Chicago 2035 free porn video

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Author’s note – be forewarned – not only is this non erotic, it is also very, very politcal. Hopefully it may make you think about the consequences of what some are wishing for.

Chicago 2035

‘Did you hear?’ it was whispered to me as I entered the office building on that dreary Tuesday morning. Even as I was removing my smog mask someone else came buy and asked, ‘Did you hear the news?’

I nodded politely and said nothing more as I folded up my acid rain poncho and stuffed it into its sack, then, elevators not working as usual, made my way up ten flights of stairs to the accounting department where I attempted at supervising.

‘Hello Tom,’ frowned one of my minions. ‘You’re not scheduled to be here today.’

Before I had a chance to reply and tell her that it was too bad I was there and that she would actually have to do at least a little bit of work that day, another came by and asked, ‘Did you hear about Jeff?’

‘Yes, yes I did. That’s why I had to come in today. Human resources wants to see me in person for some reason.’

‘Can I have his desk?’ asked someone.

‘Why? What’s wrong with yours?’

‘He sat next to the window.’

‘And you want to see all that smog and acid rain? It’s bad enough I have walk in it. I’d rather not have to look at it all day long,’ I replied. ‘It will be up to human resources.’

‘You walked?’ asked another.

‘Had no choice. My wife Susan took the moped this morning and I didn’t see any jitney’s so I walked. That’s why I’m late.’ Not that anyone cared, least of all those who worked for me. On days when they didn’t work from home, hardly anyone was ever on time. Management certainly didn’t seem to care and I had no idea why I did.

‘I thought you and your wife each had one?’

‘We did but one was stolen months ago and what with gas now being over $50 a gallon and both of us working mostly from home, we thought we could get away with just one. Unfortunately she had to go into her office today and it’s too far for her to walk, almost nine miles, so she took the moped and I walked six miles.’

With that little explanation, I sat down in my cubicle and attempted to sort things out. My meeting in human resources wasn’t for another hour and there was little work that couldn’t wait. I wanted to clear out Jeff’s cubicle but realized that would not be a good idea. What if I did and the police came and something was missing? I checked my emails and found one from the legal department warning me not to do just that. Leave it up to the police. It was not our job. I wasn’t sure if the rest of my staff was aware so I forwarded it to everyone who was there that morning.

‘Did you hear about Jeff?’ whispered another as she came by. ‘He caught the bus on Saturday.’

I could not hold back my slight laugh.

‘It’s not funny!’ she chided me. ‘Now I’ll have to train another.’

‘First of all, I’m laughing at the euphemism. I mean there haven’t been buses in ten, fifteen years, at least not public transit buses like when I was growing up.’ No, there hadn’t been any public transit in a long, long time. The Tea Party, no make that The Party, had seen to that. Everything and anything that government did had been cut back or cut out. ‘Secondly, no you won’t be training anyone. You barely know how to log into the computer system. I think we’re probably over staffed as it is.’

‘But there’s so much work to do. We really need more help.’

‘Well, if the help we have wouldn’t spend so much of the company’s time social networking, we might actually get some of that work done,’ I said to the young idiot woman who probably spent over half her day tweeting and networking, and that was on those rare days she was even in the office. At least my comment got her away from me. The really sad thing was that she was actually one of the more competent ones I had working for me. She actually knew a debit from a credit and had some idea of how to fix some of the routine mistakes that other people made.

I made my way over to Jeff’s cubicle and looked at it. The police had already been there as there was tape all around it with big warnings on it not to tamper with anything.

‘They were here bright and early yesterday morning,’ explained Eric who sat in the next cubicle over. He was one of my regulars who actually came to work most mornings. He told everyone that he actually preferred to go to work rather than telecommute. There were two toddlers at home and they made it almost impossible for him to get anything done.

I looked at Jeff’s desk but dared not touch anything. It was uncommonly neat. Everything was tidy. The small ‘in’ basket was empty as were the ‘out’ and the ‘pending.’ He had cleaned up everything on Friday and left nothing for anyone to do. ‘He knew,’ I said a loud.

‘What?’ asked Eric.

‘Jeff knew Friday what he was going to do. He finished everything.’

‘I didn’t notice,’ he replied. ‘I actually wasn’t here for a change.’

‘Nor was I and to be honest, even if I had been, would I have thought it odd or out of the ordinary?’

I looked out his window and winced at the sight of all that smog and pollution. ‘Look at that. No wonder he did it.’

‘I got some pictures covering mine,’ explained Eric. ‘The only way I can stand it. I wonder what the view would have been like back when there were still environmental regulations? I heard there was hardly any smog here.’

He, unlike I, was too young to remember those days. ‘Blue skies and on a good day, you could see for miles. On the other side of the building, you could even see Lake Michigan. In the summer, people would even swim there.’

‘Not now,’ he laughed. ‘Go for a swim now and you’ll never come out alive.’

‘Well, I’d better go see human resources,’ I shrugged and began the trek up four flights of stairs and into the inner sanctum of the corporation I worked for. I was a few minutes early but the manager himself, Fred Tompkins was waiting for me.

‘Someone from legal is on the way down,’ he explained as he offered me a chair and some bottled water. I was honored. It was rather expensive stuff from Europe and I wondered how I rated it.

‘Why is legal involved?’ I asked politely but I was pretty sure I knew the answers.

‘He committed suicide so the police are investigating.’

‘You mean the real police or the morality police?’

‘MP’s of course.’

I merely nodded. ‘There aren’t any where near enough real police to track down my stolen moped but there are plenty enough of them to investigate suicides.’

‘They think he may have had help.’

‘Whatever for? I assumed he would have used a gun.’ It was society’s dirty little secret. Almost anyone could get a gun. They were so common that it was just assumed that everyone was carrying one. The argument had been that if everyone was armed, criminals would be reluctant to accost people and rob them. Instead, it just increased the number of accidental shootings and made it easier for anyone to kill themselves or anyone else for that matter.

‘He was listed you know,’ meaning he was on a list, a rather secret list, of those who could not own guns.

‘I didn’t know. I assumed he had a gun like everyone else.’ Including myself I might add. I had even taken a course in school on gun handling and had a certificate, though that meant little those days. ‘Why was he listed?’

‘He was,’ and here he paused and almost tried not to say the word as if he was waiting for me to say it and acknowledge that I knew. ‘A homosexual,’ he spat out the word in disgust. ‘You didn’t know?’

‘Why would I?’

‘He worked for you for eight years! You gave him raises! Good lord, you can’t tell me you didn’t know?’

‘Again, why would I? He came to work. He did an excellent job, better than I do honestly and kept to himself. He never said anything to me any more than anyone else there does.
Ask the others. They’ll tell you.’

‘Well, legal wants to know why you didn’t report him. For your sake, I really hope that you didn’t know.’

I wondered if that was a threat or just another bluff as we were joined by one of the corporate lawyers who was not introduced. I wasn’t sure if I should be afraid or honored and decided I didn’t care one way or the other. I knew that no one knew that I knew Jeff had been gay. He would never have told anyone that I knew and I hadn’t told anyone, not even my wife. Of all the people, Jeff knew how dangerous the admission was.

‘If he was listed, then why weren’t we informed?’ I asked. The lawyer actually smiled at that one. ‘If he was listed and banned from owning a gun because of his sexual orientation then the MP’s obviously knew about it some time ago yet they never told us, now did they? I would say it’s their fault, not ours.’

‘Excellent point, excellent. Why didn’t I think of that yesterday when they were questioning me?’ Yes, why didn’t you think of it, Fred?

‘That leaves the matter of his assisted suicide,’ said the lawyer. ‘Who told him how to make hydrogen sulfide gas?’

‘Hydrogen sulfide?’ I asked. ‘Is that what he used?’

‘That’s what I was told. You know about it?’

I laughed. ‘It’s on warning labels on our products,’ I explained.

‘Oh, no!’

‘We profit from it, actually and we even tell people how to make it.’

‘You can’t be serious. It’s against the law.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yes, it’s against the law to tell anyone how to kill themselves.’

‘It’s against the law for people to give out that information but it’s not against the law for corporations to print warning labels on their products, products like two of ours, that warn if two products are mixed, it will creat hydrogen sulfide gas.’

‘Two products? Two of our products?’ gasped the lawyer. ‘Which two?’

‘I can’t tell you,’ I laughed. ‘That might be construed as assisting in your suicide. You do seem a bit depressed but I’m not an expert.’

‘But why would he have killed himself?’ asked Fred.

I looked at him as if he had asked the dumbest question I had ever heard and wondered if he really wanted an answer and when it seemed that he did I replied, ‘Well I can only guess, but honestly why wouldn’t he? I mean look out the window and what do you see? Pea soup smog in Chicago in the summer. An environment that’s completely gone to hell. No public services, not even decent water or public transit. I have to wear a smog mask and carry an acid proof poncho to work. Life sucks in general and I wonder why more people don’t. To top it all off, if he was gay, he would be banned and listed which limited his travel and housing and now with the new legislation, if he was caught doing anything quote immoral unquote he could be institutionalized for the rest of his life without a trial.’

‘You’re not one of them?’ asked the lawyer.

‘No I’m not and I resent the accusation. I have a wife and two grown children and another who died because of our third world health care system.’

‘Then why do you care?’

I smiled. ‘Some one has to. I am reminded of a quote from about a hundred years ago. I’m honestly not sure who said it or even why and I’m going to paraphrase it and I hope to do it justice.

‘First, they came for the illegal immigrants and I didn’t speak out because I was not an illegal immigrant.

‘Then they came for the poor and I didn’t speak out because I didn’t consider myself to be poor.

‘Then they came for the homosexuals and I didn’t speak out because I am not a homosexual.

‘Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out.

‘Who are they coming for next?’ I asked. ‘Ask them, ask the party, who are they coming for next? I don’t care. I’m speaking out now. I’ve seen them pervert our constitution in the name of all that religious crap and it sickens me.’

The two men sat in total disbelief. I had always been like a good little robot, keeping my mouth shut until then, all those years of being silent and going along with the party.

‘I gave Jeff raises because he did a good job. What does his sexual orientation have to do with being an accountant? The party says that big government is bad so it eliminated most business regulations but instead of government in the board rooms, we now have government in the bedroom. Two giant corporations control all the news media, two, that’s all and they both are in bed with the Tea Party because the party allowed them to get that big provided they played ball with the party.’

‘I could have you arrested,’ said the lawyer.

‘What happened to the first amendment to the constitution? Oh, that’s right. They passed a law that was ruled unconstitutional but because we allowed them to amend the constitution and gave congress the right to over rule the Supreme Court, they can do pretty much whatever they want so now your right of free speech doesn’t apply if you speak out against the party.’

‘You can’t have him arrested,’ said Fred.

‘Why not?’

‘He didn’t say anything, anything at all,’ then Fred, good old boy Fred looked the lawyer right in the eye and added, ‘and if you should cause trouble, be aware that I do have friends in the party. A word here or a word there and you might be in trouble. Who knows? You could even be fired tomorrow and be black listed. I wouldn’t cause trouble if I were you.’

I wondered why Fred was doing this. The lawyer glared and then left.

‘The man who said that quote you paraphrased was, I believe a Lutheran priest and he was talking about the Holocaust.’

I merely nodded.

‘I had forgotten it and I should not have, I of all people around here. You see, I a Jew. Thank you for reminding me of that.’

And so I went back to my desk and did my job and the next day I went to a memorial that the company held for Jeff and an amazing number of my co workers showed up. I heard about a rally the following week and not only did I attend up but so did my wonderful wife and children along with half the office and I thought that at least he did not die in vain.

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The Professor and the CheerleaderChapter 5

"I brought a change of clothes in my bag tonight," she said. "I don't have class tomorrow until ten, though." They were lying in bed, naked, on their sides, facing each other. "I have a lecture scheduled for nine in Dennison Hall," he said. "Components of the allegorical epic, and how that form affected succeeding forms of storytelling, both in verse and song." "What the hell does that mean?" she asked, smiling at him. "You should come and listen," he said. "It will...

1 year ago
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IHaveAWife Nicole Aria 31454

Nicole Aria gave her two weeks at her current job for a new opportunity she found, but before she left she wanted to give her boss a thank you gift. Her boss not only works hard, but also helped her get her new job. Aria is very thankful and since she knows that her boss’ wife doesn’t take care of him Aria decides to strip down in her boss’ office and let him have a go at her wet pussy. Although he was reluctant at first due to his marriage, he couldn’t pass on fucking...

3 years ago
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Your wife and daughter are whoresnow watch

Introduction: It was about time the useless piece of shit got to know his place in the house, it wasnt it his wifes bed anymore thats for sure. Your wife & daughter are whores&hellip,&hellip,&hellip, watch! A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of Family of sluts , slags & whores then youll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. ...

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My first daddyPart 1

I had just turned the ripe old age of 18, and still a virgin anally, I fooled about with oral stuff, but had never taken or gave. At the time I was boyish looking/smooth and very much inexperienced, till I met this fine distinguished chap.It was a rather hot day, and I was out in the park catching some rays, I had my top off, exposing my slim, silky smooth body, with nice tight football shorts on, exposing my bulge. I decided it was getting a bit hot so wandered off to the road, where a nice...

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The Great Shift The Toronto Problem

The Great Shift: Toronto Problems By Harles It was another Friday afternoon school had just ended and I was ready for another weekend. I was talking to my friend Elad about the events of the night. "So what is happening tonight," I asked. "I don't know, I think Steve is having people over for Julia's Birthday Party at like 7:30 at Steve's mom's house," replied Elad. "I see, you going to go?" I asked. "Yeah I think so," replied Elad, "so when you going to ask out...

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Banged A Hifi Prostitute In Open Balcony

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai 6 feet tall average body and have a 6 inch tool and I thank you for all your response for my last story. Any ladies can contact me through This is my experience of me fucking a prostitute. Now coming to the story I have always had a desire of fucking a high profile prostitute in a nasty and a forceful but I feared it was risky but finally decided to...

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Wedding Anniversary Passion part 3

We must have fallen asleep and when I woke, Marina was still nestled spooned naked beside me. I slipped out of the bed, covering her gently will the bedsheet and went to shower. When I returned to the bedroom, Marina was just beginning to stir. She opened her eyes and smiled, “You should have woken me – that shower’s big enough for both of us!” “You needed the rest for tonight” I replied, “and we need to get to get ready for dinner, but after that…”.If you’ve ever been to Kilronan Castle,...

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JulesJordan Emily Willis First DP

Emily Willis is auctioned off to Mick Blue but Steve wants one last good-bye fuck! Steve congratulates Mick on being the highest bidder in his recent auction as they sit at his desk and discuss the details. He requests to use his asset one last time, and after Mick agrees Emily climbs out from under Steve’s desk. She’s introduced to Mick then Steve helps her out of her clothes as he shows off her tight, young body. Steve spreads her ass-cheeks to show off Emily’s holes as Mick plunges his big...

2 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To Sexy Lady In Pune Mall

Hello folks, this is Maddy (name changed) with a personal experience that happened lately in Pune. I am a huge fan of this site and keep on reading the amazing stories here and wondered if they were true till I actually experienced one. I was a virgin till this incident happened to me. Everyone must have experienced how it is to be horny and virgin. I was at my peak and wanted someone real badly to have sex with me. One weekend I was busy watching porn and reading stories on this website and...

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WWE Uncut

Throughout its history, women have served in various onscreen roles in the American professional wrestling promotion WWE. In the 1990s, WWE introduced the term Diva to refer to its female performers. The term was applied to women who appear as wrestlers, managers or valets, backstage interviewers, or ring announcers. These are uncut stories

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Winnies Boarder

[To the readers-- my comma is broken so bear with the prose!] WINNIE "I can't forget anything " Winnie thought bleakly. Cheryl gets so impatient when I lose focus. Winnie's broad bottom still stung a bit from the night before when Cheryl had forced the sobbing Winnie to lie naked on her own king-sized bed wrists bound behind her back. Winnie had looked over her shoulder pleading as the other woman had tossed her blonde curls before raising her hand the red nails clutching the straightened coat...

3 years ago
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Hot Thai Girl And Her Indian Boyfriend 8211 Part 3

It was a little chilly for an August evening in Hong Kong. It was windy and despite the dark moonless night, I could sense dark clouds building up over the city. ‘It is going to rain tonight’ I thought and was happy as finally there will be some relief from the hot weather. But tonight’s weather was different. I was feeling cold due to the chilly wind. Moreover my revealing dance costume wasn’t helping much too. Earlier that day I had four performances in four different venues. Moreover now we...

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Naughty Kid gets dealt with by a Naughty teacher

     "C'mon Miss, can't you just put my best mark on the report card"My teacher laughed. "You would have to do something for me." Then I swear she licked her lips but nobody else realised anything so I thought nothing of it. Our Teacher, Miss Jones, was about thirty probably a few years younger. She was the gymnastics coach so had a gorgeous trim body, some say she would have been good enough to go to the Olympics except her cleavage was too big. She had dark hair and soft pale skin, perfect...

Straight Sex
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Dost Ki Girlfriend Khushi Ki Chudai

Hi friends, how are you. Main Rahul. Main abhi 22 saal ka hoon aur main Delhi me rehta hoon. Main aj apko apni ek kahani btane ja rha hoon jo ki bilkul sachi kahani hai aur bahot hi mast hai. Apko ye kahani btane se pehle main apko apne bare me bhi thorda bahot btana chahta hoon. Darasal bat aise hai ki main bahot mast life jita hoon. Mujhe apne ilawa kisi or ki koi parwah nhi hai. Main bas khush rehna chahta hoon aur kaafi khush rehta bhi hoon. Chalo ab jyada time na waste karte hue main apko...

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Photoshoot turns kinky when daughter makes an appearance

My photography business had been getting busier and busier in the past few months with myself and my assistant Silke being rushed off our feet going from job to job.Most of the work was fairly humdrum - weddings, family portraits, product launches and other corporate events - and was time-consuming and not hugely exciting.We had done a few recent shoots with aspiring models, which was much more interesting work for both of us - bringing out the personality of the models was not always that easy...

2 years ago
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Angel Naughty The Millennium Hotel

I did two lines quickly and leaned back on the bed, enjoying the view. Grabbing my video camera from the nightstand, I watched her through the LCD. "Marvelous creature," I murmured, massaging my cock through my pants. "Are you giving me a preview of the body I'm going to fuck?" She clawed her flirty red-nailed hands over her tits, then up around her regal neck, watching me with her smoky dark eyes as she undid the neck clasp on her dress. "I'm going to get you so hard. Harder than my...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

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Fucking My ExGirlfriend Sofia 8211 Part 2

After resting for a while, I got up and cooked food for us. We ate feeding each other. Eating naked gave us more sense of intimacy. After having dinner, I turned on the laptop and opened Pornhub. I looked for a couple porn and played it. We watched the porn as we kissed and fondled each other. It started with the man eating the woman’s pussy. I happily parted Sofi’s thigh and ate her pussy. She had specially shaved before she came there. Her pussy was clean and wet. It had a pungent smell but...

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Animal InstinctsChapter 8

She began to climb out of the fog as consciousness asserted itself and Maria became aware of her surroundings. She was lying naked on a deeply carpeted floor in front of a crackling fire. The room was large and richly appointed. There was a spiral staircase but she could tell little about the upstairs. She shivered and instinctively crawled toward the fireplace for warmth. A woman’s voice sounded from behind her. “So, you’re awake at last.” Maria turned to see a finely dressed woman of...

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Hot Family On HolidayChapter 2

While the kids were fucking up a storm in Babs' bed, their parents, Martin and Doreen Barker, were enjoying-a little mate swapping party with Cliff and Sherry Walker. Their mother had just finished sucking off Cliff, and the exhausted man was slumped in a chair while Sherry was trying to get Martin to give her a doggy-fuck. "Come on, Martin," Sherry excitedly giggled, kneeling on the bed with her ass waving in the air. "Fuck me like I'm a bitch in heat." Crouching down behind the sexy...

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1001 Words for Love II Dumas Alexandre

Light. Not sunlight. Vivid neon colors pulsing, pounding, fragmenting and fracturing, every color, blending madly, floating past, sometimes at impossible speeds before coming to a sudden halt. “Where?” Books fluttered past, pages opened like butterflies, words lifting like bees, buzzing around her head, letters spinning, cutting grooves in her flesh, lodging in her skin, some with faces, screaming obscenities, warning her to get out of the way, to hurry up, that God was coming, or had come, or...

Group Sex
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Pyari Bua

Meri taraf se sab bhabiyon auntiyon aur sabhi pyare dosto ko namaskar.I m nik from baroda this story is about how I fucked bhabhi in her house.So der na karte hue me story pe ataa hu.And about me I m 6.6 feet tall,little fat but good in sex.Nd my tool 7 inches.Ye meri pheli story hai aur ye bilkul real hai to story achhi lage to mere ko please mail karna meri mail id hai I m living in raopura in baroda in xyz boarding.Kuch problems hone ki vajah se mujhe mera room khali karna pada.Me najdik ke...

4 years ago
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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 8

Ch. 8 – Unbreakable Bonds and Forbidden Passions Robin sat at his desk, reviewing the week’s reports from his lieutenants. All seemed to be under control, though there was still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the unexpected death of his brother and niece last week. As he continued to read, a knock came at his door. “Come.” “Father,” said Geoffrey. “I would speak with you.” “Ah, what is it, my son?” Robin replied, looking up from his work. “I shall come straight to...

3 years ago
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Introducing the Maid

I open the front door to my house. Just getting in from an afternoon jog i go sit on the couch for a few minutes. After a minute of relaxing I get up and go to my gym in the basement. I continue my workout, music pounding in the background. Can't go wrong with some Metallica as you work out. When I am done, I go towards my room and get undressed. I go into the bathroom and turn on the tub. As it fills, i turn the stereo on in the bathroom and sink down into the water as more Metallica...

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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 24

The storm came up in what seemed to be a matter of minutes, the cloud bank of thunderheads looming rapidly out of the southwest to quickly overcast the heavens and burst open at their dull grey bellies, unleashing vicious bolts of chain lightning with great claps of thunder and churning up a wicked sea. Fortunately, Shannon had reached the island and was mooring the boat in the cove when it let loose its wrath. He hauled in his booty and ran to the house where the girls waited tense and weepy...

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Breaking Sara

Alex finished his third set and slowly stood, rolling from the bench to the floor. He had just finished working on his shoulders and arms; cardio was next, followed by some pull ups to work on his back. He wiped the back of his neck with a towel, and casually looked towards the check-in counter at the far side of the gym floor. There she was, right on time. She flashed her brilliant smile to the boy behind the counter and gave him a flirty little wink as he handed her the sign in...

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