Seven Days Without You free porn video

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The first kiss is nearly imperceptible. Lips press lightly to the valley of her lower back, parting just enough for his tongue to make its presence known on her glowing skin. It is the second kiss, a little higher on her spine, that causes a slight stir. He continues his journey upward as her body unconsciously reacts. Even as she sleeps, her breathing begins to incorporate sighs and short gasps whenever his lips make contact. Her body starts moving against the smooth satin sheets as his kisses move towards the nape of her neck. When he reaches her hairline, her legs part as if they have a mind of their own and he can see her begin to slowly grind her hips against the mattress.

He pauses briefly, only to shed his own clothing: the tie, the shirt, the pants. He continues until he joins her in nakedness. He takes them off as quickly and quietly as possible because he doesn’t want to wake his new bride, yet. His cock is harder than it has ever been, but he fights the urge to stroke it. He is content, for now, with only seeing and touching her naked body. He wants this to build within her, to show her the love that his heart held by giving her the pleasure that she has been anticipating since his departure a week ago.

It was the morning after their wedding night when he got the call. It was something about an emergency in some place that he couldn’t even pronounce, something that only he could mend. After hours of protests, he resigned himself to the fact that he had to go. Even the promise of doubling his salary could not replace the emptiness he felt at the thought of leaving her at such an inopportune time. She had been brave and fought back the tears as he left, but the expression on her face broke his heart with the weight of its sadness and disappointment.

That night had been the most amazing that he had ever experienced. It was the perfect combination of devotion and desire. They had explored the depths of their bodies, their hearts, and their souls. He could not get the thoughts of her touch, her sound, and her taste out of his mind. He vividly recalled her lips as they slid down the shaft of his cock until it was buried deep within her throat. His hands had held her face as he thrust in and out of her mouth. She had ridden his face until she came with his tongue deep in her wet pussy. Then they had fucked. They had fucked long and hard in every position either of them could imagine. It had all culminated with her on her hands and knees pushing back against his cock as he slammed it hard into her, not stopping until he could feel her body shudder and her pussy tightly grab him. That was when he came deep inside her where remained until both of their spasms subsided. They had collapsed, spent, onto the bed and slept with him still on top of and still inside of her. Their legs and hands intertwined as if they were truly trying to become one. The past seven days had been the longest and most difficult of his life, but the memories of that night remained with him. The intensity of their love and lust sustained him.

And now, as she lay prone before him, his mind races with the endless possibilities…

He returns his attentions to her and his lips refocus on her sensitive neck. Kisses mix with nibbles and he traces a line from one ear to the other with his tongue. He moves his mouth to the spot where her shoulder meets her neck and continues his exploration, biting a little harder this time as her hips now begin to lift off of the bed. He has learned which of her buttons to push to drive her wild and he intends on pushing them all tonight.

His hands begin tracing lines along the inside of her legs until they part further as she sighs in her sleep. He knows that it won’t be long until she wakes, so he begins kissing his way down her back along the same path he took to her neck. He pauses only to blow lightly on her slightly wet skin, just enough to elicit goose bumps on her back, arms, and legs. His lips reach the beginning of his journey and he places himself between her legs and carefully spreads them more so she is open to him. He can already see she is getting wet from his attention. He sits back on his heels and admires her beautiful pussy. He runs his hands up her thighs and gently follows the sides of her lips with both hands. He uses his fingers to part her wet lips gently and this causes her to moan. He continues making this circle of outside and then inside of her lips until her hips are pushing back against his hands and her pussy is dripping wet. When he finally pushes a finger from each hand inside of her, she arches her back, sending his fingers deeper into her. This is what finally wakes her from her slumber.

‘Mmmm…. I have waited SO long to feel you again,’ she groans as she pushes hard back against his hands.

‘And I have been looking forward to seeing and feeling you so much for the past week,’ he says as he moves up her body, leaving one finger rubbing her clit to keep her excited.

‘Oh my god baby. How long have you been touching me? I am on fire,’ she says in between gasps.

‘That’s my little secret,’ he says as he lies on top of her and resumes kissing the back of her neck.

She can feel his hard cock pressing against her ass and she reaches back to wrap her fingers around it. She begins stroking him in time with the circles he is making on her clit. She can’t help but push back against him and grind into his cock while her hand moves up and down along his shaft. He slides a finger deep inside of her pussy and she shudders and lets out a loud moan.

‘Mmmm… if you keep that up, I will be cumming in no time. Ohhh… I am so close already,’ she says.

‘That’s the idea baby,’ he says. ‘I want you to cum for me. Cum all over my hand and then when your pussy is nice and wet, I am going to fuck you. I am going to put my hard cock into you and pound it into you until you are cumming all over me. Would you like that baby?’

His question is not met with words, but with actions. Her moans have become more guttural and her body is now glistening with sweat. She has forgotten his cock or the moment and her hips are grinding harder against his hand. He inserts another finger deep into her, reaching for her G spot. She begins thrusting against him, fucking herself on his fingers. He presses against the inside of her and rubs insistently and she begins to shudder.

‘Oh babe… oh babe…. Uhhnnnn…. Oh my…. Oh my, I’m….. god I’m… I’m cumming…..’ she cries as she presses his hand against the bed with a force that traps it motionless for a moment. Her hips continue to move again slowly, rocking against his hand.

He removes his hand from her wetness and reaches up so both of his hands are holding hers. He begins kissing down her spine again and her back arches to meet each kiss. When he reaches the base of her spine, he lets go of her hands and grabs her hips and pulls them off of the mattress. His lips continue their journey as she raises her ass in the air, presenting herself to whatever he has to offer. She feels his tongue running along her crack and she shudders. Her heart races at the thought of where it could be going. It continues downward and gently touches her where she has never been licked before and she moans, loudly. This causes him to pause there briefly and rest his tongue motionless at that new opening. She can’t help herself and she pushes her ass back against his mouth, causing his tongue to enter a bit. She is a bit embarrassed, but she groans at the new sensation and her body begins to shake. He makes a mental note of this new discovery and begins to run his tongue along the lips of her dripping wet pussy.

He places his tongue flatly on her clit and slowly runs it the length of her until it briefly touches that newly found special place and then licks back towards her clit where he flicks his tongue sharply, just enough to make her jump. He begins to do this again, but she pushes back against him and he slides his t
ongue deep inside her pussy, making her moan. He begins thrusting it in and out of her, fucking her with his tongue while she grinds her ass against his face. He licks his way back to her clit and wraps his lips around it, gently pulling it out from its hood. He starts making circles lightly on her clit, being sure to be gentle at first. He alternates this with a few back and forth licks and then circles in the opposite direction as he changes the pace from agonizingly slow to frantically fast. She is almost panting now with lust. He can feel her body alternately tense and shudder and he knows she is close now. He traces the words ‘I LOVE YOU’ on her clit with his tongue and the seemingly random pattern has her on the edge.

The tingling begins in her toes and begins to build upward, sweeping across her body until every inch of her is buzzing. Her body moves as if it is not her own and all feeling is centered in her clit. His tongue is driving her wild and she can feel her orgasm welling deep from within her. Just when the buzzing reaches the base of her neck, he slides two fingers deep into her pussy while he continues licking her very swollen clit. Her body convulses, she moans uncontrollably, and her world falls away.

When she comes back to her senses, he is with her. He is stroking her side while lightly kissing her neck and ears. His Cheshire Cat- like grin is beaming from ear to ear.

‘Welcome back beautiful,’ he muses.

‘Wow, that was… that was…’ she stammers.

‘Just the beginning,’ he says, finishing her sentence for her.

‘So, can I do you now?’ She asks with a sly grin on her face.

‘All in due time, my love,’ he answers. ‘ I am the one that had to leave you, remember? The memory of our last night together was all I had until the emails started.’

‘What ever are you talking about?’ She asks as she begins to blush a bit.

‘You know what emails I’m talking about,’ replied. ‘The same emails where you detailed every fantasy you were having while I was away. Things you haven’t done, but the thought of them gets you incredibly hot. The emails that told me how wet and horny you got while fantasizing and what you did to yourself while imaging them becoming reality. Sound familiar yet?’

‘Well, maybe there was ONE email,’ she answers, her blush growing more intense at the memory of her emails.

‘Maybe one… or SEVEN,’ he laughs. ‘One for each day I was gone if I do remember correctly. Since you were so understanding of my having to leave, I am going to spend the next seven days making those fantasies reality for you, my love.’

‘Well, tonight did start out a lot like my first email,’ she says. ‘But, if I remember correctly, it ended with you…’

‘I told you that was just the beginning,’ he finished.

‘Ohhh, then that means….’ she says as she suddenly realizes where this night is going.

‘Shhh. Less talk, more feeling,’ he says as he climbs on top of her back.

He reaches his hand down between her body and the satin sheets to find her pussy. It is still soaking wet and her lips are swollen with desire. He spreads her juices all over her lips before he reaches for his hardened cock. He begins to rub the head of it along her lips and against her clit which make her push back against him. Even though she just had one of the most intense orgasms of her life, she wants more. She wants him, deep inside of her.

As his shaft slides close to her opening, she pushes back hard while angling her hips just right and he slides inside of her. They gasp together as he glides in the rest of the way until his hips are flush with her ass. He remains there for a few moments, just getting used to the wonderful sensations of her silken pussy. He can feel her convulsing around him and it is all he can do to keep from cumming right then. He knows that if he starts fucking her now that he won’t last long, so he has to keep from moving until he can regain his composure. In the meantime, his fingers go to work on her clit again, getting an immediate reaction from her. She tries to lift her ass off of the bed, but his weight has her pinned down. She is at the mercy of having her pussy filled with his hard cock and his fingers strumming away on her clit. He knows she will cum again soon, but he wants to tease her this time, to just keep her on edge without making her tumble yet. There is much left in store for her tonight.

When he feels he can contain his excitement, he pulls her by her hips until she is on her hands and knees. Immediately she is pushing back against him, impaling herself on his cock and then pulling away until just the tip is inside of her. He lets her control the pace for a few thrusts and he is amazed at how furtive her movements become. She pushes back hard and grinds her ass against him and he can feel her trying to get his cock to reach places deep inside her that they haven’t reached before. She then begins fucking him, pushing and pulling rapidly until the sound of their hips slamming into one another fills the room. She pushes back hard and undulates her hips, feeling him all of the way inside of her. He reaches around to rub her clit, but he finds her hand already there. She does want to cum. He knows she is ready.

He pulls his cock out of her and keeps it hovering right outside of her pussy. He then slides it all the way back in so she can feel the entire length of him as he enters. The next time he pulls out, he slides his cock down next to her fingers so she can press it against her clit before he slides deep inside of her again. When he pulls out again, he rubs his cock between the cheeks of her ass and when his head slides over her sensitive asshole, she shudders. When his cock reenters her pussy, it is now wetter than before and he is close to cumming himself. There is now no doubt in his mind where tonight is leading and he can hardly contain himself. Again he places his cock into her hand to rub against her clit and she does so frantically. He can tell that she is close and he is not that far away himself. When he moves to place his cock into her pussy again, she surprises him and guides it a little higher until the head is pressed against her asshole. She takes some of her juices and spreads it around his cock. She pushes back tentatively and he feels the tip slowly enter her. She rocks back and forth a few times until his head is completely inside of her, filing her where she has never been filled before tonight. She is shaking uncontrollably now and ragged breathing betrayed her arousal.

‘Are you sure you wan…’ he starts to say.

His words are cut short as she pushes back against him, impaling herself on his hard cock. The feeling of tightness is incredible and he can feel every movement her body is making from within her. Her shaking increases and she is now grunting as she slams back against him. He is aware of a new sensation and he realizes that she has two fingers buried deep in her pussy while she is fucking him with her ass. He can feel them moving in and out as his cock does the same. With his last ounce of control, he grabs onto her hips and meets her thrusts both in speed and intensity. Their cries and bodies crashing together block out all other sounds.

He doesn’t know when it began, but his orgasm is on him in a flash. He grabs onto her hips one last time and thrusts into her with all of his might. He shoots jets of cum deep inside of her ass and his orgasm triggers her own. His cock spasming in her depths pushes over the edge again. He senses falling, falling with her, and then all is black.

When he comes back to his senses, this time it is she that is with HIM. She is stroking his side while lightly kissing her neck and ears. Her Cheshire Cat- like grin is beaming from ear to ear.

‘Welcome back beautiful,’ she muses.

‘Wow, that was… that was…’ he stammers.

‘Just the beginning,’ she says, finishing his sentence for him. I can hardly wait to see where the NEXT si
x days take us!

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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

1 year ago
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Seven Brides for One Coyote

SEVEN BRIDES FOR ONE COYOTE, or CATCH THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM CRY By C Part I One day, Coyote was passing through the town of Tumbleweed, when he decidedto call on his old friend, Marshal Matt Basterson. Basterson's headquartersabutted on the town square. Its windows gave an excellent view of the courthouse,across the square, and the town gallows, right in the middle. While he satin Basterson's waiting room, Coyote looked out toward the gallows, but wasdisappointed to see that nothing was...

2 years ago
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Seven Year Itch 8211 Part 1

My friend and I were sitting in the Park hotel’s coffee shop on a busy street in Kolkata. We noticed a smart young man watching porn about the seven year itch while waiting for food along with his sexy female companion. He could’ve bedded the beautiful woman if he so desired, yet he’d found time for porn. “Why do we need porn?” asked my friend earnestly. “Because it’s one thing to make love and a totally different perspective, to see her in action,” I replied with conviction. “So you are...

3 years ago
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Seven Year Wife

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing; a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving all the money that I could for the last six...

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Seven OaksChapter 6 Girls In Uniform

The trip to the station was sadly a short one. Rachel was a petite, young blonde with an athletic build. She was slim and solid, but soft in all the right spots. The bulletproof vest did nothing for her figure, but I could see beyond that to the womanly form underneath. She was fresh out of the academy and was assigned the call only to see how she would react to a naked man on the highway call. In my opinion she had passed with high marks. She was kind, and more importantly she had...

2 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 9 Going Home

The reception at the Sheriffs Office was a chilly one. Rachel and Roxanne met me outside in front of two more deputies. I was a suspected murderer who had left with their boss and returned alone, driving his car. "Where's the Sheriff? What happened? Why didn't he bring you back?" "Wait a minute, one question at a time. You guys are getting worked up over nothing. The Sheriff is fine. His wife is fine. They are as happy as pigs in slop. I drove his car back because they were busy and I...

4 years ago
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Free Birds in the Bayou

“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 20 Tryouts

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...

3 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

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Seven Days Of Lust Part 1

Monday morning Dan came down the stairs of his home to find a letter from his wife on the table. It just so happened that this was the week of their anniversary and they tended to find ways to enhance the entire week to celebrate their joining.Dear Dan, We have spent two years married and five together. I love you each and every day more than the last. So this year I propose a challenge to you. Every other day of the week is yours to surprise and excite me. While I will start off and each of us...

Straight Sex
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Seven Days of Lust Part 6

Dan had arranged for the final evening of his turns in surprising his wife to deliver her greatest fantasy she had always had. He knew she was an exhibitionist – that had already been displayed this week. He also knew that she was kinky enough to get into the bisexual and role-playing games, so he had decided to do one better. For months he had searched for some sign of her deeper fantasies that she was too afraid to share with him.That’s when he had discovered her fetish for food play and...

Group Sex
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Seven Year Itch

I wasn’t away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his dinner. Although he probably would anyway and end up getting a takeout or something. I wasn’t really too worried about him. I knew he would be pleased to have a night by himself, surfing as much porn as he could. Like he thinks I don’t know what he gets up to! I was just annoyed that I would have to miss a gym session really. For the first time in my life, I finally had the body...

2 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 02

This is an edited version of the original chapter. I’ve fixed the grammatical errors and made minor alterations to the text. Since I resisted making major changes, the chapter is still quite wordy. ——————– Maisie Barnes rolled over in her lumpy twin bed and squinted at the clock on the old bedside table. 5:00 am. She pulled a pillow over her head and groaned, hoping to stop the morning’s first rays of sunshine from reaching her eyes. Her head hurt way too much for light right now. Stupid...

2 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel

This is an edited version of the original chapter. I made quite a few minor alterations to the text, but resisted making major changes. As a result, the chapter is still rather wordy in places. I should also warn you that there is a long build up over the story (hey, it’s romance), so no sex in this installment. ——————– Alessandro drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair as he glanced around. Flat panel TVs, leather armchairs, and oversized, modern light fixtures dominated the room....

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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 05

There’s another dream in the middle of this chapter. I swear there won’t be another after this chapter, but I had to give Maisie her share of flashback time. ,) —————————————- Maisie slid the last of the empty produce crates into the back of the pickup truck. She huffed out a long breath as she closed her eyes and wiped her brow on her sleeve. She was exhausted, the summer sun was bright and hot, and her long day had been full of chores on the farm and customers at the Wednesday farmers’...

2 years ago
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Seven Year Itch

Introduction: This is my first story. I have dramatised it a bit but its pretty much based on real experiences I have had. Let me know what you think. I had a nine o clock meeting with a customer four hours drive away, so my boss had let me drive down on the Thursday afternoon and because the meeting could easily run into five or six hours, he said he wasnt expecting me back on the Friday. I wasnt away from home much and so had left my husband of seven years instructions on how not to burn his...

1 year ago
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Seven Pills

Seven Pills By Ida N. Tidy Copyright 2002 Jason cautiously entered the abandoned warehouse. He had followed the car here. The car held his girlfriend of two years, and it held her against her will. He was creeping along a catwalk when he heard a voice call out. "We know you are here, if you would like to negotiate, I would suggest you come out now." Jason carefully weighed his options; he had no weapons beyond a tire iron in his hand. They had guns. He was alone; they had...

2 years ago
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Seven Minutes in Heaven

This is purely a work of fiction about two 18/19 year olds...It is the summer before our first year of college and we are home alone at his house. My mom works from home, but his place will be empty until his sister gets home from her summer internship. We have been playing truth or dare since we got up this morning. However, as close c***dhood friends there are few questions to ask when we keep no secrets. Our game has purely consisted of dares. Early on, I was dared to put on women's...

4 years ago
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Seven Deadly Sins Pride

To be an incubus in this modern era is exceedingly easy. Declan St. Clare, a high level sex demon, needed to get his required amount of souls for the century, and by looking at the log of sinners in front of him, it was going to be simple. He would be able to get all seven off one list. Lifting his 6'5” frame from his computer chair, he opted to walk into his bathroom, rather than teleport there. Contrary to popular belief, he was able to see his reflection in the mirror. It's funny that most...

3 years ago
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Seven Short Stories of Sodomy and Sadism

Author's NoteNot every story is meant to be an epic.  Sometimes the core of a story, the parts that really matter, only needs a single scene or two to be complete, and to add anything more would diminish the whole.This is a collection of such tales.  Seven vignettes, each of them generally dark and unpleasant.  One of them rhymes.  They are all small and self contained, and hopefully you will find them to your taste.  Enjoy! ContentsSmile (S01) - A kidnapper chats with his latest prize. Story...

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Seven Year Itch

Jason kissed Veronica on the cheek and stroked her hair.  Then whispered in her ear "I love you".  She whispered back "I love you too".  She told him that she would be meeting a couple of friends for drinks after work.  Jason never minded when she went out with her friends he just winked and drove away.  She watched him as he drove away and thought is this how this is going to be ever day for the rest of my life?  What am I missing? She could get this off her mind while she was getting ready...

Wife Lovers
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Seven Swats Game

Seven Swats Game   Seven Swats Game  By Wolff  ? 2006 Wolfwerks.    The natural born brat asked for it. Nike was running down the corridor propelled by her muscular legs.? She had on her tennis whites, sneakers and short socks, and her racket in a sports bag. She stopped by her locker and grabbed a fur paddle that was waiting for her.  Tennis was good. She won and now she was on her way for the real reward and the one who was willing to mette it out to her.   Nike offered a paddle to the Wolf.?...

3 years ago
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Seven Shots

I got seven shots before they noticed me. David jumped off the bed yelling “Give that fucking camera.” I pulled the 1911A1 that was tucked in my pants behind me and pointed it at him. He stopped, sneered and said: “You don’t have the balls.” I pointed the automatic at his left knee and pulled the trigger. He fell screaming to the floor. “Jesus Christ” my father said. “You shot your own brother?” “The only reason I’m not going to shoot you is because I don’t want to deprive mom of the...

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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 3 Wat Kanidoo

I arrived in Bangkok in time for lunch. Seven-hour flight, but five hours by the clock. I was exhausted because I’d stayed up all night writing. My entire time in Odawara had been spent without even looking at my computer. I was thankful it had enough charge to boot. Fortunately, Japan uses the same power connections as Europe and I had the right adapter, so the computer was charged, even if I wasn’t. I wrote all about Ani Mai and what I felt, then realized I was probably reading much more...

2 years ago
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Seven OaksChapter 8 Justice

Sheriff David Chamese returned to the cell where I had willingly waited while the EMT's removed the deputies and said," Open holding one!" The lock popped and he pulled the heavy door open. He motioned for me to follow him as he turned and walked away. If he was afraid of me it didn't show. He led me to his office and pointed to a chair in front of his desk. He entered a large closet and returned carrying a plaster cast of a footprint and some Polaroids. He dropped the cast and the...

2 years ago
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Seven Case Studies Seven Enabling MothersChapter 2

Case Study # 3: Katie T. Each “Case Study” involves something illegal. Incest of course. Underage sex. Juvenile corruption. But legality is sometimes less important than the health and welfare of the participants. It’s sometimes a tightrope, sometimes a messy quandary. Underage sex can be a fuzzy concept. Age of consent laws vary from locale to locale. A 14 year old can be more mature, more ready for sex than a 21 year old. The impact of legal prosecution is even more murky. The justice...

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