Cabin Of Temptation Part 1: Chapter 2 - Smoking With Emma free porn video

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The king sized bed seemed tiny in the huge space. There was a couch and a couple of chairs around a coffee table in front of a fireplace with a large TV above it. All the furniture here, as with most of the furniture in the house, was dark wood with a real rustic feel. It was all hand made and I figured the dresser alone cost more than all my bedroom furniture combined back home. The master bedroom was only accessible via the bedroom, and that too was impressive. A huge tub with jets, glass shower stall, and his and hers sinks. The floor and countertops were both white marble. Large windows in both rooms overlooked the forest outside with a view of a far off mountain top peaking above them.

The bedroom led out to a hallway that had two other rooms, Mr. McCarthy’s office and a pool den. The office was one of the few rooms without large windows letting in copious amounts of light. The hallway overlooked the large family room in the center of the second floor. The main staircase in the foyer led up to it and had a huge table surrounded on both sides with L-shaped couches. It also had a small table with four chairs around it for more intimate playing and a fireplace of its own. Two hallways branched off from there to the north and south where a majority of the bedrooms were. These weren’t as large as the master bedroom, but they were still spacious and well furnished. There was also a nook at the end of one of the halls with a bay window overlooking nature and a smoking den. Some of the rooms had more than one bed and I quickly lost count of how many there were. When I later asked Alexis how many people could sleep here she said 20.

The deck connected on the second floor with a doorway in the family room leading out. It had a hot tub made for a crowd and several lounge chairs, as well as a couple of outdoor tables and chairs. The deck was the latest addition and below it was a grill station that you’d expect to find in a restaurant.

The first floor housed the large kitchen that featured more of the marble from the bathroom upstairs. Like the furniture, the appliances were all handmade and appeared complicated to operate. The dining room housed a table with ten seats along its sides and one at each end. The table itself was beautiful, a dark cherry wood and glossy. There was a smaller family room on the first floor as well that resembled a library, and a small movie theater that could seat 10. The basement below seemed almost out of place. It was practical with no decoration, housing instead some supplies, a backup generator, and linens.

I knew Alexis’s family had money, but this was far beyond being comfortable. She expected the line of questioning and met it with a shrug. “I didn’t know we had this kind of money either,” she had said. “My dad is always griping about money even though I know it’s never been an issue. We were all shocked when he showed us the plans.”

In the kitchen, I discovered a neatly handwritten list labeled “Mr. McCarthy’s Rules of Conduct”. It was a list of rules the younger ones were expected to follow and I was expected to enforce. They were as follows:

1. No alcohol

2. No drugs

3. No sex

4. No strangers

5. Boys and girls are to sleep on opposite ends of the house

6. No boys in girls rooms (or vice versa)

7. No going in to my office

Rule three was already broken and would continue to be it seemed. I knew rule one would be broken as well. Despite her father taking all the liquor, I knew one of Alexis’s bags was full of alcohol. I told her I’d look the other way if they all agreed to only drink in the cabin and not break anything. Rule two I was unsure of. I myself had some weed stashed in my bag upstairs that I planned to enjoy in private. McKayla was fairly straight laced for fear of not being able to play volleyball, and Sydney had a fear of getting in trouble. I had no idea about Alexis, Nat, or Emma, but as long as they weren’t doing anything stronger than weed I was likely to ignore it. Rules 4, 5, and 6 didn’t seem to be an issue, and I didn’t think his office would hold much interest for the girls.

Just as I finished reading the list, I heard another car crunching up the gravel drive. I walked towards the front door only to see it burst open a moment later. McKayla looked at me, her blue eyes wide in panic.

“Bathroom?” She blurted out.

I pointed towards the nearest one and the tall blonde disappeared in an instant. The other three girls walked through the door a moment later, all of them greeting me with bright smiles. Nat walked over and hugged me, the tiny Japanese dancer pulling me to her with surprising force.

“We’re so glad you’re here,” she said.

“Yeah Mr. H,” Emma added. I saw in her eyes a similar look that Alexis had in the car and I grinned in return.

Sydney nodded her agreement with her friends. McKayla emerged looking far more relieved.

“So you didn’t piss yourself?” Emma teased.

McKayla grew red and glared at her friend. Sydney and Nat broke into laughter, which made McKayla crack a smile. I helped the four of them get their things from the car and up the stairs with Alexis appearing just as we dropped the last bag.

“About damn time,” Nat teased the red head. “At least we had a big strong man to help us.”

“It took me a little longer than expected to get the remote camera feed off,” she said. “We don’t want my dad tuning in and seeing Emma getting stoned.”

That answered that question. All eyes went to me when Alexis said that, but I showed no change in my expression. I did look at Emma with a cocked eyebrow.

“Get stoned on what?” I asked.

She shrugged, “Just weed.”

“JUST weed,” Sydney spoke up sarcastically.

The other four girls sighed without words. It was clear that this was a topic that came up a lot. It's no surprise, Sydney’s father is a rather prominent figure at their church and she grew up with a conservative view. I had often seen the conflicts that emerged with the other girls over stuff like this in the past, especially between Emma and Sydney. They were polar opposites in their upbringing. I remember when Emma first got her nose ring, Sydney was amazed that her parents would let her do such a thing.

“Oh come on Syd,” Emma huffed. “The rest of us have done it. McKayla doesn’t have practice for another month, so she said she’s gonna do it. You’ve seen us all high and how much fun we have. This is the perfect environment to try it.”

Sydney turned bright red and turned up her nose, “It's still illegal in lots of places.”

“So?” Emma countered, “It’s getting legalized everywhere, and you drink when we hang out. It’s illegal to do that. Get that stick out of your ass already.”

“That’s enough,” I said, my voice making all of them pause. For a moment they were all students again, their teacher taking authority. “If Sydney doesn’t want to do it, then she won’t. At the same time, you’re all adults now. Sydney, Emma can smoke if she wants.” My eyes went to her again, “As long as she at least blows the smoke outside.” Emma nodded. “And Emma, don’t pressure her. She’ll try it if she feels comfortable and we both know she won’t enjoy it if she’s doing it for someone else.”

Emma looked at the ground and then gave a small nod. Sydney looked at me with a bit of thanks in her eyes and smiled, tucking some of her brown hair behind her ear. The crisis appeared to be averted.

Nat broke the silence, “I don’t know about you bitches, but I’m getting hungry. I’m gonna get started on dinner.”

“Need a hand?” Alexis and I asked at once.

Nat grabbed Alexis by the hand and began to pull her along, “I heard her first. You all relax and we’ll call you when it's ready.”

Alexis and Nat went to work on dinner, McKayla wanted to explore the house, Sydney went to the deck to practice guitar, and I didn’t know where Emma went. I went to my room and got unpacking. I decided to not live out of a suitcase if we had a whole week here, so I unloaded my things into the dresser. I also grabbed a couple of hangers from the walk-in closet and used them to hang a couple of my nicer shirts somewhere more accessible. I had been told we might do a couple of nice dinners, so I should have some nicer clothes.

Now all settled, I made my way down to the second level. At the end of one of the hallways, I spotted Emma sitting in the window seat of the nook. The window next to her was cracked and it wasn’t hard to guess what she was up to. As I got closer, I saw her pull out a vape pen, take a pull, and blow the smoke out the window. She turned her head in my direction and spotted me, making her jump. I wondered if I just surprised her or if it was a reflex to being caught with weed by a teacher. Either way, she relaxed and melted into a smile. I saw she had headphones in that she popped out as I got closer.

“Hey Mr. H,” she said.

“You can just call me Sam now,” I told her.

She nodded and said, “Funny thing is, if you’d caught me doing this just a couple of weeks ago, you’d be busting me probably.” She held her vape pen up and took a drag, blowing the smoke out the window. She suppressed a slight cough and held it towards me, “Now I’m seeing if you want any.”

I shrugged and took it from her, taking a seat next to her. She shifted her legs closer to herself as I got situated and took a hit. I blew the smoke out and looked her over.

Emma was the shortest of the group at just over 5’ even. A pair of jean shorts and a faded green v-neck adorned her body. She had the curviest figure of all the girls, and the largest breasts. They looked to be at least D’s to me. She had sandy blonde hair that might be a different color depending on the week and a pair of light blue eyes. Numerous freckles highlighted her nose and cheeks.

I took another small puff right as Emma asked, “So, did you and Alexis fuck?”

I coughed violently in surprise, which made Emma laugh. She took the vape pen back and hit me playfully on the back.

“I’m sorry,” I coughed, “what?”

“You and Alexis,” she said before taking a hit. “It’s cool, we all talked about it beforehand. You’re free game this week.”

I say in surprised silence for a moment before asking, “You all talked about this?”

Emma nodded and handed me back the pen. “Everyone’s agreed that, as long as you’re up for it, any of us can fuck you at any time. Sydney mostly remained silent, but she didn’t disagree.”

I couldn’t think of what else to say, so I took a silent hit and looked out the window. In the silence, I could hear Sydney’s guitar music wafting through the air.

“You know Mr. H, I thought it was really hot when you put on your teacher voice earlier.”

I couldn’t help but smirk.

“It’s what made me attracted to you in the first place,” she added. Her hand went to the v part of her neckline and gently ran along it while she made her lips pouty, “A girl like me needs a little authority.”

“Is that so?” I asked.

She nodded and shifted onto her knees next to me. She stuck her chest out, “I’m a rebel and a free spirit, but sometimes I just need a man who will take control.”

I took another hit. Already I was feeling it and, mixed with her words, the feeling was one of power. I felt authoritative in a whole different way.

“I’ve been surrounded by just boys for four years,” she bit her lip and trailed off.

“But you need a man,” I declared.

She nodded and cast her eyes down again. Her hands were folded in her lap and I knew what she was waiting for. The next move was mine to make, and she was offering herself to me. I reached out and placed my hand on her cheek and she nuzzled herself into it.

“Let’s go to my room,” I said as I began to stand.

She grabbed my hand and said, “No. Here. Please, sir?”

I looked around. “But the others.”

“We all agreed no jealousy,” she planted a kiss on my hand, “and no secrets. I like that someone might see.”

I thought for a moment and then nodded. If they were all okay with it, then why should I not be? I’d always been a bit of an exhibitionist. I nodded my approval to her and her face lit up.

“Take off your shirt and bra,” I ordered.

She wasted no time, both off her body in a flash. She sat before me, exposed, her eyes still down. I admired her large breasts and pale nipples, first with my eyes and then with my hands. Thanks to her kneeling on the window seat, I had easy access to them.

“Touch me wherever you want, sir,” she encouraged. “However you want.”

“Get on your hands and knees, and take off your shorts.”

She obeyed, getting naked and then in position. Her back curved alluringly, her thick ass in the air. I ran my hand along the curve of her back, feeling the warmth of her body, until it came to rest on her butt. She looked at me expectantly, her bottom lip tucked behind her teeth. I gave it a light smack as I didn’t want to make too much noise and she moaned.

I undid my shorts for the third time today to fish my cock out. Emma’s wanting eyes watched every one of my movements with anticipation. When she saw my thick cock at attention before her, she gasped. I told her to open her mouth and then navigated my dick to it. She wrapped her mouth around it as soon as she could and ran her tongue along the bottom.

“Thank you for this dick, sir,” she said before plunging down on it again.

I grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed her further down my cock. She gave no resistance, more than half of my length disappearing in an instant. She paused when my head hit the back of her throat, but she continued on as soon as she relaxed. Her mouth was so warm and inviting, her curious tongue exploring my shaft as she moved along it. I let her pull back a little before I pulled her further down again.

“You’re going to take all of it,” I told her.

She looked at me with those big eyes of hers and nodded. I used my firm grip in her hair to pull her down further. She choked, she gagged, she sputtered on my dick, but she never let up. Between my coaxing and her will, we got her there. Her nose pressed right against my body and I felt the sensation of my whole dick swallowed by her. It was electric and I let her know with a lusty groan. Her eyes brimmed with tears while she worked her head back and forth to fuck my cock with her mouth.

“Good girl,” I growled. “Good cocksucker.”

She mewed, pleased with herself, and pulled her mouth off of my dick. I watched as my cock reappeared, the whole length now shimmery in the late afternoon soon. She came off the head with a gasp, her chest heaving as she desperately worked to catch her breath. Her chest and cheeks were red with effort, but I could see how hard her nipples were. A string of saliva kept my cock connected to her lips.

“Fuck, I love choking on your dick, sir.”

She went back for a second helping, driving herself down with my hand on her head still encouraging her. Every now and then I’d push her over the halfway mark, making tears appear in her eyes again. My other hand found her ass again and ran along the curve of it. She wiggled it at my touch. I moved along her ass to her thighs, finding the space between them to explore her slit.

Emma groaned around my dick as I found her already wet pussy and that some of her arousal had already run down her thighs. I guess she really did love choking on my dick. I probed her with my digit, prompting her to spread her legs a little to give me better access. I pressed my finger into her and felt her warmth around me. I worked it as if it were my dick and fucked her at an even pace. Occasionally, I would curl my finger against her walls and find the spot that made her moan hard around me. The vibrations of those moans sent extra jolts of pleasure along my dick.

I needed her. Not just her sucking my dick, but the feeling of being inside of her. I pulled my cock from her mouth and grabbed her hips, pulling them towards me. She lowered her face down and shook her ass at me. I grabbed my cock and smacked it playfully against her thick ass.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

“Yes!” She practically shouted. “Please sir, fuck my little pussy. It's all yours.”

How could I say no? I looked up to see the trees, the far off mountaintop, the beautiful scenery present in the bay windows all set dressing for the ass in the air waiting for me. The head of my cock came against her pussy and I pushed myself in, the first few inches sinking in slowly. I could see the faint reflection of her reaction in the mirror, her mouth falling open and her eyes rolling back as if my dick had just shut off some part of her brain.

She exclaimed, “Oh God!”

I smacked her ass and pulled her head back by her hair. “Be quieter, slut, or I’ll pull out now and leave you here.”

Emma nodded and lowered her head back down. Her hands braced herself against the windows as I grabbed her hips and began to thrust. I didn’t bother with build up, we both needed this to be hard and desperate. She bit back moans and moved her hips just a little to meet my thrusts. I slammed myself into her, my length plunging deep.

She raised herself up just a little, her tits bouncing with every thrust. She made small, desperate noises but managed to keep her volume low. I grabbed onto her hair again and pulled it back, giving me plenty of leverage to pound her. It was great sex, but the weed worked to enhance every little feeling beyond what it would normally be. I felt powerful as I fucked her.

I let her hair go and her face fell back to the window seat. Her body tensed as an orgasm hit her. She began to call out, but immediately put a hand over her mouth to help quiet it. I watched as the tremor rocked her body, her pussy squeezing hard on my dick so that I almost had to stop fucking her. She looked up at me, breathing heavy, and grinned.

Time slipped away from us. I don’t know how long I stood there thrusting into her. Orgasm after orgasm rocked her body until she seemed to barely be conscious. Finally, I felt that familiar building in my pulsing cock.

“I’m gonna cum,” I told her.

“Wherever you want,” she said through her haze.

“Inside you?”

She nodded with heavy breath.

I gave the last bit of my energy into the final few thrusts. They weren’t at the same rhythm as the others, but more drawn out as I felt every inch of her pussy around me. I slammed in one last time and released a torrent of cum, filling up her pussy. I almost collapsed against her, but I managed to pull out and slump next to her.

She rearranged herself so that she was sitting again, her body resting against mine. We were both sweaty messes basking in the post orgasm glow. Both of us were facing down the hall, uncovered for anyone to see, but no one else ever appeared. As we regained our strength, I saw her reach between her legs and gather a little of my cum leaking from her onto her fingers. With her eyes on mine, she brought them to her mouth and licked them clean.

“Fuck,” I breathed.

She smiled. “Thank you, sir, for all the cum. I really, really needed to be fucked.” She leaned over and kissed me, a thankful thing that I readily returned.

We basked in our post sex glow for a bit until Nat's voice came over the intercom system to announce that dinner was ready.

Emma sat up and stretched. “I worked up quite the appetite,” she said as she gathered her clothes.

We went and got ourselves cleaned up before joining the others in the dining room. Nat had prepared a summer salad with berries and goat cheese, orange glazed chicken, and potatoes au gratin. We ate the delicious meal gathered on one end of the huge table, the girls amusing themselves by pretending to be the fancy lady of the house. Eventually the conversation turned to plans for the week. There was mention of hikes, games, going into town, and, of course, the hot tub. They all expressed interest in going in tonight, but I declined their invitation for the evening. I promised to join them another night soon and they relented for now.

After the day I had, I just needed a shower and a moment to relax. My mind was still reeling from the events and revelations of the day. This was not going to be the week I was expecting, but I liked what it was becoming.


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From now and for Emma

I remember Emma as the nice girl from the local Sudso superstore she had a great attitude toward the customers and was always smiling, she's one of those rare individuals you just can't fault. Myself and my family have known her for five years since she started working there. I know my brothers all had crushes on her and the youngest had the courage to ask her out, he was rejected and took it badly but since recovered. We usually saw her at parties and some hung around her like a loyal...

3 years ago
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Close Knit Emma

       Mom and I were in Emma's—my aunt and Mom's youngest sister—apartment dining room, sitting across from one another at the square rustic pine dining table. Aunt Emma was in the kitchen, fixing Mom and herself some coffee, and some ginseng tea for me. We were there at my suggestion, after Mom had informed me that of all of her siblings, Aunt Emma had been the most open-minded when it came to my Mom's former career in the adult film industry. In fact, Mom had said, Aunt Emma encouraged it,...

2 years ago
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Living with Aunt Emma Sequel to Aunt Emma

Living with Aunt Emma It turned out Mrs. Talbot wasn't available in the near term. She had her work at the spa, and a relative recovering from an accident that she had to take care of. Aunt Emma said that was OK, a minor problem, and there was a lot I could do until Mrs. Talbot could help. On the sofa that night we had a long talk. "What can you do, right now?" I asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean what do you think you can do to get to the point you are comfortable going...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a generous...

1 year ago
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Master James Sub Emma

Emma and James stared at each other across the table. James lounged back in his chair, somehow managing to look smug and angry at the same time, and Emma was so shocked by what he'd said that she had actually stopped crying. James smirked at her. "You heard what I said. It's that or nothing." Emma was unable to speak, and he gave her a disappointed look as he got up to leave. "Well, you said you'd do anything; then again, you also said you'd never cheat on me, so I guess I shouldn't really take...

2 years ago
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Finished with Aunt Emma Conclusion to Aunt Emma

Finished with Aunt Emma Chiseled Chad, as far as I was concerned, went to the back burner. Aunt Emma, however, kept referring to him from time to time with a sad face, telling me how much she'd like to see me play with him. Things just kept happening quickly. I went up to the spa and the took a 'before' picture then gave me the full treatment, body wax, makeup, manicure, pedicure, highlights in my hair, and all sorts of makeup and tools to maintain my 'look'. In one day they...

3 years ago
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Innocent Emma

My degree in electronic engineering and my interest in making feature films led me to the idea of rigging up my home with surveillance equipment and filming the baby sitter. Or maybe I should say the dog sitter. I actually didn’t have a baby, nor a dog, for that matter. But what I did have was a calculating, and some might say, devious mind. I’d obtained my university degree and then been taken on as a graduate with a major player in the electronics industry. They were paying me a...

1 year ago
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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

4 years ago
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My Summer With Emma

© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...

2 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

3 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil's profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking .They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn't live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

1 year ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...

4 years ago
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A Surprise for Emma

Re-written from the original posted as posh-slut Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massagesWe had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and AnnieAfter my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral...

1 year ago
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A surprise for Emma

It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...

First Time
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The Tzars Ring 5 6 7 The ring and Emma

This is a cautionary tale, that some things come at quite a price, but then there are the rare occasions that it comes at the ultimate price.——————Peter Jenkins was a very average man, average in every sense of the word. So it came as quite a surprise when he met his future wife. Lucy was anything but average; she was smart, beautiful, successful, passionate, and she had an large appetite for sex. He often wondered what she ever saw in him.It had not been too long into their marriage before...

1 year ago
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“So…what should we call you?” “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Master pleases” she said. It was a standard answer, probably drilled into her from hours of repetition. I nodded and fixed myself a drink as she looked on, probably unsure of what to do. “What did your previous Master call you?” Her voice was low and cracking…”You are my first owner Master.” I knew that of course, I was testing her quietly and seeing how she would react. She was naked and in light silver colored...

3 years ago
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Seeing the changes in Emma

When Emma dumped me I was heartbroken. But when one of the most beautiful babes on campus took me to a secluded spot to give me a view of Emma and her new over in action, that I'll never forget. When I began to date Emma during our first semester at college, we were both virgins and she made it clear she planned to remain one. She is a pretty brunette with eyes of a spectacular blue hue, and she has a captivating smile. Her body is equally magnificent -- her legs are long and perfectly shaped,...

3 years ago
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The ex files Sharing Emma

It was about a year after our episode with Jane and once again we were back in Spain for a summer break, just Emma and I. Jane had all but disappeared from our lives after she had met and moved in with an older guy who had cut her off from most of her former friends and took her away from the town where we lived and without her influence our sex life had returned to what most people would call normal.The promise that i had made to Emma during our last sexual encounter with Jane had become a...

4 years ago
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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

3 years ago
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It has been a long time since I added to this site but I am back, please let me know if you like this story and if you would like me to write a back story to it or continue on from here. As always any criticism is gratefully received. EMMA I pulled into the drive locked my car and virtually ran into my apartment, I was greeted by the most amazing aroma and dumping my briefcase and coat I headed into the kitchen. There she was the love of my life Emma, standing over the stove wearing...

1 year ago
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A Night Out With Emma

It's another weekend and you, Emma, are looking for some nasty action. We thought perhaps that going to a club in the city will be a good idea. After you get yourself dressed looking quite slutty, we leave my house and walk a few blocks to wait for a taxi. I notice one parked on a side street, so we head that way. Climbing in the back seat, we note that the driver awaiting for our instructions where to take us. He observes you looking so pretty with your blonde hair flowing down your shoulders....

2 years ago
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Aunt Emma

Aunt Emma Besides Mom and Dad, Aunt Emma was my only known relative. She was an enigma, a beauty, but she lived alone, without even a pet in the house she and Mom grew up in. We visited her four or five times a year when I was growing up but other than to gawk at her, as I did in my early adolescence especially, we had no special relationship, no unique closeness. The one exception, as I recall, in the summer I was 14, I was staring at her while she was hanging clothes on the line....

3 years ago
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Temptation Chapter 1 to 4

Introduction to John and Janet Please make note this story is my first and be aware it is totally fiction. None of these events ever happened or ever will in my life but I'm sure some of you may be able to relate to some of the issues covered in this story. At a later stage This story will involve sexual intercourse with a underage girl so if it's not your kind of thing please don't read it then comment. If you do like the story then please leave comment and I will try my best to take on...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

3 years ago
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E004 Explaining Things To Emma

Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek.  It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so.  This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...

Love Stories
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The Neighborhood MILF Emma

I’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of James and Emma

Emma and I graduated high school, and decided we would travel around the world, before deciding what to do with our lives. On our trip we wanted to try and see how many countries we could fuck in. The first country we stopped in was France, specifically the south of France, since we hated cold places, and it was our biggest fantasy to have a hot, sensual encounter on the beach. Emma and I used a holiday home, owned by a friend for our first stop. We needed to pick a place for the perfect first...

Straight Sex
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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!) I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave. I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to...

1 year ago
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A few years ago I was living in a small Spanish village where the expats were a bit thin on the ground and all the non Spanish knew each other quite closely, mainly to help each other out with language problems or dealing with the usual beaurocracy. One particular family consisting of the mother who was around thirtyeight years old and step father who was about forty had 2 daughters of sixt**n and one 3 years younger who were well known for visiting other expats houses to lend money or last...

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

3 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 10 Schoolgirl Temptation

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Ten: Schoolgirl Temptation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies Lilith's mouth engulfed my nipple, sucking hard on it. I gasped as I sat in my computer chair. It creaked beneath me. The demon sucked hard on my nipple. She swirled her tongue around my nub, fluttering and caressing me. I shuddered, my head lolling back in my chair. It felt amazing after this frustrating day. I couldn't...

2 years ago
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A for Emma

"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....

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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 03

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Author's Note: This chapter is just plot bridge with no sex. Sorry. The tears streamed silently down Marcy's cheeks as the glossy black casket descended into the earth. While members of Karen's immediate family broke down in grief, Marcy maintained a stoic dignity. A stereo set up near the grave played a...

1 year ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...

4 years ago
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Uncle Mike Creampies Niece Emma

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

2 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 2 Mommy Tempts Her FutaDaughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I’m going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in Germany. The inquisition had been searching for girls with the “witch’s mark”...

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