Chicago Nights Ch. 01 free porn video

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Somewhere, within the storm, there was a sign.

It wasn’t much. It could be, and frequently was, easily missed. Unadorned, made of faded bronze…just another plaque stuck to the side of a deteriorating brick building, tilting a little bit to the left in its old age.

The curious and careful reader would find Olde English lettering, scratchy and unpainted, informing that the bar at the bottom of the stairs was called ‘The Rage.’ Not many people can claim to be curious and careful reader, however, so it was a name very few were aware of.

If the dilapidated condition of the sign alone wasn’t enough to encourage dismissal, a dusting of January snow had managed to accumulate in its curvy nooks. Tiny mounds of snow were packed into each curve and kink like ivory-colored barn swallow nests.

Hunter hunched his shoulders against the wind and moved past the sign without brushing it off. He rarely paid any attention whatsoever to the existence of the plaque that named his bar, in fact he often forgot about its very existence. If he had noticed it, he would in fact have been quite pleased by its illegibility.

The staircase down to the Rage was slick with that certain type of smooth and secret ice that loves a city, most of it hidden further by that same light coating of powdered snow. This was a common problem in winter, so Hunter instinctively pressed one swollen, calloused hand against the brick for support before starting down. Stepping carefully, using the gritty texture as a grip, he gingerly and experimentally approached the door.

There was a handrail, of course, just inches below where his hand met the wall, but Hunter ignored it. It was a bent and ugly thing, sharp with jutting elbows that could cut through skin and glove. It clung to the wall by rusted, poorly-fitting brackets, and their loose hold left it free to groan and twist in a person’s grip. Someday, probably soon, someone would reach for it in a moment of panic and simply tear it right off the wall.

Hunter himself managed to slip a little on the third step down, one foot shooting defiantly out in front of him, and he took a moment to balance himself before continuing on. ‘Jesus,’ he muttered, moving at a slower pace now. ‘This is fucking ridiculous.’

Reaching the bottom at last, he swung the door open and stepped into the entryway. Dim light made shadows of his thick eyebrows and bulbous nose, which he pinched between thick nicotine-stained fingers as he sniffled. Hunter knew he had a rough face, the kind that brought grey rock, glass, and abstract illnesses to mind. But he wasn’t upset by it. People in his business respected a rough face. They flocked to them, they understood them. So to his mind it was just another asset.

Brushing the snow off his shoulders, he blew into his cupped hands for warmth a few times and then pulled off his coat. Draping it over his forearm, he stomped heavily on the mat and waved to the only other person occupying the wide yawn of a bar.

‘Hey, Adrian,’ he called, voice pockmarked by phlegm. ‘How’s business been this fine evening?’

The other man glanced over at him expressionlessly, and Hunter fought the urge to laugh.

Adrian Burke had a rough face, too, and Hunter admired it. It was even rougher than his own. Oh, Adrian must have looked normal once upon a time. Shit, maybe he’d even been a little handsome. But these days he was a goddamn Christmas tree of thick and angry scars. His jaw didn’t seem to sit right, either, and his right eye was always glassy and infected looking. On top of it all, he really sold the whole thing by always being so fucking sullen. Hunter was almost envious of him for that.

‘It’s been just like this,’ Adrian grumbled, looking around the empty room. ‘Just like always.’

‘Good,’ Hunter nodded approval at his barman. ‘That’s real good. It means you’ve got some time on your hands. I need you to go out and get the ice off of the steps. Nearly broke my goddamn neck trying to come down here.’ He stomped his feet one more time on the ratty mat for good measure. ‘I want this place to be the worst bar in town, not a goddamn deathtrap.’ He pinched his nose and dislodged a measure of mucus from somewhere inside himself.

Adrian nodded wordlessly, heading for the door with a passive indifference. He went about the assignment with the same expressionless malaise that he carried everywhere.

Hunter sighed his disappointment. Adrian Burke was a terrible bartender, and that was just what Hunter needed him to be. He was also a moody fucker when he didn’t take his meds, and one ugly son of a bitch to boot. Hunter liked those qualities, as well. But he wasn’t much for conversation, and Hunter liked conversation. He liked it a lot.

With a shake of his head, he turned and kept walking.

At the back of the large main room was a narrow hallway that led to ‘his’ and ‘hers’ bathrooms. Just past those, right before the pile of cardboard boxes that covered up the rear exit, was a third, narrower door, unlabeled. Hunter took that one, slipping into his office and smiling when he saw that it was already occupied.

Two figures, a large man and a young woman, were sitting on the chewed up yard sale of a couch that set opposite his desk.

‘How long you been waiting?’ he asked the man as he closed the door behind him.

‘Not long,’ the wide, ruddy-cheeked man replied. He reclined on the couch, head back and eyes toward the ceiling, looking completely bored. Next to him, though, the short, thin Hispanic woman with long hair showed the curled, fetal posture of the truly afraid. Her clothing defied the season: small, clinging shorts that rested low on the hips and high on the thighs, with a tight tank top that mashed her breasts together and upwards. The bald man was rubbing her left thigh lazily with one hand, a casual and intimate gesture that she made no effort to avoid or respond to. ‘But I do have other business to see to tonight,’ he continued, ‘so have a look and let’s get this over with.’

Hunter tossed his coat on his desk, pinched his nose, and gave one last valiant effort to clear his tracts. Then he waved the girl over. ‘Very well. Come over here, sweetie. Let’s see what you’re worth.’

The girl glanced at the bald man, just a tiny turn of the head and a flickering of the eyes. He nodded tersely, and she tensed. Still, she hesitated, not making any effort to move until he let out a sigh and took his hand off of her thigh. These were the tiny, telling actions of someone who is deathly afraid of doing the wrong thing, because they know exactly what the wrong thing will mean for them. Biting her lip and keeping her eyes to the floor, she stood shakily up and walked over to where Hunter stood.

‘She has a nice figure,’ he admitted, grabbing her hips like property and running his thumbs over her pockets. He tilted his head this way and that, as he turned her from side to side. Then he leaned toward her and in a loud, careful voice, repeated, ‘You have a very nice figure.’

‘She does speak English,’ the fat man said dully.

Hunter grunted. ‘Good. That will make things easier. I like this horse’s mane, too. Thick. Good for pulling.’ He gave it a tug, jerking her head backwards, and smiled at the quiet feminine yelp that his action produced. ‘How old is she?’

‘Tells me she’s nineteen,’ the fat man tugged at his ear. ‘Might be lying, but I don’t have reason to doubt her.’ A small smile curled his lips. ‘She yelps like that when you take her, too. Right when you slip in. Happens every time, without fail. It really is a hell of a sound.’

‘Oh? She doesn’t look like one of those.’ Hunter was almost disappointed.

‘I don’t think it’s pleasure,’ the fat man corrected with a sniff. ‘Sounds almost like…I don’t know. Something tragic. But I never really bothered to ask.’ He stretched and yawned.

Hunter grunted. ‘Why would you?’ He turned back to the girl. ‘Look
at me, honey. Hey. Let me see your face.’

She raised sad eyes up to him. He gathered her hair up away from her face and studied. ‘Very pretty. Wow.’ He looked closer. ‘This is unreal. One of the best I’ve ever seen. She’s got nice cheekbones, pretty brown eyes. A small mouth.’ He gripped her firmly by the jaw and turned her face. ‘Full lips, though. Small mouth and full lips. That’s got to be worth a lot all by itself.’ He leaned in, locking eyes with her. ‘You like kissing games, sweetie?’ She winced, tensing but not retreating.

The bald man grunted a laugh. ”Course she does, John. They all do.’

‘Don’t call me that,’ Hunter snapped, good mood instantly evaporating. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus. Don’t ever fucking call me that.’ He tightened his grip on the girl’s jaw, squeezing and looking very intently at her. ‘Hunter. My name is Hunter,’ he raised his eyebrows. ‘You’ll remember?’ She nodded, looking terrified.

The bald man shrugged lazily. ‘Hunter, then,’ he said. ‘Makes no difference to me.’

‘It makes a difference.’ He frowned at nothing. ‘It makes a difference.’ Turning back to the girl, he let go of her face. ‘I like your mouth. Open it for me, honey. Wider. I said wider.’ He put his thumb on her lower jaw and pushed down. When she had finally complied to his satisfaction, he slid two fingers in and examined the cavity clinically, as a dentist might. ‘Good teeth. That’s a pleasant surprise. Almost too pleasant.’ He removed his fingers suddenly, folding his arms and studying the man. ‘This isn’t Mexico City pussy, Ben, and don’t try to tell me that it is. Where’d you pick her up?’

‘Not far from Zihuatenejo. Some small town I’ve never heard of. I don’t think she was from there, though.’

Hunter shook his head disapprovingly. ‘The Triangle of the Sun? Jesus Christ. What on earth were you even doing down there? That’s way dangerous territory for plucking flowers, my friend. There are a lot of powerful people down there, and they like to keep their pretties all for themselves.’

‘I know. I wasn’t even looking, to tell the truth. Just passing through, saw her by chance.’ He waved his hand dismissively. ‘I’m telling you, they don’t know she exists. In fact, I’m not sure anybody does. She was all alone out there. No family, no husband or boyfriend to come searching. No friends.’ He grunted. ‘It was easy. Those fat old Mexican women don’t much like pretty young trim hanging around their villages, talking to their sons and smiling at their husbands. I just picked her right up, told a few miserable-looking women that she’d died, and they were happy as all hell to spread the word just as far and wide as their large and sagging asses would carry them. Right now, Hunter, you and I are the only two people in the world who know that this bitch is alive.’

Hunter thought about that. It was possible, but it seemed strange nonetheless. The last thing he needed right now was some tough-as-nails Mexicano asshole showing up accusing him of lifting. ‘You, me, and your people,’ he corrected. ‘They know about her, too.’

‘Oh, well, they know the cargo we carry. And sometimes they take a little fun for their troubles. But not with this one. I kept her with me. I’m the only one who got a taste of it. I thought you might like that. You know, the whole innocence thing.’ he shrugged. ‘Anyway, I pay them well and pick them carefully. I always hire the ones who want to taste it but can’t get it on their own. That way I know they won’t turn on me. They get loyal.’

Hunter grunted. ‘Dogs are loyal, but they’ll still eat you when you die.’ He squeezed the girl’s ass. ‘How noble of you to keep them away from this one.’

‘Look, I’m a businessman. Used to run a deli, even. The best sandwich in the world will have very few takers if it looks like it’s already been nibbled on, you know?’

‘People rarely have the same qualm about pussy,’ Hunter noted drily. ‘And thank God for it.’ He felt up a breast through the girl’s shirt, hefting it and feeling for the nipple. ‘Firm, not droopy. You know, I’m getting more and more impressed all the time. Take off your clothes, honey.’ The girl glanced fearfully at the bald man, and Hunter rolled his eyes. ‘You’re a good scout, Ben, I’ll give you that. But it’s always the same. You coddle these girls and then you leave it to me to break them in.’

The fat man looked unapologetic and bored. ‘I do enough,’ he yawned.

Hunter’s expression betrayed his opinion of that statement. ‘Honey,’ he said to the girl, ‘you’ve got ten seconds to strip down to nothing before I take it upon myself to hurt you. And I don’t like to hurt women. I really don’t.’ He sneered. ‘So, on those occasions when it becomes…necessary…I always make it count.’ He stepped in close, breathing heavy, and she backed up, the backs of her legs bumping against the desk. ‘I figure, if I have to teach a lesson to one of my girls, then I owe it to them to make it the lesson of a lifetime.’ He leaned in even closer, licking his lips, voice becoming a whisper. ‘And I know you understand me.’

Quickly, with shaking hands, she began pulling the clothes from her body. Soon she was standing naked, visibly fighting the urge to shield herself.

Hunter examined her carefully, taking his time. He touched her all over, giving short commands. ‘This will have to go,’ he said at one point, yanking on her pubic hair and making her yelp again. When he ordered her to lean forward against the desk and hold her butt cheeks apart, she broke down and began to sob. But she obeyed, and he squatted down to examine her.

‘Remarkable,’ he admitted at last. ‘I hope her work is as impeccable as her appearance.’

The bald man frowned. ‘She’s not particularly…experienced, I’m afraid. It’s the down side of innocence, yes? The poor thing doesn’t hardly know what to do with it besides to get it out of your pants and stick it up her cleft. That’s her one weakness.’ He grunted. ‘Shit, if it weren’t for the fact that she didn’t bleed the first time I saddled her, I’d half wonder if she’d been a virgin.’

Hunter sighed. ‘Well, I guess even that is survivable. I’ll take looks over wisdom any day of the year. After all,’ he ran his fingers up her slit and then tasted them, ‘anyone can teach a virgin to be a whore. But not even I could train an ugly bitch pretty.’ He glanced over at the bald man. ‘The usual?’

‘Plus nine.’ The man’s bored look was suddenly betrayed by a twinkling light in his eyes. ‘This one’s special. You can see that. And,’ he faked a yawn, ‘I had to transport a lot further than usual.’

‘Yeah, and I’ll have to feed and house the stupid cunt for a month while I teach her the fucking trade.’

‘The fucking trade. I like that. It’s funny. But you are a poor, inconvenienced man…so I suppose I can live with a plus seven.’

Hunter started to haggle, but as he watched glistening tears form in the alluring eyes of the shivering Hispanic girl he felt his blood grow warm. He found he was prepared to lose the extra seven just to get the haggling done with and the training begun.

And if he was that eager to have her, others would be, too. ‘Fine,’ he said. ‘What’s her name?’

‘Ella,’ the bald man stood up, pulling his jacket on. ‘Or so she says. Dunno her last name. You know how to pay me?’

‘I do,’ Hunter rain his hands through the girl’s thick mane, like an owner brushing a favored horse. ‘Look for it by the end of the week.’

The man stopped at the door. ‘Hunter,’ he said, ‘I’ve been meaning to tell you…this is the last one for me. I’m not coming back to Chicago. At least, not until things have settled down.’

Hunter winced, sorry to lose a scout he could trust. But he nodded. He understood, even if he didn’t like it. Ever since Piero, the mob boss who had reigned over the city’s underworld, had been gunned down violent turf wars had blossomed throughout the Windy City. Every friend you made earned you a half dozen enemies. Fistfuls of hungry lieut
enants popped up from every street corner, hoping to take the dead boss’s place…or at least get a decent slice of his pie. Each carried their own collection of businesses, lackeys, and influences…and each wanted more. They fought each other, as well as the various gangs that inhabited the city and the police. In just one year’s time, Chicago had gone from a careful businessman’s dream to a nightly news report of a war zone. People were moving out, creating a bit of an exodus. Businesses were either relocating or murmuring about relocating. Talking heads were comparing it (in their ridiculously exaggerated way) to battle zones in the Middle East. There was even talk of the National Guard being mobilized.

What these idiot lieutenants, with their splintered resources and big ambitions, failed to realize was that they were killing themselves. They were running down the goddamn streets, painting great big targets all over everything. The American public will allow a lot to go on under their noses, especially if they benefit from it in some way. They only have one stipulation in return: don’t ever, ever let them see that it’s fucking happening. They don’t mind knowing…just like they don’t mind knowing how their shoes and IPods got made, or how people die every day fighting over the drugs they get from South America. Just like they don’t mind knowing how babies all over the world starve to death, twitching in final agonizing throes, while America eats supper. They just don’t want to have to see it.

And that’s exactly what was happening right now. By bringing its problems out into the bloody open, the mob was reminding everyone in the world that they were still alive, that they were in Chicago, and that they were very, very violent. The government had no choice but to grind them down and destroy them. Otherwise the people might rise up and do something drastic, like vote for the other candidate.

They wouldn’t stop it completely, of course. Not really. The mob was good for business. But some sense of retribution was going to have to occur, and only the very wise and the very lucky would still be alive by the time this war was over.

Hunter was hoping to make sure he was among the lucky. In fact, he had a meeting on the matter scheduled for later this very night. ‘When things do settle down,’ he said to the fat man, ‘you will know where to find me.’

‘I hope you’re still here.’ It sounded earnest enough. Even a little concerned.

Hunter nodded. ‘I do, too.’

The fat man stared at his contemporary a moment longer, almost pityingly, and then broke into a grin. ‘You know,’ he said, ‘your bar still stinks like shit. I almost think you do that on purpose.’

Hunter smiled back. ‘Maybe I do.’

Although the naked girl’s eyes pleaded with him over Hunter’s shoulder, perhaps preferring the known evil to the new, the trafficker left without another backward glance.

Hunter turned back towards her. Leaning in close, sniffling loudly, he kissed her on the lips. Nervously, her fear of punishment only slightly more powerful than her revulsion, she responded. Her lips were dry, however, and she betrayed her lack of affection and her distaste with every movement. Hunter could see that he had his work cut out for him. He kissed her again, harder, and held her against him. Then, with his face so close to hers that she was breathing in his humid exhalations, he said, ‘You know what you are now, right?’ She nodded almost imperceptibly, fresh tears watering her eyes. ‘Good,’ he smiled. ‘That’s good. I didn’t want to have to teach you that. But you do still have a lot to learn, and I’m going to have to be the one to teach it to you.’ He cupped her face. ‘We’re going to get to know each other very well, you and I. You do a good job, and I’ll always treat you kind. My good girls live very well, I promise. Try me, though…’ his smile darkened. ‘Well. Just don’t try me.’

At that, Ella uttered her first words of the night. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘sir.’

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A Million Dollar Nightss

I m studying in Kota & preparing for Iit-Jee 2009 this incident took place last year when i went to my Aunt’s (mothers sister) house during summer vacation. My cousin brother is working in a call centre & is usually at work at night. When ever i used to go to my aunt’s home my bhabhi use to talk to me about the problems in their house and i used to listen it showing my keen interest in it. One night when my uncle & aunt had gone to SHIMLA on their 25th wedding anniversary my aunt was alone with...

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The Price of Power Nightstalker

THE PRICE OF POWER 7-NIGHTSTALKER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...

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Ah Paris From Bridgets Nights

(I do enjoy it when Bridget drops by and spends the evening relating more of her experiences to me. This time she concentrated on tales of her times passing through Paris. If you have never met my little Irish vampiress before you can find my changes to the vampire mythos pretty well explained by her in the first chapter of "Bridget's Nights". Thank you Marian for taking time to read the story and offer suggestions and corrections.) I flung open the doors leading out onto the balcony. The...

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Tanya paused. She glanced at the notorious 'SHE-CRIMINAL' through the bars of the cell-door. Cindy CHAPMAN had been arrested on an outstanding 'Warrant of Apprehension' and was being held on remand in the 'Female' Cells. Tanya uttered a muffled sigh. Separated from the 'convicted' prostitute by the cell-door, the young brunette policewoman turned. Cindy moved closer to the cell-door. She smiled wickedely at the policewoman. Constable Tanya MARGARSON 30084 was rostered as the...

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The Thirst A Story from Bridgets Nights

(1978) How DO I end up in what seems to be the same predicament time and time again? Yes, I know that when you're over 400 years old some patterns are bound to repeat themselves. Yes, I know that if I wasn't such a party girl I wouldn't drink so much, chase so many guys and girls, ingest a variety of strange substances and therefore wake up in the damndest places. My current situation was just the latest example. I gathered my thoughts. I had made one of my periodic trips to Ireland....

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Sweet Summer Nights

It seemed such a good idea: The Sweet Summer Nights with You Tour. ‘Look, here’s the plan,’ Dougie said. ‘We’ll start on the Summer Solstice and go right through ’til the end of August. Yeah? Fifty dates. And as many local radio stations as we can find along the way. You know … all those seaside towns, all those local radio stations. What d’you reckon? We’ll get The Prickly Pair to open for you.’ Suzanne frowned. But Dougie didn’t really care what Suzanne reckoned. He was on a roll. ‘We’ll...

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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

4 years ago
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Wonderful And Thril Nights

Hi Friends,I m Ravi, i finished my engg.Now i m in chennai.1st time i m writing my experiance…i have 7inch cock.Its my 1st exp wit my own aunty. My aunty is one of the very very sexy lady in world, her name is Anu.(sorry friends,i changed her name). Which encouraged me to have sex with Anu.her boobs like water-melone , and i want suck it. Basically she is from small village and she is also a good friend For me.Her body and eyes are very admirable one.she has great Boobs 34D, 28 waist and 38...

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Sex On Dark Nights

My Name is Alok. I am 22 years old. This is the story of my engineering days. I am from Delhi but I did my engineering from Bangalore. One of my uncles is living in Bangalore. So I did not take hostel or any accommodation in Bangalore, instead, I stayed at their place. I have one elder brother, Ankit and my parents in my family whereas in my Uncle’s family there is Uncle, Aunty and their 2 children Sanchit and Isha. Sanchit was doing his graduation from Delhi University, hence he was staying at...

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Southern Nights Hot Nights

Southern Nights, Hot NightsI learned only when I moved there for a teaching assignment at one of the local community colleges why it’s called the deep south, rather than just the south. Thanks to the summer humidity, the further in you go, the more it feels like you’re underwater. When Teri and I found a rental house, it had shade trees and big windows to capture the breeze, but no central air. The nearest Walmart was forty miles away, and completely sold out.Nights in the town of Picsquita...

1 year ago
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Steve stays a few nights

Introduction: Mature wifes simmering lust Steve stays a few nights I have to admit that Steve was a very hot 26yr old guy, and even though he was the partner of my friend and they had a new baby together, I was still very physically attracted to him. So when he asked to stay with us for a few nights because our house was closer to a job he was doing, I got very excited. He has beautiful blue eyes, tall and very deep tan from being outside so often. We often flirted with each other but nothing...

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Girl Nights

Dear Reader, Allow me to apologize in advance for using "pantyhose" as a plot device for this one. As you well know, "pantyhose" are evidence that Evil exists. Yet, they work well at two points in this story, so I have shamelessly employed them. Perhaps the Task Force will rate this story XXX-P (for "pantyhose") so sensitive readers can avert their eyes. Girl Nights by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Marriage If you're married, or ever have been married, what I'm about to...

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Endless Nights

We met you after nights and nights of talking over the phone about each other. You like us and we liked you. You thought it would be nice to feel a woman’s touch spiced up by a man’s cock driving you wild, and wild is what you knew it was going to be. Oh yes, wilder than you could ever image was the truth you didn’t know at the time, but will never forget. We arrive at the dark and cozy restaurant where we were waiting for you at the bar. From behind us you approach and looked all around the...

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The Greatest Lie Part 4 Those Happy College Nights

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file, you have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

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Hot Summer Nights

I stood in the kitchen drinking the cool glass of water. It was hot, very hot. Every window in the house was open but there was no breeze to move the hot air. As I walked back to my bed something caught my eye in my parents room. Their door was wide open with the hope a breeze may come thru and cool things. Both of my parents were on the bed naked. A dim light from a lamp gave just enough light to allow for me to see the treasure that lay before me. There on the bed, covers all thrown off on...

1 year ago
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Friday nights

I was very young when dad began having sex with me. It started with him coming to my room and stripping me naked then he would finger my pussy. He got so he could put his whole finger all the way in me. Then he taught me to suck his cock and swallow his cum. I liked it when he sucked my clit which he did before he finger fucked me. When my tits began to grow the sex got more intense and he then began to put his cock in me instead of his finger. The first few times hurt a lot but soon I was able...

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Old Nightshirt

Monica let herself be afraid. With her hands cuffed behind her and her eyes blindfolded, she had little choice. One second, she's feeding the cat and trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. The next, she's grabbed from behind and plunged into darkness. Two strong hands grabbed her wrists. She felt cold steel. Monica tried to move her arms and heard the metal links clink behind her. She was helpless. Monica was helpless and afraid.The two hands grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her...

2 years ago
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Midsummer Nights

It might have seemed audacious to ask the woman they’d screwed over to do their wedding flowers, but Calvin and Ivy were desperate. Three florists had already cancelled on them, and the summer wedding season meant everyone else was already overbooked. With a mere two months remaining until the big day, they had next to no time to find the kind of florist that could make their high-profile wedding into the exquisite occasion everyone expected. And Sofia Violet seemed like their only option.They...

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Those Hollywood Nights

California summer. Hot days, warm nights, and cool ocean breezes. Bronzed bodies, shirtless guys and girls in bikinis. Summers in the golden state just hit different than anywhere else. It gives off a vibe of relaxed fun and possibilities. My husband and I had just welcomed our second daughter the year before and I worked tirelessly to get my body back in shape. The joy of our complete family overwhelmed me in the best of ways, yet I was craving some time to myself. I hadn't drunk or partied in...

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Anitoles Arabian Nights

ANITOLE’S 1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS THE CAVE OF WONDERS To find the cave of wonders One must wander far and wide, Until they know the world afar And foretell the winds and tide. In gaining knowledge of this art, A true love you’ll acquire, And if purity of heart sustained you, Then your journey can transpire. Travel through the world you know Until the landmarks shift, Loose yourself in desert sands Until they form a rift, Beneath which lies the cave or wonders Where only sure shall...

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Sleepless Nights

Sandy and I felt abandoned. Neither of us knew why Karin - her mother and my wife - had left. We’d been a happy family for the past twenty years. For the past five months my now ex-spouse Karin had been off gallivanting with a surfer dude about twenty years younger than her. That left my step-daughter Sandy and me to fend for ourselves. Karin hadn’t even bothered to call us for the past month, and we had no idea how to reach her. All we knew was that she had decided to leave us in search for a...

Straight Sex
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Nice Neighbors Nude Nights

I woke up late for the third time this week to the sound of my girlfriend questioning me about all the female names in my cell phone. Tammy, my girlfriend, and I have been dating for about a year. She is extremely jealous and insecure about many things in her life, which puts a heavy strain on our relationship. Tammy is five years younger than me at 30, isn’t the brightest girl of the lot but isn’t exactly disturbingly dumb either, you know those book smart broads who seem to have no common...

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Life Of A Pervert 8211 Part 6 Never Ending Nights

Hello ISS readers, I am back with the never ending nights about my pervert life I am Naveed, living in Bangalore, working as a manager in an IT firm. I am 5.9 inches tall, well built, and happily married. I am married to a very beautiful girl, Ayesha. This story is mine, a pervert guy who is tall, handsome, well built with thick and long dick (lund). Hereafter I will use the word lund instead of dick and chut instead of pussy which I feel is more erotic and expressible. Back to the...

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Hot Summer Nights

Introduction: Summer is made a member of the Connors family – in EVERY way possible Hot Summer Nights by Jen L. Lee 2012 You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes, Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere, she sniffed in a condescending tone. Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone elses problem. There is no such thing as an incorrigible child, the 34-year old...

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On the black screen of my sleepless nights

You know, that feeling of something that bothers you ....This began arriving at a neuron somewhere ... Then two ... and here continued by awakening my auditory sense ..... A faint sound familiar, but can not decide which.I know where I am. It's night; the room is in a clear dark lit only by the digital display clock; I'm in bed, lying naked curled up with her back to Chris and Vero ... Who are sleeping behind me ....Chris and Vero .... Who are sleeping behind me ....This noise so tenuous, so...

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Demi Pt 2 Summer Nights

During these nights I slept naked and thinking of my sixteen year old conquest who lived next door, I couldn't get her out of my head, so much so that my balls ached when I thought of her pert ass and tits and the fact that I had my thumb in her ass and she loved it. I loved the way how her ass would stick out for such a young girl and I enjoyed the times when I peeled off her shorts, bent her over, spread her ass cheeks with my large hands and stuck my tongue in between her freshly...

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Days As Good As Nights

Hello readers , this is Ashish from Lucknow . Have well built athletic body . Girls , aunties or bhabhis can contact me at Coming to the story , I am B.Com student in one of the reputed college of Lucknow . I live in lucknow on a rental flat in gomti nagar . This is an incident of a lady who shares the same floor on which my flat is. Her name is rashmi . She is just newly married and obviously have an awesome figure and great assets. My time for leaving college and her husband to office is...

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November Nights

Once upon a time Emily Angelica Fairport slept peacefully in the century old white four poster canopy bed surrounded by its sheer lacy curtains nestled deep between the heavy pink eyelet duvet and the several inches deep feather bed. Every detail of her boudoir serving to further magnify the image of an innocent southern belle, amplified with a sweet as tea nature that hung in the air anytime she was present and dripped from her tongue every time she spoke. A magazine feature existence that was...

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My Husband Works Nights

My hair would tug while the comb finished reaching the tips of my hair while I finished up brushing it for the night. I put the brush down and leaned out the bathroom to the living room where my husband was drinking some coffee before he would head off to work. “Have a great night honey,’ I said to him while walking over to the recliner across from him. His eyes lifted up from the video he was watching on his computer and pulled one of the headphones off his ear and smiled. “What did you...

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Seven Nights

Seven Nights Ryan surveyed his assembled slaves, and their handlers, critically. He'd called an assembly of his seven slaves, and their handlers, this eveningfor a special announcement. They had been assembled for some minutes now, buthe let them wait as he looked them over. Ryan Dante was a CEO for one of the largest software companies in the world.As a result, he had wealth enough to indulge in every whim, every perversity,he desired; and his particular desire had been, since he was young,...

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Knight and Dey 3 Meet the Knights

{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...

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City Lights Country Nights

Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers ‘City Lights’ has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far as I can see.The...

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Seductive Nights

It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away Seductive Nights   It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away. Crossing her arms across her breasts she moves away from the window and back to the middle of the room. She...

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City Lights Country Nights

Author's Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I've picked "City Lights," DG Hear, "For the Good Times," and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), "That's All That Matters." I will also be doing "A Girl in the Night." We hope you enjoy the stories — Jake Rivers "City Lights" has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far...

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1001 Nights

Introduction: Please rate on the quality of the writing rather than objection to subject matter, which is announced in the tags There is a lot of talk these days about sexual harassment. I am a case in point, but with an odd twist. My male heterosexual boss sexually harasses me, another male heterosexual. How could that be? It all revolves around my wife. Let me explain. With one exception, Ive been a failure in life. A below average student, not athletic, no special talents, not much to look...

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Exciting games on hot Summer nights

The first three quarters of this story is all factual, it is only the last little bit that is fiction.At first my wife was very nervous about it, but after a few times she found it so exciting and it became easier for me to get her into it. Sometimes we would fuck, or Margie would suck my cock,  in front of the window with the curtains wide open; it would only need someone to walk past, or even to drive past if they happened to look across, and what a view they would get.At first she was very...

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