enjoy! Lara and Jake are neighbors. They go to same college and live next doors. Lara is the nerdy type when at school, with a rather short build, wearing a giant pair of glasses, dressed like a typical good gal that doesn't stand out among the crowd...

2 years ago
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The young wife sighed as she came out of the shower and toweled her body dry. She faced another tediously long, lonely, night alone. Her Husband was still on duty over seas, and was not due back home for another month. She had been alone for six months now. She smiled as she dried her body, for she thought of her new husband and the way he had made her feel. She had been virgin the night they married, and her experienced husband had awakened things in her that had lay sleeping. She touched her...

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"I love you," I whispered. That was how it began. I didn't know it at the time, of course, but those three words sealed my fate. They were true. Still are. She loves me too. Of that, I have no doubt. She tells me so with every touch, every lingering kiss. It's just that she has needs... But that is not where I begin. We had been casual lovers for some time, and she had always been in control. I loved that about her - her strength and confidence. She was demanding, but I loved...

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Amaya and Naomi

Naomi was walking along a beach at dusk. It was usually a popular beach this time of year, but due to some recent storms and unusual cold weather, tonight was rather quiet. Naomi felt the sand between her toes and enjoyed the feeling. Looking out over the beach Naomi noticed a sapphire blue object a short distance away just under the water. Naomi wondered if it was a shell or something else. She reached down and tried to pick it up. The object was bigger than she thought and a few small tugs...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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I could not believe what happened

I am married to my wife for many years. She is still as beautiful as what she was when I met her..No I lie..She is more beautiful, sexy, lovely!I was her first love, and also the one that had the joy of taking her virgin. I was her first and....until recently, her only.I always had the fantasy of fucking her beautiful pussy, cumming deep inside her, and then have her squatting over me while I lick all my cum out of her wondrous hot pussy. Unfortunately, after cumming, the desire dissapears.I...

1 year ago
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The Tome

The Tome By Bill Hart The dance was... well the dance. What could possibly be said about some dumb school dance that hadn't been said many - probably billions and billions of times - before? I'd come here alone. I suppose a lot of people were surprised I'd even bothered coming to this dance. But those who weren't at all surprised by my presence were not in the least surprised I was alone. Everyone in town - it was more often than not a curse living in such a small community -...

2 years ago
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Die Entfhrung

Du bist eigentlich eine junge Frau, die bisher ein ganz normales Leben führte. Als fleißige Studentin der Geowissenschaften bist du ein intelligenter Kopf, und deine Erscheinung ist unauffällig. Deine hellbraunen Haare lässt du dir unregelmäßig auf Schulterlänge schneiden, deine gräulichen Augen richtest du am liebsten auf Bücher und Tumblr-Blogs. Du trägst stets Jeans, denn du hasst Kleider und Röcke, und ziehst am liebsten Tshirts oder lockere, weite Tops an. Du bist single, warst es schon...

3 years ago
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Wifes Massage Gets Out Of Control

It all started back when my wife and I had taken a trip to the mall. We were just spending the day walking around from shop to shop when we came upon a shop that offered massages. They gave massages ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The massages were also very expensive. A gentleman at the front of the shop offered my wife a free one minute massage. He was hoping to drum up business by offering her the opportunity to try a free one minute massage. My wife immediately said yes as he gave...

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A wedding anniversary gift

1. Alice Reynolds received a phone call in the middle of her presentation. She was having an interactive discourse on a new pharmaceutical product. It was her husband, Mac. She excused herself in front of the marketing panel and got out from the air-conditioned conference room. “Mac?” “Mrs Reynolds?” The voice at the other end of the phone was light and joking, Alice could imagine Mac with his teasing smile. “Mac! I’m in the middle of a presentation on the Herbal Skin Toning. Can we talk...

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Life With Aunt Jess Pt 24

LIFE WITH AUNT JESS Pt.2 Jess and I jumped out of bed and made a beeline for the bathroom. We used the toilet, showered and got dressed. Grammi had breakfast waiting for us when we went into the kitchen. “How was prom?” she asked as we sat to eat our egg and sausage biscuits. “It was wonderful,” Jess answered dreamily. “We danced most of the night. Chet had fun playing air guitar with Tom and a bunch of other students in our school. He really cut loose.” “Yes, it was a...

2 years ago
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Dont You Just Love Jelly and Cream

I looked at the state of the kitchen table and sighed. The aftermath of a children’s tea party is never a pretty sight, and this bunch of eight-year olds seem to have thrown as much jelly and ice-cream around as they’d eaten. But they’d had a good time, and now Alan’s parents had taken all ten of them to the cinema to see a film, which may or may not calm them down a bit. Alan and I had stayed behind to clear up – bad as the mess looked, I think we’d got the better side of the deal.

2 years ago
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Noises Upstairs

-- ST. LOUIS -- Scott got a solid job offer in St. Louis five years ago. By that point we had been together a year and half and had become addicted to how hot and sweet the relationship was. When he told me about his promotion and said, "I'll suck your dick if you move to St. Louis with me." I said, "You'll suck it anyway! But if you do a good enough job, I'll consider it." I playfully grabbed the top of his head and pushed his face to my belt. He laughed and tackled me, ripped open my jeans,...

Gay Male
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Best of the Best

Disclaimer: The normal warning... Under 18, scram! This is copyrighted to [email protected] Authors Note: I extend a special thanks to the many talented writers that post here at Fictionmania.tv ... and the best way to say thanks is by offering you my take. :-) Best of the Best By JR Parz I. The Mission "Look, Mr. Winters... My research committee pointed to you as the "Best of the Best"... and given the time constraints I need to know your answer," Jonathan...

4 years ago
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A Friend in Need

For those of you who have read my profile you know that I am in a casual sex group with my girlfriend, my hubby and two other men. And a few of you that I chat with know that we had something special planned this weekend if everything went well. It did.Wes, one of the guys, had his friend Mick coming in this weekend just for one night on his way to Florida. As a divorced man, he was looking forward to a new job and a new life. He had not had much sex since his divorce and hoped the hunting in...

3 years ago
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Danni Pt 2

Introduction: A widowers mourning libido awakens After a night of blissful slumber, I awoke and made my way to the bathroom. My morning ablutions required a further shower to wash away the rough dry remains of two further nymphet shows my lustful mind and right hand had given me the previous night. That done, I went to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast my hungry body now needed. Apple juice, ham slices, two eggs easy over and a pan of butter mushrooms to top it off. The sun was about three...

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Time Manipulation Mind ControlChapter 6 Hot Teacherrsquos Frozen Passion

Justin Sampson I glanced at my time-frozen friend, beset by bewilderment. Sam couldn’t have a crush on me. She was almost a robot at times. Today, talking about this time dependency, was one of the few times I’d ever heard her sound so emotional. Right before my little sister froze time, Sam was excited about the fact that the atomic clocks around the world had gotten minutely out of sync with each other, detecting the nanosecond or so it took for time to stop everywhere. So to find out as...

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My first cock worship session

I am a 31 year old engineer working in building electrical design. When I was 25 fresh out of college I started with the company I work for and was traveling around most of the US and Canada over seeing projects and doing drawings. I had dated some girls and messed around with some guys in school but nothing serious. I had been in Atlanta, GA for almost 2 months doing a big project for an auto manufacture when I decided to start asking around about going out maybe to try and get laid or at...

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South Pacific Pt 1 Susan

I shivered as I walked toward the administration building. What did Jerry Williams want of me that was so important? Jerry was the University's Vice Chancellor, the big guy, the boss, the HMFIC. Jerry had the final say on who is hired and fired. Was I being fired? Did he want to personally can me? I didn't think so, it was no secret that he was after my beautiful wife Susan. He was always hogging her time at parties. Most of the other professors and their wives saw how he would blatantly flirt...

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She loved to play nude in the warm, ocean surf, letting the bright sun caress her lithe, nubile body. She had to be careful where she did it though. Most people here in Bermuda were prudish and didn't look on the human body, even one as nice as hers, as a work of art. Tomorrow would be her 21st birthday, so today she got up early, even before the warm summer sun was up. A short drive to a secluded beach at daylight where she removed her clothes and went for a quick swim, then a frolic in the...

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The Significant Others Dilemma

THE SIGNIFICANT OTHER'S DILEMMA by enduringshades I found a parking place near the place. The neighbourhood is now familiar as I have been here several times observing the house before finally plucking up the courage to ring the doorbell. The neighbourhood consists of townhouses, once the homes of proud upper middle class Victorian households, but now accommodating multiple occupancy flats and bedsits. I got out of my car and made my way to the house, but when I got to the front door...

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How To Date a Demon King

It was eons ago that Hell was gifted to the demons by the angels of Heaven. Well, perhaps "gifted" is the wrong word to use. Demons were forced to stay there, never to again plague the surface en masse. Upon their forced migration, their new home was thrown into chaos as the demons fought among themselves for supremacy. One demon rose above the rest, more powerful, wicked, and ruthless than any other demon in the realm. He brought organized chaos to Hell and asserted himself as the dominant and...

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Celestial MattersOne Family

-Maria- My body was singing. My arms were too heavy to move and my legs felt like they were made of jam ... but that didn't matter. I had never been so content in my life. My pussy was throbbing, and I could tell that I was still soaking down there. The fire crackled gently, and the smell of wood, smoke and sex laced the air with a heady and wonderful aroma. Not even my awkward positioning over the side of the chair could dampen my bounding joy. I gazed up at my Master. His long black...

1 year ago
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Vacation Time

Victoria Justice steps off the plane. She is wearing a pair of shorts that go just below her crotch and some flip flops. Her top consists of a see through midriff, showing the blue bra shes wearing underneath. Her driver waves to her and she walks to him. "Hi, Ms. Justice. I'm Aaron. I'll be your driver." Victoria looks at him. Hes a short, hairy man. His skin is dark and he is sweating. "Hi Aaron. Please just call me Victoria. Pleasure to meet you." "I'm here to take you wherever you want me...

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Seven Year Itch

I wasn’t away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his dinner. Although he probably would anyway and end up getting a takeout or something. I wasn’t really too worried about him. I knew he would be pleased to have a night by himself, surfing as much porn as he could. Like he thinks I don’t know what he gets up to! I was just annoyed that I would have to miss a gym session really. For the first time in my life, I finally had the body...

3 years ago
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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago

In the 90's I got fed up with Arizona and my X and decided to head to Nevada and work in the gold mines. Central and eastern Nevada had many mines and finding a place to work was relatively easy with the years of experience with the big yellow machines. I settled in north central Nevada and bought a place outside of town at the end of the pavement bordering BLM land. It was quiet with fenced property that had it's own well and multiple out buildings, a shop and garage. I dated multiple...

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HandsOnHardcore Katrin Tequila Naughty Nympho With A Mission

Desperate Russian sex bunny Katrin Tequila is a brunette with a mission – to get herself off. You’ll love to see the sexy seductress fingering herself, bending over onto all fours as she strokes her snatch, before even dry humping a pillow in a effort to satisfy herself. However it’s cock she needs, and it’s cock that arrives – Nikolas with a super hard erection just waiting to rail the naughty nympho. See him fuck the luscious hottie in every position, pounding...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Bhabhi on New Year8217s Eve Part 2

It was the first day of the New Year. I didn’t think that would start as a dream. After the amazing blowjob, bhabhi and I slept on the bed like a couple. She was wearing just panty and I was naked. We slept cuddling. She woke up at around 6 in the morning. She kissed me and that made me wake up. I kissed her back and we started making out. I kissed on her lips, cheeks, forehead, and jaws. I kissed on her neck and she noticed the erection on my dick. She asked me to stop and got out of bed. I...

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That evening, 18-year-old Troye managed to sneak out to take his new humanoid robot Rambo for a test. He ran down the block with Rambo following. Troye then hid around the corner of one of the buildings which stretched up majestically, lost in the misty city night-sky. Rambo stopped at the corner and looked around for Troye. After a few seconds, he discovered where Troye was hiding, and walked up to Troye. Troye smiled. Slowly and gently, Rambo grabbed Troye and pulled him close protectively,...

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Mature Black Mama Black Girl bySamuelxcopy

My name is Elisabeth Medeiros. I'm a six-foot-one lean and muscular young woman of African and Puerto Rican descent living in the city of Newport, Rhode Island. I'm an out and proud Black lesbian, and everyone knows about it. From my friends and classmates at the University of Rhode Island to my family members in the City of Champions. I don't hide who or what I am. I play collegiate soccer and I'm out as a lesbian athlete. Many admire me for that, some hate me. I don't give a fuck about the...

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No FutureChapter 54

Hope and Glory Eugenie 2100 The secret of surviving in London was entirely about making new friends and acquaintances. It just wasn't possible to manage it by yourself. On the one hand, Eugenie had to keep well away from those who might cause her harm. On the other, she had to make herself known to those who might be able to help her. Other people were squatting in the Holloway wastelands. Some were undoubtedly the very people Eugenie most needed to avoid, such as the many well-armed...

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Fantasy Coaching the Team

My high school football team is pretty prestigious. Not only do they play pretty well at the state level, they've also gone national thanks to Coach Nelson. He's become somewhat of a community hero, earning lots of honors for not only producing successful team players who get full scholarships to college, but he also teaches his team important life skills. These guys get more than just a high school and sports education, learning things like auto repair, maintenance, health and hygiene skills....

Group Sex
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The Making of A Little Heresy

Someone tried to unlock the apartment door. The key scratched against the lock time and time again. Amanda looked up from her laptop, then she rose and walked into the hallway. “Greg, is that you?” she called hesitantly through the door. A muffled grunt answered her. Calming her nerves, she opened the door a crack, only to be face to face with her husband. The stink of whiskey was heavy on his breath, his hair ruffled and his expensive suit crinkled. “Lemme in, that damn key’s not working,”...

1 year ago
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Pilars first gangbang

I love watching Pilar with other men. Sometimes she has an unsationable appetite for cock. So I wanted to see how much she could really handle. I started cruising a few different adult sites looking for a few men. I wasn't looking for monster cocks but a little more above average. After a couple weeks I narrowed it down to 1 black guy and 2 latinos. The latino had the biggest cock 7.5-8" and the other two were about 7-7.5 but all thick. I found an old school hotel with adjoining rooms. I met up...

2 years ago
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The reward of total submission

This is what I want right now from my man. He's the only one who knows how to make me his perfect little cum slut. I would like to dedicate this story to the one who brings out the submissive in me. I had no idea that I even liked being dominated until he controlled all of me in the bedroom...I'm a naughty little girl and I've done something wrong so you get really upset with me. I've done something to make you angry and you're looking at me like you're going to slap me. I stare innocently at...

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A Bet is a Bet

A Bet is a BetMy name is Michael. So my wife and I were having a little argument about money. I know, it's the typical argument that couples have most of the time. She was complaining that I don't do well with money. I could barely defend myself. So, I made a bet with her...I told her that if I don't spend a dime on anything other than gas for the month of February, then she would have to go on a date with the man of my choice. She paused, but then agreed. I guess she thought I couldn't do...

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Tommys Summer Job

Tommy's Summer Job By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - A most unusual meeting "Tommy, could you come downstairs for a minute, please?" my mother called softly up the stairs. Like any other sensible teenager at noon on a Saturday, I was lying in bed, just waking up. It wasn't as if Saturday was all that special. Since I had graduated from high school two days earlier, one day was the same as the next - aimless and relaxing. Especially relaxing for me, since I hadn't burdened...

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Big Cock

Being female I have always craved big cock . I guess it started when I saw my first porn.. I was 14 when I saw my first porn. After school some girls from school we were on the internet .We were looking at Big Cock pictures. I had never seen a picture of a cock. I went home after we spent like a half hour of looking at Big Cock pictures and I could not quit thinking about what I saw those big hard cocks . Some real long and not real fat . And then the ones that were just huge fat and long. The...

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