Tinkle BellChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
If I thought my wild birthday weekend had brought the old Bella back, I was sadly mistaken. Come the following Monday, she went right back to her long hard nights of study, once again sequestering herself behind locked doors. Like before, it promised to be another long boring week for me if she kept this up, not to mention frustrating!
At least on the weekend she semi re-emerged once again, spending most of that Saturday afternoon frolicking around in bed together. But even then, it was less wild and crazy the way it had been. Not that I was complaining mind you, it was passionate and intimate. Almost too much so. She left with a face looking melancholy rather than satisfied, though I certainly knew she had been. Her multiple orgasms proof enough of that, but I was again not invited to spend the entire night with her in bed. Another week of the same, and then two ... and I was beginning to wonder if Bella wasn't seriously going off the deep end here with all the effort she was putting into school. Particularly when we were invited to attend another wild party over at Tracy and Derricks place again. Something I thought we'd both been looking forward to. To my total and complete surprise, Bella declined going, stating that she had an important paper to finish and couldn't afford the time in going ... needing to complete it. She also reminded me she still had her project she'd been working on, and needed to put some time into completing that. Subtle reminder perhaps that my cock wasn't the only one she was interested in. She still had a quota to fulfill like it or not. But, it was the first time she'd blown an entire weekend on schoolwork rather than having any real fun, with me at least.
Frustrated and angry even, I went alone. I stayed long enough for a blowjob, though couldn't get into it. Being a single guy at a couple's party, even though I was invited to stay anyway, didn't seem appropriate. And though our new found friends urged me to do so, I didn't want my shitty mood spoiling their fun-filled evening. I was home by ten. Bella's door was open as I walked by, but she wasn't inside. Going back downstairs I ran into mom, asked her if she knew where Bella was. She said that Bella had left shortly after I did, stating she had some research to do, and would be at the library in town.
She never came home that night.
Whatever was going on ... whatever she was going through mentally and emotionally, I damn well knew wasn't entirely about her sudden studious nature. Time was drawing short, closer and closer with each passing day. I began to feel that what Bella was doing, was trying to place some distance between us at this point. Whenever we did run into one another after that, she was of course still friendly, a bit flirtatious at times, which was even more frustrating and confusing. But she seemed to be pushing me away more and more as the days progressed.
Even the night when she didn't come home, telling me later that she had decided to stay in town, rent a room with it being so late, didn't sit well with me. I found I was jealous, wondering if she wasn't secretly meeting someone else, and began to suspect just that as she and I hadn't even done anything in nearly two weeks at this point. Bella appearing disinterested in sex simply didn't make any sense. For her, it would be like holding your breath. You could only do that for so long. And yet, so far she had. Or so it appeared anyway.
Another week passed. More of the same, and I finally said "fuck it!" I figured I would give her one more chance at showing me she was no longer interested, something concrete that would prove to me one way or another that there was no longer anything there. I waited until Saturday morning, the first Saturday I had in fact not actually slept in. The one thing that hadn't changed and remained a constant, was Bella going out for her morning run. I heard her door open, bright and early as usual, knew she was up and heard her feet on the steps heading downstairs going out. She was usually gone a little over an hour, so I settled back in bed anxiously waiting with my door open. I sat slowly pleasuring myself, stroking my cock almost mindlessly in fact, which made keeping it hard and erect somewhat of a chore. Though I did hope upon her return, seeing my door open, she might drop by, look in ... at least say good morning. Perhaps seeing me laying there with a nice solid hard erection, which I now needed to work at maintaining, might interest her into doing something. If not ... then I was ready to throw in the towel and let her go her own way if that's what this was really all about.
Well over an hour later I finally heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. By now I had at least managed to work my cock into a somewhat believable arousal, resorting to fantasies, some pretty wicked ones in fact, along with reliving some of the various adventures we had had, and enjoyed together. I now heard those same steps coming down the hallway towards my room. I saw movement, and then saw Doreen as she began passing by carrying a load of clean linen with her on her way to the storage room. Quite naturally she stopped upon seeing me laying there like that, dick in hand, pumping it up and down. She smiled. I smiled back.
"Would you ... like any help with that?" She asked.
"As a matter of fact ... I would!" I told her making up my mind in that brief instant that if Bella was no longer really interested, Doreen sure as hell was!
She came into my room starting to close the door behind her when she did.
"No ... leave it open," I told her. Maybe she knew why I said that, I honestly don't know, but she did, placing her load of linen on a nearby chair. Walking over towards me, even then reaching up, undoing the buttons on her service uniform, though I was more than pleased to see she wasn't wearing anything on underneath it. One more interesting change that had taken place, and which I for one was very supportive of. Mom and dad's new uninhibited way of thinking these days. And their obvious sexual involvement with Doreen and Andy, which I also knew had continued ... was the reason behind that. Dad loved being able to watch Doreen go about her work, especially when she bent over not wearing any panties. Or in the afternoon when it got a bit warmer, she'd purposely undo several buttons, thus allowing both mom and dad an intimate naughty look at her nearly exposed breasts. It kept the "ole juices" constantly flowing as he'd said one afternoon while the two of us sat sharing a drink together while Doreen went about dusting the den, which didn't need dusting by the way. I had left when mom eventually came downstairs to join us, seeing Doreen dressed, or almost undressed as she was, and undoing several buttons on her own blouse.
It was time for me to leave, hearing some heated giggles only a short time later as I went out another door to swim a few laps and work off my frustrations. It seemed like everyone else was getting it, and having a good time ... but me!
So again..."fuck it!" I thought as I sat there watching Doreen take everything off just before climbing into bed with me.
"What would you like?" She asked.
"Come sit on my cock, fuck me slowly ... for a very, very long time," I told her. "And then after we do that ... I'm going to eat and suck that amazingly hard, big clit of yours until you can't stand it anymore. And then ... when you're almost ready to come, I'm going to rub it with my dick until I squirt on you as you do come. That's what I'd like," I informed her.
She had a big fucking smile on her face upon hearing that, and then proceeded to do exactly what I had asked of her. Already wet ... which as I understood it, she was for much of the time now, according to dad, I slid easily inside her as she sat astride my cock and began to slowly work herself up and down my shaft while I in turn entertained myself, playing with her tits, and pulling on those rock hard nipples of hers. I actually got so engrossed in doing that, that it took a moment to even realize we were being watched.
I just happened to catch movement out of the corner of my eye, just behind where Doreen was sitting on me, not making a real point or obvious effort to acknowledge that I had either. Only looking, glancing over more directly as Doreen's natural body movement allowed me to do. When I did ... I saw Bella standing in the doorway, though still mostly in the hall ... watching us. She was actually dressed, though wearing a comfortable, easy to get out of pair of flannel shorts with one of those elastic waistbands, along with a matching tee shirt that even from here I could see she wasn't wearing a bra beneath. She said nothing, just silently standing there watching Doreen and I. I said nothing as well, though perhaps moaning a bit more, a bit louder as Doreen's sweet slick pussy worked its magic up and down my shaft. I watched as she slipped her hand beneath the waistband of her shorts, knowing as she did, she began fingering herself. Likewise, lifting up one side of her shirt, confirming and proving to me what I had already guessed, that she too had been braless. I know for a fact that Doreen wasn't even aware of her standing there behind us, too involved in her own pleasures, and in pleasuring me to notice, though I certainly did. Now getting a bit of a twisted kick out of fucking Doreen, watching Bella as she masturbated herself, watching the two of us.
It was a bitter sweet moment, watching Bella's face contort up in obvious ecstasy and pleasure a she came, quietly oddly enough ... and then stepping back out of the doorway just as quietly heading back to her own room. I never even heard the door close, though at that very moment ... Doreen was crying out in her own pleasured orgasmic release.
I squirted copiously inside her moments after that ... the entire time wishing that I was doing so inside Bella's cunt ... and not Doreen's.
But I felt now ... I had my answer, which was a short time later, likewise confirmed.
After my morning fuck-fest with Doreen, I was quite naturally hungry, heading downstairs for something to eat, surprised to actually run into Bella just as she was finishing up with her own breakfast. To my surprise, she was in the process of writing me a little note, though I noticed she hadn't included one of her normal erotic, naughty little smiley cartoons that she usually left me whenever she did that.
"Oh, was just leaving you a note ... but since you're here now, Elizabeth called a few minutes ago. She was wondering if you had any plans for this evening. Told her I didn't think so ... but said you'd probably call her back and let her know if you did. She left you a number where she could be reached," Bella stated handing me the note she'd just finished writing, which basically said verbatim just what she'd told me. Bella had signed it simply, "B" ... that's it. Which to me said it all.
"Thanks," I said taking the note sticking it in the pocket of my robe. "I think I will call her," I said and then walked over pouring myself a cup of much needed coffee.
"You probably should," Bella added, and then turned leaving the room before I could respond back to that.
If I didn't have my answer before, I had it now. My time with Bella had come to an end.
I wasn't hungry any more either, going back upstairs to dress and make a phone call. The morning passed as I spent much of it upstairs in my room. Elizabeth had been excited to get my return call though, which had let to an interesting conversation. After some obvious nervous chitchat, she must have gotten bold enough to come right out and ask me a question.
"So, do you and ah ... Bella have a special relationship going then, or what?"
"Not really," I responded back. "Knowing her has been interesting yes, as you saw at the party," I reminded her. "So in that regard it's been special yes, I've enjoyed doing things because of her that I never imagined ever doing before."
"I know what you mean," she giggled over the phone. I could almost see her blushing when she said that. "Who'd have thought I'd have done what I did? Especially with Sandra. Ever since the party, we've been hanging around together. I really like having her as a friend."
"Just a friend?" I inquired, my curiosity intrigued. Especially if I could still somehow work this out to my advantage. Yeah, I know ... I was being a cad, but at the moment I really didn't care if I was.
She again laughed a bit shyly, "Yeah, who'd have thought we'd end up doing something like that huh?" She replied evading my question to some extent.
"So you two just friends then? Or do you two still enjoy getting together and licking one another's cunts?" I asked obscenely not really caring how vulgar that sounded at the moment. I figured that if getting right to the point wasn't something she was comfortable with in doing, especially after everything that had happened, I wasn't going to waste too much time on her ... or Sandra for that matter.
"Wow, you have changed haven't you?" She said though my tone of voice and use of obscene words seemed to have unlocked a door of some sort. "I like it though," she said almost breathlessly. "Makes me feel ... you know, sort of naughty."
"As in the two of you sucking my dick, or two of us licking some pussy together sort of naughty? That maybe what you had in mind?"
She nervously laughed at that, but that edge was certainly there as she almost whispered. "Would you like that?" She asked sounding quite excited and enthusiastic about the prospect of actually doing that.
"I'll say this ... if you both decide to come. I'll book us a room at the Marriott again for this evening, provided your both willing to spend the night and do whatever I ask you to do. If you're up for it ... meet me there around eight. I'll leave word at the desk to send you both up when you arrive. Just be prepared to get as wickedly decadent as you've ever imagined. If you are ... then I am sure the three of us will have one hell of a good time."
To my surprise, she agreed. "Let me call Sandra right now," she told me. "If you don't hear back from me within the hour, you'll know we'll be there," she promised.
I hung up then, pleased with myself at setting up a situation outside of the house, as far away from Bella as possible. I also knew if she asked me about it, I'd tell her. Two could play at that game. Now feeling pleased with myself, I was both hungry again, and wanting to work off a little unexpected energy, so I decided to take a quick swim first, grab a bite to eat, and hopefully an hour from now, call and see about booking a room for the night. Even if I had to book a suite in the event they didn't have any other available rooms ... I'd do so, and fuck the cost.
I went out for a swim, was just heading towards the den afterwards when the sliding glass doors opened surprising me a little. Dad walked out first, followed by three of his golf buddies I had once met before. Not all that surprising as they'd come over in the past for drinks with dad just like it looked they were about to do now. But then Bella stepped out right behind them, writing in her ledger as she did.
"And that makes one thousand," she said more to herself than to anyone, making a last entry perhaps, only then looking up seeing me as I crossed the yard heading towards them. Dad's friends, each one looking a bit sheepish, but smiling however. Bella only then looking up acknowledging me as I approached, intending to pass by on my way into the room. She had on the same shorts I'd seen her wearing earlier when she stood in the doorway of my bedroom fingering herself, but the top was certainly different. It was cut off so short that the bottom slopes of her breasts were clearly visible, even as she stood there. One motion of her hands up even briefly would no doubt fully disclose both of them, let alone bending over.
"I take it you finished your study then," I said just as I began to pass.
"Finally ... yes," she smiled almost demurely. "You call Elizabeth back?" She then asked changing the subject. I stopped, turning back around facing her.
"I did yes. I'm meeting her AND Sandra a little later," I offered with perhaps a leer on my face having said that.
"Good for you," Bella said actually smiling, looking as though she meant it, and was excited that I had. "You really should see if you could get something going with one of them again anyway. I think they both like you ... a lot. And who knows, maybe they'll even be willing to share you."
"Yeah, I could get used to something like that," I responded, "Especially since it appears you no longer want to."
She opened her mouth, but then closed it apparently changing her mind about saying anything though she smiled again.
"Well, have fun then," she said instead, and then headed off towards the pool, shedding her clothes as she did, giving dad and his three buddies an eyeful as she slipped past the table they were now sitting at, her delectable ass waving at the four of them as she then dove into the water.
I turned walking inside without looking back again, and headed upstairs to my room to make another phone call. Even if the girls didn't come, I was damned if I was spending another night here around Bella.
I had managed to get a nice double room so at least I hadn't had to put out for a suite. But I was still in a bit of a foul mood too when I finally heard the tentative knock on my door. I walked over, naked as a jaybird, not giving a rat's ass who was there when I answered it. Though fortunately perhaps, it was the girls. They seemed a little surprised to find me standing there naked at the door, not even sporting a hard-on yet. I figured that was their job to give me one ... not mine.
They both looked great, if not more than just a bit slutty. Obviously then had spent the afternoon primping themselves as well, no doubt teasing one another if not more in anticipation of this. Unfortunately, seeing them in their sexy clothes wasn't on my personal menu. Like I said, I was still being a bit of a shit after they came inside.
"Undress one another, and then we're going into the bathroom. I want to see the two of you pee on one another."
Sandra didn't really flinch at hearing that, though Elizabeth seemed to. This was obviously one she hadn't quite decided to test the waters with quite yet, though Sandra obviously had, and by the previous experience ... enjoyed it too. Once again, I didn't really care. This was a bit of a test perhaps, knowing she hadn't ... and proving my point about requiring the two of them to do whatever the hell it was I asked, or wanted them to. She hesitated momentarily, I could see by the look on her face she was hovering on the word no. I then forced the issue with them both.
"You agreed ... whatever I wanted. If that's not the case, we best end this right here and now then. Totally up to you ... but you need to decide now before I get all worked up," I said grabbing my own cock, shaking it back and forth a bit, letting it actually grow a little as I stood there doing that.
They began removing one another's clothes as I sat down on the edge of the bed watching them, smiling. "Maybe this won't be quite so bad after all," I said to myself.
The moment they were naked, I stood up however moving towards the bathroom, letting it be known I was serious here. They followed me inside, Elizabeth quite nervous, as was Sandra perhaps, hell ... not like she was experienced at doing this either, though she had seemingly enjoyed it the first time she had.
"What ... what do you want us to do?" Liz said nervously, which I began calling her again, as that's the name I'd used for her when we dated during high school. She even smiled a little more comfortably hearing me say that.
"Well Liz, Sandy..." I said using my pet name for her as well. "What I'd like is for the two of you to get nice and close ... cunt to cunt, fingering one another of course ... and then just start peeing, as soon as you can do so. When you do ... when I can see that you are, then I'm going to aim my own cock at the two of you, and piss all over your tits. So whenever you two are ready," I said turning on the shower, getting it warm enough at least to stand in, and perhaps work as a motivator in getting the girls to finally let go while standing beneath it.
It took a while ... but eventually they both did. I was pleased to see a surprised smile on Liz's face as she stood there with her hand between Sandra's legs, fingering her pussy, and then feeling the warm piss suddenly streaming out, splashing against her hand. She even giggled a little, though blushing deeply as Sandy let go. And then she did ... much to Sandy's very obvious delight, the two girls now fingering one another hotly, enjoying their mutual spraying.
And then I began peeing on the two of them. Enjoying the look and sensation of covering each one of their bare breasts with a hard stream of yellow piss. In a way, at least the way I was thinking as I did that, I was peeing on Bella. And not in a good way. It was something we had shared, that had actually meant something to me ... something erotically intimate yes, kinky for sure ... and yet, so very personal and intimate. Now ... it was only dirty. But that's exactly the way I needed to see it and remember it. Just something very, very dirty.
We cleaned up washing one another and then returned to the bedroom. Though aroused, I was still in a bit of a snit, sitting down in a nearby chair after pouring myself a wine, not even bothering to ask the girls if they wanted any. And I had purposely ordered a Merlot from a California vineyard; the last thing I wanted was to once again be reminded of Bella drinking one of her wines.
"Get on the bed and suck one another's cunts!" I directed the two of them. As aroused as they both were, they eagerly did so, not seeing my rougher than normal demeanor as anything other than lust on my part. Which was just as well perhaps, getting into one another at that point, shy to some extent in actually doing this in front of me, and to one another. But like I said, they were both incredibly horny and eager to please, not only me ... but one another.
In addition to the really nice picnic lunch that Irene had prepared for us, I had also brought along a couple of small beach umbrellas. My intent to provide a little shade, but more importantly to perhaps give us a little privacy as well from prying eyes. Provided of course we could even find a semi-secluded spot away from anyone else. I liked the fact that the access gate to the walkway running down a flight of steps to the beach was key-coded. I knew the code of course, soon giving us...
It was almost funny. The moment the three young men had finished draining themselves all over Bella's ass, including several other areas, they hurriedly put things away and then made excuses about needing to return to their place. Bella thanked them profusely of course, standing ... naked, giving each one of them a grateful kiss on the cheek. I noticed as she did that, she likewise gave each one of them an additional token of her gratitude in grazing their bare chests with her breasts in...
I had expected roast, or perhaps a baked ham, even a broiled chicken. But when we sat down to dinner, I was totally surprised. Mom had made a rather extravagant looking pasta dish. Mom never made pasta! And I knew then that between Irene, mom and Bella, the three of them had managed to put together a rather fine affair. Even dad seemed pleased. But that wasn't the only surprise waiting for me as we all sat down at the table together. Mom was wearing a new dress, and this one a bit more...
After the startling flash of the camera, and the sudden announcement of our unexpected presence, I was still unsure as to how we'd be received. I needn't have worried. After the initial shock, Doreen was all smiles, though blushing a bit still. Some from initial embarrassment perhaps, though mostly from excitement as hard at it as they'd been up until now. "Paybacks a bitch," Bella said jumping up into the back of Andy's truck bed, still not quite invited, though his eyes were locked...
It felt like a dream. Right up until the time I began climaxing. Suddenly my eyes popped open, the rush of ecstasy already escaping my cock. I looked down in the twilight of the night, eyes still not yet focused. Bella now standing, and like a wraith, a Succubus come to take my life's energy from me, she had. She turned, her voice a whisper almost like a distant memory. "See you in the morning," she said adding, "Sweet nasty dreams." I'd been having one. Now I knew why. I glanced at...
Since we had about an hour to kill before my first class, I took Bella on a brief tour of the campus, showing her where it was she'd need to go, and where she needed to check in on the following Monday. Not too surprisingly, she received a number of looks as we strolled about, mostly from men of course, but even a few appreciative glances from women too. Though she also got a few hard looks from other women, no doubt sizing up whatever competition the "new girl" was challenging. "You ah...
The thing I loved about my shower was that it was very large, spacious enough to accommodate four people comfortably, with two separate showerheads. You could even have a 'mini' bath, though that wasn't what it was specifically designed for of course. Now laying in about three inches of nice warm water, Bella straddled me. It's hard to even begin to describe the sensation I was feeling. The slick, almost silky softness of her pussy as it fully engulfed me. The visual of this amazing...
I know for a fact I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow sometime just before midnight. I also know I was suddenly wide awake, only moments after spewing what had felt like another "dream load", though just as before, I saw the shadow of Bella's form slipping out of my bed heading back out into the still dark hallway. She hadn't said a single word. I rolled over, my eyelids still heavy from lack of sleep as I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was just after 4 a.m. in the...
It was like waiting for the other shoe to fall, which never did. I was expecting Bella to at some point pull another stunt like she had before. But to my surprise that never happened. Not yet anyway. She seemed honestly intrigued by most of the classes she attended with me. At times taking notes for whatever reason, and even asking related questions from time to time. Once again revealing to me facts I hadn't realized about her. The woman was damn smart proving to me she was a lot more than...
I had spent another full night sleeping, though I really wasn't surprised at that. Waking a good hour before my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed heading for the bathroom. Though I had a fairly full day ahead of me, at least I didn't have to head off to school as early as I usually did. And especially as I also had to take DeeDee with me once she'd gotten up and made herself presentable. I decided to head down for coffee even though it was an hour earlier than usual, once again stepping...
After our totally unplanned for, totally surprising, and certainly shocking episode out on the patio deck with mom and dad of all people ... Bella and I soon after retired. I did have an early day ahead of me tomorrow with school again, though it was also an early day home too. Something I had purposely scheduled in order to take advantage of a somewhat extended weekend. And it was the fact that it was the weekend that Bella reminded me of something else as she curled up against me there in...
Before we got really started however, it was imperative that the guys all be appropriately 'readied' for the event. The girls thus became our 'fluff' girls in a sense as they soon saw to the games requirements, each one now stroking and fondling their respective partners until all the guys ... Chris included stood proud and tall. It was the first time I got a real good look at my stiff competition. I realized immediately they hadn't been exaggerating about Mr. Cleans, or rather Steve's...
As it turned out, we were just in time for the big finale. I caught up with Bella close to the patio, the two of us then making our way over towards the large sliding glass doors. As was usually the case, the curtains had not been drawn leaving us a wide-clear view of the entire family room just beyond. I chuckled softly seeing the four of them actually lying on top of dad's prized billiard table. The fact that they were said a lot. Doreen was flat on her back, and though it took a moment to...
It was early evening when we made the island. The dock master guided us in, assigning us a nice wide berth as we secured the boat. Bella and mom soon after getting dressed into some casual, but still very sexy evening attire as we headed on, into the island for some sightseeing and dinner. It felt nice holding Bella's hand, walking around peering in windows, sometimes going inside to browse. It felt good, it felt right ... and I was again reminded this was only temporary. Bella and mom both...
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College SexThat night I set my alarm and got up early the next day. I found a spiral notebook lying on the floor in front of my bedroom door, with a pen sitting on top of it. I picked it up and sat back down on my bed.I opened the notebook."MASTER LIST" was written at the top of the first page. The next two and a half pages were a list of chores on the left, and their point value on the right. All the chores I did the day before were on there, as well as a host of new ones. Some of the chores, the ones...
CHAPTER 2 I LOSE MY INNOCENCE Part 1 of 2 It was all so innocent the way things started. My friend Amy, who lived next door but one to me, in this small street of fifteen houses were always playing together in the little play-ground just opposite our houses. At the time I was thirteen and a half and Amy was exactly two months younger. In our street there were five other boys, two of whom were around my...
Chapter One of Fifteen - The Invitation By The Technician BDSM , Revenge , Slavery = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Evelyn is invited to join a very exclusive club, but she must first be interviewed by the admissions committee and explain why she deserves to be a part of SaM's very exclusive club. The series begins with her first night at the club and then progresses through the stories she tells the committee to prove she is worthy to become a permanent part of SaM's...
This is a story that is one of many in which it is time for me to share. In a nutshell, my name is Dean, my mother had a thing for Dean Martin it seems, but I go by Dina. I am a 26 year old white pre-op transsexual that has no interest in switching my outside in, if you know what I mean. I was born to a single mother, never knowing who my father was. Considering the lifestyle of my mother, I doubt that she had any idea who he was either. I have always been effeminate in nature and as I grew up...
I recently bought my first pocket pussy. Well, to be honest, “pocket pussy” might be a bit of a misnomer for what this was. This thing was huge, definitely not fitting in anyone’s pocket. I did a fair deal of research before settling on one. There is a large range of different types, prices, and qualities to choose from, and I wanted to familiarize myself with a few products before making a final decision. Especially since I would be putting my dick in it. Wouldn’t want to get some shady...
Online Sex Toys ShopsMark and Beth had decided to have a romantic weekend away together, so they packed their bags and headed off to a couples resort on a secluded island in the Bahamas that they found. They are both looking forward to this weekend trip and all the possibilities that are in store for them. As they sit in the airport waiting for their flight they can’t stop talking about how excited they are about this weekend. Beth starts feeling very frisky and discreetly tries to caress Mark’s dick through his...
The London underground, have you ever noticed how many CCTV cameras there are? About three to four in what seems like every ten yards. They’re all watching you, or are they?Perhaps not just you, not all the time anyway!And what of the people behind the mask; them, of us and them. Looking from screen to screen, scanning images, as if on automatic control. An AI perhaps, flicking through images looking for particular traits or behaviours or that look in someone’s eye; a definitive type of grin...
ExhibitionismThis is kind of like a choose your own adventure: -Start by reading the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) -Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) -Then read one or more Level 3 chapters in any order (Hide & Seek, Pencil Sharpener, Anatomy, Dodgeball) -And so on. More to come! See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook...
He took off his clothes revealing his fresh clean body and hard dick. He climbed onto the bed and opened up the Popsicle, and started licking it staring at me. I laid sprawled across the bed with my legs spread so he could see the wet spot on my panties as I fingered myself and teased him, then he abruptly told me to take off the fucking panties. I smiled lustfully and reached to the sides of my laced panties and slid them off me slowly showing him my shaved, clean and soft, wet pink pussy. He...
My name is Jason Jones and this is a story that happened last week. I was at a local university interviewing for a doctoral program. The woman interviewing me, Dr. Lane, was nice and she seemed smart, but she was pretty boring. When I walked into her office, I saw that Dr. Lane was good looking, not super hot, but you could tell that she had been a looker earlier in her life. She was wearing a red suit jacket with black pants and her light brown hair was up in a bun, kind of like a librarian....
Logan awoke quite suddenly to the chilling realization that he had nodded off, and to the sensation of soft, wet heat. He blinked and looked down at a lovely face in his lap and plump, black, demon lips gently working up and down the entire length of his shaft. His tool was in her throat, so Logan felt as much as heard the growl of warning when her lantern eyes looked up at him. “Ok,” he replied in a gentle, careful voice. “I hear ya. No sudden moves. No problem.” She stared into his eyes,...
Kelly walked seductively out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her gorgeous buxom body. Her strawberry blonde hair was still damp from the shower. She walked slowly over to the mirror allowing the towel to drop freely to the floor and starred to admire her gorgeous figure in the mirror. At thirty four, she was just as attractive as she was in her early twenties if not more. Some men would consider her body as thick. She didn’t have the least bit of fat on her anywhere. She was just...
It was much later in the evening in their Manila hotel that the Sanderson group ate the supper Allison and Amy had sent up to their suite. Despite their nap, the earlier travel, subsequent activities, and now the meal had all taken a toll on their systems. They were a sleepy bunch as this or that individual faded into dreamland while trying to watch TV. Throughout the supper and while watching TV, Kathy and Nathan acted like love birds. Sated from the earlier sexual bouts, they contented...
Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed...
Day FourFree day today and me and Bob behaved ourselves, apart from what was about to happen down the sauna. Bob asked me if I was OK with doing this, I said it's fine Bob were together it's not like your cheating on me, anyway I can't wait to see you fucking a big bus driver or trucker.The coach and HGV Park was quiet busy there were quiet a few vans in there as well, I must say though I was feeling pretty nervous. We entered the sauna and the receptionist gave us our locker keys and towels,...
Hello guys, I am back with a new incident which happened just recently. I will not bore you with introduction part. To know me and the relation which I have with my hotty sister, you can refer to the stories I have written previously. Waiting for your feedback. So, after the incidents I have mentioned in the previous stories, my sister strictly denied having sex with me. I didn’t know what was wrong with her but whenever I approached her, all she said was she was not in the mood. I had to...
IncestOur girl Diana Eisley has a new outfit to show off to Berry McCockiner. It’s a long yellow fishnet dress, the kind that girls wear over their swimsuits at the beach or pool. Berry reaches out to fondle Diana’s magnificent boobs. She peels off her dress and they both play with her pale, creamy tits. She eagerly pulls off his pants to get at his pole so she can smoke it. She tugs on him and sucks him hands-free then uses her arms to squish her breasts together with his cock buried...
xmoviesforyouThe hut was cold, and it was quite past the usual time when all the village members had taken to their shelters when we arrived. I had been lost in my deep memories of my sister and I having our intimate discoveries together, and had almost walked by our very familiar dwelling. Entering it, I immediately set to trying to build a small warming fire in the fire pit, to distract myself and to bring down the huge swell of my groin. I ‘pushed’ thoughts of Amanna away – gruffly grabbing pieces of...
After dinner my great uncle called ben and they talked for a good while. ben hangs up and call's me and sarha to the room. ben go's on to say that my great uncle and a " friend " of his well be here in the moring.we all went to the bed room for the nighlty fuck were ben fucked sarha and i clened them and ben sent us to our room after he was done with his whore's. ben told me to have four cups of coffee on the table and sarha to be dressed and ready for a day of hard core fucking . we all went...
I'd been working for the company for about a year doing both Admin and warehouse work when they told me they needed me in the office full time. So they brought someone in to do the warehouse work, unfortunately this didn't work out so they brought someone else in full time on the understanding I would help out when he was on holiday. This was about 6 months ago and a few weeks ago he had his first holiday so I had to go back to my old ways of doing both parts of the job...(when's the sex part...
EroticJoanne loved me passionately and for a while I was in a virtual heaven enjoying her adorations and her constant pampering and fussing, but like all good things sit became too much but how we made the best of it at the time. I guess it was a sort of understood short term relationship really whereas both of us could find the comfort we missed of out true loves who were away on business. But Joanne (I shall call her Jo) and me? Well we had some business of our own to undergo and undergo we did. ...
Reed had finally been brought back to the center of the tables, and now the servers were laying out large plates of fruit and small cups of what proved to be a thick drink which tasted both sweet and tart. It was quite good. Alexa occasionally glowered at Finn, and Wilds was obviously somewhat annoyed with Alexa. But Finn, once again, was having a very difficult time trying to keep his mind off his throbbing cock. Alexa's annoyance didn't seem to last very long either. It wasn't long...
Hello everyone this is DJ , basically I am from Gujarat. I am 26 years old dude with nice hard cock working in a private advertising agency based in Mumbai. I had wonderful college life banging so many nice girls in college. My first sex encounter in my freshmen year (first year) with a cute girl from Delhi her name was Sonia, she had awesome figure nice big ass after that I can’t even remember how many times my cock seen different pussy’s (choot). Let’s focus on my story too much description...
Hey All ISS readers my name is Kranthi I live in Hyderabad this happened to me when I was in college and I was seducing my dad’s friends daughter Mamatha , she liked me too but she was younger to me by like 3 years , Now ill describe her nice tits white complexion slim n sexy. This happened at a party , we have parties with them almost every fortnight so it was normal but this time it was different . She came to our house looking very hot just a miniskirt and a sleeveless top .She may be 3...
I had never wanted a woman as bad as i wanted to have her. She was absolutely beautiful. Hair of jet black, cascading over her shoulders, always looking beautiful. The most gorgeous cat eyes you could ever imagine. A tall woman with awesome curves. Everything about her amazed me. She moved in a few doors down from me, and I got wind that she was a lesbian. That intrigued me alone. We ended up becoming really close friends. I was there for her, and she was there for me. I chased her for months,...
LesbianWhoever has been putting ointment on me repaired my broken shackle Monday night. But I had already felt the terrible confirmation. I cried again all Monday night until Tuesday morning. And that terrible itch had returned with a vengeance, but my shackles were as tight as ever. Tuesday night, Erica came into the bathroom with a strange woman--a slender blonde about the same age as Erica. She wasn't dressed Goth either, she was wearing a black tube top with a short denim skirt. The view up...
Bachpan se hi main padhane main bahut tez huin jiske karan main hamesha lakdiyon se ghira raha.isliye liye mere sabhi dost mujhe prem kah kar pukarate hai aur bad main mere parents bhi isi nam se pukarane lage. Mere class ki lagbhag sabi lakdiyon mujhase kuch puchhane ke bahane hameshha mere sath time gujarana chahti thi. Par main kabhi unmain interest nahin liya. Shayad mujhe chut aur lund ka relation hi nahin pata tha. Bat aj se 2 sal pahale ki hai. Jab main college main padhta tha. Mere ek...
The flowering of our S&M fantasies has been one of the highlights of our sex life for Kathy and me. We began by using the telephone. I would call her at work and describe in vivid detail what I planned to do to her sexually that night. To my delight, I discovered that this excited her and she walked around at work all day with a wet pussy. Knowing this turned me on. Gradually I began to smack her ass during sexplay, as she sat on top of me or as she lay on her stomach sucking my cock. I...
Madison knew it was forbidden. That was what enticed herforward. The burning cold lay before her. And behind her… Well she couldn’t go back now. Not back to Purity. She refused to remain Pure, the burden of it pulled at her heart. Or at least, where her heart would be if she had one. But since she had met Jasper, he was all she longed for. The Pure aren’t supposed to allow themselves to feel desire in that way. They are only meant to desire to serve the Pristine Goddesses, the virginal saints...
But Megan did call, and almost begged for a chance to talk some more. After Naomi's stern warnings, the twins managed to be polite, but there was no way Megan could miss the disgust and near hatred in their eyes. It shocked her with the similarity to what she had seen in Rick's eyes. Naomi saw the girls' looks and Megan's reaction, and it made for a great opening. "The girls are more than a little in love with Rick, and they know how wounded he is. They assume you were one of the guilty...
In one week Kassandra, as some called her Kassy, will be getting married to her high school sweetheart.They had dated since the tenth grade and decided to wait to have sex till their wedding night.They were both nineteen, Adam wasn't a virgin by far he had a few girls along the way, even while he steadily dated his beautiful soon to be bride.Kassandra was one of the girls in school that was a playful tease you couldn't but help to like her. All the guys wanted to make it with her.She was the...
IncestSo I was around the age of 24 when I started dating Jayne who was around 20. She was my brothers next door neighbour who had asked my brother many times to “put in a good word for her” as she really liked me but I was seeing a long term girlfriend at the time.The long term relationship was fizzling out and as it was quite a distance relationship I took advantage and asked Jayne out for a no strings drink. She jumped at the chance. The usual few drinks followed by some food and a few more drinks...