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Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and Jacob entered into a Faustian deal. One night, Jacob used a forbidden book to call upon the dark one... and offered anything in exchange for more. More what, he was not certain, yet he knew that he wanted it. To Jacob's surprise, the dark one appeared before him and accepted his offer. "I shall give you that which you ask," the dark one told him grimly. "I shall provide seven demons... one from each demon clan. Each of these demons shall provide you with a single service... a single wish if it is within their power. And upon this day one year from now, I shall return for payment of your soul." Jacob shook from fear of the dark one before him, but signed in blood the contract, which bound those terms and damned his soul. For the first month, Jacob thought upon what he desired and was overwhelmed by the possibilities. Jacob could have whatever he desired. With but a few words, he could become the most successful silver smith in New York or wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. He could have servants to wait upon him hand and foot or women to throw themselves upon him. Anything and everything could be his for the asking. But then, realization dawned upon Jacob. He began to comprehend the truth of the compact in which he had entered with the dark one. Jacob could have whatever he desired, though he now understood that the cost was too high. Nothing was worth the fate that now awaited him. Horrified at what he had done, Jacob called upon the dark one once again and renounced his contract. "I have called none of your demons," Jacob pleaded his, "I have used not one of their services..." But the dark one laughed at Jacob. "Use them or not, the choice is yours. I have fulfilled my part of our bargain so your soul shall be mine as promised." Jacob was filled with horror and remorse, yet was determined to find a way. He spent months searching for a way to escape his bargain, yet finding little luck. There seemed nothing that he could do save use the demons wishes while he was able so that at least his soul would not go for naught. Then one night while resting, Jacob recalled the dark one's words and saw a glimmer of hope. And with a grim determination, he rushed to his workshop and immediately began work upon his most important project. Nearly every minute of Jacob's time was spent locked within his workshop, with his entire attention focused upon his work. Jacob carefully made seven coins of silver, made from the finest metal, which had been melted from a crucifix. Each coin was created individually, shaped and then polished into perfection. Upon each of the seven coins was an image, an image which represented one of the seven demons who yet owed service to Jacob. He had put great effort and skill in crafting them, making the images... the coins as perfect as his craft would let him. Once Jacob had finished the coins, his masterpieces, he felt pride. Yet it was a sad pride as he knew that he would never have created such works had he not made such a foolish bargain. For the coins were to be Jacob's only hope of salvation... or of retribution. Finally the day came, one year since the dreadful bargain had been struck, since the contract had been signed in blood. Jacob knew that the time had come and did that which he had delayed for a full year. One by one, Jacob called his demons. And one by one the demons came. As each demon arrived, Jacob held aloft the coin he had crafted for them and made his demand. "I wish you to transfer your power to this coin," Jacob told them each. Jacob knew that there was but one chance for him to escape an eternal torment, and this was it. Should any demon fail to grant Jacob's service, or refuse to fulfill his wish... then the dark one's promise would be unfulfilled... and the contract broken. As each demon heard the demand, they begged, bribed and threatened Jacob to change it. The succubus even tried seducing him, though Jacob held firm. One by one, the demons were faced with Jacob's wish, and one by one they were forced to grant it. For though the demons hated the thought of surrendering their power, they were more afraid of their dark master's wrath should they disobey his order. When the wishes were complete and the final demon had surrendered his power, Jacob stared grimly at the coins. Each coin now contained the power of a demon. And with each coin being filled, Jacob had lost an opportunity until none was left him. His fate truly was sealed. Jacob did not have long to wait before the dark one arrived to claim his soul. In a desperate effort, Jacob revealed the coins and pleaded, "I will return your demons power if you let me go..." "I have many demons," the dark one told Jacob with a cold laugh, "What care I for seven?" Having nothing else to lose, Jacob threw the handful of coins out the window, where they scattered along the street below. Within mere moments, street urchins had snatched them all up and then vanished from view. The look of cold anger on the dark one's face was enough to let Jacob know that those demons powers meant more to him than he had admitted. Then as the devil stepped forward to claim his due, Jacob waited with a weak smile. He had lost... more than most could imagine, yet even in losing he had found a small victory. The devil would still get Jacob's soul... but he had paid MUCH more for it than he had wanted. Jacob was supposed to have received merely a single service from each demon... and to have benefited from their powers for no more than a year. But now, Jacob's soul would cost the dark one more than merely seven wishes. Now the coins had been scattered, each of which contained the powers of a single demon... powers of greed, lust, anger, sloth, envy, pride and gluttony. These were powers that were no longer constrained to serve whom the dark one ordered, but any who could find them. And who knew who that could be... GREED The coin waited, neither patiently nor impatiently. It was not conscious, had no mind or will of its own. Yet in a strange way, the coin was aware. Eventually though, as always, the coin was picked up. The possessor called upon the coin to grant a wish, as it had done before. "I wish that all of the hungry people in the world were fed," the possessor made the demand. The wish had been made... yet it was beyond the power of the coin so was not to be granted. But still, that would count as the single demand that this possessor was allotted. There would be no others. Once again the coin was left to wait, though it was not long before there was another possessor. However, this time there was a greed that emanated from the possessor. A greed which stirred the power within the coin and caused to reach out to that which was so similar... Preston Cambell had served the wealthy Gable family for more than fourteen years. First he had loyally served the elder Gable for over a decade, and now he continued to serve his former employer's son, the younger Gable. At the moment, Preston was staring silently at the silver coin, the coin which he knew had been the Gable family's greatest secret. It was the good luck charm which the elder Gable had once attributed to their family's great fortune. The elder Gable had once told Preston of it during a moment of intoxication, though never mentioned it again. Though it had been years, Preston still remembered their conversation clearly. The elder Gable had said that his grandfather had been but a poor boy when he found the coin, but that by the time he had become twenty, he had created a moderate fortune with its help. Then had come the great stock market crash, and the fortune had been lost. Yet by some miracle which was credited to their good luck charm, the elder Gable's father had been able to rebuild the fortune... and increase it. Then eventually, the elder Gable had inherited the wealth and multiplied it yet again, turning them into one of the wealthiest families in America. But as with all men, the elder Gable's time had finally come to an end and the family fortune went to his only son, the younger Gable. But unlike his predecessors who had worked at creating the wealth, the younger Gable seemed more interested in spending it. He had already donated several million to various charities. Preston had not believed the elder Gable at first, thinking it the ramblings of a drunken old man or some superstition which had been passed down from father to son. Preston had never even seen the coin himself... until now. The younger Gable must have had it out or been looking at it earlier in the day, as when Preston had gone into the study, he had been surprised to see that a wall safe had been left open. A hidden safe, which Preston had not even been aware existed until that moment. And sitting in plain view, the only thing within the safe was the coin, resting on a velvet pad. After staring at the coin for several minutes, Preston carefully picked it up. It was about the size of a silver dollar and made of a silver that was so well polished that there was not a single blemish or smudge on the surface. On the one side was the image of a man's face, which was so perfectly formed that it almost seemed alive. Even the expression of pure greed on the face could not be mistaken. And upon the other side was the image of a demon, also created with the same exactness and detail. Then finally, Preston saw that there was something written around the surface, though he could not make it out. And though Preston's eyesight was too poor to read it, the words proclaimed, "TRAPPED WITHIN THIS COIN LIES THE POWER OF GREED" Preston continued to stare at the coin for several minutes, smiling faintly as he realized exactly what he held in his hand. At least what he held if what the elder Gable had been telling him the truth as he had come to suspect. If that single good luck charm could help the Gable family amass a huge fortune, he could just imagine what it might do for him as well. Suddenly Preston felt something odd as strange images began to flash through his head. They were coming from the coin... as if it was trying to communicate with him somehow. And though Preston couldn't make it all out, he suddenly understood that the coin would grant him a single wish. Or at least it would grant him a wish as long as it fell within the coin's power to do so. "The power to gather wealth," Preston whispered, somehow realizing that the coin's wishes would be strongest when motivated by greed, though he would not phrase it that way. Preston licked his lips, wondering if he should wish for millions in cash, or that it be deposited in his savings account. But not a foolish man, Preston realized that there would be certain problems with either of those. The main one being, how would he possibly be able to explain where it had suddenly come from. There was no doubt that the IRS would be very interested in that. Then Preston smiled faintly as the solution to that problem occurred to him. He quickly looked around to make sure that no one was watching, feeling guilty at betraying the trust of his employers, but not about to miss such a once in a lifetime opportunity. "I wish," Preston started carefully, wanting to be as precise as possible, "that I had the only winning lottery ticket for the next state lottery, within my left pocket." Once Preston had finished with his wish, he slowly reached within his pocket and gulped as he pulled out a lottery ticket. He stared at it for a moment, smiling with the proof that the wish had actually worked. It was no wonder that the Gable family had become so wealthy using it. He stood there for a moment more, knowing that he'd gotten what he had wanted and that he should put the coin back before he was discovered, yet Preston couldn't help think that he could get even more from it. It was then that Preston thought of a certain lady friend of his and smiled. Though he had already used his one wish, there was no reason that he couldn't have her make another wish on the coin and, then return it to the safe, hopefully before anyone noticed that it had ever been missing. And since the younger Gable had just left the mansion a short time earlier... Preston hesitated just a moment, nervously looking around once again before slipping the coin into the same pocket as the lottery ticket. And taking a deep breath, he quickly turned around and left the mansion, fairly confident that no one had seen him remove the coin from the study. Just minutes later, Preston had left the mansion and was well on his way to see his lady friend. He was nervous and excited, just a little bit afraid of what would happen should he get caught 'borrowing' the coin, though the idea of what he could gain from keeping it himself for just several hours was more than enough motivation. When Preston was just outside of the building in which she lived, he left his car to walk the remaining short distance. He had not gone far before a young man who was running down the street bumped into him. "Sorry," the young man quickly told Preston before rushing off again. "Quite rude," Preston muttered to himself as he turned to continue on his way. It was just a block away from there that the 19 year old pickpocket stopped and slipped into an alley in order to check his latest grab. Jay frowned as he saw that all that he'd manage to snatch was a lottery ticket and some kind of coin. With a snort of disappointment, Jay slipped the lottery ticket into his pocket, then paused to take a closer look at the coin. His eyes went wide with surprise as he did so. Jay had seen enough real silver to recognize it when he held it in his own hands. "I wonder how much this is worth," he muttered, thinking of a local pawn-shop that wouldn't ask any questions. Just then, Jay felt something tingling in his thoughts, something which came from the coin. He let out a gasp of surprise, somehow now knowing that the coin would grant him a wish, though he still wasn't completely certain that he believed it. After several minutes though, Jay knew that he didn't have anything to lose, so clutched the coin tightly in his hand as he made his wish, "I wish that women really wanted me..." Suddenly Jay yelped in pain as he received what felt like an electrical shock against his hand. He grimaced and looked at his hand, gasping in surprise as he saw what looked like a patch of gold metal on the back of it. And it was spreading... "What the fuck?" Jay demanded, dropping the coin in surprise as his whole hand was transformed into gold. Jay stood there, staring at his golden hand in shock, and growing horrified as he saw that it was spreading up his arm. As Jay panicked, he began to run. He had no idea where he was running to, only that he was desperate to find some kind of help. However, Jay couldn't make it very far before his joints and muscles started to freeze up. He slowed down more and more, finding it increasingly difficult to move at all. Finally, he had to stop entirely, barely able to budge at all. And it was just moments later that even that much was impossible. Jay screamed inside, though his mouth would not even move enough to let it out. It had not taken long for the transformation to become complete, for the young pickpocket's entire body to be transformed into gold. He stood there frozen, still aware... still able to think... but unable to do anything else. Such was the nature of a statue as had just become. Jay stood there in silent horror, screaming for help which would never come. Eventually, he realized that his wish had indeed been granted. Now, women truly would want Jay... As a golden statue worth millions... everyone would want him. Back in the alley, where it had been dropped and forgotten, the silver coin remained on the ground where previous possessor had left it. Being discarded did not bother the coin of greed. Nothing bothered it. Still, it waited... SLOTH Stacy looked around the dusty attic with a look of disgust, hating the fact that she even had to come up there. However, she hated the reason that she was up there even more. "It's not fair," Stacy grumbled to herself. "Why do I have to clean the attic?" Giving a snort, Stacy still made no move to touch anything, much less the broom that she had brought up with her. It just wasn't fair... Why couldn't her mom do it herself instead of making Stacy have to work? But then Stacy rolled her eyes, mentally hearing her mom's words echoing through her head. Words that she'd heard countless times since her dad had them several years earlier. Her mom never seemed to miss an opportunity to tell Stacy that she would have to help around the house more. "As if," Stacy grumbled bitterly. And of course, it had all gotten worse since Stacy turned 16 a month earlier. Now it was not only that she should help more around the house, but that since she had her license, she should help more with the errands and running around. And then... then there was the job. Stacy's mom had begun pressuring her more and more to go out and get a job to help pay some of the bills. "It's not like I eat all THAT much," Stacy complained. And her mom had certainly never told her that she needed to get a job before. "I just wish that she'd get off my back..." Then Stacy let out a long sigh, knowing that she might as well get started or she'd never hear the end of it. Still, she was in no hurry as she started moving some old boxes out of the way, wondering which ones her mom would want sent to Good Will. Stacy cleaned for several minutes, or at least moved enough of the clutter around so that if her mother checked up on her, it would look as though Stacy had been hard at work. "It's not like anyone even comes up here," Stacy muttered as she kicked at a stack of boxes. Suddenly the whole stack toppled over with a loud clatter and Stacy winced, half afraid that her mom would come rushing up to demand to know what all the noise was. But after a minute with no sign of her mom, Stacy let out a sigh of relief and slowly moved to check on the boxes. However, as Stacy was putting the boxes back upright, one of them caught her attention. It was an old wooden one, little bigger than shoebox. It was also a box that Stacy recognized, though she had not seen it since her Grandpa George had died nearly five years earlier. Stacy smiled sadly as she remembered her Grandpa George and Grandma Bess. As far back as she could remember, Grandpa George had always been sitting back in his recliner and smoking a pipe. He barely ever lifted a finger to do anything since Grandma Bess had always seemed quite happy to do absolutely everything for him. "What a life," Stacy sighed, thinking how nice it would be having someone else doing everything for her. Unfortunately, Grandma Bess had gotten sick and died. Grandpa George had taken it pretty hard and didn't know what to do without her. It wasn't even six months later that he passed away as well, going in his sleep. After a moment more, Stacy slowly opened the box up and stared at its contents. It was filled with various trinkets, personal items of her late Grandpa George. There was his pipe, his wedding ring as well as a number of other odds and ends that Stacy barely paid much attention to. But one particular item in Grandpa George's box immediately caught Stacy's eye. There was a silver coin that looked as shiny and new, as if it had just come off of the mint. And remembering that old coins were often worth money, Stacy picked it up for a better look. There was a face on the coin, a face that looked like it was in the middle of the yawn or something. Stacy smiled faintly, then glanced back at the box it had come from before looking at the other boxes that she had knocked over. "Ugh," Stacy grimaced. Stacy was not thrilled at the thought of not only cleaning up those boxes, but the rest of the attic as well. She shook her head, once again thinking about how unfair it was that her mom was making her do cleaning instead of being able to go to the mall with her friends. "That is SO unfair," she grumbled. Suddenly, Stacy felt something strange coming from the coin in her hand. Strange images flashed through her head, and she knew that they were coming from the coin. It was almost as though the coin were trying to communicate with her... "Oh shit," Stacy whispered, staring at the coin in her palm, "No way..." Somehow... Stacy knew that the coin had the power to grant her a wish. It had sort of told her, though it was a bit vague. She also knew that it would only grant a wish having to do with making her life easier. Making it so that she didn't have to do so much work. Stacy grinned at that as it was the answer to her prayers. "Let's see," Stacy thought aloud, "I wish... I wish that things were different, so that no one would expect me to do any work or anything, and my mom would take care of me completely..." Stacy almost immediately felt a strange tingle shoot up her arm from the coin. She was so startled that she dropped it, right back into the box of trinkets that she'd taken it from. But the tingle didn't stop there. It seemed to continue through her entire body. "I feel weird," she mumbled to herself. Then Stacy stood up straight, pausing as she realized that something was wrong. It took her just a moment to realize what it was. Her clothes... They were loose on her. And she knew that they hadn't been just a minute earlier. Stacy blinked in confusion, "What's going on?" However, instead of receiving an answer, Stacy looked down and was horrified to realize that her clothes were getting even looser. They were growing. "Or I'm shrinking," she finished with a cold chill. With a stab of panic shooting through her, Stacy cried out and ran out of the attic, nearly tripping over her longer pant legs as she rushed down the stairs. Her feet were beginning to slide around in her now too large shoes. "MOM!" Stacy cried out before she even reached the bottom step. "MOM!" "What's all this racket about?" Stacy's mom demanded as she came to check on the noise, then froze and stared at her daughter in shock. "Stacy?" Stacy grabbed at her clothes, which had become more than just a little loose, her hands pausing as they reached her chest and she suddenly realized that it was flat. Her breasts were gone. Her mom just stood there with her mouth hanging open, continuing to stare at the 10 year old girl in front of her in disbelief. Even though it was completely impossible, there was no mistaking that it was her daughter. Stacy looked exactly the same as she had 6 years earlier... All that Stacy was able to do was stand there, staring in horror as her mom seemed to grow larger and larger in front of her, as well as everything else. Though in truth, it was Stacy who was shrinking, growing younger and younger with every passing second. "I'm shrinking," Stacy cried out from the body of a 5 year old girl. And just a second later, had regressed even further, becoming 4 and then 3. "What... what's going on?" her mom cried out in confusion and worry for her daughter. However, Stacy was unable to answer. Her legs suddenly lost their ability to support her and she collapsed into the pile of her own clothes. She cried out, screaming in terror at the massive giantess that was bending over and carefully pulling her out. The giantess who was her own mother. "Oh my God," Stacy's mom shook in fear as she stared at the tiny infant that her daughter had become. The changes had finally stopped, though Stacy was barely aware of this as she was completely absorbed in just how tiny and helpless she had become. She could barely even move at all... All that she could do was cry... Finally, Stacy's mom gulped as she gently held her infant daughter, not having any idea of what was going on...of what had happened to Stacy. All that she knew was that her daughter needed her. "It's all right," Stacy's mom told her, trying to be as soothing as possible, though it was not easy as her voice shook. "Mommy's here... Mommy will take care of everything..." At that moment, Stacy could only gurgle in helpless realization that her situation was entirely of her own fault. It had been her own wish that had done that to her. And the only thing that the infant Stacy could do was cry even louder. Back in the attic, the silver coin of sloth remained in the box that it had been dropped back into. The cause of the transformation would remain a mystery, unknown to any save one... And that one would not be able to tell another soul for some time to come... ANGER It was a nice day, with the sun being out overhead and no sign of the rain that had filled the sky for much of the previous week. And 8 year old Petey was quite thankful for that as it was a long walk from his school bus stop back to his house. Petey slouched a bit as he walked, thanks in part to the heavy backpack that he wore too and from school. He couldn't wait until he got to go to the middle school where kids actually had their own lockers to keep things in. It would certainly be a lot easier than bringing his stuff back and forth from school every day. But as Petey reached one spot alongside the road, he slowed down, then stopped. He stood there for a moment, just staring the thick tree which had been there as long as he remembered, and which now revealed a large dent in its side. A faint chill went down Petey's spine as he stared at the tree, knowing that there had been a bad car crash there just a week earlier. And though Petey's parents hadn't told him, he had overheard them saying that two people got killed there. Two people had been killed just down the street from where he lived. To Petey, that was a scary thought. As Petey stood there, he slowly looked around, taking in the small remains of the car which littered the roadside. There were lots of pieces of glass, as well as some plastic from the various lights on the car. But the car itself had been taken away before Petey had even had a chance to see it. Just then, Petey noticed something shiny sitting there with all the broken glass pieces. He bent over for a better look and was surprised to see that it was a coin. And it was bigger than a quarter. "Cool," Petey commented as he picked the coin up. Petey didn't recognize that type of coin and wondered how much it was worth. But he figured that if a dime was smaller than a quarter, and worth less than a quarter, this one had to be worth a lot more because it was so much bigger. But still, he did think that it looked a bit strange. There was a picture of a man's face on one side, but it looked really mad. After a moment, Petey shrugged and absently slipped the coin in his pocket. He decided that maybe he'd ask his dad about it later and see how much it was worth. When Petey got home just a few minutes later, he was surprised to find his mom standing there with an angry look on her face. She glared down at him and demanded, "And where have you been?" Petey blinked at that, then stammered, "I was at school..." "Well you took your sweet time coming home," his mom snapped impatiently. "How many times have I told you to come straight home?" "But I did," he whined his innocence. However, his mom didn't look as though she believed him. Instead, she stood there with her hands on her hips, demanding, "And when where you going to tell me about that lamp you broke?" "Lamp?" Petey blinked in confusion. When his mom pointed it out, he quickly protested, "I didn't break that..." "But I didn't," he whined, greatly intimidated by his mom's larger size and authority. Then he suddenly thought of his little brother Jason, his mom's little angel whom she thought could do no wrong. Petey was always getting blamed for stuff that Jason did. "Maybe Jason broke it," Petey cried out "That's it!" she snapped back furiously. "First you break the lamp and then you lie about it... Blaming your innocent brother..." She shook her head grimly, "You're going to have to be punished..." "BUT I DIDN'T DO IT," Petey yelled out, tears of fear and anger coming down his cheeks as his mom went for the paddle. "Don't you dare yell at me," she glared at Petey. Then to Petey's horror, he felt the sharp impact of the paddle against his behind and let out a loud yelp. But that was quickly followed by a second spank and more. "That's not fair," Petey cried when his mom had finished, "I didn't do it..." "Didn't you learn your lesson about lying to me yet?" she threatened, holding up the wooden paddle. Petey glared up at his mom, his anger at the injustice overcoming his fear of his mother's punishment. Without conscious thought, his hand slipped into his pocket and grasped the coin as if it could offer some sort of comfort. And then Petey angrily announced, "I wish that just once I could be the one doing the spanking..." Suddenly Petey felt as strange tingling rush through his body, and the next thing that he knew, he was looking down at a little boy who looked an awful lot like himself. For a brief moment, Petey just stared at the boy, then realized that there was something wrong with himself. Something VERY wrong. "What happened to me?" Petey gasped as he looked around the room, suddenly realizing just how much smaller everything was. No, he realized, just how much bigger he was. Then Petey looked down at himself, shocked to see just how far down the ground was, though not quite as shocked as the realization that he was wearing his mom's clothes. And more than that, he even had her boobies sticking out from his chest. "P... Petey?" the apparent little boy gasped out in fear and confusion. With that, Petey's thoughts were suddenly snapped back to what had just happened. That little boy was his mom... they had somehow traded bodies. And with that, he looked at his hand, noticing the wooden paddle that he held for the first time. A grin began to form. Petey glared down at the little boy, at his mom, feeling so much bigger and stronger for a change. Now she was the little boy and he was the big strong mom. He even had her boobies and paddle to prove it. "You've been a VERY bad mommy," Petey told her, raising the paddle so that she could see it. "What are you..." she started, but then gasped in fear as she realized what Petey had in mind. Petey's mom tried to run, but he quickly grabbed her by her shoulder and swung the paddle. It hit with a loud 'thwack', and Petey felt a surge of satisfaction. "LET ME GO!" Petey's mom screamed at him, tears coming down her cheeks. She looked up at him with a look of fear and anger, the same things that he had felt while she had been spanking him. "Don't you yell at me," Petey threw her own words back at her, giving her another swat. Petey continued spanking his mom for several minutes, clearly remembering all the times that she had spanked him. Sure, he had been bad a lot of those times, but he'd also been spanked when he hadn't done anything wrong at all. And now was payback... Once Petey had finished, he smugly announced, "There... Maybe now you've learned your lesson about being a bad mommy..." Suddenly Petey felt that strange tingle again, and the next thing that he knew, he was looking up at his mom again. He had been changed back... They had both been changed back. A sudden surge of fear rushed through Petey as he just knew that his mom was going to spank him again for what he'd just done. However, instead of that, she saw the paddle in her hand and suddenly dropped it to the ground with a look of horror, as though it had been red hot. Then she rubbed at her bottom, wincing. It was only then that Petey realized that his bottom didn't hurt at all, even though his mom had spanked it, and then he'd spanked it too. Petey's mom didn't say a word. Instead, she just gave a pale glance at the paddle on the floor, rubbing her bottom again before suddenly turning and walking away. Petey could only stand there in stunned disbelief, not knowing exactly what had happened, but feeling very thankful that it had. After this, Petey rushed to his room before his mom could change her mind and try spanking him again. And once he was inside, he was able to finally relax. A little while later, Petey pulled the strange coin that he had found out of his pocket and stared at it for a moment. He had just about forgotten about it until then. And as he looked at it, he grinned faintly, wondering if he could trade it to one of the kids at school for some candy... In the days, weeks and years that followed, Petey's mom never again raised the paddle or tried to spank him. Though she convinced herself that it had been nothing but a dream, deep down, she remembered. She remembered... and feared that one day, such a thing might happen yet again. GLUTTONY It was almost noon, and Michelle Phillips was feeling excited. She smiled and quickened her step just a little, eager to get to the restaurant where she was supposed to meet an old friend whom she hadn't seen in nearly a year. Michelle arrived at the restaurant on time, glancing at her watch anyway before looking around. It didn't take her long to spot Beth, her old college roommate. Beth waved to Michelle from the table where she was already seated. "It's good to see you again," Michelle gushed as they hugged. "You too," Beth grinned. Then Michelle took a step back and looked her friend over, seeing that Beth was still slender and in great shape. Michelle felt a slight stab of envy as she knew that she had probably gained about five pounds since the last time that they had seen each other. "You look great," Michelle told her with a slightly clenched smile. "You too," Beth repeated. Michelle just laughed, knowing that it probably wasn't true but appreciating the words anyway. As they sat back down, they quickly started filling each other in on what had been happening in their lives. After just a few minutes, their conversation was interrupted as the waiter came around and took their orders. Michelle frowned, only ordering a chicken salad and tea, though she would have preferred something a little more tasty. Still, she had to watch her figure. But to Michelle's surprise, Beth told the waiter, "I'll have a cheeseburger, chili fries and a Coke..." Then she surprised Michelle even more by adding, "And I think I'll have the cheesecake for dessert..." Michelle stared at Beth, biting her tongue to keep from commenting. Beth just smiled, not seeming the least concerned about the calories or what she would be doing to her waistline. And though Michelle had begun to suspect that Beth was only going to have a little bit of each, when the food arrived, her old roommate ate it all. "Holy shit," Michelle finally blurted out. "How in the world do you keep your figure when you eat like that?" Beth shrugged, "Just lucky I guess..." She had a bit of a smirk as she said that though. "Well," Michelle mused, "I suppose you can't eat like that all the time..." "Actually," Beth responded smugly, "I do. And I never gain a pound." "You're kidding..." Michelle was skeptical. However, Beth just grinned. "Not at all." Then she hesitated for a moment before finally saying, "And I'll share my secret with you..." Michelle smiled weakly, "You have my attention..." Beth was silent for a moment, then she reached into her purse, pulling something out. "This stays between us," she told Michelle. "Sure," Michelle nodded agreement. With that, Beth set a silver coin on the table in front of Michelle. It was about the size of a half dollar and looked as though it was brand new and perfectly polished. Michelle frowned, wondering what this was about. She picked up the coin and stared at it. It didn't look like any coin that she'd ever seen before. There was a face on it of a man who looked quite hungry. And on the other side, there was a demon with some sort of symbols around him. Finally, there was some sort of writing around the edges that Michelle had to squint in order to make out. It said TRAPPED WITHIN THIS COIN LIES THE POWER OF GLUTTONY. "I don't understand," Michelle said, feeling a bit confused. Beth frowned, then muttered, "Strange... it talked to me..." Then at Michelle's strange look, she explained, "I don't claim to understand how... but it's magic. This coin grants wishes..." "Yeah right," Michelle rolled her eyes. But Beth shook her head, looking quite serious. "It does. It grants wishes that have something to do with food, eating or hunger, but it only gives one per customer. Several months ago, I used mine to wish that I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight because of it." Then she gestured down at herself, "And it works." Michelle just stared at her friend for a moment, half sure that Beth was playing some sort of joke on her. However, there was also a large part of her that couldn't help but wonder... Beth never had been one to play those kinds of jokes. "It doesn't do me any good anymore," Beth announced, "So I'm giving it to you..." "Thanks," Michelle responded, not sure what else to say. She still wasn't sure that she believed it, but she slipped it into her pocket anyway. With that out of the way, Michelle and Beth's conversation quickly returned to something a little more normal. They continued talking for another hour or so before eventually heading their separate ways, but with promises of seeing each other again fairly soon. Over the next several days, Michelle carried the coin around as a good luck charm, chuckling faintly whenever she looked at it and remembered the story that Beth had told her. However, each time she looked at it, she continued to remember the way that Beth had eaten, with no worries about gaining weight because of it. Then one day when Michelle had gone to lunch with several of her co-workers, she took the coin out and stared at it for a moment. She looked at the large plate of delicious looking food that had been provided to her, grimacing as she thought about just how fattening that had to be. There was no way that she could eat even half of the food on her plate, much less all of it, and that wasn't even taking into account how many calories had to be in front of her. It seemed to Michelle that if Beth's magic wishing coin really had any truth to it, then would be the time to use it. "I wish," Michelle muttered to herself under her breath so that her co-workers wouldn't hear and think her crazy, "that I could eat as much food as I wanted..." Just then, Michelle felt a faint tingling run through her body. It was faint, but definitely noticeable. She shook her head, half sure that it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, then slipped the coin back into her pocket. Michelle turned her attention back to her lunch plate special, suddenly realizing just how hungry she was. Without giving any more thought to the coin, Michelle went to work eating the food on her plate. To her great surprise, she not only managed to eat everything that had been set in front of her, but she was still just a little hungry as well. "Can I get a slice of that pie for dessert?" Michelle asked the waiter while her co-workers stared at her in surprise. After having that large lunch, Michelle went back to work, faintly annoyed by the fact that she had just eaten such a large lunch, and she was still feeling the faint tinges of hunger. It didn't take her long before she was standing in front of the vending machine, staring at all of the candy and chips, they buying herself a little snack... a process which she repeated a half a dozen times before going home from work. When Michelle got home from work, the first thing that she did was find another snack while she made dinner. Michelle didn't understand it, why she was kept being hungry, no matter how much she ate. It had all started during lunch... "The coin," she whispered in realization. It had started after she'd used the coin to make the wish. But that didn't make any sense to Michelle. She hadn't even been sure that she'd believed in the coin's magic powers... And even so, she sure didn't remember wishing to always be hungry. Still... it was the only explanation that she could think of. Michelle grimaced, then quickly turned her attention to dinner. And after that, to the several snacks that she ate before bed. The next morning, Michelle stood on the scale, staring at it in horror and disgust. According to her scale, she had gained five pounds since the day before. Five whole pounds. "Impossible," she grimaced, especially as her stomach was demanding breakfast. However, Michelle couldn't argue with the results of the scale, no matter how much she wanted to. Nor could she argue with the fact that when she got dressed a little later, her pants were a bit tight. The situation was becoming MUCH worse. Throughout the day, Michelle tried fighting the hunger, telling herself that she was going on a diet. But each time, the growling in her stomach drove her to break her cheat her diet. And each time, she could almost feel her pants getting tighter on her. Michelle grimaced as she remembered the old saying, "A moment on the lips, forever on the hips," or how people said that a certain food would go straight to their hips. But for her, that seemed to have become true. It was as though everything she ate was immediately digested and turned into body fat, leaving her stomach just as empty as it had started. "I can eat everything I want," Michelle whispered to herself with a cold feeling as she thought about it. It was her wish. And when she'd made it, she hadn't mentioned a thing about not gaining weight because of it... That evening, Michelle was more than thankful to get out of her extremely tight pants and into her jogging suit which was MUCH more comfortable. However, she was horrified by the very need for it. And as bad as things were, she knew that they would only get worse. She was still hungry. "I'm fat," Michelle cried out as she stared at her reflection in horror. She had gained fifteen pounds in the last two days. Then Michelle remembered the coin again. She rushed to where she'd left it, grasping it tightly in her hand and demanding that it change her back to normal. That it fix the wish to the way she wanted it to be. She even begged it to no effect. After several tries, Michelle grimaced, "I wish that I was back to normal..." However, even wording it as a wish had done nothing that she could tell. She still had a strong craving for that Ben and Jerry's in her freezer... Over the next several days, Michelle continued to eat... to eat and gain weight. Her whole body swelled and grew until none of her clothes would even fit her and she was ashamed to show her face. Within mere days, Michelle had gone from being average to being obese. And it was still getting worse. Michelle stood at the edge of a local lake, staring out at it with a deep grimace. In spite of herself, all that she could really think about when she looked out there was all of the delicious fish that were within. Her growling stomach let her think of little other than food most of the time now. With a grimace, Michelle looked down at herself, hating the fact that she couldn't even see her feet anymore since she'd put on so much weight. She looked hideous and remembered the way people were rude to her while she had been out shopping for new clothes just a little earlier. It was quite a bit different... and she hated it. She desperately wanted to be back to normal. "But that's not going to happen," Michelle spat out viciously as she pulled the coin from her pocket. She glared at the coin, knowing that this was the cause of her troubles. And it wouldn't even fix things for her. In fact, she realized that about the only way for her to lose weight was to get some serious liposuction, then be locked up in a controlled environment with controlled food intake. She would be starved and miserable, or fat and miserable for the rest of her life. "And all because of you," she glared at the coin, desperately wishing that she'd never seen the horrible thing. That she'd never gone to lunch with Beth. Then with a howl of rage, Michelle threw the coin out into the lake as far as she could. It hit with a plop and immediately sank beneath the water. Michelle felt a faint bit of satisfaction at that. Several seconds later, Michelle slowly turned away from the lake and started for home, already drooling at the thought of the pizzas that she was going to order as soon as she got back. Not to mention the gallon of ice cream which she still had in her freezer. Still, Michelle couldn't resist glancing back and giving one more venomous glare at the lake which now held the coin. It was too late for her, but maybe now that horrible thing would never be able to ruin someone else's life like it had hers. ENVY It was with a long sigh that 16 year old Emily looked around the park in which she stood. It had been a hard day at school and she was more than glad for the chance to relax afterwards. And the park provided the perfect place to do so. Emily stood up straight and stretched her full height of 5 foot 5 as far as she could, then relaxed, feeling the tension slowly draining from her muscles. She had always found that a good stretch provided wonders for helping relax. Then as Emily bent over to touch her toes and stretch a little more, she noticed something on the ground a short distance away. There was faint gleaming as the sunlight reflected off of something shiny. "What's this?" Emily mused as she moved closer. But as Emily picked it up, she was a little disappointed to see that it was some sort of silver coin with weird pictures on it. She shrugged, deciding that it was probably some sort of video game token but slipping it into her pocket anyway. Several minutes later, Emily was sitting down on a park bench, staring across at the large fountain which was the center piece of the park and trying hard not to think about school, or much of anything else. She was just enjoying the sun's warmth against her skin. Emily remained where she was for some time, feeling quite calm and relaxed until she suddenly caught sight of something... Then with a frown, she sat up straight and stared. "Ugh," she grimaced. Not too far away, Emily watched Jenna... one of, if not THE most popular and beautiful girl in school. Jenna was one of those tall, gorgeous blondes with an incredible figure and great breasts, not to mention the intelligence of a mango. Or at least that was Emily's opinion. "Why her?" Emily asked herself, feeling insulted by the intrusion of someone like Jenna into her private relaxation time. It didn't seem fair. She'd had to deal with girls like Jenna in school, so it seemed grossly unfair that she would have to look at her afterwards as well. Though Emily didn't want to admit it, even to herself, she greatly envied the other girl. Jenna was everything that she was not... gorgeous, curvy and popular. Emily was just... Emily. So average as to almost be unnoticeable. "The invisible girl," she sighed. And then, just when Emily didn't think things could get any worse... they did. Jenna's boyfriend Tom showed up, then went over and kissed her. Emily watched with a scowl, feeling jealous. Tom was probably the best catch in the entire school. He was tall, about 6 foot 3, handsome and really well muscled. Not surprising since he was the star quarterback on the foot ball team. Emily just didn't think that it was fair that Jenna got all the best guys, while Emily didn't even have a boyfriend. However, Emily's dislike of those two was a bit more personal than that. Several months earlier, Jenna had spread a rumor that Emily was a lesbian, which was why she didn't have a boyfriend. It had been humiliating... And then there was Tom. Tom had only told a joke at her expense, but he had done so in front of a lot of people who had then started laughing at her. The worst part was that until that moment, Emily... like most of the girls in the school, had actually had a crush on him. With a snort of disgust, Emily got up and walked over to the fountain. She stared at it for a moment, at the statue of several dolphins that were spitting water, then at the water that was filled with change, thanks to the many people who had made wishes there. Emily sighed as she glanced back over at Jenna and Tom, trying not to look as though it was them that she was looking at. She felt another stirring of jealousy as she looked at their great bodies, knowing that they didn't even realize just how lucky they were. Then as Emily looked back at the fountain pool and the coins which littered the bottom, she absently reached into her pocket and pulled out one of her own coins. Letting out yet another sigh, Emily couldn't help looking at Tom and Jenna yet again. "He's so tall," she muttered to herself as she stared at Tom, "So strong and muscular..." There was no doubt why every girl was interested in him. And then there was Jenna. "She's so beautiful," Emily sighed, "She's got a great body and nice big breasts..." So unlike herself, Emily thought with envy. Emily tore her eyes off of those two and glanced at the fountain for only a moment before making her own wish. "I wish that I was the one like that," she announced before tossing her own coin into the water. Suddenly, Emily felt a strange cold chill run through her body. And she gasped aloud as it grew even stronger, filling her with strange sensations. "What the..." Emily started. But just then, Emily realized that her clothes had suddenly become tight on her. She let out another gasp, staring down at herself and not being able to miss the fact that her bra was getting tight as well. As she watched, it began to push out more, pinching her at the same time. For a moment, Emily just stood there in stunned confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening. However, as she grabbed her breasts and felt them pushing out, there was no doubt that she was growing. As impossible as it seamed, there was no mistaking that fact. "Oh God," Emily grunted from the pressure of her tightening clothes. A second later though, there was some relief as her shirt actually started to split open at the seams, quickly followed by her pants. However, that wasn't quite enough, so Emily quickly knocked her tightening shoes off, though before she could undo her bra, it snapped open. Emily suddenly heard a scream and looked up, only to see that Jenna and Tom were frantically grabbing at their clothes as well. However, a single glance was enough to see that they weren't growing out of them like she was, but instead... shrinking. Jenna was grabbing at her chest, which was noticeably flatter. In fact, her whole body seemed less spectacular than it had just moments before. And at the same time, Tom was looking just a little shorter as well as skinnier. His muscles were noticeably smaller and seemed to be getting more so with every passing second. It was only then that Emily looked back down at herself and gasped, noticing her new muscle definition for the first time. Her abs were flat and had forming into a six pack, while the rest of her muscles seemed to be following suit, growing and becoming firmer. Just a few seconds later, the changes seemed to stop and Emily felt the tingling fade. However, that was replaced with new sensations, sensations of strength and power. Gravity seemed to be affecting her in an entirely different way as well since her center of gravity had just changed. Emily stared down at herself, completely amazed by the stunning transformation in her body. She had become... magnificent. She now had nice big breasts and a lot of great new curves. At the same time, her body had become ripped and was bursting with muscle. However, that seemed to be well complimented by her new curves, and instead of making her look freakish as she might have expected from having so much muscles, she looked spectacular. "Oh my God," Emily gasped in amazement, realizing at the same time that she had become taller as well as bigger in every other way. With that, Emily stood up straight and stretched to her new height of 6 foot 3, completely delighting in the magnificence of her new body. She looked absolutely unbelievable and felt even better. She'd never felt stronger, healthier or more alive in her entire life. In fact, she'd never even imagined it being possible. Emily blinked, realizing that she was only wearing shreds, the torn ruins of her old clothes which now barely covered her body at all. Her breasts now bare and hanging out for everyone to see. However, Emily didn't feel the least embarrassed as she stood there, knowing that with her changes, she had nothing to be embarrassed about in the least. "Let them stare," Emily grinned, feeling quite proud of her body and actually wanting people to see it. Then Emily suddenly remembered Jenna and Tom. She looked over where they had been standing, gasping in surprise at what they had become. They were barely even recognizable. While she had grown and become something more, they had gone the reverse route. Jenna was now flat chested and skinny, seeming to lack almost any feminine curves. Even her face seemed to have changed, becoming more plain and ordinary. If it hadn't been her long, and now dull hair, Emily might have suspected that she was staring at a boy instead. Then there was Tom. Emily gasped as she stared at him. Tom had changed even more than Jenna, if that was possible. He had shrunk a great deal and now stood at Emily's old height of 5 foot 5, as well as had lost all trace of any muscles at all. In fact, he now looked almost like he was a little kid instead of the star quarterback of the football team. Emily stared at the former objects of her envy for a minute before slowly walking over there. She was amazed at just how small they now seemed to her... especially Tom. If she didn't know better, she would have sworn he was a little boy. "Are... are you all right?" Emily asked them, suddenly feeling guilty as she realized where her new body had come from. Her wish... The fountain had somehow granted her wish and gave her everything of Jenna and Tom's worth having. "Who..." Jenna stammered as she looked up at the now Amazon Emily, not recognizing the other girl at all. "It's me," Emily stammered, then realized that this wouldn't do much good. "Emily..." Jenna and Tom stared up at Emily in stunned disbelief, and then horror. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Jenna screamed. "It was an accident," Emily protested, "I didn't mean to..." "Change me back," Tom demanded furiously, "NOW." Then Jenna gasped in horror, "You stole my body..." Tom glared up at her, then demanded, "If you don't change me back now, I'm going to kick your ass..." Normally a threat like that from Tom would have terrified Emily, though now she felt not the least intimidated by it. After all, Tom certainly had neither the size nor strength to hurt her... or much of anyone else now. In fact, he looked sort of pathetic if nothing else. Emily scowled, then calmly told her two smaller companions, "It was an accident..." She felt a little embarrassed as she admitted, "I just threw a coin in the fountain and wished that I was taller and prettier..." Then Emily gestured down at herself, "How was I to know that it would actually do THIS?" "You BITCH," Jenna snapped, her eyes already going to the fountain. Just a moment later, Jenna and Tom had run to the fountain, or least Tom tried to as his now extremely oversized clothes kept tripping him. Jenna immediately threw a quarter into the water, yelling that she wished to be normal. When nothing happened, Tom snapped, "You're doing it wrong..." Then he announced, "I wish that I was back to normal," throwing his own quarter into the fountain. "Like that worked," Jenna growled furiously. Tom just glared at her and spat, "Shut up..." "Don't talk to me like that," Jenna told him and gave him a push, easily knocking Tom over. She stared down at him for a moment as she and Tom simultaneously realized that even Janna was now bigger and stronger than him. Tom just stared back in her in horror while Jenna smirked. Emily watched them both, silently thankful that their wishes hadn't worked. Then Tom turned to her and demanded that she try wishing them back to normal. "You were the one who caused this," Tom growled out. However, Emily just stared down at him, having had more than enough of his bad attitude. "Watch how you talk to me little boy," she told him, "or I'll throw you over my knee and spank you..." That seemed to have quite a sobering effect on Tom, who gulped and quietly stepped away, realizing just how small and helpless he was compared to her. He couldn't even stand up to Jenna now. Once Tom had backed away like a dog with its tail between its legs, Emily silently looked around for a quarter, which had spilled out of her pocket along with the rest of her change when her clothes burst apart. Then she scowled and halfheartedly said, "I wish Tom and Jenna were back to normal," as she threw her second coin into the water, silently hoping that this wish wouldn't be granted. And to her personal delight, it wasn't. "It didn't work," Jenna cried out, then added, "I'm going to sue..." Emily just rolled her eyes at that, knowing that no court would believe her much less be able to do anything. However, she was getting very tired of Jenna and Tom's bad attitudes. "You might want to change that attitude," Emily growled out as she smirked down at the former beauty, "After all, you don't have anything to back it up with anymore... and it looks like you probably never will again..." With that, Emily slowly turned and walked away, while Jenna and Tom continued to make more wishes upon the fountain. Wishes which had no more effect than the ones that they had already made. Emily didn't know why the fountain had granted her that wish when it had never granted any of her wishes before. When it had never seemed to really grant anyone's. However, she was quite thankful that it had Then as Emily glanced back at the fountain, she smiled, no longer feeling the least bit guilty about having taken Jenna's beauty or Tom's size. Their bad attitudes had just reminded her of what they were really like and had removed nearly every last trace of guilt. Instead, Emily just felt proud of what she had become. Now she just couldn't wait to show her family, as well as everyone at school. Emily grinned at the thought... LUST Jack looked across the room, unable to help but stare at the gorgeous woman who sat across from him. She had long brunette hair, full kissable lips and a pair of breasts that threatened to explode right out of her shirt. In a single word, she was HOT. Unfortunately, Jack sighed as he glanced over at his buddy Greg, the woman was already taken. And even worse than her being already taken was the fact that she was taken by one of his good friends. For a moment, Jack just continued to stare at the woman, much to the amusement of Greg. He shook his head, unable to believe that Greg could get a woman like that... a woman that was so clearly out of his league. But Greg did indeed have her, and with the way that she kept looking at Greg, Jack knew that his friend didn't have to worry about losing her anytime soon. Jack shook his head, still unable to make sense of it. Greg was 26, about the same age as Jack himself. However, they were both normal working guys, not the kind of guys who got Penthouse Pets as girlfriends. There was no doubt though that Shelly found something appealing about Greg, something quite appealing. Every time that Jack looked at her, he caught her looking at Greg as though she wanted to jump his bones. He was just jealous, wishing that he could get a girl who wanted to jump him that much. "Hey Shelly," Greg nodded to the gorgeous creature, "Why don't you go fix me a sandwich and get us a couple of beers..." "Sure thing honey," Shelly purred back. Even her voice was sexy. Then Greg grinned at Jack, smirking a bit as he asked, "So... How do you like my new girlfriend?" "Um..." Jack gulped, "Hot. Very hot." "Isn't she?" Greg grinned even more. "And she'll do ANYTHING I ask her to. It's great." Jack just stared at his friend, then glanced in the direction of the kitchen where he could hear Shelly moving about. He shook his head before asking Greg, "How in the world did you get someone like HER to go out with YOU?" Greg laughed and responded, "Magic." "That's about what it would take," Jack grinned back. However, Greg's expression turned a little more serious as he told Jack, "No... Really. I used magic..." "What are you talking about?" Jack stared at his friend in confusion. Greg just sat there for a minute, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver coin that was about the size of a half dollar. He set it down on the coffee table in front of him and gestured to it. "It's a magic coin," Greg stated with a smirk. "It can grant one wish per person..." "Bullshit," Jack snorted. But Greg just shook his head and asked Jack, "You remember that fat chick from next door?" Jack nodded, indeed remembering the woman that Greg was referring to. She was short and fat, as well as had something of a pug face. The woman had definitely been memorable, though not in a particularly pleasant way. "That was Shelly," Greg stated. "Bullshit," Jack repeated, thinking that Greg's story was getting more and more outrageous with each passing moment. "No," Greg grinned, "It's true. She used this magic coin to wish that she had a really hot and sexy body..." Jack gave a loud snort of disbelief, "Yeah right..." Not even all of the liposuction and plastic surgery in the world would have turned that neighbor woman into Shelly. "Then," Greg added, smirking even more, "I found out about her and the coin and used it to make her into my girlfriend." "What?" Jack joked, "You made her into your love slave?" Greg shook his head and whispered, "More like my sex slave..." At Jack's blank look, he continued, "She's like really horny for me now... just about all the time. In fact, I'm the ONLY guy that she gets hot for now. It's great..." It was just then that Shelly came back into the room, handing a sandwich and beer to Greg before giving him a passionate kiss. Then she seemed to remember the other beer that she was still holding and handed that to Jack. Jack was disappointed that he didn't get a kiss as well. Shelly noticed the coin on the coffee table and abruptly asked, "Did Greg just tell you about the wishing coin..." From her tone of voice, it seemed as though she already knew the answer. "Yeah," Jack laughed, "He told me a story..." "Well it's true," she purred, licking her lips suggestively as she glanced back at Greg. Greg was still grinning as he picked up the coin again and handed it to Jack, saying, "Here... hold it for a moment..." Almost as soon as Jack touched the coin, he could feel something in his head... almost as though the coin were trying to talk to him. I

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The Deadly Desire of Pussy Galore

James Bond has been tasked with stopping Auric Goldfinger's mad scheme, but after he meets mesmerising lesbian aviatrix Pussy Galore his life will never be the same again. THE DEADLY DESIRE OF PUSSY GALORE by BobH (c) 2018. All characters (c) their respective owners. - 1 - James Bond came to groggily, his head pounding, dimly aware that he was in an aircraft. Someone was leaning over him. At first the face was blurry, but as it came...

4 years ago
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My Wishes

My Wishes By FLA527 Chapter 1 Having been happily married, for the most part, for a little more than 30 years, Rich Barnes was privately dealing with a mix of emotions. My wife, Rene, was still the love of my life and still so beautiful in my eyes. As a matter of fact, rarely did she walk into or out of the room that I didn't watch her appreciatively. Though, like myself, she'd developed a bit of a middle-aged spread, her hips and tush still stirred my desire. I still very...

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Genie Wishes

Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...

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Seven Deadly Sins Anger

Declan was excited about this sin. Next to lust, wrath or anger was his favorite. There was nothing more fun than watching a quick tempered person being broken. Teaching them the meaning of patience, and what better way to instruct than using orgasms, or the denial of orgasms. Bella, the target for tonight, was a hot tempered red head. She didn’t have time or patience for slowness. She wanted it done, and she wanted it done now. In every area of her life, she rushed through the minor details....

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Seven Deadly Sins Envy

Declan looked at the ornate jar. It was large, diamond cut, and clear. Antique and expensive, it contained one lonely violet light that swirled around. He watched the light, knowing that by the end of tonight, it would have some company. As he watched the light dance, he sat back in his chair and locked his hands behind his neck. Capturing envy should be extraordinarily easy, much like pride. Sara was a creature of habit. She ate the same, thought the same, and wanted the same. Sara wanted...

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Seven Deadly Sins Sloth

Declan detested lazy people and from the looks of this one, he needed to bring out the heavy artillery. He decided that instead of placing her in a situation to show her the error of her ways he would be the one to implement her punishment. A very good Dom, Declan could break anyone. He flashed into a tight pair of leather pants and combat boots. Going bare chested, he slung a leather trench coat on. The tools of his trade would become available when he needed them. Opening a rip in time, he...

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Seven Deadly Sins

SALIGIA felt like the end of the world. The lighting was dim, and the red strobe pulsing above the sunken dance floor provided only fleeting glimpses of the crush of people dancing—a slash of rippling hair, a swath of sweat-slicked thigh. The music in the club was low and throbbing, seeming to drive the undulating limbs of the club-goers. It was your first time at SALIGIA, the new “in” club tucked away in downtrodden part of the city near the docks. In fact, it was your first time out at night...

4 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins Sloth

Declan detested lazy people and from the looks of this one, he needed to bring out the heavy artillery. He decided that instead of placing her in a situation to show her the error of her ways he would be the one to implement her punishment. A very good Dom, Declan could break anyone.He flashed into a tight pair of leather pants and combat boots. Going bare chested, he slung a leather trench coat on. The tools of his trade would become available when he needed them. Opening a rip in time, he...

2 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins Anger

Declan was excited about this sin. Next to lust, wrath or anger was his favorite. There was nothing more fun than watching a quick tempered person being broken. Teaching them the meaning of patience, and what better way to instruct than using orgasms, or the denial of orgasms. Bella, the target for tonight, was a hot tempered red head. She didn't have time or patience for slowness. She wanted it done, and she wanted it done now. In every area of her life, she rushed through the minor details....

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 22 Mothers Can Be DeadlyWhy Demons Fear Her

“Mother! We’re home –!” Bells sang, bursting through the door, dragging Eigis behind her. Outside the sun was halfway through sinking behind the horizon, and it was almost night. A tall, long boned woman turned from where she’d been preparing a batch of rolls for the oven. She was wearing a ruffled homespun apron decorated with a cross-stitch of daisies over traveling clothes and armor. A welcoming smile lit up her angular, fox like face, making her half moon shaped eyes crinkle...

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Leprechaun Wishes

Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

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Three Wishes

Three Wishes By The Bann SidheSummer held her breath as she dug out another box from the heap. The air grew thick with dust and the light that shone through the small attic windows showed thousands of motes hanging in the room. They just inherited the house, she and her boyfriend Jared were still unpacking and many of her grandmother's things were still lying all around the place. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away was not to Summer's liking. She barely knew where to begin. But if it...

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Cruel Couple Deadly Revenge

Cruel Couple ? Deadly Revenge A woman mocks the female half of a very sadistic pair and falls prey to their cruel, and ultimately deadly, revenge. A sadistic love story for adults who can tell the difference between fact and fiction. Introduction I never thought that there was a woman so sadistic as Alex. Although I have often heard of the cruelty of women, I accepted that I will never find a ?badder half? and had to life out my fantasies alone. But someday we met by chance at a dungeon party,...

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The Seven Deadly Sins

It was pouring down when we got out of the taxi, the wet asphalt reflecting the club’s neon lights as the colours of a spoiled rainbow. It represented the place and my life perfectly; a distorted paradise. Above the entrance, the “7 deadly sins” sign glowed in its usual red, the colour of fire and hell, because make no mistake, whoever had a membership here was on a sure path to inferno.Mistress leading the way.She wasn’t fond of the rain and didn’t see the beauty in it. “I hate this foking...

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SRU Friends are Thicker than Wishes

Here's my SRU anniversary story that I mentioned last week. I had hoped to have it ready for the October 8 anniversary, but fell a little short. Either that or I got a little longwinded ... again. This story is a little different from the others as I've written in the SRU universe in that its also a prequel of sorts to one of my non-SRU stories posted last month. It didn't start out that way, but given some of the characters I needed for this, I think it worked out better. You...

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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

3 years ago
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Not Quite Three Wishes

After reading a lot of stuff I've finally written one for everyone else. Sort of a return favor. -This is my first story of this flavor, so bear with me. But I written many stories before, and published a few. So I can't imagine it being too difficult. But I may be wrong. Oh and feel free to post this anywhere.- -Suzanne Not Quite Three Wishes by Suzanne Dave walked lazily along the street. He noticed that the sun seemed particularly bright this autumn day, but other...

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Three Wishes

Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the...

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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

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Two Wishes

Introduction: For the man who has everything. Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didnt know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always says: So I can wish for anything I want? Almost anything, Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café, table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldnt give them. The waitress brought more coffee. They waited...

2 years ago
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Two Wishes

Luc look dazed, and for a long time it seemed he didn’t know what to say. When he did speak up, it was the same thing everyone always said: “So I can wish for anything I want?”"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them."The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm...

Group Sex
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Two Wishes

"Almost anything," Darius said. A newspaper and a cup of coffee sat on the café table in front of him. Luc was having nothing. "Technically, there are limits. But so far no one has ever wished for something I couldn't give them." The waitress brought more coffee. They waited until she'd left to say more. It was a warm spring day, and through the window they watched couples stroll arm-in-arm while children played in Pasteur Park. Occasional tourists wandered by. "And I get two...

4 years ago
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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

5 years ago
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Sensible wishes

Sensible wishes By: Set3 Cliff Brind, an accountant, had just released a Djinn from the bottle he had bought while at a garage sale on the weekend. The Djinn offered three wishes to Cliff for freeing him from his imprisonment before leaving to parts unknown. Cliff adjusted the glasses that had fallen down his nose as he thought of his wishes while the Djinn floated there in disinterest. "I suppose my first wish would be," Cliff started. "To always succeed in any profession I...

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Deadly Secrets

Disclaimer: This is not a true story no matter how much I wish it was any scenes or people who reflect real life things is done purely by accident or by chance with that said her is my newest story Deadly Secrets By Ruby Star Prologue My friend Robert Joe has had a very unhappy life. Why has his life been unhappy? Because he feels, and he is correct in that feeling, that his whole life is a lie. The things he does, the way he looks, the way he talks, and even his gender and...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 15 Terrycloth

The Whittaker Fund, the ammunition gambit, was bringing us into intermittent contact with Karl Hoffstatter. Well, with his gopher, Roger ‘Hoppy’ Cransdale. The FBI had decided to let Cransdale roam free for now. The bet was that he’d lead them to higher-ups in the American Nazi movement. The further bet was that the low-priced ammo that the Aryan was buying wouldn’t be used for anything but training purposes. It wasn’t a long-term wager; once Cransdale started repeating his route stops,...

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Conjunction of Wishes

Conjunction of Wishes By Rabbi-El Dix Mike and I met our freshmen year in college. We became roommates for the next three years, and afterwards we got an apartment together. Together we had wild times and I began to think of him as the brother I never had... until the change that is. Mike and I were like night and day, opposites in every way imaginable. While I was around 5'10, Mike was 6'4. I was neat. He was messy. I liked having one girlfriend at a time. He liked having...

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A genie and three wishes

I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...

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Three Wishes

THREE WISHES "That dumbass..." Sandra muttered as she walked along the beach, kicking the sand with her feet. It had been two months since her divorce, and she was still bitter. After everything she had done for him... everything she had given up to be with him, and he tossed her out with the trash as soon as he was done. She should've known better than to be blinded by his wealth and good looks, but she was young... she was stupid... and now she was heartbroken. The fact she got half...

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Christmas Wishes

I wrote this story several years ago and thought that I'd repost it for the holidays. Christmas Wishes By Morpheus The Carson family sat at their kitchen table in preparation for one of their families Christmas traditions. Mike, who was the father of the family, had a sheet of paper in front of him, carefully writing on it while his wife Lauren read over his shoulders, making occasional suggestions while their children, 17 year old Michelle and 15 year old Steve impatiently waited...

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A Dark and Deadly Lover

Carla sighed in frustration as she scanned the packed nightclub. He just was not here, she growled silently. Every man she looked at did not attract her in the least, too skinny, too heavy, too blond, too redheaded. Not that she had any problem with the later; she was just in the mood for a dark haired lover tonight. Weaving her way through the mass of undulating bodies as they danced, drawing angry or jealous stares from the women, ogling drools from the men, Carla ignored them all. She was...

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Deadly Smoke

Deadly Smoke        Lisa was 18.  She was a bright young girl.  However she was not pretty, or even very healthy.  She had numerous medical ailments.  Her eyes were bad and so she wore a thick pair of glasses.  Her parents loved pig tails so that is what she wore.  Her face seemed as cratered as the moon.  She was allergic to practically everything.  The greatest issue she had was her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  The slightest thing would set it off and she would go into a coughing...

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I had called my group of friends over to my place. My parents wouldn’t mind. They never minded. I’m lucky that way. I can get away with nearly anything. Nearly, but not everything. My friends were all from school. James and Denise lived on the same block as I do. Brent and Robert each live about a quarter mile away, but not in the same direction. Then there’s Aaron, who lives on the other side of town, but always comes over when invited. I wanted to have a little fun. Some fun that involved...

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Janenes Wishes

"So, you say you're granting me three wishes, huh?" asked the young sales girl with a disbelieving smile. Derek had spotted the girl a few minutes ago. He had scanned her mind and saw that she was only sixteen years old. The girl was very pretty and very sure of herself. She wore her blonde hair long and possessed the loveliest blue eyes. A further scan told him that she was used to getting what she wanted... when she wanted it, and very much aware of her beauty. It was these types of girls...

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SRU Bottle of Wishes

Spells R Us: Bottle of Wishes By Morpheus 25 Jan 98 While walking through the mall, Dan saw a store that he thought looked kind of interesting. Spells R Us, was written clearly above the door. Must be some kind of magic supplies shop, Dan told himself as he went in. The first thing he saw was an Old Man in a somewhat worn bathrobe putting a glass bottle on a shelf. The Old Man turned around as soon as he walked in, saying, "Good afternoon Dan." Surprised, Dan asked,...

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Deadly Sex Games Ch 08

Working the streets for a black pimp was very exciting at first, and Sally enjoyed the exploding orgasms she experienced just from living dangerously and having sex with strange men. But after she got down to the routine of sucking and fucking one dirty cock after another, and being forced to suck most of them to ejaculation, Sally eventually realized that the sensual thrill she was seeking here was going away. She was getting itchy for even more dangerous action and began thinking about...

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Deadly Male Milkers

                       Deadly Male-Milkers                             TJ Ryder                                 Todd had high hopes for the party tonight at Clarissa's.  He had justgotten off a 6 month navy cruise and this was the beginning of a longawaited furlough in New York.  He'd already made up his mind that if hedidn't see any chance of scoring in the first hour he'd head for TimesSquare and find a working girl to take the pressure off his...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 23 Deadly Shadows

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal The spirits surged through Kora. I could feel them working to heal her wound. Her convulsions slowed. The froth stopped bubbling from her lips. Her eyes closed. She let out a soft exhale. Her blood no long pumped out of her, staining my hand. “That’s it,” I said as the spirits danced in and out of her body. “They’re fixing you. Okay?” Kora let out a soft groan. I nodded my head, my back muscles twitching. “You’re doing great....

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 11 Bait

Hobo and the Proper Villain were a common sight in the Crossroads. And they usually drew smiles with the PV riding along on Hobo’s back. Pilar or Walker, often both of them, took Hobo out almost every day. But even when she wasn’t along, her presence is felt. I was walking through the Wrigley lobby one afternoon and I heard Pilar speaking firmly to Scout and shy little Wally Maypole, “Remember, it’s Hobo’s walk, not yours. It’s a dog walk, not a people walk.” Both men nodded...

2 years ago
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Three Wishes

Three wishes. I couldn't believe it. I had been walking on the beach in the morning, on my day off from work, when my bare foot brushed up against an old-looking bottle in the sand. Before I could say, "What the hell," a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the genie of the bottle. You have three wishes at your disposal. Choose them carefully." With that, just as quickly as he appeared, he shrank back into the bottle in the sand. I was sure I had just hallucinated the...

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The Wishes

Author's note: This story can freely be posted to any free site as long as there's no fee for reading it. The Wishes (C) 2003 Nabiky S. As I walked down the beach, I thought how tempting it would be to just dive into the water and let the strong current pull me out and drown me, but I was too much of a coward for something like that. Life just sucked; I'd lost my job and my girlfriend. And as if that just hadn't been enough, mom got hit by a drunk driver and died after days of...

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Three Wishes

IF WISHES CAME TRUE... Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty.Tthere appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling...

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