The Spanking Agency: Part 1. free porn video

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1: Bottoms for Hire.

Thirty-two Winchester Road sat just off the main bypass heading into the West End of London where small businesses and retailers of all shapes and sizes went about their trade. Today was the 20th of November and a steady drizzle fell from leaden skies as the huddled masses of the grand old city went about their daily routines.

Inside number thirty-two, the man and his new client walked into and looked around the empty first-floor room. The woman turned to the Estate Agent who was fiddling nervously with his clipboard making sure he had all the correct documents to hand.

 "All right," she said after a moment's pause. "I'll take it." 

The bespectacled man smiled with relief and held out a pen. "Sign here please," he asked her, pointing to where she needed to write her signature to secure the lease.

Once signed, they both turned to leave. When she got to the door, she stopped and turned to look back into the room which was to become her own personal office. A quiet sense of satisfaction flooded through her. She had finally done it. She was on her way.

Molly Malone's Spanking Agency was in business.

Mrs Brewster looked up from the faded glossy magazine she was reading as the door opened and the bell above it rang. She smiled at the tall, elegant, middle-aged woman who entered the small room where she worked part-time as a receptionist for Pinter's Printers, publisher of various dubious titles including the renowned naughty newspaper, Adult Monthly News. 

"'Ello," she said pleasantly, "Can I be of assistance, dear?"

Molly Malone glanced around at the rather plain surroundings before opening her purse and taking out a typed note. "I hope you can," she nodded, "I'd like to place an advert in the next issue of your adult newspaper?" she asked, handing over the details.

The receptionist took it and put on her wing-framed spectacles to read it. She glanced up at the younger woman who was flicking through an old copy of Best British Boobs magazine that lay on the top of the counter along with various ash trays and plastic plants. 'Blimey. What's all this then? Spanking Agency - Bottoms for Hire? Well, takes all sorts,' as Betty Brewster knew far too well. Since she had started working here many years ago, she had seen practically everything there ever was or would be in regards to human sexual behaviour. Men had more fetishes between heaven and earth than there were hairs on her shaggy mons pubis.

"How far is your circulation?" asked Molly, "Print run, returns, that sort of thing."

The receptionist had her notepad open and was counting the number of words as she jotted down the required order details.

"Ooo," she responded as she tapped her pen against her yellow teeth, "We go all over London and the home counties, we do. Last month we hit nearly three thousand copies with less than one hundred returns. We're seeing a lot more people advertising with us right now. It usually happens with the nights drawing in. People stay indoors a lot more you see."

Molly nodded at her note. "Is that good to go?"

Mrs Brewster waved a hand. "Oh yes. I've written down all your details and checked the word count. You just need to tell me what size of advert you want. You can have a full page advert, that's A4, for twenty pounds or a quarter page one for five. Black and white. Colour is really only for something with photos."

"A quarter page will be fine, thank you," Molly replied, handing over a crisp £5 note, "When is the next issue out?"

"End of the month, dear. Twenty-ninth usually. That's allowing for unforeseen circumstances and everything. You know, God's little tricks. Like the Old Bill coming around."

Molly smiled as she zipped up her coat. She thanked the older woman and left the printers to make her way back to her new office. The rain had started to fall again and Molly unfurled her black umbrella as she stepped between the puddles on the pavement. Nine days. Nine days to sort everything out and be ready for launch. There seemed so much to do.

Thank God, she already had a secretary in place to handle all the paperwork and arrange the interviews for tomorrow. Interviews that had been booked through her various "contacts" she had met over the years. Around her, the hubbub of London traffic honked and beeped as she stood there in the pouring rain. Her life was about to change. This had been her dream for a long time and now it was about to happen. She was her own Boss and real people would be working for her. 

Working at her Spanking Agency.

There was a quiet knock on her office door. Molly looked up from her desk. "Yes?"

The door opened and a frizzy explosion of peroxide blonde hair framing a sweet blushing face suddenly appeared from behind it. It was her new secretary, Dolly. "Miss Malone, the ladies have arrived for their interviews," she told her with her breathlessly excited voice.

Molly nodded and pushed back her leather chair from behind her desk. "Thanks, Dolly, send them in. I may as well see them all together, to begin with," she indicated, waving her hand.

"Righty-ho," said her secretary, "Won't be a tick."

There was a slight commotion outside as the ten women filed in and stood looking fidgety and nervous before the desk where their potential new boss sat. Molly was pretty sure that all ten would be good to go as they had all been vetted and recommended by her contacts in the business. There was, after all, only one absolute requirement as regards their qualification for the job. Anything extra they were willing to do was simply a bonus for themselves and their customers.

Dolly collected all the application forms and handed them over to her boss. "Here you go, Miss Malone. I made sure they filled in all their details in reception. Names, address, date of birth, national insurance number, telephone number, and their, um," she mumbled as she turned bright red, "Spanking and sexual preferences."

Molly smiled as she took the forms from her young employee who stood there in a white nylon top, deep blue skirt, and black tights with her hands clasped behind her back, "That will be all, Dolly. Oh, and hold all my calls for the next hour will you?"

Dolly gave a little nod. "Alright. That I can indeedy doodly do. No calls for an hour. Gotcha." She then left the room with all eleven women watching her go with bemused stares. Dolly, it had to be said, didn't have a nasty bone or thought in her cute little bosomy body.

Molly looked up at the rather diverse array of new recruits and smiled as she introduced herself to her new girls. "Ladies, welcome. My name is Molly Malone and this is the beginning of an adventure not only for me but, I hope, for you as well. Thank you for filling in your applications which I will go through later as I chat to you on an individual basis."

Molly got out of her chair and came around to sit on the corner of her desk.

"The only strict rule I have is that you really want to do this for more reasons other than financial. I want my staff to enjoy their work. Doing something you enjoy goes a long way to making a better success of it. I want our customers to feel like they're with someone who loves what they're doing as much as they do. A satisfied customer will be a returning customer. The extra service will be at your own discretion."

She continued, "What you are willing to do is up to you. But, like I said, we can discuss such things one to one over the next couple of hours as these interviews will only take ten to fifteen minutes at most. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship for all of us. Welcome to the Spanking Agency."

The 30th of November dawned wet and miserable as the commerce of London ground relentlessly on. There was no such lack of excitement and anticipation at 32 Winchester Road as Dolly sat at her desk blowing on her perfectly manicured red nails waiting for the telephone to ring on the agency's first proper day of business. It had gone nine-thirty and every second of silence felt like an eternity.

Molly popped her head around the door. "Any calls yet, Dolly ?"

Dolly shook her head. "We've only been open half an hour, Miss," she sighed, "Most people I know don't get out of bed till ten!"

 Molly made a face and was about to return to her office when the phone suddenly rang making them both jump. Dolly stared at it transfixed. She glanced at her Boss who could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest. 'Was this her first customer?'

"Go on then, Dolly," she urged, "Answer the bloody thing!!"

Dolly swallowed her gum and gingerly picked up the phone. 

"Good Morning, this is the, um, Spanking Agency. Dolly speaking. How may I be of service?" she replied in her best posh telephone voice. Molly bit her tongue to stop herself laughing as her secretary "Ummmed and ahhhhhh'd" as she took down the caller's details.

Molly stood there waiting like a cat on a hot tin roof until Dolly turned with the phone to her ear and gave her a thumbs up.

 A customer. The agency's first !!

"Tell me a bit about yourself, Margaret," asked Molly.

The lady sat opposite her was a smart looking, middle-aged, divorced mother of two with shoulder length light brown hair, blue eyes, pert nose, a small mouth, and a shapely figure hidden under a sensible black jacket, light-blue blouse, black skirt, and black stockings.

"Well, my name is Margaret Jackson. I'm thirty-seven years old just gone September. I've been divorced for, um, about three years now and have two kids. Two daughters who are in High School right now. I used to work part-time at my local bank but got paid off a month ago and I was on the look out for a new job," she replied as she nervously fiddled with the handbag she was holding in her lap, "And here I am."

"How did you hear about the Agency?"

"Oh, um, a friend of a friend who knew a friend who kind of let it slip the other day when we were having coffee together. How she heard about you I have no idea. I don't think she got it from The Times job section somehow." she smiled.

Molly laughed. "No, I guess not," she nodded, "What about the spanking? What made you apply for this kind of work? It's not exactly what you would call a normal trade with prospects that you can talk to other people about. Do you see it as a normal job?"

Margaret sat quietly for a moment.

"It was my first boyfriend, actually. He got me into it. Not that I wasn't aware of that sort of thing, to begin with. As an adult, I've always had these silly little urges where I get spanked for being a bad girl or whatever even though I never got spanked when I was growing up. I used to day dream about getting a spanking all the time and it got worse as I got older. Bill, that was his name, was pretty basic. He just liked feeling and playing with my bum. The spanking was just something that happened naturally and we both really enjoyed it."

"Did he spank you often?"

The younger woman nodded. "Oh, absolutely. At eighteen, we were young and in love and all we could think about was being alone together and having, you know, sex. Sex is easy to arrange. Having a quickie when mom popped down to the local shops for a pint of milk. That sort of thing. Arranging a spanking was a nightmare in comparison!" she winced as she smiled at the memory.

"I swear my poor bum was purple for half the time we were together. Mum and dad would drag me to church on a Sunday and I'd be sat there in the pews with a stinging bottom while everyone sang Cumbhiyah." Both women laughed at her little adventures, "So, as you can tell, spanking has always been a thing and something I really like to do and enjoy."

"I noticed you ticked the extra services box. You do understand what that means?" asked Molly as she looked through Mrs Jackson's details.

Margaret shifted in her seat and blushed prettily. "Yes, yes, I do, Miss Malone. I'm a single divorced mother of two who hasn't had a relationship or um sex for nearly two years now. Despite the efforts of my friends to set me up with God knows how many blind dates, I'm not really that interested in dating anyone right now. I have enough on my plate with bringing up two teenage girls. Doing something like this kills two birds with one stone; satisfy my love of spanking and to help kick start my sex life."

Molly sat back in her chair and picked up her application form.

"Well, Mrs Jackson, that was exactly what I wanted to hear. You come across as sensible, level-headed, and confident in your sexuality. You're the kind of woman I'm looking for here at the Agency. I very much look forward to getting to know you better, Margaret. I hope you will find the job rewarding both personally as well as financially. I think you'll be making more than you earned in your last job all being well. Congratulations, you're hired."

Timothy Swails was a quiet and emotionally reserved beanpole. A tall man of letters who's tidy apartment was a monument to books of all persuasions. The man was in his late twenties and bore a striking resemblance to an elongated and older Harry Potter. He sported a windswept mop of slicked back black hair and wore owlish spectacles perched on his hawkish nose and had a tartan tank-top-ish dress sense as if he just been dragged out of the basement of the local library. He was, by every definition, a bookworm and teacher of the good word.

Mr Swails had other things on his mind this day. He was stood in his bathroom wearing an armless white vest and an oversized pair of blue candy striped boxers as he vigorously brushed his teeth this way and that. Today was a day to wash behind the ears and in all those other places your mother never mentioned in polite company. A quick double squirt of spray under each armpit and down the underpants put the finishing touches to his cleansing. He was done. 

He stood looking at himself in the mirror. Twisting this way and that to examine his profile. He really needed to eat more red meat as he watched his Adam's apple bobbing nervously up and down. Time was ticking on. He glanced at his watch. It had gone eleven and his guest was due to arrive at eleven-thirty. He left his bathroom and padded across the landing to his bedroom as he glanced at the latest issue of Adult Monthly News that was on his bedside table.

No chickening out now. What was done was done and whatever happens, will happen anyway. When he had first opened the newspaper and saw THAT advert his heart had fallen down to his boots and rebounded back up again in a fit of extreme excitement. He still couldn't believe it. After all this time. He might actually experience the one thing that meant more to him sexually than anything else. Spanking. And, there on the page in front of him, was an advert for a Spanking Agency. A place where ladies bottoms were for hire at the right price. And all he had to do was make a phone call.

 He was still amazed he managed to say anything at all when the lady from the Agency had answered the phone. 'What was her name again? Deborah? No. Dolly.' It was Dolly, and she had been perfectly pleasant and delightful as she had taken down his contact details and arranged for them to send out a lady for him. A lady for him to spank. And do naughty things with after. There goes his Adam's apple again.

Fifteen minutes later his doorbell rang.

Margaret looked at her very first client as they sat opposite each other in his kitchen drinking coffee. As she had expected, general chat was embarrassingly painful and the small talk wasn't much better. She was nervous. He was nervous. This was all so new to them both, she presumed. At least, she thought it was both of them. For all she knew, this quiet studious looking man could be out every night shagging the local ladies until the cows come home. But she somehow doubted that judging by the way he fidgeted in his seat avoiding her gaze. 

"Have you done this before?" he suddenly asked her.

Margaret looked at him over the rim of her gently steaming mug.

"The spanking thing?"

He pushed his spectacles up his nose. "Well, I mean, everything, I guess."

'Oh. Those everythings.' She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "No, can't say I have, Mr Swails. Actually, I used to work in a bank until I got paid off a month ago," she told him as his eye brows danced around on his forehead.

He put his hand to his mouth. "Oh my," he gasped, "And now you work for this Agency. This, um, Spanking Agency place. That really is quite the career change."

She raised her mug to him, "And this is my first day on the job and you're my first client, Mr Swails. How does that feel?"

Maybe it was the coffee but she could feel herself warming to her new occupation rather nicely. He seemed perfectly normal. A bit timid. But she had imagined far worse when in the taxi ride over. All sorts of weird thoughts had gone through her head as she wondered what her first customer would be like. 'Was he fat or thin? Tall or short? Hairy or bald? Well hung or a tiddler?' All things considered, sat here in his kitchen, events had turned out just fine in the end as she felt the ice slowly beginning to melt between them at last.

"Oh, an absolute honour and privilege to be sure," he grinned as he raised his coffee mug to gently tap hers, "And do please call me Timothy or Tim. The last thing I want is for our session to feel so formal. Only my students call me by my surname."

She nodded. "Only if you call me Margaret or Marge. Deal?" She put down her mug and held out her hand for him to shake across the table.

He took it and shook it dramatically, "Deal."

Margaret finished off her coffee and put the mug on the table. The clock was ticking and she needed to get a move on. Two hours was their allotted time. You could do a whole lot of things in two hours and the thought of doing those things made her itchy pussy begin to lubricate herself. It was like squeezing the juice out of a lemon.

"Where do you want me, Timothy?" she asked him suddenly in a hushed sexy voice, "I can feel my poor little arse just asking to be spanked already."

Margaret smiled to herself as she watched his Adam's apple bobbing up and down like a cork cast adrift in a stormy sea.

They retired to his study where each wall was lined with oak bookcases stuffed with hardbacks and paperbacks from any subject under the sun and the air smelled of old paper. He was sat in his black leather swivel chair watching raptly as Margaret teased down the zipper on the side of her skirt and let it fall to the floor leaving her standing there in her scarlet stockings and suspenders.

Mr Swails gave a long whistle of appreciation as her shapely legs were revealed.

"By golly," he admired as he looked her up and down, "Those are a fine pair of pins you have, Margaret."

"Thank you very much," she replied, blushing at his compliment even if it was true, "They're my best asset along with my big bum," she agreed as she did a little twirl in front of him.

She slipped off her coat and stood there before him in her freshly ironed white blouse and sexy lingerie as she tugged up her knickers so that they hugged her hot pussy even tighter.

She turned around in her heels and showed off her well shaped and padded posterior to him before bending forward slightly and resting her hands on her knees. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at the panting dog look on his flushed face. 'Oh, he really likes that. He likes that a lot.'

"Now then, Mr. Swails," she said seductively as she undid the buttons of her blouse, "Where exactly do you want me?"

It had been so long since she'd been spanked that she had nearly forgotten the sheer electric thrill of it as she shuffled across his lap as he sat on his worn leather sofa licking his lips as he watched her fat bottom wriggling under his nose.

"Crikey, Margaret," he gasped as she let him pull and tug her knickers this way and that, "You have an absolutely splendid rear bumper."

She humped her hips up and down feeling his swelling tumescence growing in his trousers underneath her teasing gyrations. A little taste of that would be just the ticket once her spanking was done. Her head was down as she closed her eyes letting the shivery waves of anticipation flood through her body. 'Which "optional sexual services" box had he ticked again?' 

The college tutor cracked his knuckles above her barely covered derriere and carefully reached for the knicker elastic so he could pull them down over her bum cheeks. It was then something occurred to him. Something he should have realized would make their little adventure much more thrilling and intense. The language of spanking and sex.

"Margaret," he began, "Is it alright to say naughty words between us? To say rude things as we're doing all these wonderful things together?"

Margaret felt the blood rushing to her head as he tipped the scales so that her bottom was raised higher than her head.

"Hmmm?" she murmured as that helpless feeling began to grow in her belly as it used to do whenever she got spanked, "You mean like swear words?"

"Personally, I'd call them being liberal with the fruity talk." he replied.

Margaret smiled. 'Fruity talk, huh.' She always loved the earthy nature of a good old Anglo Saxon conversation. Especially if it involved sex.  

"You mean like a penis being a dick or a vagina being a pussy?" she chuckled from down below, "Bosoms can be tits and bottoms can be arses. Like that?"

"Exactly. What's the point in having those words if you can't use them at times like this!" he agreed as he folded her stretched underwear neatly across her thighs just above her stocking tops.

'He can say whatever he likes so long as he smacks my flipping bottom.'

She gave her gluteus maximus a wiggle, urging him to get a move on. She needed to be spanked right now damn it! Fortunately, Margaret Jackson didn't have to wait long.

They say that the first spank is the worst. It's when the skin is still fresh and unblemished with every nerve ending just going about their daily business. The smack landed first on her right cheek. It was the smack of an enthusiastic amateur who wants to lay it on hard but isn't sure how hard it should be. Margaret gave a startled yelp as she felt her firm flesh wobble around like a jelly on a plate.

"How was that?" asked her spanker nervously, "Was that okay? Did I do it right? Was that too hard? Oooh, you've gone all pink and I can see my hand print!"

Margaret twisted around and looked over her left shoulder.

"That was perfectly fine, sir," she smiled at him as he sat there all wide-eyed with excitement, lust, and anticipation, "I'm alright. It may have been awhile, but I remember I can take a pretty good thrashing across my bare arse. So, you just spank away, sweetie. I'll let you know if you go too far."

Timothy rolled up his right sleeve. 'Righty ho. Here we go.' His first proper spanking. He stuck his tongue in his cheek as he focused on the task to come. He slowly raised his hand high above his target and flattened the woman's left cheek with a hard swat that echoed around his study with a loud CRACK which was quickly followed by a loud, "EEEYEOWCH!!!"

That spank had been much harder than the first. That one knocked some sense into her as she bounced around on his lap dealing with the pain as she tried to regain her position for her spanking to continue. 'Bloody hell. That stung and no mistake.' For the next ten minutes, she took her spanking as well as any big girl could.

He wasn't half bad. A little erratic but he was learning as he went along. She forgot to count the spanks. 'Had he asked her to? Too late now.' Besides, any number had little meaning as she felt her poor bum starting to burn red hot and feel twice its normal size as the seconds ticked by on the old clock on the mantlepiece.

"Oh, Margaret!" he enthused, excitedly, "I fucking love your big fat arse, my dear!!"

Margaret grunted happily as she listened to the joy in his voice. 'What had Miss Malone said to her again?' A satisfied customer is a returning paying customer. He sounded positively ecstatic as he walloped away at her inflamed backside. He sure was keen. It was just as well she loved spanking just as much as he did. She had no doubt he'd spank her till the sun went down and the moon took its place. Blimey, she was so wet in the undercarriage, she knew she was about to have a strong orgasm at any moment. One spank in a particular place should just about do it.

"OOOOOOOWWWW!!" she yelped as he slapped her again. 'No, not there.'

'Try spanking me just THERE.'


'Bingo.' X marked the spot as Margaret finally climaxed with her vibrating pussy flooding with her juices leaving her gasping and panting across his lap. For her, the best orgasms were the ones that were brought on by the sights, sound, and feelings of getting a good hard spanking. It had been true back then and was even more so now. 

She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Are you alright, Marge?" he asked with concern.

"I think so," she groaned as she slipped to the floor to recover, "Oh my, that felt amazing. I haven't cum that hard in a long time. Phew. Give me a second to catch my breath and then I'll sort out your little treat."

Mr. Swails had given Mrs. Jackson a spanking to remember. The first of many she hoped.

'Now. What was next?'

Margaret slipped the receipt back into her purse.

'Oh. Okay. He wants me to do that for him. I can do that.'

She turned back to where he was sprawled on his leather sofa looking like a kid at Christmas. She walked towards him still feeling slightly unsteady on her feet as her climax slowly faded. Her arse felt immense. An apple shaped scarlet hued bottom that stung delightfully in just that right way. She was still a little shocked at her reaction to her spanking. If this was how her new career was going to be, then thank God she lost her job at the bank. Being spanked for a living was the best thing ever!

Timothy looked up and saw his spankee slowly get down on her knees between his spread legs and approach his aching crotch. 'Uh oh. Oh, my.' He licked his lips as she reached for his belt and undid the buckle. Then she unfastened his button and pulled down his zipper till he was exposed to her intense gaze.

"On or off?" she whispered as she ran a finger all over his writhing bulge. Hey, you in there? Aunty Marge is about to come say hello. Just you wait. I've got an extra special treat for big boys like you.


"I think I'd like them off, please," he grunted as he lifted his hips off the sofa so she could pull them down over his shoeless feet.

He was left lying there spread-eagled in his best pair of blue and white spotted boxer shorts with his six and three-quarter inch erection poking out eagerly between the opening.

"It may not look like much but he's got it where it counts," he mumbled as he blushed like an over ripe tomato.

Margaret wrapped her fingers around the throbbing shaft of him.

"Shush now, Timothy. What you have is more than most and twice as good because they aren't here. I think you have a very nice cock if I do say so myself."

"Thank you very much, Marge," he grinned as he watched her pull down his underwear to leave him naked from the waist down apart from his pair of rainbow colored socks.

As he watched her examining his knob-end, he began to wish he'd asked Dolly to tick more of the boxes in the service section part of the form when she had asked him if he wanted to add a little something extra after the spanking was done. He'd make sure next time because there was definitely going to be a next time for sure. Absolutely.

Marge wet her ruby red lips as she contemplated the cock in front of her. 'It WAS  a nice dick.' A medium, not too fat, not too thin pink sausage with a mushroom head that turned nearly purple when she gave him a good squeeze which made his toes wiggle with excitement. It had been a good few years since she had sucked a penis and she hoped she hadn't lost any of her technique for drawing out the spunk from his wrinkly, decent sized balls.

She noted that he had also ticked the box for "facial" as she started to lick his rod from top to bottom making sure she scooped out his lube that was already pumping out of him. He tasted slightly salty as she let his juice slither down her throat. 'Oh, yummy. That was nice.' She was growing hot again down below. She was the type of woman who could cum on a dime. She didn't need to be fucked to blow her top as her body was strung as tight as a string on a bow.

The man groaned happily as the pre-froth was sucked out of him in such a delicious way. Margaret was bobbing her head up and down faster and faster as she used her hand to juggle his balls in their sack. 

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!" he gurgled as he felt his arsehole tighten up with pleasure, "I never knew getting your knob sucked would feel so good!!" he gasped as he grabbed a cushion and pressed it to his red face.

Margaret continued to blow him as hard as she could. They had been going for nearly five minutes now and her jaw was starting to ache. 'Surely he was going to pop soon?' She knew she was pretty good at the oral linguistics. Her rat of an old man used to last barely a couple of minutes when she got going.

"Bloody Nora, luv," he used to wheeze, "You could suck a basketball through a straw!"

Up and down she went. Inhaling the sweaty musk of him as she buried her nose in his pubic hair and sucked as hard as she possibly could. 'Good grief, ejaculate for the love of God!' And then she felt the twitch. That little jerk of the hips and tightening of the ball sack as he wound up the old cannon ready to fire a load. She was right. Here we go.

He suddenly tapped her on her head. Twice.

"WWWUUUUUUUUUUUHAWWWW!!" he yelled as he struggled to his feet making his pre-spunking cock slip out of Margaret's mouth with a loud pop, "Oh shit, oh shit. Get ready," he warned her as he stood over her as she knelt at his feet with her head tilted back and her tongue stuck out eagerly, "I'm gonna blow!!!"

Margaret watched as the little hole in his doodah expanded for a moment then a long stream of surprisingly thick sperm spurted out and splatted across her forehead and down over her right eye and cheek. She let out a giggling shriek as her client covered her face in crisscross patterns of watery goo as he ejaculated all over her features. 'Yikes.' This guy sure had a pair of spunk filled testicles as he shot out a surprisingly huge amount of jizz for her.

Once he was done, Timothy collapsed exhausted onto his back and let out a long sigh of spent satisfaction, "That was absolutely fucking amazing, Marge."

Cum covered Marge sat back on her heels and proceeded to lick herself clean. 'Oooh, Nice and thick.' She reached for her handbag and took out a paper tissue to wipe away the excess she couldn't reach. That had been terrific. She had always loved to suck a juicy Willie and his was as good as any she had tried before. 'Oops, manners.' She leaned forward and took his soft penis into her mouth and cleaned him up. Always make sure you don't leave a mess was her motto. Waste not want not was another. She smiled as she got to her feet and picked up her blouse to get dressed as it was time to go.

She looked down at her first client who lay there, eyes shut tight with a silly grin on his face. 'There we go. That wasn't so hard was it? Hopefully, there would be a next time'. She found him slightly endearing in a professorial type of way. She always did find men who were bashful and awkward in their manner sexually exciting. Maybe it was the mothering instinct in her that made her want to please them so.

She chuckled to herself as he started to snore.

Once she finished dressing and collected her things, she quietly made her way out of the study and made sure the door to his apartment was locked as she left him there snoozing like the cat who had got the cream. Only this time, it was she who got the cream and he the fun of delivering it.

Molly looked up at the knock on her office door before it opened slightly and a familiar head popped around it.

"Margaret," she smiled, "Come in. Come in. How did it go?" she asked as the other woman sat in the chair in front of her desk, "Tell me all about it. Every little detail, you understand. Us girls want to know!" She looked up as Dolly, her secretary, came into the room behind her.

Margaret blushed at the attention.

"I'm not sure what I expected. But what happened was better than anything I could ever have hoped for. He was totally charming. A bit awkward and nerdy. But everything was absolutely fine. I really enjoyed myself."

Dolly was wide-eyed and all ears as she stood there hopping from foot to foot with glee.

"Did he spank your bum real good?" she asked.

She had never been spanked. Like ever. Not even her boyfriend had asked to do it to her. Listening to the two older women talking so enthusiastically about it sure did funny things down in her unmentionables.

Margaret smiled and nodded at her.

"He spanked me good enough to make sure I remember it. I think I'll be sore for a couple of days, Miss Malone. Might even bruise a bit. But I don't really mind. I'm good to go anytime you need me. I reckon regular spankings will help my arse toughen up a bit in the long run so I can be ready for something a little more intense like being paddled, strapped, or caned."

"That's good to hear, Margaret," said her boss as the phone rang in reception. It was turning out to be a busy first day for the Agency, "Dolly, can you get that?"

Her secretary gave Margaret a hug and ran out of the room as the two women watched her go with a laugh.

"Busy?" asked Margaret.

Molly nodded. "Five other girls out so far today," she replied as she picked up her notepad from her desk, "Annie, Louise, Betty, Karen, and Lulu."

Margaret got to her feet. It was time to head for home as her kids would be out of school soon. She paused at the door. She wanted to say something to her new boss. Something she had wanted to say ever since she got the job of working for the Agency.

"Miss Malone," she said, hesitantly, "Um, I just wanted to thank you for taking me on. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do all those things that you'd want and need me to do. But, it's been a revelation for me. I feel like I've changed inside. I feel more confident somehow. Like I've become a much more interesting person. I'm not exactly sure how to put it into words."

Her voice trailed off as Molly came up to her and gave her a hug.

"Just remember, Margaret," she told her, "It's just us women. We're all in it together. It's up to us to make a success out of all this. One for all and all for one as the saying goes. Bums, bottoms, backsides, arses for hire. That's what we do here at the Spanking Agency."

In reception, the telephone rang again.

End of part 1.

In part 2: Call her Anal Annie - another saucy adventure with the Spanking Agency.

Note: This is a re-write of an original story I wrote over 20 years ago.


Same as The Spanking Agency: part 1. Videos

4 years ago
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The Agency Ch 01

Chapter 1 Roberta the Witch So there I was, in a hotel room on Miami Beach, in bed naked with my boss, Roberta the Witch. This was not the duty of an underpaid minion. I was exactly where I wanted to be, risking being decapitated by her thighs. As I waited for her spasms to end I idly wondered how I came to be between her legs. She was the head of an advertising agency and as ruthless a boss as any in the land. I was in the production end of her company overseeing print advertisement. It...

2 years ago
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The Agency

For reasons I won't go into, I had to up sticks and leave the city I'd lived and worked in for over ten years. I can't say I was too happy about this but needs must, as the saying has it. In a fit of pique, I decided that, if I was going to have to move anyway, it might as well be as far away from where I was as it could reasonably be. It couldn't be a little village in the back-of-beyond, though I was tempted, as I needed to work and there's not much call for my skills in a little...

3 years ago
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Agency Slave

I was in a boring office job supervising the stock for a large company. This was less than I was qualified for and I was not using my brain very much. I had a good degree in Natural Sciences but I did not want to work in the science world. I had tried teaching but as I was gay it had been difficult and I was hounded out of one post.Then I saw an ad in a straight fetish magazine asking for serious submissives looking for a change of life and willing to serve abroad.I wrote off for more...

3 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 01

Mary sipped her coffee as she sat at the breakfast table. She was reading the newspaper, finding out what happened last night. As usual there was nothing very interesting, and she moved to the ‘Help Wanted’ advertisements. She had been looking for work since she lost her job, last week. She had been working as a waitress, but the business wasn’t doing as well as it could so they cut back. She had just graduated from high school, and although she wasn’t overly intelligent she did end up with a...

3 years ago
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Travel Agency Free Vacation

It's been awhile since I wrote a story in my Travel Agency universe so I decided that it was about time to do so again. In case you haven't read any of my Travel Agency stories, they are Travel Agency, Another Tail and Larger than Life. Travel Agency: Free Trip By Morpheus Letting out a long sigh, I leaned back in my chair, turning my attention away from the small pile of homework that I'd been doing for my classes. Or at least trying to do. Actually, I hadn't really put...

4 years ago
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The Agency

The Agency☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Ladies,  are you different to other women ? Do you have a need within you that maybe you have never even admitted fully to yourself ? Maybe you have, but have never breathed a word of it to even your closest friends or partner for fear of misunderstanding, disbelief, ridicule, etc ?  Is this need so deviant, so abnormal, so against modern society that you may never have even heard it mentioned by anyone else ? Do you feel disgusted with yourself, do you...

4 years ago
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Travel Agency

After going thru many stories in here, I would like to narrate an incident which happned abtou 3 years back. I was 24 Years old and had just joined family business. As I was a new to family business, in earlier days I was given some field works, so as I can get the knowledege of field work and then would I be given the training inside office. I was told to get the air tickets for one of our clients for Kolkatta on an urgent basis. I was recomended to our regular travel agents who were just...

3 years ago
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The Agency

Agency The question I get most is how in the world did I get started. It's complicated. I don't think it could have been predicted at the beginning. I was just a kid, living alone with Mom in an apartment. Mom worked in insurance. I went to school. Since I lived alone with Mom, it was natural that I was fascinated with her. She wasn't particularly pretty, but she was home all the time I was. Puberty hit me pretty hard. I didn't have any friends to talk to about it. I just...

3 years ago
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International Dating Agency II

INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY II By Roy Del Frink Well, thanks to that altered batch of six young college men, my agency has all the ladies it needs. You'd be surprised how many men would like to hire a beautiful young lady to accompany them to a party, restaurant, night on the town, or other social function. Some of them even ask for "special favors" afterwards, which I naturally charge extra for. But my girl has to agree to it; the welfare of my employees is my biggest concern. If...

3 years ago
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Agency Secretary Part 2 of The Agency

Agency Secretary About this time, Mom bought a new, big house in a suburb and we moved from behind the Agency into what in my mind was a palace. The Agency was prospering and so were we. I now had some place to drive my new convertible every day. The next Monday after my reboot, I was back at my desk at the Agency and that afternoon, for the first time, I spent a couple of hours alone taking care of all the bullshit in the office, the mail, the phones, drop-ins, etc. etc. I was...

2 years ago
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Federal Astral Transfer Agency

Federal Astral Transfer Assistance Agency I got in the elevator, pushed the button, and then flexed my toes inside my shoes while taking the ride up. For the upteenth time I cursed the dress code that meant I was stuck in heels. I managed to put on my "pleasant professional" face on before the elevator door opened. Mary the receptionist gave me a wave as I came in, and said, "Morning, Director." "Morning," I replied and headed for my office. Today was going to be a busy...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Femdom Poker Party

The Spanking Couples:  Femdom Spanking Poker PartyAfter their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion.  After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex.  For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties.  Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy ? even when forced to ?Clean-Up? partners of both sexes.  Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming...

4 years ago
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The Travel Agency

The Travel Agency By Morpheus A dented old Ford Explorer pulled up alongside the curb, barely stopping before the doors started to open up. Several seconds later, all five of the college students inside were standing around on the sidewalk, staring at the building in front of them. The front of the building had glass windows, with a large sign that simply said 'Travel Agency' above them. Pictures of famous cities, landmarks and exotic locations filled the windows, along with...

4 years ago
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The Agency Ch 02

Chapter 2 Anthony and Sara They hated each other, the woman from the trailer park and the man with the privileged background. She hated the perfect suits and ties he wore. He hated the Big Cube specials clothes she wore. She made as much money as he, which was ample, so she could afford a better cut of clothes. The only positive thing he could say about her hair was that it was clean. Her language was as crude as his was precise and condescending. He though you could take the girl out of...

4 years ago
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The Highschool Sweetheart Removal Agency

Everyone knows how the story goes. Boy meets Girl. Boy makes fun of Girl. Girl calls Boy a jerk. They get older. Boy falls in love with Girl. Girl falls in love with Boy. They don't tell each other because they're terrified of the other laughing in their face. They get older. Boy asks out other girls. Sometimes they say yes, sometimes no. Mostly he's more relieved when they say no. Girl dates another boy, discovers he's a giant douchebag. Boy wonders if his future is going to be a...

4 years ago
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Travel Agency The Family that Plays Together

=== The Family that Plays Together === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe. It might help to have read Morpheus' "Free Vacation" and my "Scouts", but it should stand alone. Thanks to Morpheus for his feedback on the first draft. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Femdom Spanking Poker Party

After their initial introduction at the Spanking Party, Bill and Debbie quickly became friends with Ron and Marion. After all, they all loved spanking games and bisexual sex. For several weeks, the two couples took turns hosting each other for private, bisexual spanking parties. Bill and Debbie both began to love the taste of both cock and pussy — even when forced to "Clean-Up" partners of both sexes. Bill, like his friend Ron, was becoming addicted to the taste of male and female cum juice...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Party

Jack Lake had been looking forward to the party for several days. He even carried the advert and his ticket around with him so he could take them out and look at them whenever he felt the urge. That would be whenever he was by himself and had a hard-on. Jack had always had a, "Thing," about spanking. He had always imagined himself across a woman's lap being spanked by her. It was a long held fetish. It wasn't just the pain though. He always imagined the woman giving him a blow job afterwards....

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples CFNM Party

The Spanking Couples CFNM PartyChapter One:Two days after one of the monthly Spanking Parties, Debbie and Marion were sitting in Marion’s home office discussing their sexual appetites.  Both were dressed as normal when relaxing in one of their respective houses.  Both had casual clothes – for them, at least.  Both sported normal, everyday bras and tops, but were butt naked below the waist (unless you count their stiletto heels as below the waist clothing).  And both were enjoying the...

4 years ago
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The Travel Agency Larger than Life

I had originally meant this story to be much shorter, but as I wrote, the story kept demanding more and more detail. It ended up over 3 times longer than I'd originally intended. The Travel Agency: Larger than Life By Morpheus Quinn stood silently, staring at the office in front of him. The windows were all covered with pictures of exotic destinations and foreign cities, all appropriate since it was a travel agency. There seemed to be no name for it though, just The Travel Agency,...

3 years ago
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The Travel Agency Another Tail

The Travel Agency: Another Tail By Morpheus The sidewalk was covered with small puddles, each slowly getting larger as the rain continued to fall. I stopped, standing in a somewhat large puddle, scowling a little as I looked up at the office in front of me, then down at the business card in my hand. Gold letters adorned the business card, standing out clearly from the white background. They read simply 'Travel Agency' with a phone number below it. The card had been given to me the...

2 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 10

Mary laid back on the couch, relaxing after her shower, she had turned on the television and thought about calling the Agency to let Gerald know about the contract he would have to finalize for her, then she thought about Rollie and the date she had with him tomorrow night. He told her he would love to have her come over to his house, so she could get used to him. She had laughed when he told her that, because she knew what he meant. It was an idea that she enjoyed. Mary got up and walked to...

3 years ago
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A wife must take on a new job to help support her family little does she know that the company is a modeling agency for lesbians

Angela got ready for her first day of work at the LE GIRLS agency in downtown Manhattan. She felt anxious but mostly disgusted with having to get the job. It was only because of her husband that she got it to begin with. He had lost another job and now hung around the house in his underwear looking shabby and mostly pathetic. Life had been very difficult most times with him but now they were near impossible. Even their sex life suffered. Where once they had sex every night, now they barely had...

4 years ago
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International Dating Agency The GoldHearted Copper

International Dating Agency: The Gold-Hearted Copper By Roy Del Frink 10:30 AM: Well, it seems I, Officer Colin O'Brien, have my first case for the day. Actually, it's not a case so much as an order of business. The longest arm of the law in the city, Police Chief Billy Vincent, has asked me to investigate this escort service called "International Dating Agency." He feels an organization, which allows men to pay money for sex, is illegal prostitution, even if the sex is...

2 years ago
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Carol Attend Her First Spanking Party

Chapter One: Their First Party Before leaving after a night of spanking and sexual fun, Debbie told Ray and Joy that she would love for them to join their spanking club, and that their monthly meeting would be the coming weekend at a hotel located nearby. She explained that check-in begins at four, cocktails at five, but most members don't begin arriving until seven or eight. She said that she and her friend Marion usually get there between eight and nine PM, and always rent a room at the...

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Fake Modelling Agency

Now it all changed one day, i was broke and didnt wanted to take anymore money from my parents so i decided to find jobs. I had no skills which would help me get a job. Things were pretty rough i was not getting any job offers from any company. I applied everywhere including a modeling agency. I finally got a job offer from a modelling agency. They called me for an interview. I went to the interview. The interview was at a house which was weird to me but i was desperate so i went there....

4 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

2 years ago
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The Fantasy Agency Prolog and Chapter 1 Introducing Alicia

Mmmf Group Teen DP Oral Anal BJ The Fantasy Agency - Prolog I have had this idea for a good few years but have finally decided to put it into action. The idea is for a high class escort agency where client fantasies can be realised. I want a bank of girls who are opening and willing to go along with roleplay and fantasies. I will then get the clients to ‘apply’ with full details of their fantasy. I’ll price the job factoring in the cost of the girl, the cost of location and how deep /...

3 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch05

When Janna got home, she took a quick shower and then sat on the couch, hoping that Mary would be with her soon. She had enjoyed the day today, but she looked forward to coming home to Mary all along. It must have been thirty minutes when the door opened and Mary walked in. The two women hugged each other and kissed letting each other know that they have missed each other. Janna told Mary about her day at work, the fight that had happened between Jennifer and Jeff and how Bill and she had...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 06

Mary and Janna woke up in their new apartment, and as they lay there, Janna started to get horny and they ended up making love. Mary thought about how enjoyable she found the taste of pussy that had been left alone for the time they were sleeping. It had a more pungent taste, something she found very nice first thing in the morning. She loved making love to Janna, especially in the morning and she showed it, by the veracity with which she went about it. Janna had told her many times that she...

2 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 03

Janna and Mary woke up Monday morning, made love and got ready to go down to the Agency. Mary knew she had a job this morning, and Janna was going to check on her job. They took a cab and when they got to The Woody Agency, they went in and said good morning to Sandy. Sandy asked them how the party went Saturday night, Mary said, “Great, I think I’ve got to be somewhere this morning, I need to see Gerald if I could.” Sandy picked up the phone and buzzed Gerald’s office. “He said to come right...

2 years ago
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 02

At 4:00 there was a knock at the door and Janna looked through the peephole and saw it was the UPS man. She opened the door and took the package from him. She enjoyed the way he looked at her, she had only put on a small tee shirt and it barely covered her ass. She smiled as she signed the computer he offered her. The package was from The Woody Agency for Modeling, and she yelled to Mary. Mary was sitting on the commode taking a pee and she wiped and went into the living room area. Janna...

3 years ago
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Rejekt Detective Agency

Rejekt is a detective agency that operates out of the lower west-side of Annesgrad. The city was a marvel of modern technology. Skyscrapers that grasp at the stars and mag trains that make travel easy to those with credits. But that's where the issue lies, not many have credits, even fewer have enough to spend them on such things as train rides. Most people live month to month, scraping and saving just to get by, and the detectives at Rejekt were no different. Living and working out of a small...

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International Dating Agency

Not one of my best, but still another work from me. The most difficult part, actually, was scouring the World Wide Web for translations. INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY by Roy Del Frink It was another slow day. I was waiting for clients to show, but since my brand-new International Dating Agency only had a couple escorts and no ads out, there really wasn't much to do. I was about to fold shop when I saw six college-age men enter the shop. "Hi," they told me, "we want six of your...

4 years ago
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Travel Agency Scouts

=== Travel Agency: Scouts === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial website or mailing list. The Travel Agency setting is used with Morpheus' permission; thanks to Morpheus for beta-reading the first draft. "Travel Agency: Scouts" first appeared on the morpheuscabinet mailing list in January 2013; a slightly different version appeared on...

2 years ago
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Spanking Parties

It was one of the first emails I received on my college account. It read "You are invited to a M4M spanking party!" The email had been sent to a long list of people. If I was interested, to contact a Pete via a phone number that was provided. Not sure why or how they had gotten my email address... I deleted it. Near the end of the Fall term, I received another email for another spanking party. The email this time looked as if it was just sent to me. Instead of contacting Pete via the phone...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

Chapter 1: Bill Discovers his Dominant Side Bill could not believe what he was experiencing. He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron. And, he was enjoying it. Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory. The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he and Debbie. And, he was enjoying his role as the Maledom...

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Linda Wright’s seven year old nephew Matthew has been living in her home for a month with her sixteen year old daughter Mary, and her thirteen year old daughter Donna. Along with her loving Christian husband Dan whom she has been happily married to for over twenty years. Linda was very pleased with how well behaved Matthew has been ever since that fateful day in church, where he learned a good lesson, after lying over Miss Calusa’s knee. Matthew has been provided with structure, along with...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 04

Janna had been home for a long time before Mary arrived. It was almost 11:00 before she walked in the door, with Bobby who had a large box in his hands. Mary showed him where to put it down and introduced Janna. “Janna, this is Bobby, he worked with me helping me with the clothes that I had to wear. Bobby, Janna, my room mate and lover.” The shook each other’s hands and exchanged pleasantries then Bobby went back through the door and into the night. Janna stood and kissed Mary, “I missed you...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 07

It had been three days since they had gone to Eva’s house, during which time they had called Gerald and told him about the night with Eva, letting him know about the contract that she had promised them. Then they spent the time staying in their apartment and being miserable. It seemed both of them were on the same cycle and they had both started their period and didn’t really feel like socializing with anyone. They would lay at night and kiss and fondle each other, just enjoying being close to...

3 years ago
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The Agency Girl Part I

It had been a long time since Bill had seen such a pretty girl standing on his doorstep. That girl had been Laura, his daughter’s friend from college and it had been over two years ago now. At the time had fancied the pants off her, as they say, but he was old and wise enough to know that he had no chance of getting anywhere near her pants. He did wonder sometimes though if she was flirting with him. Her smiles and coquettish looks gave him food for thought but he never ventured any further...

3 years ago
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Transfer Agency

Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met … her? The job in itself wasn’t boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office’s rather good looking receptionist,...

4 years ago
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Crossdressers Placement Agency

I know it's a little dated, but read it anyway. Crossdresser's Placement Agency By Ricky With apologies to those of you who weren't around to listen to radio in the sixties, I'll start this with a famous quote. In the immortal words of the Chicken Man: "They're everywhere, they're everywhere." Crossdressers, that is. In the last week everywhere I look I see a crossdresser, right out there in public. First there was the color coordinated Dennis Rodman with green hair and...

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Peter and Dash The Agency Part II

Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...

2 years ago
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Agency Secretary Fulfilled Part 3 and conclusion of The Agency

Agency Hijinx I swear he called at 12:01 the next day. It was, I suppose technically afternoon, so I couldn't bitch too much. He was sweet on the phone, telling me what a wonderful time he had, talking all around it angling for an invitation to come over. I loved it. I let him talk and talk contributing almost nothing other than that's sweet, and uh-huh, and you don't mean it, saying nothing whatever of substance. I had a great time. He was plainly running out of steam when I...

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Transfer Agency

Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met ... her? The job in itself wasn't boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office's rather good looking receptionist,...

4 years ago
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Running the Gauntlet a Temporal Management Agency Adventure

"We always draw the plum assignments," Crystal chuckled as they sped down the highway. "Or the short straw," Derek replied, maneuvering the bulky SUV through a cluster of speeding cars. Their vehicle wasn't much to look at. Dented, paint faded, wheel covers missing, cracked windshield, it showed the results of years of hard use and it was clever camouflage. Under the seemingly neglected exterior was a heavily armed and armored truck that could take on a tank in a pinch. Packing a 20mm...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 5

The next morning Ken had been over an hour early. The doorman, who was a friend of his by now, told him that he was too late today. She had taken a cab to the detective agency over on Fourth Ave. Ken pretended that he had just forgotten where he was supposed to be and left for the office. He was nearing the office door when he heard conversation between Al and Barbara. Later he couldn't tell himself why he did it but he stopped instead of knocking or just entering, Ken knelt near the...

2 years ago
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Ninas Double Spanking

Living athome Mum meant her Mum always had the upper hand over 37 year old Nina and this week more than usual her Mum was being so picky about everything she did. It was as though she was trying to goad Nina into misbehaving and as her Mum got shorter tempered with Nina so Nina was feeling more aroused at the thought that perhaps her next spanking was just minutes away. In fact Nina’s Mum didn’t realise at all the impact her irritation was having on Nina. She was still livid with her daughter...

2 years ago
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Spanking and Sex

Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...

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Spanking and Sex

Abi and Fran met at Uni. Both are now 20 years old and share a small two bed terraced house in the student area close to their University. They enjoy each other’s company and each other, sharing a large double bed leaving the second bedroom empty. Both girls shared a fantasy. To be spanked. So it wasn’t long before spanking played a part in their love making. The spankings were long and hard, and the love making afterwards had both girls moaning and groaning in erotic sensations as they played...

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Ninas Punishment Letter Spanking

Nina was at least glad that the time to go home had come but knew she had one last difficult task to do. Having tidied up her desk, she stood up, making sure as she had always done since being spanked earlier that her dress did not ride up so far that her red legs would be easily seen by those behind her. She managed it, and then looked across at Miss Millie, took a deep breath, and, as her bottom was still stinging from the spanking, she walked over to her boss. Millie looked up as Nina stood...

3 years ago
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The Good Spanking Cafe

The Spanking Good Caf? By Jake Olive [email protected] many years of working for other people, Mickey and Pam Miller decided to start their own restaurant in May of 2012. In order to stand apart from the other similar restaurants in town, they decided that their Caf? needed a theme. After careful consideration they settled on ?The Spanking Good Caf?.? Located just outside of Orlando Florida, the Caf? would hopefully be known for its’ great food and it would have a light spirited spanking theme to...

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The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of a High School Senior

The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying The Bare Bottom Spanking and Wedging of An 18-Year-Old High School Senior with a Hard-on For Bullying? 48385 Word Count ??????????? It's payback time for a sexually-harassed, high-school senior co-ed who partners with a male principal to discipline a male high school senior who is not only embarrassing her in public but also bullying kids on the bus with painful and demeaning wedgies.? Is...

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Sarahs First Spanking

Sarah’s First Spanking Sarah Blackwood is 20 years old and is coming to her final term in collage in Manchester and is ready to embark on a career as a chief. She is in her student digs a few miles away from the main campus packing up her stuff knowing that in final few weeks will be full of parties and heavy drinking. She is also single, as her boyfriend of 2 years David had dumped her for another woman in America so she was looking forward to go to a few collage parties as a...

3 years ago
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Spanking Club Ruse

Lisa glared at the granny aged woman and demanded, “Stop. I need to check what’s in your bag.”The older woman did stop, blushing, turned and looked at Lisa, and stood still.Lisa was the nineteen-year-old manageress of the lady’s clothes department in the retail outlet. She was dressed for the hot summer weather in a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt with bare legs. Right then she had a very stern look on her young-looking face and her eyes blazed.The older woman looked in her...

4 years ago
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Mrs Denvers Double Spanking The Aftermath

Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...

2 years ago
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Carol Learns About Spanking

Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One:  Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears.  Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill.  And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month.  Last month it was more than $200.  Now it was more than double.  When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences.  And, she...

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