Tinkle BellChapter 18 free porn video

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It was early evening when we made the island. The dock master guided us in, assigning us a nice wide berth as we secured the boat. Bella and mom soon after getting dressed into some casual, but still very sexy evening attire as we headed on, into the island for some sightseeing and dinner. It felt nice holding Bella's hand, walking around peering in windows, sometimes going inside to browse. It felt good, it felt right ... and I was again reminded this was only temporary.

Bella and mom both were wearing similar outfits. Both had on a pair of white shorts showing off plenty of leg along with their respective tans. Bella also wore a white bikini top, though she had a white blouse on over that, open at the moment, buttoned later as we went in to settle down for dinner. Mom too had on a white shirt, but hers was tied in a knot just beneath her breasts, though she had opted for a regular bra worn beneath it. Dad and I in printed shirts and khaki shorts almost as though the four of us had purposely coordinated our attire. Maybe the girls had, but we certainly hadn't ... similar tastes perhaps as we laughed about it later looking at one another.

Needless to say the girls looked fabulous anyway, receiving several looks from appreciative admirers as we walked along, sometimes Bella and mom holding hands walking up in front of dad and I as we held back admiring the two of them.

"Gives you thoughts doesn't it?" Dad said at one point not being bashful at all about what he'd obviously been thinking, though I had in fact been thinking the very same thing myself.

"Many," I said simply chuckling as we continued walking along admiring the two girls as they admired the surrounding scenery. We walked a bit further, the girls stopping for a moment to look at something in the window of a small little boutique.

"So ... you ah ... wouldn't mind, I mean ... would it bother you if you were to, to ... ah, see you're ah..."

"You mean watch mom and Bella going down on one another?" I said a lot more easily, seeing the relief in dad's eyes when he heard me come right out and say that. He grinned.


"No, wouldn't bother me to 'watch' them," I said emphasizing the word. "I think we've already established that much. As far as actually doing anything with mom? No ... admiring mom for how she looks, and enjoying that, even enjoying seeing her being excited, being pleasured is one thing. Going beyond that? No. I do have to draw a line someplace, and she is my mom ... sexy yes. But ... she's mom."

"Sorta the same way I feel about Bella," dad said. "Almost feels like a daughter to me, especially with her living with us. That and the fact that you two are obviously romantically involved now."

I almost responded to that but didn't. Romantically involved had a lot more meaning behind the word than the way I felt Bella felt about us. Intimately involved would have been a better word to use perhaps, but I let it go, once again falling in behind the girls as they spotted another shop they wanted to look in just around the corner from the restaurant we were heading to. Once again we stopped, and I smiled inwardly as dad took that moment to cast a quick brief glance about ensuring no one else was looking in order to readjust things just a little.

"Me too," I again laughed, and then did the same. Just thinking about that, as wicked a thought as it was had definitely started to arouse me. Obviously it already had dad. Even after repositioning, there was a pretty good hint at what he was sporting, though his shirt and mine did a good job of hiding our sudden discomfort.

"So ... maybe later then, if ah ... well if things sort of go in that direction, you ... you ah wouldn't be, wouldn't feel too uncomfortable seeing something like that?"

"As long as you wouldn't feel equally as uncomfortable watching your own son jerking off his cock while I was watching it," I informed him. "Because I seriously doubt I'd be able to sit there like a monk and not do that if you know what I mean."

"Good ... because I'm sure I would be too. So as long as we're both on the same page here."

"Oh ... I think we are for sure in that regard. And for another then, let's see if we can't steer the conversation around in that direction at some point. Maybe plant a few seeds, see what grows."

"I don't think that will be too terribly difficult," dad said. "We sort of discussed it already, earlier on out on the deck. Once I've teased your mom a bit with what has obviously already grown," he said giving himself another minor adjustment as we walked along. "I'm pretty sure that will remind her of what we discussed ... and then some."

"Well it certainly shouldn't be a problem convincing Bella," I said. "I think she had the hots for mom after the first day she arrived here. And now look at the two of them. They're looking and acting more like sisters, or best friends than anything. Look how much mom's changed already too, and how she's dressing these days. Mom looks hot. And I don't mind saying so, she does!"

Dad smiled almost proudly. "Yes, she does. And I must say, I do have Bella to thank for that. Your moms reawakened a side of me that I didn't think would ever exist again. But now that it has ... I want to take advantage of it every chance that I get."

"I hear that," I told him, speaking more to myself when I said it. Just then both girls had stopped, each one leaning over to peer more closely in the window. Dad standing a few feet away and behind, both of us looking at the tempting targets being presented to us simultaneously.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

We both checked again, and then made another simultaneous adjustment to ourselves. Obviously ... we were.

Though busy, the restaurant wasn't remotely crowded. As a precaution though, mom and dad had made reservations. As the hostess began directing us to a table somewhere in the middle of the main floor, dad stopped her, holding out a twenty towards her.

"Is the second floor available?" She smiled nodding her head taking the twenty and then led us up a short flight of stairs. It wasn't nearly as busy up here with only a few tables seated. Directing us to sit wherever we preferred, we walked over to a more secluded table overlooking a nice view of the ocean in the open air, yet still sitting inside. It felt good to have a fresh breeze still blowing in your face, the promise of cool night air just ahead as we gave our waitress a drink order as we began thumbing through the menus.

"Cute isn't she?" Bella asked as I glanced up once again watching our waitress walking off in order to place our drink order before coming back to us.

"I guess ... why?" Though I hadn't really looked at her all that closely, obviously not as closely as Bella had.

"Because she couldn't take her eyes off you the entire time she was taking our orders, that's why. Must be because of all those pheromones you and your father are giving off," she then stated.

I shook my head..."Pheromones? Where'd that come from anyway?"

"I think it's coming from the two hard-on's you two are sporting ... that's where. Your mom and I saw those nonchalant little adjustments you both made. Why'd you think we stopped at that store just before getting here to have a peek in the window?" she laughed conspiratorially glancing over towards mom, mom smiling broadly acknowledging the ploy. "We decided to give you two a further tease, see what happened. Obviously ... it did. Let's just say neither one of your shirts were hanging down straight when we came in here. And I'm willing to bet your still in the same condition now."

"I'm never betting with you again," I told her, though once again nodding at our waitress as she approached returning with our drinks, leaning over to whisper. "And not betting ... just saying, I think she was probably looking at you more than me," I then winked.

"Oh yeah? Well let's have some fun with her then, see what happens, if she's actually interested."

"In what?" I asked quickly just as she arrived with the drinks though Bella didn't answer. Leaning off to one side a little as the waitress moved in between us, placing our drinks down. I noticed as she did that, she undid one of the buttons she'd done up on her top, revealing a bit more cleavage, even though she was wearing a skimpy bikini top underneath. Sue noticed when she turned back to face Bella, smiling, though purposely looking down Bella's blouse as she leaned forward a little, obviously flirting with her.

"Are you ready to order yet? Or do you still need a minute?" The young woman asked. I noticed that she was wearing a small imprinted name badge over her right breast with the name "Sue" engraved on it, though dad spoke for everyone, still glancing at his menu, not really taking the young woman in the way Bella had, and the way I obviously was now.

"Not yet I think," he said smiling now looking up at her, smiling even more so. Dirty old man ... I snickered. "Perhaps another minute or two ... Sue," he said spotting her name badge. Once again she smiled in return, catching my eye, and then Bella's again ... and again purposely noticing that yet again Bella had undone another button.

"I'll give you a moment or two more then," she said still looking at Bella obviously smiling at her.

"Was that a wink? Sort of anyway?" I asked as she turned once again heading off.

"Definitely a wink ... a quick one maybe, but a wink. Like I said, I think she was flirting with us," Bella said openly now raising even more curious interest from mom and dad.

"Flirting with you maybe ... certainly not me. But she was definitely looking at your tits," I said almost a little too loudly, causing mom to "shush me" though she laughed after doing that.

Sue was certainly attractive, long dark hair currently pulled back into a ponytail, and tall for a woman too, easily 5' 9" or so by casual observance with long well toned legs which appeared even more so coming out of the short black uniform skirt all the waitresses were wearing. She was perhaps a swimmer, if not a daily jogger but her muscular looking calves and long legs certainly were attractive. And though it was hard to tell the actual size of her breasts perhaps being encased in the somewhat frilly white blouse she had on with pleats running down the front of it, hinted at a more than ample bosom.

"I think we could have a bit of fun here, unless I miss my guess. But I'm almost certain she'd be up for it," Bella told me. "How much money have you got on you anyway?" She then asked.

"You mean in cash?" I asked, though I'd brought just under two hundred with me when we'd left home for just in case. Though I usually used plastic.

"Well yeah cash. I don't think she'd be too willing to do much if you were to wave a plastic card under her nose. I was thinking along the lines of something else," she stated as dad of course overheard and then asked.

"Like what?" He said curiously, though even mom seemed to lean further into the table wanting to hear the details.

"Let's see if she's willing to play with us a little," Bella said wickedly. "Though it might get a little expensive here," she then added. "I think I've got almost a hundred myself in my wallet," she said starting to reach for it, when dad grinned, waved her off.

"Don't worry about it ... trust me. I'm sure that between all of us, we can cover it. Now ... what are we betting on here anyway?"

"Ah dad? For one ... we're not betting. And two? You don't want to be making any bets with Bella ... trust me, you'll lose."

"Not always," mom suddenly spoke grinning ... blushing as she said that. "I happen to recall one certain bet she made that she did lose."

Recalling it myself now, I smiled. "Maybe, but Bella has a way of winning, even when she supposedly loses," I offered, which made Bella smile, winking at me when I said that. "Like I said..." I added turning back towards dad. "Don't bet with her ... trust me."

"Ok, so we're not really betting here, but what have you got in mind?" Dad asked curiously.

"Have you got a fifty?" She asked me. I did. A couple of those and a few twenties as I pulled out my wallet, handing her one. Bella promptly tore the bill in half!


"Don't worry," she said easily. She then took out a pen and a small piece of paper hurriedly writing something down on it, and then tucked one torn half of the fifty-dollar bill inside of that, and the second half of the fifty underneath her nearly empty drink glass. Seconds later we saw Sue returning to take our orders, which she did.

As Sue stepped around behind Bella as Bella gave her, her order reading off the menu, she handed it to her, along with the hand written note, folded over what was obviously a bill. Sue's eyes widened at seeing the "fifty" peeking out of the corner, accepting it along with the rest of the menus.

"I'll be back in a moment to see if you're ready for more drinks," she assured us, and then once again headed off. No doubt seeking a place where she could more privately read her note.

"Ok, so what did you write?" I asked worriedly, nervously ... especially knowing Bella.

"I told her, that if she was interested in the other half of that fifty, that all she had to do was bring us back the panties she was wearing, hand them to us ... and then prove to all of us that she didn't have any on."

"Oh my!" Mom exclaimed, blushing again, but then giggling too. "That's ... so naughty!"

I looked at mom, though more surprised at her reaction. "I can't believe you just did that!" I told her..."What if ... what if she gets upset or something? Says something?"

"She won't. I could tell. But even if she returns her half of the fifty, we'll still tip her well for the service anyway. I assure you ... I don't think she's going to be upset however. If anything ... she'll probably get a laugh out of it later if nothing else. But odds are ... she will."

"I bet she doesn't," dad said.

"Dad?" I said turning towards him. "I wouldn't go there ... seriously."

It was several minutes later before Sue returned, heading our way again, with a smile on her face carrying an empty tray with her.

"Your dinners shouldn't be too much longer," she informed us leaning over to pick up dad's empty drink glass, and then mine. As she did, she dropped something in my lap, which she'd been palming beneath the tray. I looked down having sensed something, and saw what appeared to be a pair of black lacy nothingness. She again smiled, walked around the table now with her back towards the majority of other diners and workers. Picking up moms almost empty glass, she then reached down, the slit in her skirt just high enough to fold upwards. When she did, she revealed the fact she didn't have any panties on. A small thin strip of pubic hair showing just above her otherwise shaved pussy. It was brief, but long enough to ensure that each and every one of us got a knowing look. Only then did she pick up Bella's empty glass along with the other half of the fifty-dollar bill. "Is there anything else I can do for you while you're waiting on your dinners? More drinks?"

"Yes ... please," dad said an obvious catch to his tone of voice. "And ah ... maybe some more napkins?" Now dad was blushing.

And then mom shocked everyone ... including Bella.

"And another fifty to see your tits when you come back? Maybe?" She asked blushing even more, though having so boldly spoke. Even Sue seemed surprised by that. I know I certainly was ... sitting there with my mouth open, still holding onto Sue's panties.

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Percheron Slut

Not wanting to go home. Ever. That's how it started. *** Sasha had taken her last hit of crack cocaine about five minutes ago and, as always, she wanted more... so she was eating some horse. Of course! With one hand she stroked the huge black Percheron's massive sheath and balls, making the huge creature whinny and snort, making his magnificent prick strain to poke out through the puckered opening of his hairy sheath; with the other hand she lovingly caressed his...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Natasha Starr Don8217t Tell My Wife I Buttfucked Her Best Friend

It’s been tough for Natasha with the divorce and all. Her credit is shot and she can’t even get cleared to rent a new house. It’s very convenient that her best friend is married to a well to do husband who is more than willing to sign for her new condo at the marina. Obviously he does not tell his wife what he is doing as sometimes wives just don’t understand. Natasha sure does and wants to show her appreciation the only way she really knows how — by offering up...

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What Next 2 Burning

Chapter Two BURN Alicia, smooth, dark, sophisticated Alicia, was hell bent for revenge. Whatever they say about a woman scorned was definitely true about Alicia. While I duplicated the DVD’s she ranted about posting the various episodes from the DVD’s her husband made of he and my wife Kate to amateur porn sites like RedTube, Spankwire and Hardsextube. She raged on about how we should post them at the rate of one a week on each site until they were all on the internet. After I finished copying...

4 years ago
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my affair with a black man and woman

I am very shy, but when i drink i open up. sometimes good sometimes bad. this time was good. I was at a bar on Beale st in Memphis with my roommate and his wife. I happily stumbled into this beautiful black woman with her arms up dancing. I noticed she had a couple of days stubble under her arm. Which was chubby but tight skin with just a little hint of stretch marks. I told her how beautiful I thought she was (which I never do that), and how I wanted to lick her armpits. She was shocked but...

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I decide to drop in, with my boys, to the club on 117th Street, an occasional stop for us. Once inside, we greet a couple of childhood friends who made it out. In passing, we greet with handshakes, and hugs. The usual wallflowers hug the wall, but one of the girls from the block, Felicia was there and that surprises me. I never saw her here before, but I wasn't in here EVERY week, so I may have just missed her. We walk toward the bar as Omarions song "O" comes through the speakers. There is a...

Group Sex
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When Rene Calls a Chrissie Conway Story

When Rene Calls Chapter One I first met Rene at an Art Museum Benefit. I aware of it at the time but Rene was the guest of honor as a result of his impendinglarge donation to the museum's endowment fund. The reception and cocktail party was to be the event at which he was expectedto announce his considerable gift. I had been invited to attend the gathering in appreciation for my considerably less extravagant donation. Whenever I have occasion to...

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The Client

The ClientMy victim, or ‘client’ as I like to call them, today is a special case.? The King has ordered me to make his punishment the most extreme in recorded history, even though no one will ever see the record.? Only the King, his daughter, myself, and of course the client would ever know.? He’d had the audacity to rape the King's daughter, and it was my job to make sure he paid the price for such a disgusting act.? I had already begun, but only with preparations.? I had my men strap him into...

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Private Brittany Bardot MILF Addicted To Anal

Brittany Bardott comes to Private Gold, Private Beauty as horny as ever and this ravenous blonde MILF is freshening up in the shower and preparing herself for a wild night with her husband. After drying off it’s time to head straight onto the bed as Brittany gets a mouthful of cock before enjoying a good hard fuck. Watch this glorious MILF in action as she gets blasted, first in her pussy and then in her tight little ass as she takes a hard anal pounding all the way to a hot cumshot over that...

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My Computer Center Teacher

Hi I am Indu aged 26 I am new to this site I read some stories in this I like to share my experience with you. This incident happen to me when I was in college life. I am not very fare but I have correct size of my figure of 34 26 34. I used to go to computer center to learn computer for 6.30pm to 8.00pm. it is a small center where has 4 system and two room one for theory and one is lab. My tutor is doss aged around 28 that time. He use to touch me often whenever he teach using mouse alone....

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Barry and Lena

Barry was shocked about Iris telling him that she couldn't be his home, anymore. But once the shock wore off, he decided to sign some divorce papers and abandon Central City and Team Flash. Barry decided to head over to National City to visit Kara. Barry knocked on Kara's door, and waited for her to answer… Kara opens the door and is shocked to see Barry. "Hi Kara," Barry said with a happy tone but with a hint of sadness to it. "Hi Barry, what are you doing here?" she asked "I just came to tell...

2 years ago
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Surprise foursome

Introduction: Just an average summer This is my first story so be kind and I apologise for the punctuation as my grammar isnt that good. But appart from that enjoy. Beep! Beep! hey wanna meet up on Monday. Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it Yeah sure Eloise. All right lets slow down a bit Im 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I...

3 years ago
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The Doc Exam

Your friends have told you about Doctor Dan, they usually laugh or blush as they say “he’s got unusual methods, but he’s a really good OB/GYN doctor.” So, it was time for your yearly woman’s exam, so you called and made an appointment. You were instructed to drink a 16 oz. glass of water 2 hours before you arrived, and try not to void in between. As you arrived at his office, I greeted you saying “Hello Alissa, I am Doctor Dan” and I take you to the exam room and told you to disrobe. A few...

1 year ago
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Mom at the Nude Beach

100% fiction! My mother is 61 years old but very active and very cute. She's small, maybe 5" tall and weighs about 100lbs. She wears glasses and has short curly gray hair. Her best features are her big breasts and nice bubble butt although you can't tell because of the loose fitting sun dresses she wears. My name is Mike and I'm a junior in high school and since I hit puberty, my cock has grown to a fat 9 inches long with big balls that I need to jack off at least three times a day. My best...

3 years ago
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A Friends idea of FUN with Angel Part 2 1 tim

I must admit I half expected Angel to quit & forfit the bet by now, especiallywith that safety pin stuck in her slightly burnt & painful clit. However shedid not do that. Paul now told the girls they were going to be DPed for awhile. That was why hehad left the vibrating plugs going in their assholes, to make them ready forsome good fucking. A couple of guys had swept the wax off the floor too. Paul then got 2 BIGnaugahide covered pillows & put them on the floor. Then he had 2 guys...

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The Escort

Walking out into the parking lot, I wiped the sweat off my face as I headed to the car. Though it was spring time, the temperature seemed to be rising in Bluehaven fast. At least classes for the day were over and I could go home and relax in a nice bath. Just as I sat down in the car, my phone began to buzz.“Hello, Simone,” said a familiar female voice.“Hello Cherrie,” I replied.“How are you today?” she asked, being polite.“Good…” I responded.“Are you free tonight?” asked Cherrie.I bit my lip...

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Office ki masti 8211 part 2

While I was licking her pussy, she was sucking my dick. Oh it was so pleasurable. I could not hold longer, so I keep sucking her juices. I pressed in my mouth into her pussy and I was driven mad. I sucked her pussy hungrily. My face was wet of her vaginal juices. It was so good. She started moaning and then screaming. Her screaming made me get more furious and without wasting another second I dropped her off, and inserted my hot dick into her pussy. She just closed her eyes at this and gave out...

1 year ago
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Alabama Nan Round 2

I looked at Karen and said "What the hell do you mean Round 1." Karen gave me no answer. Instead, she removed her shirt and began to spread some of my cum on and between her tits. Watching her do this, quickly got me hard again. I licked my lips and purred. I knew what Karen had in mind. It was something I just loved doing, I was going to fuck her 40C's. "Slide to me," said my bared tittie, cum covered sister. I did as was told. I was soon back in the world of sexual bliss. Karen wrapped her...

She Males
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A Different Way That Covid Affected Our Family Part 4

I looked at Jack, my eyes blazing with lust, having just been fucked by our son for the first time. I was now on my back, legs spread wide as our gorgeous daughter was licking my spunk-filled cunt, licking out her brother's cum. Society would label us immoral and evil, having descended into the realms of debauchery and sin. But as a family, we had risen to a plain of unbridled love and passion for each other, having just discovered a loving bond that societies could never break. Where their...

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You Owe Me Money

You Owe Me Money Jim and I bet on lots of things like horse races, baseball, and football. We bet on our grades in school too. At first we bet nickels and dimes then that turned into dollars quickly. We required each other to pay off immediately. Then we had this really crazy bet. We had placed bets as to when his mother would dump her latest boyfriend. Every month we would place a bet. I usually took the last half of the month and he took the first half. Needless to say the amount...

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Earths CoreChapter 14 The Dangers Of The Unsafe Zone

Going along with his plan, Zax had a few things to fear from but each had the potential to end his endeavor. One was the nurse or the doctor, whichever she was. If she would awake up to see that he is not in the resting bed and alert the staff members and representative Guardians before he will enter cave zero thirty nine again then his plan will most likely fail. Second were the staff members that distribute the green time bracelets. If even one of them will notice that they are missing...

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Randy RelationsChapter 2

My name’s Fenella. I’ve got a younger brother, Andy, and a new lover ... Randy. Yeah, it can get confusing. They’re really similar - Andy is one of those genius inventor types ... he’d been working on some new project with Randy, and Randy really seems to be obsessed by it. Whenever he’s around, he doesn’t put it down ... I don’t know why Andy doesn’t mind - I’ve never actually seen both of them in the same place at the same time. Weird, I know, but I don’t think about it too much ......

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Homeschooling My BoysChapter 1

I suppose I need to set this whole story with a bit about who I am and how I was raised. First, here's the people involved: I'm Rachel, I was thirty-four when this all started. My husband is Steve, he's a year older than I am. We have two sons, Andy was thirteen when this began and Jeff was two years younger. Now, you need to know about me. I was raised in Nebraska, on a farm, by parents who were deeply religious. I mean very fundamentalist and extremely conservative. We were...

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Orphan MagusChapter 31

I heard a knock at the door, a loud one. It wasn’t to the bedroom door. Maybe the front door of the house. I remembered both where I was and what I had been doing all night. I sat bolt upright, with only a comforter covering my naked body. I looked around, ready to wake up my Kelly and Alyssa, but found that I was alone. The body I thought I was curled up with was actually a full-body pillow. While warm, soft, and comfortable, it wasn’t the same as a real body – especially a woman’s body....

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Sexy Babhi

I wanna share a true story of my own with u . I m Raj from Delhi, 26 yrs old a young and handsome boy.i live with my parents, brother and bhabhi. Bhabhi is my dream girl since she came in our house. Her name is mamta. Nice figure,round butts, and cup chaped tits are her qualities. My brother is an army officer and he usually stay out from the house.once my parents had 2 go out 2 delhi and luckily brother”(yogi) was on his duty. It was a beautiful morning and i was ready 2 go 4 the college like...

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My Sexual Awakeninga memoir

My Sexual Awakening---a memoirIt was 34 years ago that I had my first sexual encounter, and it started me on a path that made me the slut I am. My parents werent real wealthy. We always had enough to eat and a place to live, but things like extra clothes and other things just werent available. In the summer i usually had nothing else to wear other than some really old cutoffs that were really tite and short from having been washed and frayed so many times. They were so short that my little butt...

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Sweet Sixteen Part 7

Sweet Sixteen Part 7 By Beverley Ann Miles Alex looked at Daniel. "Just how many of these magazines have you got?" He'd returned 'She-male Submission,' to be given 'She-male Seduction'. As usual, Daniel had waited until Alex was clad only in lingerie before he offered it, and was watching him closely as he skimmed through it. This time, young men were coerced and convinced to wear ladies' clothes, usually by attractive females, who then set them up with older...

3 years ago
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A Successful Venture

Another day, another dollar. Hopefully. That's the problem with college life--sometimes it's tough to make ends meet. Fortunately, a friend of yours passed along a couple of ideas he says work for quick cash. You're scanning the classified page he provided, the potential jackpots already circled. The top one on the list is "Daphne Center for Reproductive Health". WANTED: Men 18-25 in good health to contribute semen for screening and potential fertilization of clients. PAY $50 for all...

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