- 4 years ago
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Convict Wench
The Arrest
Three fashionably and well-dressed girls sat disconsolately on the hard woodenbench in the dock of the No 1 County Court in Chelmsford, England. It was 5 th April1797. The Industrial Revolution had just started and England was about to makeits mark in the world. Parliament had issued strict instructions through thejudiciary to deal severely with any miscreant whose acts would undermine thesuccessful development of a new world order. New industrial businesses werespringing up all over the land and, in the colonies, plantations were beingestablished to fuel the growing demand for raw materials. Labour was particularlya problem in the colonies. As there was a need to provide cheap labour, felonsconvicted of capital offences would be considered for sentences of varyingterms of slavery.
It was a guilty verdict. They couldn't believe it. They were convictionsthat carried capital penalties. All they had done was to default on their creditorswho had given them capital to develop their drapery business. They had fullyintended to repay the loans. The small matter of alleged stealing was onlysome money which they had used on the business which had been given to themby a friend for safe-keeping while she was away. That friend had told the investigatingmagistrates a pack of lies. If only the clock could be turned back. If only….
The Court Usher motioned to the girls to stand up as the judge was aboutto pronounced sentence.
" Jennie Jones, Anna Reynolds and Juliet Strong. You have all been foundguilty by the panel of the heinous crimes against the community of embezzlementand theft. Your position in society has hitherto been extremely privileged,coming as you do from the merchant class of the community. However, you havebroken the trust that society demands of you to set an example to the lowerclasses. Transgression of the law warrants a commensurate example made of wrong-doers,such as yourselves, The law demands that I be constrained to pass the mandatorysentence of death by hanging. You shall be taken from here to a place of executionand shall hang by the neck until dead.….."
"However, since our new colonies need labour, our Gracious Sovereign Lord,King James, has in His Mercy allowed discretion in cases such as yours. Sinceyou are none here convicted of murder or treason but of a lesser capital offence,I am able to spare your lives. You are hereby sentenced to slavery in the coloniesfor the rest of your natural lives. You will be sold at public auction to thehighest bidder as a hard labour work slave."
"But before you are taken down, I want it quite clear what this means. Firstly,as slaves, you own nothing. Not even your bodies. All your worldly possessionsand your bodies will be forfeit to the State. You will be stripped of yourclothes, which will be sold, and will be clad in the meanest of cast-off ragsor kept naked as befits the status of a chattel and a beast of burden. Youwill be not allowed any special luxuries or even sanitation normal to a humanbeing. This status you have relinquished by your wicked deeds. After sentencingyou will be branded as a beast of burden and sexual property; you will be transportedin a slave ship to the Colonies, work in chains under the whip and kept inconditions as other farmyard animals. In short, you cease to be a member ofthe human race as of now, since your bodies are forfeit to the State. In theevent that you misbehave or do not co-operate, the original sentence will beimmediately carried out and without notice. Guard, take these slaves down andlash them!"
Juliet couldn't believe her ears. She had been once to a slave auction inthe market in Chelmsford and had seen for herself how degraded the convictedfelons looked who were to be sold as female slaves. They were herded and proddedlike animals. Their only covering was the ragged remains of what they had beenwearing when arrested. They were filthy, barefoot and in chains. At that time,she just looked way in disgust at the dejected miserable human flotsam andgave them no further thought. My God, she was about to become one of them!
A howl of delight went up from the spectators in the courtroom as Jennieand her companions were roughly pulled out of the dock by the rope haltersaround their necks and dragged down into the jail in the bowels of the courthouse.They were taken into a dim holding cell, lit only with burning braziers andsurrounded by six burly and rough looking guards.
"Take them clothes off neatly, slave wenches, they now belong to the state.If you are careless and tear them, you'll get twelve more lashes. Take yourshoes off also. Slaves are no permitted footwear and must be barefoot at alltimes. Animals are barefoot and so are slaves"
It was useless to resist. They had heard with their own ears what the judgehad said. Who could possibly come to their aid? They had no relations or closefamily and couldn't even turn to any friends. They were terrified. Hesitatingly,they took their shoes off and slowly began to disrobe until they were nakedin front of the guards.
"Help yourselves men. Come and see what these wenches have to offer!"
The other guards advanced on the trembling girls who were trying to covertheir pussies with one hand and their bare breasts with the other. The headguard who was nearest to Jenny gave her a hard slap across the face and screamed, "Takeyour hand away from your tits and cunt, slave, the time has gone for any modesty.We want to sample the goods before you're handed over to the slave master."
The rest of the guards grabbed the two other girls who had taken the leadfrom Jenny and let their hands drop to their sides. They grabbed at the girls'naked breasts needing their nipples painfully between the fingers of theircoarse dirty hands and then pulling their legs apart to probe at their cunts.Each of the girls were forced to the dirty floor and pinioned by their armsby one of the guards, while another exposed himself, forced their legs apartand hungrily trust into them.
"Open up wide, wench", said one of the guards tying to force himself on Juliet,who was resisting her manhandling, "You heard what the judge said. You don'town your bodies anymore. You're all just slaves now and have lost your rightsto be treated as common citizens. You had better get used to slavery rightnow, or life will be even harder for you. He laughed out aloud and winked crudelyat the other guards. He addressed the three girls "All we're trying to do isto be kind to you. Your masters in the Colonies will just treat you as thehuman chattel you now are."
The rutting guards grunted with pleasure and climaxed quickly. The judgesin the quarter sessions had been sending scores of hapless women to the Coloniesas slaves recently and they were only too happy for the guards to give themtheir first lessons in what their slavery meaned.
The three girls were roughly dragged to their feet by the hair and drawnto the next door room. The floor was covered in straw and a blacksmith stoodby a brazier with glowing coals which he was fanning using a set of bellows.A metal object was heating in the coals, which looked like a branding iron.
"Come here wenches and see what mark you're to have." He reached for thebranding iron and grabbed from the heating coals and then pressed it for fiveseconds in an uncured piece of leather. The blacksmith then raised the leatherfor the girls to plainly see:
Property of:
"Your new owners in the Colonies will have the brand completed with theirown mark which is they also use for their animals. You will be branded on bothbreasts and on the inside of you left thigh to remind you that you are nowjust other people's property to use in any way they want. "Grab the first wench,Jake"
Anna was pushed roughly in the direction of a wooden cross the height ofa man with shackles attached to the arms of the cross an at ankle height. Shewas turned around to face the front and the shackles were fastened to her wristsand ankles. She was terrified and thrashed her head from side to side in anticipationof the pain that would mean she ceased to be an ordinary citizen. She wouldbear the scars of the brand for the rest of her life, but even more degradingwas that her marked skin would announce to the world that she was just an animal.A thing no longer worthy of any respect or concern. Property to be bought andsold, used and abused and, whenever the latter happened no questions wouldbe asked since she was just a slave wench with no rights.
Anna saw with horror and stated to wail when she saw that the blacksmithhad withdrawn the iron from the fire and was advancing with an evil grin onhis face. He held the white hot branding iron a foot from Anna's eyes, "Hereyou are wench. This mark will be a constant reminder to you and tell the worldthat you're just the lowest female slave, an animal, for others to use."
With that remark he applied the iron to her left breast and held it therefor three seconds. Anna by then was long gone. The searing pain and humiliationhad shut down her senses and she slumped unconscious in her bonds. She didn'tfeel a thing when the blacksmith applied the still scalding iron to her leftbreast and to the sensitive inside of her left thigh. The blacksmith's assistantcame across to the listless slave girl and smeared evil smelling green pasteover her brands. He then undid her shackles and, none to carefully, draggedher to the corner of the cell and laid her down in some filthy straw.
The other two girls who had been watching Anna's branding were shaking withterror and started to scream for mercy, to stop their branding. It was to noavail. The two guards restraining the girls slapped them hard over their breaststo shut them up and threatened them with a large coiled whip if they didn'tsubmit quietly. "Stow it wenches. The less fuss the better for you. Any morefrom either of you and you'll both get a dozen lashed before you're branded,and that will hurt a lot more when your tits feel the iron."
It was soon over for Jenny and Juliet. Like Anna, Jenny passed out afterthe first brand, but Juliet retained her senses. They were both unceremoniouslydumped in the same corner of the cell as Anna, who by then was beginning torecover from her ordeal.
The girls were left locked in their cell for a couple of hours to recovermore fully from their branding when suddenly the guards returned. One of theguards carried a wooden pail. "Slaves, this is to prevent infection in yourbrands and to protect the property of your prospective owners." With thosewords, he threw the contents of the pail which was salty water over the slavewenches huddling together in the mud and straw of the cell. "Now get you arsesmoving, sluts, its time for a feel of the lash.
The guards placed a rope halter around each of the girls' necks and roughlypulled them to their feet. Another guard wielded a whip and started to lashat their bare breast and thighs. They were dripping wet from their soakingand each lash bit hard into naked skin unaccustomed to the hard life of slaverythat they would come to enjoy.
Anna was singled out especially. "Please…. please don't….don'twhip me anymore, I pray you," she wailed. Red wields appeared on both breastswhere the tip of the whip had gauged its mark. Despite her protestations andpain, she felt an unusual arousal and a throbbing sensation between her legs.The more the whip rained down on her, the hotter she became. She was tryingto get out some words but they didn't materialise. The whipping stopped. Shesuddenly realised with embarrassment that she was about to beg one of the guardsto screw her.
Another guard came into the cell clutching a bundle which he threw down inthe straw of the cell. "Right wenches, get togged up. You're lucky to haveanything to wear. The previous owners have no use for them since they all havegone to the gallows. They did rather get a lot of use for them, so don't expecthigh fashion!"
Jenny bent down to see what had been provided for them. They were filthyrags; Remnants of coarse clothing that were worse than any she had seen wornby common beggar girls in the streets. They were damp and malodorous, and hadbeen obviously worn for many months in the grimy insanitary conditions of contemporaryjails. She picked up a long ankle length shift that was torn and ripped inmany places and whose skirt was completely tattered.
"Come on, wench, you're lucky to have clothes at all as slaves. Pull onyour rags and look lively about it".
Jenny stepped into the disgusting garment and pulled it up over her body.The material was rotten and had once been white cotton. The shift had probablybelonged to a cheap whore and had started to disintegrate long before its formerowner's incarceration. There were rents and tears in the material, which almostcompletely exposed her bare breasts and as she walked the tattered garmentwould allow glimpses of her cunt through rips in the hem that reached thighlevel.
The other two girls then selected their new apparel. Juliet found a hideouslydirty tattered petticoat and a ragged threadbare gown that appeared to havebeen used as a rag to clean the floor. She looked deeper in the pile for ablouse to wear under the rags she had already selected. She found nothing.Anna's new outfit comprised a piece of sacking that she tied around her waist.Her breasts were virtually left bare, as the tattered boy's shirt she had pickedup had more or less disintegrated and needed to be tied under her tits to stopthem being completely exposed.
The ragged slave girls were led back to the blacksmith where they were fittedwith rusty wrist manacles and fetters for their legs with only two feet ofchain between them. Thick iron collars were then placed around their neck andfastened by rivets. They were then taken down a flight of stone steps in theprison to a dank hole that was to be their holding cell for the next threemonths.
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The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 36 (Saturday - week 5) In her dreams, she was holding a tiny infant... so sweet. The precious baby felt soft and warm in her arms. And in her dreams, Sissy was standing there right by her side - supportive, attentive, waiting to hand her bottles or wipes, or whatever she needed for the baby. But then, as so often happens in many dreams, the oddly unusual thing occurred. The face of the baby in her arms became Sissy's face. Confused, she...
Buffy could hardly wait to get to acting camp. She'd gone every year since she was ten and she loved it. It was outdoors, which she liked because she was a city girl, but what she liked the most was that she had friends there she rarely got to see. One of them was Megan, who was a special friend. They had learned to masturbate together at acting camp three years ago. They had been roommates that year and Megan taught her how wonderful it felt to stroke her little clitty and stick fingers...
My name is Martha Shepard and this is a story about me and my son, Daniel. I gave birth to daniel when I was 18, that was 23 years ago. I have been married to my husband, Daniel Sr, for 23 years as well. Jr was concieved the first time we had sex and we had only had sex about 5 times since then. Dan Sr was never interested in it and subsequently I never developed an interest either. Until a year ago that is. Since he was 19, Jr had been making his own money. There always seemed to be plenty of...
IncestThis is a continuation of the story Watching Jessie (glory hole).By the time I got Jessie dressed to leave the glory hole booth another cock appeared through the hole in the wall. Jessie wasn't about to leave it there. Jessie promised that she just wanted to practice her sucking skills. Jessie knelt down in front of the cock and began kissing and stroking it. As the cock began to grow Jessie stroked it more and licked it all over paying special attention to the head. When the cock was fully...
I pulled the cord open, lifted the robe self-consciously from my shoulders, and stood in the circle with the others, facing the fire, with the darkness to our backs. But perhaps I should explain... Despite the best of intentions I had fallen asleep waiting for Michael to arrive, and the rhythmic pounding on the door confused me further. By the time I reached the front of the house to shut the noise down I remembered what was going on, and I opened the door and dragged him in. Michael and I...
Early the next morning found the group of six riding away from the castle as they hurried to the Kingdom of Patella to speak with the Queen and see what was going on in that land. As the rode down the road, Dusty started talking about something that was on his mind. "Was it really wise to leave Marie alone with Seth?" asked Dusty to everyone as they rode their borrowed horses towards the Kingdom of Patella. He waited until they were well away from the capital city before he asked so no...
We then spent about 10 minutes talking to ensure all were good with what happened, and EVERYONE was fine. I was going to love this group going forward. I then said we should get ready for bed…since it was late and we were going to want to be rested for tomorrow…as we planned on leaving to be home for dinner…we would have only a few hours to “play”. They all knew what play meant and I am sure wanted the same. I said since it was about 930, we should play a bit more, but we do it in the...
There it was- Earth. As the creature's stealth ship accelerated towards the atmosphere, it couldn't help but admire its natural beauty. It species had visited a great many planets, seen a great many species, but the vast blue oceans and puffy white clouds were nothing if not notable. It would soon be theirs. Its interstellar empire had conquered all. The fearsome Potidean Syndicate, the formidable Laernian Khanate, even the Republic of Om. They had all fallen because of one thing: trust. They...
Hey, this is me again. First I would like to thank you all for giving me an awesome response to my previous story which you can . I am from Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Coming to the story. The intern who lost her virginity to me is my girlfriend now. This story happened on 7th October, 2018. My south Indian girlfriend is 36C-30-34 in measurements with an awesome figure and firm breasts. It was a routine morning and I dropped her at the hospital for her morning rounds. My girlfriend was now doing...
I was the first one to get to the restaurant that evening. It was one of those 'seat yourself' places, and I was looking around for Laura (my favorite waitress) so I could find out what section she had. The fragments of memory that survived my latest drunken bout said she'd been serving us, and I wanted to make sure we'd done right by her. A waitress I hadn't seen before walked up and said, "Sit anywhere you like," in a slightly suggestive tone. It was the kind of place which...
It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away Seductive Nights It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away. Crossing her arms across her breasts she moves away from the window and back to the middle of the room. She...
Camara was an attention whore. She thrived on boys’ and girls’ hypnotic gazes at her hourglass figure. She got off on it. The orgasmic feeling she got from others ogling her soon became her only means for sexual satisfaction. Whenever she sat in a room bare naked touching herself, she became numb. Self-pleasure soon became an insurmountable chore. She could never feel anything unless she knew someone was watching her. This is where Robert G came in. Robert G was a self-proclaimed whore monger...
First TimeIt was my birthday and I wondered what my wife had planned for me.“How about doing something kind of kinky?” my fat wife asked.I was always up for some nasty fun so I said, “What do you have in mind?”“How would you like me to tie you up and let me seduce you?” “That sounds like a lot of fun,” I said. “How do you want to get started?”“Just sit in this chair and let me get the ropes out:The chair was common enough; it was a very sturdy, somewhat heavy and made of solid oak. It had wooden arms...
After 14 years of marriage my wife and I got into SLS (we are approaching 20 years of marriage now). Setting up the first experience was not easy as we did not know anyone in the life style. I signed up on a few sites and a very nice BBC reached out to us.I showed my wife our 1st email and could see it excited her. It had been 14 years since she had been with another man and now suddenly this good looking black stud was reaching out to her and telling her that she was hot and would be nice to...
June 30, 1845 Today we made 18 miles and camped on the Snake River. Ab says we can't be more than ten or fifteen miles from Fort Hall. I rode with Ab for a while when I rejoined the wagons after scouting out our route. The first thing I did was apologize for all of the trouble we had been causing him. "Jase, just shut that up," he said. "There isn't a thing that's happened that's your fault." "If I didn't have two wives, Mrs. Wattley wouldn't have had anything to get onto Abby...
Hi, I'm Vanessa. A 49 year old mother of two. I'm just your average MILF next-door honestly. Standing 5'10, with shoulder length natural red hair, green/gray eyes, a long slender frame, with the right amount of thickness in just the right areas with my nice round frim ass and 36C breasts. I always make sure I maintain my body through yoga and exercise (its hard when you're almost 50!) On more than one occasion I've overheard my son's two best friends, Ricky and Alex, teasing my son about having...
MILFWe were home, in our own little nest, the door closed behind us. I touched her shoulder to wrap my arms around her and she beat me to it, pressing her jeans and sweatshirt-clad self against me. Long kiss. "You know what time of the month it is, don't you?" "Yeah, I kind of thought so. You taste a little different right before, ' I said. "So just starting?" "Yep. Darnit!" "Uh-huh. Like THAT'S the only thing I love about you." Another kiss, green eyes sparkling. "Lemme get my...
To You, thank you… for everything…. me Sittingthere at her desk, her long auburn hair flowing over her shoulders. Her hand holding up her head, her green eyes glaze over behind the brown metal frame of her glasses. Her chest heaving when she sighs. In her right hand, her red marking pen falls to the desk, breaking the silence of her class. Her full red lips curl into a knowing smile as she straightens her back, picks up her pen and resumes marking. Scribbling the teacher’s age-old response of...