The Spanking Stories #3: Shhh! free porn video

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Theresa was born to be a librarian, and she knew it.

Even as a child she’d been obsessive about orderliness and organization. Every toy had its place, and her books were always alphabetized and upright on their shelves. If she was reading in bed at night, before she turned out the lights she placed a bookmark between the pages, got up and put the book back in its place on the shelf. Otherwise she couldn’t sleep.

Her mother had been somewhat the same: always cleaning and dusting and straightening, serving the same dinners on designated nights of the week. Theresa grew up associating order with security.

She had been sent to Catholic schools and as a teenager briefly considered becoming a nun and joining a convent. But she quickly realized that, despite her attraction to the orderliness and silence of the life there, her inability to believe in God (at least as He had been described by her teachers) would be something of a handicap.

That was when the library became her convent. She came to the attention of the school librarian when discovered re-arranging the books on a shelf because they were out of order, and she quickly became the librarian’s indispensable assistant. She had proved so efficient and useful that by the time she graduated a small scholarship had been created for her so she could go on to get her degree in library science.

Which she did, and aced every class without effort, so well acquainted was she with every aspect of her discipline. It was rumored that she could recite the ten main classes, one hundred divisions and one thousand sections of the Dewey Decimal System from memory. Some of her more malicious classmates added that she’d probably learned it because she had nothing else to do.

It was true that Theresa didn’t have much of a social life. It wasn’t that she was totally unattractive; she was shortish, dark-haired and perhaps a little top and bottom-heavy for her size, but she had, thanks her Irish forebears, a clear, pale complexion, and lovely green eyes—though these last were generally hidden behind her glasses.

The fact of that matter was she didn’t know how to talk to people. She’d gone out with a classmate or two in her major, but with each the evening had turned into something very like a study-date; libraries were all she knew. And she decided, finally, that there was nothing wrong with that.

After graduation, with honors, naturally Theresa seized the first serious offer that came her way. It was from a library in a smallish town and the starting salary was equally tiny. But the opening was for Head Librarian and Theresa knew as a newly minted graduate, even with her outstanding academic record, there wouldn’t be many opportunities like it and she had no intention of being anyone’s Assistant Librarian if she could help it.

Which was how she wound up in Oakton, Michigan, population 12,000. It was a brand-new library, and when she arrived Theresa was a little dismayed to discover that she was not just the Head Librarian, she was the only librarian. The library had been more expensive to build than had been estimated, so there was nothing left in the budget for anything much besides her salary. There were a couple of part-timers and some volunteers but basically it was up to her. After an anxious first few days Theresa decided that she was perfectly happy with that.

Which she was, at first. The books had been shelved in a semblance of order but there was a great deal of fine-tuning to be done and the cataloguing software was both inadequate and unfamiliar and there were new library cards to be made and given out and a myriad of other tasks requiring her attention. She did them all perfectly. She felt a small thrill of pride every morning when she pinned on the tag that read Theresa Bryant - Head Librarian before opening the library for the day.

But after a few months had passed Theresa found her life settling into a routine. The budget being what it was, there wouldn’t be any new acquisitions to catalogue for quite some time, beyond the occasional donation. So it was mostly just checking books out, checking books back in and putting them back on the shelf. The rare request for an inter-library loan or a new card was a major event.

She was bored.

So what, she told herself. Did you think a librarian’s life would be a mad social whirl? This is exactly what you wanted… right?

There was no answer. Though she cleaned and straightened her library as obsessively as her mother had ever cleaned the house, Theresa nevertheless felt dust settling onto her heart.

A year went by. Two.

She learned to relish the small tasks, the routine, the silence. Especially the silence. It was a rare library patron who allowed a cell-phone to ring in Theresa’s domain more than once.

Her imperious, “Shh,” accompanied by an icy glare, was enough to wither any speech above a whisper.

She made it clear that within her domain any sound louder than that of a page being turned was distinctly unwelcome.

She was therefore was less than thrilled when a well-off patron went to the town council and offered to both buy a new computer for the library and pay for Internet access.

The library already had one computer, in addition to the one in Theresa’s office, to allow patrons access to the library catalogue, and Theresa was not fond of it. She would have preferred an old-fashioned card catalogue; the clicking of the keyboard violated the perfect silence and grated on her nerves like fingernails tapping on a windowpane.

So when the new computer was delivered she banished it behind a tall bookshelf in the farthest corner of the library and tried to forget about it. If she was shelving books and saw that someone was using the new computer she would roll her cart to another area until the person left and she could finish her work in peace.

It was summer. Theresa preferred summer to any other season. The library was less busy and the hum of the air conditioning masked the annoying clicks from the catalogue computer’s keyboard.

She was dressed that day as she generally was all year round. She had four skirts; one navy blue, one brown, one gray and one black - all of similarly conservative cut, which she wore in turn along with matching flat-soled shoes. She always wore a long-sleeved white blouse or a turtleneck decorated in a minuscule pattern. She added a cardigan in winter, when she also traded her white ankle socks for pantyhose.

But this was summer so it was navy-blue shoes and skirt, white ankle socks and a white blouse with a hint of pleating down the front. She kept her hair at collar-length and the air-conditioning system was working to perfection, so even though it was ninety-five degrees and sweltering outdoors she was perfectly comfortable as she wheeled her cart towards the back of the library on that late July afternoon, ready to shelve that day’s returns. It was coming up on closing time and Theresa had the library to herself.

Or so she’d believed until she turned the corner and saw someone sitting at the computer. She grimaced to herself.

The computer was situated so that anyone sitting in front of it had his or her back to the rest of the library, which Theresa had counted as a small psychological victory. But this meant she couldn’t see who was sitting there. Not that she cared, particularly. It was a man and as near as she could tell no one she’d ever seen before. She shrugged inwardly as she turned her cart in another direction, although relishing somewhat the thought that very soon she would be able to tell him it was closing time.

It was the noise that made her turn around. A noise he made.

“Mmm.” As if he were impressed with something. It wasn’t particularly loud, but it was a noise. And despite the fact that there was no one else in the library, Theresa took it as a personal affront.

She drew herself up, fixed her iciest glare on the back of his blonde head, and hissed, “Shh!” Then, satisfied that she had vanquished her foe, she straightened her glasses and turned back towards her cart.


Theresa wheeled in her tracks and started back towards the stranger. Was he deaf? This time she stood even closer, leaned forward and actually raised her finger to her lips.


She remained where she was, placing her hands on her hips and waiting. Daring him to make one more sound.

Nothing. No sign that he’d heard her, but no further noises either. She nodded to herself and again turned to go.

“Mmm… Mmm…”

That did it. Theresa marched right up to where he was still sitting with his back to her. She was about to tap him firmly on the shoulder when she happened to look past him to the computer monitor…

…where, filling the screen, was an image so shocking that at first Theresa’s mind went completely blank: In an office, a man in a suit and tie was sitting on a chair behind a desk, and lying across his lap was a young woman. The woman was wearing office clothes as well. But her skirt was above her waist and her pantyhose and panties were down around her knees. Her naked, perfectly shaped rear end was thrust upward and on her face was an expression suggestive of both dismay and arousal. The man was sitting with his arm upraised and his palm out, ready to strike.

“Disgusting !” The outraged whisper escaped From Theresa’s lips before she could stop it.

At this, the man finally turned in his chair to face her. He appeared to be a few years older than Theresa and had plain, blunt features that would never be described as handsome but somehow combined to suggest personal strength. He seemed unfazed to find Theresa standing there, or by her outburst, and his blue-gray eyes studied her for a moment before he replied.

“Do you really think so?” He spoke softly, as befit a library. His voice was deep and had a hint of gravel in it. When she simply glared at him in reply he continued, with a hint of a smile, “Have you ever tried it?”

“Oh!” The image on the screen had caused her to blush, but this horrible man’s suggestion made her go completely white, and she began to sputter, unable to find words to express her anger.

He watched her impassively, the smile fading from his face to be replaced by an expression Theresa could only think of as sympathetic. “No, I guess not,” he finally said.

He turned back to the computer long enough to remove the offending image then swiveled back towards her and continued, “My guess is that you haven’t tried much of anything.”

His voice was gentle, and there was no mockery in it. He stood up as he went on, “…and that’s too bad.”

His glance moved around, taking in the library, before settling on her again. He suddenly reached out with both hands and before Theresa realized what he was doing raised her glasses and settled them on top of her head before dropping his hands back to his sides. Shocked at his boldness, she gasped… but then simply stood there, trapped by the intensity of his gaze as he searched her eyes.

He held her there for a long moment before he finally spoke again. “There’s no reason for you to be one of those people who reads about life instead of living it, you know,” he said softly, and then added, “You’re really quite pretty.”

Somehow at this point Theresa managed to remember that she was Head Librarian. The effrontery of this man, this… this… this pervert! Making lewd suggestions and then trying to tell her how to run her life!

“Get… out,” she said, between clenched teeth.

She was vaguely pleased to see an instant of surprise cross his features. But then he simply nodded a couple of times sadly, Theresa thought, and turned to go. Theresa turned away as well, feeling victoriously self-righteous and somehow disappointed, though she couldn’t say with whom.

She was just reaching for the next book on her cart when a hand suddenly gripped her by the shoulder and at the same instant she received a large smack on her bottom.

She yelped out loud and whirled around…

But he was already heading for the exit. “Shh,” he called over his shoulder, finger to smiling lips, as he went out the door.

Theresa stood there for a full fifteen minutes, trembling with rage. She would call the police. He had looked at pornography on the library’s computer; he had insulted her; he had molested her. But she had no idea who he was or how to find him.

In a haze of anger she finally managed to close up the library and lock the doors.

It wasn’t until she was reached her car and was fumbling in her purse for the keys that she realized her glasses were still perched on top of her head.

He had called her pretty.

She slept badly that night, tormented by both anger and self-doubt. He had been rude and insolent. In a hidden corner of her soul she knew that he had also managed to summarize her life in one sentence. Reading about life instead of living it, not that she did much reading anymore she realized. By the end of the day she was sick of books. Her own collection had become shockingly haphazard, shelved every which way and leaning in all directions. This was a bad sign and she knew it.

The next day she was like an automaton, doing her tasks without thinking then sitting and staring off into space. Her part-time help for that day asked her if she was feeling all right. Theresa told her that she was just tired, which was partially true. But there was, in addition to all the other emotional turmoil she was going through, another feeling growing inside her: a feeling that was so foreign to her experience that she would have been unable to name it even if she had allowed herself to be fully aware of it:

Anticipation. But of what…?

Without admitting it to herself she kept watch all day to see if he would dare to set foot in her library again. As the afternoon drew to a close she found herself becoming agitated, fussing with papers at the front desk and trying to watch the entire library at once. But when it was nearly closing time she couldn’t stand to wait any longer. She was positive he hadn’t come in. But she was going to make sure.

She piled the books to be shelved onto her cart and wheeled it directly towards the back, pausing to peer around every corner and down every row of shelves.


When she finally neared the corner where the computer was she found herself holding her breath as she approached. He couldn’t possibly be there… but what if he was? What would she say, or do? She had absolutely no idea. She left her cart, crept around the last set of bookshelves… and let her breath out in whoosh. There was no one there.

And she wasn’t at all sure how she felt about that.

Theresa turned, as she always did, to her work. Knowing the library as well she did, it was only a matter of minutes to finish the shelving, and it was just closing time as she wheeled her cart to the front of the library, taking one last careful look around as she did.

She resisted the urge to lean out of the door and look around before she locked it from the inside, having a few small things to do before she left.

Being on edge all day had left her exhausted and her footsteps dragged as she made her way back to her office. It took her a moment to notice the sticky-note pasted to her computer monitor. At first she thought it was from her part-timer, but there was nothing on it but a web address.

She typed it in and hit ‘Enter’ and knew right away that he had been in her office.

The browser opened to a set of thumbnail-sized pictures, and Theresa recognized one of them immediately, despite its tiny size.

It was the picture he’d been looking at yesterday.

Without daring to think about it, Theresa double-clicked on the image and watched as it filled her screen. There she was: the lovely young woman, in a blouse and skirt not all that different from Theresa’s, lying across the older man’s lap and being spanked on her bare behind. Theresa stared at it, trying to summon the feeling of disgust she’d felt before. Imagining the humiliation of being treated like that, especially in a place of business. Of continuing to work for that same man, knowing what she had allowed him to do to her; knowing he might summon her again at any moment and… Theresa discovered that she was breathing through her mouth, quickly. She closed the picture and sat perfectly still, listening. She got up went out into the library and looked around again.


She went back to her office. Closed her door. Sat down at her computer… and double-clicked on the first picture in the series.

She was standing next to her boss’s desk, looking upset, as he brandished a handful of papers at her. Obviously she’d made some kind of big mistake.

Click. Theresa closed the picture. Unable to help herself, she double-clicked on the next one.

She was in mid-air, falling. The boss was pulling her by the wrist. The papers were scattering.

Click. Click-click.

She was sprawled across his lap, her face hidden. Her skirt was already up and the boss had his thumbs hooked through her pantyhose and panties and was yanking them down over her behind.

Click. Click-click.

It was the picture following the one Theresa had seen first:

The cheeks of her behind were being flattened by the impact of his open palm. Her back was arched, her mouth open as she cried out.

Theresa suddenly remembered what it had felt like when his hand struck her behind, and her mouth went dry.

Click. Click-click.

Oh. Oh dear…

She was kneeling on the floor, her back to the camera. Her skirt was still up over her hips, the red patches where she’d been spanked clearly visible on the white skin of her behind. Her legs were as far apart as the bunched underwear at her knees would allow. She was kneeling between the boss’s legs, her hands on his thighs, and from the position of her head it was obvious that she was…

Click. Click-click.

Oh, dear Lord.

A close-up: Her eyes looking up, presumably into his. Her mouth full, her lips extended as she…

Click. Click-click.


She was face down on the desk, her hands gripping the edge. Her clothes had mysteriously disappeared. The boss was standing behind her, lifting her by the hips with both hands as he…

Click. Click-click.

The final shot, a medium close-up: She was straddling him in his chair, her breasts pressed against his chest. They were kissing. They both looked very happy.


Alone in her darkened office, Theresa began to cry.

Her sleep that night was the dreamless sleep of pure exhaustion. She woke up still tired, but somehow lighter inside. She felt different somehow; yesterday’s inner whirlwind had calmed, leaving only the one strange emotion tingling along her nerve ends:


She surveyed the entire contents of her closet with dissatisfaction. The only non-library clothing she had was a flowery dress she sometimes wore to family gatherings or the rare occasions when she still attended church, and she wasn’t about to wear that to work. So she shrugged and selected the light gray skirt and her brightest blouse. She did not allow herself to think about underwear.

Strangely, as the day went by she felt no nervousness, other than a kind of stage fright. And as closing time approached she actually seemed to settle into a heightened, deeply focused state of awareness. She watched for him.

There was no sign of him. At five minutes to closing the library was empty. Three minutes… one minute… time. Theresa didn’t care. She knew.

She locked the door, loaded her cart and began walking slowly towards the back.

He wasn’t at the computer, and for a moment Theresa began to doubt. Then she turned and saw him waiting, hands at his sides, between two rows of shelves.

Their eyes met, and suddenly Theresa was beset with another, much bigger doubt: what if he had only put that address on her computer to mock her? What if he was only here to taunt the dowdy, uptight librarian some more?


Still holding his gaze she took off her glasses and let them hang from the lanyard around her neck. She looked away then, down at her cart, and wheeled it past him without a word. She stopped and turned the cart sideways. Keeping her back to him she plucked a book from the cart and slid it into its proper place on the shelf from memory, as she was nearly blind without her glasses on.

Turning back to the cart she leaned over it slightly to get a book from the other side then placed it on its shelf. She could feel him watching her every move.

She turned back to the cart once more. She took a deep breath.

She leaned over the cart again, this time as if reaching for a book all the way at the bottom of the other side. She grasped the edge of the lower shelf with her hands.

Her short black hair hung in her face, and her breasts felt unnaturally heavy.

She closed her eyes… and waited.

In the silence of the library even the sound of quiet footsteps on the carpet could be heard.

He was standing directly behind her. Theresa braced herself for the first blow…

And gasped as she felt instead her skirt being unbuttoned… then unzipped… then slowly, almost ceremoniously, lowered to the floor. She cursed herself for not buying new underwear, even as her breathing began to speed up. Her behind suddenly felt huge to her in that position and she worried that the sight of it would repel him.

Again she waited.

Then, a sound:


Then just the tips of his fingers… touching her lightly through the fabric of her white cotton panties… gradually sliding upward to become his entire hands… caressing her behind… molding the cheeks. Oh Christ, it felt so good.


In spite of everything Theresa smiled for a moment at the sound.

Suddenly, on the exposed skin at the very tip of her spine, just above her panties, Theresa felt a warm breath…

Then his lips, kissing her there with incredible tenderness, even as his hands continued to take possession of her.

Ohhh… the sweetness of it. Theresa felt herself beginning to cry again, the tears running down her nose and dripping onto the rug. She bit her lip, hard, not wanting him to hear. Not wanting anything to interfere with the most wonderful experience of her life. She felt as if she had become liquid, warm - barely aware of her body’s discomfort as it lay, head down, across the cart and the spines of the books on it.

She felt her panties being gently lowered, then allowed to drop and join her skirt in a heap around her ankles. She drew a shuddering breath. She was now completely exposed. She, Theresa Bryant, Head Librarian, was bent over the shelving cart in her own library, panties down, awaiting the whim of a complete stranger. Whose name she didn’t even know, she suddenly realized.

And she didn’t care.

Now , she thought. Please, now.

The first blow, when it came, was nothing like the rude slap on the behind he had given her before. It was light, hardly more than a pat - just enough to make the skin tingle slightly. It was followed by another just like it on the other cheek.

There was a pause.

The next slaps were a little more brisk, though not much, and there was less space between them.

Gradually they started to come faster… and harder.

There was some pain, yes, but soon Theresa felt a kind of glow beginning there, a warmth that began to spread across her behind… then inward… then, as the rhythm and intensity of his strokes began to build… downward, between her legs.

Habit made Theresa attempt to remain silent within the sacred confines of her library, ridiculous though she knew it was with the repeated crack of his open hand on her behind echoing through the room. But no matter how tightly she clamped her jaw, small whimpers, then embarrassing grunts and eventually groans of pain and pleasure combined began to escape from between her lips… until finally, as his assault on her behind and the fire between her legs reached an unbearable crescendo, she burst forth with a full-blooded scream that shook the nearby windows as she came.

Theresa held onto the cart as if it were a life raft, gasping for breath, as the quakes and tremors of pleasure ripped through her body. Oh, God…!

Sometime later she felt a hand caressing her hair. She raised her head and opened her eyes…

To find him on his knees before her, his expression deeply concerned.

“Are you alright?” His voice was loud in the sudden silence.

Theresa managed a groggy smile as she raised a finger to her lips.

“Shh!” she whispered.

Then she pulled him to her and kissed him.

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Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

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A true story of my best friends spanking written by her

“Mommy, please I am so sorry” I was panicking I didn’t want to be spanked a day after I had returned from college for spring break, especially since my best friend Sylvia was staying with me for the whole summer. She now sat on the couch while I stood embarrased as my mother scolded me “Makaela how DARE you disobey me. How DARE you. Have you done this before and lied to me about it?” her mother nearly screamed. I looked down as my mother yelled at me. I was under no circumstances allowed to...

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Ryans First Spanking

This starts the story at the beginning, that is how Ryan was spanked for the very first time by his Aunt when he was 16 years old, and his Mum had to decide if she was going to continue spanking him when he returned home –   “Hi Sis, how has my Ryan been?” asked Audrey.   Ryan, Audrey’s 16-year-old son, had been staying at his Aunt Lizzie for four weeks whilst Audrey and Jeff were away on a break.   “Hi Audrey, he’s been fine” then after a...

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True Marriage Spanking Story

This is a true story. I've always had an interest in spanking and a few years ago asked my wife if she would let me spank her. She wasn't really into it, but is an amazing woman and said yes. We decided as I was just wanting to spank her and there was no roleplay, "stop" would simply mean stop rather than using a safeword. Seemed a little less weird that way.We got the kids to sleepovers and had a nice dinner and after an awkward glass of wine on the couch, I asked if I could spank her now. She...

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The Spanking Club

Dale was so surprised to see the flyer posted through her door looking for new members of a local spanking club. She had suffered being spanked and caned several times now, all her own fault, and knew that she hated it each time. On the other hand, she also knew that, afterwards, without understanding why, she was always aroused as she felt her hot sore and stinging bottom and always gave herself a massive orgasm. So, wondering whether she might get some experience of giving someone else a...

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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner...

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Our Spanking Ritual Part One MF

Our Spanking Ritual M/F This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Our Spanking Ritual M/F How I see it: Lately I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work. This has meant that when I finally get home, I eat late, and I don't get to spend very much time with my lovely wife. I usually call her on the phone about one o'clock to let her know if I will be arriving home on time, or if I need to...

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Ninas Discipline Spanking

  “I don’t ask three times my girl and I don’t suffer rudeness” Mum snapped. “Go to your bedroom and stay there until I take you to the spare room where I will give you the discipline spanking you have earned.”   Mum was right. I knew the rules. She will ask twice but never a third time. I had had a hectic day at the office, but a successful one. My team had secured a great new contract and I was brimming with happiness. I half heard Mum ask me to clear away the dinner things but I was...

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Gwen Gets A Spanking And More

It was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...

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Bottom EporationsThe Intimacies of Anal Enema and Spanking Book Two

Oddly, Gloria had slept with them and Roy and she had sex for their very first time. She’d loved it, reveled in it, Dad was pretty big, a fat eight inches. She’d only had sex twice, one time each with different high school boys and it was, to say the least unfulfilling. Last night was anything but; her little pussy had been stretched accepting Dad’s big tool but she had, he’d gotten it all into her. It had hurt a little bit but it was sure worth it, he’d made her feel like a real woman. ...

3 years ago
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The Spanking He Was Begging For

The Spanking he was begging for.Ben was always telling his wife, Lori about how he wanted to be spanked long and hard. He wanted his bottom so sore that sitting would be hard to do and he wanted the last part of the spanking outdoors. Lori would occasionally give him a playful spanking but never a hard one.Sometimes Ben would convince his Lori to spank his balls and she would pat them for a while. A few times Lori would squeeze them enough to make Ben squirm and almost make them hurt.Ben would...

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Another Fantasy Spanking from Peter

Another Fantasy Spanking for Jennifer from Peter. I had just turned 18 and was so looking forward to this vacation to Amsterdam but things were just not working out. First the Airline misplaced my luggage so the only thing I had to wear was a short thin sun dress and then the Hotel I was supposed to stay at had overbooked so I had no place to stay so as I wandered down the street I sat down on a bench and started to cry. I had no idea but right across from me was a business called “Peter Pans...

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The Spanking Couples

The Spanking CouplesChapter 1, The First MeetingWe were both nervous.   Two middle-aged, married lovers who finally had decided to try something new.   He always had a fetish side.   She was always a pure vanilla.  His name was Bill, hers Debbie.  Both were in their mid 50s, and had been happily married for over 30 years.  One day about six months ago, after a long argument about Bill spending too much time on internet porn sites, Bill acquiesced.  In a fit of passion, he finally yelled, ?Well,...

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Spanking session

Demetra was a nice lady. She spanked me on every week at Saturday. I took the spanking without any noise. On every Saturday, she asked me after dinner to get ready for the spanking. She make a list of my naughtiness and then decide how hard spanking I need. After spanking, I slept with her nakedly and she had no problem. I cradled my face against her warm breast. We were living together for the past eight months and for the last 6 months, I am getting spanking from her. In the gap of every...

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Ninas Office Related Spanking

This continues the Nina series. The 38 year old has a new intern and she turns out to be a friend of Ella’s who now threatens to spank her stepmother for wrongdoing at the office as well as for misconduct at home. Nina’s bottom was really sore as she walked in to her office. Ella had given her six strokes of the cane before work. 38 year old Nina had to go to the kitchen, fully naked, knowing she was going to be given six strokes of the cane. Six strokes while naked, whilst her sweet but no...

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A Well Deserved Spanking

Marlene and Henry Schofield had been married more than forty years, having married when they were both in their late teens. The marriage was not one where a pregnancy had brought it forward because they were very much in love but two children did arrive when the Schofield's were in their early twenties.Like most marriages, they had their ups and downs over the years, but they were generally happy although, in more recent years, disagreements had become arguments and sometimes the arguments...

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The Spanking Couples Femdom Spanking Poker Party

After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...

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Doreen and Maureen The Spanking Shopkeepers Spanking Fantasies Sometimes Do Come True Part One

It was the day after my eighteenth birthday in late June that year when Doreen Hannah cheerily announced to me that I would be receiving my birthday spanking during the stock take that would take place that Thursday afternoon when the store was closed for its weekly half day. I had smiled at this comment, seen as I had accepted a monthly spanking from the two sisters months back. Although their punishments hurt and left me feeling their efforts for days afterwards, I did enjoy having my bottom...

4 years ago
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Strange Way To Arrange A Spanking Part II

“So how is your bottom after Friday?”This was the first question Sophie asked when we sat down for coffee on Monday.“After been beaten by my merciless Mistress, do you mean?” I replied.“Well, something like that.”“After receiving three times more strokes than we had agreed it is OK, thank you for asking.”“I seem to remember you agreeing to the extra punishment so you could see me stripping in front of you.” Sophie was smiling in her reply.“It was worth the extra pain, certainly. It was one of...

2 years ago
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I Love Spanking

I Love Spanking! I was about to ask if you share my enthusiasm for hard whacks and loud smacks, but I have the feeling you wouldn’t even be reading this if you weren’t into it. (Of course, if you’ve stumbled accidentally into this kinky corner of the internet and would prefer something a little more vanilla to crank off to, I’ve certainly got you covered here at ThePornDude!) Spanking’s a reasonably common fetish, so you’ll find a lot of light butt-slapping sprinkled throughout random porn...

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Looking for a Spanking FM

Looking for a Spanking By [email protected] I was on Spring Break, I was spanked for squirting water on women by the beach, and then seeing their naked breasts as they shook off the water. The spanking taught me to give women more respect. But now I was back in Minnesota in college, and I was getting back to my old way of thinking. Women were quickly becoming just sex objects to me, and I thought another good spanking would get me back into the proper prospective.So I looked into an...

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Carol Attend Her First Spanking Party

Chapter One: Their First Party Before leaving after a night of spanking and sexual fun, Debbie told Ray and Joy that she would love for them to join their spanking club, and that their monthly meeting would be the coming weekend at a hotel located nearby. She explained that check-in begins at four, cocktails at five, but most members don't begin arriving until seven or eight. She said that she and her friend Marion usually get there between eight and nine PM, and always rent a room at the...

5 years ago
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Chapter OneLying by the pool, Julie felt like a cat in the sun, warm, lazy and satisfied. Well, okay, mostly satisfied. She'd just gone for a nice swim, her parents were gone for the weekend, and she didn't have work or class for the next three days. All she planned on doing this weekend was lounging by the pool and relaxing with her best friend Mindy who was lying next to her. The only thing that could make today, and the rest of the long weekend better, was also the thing that could...

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Asking for a spanking

My Aunt Liz was not really my Aunt, but an old family friend, who had taken me in when I was 10. My parents had gone off travelling, and she had decided that I should stay with her, much to my annoyance at the time. But now, 11 years later, she was actually more of a maternal figure than my real Mum. Aunt Liz sat cross-legged on the kitchen chair, showing off her long legs, balancing one of her black high-heeled shoes on a toe. “ I am sorry, Mike, I just never know what to get you for your...

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Our Spanking Ritual MF Part 2

Our Spanking Ritual M/F Part 2 This story is written from two points of view. Usually you only see the story from one perspective; this gives you the whole picture. Please give me feedback! Our Spanking Ritual M/F Part 2 How I see it: As I said before, I usually have to work late, so I value the time that I can share with my wife. But today, it looks like I should be able to arrive home on time. So about one o'clock, I call her to let her know that I should be home on time. "Look in...

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A true story of my best friends spanking written by her

“Mommy, please I am so sorry” I was panicking I didn’t want to be spanked a day after I had returned from college for spring break, especially since my best friend Sylvia was staying with me for the whole summer. She now sat on the couch while I stood embarrased as my mother scolded me “Makaela how DARE you disobey me. How DARE you. Have you done this before and lied to me about it?” her mother nearly screamed. I looked down as my mother yelled at me. I was under no circumstances allowed to...

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About the afterlife 8211 A spanking story

It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in the throat which usually indicated the onset of a bad cold or flu, accompanied by a feverishness and headache. His body had the normal aches of a 68-year old man, but more intense tonight, more...

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Erotic Story Of Spanking And Sex

The idea of Thanksgiving had always sat a little uncomfortably with Alice, as a British woman from a Catholic family living in America. She was embarrassed by it all somehow, as though she was somehow personally responsible. But nothing made her feel worse than spending Thanksgiving with a new boyfriend’s family – the first time she had ever met them.warmth of the city - erotica Her boyfriend, John, was a good person. Good Christian morals, a decent upbringing, respectful, considerate,...

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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

2 years ago
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Reddit Spanking, aka r/Spanking! Are you a fan of spanking? Well, there is a subreddit dedicated just to that fetish, and everyone is welcome to check it out. So, take your time and explore everything r/Spanking/ has to offer… it is a free subreddit after all. Or you can just continue reading since I shall pretty much explain all that you need to know about r/Spanking/ and Reddit.There isn’t much to be said about this fetish, or so to speak to be fair. You are either into spanking or not, since...

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The Spanking Party

Jack Lake had been looking forward to the party for several days. He even carried the advert and his ticket around with him so he could take them out and look at them whenever he felt the urge. That would be whenever he was by himself and had a hard-on. Jack had always had a, "Thing," about spanking. He had always imagined himself across a woman's lap being spanked by her. It was a long held fetish. It wasn't just the pain though. He always imagined the woman giving him a blow job afterwards....

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Laura Takes a Spanking

I was quaking as Ifaced Jason’s Mother who was really annoyed, fuming, and her anger was directed at me.“Well Miss Helm? I asked you why you spanked my son?”I knew it was wrong. I teach music, to the sixth formers, a nice enough group although they find it all too easy to lose concentration but then if music wasn’t your thing then that is almost expected. Jason is one of the naughtier boys. He is newish to the school having joined at sixth form level and had not gone through the lower school....

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Spank Sister Spank Doreen and Maureen the Spanking ShopKeepers Strike Again

Doreen Hannah, the eldest of the two ladies who ran our local village shop where I worked part-time, wasted no time in planning and preparing for my next spanking. She had been unsure about how I would react to her note that she had placed in my trouser pocket after that first spanking from the sisters but had been delighted that next morning when I had told her that I had read her note and agreed to be spanked at least once every month by both Maureen and herself.It was in those years before...

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The Spanking Stories 2 Memento Morey

By Zen Mackie Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day. She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life… First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army:...

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Spanking You

I arrived promptly at 6:00 pm, just as you said. One thing about me is that I am a stickler for time and keeping appointments - especially where a beautiful woman is concerned. A knock on your front door and you open it, your soft smiling face peeking out from around the door. "Hi! C'mon in," you tell me warmly. I come in and you take my coat, hanging it on the coat tree by the door. "Make yourself at home. Would you like a drink?" you ask me. "Sure, thanks," I respond and I walk into the...

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The Aftermath of a Good Spanking at Middlesex High

It was Monday morning and Bob Perkins, the dean at Middlesex High, was happy to return to work. He had a very busy weekend. Bonnie draining him Friday night, and the girlfriend, sensing something was taking his mind off her, putting him to work all day Saturday and part ways into Sunday. He was the one walking with the strange gait now, but when duty calls...Bonnie, the strict principal of Middlesex High, had been turned on watching the dean spank her very sexy secretary, Julie. Julie, panties...

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Sent For A Spanking III

The wife continues the tale.“How is your bottom after your punishment yesterday?” I asked my husband after breakfast on Saturday morning.“It is very sore,” he complained.“Oh well, you only have yourself to blame. If you behave this week your next punishment will not be so bad. Could you also lend me your credit card as I want to order some punishment implements. Mistress sent me a great link to a website. I think we will also need a gag for you. You do get noisy under punishment, and we have to...

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A Wicked Little Spanking Story Part 2

My hands gripped the bathroom counter like my life depended on it, my very sore ass pressed into the sharp edge of that same counter, which hurt.  I’d just taken a bunch with the ‘Wicked One’, Hatch’s thick leather belt.  I’d deserved it, I’d been bad, gotten another speeding ticket, and Hatch hadn’t been happy about it. I was due for another spanking with the Wicked One after dinner.  Hatch had sent me and my dear friend Lucy to the downstairs bathroom to get me cleaned up and presentable for...

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The Spanking Agency part 4

Blimey. There are just some weeks when a hot and horny little sexpot just doesn't know whether they're coming or going. And that was most certainly the case for twenty-eight-year-old Melanie Sykes, one of the Spanking Agency's favorite girls who was making her way towards her next appointment.It was her third that week and even though she was worn out physically, inside she was flying as high as a kite on a sexual wave of pure naughtiness. Her poor well thrashed little bum and well-poked...

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The Spanking Agency part 2

2: Anal Annie and Her Amazing Anus."THE LUBE, MR BAXTER," yelped Annie in alarm, "USE MORE LUBE!!"The young woman grabbed the white pillow at each end, scrunched it up, and buried her grimacing face into it as she felt the man wriggling around above and behind her searching for the plastic bottle of green goo.Good grief. This is ridiculous.  That thing was never going to fit inside her bum no matter how hard they both tried to force it in. Her client's equipment certainly gave "taking a fat...

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A Holiday Spanking

A Holiday SpankingI have a wood shop in the basement and I am very good at making things out of wood. My wife knows this and told Kathy, a friend of hers that I would custom make her something special for Christmas. Now Christmas has passed and my wife gave Kathy a phone call to see if we could come over to her house and I could measure her house and find out what Kathy wanted made.Kathy had other plans later in the day, and this would be a wonderful time to come over. I told my wife that...


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