Convict Wench free porn video

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Convict Wench

The Arrest

Three fashionably and well-dressed girls sat disconsolately on the hard woodenbench in the dock of the No 1 County Court in Chelmsford, England. It was 5 th April1797. The Industrial Revolution had just started and England was about to makeits mark in the world. Parliament had issued strict instructions through thejudiciary to deal severely with any miscreant whose acts would undermine thesuccessful development of a new world order. New industrial businesses werespringing up all over the land and, in the colonies, plantations were beingestablished to fuel the growing demand for raw materials. Labour was particularlya problem in the colonies. As there was a need to provide cheap labour, felonsconvicted of capital offences would be considered for sentences of varyingterms of slavery.

It was a guilty verdict. They couldn't believe it. They were convictionsthat carried capital penalties. All they had done was to default on their creditorswho had given them capital to develop their drapery business. They had fullyintended to repay the loans. The small matter of alleged stealing was onlysome money which they had used on the business which had been given to themby a friend for safe-keeping while she was away. That friend had told the investigatingmagistrates a pack of lies. If only the clock could be turned back. If only….

The Court Usher motioned to the girls to stand up as the judge was aboutto pronounced sentence.

" Jennie Jones, Anna Reynolds and Juliet Strong. You have all been foundguilty by the panel of the heinous crimes against the community of embezzlementand theft. Your position in society has hitherto been extremely privileged,coming as you do from the merchant class of the community. However, you havebroken the trust that society demands of you to set an example to the lowerclasses. Transgression of the law warrants a commensurate example made of wrong-doers,such as yourselves, The law demands that I be constrained to pass the mandatorysentence of death by hanging. You shall be taken from here to a place of executionand shall hang by the neck until dead.….."

"However, since our new colonies need labour, our Gracious Sovereign Lord,King James, has in His Mercy allowed discretion in cases such as yours. Sinceyou are none here convicted of murder or treason but of a lesser capital offence,I am able to spare your lives. You are hereby sentenced to slavery in the coloniesfor the rest of your natural lives. You will be sold at public auction to thehighest bidder as a hard labour work slave."

"But before you are taken down, I want it quite clear what this means. Firstly,as slaves, you own nothing. Not even your bodies. All your worldly possessionsand your bodies will be forfeit to the State. You will be stripped of yourclothes, which will be sold, and will be clad in the meanest of cast-off ragsor kept naked as befits the status of a chattel and a beast of burden. Youwill be not allowed any special luxuries or even sanitation normal to a humanbeing. This status you have relinquished by your wicked deeds. After sentencingyou will be branded as a beast of burden and sexual property; you will be transportedin a slave ship to the Colonies, work in chains under the whip and kept inconditions as other farmyard animals. In short, you cease to be a member ofthe human race as of now, since your bodies are forfeit to the State. In theevent that you misbehave or do not co-operate, the original sentence will beimmediately carried out and without notice. Guard, take these slaves down andlash them!"

Juliet couldn't believe her ears. She had been once to a slave auction inthe market in Chelmsford and had seen for herself how degraded the convictedfelons looked who were to be sold as female slaves. They were herded and proddedlike animals. Their only covering was the ragged remains of what they had beenwearing when arrested. They were filthy, barefoot and in chains. At that time,she just looked way in disgust at the dejected miserable human flotsam andgave them no further thought. My God, she was about to become one of them!

A howl of delight went up from the spectators in the courtroom as Jennieand her companions were roughly pulled out of the dock by the rope haltersaround their necks and dragged down into the jail in the bowels of the courthouse.They were taken into a dim holding cell, lit only with burning braziers andsurrounded by six burly and rough looking guards.

"Take them clothes off neatly, slave wenches, they now belong to the state.If you are careless and tear them, you'll get twelve more lashes. Take yourshoes off also. Slaves are no permitted footwear and must be barefoot at alltimes. Animals are barefoot and so are slaves"

It was useless to resist. They had heard with their own ears what the judgehad said. Who could possibly come to their aid? They had no relations or closefamily and couldn't even turn to any friends. They were terrified. Hesitatingly,they took their shoes off and slowly began to disrobe until they were nakedin front of the guards.

"Help yourselves men. Come and see what these wenches have to offer!"

The other guards advanced on the trembling girls who were trying to covertheir pussies with one hand and their bare breasts with the other. The headguard who was nearest to Jenny gave her a hard slap across the face and screamed, "Takeyour hand away from your tits and cunt, slave, the time has gone for any modesty.We want to sample the goods before you're handed over to the slave master."

The rest of the guards grabbed the two other girls who had taken the leadfrom Jenny and let their hands drop to their sides. They grabbed at the girls'naked breasts needing their nipples painfully between the fingers of theircoarse dirty hands and then pulling their legs apart to probe at their cunts.Each of the girls were forced to the dirty floor and pinioned by their armsby one of the guards, while another exposed himself, forced their legs apartand hungrily trust into them.

"Open up wide, wench", said one of the guards tying to force himself on Juliet,who was resisting her manhandling, "You heard what the judge said. You don'town your bodies anymore. You're all just slaves now and have lost your rightsto be treated as common citizens. You had better get used to slavery rightnow, or life will be even harder for you. He laughed out aloud and winked crudelyat the other guards. He addressed the three girls "All we're trying to do isto be kind to you. Your masters in the Colonies will just treat you as thehuman chattel you now are."

The rutting guards grunted with pleasure and climaxed quickly. The judgesin the quarter sessions had been sending scores of hapless women to the Coloniesas slaves recently and they were only too happy for the guards to give themtheir first lessons in what their slavery meaned.

The three girls were roughly dragged to their feet by the hair and drawnto the next door room. The floor was covered in straw and a blacksmith stoodby a brazier with glowing coals which he was fanning using a set of bellows.A metal object was heating in the coals, which looked like a branding iron.

"Come here wenches and see what mark you're to have." He reached for thebranding iron and grabbed from the heating coals and then pressed it for fiveseconds in an uncured piece of leather. The blacksmith then raised the leatherfor the girls to plainly see:


Property of:

"Your new owners in the Colonies will have the brand completed with theirown mark which is they also use for their animals. You will be branded on bothbreasts and on the inside of you left thigh to remind you that you are nowjust other people's property to use in any way they want. "Grab the first wench,Jake"

Anna was pushed roughly in the direction of a wooden cross the height ofa man with shackles attached to the arms of the cross an at ankle height. Shewas turned around to face the front and the shackles were fastened to her wristsand ankles. She was terrified and thrashed her head from side to side in anticipationof the pain that would mean she ceased to be an ordinary citizen. She wouldbear the scars of the brand for the rest of her life, but even more degradingwas that her marked skin would announce to the world that she was just an animal.A thing no longer worthy of any respect or concern. Property to be bought andsold, used and abused and, whenever the latter happened no questions wouldbe asked since she was just a slave wench with no rights.

Anna saw with horror and stated to wail when she saw that the blacksmithhad withdrawn the iron from the fire and was advancing with an evil grin onhis face. He held the white hot branding iron a foot from Anna's eyes, "Hereyou are wench. This mark will be a constant reminder to you and tell the worldthat you're just the lowest female slave, an animal, for others to use."

With that remark he applied the iron to her left breast and held it therefor three seconds. Anna by then was long gone. The searing pain and humiliationhad shut down her senses and she slumped unconscious in her bonds. She didn'tfeel a thing when the blacksmith applied the still scalding iron to her leftbreast and to the sensitive inside of her left thigh. The blacksmith's assistantcame across to the listless slave girl and smeared evil smelling green pasteover her brands. He then undid her shackles and, none to carefully, draggedher to the corner of the cell and laid her down in some filthy straw.

The other two girls who had been watching Anna's branding were shaking withterror and started to scream for mercy, to stop their branding. It was to noavail. The two guards restraining the girls slapped them hard over their breaststo shut them up and threatened them with a large coiled whip if they didn'tsubmit quietly. "Stow it wenches. The less fuss the better for you. Any morefrom either of you and you'll both get a dozen lashed before you're branded,and that will hurt a lot more when your tits feel the iron."

It was soon over for Jenny and Juliet. Like Anna, Jenny passed out afterthe first brand, but Juliet retained her senses. They were both unceremoniouslydumped in the same corner of the cell as Anna, who by then was beginning torecover from her ordeal.

The girls were left locked in their cell for a couple of hours to recovermore fully from their branding when suddenly the guards returned. One of theguards carried a wooden pail. "Slaves, this is to prevent infection in yourbrands and to protect the property of your prospective owners." With thosewords, he threw the contents of the pail which was salty water over the slavewenches huddling together in the mud and straw of the cell. "Now get you arsesmoving, sluts, its time for a feel of the lash.

The guards placed a rope halter around each of the girls' necks and roughlypulled them to their feet. Another guard wielded a whip and started to lashat their bare breast and thighs. They were dripping wet from their soakingand each lash bit hard into naked skin unaccustomed to the hard life of slaverythat they would come to enjoy.

Anna was singled out especially. "Please…. please don't….don'twhip me anymore, I pray you," she wailed. Red wields appeared on both breastswhere the tip of the whip had gauged its mark. Despite her protestations andpain, she felt an unusual arousal and a throbbing sensation between her legs.The more the whip rained down on her, the hotter she became. She was tryingto get out some words but they didn't materialise. The whipping stopped. Shesuddenly realised with embarrassment that she was about to beg one of the guardsto screw her.

Another guard came into the cell clutching a bundle which he threw down inthe straw of the cell. "Right wenches, get togged up. You're lucky to haveanything to wear. The previous owners have no use for them since they all havegone to the gallows. They did rather get a lot of use for them, so don't expecthigh fashion!"

Jenny bent down to see what had been provided for them. They were filthyrags; Remnants of coarse clothing that were worse than any she had seen wornby common beggar girls in the streets. They were damp and malodorous, and hadbeen obviously worn for many months in the grimy insanitary conditions of contemporaryjails. She picked up a long ankle length shift that was torn and ripped inmany places and whose skirt was completely tattered.

"Come on, wench, you're lucky to have clothes at all as slaves. Pull onyour rags and look lively about it".

Jenny stepped into the disgusting garment and pulled it up over her body.The material was rotten and had once been white cotton. The shift had probablybelonged to a cheap whore and had started to disintegrate long before its formerowner's incarceration. There were rents and tears in the material, which almostcompletely exposed her bare breasts and as she walked the tattered garmentwould allow glimpses of her cunt through rips in the hem that reached thighlevel.

The other two girls then selected their new apparel. Juliet found a hideouslydirty tattered petticoat and a ragged threadbare gown that appeared to havebeen used as a rag to clean the floor. She looked deeper in the pile for ablouse to wear under the rags she had already selected. She found nothing.Anna's new outfit comprised a piece of sacking that she tied around her waist.Her breasts were virtually left bare, as the tattered boy's shirt she had pickedup had more or less disintegrated and needed to be tied under her tits to stopthem being completely exposed.

The ragged slave girls were led back to the blacksmith where they were fittedwith rusty wrist manacles and fetters for their legs with only two feet ofchain between them. Thick iron collars were then placed around their neck andfastened by rivets. They were then taken down a flight of stone steps in theprison to a dank hole that was to be their holding cell for the next threemonths.

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Introduction: This is a follow up to Housesitting with Laura. Please read so the story flows together. After laying with Laura for a few minutes we began to kiss again. Now I am not sure if it was that I was being an idiot or just caring, but I decided to ask her if she was sure she wanted to go again. With those beautiful brown eyes looking into mine, she didnt hesitate to say she was absolutely sure. At that point she went up to me and starting kissing me again. We were both laying on my bed,...

3 years ago
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Tits For Tats

Ivy placed items down, waiting her turn in line. She shifted and stretched, moaning in pleasurable pain at the slight burn in her defined muscles from tonight's lengthy and intense workout. Slim fingers brushed the long damp hair away from her face as she checked her phone for new messages.Private party needs 5 bikini models. $50hr plus a chance for extra. Call me. Jared She smiled. That sounded like fun. The late-night sessions at the gym were finally paying off.Baby, April is just a friend....

4 years ago
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Prodigal Father

Inspired by the song, “Prodigal Father” by John Flynn. Thanks to Crkcppr for his early read and Todd172 for beta reading. Thanks always to my Sweet Inspiration blackrandl1958 for her encouragement, advice, and of course, her editing. John and Gail were both from broken families, with all the heartache and hardship that implies. Even before the divorces, they were forced to endure the accusations and recriminations their parents threw at each other. It was a rare night to go to bed and not be...

2 years ago
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Six Months to Grow On 10

Six Months to Grow On Chapter 10 - Month Seven Brian James Kelly stared in the mirror as he had done every day for the past four years. This time, a new image stared back at him. He was looking at a girl, a sixteen year old girl named Kelly Bryan. The teen in the mirror was wearing a black lace bra and matching thong. She was smiling at her image. With slender hips and long legs, she was as cute as can be. Kelly used her finger tips to fluff her rich dark hair pausing for...

2 years ago
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Little IndiansChapter 20 In the belly of the beast

The healers were shocked, and silent, as they stared in the mirror at poor Tsanja. Tsanja had shown how the world might be saved, but at what a cost to herself! If she could make her way to Mrs Beale's, or the cave, she would at least have a chance of joining them, and of being healed. For now all they could do was watch, and wait. Pamela embraced Penn, and kissed his cheek. "Penn, I think we have done it. I think we have saved the world. Come with me now. You need a feed, and we all need...

2 years ago
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Swati ki Chudai

Hi people my name is Alvish. I live in Durg. I wanna tell u a real story today. I m 22 now. I like sex very much with girls. Mere samne ke ghar main aik bohat hi khoobsoorat ladki rehti hai. Uski umer 19 saal hai. Us ka naam Swati hai. Wo dekhne main fit hai. Sexy hai. Us ki khoobsoorati par main fida tha. Roz apne khayalon main us ke saath sexy scennes sochta. Hamara ghar mai 2 floor hai is liye chat par ja sakta tha. Main use dekh kar smile deta. Kuch din pahle main ne use flirt karna shuroo...

2 years ago
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My Mothers Transformation

Chapter 1 The Descent I can´t believe what I´m seeing. I´m falling apart. My gut is wrenching itself to death, my breath is falling short, and my dick is involuntarily growing rock hard. There, on the screen, is the most important person in my life. My greatest love in the world, my mother. And she is getting fucked doggystyle by the person I hate the most, my bully. She is moaning like a porn actress, her big ass bouncing on his dick, his hands on it while he is balls deep inside her pussy....

4 years ago
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We were living in ohio just outside of cleveland in a small town. I had a small grass cutting plan that summer. Work and make some money. Are neighbors were all nice folks we had the swinging couple across the street, a very sexy girl who would sunbathe in a skimmpy bikini next to us, and an older couple that lived a couple of streets up. It was a warm summer day when i was approached by the older couple, they were taking a vacation in europe and would be gone for weeks they asked if i would...

3 years ago
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100 shades of red

100 shades of red by Spiel_maschinerieI was horny. I was terribly horny. My panties were all wet, I was afraid that wetness will start running down my thighs. I was in need. My need was red. I needed Him. My Master. I felt the need. The unstoppable urge to feel him. For him to be in me. For him to use me. In any way He wants. I needed pain. I needed fulfillment.I needed Him.He ordered me to get dressed like a slut, because He adores to see me like that. Of course, there are also black boots, a...

1 year ago
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"Suck it, Greg!" Barry thrust his cock in the man's face, a perfect combination of shape and size.....and watched as the smooth, Mulatto frat-boy swallowed it's entire length. His mouth was soft and warm, with just the right amount of suction to get him hard. "Now jerk yourself off and save the spunk for your ass." Greg gripped his beef and pumped it like a shotgun; swift, hard strokes while still sucking Barry, until he came in his hand. Barry then pushed him on his back and watched as he...

3 years ago
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MatthewThe Awakening Part 3

Matthew - The Awakening - Part 3Part 1 2 got home from school on Monday at the usual time, 3:30. My entire day was a blur. I kept wondering if my mom was going to be good to her word this week and if so, when? Could I even last through the week? On top of that, my geometry teacher noticed me staring at her legs again and kept me after class to admonish me to focus on...

3 years ago
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My new Bride part 4

“Stop kissing me.” I said “What?” Sara said. “You heard me, I am not kissing you” I said “Why?” She asked with a hint of anger and annoyance “I told you I don't want to do this so it is not going to be great if we do.” I replied She looks over at Shelby, and gave a huff. “Come on Dave just do it for me please.” Said Shelby “Why do you want me to do this?” I asked “I don't know it makes me hot.” She replied “Fine but if this ever happens again and I am serious I will leave.” I...

4 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 16 Monday

Tom Canfield stopped at Kyle’s locker on Monday. “How’s it going?” “Great.” “What you doing for summer?” “Dunno. Fool around, I guess. Probably go hiking, take some bike trips.” “Sally into that?” “Guess so, we haven’t talked much about it. We did that last year.” Kyle pulled stuff out of his pack and put it away. “How’s it going with you and Melanie?” “Oh, great. We’re good friends. Have been for years, ever since fourth grade.” “I hear you’re going together.” “Who said?” “Melanie...

2 years ago
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Once upon a party

One time my wife and i were at a party. After drinking too much i went up to my friends room to lay down for a while. I knew my wife was there already so i lay down next to her. Being a bit d***k i had an idea, i knew the beer was kept in the fridge in my friends room so i lifted my wifes skirt up to her waist exposing her pretty little black lacy panties. I lay there listening for someone to come in. I fell asl**p. To this day i still don’t know if anyone came in, and if so what may have...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 290

Deep within the hidden base, General Whitworth, Colonel Matthews and Lieutenant Mayfield stood looking through a big floor-to-ceiling window at the portal and its assorted support equipment thirty feet below and some forty feet farther along the chamber that was hewn from living rock. The three main consoles that controlled the portal were manned, and the hum of power and the acrid smell of ozone were predominant because the portal had just flung a team of scientists halfway across the galaxy...

3 years ago
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Pure Filth Part Three

When she saw Brandon appear in the office door, Liz didn’t recognize him for several seconds. He was white as a sheet, had circles under his eyes, and looked as if he hadn’t slept. “Mr. Smith, can I have Becky get you some coffee? Something stronger? Maybe she should cancel that conference call…” Liz had always been attentive. As a paralegal, it was not her job to minister to any of Brandon’s personal needs. That was his secretary’s job. But working with him over the years, she had developed...

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River RatChapter 21

They briefly pulled up on the shore below Lava to sort things out and change a few clothes -- and for both Scooter and Randy to get some more backslapping and congratulations. It turned out that he'd had no more warning that he was going to solo Lava than anyone else -- "I about shit when I saw Crystal turn around and walk away!" -- but he freely admitted he wouldn't have had the guts to do it any other way. He also admitted, rather sadly at that, while he'd rather be a boatman he was...

1 year ago
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I Brought A Co Worker Home To Do My Wife

I had talked to Dave at work about seducing my wife. I had been wanting for the last few months to watch him fuck her. He was a stud at 25 years old and had a body that most men could never dream of. He also was a real sweet talker with the women and even had a few of the women at work. I had thought this out carefully over the last couple of months and decided to try to make it come true. My wife is 46 years old and we had been married over twenty years. I decided not to say anything to her...

2 years ago
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Game Set And Match

Wimbledon. A district and town of South West London, but the first thing you get when you look it up on the internet is the tennis results. Wimbledon is the home of the Lawn Tennis Association and hosts one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world.The internet contains abundant footage of top-class tennis players, umpires, line judges and ball boys and girls, all captured on high definition. What it doesn’t capture is what goes on behind closed doors, and it certainly doesn’t...

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my new life with Lee and Emily chapter 5

Still startled by Lee catching me fingering Em then leaving, I kissed Em and then told her that we should clear the roof . “What”she said “are you kidding I want you,what are you doing teasing me”?. I zipped my jacket up “if Lee wouldn’t have come by I would have had you on the bed licking that sweet pussy”I said .”Foreplay my dear, do you like it so far,I know I do “I said helping her zip her jacket up .Reaching the top I pinched her chin and gave her a kiss,”you should wear a scarf your...

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The Toy Store

I walked into the anonymous office with just a bit of trepidation. I had been looking for work for nearly a year now and had suffered through the ignominy of rejection after rejection, the soul-destroying journey which seemed to have no end. I'd taken a few terrible jobs, cold-calling people selling time-shares and similar work which paid practically nothing and was worse than not working at all. As always, I hoped against hope that this was different. Who wouldn't want to demonstrate...

1 year ago
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Naturist School CounselorChapter 2 Settling into Camp

Thursday evening, October 16th Ali stormed into the house just before dinner. I tried to talk to her while we set the table, but she ignored me and gave me the cold shoulder. Dad had barely set his fork down signaling the end of the meal when she asked to be excused and raced out of the room. I cringed when she slammed her bedroom door. Dad sighed and glanced at Mom before turning his steely gaze on me. During the day Dad worked downtown at First Citizens Bank and, after managing a team of...

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Medicine Part 1

Medicine, Part 1 by Sarah Tandomwerk Author's note: I have to admit, I don't know where I initially planned to take this at all, if I even had a plan. But after I finished "Milk, Milk, Lemonade..." I went back through my notes and ideas and this one was so much more written than I thought (I literally thought I only had a line of an idea but it was pretty much all there lol), so I decided to fill in what gaps there were and post it as a first part. Maybe you guys can give me an idea...

3 years ago
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Silence in the Library

Introduction: Read the signs. You never know whats happening underneath them… This wasnt how Charlie Tyler wanted to spend his Friday evening. When all of his friends were in town partying like there was no tomorrow, he was forced to stay at home and study. Mr. Tyler wasnt really the type for studying. He had never really got the grades that his parents were expecting, and even they were low. The only thing that mattered to him was PE. Looking and feeling great in life were his only aims. And...

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