Tinkle BellChapter 12 free porn video

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I know for a fact I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow sometime just before midnight. I also know I was suddenly wide awake, only moments after spewing what had felt like another "dream load", though just as before, I saw the shadow of Bella's form slipping out of my bed heading back out into the still dark hallway. She hadn't said a single word. I rolled over, my eyelids still heavy from lack of sleep as I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was just after 4 a.m. in the morning.

Seconds later I was sound asleep again, though it seemed like only moments had passed when the alarm rang. It was now 6 a.m. I rolled out of bed still groggy ... but smiling. I headed off to the bathroom for my early morning pee. "No woody this morning!" I said to myself standing over the bowl relieving myself. I glanced in the mirror in front of the sink as I washed my hands taking notice of myself as I did so. I swear I had lost a few pounds, not that I really needed to, but I had been negligent in my workouts of late. Though considering it further, I'd been working out just as hard, if not more so in other ways.

I hated Tuesdays. They were my Mondays in a sense. I had a full schedule ahead of me, with a busy day filled with a quiz, one exam, and a research project I was working on, not to mention some study work I'd be involved in most of the afternoon. For the first time ever really, the last thing I wanted to do was be going to school. And though Bella would be going through almost the same hectic schedule I was next week, I was almost jealous of the fact she still had free time on her hands to enjoy herself. "Too much free time," I thought, and then chastised myself for thinking that. "Was I jealous of the time? Or her?"

She hadn't even been with us a week yet, and here I was entertaining thoughts and feelings that I really had no business considering. In six months, Bella would be returning back to her own country, her own family and friends no doubt, though she had really told me very little about herself, or any of that. I realized then, she was more stranger to me than friend ... though I had already considered her to be that much. Though she was of course in many ways, more than that. She was my first ... and the memory of that would stay with me forever of course. Regardless of what happened.

I quickly changed getting ready for the day and headed out into the hallway. I noticed the door to Bella's room was open as I passed by peeking in. Her bed was already made, though not quite as crisp looking as Doreen did it, telling me in an instant she had done so herself, far earlier than Doreen would have as I doubted she was even up making her rounds yet. Especially after last night. The memory of that bringing a smile to my face along with a little consternation. I had broken a personal rule about fooling around with the hired staff. The last thing I wanted to do was complicate things for my parents. They both liked Irene, Andy and Doreen immensely, though even that thought held me for a moment as I remembered the video camera, and the fact that Bella had recorded god knows what going on long before I had come down to the rec room. Once again, I shook my head considering that. Mom ... dad. Even they had seemingly changed a lot since Bella's arrival. If we had all changed this much in so short a period of time, what would things be like in six months? The mind boggled.

And I was wrong about something else too as I headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee reaching me long before that. Irene was obviously in attendance, no doubt planning out dinner for the evening. I knew dad would most likely leave for work straight from the hotel they had stayed at. Mom at some point, after lounging around a bit, doing some shopping first before heading home, wouldn't be home until sometime late in the afternoon. And for me ... especially on Tuesdays, I wouldn't be home until almost seven or seven-thirty, just in time for dinner as things usually went.

Yeah ... it was going to be a long day. Which I was thinking about when I reached the landing and nearly collided with Doreen carrying a load of freshly cleaned wash back up the stairs.

"Oh sorry, good morning David," Doreen said in her usual more formal tone of voice. It had taken me a long time to get her to call me by my first name rather than my last name when she first saw me after starting to work here a few years ago. Even then, greeting me by my first name still sounded somewhat formal perhaps. Which is the way it sounded now. I was almost glad for it this time as opposed to every other time. What we'd done ... shared, and yes enjoyed ... hopefully hadn't affected our relationship. I liked her yes. Hell, I'd fucked her, eaten her pussy, probed her ass, come all over her in fact. But the bottom line was, she still worked for us, or rather for mom and dad really, but I again didn't want what had happened complicating all that. By her tone of voice, and business like demeanor, it hadn't.

Once again Doreen attempted to slip by heading off to perform her scheduled duties. I stopped her mid-stride. "Ah ... Doreen? You didn't happen to see Bella this morning have you?" She blushed a little answering.

"Ah yeah ... for a while," she said blushing even more, though I decided not to get specific with her. "I believe she went out for her morning run," she said, "just like she does every day."

"Ah ... ok, thanks," I said leaving her, heading off towards the smell of the coffee. "Morning run?" I then asked myself as I entered the kitchen. Irene was in fact sitting at the table pouring through several of her personal cook and recipe books. "Morning Irene," I said cordially pouring myself a coffee.

"Good morning Mr. Somers," she said formally just as she always did. It was almost a running joke between us. Once she had gotten the first Mr. in, it was David, or sometimes even Davy, or whatever else colorful name she had for me at the time. I liked her for that. But for whatever reason, she had always insisted on starting out the day like that.

"Ah ... you know if Bella's gotten back from her morning run yet?" I asked. I glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall, I needed to be leaving in less than fifteen with my first class of the day just under an hour from now.

"She hasn't returned yet ... no," she said with a hint of disapproval in her tone of voice. "Running around like that, out in the open," she added more to herself than directly at me, shaking her head though she went back to pouring through her books looking for something to put together for this evening. Once again I decided not to press the issue or ask her what she had meant by that. Obviously, whatever it was ... Irene hadn't as yet taken to liking Bella all that much.

"Well, I best get a move on or I'll be late for class," I said finishing my coffee, putting the cup in the sink.

"Rinse it out," she said not even bothering to look back at me.

"Yes mam," I answered doing so, though I always did. That too had become a bit of a game between us, and one I actually enjoyed playing with her.

"The names Irene, not Mam," she shot back ... again part of the game. "Though you'll never catch me running around the countryside bare-assed naked," she then added ... which wasn't part of our morning ritual.

I thought it best to leave it at that as I headed outside to my car.

Pulling down out of the drive, I began heading out towards the main road passing by the orchards as I did, which is when I suddenly saw movement off to one side. I slowed, craning my neck a bit so I could see better. Sure enough I saw a figure. A very nice looking figure. Bella was indeed naked, angling over, running across the open expanse, just then making the trees heading towards me. All she had on was a pair of running shoes, socks, and what looked like to be a sweatband on her forehead. I stopped, waiting. I sort of understood what Irene had meant. Though we certainly had a lot of private property, one of the main roads passing by in front of the estate was fairly well traveled, though admittedly not too busy this time first thing in the morning. Still ... anyone driving by, happening to glance out and over in the direction Bella had been coming from, would have had no problem seeing this naked woman running through those grassy fields.

She was hardly even breathless as she reached my window peering in, though she was covered in a fine sheen of sweat from running. Even this early, it again promised to be another hot day.

"Oh good, glad I caught you," she said leaning in through the window kissing me. "Didn't think I would, sort of got off to a late start this morning," she added. "Long night," she grinned. I figured it was pointless to ask her about the 4 a.m. thing.

What I said was, "Don't you ever sleep?"

"Sure I do ... I always get my good four hours every night!" She told me. "I'm a bear in the morning if I don't!"

"You're bare now," I said meaning something else, unable to help reaching over giving one of her bare breasts a little tweak since it too had decided to come greet me through the window. She laughed at that.

"Yeah, well ... I'm not sure Irene was too terribly pleased when I came outside for my run this morning. Even came out dressed, though I left my robe over the back of the chair on the patio. She stood there watching me as I ran off, shaking her head. Guess I'll need to see what I can do to fix that," she grinned wickedly.

Even with Irene ... I wouldn't have made any bets against her being able to do that.

"So what are your plans for the day?" I asked, knowing I was now pressing myself for time, very likely going to be late for my first class of the day, though at the moment I could have cared less. Just sitting here, still almost absentmindedly fondling her breasts as they hung through the open window of my car was worth doing that.

"Well, I'm meeting Stacy in a couple of hours. We're going to go shopping together, and then perhaps lunch after that, then..."

"Stacy?" I asked interrupting her. She looked at me, slightly confused, and then smiled.

"Yeah, Stacy, you know ... the girl we met in the clothing shop."

I asked myself how she managed to schedule that, but didn't as she continued on.

"And then later, I'm heading over to spend some time with Debra at the beach," she added. "Though I'm sure I'll be home long before dinner time."

"Debra? Who the hells Debra?" I did ask, not particularly proud of myself in the way I had asked the question. There was too much controlling of a tone of voice in that when I did so, which Bella picked up on, standing back, thus removing her tits from the window which I'd been playing with.

"Debra's the woman we met there. You know ... the couple who had the three boys staying with them? The one's who came to my rescue?" She said reminding me unnecessarily. "That Debra."

Once again, I was curious as to how the hell she'd managed that, though she answered that one for me a moment later. "Apparently, his father knows your father, so they got the number. She called me, said she was alone for the day as their sons back home with their dad for the week going to school while he's working. She decided to spend the week there all by herself for a bit of additional relaxation and sun. Anyway, she invited me to come join her, so I accepted. Frank's picking me up later and taking me there."

"Frank?" I now asked, getting more and more confused by the second here.

"Yeah Frank. Debra's father in law, the one who knows your dad. He's picking me up, taking me over there since I don't happen to have a car at the moment ... remember?" She said stepping away even further back from my car.

I felt like a shit, realizing what I had sounded like. "Well, sounds like fun then, but I'd best get going ... I'm going to be late enough for class as it is."

"Oh I am sure it will be," she said with a look that told me perhaps I had indeed overstepped my bounds with her. "Have a nice day at school ... David," she said with a tiny little edge to her tone of voice, and then with that, she turned and went back into a sprint again heading towards the house. I looked back seeing Andy standing there leaning against his shovel as she ran towards him.

It was time to leave.

I was late, though only a little bit so it didn't turn out so bad. What was bad however, was how the day went. I constantly had my mind on other things ... on Bella rather, as opposed to my classes, and especially my work project. DeeDee, my partner a cute little blonde who had in fact flirted with me from time to time, though I hadn't made up my mind about her yet, was concerned at my lack of attention to the project we'd been working on together.

"You don't seem to be here today," she had asked me. "Anything bothering? Troubling you?"

I told her about Bella. She didn't seem too impressed. If anything ... suddenly she too was as distant as I'd been. Maybe that was a dumb thing to do. We didn't accomplish much, and I was glad when the time we'd set aside to work together came to an end. Though she did surprise me just at the last moment when we decided to call it a day.

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Intro: There she lies, spread out on our bed for me, her sticky wet vagina still leaking the cum I put in it, just minutes ago. I’m drawn to it, that glistening wet slit with its swollen parted lipsIt’s a large balcony, accessed off the living room of our new apartment through wide sliding glass doors. Walled on both sides, and with a glass and steel balustrade, it has an uninterrupted view out over the ocean. What’s more, there are no other apartments overlooking it, so it’s completely private...

2 years ago
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My Friend And I Take My Sisters Lesbian Virginity

It was a Friday around 1:45, and not having class the last hour of the day, and being eighteen I signed out and made my way home. Only living a few blocks away, I walked to and from school every nice day. It's one of the ways I stay in shape, and I love it when guys stare at my nice ass and my 32B breasts. Add that to my shoulder length blonde hair and tan skin, and I was what guys considered a knockout. It took me about twenty minutes to get home, and to my surprise the front door was already...

4 years ago
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Amandas Highschool Lover

[Book4] This story begins three years after I met Billy and his Daddy. My life has completely changed since then. I still see Billy on occasion but his father died two years ago. I think I'm getting a little too old for him now; I'm fourteen, and Billy likes girls that are just starting puberty, like I was the first time they abducted me. My relationship with my daddy has improved 100% also; I finally know how to give him pleasure. But that's another story. That's why I found it so...

4 years ago
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Jouney Of Desires Of Sex Enjoying The Lust And Desires Of Aunty

I am a young guy studying at one of the prime location in mumbai. The story is about the interaction that took place between and my mom’s friend. I am young, good looking, a wel built average guy but surely energetic to satisfy anyone. Coming to the story.. It all began when I was in my 1st semester of graduation, let me tell you about the aunty before I start. She is the main character of this story. Her name is reema aunty . Her vital stats are 38-36-38. She has those beautiful round pair of...

1 year ago
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Vanilla Sand

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 22 Proposal

1876 "Caroline," Seth said as she gathered up the soup plates from their supper, "Got a minute? Need to talk to you." He looked very serious, and he felt very nervous. He licked his dry lips and attempted to slow his breathing. He could feel his heart thumping. And he almost lost his nerve. The young woman nodded and furrowed her brow at her brother-in-law. Winter was finally easing its frigid grip; the maples were showing some dark red buds, and a lot more migrating birds were out in...

1 year ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 1

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...

3 years ago
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Online Dating Turns Into Romantic Sex

Hi guys and girls I’m Mr. Dazzle and I’m back with a new and romantic sex story. The main characters of this story are Nisha and Naman. So here the story begins hope you all enjoy it. “It was a day if summer when Nisha’s friend came to her house. Her name was Aakriti. Aakriti had a boyfriend named shivam. Aakriti was a white skinned and cute looking girl who had shiny brown hair and a charming smile. Aakriti” Nisha, tujhe Pata Hai aj mene ek esi cheez ki jo pehle Kabhi life me nhi ki….. ”...

3 years ago
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Justice is served

Hello, my name is John Doe. One night my dad and mom went out with their friends, so they left my 21 year old sister in charge. Let me tell you about her, she is about 5 and has long red hair down to her waist, and about 36c breasts. Her name is Justice, and let me say, she has a very nice ass. That night we were watching "Into the Storm", and Justice was drinking a lot of beer. When the movie was about 75% over, I told justice I was going to take a shower and she nodded and said ok. I could...

4 years ago
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Have FaithChapter 12

Jane moved Faith along slowly. She did not want to scare away her new charge or make her regret her decision. She felt that the twins had been too aggressive with the girl and moved too although, in a way, she was thankful for them doing that. It opened the door to her owning Faith. The twins were allowed to play with Faith and they usually harnessed her up and treated her as a pony. Jane too liked ponygirls but only as an occasional amusement. A full time ponygirl would go out of her mind...

1 year ago
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The New Life

Hi everyone this is AlphaQ and I’m starting this series to fulfill all mine as well as your fantasies. And the heroine of this series is Annie. You can send your feedback to Hey, this is Annie and I’m gonna share all my stories with you all, starting from my childhood. This story is from the time when I was studying in my 12th standard. I was sleeping on my school bus in the morning as my mom would wake me up at 5 am to study. Suddenly my friend scared me. I woke up just to see my face...

4 years ago
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my brothers friend

I was at home watching a soft porn movie on cable. Someone knocked on thedoor. It was Steve, a friend of my brother's.He said, "Hi, Pete, is Harry home."I said, "No, he probably won't be home for an hour and a half. You want tocome in and wait for him."He said, "I don't want to bother you."I said, "No bother, I'm just watching TV. It just started."Steve is about 5 years older than me and I have had a crush on him as longas I remember. He is tall, about 6'3"and lean and wiry and very...

2 years ago
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Surrendering myself to doctor fatherinlaw

I am Suji from Chennai. After reading ISS stories I made up my mind to write my story. I am 32 years old and mother of a 7 year old girl. My husband is working for a Kerala based company and I am also working for a small company near my house. This story happened two years back. My mother-in-law passed away and my father-in-law sold out all the properties in kerala and came along with us. He bought a plot in Chennai and built a three bedroom house and being a doctor he attached a clinic to the...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Zelda Morrison Freckled Teen Tryout

Zelda showed up for her Team Skeet audition just a tad overdressed. Before she stripped, she though it would be appropriate to suck our producers cock first. Sometimes feelings are a better judge of character than just sightings. He must admit that she gave pretty good head, but what that pussy do though? She finally got naked and boy did that innocent teen have a hot body, accentuated by her cute little freckles. She bounced that ass on Ikes cock as if it was a trampoline, then let him hit it...

1 year ago
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My Interrogation

The guards simply picked me up out off the floor, and holding me by the arms, they took me out of the room and down the dark hall. At the end of the hall they unlocked a large metal door. They dragged me down a long staircase to an underground bunker. Another metal door was unlocked and again I was taken down a long hallway.The room was a torture chamber. Bare light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Large white metal cabinets with glass doors lined the walls. I could see instruments used to...

1 year ago
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Vegas Ch 10

It has been pointed out that some text from the final part of chapter 10 was missing when posted. This is the full transcript of that final piece (excluding the poker commentary). CHAPTER 10: KATHERINE IS TAKEN Despite the early finish, Daniel had still slept soundly but when the morning call that he had booked roused him, he felt an alarm go off in his head when he realised that Grace was not in the bed beside him. And from the look of the bed, she had not returned that night. Feeling a...

1 year ago
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Slutty Jennys Confession Diary Part 1

Introduction: My personal sluts first try documenting her dirty fantasies and true encounters. Introduction:This is the first entry in a diary I assigned my newest and favorite slut-in-training to write about her nastiest sexual fantasies. Jenny-Slut is a curvy, pale skinned redhead with massive tits and stunning blue eyes. I had seen her often at work, and frequently thought about fucking her ripe tits and seeing her innocent blue eyes looking up from my cock, but I had always assumed from her...

1 year ago
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The Other Other Toy Story

“Thank you for calling the Honeysuckle Ltd telephone information service! This hotline provides information and assistance to all of Honeysuckle Ltd’s business and franchise partners, authorized sellers and customers. Honeysuckle Ltd. specializes in...”“Yeah. Yeah, interesting. Please. Come on, hurry up.”“...mer services. Please hold.”“Ha. I am holding. Holy shit, I am holding so hard. Please, for the love of-““Welcome to Honeysuckle customer service. To change languages, press 1. If you are...

1 year ago
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SOMETHING A LITTLE DIFFERENT Revised story list and themes

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. It’s almost 2 years after the Battle of the Golden Gate Bridge. In addition to being an X-Man, Kurt has recently begun teaching classes at the School. PROLOGUE: MORNING DEVOTIONS Mein Gott, is the sun coming up already?! Yes, it must be. The windows are getting light. Pfui! It would be so nice to remain here in bed, with the warmth of Logan’s body close...

4 years ago
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Cathys Day

Cathy's day I. R. Nixon Cathy Greenbriar is a strong teenager who womanhandles three boys in one day. Carolyn Langford was one of the most successful business women in the valley. Twenty years ago she started a shop for women that specialized in wedding dresses and formal gowns. The store was an instant success and Carolyn's business skills allowed her to expand to five shops in four years. Today she had over twenty-five shops in a hundred and fifty mile radius. She...

3 years ago
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The ProdigalSeventeen

THAT WAS WHAT I WAS EXPECTING. I’m stupid in love, but I’m not always just stupid. Ever since Washington passed the Marriage Equality Act, I’d been expecting it. When the law went into effect last weekend, the newspaper had been full of the reports of gay marriages all over the state. I’d noticed Melody more often referring to Lissa as her wife. And Lissa had been doing the same. The news didn’t seem to be affecting my cock in a negative way. I pushed at her again. “Ohh.” “I take it from...

4 years ago
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5 Months In

Meg always had lousy taste in men. It never made much sense. She was just a damn dumb smart person. She completed med school ahead of schedule, and knew more about infectious disease than a person should. But ask her the right temperature to cook a frozen pizza and she might guess around 100 degrees.She also had nice, lean body which she tended to show off in yoga pants. And a cherubic little face with shoulder-length golden brown hair. It had to come down to self-esteem, really. Now she was...

Straight Sex
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Unusual Relations

Right now mom’s wide cellulite-ridden ass was up. It had a couple of dark moles on it, and I could see the nest of wiry hairs which surrounded the opening of her vagina, which felt loose and warm as my penis slid into it. No-one could have guessed we were doing this, we were perfectly normal people in every way. It was surprisingly easy to keep the secret, since we did not behave strangely otherwise. This just felt like the most natural thing whenever we had a private moment together. We...

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