Tinkle BellChapter 4 free porn video

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Needless to say, the evening had proven out to be incredible. And though tempted, Bella and I both agreed that it was probably way too soon to have mom or dad finding us sleeping in the same bed together. As liberal as I was beginning to think them to be, and especially with all the sexual innuendos taking place between the two of us, I just wasn't ready yet to suddenly throw this in their faces. Especially since Bella had only been with us for a few days now.

Reluctantly, I went to my room, and she went to hers. Though to be perfectly honest, I needed the sleep. Having her in bed next to me didn't guarantee that, not by a long shot. But, I was already looking forward to the following day as my head hit the pillow. I knew a really nice secluded section of beach where a good friend of mine lived. His parents owned a summer home there, and it had always been an open invitation to drop by whenever I had felt like it. Only the owners of properties along there utilized that particular section of beach, so it was rarely if ever busy, even on the weekends. And though it certainly wasn't a nude beach by any means, not like those in France anyway ... it was private enough that many people at least went topless, provided there weren't any kids playing around the area. Unfortunately, it was the best I could do. Bella however had promised to "be nice" unless we were fairly secluded. Her comment promising all kinds of things, so I was in hopes ... especially after last night, that we'd find ourselves with a stretch of beach all to our selves.

I rolled out of bed heading towards the bathroom, took a pee, combed my hair, brushed my teeth and shaved. By the time I returned to my room, Bella was sitting on the bed Indian style, naked of course, waiting for me. But there was something else waiting for me as well. She had spread out what appeared to be several 9X6 photos.

"What are those?" I asked curiously walking over.

"A present ... for us, something to remember last night with," she grinned wickedly.

"What?" I picked one up looking at it, stunned at what I saw. "Who? How?" The when was obvious. They were photos of us making love there in the middle of the maze.

"They're from Doreen and Andy. Apparently, they were out in the Orange grove fooling around themselves when they saw us come out. Just so happens ... Andy's a bit of an amateur photographer, enjoys taking photos of the two of them. Though it was at Doreen's suggestion he get a few of us, especially as it was obviously a very special night for us. Didn't think you and I would get too upset with them watching us, or taking these. Oh ... and just so you know, she handed me the camera they took them with. Said you could personally delete the images yourself, just so you know these are the only prints that were made."

"Actually, they're pretty damn good," I said smiling looking at them again. Andy had done a pretty good job, using what light there was to capture what looked to me like some rather startling images, very erotic ... sensual with intermingling shadows and shapes. Had we not known it was the two of us, it would have been hard pressed to specifically identify that it was actually Bella and I standing there. "I'll down load these, and then give him his camera back," I told her. "And remind me to thank the two of them later for this."

"I already did," Bella grinned licking her lips. "Which is why I'm sort of late waking you up," she teased. "I just left Doreen sprawled out on my bed. Needless to say, she's still trying to recuperate a little," she snickered further. I stood there staring at her.

"You mean to tell me you ... you and Doreen?"

"She really does have a lovely pussy. Though she was a bit reluctant at first, not too terribly sure how Andy might react to our little dalliance. I told her ... that unless she said otherwise, we'd keep all this to ourselves. So, not sure you'll ever get to sample that yourself, but take it from me, if and when you ever do ... it will be well worth it."

As interesting and as tempting as that was, I was more inclined to keep things a bit more simple rather than complicated. Messing around with Doreen, especially if she and Andy had a serious relationship growing between them wasn't something I wanted to jump into the middle of. Maybe a little girl-girl play wouldn't jeopardize that, but I wasn't too sure that my getting involved wouldn't. Though I freely admitted to her, I wouldn't have minded watching that.

"Maybe another time then," Bella told me. "We did discuss the fact that Andy would probably get off on watching the two of us too!" She grinned. "So who knows? Perhaps when we're all sitting around horny together, it might happen."

I seriously doubted that. But then just as quickly changed my mind. Having Bella here had already brought about things I would have never dreamed possible. She just seemed to exude sensuality and eroticism. The fact she was sitting here now, once again naked as though it was the most normal, natural thing in the world to be doing all the time was testament to that. I didn't even think about it until later, that mom or dad could have walked in on us at any moment. Though I also wondered what either one of them would have said had they seen Doreen laying in Bella's bed either.

That concern was quickly set aside however as Doreen suddenly appeared in the doorway, anxious to make my bed perhaps. Though she blushed upon entering, especially with Bella sitting there the way she was, photos still obscenely spread out in front of her.

"Oh, sorry ... I'll come back," she said preparing to leave. The fact was ... it hadn't even dawned on me, that I too was naked, and slightly aroused having stood there looking at Bella along with the photographs.

"No, that's fine ... come in Doreen," I told her, only then realizing my situation as Bella's eyes widened looking at me, or rather more specifically at my half-mast cock.

"You might want to close the door though," Bella offered as she did. "I was just telling David about our little adventure together," she then added causing the poor girl to blush even more furiously. She lay back, making me wonder in an instant what she was up to. "As a matter of fact ... he was just asking me if I thought it was possible for the two of us to do a little repeat performance for him while he watched. What do you think?" She asked, now fondling her own breasts.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was just then after ten in the morning. I knew dad would already be off for yet another round of golf, this time with his buddies, and mom would have headed off to her weekly coffee gossip session with her friends until around noon. So that left the three of us pretty secure and alone together. Irene wouldn't come in until later to begin preparing whatever was on the menu for dinner that evening, but she never came into this section of the house anyway. And as for Andy ... well, he'd no doubt be out on the grounds taking care of things there for a while. And the fact was ... I was horny, though lately it seemed like I was constantly so now. But I still didn't want to do anything that would cause any major problems either.

"I would enjoy watching..." I assured her. "And I promise to do nothing more than that," I added seeing her continued reluctance, right up until I said that when her resolve seemed to weaken a little.

"Nothing? Won't you at least pleasure yourself some while watching us?" Bella asked. "I'm sure that Doreen wouldn't find that objectionable, now would you Doreen?" She then asked turning towards her, half rolling on the bed now, extending her hand. "Come ... come play with me, let me play with you again and show David what it was I was telling him we did earlier," she said all but cementing the deal. Obviously ... still looking a bit disheveled, Doreen obviously had enjoyed herself. When she smiled, I knew then she'd agreed. Bella sat up and then stood, beginning to undress our maid as I hurriedly gathered up all the photos, setting them inside the nightstand next to my bed. They would indeed be a nice keepsake from the evening before.

"And this will stay between us for now yes?" Doreen asked "At least until I feel the time is right to mention it to Andy?" She questioned. It seemed to be the last obstacle to her hesitation.

"Just between us," Bella assured her. "Though anytime you think Andy would love watching us, just let me know," she then added. By now, between the two of them, Doreen stood naked, allowing me a much better look at her nude body than I'd had before. Her breasts were indeed smaller by far than Bella's were, though her nipples too were dark in color, no doubt from her Latin heritage. I was also a little surprised to see the dark hair neatly trimmed between her legs, expecting otherwise perhaps. But Bella seemed to enjoy it as she playfully ran her fingers through it as though combing it, though it was far from being unruly. "Lay down sweetie ... so I can fuck you," she said hotly. Just hearing Bella say that sent a jolt of arousal into my cock as it lurched slightly, throbbing. I stood patiently, excitedly, watching as the two of them positioned themselves together there on my bed. Just like in the fantasy she'd shared with me, unknowingly at the time as Doreen had stood there watching the two of us, it now began actually unfolding.

"Oh yes, you're still so wet!" Bella moaned grinding her equally wet cunt against Doreen's, legs over lapping, scissoring one another, pussy to pussy as they held hands, humping, pressing and grinding against one another so uninhibitedly. "Come David. Come closer ... watch us, listen to us, listen to the sounds of our wet, juicy cunts making love to one another," she stated.

I moved closer, transfixed ... watching, my hand already wrapping itself around my cock, fisting and stroking it. Below me, they continued, humping one another, slick wet cunts pressing, kissing. Doreen's eyes now locked on me as I stood there above the two of them.

"Stand on the bed, over us," Bella suggested. I complied, straddling the two of them, looking down. Grinning as Doreen's eyes continued to stare at me, locking onto my hard swollen cock as I stood there above her, jerking myself off.

"Oh god..." she moaned involuntarily, wetting her lips now fingering her extremely hard nipples as she unabashedly began playing with them.

"Would you like him to come on us when we do?" Bella asked. "Would you like to see ... to feel David's hot sticky spunk squirting all over us as we fuck one another?" she asked hotly.

"Yes, oh god yes!" Doreen exclaimed excitedly, now grinding herself even more intensely against Bella's cunt, her rapture rapidly approaching now by the twisted look in her face as she struggled to hang on. "Hurry David! Hurry! Come with me ... with us," she amended, though knowing Bella, she could almost come at will, no doubt timing herself, waiting on me as I surged ahead, feeling the pleasured release just around the corner now.

"Arrrgh!" I simply grunted, not even speaking intelligently, simply growling out my ecstasy, pumping ... jacking ... and then freezing still for a moment, basking in the tingled explosion deep within my balls, knowing my own anticipation, the sensation of semen even then traveling up the length of my shaft. I pumped once more, twice, aimed ... and simply let go.

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Brunette nympho Leda Lotharia has been trying and trying, but she’s never been able to have the “volcanic, squirting orgasm” she’s always wanted, and she’s heard Toni Ribas is the man who can help her erupt! Toni immediately starts turning up the heat, playing with her tits and then fingering her pussy as she uses a big purple vibrator on her clit. Leda deepthroats his dick and then he fucks her already-wet pussy before putting his magic fingers to good use, and...

3 years ago
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My First Time hot and steamy

Katie paced the windows of her penthouse apartment, lonely she sat back on the black suede sofa, pondering what the night might bring her. Alone and cold, she ****d a mink throw around her body and watching the snow drifting past her window. New York was a pretty place, especially when it snowed, central park became a winter wonderland and the streets looked ultra pretty dusted with a layer of glimmering snow. Katie an eighteen year old student was new to living alone, only 3 weeks ago she...

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A friend of a friend was getting married and we were invited to the ceremony and the evening ‘do’. We got a room in the hotel where it was to take place. The day went well and most people were quite merry when my wife and I decided to go up to our room, we spent a few minutes talking and then she turned in.I was finding it difficult to sleep so went outside for a cigarette. A few minutes another man who I’d seen at the wedding, joined me and we were chatting away as he moaned on about his wife...

2 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 45

Cheryl had driven home from school for the short vacation, and she and Cal drove both of their vehicles back. They had debated about whether that was necessary, but they decided to be on the safe side. They left themselves just one day after they arrived before registration. Since housing was all in order, that was one time-consuming item they did not have to deal with. On their free day, they connected with Maddy and her family, with Jesus Monteleone, with the volleyball coach, and of...

3 years ago
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He Can Only Hurt You if You Let Him In

Sharon was still dressed in the cut-offs and t-shirt she wore while packing. She needed a shower, and quickly. She found her nightgown and was just heading for the bathroom, when there was a knock on the door. Knock was too light a word for it. It was more of a pounding. Her heart leaped in her chest. Already? He was here already? She grabbed her wand and walked to the front door. She peered out the peephole, and saw Arcutus standing there, a ways back from the door, clothed in shadow. A...

3 years ago
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Audrey and the cucumber

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

4 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 25

Our first day was spent touring the island and all of Mark's discoveries and improvements. The natural gas discovery was huge and was being piped to Limon for sale. The island had sufficient gas escaping from the field to fuel all of the islands' needs and more. What would normally be burned off out in the water was being diverted to the islands. All of the carts, tractors, and other vehicles had been converted to natural gas. Mark had even been experimenting with a way to fuel the light...

3 years ago
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Crossing the Divide Part 6

Suzy writes:"It must be fully charged by now!""Not until the red light goes out," Amanda replies.Amanda is reading from the instruction leaflet and sitting cross-legged on the bed. I am lying beside her, biting my bottom lip in anticipation."It says here that it combines sweet suction with soft pressure waves." Amanda continues her perusal of the leaflet. "Six intensity settings.... " My body is quivering with its own intensity settings. With my back against a mound of pillows and my legs...

2 years ago
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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 3 Anything but condoms

The Waverly Estate was large enough for one of those extraneous lounges on the side of the house. A place to fill with Papasan furniture, an extra big-screen T.V., maybe a mini-bar or table for some late-night poker. The entire east wall was just glass sliding doors, making it easy for my illegal spy-camera network to get all the juicy details. Waverly Junior was kneeling on a red velvet cushion, aggressively sodomizing a dark-haired latina with an impressive bubble-butt. She had dispensed...

2 years ago
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Big Bus Driver Ron Big HGV Driver Jim

Well if you've read all my stories you'll know what type of man I go for, big, chubby, smooth or hairy, age wise from 21 to 80, the majority of them are blue collar worked, bus/truck/van drivers, plumbers, electricians, engineers and construction workers. Cock size and looks are not an issue, bi, gay, or straight. I like to be fucked, kissing and cuddles and I love a man to smile or wink at me. I pick men who look masculine and who can dominate me, I'm not adverse to your average build bloke...

2 years ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 23

My mother came back into the room. Her robe was gone. My Grandfather was close behind her pushing mother into my bedroom with his big hand on her bare bottom. Grandpa Jack looked over at me and smiled when he saw the naked teenage girl laying across my lap in the classic OTK spanking position. "Don't stop on my account." He told me as my mother began to remove her father's clothes. It didn't take long before her father was naked pushing my mom down to her knees to take his big prick...

2 years ago
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Clark Kent or SupermanEnding

Barry returned shortly with Linda. Damn! Each one was better looking than the last. How could somebody like Barry attract all these incredible women? Ouch. Stupid question! I had been marginalizing Barry because of our situation. He was actually very good looking, model quality. He was very bright, good job, well read, interesting and pretty amusing if he would give up that damn sarcasm. He was what most women would consider a very good catch. That's why I married him. I could see now that...

3 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 19 Ups and Downs

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, I woke up as Fiona’s hands were touching me all over. She must have been playing with me for a while, because I was already very aroused, and couldn’t help moaning and shivering. She kept on stroking me. “Uh, g-good morning”, I said. With a devilish laugh, she pinned me down. She was heavier and so much stronger than me I had no chance to dislodge her, and when she started playing with my nipples all I could do was surrender to her, giving little yelps. She...

1 year ago
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MomSwap Dee Williams Nadia White Scandal in Suburbia Part 3

Scandal In Suburbia: A Dee Williams Mini-Series [Part 3 of 3] – Previously, on Shoplyfter Mylf, Dee helped get Rion and her stepson, Joshua, out of trouble by showing off her persuasion skills. Now the boys are off the hook and are hanging out in Rion’s kitchen. But when they recount how Dee fucked the security officer, Rion’s stepmom, Nadia, overhears the perverted story. Nadia flips out and calls Dee to confront her, only to find out Rion fucked Dee just the other day. To get Nadia to...

3 years ago
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Sex Education WorkshopChapter 3

(This will complete the earlier story "Sex Education Workshop 101" which was a follow up story to the original "Sex Education Practice Dummy" that was extremely popular on several sites.) Chrissy Jones turned over to hit the alarm clock and knocked it flying across the bedroom. "Serves you right, you worthless piece of shite", Chrissy muttered rather than shouted at the innocent inanimate object still making a bit of a rattle in the corner. She still didn't have both eyes open but...

4 years ago
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Kashis Bhabhi Ke Saath Maza

Hello frnds dis is Ajay age 24 saal main lucknow meun rehta hun average guy hun height 5ft 6in hai lund 6.5 inch lamba aur 3 inch mota. Apka jyada waqt na lete hue story par aata hun yeh story hai meri bhabhi ki jinka naam Kashis hai unki age 28 saal hai fig 34 29 36 bahut hi khubsurat rang doodh ki tarah hai skin aisi ki chhu lo to haath fisal jaaye. Mere cousine bhai ki shaadi abhi 8mnths pehle hui hai yeh ghatna 3 din pehle ki hai main apne gaon gaya tha wahan par bhabhi ko dekho to woh aur...

3 years ago
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Patti Visits The Nudist Mobile Home Park Chapters 1 2

In the first place, even Patti would have to admit that she had no idea the appointment to do an in-home massage was inside a nudist mobile home park. She only knew it was called Gulf Side Sunny Acres and that the woman who placed the call sounded like she was a senior citizen with a need for relief for a bad back and other issues with her knees and lower calves.She was not entirely certain that the sign at the entrance included the word “Nudist” but there was no doubt in her mind when she...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of KaTar and his Wives

His Mother had explained everything: the two men he had seen entering the temple, through the magical Fertility Idol, had both been turned into 100% biological women. Moreover, their minds had been changed as well. Neither had any memory of ever being men, and, as far as they knew, they were just two helpless girls who had washed up on this strange Island, the only survivors of their doomed voyage (had his Mother had something to do with their ship sinking? Ka-Tar wondered, but honestly...

4 years ago
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The Glass Balls II

When I returned from Germany in 1947, I was not the same woman who left two years earlier. I left as a widow struggling to make ends meet. Now I had something of a reputation as an art appraiser, a skill honed by my years in cataloguing and repatriating hundreds of pieces of artwork stolen by the German army during World War Two. That reputation opened doors to me that were formerly closed, and I took advantage of every opening. Another, more fundamental change had occurred. When I left...

2 years ago
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First Time at the Glory Hole

The wife and I have been kind of tame lately in that we haven’t played with others. We both are on Tumblr and are constantly sending each other hot pictures and videos. We were bored Saturday night and decided to head out. We had been fantasizing about going to the local toy store and trying out the glory hole. This is something that we have never done, but the thought of it was driving each of us crazy. I read up a little bit on etiquette and we headed out. We went to the first toy store, 8th...

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