Tinkle BellChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 17
- 0
I felt the warmth of sunlight on my face coming through the small porthole in our cabin. The moment I did I popped open my eyes sitting up.
"Oh good! You're up! I was just coming to get you!" Bella said. She was standing in the doorway of the cabin ... naked. "What?" She then asked looking at me. She looked down at herself searching for something, then back at me again. "What?" She said again. "Jesus David, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I said finally finding my voice, staring at her. I wondered for a moment if she was a ghost ... standing there. Maybe I was on some sort of a ghost ship. But as the cobwebs finally cleared away, I realized I had only been dreaming. It had seemed real enough, but thankfully it was only a dream. Even then I asked. "Mom? Dad?" Bella was still staring at me curiously.
"Your mom's starting to fix us something for breakfast, your dad's getting ready to get underway," she added just as the engines started up, punctuating her statement. "See? Anyway ... he told me to come down and get you so you could help him stow things away and get ready to get underway again."
"Was ... was there a storm, or anything last night?"
"Only in your mind maybe," she chuckled. "You were snoring awfully loud for one thing, but for another, you were talking in your sleep too. I couldn't quite hear or understand anything ... but you certainly didn't sleep very sound, though I sure as hell did. Even slept a bit longer than I usually do too because of it. Your dad was right ... best sleep I've had in a long, long time."
"Why are you ... naked?" I asked still trying to fit together the pieces of my confusion here. Though very much relieved that things were obviously just fine. Though I was again wondering if I was talking to the undead here or something. For some reason, that honestly wouldn't have surprised me.
She laughed. "Because I still managed to fit in my morning run, running around the ship, which your dad certainly seemed to enjoy while I did so. He was sitting out on the deck watching me run, and I'm pretty sure I could see his hand moving ... a lot," she grinned. "Now come on ... breakfast will soon be ready, and like I said, your dad's waiting for you to come up and help him."
Bella turned heading back up the stairs topside as I continued to sit there, shaking, glad she hadn't seen me doing so. The dream had seemed so real ... too real. Though I should have known better. For one, dad would NEVER put to sea if there was even a hint of a possible storm for one thing. He'd always been very meticulous about that. Checking and double-checking the weather reports. Had we had any possible inclement weather, we'd have stayed at the berth for the night. Secondly, I also thought it odd now remembering the dream. Even though they were all missing ... I remembered my panic, my true fear mostly directed at Bella herself. Even with mom and dad missing, I somehow knew that was ok, weirdly enough. Though I couldn't see them, find them ... they weren't the focus of my fears and concern, not really anyway. It was Bella. And that made me wonder even more. The inevitable was still a few months away, but I knew, somehow knew that the storm I was dealing with inside was getting worse and worse. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to accept her disappearing from my life, going back to her own life at some point where I knew that once she had, I would most likely never see her again.
That was a nightmare I didn't want to have to deal with. Last night's was bad enough. I crawled out of bed, realizing I too was still naked, though noticing something else when I did. Somehow, someway, Bella had written something on me ... with lipstick, specifically on my dick. I had a hard time making out what she'd almost magically, and mysteriously written. I actually had to stretch out my very flaccid cock in order to make it out. When I did ... I felt shivers once again race up and down my spine. She had written, "Sweet dreams baby ... B!"
Having finally calmed down, I climbed up the ladder towards the main deck. Though slightly surprised perhaps, though I was starting to get used to it, Bella and mom were in the small galley fixing us something to eat. Mom too was naked. I gave her a brief quick kiss on the cheek and then headed off to find dad taking him a cup of coffee along with one for myself. Finding him however, was a surprise. He was naked too, sitting in his Captains chair steering the boat on its course heading home. I knew then that Bella had probably been right about seeing him earlier as he watched her taking her morning jog around the deck.
I was the only one wearing swim trunks.
Mom and Bella soon joined us, bringing up breakfast, setting everything out on the table so we could eat.
She looked at me, though more specifically at my swimwear. "You going to ah ... join us?" She asked. Even mom and dad were looking at me curiously. I shrugged grabbing the waistband of my trunks and yanked them down, kicking them off.
"What the hell ... why not?" Everyone was still staring at me though. I looked down only then realizing the red lipstick.
"Get my message?" Bella laughed.
I was blushing, but I answered. "I believe I did ... yes."
We finished up with breakfast and I began helping the girls clean up and put everything away again when dad announced we'd reached the twelve mile limit.
"What's that?" Bella asked.
"We're officially in International waters now," I told her.
"And what does that mean?" She asked, though dad answered her before I could.
"Basically, it means as Captain of this ship ... I could officially marry you two," dad quipped though he said it only as a joke and not being serious. For a moment though, Bella's eyes grew wide looking at him.
"You're kidding right? You could really do that?"
"Maybe," dad responded back now realizing he perhaps shouldn't have said that, especially seeing the look on my face. "What it does mean though ... we're no longer governed by the laws of the land," he said..."or more specifically the States being out this far."
"So no rules?"
"Well rules yes ... just different rules, especially way out here," he added.
"Any rules about giving someone a blow job out on deck?" She then asked. Dad laughed.
"Not as far as I know there isn't," he grinned..."Or anything else along those lines either for that matter. Where is your mother anyway?"
"I'll send her back," I told him as Bella proceeded to pull me by the arm aft again, back out onto the sun deck. Though early, the sun was well up almost blinding.
"Here, lay down, make yourself comfortable, and relax. You're all tensed up for some reason."
I was, still not able to fully shake off the weird strange dream I had had. Bella placed several cushions beneath me, propping my head up, though the sun was still far too bright forcing me to squint.
"I have an idea," Bella giggled. "And besides helping you keep the sun out of your eyes, it will also help you to just lay back, relax ... and enjoy this. I don't want you thinking about anything else except for this," she informed me. "Now ... just lay here, I'll be right back." She had placed a folded towel over my eyes, effectively blocking the sun out. I felt her return moments later, securing then what felt like a small length of rope over the towel, further securing it so that it couldn't be removed.
"What are you doing?"
"Shh, no talking. Now just lay there, relax ... and enjoy this. I'm going to give you some obvious ... much needed, tension relief."
"Right here? Out in the open like this?" I asked laughing though quite excited at the prospect of letting her do this to me, laying out on the open deck as we were. Though the prospect of anyone coming close enough to see us was remote, it was the thought of it happening that suddenly seemed to heighten my arousal to some extent.
"No rules out here ... remember? Now shush ... no more talking or I won't let you enjoy this," she added. I heard her move away briefly grabbing some more pillows, tossing a couple down beside me. Seconds after that I felt her soft, warm hand as she began stroking and massaging my cock to instant hardness. Moments after that, I felt her sensual lips suddenly sliding down over my shaft as she began sucking it. It felt heavenly. And especially as she was in no real hurry here either, taking her time, teasingly so as she began giving me probably the best blowjob I had ever had. I gave myself over to it, simply concentrating on the pure ecstasy I was feeling, the sensuality of her lips and tongue as she licked, nibbled, tickled at times, but constantly and continually aroused me to greater and greater heights of pleasure. When my orgasm eventually did come ... I knew it was going to be a monster. But I was in no hurry for that to happen either. We were still miles and miles out from reaching home, and all I wanted to do right now was forget everything, and simply enjoy this amazing blowjob she was giving me.
It went on forever, or so it seemed anyway. But it was just what the doctor ordered too. And I was also right about the other thing as well. When I came, it was explosive, in more ways than one. Not only did I see stars inside my head, but I was damn sure that the copious amount of my pleasurable eruption damn near drowned her, hearing her gasp, almost gag ... choke, and yet continue to swallow me down, obviously taken a little bit off guard and by surprise at the voluminous amount of cum-cream spurting out of my dick as I filled her mouth.
"Fuck!" I finally managed to say long moments afterwards, drained ... satiated, and well pleased as I heard her moving away. "So ... can I take off the blind fold now?" I asked.
"Of course, but careful of your eyes when you do, it's really bright out here this morning," Bella advised me.
She was right, it took a moment for my eyes to adjust after doing that, squinting once again, but I was also a bit stunned to see both mom and Bella now sitting there in deck chairs looking down at me.
"Jesus ... mom? You ... watched her doing that to me?" I asked.
She just smiled pleasantly for a moment. "Thought I'd play look-out, make sure we weren't boarded by any naked female pirates that might try to take the ship and ravish you," she stated trying to appear serious.
"Ah huh," I said looking over towards Bella who was trying very hard to keep a smile from appearing on her face.
"Anyway ... you should probably go in and relieve your father for a spell. Send him back out here in fact, I'm sure he could use a bit of tension relief himself right about now, though according to Bella, he was doing that a little earlier," she shared with me grinning over that.
Once again I shook my head, stood on still unsteady feet and began making my way back inside heading towards the pilothouse again.
"I liked the rope idea over the towel," mom said just before I passed out of earshot. "Let's do that to Harold as well when he comes out here."
I relieved dad, sending him out back with a small warning. "You're presence has been requested aft," I told him. "But beware, it's very possible that we've been boarded by naked female pirates disguised as mom and Bella. Especially if you feel something a bit different or unusual walking your plank."
He looked at me oddly.
"Never mind ... bad joke, just trying to be funny. But they're out there waiting for you. Enjoy yourself. I certainly did."
I took over the wheel keeping us on course heading for home. "International waters huh? No rules?" I wondered.
As it turned out, I was glad we had managed to enjoy a fun, naughty weekend together. It would be a while before we actually did anything even remotely like that again. With Bella returning to school the following week, things suddenly changed dramatically. If I thought Bella was here simply for fun and games, or just needing to get away from her family for a while, I was sadly mistaken. She approached her classes, studies with the same intensity and passion that she did when we were having sex. I realized then she had that same fire, same head for business that merely proved to me, her father had been right. Bella really was the only person who could conceivably take over the business, keep it going ... prospering perhaps even more than it already was. Bella was intelligent, diligent, and way too hard on herself in many respects. She wasn't perfect, far from it. But if she got anything less than an "A" on an exam or paper submitted, she almost seemed to take it personally. On nights when she needed to study, she basically locked herself away inside her room. Irene usually sent a tray up to her so she'd at least eat something when she didn't join us for dinner downstairs. But this sudden unexpected change in Bella after she started going back to school again was totally and completely unexpected.
It was usually only on the weekends that I saw the old familiar Bella re-emerge again, and if anything ... when she did, she was usually even more horny than she'd normally been. It was like seeing a bear coming out of hibernation. Come Friday night, Bella was ravenous! So much so, that she would very often wear me out, the two of us having sex together for long hours at a time. And at times, it almost didn't matter where it was either. Once the urge hit her again, it could be anywhere, and most often was. Doreen had in fact had to step around us once carrying up a load of clean laundry up the stairs. Bella had all but tackled me as we'd been heading up, now sitting on me, fucking me ... right there on the stairway as Doreen passed by us. Looking on almost wishfully. Another oddity in a sense. So far ... we'd kept most everything between the two of us, Bella hadn't even shown any signs or interest in involving anyone else, or contacting anyone we'd previously been with either. And then Monday would come, and the other Bella would suddenly return again, locking herself away inside her room for long hours at a time while she studied, almost ignoring me and everyone else while she did so.
In addition to the really nice picnic lunch that Irene had prepared for us, I had also brought along a couple of small beach umbrellas. My intent to provide a little shade, but more importantly to perhaps give us a little privacy as well from prying eyes. Provided of course we could even find a semi-secluded spot away from anyone else. I liked the fact that the access gate to the walkway running down a flight of steps to the beach was key-coded. I knew the code of course, soon giving us...
It was almost funny. The moment the three young men had finished draining themselves all over Bella's ass, including several other areas, they hurriedly put things away and then made excuses about needing to return to their place. Bella thanked them profusely of course, standing ... naked, giving each one of them a grateful kiss on the cheek. I noticed as she did that, she likewise gave each one of them an additional token of her gratitude in grazing their bare chests with her breasts in...
I had expected roast, or perhaps a baked ham, even a broiled chicken. But when we sat down to dinner, I was totally surprised. Mom had made a rather extravagant looking pasta dish. Mom never made pasta! And I knew then that between Irene, mom and Bella, the three of them had managed to put together a rather fine affair. Even dad seemed pleased. But that wasn't the only surprise waiting for me as we all sat down at the table together. Mom was wearing a new dress, and this one a bit more...
After the startling flash of the camera, and the sudden announcement of our unexpected presence, I was still unsure as to how we'd be received. I needn't have worried. After the initial shock, Doreen was all smiles, though blushing a bit still. Some from initial embarrassment perhaps, though mostly from excitement as hard at it as they'd been up until now. "Paybacks a bitch," Bella said jumping up into the back of Andy's truck bed, still not quite invited, though his eyes were locked...
It felt like a dream. Right up until the time I began climaxing. Suddenly my eyes popped open, the rush of ecstasy already escaping my cock. I looked down in the twilight of the night, eyes still not yet focused. Bella now standing, and like a wraith, a Succubus come to take my life's energy from me, she had. She turned, her voice a whisper almost like a distant memory. "See you in the morning," she said adding, "Sweet nasty dreams." I'd been having one. Now I knew why. I glanced at...
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I know for a fact I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow sometime just before midnight. I also know I was suddenly wide awake, only moments after spewing what had felt like another "dream load", though just as before, I saw the shadow of Bella's form slipping out of my bed heading back out into the still dark hallway. She hadn't said a single word. I rolled over, my eyelids still heavy from lack of sleep as I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was just after 4 a.m. in the...
It was like waiting for the other shoe to fall, which never did. I was expecting Bella to at some point pull another stunt like she had before. But to my surprise that never happened. Not yet anyway. She seemed honestly intrigued by most of the classes she attended with me. At times taking notes for whatever reason, and even asking related questions from time to time. Once again revealing to me facts I hadn't realized about her. The woman was damn smart proving to me she was a lot more than...
I had spent another full night sleeping, though I really wasn't surprised at that. Waking a good hour before my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed heading for the bathroom. Though I had a fairly full day ahead of me, at least I didn't have to head off to school as early as I usually did. And especially as I also had to take DeeDee with me once she'd gotten up and made herself presentable. I decided to head down for coffee even though it was an hour earlier than usual, once again stepping...
After our totally unplanned for, totally surprising, and certainly shocking episode out on the patio deck with mom and dad of all people ... Bella and I soon after retired. I did have an early day ahead of me tomorrow with school again, though it was also an early day home too. Something I had purposely scheduled in order to take advantage of a somewhat extended weekend. And it was the fact that it was the weekend that Bella reminded me of something else as she curled up against me there in...
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As it turned out, we were just in time for the big finale. I caught up with Bella close to the patio, the two of us then making our way over towards the large sliding glass doors. As was usually the case, the curtains had not been drawn leaving us a wide-clear view of the entire family room just beyond. I chuckled softly seeing the four of them actually lying on top of dad's prized billiard table. The fact that they were said a lot. Doreen was flat on her back, and though it took a moment to...
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hi guys and girls thank u for ur reviews and mails its me back with another story This is an imaginary story abt my own aunt. here also i would not like to reveal my name Pls mail to mee the name i am using is this is of my cousin brothers……… I’m going to tell a story of my first encounter with my aunty when I was in plus two. Her name is soumya (name changed) age of 26 have one kid, husband is working in GULF. She has good assets and white in colour. After death of my grand pa she is...
Lucie Cline is on school break staying at her aunt’s house for the week, but she can’t stop thinking about her aunt’s husband, Johnny. She masturbates thinking about him after waking up horny from a nap, but little does she know that Johnny arrives home from work and spies on her after hearing her moan! But she spots the Peeping Tom right away and invites him into her room to help turn her fantasy into a reality. Johnny’s married, but he can’t help but lap up the opportunity (i.e., Lucie’s...
xmoviesforyouMonday, November 30, 2020: John and Jenny arrived home at around 10:35 AM. They were able to have a look at fourteen feet of snow. It was almost like seeing much of West Seattle without houses. John and Jenny made their way into the shelter. Billy and the Judge met them halfway from the dining room to the steps, “We survived Uncle John.” Billy was standing at attention saluting. John returned the salute, “Anything to report?” “Yes sir. “Judge, Billy, this is Captain Swanson, Warrant...
My name is Lucas Whitby, working as a buyer for a major department store, traveling frequently within the country but also overseas sometimes, looking for interesting products that might do well here, and keeping in contact with those suppliers and trying to get the price down and the service up. Sometimes my social life had to suffer because of my busy schedule but there were periods of stagnation and so that I had some more time for myself. I had a girlfriend Lisa, but she decided to call...
I returned to the table where Har-Hi was talking with the former pirate captains and a former Union fleet petty officer, who had dealt with the Worm and now paid the price. “We need to get back to the ship, right away. “Har-Hi didn’t lose a second and got up, tossed a few Iridium coins on the table and was ready to follow me. Lemakr, the Togar said. “What about us, Black Velvet?” “I have all the crew I need and I am in a hurry, figure it out. “I was torn between showing them some sort of...
T-Minus 54 Hours... Bloody hell. I thought our truce would last longer... I didn't believe Rose Ann for a moment that all she wanted was to cuddle. When I insisted she put panties on and another shirt she acted as though I'd asked her to put on sackcloth. She did finally with an unhappy 'huuruummph' in my direction. I was correct not to trust her. Rose Ann felt that cuddling should lead to other things. Pressing back against me. Shifting her hips more than I felt was necessary to get...
My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on weight going from a size 12 to a size 16 but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well and still looked terrific.Her best asset had always been her breasts and her weight gain had only served to make them even nicer swelling them from a 38C to a 38D cup and her nipples had gotten bigger...
It's a known fact we reach puberty before our male counterparts, our sexual urges are pretty fucked-up, thanks to a year of unbalanced hormonal activity, and full sex at these ages are varied and experimental, most girls I knew as friends, including myself, applied the old saying, 'Don't knock it until you have tried it'.Some men confess to wishing to be a woman, so they would let every man fuck them, anywhere, anyhow, and in numbers.Of course when you look at this you realize they are just...
It was our anniversary, and my parents had offered to take our kids to get some quality couple time. As much as we love our offspring, the chance for the two of us to take a long earned time out to enjoy some us time was not hard to accept. We bid our children farewell, and headed to the bright lights of the city. My wife still made my pulse race after ten years of wedded bliss as she turned and smiled at me in that way that told me I had better prepare for long hours of pleasure. Her hand...
It's finally the weekend. After a productive day around the house I'm ready to get down and naughty. Most importantly I'm ready to get off, once, maybe twice. Hi my name is Elizabeth. I work hard and I play harder. I have all kind of fun things in my tool box to ensure my pleasure. I could have fun with my husband, but he's away on business. I'm 28 and all curves.Tonight I chose a pink dolphin vibrator with a special extension that vibrates and twirls around my clit, when used correctly. As I...
MasturbationWarning: THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL! Hello there. One evening, my parents were working late and my brother was at his friend's house. I have just arrived home. These last couple weeks were hectic because my cousin just moved in to stay with us temporarily because my aunt and uncle had a long vacation to attend outside the country. My name is Jack and I am 5'10" with black eyes and black hair, half-muscular. I work out, but my work and school schedule prevents me from getting all the workout I...
IncestThanks go out to my editors LadyCibelle and Techsan. Between their editing and their comments, they make my story a much better read. I don't give them near the praise and credit they deserve. My old girlfriend loaned me a television series to watch. It was titled 'The Dead Zone'. A little background on the series: It's about a young teacher who has just gotten his longtime girlfriend pregnant. They are to be wed soon. He leaves her place to go rent a movie for them to watch. He is in a...
We stated to meet at least once a week and sometimes twice. This went on for several weeks doing the same thing. He would take his cock out of his pants and I would suck his till he came in my mouth. Then one day as we were driving around he asked me to remove my shirt. I did not think too much about it. I continued to suck him then he told me to remove my shoes and socks. I asked why and he just said he wanted me to be comfortable. I did as he asked then started to suck his cock again. ...
I went home and went to bed, planning on our morning. I fell asleep quickly.My cell phone rang at midnight and it was Brittany.“Hello."“I wanted you to know what you missed by leaving me alone tonight.” I could hear a buzzing noise in the background. “I have my vibrator out and it will finish what you started. Can you hear it?”“Yes, I can."“I am touching it to my clit. I have it on slow speed and it feels like someone is licking me.” And I could hear her softly moan.“Tell me more about it.”“It...
MasturbationIntroduction: (This story is about anthropomorphic animals, so be warned if you arent into that stuff xP It is always good to give new things a chance, though!) A -VERY- old roleplay by myself and a person I used to like very much&hellip,. Akelta woke up once in the middle of the night, very confused and very hungry. Khaal…did you leave the food out….? She mumbled softly, her voice sounding very tired. Khaal grunts and awakes with a start, leaning up with weary yellow eyes gleaming in the...
It was September, my wife Kristine was 7 months pregnant with our first, due in November. It had been a good year, ever since she had gotten pregnant, she had been really horny. Almost constantly, she was easily worked up and ready to go. At this time, she was still enjoying the fantasy of being shared and fucking other guys, and her being pregnant even played into the fantasy. I was still trying to push the issue, even though I knew she wouldn’t be fucking anyone else, I tried to talk her...
Clint Elliston Shock and pleasure shot through me, my cock unloading a final squirt of cum into Lee’s hungry mouth as Melody kissed me and hugged me. My mind didn’t want to work. I had one half-sister swallowing my cum, after swallowing my piss, and the other kissing me, hugging me, excited by the news she had just proclaimed. I had just woken up. I had just cum hard. I was going to be a father. “Really?” I groaned, my hand still gripping Lee’s short, black hair, her mouth sucking on my...
“I’m a little bit of a cum slut. No, what am I saying? I’m a huge cum slut,” is the confessional that today’s ex*!%@t 24 year old Stella gave right after she received a huge load of owe gooey cum all over that pretty little face of hers. The same face and lips she kisses her fiancé with and yes this data analyst is engaged and has the green light to suck and fuck strange dick. He’s a keeper Stella and you bet she took a few selfies after the shoot with all that cum dripping off her. You know to...
xmoviesforyouDear Dirty Diary, About a month and a half had passed since my New Year's Day love fest. Like most women, I seem to have an immense capacity for storing up sexual rapture, brought on by a good, solid orgasm. Louise and I had only exchanged pleasantries and non-sexual chitchat since. Perhaps an underlying guilt on my part had also cooled my sexual desires somewhat. Doug had been surprisingly attentive and had driven me crazy with his continual advances all month. He had given me a bit of a...