Toxic Pull free porn video

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The rhythmic, pounding bass and the horns of the Imperial March made her sit up, frantically searching for the phone in the dark. Her hand brushed against something cold, and then she heard the crashing sound of the water glass falling to the floor.

“Shit,” she mumbled, as she finally wrapped her shaking hand around the phone.

She was panicking that she was going to miss him. Only one person on her phone had that ringtone, Michael, Mickey for short; the love of her life.

“Hello?” Her voice was scratchy from sleep and her heart was pounding in her chest. Nothing.

She sat up Indian style in the center of her bed and pulled the phone away to see if it was still connected. “Hello?”

“Lucy! Hey baby, what’s up?”

Lucy’s shoulders slumped in relief and she was shaking, but she attempted to sound casual. “Not a lot. What’s up with you?”

“Luce, were you sleeping?” he yelled into the phone.

For the first time Lucy heard the pounding of the club he was at.


“Lucy, you are such an old woman!” Michael laughed.

She flushed angrily and pushed her hair back out of her face.

He was drunk again. Lucy could already smell the bourbon and beer that usually accompanied this late night phone call. Her fingers ached to touch his stubble. She ached to feel his weight pressing between her thighs. It was coming, it always did.

The noise faded from the background, but Mickey continued to yell, “Oh, baby don’t pout. Look, I’m getting in the cab now. See you in ten minutes.”

She heard the cab door slam and the phone went silent.

Her heart was pounding in her throat as she threw her phone on the bed and frantically untangled herself from the blanket. She ran into the living room, picking up the dirty clothes that were thrown haphazardly around. ‘Why do I strip the moment I walk into the door?’ she thought angrily to herself.

Picking up the dress she had been wearing that day for work, she threw them all into the washer and shut the lid. Her eyes fell on the dirty dinner dishes and then to her unshaven legs. Lucy lifted her leg up on the counter and ran her hand up it. “Shit!” she snapped.

‘Two day stubble is okay for work when I’m wearing tights, but this is Mickey,’ she thought and raced to the bathroom. In her panic she hit the bathmat and slid into the corner of the sink.

“Fuck! That’s going to leave a mark.”

Lucy ignored the pain and turned the water in the bathtub on. She knew her time was almost up, so she stripped and got in without waiting for the water to be hot enough and began shaving her legs.

After the fastest shave and wash up in the history of shaves and wash ups, she rubbed her body with the towel, slipped into her bathrobe and stumbled back into her bedroom. Her foot stepped into the puddle of water and on a piece of broken glass.

“Fuck!” She sat back down on her bed to see the damage. There was a tiny piece sticking out of her foot and it had begun to bleed.

“No, I almost made it,” she whined to herself. Somewhere in the back of her mind she surveyed the last few moments of her life and didn’t like the thought that entered her mind.

‘Look at yourself.’ Lucy looked into the mirror on her vanity. Her hair was in a big, messy, dirty-blonde heap on top of her head and her brown eyes were bright and slightly wild. ‘All this for a man that will come here, fuck you, pass out on you, and leave you without calling until he’s horny and without ass,’ the spiteful woman with Lucy’s voice snapped.

“I can’t help it, I love him,” Lucy mumbled feebly and tears filled her eyes.

She heard the door open and looked up from her bed to see Michael walking through. All of her fears and sadness washed away as it always did when she looked at Michael. Everything faded into the black of his always shaggy hair, into the stubble that donned his perfect face and into those beautiful green eyes.

Eyes she lost herself in whenever she was with him, eyes that looked through her and commanded her to love him, eyes that saw who she really was and gave her every promise her heart ever desired. Lucy knew he loved her when she looked into his eyes. It was all there and is why she allowed him in every time he called. That is why she allowed another piece of herself to die every time he called and didn’t stay.

“There’s my girl,” he said, leaning on the door and locking it back.

When she first moved into the tiny apartment, she made sure that he had a key. She wanted him to be able to come over anytime he needed her.

He slowly made his way to her. “Hey baby.”

“Hey, Mickey. Watch the glass.”

Mickey froze and looked down, “What did you do?”

“I knocked over my water glass and I got a piece in my foot.”

“Hang tight,” he mumbled and left her room. He came back with the broom and the dust pan and began to sweep up the glass.

“Mickey, you don’t have to do that. I’ll get it.”


He finished sweeping up the glass and came back into her room with a bottle of peroxide, a cotton ball, a band-aide, and a pair of tweezers.

Lucy kept her head down so he couldn’t see the smile on her face.

He sat on her bed and patted his lap. “Come on, give me your foot.”

“Oh no, buddy, you’ve been drinking. I’ll get it out,” Lucy protested.

“Lucy. Foot. Lap. Now,” he commanded, patting his lap again.

“You’re so bossy,” she mumbled and moved so she could give him her foot.

He took her foot and brought it up to his face and the tweezers to her foot.

“Eek!” she cried, pulling her foot back and scrunching her eyes closed.

“Stop now,” Michael said laughing and pulled her foot back to him.

With perfect care and tenderness that you would never expect from a 6’4" drunk man, he managed to get the glass out without hurting her at all. He cleaned it with peroxide, tickling her only once, and then covered it with the band-aide.

“This only needs one thing and you are all done.”

“What’s that?”

“This,” he said, and kissed her foot tenderly.

Lucy looked into the eyes of the man she loved and he kissed her foot again, only closer to her heel this time. Then her ankle, and her inner calf; rising to his knees, he kissed hers. Their eyes were still locked and Lucy’s heart was pounding. She was slipping into his eyes and felt only the feel the soft scratching of his beard and the warmth of his breath on her inner thigh.

Her robe fell open as easily as her legs under his skillful hands. Lucy’s body shook with the burning desire that only Michael could ignite in her.

His fingers dug into her inner thighs, pushing her legs to the side as his nose glided up along her mound. “God, I love your scent.”

His tongue took the same path and his fingers dug further into the softness of her thighs. “And my God, your taste,” he growled. The look in his eyes were that of a man lost in the desert finally finding water; his source of life.

Lucy’s back arched and she moaned for him. This man played her body as if it were an instrument; his instrument. Easing the music from her; starting low and soft as his mouth enclosed over the most delicate of spots. Lucy’s body vibrated as he licked and sucked on her pearl.

“Mickey,” she sighed as two of his skilled fingers slid slowly inside.

“It’s been too long, baby. God, I’ve missed your sweet, sweet taste.”

Michael licked faster, moving his fingers in and out, willing her to cum for him and she did.

Her fingers gripped his hair and her hips lifted, pressing herself harder against him. “Mickey,” she moaned softly as she began to cum for him.

Michael grinned up at her and kissed her still sensitive cunny. She shuddered and grinned back. He left a trail of kisses all along her body causing her to giggle and goosebumps to form.

“I love that sound.”

“What sound?”

As he positioned himself between her legs he nuzzled her neck making her squirm and laugh. “That sound. I miss your laughter when we don’t talk,” he said, while he slowly rubbed his cock against her.

“We only don’t talk because of you.” Her voice was sad and he nuzzled her again, this time giving her a quick nip.

“Shh, baby. I’m here now.”

“Are you going to…” She was cut off because at that moment he slid fully inside her. If he had waited another moment, and somewhere in the back of her mind she heard herself say, ‘He cut you off on purpose,’ she would have asked, ‘Are you going to leave me again?’

Michael moved slowly in and out of her, becoming reacquainted with her body. With the feel of her walls hugging his length tightly to him the way her arms were hugging him to her.

Lucy’s body was no longer her own, it was now Michael’s; the way it always was when he was deep inside her, claiming her. Nerves were humming throughout her body and her breathing was coming in short desperate gasps as he continued to move slowly inside her.

He kissed her neck and breasts as she arched her back, moaning loudly. Sucking one perfect plump nipple into his mouth he grazed it with his teeth. “Cum for me baby.”

“Oh yes, Mickey.” She clawed at him pulling him closer; desperately needing him closer.

“That’s it Lucy, come on, give it to me,” Michael curved his hips pushing up, rubbing against her sweet spot.

Lucy began making unintelligible sounds as Michael made slow, shallow, short thrusts rubbing her again and again.

“Michael!” she cried out in a strangled voice, mixed with love and lust as her nails dug into his back and her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

“That’s it good girl,” he whispered into her ear.

He gave her enough time to loosen her grip, and then he wrapped his arms around her legs, lifting them onto his elbows. “My turn,” he grinned, plunging deep inside her. 

Michael was no longer making love to her; this was carnal sex, this was raw need. He moved inside her hard and he moved fast taking his pleasure and she loved it. Lucy loved the desperate way he looked at her, how he used her body to ease himself.

His thrusts became harder, faster and then erratic as he reached his own climax. “Fuck, Lucy!” he growled, spilling his seed deep inside her.

Letting go of her legs he collapsed on top of her, kissing her again and then whispering in her ear, “I love you, Lucy. You are home to me.”

The bright beam of light shone on Lucy’s face waking her. ‘It was a dream,’ she thought. Lucy knew differently though, the delicious ache between her legs and the soreness of her muscles told her Michael had been there.

‘Was he here now?’ she wondered. Lucy was afraid to turn around to see because she knew he was gone. He was always gone when she awoke and the coolness at her back told her what she needed to know.

Lucy lay perfectly still watching the dust particles swirl throughout the ray of light while her breathing began to accelerate and the fissure in her heart began to grow. Needing to know before the pain took over she turned over slowly, her fears were confirmed. Michael was gone. The tears began to fall in a torrent of uncontrollable sobs.

A month went by and Lucy hadn’t heard from Michael. She knew she wouldn’t, but like every time, she hoped that she would. She took some time to grieve again, and then attempted to get back to her life. Lucy had been on a few dates, but found herself comparing them all to Michael and none of them came close.

“Next,” the bored sounding teenager behind the counter said, snapping her back to the moment.

“A large salted caramel hot chocolate and a banana nut muffin, please.”


Lucy opened her bag and didn’t see her wallet. She began digging through it. “Crap!” she mumbled, looking up at the now annoyed cashier. “I’m sorry, never mind I seem to have left my wallet at home.”

“I’ve got it. Add a large regular coffee and another banana nut muffin to that order.”

Lucy turned around to the man behind her that had just offered to pay for her. She had every intention of telling him no thank you, but she lost her train of thought. She was greeted with one of the warmest, sweetest smiles she had ever seen, and instantly smiled back. The smile felt odd and very out of place on her face, tugging on muscles she hadn’t used since Michael left.

The very handsome redheaded man reached past her and handed the cashier the money.


“Todd,” he answered then turned, smiling at Lucy. “And your name is?”


“Hello, Lucy, it’s nice to meet you. Do you want to share a table while we wait? It looks like they are backed up and that poor boy in the back isn’t having much luck.”

Lucy turned and watched as the young teenage boy dropped the iced coffee he had just finished making. She took the seat across from the still smiling Todd. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Thank you is the normal response, but you’re welcome.”

Lucy blushed, realizing how rude she had just been. “I’m sorry. Thank you, Todd.”

“It’s okay, we all have moments,” he said, flashing her a heart stopping grin.

She returned his grin and then looked down, blushing. “How can I pay you back? Do you come here often?”

“Really Lucy, a lady like you using cheesy pick-up lines?”

For a split second she tried to decide if he was serious or not, then she started laughing and swatted at his hand.

Todd winked at her. "Yes, I come here often. I’ve seen you in here almost every day for a month. You always look so distracted."

She looked down at the table and didn't answer him right away. She thought about it and why Michael continued to occupy her thoughts even when he had treated her so badly. She did love him, but she was also beginning to understand what he was.

"I've had a lot on my mind lately," she said in a soft voice.

"It would seem so," he said with his trademark smile.

“Todd!” the teenage boy called.

The two of them spent the next hour talking and laughing. Lucy was surprised at how easy and natural it felt sitting here with Todd.

His phone went off and he apologized, “It’s my brother, I was supposed to have met him 45 minutes ago,” he said with a slight blush of his own.

“I know I’m late. Yes, I’m still coming. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” He put his phone away and looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, I have to go. I promised him I would help hang his new TV.”

“It’s okay, I didn’t realize the time, I should probably be heading home myself.”

"Well, before you go ... Lucy, can we do this again sometime? I have enjoyed our short time together," he asked, with a hopeful expression.

Lucy thought about for a moment and decided why not, she had just enjoyed herself. "Sure, I guess so," she said. They exchanged phone numbers and Lucy headed back home.

Walking home she touched her face and smiled, her cheeks hurt from laughing so much. Then she suddenly realized she hadn’t thought of Michael once while sitting with Todd.

One month and another Friday night later, Lucy was sitting on her couch in her pajamas watching one of the endless remodeling shows. She had gone on two dates with Todd since their first initial meeting and she had enjoyed herself with him. Todd was charming, funny, smart, and handsome. He had his own home and he had a career that he loved. Basically, Todd was a perfect catch.

Then one Thursday morning on her way to work, her phone chirped. Looking down she saw she had a text from Mickey. “Hey babe. I miss you. See you tomorrow.”

Her heart soared and instantly texted back, “I miss you too. See you then.”

Her next text was to Todd, “Hey, Todd. Something has come up, so I have to cancel for tomorrow. Sorry.”

Lucy sat at home waiting. She waited until Sunday night, but still no Michael. She texted, she called and received nothing in return. Crying herself to sleep again for the third night in a row, she withdrew back into herself.

Todd called and asked her out, but she turned him down, telling him it wasn’t a good idea. Her heart wasn’t into dating. She still wanted Michael, and there was no room for anyone else in her heart.

There was a banging on her door, snapping her out of her musing. It set Lucy’s heart racing and she jumped up going to the door hoping beyond hope that it was Michael. Peering through the peephole she saw her best friend, Jennifer waving a bottle of wine at her.

“Open up!”

Lucy knew it was no good trying to keep her out, so she opened the door.

“This ends right here, right now. You are getting your ass in the shower and we are going out,” Jennifer said, pushing her way past Lucy and heading to the kitchen to get the bottle opener.

“Jen, I’m just not…”

“In the mood, yes Lucy, I know, I know. I don’t care. You have wallowed in your self-pity long enough over a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve you. We are going out now.”

Jennifer poured two large glasses of wine and shoved it into Lucy’s hand and tapped her glass with her own. “Drink up and go shower.”

Lucy looked into the infectious grinning face of her best friend and suddenly realized she wanted to go out. She grinned back and downed her glass of wine.

Entering one of Jennifer's favorite nightclubs, the music was thumping and there were sweaty bodies everywhere. Jennifer had been right; it was exactly what she needed. Lucy headed straight to the bar to take a shot and then made her way to the dance floor.

Several songs later, Lucy looked up and saw Jennifer waving at her indicating she had more shots, so she sashayed her way back to the table. Someone bumped passed her and she stumbled on her heels, but arms caught her before she could hit the floor.

“I’m so sorry,” Lucy said, looking up into the face of her rescuer. She was greeted with the cutest grins and there was a twinkle in his big blue eyes. Her heart skipped a beat and she blushed. Todd!

He leaned down to her ear. “No need for apologies. Are you alright?”

Blushing further, Lucy nodded her head. “Thank you for catching me.”

“I’ll gladly catch you anytime you decide to fall,” he said with a wink and let her go. "This rescuing you is getting to be a habit."

Lucy giggled at his remark. “Yes it is. Well, my friend is waiting,” she said and then made her way to Jennifer and her waiting shot.

“Oh my God, Lucy, who was that? He's the cutest man ever,” Jennifer yelled over the music.

“Which one?”

Jennifer gave her a, don’t be stupid, look and pointed. “The redhead leaning on the beam. The one who caught you as you fell.”

"Oh that was Todd,” she giggled, “He is the one I met at the coffee shop and had a few dates with. He is pretty nice.”

“He is the one you stopped calling?”

“Mmhmm,” Lucy nodded, sipping her drink through a straw.

“Stupid woman! He has a nice ass,” Jennifer remarked biting the corner of her lip.


They giggled, took their shots and went back to the dance floor.

Dancing with Jennifer, Lucy kept her eye on the handsome Todd. There was something very appealing about him and it made her feel good that every time she turned to look at him, he was watching her.

She had to admit that Todd was a catch. He was sweet and kind hearted, and he was definitely nice on the eyes. The more she watched him, the more she found herself missing him, but she had blown him off so there was no way she could call him.

Towards the end of the evening, Todd walked up to her and extended his arms, she stepped right into them, giving him a hug. “We are heading out and I wanted to say goodbye. Take care, Lucy,” he said, and gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

Lucy’s heart pounded in her chest and she watched him walk out.

A couple days went by and Lucy was at work when Todd called. She smiled when she saw his name. "Hello.”

"Hi Lucy."

“Hi! How are you?"

"I'm fine. I wanted to ask you the other night at the club, but I wasn’t sure. Would you like to go out on another date?" he asked.

"I-I guess so, sure. When?" she asked, surprised by his question.

"How about this weekend?”

“Umm,” she hesitated. Did she want to try this again?

“Unless you already have plans..."

"No, I've got nothing going on this weekend,” she interrupted him.

"Good. How about I pick you up Saturday around 7:00 and we go out for a nice dinner?" he asked.

"That sounds wonderful, Todd."

"It's a date then. Okay, I'll let you get back to work. See you Saturday!" he said and she heard the click of the phone.

Lucy set down her phone and then sat there for a moment. She felt her heart beating wildly and her breathing was faster than normal. This guy was really getting to her! Her hands were shaky, and she tried to get back to work. But she couldn't get his handsome face out of her head. Mercifully the day ended a few hours later and she went home to try to relax.

Finally Saturday came and Lucy began to get ready for her date with Todd. She had bought a new dress for the occasion, wanting to look her best for him. She showered and primped until she was satisfied with her looks and outfit and waited for his arrival. She didn't have to wait long; finishing only a few minutes before she heard the knock on the door.

"Hi Todd, come on in," she said opening the door.

"Wow Lucy, you look amazing!" he said, standing in the doorway.

Lucy blushed and looked down, smiling. "Thank you, you look nice too. I'll get my jacket and we can leave," she said.

They had a good time talking and learning more about each other. She found out that Todd had broken up with his girlfriend about six months ago and was just getting the nerve up to enter the dating scene again. Lucy told him that she too was trying to get over someone.

The conversation flowed easy from topic to topic and it made for a very nice dinner. Todd was a perfect gentleman and Lucy was every inch a lady.

When dinner was over he was driving her home, but stopped by a small duck pond. They walked to the picnic table to talk more, neither one really ready for the night to end. The moon was high, casting a brilliant reflection on the water. Lucy was a little apprehensive that Todd might try something, but he did not. All he did was take her hand as they watched the ripples in the water. Lucy smiled gratefully at his chivalry.

Todd and Lucy began seeing each other regularly. For about six months things were perfect for them and they were getting closer with each passing month. Todd had never pushed himself on her, knowing she was trying to get over her last boyfriend and not wanting to rush her into something she wasn't ready for.

One night, after one of their ever growing hot and heavier make out sessions, Todd confessed that he loved her and that he wanted to finally make love to her. Lucy hesitated with her response and Todd kissed her gently and said he understood that it wasn’t time.

Lucy couldn't be happier with Todd and she decided that tonight was the night. Tonight she was going to tell him she loved him too and that she was ready to give herself to him. Once she made her mind up, she realized how right it felt.

Then it happened. Lucy was putting the finishing touches on dinner and felt so amazing about her choice that she couldn’t wait for this evening. There was a knock and Lucy went to the door expecting it to be Todd, but it wasn't. It was Michael!

"Hey baby, I'm home!" he said, stepping in before Lucy could say or do anything.

He took Lucy in his arms and gave her a long deep kiss and she melted once again. Damn him! She could not resist when he did this no matter how he hurt her. She was putty in his hands and melted into his arms.

“Hey Lucy, I brought white wine I hope…” Todd stopped talking seeing Lucy in Michael’s embrace.

She jumped and pushed away from Michael. “Todd! Oh my God, it’s not…”

Todd held his hand up interrupting her, “Lucy don’t.” He turned and looked at Michael. He needed the confirmation so he asked, “Michael?”

“Yeah, I’m Michael and you are?”

Todd looked at Lucy and for the first time since she met him his normal smiling face was gone. It was replaced by hurt. “Lucy,” he said softly then he set the bottle on the table and left.

Despite the happiness she had felt with Todd, and the pain she now felt watching him walk out her door, it was Michael. What else could she do? He was all she had ever wanted; no matter how badly he repeatedly treated her.

Michael came up behind her and kissed her neck. “Did I interrupt anything?

Lucy took a breath and composed herself before turning in his arms, wrapping hers around him. “No, it was nothing. Just a date, but it’s okay, no big deal.” Even saying that lie sent a pang in her heart.

Michael kissed her long and slow. “Good. You look delicious and I’ve missed you.”

“Have you?” she asked out of breath.

“Yes,” he growled and lifted her skirt touching her through her delicate panties.

“Ah, Michael.”

“Already wet for me baby? God I want you.” He lifted her up by her thighs and set her on the table. Michael had managed to free himself from his pants and was rubbing against her.

Lucy began whimpering. In one swift motion Michael growled, ripped her panties from her and pushed himself fully inside her. She cried out and wrapped her legs and arms around him, holding on while he took her. Michael took her hard and fast. The thought, ‘He’s claiming you,’ sprang to mind, but it was lost in the orgasm that swept over her.

“Fuck, Mickey!” she cried out.

“That’s it baby, oh God, Lucy!” he moaned and came deep inside her.

Lucy continued to hold him while she shook with unexpected tears.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t leave me again. I don’t want to wake up alone again.”

Michael gave a soft chuckle, “Luce, honey, I want to stay. Can I stay here?”

“What?” she asked her breath hitching.

“Lucy, can I please stay?”

“Yes,” she answered completely amazed by his question.

Michael kissed her and gave her a hug. “I love you, Lucy.”

For three weeks Lucy was in a fog. Something was wrong. Michael was here and this was all she had ever wanted, but she missed Todd too. This was longer than he had ever stayed before and she foolishly thought he had decided to settle down and stay with her. She knew if they kept going things would work out. Lucy would finally get her happy ending with him.

That is, until the day she came home from work and found Michael had company.

Time stopped, the world around her turned dark and everything fell into this one pinpoint of movement; Michael lying back on her bed with a tiny blonde on top of him. “That’s it sweet girl, fuck me good.”

‘No!’ her mind screamed. ‘No, he told me he loved me and that he wanted to stay with me.'

‘Did he?’ the snarky voice commented. ‘He said can I stay with you, please, Lucy. And you stupidly told him yes and then he hugged you and said he loved you. Of course he did, he was taking from you again.’

“Mickey?” Lucy’s voiced cracked as she forced herself to speak.

“Oh shit, Lucy. I didn’t think you’d be home for another hour,” Michael sat up and pulled the blonde off to the side.

“Mickey?” Softer this time.

“What the fuck Mike, is this your girlfriend? You never said you had a girlfriend,” the blonde snapped.

“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s my best friend,” Michael said, pulling on his clothes.

‘Not my girlfriend, she’s my best friend.’ Lucy felt like she had been kicked in the throat. There was no air in the room. Everything swam in front of her eyes and down she went.

When she opened her eyes again, she was lying on her bed with Michael beside her and the blonde behind him had her hand on Michael’s shoulder, looking down at her with a pitying look.

“Luce, you okay? You scared me.”

For the first time her life Lucy realized that she no longer loved Michael. She realized that she was trying to hold on to what she thought they had, what she was so desperate to have. What she had with Todd was love, true love and mutual respect. Only she had not shown Todd respect. Not the respect he deserved and for what? For this man standing over her that used her over and over again.

“Get out.”


“You heard me, Michael get out.”

“Lucy, honey, don’t be like this.”

Lucy sat up and pushed him with all her strength and snapped, “Get out!”

Michael stood up and the blonde tugged his arm. “Come on, Mike, let’s go.”

“Wait a minute; I want to know what I did? Why are you so mad?”

Again another blow on her already broken heart, he didn’t even see what he did as wrong. ‘Oh my God, I’ve been such a fool. Such a Goddamn fool,’ she thought bitterly.

“Mike, come on,” the blonde knew and she was dragging him away.

“No…” he started but Lucy’s scream of rage stopped him.

“Fuck you! Get out, get out, get out! Leave your key and get out of my house, get out of my life! I hate you!”

“Lucy,” was all he said, and then he took her key off his ring and set it on her dresser.


“Get out!” she screamed again. Her fists her were balled tight. So tight she felt the pain of her nails digging into her palms.

A moment later the door shut and she screamed again. Her body whipped around to her bed; the vile dirty bed that held so many lies and so many horrible truths.

Lucy ripped the blanket off throwing it to the floor, and then she struggled with the sheets, pulling desperately to get them off her bed. With an anguished cry and one last hard yank, the sheet pulled up and she rolled it in a ball throwing it across the room.

She was out of breath and could feel the tears threatening to spill. She grabbed her pillow and ripped the case off and then grabbed Michael’s pillow. She gripped it tightly to pull the case off as well when she caught a whiff of his cologne.

Her breath caught. She pulled the pillow to her nose and breathed in; inhaling the scent of the man she had loved. The man she had loved her entire life. The man that had never loved her more than as a best friend that he liked to have sex with.

She then thought of Todd, the man that trusted her and truly loved her. “Oh God,” she wailed as the reality of their relationship and what she had done to Todd came crashing down on her. Lucy’s body collapsed to the bed clutching Michael’s pillow.

Two days later, after Todd refused to answer any of her calls or texts, she finally went to his house to beg him for forgiveness.

“Please forgive me. I’m sorry I was such a fool,” she pleaded with Todd.

Todd was pacing his living room and whipped around to her. “Yes you are. Lucy, I will not go through this again.”

“I know, I’m so sorry. Please, I love you.”

This made him pause, it was the first time she had said it to him. “Do you, Lucy?”

“Yes, I do love you.” Tears were running down her face.

“You loved me enough to run to him the minute he came back,” he bit bitterly at her.

Lucy’s head fell into her hands and she sobbed.

The room was silent except for her sobs. Todd was no longer pacing, he was standing at the window with his back to her.

She looked at his back. “Todd?” He didn’t turn around and he didn’t respond to her. In that second, Lucy knew all was lost. She had ruined it all.

Lucy stood and walked quietly to the door. “I’m sorry, Todd. I do love you.”

As she opened the door to leave, she felt Todd’s fingers grip her arm. “Stop, Lucy. I never said I wanted you to leave. I’m hurt, but I love you.”

Lucy cried harder and threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tightly to him.

“No more Michael, Lucy I mean it. I will not forgive you again.”

Lucy kissed him and looked into his eyes. In that moment, she knew how foolish she had been; how blind she had been and how much she truly loved this man. In that moment, she knew she would never go back to Michael, that the Mickey she had fallen in love with was gone forever.

So with complete confidence for the first time ever, she was able to say, “No more Michael.”

To someone important: Thank you so much. Without you it wouldn't have been finished.

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Shackled Ch 14

She was bucking under him and he knew she was reaching her orgasm. The strength of her hands in his hair surprised him, but it made him lick her slit and probe her warm recesses even harder. His finger was working on her clit and he found himself trying to use everything to pleasure all of her. All the while her bucking and moaning was becoming more desperate and his own pleasure became linked to hers. He wanted her to cum, was willing her to cum. And finally she did. She let out a low scream...

3 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 14 Death awaits

The challengers rode up in a hurry, and then stopped a short distance from us. We were ready for the fight if it came to that. I had hoped having Jasmine next to me would catch their eye. She did not like having her sword hidden behind her saddle in her bed roll as opposed to being in her hand. But she needed to play the part of a Damsel for the moment. “Drop your weapons,” he called out. “I don’t think we will,” I replied. He noticed Jasmine then. I could see desire in his eye. “What are...

4 years ago
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A Welcome for Wilson

A Welcome for Wilson by Candy Angel - Edited by Simonne Danielle The time, the near future; the place, a male prison run by the new Gynarchic Government. In a holding cell, a new prisoner, Wilson - #36956, awaits his welcome. He knows what this means. He has known since the that day when he was sentenced to 24 months by Judge Mary Mills for showing disrespect towards a female, one Miss Holly Taylor. Not a good idea, getting a little tipsy and telling the young girl she had nice legs...

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Mistress Sarah fucks Evie Chapter 4

I knelt by the door, anxious for the arrival of my Mistress. I could feel my arse pulsing around the butt plug in anticipation of what was to come. As I knelt and waited I could smell the pretty floral scent of the perfume that I had sprayed on my neck earlier. I felt soft and girly from all the day's events. I was in a prime mode to be fucked like a sissy. Even though I was not touching my cock, it was pulsing and hard with arousal. I was both excited and nervous about being fucked. I heard...

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Want to watch

There‘s a window in my bathroom. I know you’re outside. Make yourself comfortable. Watch me release the tension of a long day. And don’t worry, I won’t mind if you rub yourself while you watch. The thought only makes me hotter.It has been a long day. Rushing to get ready to go to a job I hate. Rushing to get the kids off to school. Of course, MaryJane forgot her backpack again so I had to rush to get her to school since she missed the bus. Then hurry up and wait behind the never ending...

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Bring Him Back Ch 01

She could feel his hands creeping up under her baggy t-shirt they way he did when he was trying to be sneaky. His weight shifted above her, the mattress shifting noticeably, telling the truth to his intents. She sighed in her sleep, reveling in the immaculate feeling…it had felt like forever ago that she had felt this way. Her sigh quickly turned into a giggle as his fingers deliciously tickled her tight abdomen. She heard him laugh out loud above her, his masculine chuckle so identifiable, so...

2 years ago
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The Party Is Over

The party was over, it was 2:30am and there were comatosebodies littering the lounge and hallway. Clambering over the burnt out partygoers I made my way upstairs to collect my coat and bag from the master bedroomwhere they had all been dumped 5hrs earlier. As I turned onto the landing atthe top of the stairs Derek sat with his back against the wall while some freshfaced red-head sucked on his dick for all she was worth. "Damn Derek! does that thing never go soft" I said smiling He grinned...

3 years ago
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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 9

Gary finished dressing while Jimmie went in and posted his narrative of everything that has happened to us since our lives were destroyed on Tuesday. We arrived at the diner a little later than usual. The rest of the crew was already there. Probably because it's Saturday there aren't as many other customers in the diner. But I received the normal slack jawed, wide eyed reception from the other diners as I entered with my breasts plainly visible through my blouse and my skirt not quite...

4 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 9

Bobby stood nervously at the school bus stop, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. There were a few other kids there as well, none of whom he knew. They regarded him with the typical silent teenage disapproval and distrust given to strangers from outside their known world. The day had arrived for him to start classes at his new middle school. He'd spent the prior weekend going through a pile of school textbooks. Using Bobby's new class schedule, his mom had arranged for the...

3 years ago
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HomeworkChapter 11

Sharon was bright and cheery, “Good morning Mom. What’s for breakfast?” Paula turned from the refrigerator as she took out a carton of orange juice and a quart of milk, “I am just having juice and cereal this morning. I can make scrambled eggs if you want.” Sharon went to the refrigerator when her mother put the juice and milk on the table, “That’s okay, Mom, I will make them. Do we have any red peppers left?” Paula gestured toward the refrigerator, “There should be one in the crisper.” As...

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The Additive

The Additive by Optimizer An author named Monsta posted a list of fictional movie synopses, as a story challenge. One in particular caught my attention. My normal writing process is glacial, but this story sprung out almost fully- formed in a day or two. It makes sense now, finally. I mean, I was a divorced mom, never had time to date, but I wasn't gay. I was a Twilight Mom! Team Edward all the way! And then, over the holidays I found out about this little cupcake shop. It...

2 years ago
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IHNC 65 Lisas Dilemma

Introduction: Lisa Cohan gets an unwanted proposition. IHNC 6.5 Lisas Dilemma (Mf, teen, nc, preg, softcore) (This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Beckys who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE! Studying for my SATs, I...

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Hunt Society

The courier was cramped with no room to stretch out. Most of the time I sat and thought of why I was going to the human system of Central. I was not sure it had started with the Slith. What I or we knew started with those captured years ago aboard a freighter. They had tried to use the crew and passengers and hunt them. It had been Kaire, humans and Sizz that time. Recently there had been a group of Kaire on one of our own worlds that had tried to hunt their own kind. That had not ended well...

1 year ago
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You don't need to be a fucking rocket scientist to understand what's going on Abuse Me, when you see the domain name. Since it says AbuseMe, you can be sure that the content is all about rough sex. Let me show you what they say about the platform: "Welcome to Abuse Me, the best 18+ teen abuse site on the web! Look, we made this site for one simple reason, We like to see teens treated like the dirty little sluts they are. So we scoured the earth for the cutest, tiniest, and sweetest 18+ teens of...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Aunt Monica

Author?s Note: This story is heavily inspired by another, called Summer Slave by Masteries. In particular there is one scene that was almost lifted from that story to transplant into this one: this is meant only as the highest form of flattery, as I found it so powerful upon first reading it and wondered what would happen if something similar happened to a girl with less?inhibited captors. Please send any comments to Goddess_Agony @ yahoo dot comChapter 1 ? New HomeAngela found herself staring...

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The Teacher Learns A Lesson Chapter 2

‘Oh, Erica, you have no idea. It is just wonderful being with you. It couldn’t be better.’ ‘You’re so sweet, Adam, I’d like to keep you around,’ she whispered and she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my back and pulled me tight into her. ‘I’ll never forget tonight, me being your first. It’s a first for me, I think. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a virgin guy before. That’s lovely,’ she murmured and I continued going in and out of her, the feelings getting better and better. I...

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Megan Learns to knock

Introduction: A sexless marriage leads to me getting sex by any means…… My wife Robyn, step-daughter Megan and I, Live in a two bed room apartment. Robyn and I have been married for a year now. Both Divorced. The first 7 months of date were great. Megan wasnt too fond of me and didnt approve of me and her mother. I once heard her and mother talking. Honey, Royce and I are getting pretty serious. Hes going to be around a lot more. Robyn would say. Why could you and dad work things out? Megan...

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Kleio Valentien 80 204000

Kleio Valentien was born in Austin, Texas, on January 15th, 1986. She spent her youth growing up on a farm in the suburbs. In the suburbs? I guess it wasn't a particularly large farm.From Vet Tech to Best BreastsAfter graduating high school, Kleio went to school to become a vet tech, which she did for a time, along with bartending. However, we all know what happens to church-going Texan farm girls: They end up sucking dick on camera for the joy of folks like me and my readership. Jesus ain't...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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The Reunion

My big sister and I had played around a bit when we were kids. OK maybe it started out as playing around but by the time we were in our late teens, we had taken it to every level you could imagine.Life happens and as much as I think we both enjoyed the interaction, we knew we were playing with fire. We'd both been seeing someone but when we got home, we were now fucking like our lives depended on it. Something had to give.I broke the news that I was moving out to get a place with a friend of...

4 years ago
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A Good Start Part 3

Autumn I exhaled deeply, my breath fogging the early morning air. It was that magical time of the morning when it isn’t quite light out, and everything is cast in dark shades of blue. Off to my left in the trees, I heard a bird sing out, signalling the start of a new day. I turned and resumed jogging down the path, speeding up as I neared my next stop. I was doing a circuit around the nature preserve, stopping at every clearing and doing some extra exercises. I love the Runner’s High I get...

1 year ago
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A New BeginingChapter 3

"Do not attempt to flee. Even if you succeed in doing so we can find you easily whenever we wish," Zira told the girl, who struggled for a moment more and then relaxed in defeat. "Your destiny lies with us and soon you, your sister, and your teacher must leave this planet with us. It is not possible for you to remain here any longer," Mev said to the girl. "But my mother is so sick, we can't leave here now," the girl protested. "We have knowledge of your mother. When we see her...

1 year ago
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Taxi Sofa Bedroom

Hors d'Ouerve He invited her to dinner the next day. Maybe they could go to this new Italian place, he said. Of course, she accepted. They would meet in the lobby at 6:30. In the cab, going uptown, they talked about work. His hand moved across the space between them during the conversation. As he spoke he began to draw circles on the back of her hand, circles that alternated with strokes. His touch was so light, like just breathing on her skin. It was, of course. exactly the way she touched...

2 years ago
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Gentle Baby Girl

"Very good sir. At this price she can be with you through the end of your business stay. You will find that all daily matters are taken care of and the principal concern is your enjoyment." "You took note of the picture I gave you?" "Indeed sir, we have done our best to provide you with the character and feature you requested. It is nothing less than we do for our best customers." "Pavla Matriona will be attending to the girl during your stay here at the Hotel...

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Mrs Parkers Massage Part I

Being the good girl that she always was, Margaret undressed as she was instructed, carefully folding her clothes and placing them on the chair.  She took the large bath towel and nervously wrapped herself in it and laid down on the massage table.Matthew gently knocked on the door and sweetly asked,  “Are you ready, Mrs. Parker?”“Yes, Matthew, I’m all set,” Margaret answered tenuously.Margaret never had a massage before.  But wanting to help her stepson’s friend, Matthew, she agreed.  She had...

4 years ago
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My crush turned into to my sex doll pt 1

This is a true story all of my stories are true unless said otherwise, It all started 9 years ago when i was 14 in summer school,i was very sexually experinced cuz i lost my virginity at 12 with a 18 year old and she taught me alot nd i learned from plenty of prn at the time. (i failed math lol). It was the first day of classes and i was already pissed that i was going to waist the the whole month of July of my summer , being stuck in a bullshit class, but that all changed very quickly when she...

3 years ago
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The lure of the older Woman

It was the start of our office Christmas party and me and some of my colleagues were in the lounge having a drink before going into the main dance hall. I was 17 and had started work the previous year with this company. Unfortunately I was unable to have a drink due to my age and my colleagues wouldn't sneak me a drink. However I found that I wasn't going to need to have a drink that night when my boss walked in looking absolutely stunning. Short silver dress, silky smooth legs and nice...

1 year ago
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Wife and lodger

My wife told me one evening that her friends boyfriend had been kicked out of his marital home and needed a spare room for about six weeks until he sorted out things and moved in with her friend. I was not over keen but knew it was pointless saying no. So John moved in the following day and went out for the evening on his returned we chatted and retired to bed. The next morning I left early for London and part forgot John was there. I wondered later how she would behave with him knowing her...

Cheating Wifes
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i used to work for a condo developer and some days were a biton the slow side. One day a friend of mine stopped by witha girl who had a crush on me. i liked her to so a mutual friendthought it would be nice to bring her buy at lunch time. therewasn't anyone on site except me that day and i offeredto give her a tour of the development we went over to the modelunit and i gave her a full tour.We had not gone out on a date yet but there was a mutual was really funny to think back on...

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Fucked My Apartment8217s Girl On Terrace

Hi readers i am Arun from Hyderabad. This story happened to me when I was in engineering (21 Yrs). To describe myself I am 5-8 height slim. Any lady will rate me 8 on a scale on 10 for my looks. I am a sports man so I look in good shape not in mussels but physic. I am fair and good looking guy. Let me come into the story which happened between me and my apartment’s girl. I was studying in engineering at that time and her name is Mounika. She was studying in Inter 2nd year (18 Yrs). They moved...

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My sons girlfriend

My stepson was living with a beautiful blonde girl called Shelby. I went around there one day to drop something off for his mom, while he was at work. Shelby invited me in for some coffee, and I graciously accepted, I would use any excuse to spend more time with this beautiful blonde specimen. We were chatting while we drank our coffee, and I asked Shelby what she saw in him. “Well, he is very sweet in his own way,” she replied, adding in a softer tone, “and he keeps me sexually satisfied, I am...

2 years ago
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Aunt Flo 2

Aunt Flo #2             Flo and Sam moved into a bigger house, closer to the truck terminal. It was also close to the Community College I was now attending. One Sunday when they were visiting us for a barbeque, Flo asked out loud for everyone to hear, “Allie-boy, why don’t you come to our new house one day next week. Come over and let me make you lunch. I’m not much of a cook, but it will be better then the school cafeteria.” We all laughed at her joke. Mom said, “Yeah, go. It will be good...

4 years ago
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Sari the taking Chapter 2

I recommend reading part 1 if you havent already I realize now that I did mess up the Shaw thing but it seems unnatural to change it now. Sorry this took so long it was the combination of life and writers block . ******************************************************************************************************************** She was woken by a whispered Sari, its time, you have to get up now. The naked breast resting on Saris shoulder as the girl leaned over her was an instant reminder of...

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my wife doesnt mind chapter 4

I didn’t expect my wife to be home as early as she did ,but was happy about what she did next. Claire was also surprised when she felt a hand on her shoulder then seeing my naked wife lay down beside me. “Hello “Cindy said, giving me a kiss then ran her hand up along Claire's cheek. “I probably should have warned you that hubby lasts a long time when he takes Viagra,”she said.Cindy then took a deep breath when she looked down under us .Seeing how slick my cock was from Claire’s juices...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon to remember

It was a hot summers day and I lay outside in the sun touching up with my tan. My name is Alexandra and I am 18 years old. My body has recently started to develop, I have dark brown hair which reaches half way down my back, my golden tanned skin glows in the sun, I have a dancer's ass to die for and very recently I have grown a really nice rack of tits. As I lay there in the sun I started to feel slightly dehydrated and decided to go inside to get a drink. As I entered the kitchen I saw my Dad...

3 years ago
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Spanked by Their Housekeeper

“What time do you call this Matthew?” Zofia snapped.   I froze. The last thing I wanted was an annoyed Zofia. Mind you, I knew she would be. She had told me, very clearly I had to admit, to be back home at 9 o’clock and here I was at 10.30 just walking through the door.   I turned and looked at Zofia, trying to be as respectful as possible. 26 years old, slim, tall, long dark hair, and one had to say attractive, from Poland . Zofia had been the housekeeper for Kayleigh’s Mother who was...

2 years ago
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My First night

This is a true story that I personally have experienced and wanted to share with like minded people. Thankyou.  The evening drew closer after work which had been busy and made me rather stressed. I work as a graphic designer/illustrator in a well known and respected company. I left my studio in London and drove the twenty minute journey that I make, day in day out, to my flat which I share with my loving and devoted fiancée. Marie and I have been together for three years and have known each...

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At The Gym

This is a true story and it happened back in January, Name of person has been changed. This will also be my first time writing a story so please bear with me if its got a few mistakes here and there and if it seems a bit rushed.A little about myself, im 19 years old and 5ft5, brown skinned with black hair and look very bear like with a lot of hair (due to my hair colour being black, the hair is more obvious on my brown skin) and im on the chubby side.AT THE GYMIt was nearly 2am on the 2nd of...

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A Night at the Beach

Beth stood on the beach watching the sunrise. Len stood a few feet away. Dawn was beautiful, especially at this spot and on this day. They had come up to this place around 4 after a night of dinner and dancing with the initial intention of just going for a quick swim. They weren’t really ‘a couple’ just very good friends who enjoyed many of the same things. They had met a few years prior but both had been in another relationship so it never worked out. Len was just getting over his latest...

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Secretary walks the walk of shame

Catherine has always been above everybody else in the office; after all she was the Personal Assistant to the boss. Immaculate make up, glowing red lipstick, blow dried hairstyle, tanned and every single day of the year without exception dressed in proper business attire. The typical high powered female business executive in a jacket and skirt, a blouse, shiny panties and fantastic high heels. Yes Catherine knows how to use every advantage of her heels, gaining a few inches in height to talk...

4 years ago
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Keeper of the House

Dr. Dina Corman, age 38, pulled up to the security gate at her hillside gated community and was greeted by the familiar face of Lendon, the long-time security guard of Trom Hills Estates. As he approached her car, he let Dina know that the woman who Dina was to interview was in fact waiting inside the Guard building. Dina tucked her dark auburn hair behind her ears, green eyes hidden behind dark rose sunglasses. Dina had been looking for a housekeeper (with some intelligence) for months and...

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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

4 years ago
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My Unexpected First Time With a Man

In the Arizona heat… It was Friday, the first day that I would be alone at home while my wife was on her trip. It was also the day that I timed a delivery of some clothing and accessories for a weekend of crossdessing and anal play. As I sat at work repeatedly checking the status of two shipments, one was a box of dildo’s, lube and anal plugs, and the other was filled with lingerie, a wig, and a couple pairs of heels. ‘Out For Delivery’ the status read… Out for delivery meant, I was going to be...

2 years ago
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Weekend at Home VN Bargirl Style

I had left the Security Force, and had EVERY Saturday off, and worked on Sunday, while the rest of the personnel were off every Sunday. I spent most of the day alone, until around noon, ( I was the Dispatcher, and Shop Foreman) when Linda would come to the gate, and I would sign her in, and she would keep me company until around 1700. As we were, MOST of the time, alone, we could pretty much do as we wished. THIS consisted of several trips to our "hidden" room and using the bed there, for...

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Raveena Tandon Twinkle Khanna Shilpa Shetty Pooja Batra and Rekha

Story by Anil Birju Raveena Tandon was pissed as hell. Oh yeah! That son of a bitch Akshay Kumar had taken her for a ride. Not just her, he had even bed Shilpa Shetty, Pooja Batra and Rekha and forgotten. The nerve of him to marry Twinkle Khanna! OK. Twinkle was a great lay. Raveena knew that. After all, it was Raveena who had first ‘coached’ Twinkle on the art of fucking directors to get a role. She was very fair in colour, almost white like milk, with big boobs and a great big ass. Raveena...

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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds Eliza Ibarra Liz Jordan My Mistress Part 2

Eliza Ibarra lives with her girlfriend roommates Anna Claire Clouds and Liz Jordan. All three girls are into each other, as well as their live-in sub Quinton James. Quinton has just prepared an excellent meal for the three of them, and though Anna claims she can’t eat another bite she’s quick to admit she could handle dessert. Eliza announces that both Anna and Liz are on her personal dessert menu. Turning to Liz, Eliza asks what she would like. Although Liz is shy, she eventually...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 4

Galvin sat on the cliff side with his legs dangling as he sat overlooking the city. It was a very prosperous city that originally had been a town that was built against the side of a cliff so that it could only be raided from one direction, and all the defenses had been developed to protect from that direction. But over the years the town had grown, as well as changes in modern warfare. Now if someone wanted to give the city a good pasting they could do it in relative safety from where he...

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ManThat Hurts

My Name Is Diana Jenkins,I Am 19 Years Old,I Heard On The News Today That 'The Birch' Has Finally Been Banned On The Isle Of Man-And Am I Glad It Finally Has Been!I Am One Of The Last Few Girls To Have Felt Its Sting-I Still Have Nightmares To This Day About It!There Are Still Some Small Scars That It Left That I Can See On My Buttocks And Thighs-Like Tiny Wriggling Little Worms- I Fear That I Will Carry Then With Me Till The Day I Die!The Events That Led To This Life Changing Experience Began...

3 years ago
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Cock Craving Gay

I had just gotten out of a long relationship with my ex girlfriend and had moved into a nice townhouse in another town. In the past I had sex with a few guys and I knew from these encounters that I really enjoy servicing men. There is something about the power that a hard cock projects that get's me on my knees and begging. For years, I kept these thoughts and memories tucked away inside my head. I would fantasize about it often, but never act and was a completely straight acting, masculine...

2 years ago
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Tending The Gardens Part II

Just as she had suspected then, it was his intention to initiate some form of sensual fore-play all along. His sideways glances were not imagined at all. What a titillating offering and imaginative ploy to draw her in, she thought. Now this was some opportunity for a most unusual liaison and one she wasn't about to forego. How long had it been since she had this kind of opportunity? That's right… like never? These thoughts kept her occupied as her hands continued to explore her own heated...

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Too Much LoveChapter 84

Althea Crenshaw loved to fly. When she’d first taken her job with Jayanesia Health and Hospitals, she’d been trepidatious about the idea of getting into a helicopter and traveling all over the island chain that made up her recently-adopted country with so little between her and a long plummet to the Earth, but it had quickly become a favorite part of her job - so much so that she’d been learning to fly the craft herself in her spare time and on her own dime. There was just so much beauty to...

3 years ago
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My swamy 2

The next day there was a bit of akwardness between me and aunty as I knew I had bedded her husband taking him to the heights of ecastacy all night and also because I was sore all over.Akhil had devoured my young firm body like a hungry animal and I had to walk with my legs apart for all the day. After Akhil left for the day aunty made me sit next to her and thanked me with tears in her eyes for saving the situation.”Now you will stay like his wife every night Chitra, take some rest so that you...

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The Neighborhood MILF Cherry

There is a woman that isn’t exactly part of our neighborhood, but deserves mention with all of my other sex-starved friends. Cherry is a house sitter and dog walker for an elderly couple down the street. She’s only around for a few months in the winter when the Mitchells are making their home in the warm weather of Scottsdale, Arizona.The Russian beauty with the unmistakable silky black bangs and slender body is quite a hit with many guys on the block, especially with her sexy broken accent....

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Deaf Becomes Her

Deaf Becomes Her By Susan Brown It was dark and wet. I knew it was dark because I had my eyes open and I couldn't see a thing. I knew it was wet because the rain was pouring down like it was time for Noah to get out the inflatable. I was in the back garden of a Mr. Roland Deaf's residence. He was a quiet man with no unusual habits. My job was to watch his every move and report back to his fianc?e, a Miss Trixie Havalot any unusual, kinky or downright weird things that he m...

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New powers

I don't find the back story too important, so I mean to get to the fucking pretty quickly. As this story is written I will revise it as necessary. Continuity will probably be more general than anything, changing the rules a bit for the sake of writing out a specific fantasy of mine is likely to happen in a number of chapters. If I make any changes you don't like you can contact me and I'll see what I can do about rewriting again or including your concerns elsewhere in the story. I'm also...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Beach Fun 2

Beach fun ch2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The ice well and truly broken, the air of anticipation was still there, us all being highly charged it seem inevitable that more would could, should happen yet , and we didnt have to wait long Phillippa is a live wire, she gorgeous and very sharp but witty with it, enabling...

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The Island chapter 110

hell broke loose. The two boys lunged at each other and began to fight. Jimmy realized that this was no ordinary boy fight. It looked as if the two boys wanted to kill each other. The two boys battled each other, causing much blood to fly, until finally one boy fell to the ground, and then staid there. The winner went over to the looser, and challanged him to get up. The defeated boy looked up at the winner and grunted something. The fight was over, and the looser had admitted his...

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Laceys Big Day

Sissy Slave Lacey's Big Day As this is the first story I'll have submitted to Fictionmania, I should start off by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Lacey Bottoms. I'm 36 years old, and have been cross dressing for as long as I can remember. I've always enjoyed dressing sexy, even a little slutty. In the last few years I've also developed an appreciation for dressing as a bit of a sissy. I love the ultra feminine look of pink ruffled panties, full fashion stockings and...

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