The Travel Agency: Larger Than Life free porn video

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I had originally meant this story to be much shorter, but as I wrote, the story kept demanding more and more detail. It ended up over 3 times longer than I'd originally intended. The Travel Agency: Larger than Life By Morpheus Quinn stood silently, staring at the office in front of him. The windows were all covered with pictures of exotic destinations and foreign cities, all appropriate since it was a travel agency. There seemed to be no name for it though, just The Travel Agency, painted on the window in clear view. "So many places..." Quinn whispered to himself, the first words that he had spoken all day. Then again, what was the use of talking if there was no one besides himself to hear. For a moment Quinn just stared at the ground, frowning to himself. Somehow he knew that he could go to every place that they offered, but nothing would really change. He'd come back, back to the same empty apartment, to the same meaningless job. Nothing ever changed. At 25 Quinn had many regrets. Sometimes it seemed as that those were all that he had. And unfortunately, those times seemed to be growing more frequent. It was because of that, because he needed a change of scenery, even a temporary one, that he was there. Then Quinn looked back at the door and slowly started towards it, feeling rather nervous, and even excited. It wasn't the first time that he'd come there. He had been there just several days earlier, noticing it while walking past. However it wasn't the discovery of the Travel Agency, which Quinn remembered most clearly, it was what had happened once he had gone inside. Quinn remembered the strange man that was inside, the man who'd introduced himself as Mr. G. The man who had offered Quinn a chance to travel to some place different, some place magical. Mr. G had even shown him something amazing, making a crystal ball float in the air. That had been all the proof that Quinn had needed, and minutes later, he had signed up for one of those trips. For one of the 'special' vacation packages. That was why he had returned. "I hope I'm not too early," Quinn muttered, glancing down at his cheap watch before stepping inside. A moment later Quinn looked around the office, seeing an overweight and balding man behind the counter, while a teenage black boy was sitting in a chair off to the side. Quinn only recognized one of the two... the man behind the counter. It was Mr. G. "I'm here for my trip," Quinn told the man behind the counter, feeling nervous as he did so. Mr. G looked up and smiled. "Good. I have everything ready." "What do I have to do?" Quinn asked quietly. "I shall take care of everything," Mr. G told him patiently. "Once you arrive in the other world, you will inhabit someone else's body for the two weeks that you are there. A guide will be provided for you, just as he is for your exchange." With that Mr. G gestured to the black teen, who nodded faintly. With that Mr. G gestured for Quinn to follow him, then went into door in the back. A minute later Quinn stood inside the other room, looking around in surprise. There was some sort of powder sprinkled on the floor, in the shape of a large circle. "Stand within," Mr. G instructed. As soon as Quinn had done so, feeling a little ridiculous, Mr. G continued, "and I hope that you enjoy your vacation." Suddenly Mr. G slammed a wooden staff into the ground at the edge of the circle and everything exploded into blue light. Reality dropped away from Quinn, as did all of his senses. Quinn had no idea how long he was out since there was no point of reference. It could easily have been the tiniest fraction of a second... or even months. The timeless limbo quickly ended though and his senses suddenly returned. At first Quinn remained where he was, lying on the ground, aware of the sunlight on his skin, of birds chirping in the distance and the light touch of a breeze against his skin. Then there were the strange sensations coming from his own body, the ones that made him hesitate before opening his eyes and facing whatever... or whoever he had become. Frowning slightly Quinn stood up and looked around, noticing that he was in a grassy clearing, though there were lots of trees all around it, as well as enormous mountains a short distance away. After looking around he realized that he was in a large valley between the mountains. Then Quinn finally looked down at himself, surprised at what he saw. His chest... his chest was pushing out into what were obviously a pair of women's breasts, covered by a somewhat ragged green shirt. He blinked several times, then continued looking himself over, seeing that his whole body was dressed in green and brown cloth, as well as lots of brown leather, all of which covered his body up fairly well. However a nervous pat at his crotch revealed that the familiar organ was missing. With a cautious pat at his breasts, Quinn mused, "Interesting." He certainly hadn't expected to be turned into a woman, though he knew that he shouldn't have been too surprised. With a wry smile he muttered, "I suppose that two weeks won't hurt." Quinn patted at his shirt and pants, then looked at the bare skin on sleeveless arms. The arms were both well toned, with a light tan that revealed that they had spent a bit of time in the sun. There were even several slight scars, though the arms were still definitely those of a woman. Turning his attention to the hands Quinn held them up in front of him and stared curiously. They were definitely feminine hands with nails that were longer than his own had been, though without a trace of polish. And when he looked at the palms of his hands he found that they were a little callused, obviously not the hands of some pampered princess. Once he was done examining his hands, Quinn reached behind him and felt the hair that went down to his shoulder blades. Then pulling some of it into view, he saw that it was a very dark brown. A moment later he ran his hands over his face, not finding anything that felt strange... other than that it was obviously the face of a woman. Quinn frowned for a moment, not because he was obviously in the body of a woman, but because he'd expected to trade bodies with someone a little more... exotic. After all, Mr. G had said that most of the people around there were mythological creatures, though he had admitted that there were a number of humans as well. After a moment Quinn stood where he was, taking a long look at his surroundings and frowning as he did so. Something didn't look quite right, though he couldn't place exactly what that was. Or was that many small somethings? Then again, he reminded himself, he wasn't in his own world anymore either. With that Quinn started to slowly walk around the grassy area that he was in, unable to shake the nagging feeling that there was something really wrong with his environment. However he put that out of his mind as he looked around. Then Quinn noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and snapped around, startled to see a figure moving towards him, having come out of the trees. As it got closer, he could see that it was a woman, or at least looked like a woman. She was dressed in reddish-brown clothes and tanned leather, with shoulder length light brown hair and appeared to be in her late teens or early twenties, though Quinn couldn't quite be sure. And then he noticed the weapon that was strapped on her back, which he thought was better than pointed at him. It was a crossbow. However there was one thing about the strange woman... or whatever she was, that really caught Quinn's attention. Her size. The woman didn't even come up to his waist. In fact it looked like she only came up to his mid thigh or so. "Greetings," the tiny woman called out, holding up hand, "I am Chiandra Treebrook." Quinn stared down at her, amazed at how small she was. Then he shook it off, feeling a little embarrassed. "Hi," he answered slowly, "my name's Quinn." The woman... Chiandra smiled broadly, "Welcome to our world," she beamed, "I am to be your guide." Not sure of what else to say, Quinn nodded, "Thank you." "Here," Chiandra said, pulling something out of her leather bag and holding it up, "put this on." It took Quinn a moment to realize that it was a bracelet or arm bracer of some sort. With a frown he crouched down; both to be on a more equal position with Chiandra and so that he could take the arm bracer. As soon as he'd accepted it, he frowned. "This isn't going to fit me," Quinn told her gently. Chiandra just smiled, "I was told that it adjusts to the size of whomever wears it. It is a symbol that you are a visitor so that others will not trouble you." Then she added, almost as an afterthought, "Or at least most others, for as long as you don't trouble them." Quinn nodded silently, though he stared at the bracelet skeptically before he tried putting it on. Almost immediately the metal seemed to melt... flowing up his hand and wrapping around his wrist. When it solidified again, it was in the shape of a bracelet, much wider around than it had been so that it would fit his wrist, but much shorter as well. Instead of covering half his forearm as it looked like it was designed to for someone of her size, it fit more like a wristwatch. "It fits," Quinn muttered in surprise. The tiny woman just laughed at that, then gestured, "Come with me. I will take you to the village and a place where you may stay while you are here." Quinn nodded and followed behind the tiny woman, who seemed rather cheerful. She even hummed as they walked along, with her moving at a rapid pace so that Quinn didn't feel as though he was standing still. Finally, after watching Chiandra for a little while, Quinn just had to ask the question, "What are you anyway? I mean, what species?" Chiandra paused and looked up at him with a proud smile, "I'm a human." "Human?" Quinn choked out in disbelief. "That's impossible. You can't be a human, you're so small..." Chiandra just laughed at that, obviously very amused. "I'm not small," she finally answered, "you're just very large." Then Chiandra grinned broadly, "You are a giant after all. Or is that giantess..." For a moment Quinn just stared at Chiandra in disbelief, then slowly started to look around him again. This time, he was able to realize what was wrong with his surroundings. They were too small. The trees didn't look as large as he thought they should, and the grass all looked so much smaller than was normal. Finally, Quinn just shook his head in amazement, "A giantess..." That was going to take some getting used to. --- There had been a flash of blue, followed by a confusion that overwhelmed all senses. At least those were the last things that Kestra remembered as she slowly came to in a strange place. Kestra slowly stood up, blinking as she looked around at the flat walls on all sides, then the fat man just a short distance away, holding a wooden staff in his hands. It only took a moment for her to recognize the staff as that of a mage. "You are a mage," Kestra said slowly, surprised by the sound of her own voice. Looking down she blinked, startled to see that she appeared to be in the body of a man. A thin man at that, wearing strange clothes unlike any that she'd ever seen. "Welcome to this world," the fat man greeted her with a smile, "you may call me Mr. G while here." "You are the Gray One," Kestra exclaimed in realization. He just nodded faintly. "And you are my size..." Kestra moved closer to him, realizing that he was perhaps just a tiny bit taller than she was. That was a strange occurrence as she rarely encountered anyone that was even close to her size unless they were of her own people. And even then, she rarely encountered another one of her kind. Mr. G smiled faintly, "Of course. Your host body is that of a human, as is my own." "Oh," Kestra responded, feeling a little surprised, though she quickly reminded herself that she had expected as much since the Gray One's messenger had told her a little of what to expect. She took another look around the room she was inside before asking, "How soon may I explore this world?" "Immediately," Mr. G answered, gesturing for her to follow him through a door. A moment later she was inside another strange room where Mr. G stated, "Here is your guide." With that Kestra noticed a strange creature stand up. He was just a little shorter than her and looked completely human except that his skin was a very dark brown. She had heard of humans with darker skin, but never one of that shade. Then again, she was no expert on humans either, usually preferring to avoid their kind. "Hey," the dark skinned stranger said, "the name's Sam." He held out his hand. "Kestra," she responded slowly. Kestra wasn't sure why he was holding out her hand, then he let out a sigh and grabbed her own hand in his and held it for a moment. "We call it shaking hands," Sam told her. Then Sam continued, "Nice name, but it might attract a little less notice if I called you something like Kenny or... Kester while you're here. That sounds a bit more like a guy's name." "Sam will show you around while you are here," Mr. G told Kestra gently. "I hope that you enjoy your time here, but please remember, there are a great many dangers here that you are not used to. Sam will keep you advised of those." With a faint snort Kestra didn't bother to pay any attention to Mr. G's warning, doubting that there was anything short of a dragon for her to be worried about. Instead, she looked at the door, impatient to get going and see the strange new world. A minute later Kestra followed Sam out the door, barely noticing Mr. G shaking his head sadly behind them. As soon as they were outside Kestra looked around in amazement, unable to believe the amount of buildings and stone that were within sight. And the people. The people surprised her the most, all of them being somewhat close to her own size. And none of them... not a single person was staring at her in horror or running away screaming. Sam just grinned, "C'mon man, I'll take you on a bit of a tour before we get to where your host lives. Then" he winked at her, "We'll really do all the sights." However Kestra just stared around her in amazement, still in shock by the human's reactions. By the fact that none of them seemed to be giving her a second look. By the fact that there were so many of them, all the same size as her. It was almost overwhelming. "You all right?" Sam asked, sounding just a little concerned. Kestra nodded faintly, gulping as she looked up at the buildings, the stone buildings that seemed to stretch up to the very sky itself. She'd never imagined that any construction could possibly be so... enormous. Between that and the dozens of people within sight who were her own size, she was beginning to feel something that she'd never felt in her entire life. She was beginning to feel... small. "I am... fine," Kestra assured Sam with a grunt, regaining her composure and adding, "everything is so different... So strange..." Sam just laughed at that, slapping Kestra on the back and catching her by surprise when he did so. "Man, you have no idea." Then with a grin, he added, "I think a taxi ride is in order." Then still feeling somewhat in awe, Kestra followed behind her guide, not sure what a taxi was, but eager to find just what other wonders that strange world possessed. --- Quinn sat on the hay covered ground with his legs crossed, hunched over a little so that his head did not hit the rafters of the barn that he was within. Chiandra stood several feet away, looking up at him with a smile, though she did look just a little awed. "I'm not used to being around giants," Chiandra answered when Quinn asked her about it. "But I'm not really a giant," Quinn told her, still not sure that he believed it himself. He sure didn't feel any different, at least other than being in the body of a woman. That was strange enough, but to be about 18 feet tall on top of that... Chiandra nodded, "Perhaps not inside, though your body most assuredly is." Then she gestured at the barn around them, smiling, "I have prepared my uncle's barn for your use as long as you are here." After pausing a moment, Chiandra added, "I fear that it is all that you would fit inside." "It's all right," Quinn sighed, glancing at the make shift bed. "Just not quite what I'm used to." He sighed, beginning to regret his decision to come, though it had to be better than staying home. Just a short while ago they had come to a large farming area and Chiandra had led him straight into the large barn that was away from any other construction. He was surprised to find that it had been set up inside much like a bedroom, though without any of the modern conveniences he was used to. "The owner of that body lives in the mountains," Chiandra told me, "and I am sure that her home might be better suited. However," she grinned, "her home is rather out of the way." Quinn just nodded, feeling rather strange as he looked down on the tiny Chiandra, still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she was the normal sized one. Or at least she claimed she was, and with everything else he'd seen, he was inclined to believe her. Then Chiandra announced, "I'll go and gather some food for our meal and will be back in awhile." With that she grinned and winked at Quinn, just before vanishing out the barn door. For a minute Quinn just remained frozen where he was, staring both at the door and then down at himself. He frowned for a moment, then with one more glance at the barn door, he started to take off his clothes, dying to know what he looked like without them. "It's my body now," he told himself to cover his embarrassment, "at least for the next two weeks." It didn't take Quinn very long before he was naked and staring at himself in amazement. His body was definitely all woman, much to his mixed feelings. Most of his skin wasn't tanned quite like his arms, though his body was all firm and shapely, almost athletic from the well- toned muscle. Quinn slowly ran his hands over his smooth skin and his breasts, which looked like they were around a C up. However he couldn't be certain, especially since he knew that his whole size made normal measurements difficult. Then he finally looked between his legs, seeing that even that was all feminine. After he had finished looking himself over, Quinn reluctantly started putting his clothes back on, deciding that he didn't want to get caught with his pants down... literally. He wanted to be fully dressed when Chiandra came back. There was one thing that Quinn had learned from his self-exploration though, and that was other than size, his body appeared to be entirely human. But then again, he reminded himself that he had only been able to see his outside, and had no idea what kind of organs there might be inside of himself. Chiandra came back some time later, making enough noise so that Quinn was well aware of her presence before she came in through the barn door. Then she handed Quinn a large burlap sack that contained his dinner of six large steaks, 3 large baked potatoes and some sort of yellowish apple-like fruits. And it still only looked like a somewhat small meal. While Quinn ate, Chiandra talked almost non-stop, seeming to grin the entire time. Quinn just frowned slightly and ate, knowing that such a cheerful optimist would normally annoy him, but somehow Chiandra actually seemed to lighten the mood. "So," Quinn's guide asked cheerfully, "what are you really like? I mean, what do you look like in your world?" Quinn was just a little embarrassed to admit, "I'm a guy. A man." "I figured that," Chiandra responded, "I mean, from the way you grabbed at yourself after coming here." She grinned again, taking a bite out of one of the yellow apples that she'd brought with her. It was relatively silent for the next several minutes before Chiandra asked, "Do you have a family name, or is one name all that your people use?" She looked sincerely curious as she stared up at Quinn. For a moment Quinn just sat there, not sure exactly how to respond, or even if he should. Finally though the sincere look on Chiandra's face convinced him to tell her. He just hoped that she wouldn't laugh. "Quinn is my last name," he told her with a slightly frown. "My full name is Boliver Wendell Quinn." He winced as he said it, remembering how much shit he used to get back in school because of his name. "I prefer to just be called Quinn." Chiandra just nodded, "Then Quinn it is." Once Quinn had finished eating Chiandra announced, "If you are ready, we can go into the town so I can show you where it's at." Quinn thought about it for a moment, not sure that he wanted to be around a lot of people but he nodded agreement. After all, he decided, he was on his vacation so he might as well see the sights. And as they were getting up to leave, Chiandra looked back at him with a nervous expression, "I have to warn you," she started slowly, "they might not take to you well in the village. We don't get many giants around and don't really get along with them." Then Chiandra quickly assured Quinn, "But I've already warned them that you aren't a real giant and the Gray One's bracelet will make them leave you alone." Then Quinn thought he heard a faint, "I hope," though he wasn't sure. "What..." Quinn asked, but Chiandra was already out the door. A minute later Quinn was outside of the barn and noticed Chiandra sitting a short distance away, on top of a spotted gray horse. She waved at Quinn to follow then started off in a trot. He hesitated only a moment before shrugging and following after her. Chiandra led Quinn past some large farmed fields and areas with sheep, goats and cows roaming around inside. However she made sure to keep him out of the way as they followed a dirt road, if it could even be called that. It didn't take long before Chiandra announced, "We're here," though Quinn didn't need her to tell him that. Just a short distance in front of them Quinn saw a walled town, with wooden walls that reached up to Quinn's breasts. There were even people standing atop the walls, armed with what looked like crossbows. And then, Quinn could see the houses and buildings within, though without much detail from that distance. As they got a little closer, Quinn was startled to realize that the people outside the walls all stared at him in horror... then ran as fast as they could. Some darting for the rapidly closing village gate, while others just ran away from him. Then he noticed that the guards were aiming their crossbows at him. "What's going on?" Quinn gasped in surprise at their reaction. Chiandra just scowled for the first time since Quinn had met her some hours earlier. "Stay here," she told him firmly, "I'll deal with this." And with that Chiandra rode ahead, stopping just a short distance from the now closed gate. "Stand back!" one man dressed in brown leathers called from the top of the wall, "We will deal with this monster." Quinn just stared at him in shock, not sure how come he was being called a monster. However he didn't take his eyes off of all the weapons that were aimed at him, perhaps a dozen sets of crossbows or bows and arrows. He wasn't sure to be frightened at the weapons... or amused. Being as small as they were, they just didn't really look like anything more than toys. "She is with me!" Chiandra called out, sounding pissed. "You were told that a visitor from the other world would be coming in the body of a giant. Now put down those weapons you idiots, and open these gates." There was complete silence from the gate for several minutes while several of the armed people atop it talked with others below and out of sight. Finally, one of them yelled out, "Come closer giant... and keep your hands up. Show the Gray One's token." Quinn did as the armed man said, feeling extremely nervous as he held out the arm with the bracelet on it. They continued to stare at Quinn for a minute, as well as at Chiandra. He could see fear cross several of the men's faces, though the one who had yelled the instructions seemed stern and self-controlled. "I'm not here to cause any trouble," Quinn announced nervously. "My name is Quinn." "I told you," Chiandra yelled, "she's safe, now open these gates Orwen." With that the stern man whom Chiandra had yelled to... Orwen called out, "You may be a visitor, but you are still a giant as far as I am concerned, and I do not trust you. But since you are a visitor, we will let you inside." Quinn let out a sigh of relief, but then Orwen continued, "But remember, should it become necessary, we can defend ourselves. We have poisoned crossbow bolts." Then as the gates started to open, Chiandra gave Quinn a quick grin, then gestured for him to follow. As Quinn walked past Orwen at the gates, he actually looked Orwen straight in the face, since the man was using the wall for height. He nodded at Orwen and gave a weak smile, only getting a stern... suspicious glare back. "Don't worry," Chiandra told Quinn, "I'm sure that they'll get used to you." However her tone betrayed her own doubts. Quinn just paused and looked around the village nervously, seeing that there were a number of stone and wooden buildings, some of them being two or even three stories tall, though only a very few. Then there were the people, most of them quickly dodging out of view or closing shutters. With a sigh Quinn just shook his head while Chiandra yelled out, "Cowards. She's not going to hurt you." Then Chiandra turned to Quinn with an apologetic, "You are the first giant that most of us have seen and we've heard bad stories about giants." Frowning slightly Quinn nodded, "I understand." Chiandra didn't waste much time though before she tied her horse up and started walking down the sidewalk, pointing things out to Quinn. "That's the inn," she told him, "and the there's the smithy..." While they went on their tour of the village Quinn stared at everything around him in amazement, surprised at the way people were terrified of him when he hadn't done anything. Most of the people quickly disappeared from view or stared at him from the safety of a window, though there were still some who were brave enough to at least remain in sight. Either that, he realized, or drunk. Everything looked almost as if it came straight out of the middle ages, though there were discrepancies. At least, he was sure, against the real middle ages. Some of the clothes were strange, as was some of the architecture. He even noticed several horses that were of slightly... odd colors. One that looked like a zebra and one that was a dark shade of green. But still, the village was definitely primitive compared to modern standards. "Interesting," Quinn mused, paying special attention to where he stepped. After a short while Quinn paused, noticing a little girl who was around 5 or so, standing off to the side playing. He slowly bent down and smiled at her gently, pleased when she started to give a weak return smile. Suddenly a woman came out of nowhere, giving Quinn a nervous look before exclaiming, "Come on Gwenneth, it's time for dinner." It sounded just a little forced though and she quickly pulled the girl through a door. Chiandra gave Quinn another apologetic look, but that didn't make him feel too much better. He'd taken the vacation to get away from his life where he felt like an outsider, only to become one even more extremely. With a sigh he slumped over, feeling extremely small and insignificant yet again. The rest of the tour through the town wasn't quite as exciting, though Chiandra certainly tried to make it so. When they finally finished and almost immediately left town, at Quinn's insistence, he was greatly relieved, though seriously afraid that his decision to come had been a big mistake. Yet one more in what seemed almost like an endless line of them. --- Kestra let out a sigh as she stared from the window, still in awe of everything beyond it. She had been there in the human's home for a short while, left there by Sam after they had looked around the city for most of the day. Shaking her head Kestra could barely believe the immense size of the human city, never before having imagined such buildings. Such towers that reached up to the very clouds, and so many of them as well. There was no doubt that such a city could only have been built using the most powerful of magics, even if Sam had told her otherwise. Then there were the people. Kestra had seen humans everywhere; more humans than she ever would have believed existed. She suspected that every human in that strange world lived right there in that city. And what was the strangest thing, at least as far as Kestra was concerned, was that she was around so many humans, and none of them paid her any attention. None of them ran away screaming or charged at her in an attack. They reacted as if she was no different than they were, which was a strange... almost comforting experience. "So many my own size," Kestra mused, staring out the window again at the people below, all of them looking tiny again from her height. However she knew that none of them were. They were all just as tall as she strange as that seemed. "And none of them were affright..." Kestra slowly turned from the window and looked around the home of the one whose body she was using. Apparently, the Gray One... Mr. G had offered to set her up in an inn, but the one who's body she was in had allowed her to use his own domicile instead. "Such luxury..." Kestra whispered, staring at the strange furniture, which was obviously of the highest quality. Such soft chairs and items which were made of materials that she didn't recognize. Then Kestra remembered Sam's earlier comments that even he didn't live in such a slum... whatever that was, making her wonder if all the wealthy human merchant's lived in such wondrous slums. However Kestra wasn't completely sure that she liked the idea of so many clustered together so tightly. Though the idea was fascinating, everything did look a little constricted and she couldn't even see any forests or mountains from the streets. After a minute of slowly looking around her host's home, Kestra looked out the window yet again, this time staring at the strange metal carts that were all over the streets below. Cars were what Sam called them and she smiled as she remembered her ride in what he called a taxi. It had been extremely interesting, making her wonder what kind of magic powered them. Finally, Kestra looked down at herself, "And I be in the body of a man." She paused at that, not sure exactly what kind of a man he was though. He was thin and without the muscles that would mark a warrior, or even a farmer. And his hands were almost without calluses, indicating that he did little labor. Obviously a wealthy merchant or some sort of lord then. Kestra looked down at herself in curiosity, then started to tear off her strange clothes, deciding that it was time to examine her borrowed body in more detail. Within moments, the clothes were all shed and she stood there naked, a little disappointed with her borrowed body. "Strange," Kestra mused as she carefully examined the new male organ between her legs. It was not quite what she would have expected, though certainly not uncomfortable. "Strange indeed." Once Kestra had finished examining her borrowed body, she frowned and looked around, "Now where is the chamber pot..." Then she remembered the small room, which served that purpose. "What luxury to have such an outhouse within his own home..." Kestra quickly relieved herself, even remembering to pull the little knob that Sam had pointed out. Then she watched in amazement as the water in the strange chamberpot swirled around then vanished, only to be replaced yet again by itself. Such a use of magic amazed her just as much as the toilet itself. A minute later Kestra stopped and stared at the bed, again amazed at how soft it was. There was little doubt that the humans of this world knew how to live in luxury, bringing a smile to her lips. Then Kestra remembered that Sam had said they were going out again early the next day to play tourist... whatever that was. He was even going to take her to see a movie and a baseball game, whatever those were as well. "Perhaps it is time to sleep," Kestra half grunted, still staring at the comfortable looking bed. And with that the former giantess grinned to herself, eager for the next day to begin. She couldn't wait to see what other wonders that strange and magical new world had to offer. On her first day, she'd already seen more than she could have imagined and knew that there were countless more to discover. --- The morning air was chill and filled with scents that Quinn wasn't familiar with. Scents that didn't come from the city, but from the countryside... from natural things. Even the sounds of birds and insects served to tell him that the countryside was exactly where he was. With a grunt Quinn stood up straight, stretching the kinks out of his muscles and wishing that he'd had a real bed to sleep in. Of course the one that he'd had was very good under the circumstances, probably better than he should have expected, but still, it didn't compare to a nice mattress. Quinn took a deep breath and then slowly looked down at himself, giving a wry smile as he thought about the day before. About waking up an 18 foot tall woman, his tour of the town and then the walk around the surrounding farms afterwards before returning to the barn for dinner and bed. "And what comes next..." Quinn mused. Suddenly Quinn heard, "I can answer that." He turned around, then looked at the ground, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Chiandra. "Morning," Quinn grunted. Chiandra just nodded and tossed a burlap sack to his feet. "Breakfast," she explained with a grin. A minute later Quinn had opened the bag and pulled out several loafs of bread and a chunk of dried, salted meat. And without his having to say anything, Chiandra patted a small barrel that was hung from the side of her horse, which he quickly learned was filled with wine. While Quinn silently ate his breakfast, Chiandra watched in fascination. "Incredible," she exclaimed. Then after Quinn gave her a curious look, she explained, "The amount that you eat. That was enough to fill a whole family for a day." Quinn took another look down at what was left of his breakfast, feeling just a tiny bit guilty. It didn't seem like much to him, but he reminded himself that at his current size, he had to eat a lot. "No wonder you guys don't like giants," Quinn slowly responded, "they'd eat everything in sight." Chiandra just nodded faintly, quietly admitting, "Yeah, they do. But fortunately there aren't many of them around." She gave Quinn a quick look, almost as if assuring herself that he hadn't been insulted. After a minute, Quinn asked, "Can you tell me about these giants? I mean, what you know..." "Of course," Chiandra responded, then looked up at Quinn thoughtfully. "Like I said, there aren't many of them. And giants don't get along too much with others of their kind I guess, because you almost never hear of several of them living together." Quinn nodded, "Okay..." listening in complete fascination. He was incredibly curious about what kind of a creature he had become. Though he knew that he looked like a human, except for size that was, the reactions in the town reminded him that he wasn't. At least in body, or at least not as far as they were concerned. "And what else?" "Giants do not get along with most other races," Chiandra said slowly, "They take what they want from those who are smaller and weaker. From those who can't defend themselves." Then she puffed up, looking proud, "But we can take care of ourselves." "I see," Quinn muttered, "they bully people." Chiandra just nodded at that. "Or at least most of the ones I've heard about," Chiandra admitted, "but probably not all." After a moment of thoughtful silence, Chiandra continued, "I'm no expert, but I heard that giants live around 200 years... and they never stop growing. I have heard tales that the oldest giants can reach 50 feet tall." For some time Quinn remained where he was, looking down at himself and absorbing that information. It was obvious that he was not one of the older giants, though that much was all that he knew for certain. Finally, once Quinn had completely finished his breakfast, Chiandra grinned. "Since you want to know more about giants...why don't we go and find the home of the one whose body you wear." It didn't take more than a few seconds before Quinn nodded agreement. He was curious to see what kind of place an 18 foot tall woman would live in. Somehow, he suspected that it was going to be a very interesting day. --- Quinn paused and looked down from the edge of the mountain, staring at the forest and valley that were spread out below him. At the moment he was standing above the far end of the valley, on the opposite end from the town. And though the town was out of his view, some of the farm fields were visible. It was late afternoon and Quinn was beginning to feel a bit tired. He and Chiandra had been traveling for most of the day, towards a destination that she seemed to know... or at least have a general idea of. "What a view," Chiandra exclaimed, breathing deeply and obviously a lot more tired than Quinn was, though she seemed capable of continuing on. "I think that we should be there soon." With a nod, Quinn took another look at the valley, then turned to continue around the mountain. He hoped that Chiandra was right about being almost there, more for her sake than his own, though he was tired of walking. Suddenly Chiandra yelled out, "Get down! Hide!" Quinn snapped around, seeing nothing odd, "Why... what's wrong?" Chiandra was already crouched down next to a large boulder, gesturing for Quinn to get down as well. He frowned, wondering what was going on, but the look of fear on her face was enough to convince him that she was indeed serious. And With that he crouched down as well, hiding behind a larger rock as best he could. Then Chiandra finally pointed up... towards something in the sky in the distance. Something that was obviously large and could have an airplane if there had been any in that world. "A dragon," Chiandra explained, not taking her eyes from the image above. "I don't want it to see us... and you are kind of hard to miss." Quinn nodded, crouching down even further and silently cursing his size as it make him much easier to see. He did so even more when the dragon flew a little closer, and a little lower, enough so that he could actually make out its shape a little better. It actually was a dragon. "Oh shit..." Quinn whispered, his heart beginning to beat rapidly as the reptilian creature came even closer, flying over the mountain. "It's gonna see us..." "Shhhhh," Chiandra admonished him, a finger to her lips. Then suddenly the dragon dove down, and Quinn gasped in horror at the thought that it was coming towards him. But it hit the mountain a distance away, vanishing from view for a few seconds... then returning to the air with something held in its claws. Not a something, Quinn was startled to realize, but a bear. A minute later the dragon had flown off with its prize, while Quinn let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure that he wanted to meet a real dragon, even if he was a giantess at the moment. "One of the few things that eat giants," Chiandra commented with a wry expression. With a nervous nod, Quinn muttered, "Then I'm glad that I didn't see it any closer." "Well," Chiandra asked with a grin, "shall we continue?" Quinn didn't need to be asked twice and a moment later they were back on their way up the mountain. --- Kestra said goodbye to her dark skinned guide at the beginning of the building her host lived in. She shook her head, looking up and still marveling that humans could have built such a wondrous structure. It amazed her just how much she was learning of their ingenuity since coming on her travels. "Remember," Sam told her seriously, "you can't tell people where you're from. Most people around here wouldn't believe you and would think that you're insane. That could cause problems for your exchange when he gets back." With a snort Kestra didn't see why she should do anything... or keep from saying anything just to make things easier for someone else. However with the serious expression on Sam's face, she sighed and nodded her agreement. It wasn't like it was any human's business where she was from. "See ya then," Sam called out, "I'll be back tomorrow morning and I'll show you around some more." And with that Sam hurried away, leaving Kestra there alone. She looked up at the stairway and then started for it, carefully remembering where her host's home was within the strange building. Without Sam to help her the final bit, she had to rely on her own memory of such... and she hoped that it was accurate. It didn't take long for Kestra to reach the right floor, and she was feeling a little bit tired by the time she had done so. "Why would humans wish to climb so high just to sleep?" Kestra asked herself with amusement, then grinned as she remembered that her own home was near the top of a mountain. Then again, that was entirely different. "Such strange creatures." Just as Kestra had started down the hall, towards the inviting room at the other end, a door opened up off to the side, revealing a room that wasn't much larger than a closet. And with that a woman stepped out of the strange small room... only moments before the doors shut again on their own. "Such a strange use of magic," Kestra mused in fascination. It was definitely a very interesting world that she found herself in. Not at all like she would have imagined. "Hi," the woman greeted with a grin. She was thin and rather attractive, with blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. "You look like you're in a good mood for once." Kestra blinked at that in confusion, "For once?" The blonde woman just laughed, "Well, whenever I see you in the halls you usually have such a depressed and gloomy expression." "Oh," Kestra sighed, realizing that the woman must mean the person whose body she was wearing. "I'm... I'm on vacation." "I'm Jennifer," the blonde introduced herself with a pleasant smile, holding out her hand. Kestra wasn't sure how to respond, so took her cue from the blonde and held out her own hand. "Kestr..." she started to say, then paused, realizing that she should probably give her hosts name. Then again, she didn't even know what it was. "Kester..." Jennifer mused, "that's an interesting name." With a nod, Kestra responded, "So is Jennifer." She'd never heard that name before. Jennifer gave her an odd look, then started grinning, "Okay smartass." At this point, Kestra felt a little confused and uncertain. She wasn't used to dealing with others, at least not with others that were the same size as her. And nearly everyone else always ran away, leaving her with little experience at such conversation or the nuances. "Well," Jennifer grinned, "I know it's usually the guy who asks this, but would you be interested in going out for a drink say... tomorrow night?" For a moment Kestra stared at Jennifer in surprise, not having expected a question like that. "You don't have to if you don't want," Jennifer blurted out, obviously a little disappointed by Kestra's hesitation. "Oh no," Kestra quickly responded, "I would like to. You just caught me by surprise." She blinked, deciding that at least it was bound to be interesting. And of course, who knew what she'd learn about the silly... and confusing humans. With a broad grin Jennifer exclaimed, "Great. Is seven okay?" When Kestra nodded agreement, she apologized, "Sorry, I've got to get going now, but I'll see you tomorrow." And with that she waved towards Kestra while hurrying through one of the doors in the hallway. After Jennifer was gone Kestra just shook her head, grinning at the strangeness of these humans. She was especially amused by that curious blonde, never before having had someone come up to her and immediately treat her as if she were a friend. Wanting to spend more time with her like that. In fact, the closest she'd ever come was when she'd met Sam just the day before. Finally Kestra just shrugged and continued towards her host's apartment, deciding that she'd have plenty of time to figure out humans during the rest of her vacation. --- The sun was still up in the sky, but there was little doubt that it would not remain so for much longer, not with how quickly the sun was sinking. Within just a short while, perhaps even an hour, Quinn decided, the sun would sink behind the horizon and the night would begin. "I didn't think it would take so long to get here," Chiandra apologized, looking especially guilty. "I guess it would have taken you a lot less time if you knew where you were going." Quinn knew that what Chiandra had said was true, but that didn't really bother him. He was just amazed that they made it at all. Chiandra had definitely slowed him down, moving so slow and having to rest so frequently, or at least she would have if he'd been in a hurry or she hadn't been the guide. But At the moment he didn't even care that he'd had to help her over a few obstacles that were nothing to him, but too large for her to overcome. With that Quinn just looked at their destination, a large cabin that was made of stone and wood, leaning up against a huge rocky outcropping. It was a pretty level area, just at the treeline and where the mountain started becoming little more than jagged stone. Everything in the flattened area though was covered with grass, brush and wildflowers. "So this is where she lived..." Chiandra whispered, looking around nervously, almost as if expecting some other giant to jump out and threaten to gobble her up. On a sudden whim Quinn exclaimed, "Fee fi fo fum..." Then he paused, looking around and wondering if there might be some sort of beanstalk nearby, though there was nothing of that nature within view. Quinn then turned his attention to the house in front of them, if it could be called that. It was a small looking cottage that was made of stones and wood. And from the size of the door, there was little doubt that it had to be the house of the giantess whose body he was in. They quickly hurried to the door that looked just a tiny bit small to Quinn since he would have to duck just a little to get inside, however it was enormous compared to Chiandra. Still, she threw her shoulders and started to push at the door, while Quinn knocked on it instead. When Chiandra gave Quinn a questioning look, he shrugged, "What if she has a boyfriend or something?" He definitely didn't like the idea of just barging in on someone that way, but then again, he wasn't sure how comfortable he was with walking in anyway. Still, he wanted to know more about whoever's body he was within. And after a minute with no answer, Quinn pushed the door open and stepped inside, nearly falling over as his foot went down further than he expected. Quinn just scowled as he realized that the floor was sunk down about a bit further than the surrounding ground, and there were was a bit of a step at the door. But once Quinn had noticed that, he looked around the rest of the cottage, feeling more disappointed than anything else. "What a dump," he sneered. "This is even smaller than my apartment." And as far as Quinn was concerned, that was quite a task. It was a small, cramped one bedroom place, with a cheap looking bed in one corner, a small stone fireplace in the other, a cramped table and not much else. It was just a little smaller than just his old bedroom. Or at least it seemed that way because of his size, though in truth it was somewhat larger. Chiandra said nothing as she slowly moved around the room, poking at several piles of furs and small ragged blankets, then looking at what looked like dried meat hanging from the ceiling... as well as dirty clothes. Quinn just cringed at the sight of it, though still feeling fascinated in spite of that. "Doesn't seem worth the climb," Chiandra finally said, sounding disappointed as well. At Quinn's questioning look down at her, she shrugged, admitting in embarrassment, "I thought giants lived in castles." "Sounds good in fairy tales," Quinn muttered grimly, having learned a long time ago that real life just didn't work out that way. In real life, there were no happily ever afters. Chiandra just stared up at Quinn with an expression of confusion. "I didn't think that fairies had tails..." Without a word Quinn sat down on the bed and stared out the still open door and the narrow slits in the wall that served to let light in. He patted the mattress absently, deciding that it was definitely softer than what he'd slept on in the barn, but not quite as soft as the well worn mattress in his apartment. "It's getting dark out," Quinn stated unnecessarily, frowning grimly. Chiandra just nodded, "We'll have to stay here for the night. It's wouldn't be safe going down the mountain in the dark." Quinn didn't bother to argue, knowing that she had a point. And at least the bed would be a bit more comfortable than the one in the barn. But With that he stood up and started for the door, saying, "I want to look around outside a little more." A minute later Quinn looked around the cleared and somewhat flat area of the mountain that the giantess lived on, noticing several patches of what could only be described as gardens. Gardens filled with some sort of giant pumpkins and other plants that Chiandra identified as 'lorkins', which she described as an edible root that was something like a potato or a turnip. Then Quinn moved to the edge of the flat area, on the other side from where they'd come up a short while earlier. He looked down at the grass covered slope that went quite a distance before ending in trees. However what drew his attention the most were all the sheep that were in that area, grazing on the grass. "I guess we know what she eats," Quinn told Chiandra who'd come up beside him. After a few more minutes of looking around they silently returned to the cottage where Chiandra promptly started a fire. She looked around, specifically up at the ceiling and grinned. "If you get me some of that food," Chiandra told Quinn pleasantly while she lit a candle, "I can get dinner started." Quinn frowned and did as Chiandra had asked, pulling a piece of the dried meat off of a hook on the ceiling and handing it to her. After a brief examination she threw it into a pot above the fire and rushed out for some pumpkin and lorkin to make a stew with. "What kind of a stew has pumpkin in it?" Quinn grumbled, deciding that he'd better not let Chiandra hear him complain. At the moment he was hungry enough to eat it anyway. Then while Chiandra was still out, Quinn turned and started looking around the tiny cottage again, pausing when he noticed something against the wall. It was a mirror, a bit dusty and with a crack in one corner. For someone like Chiandra, it would have been near full sized, but for Quinn it was much smaller than that. For a moment Quinn just stared at the mirror before his curiosity finally got the better of him. He still had no idea what he actually looked like, at least not his face, and this was his chance to find out. With that Quinn pulled the mirror from the wall and positioned it, as well as himself, to catch the best light from the candles. It was still a little dim, but there was enough light for him to see the mirror's reflection. It was the face of an attractive... though not gorgeous woman, framed by dark brown hair. She could have been anywhere between 25 and 30... or at least that was how she looked, and though she was very pretty, she could never pass for a model. Her features were too strong for that. "And now I know," Quinn muttered, carefully setting the mirror back on the wall where he'd found it. Quinn's thoughts then turned to dinner, filling him with mixed emotions. On one hand, he wasn't quite sure that he was ready for a pumpkin and turnip stew, but on the other hand, his stomach didn't really care. It just wanted something to fill it. In the end, it was his stomach which won. --- Quinn frowned thoughtfully as he walked slowly so as not to leave Chiandra behind. They had just reached the base of the mountain and reentered the valley, having gotten up at first light and beginning the trip back as soon as they had finished with breakfast. "What are you thinking about?" Chiandra asked, having been fairly quiet for most of the morning. After glancing down at her, then back up at the mountain, Quinn answered, "Just wishing that I'd brought the mattress." Quinn didn't relish the idea of sleeping on the lumpy bed in the barn after sleeping on that wool filled mattress the night before. Chiandra grinned up at Quinn, "I don't blame you. We don't really have much for those of your size." Several minutes later, Quinn absently asked, "So what else is on our schedule?" He paused, not bothering to look down at Chiandra, "I mean, for my tour..." "I was thinking the crystal lake tomorrow," Chiandra answered after a moment. "Then there's some ruins on one of the other mountains from a floating castle that crashed several centuries ago. There's also the griffin hatchlings on a few of the mountains... as long as we keep a distance that is," she added. "Sounds... interesting," Quinn mused, still frowning slightly. The fantasy world wasn't quite what he was expecting, though he hadn't been quite sure what he'd been expecting. Just something... different. All he knew was that even with Chiandra providing all the sight seeing and distractions, he still felt... empty. The same as he always did. Suddenly Chiandra cried out, "Smoke!" Quinn turned around and looked behind him and then down at Chiandra, frowning, "What?" She just stared straight ahead with a look of dread on her face. Without a word, she pointed down the valley to where lots of smoke was billowing into the air. It took a moment for Quinn to realize that it was coming from the direction of the town. "What..." "Something's wrong!" Chiandra yelled out, "I've got to get back." And With that she took of running as fast as she could, while Quinn just stood there For a minute watching her. After taking several steps behind Chiandra Quinn paused and looked at the smoke filling the sky again, frowning as he did so. There was no telling what it was, though Quinn suspected that it was probably one of the farmers doing a bonfire or something to clear land. However with a quick glance at Chiandra, there was no doubt that she thought it was urgent. With a, "Damn," Quinn hurried forward, easily catching up with Chiandra, not completely sure what he was doing. "Here," he growled, "it'll take you forever that way." And with that Quinn picked Chiandra up as easily as if she were a child. "What are you..." Chiandra yelled furiously, but Quinn just shifted her position for better balance and held her tight, then started running himself. Snorting, Quinn grumbled, "I can get us there faster." Chiandra yelled and demanded to be put back down for several minutes, until she realized just how much ground they were covering with Quinn's longer strides. Afterwards she just went silent and held on tight, only occasionally speaking and then just urging Quinn to go even faster. Quinn was somewhat surprised by just how quickly he was moving, especially considering that he was carrying Chiandra at the same time. He was just as surprised by the fact that he wasn't getting tired either, realizing that his borrowed body was in a lot better shape than his own, and with a lot more endurance. As they got closer to the town, Quinn's doubts about the smoke being anything serious began to quickly fade. Especially as they reached the edge of a farm... where the crops were horribly trampled and a cottage was little more than a smoldering ruin. A cold chill began to run down Quinn's spine, but before he could stop as every instinct was telling him to, Chiandra urged him to hurry up. "My uncle..." Chiandra cried out, "the town..." With that Quinn just pushed himself faster, in spite of the knot in his stomach. Several minutes later the smoke was billowing thicker, and noise was starting to fill the air. Screams, growls, yells and clanks of metal. There were sounds that sent chills through Quinn along with sounds that he had no reference to. With a gulp Quinn muttered, "Oh shit," knowing that they were getting really close. Far too close for his comfort. But with the way Chiandra was clutching him, almost desperate to get there, he couldn't stop. Then Quinn past a patch of trees and came into sight of the town. He paused, gasping at the sight of the wooden walls, covered with flame in one section. Without even thinking about it, he stopped running, staring not at the walls... but at everything outside of them. "What the fuck...?" Quinn squeaked, dropping Chiandra to the ground. All he could do was stare at everything going on. The town gate was bent and cracked, serving little purpose as it was bent inward, leaving a large enough gap for anyone to run through. Several people lined the walls, armed with a variety of weapons, mostly crossbows. All of which was aimed at the mass of horror that was lined up outside the town. All Quinn could do was stare in horror at the several dozen... creatures that were outside the walls, obviously attempting to get inside the town... while at the same time fighting a number of humans were armed with everything from swords to pitchforks. It was a fight... a battle. Each of the creatures had slimy looking green skin and were roughly human in shape, though their faces looked hideous. They were all about half as tall as Quinn, making them around 9 feet tall, towering over all the humans they fought. All of the monstrous looking creatures were dressed in scraps of clothes and armor. Some of them had dented and battered shields with different symbols, though all of them were armed. There were swords, axes, spears and clubs... as well as things that Quinn didn't recognize. "Trolls..." Chiandra gasped, her voice filled with loathing. "Troll bandits." With that she fired a shot from her crossbow, causing the nearest troll to bend over with a bolt in its ass. However after a howl of rage, it turned and glared at Chiandra... then up at Quinn with a look of surprise. "Brakka!" Chiandra spat in what was obviously some sort of profanity. Quinn was confused, then horrified as several of the creatures... trolls charged straight at him. They were only half his own size, but they were heavily armed and he had no doubt that those weapons could easily hurt him... or worse. Chiandra frantically struggled to reload her crossbow in time, but it was obvious that she wasn't going to succeed. A moment later the trolls were all over them and Quinn howled in fear, kicking at them with his feet and relieved when one of the ugly creatures flew backwards. "Whatthefuckisthis?" Quinn blurted out, his eyes wide as he looked at the small army of ugly green midgets that were starting to really take notice of him. At least half a dozen of them were coming straight at them. A moment later Quinn knocked another one of the trolls back, keeping him from taking Chiandra's head with a nasty looking ax. However before he could get the next one, Quinn felt a burning pain in his thigh and screamed in pain as he instinctively knocked the troll with the sword away from him. Two more took its place within seconds. "Look out!" Chiandra cried out, firing another crossbow bolt, this time catching a troll right between the eyes. It fell over and she screamed out, "Brakka!" again, using her crossbow to like a club on another troll. Though Quinn was shocked... and terrified, he was also beginning to get pissed. His leg was hurting like hell and the freaky trolls were still coming after him. He managed to kick several more of them away, but that didn't stop another sword from catching his leg or a spear from catching his side. It hurt... but not enough to keep him from knocking the trolls away. Still Quinn looked around frantically, knowing that he couldn't keep them back much longer. He'd been lucky so far, but there were far too many of them and unlike him... they were all carrying weapons. Suddenly a voice yelled out, "Kill the foul bandits!" Quinn looked over at a pair of humans who were coming towards them, one holding a sword while the other just had a pitchfork. "Chiandra," one of them called out. Just then Quinn realized who it was. The one with the sword who was yelling was Orwen, the same guy Quinn had met when he first came to the city. Then Quinn glanced at the man beside Orwen, an older man with a white beard who was using his pitchfork as though it were a deadly weapon. He had a grim expression as he pushed with his pitchfork, only to have it finally knocked aside. "Orwen!" Chiandra yelled out. "Uncle..." A moment later Orwen and the man whom Quinn realized was Chiandra's uncle were next to him... or more precisely, next to Chiandra. They didn't seem to give him more than a glance before lashing out almost uselessly against another troll. With that one of the trolls, a big nasty one with a spear charged straight at them, the point aimed straight at the now unarmed old man. Quinn's heart nearly froze, and without thinking about it, stepped forward and kicked the troll in the stomach, sending it to the ground in a howl of pain, just as its spear almost hit Chiandra's uncle. Chiandra's uncle gave Quinn a quick look of surprise, then his expression went grim again as he picked up the fallen troll's spear to replace his pitch fork with. At the same time Orwen snarled, "Run for the walls!" He wasted no time in yanking Chiandra and her uncle, then charging straight towards the city gate, trying to avoid the trolls as they did so. There was no glance spared for Quinn, who kicked at another troll that started after them, his heart racing like never before. When they were nearly at the gates, several crossbow bolts and arrows flew down to give them cover, though they seemed to do little if any damage to the trolls that they hit. It did serve to keep them back though... making them hesitate for several seconds. "Oh shit..." Quinn gasped, looking around at the dead bodies...almost all human. Even the injured trolls were getting up and coming towards the gates still, all looking vicious and evil. "Oh shit..." And all of them armed. Quinn grabbed his side, which was bleeding and hurting like hell, then looking around frantically as he realized that there was nothing he could do against them. They might be munchkins compared to him now, but they were all armed and all that he had were his hands and feet. He'd been lucky so far, even with the few injuries he'd received, but there was little doubt that it would only get worse. Frantically looking around for a weapon, Quinn's eyes fell on the broken gate next to him, gasping as an idea suddenly came to him. With a grim expression and a grunt of pain, he grabbed at one of the broken logs that comprised the gate and pulled it loose, holding it firmly in his hands. "Batter up..." Quinn growled, swinging the log with all he had. A moment later Quinn was almost shocked to feel an impact, hear a sickening thud and then see a troll flying backwards with half of its head caved in. For a moment he just stood there, frozen as a wave of disgust started to rise. He couldn't believe that he'd just killed something. "Get them!" Chiandra's voice yelled out from behind Quinn, shaking

Same as The Travel Agency: Larger than Life Videos

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The Spanking Agency part 3

3: Sister Catherine and the Cane."By Jove," thought Reginald Biggs to himself, "Mrs. Pew doesn't half have a backside on her and no mistake." He put on his best smile as the lady in question came up to him with her world-weary husband in tow. The poor sod. Fancy having to service an old battleaxe like that week in and week out. No wonder he looked like he'd seen better days. He was fifty going on seventy.Reginald pressed his Bible to his chest and took her hand in his. "And how are you this...

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The Agency

The Agency☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Ladies,  are you different to other women ? Do you have a need within you that maybe you have never even admitted fully to yourself ? Maybe you have, but have never breathed a word of it to even your closest friends or partner for fear of misunderstanding, disbelief, ridicule, etc ?  Is this need so deviant, so abnormal, so against modern society that you may never have even heard it mentioned by anyone else ? Do you feel disgusted with yourself, do you...

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Vampire Ethans Story About Ethan Part 1

Let me tell you a little about myself if you don't know. I'm a Vampire of about 600 years of age. Vampires are actually a type of sorcerer initiated into the mystical art of bloodsucking to fuel powerful spells that keep us young, healthy, strong, powerful, and full of a variety of magickal abilities. We can sustain our powers with just a few gulps of blood per week, so we need never kill anyone. We have the power to control people's minds to various degrees. I was gifted in that skill and...

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The Agency

Agency The question I get most is how in the world did I get started. It's complicated. I don't think it could have been predicted at the beginning. I was just a kid, living alone with Mom in an apartment. Mom worked in insurance. I went to school. Since I lived alone with Mom, it was natural that I was fascinated with her. She wasn't particularly pretty, but she was home all the time I was. Puberty hit me pretty hard. I didn't have any friends to talk to about it. I just...

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International Dating Agency II

INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY II By Roy Del Frink Well, thanks to that altered batch of six young college men, my agency has all the ladies it needs. You'd be surprised how many men would like to hire a beautiful young lady to accompany them to a party, restaurant, night on the town, or other social function. Some of them even ask for "special favors" afterwards, which I naturally charge extra for. But my girl has to agree to it; the welfare of my employees is my biggest concern. If...

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Agency Secretary Part 2 of The Agency

Agency Secretary About this time, Mom bought a new, big house in a suburb and we moved from behind the Agency into what in my mind was a palace. The Agency was prospering and so were we. I now had some place to drive my new convertible every day. The next Monday after my reboot, I was back at my desk at the Agency and that afternoon, for the first time, I spent a couple of hours alone taking care of all the bullshit in the office, the mail, the phones, drop-ins, etc. etc. I was...

1 year ago
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Federal Astral Transfer Agency

Federal Astral Transfer Assistance Agency I got in the elevator, pushed the button, and then flexed my toes inside my shoes while taking the ride up. For the upteenth time I cursed the dress code that meant I was stuck in heels. I managed to put on my "pleasant professional" face on before the elevator door opened. Mary the receptionist gave me a wave as I came in, and said, "Morning, Director." "Morning," I replied and headed for my office. Today was going to be a busy...

4 years ago
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The Agency Ch 02

Chapter 2 Anthony and Sara They hated each other, the woman from the trailer park and the man with the privileged background. She hated the perfect suits and ties he wore. He hated the Big Cube specials clothes she wore. She made as much money as he, which was ample, so she could afford a better cut of clothes. The only positive thing he could say about her hair was that it was clean. Her language was as crude as his was precise and condescending. He though you could take the girl out of...

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The Highschool Sweetheart Removal Agency

Everyone knows how the story goes. Boy meets Girl. Boy makes fun of Girl. Girl calls Boy a jerk. They get older. Boy falls in love with Girl. Girl falls in love with Boy. They don't tell each other because they're terrified of the other laughing in their face. They get older. Boy asks out other girls. Sometimes they say yes, sometimes no. Mostly he's more relieved when they say no. Girl dates another boy, discovers he's a giant douchebag. Boy wonders if his future is going to be a...

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The Spanking Agency part 2

2: Anal Annie and Her Amazing Anus."THE LUBE, MR BAXTER," yelped Annie in alarm, "USE MORE LUBE!!"The young woman grabbed the white pillow at each end, scrunched it up, and buried her grimacing face into it as she felt the man wriggling around above and behind her searching for the plastic bottle of green goo.Good grief. This is ridiculous.  That thing was never going to fit inside her bum no matter how hard they both tried to force it in. Her client's equipment certainly gave "taking a fat...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 10

Mary laid back on the couch, relaxing after her shower, she had turned on the television and thought about calling the Agency to let Gerald know about the contract he would have to finalize for her, then she thought about Rollie and the date she had with him tomorrow night. He told her he would love to have her come over to his house, so she could get used to him. She had laughed when he told her that, because she knew what he meant. It was an idea that she enjoyed. Mary got up and walked to...

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A wife must take on a new job to help support her family little does she know that the company is a modeling agency for lesbians

Angela got ready for her first day of work at the LE GIRLS agency in downtown Manhattan. She felt anxious but mostly disgusted with having to get the job. It was only because of her husband that she got it to begin with. He had lost another job and now hung around the house in his underwear looking shabby and mostly pathetic. Life had been very difficult most times with him but now they were near impossible. Even their sex life suffered. Where once they had sex every night, now they barely had...

4 years ago
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International Dating Agency The GoldHearted Copper

International Dating Agency: The Gold-Hearted Copper By Roy Del Frink 10:30 AM: Well, it seems I, Officer Colin O'Brien, have my first case for the day. Actually, it's not a case so much as an order of business. The longest arm of the law in the city, Police Chief Billy Vincent, has asked me to investigate this escort service called "International Dating Agency." He feels an organization, which allows men to pay money for sex, is illegal prostitution, even if the sex is...

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Fake Modelling Agency

Now it all changed one day, i was broke and didnt wanted to take anymore money from my parents so i decided to find jobs. I had no skills which would help me get a job. Things were pretty rough i was not getting any job offers from any company. I applied everywhere including a modeling agency. I finally got a job offer from a modelling agency. They called me for an interview. I went to the interview. The interview was at a house which was weird to me but i was desperate so i went there....

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The Fantasy Agency Prolog and Chapter 1 Introducing Alicia

Mmmf Group Teen DP Oral Anal BJ The Fantasy Agency - Prolog I have had this idea for a good few years but have finally decided to put it into action. The idea is for a high class escort agency where client fantasies can be realised. I want a bank of girls who are opening and willing to go along with roleplay and fantasies. I will then get the clients to ‘apply’ with full details of their fantasy. I’ll price the job factoring in the cost of the girl, the cost of location and how deep /...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch05

When Janna got home, she took a quick shower and then sat on the couch, hoping that Mary would be with her soon. She had enjoyed the day today, but she looked forward to coming home to Mary all along. It must have been thirty minutes when the door opened and Mary walked in. The two women hugged each other and kissed letting each other know that they have missed each other. Janna told Mary about her day at work, the fight that had happened between Jennifer and Jeff and how Bill and she had...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 06

Mary and Janna woke up in their new apartment, and as they lay there, Janna started to get horny and they ended up making love. Mary thought about how enjoyable she found the taste of pussy that had been left alone for the time they were sleeping. It had a more pungent taste, something she found very nice first thing in the morning. She loved making love to Janna, especially in the morning and she showed it, by the veracity with which she went about it. Janna had told her many times that she...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 03

Janna and Mary woke up Monday morning, made love and got ready to go down to the Agency. Mary knew she had a job this morning, and Janna was going to check on her job. They took a cab and when they got to The Woody Agency, they went in and said good morning to Sandy. Sandy asked them how the party went Saturday night, Mary said, “Great, I think I’ve got to be somewhere this morning, I need to see Gerald if I could.” Sandy picked up the phone and buzzed Gerald’s office. “He said to come right...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 02

At 4:00 there was a knock at the door and Janna looked through the peephole and saw it was the UPS man. She opened the door and took the package from him. She enjoyed the way he looked at her, she had only put on a small tee shirt and it barely covered her ass. She smiled as she signed the computer he offered her. The package was from The Woody Agency for Modeling, and she yelled to Mary. Mary was sitting on the commode taking a pee and she wiped and went into the living room area. Janna...

1 year ago
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Sex With Cute Traveler Girl During A Solo Trip To Rajasthan

Hi, I am a professional photographer from Bangalore and a travel enthusiast. I always keep myself fit with regular workout and clean diet. I mostly travel solo and all my plans are instant and crazy. Ladies you can contact me at my email. We can sit over a mug of beer and share things. I had been for a solo trip to Rajasthan recently and in one of the forts, I met a girl from Hyderabad. She was a stunning beauty with perfectly shaped body and I found out that she was also on a solo trip and it...

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Rejekt Detective Agency

Rejekt is a detective agency that operates out of the lower west-side of Annesgrad. The city was a marvel of modern technology. Skyscrapers that grasp at the stars and mag trains that make travel easy to those with credits. But that's where the issue lies, not many have credits, even fewer have enough to spend them on such things as train rides. Most people live month to month, scraping and saving just to get by, and the detectives at Rejekt were no different. Living and working out of a small...

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International Dating Agency

Not one of my best, but still another work from me. The most difficult part, actually, was scouring the World Wide Web for translations. INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY by Roy Del Frink It was another slow day. I was waiting for clients to show, but since my brand-new International Dating Agency only had a couple escorts and no ads out, there really wasn't much to do. I was about to fold shop when I saw six college-age men enter the shop. "Hi," they told me, "we want six of your...

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Innocent Keerthana Gets Sex Lessons

Raj was looking for a new place to stay. It became hard for him to search for a place as he is a bachelor. His office colleagues suggested a place where a family of the mother (Anjali) and daughter (Keerthana) stays. Keerthana is a 19 years old traditional, orthodox, Brahmin girl, whose father was very strict. He restricted her talking to boys and made her study in an all-girls’ school and even made her quit studies after the 10th. So she had no knowledge of how to behave with boys and was not...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 04

Janna had been home for a long time before Mary arrived. It was almost 11:00 before she walked in the door, with Bobby who had a large box in his hands. Mary showed him where to put it down and introduced Janna. “Janna, this is Bobby, he worked with me helping me with the clothes that I had to wear. Bobby, Janna, my room mate and lover.” The shook each other’s hands and exchanged pleasantries then Bobby went back through the door and into the night. Janna stood and kissed Mary, “I missed you...

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 07

It had been three days since they had gone to Eva’s house, during which time they had called Gerald and told him about the night with Eva, letting him know about the contract that she had promised them. Then they spent the time staying in their apartment and being miserable. It seemed both of them were on the same cycle and they had both started their period and didn’t really feel like socializing with anyone. They would lay at night and kiss and fondle each other, just enjoying being close to...

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The Agency Girl Part I

It had been a long time since Bill had seen such a pretty girl standing on his doorstep. That girl had been Laura, his daughter’s friend from college and it had been over two years ago now. At the time had fancied the pants off her, as they say, but he was old and wise enough to know that he had no chance of getting anywhere near her pants. He did wonder sometimes though if she was flirting with him. Her smiles and coquettish looks gave him food for thought but he never ventured any further...

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The Princess And The Traveller

For now, I am abandoning my autobiographical series of short stories (though rest assured I will return to them soon!) and present here a completely fictional rendering in the Medieval "Sword and Sorcery" genre. I'm doing this now partly because I had been working on my third autobiographical story for a couple of weeks now, and my computer just ate it. No backup! Augh! Anyway, until my frustration dies down and I begin writing the whole @#!* thing second time, I decided to whip...

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Transfer Agency

Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met … her? The job in itself wasn’t boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office’s rather good looking receptionist,...

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Crossdressers Placement Agency

I know it's a little dated, but read it anyway. Crossdresser's Placement Agency By Ricky With apologies to those of you who weren't around to listen to radio in the sixties, I'll start this with a famous quote. In the immortal words of the Chicken Man: "They're everywhere, they're everywhere." Crossdressers, that is. In the last week everywhere I look I see a crossdresser, right out there in public. First there was the color coordinated Dennis Rodman with green hair and...

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Peter and Dash The Agency Part II

Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...

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Agency Secretary Fulfilled Part 3 and conclusion of The Agency

Agency Hijinx I swear he called at 12:01 the next day. It was, I suppose technically afternoon, so I couldn't bitch too much. He was sweet on the phone, telling me what a wonderful time he had, talking all around it angling for an invitation to come over. I loved it. I let him talk and talk contributing almost nothing other than that's sweet, and uh-huh, and you don't mean it, saying nothing whatever of substance. I had a great time. He was plainly running out of steam when I...

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Transfer Agency

Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met ... her? The job in itself wasn't boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office's rather good looking receptionist,...

4 years ago
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Running the Gauntlet a Temporal Management Agency Adventure

"We always draw the plum assignments," Crystal chuckled as they sped down the highway. "Or the short straw," Derek replied, maneuvering the bulky SUV through a cluster of speeding cars. Their vehicle wasn't much to look at. Dented, paint faded, wheel covers missing, cracked windshield, it showed the results of years of hard use and it was clever camouflage. Under the seemingly neglected exterior was a heavily armed and armored truck that could take on a tank in a pinch. Packing a 20mm...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 5

The next morning Ken had been over an hour early. The doorman, who was a friend of his by now, told him that he was too late today. She had taken a cab to the detective agency over on Fourth Ave. Ken pretended that he had just forgotten where he was supposed to be and left for the office. He was nearing the office door when he heard conversation between Al and Barbara. Later he couldn't tell himself why he did it but he stopped instead of knocking or just entering, Ken knelt near the...

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Sex With Keerthana

My name is Philips and I am working in one of the MNCs in Chennai . This narration is an incident which happened between me and an office colleague who I became friend with and finally made amazing love ..I joined this new office 6 months ago and as many know first few days or weeks most IT companies keep employees in bench till project is allocated . One day i saw an amazing lady / girl who had sindhoor in her forehead – she was just married .She had everything in right amounts and right...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Thangai Nanbanudan Oothathaal Avalai Oothen

Hello friends, sontha thangai en nanbanudan oothathaai paarthu avalai kama veri pidithu eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tamil kama kathaiyai padithu anaivarum rasiyungal, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnu vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en veetil thatha paati muthal amma appa matrum thangai naan ivalavu perum ondraaga irunthom. Naan pothuvaaga veetirku kudithu vittu selum pozhuthu pin puram oru kathavu irukum athu vazhiyaaga thaan veetin...

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En Thangai Meena Soothil Oothen

Hello friends, en thaniyai udan konda kaama uravai patri indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar tharin vayathu 22, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar meena vayathu 21 iruvarukum kita thata ore vayathu thaan. Naan kama kathaigal padikum varai oru naalum en thangaiyai kama paarvaiyil paarthathu kidaiyaathu. Oru naal en thangai en mobile phone vaangi ethaiyo padithu kondu irunthaal, naan veliyil sendru varugiren endru solli vittu veetai vitu kilambinen. Appozhuthu en nanban...

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Thangai Pundaiyil Thenai Suvaithen

En peyar Vimal, en vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil pen paarthu kondu irukiraargal, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar ananthi vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En thangai parka azhagaga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Engal veetil adikadi mutton kari eduthu seivaargal. Naangal kari athigamaaga sapiduvathaal sunniyil vinthu irunthu konde irukum. Naan adikadi kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen, en thangai athu pondu thaan oru naal padukayil paduthu kondu irukum pozhuthu...

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En Thangai Priyavai Soothil Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai kama padam paarthu irukum pozhuthu avalai kaiyum kalavumaga pidithu aval soothil en sunniyai vitu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Rohan, vayathu 22 aagugirathu enaku oru thangai irunthaal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Ithu oru gudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. Priya meethu enaku eppozhuthu kama aasai vara aarambithathu endral aval mulai perithaga pazhuthu irukum. Idupu sirithaaga irukum, en...

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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru kathaiyl en sontha thangai udan nadantha sex anubavathai ungal idam pagirugirom. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe solikolgiren. Enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku ipozhuthu vayathu 19 aagugirathu. College 1st year padithukondu irukiraal, aval udan ena nadanthathu enbathai ungalidam solugiren. Naan samebamaaga thaan velaikaari thevidiyavai oru murai oothu irukiren, aval udan ookum pozhuthu enaku pengal meethu athiga aasai...

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Kaama Veri Thangai Rekha

En peyar saravanan naan coimbatoreil vasikiren vayathu 23 aagugirathu, enaku oru thangai irukiraal avalin peyar rekha vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ivalai entha nerathil petraargal endru enaku theriya villai, ivaluku kaama ennam manathil athigamaaga suranthathu. En thangai enidam kaamathai ethir paarthaal intha kathaiyai yaar idam soluvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal thaan intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seigiren aanal peyar anaithum maatra patu irukirathu. Naan eppozhuthum kalluriku sendru...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Super

Vanakam nanbargale, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai indru pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, enaku oru nanban irukiraan iruvarum ondraaga diploma kalluriyil ondraaga padithu vanthu irunthom. Oru naal avan veetirku selalam endru veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avan thangaiyai santhithen. Aval vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu, intha vayathile kamam meethu aasaiyaaga irunthaal. Naangal ondraaga sirithu vilaiyaada aarambithom. Appozhuthu thaan niraiya murai...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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En Thangai Oru Oozhu

Naan ippozhuthu coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren, ennaku oru azhagana thangai irunthaal aval parka nandraaga irupaal ippozhuthu kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiraal. Naan velaiku sendru vanthu kondu irukiren, enathu thanathai oru arasanga uthyogathil velai paarthu varugiraan amma veetu manaivi. En thangai avalin 18 vayathu varai ozhungaga than irunthaal aanal ippozhuthu aval oru oozhaga maari vital. Oru naal naan tharchayalaaga thangaiyai oru paiyanodu bikeil selvathai paarthen appozhuthu...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Pathan say gand marwai

Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...

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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 2

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai udan sex seitha thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en thangai kuthiyil kai vaithu thadava aarambithen, oru oru viralaaga pundaikul vida aarambithen, muthalil oru viralai kuthikul vitu porumaiyaaga aata aarambithen. Oru viralai vitu aati vitu pinbu irandam viralai kuthikul vitu aata aarambithen. Iru viralgalum ulle sendrathu pinbu mundravathu viral kuthikul sela konjam kadinamaaga irunthathu aanal...

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Thangai Priyavai Sex Seitha Semayana Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...

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