The Emma J Chronicles - Part One free porn video

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These four stories are all written about my dear friend Emma J

The Emma J Chronicles

Chapter One

Emma hadn’t been able to concentrate all day. She still found it uncomfortable to sit, even though it was now Tuesday and the party had been on Saturday night.
She stretched her long nylon clad legs under her desk and raised her bottom off her chair, “God I am still so sore”, she said to herself.
Just then her iphone rang, the ringtone identifying her husband Mark. She picked up, “Hi hun what’s up”, she asked.
“Nothing’s up, quite the opposite in fact. You remember Jason from Saturday night”?
“Oh, yes, how could I forget, he’s partly responsible for the fact I can hardly sit down. Have you spoken to him, what did he say”?
“Yes I’ve just been speaking to him, he wondered if you’d be interested in a very lucrative proposition”.
“Depends what it is”.
“Some high rolling businessmen are in town and this guy, Mr X, whoever he is, is trying to arrange some female entertainment for them, apparently they are absolutely loaded and money really is no object. They want to arrange it for Friday night. What do you reckon? Are you up for some more high paid fun”?
“Right now, all I want to do is sink into a nice warm bath; I don’t think I have ever been this sore in my entire life. But I must say that ‘money is no object’ sounds interesting. What’s the deal”?
“Jason has no idea; he said that this Mr X will mail me the details shortly”.
“Oh Mark, I’m not sure, last Saturday was supposed to be a one off, I’m not an escort or a hooker, the main reason we did it was for the film for Adam. I’ll need to think very carefully about”.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking, maybe we should think it over and discuss it tonight at home. Dead busy here, can’t really talk now. Love you see you at home tonight”.
“OK honey, see you later, put that casserole in the oven if you’re home before me, love you too”.
Emma leant back in her executive chair and put her stockinged feet up on the desk, her mind was in complete turmoil. The gangbang with Jason’s team-mates had aroused her intensely; she couldn’t begin to imagine another time she had cum so hard so often. The humiliation by the ten guys had opened the floodgates of perversion in her sexual being like nothing before. The fact that they had left her a total of £5000 as they’d left had awakened more than just avarice in her, it had turned her on that the men had wanted her so badly they were glad to pay her for the use of her body. She had had similar feelings when negotiating with punters for pictures and videos of her performing specific sexual acts for them. Since the k**s came along they’d given up the swinging scene and this was how she and Mark got their extra sexual kicks. The frisson of desire that this negotiating gave her was always guaranteed to turn her insides to quivering jelly and make her drip.
Deep in her reverie, she didn’t hear her office door open as her boss, Marcus strode into her office.
“Sorry Emma, I hope I didn’t wake you”, he said in his usual arrogant condescending manner.
Emma dropped her feet to the floor and swivelled her legs under the desk, giving him an accidental flash of her stocking tops. She saw him swallow and his eyes open wide.
“No Marcus, you didn’t. I was just deep in thought over the Harrison’s deal”. She prevaricated quickly.
“Mmmm nice legs, stockings too. I’ve always admired how you dress for work. Maybe you should dress up nicely and I’ll take you to the Dorchester for dinner. A diamond always looks better in a nice setting”.
“Marcus, I’ve worked either with or for you for the last five years and you know I’m happily married to Mark. And anyway what would Annabelle say”?
“You know me Emma, just k**ding around as usual”, he said as he fingered his wedding ring, actually thinking to himself, “She’d fucking kill me”. Then moved his hand up and straightened his tie and brushed some imaginary lint form his Hugo Boss suit jacket, obviously nervous and embarrassed about his poor attempt at a come on.
“Oh yes, I came in to ask if you can stay later this evening, we’ve got a conference call with the
States at 5pm, should only last about an hour”.
“Yes Marcus, that won’t be a problem, are we doing it in the conference room”?
“Yes, see you there at a quarter to, so we can discuss things first”.
“OK Marcus, see you then”.
She watched him turn and look briefly in his reflection in the window. He ran his fingers through his thinning light brown hair, smiled at himself, shot his shirt cuffs and left her office.
“Vain prick, you have got more chance of fucking Lady Gaga than you have me”, thought Emma as he closed the door behind him.
Once more her thoughts returned to the offer Mark had received, she replayed some of the events of Saturday night in her mind and felt the familiar tightening in her belly that signalled her arousal. She once more turned in her chair and put her feet on her desk, as she did so she felt a dribble of moisture ooze from between her pussy lips. She looked around, the blinds were down on the internal windows, no-one could see her from the main office.
She slowly spread her legs and lowered her right hand to the front of her white lace panties, then slid the long fingers of her left hand between the buttons of her white blouse and gave her right nipple a hard tweak that caused her to moan with desire.
“Fuck, dare I”, she thought as she caressed both her clitoris and her nipple, “Someone could walk in anytime. The thought of masturbating right here and right now only heightened the sexual charge she was feeling at the memories of the weekend. And she couldn’t deny it the possibilities of this new offer.
“No”, she said to herself. “I can wait till later; anyway I’ll only make a mess of my skirt. But fuck, I feel so horny, I really need to cum”.

Chapter Two

Emma pushed her empty plate away from her and took a sip of her glass of Pinot Noir.
“OK Mark, now we can talk about this deal with the mysterious Mr X or whatever he calls himself, did you hear anymore since we spoke earlier”?
“Yes, he sent me an email earlier and then he called me about seven, just before you got in”, he said checking the clock on the wall of their open plan kitchen diner.
“So what do you know about any of these guys, are they friends of Jason’s”?
“I know nothing more about them than I’ve already said Em, only that Mr X is on the board of directors at Jason’s club and asked him if he knew anyone that might be suitable, he of course after last weekend’s fun thought immediately of you. His email was really business-like, laying down conditions and methods of payment. Oh and he wants you to sign an NDA before anything happens, apparently they are a bit touchy about anything getting out about this to anyone”.
“Well that’s a good thing, isn’t it, it means that they won’t tell anyone either. That takes a load off my mind. Imagine the shit I’d be in if anyone at work heard about it”.
“Yeah you’re right Em, especially that knob Marcus”.
“He made a pass at me today, dirty letch. Asked me if he could take me to the Dorchester for dinner”.
“No way, the arsehole, I hope you told him no”.
“Of course I told him no, don’t worry about Marcus, I know just how to handle him and anyway if he came on to me physically, I’d put him on his arse, you know what a flabby unfit specimen he is”.
So come on Mark, back to this deal, did he tell you what the terms are, when where and how much”?
“It’ll be a meet in a suite in hotel of your choice in town, all expenses paid for the weekend. Plus of course your fee, which you have to set. And if they’re satisfied you’ll get a bonus on top”.
“Wow, I have to set the fee, remember that film with what’s his name..................... Robert Redford, Indecent Proposal wasn’t it. Let’s ask them for a million”?
Mark started to giggle then Emma joined in. As the giggles turned into gales of laughter Emma said.
“Shush you’ll wake the k**s”, and put her hand over her mouth to stifle the laughter.
“So how much would you want to do this Em”? I’m cool with it if you are. Does sound like a horny proposition and you were saying only the other day you need to change your car, this’ll make a great down-payment for it”.
“OK, let’s be sensible about this. It was such a turn on last weekend, not just the sex but the whole situation, the giving up control and being used like a filthy slut really made me cum so hard and the cash really was just the icing on the cake”.
“Yeah, it really got me going too, I never would have believed that watching ten guys fuck and cum all over my wife would have that effect on me. I even had a wank in the toilet at work just after I spoke to you”.
“That’s a coincidence, I nearly had one in my office, it made me so wet. I’m sure I was stinking of wet pussy when we were doing that conference call. So we’re agreed that it’s a really horny situation and it won’t upset either of us and as you say it will help get that new car for me. So how much should we charge them to use and abuse my body”?
“It’s your body Em, you have to set the price, what do you think they would pay”?
“OK, did they say how long they wanted”?
“Nope just that they wanted a night of fun, he said there will be two other girls there and you’d be expected to do some Bi stuff too. So you’ll be really enjoying the evening, I know how you like the girls”.
“This gets better and better, not had any girly fun since we stopped swinging, must say I really used to enjoy that and I quite miss it. I bet they won’t be ugly bugs either, if they’ve had the same offer as me. Tell you what why don’t we charge by the hour, say £500 each, that’s fifteen hundred an hour, is that too much do you reckon”?
“No, if they are as loaded as Jason said, that’s just change to them”.
“Fuck Mark that is making me so horny, I can feel myself dripping, just thinking about it”. Emma opened her legs and pulled her skirt above her stocking tops, exposing her panties to Marks sight, the gusset was soaking wet.
“And what do you think it’s doing to me, look at this”.
Mark stood up from the table and showed Emma the huge tent in his trousers, a tent with a small wet patch at the end of his ‘tent-pole’.
“Come here babe, I’ve got just the thing for that”. She pushed the dishes to one end of the table and put her left stockinged foot on the table and spread her thighs wide. Then reaching down she pulled the crutch of her panties to one side, exposing her wet engorged pussy lips to her husband.
“Come on Mark, just fuck me, no foreplay, just stick your hard cock in my cunt and fuck me, use me like a dirty slut”.
She leant back on the table and quickly unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her white lacy bra down and exposed her tits then started tweaking her nipples and massaging her tits.
“Mark unzipped himself and reached in and pulled out his thick cock, a dribble of pre-cum dripped onto the front of his trousers. With his trousers around his knees he took two paces, held the lips of Emma’s cunt apart and pushed his cock to its full depth in one stroke.
“Oh fuck yes, she exclaimed, that’s good, I so need to cum, fuck me like a whore and make me cum. fuck my wet cunt, oh God yes that’s good.
Mark pistoned in and out of her, obviously as horny as she was. “Fuck Em , I ain’t going to last long”. He continued to ram his thick cock into her gaping wide cunt, until after a minute or two of fucking he was starting to feel his cum boiling up from his heavy cum filled balls. “Fuck Em, I’m gonna cum”.
“Oh yes Babe, fuck me hard, fill my wet cunt with your cum, fuck I’m close too, Fuck meeeeeeee”!
So saying she started to cum, the contractions that started as she came were just too much for Mark, his cock erupted deep inside as he rammed into her, on each out stroke his cock sprayed, thick ropes all over her inner thighs and dripped down in a long string from between her bum cheeks. As she reached the absolute apex of her orgasm she started to gush, Marks cum was diluted by her own juices erupting form between her engorged labia and joined his cum in a large pool on the hardwood flooring.
Mark slumped forward over Emma’s prostrate body and kissed her lovingly.
She responded, her mouth opened and they locked tongues, each swirling around the inside of the other’s mouth.
Emma pushed Mark away and took a breath, “Wow, that was intense, do you fancy an early night”?
“Oh yes, can’t think of anything or anyone I’d rather do. Before we go though what are we going to do about his offer thing”.
“Fuck it let’s do it, I am so horny at the thought of being paid again I could almost cum just thinking about three strangers fucking me for a couple of hours, especially with you filming it for us to watch together later”.
“Ah, I meant to tell you that, absolutely no cameras, no filming, it’ll just be you and them in the room. Is that ok”?
Emma sat up and slipped off the wet table her bum covered in their combined juices. She reached across and picked up a napkin and wiped herself, deep in thought. “That’s a shame; it means you won’t be able to see them fucking me, that’s half the fun”.
“I know Em, I’m gutted, I was really looking forward to seeing you in action again; still we’ve always got the gangbang vid we can watch, that is so horny now that I’ve spliced all the footage together”.
“OK honey, let’s go for it. It’ll still be horny and we can have a nice weekend together in a posh hotel, come on let’s go to bed, I want to feel your cock in my arse. I am just so horny”.

Chapter Three

“So Mr X”, said Mark. “Emma has agreed to your conditions. Let me see if I’ve got this right.
One, No cameras, but Em can have a phone as long as it doesn’t have a camera.
Two, Emma and me both have to sign an NDA.
Three, We choose a nice hotel and book it for the weekend, you of course pick up the tab”.
Mr X interrupted.
“Ah Mark, there’s been a change of plans, my colleagues and I will be in Paris on Friday so we thought perhaps you’d like to use our suite in the George V for the ahh .......event. You can book any hotel of your choice at our expense and of course stay for the weekend, entirely at our expense; we of course will pay for the flights with British Airways, First class naturally”.
“Oh, OK, I don’t think that will be a problem, we both like Paris”. Mark agreed.
“Getting back to the conditions, Number Four, You will pay Emma before the ah.... event, we thought maybe £500 an hour, if that’s not too much”?
“Mark, I find talking about money is so vulgar, shall we just say that Emma will be well remunerated certainly as much if not more than you wish, plus if my colleagues and I are content we will double her fee as a bonus, how does that sound”?
“It sounds perfectly OK, Mr X, perfectly OK”. Mark punched the air in jubilation.
“Anything else Mr X”?
“Yes, just a detail, my driver will pick Emma up from your hotel, you can text me the name when you have booked it. Oh and we insist that she will do whatever we want her to do. There will of course be nothing extreme, we’re not a****ls. She will be expected to make love to the other two girls of course; I assume she won’t object to that”?
“No, that’s fine; in fact Em really enjoys being with girls too”.
“OK then Mark, your tickets will be waiting for you at the ticket desk in Terminal 5. I look forward to receiving your hotel details; send them to me on this number. Please tell your lovely wife that we can’t wait to make her acquaintance.”
The line went dead; obviously Mr X wasn’t one for protracted goodbyes.
Mark turned to his laptop and typed Hotels Paris in Google. It opened on the Booking.Com page and Mark clicked on the Hotel de Vendome at the top of the list. “Ah rated Superb”, Mark said to himself as he scrolled down through the description and checked the photos. “Yes this will do very nicely, Em will be blown away when she sees the rooms” He checked its location. “OK it’s on the Place de Vendome, can’t get more central than that, near Notre Dame and The Louvre. Perfect”.
Mark entered the dates, specified an extra-large bed in a deluxe suite pressed Enter. He whistled as he saw the price come up. “That’s not that bad”, he said aloud, One thousand seven hundred and four pounds for three nights. “It’d probably cost them more in London”. Mark hit the ‘book now’ button and after entering his credit card details quickly printed off the confirmation email and slipped it in his jacket pocket.
Mark tapped out a text to Mr X informing him of their hotel choice and pressed send.

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Five

Emma intended to give Jimmy a night he would never forget!Finally Emma’s orgasms ended and she opened her eyes! “Fuck Jimmy! That’s the best cunt licking I’ve ever had! What’s next baby?” she asked.“I’m gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before! You’ll love it too! Get up on your hands and knees slut!” Jimmy ordered.“Fuck you! Make me, you weakling!” Emma fired back at him. This was all part of the game.Quickly Jimmy grabbed one of Emma’s wrists and then one of her tits!“Oh God! Don’t...

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Mastering Emma Part 3

I knew that one day, I would have to meet Emma and congratulate her on being a wonderful, yet virtual, submissive. I pondered that very thought. I smiled at myself by knowing that I had one, very major advantage. If we ever did meet, Emma would probably not recognise me unless I wore a silly red rose, or something equally banal. Still, the logistics of that meeting were far, far away, and probably firmly entrenched in the land of nod. It never stopped me from making up naughty and sexual tasks...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Frat Party

Emma was considering pledging to an American sorority while at University. She was unsure exactly what that meant, and what she would have to do as a pledge. Two weeks into her studies, she was invited to a Frat and Sorority party as a guest. She said yes.She was told the dress code for the party would be ultra-casual. She could wear whatever she wanted! She planned on wearing cutoff jeans shorts, a “The It Muscle Sleeveless Tank Top”, and running shoes without socks. She also went "commando!”...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Three

All three of them needed to take a shower; alone! Jane was still in need of a cock, so she left first to go down to the beach, towel in hand. The other two looked wistful, but avoided their hormones long enough to also go to the beach. Emma was well fucked by as large a cock as she had ever seen! So down they went also.They walked spryly to the spot where they were to make the commercials. When Erick walked up to Larry, the two of them had a short discussion where he claimed to be sick to his...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Four

Emma saw a very enticing view of two big black cocks about half way to being hard, just pulsing as their owners anticipated her hands and mouth making them into rock hard black staffs! She could see the heartbeats of Dread and Pete making them slowly stand up for her.She went to Pete’s cock first: opening her mouth wide and slurping his cock into her mouth. She noticed his legs flexing as she took about three inches into her mouth. Then she took hold of Dread’s cock with one small hand and...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

1 year ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part 3

Emma was exhausted! The previous night of fucking and sucking with Judge Jeff had left her physically and mentally drained. At least Jeff found someone to drive her home in her own car. She barely made it into bed where she took a good long nap, awakening only long enough to have a light dinner and a long hot bath. She was in bed again by ten PM where she slept through the night.Emma woke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. It was Ray. He had been talking to the two witnesses. “Emma! The...

4 years ago
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Mastering Emma Part 1

This is a true story of how I became Emma’s Master. Not such a strange course of events you may think, but, I can assure you this is not a normal relationship. Sometimes, two people in a relationship fall into the Master and Slave scenario while experimenting sexually, such as role playing. One partner being dominant over the other, issuing playful words like, “bend over slut and take it like a good little girl,” but Emma and I are not married. Again, you could say that there is nothing strange...

2 years ago
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Innocent Emma part 2

Having just watched my sister’s best friend, Emma, masturbate herself to a shuddering climax, I was feeling as horny as hell and took my rock hard cock from my boxers with every intention of relieving myself. You see, I had installed a hidden camera and a two way mirror in my apartment, and then got Emma over to look after my puppy dog for the evening. The minute Emma was out the door after I had returned home, I made myself comfortable and played back my handy work on the wide screen TV. ...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma part 2

Having just watched my sister’s best friend, Emma, masturbate herself to a shuddering climax, I was feeling as horny as hell and took my rock hard cock from my boxers with every intention of relieving myself. You see, I had installed a hidden camera and a two way mirror in my apartment, and then got Emma over to look after my puppy dog for the evening. The minute Emma was out the door after I had returned home, I made myself comfortable and played back my handy work on the wide screen TV. ...

1 year ago
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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 2 Smoking with Emma

The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass...

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Mastering Emma Part 2

After that fateful event that made me Master, over Emma, we have done some pretty strange things together. Over the months, we joined a fetish website and forum. Emma was inherently kinky and she loved the domination side, being a true submissive at heart. We never pretended to be a couple, but we frequented the site together. It was not in our nature to mislead people that we were together, or a couple, or available. After all, we can’t even make the time to meet each other because of our...

2 years ago
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Emma The Beginning Part 3

Sunday morning arrived to the most amazing sensation, opening my eyes I saw what I knew I could feel, Emma bobbing up and down slowly and gently on my morning erection, she smiled up at me as I focused on her I just laid there and let her do her magic. I wasn't long before I was gasping and moaning in ecstasy as Emma skilfully brought me to orgasm and I filled her mouth with my sticky cum. She licked me clean and kissed up my body until our lips met and we shared a delicious cum...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Seven

The next morning, exhausted and satiated, Emma’ guests gone, she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of having more sex. But then, it seemed like most of her dreams these days were sexual! When she awoke around noon, she couldn’t remember the details of her dream.“God! I can’t sleep away the whole day! Time to get showered and get down to the beach.” She thought to herself.After her shower and makeup, Emma put on her white bikini. She had been planning this night for a long time. She was going...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy Part Two

Emma sat down in the middle of the couch. Two new men (Henry and Jake) sat next to her. Ed, Donny and Mitch were the names of the other black men who found it within themselves to fuck Emma tonight. As she suspected, four of them were athletes: muscular, well built and good looking. Ed was the one man who wasn’t particularly muscular. He was very sure of himself though. Emma expected that he might be more experienced sexually than the others.“Ok guys! All clothes off! A girl needs to know what...

2 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 13 Aftermath

WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Fiv

continued....“Put your hands behind your head Whore! You better give a great air start, because my cock needs some lubrication tonight! Where do you want me to cum Slut? Speak up!” he said.“I want you to fill my ass with all your white spunk! I want to be shitting your cum for a week!” Emma said.“Well...we have a dirty talking Slut here! But that’s the right answer. I could get to like her. Take my cock in your mouth and make sure it’s hard enough to force open your tight little ass!” he...

1 year ago
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Making Her Cum at the Cinema The Isabelle Chronicles Part 1

Introduction: This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles ************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy. Can you guess which is which? *************************************************************** It was a Monday night in the middle of a sizzling summer and I had only one thing on my mind: you. The...

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Teaching Emma A Lesson Part Two

I was completely torn. On the one hand I wanted to give Emma the fucking she deserved, needed, wanted. The same fucking she was pleading for earlier. I wanted to plunge my cock into her cunt and sink it deep, making her wince and scream with pleasure. I also wanted to sink to my knees and lick her exposed pussy and anus from end to end. Tasting her sweetness and basking in the aroma of her sex. Listening to her squirm beneath me as she unleashed the words associated with one of many orgasms...

3 years ago
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Losing Evan Discovering Emma The Final Part

Losing Evan, Discovering Emma. By Tanya H. Part 7 - Living. There I was sitting behind my desk in reception, it was 1030 and Janine had gone for her break, the sun was shining outside and I was already fast-forwarding to Friday when Olivia and I were going camping in Edale again, when in walked Deb, remember her, with some grey-suited lad behind her, arms full of files and laptop bags. I recognised her as soon as she came through the doors and my face went cold as blood ran away...

1 year ago
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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Four

Emma intended to give Jimmy a night he would never forget!They spent the rest of the day at the beach, holding hands and making googoo eyes at each other. Jimmy knew only a little about Emma’s acting career, so they made up stories about each other. It was Emma who came up with the first fantasy story about Jimmy!“I can tell that you’re a math genius and you’ve made a bundle of money handling other peoples assets (she rested one of his hands on her nearly naked ass)! You’re big in Wall Street!...

3 years ago
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The Developing of Emma Part Four

Emma awoke in the softness of her silk sheets and wondered what the day would bring; her sissy cock bulged and dribbled sticky pre-cum through the outlet of her cage as she thought of sucking Kurt’s cock; her tight little anus clenched and released at the plug, which acted like a comforter. Elaine was right, Emma was beginning to enjoy the plug and as she tried to rub her confined cock, she imagined the plug to be Kurt’s cock; how she wanted to cum! The blue pill she had been given would keep...

1 year ago
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Losing Evan Discovering Emma Part 6

Losing Evan and Discovering Emma. By Tanya H. 6 - Loving. Daft really, but in the days between the manicure and the expedition up Kinder Scout, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about Olivia. I watched for her in the mornings when she came to work and felt cheated if I wasn't asked to call her up on the public address each day. A couple of evenings I chased Clint off my bed and loved myself while closing my eyes and imaging some alternate-reality where it was Olivia making me arch...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Two

Emma woke up laying on her back an the couch, still nude. Her face was dry, so she got in the bathroom and washed off all the dried cum. “Shit that was a horny couple of hours! Judge Jeff had the longest cock I’ve ever had in my ass!” she thought to herself. Maybe she should leave now!Just then, Ray walked in the room. “Wow Emma! I’ve never seen you so excited! I thought you were going to explode with Judge Jeff’s cock in your ass! Was it because he’s black or because he fucked you so good?”“A...

3 years ago
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Emma the final chapter part 1

The third week in September finally arrived it was time to leave for Lancaster Becky and our Mother came with us to help sort things out there was one further surprise instead of Halls of Resident Mother had bought a two bedroomed house for our use for the next five years she passed the comment ‘ Becky and I will know where you both are and we know you are sleeping together so we won’t worry there was one final item our Mother told both of to call her by her first name Linda as we were both...

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She travelled to work every day with Adam who insisted she sit with her bare arse on the seat and her skirt pulled up showing her thighs. When wagons or busses came along side at lights she could be seen, wagon drivers sometimes wound their windows down asking for more, and Adam would tell her to pull her top up and flash her tits. Things remained the same at work she had her lunch with Adam each day if he was there, if not in the canteen which pleased Tom and Liam who would take the...

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Emma The Beginning Part 1

As requested here is Emma and Roy's story from the beginning, I don't know how long it will last but that I suppose is up to you guys. Please continue to leave me reviews and I will carry on for as long as you like it. Thanks again for the reviews so far it really helps. Another garbage week at work had finally finished, I was due to meet up with some friends for a few drinks after finishing time, I really didn't fancy going but I had said yes so reluctantly I headed home had a...

4 years ago
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The Developing of Emma part Three

She awoke to the sickly smell of a woman’s perfume; the silky stockings were still there, but Emma was now naked apart from a chiffon negligee, her hands bound behind her back. The voice of the woman broke the silence.“Hello again ‘Emma’; that’s a very pretty name you’ve chosen for yourself, we shall soon have you worthy of being Emma, and you’ll soon know your place amongst men, and women.” The woman was sat with her legs crossed in a throne-like chair, no store clothes now, she wore a...

1 year ago
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The Developing of Emma Part Seven

Her suitor made a point of using public transport in taking Emma to a very up-market retail district with many boutiques and large fashion stores; he got as much of a thrill as Emma did, in parading her for all to see. Emma tingled all over and the crotch of her panties was wet with excitement as she strutted on her heels through the crowded streets. Some women looked at her as if to say ‘what a slut’; the men and boys just smiled at her seams and tight bottom, Emma looked good enough to eat....

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Emma the final chapter part 2

Linda and Becky both looked spent they had experienced multiple orgasms they sat resting on the bank legs wide open I could see both vagina's and the leaking sperm. There was one more act Emma took my hand leading me down to the water taking my limp penis into her mouth sucked and caressed my testicles I grew hard Emma took hold sitting astride me guided my erect penis into her moist vagina her hands flat on my chest I stroked her erect nipples and beautiful formed breasts rode me to an intense...

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Emma The Beginning Part 2

Please continue to leave me reviews and I will carry on for as long as you like it. I woke up the next morning with Emma still sleeping beside me, I slowly slid out of bed and headed to the shower and cleaned myself up. As I returned to the bedroom I just stood at the doorway and watched her sleep still in her lingerie and stockings from the night before, if it wasn't for the cock outlined in her panties and her false tits, there would be no way of knowing that she wasn't a genetic...

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