Wendy Ch. 01 free porn video

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This conversation and the ensuing adventure took place nearly a half century ago, when ‘a penny for your thoughts’ was a bargain worth consideration and when American made automobiles gathered at drive-ins where a tray of food was hung on the driver’s door and at drive-ins where cars faced a giant screen in case someone actually wanted to watch the movie.

“She kept me waiting!” I blurted out. Then catching myself, I lowered my voice an octave and said through clenched teeth, “she kept be waiting forty-one minutes.”

There was an awkward silence from the other end of the phone line then a snicker, her voice showing amusement at my consternation.

“How do you know it was forty-one minutes?” Marcie inquired, mimicking my adolescent tone.

Even at two hundred miles away I knew she was standing, not sitting. I pictured the half smirk on her full lips and the glint in her eyes. The slight roll of her shoulders, caused by the too tight bra which labored to support her full breasts, heavy with mother’s milk.

“You’re standing up.” I countered, avoiding her question.

“You are too.” she said, catching on to the game.

In those days, even long distance calls from 200 miles away were expensive.

Since the bill was being paid from company funds it was my responsibility to keep it as low as possible, I wanted to get our weekly telephone conversation over with quickly.

Instead of our usual chat which often consisted of ‘Who died this week?’ ‘How many orders did we get?’ ‘Who is in the hospital and expected not to live?’ ‘Were any new engagements announced?’ ‘Anything that would help generate the flower business?’ Marcie spoke about what she seemed to want to focus on, my visit to the lawyer’s office.

“Firstly,” I began. “I thought I was to see Mr. Banger, that’s who…”

“Blanger.” She corrected me in mid sentence.

“Whoever… that’s who you said to make the appointment with. When I got to the office, ten minutes early I might add. That girl…”

“The receptionist….Sally.” Marcie put in again.

“Yea, Sally. She said I would be seeing Miss Jeffries so I said Okay and took a seat.”

“She’s new there. Her father and Kenny Blanger went to school together, she comes from a good family so be nice to her,” Marcie interrupted.

“She made me wait,” I countered. “I had to get to class so I got fidgety. After thirty minutes the girl, ah…Sally. She noticed that I was still there and asked if I wanted a cup of coffee or something. I said no but that I needed to get going.”

“Honey, I wish you were not so impatient, you’ll send the wrong impression to the Blangers. We’ve been friends with them a long time,” Marcie scolded.

I knew of her family’s connections with influential people in our little town, she never let me forget how important relationships can be in business. I did not respond.

“What’s her name?” Marcie broke the silence.


“Cotton!!” a near shriek, hushed because the baby was probably asleep. But a shriek just the same.

“She’s a big girl,” I laughed. “She did not stand but I think she is about a quarter of an inch taller than I and must outweigh me by a ton. I don’t know what her first name is, though she did say.”

“Cotton!” Marcie was pacing now, I could tell. I loved to get her pacing.

“There were folders everywhere, all over the desk, I think she had some in her lap. Probably why she didn’t stand, she sort of leaned forward and shook my hand. I’ll swear, Marcie. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen”.

“I’m glad you found it amusing.” Marcie was calmer but clearly frustrated, probably fearing that somehow I would upset her standing in the community. “Is she going to do the contract?”

“I guess so, I explained what we are thinking of, I even gave her the list”.

“The list, you say?”

“Yeah, notes from what needs to go in the contract.”

“Sounds good, what was she wearing?” Marcie’s tone was lighter.

“You won’t believe it,” I exclaimed. Then, for fear of sending her into another triad I softened. “A suit, coat was all I saw, navy blue, and a blouse with wide pointed collars stretching almost to her shoulders and pearls to match.”

“You Noticed!” Marcie chided. “I think you like her. Besides, what’s so extraordinary about wide collars? If you paid more attention you would know they are in fashion.”

“Marcie, the blouse was lavender and did you hear me? I said the pearls matched. I have a stinking suspicion that her shoes matched too!”

“Oh,” she said.

On Friday afternoon I was the only one in the shop, taking stock of what needed to be ordered. I was getting ready to close for the day when the telephone rang.

“Hi, this is Wendy”.

“Wendy?” I questioned. Then, recognizing the voice, “Oh, hi Miss Jeffries?”

“Mr. Fabrik,” she said tentatively. “You were in my office the other day, about the contract?”

“Sure. I mean, yes…yes, I was”, I answered, wondering where this was leading to.

“I know you are busy during the day and so am I for that matter, but a question arose regarding the contract and I was wondering if we could meet for a few minutes.”

There was a short pause, I was trying to digest what she was getting at.

“Say about 7:30? I live at the Windsor Apartments. Do you know where they are?”

Friday nights are my wind down time. After a week of classes and keeping up with the operation of the flower shop, I’m usually exhausted and need some time to recover.

“Sure,” I said. Meaning I knew where the Windsor is located.

“Fine, see you then.” The line went dead.

The apartment complex was new and comprised of two story brick buildings, gardens clustered around them and a swimming pool.

Young working couples and older singles lived there. It was exactly six blocks from the bungalow where I lived next to the flower shop. I chose to walk. Wendy of the Windsor, I thought, Whimsy Wendy.

Packed, absolutely packed. That was the only way to describe her white pants, the legs cut off about half way between her knees and ankles.

The top was also white, loose fitting and frilly, tucked in at the waist. She wore pearls to match. Her amber hair had the hint of a curl where it met her shoulders and short bangs partially covered the freckles that dotted her forehead.

I held my breath as the pants stretched even more when her rump hit the love seat. She motioned for me to take the chair at the end of the coffee table.

Laid out on the table was an open bottle of wine and two glasses. A sheet of white paper was placed next to one of the long stemmed vessels.

“I thought we would have a glass of wine and discuss your needs. I hope Chardonnay is okay with you?” she asked, starting to pour the wine. When I didn’t respond, she glanced my way.

“I hope you’re not too young to have a glass of wine?” A smile crept across her face as it turned slightly pink, about the same shade as her lips.

“No, No. That’s fine.” I said, not admitting I did not know a Chardonnay from a lamp post. I knew wine came from California or France and was either red or white. Otherwise, my only experience with it was a glass someone handed to me at Marcie and Tads’ wedding two years before.

She set my wine down and handed me the paper. “I had your notes cleaned up, they look so much better typed. Don’t you think?”

The paper contained points that needed to be included in the contract I intended to enter with a supplier of plants and flowers for delivery the following spring.

The grower was new to us, I had only met one
of the partners, a lady who had stopped by the shop during the summer.

She and her husband wanted to expand their greenhouse operation and sought new business in our area.

Under the circumstances, I felt a contract to spell out such things as the condition of the plants at delivery, endurance to our weather conditions and availability of an additional order if sales went well needed to be included.

Glancing at the typed paper I wondered if this was the right approach. I had spotted two typing errors.

“Much better,” I agreed, smiling at Miss Jeffries as I took my first sip of wine.

She looked pleased. A new shade of pink flooded her cheeks. “Oh, I forgot the cheese!” she exclaimed, jumping and sprinting to the small kitchen, butt giggling like two mellons fighting one another for space in a sack.

I wondered what questions she would raise regarding the contract but the subject was not raised again. We ate small chunks of cheese cradled on toothpicks and talked about her new home in my home town, the activities offered, the weather, and the law office where she worked and drank chardonnay.

“Call me Wendy.” She ordered as she poured a second glass of wine for us both. “My goodness we’re just talking, you’re such a help, it’s not easy to get settled in where you are a stranger, you know how it is.”

She leaned back on the two-seater, glass in hand. She propped her feet on the coffee table. She was wearing white slip ons with no socks. That I thought, is why we were at eye level when I came in.

“I haven’t had to do that,” I admitted.

“Never moved? Always lived here?” She gave me a concerned, ‘you poor thing’ look. I nodded.

“Do you have a girl friend?” she smiled, teasingly.

“No,” I answered. I was considering if I should pick up the second glass of wine or make an excuse and leave but she persisted.

“No? You mean don’t have a girl friend now?”

“Never have.” I stared back at her, noticing her eyes for the first time. They were greenish and she had a squint.

I decided to modify my answer. “I haven’t had a girlfriend, a girlfriend is the same age or younger than the guy. I’ve had ‘lady’ friends in the past but not now. I guess you could say I’m between lady friends.”

This amused her and we both laughed. Without thinking, I took a sip of wine.

“How about you, do you have a boyfriend?”

She was silent.

“Or boy friends?” I was teasing now.

She was slow to respond. At first she spoke softly, “Not at present.” Then she perked up, “I’m between ‘gentlemen’ friends.” We both howled at that.

“Did they seduce you or did you seduce them?”

“What do you mean?”

I knew the meaning of seduce but was trying to understand how she expected me to answer her question.

“I mean,” she placed her feet on the floor, poured herself another glass of wine. She checked mine before replacing her feet on the coffee table. “Did these ‘lady’ friends make the first move or did you?”

I stalled, leaned back in my chair, took another sip of wine and looked in her direction.

Wendy was leaning forward, as much as her straight legs and tight waist band would allow, anticipating my answer.

“The first one did I guess, make the first move I mean.” I answered, thinking better of it as soon as it was out of my mouth. My wine glass was almost drained but I reached for it anyway.

“Tell me about it.” Wendy was glowing with excitement, “Tell me!”

Now I was the one with pink cheeks. This was something I had never done before. I was taught at an early age that you don’t fuck and tell. Stories get distorted when retold, it screws things up. Wendy must have guessed why I was hesitating.

“Don’t worry, I don’t know anyone here. Change the names if it makes you feel better,” she assured me.

“You know people here,” I countered, still stalling.

“Just the people at the office.” She thought for a second, “Wait a minute, it wasn’t one of the Blanger women was it?” She gave me a mischievous look and we both laughed.

I decided that I liked her so I began. I told her about Ellen, Marcie’s friend from college coming to visit Christmas week three years before.

It was clear that Marcie was not happy to have our guest. She explained that we only had two bedrooms but Ellen could sleep on the couch which Ellen happily accepted.

To Marcie, Ellen must have been a distraction we did not need, especially with our busy seasonal business and Tad in town.

Ellen flirted with me from the moment she arrived. Marcie found us together in the greenhouse and chased Ellen out, saying she had something for her to do up front.

By the end of the first day Ellen decided I should have a nickname, Cotton, which Marcie abhorred.

“I get it, Cotton Fabrik, clever. You mean Marcie was jealous or just a fuddy duddy?” Wendy interrupted.

“She was and is the latter.”

“So you and Marcie never….you know?” She gave me a curious look.

“Are you kidding? Never! She’s always been like an older sister to me.” I said emphatically.

I resumed my story. I recalled how Ellen decided I needed to learn to dance and offered to teach me. I think Marcie took her aside to lay down some ground rules.

I also think Marcie considered staying in that night but when Tad called we heard her say eight o’clock. Ellen gave me a wink

“So!” Wendy laughed, “You and Ellen, huh? What did she look like? How was she dressed? Don’t leave anything out.”

“We were both wearing flannel shirts and jeans, fairly drab I suppose and Ellen was not what I would call pretty but boy! She was stacked and when we danced, she was as soft and hard at the same time.”

The minute Marcie was out the door, Ellen selected some records and started the player.

She motioned to me with her forefinger, taunting and smiling until I followed her to the center of the room. It was cramped and we were in front of the couch where she was to make her bed.

Ellen showed me how to stand, where to grab onto and then we moved to the music slowly, until I stepped on her toe. She took off her shoes and made me do the same.

By the second song we were dancing close, her face was pressed against mine. Her hair was soft and pleasantly scented. She whispered instructions as we moved. I tried to back off because I feared she would notice the little broom stick between us.”

Wendy snickered.

“Ellen tightened her grip on my shoulder and squeezed my hand saying, ‘It’s okay.’

By the third song I had loosened up, actually feeling the beat of the music. Then she kissed me on the lips.”

Wendy sat up, eyes glowing. She did not interrupt this time.

“You may as well have had a lesson in kissing,” Ellen whispered.

I kissed her.

“The music stopped playing, neither of us moved to turn the records over. We still moved, swaying to the silence, kissing.

Ellen was a good teacher and I was a good pupil.”

I sat my empty wine glass on the table. Wendy watched me, expectantly as if to say, ‘then what?’

“The next thing I knew we were on the couch, me on top. Ellen pulled a blanket over us because it was getting chilly in the room. Ellen found my hand and guided it to her breast. I was petrified, my hand couldn’t move but Ellen did. She was unbuttoning her shirt. She eased my hand inside her bra and I felt bare skin.

Ellen was moaning, approvingly. I was hard as a rock and uncomfortable as hell. We were really getting in to it, moving together, hotter that corn about to pop when the front door opened and the hall light switched on.”

“What!” Wendy jumped out of her seat. “What! She
stammered, “What did you do?”

“Nothing,” I laughed, “We just froze, Marcie must have gone into her room. I slide off the couch and crawled towards mine.

I heard Ellen make a snoring sound, she sort of over did it. We both slept in our clothes that night.

The next morning my shoes were under my bed, Ellen must have moved them during the night.”

“Wheee,” Wendy was fanning her face, “Whee, what a close call!” She had a look of exhilaration on her face.

I stood up and moved over on the love seat, putting my left arm around her shoulder. She scrunched down a bit, laying her head back on my arm. She looked contented, all aglow.

I moved my head in and brushed my lips to hers. She stiffened.

“Hey!, You’re getting FRISKY,” She yelled.

Instead of six blocks, my walk home turned in to twelve, I kept making a wrong turn talking to myself, “You’re getting FRISKY, You’re getting FRISKY,” I repeated, over and over.

{Thanks to Angel -the volunteer who made this possible}

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Sunbathing by the pool. Want to join? My smile widened even further. Though it was my birthday—my eighteenth birthday—I had nothing planned. Well, nothing but a relaxing day spent lying around the house. Joining Candi by the pool sounded like a nice change of pace. Plus, my sister and I had not hung out in nearly a month. I had a serious craving that could only be filled with Candi. As promised I found my sister by the pool. Her barely concealed frame was stretched out across one of the...

4 years ago
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The March of the RoseChapter 13

Dunin and Beriwen had talked late into the night about their individual hopes, fears, and goals, as well as their new life together. At one point Mara had left the two alone and went in search of accommodations in one of the other rooms within the temple. Beriwen had changed the room into a living space with two beds separated by a curtain of vines and she and Dunin finally fell into them sometime early in the morning hours. Dunin was up a few hours later and eager to be on the road, and...

1 year ago
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New Love

I first met Karen a few years ago. We worked together, but never looked at each other in any sexual way. Karen is nearly 20 years my junior, and good looking. She has brown shoulder length hair, 34B cup breasts, and a very nice body. About 3 months ago, we began to talk about our sex lives, mainly cause we were bored. Like me, Karen is married and has two kids. Like me, she also doesn't have a very fulfilling sex life at home. About 2 weeks ago, I happened to have a day off, and dropped into...

2 years ago
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A Quickie At The Zoo

“Can I have the last sip?” Aubrey asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes and a smile that could have convinced me to do anything. Treason, murder, convert to Scientology, literally anything.“Of course,” I said, handing her the blue slushie we’d been sharing. She took it and wrapped her lips around the straw to suck out the last few slurps of sugary blue deliciousness. That alone shouldn’t have been enough to rile me up, but I knew what her mouth could do and a majority of our...

Quickie Sex
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Betty and Sidney said they were stranded

I received a call at work with Betty telling me that her and my wife were having car trouble and where they were. I knocked off early from work and followed her directions leading me a few miles out in the countryside. While driving down a narrow dirt road I was thinking to myself why would they be way out here. Since it was a nice fall day I just thought maybe they were just sightseeing but when I arrived it wasn’t what I had expected. At the end of the road there were 4 cars parked off...

2 years ago
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Jennella Ch 03

I was slower recovering from my wounds that we had expected, Jen was like a mother hen. She fussed over me and waited on me hand and foot. I really didn’t feel up to going back to work. My Mom and Dad insisted that I take another week off, Jen was behind it I thought. She was rarely out of my sight. I couldn’t help watching every move she made. She was so beautiful. Her golden skin and her gold streaked brown hair pulled back in a ponytail was very erotic to me. I wanted her very badly. She...

2 years ago
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Demanding Supply Ch 06

Chapter 6: A Gift for Amy Looking back at what she had done over the last few weeks, Amanda barely recognized herself anymore. Seemingly overnight she had changed from being, a careful, well-behaved, proper young lady to practically the complete opposite. She couldn’t decide what shocked her the most, how fast everything had happened, or how much she looked forward to what would happen next. The more she thought about what could do next, she was surprised at how easy it was becoming for her...

2 years ago
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Everyone Wishes Part IV

The next few days passed in a haze. Everything felt riskier, more on edge. It seemed like continuing work on Abel's book was merely an act to cover up the undercurrent of desire and yet that was exactly what they did. She'd feel his eyes on her in the silences and it went deeper now. Too deep. She'd struggle to hold her composure. It was becoming impossible around him. "We should just fuck and get it over with," he'd say, when he caught her drifting. "It's going to happen eventually."She...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 25 BMOC

Tim was bored out of his mind listening to student after student reading paragraph after paragraph out loud for the rest of the class. Apparently, his disdain was plastered all over his face. “Are we keeping you from something, Mr. Murphy?” Ms. Holmes, the English teacher, was looking directly at Tim, who had been staring out the window. “Uh, no, ma’am. I’m just sitting here listening to our reading assignment.” His emphasis on listening and reading was easy to detect, even for the most...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 25

Captain Vex looked at the jar in her hand with raw horror. Understanding flooded through her like bile. She felt light and disconnected from herself. Her vision contracted and the room swam. Her heart pounded and she felt like she was floating. She didn’t notice as the jar slipped from her fingers, but Danica did. With a quick lunge, her first mate took a knee and caught the jar, but wasn’t fast enough to catch the Captain as she folded herself bonelessly to the ground. “No ... No no no,”...

1 year ago
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Judy Gives Into Her Desires

After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. Judy had been married once before and I had been married and divorced three times by my twenty-ninth birthday. In my profession I was around ladies all day and my wives were really jealous. I was forty-three and Judy was forty-four. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points...

2 years ago
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Bangalore 8211 Couple in Car

Hi everyone, this is Nitin from Bangalore. This is a second story I am bringing to the readers of ISS. I am a 29 year old healthy man. I have travelled well within India and like any other travelers I have tales to tell. I received a great response for my last story, hence decided to share a real unique sexperience with all. This incident took place in Bangalore where I am currently residing. It was not a incident rather a planned encounter. Let me start the story. The cool breeze of Bangalore...

1 year ago
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Awakenings Ch 33

Maureen looked at Ginger and said, “I've never met a couple like you and Scotty. I have lots of questions, but they're kind of personal.” Ginger responded, “We're actually not all that unusual. You'll understand that when you get to know some of our friends. Don't worry about asking personal questions. If we're going to take over your slut training we're going to have to get very personal.” She turned and looked up at the television screen. Maureen, Scotty and I looked up too. Ginger's friend...

2 years ago
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Family is Not Blood Ch 06

For Valentines Day, I wanted to do something special. I called my father-in-law Fred for a favor. Would he and Kaja keep little Freddie over night? One of the things that I found out is that a granddaughter with a single doting grandfather draws in the women. Kaja was part of the group of widowed and single friends that were part of Fred and Rita’s life. Kaja’s own husband had a fatal heart attack a couple of years before, she knew about grief and loss. She listened to Fred after the breakup,...

1 year ago
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Squirting for son

It was early Saturday morning. I grabbed my small hamper full of dirty clothes and carried them down to the basement to toss in the washing machine, only to find that my mother had beaten me by a few moments."I had no idea you'd be up so early on a weekend," she said as she shoved her bed sheet in the washing machine. "I'm going to the gym later and I forgot to do my laundry," I replied. "Oh. Well, this won't be too long.""No worries. Are you washing your sheets again? Didn't you wash them a...

3 years ago
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Kya Aap Meri Biwi Ko Try Karoge 8211 Part I

Main Ahmedabad ka rehne wala hu, mera naam arman hai aur meri age 28 years hai aur mera yahoo maik id: hai me air India me, me job karta hu. Meri biwi ka naam Jhanvi hai jo ekdum bholi bhali ladki hai use chudai ke bare me kuch jyada pata nahi chalta, ye story recently abhi hi November month ki hai jab mene meri biwi ko kisi aur mard ke sath sex karte dekka tha muje yakeen nahi ho raha Tha kyo ke jab me use chodta hu aur muh me lene ke liye bolta hu to vo mana kar deti hai aur bolti hai ke ye...

4 years ago
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Rest Stop

I walked into the Preble rest stop with great intention and focus -- it had been too long a drive and too much coffee and too many miles between rest stops. If I didn't piss in the next 30 seconds I was going to lose it and soak my pants good. I walked up to a urinal two down from the only other guy in the place, unzipped and let it rip. It had been close -- my eyes were tearing up I had to go so bad. It was a major relief.After about 15 seconds of release I let out a breath of air and stepped...

1 year ago
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Janets First Time

The next day, Janet awoke refreshed. She walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While the coffee brewed, she cooked herself breakfast. After eating, she showered, dressed, and headed over to her friend Veronica’s house to pick her up for a trip they had planned a week ago. It would be Janet’s first outing at her friend’s new lakeside cabin. Maybe she’d find a way to make the weekend interesting. Janet pulled up in front of Veronica’s house and honked the horn. Veronica poked her...

1 year ago
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My New College Fetish Smoking Ch 1

Let me start out by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Christy, I am 19 years old, and I have long blonde hair, blue eyes talland slim and can suck the chrome off my boyfriends ’ 1976 Chevy pickup. He likes the way I say that. He has never complained about my sucking and fucking ability. After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that...

2 years ago
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Date One Get The Other Free 8211 Part 1

This is Pradeep v with my latest experience, when 2 women came for a meeting and we finished business talk and moved to social talk. What comes after this really surprised me … .read on. Feedback on About me I am 42 , 5.10 and well maintained body, doing yoga and meditation regularly. I run a decent export business and travel regularly overseas and locally. I meet up with a lot of different people for work and business. One day I get a call from my secretary saying there are 2 visitors in the...

3 years ago
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The Corruption of CeCe Part VI

The Corruption of CeCe, Part VI by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting persons. The elevator doors opened into the lobby and we entered it. We passed the front desk and Bobby picked up a large bulging orange envelope addressed to him. The doorman held the door open for us as a driver, who looked like he...

3 years ago
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My first time

I want to tell you the story of my first time. Though it was over 15 years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 19 and still a virgin. It was something frustrating which I didn’t like at all. All of my friends had girlfriends and had already their first sexual experiences.Then came this day in spring, just 3 weeks after my 19th birthday when Carmella bought the neighbor’s house. Our neighbor had died six months ago. He was an old friendly man who sometimes gave me some extra...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 6

"You called and made sure the room was ready?" Béla asked Jake as he gently slid his cock in and out of her soaked pussy. "Um-hmm," he said. "I told them we'd be arriving shortly." "Okay, lover. Hang on," Béla replied. She felt Jake hugging her more tightly, sliding his arms beneath her back and practically lifting her off the sheets. She wrapped her arms and legs around him more tightly, also, then created the image in her mind of the Stanford Hotel in Seattle. After she had a...

3 years ago
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The Massage

Jane and I usually go on Thursday after work to have a drink and relax. We go on Thursday to avoid the crowds on Friday evening, and the guys constantly on the make. I was doing my usual complaining of being uptight because my boss continually hounded me for more output. Jane is always telling me to relax or do something about it. I asked her, "What do you do? You always seem in control.""One thing I definitely do is get a massage once a week. Nothing like it to calm you down and help you...

3 years ago
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Eleven Orphan Daughters Ch 05

The local pop band became a nightly feature at the hotel. Their mixture of Western and Vietnamese love songs were very popular. Many of the older villagers who had never had access to regular entertainment other than Karaoke stood outside each night listening and singing along. John walked outside one evening and saw them standing around. ‘Why don’t they come inside?’ he asked. Eddie sighed, ‘We had a problem with security so we hired some guys to enforce a dress code. They are too tough. So...

2 years ago
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Older step sis uses me Part 1

The weekend was fast approaching and my mum announced that her and my step dad were off for the weekend and were going alone. They were off to Cornwall to stay in a caravan for a few nights on a short break. My older brother was going to be left in charge but I knew he was going to go out with his mates as normal and go clubbing, get drunk and stay out all weekend. It was a weekend fending for my self. I was used to it. I was only young, 15 but very happy and self sufficient. Well Friday...

3 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome

His name was Cedric, he was thirteen had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he had a girlish figure, and a soft voice, Cedric was always trusting, especially of me, I was like an older brother to him, I'm sorry I've gotten ahead of myself. My name is Yan, I am a German American with Blonde hair, eyes the color of Cyan, and a slightly muscular body, strong from years of track, now where was I? Oh yes. Cedric was always trusting of me; he looked up to me like...

3 years ago
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Sexually Unsatisfied Maa

Hello indian sex stories dot net doston mera nam rupa hay aplogo ko mery bety ka nam to pata hi hoga, abhik apki iss site mey woh hamary beechi huye kayei ghatano ki story post karta hay aj may aplogo ko mery brey mey aur mery sath huye sarey ghatnao key barey mey apni kudki opinion dungi Apko jarur pata hoga ki may ek bong women hu aur kolkata mey raheytahu, may jab 25 years ka tha tabhi meri shadi ho gaye thi mera husband mujsey 5 years barey they saadi key din at first mujhey bohot dar lag...

1 year ago
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Demon BaitChapter 3

The following characters appear in this chapter and others: Samuel Barrett Master Wizard, presided over many of the Wizards meetings, 5’-10’’ tall, 205 pounds, 58 years old, dyed black hair and goatee, dark violet eyes Bob, Minor Demon, short at 4’-6’’ tall, red skin and horns on his head, gray beard and hair, Seventeenth century clothing, buckles on his shoes The meeting of the Executive Council of the Ley Line Wizards started at 8:00 that evening. It was attended by all of the major...

2 years ago
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Chapter 3 My wife gives me a surprise

Christy was a little busty, probably only a C cup, but plenty busty for such a young thing. She had strawberry blonde hair, a small waist, and those great womanly hips that were so good to dig your fingers into when you were fucking doggy style. She was probably only 5’3”, but was a little healthy girl at about 130 pounds. Veronica was saying to Christy, “Just check it out. When I was in here last week some guy stuck his dick through the hole and I sucked it off. I think the men’s room is on...

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