Seven Pills free porn video

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Seven Pills By Ida N. Tidy Copyright 2002 Jason cautiously entered the abandoned warehouse. He had followed the car here. The car held his girlfriend of two years, and it held her against her will. He was creeping along a catwalk when he heard a voice call out. "We know you are here, if you would like to negotiate, I would suggest you come out now." Jason carefully weighed his options; he had no weapons beyond a tire iron in his hand. They had guns. He was alone; they had three very large men, a small one, and his girlfriend as a hostage. He stepped into the light in front of the four men. "Let Jessica go." A man dressed in black as if he were wearing shadows looked at him, "I don't think so... Unless of course you feel like paying her debt to us." "Her debt?" "5.8 million dollars." Jason was shocked. "How?" "Easy, she wanted a new life, we provided her with four hundred thousand dollars. Told her she had one year to pay us back, or else she would have to add a million for every year that she was late. She disappeared after six months, and here, on the six-year anniversary of her initial payment, she now owes us 5.8 million dollars." "I don't have anywhere near that amount." "Not our problem." "What will you do with her?" "Sell her to the highest bidder. Which is actually me, to perform some genetic resequencing experiments on her, as well as others." "No." "I'm afraid so, but afterwards, we will most likely sell her back to those she is indebted to, and they will probably sell her on the market into prostitution or white slavery or wherever else they may want her." "No I won't let you take her away from me!" Jason charged, and found himself quickly on the ground. He had extensive martial arts training, but he just could not do the damage to the three large men that guarded Jess and the Shadowman. The Shadowman shook his head. "You can join her, and I will guarantee that the two of you will stay together. But you will be a woman yourself." "What?" "You will both be taking some pills that will resequence your genetic structures. You would take seven, she will take six." He eyed the speechless Jason, "The first pill would make you a genetic woman. Both of you will take the other six pills, one to perfect your body. Two, will open your minds to make it easier to program you for our specific needs. Three, is the blank slate, which will give your memory a blank slate so that we can test how the second pill worked. The fourth pill will give you pheromone behavior. The fifth pill will be to adjust your I.Q. as needed. And the final pill will lock everything together. You two will be together, and you will still know who you are, but that's all I can guarantee. Otherwise you can walk away now, and get on with your life... without dear Jessica. Or you can stay with her, and endure what I have just described to you." Now Jason was standing before a decision. Agree to take the pills and remain with his one true love Jessica, or turn his back knowing that he will never see her again. There really was no choice. "I want one last kiss... as I am now... from her." "Very well," the shadowed man said. He took Jess in his arms and spoke, "I never want to be apart from you. No matter what." Her eyes showed her mix of sadness and hope, as she knew he would stay with her, though he would be damning himself to some unknown existence. They kissed and he felt her tongue in his mouth, and felt the slightest of stirring deep within himself, knowing that this would be 'his' last kiss with her. As they separated the large men in the room pulled her to the far corner. The shadowed man spoke, "The first pill will be accompanied by a sedative, the changes will be painful. And it would be best if you slept through them." Jason nodded his head and took the pill form the slot that said "0", then he took another pill that was handed to him. He downed them both at the same time. He looked at his girlfriend in the far corner, and they nodded, Jason started to walk over to her, she reached her hand for him, but he never made it to her. He lost feeling in his legs, and started to fall... but he never felt the impact as he completely blacked out. *** Jason awoke and was in a room that was... disturbing. The room was one giant cube; he had no idea where he was or how he got there. The room was 25 feet by 25 feet, at least that is what Jason had estimated, with a ceiling that was the same height. The room was split down the middle, half the room was black, and the other half was white. All of it shiny, any point he looked at along the white or black reflected another part of the room. There was no furniture. He finally paid attention to himself, he felt groggy, but he noticed that he was laying on something soft. The ground that he was lying on was very soft, but still shiny. He went to rub his eyes and that is when he noticed it for the first time. His fingers were so very thin. "Huh?" his voice... The memories. He suddenly remembered everything that happened, the fear about his girlfriend, finding her, the deal, the last kiss, taking the pills. "Shit!" Jason sat up. His hair dangled in front of his face. He reached up at it and pulled it out checking the length. It was straight hair and about 6 to 7 inches all the way around. He stood up. He wore a tight blue short sleeved short and matching pair of pants. He had slippers on. He started to walk across his prison, he noticed that the wall that was entirely white had an indented area where there was a knobless door. Where was Jess? Almost on cue, the door opened, and in came two huge men with Jess in between them. She was covered from head to toe in some strange goo. One of them was bald. They gently lowered Jess to the ground, she was sobbing. Jason started to run to her when the bald one called out to me, "Hold it there." Jason looked up, "What did you do to her?" "She went into the vat." He paused he grabbed at the side of his head. That is when Jason noticed that the man had a headset on. Then he continued, "New orders, since you're awake now, its your turn for the vat." Jess looked up at me and broke through her sobbing, "No, don't put him through that!" Jason nodded his head, "I won't go until I'm sure she's okay." The bald man looked down at Jason, "Is there gonna be any problems?" Instantly he thought of the shadowman saying that if he caused any problems he would be taken away from Jess for an undetermined period of time. Words that would echo in his head many more times before he would be through with this place. Words that would be referred to as, "The Shadowman's warning." "No, there won't be a problem." The bald man smiled, and he and his partner escorted Jason out, and down a long corridor. The stopped at one point, and opened a panel on a wall. The sat him in what appeared to be a dentist chair. They strapped his hands to handles. Each handle had one button positioned at the top, most likely for his thumb. Then a device from behind him was inserted into his ear, and the panel was closed. He had never been claustrophobic before, but this room was uncomfortably small. Only about 2 feet by 5 feet and the ceiling was roughly twelve feet above his head. A voice came alive in his head... It was in a transmitter that was placed in his ear. "Good morning Jason." Jason responded, "Good morning." "I'm afraid I can't actually hear you. You'll have to press a button. Please press both the left and right buttons to confirm that they are working." Jason did as he was told. "Very good. Now I'll let you in on what's going on. This is the vat. It is where you're training will begin. In a couple moments this... ahem... 'room' will be filled with a material that has a similar consistence to semen, but do not worry, it is not. It is actually a nutritional substance that you will feed on. It will leave you full, and will take a while to fully digest, that way you will only need to be fed once a day, and never feel hunger. Do you understand? Right hand button for 'yes,' Left hand button for 'No.'" Jason hit yes, frustrated that he could not at the very least argue face to face with someone. "Very good." An object moved forward it stopped millimeters from Jason's face. It rearranged itself until it looked like a solid black penis. "This is your air supply, we don't want you to drown now. Do you see the red button at the base of the penis?" Yes button. "Good, if you wrap your mouth around the penis, and press the red button with the top of your lips, it will open the oxygen gate, and allow you to breathe through the penis like a snorkel. Do you understand?" Yes. "Great, I would suggest trying to eat about four to five gulps of the NS. That is Nutritional Substance. Once the room is completely filled, you will be submerged for five minutes. It takes 87 seconds to fill and 104 seconds to empty, so if you think you can hold your breath for 8 to 9 minutes, feel free. But if you pass out, we'll take you out immediately, but as punishment, you will have the penis strapped into your mouth, and will remain submerged for two hours. Do you understand?" Yes. "Okay, we're about to begin then." Vents opened near Jason's feet and seconds later a pale green material started flooding in. It was warm. It was thick, and it was gooey. Jason felt sick to his stomach. As it was approaching his neck, Jason took a deep breath determined not to use the penis. He sat here, he was doing well, about a minute had passed, and he was losing it at all. Another minute had passed, and he was starting to lose it, feeling desperate, but remaining calm. His heart was beating slowly. He was approaching his third minute and he knew he needed air. He reluctantly moved his head forward, it only moved about half an inch until his lips touched the head of the phallic shaped breathing apparatus. He cracked his lips and slowly slid his lips along the length of the shaft. It tasted good. Like a banana. He could feel the red button at the tip of his lips, but if he moved any further he would gag. But he needed the extra half-inch to be able to press it down. He moved forward still, trying not to gag, his mouth kept trying to open itself and pull back, but this was too important. Contact, he felt the wonderful rush of oxygen rush in and he was saved. The voice came back, "Hey that was great, I've never seen anyone hold out as long as you did, one minute and ten seconds." Jason almost gagged on that, he thought he was almost half way done. "Don't forget to eat." Jason shuddered at the thought He then had an idea, he took a deep breath, and slid his mouth down the snorkel, and opened his lower lip, he sucked hard, and without the red button being pressed, some of the NS flowed into his mouth. That was what tasted like bananas, not the penis. Jason oddly started to enjoy the food, focusing on the food more than the situation made him feel like he was eating banana flavored pudding. And he liked it. If it wasn't for the lack of air and the restraints, and the rest of the situation, he may have actually enjoyed the food. After a short while he felt like he couldn't eat anymore. And he replaced his lips once more around the red buttons, and just stayed there until he heard a whirring sound followed by a decrease of pressure. The tank was dumping out. He sat there strapped covered in banana flavored-semen like food. He couldn't open his eyes. But the voice came on again, "One last thing, 'Jason' is not the name of a woman. We have selected three. They are Bambi, Candi and Debbie." Do you want any of these names?" No. "Oh well would that because the sound like the names of bimbos?" Yes. "Well at least you're being honest. Well you have one more choice then, you can select one of those three now, or we'll find you another name that will be forced on you. Click once for choosing now, click twice for us choosing another name for you." Two clicks, and Jason knew it was gamble. The panel opened and the bald men unstrapped him. He wiped Jason's face with a towel and he was able to open his eyes again. Then with the same towel he wiped Jason's hands as he unlatched them from the handles. His clothes felt weird being heavily saturated with the NS. He looked down and saw his female nipples poking through the material of his short-sleeved shirt. They reached the cell again and the door opened and he entered. His girlfriend was rolled into the fetal position in the far-left corner from his point of view. He raced over to her. The two hugged and shared a passionate kiss. Jess did not care that her love was now in the body of a woman. They said nothing, they just held each other. The bald man spoke, "You have five minutes, then you'll be taken to be washed up." And he left. There were no words spoken in the five minutes. Nothing said could have made either of them feel that good, but there was a certain amount of solace to be found in each other's grip. The bald man and his lackey arrived on time. Jason followed the bald man while Jess followed the other man. They arrived to a room full of tables filled with various feminine accessories. Inside Jason was introduced to a woman named Sara. "You have lots of potential dear." The perky woman said. Jason was unsure of exactly how he should have reacted to that. "Uh... thanks." "Oh you're welcome. Let's get you cleaned up first." She led Jason to a large bathroom area. "This is probably going to be different from anything you've ever done before." First she helped Jason undress. He found it unsettling, it was the first time anyone had seen him naked since his gender alteration; and that included himself. She pulled out a hose that was attached to a gun-like nozzle. Sara aimed the 'gun' at Jason's feet. She pulled the trigger and a blast of warm air shot out. Sara quickly sprayed the air all over Jason's body except for above his neck. The NS quickly hardened and Jason found it hard to move. Sara adjusted a dial and sprayed him a second time. This time all the NS either crumbled off his body or dissolved. "Well honey, I'm sure you don't want me to spray this in your face, so let's go into the showers and we'll take care of your face and hair." Jason really did mean it this time, "Thanks Sara." They turned on the water and Jason was able to wash his face. Sara told him to stand facing away from the running water. And let it flow through his hair. He tilted his head back and felt the water going through his scalp, then Sara came and helped him out. She brushed a fine toothed comb through his hair several times until the NS was nowhere to be found anywhere within his scalp. While they were there Sara was nice enough to shave Jason's legs and armpits. Jason was kind of surprised that they didn't make him do it himself. Surprised and relieved. Next Jason was brought to a bathtub that was filled with sweet-scented foamy water. Sara told him to relax for a while, the water would be calm and allow him to unwind a little while at the same time moisturizing his skin to repair the damage and skin drying done by his NS bath. Then she added a comment about helping him to smell pretty as well. Jason was not particularly interested in smelling nice, nor interested in having well moisturized skin, but he wasn't going to complain. While he lay there it hit him, he most likely been awake less than an hour and so much had already happened. He had been a wake maybe two minutes when he was escorted out, just over ten minutes in the vat, five minutes with Jess, ten to fifteen minutes spraying and showering with Sara. And maybe five minutes walking from place to place. He could not have been awake for much more than a half-hour to forty-five minutes, but he felt exhausted. The water he was now laying in made him feel so relaxed, he was ready to fall asleep. Just as he was about to though, he was told to get up. He opened his eyes and saw Sara, "Come on hunny, time to move on." Jason let out an audible sigh, which was followed by Sara's amused giggle. They went back to the room that was full of the feminine accessories. "Please don't tell me I will have to try any of this on today..." Sara, just smiled, "If I don't tell you, will it make it any easier?" "No, but its just too much too fast." "Well I could make a request to see if they'll slow things down for you. Would you like that?" Jason almost nodded his head, but quickly thought of Jess, "No I want to be sure not to cause any problems, especially this early." "Well alright, but don't say I didn't offer." "Okay I won't." Jason smiled. Sara took out a tape measure first. She started with Jason's chest, "32A," then she made a note of it, then started making other notes, a 14 here, 24 there, 36 here. And it all went into Sara's little notebook. "Do you know where Jess is?" Sara nodded, "Not specifically, but I know that she's basically going through all this, like you." Jason just nodded, "I'm kind of curious, if they are going to be changing my body dimensions again tomorrow, is there really a point to taking all these measurements?" "Yep, you have to be ready for your meeting with your case worker shortly." "My case worker?" "Yes, you'll see. For now, why don't we sit you down here and get you all dolled up." "Did you have to call it 'dolled up?'" She looked him in the eye and smiled. "Yup, I'm afraid it's part of the job description." Jason looked nervous, she caught on quickly, "I'm sorry I was just kidding, but I think it would be better for you if you weren't so nervous, and would be a little more open minded about this. Besides, from what I've been told you and Jess have the same case worker, so you'll be with her again soon." At that Jason shut his mouth and jumped onto the seat that Sara pointed to. She pressed some sort of powder onto a little cotton like pad and spread it all over Jason's face. Then she pressed some eye shadow onto his eye, mascara that made his eyes feel a little sticky when he blinked and finally a little lipstick, which felt somewhat oily in his opinion. After that Sara instructed him not to touch his face too much and be careful about licking his lips. Next she combed and brushed his hair until it was nice straight with a little layering. It was parted above his right eye and covered about half of the left side of his face. Jason 's right hand was taken from him. Sara started to shape his fingernails properly and attached long fake nails to his short fingernails. She painted them a dark crimson red. Her left hand was done next and matched her right perfectly. Her nails were simply shaped and had a coat of a clear polish added. Sara eventually led a still nude Jason to a clothes rack. First she pulled out a black thong, "Honestly, some women hate these, others swear by them, but they are almost always needed when you are wearing a dress like the one you will be wearing in a few minutes." She handed it to Jason, and he quickly pulled them up his legs. She pulled out a black bra. "Jason hun, this is a push up bra, no offense to you at the moment, but your bust size is pretty small. This will give you just a little more 'umph' to your frame." Jason was oddly insulted at the comment. Sara stepped behind Jason and instructed him to put his arms through and let her do all the work. He felt her clasp the bra behind his back and she turned him around. "This is the dress wall," she said, "and this is going to be your dress for the evening." Sara pulled out a very nice and red fashionable full-length dress. She helped Jason get into it. Sara sized up Jason. "Oh I almost forgot," she went into a drawer and pulled out a pair of stockings. "Go sit down over there." She pointed to stool. She rolled the nylon stockings up and pressed them to the Jason's toes. And rolled the first one up to his mid thigh, then the second one. Finally, there were the shoes. Too match the nails, dress and lipstick, red high-heeled shoes were placed on Jason's feet. "Okay, stand up." Jason stood up. And felt off balance, "I don't know if I can do this." Sara just held his hand, "Don't worry, let's try a simple walk over to the couch." She held Jason's hand and walked backwards as Jason walked carefully and slowly to the couch. "Yeah, just take small steps, and if you can try to line your heel up to your opposite foot's big toe. Pretend like you're walking in a straight line." Jason made it to the couch. "Hey that's great!" She looked at him, "Why don't you sit down, don't forget to straighten out your dress as you do." Jason patted his dress along his ass as he sat down. "Cross your legs dear." Jason looked down at his lap. "This'll be a new experience, especially without the pain." And he brought his left leg over his right leg and it fit in just perfectly. The he switched legs and before Sara could correct him, he adjusted his dress so that it was still smooth. Sara suggested that they try walking a little more. Jason got the hang of it after about ten minutes, but only as long as he was walking slowly. "Well dearie, do you think you are all ready to meet with Jess and your case worker?" Jason nodded his head, "As ready as I'll ever be." Sara escorted Jason to the door, slowly for his sake. The bald man was waiting. "Walk slowly, the poor dear still isn't used to the heels yet." "Yes ma'am." And for the first time, Jason noticed something, Sara had not once used his name or any gender specific phrases, she chose words like "hun," or "dear." Jason was unsure if she did that out of respect or confusion, but for the moment, Jason felt really good about Sara, and would most likely trust her very much from this day on. The bald man lead Jason to a large oak door, he asked Jason if he was ready. Jason said, "Like I told Sara, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." The large man opened the door to a huge ornate room. It looked like something out of a Victorian age castle. In the center was a dining table with a man in an expensive looking suit. His gaze met Jason. "You must be the... person who sacrificed his manhood to remain with his girlfriend." Jason nodded. "Good, my name is Jack." He approached Jason and held out his hand. They shook. "You still shake like a man, I'm sorry that it won't be that long, but if it makes you feel better, you will be treated better than most since you volunteered." "How so?" Jack smiled, "Well, you know Candi quite well. Let's see her." He paused a moment, then called out, "Candi! Come in here, please." A side door opened, a woman dressed in a French maid's entered. "Yes?" It took Jason a moment to figure it out. Candi was Jess. She saw Jason, and squinted her eyes, "Don't even say one word." Jason smiled trying to suppress a laugh, "I don't think I would have been able to, had you not just said that." Then he let out a couple of quick giggles. "So did you get to pick "'Candi' or what?" "Well I didn't like Debbie, and I was not going anywhere near Bambi. Don't even get me started on taking a chance on letting them find me something worse." "Like me?" "Oh God, you didn't..." Jack jumped in, "Well 'Candi' isn't really that bad. It comes from Candace which means Bright and intense." "Incandescence." Jason added. Candi smiled. Jack spoke again, "Jason I want to introduce you to a beautiful young woman named Cailin." He led Jason and Candi to a spot on the floor, "Wait here." He walked to the far side of the room to a curtain that hung across the wall, or possibly a doorway. Jason looked straight into the curtain waiting for Jack to open it and reveal this beautiful woman behind it. The curtain was pulled back, and Jason found himself staring into a giant mirror. Jason was confused, "I don't understand." "Jason meet Cailin." Jack announced. And Jason looked hard into the mirror for he was now Cailin. Cailin was a beautiful woman, and she knew it too. There was no turning back, no regrets left to think about, Cailin was a woman, and Jason was no more. Cailin looked at Candi with a glint of pride, "A name that would be so much worse than 'Candi' or 'Bambi' huh?" Candi rolled her eyes, "So Jack what exactly does Cailin mean?" Jack answered, "I'm so glad you asked, it's an Irish name that means 'girl.'" Cailin cast her head down in defeat. Candi laughed. "But since you've both been so good about everything, I have decided to let you enjoy your bodies as they are for the rest of the day, tonight you will take your pills and tomorrow awaken in the perfect bodies for our purposes." He paused briefly, "Would you two prefer to have a nice day outside at the pool, or would your prefer to go back to your cell?" There was no question, Cailin looked into Candi's eyes for agreement an got it, "We'll go outside if that's okay." "That will be fine, Cailin." He stopped, looked to his side, "Sara! Jane! These women need swimsuits." Sara from earlier and Jane, a woman who apparently had been Candi's dresser walked in. It was pretty apparent that neither Cailin nor Candi liked to be changed in front of Jack, but both complied. Both were stripped down to nothing. Jane put a one-piece blue bathing suit on Candi. Sara put a two-piece bikini on Cailin and the top had padding to increase her bust again. Cailin was once again embarrassed by her lack of bust size. The two women spent the afternoon in the pool or at its side. Both had fun, and had fun every way they could. Fun days were limited and both knew that they had to take it in as it was offered. There were no sad moments during the afternoon, just smiles. When the sun went down they were escorted back to their cell. That is when they finally started talking about their fears of what the future would hold for them. Cailin was still scared that this organization could or would do something that would keep them apart forever. Candi was scared that the mental conditioning would make her forget Cailin's importance to her. The Shadowman had implied the threat of mental conditioning through one of the pills. And then their day was over, signaled by the entrance of jack holding the pills marked "1." Both girls took their pills as well as a sedative. Both laid themselves down next to each other on the soft part of the floor by the walls, and took their pills with no hesitation or regret as they were in each other's arms. And the world faded to black. -End Part 1 Well I have not decided whether or not I will continue this story, but if you wish to encourage me, or in general leave comments, good bad, or indifferent, please email me at [email protected].

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The move was easy for Alex, his uncle’s place was conveniently located and he was essentially just charging for utilities. It didn’t take long for him to fall into a routine with work and he was surprised at how well he got along with his Uncle. Mandy on the other hand turned out to be a real piece of work. His Uncle never said it but it was clear that part of the expectation for Alex was to babysit his cousin. It was obvious that Mandy knew the real reason Alex was there too. She was...

2 years ago
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Moms Horny Pills

My mom Megan, 31, felt she was not performing in bed very well. She didn’t get dad, who was way older, turned on anymore. She didn’t want dad to stray to another woman so she went to the Doctor. This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw...

2 years ago
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Slimming Pills

Minor editing by SeeShow My wife Paula had decided she needed to slim. I don’t know why, she sure looks good to me. Her 5 foot nothing figure is nicely rounded where a good looking woman should be. But as a mere male, who am I to argue. After several weeks of jogging and gym workouts she didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. A friend had recommended some slimming pills which she got on the day we were going out to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was only later that I found out she...

3 years ago
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Slimming Pills

Minor editing by SeeShow My wife Paula had decided she needed to slim. I don’t know why, she sure looks good to me. Her 5 foot nothing figure is nicely rounded where a good looking woman should be. But as a mere male, who am I to argue. After several weeks of jogging and gym workouts she didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. A friend had recommended some slimming pills which she got on the day we were going out to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was only later that I found out she...

1 year ago
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Posing for pain pills

Mary Hall kept asking herself how she had managed to get in this mess. Of course the answer was simple. After the auto accident she had been prescribed pain medication to which she had become addicted. After a while, no doctor would feel justified in continuing to allow her to have them, so she found herself in a predicament shared by many other people. . . hooked. She tried valiantly to detox herself but with no success. She just had to have relief. In desperation she began to find a source....

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Pink Pills

In the year 2037 a huge discovery was made in medicine. The 'Y' chromosome could be overridden for a temporary amount of time and turn the men into women! It had begun as a project to correct genetic mutations that in turn allowed mutations with each pop of the pill. Twenty years later and the pills are a big deal in the party scene if not a little taboo in the suburbs. Let's follow a few on their pink pulled adventures. Perhaps you'd prefer the opposite? The blue pills are less popular yet...

4 years ago
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Sisters Sleeping Pills

However, he wished she would exercise more modesty with her outfits. Her skirts did nothing but entice him, seeing her sprawled out on the sofa in the evenings. She would eventually stagger back to her room and collapse in bed. He would often sit next to her and play video games. He indulged his sexual appetite by stroking her long smooth legs and massaging her adorable feet. She never even flinched. His heart pounded looking up her legs, he could see just a bit of her white panties...But his...

2 years ago
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Fucked Radhs Using Pills

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me, I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6-inch tool. All readers can contact me through This is one of my experiences of fucking a lady using sleeping pills. Now coming to the story usually I get a reply from the readers for many things, like that one day I got a mail from a guy named Mahesh (Name...

3 years ago
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Fucking Lakshmi Aunty By Giving Sleeping Pills

Hi everyone myself Munna from Nellore which is a small town of Andhra Pradesh. About me I am 26 years old strong personality with a healthy penis. My native language is Telugu if any Telugu girls or aunties wanted to have sex with me please do mail me at Let me come to the story Lakshmi aunty is my neighbor aged 36. She is very short, bit fat and milky white skin tone with huge boobs and ass. She has 38 boobs size I love them so much. I am dreaming about her from childhood to have sex with her...

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Sex Pills

Hi, all out there, I'm love reading about Date Rape Drugs, mainly Roofies but there are many more drugs on sale now that are sex pills. It all started for me when I left college and went to work for a small pharmaceutical company. At the time there were two main areas we were working in; an anti-depressant drug for Post Natal Depressed women and a drug to help with schizophrenia patients. We will start with the second one first, as this was one I was working on directly. The drug worked well...

4 years ago
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 11 Pussy Pills

"Well, Mr. Torch, I have some good news," good old Dr. Malkewitz explained as he scribbled something onto a pad of paper, "All your tests are normal. All you need are a few nights of good, uninterrupted sleep." George narrowed his eyes. He was trying to appear exhausted, but it was hard to control his normal body language. "The divorce has been hard," George said, his voice simmering. "I don't sleep much." "Uh-huh, uh-huh," the doctor acknowledged distractedly. "Of course....

2 years ago
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slimming pills

My wife Paula had decided she needed to slim. I don't know why, she sure looked good to me. Her 5 foot nothing figure was nicely rounded where a good looking woman should be. But as a mere male, who am I to argue. After several weeks of jogging and gym workouts she didn't seem to be getting anywhere. A friend had recommended some slimming pills which she got on the day we were going out to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was only later that I found out she hadn't read the...

3 years ago
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Slimming Pills

Wife Watcher Copyright© 2003 My wife Paula had decided she needed to slim up. I don't know why, she sure looked good to me. Her 5 foot nothing figure was nicely rounded where a good looking woman should be. But as a mere male, who am I to argue? After several weeks of jogging and gym workouts she didn't seem to be getting anywhere. A friend had recommended some slimming pills which she got on the day we were going out to dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary. It was only later that I found...

1 year ago
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Seven Years a Woman Extended Edition

Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

3 years ago
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Gender Transformation Pills

Jack is a college student still living with his parents in his home town. He is neither fit nor fat but somewhere in between, mostly he assumes that he will never gain weight or just begin exercising when he does. He is not really social, and is very comfortable in the few friend that he has, he does however try to make new friends when opportunities arise, but he finds it very exhausting and blames his introvert nature. On one particular Saturday, he was walking through the inner city, when he...

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Sex Relation With Indian Mother 8211 Sleeping Pills

(True names are not given) & (My English is not good, hope you all can understand what I am trying to say) My name is Vishnu and I am from a middle class family. Lust is what I cannot control because whenever I see a girl my penis erects and I masturbate 5 or 6 times in a day. I would do anything to see a girl naked or to see some parts of girls body. I love to fuck aunties and masturbate imagining my relative aunties or neighbour aunties or any aunty who has wonderful figure. I am a person who...

2 years ago
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Seven Years a Woman

Seven Years a Woman Holly Sharp Seven years ago, Shane Turner became a wanted man. Losing his balaclava during a bank robbery led to him becoming the subject of a relentless nation-wide manhunt. With every police officer in the country chasing him and with a substantial bounty on his head, Turner did the only thing he could do: hide. For seven years, this man has hidden himself away in the last place anyone would ever think to look: under the makeup of a woman named Bonnie...

4 years ago
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Seven and Bella

“What? You’re kidding me right?” “No I’m not, we are coming home tomorrow” Renae said through the phone. “We miss being home, being with you guys. A year away from home is enough for us" “You have no idea how happy this makes us, right Sev?” Kay looked at Seven, who nervously walk up and down the terrace. “Ask her if Stacey is there with her” Seven commanded. “She isn’t mate she is asleep, Renae is talking outside on their balcony. But I thought you said that you never wanted to...

3 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 07

‘You, Alessandro Conti, are a cruel, lying, seducing, asshole!’ Maisie whispered, her finger poking his chest with every insult. Alessandro’s mouth dropped open. His pulse raced, though whether from panic that he’d done something terrible or annoyance at her accusation, he didn’t know. ‘What, not going to own up to it?’ Maisie let out a short, angry laugh. ‘Tough. I promised not to run last night, and you’re in luck, I’m keeping that promise, and I’m going to tell you exactly what I think of...

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Sex Pills

Drugged schoolgirls?that’s it stand up over there next to the white screen". Tom smiled as he watched the 13 year old girl walk calmly to the screen she looked adorable in her school uniform white starched blouse and blue pleated skirt, tom picked up his camera and pointed it at Tasha  focusing it. "ok Tasha now remember what I told you do it now". "yes sir". Tasha replied and slowly undid the buttons of her blouse pulling it out of her skirt and she smiled as she opened her blouse revealing...

4 years ago
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Seven Brothers

At first, I just asked the mailing list for advice. But the stunning response I got (all one of them!) convinced me to keep it as-is. So here, without further ado, is: SEVEN BROTHERS by Roy Del Frink The seven Frie brothers of Newark were considered despicable. Everyone seemed to hate them. By some quirk of fate, each acted like the very personification of one of the seven deadly sins. Alex was the "wrathful" one. He got upset at the smallest little thing, screaming...

3 years ago
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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

3 years ago
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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 5 Bohemian Rhapsody

“Stay humble,” my host admonished me as she led me up the final flight of stairs to my room in Bucharest. I started to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pointed up and I ducked my head so I wouldn’t hit it on the low ceiling of the hall. Stay humble. In other words, keep your head bowed. I was a little testy, but it wasn’t her fault. It had been a miserable trip from Sofia, Bulgaria. I had just nine Bulgarian lev when I headed for the train station. My previous trip to...

2 years ago
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Seven inches of pleasure for Morgan

I wanted to fuck her the first time I saw her. She was down the hall, maybe ten yards distant, walking away from me with my boss, and she was wearing a short tight skirt that showed off her well-shaped little ass and legs. She was young, well less than half my age, probably in her early twenties I correctly guessed. She was petite, a half-head shorter than me and couldn’t weigh over a hundred pounds. Her hair was dark and sort; a ‘pixie’ cut, I think they call it. She turned and I noted that...

1 year ago
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Seven Sisters in Seven Days

Have you ever felt tired, so tired that you can't even get it up? I don't think I'm there yet, but it can't be far away. I never thought too much sex could ever wear me out, but I was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it wasn't the amount of sex, but the style, the variations, the number of partners, the immoral circumstances and God knows what else finally got to me. Right now, I feel so tired that if my dick fell off it could be a blessing. I suppose I should explain. My name is Sloan. I'm 22 years old...

2 years ago
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Seven days seven womenPart 1

Seven days, seven women-Part #1 By csn61 © Chapter 1: the storyline:I want to describe the incredible fortune I have landed in terms of being able to make love to different mature rich woman, every day of the week without any catch, any obligations, without spending a single penny!I am a 21-year-old young computer scientist, presently unemployed. My main occupation now is to satisfy the sexual libido of my seven rich mature beautiful women lovers, day 'in' and day 'out '(pun intended) who love...

4 years ago
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Seven Nights

Seven Nights Ryan surveyed his assembled slaves, and their handlers, critically. He'd called an assembly of his seven slaves, and their handlers, this eveningfor a special announcement. They had been assembled for some minutes now, buthe let them wait as he looked them over. Ryan Dante was a CEO for one of the largest software companies in the world.As a result, he had wealth enough to indulge in every whim, every perversity,he desired; and his particular desire had been, since he was young,...

1 year ago
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Jake and his sleeping pills

About high school best friends who had a secret feelings for each other they kept for years. Jake and I has been friends for almost four years now. I met him when we where freshmen and he was my classmate. And now, we're already in fourth year. Back then, I knew that I'm in love with my best friend but he's not the type who shows affection to women. He's not a gay, if you're thinking that. It's just that, he's an old school and a serious type of person. I barely see him smile and those are the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Seven Days

Standing anonymous amongst the congregation, he watched as friends and family precariously lowered the rain-drenched coffin into the collapsing grave. Six burly men leaned over the open chasm, striving to maintain balance in the torrential rain, as the coffin slowly disappeared from view a barely audible splatter resonated from beneath as it finally hit its waterlogged bed. All the Pallbearer’s shoes had once gleamed with pride, now they stood caked in mud, housing feet that struggling to...

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Seven Deadly Sins

In the dark bowels of Hell, two demonesses were working hard over a forge. The two demon women were of the prettier variety, though they didn’t hold a torch to succubi. The first of the demon ladies picked up the object they had just finished crafting. It was very ornate, and certainly didn’t belong in a hellhole like, well, Hell. It was a golden amulet with seven glowing gems placed in it. Six in a circle, and a seventh in the middle. “King Lucifer will be pleased with the Sinner’s Amulet.”...

3 years ago
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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

2 years ago
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Seven Chinese Dicks

Aloha. This takes place in Oahu, in the older part of downtown Honolulu at Aloha Tower, where the cruise ships pull in. It was in front of Aloha tower, in a grassy square. It was a rectangular cement men’s room, the size of a single-wide. High barred windows, with six urinals and six stalls. None of the stalls had doors. A sink at the very end. A heavy door that was padlocked at nine PM each night and remained wedged open during the day. Entrances could be made quickly and silently, without...

2 years ago
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Seven Months

© August 2000 Jake roused me from sleep, his fingers prodding my panties. With practiced skill he slipped beneath the elastic and lace, quickly, before I was fully awake. His fingers maneuvered in and out, every other stroke pushed a little deeper. He kissed my neck, nibbling my earlobe. I shivered. "It's after midnight, Jake," I mumbled irritably. "I'm sorry," Jake responded. My husband nuzzled up against my back. I felt the heat from his naked chest warm me through my thin...

2 years ago
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Seven Hunred and Eleven Cigarettes

It was Friday night, and again no one had asked me out. It was probably my fault. I had stopped going to the local bars, sick of the same old guys drinking the same old drinks and having the same old conversations with them. I'd dated white men all my life, and found them all the same. I'd always wanted to date outside my race, but the fear of what my family and friends might say kept me from reaching out across the color line. At 5'8", I was taller than most women, with dark blonde,...

4 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 4 Seven Oaks

Seven Oaks was a small town just under one hundred miles due south of home. I could easily be there in an hour and a half. It would be late, but I would be refreshed by the time I arrived. The regenerative powers of my species are as phenomenal as their abilities to track their prey. I found myself in town by eleven that evening. It was still to late to catch any business open and the only motel was a seedy place long past its prime. The Seven Oaks Lodge was nothing more than a flophouse for...

4 years ago
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Seven Year Wife

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing, a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving...

2 years ago
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Seven Days Without You

The first kiss is nearly imperceptible. Lips press lightly to the valley of her lower back, parting just enough for his tongue to make its presence known on her glowing skin. It is the second kiss, a little higher on her spine, that causes a slight stir. He continues his journey upward as her body unconsciously reacts. Even as she sleeps, her breathing begins to incorporate sighs and short gasps whenever his lips make contact. Her body starts moving against the smooth satin sheets as his kisses...

3 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 04

I’m afraid these two are still stuck in a present-day holding pattern. I’ve given you a dream sequence flashback (the third section, to avoid any confusion) to make up for it! In case you’ve forgotten, they’re both nineteen during the flashback, so there’s no underage activity. ———————- Alessandro shook his head in disbelief. Maisie was kneeling next to a strawberry plant halfway down a row, her hand hovering in mid-air as she stared off into space. She hadn’t noticed him, even though he’d...

3 years ago
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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

1 year ago
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Seven Brides for One Coyote

SEVEN BRIDES FOR ONE COYOTE, or CATCH THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM CRY By C Part I One day, Coyote was passing through the town of Tumbleweed, when he decidedto call on his old friend, Marshal Matt Basterson. Basterson's headquartersabutted on the town square. Its windows gave an excellent view of the courthouse,across the square, and the town gallows, right in the middle. While he satin Basterson's waiting room, Coyote looked out toward the gallows, but wasdisappointed to see that nothing was...

2 years ago
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Seven Year Itch 8211 Part 1

My friend and I were sitting in the Park hotel’s coffee shop on a busy street in Kolkata. We noticed a smart young man watching porn about the seven year itch while waiting for food along with his sexy female companion. He could’ve bedded the beautiful woman if he so desired, yet he’d found time for porn. “Why do we need porn?” asked my friend earnestly. “Because it’s one thing to make love and a totally different perspective, to see her in action,” I replied with conviction. “So you are...

4 years ago
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Seven Year Wife

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing; a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving all the money that I could for the last six...

3 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 6 Girls In Uniform

The trip to the station was sadly a short one. Rachel was a petite, young blonde with an athletic build. She was slim and solid, but soft in all the right spots. The bulletproof vest did nothing for her figure, but I could see beyond that to the womanly form underneath. She was fresh out of the academy and was assigned the call only to see how she would react to a naked man on the highway call. In my opinion she had passed with high marks. She was kind, and more importantly she had...

3 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 9 Going Home

The reception at the Sheriffs Office was a chilly one. Rachel and Roxanne met me outside in front of two more deputies. I was a suspected murderer who had left with their boss and returned alone, driving his car. "Where's the Sheriff? What happened? Why didn't he bring you back?" "Wait a minute, one question at a time. You guys are getting worked up over nothing. The Sheriff is fine. His wife is fine. They are as happy as pigs in slop. I drove his car back because they were busy and I...

1 year ago
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Seven Year Itch

I wasn’t away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his dinner. Although he probably would anyway and end up getting a takeout or something. I wasn’t really too worried about him. I knew he would be pleased to have a night by himself, surfing as much porn as he could. Like he thinks I don’t know what he gets up to! I was just annoyed that I would have to miss a gym session really. For the first time in my life, I finally had the body...

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