Rape of an All American Princess
- 2 years ago
- 65
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Rape Toys
By Llabmik
Chapter 1 – Naked Ambition
Lola, the weather girl for channel 69, was making a career move in her favouriteposition: on her back with her legs spread. Between her naked thighs, Melissa,the station manager's daughter, was licking Lola's achingly erect clit withskill and true tonguing stamina.
Some things require a woman's touch. Flushed and gasping, nipples erect,Lola's body shook with orgasm after orgasm. Melissa's sweetly sucking lipsand deftly flicking tongue were done with the flair of the dedicated carpetmuncher. Perspiration dripped from Lola's sweating torso onto the station manager,who was underneath her, pumping away enthusiastically. Occasionally, his daughterlicked dutifully on his plunging penis as it pumped in and out of Lola's cuntfrom behind. This was done out of mere affection. Men weren't really her cupof tea.
Mommy had taught Melissa everything she knew about cunt licking, giving herlots of practical experience from a very early age. Mommy didn't really likemen, but she did like daddy's money, dutifully producing one child to bondherself forever to his fortune. Melissa had spent as much time as a baby suckingmommy's clit as she had her nipples, imbibing mother's milk and cunt juicein about equal quantities. Mommy had died of cancer a while back, but her otherperverted parent lived on.
Melissa's daddy was a priapic horndog whose name was legendary even in anindustry that seems over-blessed with priapic horndogs. Frank groaned ecstaticallyas he unloaded inside Lola, massaging her tits with more enthusiasm than skill.He could feel the implants that made lovely Lola's cleavage legendary amongher viewers. He and his lovely daughter worked as a team, welcoming with drippingloins any ambitious slut eager to fuck her way up the ladder.
Lovely Lola wanted to be the news anchor. Unfortunately, they had just hiredStar, a buxom blond beauty with a superb track record. Although new to California,Star was already extremely popular, her ratings were sky-high. Smart, savvy,well educated, her dynamite five foot six form, great legs combined with a38D bra size, made her formidable competition. For those who could lift theireyes from her celestial cleavage (definitely Star quality!), there was a prettyface with a shrewd brain behind it.
As she got onto her knees to suck Frank hard for round two, Lola mentionedsomething about her ambitions to Frank. Frank was cheerful as he slipped hisdripping dick between her full lips.
"Sounds like a great idea! Maybe we can send Star on a special assignment.We could use you as her stand-in while she's away. We'll talk about it later.It's hard to talk with your mouth full! You don't mind if Melissa gets on herback on the floor between your legs, do you? My little girl just loves cuntjuice and I think she's down a quart."
Frank loved putting an ambitious fuckslut through her paces. He put bothhands encouragingly on Lola's bobbing head, gently guiding it up and down,pumping his hips to bury his dick deep. Lola began working hard to swallowhis whole sausage, breathing on the outstroke. Her big boobs bounced pleasantlyas she laboured, her pretty heart-shaped face buried in his thick pubic tangle.Frank coaxed her along with typically fatuous management advice.
"Don't get too distracted by Melissa. Stay focussed."
To shut him up, Lola layered on another pleasant sensation. She began hummingas she bobbed and gobbled while, between her legs, on her back like a mechanicservicing a car, Melissa sucked and slurped. Frank laughed. Oh What A BeautifulMorning certainly seemed appropriate.
For the truly ambitious, it's not enough to suck up to management. You haveto nobble the competition, too. It was a busy morning for Lola as she implementedphase two of her master plan.
Once more, making a career move in her favourite position, Lola was strugglinghard to breathe as the heavy biker pumped away on top of her, pounding hisfull bulk into her naked body with each brutal thrust. Never the sort of gentlemanwho rested his weight on his elbows, Big Bill liked making his fuck bitchessweat and gasp beneath him.
Naked, on her back with her legs spread, Lola moaned prettily and scrubbedher super-inflated tits against Big Bill's barrel chest. The bed squeaked rhythmicallyas his plunging penis slapped wetly into her cunt.
Afterwards, as Lola laid, breathing deeply, dishevelled and smelling likea cunt, Big Bill squeezed her monster melons (everybody loved doing that) andgave her a bit of professional advice. Normally a strong believer in the fourF's (Find 'em, Feel 'em, Fuck 'em and Forget 'em), Big Bill had a soft spotfor Lola. She was definitely his sort of totally amoral bitch.
"This Star babe looks pretty competent. Before we make her disappear, weshould mess with her, so she starts fucking up a bit on air. Then, when youtake over from her, you'll look like a big improvement."
Lola was grateful.
"You'd do that for me?"
Big Bill grinned.
"My pleasure!"
A dirty little tramp's work is never done. Lola, deeply into the dick-lick,knew how to express her gratitude. She got down on her knees and assumed thespigot sucking position between Big Bill's legs as he sat on the edge of thebed. The split-arse mechanic went to work on her second piston job of the morning:sucking, licking, deep-throating, humming and prepared to swallow – unlikemany men, Big Bill had never promised a woman that he wouldn't cum in her mouth.
On the other hand, he never promised that he would. At the last moment, BigBill pulled out and squirted a huge load of bull gravy all over Lola's pretty,heart-shaped face. When he was done cumming in her face, she used her slimfingers to massage his musky man milk into her skin.
"It's good for the complexion!"
Big Bill wasn't impressed.
"So, when a guy kisses you, how many other guys' sperm is he sucking down?"
Lola gave him her really, utterly, totally sincere look. She cast her eyesmodestly downwards, batted her long eyelashes coyly and gave her voice a touchof pure cornpone.
"You're my very first one, Bill! You're the only one for me! I'd die ratherthan go out with another feller!"
They both exploded in laughter.
"I'm probably not even your first one today!"
Chuckling and shaking his head, Big Bill put on his clothes and left, havingrivals to slice open and people to beat.
Lola played the tape from her visit to the South American whorehouse onemore time, as she lay exhausted on the bed, soaking up the wet spot. Lola lovedwatching the hard-humping harlots fucking and sucking over the security cameras.The sight of the bare bummed bed beasts, each chained to her bed by an anklecuff, opening their holes to play grease the gut-stick, was always uplifting.She had a nice selection taken from the security cameras, but she had a particularfavourite and this was it.
Bambi, the weather-girl before her, was pulling the train for a group ofvisiting Japanese businessmen. Kidnapped by Lola's biker buddies and shippedoff to South America, Bambi was a big attraction. A pale, willowy, longhairedblond, she was now fucking professionally eighteen hours a day, seven daysa week.
After the Japanese businessmen had finished their gangbang, Lola had droppedby for a friendly little visit to her former colleague. As she strapped ona huge dildo, Lola waved cheerfully to the security camera.
On the bed, watching the video of her vacation, Lola giggled. She loved thisbit. She turned up the sound.
"Bambi, assume the position. Stand with your hands against the wall, legsspread."
A dishevelled, thoroughly fucked-over Bambi had been sullen as she got upfrom the sperm-soaked mattress while Lola greased up her monster dildo. Thechain clamped to the metal shackle encasing Bambi's slim ankle clinked musicallyas she assumed the position against the wall.
"I can't believe you did this to me just to get my job."
"Perhaps this will make it clear to you."
Lola parted Bambi's pale white buttocks. Bambi grunted as Lola enthusiasticallyrammed the huge ribbed dildo up her asshole. Everything jiggled as Lola, nakedin high heels, reamed her long and hard with quick brutal thrusts of her hips.
"Tell me you love me, Bambi."
Since disobedience had serious consequences, Bambi gritted her teeth andobliged.
"I love you, Lola."
"Louder, slut."
On the bed, Lola giggled, her fingers diddling her stiff clit pleasantly.On TV, the vacationing Lola kept Bambi groaning and yelling out endearmentsfor a good long time. When she was done and Bambi's reamed rectum was burningpainfully, she pulled out the dildo and had Bambi kiss her on the nipples whileexpressing her gratitude for all that Lola had done for her.
"I guess that, for the next little while, every time you shit, you'll bethinking of me!"
Bambi said nothing. The raw hatred on her face said it all.
Lola had pressed the button to summon one of Bambi's handlers. When he arrived,she pointed accusingly at Bambi.
"She called me names and wasn't very co-operative."
Bambi stared at her in wide-eyed horror, holding up her hands defensivelyand backing away from the gorilla pimp as far as her chain would allow.
"She's lying! I did everything she asked!"
The muscular pimp grabbed her wrists with one hand, jerking them out of theway. His other hand moved like a striking cobra, slapping Bambi viciously acrossthe face with a sound like a pistol shot. His palm print flamed a bright redon her cheek as Bambi was hammered to the floor by the force of the blow. Reachingdown, the pimp wrapped his hand in her silken hair and jerked her back to herfeet. A man who loved disciplining a naked whore, he hammered a fist scientificallyinto her solar plexus. Her breath whooshed out. He shoved Bambi onto the sperm-soakedmattress.
While she rolled helplessly on the soggy mattress, doubled over, clutchingher belly, whooping and gasping for breath, he raised an admonishing finger.
"In future, you, a worthless whore, will speak with respect to Miss Lola!"
On the bed, Lola laughed in delight as she ejected the cassette from herVCR. It was one of her all-time favourite vacation videos.
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Welcome to the world (or alternate world) of Rape Fetish! And as the title emplies these stories are all about girls with rape fetishes. (Rape is a serious crime in the real world, if that's your kind of thing than keep it as roleplaying with a consenting partner and stories like this one but not in the real world.)
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This is a battle system for slave girls to rape each other for my pleasure. The Slave Market is where I go to find new slave girls. The Academy is where slave girls learn the rules. The Arena is where my slave girls rape each other. The Harem is a place for writers to show off their slaves, suggest new rules, or ask questions. --Writers, if you want to add a thread, please post it in the Harem first. Thank you.--
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“Oh, Shit!” I heard my boyfriend Brian shouting in the other room. “My COVID test result is positive. I have to quarantine for 14 days!” “You better move to a hotel or something. I don’t want your bug!” I shouted. In an hour, he was all packed and leaving for his family’s summer home, fortunately, unoccupied at this time of year. I put on a mask, cleaned up all surfaces, and took a home-based COVID test, which was negative, and I was vaccinated too, so I was relieved a bit. Brian called me,...
Hello again, i have another true tale for you and this one is one of my very 1st sexual experiences hehe. now i was torn between telling you about the first time i discovered the pleasures of masturbating or my 1st use of sex toys. but with age etc to consider i decided to do the later. if you want to hear about the first time i masturbated I'm more than happy to chat privately about that.This particular event, a pretty big event in my sexual awakening if you ask me happened a couple of month...
I practically bounded up her front steps. Sunday afternoon was always play-time, and the bag of toys in my hand was going to make today extra fun.My red-haired slut met me at the door, wearing one of her trademark loose blouses and drawstring trousers. That meant she was eager to give me access to her fine soft skin and finer pussy. During the week, she usually wore stretch pants, and I loved peeling those down to her ankles for a quickie. On our Friday nights, I liked her to meet me pantiless,...
Straight SexThe Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping he'd decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black...
Introduction: Family Guy part 1 The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Griffin The Unexpected Consequenses Of Being Bound Together Testing The Toys Part 1 Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone...
For the first time in months, Stacie was breaking her tradition. Her computer was open, but her eyes did not linger on it, despite it being past 8:50 pm already. She was waiting for her master to log on, as she had for months, but today- tonight- was a little different. The first thing that was different was that she was no longer a sixteen year old sex slave, as she had been since she had met her master. Her birthday had been today, complete with a party. Friends, cake, presents, and...
I had just finished eating my lunch and was walking from the cafeteria to my office when my cell phone buzzed. I was pretty sure it was a text from my girlfriend Ann, since I knew she was on her lunch break too. Having my hands full with my lunch bag and my drink, I figured I could wait until I got back to my office to see what she had to say. After only a couple more steps, it buzzed again. Now this was somewhat unique and I decided I should see what was up. The first message was a text...
My wife was constantly doing this, maintaining her pleasure and her pleasure only, god knows how long it had been since I had been inside her; but I thought to myself that will be coming true tonight. Anyways her pleasure to me was always more important and I loved seeing her moan. We both had showered together and not once did she touch my dick, it was simply hands on her and make sure she is satisfied. After showering we dried off and moisturised and then I laid down on the bed and...
Thursday late evening I managed to run away from the office as soon as my Boss left the building; just like Elvis used to do.I hurried in my car to get home; I was a bit tired but horny at the same time. I wanted to tie my sensual Ana naked at the bed…I found my sexy babe kneading on the floor, looking inside the basket where she kept her sex toys… our sex toys…Anita was wearing just a tight tank top and black stilettos. I noticed she had shaven clean her sweet mound. I also could see her pussy...
Testing the ToysWe met, quite by accident, at the DVD section about femdom and male submission in one of those adult bookstores that no longer really sell books. The guy I shall call Jacob spoke first, asking if this kind of video was what turned me on. With my response being yes, he inquired whether I was submissive or dominant, as he had seen me earlier looking at various devices to use on the male in bondage situations. When I indicated that I now was pretty much restricted to the submissive...
For this story theme, sex toys come to life. They have only one goal and that is to fulfill the purpose they were made for, and that is to fuck humans. As to how this happens and whether or not humans consent of course is up to the writer. As with most of my stories I leave this open to whatever the writers want to do as long as the theme is "Sex Toys Coming to Life". As far as what can be used as sex toys, I'm limiting it to things that are actually made to be sex toys "dildos, pocket pussies,...
FantasyEddie opened the door and I stopped in my tracks, a puddle of rain water gathering below me. "I've never been to one of these." I whispered as quietly as I could. "Can't say that anymore." Eddie sound rather loudly, drawing attention our way. The store was a sex store. It had sex everywhere. In front of me were aisles of DVD's that were all triple X. There were racks of magazines that were only nudes. I didn't know that made that many. Sure everyone had heard of the the money...