Mike's New Beer Wench free porn video

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Mike's New Beer Wench. Dave is rough on the waitstaff of the Pirate's Roost Bar and the girl's get to teach him a lesson. I will let Mike O'Mally tell this tale. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. I am Mike O'Mally. I own the Pirate's Roost Bar. I don't sell food unless you count things like potato chips, Slim Jims, nuts, and pretzels. Anything else, my patrons send out for. (I am working out how to add a grill.) I will do a 'Doggie Day' for a few ball games. A 'Doggie Day' is when I would put Hot Dogs on the grill and give them away during a weekday afternoon game. One patron dared me to steam them in beer to get the real ballpark taste. I tried it at home. It is tempting. However this tale is about a patron who was a little too rough on my waitstaff. He is Dave Lynch. He would never touch them, but loved saying "Beer me Wench!" He must of thought because of the bar's name, course talk was allowed. He never swore, but just liked to talk rough. I must admit it was partly my fault. A bar with an old time nautical theme and when I first opened it, I used the title of Serving Wench as part of the job description. My wife Irene gave me the straight scoop otherwise. My wife has better business sense then me, so I changed the title to waitstaff. For the uninformed, wench once meant a single woman or a serving woman. That was the the use of the term I was thinking when I set up this bar. Irene told me it is also a very derogatory term to women. It also meant slut, bimbo, or immoral. Since I would treat the girls like I treat like would my daughters, I did bow to my wife's wishs. Now back to Dave Lynch. No matter how many times I would ask him not to say, " Beer me Wench." He would still do it. Stephanie who was my head bar tender, (See the story Gender Bender. Peace. Belle.) asked me to keep the bar closed on a Monday. She did have a an on call job as a T. V. character and magicians assistant. She said, "Mike, the staff and I have enough of Dave Lynch. So has most of the your lady patrons. We like to do something about it." I had to ask, "What is it? Is it legal?" Stephanie said, "I think it might be legal. But it will teach Dave a lesson and not harm you." I asked again, "What is your plan? I wont allow anything that will endanger this place. I can get new bar maids faster than it would take to pay off a law suit." My wife decided to speak. By the look she had in her eyes, and the tone in her voice I thought if I didn't listen, I would be sleeping on the sofa. Irene said, "Michael Francis Patrick O'Mally! These girls you say that you love them as if they were our own daughters. All they want to do is teach a creep a lesson. I am with the girls here. I checked with Heidi Hessman. Since this can be viewed as a joke, Most judges will toss out the case." Now I knew that if I did not go along I would be stuck on the sofa for a long time. I then said, "OK Irene. All that I will tell Dave is that I would be out of town fishing on the third Monday of this month and he can fill in for me on that day. The rest of your plan, I don't want to know." (Dave knew how to run the bar and did fill in at times. We also knew his clothing and shoe sizes.) Irene said, "Thanks Mike. I knew you would see the light. It will take two weeks for the training aids to come in." I knew better than to ask any questions. The less I knew, the less I could tell anybody. Over the next two weeks, my wife Irene received a series of packages from a costume shop, lingerie shop, a beauty supply shop, and two from Sexy Sadie's. I still didnot know what my wife and the girls had cooked up, but I knew I didnot want to be in Dave's shoes come that Monday. The Sunday before the big day, my wife showed me the contents of one of the packages. It was a Halloween Pirate costume (female). I barely hid my smile. Normally I let the staff wear what they liked so as long it was in good taste. I do have plans for a family section. On special occasions or Harbor Days they were told to wear dark blue or black docker pants and a striped shirt. Matching vest was optional. Plus a " Dixie Cup " style sailors cap. Irene said with some glee, "I see you are catching on to the plan. Do you have anything to add that might help?" I said with some laughter, "Yes I do. Call him Wench Wendy or Wench. Then take pictures and threaten to send them to every bar in the area." Irene was all smiles and asked, "Anything else Sweetheart?" I said, "Just make sure that Kathy Fitz only watches. She is too mean for this type of joke." Irene said, "That's funny. Heidi said the same thing. Of course Kathy has been on Heidi's shit list for along time. Heidi even said to bar Kathy for this event." I had to think a bit. Then I said, "Well between her father's steak house and the brewery she might know what she is talking about. I will bar Kathy for the event, if Heidi tells me why she is so mad at Kathy." Heidi did tell me why she was so mad at Kathy. It turns out that Kathy would trash the booth that Herman Hessman would set up at the Renaissance Faire. If it was once, it could be excused. When it was every time that Kathy came to the Faire, Heidi felt that Kathy needed to be restrained. It was the best sword fight the Faire ever had. Heidi won and left Kathy tied to the dunk chair. Only Helga stopped Heidi from drowning Kathy that day. That happened when Heidi and Helga were freshmen in high school. Well the big day came. Dave caught me just as I was done the morning stocking and set up. Dave said, "I thought you were going fishing today?" I said, "I am. However there is some stuff I need to do before I go. My wife will be in later for the deliveries. All you need to do is keep an eye on the place until then. Oh yea, sweep and mop up the place. Cindy forgot to do so last night." Dave said, "Okey Dokey Mike. I will also put on a pot of coffee. When I work, that is all that I will touch." I almost regretted setting up Dave like this. Dave is a good worker. I know he is stuck in two low paying part time jobs, but still keeps trying to get something better. But if he learned to treat people better, he might get a better job. This is not to say Dave was mean and uncaring, but I guess no one took the time to teach him better. Well who ever said that life was fair. Should be and reality are three different things. I will just make sure that things didn't get to far out of hand. I did express this to my wife and she did agree. Well the party was on. My wife kept Dave there by saying, "One of the girls called off. I need you to cover until her relief comes in." Dave thought about it and said, "Alright Irene. I don't have to go anywhere today or tomorrow." Irene was setting up the food and party favors. Early that evening, Heidi and her sister Helga came. Along with them was Nicole Sargento. I was told she was to play door guard. Until the party was over, there was only four males allowed in the place. That list was William Bonnie, Laurence Sargento, and myself. We were there to act as back up door guards and make sure that the training session didn't get too rough. My wife closed the blinds and placed a sign on the door. It said, "Ladies Night. Private Party. Admission by invitation only." Dave was in wonderment. He asked my wife, "Why is there so many ladies here tonight? The only other guys are hitched or in a relationship with a lady." (I was in hiding, but could see the whole place.) My wife said, "It is a special ladies night. The men that are here are to help with security and with the floor show." Dave asked, "When does that start?" Irene said, "Now!" Just then the whole place started singing an off beat version of the Muppet Show Title Song. Billy Bonnie, Larry Sargento, and myself were in laughter. All the women were singing, "It's time to to get things started. It is time to dress Dave right. It is time to put him in heels. It is the Wench Wendy show tonight. It is time to put him in make up. It is time put him in a dress. It's time let him see things right. It is the Wench Wendy show tonight." At this point Kathy Fitz tried to get in but Billy Bonnie stopped her. Nicole went in to join the party. Kathy said, "Out of my way Asshole." Billy Bonnie came back with, "Private party. Invited people only. You aint on the list Diesel Dyke. Stay out or be kept out." Kathy said in full anger, "Why? Why should I listen to you? You're a seedling against a full oak." Billy just laughed and said, "You are a diseased oak against a healthy ash. You lose on all counts." Kathy tried pushing Billy and found out that Billy knew more than she did. She landed in the lake. Billy said, "I used too much force. I was aiming for that manure pile." First Heidi picked Dave up off the floor. Then Heidi carried Dave to the utility room. While Heidi was holding Dave, Cindy quickly stripped Dave. Dave was wearing only blue jeans and a T shirt. Then using handcuffs supplied by Nicole , Heidi secured Dave's hands to an overhead water pipe. Dave was next given a quick bath with a floral scented body wash. After that he was Naired. When the time was right, The Nair was rinsed off and into the deep sink. After checking Dave all over Heidi said, "He is ready for step two." Helga then came over with all the packages my wife had got over the last two weeks. Out first a gaff that looked like a vagina. Heidi put it on Dave and adjusted the fit. When the fit was just right, Heidi glued it in place. The next item that came out was a set of breast forms. They were incredibly huge I was told they were size 48 DDD. Helga glued them on Dave as Heidi made sure Dave stayed still. When the glue had set, Helga put a pushup type bra and a pair of panties on Dave. Heidi let Helga release Dave's hands so they could put the bra on. One hand was released and the other cuffed to the pipe. Now out came a corset. Dave's hands were also treated in same manor as they were with bra. Between Helga and Heidi, Dave was quickly getting the body of a woman. Cindy was checking Dave's color to make sure he didn't pass out. My wife's plan was to teach Dave a lesson and not hurt Dave needlessly. When corset reached it tightest point, Heidi backed it off some. Then she glued the laces in place. She did say " You may need to change a keg or add a case or two. We dont need you passing out on the job." Dave gasped a bit and asked, "Thank you. May I ask why?" Irene came over and said, "Dave you are a nice and smart guy but a little under educated. But I think you can learn from this. If I thought you were a real Jackass, you would have been barred. We made sure that no one gets to mean. A little rough, but not too mean. Your name for the night is Wendy or Wench Wendy. You understand?" Dave said, "I think I do." My wife said, "Good. We will continue." Now Heidi released Dave from the pipe and put on Dave black fish-net stockings. Helga put on the costume. It had a mid length black skirt, a red peasant type blouse, a black vest. The blouse had the top three buttons removed by Irene earlier. She wanted the breasts to be highly accented and highly visible. Irene glued the costume shut. The only way the outfit would come off, if Dave ripped it off. The under garments could be taken off normally, if Dave got past the corset. Heidi made the corset sealed with the glue. The laces would have to be cut. Now came the wig. It was a CopperRed, extra long hair style. It was also glued into place. Next came a set of clip on hoop style earrings. Two cheap finger rings. Then came the boots. They were black calf length boots. They also had four inch stiletto heels. Dave would have set of sore feet by the time the night was over. The last thing Dave got was a makeover. Using a make up pencil, Cindy arched Dave's eyebrows. She also gave Dave a manicure by adding fake fingernails and cranberry red nail polish. She also did Dave's lips with a lipstick that matched his nails. It was a long lasting type that had a sealer coat so it wouldn't come off very easy. My wife looked at Dave and said, "Wendy is ready. Now Wendy, here is the deal. You must make enough tips to cover the makeup and the solvents you will need to remove your outfit. If your tips are short by the time the party is over, you will work until you do. Do you understand Wendy?" Dave said, "Yes I do." Irene said, "If you don't make enough tips by the night is over you will be stuck like this until you find away to remove your outfit. Do you understand Wendy?" Dave said, "I do." About this time, John Zalensky tried to enter the bar. Nicole told him, "Please stay out. I think you must be in envy of what is happening to Dave. You could never look so could as a girl." Well Dave was very busy that night. I knew that the local cab services would be hard pressed. I am a retired cop. I wont let anyone drive home drunk. I did here from almost everyone the cry of, "BEER ME WENCH!" I was in pure laughter. Dave was getting a dose of his own medicine and in spades. Irene did tell everyone not to tip Dave. A man being told, "Beer me wench" from a group of women was funny. Not nice, but funny. Irene had more plans for Dave. She did tell me that she would send the solvents to Dave no matter how much tips he got. She just wanted to have Dave remember his lesson. It was then the time to let the guys in. I heard all the men say, "HEY WENDY! BEER ME WENCH!" The night went on. Everyone when they wanted a drink would yell, "BEER ME WENCH!" Poor Dave was running all night and four inch stiletto heels. Dave would be sore all day tomorrow. I will send a bottle of aspirin along with the solvents. This kept up until one AM. Most of the people decided it was time to call it a night. Larry along with Bill Bonnie were driving people to their homes. Those didnot, took cabs. Larry did drive Dave home in his Dave's car. I was going to object but Heidi said, "Let Larry do his work. Larry wasnot here by accident tonight. I asked him to come. I just wanted to be sure that Dave wasnot hurt. Embarrassed maybe, but not hurt. Please pick up Larry when gets done with Dave." I said, "Alright Heidi. I will drop the solvents off to Dave tomorrow." Larry was in Dave's car for a long time. When Larry finally dropped off Dave, Larry walked slowly to my truck. I then went to Dave and gave him the solvents he would need to remove the outfit he had on. I also gave Dave back the things he wore prior to the party. I asked Dave, "Do you need a hand?" Dave said in a very tired voice, "Just with that dammed corset. The rest I can get myself. I also want a stiff drink." I said, "Kinda thought you might. Look, you can talk about this later if you want. I need to take Larry back to his car. Sunday we will both go fishing." Dave said, "That sounds good. Bring Larry along as well. He has good luck in the area rivers and streams, Let's see how he handles the deep water." I said, "I see that Larry gave you an appointment card." Dave said in a very tired voice, "Yes he did. He wants to see me at the Wellman Clinic in two days. He said he would talking to you and your wife tomorrow." I said, "OK Dave. I will see you soon." I went to my truck. I saw Larry. I said, "Larry, I understand you want to talk to both me and my wife tomorrow. Can you tell about it?" Larry just said, "Yes tomorrow at ten A M. Please have all your staff there as well. That way everybody gets the same info in the same way." I could see that Larry was upset. I asked, "Do you think we went too far?" Larry said, "In a nutshell, yes. I know why this was done. I can agree and understand with the why. But a fine line was crossed. I will know more in two days." Just then Dave stumbled out of his place. He was wearing his jeans and T shirt. He was looking normal body wise. On his face he had a real strange look on his face. Larry moved like lighting. He had Dave in his grip. He took out his cell phone and made a call. Twenty minutes later an ambulance pulled up. Larry helped Dave into the *meat wagon. I followed them to the Wellman Clinic. I saw a tall, blonde woman, a tall, brunette woman, and a medium, red haired woman meet Larry. The brunette checked Dave all over and led him inside. The blonde woman came over and said, "I am Belle Starr. I under stand there is major problem here. Can you tell me about it?" I was hard pressed to say a word when the redhead came over and spoke with Belle. The redhead said, "Belle the client has no wounds but his mind and soul are hurting. Larry said he couldn't take away the pain." Belle said, "I think I see. This does not fall into Larry's skills. Nor does it mine. Dr. Giesel is more suited for this. Dr. Twain did fine for now. Anne please try to help Dave's soul. I willbe with Larry tomorrow when he speaks with the crew of the Pirate's Roost Bar and Grill. From what I can tell, Dave was the victim of a joke gone bad. Larry thinks the same way. He has told why the joke was played and the intent. I agree with both thoughts. I do think there was a better way. Mr. O'Mally. Larry took away from Dave a.457 Casewell revolver. Someone or a group of some people really hurt Dave. Including some of them he trusted. I know that Dave was a loner. It was not by his choice. When he needed friends, people turned him away. When he reached out, he was rejected. He may of been uncouth, but he did care. He may have not shown it right, but he did care and loved. Since he feels the trust and love he was willing to share was turned away and used to make him a target of abuse, he feels hate and wants to destroy what he hates and what hurt him. Right now he is under heavy sedation. If your thinking someone should helped him sooner, your right. I am telling Larry to lock up that gun in his own locker until I say otherwise. I have the shells. I will take Larry to his car . He has some work here to do." Under her gaze I had to say, "Yes Maam. Larry has set up a meeting at ten. I will have coffee and doughnuts there, Anything else?" Belle gave me a strange smirk. Than she said, "Yes there is. **Crow." I said in a shamefull tone, "Yes Maam. I will see you then." Well Tuesday came and at ten o'clock both Belle and Larry came in. Belle said, "Everyone please sit down. Now I know what went on last night. While it was meant in fun, you really hurt someone. Dave may or maynot have known better, but he needed someone to help him. To make him walk a mile in your shoes was acceptable. But what you did hurt him big time. Larry stopped him from outright murder. While I know the why you did what you did, the result was worse than if you left him alone. Irene, I am glad you tried to keep Dave from being hurt. However the embarrassment you caused Dave did the harm. To that point, Dave forgives you. Stephanie, you should know better than anyone else. Cindy I am glad that you made sure that Dave was not being hurt. You should have made sure that Dave's mind was OK. I can make sure that this bar and it's employee's are safe. The owners are another problem. While the intentions were good, the outcome was wrong. Dave can take this place over. I don't think that is needed." Irene spoke. She said, "Ms. Starr. I was the head of the group. I will make sure that Dave has his bill paid. After all, he was on the clock. Dave is welcome here at anytime with out any question Make sure that my staff is protected." Belle said, "Good thinking. There is one more thing. If Dave seeks you out, help him to be a better person. Well I must go now. After Larry drives his car home, I will take him back to the Wellman Clinic. He has much work to do." Irene said, "Thank you Ms. Starr. Please make sure that Dave is alright. I know that my husband offered to take Dave deep water fishing. If it cant be this weekend, tell Dave that is an open offer. Tell Dave that is an open offer at anytime he wants or needs. I will let Nicole drive the boat and Larry be there for Dave. I have heard of his works, along as your's." Belle said, "Good thinking Irene. Mike please get into the costume that Dave had to wear last night. I will make some exceptions." I wondered why when Larry spoke, "To really judge someone is to walk a mile in their shoes. Last night Dave did that. Today is your turn." All of sudden, I was looking like alot Dave did last night. Then Belle said, "BEER ME WENCH!" As I served her, I felt like what Dave must of felt. Then Belle said, "Stop. You catch on quick Mike. Now you know how Dave felt last night." I vowed to learn and teach my employees and their replacements. Cindy did ask, "Where did we go wrong Ms. Starr?" Larry spoke before Belle could, "By letting the guys in and having Irene tell you gals not to tip Dave." Belle said, "Thank you Larry. Heidi did tell me of her actions. She is on a voluntary unpaid leave of absence. Bill Wallace said that was fair. Helga wont be harmed for she had no part of the planing. Nicole just gave over the cuffs. Larry it is time to go back to work." With that, Belle and Larry left. I was still shakened. I knew how close we came to being closed. Part of the payment was write this tale for you. I found out that Dr. Giesel and Larry would work with Dave at an old mill pond as they fished. Now I must get back to work. Thank you. Mike O'Mally Please learn and go forth Mike. Peace. Belle Starr. * Meat wagon is slang for an ambulance or a hearse. ** Crow or eating crow is a military term to admit you were wrong.

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Daydreams of a Knights Wench

She watched from the kitchen window as he swept up the drive and parked the gleaming black Jaguar in front of the garage. As he stepped out in his dark, well-cut suit and removed the sun glasses she thought of his eyes and how they were hard and strong to the rest of the world but smiling and full of tenderness when he was with her. She heard the familiar sounds of the key in the lock, the door opening and closing and the brief case being deposited on the quarry tiles in the hall. She was...

4 years ago
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It was getting dark when she got off the train and she was the only one at the station. She went through the deserted ticket barrier and out into the car park. Apart from a taxi, there was no one there. She looked at her watch. Master had said this train, had told her it would arrive here at this time, but he was not there to pick her up. She was just about to start panicking when the taxi driver got out and shouted her name. She looked up, and walked towards him, relief replacing the...

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Sneaky Wench

I was looking out the window again! How can she have such control over me! She lives across the fucking street, for crying out loud. I've never met her; nor could I think of a reason why I shouldn't meet her. She was always strutting around, cleaning, cooking, working out...in the nude! She drove me absolutely bonkers! I first noticed her three weeks ago. I casually walked up to the window to watch out for the delivery truck carrying a very important parcel, but a glimmer of skin caught my...

4 years ago
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It was getting dark when she got off the train and she was the only one at the station. She went through the deserted ticket barrier and out into the car park. Apart from a taxi, there was no one there. She looked at her watch. Master had said this train, had told her it would arrive here at this time, but he was not there to pick her up. She was just about to start panicking when the taxi driver got out and shouted her name. She looked up, and walked towards him, relief replacing the...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 117 Blood and Beer

"Let's go have a beer," I said to my redheaded friend, before he could speak. "Sure why not," he said turning back to the door. We walked out together. When we were in the car, he removed the small black cylinder from his pocket, then twisted the top. "Will that make your car safe as well?" I asked looking around the interior. "I certainly hope so," he said shaking his head. "So where to Missy?" "Seriously, let's go have a beer," I said. There was still time to have a drink...

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Beer vs Vagina

1. Beer is always wet. Vagina needs a little work. One point to BEER 2.Warm beer tastes awful. One point to VAGINA3.A really cold beer is satisfying. One point to BEER4.If after taking a swig of your favourite beer you find a hair between your teeth, you may vomit. One point to VAGINA5. If you get home reeking of beer your wife may get mad, make a scene, kick you out, etc. If you get home reeking of vagina your wife may get mad, kick you out, even leave you. There's definitely a point to be had...

4 years ago
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Beer VS Pussy

Introduction: As always your comments, ratings, and jokes are greatly appreciated It is time to do a comparison between two things treasured by men, beer and pussy...A beer is always wet.A pussy needs encouragement.Advantage: Beer.A beer tastes horrible served hot.A pussy tastes better served hot.Advantage: Pussy.Having an ice cold beer makes you satisfied.Having an ice cold pussy makes you Hillary Clinton.Advantage: Beer.Beers have commercials making fun of skunky ones.Pussy does...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 275 Bock Beer and Catching Up

"Holy shit," the shocked woman said even before she hugged me. "I knew you were going to look different after three months, but I thought it would be worse. God you look ten years younger. If it wasn't for the hair, I wouldn't recognize you. Well sure you look like you did ten years ago." "Take a breath Jen, you are running on like a teenager on a first date," I said. "I know, but damn what did you have done?" she asked. "What was the use accumulating all that money, if I...

3 years ago
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Jana Has Sex For Beer

Jana Tyler and her friends were hanging out in the woods.  The drinking age was twenty-one, so each kid had to bring a case of beer to hang out.  Jana did not have an older sibling, so she had to get creative with how she got beer.Jana knew that if she asked an older person to get beer, they may ask her for something in return.  She had given lots of blow jobs and on a few occasions she had sex.  Most of the men just wanted blow jobs.  Jana was fine with whatever they asked.  She always...

4 years ago
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Cold Beer

It had been a hot day out here in the desert, and as night fell, the heat was just getting bearable. Even now, as it was rather late, Sara was still sweating, as she pulled up outside the small, neon lit bar. Entering the bar, she found it almost deserted. The bartender was clearing the tables, and a man sat at the bar with the last beer of the evening. She hesitated, and the two men looked her over, but what the heck? She knew she was a good-looking woman in her tight jeans and a t-shirt,...

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A Beer or Two Wont Hurt

Tim had been driving for a long time that day. He had gotten a very earlystart (for him) and it was now almost dark. He was having trouble keeping hiseyes open. He thought he would need to start looking for a hotel. He was alittle worried that it might take a while since he was going through an areawith few larger towns, but he had hardly started looking when he saw a littleold fashioned looking motel to his right. It was small but didn't look in toobad repair. The sign bragged that they had...

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Pizza Beer For A Change

PIZZA & BEER FOR A CHANGE Part 1 of 3 - The Transformation By sissy_babs It was just another boring Thursday night. Dan's only saving grace was Thursday Night Football. At least he could watch a game tonight. Checking the fridge he realized that he was long past due for a shopping trip but he hated shopping. That was the woman's job but Dan never really had a woman. Well, he did 'have' women, lots of them. He had them, their friends, their sisters, their mothers he didn't...

2 years ago
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Beer Blast

I could hear the band three blocks away as I walked down the sidewalk, past the power tower, toward Fraternity row. The weather was warm for the first weekend in December, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for a party after returning to school from Thanksgiving break.Although I wasn't often among the beer-chugging crowd, I went to one or two of these beer blasts each semester for fun. It was a Friday evening, and I had just escaped from my last class an hour ago. After stopping off at the...

4 years ago
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Chilled Beer With Horny Mature Lady

Hello iss dosto aur meri kamsin rasbhari rastapkti chutwaliyo mera nam yogu hai aur maine abhi abhi meri engineering khatam ki hai aur mumbai mai job kar raha hu dekhane mai sexy handsome hu aur kafi achhi batte karta hu flirt bhi mast karta hu. Ye story mai maine bank manager ki pyasi wife ki pyas kaise buzai ab age kya hua ye bataya hai. Apko batadu asha ek mast bhare huye badan ki malkin thi unki age 36 thi aur figur 36 34 38 thi unki gand bahut mast aur bahar nikli huyi thi. Jab mai sham ko...

2 years ago
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Beer Ke Nashe Me Meri Or Girlfriend Ki Virginity Tooti

ISS ke sabhi readers specially hot girls and bhabion ko mera hot hot Hellooooooo, doston ye meri first story he vese me iss ka bahut bada fan hun or pichle 4 saalo se regular reader hun or har roj 2-3 stories padta hun, kai readers ki tarah me bhi bahut time se soch rha tha ki me bhi ek story post karu par aalas or time nahi milta tha kai baar to likh kar chhod di bich me. Me apne bare me bata dun me 32 years ka male hun, bilkul fair colour he, achhi body he, sex chat ka bahut shok he mujhe, or...

3 years ago
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Beer Blast

I could hear the band three blocks away as I walked down the sidewalk, past the power tower, toward Fraternity row. The weather was warm for the first weekend in December, and everyone seemed to be in the mood for a party after returning to school from Thanksgiving break. Although I wasn't often among the beer-chugging crowd, I went to one or two of these beer blasts each semester for fun. It was a Friday evening, and I had just escaped from my last class an hour ago. After stopping off at...

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Beer Run The Corruption of Taylor

Sometimes, when I'm away on business, I have to find ways to satisfy my urgeson a whim. This time was no different. Friday night I found myself in the darkened hotel room, closing in on 3am,with a 20-year old cocky little thing trussed up and gagged, recently penetrated,humiliated, and looking to me for some answers as to why he felt the way hedid Broken, vulnerable from his surrender, he surely would never been the same. The semen was still fresh on his lips, and his lashes were still wet...

2 years ago
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Grab me a beer will you

Some things are better cold. Beer would probably be at the top of the list though. Never knew pussy could be included on a list of things better served cold however. My story begins at a coed softball game. I was on our company softball team while I was stationed in Alaska. Our team was pretty good, lol well we won more games than we lost anyway. Well we finished the game and we won. Well now what better way to celebrate a win than to go get stupid drunk back at the barracks? There were 5 of us...

3 years ago
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All for a Case of Beer

It was my best friend Sam's fourteenth birthday. Stu and Mickey and I chipped in and bought beer for us to party in my backyard tent and celebrate Sam's special day, now older than us by only months, but Sam liked to rub it in that he was the oldest. We ran out of beer later that night, Stu's older brother had got it for us. "I told you we should have got twenty-four." I cursed out Stu and Mickey for not contributing more money for the additional beer. Just then I heard my neighbor's...

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Beer Goggles

I don't suppose I was any different than thousands of other guys in the mid-sixties except for the fact that I was still somewhat 'socially retarded' when I got my discharge from the Army and went back home to Evansville to begin my adult life. The unusual part was that most of my peer group was either away at college or still in the service, save the few who were working construction on housing plats for the upwardly mobile WWII generation. So the people I ran around with, socially, were a...

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Beer With An Evening Pleasure

Hey everyone, this is Harsh from the garden city Bangalore, bringing you first of the series of the sexual encounters I have had in this city during my past years of stay. Before I start the amazing description of the evening I had with an awesome bong hottie Priyanka, let me tell you a little bit about myself. You already know my name and since this is Silicon Valley of India I am too a part of the same working population but with more than just average looks and over 6′ 1 in height which I...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 172 Max and the Beertenders BF

After I filled my pockets with tools, I returned to the bar. I sat quietly at the furtherest end of the bar waiting for the bartender's ex. It was the best spot to be near her and to see the door. "Would you like to dance Maxine," one of the guys I had seen around asked. "I can't dance, I still have a bum leg. I am sorry," I said it just as politely as possible. I didn't want to piss anyone off. Since I considered myself to be working, I didn't need to have my attention divided. I...

3 years ago
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Beer Store Threesome With a Drunk

My wife Elle and I have been having some problems for quite some time now. We were married for almost 5 years and most of the spice was completely out of our sex life. During the early years of our relationship we didn't take our hands off one another. We often talked about sexual fantasies, both realistic and unrealistic. One of our fantasies was to bring another guy into the bedroom. I pushed the limits even further, saying it would be an old or fat guy, something unconventional. There was...

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The Beer CellarPool Table Romp Pt2

So, having had our speedy encounter in the beer cellar, Jo and I made our back into the bar, still redressing our clothes. Jo headed straight into the pool room, just off the bar."Drink?" I said as I pulled two bottles of beer and cold bottle of vodka from a fridge."Oh, yes. Shall I rack them?" Jo replied."Go for it," I said as I entered the pool room with a tray of glasses, beer and vodka. As I put them down on a table, Jo was bent over, collecting the pool balls. She hadn't button her shirt...

Straight Sex
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ExpeditionChapter 30 Beer After Math

"Oh, man. I want a beer so bad I can taste it," said the Stick, "how am I going to do that?" "You could make mead," Joanne suggested. "If you had honey, if you had a fermenter, if you had yeast, if you had..." "Shit, woman! Don't rub it in!" Kurt hollered, "HEY!" "Yes Big Stick?" Two Voices responded. "I want a beer. I know what I need to brew it and I'm willing to wait for it to ferment, but it's going to have to be either bottled or we drink it all at once." Kurt...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 37 Stronger Beer

Mike’s Barracuda, London, Ontario 10:36am, Saturday, December 22, 1979 “You’re one of the best songwriters I’ve ever seen, Mike,” Eda started to say as I slowed to a stop at Highbury Avenue, “so why don’t you write Canella, and your baby a song that captures your heart and provides her and little JM with the joy of Christmas?” “Oh! That’s an awesome idea, E! Maybe we could play whatever song you write for them in our televised concert, Mike?” Lisa said as she leaned forward from the...

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Pizza and Beer Part 3

PIZZA AND BEER - PART 3 This is the third in a 3 part series of how an ex-girl friend teaches her ex-boyfriend about what it feels like to be a woman. Candy and Dani walked into the club. It was the hottest place in town and known as the largest 'meat market' there was. As they expected all eyes were on them as they walked in. Candy in her red leather dress with the lace up front and Dani in her short black leather skirt and halter top with the circular cut-out grabbed everyone's...

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Beer boats blowjobs

A couple weeks after the baseball game with Gail, her son & daughter in law (my former step brother & sister in law) were having a little get together for their side of the family and Gail mentioned it to me. Since it was her side, my ex wouldn't be there. I had nothing going on that day I figured I'd spend the day there eating, drinking, and enjoying the sun. A little about Gail's son & daughter in law. Her son, Jeff, is a borderline train wreck. He works, and is very good at his...

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any thing for a beer

hello every one this is a story a bout what happened to me a few nights a go when I was going to the near by store to get some pepsi and some bbq chips as I came out of the store and started to walk home I heard a voive say hey wait sir as I turned a round I saw a girl with dark red haor comeing after me I ask if I could help her she said yes Iam connie I just turned 20 today its my birthday and I was hopeing you could do me a favor I don't have a id and I want some beer so me and my...

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The Beer CellarPool Table Romp Pt2

So, having had our speedy encounter in the beer cellar, Jo and I made our back into the bar, still redressing our clothes. Jo headed straight into the pool room, just off the bar. ‘Drink?’ I said as I pulled two bottles of beer and cold bottle of vodka from a fridge. ‘Oh, yes. Shall I rack them?’ Jo replied. ‘Go for it,’ I said as I entered the pool room with a tray of glasses, beer and vodka. As I put them down on a table, Jo was bent over, collecting the pool balls. She hadn’t button her...

2 years ago
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the beer fest

Its the beerfest tonightThe memory of the first time i attend one a year ago still making me hornyI went im Laval, a city north of montreal , beerfest by metro waiting for my friend when i got a text he woudnt comeso i stayed alone going from booth to booth tasting some fine craft beergot a bit drunk too fast with all this heat and sunmy daythey were 2 nice black dude working at a new micro brew place near Quebecthey had nice beer but why i came back to this boot was the quantity theyd poor,...

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Beer Ka Taste Callboy Yogu Mera Best

Hello friends aur meri pyari raseeli kamseen chutwali, aunty, bhabhi, kaku, vahini aur ladies girls aap sabhi ko. Mera aapko mere 6.2+ lumbe lund ko khada karke namaskar. Main apka Yogu, age 26 abhi Pune mein job kar raha hu. Waise aaj ki story meri aur meri kamseen bhari huyi gadarayi jawan pahachan wali aunty ki chudai ki hai. Ab story pe ata hu. Maine bataya last matlab mein ki kaise humne us raat khub enjoy kia. Aap is story ka pahla part padhana ab age batat hu. Unki age 36 saal thi. Unka...

3 years ago
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Coed Tandem Beer Pissing Contest

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes...

3 years ago
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Got Beer

or Harping with Kenny © 2000 Mistake number one, answering the door. There was one of each outside my apartment. The blonde was blonde (Do I have to spell out what I mean?) with largish tits that were crowned with nipples the size of a sewing thimble. The brunette wore her hair short around her shoulders and pushed back behind her earlobes. The redhead was tall and thin, with freckles in all the important places freckles like to hang out. The black girl was the colour of fine dark...

1 year ago
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Beer Pong Night

It was mid July in Long Island, New York. My girlfriend and me planned a last minute BBQ at my parent’s house. She invited her girlfriends and I invited my boys. The night was going good from the food and heavy drinking. We had two tables set up for beer pong. We were playing doubles and the games were uneven at times. My friend and neighbor Mike was doing well with his partner in beer pong. I was teamed up with my girlfriend. Throughout the matches Mike was winning and bragging about his wins....

Cheating Wifes
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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Introduction She took the bottle of beer and roll

Farah is my step-sister. My mother married her dad even before we could remember so she was by law and in my mind my full-blooded sister. I got adopted by dad so we even have the same last name which adds to the validity of our kinship. She and I had a pretty good sibling relationship most of the time, I didn’t hate her; sometimes I even felt like she was more of a friend than a close relative. We were completely comfortable with each other and could talk openly which helped a lot when either...

3 years ago
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Beer Bottle suprise

For as long as I could remember I liked to stick things into my ass as a way of masturbating. I was a teenage boy who recently turned thirteen. I was thin with short brown hair and a toned body from running a lot. My parents had left for the weekend and I was alone with my fifteen year old sister. The closest neighbor we had was a single thirty year old man who spent a lot of time with his friends. I noticed something when he took out the trash. Beer bottles. I saw that my sister was...

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