Dea s fault
- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
In a neglected garden all you see is grass and weeds and an occasional wildflower. Juliana knew gardens like that, back home. Stubborn plots with hard, parched soil, resisting the plough that broke their surface.
"You ruined dress."
Juliana opened her eyes slowly. Thank God the lights were low. She looked around and saw she was in the bed that had been given to her. Next to it she detected the smallish figure of Mei, the Asian girl. She held up a limp silvery piece of garment; it was almost torn in two. She frowned, which looked comical on her round porcelain face.
"Sorry," Juliana said, her jaw aching as she shaped the word. She sat up on her elbows. It made the sheet slide off her chest; she was naked.
"You take shower and go to sleep," the Asian girl said, turning to leave the room.
"I'm still hungry!" Juliana called after her, but Mei had already left the room.
Juliana crawled out of the bed to find a bottle of chilled water. The icy liquid soothed her parched throat. It ran down the insides of her chest like a river's delta to fill her empty stomach. He shivered and sank to the floor next to the refrigerator – her back to the wall.
My God, she had to leave this place. These men were barbarians, doctors or not. And then to think she'd thought Charrier was not too bad, really.
The hot water in the tub felt like heaven, relaxing her muscles and bringing peace to the turmoil in her head. She inhaled the sweet perfume and blew tiny mountains of foam from her open hand.
She knew things were wrong – horribly and disgustingly. But even then there were things she could easily get used to – fond of even. She loved the way Mei treated her, making her feel beautiful. She'd loved being with Ellis, finding something she'd never had – friendship. She liked John, the butler. He seemed to care for her within the limits of his position. And what she loved secretly and darkly and guiltily was her body's response to the sexual novelties she experienced. She'd never admit it, she'd bite off her tongue before saying it – but she knew it was the truth.
She also knew that she should resist, be tough like the neglected gardens back home. She should protect her integrity against these dizzying seductions.
But her body had a mind of itself. It instinctively knew there would be wonderful things to come, once she opened up to them – delicious treats and ecstatic marvels. She ran a hand over her slick, soaked belly, finding her slightly swollen lips and the little knob at their top. She rubbed it softly.
Then there was a knock on her door.
"Supper, ma'am, just a little bite." It was the butler's voice. She sighed. Good old John.
"Thank you, John," she said, hearing how the bathroom added echo to her voice.
She waited till he was gone and got out of the tub, wrapping her dripping body in the wide, fluffy robe – another thing she could get used to.
Supper was light and tasty; no doubt leftovers from the dinner she'd missed – spicy chicken wing and steamed vegetables; a bit of cheese and lovely fresh bread. She only drank half a glass from the small carafe of red wine. Then she rose and brushed her hair. She removed the last of her make up, rubbed cream into her face and cleaned her teeth before slipping into the short black negligée – the only nightwear present. Sighing she slipped between the silk sheets, intent on forgetting the bad, and dream of the good. She leafed through a Vogue for a minute, and was asleep before she even knew what she'd read.
Waking up in the night can be a scary experience, especially when something wakes you up – a bump, a sound. Someone's in your room, by your bed, breathing on you.
Juliana woke with a start. There was a dim light on – the small reading lamp she hadn't turned off. Trying to focus, she saw a pale blob floating a few feet above her bed. It turned into a face – a male face. It was the perfect nightmare. She screamed. A hand reached down to cover her mouth. It only fueled her panic.
"Shhh, Mrs. Austin," a voice said from the foot of the bed. "Don't panic; you know us all." It was the doctor's voice, dripping with honey. The hand left her mouth. She looked around; there were more faces. Faces she'd seen only hours ago.
There was her tanned table-companion: 'call me Vince.' She knew more of him than just his face. Next to him was the foul-mouthed surgeon – Greene, she remembered. His lips curled into a sneer; maybe they always did. Then she saw Charrier with his gleaming jowls, at the foot of the bed. He was like a ghost against the darkness behind him.
Fleming was present too, of course, and another dinner guest she'd forgotten the name of. Five faces she counted, all looking down on her. They still wore their jackets and white dress-shirts, although the bow ties had been undone or lost. She smelled cigars, alcohol too.
A hand pulled the sheets off of her. Cool air tightened her nipples. She knew that the short negligée did little to hide her body.
"Mrs. Austin," Dr. Charrier said, his voice low and friendly. "Would you please give these gentlemen a better view of your lovely body? No need to hide it."
Juliana's eyes flew to his face. He smiled and nodded, but she felt paralyzed. She was tired; why couldn't they just leave her alone?
A hand cupped her right breast, rubbing the flimsy gauze over its nipple and skin. Another hand found her left breast. And yet another slid under the negligée's hem.
"No," she said, making the word float on a sigh. A murmur of chuckles ran around her bed. The hands increased their pressure; a finger slipped inside her vagina. Then there was a tearing sound – the fabric of her negligée split to expose her naked body.
Juliana knew she should resist – she even thought she wanted to. But all she did was wriggle under the probing hands, repeating her 'no's' in ever-decreasing whispers.
There was no longer any fabric between the mauling hands and her breasts. Her clitoris was being pinched, while fingers ran in and out of her vagina. A thumb entered her mouth, just as she opened it in protest.
"Good girl, Mrs. Austin," the voice from the foot of the bed commented. "Now please raise your dainty right hand and find the present we brought you."
Once more she wanted to resist, but her hand left the place where it had halfheartedly tried to stop the big male hand ravaging her vagina. It rose to meet another hand that led her to an erect penis.
"Take it, Mrs. Austin," the voice went on. "Hold it and make it grow. Make it throb and discover how much it loves you."
The hand opened her fingers and placed them around the rod. It was at once soft and hard – it throbbed and it glowed. Feeling it sent a thrill to her heart – a sensation she hated as much as she loved it.
Another hand took her left hand, opened it and then closed it over a penis that was as hard and thick as the first one. She moved her hands up and down before she knew what she was doing: she automatically imitated the rhythm of the fingers that plowed inside her.
"Mmmm, yes," the voice hissed. "I knew it. You are a natural, Mrs. Austin. Now move your body just like you move your hands. Up ... down ... and round and churn and twist ... and up and down, yes. Very good, Mrs. Austin."
The buzz returned, and it drowned the ongoing voice – just like it drowned her thoughts. The pumping fingers in her vagina were replaced by a wet, sucking mouth and an intruding tongue. But it wasn't her vagina, she remembered, it was her pussy, her cunt, and she moaned, arching her back. When she was like this, she had tits and a cunt, and that was fine. Nothing mattered now, really, did it? She could do ... nothing. Everything was ... as it was. Wasn't it?
Was it her hand that pulled the penis to her mouth, or did the man push his cock and make her do it? Who knew? Who wanted to know? Fact was that the cock in her right hand reached her mouth at the exact moment she opened her lips. Its head slid up her tongue and she sucked on it. She knew she had to suck it – and that she wanted it. She knew things were as they were supposed to be.
When the man on her left rubbed the wet, drooling tip of his penis over her brow and eyes and bulging cheek, she turned his way, letting the first cock pop out before she took the new guest in.
Juliana had become the center of an orgy, although she didn't know it was called that way. She sucked on ever-changing cocks and was sucked herself until her entire being sang with soundless music. Her mouth tried to moan the words to that song – on the few occasions it wasn't occupied. Her wriggling, bending, arching body did the ballet.
Juliana Enders had by then lost touch with reality –as had Mrs. Austin. It hardly occurred to her that the penetrating tongue had grown in length, width and firmness. That it had taken on a piston-like ferocity she'd never experienced before. She felt stretched, very much stretched, but there was no pain; she felt full, penetrated deeper than ever. The pounding was like beating a drum. It set the rhythm to an overwhelming music that invaded her body from all sides.
The orgy became a merry-go-round that robbed her of sense and focus. Cocks entered and withdrew from her mouth and hands; they also filled and left her pussy with a speed that made it impossible to tell who was visiting her or when. She was man handled and shared. Her body was shoved around and touched, mauled and kneaded. But who cared anymore? The crescendo of the music crashed her into a debilitating orgasm – but she was already climbing to a new one.
Hands pulled Juliana up to her knees, and when they let her down again, she lay on the slick flesh of a male body. A hard cock once more entered her throbbing pussy to nudge her on to yet another climax, while her mouth and hand were filled with silky-skinned iron. She pulled and sucked and rode without a thought in her mind – or a care in the world. Then another sweaty, naked body lowered itself on top of her, and a new and alarming sensation tore her sweet cloud of oblivion away. Something blunt pressed against an opening, and it wasn't her vagina – it was her anus.
It had taken Juliana all her childhood and teenage life to associate men's penises with women's vaginas. It had taken her only days to associate male penises with her hands and mouth. And it took this villa to teach her there was sick and crazy pleasure in all of this. But never in her entire life had she associated sex with her anus.
The blunt object pressed against the tight ring; she tried to close it against the intrusion.
"Relax, Mrs. Austin," Charrier's voice insisted. It had been gone from her consciousness, just like most everything had, but here it was again – soothing, instructing and encouraging. "Relax your sphincter. Trust me. Allow the finger entrance. It will be wonderful."
The body under her laid almost still, its fat cock filling her. Her mouth let go of the penis she sucked. She tried to protest, but a tongue filled her mouth with a deep kiss.
The object was a finger, and it slipped in. It felt wrong, but exhilarating; it was alien to what she'd ever felt. The finger was wet and slippery. It started poking and swirling around in her bowels, spreading warmth. Soon a second finger accompanied it. She knew her opening got stretched, but everything felt slick and oily – there was no pain.
The man below kept kissing her; he took up the fucking again. His cock rubbed the fingers through the membrane that separated her two entrances. It felt intimate and shockingly strange. She moaned into the man's mouth, feeling her tongue vibrate with the sound. Then something very big nudged her anus, pushing to enter. She gasped.
"Relax now, Mrs. Austin. Just let go."
She felt a finger rubbing her clitoris while the cock inside her pussy increased its rhythm. Lips were sucking her left nipple; nails tweaked the right one. A new ball of heat grew inside her belly. It started roiling and rolling towards another orgasm. Her breath got stuck; she closed her eyes.
"If you resist there will be pain, honey," the voice went on. "We don't want to hurt you. Please let go; let it happen and all will be fine."
Tears ran down her face. She shuddered. Resisting the penetration of her anus seemed to stimulate her orgasm. She cried out, losing control when she came, and the cock rammed into her slackened anus.
It started pounding her at once in a place she'd never even thought she could be penetrated. But she floated on her orgasm; the fucking just kept her high. Her body felt like a hot wire connecting every spot that was on fire. She virtually crackled and sparkled. She didn't exist anymore; she was just an arch of electricity, glowing and pulsating in the dark.
Maybe she might remember later how she was fucked in the ass by several cocks – or being spit-roasted in her mouth and anus. Maybe she even might recall being fucked in all her openings at once. But right now she was just coming and coming. Her body twisted and twitched with spasms. Her voice was reduced to croaking moans and high-pitched gasping.
When everything stopped, she remembered lying stretched on the ruins of her bed, covered in sweat. Her eyes were wide open to watch four fists jerking off four cocks, right over her face.
"Open your mouth, please, Mrs. Austin," the omnipresent voice droned on. "Open it wide, you earned it." She did, and one after the other the cocks started spewing hot strands of goo on her face and chest. Some of it splashed into her mouth. Then more sperm followed as the next cock emptied itself on her face.
Juliana moaned and closed her eyes. There seemed to be no end to the spewing.
"Clean them up, please, Mrs. Austin. Thank the wonderful cocks for their gift."
She looked through the stinging haze covering her eyes. Her hand found a spent cock and she took it into her mouth, licking it and sucking. She smelled its scent and tasted its bittersweet tang.
"Say thanks, Mrs. Austin," the voice reminded her, and she mumbled her thanks before her mouth was filled with yet another leaking cock.
Then all was over and she was alone. Or was she?
Big hands slid under her soiled body. Strong arms lifted her up and carried her through the dimly lit room. She floated, both her mind and her body. The air got warm around her – warm and moist and utterly sweet.
The steaming water in the bathtub enclosed her. She felt a big sponge cleaning her skin. All tension left her muscles. The sobbing she heard was her own.
"Now, now, Mrs. Austin," the voice said. "No need to cry. My friends feel greatly pleasured. You did very well, my splendid little whore. You should feel proud."
Soft lips kissed her brow.
"You have good body; good and strong."
The voice hung in the air, somewhere over Juliana's head. Her face was circled by a leather-lined hole in the bench she lay on. Hands were kneading her shoulders – they were Mai's small but surprisingly strong hands.
Juliana had been sleeping long and deep, right from the moment they had laid her down on the crispy fresh sheets of her bed. When she got up, there wasn't a muscle in her body that didn't ache. Even her face and the skin of her skull throbbed with it.
How they knew she'd woken up was a mystery, but as soon as she sat up, there was a knock on the door. A girl she'd never seen brought in a tray of breakfast.
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A 23 year old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long term thing as it was only five weeks while I was waiting for my new condominium to be ready after my apartment lease ran out. I had an excellent relationship with my parents calling them Ma and Pa even though I didn't grow up in the country. Home was the bustling town of Kansas City.I would shortly be moving into a condo in Crown Center a very high brow...
Hello to all the beautifully hot and stunningly sexy babes out there. My name is Aditya Bhargav. I am 24 years old. I am from Bengaluru and currently working in an MNC company. I am always horny. I jerk off thinking about women 3-4 times and still maintain hardness at the end of the day. My ‘brother’ is erect most of the time. I am blessed with very good stamina. I am about to get into a live-in relationship along with friends with benefits. So wish me all the best ladies. I am going to narrate...
IncestIt’s another great day to be by the pool; Gracie loves the water and can’t wait to get wet. So she gets in the pool and starts playing in the water and playing with her pussy. Peter notices the fun and joins in. He Helps her warm up her pussy. She loves it and begs for his cock. She sucks it passionately. He rattles her pussy with his dick. They have powerful underwater fucking. She moves to the deck to get that dick. Peter can’t hold it in any longer. He nuts all over her...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: These two young girls find someone to show them everything. Hey Mister, the voice asks as I sit propped up against a tree in the park near the highway. I had just hitched 50 miles or so that morning and was leaning against my pack in the shade resting for the hot part of the day. I looked up and two girls were standing in front of me. The taller one was a blond with shoulder length straight hair. She was probably around 14 and her tight t-shirt really pronounced her orange sized...
This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story, and although it does contain graphic sexual descriptions; it is the continuation of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. I hope you enjoy. It was Saturday evening. The previous evening, James and Ruth had spent a pleasant time...
MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 1 Jeremy opened the door of the big red barn. The warm afternoon summer sun spilled into the dim dusty interior. Dust motes danced in the light as Jeremy let his eyes adjust to the dark interior. A horse to the right nearby nickered and a cow further back in the barn mooed its welcome to him. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw where the hay was stacked near the back of the barn and a door to a room in front of that. The door...
Chapter 23 As soon as Linda had left Stephanie spoke up again. "Marcy, minthe over to the bed right now. We have no more time to wathte. You heard my mommy the doethn't want to get dithapointed and I thwear if you dithapoint you won't only have to fear whatever the has in mind," Stephanie threatened with the crop in hand. Maybe if Marcy did a good job she would be relieved of her daily sessions with those delivery driver, at least on the days Marcy worked here. Knowing her...
Scooter hadn't told Jim the story of Randy and Nicole and his frustration about her getting away while he wasn't able to -- it just wasn't a story she thought she ought to tell, for whatever reason or another, and she also doubted that it was common knowledge among the customers. As it was, it was a couple days before she could get Nicole off to the side quietly, sitting on the back of a raft in the evening with a beer in her hand and ask gently about it. "Scooter, I don't know if I was...
Busty Blonde Blake Blossom is beating off at home when she’s interrupted by a knock at her door. Quickly she puts her pussy and tits back out of sight and opens the door to find a doctor on the other side. Although she wants to send him away, the doctor insists that he must do a check-up in order for her to return to work. So, Blake—being the young slut that she is—takes the opportunity to seduce the doctor. After finding out that she doesn’t have COVID-19, the stud doctor dips his stick into...
xmoviesforyouAfricanLesbians! What’s black on black on black and pink inside? A couple of African Lesbians scissoring while one of them gets her face ridden by another sexy ebony chick. I came up with that joke and thought it was pretty fucking funny, but it got me escorted off stage when I tried to tell it at my local coffeeshop’s open mic comedy night. I’m not sure if it’s because they have no sense of humor or because I accidentally started touching myself on stage. I just get all horny, even thinking...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesMay?s White Whore By Sergius I I had always thought that I was liberated. I grew up in New York City in the early twentieth century. My mother and father ran a business that made "foundations". No, not building foundations, but women's undergarments. My mother was very talented. Not only did many of the city's upper class wear her undergarments, but many of the women who worked in burlesque and other theatres sought her out to design and sew their costumes, what little there was of them....
Hello readers! This is Manoj back again with another story of mine. First of all, I should thank this site which helped me in getting laid. This is my story with one of my readers who was already married. She (Mayuri) is the second reader whom I fucked. Let us get into the story. I am Manoj, aged 24 from Hyderabad. I am currently pursuing my MBA in Hyderabad. I have been introduced to the world of sex at a very young age. I was a regular writer. I used to get many responses for appreciating my...
Emily was stiff with tension. All of her worst nightmares were coming true. She had come to trust Mike, and to find out that he was involved in this somehow, frightened her. Who could she trust? ‘I thought that something had happened to you,’ her lips quivered giving the impression that she was about to cry. He took a seat on the bed beside her bound body. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips in reassurance, and gave her one of those smiles that had always made her heart flip....
The following story is about 20% true. I've obviously changed the names of the people involved. This is a collection of real events, fantasy and experiences that I really wanted to happen. I'm certainly not a writer; so please forgive the typos and/or mistakes. If you like what I've written... great, if you don't, that's cool. Comments, constructive or otherwise from fellow deviates are always welcome....
I was just imagining that you were sitting in a sauna on your own when a couple came in and sat down opposite you. As they start to kiss you notice that their hands are starting to wander and you are unsure about whether to stay or go. As he eases her bikini top down and starts to kiss her breasts she catches your eye and smiles reassuringly, so you decide to stay. As he teases her nipples with his mouth her hand runs up his thigh and squeezes the bulge in his trunks and you can't help noticing...
VoyeurIt had been five days since Christina had signed the contract, and she was uncomfortable. She was sweaty, her hair was greasy, her stomach was queasy from a diet of mainly Pop-Tarts and bottled water, her legs and armpits were hairy, and her neck ached from sleeping on the couch. The city was in the midst of a heat-wave, so Master’s stipulation against bathing was even more unpleasant. The hours seemed like days in the silent heat of her little studio apartment, with her laptop as her only...
"I Take it he never found a cure." Asked Annabelle. "It wasn't as simple as just finding a cure." Replied Lulu, "In places like Chrystal Heights, if the wrong person wants something to be permanent then there wasn't much you could do about." "And you had been changed permanently?" "We didn't know. Michael's team at Venus Industries performed every type of test imaginable, both medical and sexual. When I wasn't being fucked until my ass turned blue with my body strapped up to...
Jennifer's Birthday party I came home from work and Jennifer did not look happy as she usually did. She comes over to me and places her arms around my neck and hugs me . Hello Daddy how was your day at work today it was good angel thank you. How is daddy's little lady today not good daddy I'm sad today . I need to talk to you it's important I went and sat in my favorite chair. I motioned for her to come over angel here please sit on dad's lap . we will talk about...
The Shootist by Arcie Emm Ivar Bandle shared one thought with the men amongst whom he walked, that being a mutual distrust bordering upon outright hate. They saw him as an outsider here to destroy their way of life, while he saw their way of life as something worth destroying. It made his patrol rife with danger, for he knew they were a pack of macho shit heads. You never knew when one of them was going to try and prove the size of his stones. It may not happen this patrol or the...
Sunlight streamed through the open window of Francis’ kitchen on a beautiful autumn day. The temperature was mild and a light breeze blew through the open window, carrying the scents of fresh fruit and warm oatmeal throughout the humble abode. Classic “big band” jazz music blared from a radio on the counter as Jessica and Francis sat at the kitchen table with a chess board in between them. The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica...
Introduction: A random encounter in a hotel proves more than expected. What would you say to a glass of wine, lonely lady? I sighed as I looked up from my book to see a stereotypical salesman standing in front of my table, a smug smile on his face. Id had a few approaches as I sat there but none quite as sleazy as this one, and I couldnt help the sarcasm rising in my answer. Erm&hellip, feck off, glass? The man looked astonished and beat a hasty retreat, not understanding the humour in my...
Christ - Version 1 Par TFancred. Dimanche D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours ?t? le plus grand de ma classe. D?j?, ? la petite ?cole, je d?passais mes camarade d'une bonne t?te. ? l'?poque, je ne peux pas dire que j'?tais particuli?rement studieux. On pourrait dire que je pr?f?rais l'?ducation physique ? l'?ducation elle-m?me. Ce n'est qu'? la fin de mes ann?es de licey que j'ai d?cid? qu'il serait peut-?tre temps de me reprendre en main. Bon, ma situation n'avait rien de catastrophique, mais je devais ...
On the last day of July we all packed in my Jeep grand cherokee and drove about six hours up to our house. The drive there wasn't too exciting, my parents were talking about politics or something, and Sam and Rebecca were fast asleep since it was early morning. Dave and I were texting each other about what we were going to do when we get there, because we didn't want my parents to hear and drive right back home. "We have to go crazy while we're here, like non- stop." I texted him...