Tinkle BellChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
It felt like a dream. Right up until the time I began climaxing. Suddenly my eyes popped open, the rush of ecstasy already escaping my cock. I looked down in the twilight of the night, eyes still not yet focused. Bella now standing, and like a wraith, a Succubus come to take my life's energy from me, she had. She turned, her voice a whisper almost like a distant memory.
"See you in the morning," she said adding, "Sweet nasty dreams."
I'd been having one. Now I knew why. I glanced at the clock. "Bloody hell!" It was 3:20 a.m.!
As quickly as I had woken up however, I was asleep again. The pure pleasure of my unexpected release sapping all energy from me. I remember thinking just before I fell asleep again, "Maybe she really was an Alien!"
I woke having slept in far longer than I'd intended, even on a day where I didn't have to attend classes until early afternoon. Of course I knew why. Woken up in the middle of the night, finding my cock being sucked had something to do with it.
"Doesn't she fucking sleep?" I asked myself as I rolled out of bed heading towards the bathroom. Once again, I was starting to wonder about her. Throwing on a robe, as I still needed to shower yet before getting dressed, I stepped out into the hallway on my way to fetch a much needed cup of coffee. Thankfully, Irene kept a pot going until eleven. It was just after ten now, so I knew there would still be some remaining for me.
The moment I did however, the door to Bella's room just down the hall similarly opened. Except it wasn't Bella who stepped out. It was Doreen! I might not have thought anything about it if it wasn't for the fact that she looked a bit disheveled. One more button than usual undone on her short shift, which she was even then still trying to do up as she came out of the room. Her hair looked like she'd just woken up, in need of a good brushing. And the moment she looked at me, her face went beet red.
"Ah ... good, ah ... good morning," she smiled and then hurried off, no doubt worried about having gotten off to a late start herself, though perhaps in Bella's case, a very early one.
I was still tired from everything we'd done the night before, not to mention Bella's nocturnal meandering into my bedroom at O'dark thirty in the morning! I now wandered past her bedroom door, not fully closed, as Doreen hadn't pulled it shut all the way. I thought briefly about stopping, knocking, looking in on her. And then thought better of it. If I did that, chances were, I'd be too late for coffee! I crept past her bedroom door instead, heading down stairs where the sound of my mom singing to herself in the kitchen alerted me she was in a particularly good mood.
"Morning sleepyhead," she said as I dragged my ass into the kitchen sitting down at the table. Thankful as mom poured me a cup of coffee, handing it to me. "I was just about to come and wake you myself," she said with a lilt in her tone of voice. Like I said, two things stood out as being totally "not mom!" One of which, had been her singing. I honestly don't recall a single day when I'd actually heard her doing that. Maybe humming once in a while, but never flat out singing. Secondly ... the way she was currently dressed. That one even more so. Mom was usually pretty reserved in her attire, even around the house. Not today. Today she was wearing a fairly tight, and short pair of white shorts, totally uncharacteristic for mom. In addition to that however, she was also wearing a tight red and white stripped tee shirt, that looked good on her, though again, something she wouldn't normally wear, except perhaps out to the beach, and only then ... years ago. Not now. And yet, here she was, doing just that. She was wearing a bra though, not yet perhaps so daring as to go without one, though she easily could have.
She simply looked great. And quite naturally I had to ask.
"You look sensational mom, but I am curious ... how come?" I know how that must have sounded, though she laughed, blushing a little.
"You like then?" She asked turning around so I could see her entirely as she did that.
"Very much so ... but what made you suddenly decide to dress like that anyway? And I noticed you were singing earlier too, you never do that!"
"I don't?" She said suddenly humming to herself as she pondered the reason perhaps, but then merely grinned, walked over, ruffled my hair and poured herself a cup of coffee sitting down. That was the third thing. She very rarely drank coffee, and usually then only with half of it being cream. She was drinking it black.
I sat patiently waiting, still drinking her in. Like I said, she looked fucking hot. "What did dad say?"
Now she did blush. "Wasn't so much what he said, as to what he did," she giggled just like a teenage girl. "Which reminds me. Your father's taking me out to dinner tonight, and then dancing afterwards. He's also booking us a room at a nice hotel for afterwards so we don't have to drive home late tonight."
"In the middle of the week? Or rather should I say, on a Monday?"
"I know," she grinned again. "Kind of fun thinking about it, good way to start off the workweek," she said with the biggest smile on her face that I'd seen in a long time. "Anyway ... I have Bella to thank for the clothing. She caught me in the hallway early this morning, shortly after I got up. She told me to try these on, see how I looked, and to especially see what your dad thought about them when he saw me after taking his shower. Needless to say ... he was running a bit late himself this morning!"
The fact that they seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, and obviously not even trying to hide the fact that they were spoke volumes. But hearing mom even mention it the way that she had was again uncharacteristic for her. Admitting to me, that the two of them had had an early morning romp again, and especially after having obviously done so the night before was beyond my imagination. Especially for my own parents.
"Bella again," I thought. "How the hell does she do it anyway?" And I again thought back to the 'finger' thing she and mom had so briefly shared. I made a mental note to ask her about that, though I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if she didn't tell me the reason behind it.
"Anyway, already gave Irene the night off, so you and Bella will need to fend for yourselves this evening. Not that I'm sure you'll mind terribly. Plus, it will give the two of you a chance to have some alone time as well, without your dad or I crimping your style ... or hers," she giggled again. She then stood suddenly. "Well, I'm off for a day of pampering thanks to your dad. A manicure, pedicure, facial and bikini wax," she said off handedly as though sharing something like that with me was the most natural thing in the world to be doing. And once again, I was reminded by another haunting remark.
"By the way, did you know your mother shaves her pussy?"
Once again I was shaking my head with the image of that, and with the now added image of mom and dad sitting there on the stone bench in the middle of the maze ... stark naked, fucking one another.
"What was this world coming to anyway?" I asked myself, and then realized simultaneously everything I'd done lately and gotten involved in myself. There was only one word for it ... Bella.
And then as though I'd summoned her with just a mere thought, she came walking into the kitchen.
She was wearing an almost identical outfit to the one mom had on. A similar pair of white, almost too short shorts ... a blue and white striped blouse in a slightly different style, and no bra ... which was painfully obvious. She also looked as though she'd gotten twelve hours of sleep looking as refreshed and as invigorated as I did whenever I had been lucky enough to have slept that long.
They kissed one another good morning too. Not on the cheeks either, but on the lips.
"Told you," Bella said eyeing her, winking. "And was funny hearing Harold whistling as he left for work this morning too," she then added.
"Your honor? The prosecution rests. We've determined that this woman who calls herself Bella Rossi, truly is an Alien from another world, and that either she, or someone of her kind has taken over, and thus inhabited the bodies of these two individuals."
"David? You ok? You have a funny look on your face," mom questioned.
"Oh, no ... I'm fine, I was just thinking about something, have a quiz at school this afternoon I've been a little worried about is all," I lied.
I had to admit though. Even if she was an Alien, or a Succubus, or some other form of life form, I was all for it. In the short time she had been with us, I had seen my normally fairly straight-laced parents truly come out of their respective shells, with smiles on their faces. It was actually nice seeing them truly enjoying themselves once again. If Bella was the reason behind that, no matter how small, she truly deserved all the credit for it.
Mom then came over and kissed me good-bye, likewise full on the lips, not just a peck on the cheek, once again reminding us they wouldn't be home this evening. She then picked up her purse and keys and headed out the door. Singing to herself when she did.
Bella poured herself a cup of coffee now, also black and sat down across from me.
"I need some cream for my coffee," she said.
"I thought you took it black," I said though pushing over the creamer towards her as I knew dad certainly still drank his that way, Bella or no Bella.
"That's not the kind of cream I was talking about," she grinned evilly at me. "Show me your cock!"
In addition to the really nice picnic lunch that Irene had prepared for us, I had also brought along a couple of small beach umbrellas. My intent to provide a little shade, but more importantly to perhaps give us a little privacy as well from prying eyes. Provided of course we could even find a semi-secluded spot away from anyone else. I liked the fact that the access gate to the walkway running down a flight of steps to the beach was key-coded. I knew the code of course, soon giving us...
It was almost funny. The moment the three young men had finished draining themselves all over Bella's ass, including several other areas, they hurriedly put things away and then made excuses about needing to return to their place. Bella thanked them profusely of course, standing ... naked, giving each one of them a grateful kiss on the cheek. I noticed as she did that, she likewise gave each one of them an additional token of her gratitude in grazing their bare chests with her breasts in...
I had expected roast, or perhaps a baked ham, even a broiled chicken. But when we sat down to dinner, I was totally surprised. Mom had made a rather extravagant looking pasta dish. Mom never made pasta! And I knew then that between Irene, mom and Bella, the three of them had managed to put together a rather fine affair. Even dad seemed pleased. But that wasn't the only surprise waiting for me as we all sat down at the table together. Mom was wearing a new dress, and this one a bit more...
After the startling flash of the camera, and the sudden announcement of our unexpected presence, I was still unsure as to how we'd be received. I needn't have worried. After the initial shock, Doreen was all smiles, though blushing a bit still. Some from initial embarrassment perhaps, though mostly from excitement as hard at it as they'd been up until now. "Paybacks a bitch," Bella said jumping up into the back of Andy's truck bed, still not quite invited, though his eyes were locked...
Since we had about an hour to kill before my first class, I took Bella on a brief tour of the campus, showing her where it was she'd need to go, and where she needed to check in on the following Monday. Not too surprisingly, she received a number of looks as we strolled about, mostly from men of course, but even a few appreciative glances from women too. Though she also got a few hard looks from other women, no doubt sizing up whatever competition the "new girl" was challenging. "You ah...
The thing I loved about my shower was that it was very large, spacious enough to accommodate four people comfortably, with two separate showerheads. You could even have a 'mini' bath, though that wasn't what it was specifically designed for of course. Now laying in about three inches of nice warm water, Bella straddled me. It's hard to even begin to describe the sensation I was feeling. The slick, almost silky softness of her pussy as it fully engulfed me. The visual of this amazing...
I know for a fact I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow sometime just before midnight. I also know I was suddenly wide awake, only moments after spewing what had felt like another "dream load", though just as before, I saw the shadow of Bella's form slipping out of my bed heading back out into the still dark hallway. She hadn't said a single word. I rolled over, my eyelids still heavy from lack of sleep as I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. It was just after 4 a.m. in the...
It was like waiting for the other shoe to fall, which never did. I was expecting Bella to at some point pull another stunt like she had before. But to my surprise that never happened. Not yet anyway. She seemed honestly intrigued by most of the classes she attended with me. At times taking notes for whatever reason, and even asking related questions from time to time. Once again revealing to me facts I hadn't realized about her. The woman was damn smart proving to me she was a lot more than...
I had spent another full night sleeping, though I really wasn't surprised at that. Waking a good hour before my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed heading for the bathroom. Though I had a fairly full day ahead of me, at least I didn't have to head off to school as early as I usually did. And especially as I also had to take DeeDee with me once she'd gotten up and made herself presentable. I decided to head down for coffee even though it was an hour earlier than usual, once again stepping...
After our totally unplanned for, totally surprising, and certainly shocking episode out on the patio deck with mom and dad of all people ... Bella and I soon after retired. I did have an early day ahead of me tomorrow with school again, though it was also an early day home too. Something I had purposely scheduled in order to take advantage of a somewhat extended weekend. And it was the fact that it was the weekend that Bella reminded me of something else as she curled up against me there in...
Before we got really started however, it was imperative that the guys all be appropriately 'readied' for the event. The girls thus became our 'fluff' girls in a sense as they soon saw to the games requirements, each one now stroking and fondling their respective partners until all the guys ... Chris included stood proud and tall. It was the first time I got a real good look at my stiff competition. I realized immediately they hadn't been exaggerating about Mr. Cleans, or rather Steve's...
As it turned out, we were just in time for the big finale. I caught up with Bella close to the patio, the two of us then making our way over towards the large sliding glass doors. As was usually the case, the curtains had not been drawn leaving us a wide-clear view of the entire family room just beyond. I chuckled softly seeing the four of them actually lying on top of dad's prized billiard table. The fact that they were said a lot. Doreen was flat on her back, and though it took a moment to...
It was early evening when we made the island. The dock master guided us in, assigning us a nice wide berth as we secured the boat. Bella and mom soon after getting dressed into some casual, but still very sexy evening attire as we headed on, into the island for some sightseeing and dinner. It felt nice holding Bella's hand, walking around peering in windows, sometimes going inside to browse. It felt good, it felt right ... and I was again reminded this was only temporary. Bella and mom both...
I felt the warmth of sunlight on my face coming through the small porthole in our cabin. The moment I did I popped open my eyes sitting up. "Oh good! You're up! I was just coming to get you!" Bella said. She was standing in the doorway of the cabin ... naked. "What?" She then asked looking at me. She looked down at herself searching for something, then back at me again. "What?" She said again. "Jesus David, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's wrong?" "Nothing," I said...
With plenty of available hands, it wasn't long before I was completely stripped, though there had also been a fair amount of groping along the way. Chris wasn't the only one with a hard on now as once again Bella approached me carrying that same red scarf again. "What now?" I asked curiously. It was still hard to believe I was standing there in the middle of a room full of very attractive, very naked women. Ten and a half of them in fact. "Well, since this is your birthday party, I...
If I thought my wild birthday weekend had brought the old Bella back, I was sadly mistaken. Come the following Monday, she went right back to her long hard nights of study, once again sequestering herself behind locked doors. Like before, it promised to be another long boring week for me if she kept this up, not to mention frustrating! At least on the weekend she semi re-emerged once again, spending most of that Saturday afternoon frolicking around in bed together. But even then, it was less...
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"Couldn't we have taken an earlier train?" I asked my husband, Will. "This was the earliest train to Chicago, Jess" he replied. I wasn't thrilled about this trip anyway. Going to my In-law's for Christmas, they don't care for me, and are not shy about it, I was far from thrilled. The line onto the train was taking forever, how long could it really take to check tickets? My legs were getting cold from the winter air. Will looks me up and down, "I told you to wear warmer clothes" he says looking...
Hi everybody mey ISS ki bari fan hoon iski pahele bhi mey iss pe ek khani likha. ajj ki kahani meri sadi ki pahele ek ghotna pe hey. agar app logo ko meri story pasand aya to muje jarur mail korna iss id pe. Mey ek middle class family se hoon. Mey 25 saal ki sadisuda aurat hoon. Dekhne mey mey kafi sundoor hoon iss liye choti umor sei mardo ka najor meri upor aa jata tha. Meri fig 34c/28/32 hey rong bhi ghora hey. Mey kisi bhi dress pe kafi sexy najor ati hoon khas kor ke short skirt tops &...
Introduction : Jennifer is very hot and now she's very wet Introduction : Jennifer is very hot and now she's very wet. She should have stayed in the rain ********** Her Buick had been threatening to cut out for the last five miles, and finally it had given up. Jennifer peered through the rain drenched windscreen as she steered the silent vehicle to a stand still at the side of the forest road. She'd come all this way out for a college party and now her pride and joy, her little car had...
Ah, another Friday morning. Your dad is away for a week, not to be back until next Friday. School is basically out, with only graduation practices remaining. You lay in your bed, trying to think what could be better. Immediately, the hard-on tenting the sheet covering you tells you exactly what. Your naked mom lying beside you and letting your hands freely grope her unbelievably large breasts. You daydream of what it could be like to finally be able to just walk up to your sweet mother and grab...
Incest“Hey baby, wait here,’ he said to her as he began to get up and walk out the bar. ‘Where are you going?’ she asked reaching out to him. ‘Listen, we have been through this before. I go where I want and when I want, so don’t ask me any stupid questions and you won’t get stupid answers.’ She looked at him with hurt eyes and he pulled out a cigarette and placed it between his lips. He gave her a side glance and said, ‘Wait here, don’t go anywhere until I get back.’ Then with a flick, his lighter...
July, 1950 I thought of a good way to test my new armor. I generated the armor and TPed to Korea, to the battle line. I stood up and started walking across in front of the North Korean Army lines. They started shooting at me as soon as I showed up, and I felt a number of sharp blows as bullets hit my armor. Of course, nothing penetrated the armor and I TPed home. Dad really yelled at me when I told him what I had done; he ordered me never to do something so stupid again and never to tell...
Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...
We spent the next couple of days rearranging our effects and unloading all the household effects that were in the boxes. Some of the boxes I hadn't bothered to open previously, in them we found sheets, pillowcases, towels and all the usual items found in a household. Now we had the space we got them all out. I made up a cupboard of sorts with planks that I split from the logs. I was even able to make legs for it, again joined with treenails. We were able to store all our kitchen equipment on...
Hello to all indian sex stories dot net readers. Thanks aap sabke feedbacks k liye. Khas Thanks un bhabhi and girls ko jinhone mujhse friendship offer ki hai aur contact number dene k liye. Hope age bhi mujhe aap sabka aise hi pyar mile. Me Rocky Mumbai se apke liye aur ek meri nae story leke aya hu. Meri sab story 100% real hai. Agar koe bhi girl ya aunty ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai ya friendship karna chahti hai mail me at Ye story meri aur meri ex gf ki hai. Story thodi lambi hai...
There were a number of indicators that should have told Bob that something odd was going on, but he didn't pick up on them right away. The first was that, as he ate breakfast by himself at a small table, he didn't see, scattered around the dining room, the couples that he usually saw, when one of his seminars was about to take place. He did see the group of nine people, sitting together, but didn't associate them with his group. His groups never started out sitting together. His groups...