Seven Years a Woman Extended Edition
- 2 years ago
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Seven Nights
Ryan surveyed his assembled slaves, and their handlers, critically.
He'd called an assembly of his seven slaves, and their handlers, this eveningfor a special announcement. They had been assembled for some minutes now, buthe let them wait as he looked them over.
Ryan Dante was a CEO for one of the largest software companies in the world.As a result, he had wealth enough to indulge in every whim, every perversity,he desired; and his particular desire had been, since he was young, to seebeautiful, nubile young girls in strict bondage and severe pain. Though hewas yet some years away from retirement age, he had bought this palatial castle-likemansion in the French mountains and staffed it with slave handlers and themost beautiful and submissive girls he could find from around the world.
First in his seraglio of submissives was Ji Na, a delicate little Chinesebeauty. She stood just a hair over four and a half feet tall, weighed barelya hundred pounds, had long rippling black hair that fell to the middle of herback, and big brown eyes. She had been one of the first girls to enter hisharem
Her handler Master Mike was a tall brute of a man. A former American footballplayer, he towered over her at six feet tall, and far outweighed her at almostthree hundred pounds. Ryan had paired him with Ji Na, because his sense ofaesthetics was pleased by the sight of the contrast. Her skin was pure alabaster,with a slight touch of honey; his skin was the color of dark chocolate. Thecontrast was especially vivid when she sucked him off.
Next down the line was Colleen, a fair-skinned, red-haired girl from Ireland.She had only a few freckles over her pert nose, and the rest of her creamyskin was unblemished. She was taller than her Chinese sister slave, at fivefeet five inches and a hundred and ten. She was submissive, but not a painslut;her Asian handler, Master Lin, was definitely a sadist. Ryan enjoyed watchingColleen being forced endure the pain she hated.
Then there was Ayesha. A slender, olive-skinned beauty from the Middle East,Ryan had met her by chance in a bazaar. Her father had been more than happyto sell his youngest daughter to Ryan; he had an abundance of daughters, andhad been so grateful to get one girl off his hands and the man taking her hadoffered him money instead of demanding it that he had overruled Ayesha's protestsand forced her to go with Ryan. Her secret lover, Ali, had signed on with Ryanto be with her. Ayesha didn't love Ryan, didn't care about him; but as longas she could stay with Ali, she was content. Ali had a sadistic streak thatRyan had carefully cultivated, and he especially enjoyed seeing Ayesha willinglysuffer torture at her lover's hands.
Tamika was an African-American girl from a southern ghetto. She was a fivefoot three, with piercing black eyes and a proud stance that belied her submissivenature. She and her handler Stephen were married. They had come to Ryan's attentionfrom one of his Dom friends, when Stephen had asked for instruction in howto be a proper Master to his wife. Both had taken to the D/s lifestyle likeducks to water, and when offered a chance to give up their jobs and lives andbecome a fulltime Master and slave, they had signed on eagerly.
Natasha was next. She was a girl with the natural platinum blonde hair andice-blue eyes common to girls in her native Siberia. Although Ryan preferredbrunettes, he did like a pretty blonde, and Natasha was one of them. She wastall, almost six feet tall, and a hundred and twenty five pounds. Next to herwas her handler, a swarthy Hispanic male named Pablo, as short as Ji Na buthung like a donkey. Natasha had a rather tight cunt without a lot of stretch,and intercourse with Pablo hurt her terribly.
Then there was Carmen, a beautiful Latina with a face and figure reminiscentof one of Ryan's favorite celebrities. Especially her ass. Ryan loved Carmen'sass. He had plans for that ass. And her handler, Patrick, a red-haired Irishman,shared Ryan's love of that ass. Carmen walked around with a permanently redass, from Pat's constant whipping, spanking, paddling, and caning of it.
And lastly, there was Gertrude. A proud blonde bitch from Germany, she hadbeen a former model. She was the only one there by force; most of the othershad come, if not willingly, reluctantly. Except Trudy. She had been a memberof the Aryan Pride movement in East Germany, a movement that mostly went undergroundafter the Berlin Wall fell. To add to the former model's humiliation, he hadassigned her a particularly cruel African-American handler named Derrick.
"Now that you are all here," he said almost conversationally as the sevengirls knelt in front of him with their handlers beside them, "Let me make myannouncement." The handlers looked a little more interested; the girls, however,kept their eyes trained on the floor, kneeling with thighs spread wide andtheir hands on their knees. They were well trained; Ryan was pleased.
"As you know, the manor is being readied for the annual visit of the company'sshareholders, a visit which starts tomorrow. After the regular stockholdershave gone, I intend to entertain several of the stockholders who share my enjoymentof hearing a girl scream in torment. They will be here for one week; on eachnight of that week one of you will be selected to provide the entertainment.As this year's meeting will be conducted so close to Lent, and Lent is meantto be spent in penance and prayer for forgiveness, I've picked out your sins,and you will be suitably punished for them. You all know the seven cardinalsins, as preached by the Catholic Church; sloth, greed, envy, lust, pride,wrath, and gluttony. All of you have at lest one of those sins.
"During the week the regular shareholders are here, handlers will assumeroles about the house; valet, manservant, groundskeepers, and the like. Youwill mingle with regular staff. The girls will stay in their cells for theduration of their visit, restrained and unable to make a sound. Once they aregone, the entertainment will begin. The girls will entertain us at the dinnertable with their screams. I have specific punishments in mind for each of youand they will be extremely painful, I assure you. Any questions?" Naturallythere were none.
"Good. Handlers, take your slaves to the cells. Then see me about the punishmentsI have planned for each one."
The First Night
Ryan looked around the table. Ten of his closest friends in the companywere here, sitting at the table in their evening finery, waiting as the courseswere brought in and placed on the table. As soon as the last dish had beenplaced on the table, Ryan clapped for attention. "My friends, now that theregular people have left, we may indulge in our fantasies. I will make allyour fantasies come true!
"You all know I have a harem of girls here, though you have not seen themyet. I have seven girls, beautiful girls from all over the world. But althoughthey are beautiful, they are not without faults, and tonight in the spiritof Lent, I have decided to punish the girls for their sins. Their penance shallbe pain.
"Tonight, for our first sin and punishment, we have Ji Na. She is a traditionalChinese beauty, delicate and petite. Her sin is sloth. I insist that my girlsbe fit, and to that end I have them work out each day. She is especially lazyin running, claiming that her legs are too short to take the longer stridesof the taller girls, and she cannot keep up. I have decided it is sloth, orlaziness, and I have devised a punishment for it. Michael, bring in your bitch." Mike,sitting in a row of chairs against the far wall with the other masters, roseand went out, returning moments later with Ji Na, crawling on her hands andknees, on the end of a leash. Murmurs ran around the table.
At the far end of the hall was a large black electrical box with variouswires and leads and clips coming from it, and a treadmill beside it. Therewas also a small bench close by both of the apparatus.
Mike tugged on the leash. "Up." Ji Na crawled up onto the bench, slowly,gracefully, trying to hide her trembling. She had been told she would sufferpunishment for laziness; she didn't know how.
Mike fastened straps from the bench's sides around her wrists, torso, thighs,and ankles, strapping her to the low bench with her thighs spread wide. Openinga box, he took out three objects. One was an enormous dildo, made of steelwith raised ridges swirling around it. The second one was similar, though notas large. The third was slim, maybe the size of a pencil, and smooth. As theguests murmured, wondering what he would do with the instruments, he crankeda lever that would raise the end of the bench, tilting her backward and slightlyupside down. Then he lubed the second biggest dildo, pressed it against theopening to her asshole, and began to screw it into the tiny, puckered brownishhole.
Ji Na screamed in agony. The dildo was enormous, and her asshole, havingnot been played with for a few days, was tight. "Please!" she screamed in agony. "Oh,God, please, you're tearing my asshole, I'll split, please, please, not sobig…oh, God...Master Mike…please!" But despite her protestations,the dildo was screwed into her asshole. She squealed as he rammed it home,leaving only the base outside her stretched anus. Her belly rippled with contractionsas her bowels tried to expel the intruder, but she was unable to budge it evenan inch.
Next, Mike lubed up the even bigger vaginal dildo and began to work it upinto her cunt. This elicited more screams and pleas for mercy, as both holeswere filled to capacity. He gave her a few seconds to squeal in pain from hertortured orifices before picking up the pencil-sized probe, spreading her labiawide, and pressing the probe into her urethra. The hole was tiny and insertionwould normally be uncomfortable. But now that her urethra was crushed closedby her filled holes she screamed in mindless agony.
He fastened a belt around her waist, bringing a thin strap down from thebelt in back, threading it through the rings at the base of the dildos andthe urethral probe, and locked it tightly in front, ensuring that the probeswould stay in. Then he unstrapped her, watching as her hands flew down to hertortured nether regions. "Get up on the treadmill," he said. She had to rolloff the bench and half walk, half crawl, to the treadmill; her stuffed holeswere hugely stretched and the tiniest movement was agony. She grabbed the handles,pulling herself up carefully, an inch at a time, trying to avoid causing herselfmore pain than she had to.
Mike reached for the clips on the ends of the electrical leads and clippedone to each of the metal rings at the base of the metal probes deeply embeddedin her sensitive sex flesh. Then he took hard, jagged toothed alligator clipsand clamped them over her nipples as he gave her instructions. "You will walk,jog, and finally run on this treadmill at my command. When you slow down, youwill be shocked. You must maintain your speed in order to avoid being shockedto your nipples, ass, cunt, and pisshole."
Ji Na squealed. "Oh, God…I h-h-have t-to run with these in me?" shestared at the wires coming off the probes in her crotch. "No, please, please,don't do this to me, I swear I will never be lazy again, Please, Master…" buther complaints stopped with a cry as the treadmill started moving, and shewas compelled to walk. Mike let her walk for five minutes, watching her getused to the probes in her body, then increased the speed. She jogged for tenminutes, ran for five, then dropped to a walk again.
The guests sat back in their chairs and started eating, sometimes talking,sometimes watching. Every so often an agonized feminine scream would fill thedining chamber as the girl was shocked for dropping her speed.
Dinner lasted two hours. It was two hours of sheer torture for Ji Na, andby the time the last guest rose from the table, she was a sobbing, shaking,exhausted wreck. Ryan nodded to Mike, who stopped the treadmill, and watchedas the girl sagged to her knees. "Please, Master," she begged them both, "P-p-pleaserelease me. I promise, I will never be lazy again!"
Ryan smiled at the true penitence in her voice. "You are forgiven. Mike,release her and take her down to her cell. Don't worry about tying her to herbed." He kissed her and left the dining hall. Just before the door closed,he heard her weak scream as Mike yanked the probe from her tortured urethra.
The Second Night
Ryan nodded to Lin, who left and came back with his bitch, Colleen. "Thisis slave Colleen. She is the very personification of envy. You see, one ofmy other girls, Carmen, has piercings all over her body, and Colleen likesthe way they look. She treats Carmen spitefully because she is jealous of thosepiercings. She has long wanted them, but I did not see fit to grant them toher. Tonight, she will see that what she envies may not be what she wants.She will receive those piercings she wished; those and many more." He noddedto the end of the room. "As you see, I have rigged two cameras around the table;they will feed images to the large videoscreen on the wall behind her. Onewill be trained on her face, so we can see the agony her envy has brought her;and another where we can see the body part being pierced." He nodded to Lin,who led Colleen to the table.
The table was randomly spiked over its top with small hard pebbles. Colleengave a sharp gasp as she was compelled to lie down on them, and her arms werepulled over her head and strapped to the top of the table. Her legs were pulledapart, fitted to specially constructed stirrups on either side of the table,and strapped in. Then Lin started.
Using steel piercing needles sterilized in a charcoal brazier, he grippedher lip carefully and ran the needle through. Colleen screamed as the hot needleinstantly cauterized the flesh it was passed through, and Lin waited untilthe worst of the pan had gone before rotating the needle, ensuring that itdidn't stick to the flesh. Then he picked up a barbell and pushed it throughthe newly pierced flesh, drawing out the needle as he did so. She screamed,her face twisting in torment. She wasn't a painslut; she didn't like pain.As a result, this would be torture, since she wouldn't be able to translatethe pain to pleasure.
Lin did three through her lower lip; one through the middle, two on eitherside. Then he inserted a dental gag, to hold her mouth open while he piercedher tongue and cheeks. Her eyebrow was next, at the end of which she passedout from the pain of having so many red-hot needles piercing her face. He broughther around with smelling salts.
The guests around Ryan's table, and Ryan himself, watched as Lin used along skewer to pierce her breasts at the base. Instead of putting two separatepiercings there, however, he had gotten from somewhere a long steel bar, whichhe heated and then passed into the hole on the left side of her left tit, outthe right side if the same tit, allowed the bar to cross her cleavage, andthen passed it through the left side of her right tit and finally out throughthe right side of her right tit, just in front of her armpit. She now effectivelyhad a bar of steel running between her breasts. She screamed for a long time,pleading hoarsely that she was no longer envious, she didn't want piercings,please TAKE THEM OUT! But Lin was inexorable, and he continued with a piercingon each nipple. He put a regular barbell in the flesh for now, though laterwhen they healed if Ryan wished the separate barbells could be replaced witha single bar of steel as he had done with the base of her breasts.
Then he moved lower. Her navel was already pierced; he simply exchangedthe small, glittery rhinestone charm with a thicker gauge ring, then moveddown between her thighs. Sensing what was to come, she thrashed in agony, screaming,pleading, begging for mercy, for release. She promised them she would suckthem, they could fuck her anywhere they wanted, if they would just stop, orlet her rest…and then she fainted. Ryan shook his head no to Lin's inquiringlook, and Lin waved smelling salts under her nose to wake her before commencingwith her lower piercings.
One piercing went through her hood, and one right at the base of her oh-so-sensitiveclit. Three went into her large, fleshy outer labia lips, three on her innerlabia. Then he inserted a speculum, opened her up so wide she screamed in agonywith the stretch, and reached in to the front wall of her vagina. Using a curvedneedle, he pierced the tissue of her vaginal wall and then inserted a ring.Reaching in there with a soldering iron, he proceeded to solder it closed,ignoring her shrill screams of agony at the burning, stabbing , horrific agonyin her most sensitive spot. He'd pierced her G-spot with a ring. It wouldn'tbe felt much if a man wanted to fuck her; that wasn't what it was for. He pickedup a chain and clipped it to her vaginal ring. Then he unstrapped her.
She could barely stand; but she was compelled to, because the light tugshe was giving to the leash attached to the ring now permanently embedded inher sensitive tissue hurt like hell. Lin knew that the pain would eventuallygo away, and she would get used to having a foreign object in her cunt, butshe would never be able to ignore the humiliation she felt at being led aroundby the embedded ring. He led her around the room, stopping to let each guesttug on her breast bar and nipple barbells, and by the time the last guest rose,they had all loudly proclaimed themselves extremely pleased with her new jewelry.
She hated it. And she had learned to be careful what she wished for!
The Third Night
Ryan rose from the table as Ayesha was brought in the third night. "Thisslut," he said coolly, "is always touching herself, always begging to be used.She is a walking advertisement for lust. She has been repeatedly and soundlypunished, the last time whipped to unconsciousness, but she has not yet learnedher lesson. So tonight, we will remove the object of her temptation. Her handlerAli has asked to be married to her, and I feel that, in keeping with the traditionsof her home country, she should be wed to him as an infibulated bride. Shetook her own virginity long before now, but thanks to this procedure, she willbe as tight as a virgin on her wedding night. And she will bleed like one aswell."
Ayesha, understanding suddenly what he meant to do, screamed. "No, please!You can't do that!' She reared against the leash Ali held, fighting the chainaround her neck, and Ali was forced to ask for one of the other handlers' help.Mike obliged. Together he and Ali dragged the kicking, protesting, screaminggirl across the room to where a single chain hung from the ceiling.
They wrapped leather shackles around her wrists, then effortlessly hauledher ankles up off the floor and shackled her ankles to the same chain. Shehung now from the chain, helpless, doubled over. Her sex peeped out betweenher thighs, and despite her frantic screaming, there was moisture apparentat her pussy lips. She had shaved that morning, so her pussy was free of hair.
Ali grabbed a long, thin, whippy cane. "Thirty," Ryan said from the table. "Forresisting a command given her by her Masters." Ali nodded.
Swish went the cane through the air. Thwick! itsaid as it slapped against her labia. "AGGGHH!!" screamed Ayesha. And so itwent. Swish, thwick , scream, swish, thwick ,scream. She passed out at twenty-five; her labia were grossly swollen and bleedingwhere two well placed strokes had cut the delicate folds. Ali picked up thebottle of smelling salts and woke her, then commenced caning her sex, focusingnow on her clitoris, which swelled under the abuse until it protruded fromunder its hood, red and throbbing. Then Ali took a small knife that had beenhoned to scalpel sharpness and heated in the small charcoal brazier, and placedit at the top of her clit hood. As she screamed in agony, he leisurely sawedthrough the flesh, ignoring the stench of burned girl meat, and finally a smalllump of dark flesh lay on the floor under the hanging girl. The white-hot knifehad cauterized the wound, so there was very little blood after that.
He had cut off her clit and inner labia, leaving the outer labia intact.She would still have labia there to torment, to cane and whip if he wantedto, but her little nub of female pleasure was irrevocably gone. She sobbedand screamed, cursing Ryan and Ali both for mutilating her, and Ali, angrywith her foul words, picked up a flogger and struck her exposed back and thighsuntil she passed out.
Ryan's voice was unexpectedly gentle. "Take her down, put her in her cell,and tie her to her cot with her legs open. The surgeon will meet you thereto examine her and stitch her up." Ali nodded, and he and Mike got Ayesha downand exited the hall with her limp body, to the sound of applause from the guests.The young Arabic girl truly had been punished for her lust!
The Fourth Night
It was Tamika's turn the next night. She had, Ryan decided, been guiltyof wrath; her anger was apparent in her eyes every time she saw her husbandStephen indulging in another girl's cunt. For this she would get a paddling,because her husband was her master. She was not supposed to get jealous ifher Master decided to use another slave.
It sounded like a mild punishment, as these things went, and some of theguests looked skeptical. Tamika herself made no protest as she was led willinglyto the whipping frame.
It was only after she was secured that Stephen himself produced the realsource of her pain; a huge anal plug, even larger than the one shoved intoJi Na's ass the first night. Ridged and gnarled, it was fully twelve incheslong, made of hard wood, and she cried, sobbing out that it would never fit,never go all the way in. Stephen set out to prove her wrong, lubing the dildoup and pressing it against her anus. The thing was almost the size of the wideend of a beer bottle; it didn't go in without a fight. Tamika was screamingin agony as the bulbous head of the enormous plug slid several inches intoher bowels. Muscular reactions took over, and she started grunting like a pigas her body tried to shit out the intruder. It was useless, and in fact onlyhelped the insertion as Stephen inched it along into her rectum.
Then the paddling started. Stephen had chosen a long, heavy wooden paddle,an instrument much like a boat oar with holes drilled into its surface to cutdown on air resistance. It came down with a solid, heavy thwack! onher behind, and she screamed in pain not only with the impact from the blowbut also from the pain of having the gnarled dildo slammed further into hertortured anus. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
By the time she had gotten the fifty slaps Ryan had decreed she should take,the plug was rammed tight up to its base in her stretched hole, she had faintedtwice, and she was screaming for mercy. "I will—never—oh, God,please—I'll never give into my wrath again! Please, don't hit me anymore!Please!" She flinched, screamed as the paddle came down one last time on buttocksthat had gone from ebony to crimson and now were rapidly shading down to purple-black.Maybe not so evident on her dark skin, but she would feel it for weeks, maybemonths, afterward, The muscles had been deeply bruised, and she wouldn't beable to sit for a very long time. "Are you sorry?" Stephen said to her, tappingthe shaft filling her rectum. She squealed in pain, then nodded, sobbing. "ThenI will take this out. Do you want it out?"
"Then be silent while I take it out."
Of course, that was impossible, but she did her level best not to make muchmore noise than a squeak. Stephen patted her approvingly and let her out ofthe room. She was walking quite carefully!
The Fifth Night
Natasha stood suffering.
Ryan had decided to punish her greed. Small sharp fishhooks had been pushedthrough her nipples and either side of her labia, and a small dish, much likethe kind used on weighing scales in ancient times, were placed on the fishhooks.The plates were brass, and heavy. That would have been torment enough, butRyan had ordered Pablo to bring Natasha's entire store of money. For each paperbill he substituted a coin of equal value; and ordered the coins placed onthe dish.
"Now, as penance for her greed, she must endure the weight of all those coinshanging from her labia and breasts. As you see, she has amassed quite a pilehere; she will decide when her own greed has weighted her down enough. Sheonly has to say 'enough' and we will cease adding coins. She will keep whatshe can hold in her dishes; the rest she forfeits. If she cannot carry herwealth, she doesn't need it." He nodded to Pablo. "Begin."
Clink. Clink. Clink. The measured clink of the coins dropping into the dishessuspended from her nipples and labia was at first the only sound, but as theweight increased, so did Natasha's pained gasps. She was determined to holdout; she had earned that money, both by fighting the other girls for it andby her own pain when she was loaned out of the manor to Ryan's friends. Butas more and more weight was added, the hooks tore deeper and deeper throughher flesh, and finally, when barely half the pile was in the dishes hangingfrom her teats and cunt, she screamed, "Enough! Oh please, Master Pablo, MasterRyan, I'm sorry!…please…please…take them off!" She wassobbing openly in agony.
Ryan smiled. "Not yet, my dear, you have to prove you can be responsiblefor what you're carrying there. Pablo will give you a whipping; ten strokeswith a cat o' nine on your back, and you must not drop a single coin. If youdrop it, you don't get it back. Do you understand?"
"Oh, God!" Natasha wailed, bursting into tears. With her head held up bythe noose around it, and her wrist shackles linked to her collar, she was helplessto use her hands to defend herself, or hold up the dishes. The next moment,tears gave way to screams as she felt the first stroke of the cat on her back.She couldn't bear it, she couldn't… "Please, Master Ryan!" she screamedin agony as the second stroke laid open her back again. "Please, please, takeit all, I don't want it, I swear I don't want it, you can't do this to me,I'll die, take it all!"
Ryan paused, smiling gently. "Are you sure? Not even a little coin left?"
"All!" Natasha babbled hysterically. She wasn't a painslut. Her specialtywas giving blowjobs, something she was good at and which didn't involve a lotof pain. "Please, Master Ryan, please!"
He took the dish of coins off her left nipple, accompanied by her cry ofrelief. Pablo pulled the barbed fishhook out of her tit meat and dropped thebloody thing carefully into the dish. They did the same to her other nipple,then to her cunt. Then Ryan said cruelly, "And now that we've relieved youof the weight, Pablo, give her the rest of the lashes she's owed for her greed."
To their surprise, Natasha didn't protest. "Please!" she begged Pablo. "Pleasepunish me, I deserve it, make it hurt, just don't put those hooks on me again!"
Pablo brought the cat down on her back again. Natasha screamed.
She passed out on the sixth stroke, and Ryan briefly considered letting hergo, then signaled for her to be roused and her whipping continue. Which itdid, until she had taken all ten strokes. Then he gestured, and Pablo led theshaking, sobbing girl out of the room, again to the applause of the assembledguests.
The Sixth Night
"As you can see from her figure, while Carmen bears a striking resemblanceto the Latino movie and singing star, she is nowhere near as fit as she shouldbe. The reason is because she over indulges at the dinner table. So she willnow be punished for her gluttony.
"Before her you see a dish of cold, congealed dog food. And there is a dishof water from the dog bowl. She will be compelled to eat and drink all of thatby the time the last stroke of the tawse is laid across her back. She is toget twenty lashes. If she finishes by the end of those twenty strokes, shewill be done with her punishment. If she is not, if she refuses, she will besent to her cell and fed nothing but cold wet dog food and pond water untilshe does agree to eat it.
"No!" Carmen cried, staring at the horrible mess before her. "I will noteat that! I can't! I'll get sick!"
Ryan was pitiless. "Begin." Patrick raised the tawse.
Ten strokes into her whipping, Carmen lowered her face to the food and beganto eat. The last stroke was just falling, and she was screaming while tryingto gulp down the last disgusting mouthful, when her stomach rebelled and shevomited all over the plate.
Ryan eyed the disgusting mess in front of her, feeling cheated out of thenight's entertainment. "Well, she did eat most of it. But I'm afraid that wasnullified by her prompt vomiting. Patrick; take her downstairs and put herin her cell. Dog food for the next week, and dog water. Nothing else, Thatshould teach her the error of her ways." He turned to his guests. "I am sorryour night's entertainment was ruined, let us hope tomorrow night's entertainmentwill be more cooperative."
The Seventh Night
Trudy had been saved for the last evening's entertainment, and in preparationfor it she had been compelled to retain water. She had had a catheter forcedinto her piss channel and clamped to avoid the possibility of her expellingthe contents of her overfull bladder, and her rectum had been filled with ahuge three-and-a-half quart enema which made her look like she was in her lasttrimester of pregnancy.
Derrick led her in, and the guests laughed as they watched her waddle. Herswollen belly was grossly distended, and the ball gag stuffed between her lipsdid little to stifle her cries of discomfort.
"Now, Trudy, you will beg your African Master for permission to relieveyour bowels and bladder. Swallow your pride, humble yourself before him, andbeg, and you will be shown mercy." Derrick removed the ball gag from Trudy'smouth and waited for her to speak.
Trudy was in such pain she would have done anything to be able to empty herbladder. "Please, Master Derrick!" she fell to her knees, her tied hands grabbingfor but not quite reaching the plug in her ass holding the enema in her bowels. "Please,please, please, let me go to the bathroom!"
Derrick made a tsking sound. "Whose slut bitch are you, cunt?" he snarledat her.
She didn't dare raise her eyes. "You, Master!"
"Then refer to yourself as such."
Trudy tried again. "Please, please, Master Derrick, please let your slaverelieve herself!"
"Better." Derrick pretended to consider, then he said, "I'll let you relieveyourself, on one condition. You must beg to suck me until I come. Then do it.Then I'll let you empty yourself. How's that?"
By that time Trudy was in so much pain she would have agreed to anythingjust to be able to relieve herself. "Yes, anything! Please, Master Derrick,please, let me suck your big black cock until you cum! I'll swallow! Please!"
Derrick obliged her, unzipping his pants and offering her his nine-incherto suck. As she took him in her mouth, he growled, "The sooner you make mecum, the better! Hurry up!"
She applied herself to sucking him off with far more enthusiasm than she'dever shown before. Derrick tried extremely hard not to cum, and in fact heldoff until her agonized body made her desperate. She opened her throat and swallowedhim down, deep-throating him, and Derrick couldn't hold out any longer. Heshot his load in her mouth.
He dragged a bucket out, and made her straddle it. Then he put the end ofher catheter tube in it, and released the clamp. Trudy almost screamed withrelief as her bladder emptied, and closed her eyes. She didn't seem to carethat everyone was watching. They knew she was former KKK; and seeing her humbledlike this was intensely satisfying. And then Derrick removed the plug fromher ass, and she screamed again as a river of slightly-brownish water floodedinto the bucket between her parted legs. Afterwards she stayed in position,letting him piss on her belly and thighs, watched it drip into the bucket,then went to her knees in front of him and licked him dry with her pink tongue.
Everyone agreed that that was the best night out of the seven.
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At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...
Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...
“Stay humble,” my host admonished me as she led me up the final flight of stairs to my room in Bucharest. I started to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pointed up and I ducked my head so I wouldn’t hit it on the low ceiling of the hall. Stay humble. In other words, keep your head bowed. I was a little testy, but it wasn’t her fault. It had been a miserable trip from Sofia, Bulgaria. I had just nine Bulgarian lev when I headed for the train station. My previous trip to...
I wanted to fuck her the first time I saw her. She was down the hall, maybe ten yards distant, walking away from me with my boss, and she was wearing a short tight skirt that showed off her well-shaped little ass and legs. She was young, well less than half my age, probably in her early twenties I correctly guessed. She was petite, a half-head shorter than me and couldn’t weigh over a hundred pounds. Her hair was dark and sort; a ‘pixie’ cut, I think they call it. She turned and I noted that...
Have you ever felt tired, so tired that you can't even get it up? I don't think I'm there yet, but it can't be far away. I never thought too much sex could ever wear me out, but I was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it wasn't the amount of sex, but the style, the variations, the number of partners, the immoral circumstances and God knows what else finally got to me. Right now, I feel so tired that if my dick fell off it could be a blessing. I suppose I should explain. My name is Sloan. I'm 22 years old...
HardcoreSeven days, seven women-Part #1 By csn61 © Chapter 1: the storyline:I want to describe the incredible fortune I have landed in terms of being able to make love to different mature rich woman, every day of the week without any catch, any obligations, without spending a single penny!I am a 21-year-old young computer scientist, presently unemployed. My main occupation now is to satisfy the sexual libido of my seven rich mature beautiful women lovers, day 'in' and day 'out '(pun intended) who love...
Standing anonymous amongst the congregation, he watched as friends and family precariously lowered the rain-drenched coffin into the collapsing grave. Six burly men leaned over the open chasm, striving to maintain balance in the torrential rain, as the coffin slowly disappeared from view a barely audible splatter resonated from beneath as it finally hit its waterlogged bed. All the Pallbearer’s shoes had once gleamed with pride, now they stood caked in mud, housing feet that struggling to...
In the dark bowels of Hell, two demonesses were working hard over a forge. The two demon women were of the prettier variety, though they didn’t hold a torch to succubi. The first of the demon ladies picked up the object they had just finished crafting. It was very ornate, and certainly didn’t belong in a hellhole like, well, Hell. It was a golden amulet with seven glowing gems placed in it. Six in a circle, and a seventh in the middle. “King Lucifer will be pleased with the Sinner’s Amulet.”...
FantasySeven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...
Aloha. This takes place in Oahu, in the older part of downtown Honolulu at Aloha Tower, where the cruise ships pull in. It was in front of Aloha tower, in a grassy square. It was a rectangular cement men’s room, the size of a single-wide. High barred windows, with six urinals and six stalls. None of the stalls had doors. A sink at the very end. A heavy door that was padlocked at nine PM each night and remained wedged open during the day. Entrances could be made quickly and silently, without...
© August 2000 Jake roused me from sleep, his fingers prodding my panties. With practiced skill he slipped beneath the elastic and lace, quickly, before I was fully awake. His fingers maneuvered in and out, every other stroke pushed a little deeper. He kissed my neck, nibbling my earlobe. I shivered. "It's after midnight, Jake," I mumbled irritably. "I'm sorry," Jake responded. My husband nuzzled up against my back. I felt the heat from his naked chest warm me through my thin...
It was Friday night, and again no one had asked me out. It was probably my fault. I had stopped going to the local bars, sick of the same old guys drinking the same old drinks and having the same old conversations with them. I'd dated white men all my life, and found them all the same. I'd always wanted to date outside my race, but the fear of what my family and friends might say kept me from reaching out across the color line. At 5'8", I was taller than most women, with dark blonde,...
Seven Oaks was a small town just under one hundred miles due south of home. I could easily be there in an hour and a half. It would be late, but I would be refreshed by the time I arrived. The regenerative powers of my species are as phenomenal as their abilities to track their prey. I found myself in town by eleven that evening. It was still to late to catch any business open and the only motel was a seedy place long past its prime. The Seven Oaks Lodge was nothing more than a flophouse for...
In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful. "In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A...
FantasyOn the edge of the galaxy an interstellar species known as Terrans continued to explore and expand their reach. Calling themselves the Steel Empire, or SE for short, they have vast technology, and ambition. Their home world now known as Steel Crown, is the origin of the Death Knights. Gifted among the Terran People for their ability to manipulate the fabric of the universe. Only one in a hundred thousand Terrans are born Death Knights, and they form the ruling class of the SE. The Death...
Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing, a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving...
The first kiss is nearly imperceptible. Lips press lightly to the valley of her lower back, parting just enough for his tongue to make its presence known on her glowing skin. It is the second kiss, a little higher on her spine, that causes a slight stir. He continues his journey upward as her body unconsciously reacts. Even as she sleeps, her breathing begins to incorporate sighs and short gasps whenever his lips make contact. Her body starts moving against the smooth satin sheets as his kisses...
I’m afraid these two are still stuck in a present-day holding pattern. I’ve given you a dream sequence flashback (the third section, to avoid any confusion) to make up for it! In case you’ve forgotten, they’re both nineteen during the flashback, so there’s no underage activity. ———————- Alessandro shook his head in disbelief. Maisie was kneeling next to a strawberry plant halfway down a row, her hand hovering in mid-air as she stared off into space. She hadn’t noticed him, even though he’d...
As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...
SEVEN BRIDES FOR ONE COYOTE, or CATCH THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM CRY By C Part I One day, Coyote was passing through the town of Tumbleweed, when he decidedto call on his old friend, Marshal Matt Basterson. Basterson's headquartersabutted on the town square. Its windows gave an excellent view of the courthouse,across the square, and the town gallows, right in the middle. While he satin Basterson's waiting room, Coyote looked out toward the gallows, but wasdisappointed to see that nothing was...
My friend and I were sitting in the Park hotel’s coffee shop on a busy street in Kolkata. We noticed a smart young man watching porn about the seven year itch while waiting for food along with his sexy female companion. He could’ve bedded the beautiful woman if he so desired, yet he’d found time for porn. “Why do we need porn?” asked my friend earnestly. “Because it’s one thing to make love and a totally different perspective, to see her in action,” I replied with conviction. “So you are...
Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing; a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving all the money that I could for the last six...
The trip to the station was sadly a short one. Rachel was a petite, young blonde with an athletic build. She was slim and solid, but soft in all the right spots. The bulletproof vest did nothing for her figure, but I could see beyond that to the womanly form underneath. She was fresh out of the academy and was assigned the call only to see how she would react to a naked man on the highway call. In my opinion she had passed with high marks. She was kind, and more importantly she had...
The reception at the Sheriffs Office was a chilly one. Rachel and Roxanne met me outside in front of two more deputies. I was a suspected murderer who had left with their boss and returned alone, driving his car. "Where's the Sheriff? What happened? Why didn't he bring you back?" "Wait a minute, one question at a time. You guys are getting worked up over nothing. The Sheriff is fine. His wife is fine. They are as happy as pigs in slop. I drove his car back because they were busy and I...
Stew had been a cop at the college for about 15 years. Being a Police Officer at a college presented plenty of challenges, not just the ones his brothers and sisters in the city police faced, but others, not the least of which was the frustration of having to explain his job over and over again and even to the college administration who would interfere with his duties as a law enforcement officer almost on a daily basis. He was there as much for public relations as anything else, he got that,...
Being a part-time night shift security guard for an upscale women clothing store has a few perks over working at the local 24 hours Wal-Mart -- you get paid a few dollars more per hour and that you don't have to deal with all the stupid customers, especially the drunk ones. You often spend your shift from 9pm to 6am in the security office studying, doing your homework or watching late night TV (often infomercials). It's not a bad gig for a college student. You drive as fast as you can in your...
Die Stadt schlief nie. Ihre Bewohner schon, aber zwischen den Häusern, in den Strassenschluchten bewegte sich immer etwas. Es war jetzt etwa 22 Uhr und da es inzwischen Oktober war, herrschte eigentlich nächtliche Finsternis, aber die zahllosen beleuchteten Fenster der Häuser, die Lampen, Signale und Autolichter liessen die Stadt im Dunkeln funkeln. Von einem Flugzeug aus wirkte das Lichtermeer hell und freundlich und einladend, aber in den Strassen zwischen den Hohen Gebäuden herrschte meist...
I m studying in Kota & preparing for Iit-Jee 2009 this incident took place last year when i went to my Aunt’s (mothers sister) house during summer vacation. My cousin brother is working in a call centre & is usually at work at night. When ever i used to go to my aunt’s home my bhabhi use to talk to me about the problems in their house and i used to listen it showing my keen interest in it. One night when my uncle & aunt had gone to SHIMLA on their 25th wedding anniversary my aunt was alone with...
IncestTHE PRICE OF POWER 7-NIGHTSTALKER Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...
(I do enjoy it when Bridget drops by and spends the evening relating more of her experiences to me. This time she concentrated on tales of her times passing through Paris. If you have never met my little Irish vampiress before you can find my changes to the vampire mythos pretty well explained by her in the first chapter of "Bridget's Nights". Thank you Marian for taking time to read the story and offer suggestions and corrections.) I flung open the doors leading out onto the balcony. The...
Tanya paused. She glanced at the notorious 'SHE-CRIMINAL' through the bars of the cell-door. Cindy CHAPMAN had been arrested on an outstanding 'Warrant of Apprehension' and was being held on remand in the 'Female' Cells. Tanya uttered a muffled sigh. Separated from the 'convicted' prostitute by the cell-door, the young brunette policewoman turned. Cindy moved closer to the cell-door. She smiled wickedely at the policewoman. Constable Tanya MARGARSON 30084 was rostered as the...
(1978) How DO I end up in what seems to be the same predicament time and time again? Yes, I know that when you're over 400 years old some patterns are bound to repeat themselves. Yes, I know that if I wasn't such a party girl I wouldn't drink so much, chase so many guys and girls, ingest a variety of strange substances and therefore wake up in the damndest places. My current situation was just the latest example. I gathered my thoughts. I had made one of my periodic trips to Ireland....
It seemed such a good idea: The Sweet Summer Nights with You Tour. ‘Look, here’s the plan,’ Dougie said. ‘We’ll start on the Summer Solstice and go right through ’til the end of August. Yeah? Fifty dates. And as many local radio stations as we can find along the way. You know … all those seaside towns, all those local radio stations. What d’you reckon? We’ll get The Prickly Pair to open for you.’ Suzanne frowned. But Dougie didn’t really care what Suzanne reckoned. He was on a roll. ‘We’ll...
I wasn’t away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his dinner. Although he probably would anyway and end up getting a takeout or something. I wasn’t really too worried about him. I knew he would be pleased to have a night by himself, surfing as much porn as he could. Like he thinks I don’t know what he gets up to! I was just annoyed that I would have to miss a gym session really. For the first time in my life, I finally had the body...
This is an edited version of the original chapter. I’ve fixed the grammatical errors and made minor alterations to the text. Since I resisted making major changes, the chapter is still quite wordy. ——————– Maisie Barnes rolled over in her lumpy twin bed and squinted at the clock on the old bedside table. 5:00 am. She pulled a pillow over her head and groaned, hoping to stop the morning’s first rays of sunshine from reaching her eyes. Her head hurt way too much for light right now. Stupid...
This is an edited version of the original chapter. I made quite a few minor alterations to the text, but resisted making major changes. As a result, the chapter is still rather wordy in places. I should also warn you that there is a long build up over the story (hey, it’s romance), so no sex in this installment. ——————– Alessandro drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair as he glanced around. Flat panel TVs, leather armchairs, and oversized, modern light fixtures dominated the room....
There’s another dream in the middle of this chapter. I swear there won’t be another after this chapter, but I had to give Maisie her share of flashback time. ,) —————————————- Maisie slid the last of the empty produce crates into the back of the pickup truck. She huffed out a long breath as she closed her eyes and wiped her brow on her sleeve. She was exhausted, the summer sun was bright and hot, and her long day had been full of chores on the farm and customers at the Wednesday farmers’...
Introduction: This is my first story. I have dramatised it a bit but its pretty much based on real experiences I have had. Let me know what you think. I had a nine o clock meeting with a customer four hours drive away, so my boss had let me drive down on the Thursday afternoon and because the meeting could easily run into five or six hours, he said he wasnt expecting me back on the Friday. I wasnt away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his...
Seven Pills By Ida N. Tidy Copyright 2002 Jason cautiously entered the abandoned warehouse. He had followed the car here. The car held his girlfriend of two years, and it held her against her will. He was creeping along a catwalk when he heard a voice call out. "We know you are here, if you would like to negotiate, I would suggest you come out now." Jason carefully weighed his options; he had no weapons beyond a tire iron in his hand. They had guns. He was alone; they had...
This is purely a work of fiction about two 18/19 year olds...It is the summer before our first year of college and we are home alone at his house. My mom works from home, but his place will be empty until his sister gets home from her summer internship. We have been playing truth or dare since we got up this morning. However, as close c***dhood friends there are few questions to ask when we keep no secrets. Our game has purely consisted of dares. Early on, I was dared to put on women's...
To be an incubus in this modern era is exceedingly easy. Declan St. Clare, a high level sex demon, needed to get his required amount of souls for the century, and by looking at the log of sinners in front of him, it was going to be simple. He would be able to get all seven off one list. Lifting his 6'5” frame from his computer chair, he opted to walk into his bathroom, rather than teleport there. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. It's funny that most...
BDSMAuthor's NoteNot every story is meant to be an epic. Sometimes the core of a story, the parts that really matter, only needs a single scene or two to be complete, and to add anything more would diminish the whole.This is a collection of such tales. Seven vignettes, each of them generally dark and unpleasant. One of them rhymes. They are all small and self contained, and hopefully you will find them to your taste. Enjoy! ContentsSmile (S01) - A kidnapper chats with his latest prize. Story...
Jason kissed Veronica on the cheek and stroked her hair. Then whispered in her ear "I love you". She whispered back "I love you too". She told him that she would be meeting a couple of friends for drinks after work. Jason never minded when she went out with her friends he just winked and drove away. She watched him as he drove away and thought is this how this is going to be ever day for the rest of my life? What am I missing? She could get this off her mind while she was getting ready...
Wife LoversSeven Swats Game Seven Swats Game By Wolff ? 2006 Wolfwerks. The natural born brat asked for it. Nike was running down the corridor propelled by her muscular legs.? She had on her tennis whites, sneakers and short socks, and her racket in a sports bag. She stopped by her locker and grabbed a fur paddle that was waiting for her. Tennis was good. She won and now she was on her way for the real reward and the one who was willing to mette it out to her. Nike offered a paddle to the Wolf.?...
Sam lost his wife to a long-time friend and his friend’s buddy on their anniversary, which was the previous night. He was enticed into a bet by Kyle when they played cards, and Sam lost. Sam had known Kyle had a thing for Melissa, his wife but he believed the marriage was rock solid. The stakes were that Sam would stand back and let Kyle attempt to seduce Melissa. Sam had hoped for her to confirm her faithfulness and love. Melissa didn’t live up to his expectations and ended up fucking Kyle and...
TabooI got seven shots before they noticed me. David jumped off the bed yelling “Give that fucking camera.” I pulled the 1911A1 that was tucked in my pants behind me and pointed it at him. He stopped, sneered and said: “You don’t have the balls.” I pointed the automatic at his left knee and pulled the trigger. He fell screaming to the floor. “Jesus Christ” my father said. “You shot your own brother?” “The only reason I’m not going to shoot you is because I don’t want to deprive mom of the...
I arrived in Bangkok in time for lunch. Seven-hour flight, but five hours by the clock. I was exhausted because I’d stayed up all night writing. My entire time in Odawara had been spent without even looking at my computer. I was thankful it had enough charge to boot. Fortunately, Japan uses the same power connections as Europe and I had the right adapter, so the computer was charged, even if I wasn’t. I wrote all about Ani Mai and what I felt, then realized I was probably reading much more...
Sheriff David Chamese returned to the cell where I had willingly waited while the EMT's removed the deputies and said," Open holding one!" The lock popped and he pulled the heavy door open. He motioned for me to follow him as he turned and walked away. If he was afraid of me it didn't show. He led me to his office and pointed to a chair in front of his desk. He entered a large closet and returned carrying a plaster cast of a footprint and some Polaroids. He dropped the cast and the...
Case Study # 3: Katie T. Each “Case Study” involves something illegal. Incest of course. Underage sex. Juvenile corruption. But legality is sometimes less important than the health and welfare of the participants. It’s sometimes a tightrope, sometimes a messy quandary. Underage sex can be a fuzzy concept. Age of consent laws vary from locale to locale. A 14 year old can be more mature, more ready for sex than a 21 year old. The impact of legal prosecution is even more murky. The justice...
Case Study # 6: Juanita M. At a nice race track like Del Mar the tote board could look intrusive, out of place. It wasn’t though, gambling is the soul of the venture. My professional tote board is the fee I charge for my services. Fees are necessary to make a living, but they also establish my value, my validity, to my clients. And to insurance providers. Insurance covers most of my costs for many patients. Several of whom were similar to race track patrons. A two-minute thrill at the track...
"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...
Hi Friends,I m Ravi, i finished my engg.Now i m in chennai.1st time i m writing my experiance…i have 7inch cock.Its my 1st exp wit my own aunty. My aunty is one of the very very sexy lady in world, her name is Anu.(sorry friends,i changed her name). Which encouraged me to have sex with Anu.her boobs like water-melone , and i want suck it. Basically she is from small village and she is also a good friend For me.Her body and eyes are very admirable one.she has great Boobs 34D, 28 waist and 38...
IncestMy Name is Alok. I am 22 years old. This is the story of my engineering days. I am from Delhi but I did my engineering from Bangalore. One of my uncles is living in Bangalore. So I did not take hostel or any accommodation in Bangalore, instead, I stayed at their place. I have one elder brother, Ankit and my parents in my family whereas in my Uncle’s family there is Uncle, Aunty and their 2 children Sanchit and Isha. Sanchit was doing his graduation from Delhi University, hence he was staying at...
IncestSouthern Nights, Hot NightsI learned only when I moved there for a teaching assignment at one of the local community colleges why it’s called the deep south, rather than just the south. Thanks to the summer humidity, the further in you go, the more it feels like you’re underwater. When Teri and I found a rental house, it had shade trees and big windows to capture the breeze, but no central air. The nearest Walmart was forty miles away, and completely sold out.Nights in the town of Picsquita...
Introduction: Mature wifes simmering lust Steve stays a few nights I have to admit that Steve was a very hot 26yr old guy, and even though he was the partner of my friend and they had a new baby together, I was still very physically attracted to him. So when he asked to stay with us for a few nights because our house was closer to a job he was doing, I got very excited. He has beautiful blue eyes, tall and very deep tan from being outside so often. We often flirted with each other but nothing...
Seven Months With Marie- Part Six: “The Challenge” Fall 2004 Marie and I were approaching the five month mark. She was the kinkiest girl I had ever met by far and away. Our first sexual encounter had been a threesome with our co-worker (and my land-lady/next door neighbor) Karen. It had started as a joke, and Karen had started filming me walking around her house drunk and naked. Then things got heated and the whole thing ended up on tape. After that Marie and I were together...
Seven Months With Marie- Part Five: “The Hurricane” Fall 2004 It had been a month since two of my good friends and I gang banged Marie (see previous story). She was so grateful for me returning the ‘group sex’ favor that our sex life was getting more and more wild and uninhibited. Stopping by Michelle’s house for a threesome had just about become a weekly thing. Our plans for the upcoming weekend however would be drastically different. The news stations had cried wolf so many...