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Pills by Vickie Tern "Frannie? You home?" "Of course, when am I not? I'll be out in just a minute, honey. I'm fixing chicken for tonight, just getting it ready for the oven. We're going to have a marvelous dinner!" "Wonderful! No wonder I married you. I do love you! Though not only for your chicken!" "I know, honey! But what brings you home on time today, if I may ask? Mostly you've been coming home hours and hours late, and even then your mind always seems still at the office. But here you are! Something special?" "Special? Oh yes! Sweetheart, I quit work early so I could see Dr. Mullins before coming home. I've got great news for you this afternoon! For both of us, really! Ah, there you are! A kiss, sweetheart, quick, before anything else. Yes! Mmmm! That's a darling apron, is it new? And you've redone your hair! It's really lovely! Very becoming!" "Thank you, yes, it's long enough now to take a slight curl. And yes, the apron's new. Janet suggested I should make a special effort to look pretty for you when I was cleaning for her last Thursday. She said I should look 'gift-wrapped' for you whenever you come home, that was how she put it. That I should look and feel as girly as possible for you all the time, that you'd be pleased. No longer pretend to be a man whenever I leave the house." "She's right. What a dear friend she is. Almost as dear as you!. I'm so glad I loaned you to her -- it gives you both a chance to know each other better." "But honey! Allison! You say you went to see Dr. Mullins? Is something wrong? Why haven't you told me?" "Oh, don't look so worried, love! No, nothing's wrong. Everything's fine. Marvelous, in fact! Couldn't be better!" "Then why see a doctor? And on a week day during business hours? Honey, if you took time off from work to see her it has to be serious! Time off? For months now you've been absolutely, utterly absorbed by this downtown complex project. It gets you to the office early and keeps you there late, and brings you there most weekends too. I know you love the challenge, and that other people depend on your doing it right, and all, but if you don't mind my saying, sometimes it does get to be a bit much. I mean, even our fifth anniversary two weeks ago didn't bring you home in time for us to go out and celebrate!" "Oh, honey, I intended to, but things came up, the way they do. And we did celebrate finally. We found ways, you must recall. I loved it. I even managed to get you up twice in a row, despite those pills you've been on to help you look ... well, more the way a girl should look. Though no complaint, you really do look cute now! I adore making love to someone who's so sassy and provocative!" "I guess. That night especially you were so wide open and wet and ... well, passionate, I did come at you a second time, I remember. Still, we had concert tickets and reservations at Le Cirque and for hours it seemed that you'd forgotten. All I could get from your secretary was that you were 'still unavailable.'" "I know. I'm sorry. I let myself get too distracted by other things. I've been trying since then to be more considerate of you, you know that. And I will be too, you'll see." "All right. So, what's with this seeing Dr. Mullins in the middle of the afternoon?" "Oh, darling, that's what I couldn't wait to tell you! Dr. Mullins confirmed it and I had to rush right home so you'd know too! I'm so happy!" "You are? Then I'm happy too, Allie honey. But why? What's the occasion?" "You'll never guess!" "Not without at least a hint, you're right!" "Then here's the hint. I'm pregnant!" "What ...?" "That's right, I'm pregnant. We're going to have a baby!" "You're .... We're .... But Allie, that's not ... It's .... How did you get pregnant?" "Oh, silly, don't be coy. The usual way!" "I've got to sit down. I'm ...!" "Here, sit next to me. Yes, snuggle closer. Now look at me. Look into my eyes, no looking away, and give me both your hands, and don't pull them away from mine either. I want to hold both of them tight for the rest of this conversation. Is that understood?" "Yes, but ...." "Oh, honey, just look, you did your nails when you did your hair, didn't you? My favorite pearly pink! You do love being the lady of the house! You do love to indulge yourself! Well, that's exactly what I've been counting on, ever since when you first agreed to stay home and take care of things and be a kind of housewife for me. How long ago has it been now, nearly a year?" "A little over a year. But honey, how is it ...?" "Yes, that's it, it was just after my inheritance was probated and we realized we didn't both of us have to work any more, and decided that you should be the one to quit and be the stay-at-home. Because I love everything I do at the office and you didn't like anything you did in yours, so you said you'd much rather stay home and take care of the house and work on your novel. " "Allie, don't change the subject! You can't be pregnant! We agreed when we first got married, no babies! That your work and career was too important to you, much too important, and besides, neither of us really wanted the fuss and mess of raising kids! You were quite clear about how children interfere with people's lives. So I got a vasectomy, so there'd be no question about it, I'd never be tempted to change my mind and urge you to change yours. Honey, I've been shooting blanks practically since our wedding night! So how can you possibly be pregnant? And why are you so pleased by the idea? There's got to be a mistake. Dr. Mullins ...." "There's no mistake, honey. We're going to have a baby." "You can't be!" "But we are!" "How? I mean how can you ...?" "Sweetie, I hate to sound coy. I don't want to bat my baby blues at you like a little girl and talk to you in a teeny voice, but need I remind you that there are many ways for a woman to get pregnant these days? One obvious old-fashioned way in particular?" "Allison!" "Yes, with another man!" "What ...? What are you saying? Let go my hands, I won't hurt you or anything, but .... but.... Allie, I don't understand! You ... you and another man ...? How...?" "O, sweetie, baby, don't worry. I knew it would be too hard for you, so I made this decision for both of us! It's why I did it that we should be talking about, what I have in mind for the two of us, for our future, not how I did it -- that's not important. It never was. Besides, it happened over two months ago. And I had you in mind the whole time, anyhow. Well, I guess not the whole time, you know how your mind disappears when there's a cock sliding into you, how you lose all sense of everything else as the pleasure's mounts up and there's still a way to go and you're rotating your hips like crazy and reaching for it. No, I guess you don't know, not yet. Even so, a lot of what I was doing reminded me of things we love to do together." "Don't smile at me, Allison, I don't think this is at all funny!" "Oh, sweetheart, I did it for you! For us, but mostly for you! Shall I tell you how come?" "Allison, I don't want to know. " "Well, you need to know. I want you to know. So right now suppose you stand up and go to the sideboard and get yourself a drink, a really tall one, and get some ice for it, and then come back here and sit down again, right here next to me. And I'll tell you, and I'll tell you why, and what's going to happen because of it. I want to tell you everything!" "How can you...?" "Just go! Oh, honey?" "What?" "Bring me a chilled white wine while you're at it, will you? There's still an open bottle in the fridge isn't there?" "Yes." "Well, bring it back here for me, with a wine glass, and we'll talk." "Allison, what can I say to you?" "Well, since you're so upset, I'll do all the talking. Just go!" ******** "Well, that took a while! What were you doing in there, banging your firsts on the counter? Is that what I heard? Frannie, that's not at all lady-like, I'm glad you got it out of your system! Now sit down. Frannie, I said sit down! That's it! How many times have I told you, whenever you're in a dress or a skirt you have got to sit up straight with your knees together and ankles crossed. No exceptions -- people judge women by appearances! All right, now take a good swallow and lean back. Now another. Good! Now just listen! On my way home from Dr. Mullins I was thinking maybe I should pretend I want to play one of our bondage games and tie you up and handcuff you before I tell you any of these things. But that wouldn't be honest. I don't want to trick you and I don't think it's necessary. But just remember that you're dressed like a lady and act appropriately. OK?" "I hear you." "Well, I've been thinking more and more about a year ago, when you began staying home, how we started you playing housewife and dressing you up like one for fun. It was my idea originally, but you certainly went along with it! Out of affection, a desire to please me, I could tell. And then gradually you got into it and took it as a challenge and began doing it all on your own, and then some. Began spending all day in a house dress, doing all the cooking and cleaning, then greeting me at the end of the day wearing a fashionably chic dinner dress . And if I came home real late, there you were waiting for me in bed in a negligee, your face fully made up and looking just lovely. Gorgeous! I'm so glad Janet caught you practically naked, wearing only your bra and panties, that day she came over unexpectedly to drop some things off for me. You were terribly embarrassed, I know, but it did lead to her offer to teach you proper hair and nail care, and all sorts of other beauty secrets, in exchange for housecleaning for her once a week And housecleaning for her did finally get you out of the house in a dress, even though you only had to walk a block or so down the road." "So? What has this ...?" "I'm getting there. Each week you were looking and behaving more feminine, and always learning new ways to make yourself seem more feminine still. It was fun, especially the first few months, with a lot gained and not a whole lot lost. You weren't really passable for a long while, but I still remember the night we dared finally to go out and let you be seen. That was unforgettable, being two girls out having a girly night! You were so scared! But it was dark in that club, with only a single candle on each table, and that's always flattering. When those two guys came over and tried to pick us up, it was cute how you picked up on teasing and flirting with them I must say. I felt a little tempted to go off with the blond one, but you weren't the least bit attracted to either of them. Not enough to even to kiss one, much less provide him a decent blow job. And that's been the problem." "Problem? Honey, I'm a man, I don't want ...! You've ....!" "Honey, I do love you, and I adore what we do in bed as girls these days, don't misunderstand me. Yes, you were then still something of a man, I suppose -- but now you're something less! You remember, the very next day when you were explaining to Janet about how men don't attract you, she thought it might be simply that you're self-conscious, that your body was too male to allow intimacy with a man. She thought dating gay men might take off the edge, but you refused so firmly that she decided to provide you the same little white pills she'd been giving her husband to calm him down. To improve your complexion -- soften your skin and fill you out a little. I wasn't sure it was wise for you to go that far, not then, and I told you there could be all sorts of other effects, but it was your decision, you were having fun, and you wanted to be the best girl you could be for me. Also, you wanted to feel more passable when you had to leave the house dressed as a woman, as you were doing now and then! And they did that much for you, sort of! I remember how pleased you were last summer when you found your arms were thinner, that you could actually show your shoulders in a sleeveless dress? "Yes, I love that dress." "And now your body isn't really masculine any more, not the way it once was. It even begins to resemble a girl's, a little. True you aren't quite ready for a bikini, not yet, but you do have the beginnings of curves anyhow. Are you proud of them?" "Yes, and my face is a little softer, that's how come I can go out shopping these days without risking embarrassment. And how come my clothes fit a little better." "But honey, understand, it was all at a cost. You must know that you aren't yet really a woman, though you also aren't anywhere nearly the man you once were. You don't get as large or as stiff as you did once, and you lack your old vigor. So much so that you could hardly blame me when I began checking out other men, the more hunky ones." "You began what? 'Checking out other men'? How?" "The same as with books in a library. Look them over, wonder if they'd be fun for an evening's browsing, or maybe even worth borrowing for a few days." "And have you borrowed any men for a few days?" "Oh, don't look so gloomy -- you're my very best girlfriend now, I'd think you'd understand how I feel, and even be pleased. And anyhow, with you these days, the more girl on girl sex we have the more I want, and the less of manly sex with you. A couple of months ago I realized that you hadn't given me a hard, solid fuck in ages. Not that I felt deprived. But still...." "A couple of months ago? Is that's when you met ... whoever it was?" "Yes! That's when I met Brett! Incredible, how that happened! You know, well, you don't know, not yet, but there's a certain kind of man you simply can't take your eyes off? You stand there and watch how they move -- easy and graceful and powerful? The kind with strong faces and commanding smiles, and all they have to do is look at you and you're charmed out of your pants. Well, one of those prize specimens visited the firm as a consultant a couple of months ago. Name of Brett. I was deputed to show him around, so I got to know him real well -- he stayed a full week. When he first showed up first there was a strange dead silence in the outer office, and then suddenly you could hear all the secretaries squealing and giggling and texting each other, all at once. And when I myself saw him? Frannie, I felt the sight of him down in my pussy! I started to spasm! It was so delicious! Sooo primal! I couldn't believe it! I love you, honey, and no matter what I intend to keep you forever, but that very minute I was overwhelmed by a need to fuck that man utterly, totally, to feel him stretch me wide open and pound me and squirt himself way up into me! So I spent that whole afternoon and evening with him. We never did leave my office, not once, not even for drinks and dinner! Then the rest of that week we got together whenever we could! His size? His stamina? His moves? That hot, sweet sperm of his! I must say, that week took the edge off my desire to try anyone else for quite a while." "You didn't bother with birth control? Not even with douching or morning after pills? All that week?" "Honey, all that week I didn't want even you to lick and suck him out of me! I wanted to keep my pussy drenched, soaking up his sperm all week, so I had to deny you the pleasure. You're always so sweet to me down there, kissing and licking my pussy no matter what. Coming home every evening, that's always been something I could look forward to no matter who else ... especially after your complexion pills started making your dick a lot less interesting to me. But this man amazed me! From the moment I saw him I wanted him to impregnate me. To bear his child! Hundreds of them! I knew that his would have to be the kind of baby any woman would be eager to conceive and deliver and raise and donate to mankind. If a girl, strong and desirable! If a boy, a gift to girls everywhere! That's what I was thinking! And my next thought was pure genius! "Never mind your next thought. I'm shocked! You ... you fucked him? You were unfaithful to me all that week? That's what you're telling me?" "Honey, finish your whisky and pour yourself another. No, that's not what I'm telling you. I wasn't unfaithful to you with him, I was conceiving a child with him! Though yes, all week. I did enjoy it of course, a lot, God, some of those orgasms were towering, better by far than anything I've ever had with any man, even with you when you were still a man and your cock was fully functioning! But the main reason I fucked him day and night all that week was to get pregnant. It wasn't infidelity, it was whatever artificial insemination isn't. Natural insemination I guess you'd call it. And it worked!" "Call it anything you wish, Allison! The fact remains, for a whole week you fucked another man and you are now pregnant with another man's baby. I'm afraid that this now has nothing to do with me. You violated our marriage vows and you trashed our implicit agreement never to have or raise a child because it would distract us from our work and each other, and you .... Just think! How are you going to manage to have a baby and yet dedicate yourself to your career?" "Well, let's be quite clear about some of this, sweetie. First of all, I made those vows to Frank, to the manly man I married, not to Frannie, the darling girlfriend he became. Who are you now, Frank or Frannie?" "Well, for some time now I'm more Frannie, but ...." "And who will you be tomorrow, and the next day?" "Allie, we made that decision together some time ago. You saw no reason why I shouldn't go more your way, since I wouldn't be depriving some future child of a father, and you loved having a girlfriend, and you more and more adored seeing me dressed and made up to look like a girl and licking you, even using a dildo to bring you off when my own cock wasn't up to the job. When it first appeared that the pills I was taking to clear my complexion were also making me less manly, you said it didn't matter, that you'd love it if I kept going, even if my manhood did too. So yes, I'm not very manly now. But we've agreed, there's no going back and no regret. You know that!" "No, there isn't, and I love it, that you've been willing to change more and more into Frannie as far as those pills could carry you. And all for me. But to the extent that you're Frannie now and enjoy it, and I know you do, I haven't been unfaithful to a husband at all, have I? And if I happen to look at another man you can't say I'm being unfaithful to the girl I live with now. I cherish her. And I do cherish you, love! But I do still have a pussy, and as it turns out it did want to feel full up and well fucked after all, more than I'd anticipated, as well as sucked and licked. So now I'm pregnant. And as far as my career path goes, well, that's where the thought I just called pure genius enters in! That isn't a problem either -- Dr. Mullins gave me some new pills to take care of it." "You mean 'morning after' pills? It's too late for that! And abortion pills this late in the game can be dangerous! Allison, no matter what I think or how I feel, how angry I am because of what you've done to our marriage, you don't want to take pills to take care of this ... uhh ... situation. " "No sweetheart, I don't. You do." "What?" "The pills aren't for me, they're for you. I won't be caring for the baby, you will. With you in charge of our household I can keep working right up to the moment I deliver. And with you caring for the baby I'll be back on the job inside a week! With these pills, by the time I give birth Dr. Mullins tells me you'll be able to take care of everything, even breast feed. That's the most natural way to nourish our little dear, so that's what we'll want to do. Breast feeding provides a baby with a mother's warmth and security along with all the vitamins and minerals and antibodies any baby ever needs. We'll want baby to have all those things." "Allison, I have news for you. My body isn't equipped to breast feed a newborn baby. It lacks certain essentials. Such as breasts." "You'll have breasts by then, Frannie. That's what these pills are for. In six or seven months, Dr. Mullins says, those little bumps the complexion pills gave you will be full sized, heavy breasts any woman would feel proud to display anywhere. Then when I go into labor, we'll give you a different pill to start you lactating, and they'll fill up with milk. The baby will love you maybe even more than I love you now!. It'll be marvelous for you too, sweetheart! I can't wait to see our little dear snuggled against your soft breasts while you look down and smile at it so sweetly." "'Our' little dear' you keep calling it? Allison, how is this baby mine?" "You'll take care of it and nourish it and in no time you'll feel it's an essential part of you. That's how babies are." "Maybe so, but ... but I don't want ... I can't have breasts! I just can't! If they're that large I couldn't possibly hide them. What would people think when I go out as a man, walking around with those things flopping on my chest? And pausing to nurse every few hours? It's impossible!" "Oh, people won't think anything at all, honey. Because by then you be a man any more. You won't even dimly resemble a man. You seem to have forgotten, you aren't much of one now any more, not really, not since Frannie came out and took over from Frank. Dr. Mullins tells me that by the time I give birth Frank will no longer exist. With these pills you'll look the way all the young mothers in the neighborhood look. We'll dress you up like one and no one will know the difference. In fact I'm sure you'll look more feminine than most of the women who live here. I'd think that when we finish with you no one will raise the thinnest eyebrow!" "Allison ...!" "And I'm sure you'll love your breasts the way I do mine. You do know how I love having my nipples caressed. How I squeal with delight when you nibble on me. Once your own nipples have developed and then been touched and sucked, once you know that bliss, you'll wonder how you ever managed without them." "Allison, I can't say I'm not tempted. But it sounds as if this new pill of yours will emasculate me altogether! No more erections of any kind! Yes, my complexion pills did lower my manliness some. But I've wanted to go ... effeminate for your sake, because you love thinking of me as your girlfriend and not merely your husband. Do you really want to throw the rest of me away? Isn't that what these new pills will do?" "Oh, yes. I'm told they'll eliminate all of your remaining masculine features and capabilities. Your testicles will disappear and your penis will shrink down to a clit, very nearly. Instead of those minimal erections you tease me with these days, you'll have none at all, none of the slightest interest to anyone but you. Sweetheart, at the moment you're neither here nor there. You can't really satisfy a woman as a man, and you don't look much like a man, yet you aren't quite a woman either. These pills will complete you. Your chin will seem smaller and your eyes larger, so your face will seem much more attractive, and it'll be framed by the dense, beautiful hair the pills will stimulate. You'll not only have full breasts, you'll have a flat crotch and a thin waist and a well-rounded rear and elaborate curves all over -- your body will become a woman's body, lacking only one feature, and that can be easily provided whenever you want it. Speaking of that one lack, your sexual feelings will change too. They'll become more like a woman's, more interior, slower to build but more surging and fulfilling. We'll probably have to change our lovemaking habits." "What do you mean?" "Not that we won't sleep together the way we do, and cuddle the way we do. And kiss each other's private parts the way we do. It's just that making love the way we still do sometimes just won't be possible any more. When you can't penetrate me, we'll have to find different ways to make love. To do it the ways girls do." "What do girls do that we don't?" "Girls enjoy men. Thus far you don't. So we'll need to train you." "Allison, I don't want to ...." "No, I don't suppose you do. But you will, you'll see, and you'll love it. I always have." "I certainly don't want to sleep with men! "I suppose not. But you will when the right man comes along -- we all do. It gets habit-forming for some of us. You won't at all mind once you're accustomed to it, I'll bet, and that'll be happening soon enough. For example, just this afternoon as I was on my way here from the doctor's, it occurred to me that since I'm now pregnant I no longer need to worry about contraception of any kind -- I can get fucked over and over and overflow with sperm without the slightest risk that I'll conceive!" "You 'no longer need to worry about contraception,' is that's what you just said? Did I hear you right?" "Yes, that's right." "You've been worrying about contraception? Using contraception despite my vasectomy? For how long?" "Oh, maybe a year, maybe a little longer, this time around. Except with my beautiful sperm donor Brett, of course. I realized some years ago that I should never have asked you to get that vasectomy. It relieved me of all responsibility to prevent a pregnancy whenever we screwed, but it put sole responsibility on me when I screwed anyone else. If you were still shooting sperm I'd have just gone on the pill and been done with it. Instead, you've been on the pill, and ever since you started taking them, ever since you've begun to appeal to me more as a woman than as a man, I've been taking an interest in other men. I did sort of warn you that I could deal with some of the changes that follow from those pills you're taking, but you might not be able to." "Allison, this is outrageous!" "You silly girl. Here you are, dressed up and made up to look beautiful and yet trying to make indignant male noises! Sweetheart, this is a whole new ball game. Swallow this new pill and I'll explain. All you need to take is this first one. then everything else will follow easily. Dr. Mullins says the first will help you feel a lot more comfortable about all the others, and all the other changes to come, because its hormones affect a woman's mind as well as her body. It will also render you quite impotent almost at once, so you won't mind taking all the other pills in the series, full womanhood being your only recourse after that first one. There's nothing like inevitability to settle a person's mind. Once you know you're unmanned altogether, your thoughts and desires will turn in more appropriate directions. Toward men." "Allison, I've told you. I don't want men!" "You don't have to want men right now, Frannie. That's only one option. You can choose instead to be chaste. Or you can become a lesbian and settle in as my special girlfriend and our baby's mommy, wet nurse, and nanny, and that's all. You'll miss out on a lot of the real fun, but that'll be your choice! Here! Open wide!" "Honey, I don't want to ...." "You said it yourself, babe, you're already part way there. So go the distance! Do you really have a choice? Honey, think! I need for you to be a woman! I really and truly do! For our baby's sake -- I want that baby to be ours, yours as well as mine, and I want you as its mommy. More of a mommy than I'll ever be, because I won't have time! Please? For me, lover? Open wide? Just to show me you can? I promise you, you'll love everything that happens to you and to us when you start taking these pills. Ahhhh ... there! Yes, that's it! Now take another sip of whisky to wash it down! Yes! Oh, my darling, darling Frannie, I'm so happy! We're going to have such a marvelous life together! I do so love you!" "Allie, you say you love me, but you've been fucking other men since God knows when!" "Oh, no. Only since you started trying to be Frannie. You were so sweet, going along with it, wearing all the clothes I brought you and going to Janet to learn to be beautifully made up. That made fucking other men easy for me -- I could always pretend my husband wasn't a real man anyhow, so I was justified in looking for men who were. And I did find them! But I always made it up to you in bed, sweetie, with girl sex -- you do know I hope that except when I was with Brett I was always eager for you to kiss and lick my cunt, no matter whose cock I'd just come from or whose cum was inside it." "I'm supposed to feel better, knowing that?" "I did want to share my men with you, girlfriend. Just as I want to share my desire for them! But you were such a stick! There was always some part of your male ego that wouldn't quit, no matter how girly your desires got. The night we went out together to that club, when two of my old boyfriends came over the way I'd asked them to, and you actually flirted with one, and I was so hoping that before the night ended you'd suck his cock and get fucked, and that way learn how wonderful it is to be a woman. But you didn't want to!" "Allie, I was only pretending to be a woman. I've never wanted to suck a real cock as if I was a real woman!" "Well, these new pills will help. I'm sure that one you just took is already helping. The problem is, you've lacked a feeling of authenticity. These pills will render you nothing but. It's like earlier, when you lacked delicacy. I asked Janet if she could help, and she did, she works for that big pharmaceutical company on the edge of town, they manufacture all the cosmetics you've learned to use, and also those complexion pills you've been on for the past year. I asked her if we could soften your features just a little and make you just a bit less muscular, so you'd seem more to flow when you move instead of ... well, thrust your body here and there the way guys do. So you'd come across as a little more feminine. She suggested those pills you've been taking supposedly for your complexion." "Did she tell you what else they'd do? I didn't know, originally, though I've since found out!" "She did warn me that when she put her husband on them to help his acne, his penis got smaller and less firm. That I might eventually need to range out a little to fulfill my sex life. That was fair warning -- I didn't tell her that I already intended to, of course. In turn I did warn you that those pills could have unintended consequences, remember? But you were so eager to please me by then, so anxious to be a better woman for me, that you didn't care. Then as you began to grow ... well, inadequate, when you could barely get it up, that gave me all the more reason to check out some of the men I work with, and get to know some of them. Well, quite a few of them. Tough men, gentle men, all kinds, but all of them men who appreciate me and use me over and over in all the ways I want to be used. Honey, there's a whole world of men out there for you to enjoy too! I don't deprive myself, and I'll never deprive you! In fact I want to help you! And I will, you'll see!" "Allie! I don't want ...." "Like, this afternoon, just after I left Dr. Mullins I had a lot to think about, so I went to a nearby Starbucks to sit and see how things added up. And who was there but Mel Rittenhouse! You remember him, the Big Ten linebacker from college who came here to start a car franchise after he retired from pro football? Well, he took one look at me, and maybe it's true that pregnant women are especially beautiful, especially ripe for plucking, and so on, because I hardly had to say a word to him! Just smile, and not an hour later we were in bed together fucking gloriously! It was unlike any way you and I have ever fucked, and it's now no way we ever will! Bareback, no contraceptives! I feel so free, so immune to any and all sperm!" "Allie!" "I do want you to feel that man's cock inside you too, girlfriend. In your mouth and your ass, and if you ever get one your vagina too. It's like nothing else!" "Allie, I ...." "You swallowed that pill, sweetie, so you will want to swallow the rest of them too, I'm sure. If the desire doesn't make you one of us, the pills will. You may soon be more of a woman than I am! With even more of a desire to feel a man's heft and bulk shifting on top of your body, and even more appetite for cock and cock juice. If that's possible. You don't believe me? Well, come upstairs right now and we'll see. I'm still a little raw and swollen there, so you'll have to kiss me gently, but I'm sure Mel's cloudy goop is still dribbling out -- I mean, once I got him feeling just right he simply couldn't stop cumming! See for yourself, and check out his taste, too. Get accustomed, sweetheart, because I do mean to see him again, and I do want to introduce you to him as soon as your tits are large enough for a man with his large hands to appreciate. That's a great feeling in itself!" "Allison!" "Honey, you didn't know before how much man-goop you were licking out of me, but now I want you to know that's what it is. So you can learn in time to enjoy it hot and fresh from a sucked penis! Because when you soften up and round out a bit more we're going out together to meet men. Lots of men. You know how they always seem to come in twos? Well, we'll cruise for them together, sweetie, just as soon as you're far enough along to want to and I'm not yet so far along I can't. You'll soon learn all the ways a woman can make a man happy, even if the only way you can go all the way yourself is backward. Because otherwise every time I go out in the evening, and I mean to go out a lot until I get too big in the belly, you're going to feel depressed. And we can't have that! It won't be good for your milk when it comes in -- what we want is a happy mommy caring for a happy baby." "Allison!" "Meanwhile, you should also know that Janet has offered her husband for you to practice on. His prick is small now, she says, so it shouldn't be too challenging, but maybe over time it'll whet your appetite for larger. I hope so. It takes time to learn to be a girl, and you need to learn the essentials, the things every women should know. Most important, you need to learn to enjoy the feel of a mouth tugging on your nipples. Big mouths now, but a little mouth later -- that's what it's all really about!" "Allie, if I'm supposed to nurse your baby ...." "Our baby, love!" "You surely can't ask me to take anything as unsanitary as a cock into my mouth and then ...? " "Franny, cum is pure protein, didn't you know that? It's easily digested and it's good for you. You can't know that for sure until you've tried it, so come upstairs with me right now and try Mel's, and then maybe your own for comparison while you're still producing it. You do understand, I hope that this is our life from now on. I earn all the money these days, so I think I still have the deciding vote in this family. Trust me, you'll love taking it in the ass eventually I'm sure, the same way I do. But until then there's no real choice -- you'll just have to settle for loving sucking cock." "Allie, I don't .... What I think ...!" "I knew you couldn't think of a single reason why not! Not any more. Oh, this is so going to be so scrumptious. So wonderful! I could really eat you up this very minute, sweetie! But ..." "But what?" "Come upstairs. You first!" (c) 2010 by Vickie Tern

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DevilsFilms Freya Parker My Wife8217s Teen Girl Is An Exhibitionist

Dick Chibbles is reading in the living room when his stepdaughter, Freya Parker, runs in and asks him if he’s seen her bikini anywhere. He says that he hasn’t seen it, and then realizes that Freya isn’t wearing any clothes, so he asks her why she’s NAKED… again. She jokes that obviously she’s naked because she can’t find her bikini, but Dick isn’t amused that Freya is such an exhibitionist. Later on, Freya tells Dick that she has a date coming...

2 years ago
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narutos affliction

naruto almost died. "you!? your'e going to have sex with me?" " yes naruto, but keep in mind it's only for the village." tsunade said as she stood up and closed the blinds of her office. " now take off your clothes." tsunade said. naruto quickly obliged stripping out of his usual orange sweatsuit. as he stood there naked tsunade looked at his erect dick, and saw that it was larger than she thought it would be for his age. 'what do i do now?" asked naruto. " sit back down. naruto did...

2 years ago
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Sisterinlaw in the Woods

I've been into my sis-in-law since the first time I saw her. She's 5'2", dark skin, pert breasts and a beautiful ass. No part of her is too big or small for her body, she's just perfect. Ever since we've met she's been like an older sis to me. As I'm younger than my bro and her, she's often been playful with me and loves to stroke my head or back if we're talking or give me a quick kiss as we part. She doesn't have many weaknesses, no smoking or drugs, but her one weakness is she...

1 year ago
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Reddit Straight Girls Playing, aka r/StraightGirlsPlaying! Watching straight girls do something that is not-so-straight gets my motor running, and seeing as how you decided to check out a subreddit called r/StraightGirlsPlaying/, I am sure you feel the same way, right? There are many reasons why this subreddit made my dick hard, and they are all pretty obvious. But if you are interested, I shall go over all the basics and whatever the fuck I think is important.Starting with the overall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Are You My Dominatrix Ch 04

*Things take a very interesting turn in this part of the story. Basically, I don’t want to spoil anything, but a lot of stuff in this story will change drastically at the end of this story. If you don’t like the spin that this story takes, I am very sorry, but things just get wilder and crazier from here. Even if you don’t like it and you liked the first three, I still recommend that you keep reading on because you may still like the series. And if you liked this one better than my last three,...

2 years ago
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Andy 11

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German ELEVEN During a boring class in school I thought about everything one more time. I wanted to put an end to presenting myself as a girl. Be a normal boy again. With my pals... I thought about Bernd again. Something about him stood out here, too. Suddenly I didn't know any more what I really wanted, if as a boy I had to be around assholes like him. After school I still didn't know what I...

3 years ago
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I must be a hell of a pervert

I am such a pervert. Yes, this is going thru my mind as I fantasize about me sharing my wife (Liv) with another man. People probably would kick me out of this town if they knew how much this desire overwhelms me. I am definitely not trying to make her a slut or anything. It is more of a desire of me wanting to give her the utmost pleasure a husband can give to his spouse. Here is an example. My darling wife bought me a pair of lounge pants for X-mas and I was wearing them last night. I said,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Creamy Cum

"you know, my pussy has been throbbing so bad lately because of that damn hard cock that sticks up out of your cum stained sweats" I said seducing. I saw his pulsing cock pushing up harder and harder. Looking like it was about to rip the front of his pants. He stood up with a smug smile upon the corners of his mouth. John darts for me. And I knew exactly what John wanted. He wanted the slick and salty taste of my big meaty pussy. To grab my breasts and bite my stone hard nipples in between his...

Erotic Fiction
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Hot Indian MILF In Bangalore 8211 Tale Of An Erotic Tinder Sex Experience

Hi guys and girls! This is my first story here. This is a real sex experience that I had with a mature aunty in Bangalore whom I found on Tinder app. My name is Anirudh and I live in Bangalore. I am 24 years old and working in an MNC. I have an athletic body with a 6-inch tool. Let her name be R. She was 43 years old. She was divorced and she stays alone in a single bedroom house. A little description about her body – she is a little plump but her figure is 42-32-40. I have a profile on...

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