Stalked Ch. 5 free porn video

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Emily was stiff with tension. All of her worst nightmares were coming true. She had come to trust Mike, and to find out that he was involved in this somehow, frightened her. Who could she trust? ‘I thought that something had happened to you,’ her lips quivered giving the impression that she was about to cry.

He took a seat on the bed beside her bound body. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips in reassurance, and gave her one of those smiles that had always made her heart flip. ‘Mike, what do you have to do with all this?’ she asked barely above a whisper. ‘Please tell me that this is some terrible mistake,’ she pleaded. This time the tears ran unheeded down her cheeks.

‘Shh. Angel don’t cry. I don’t want to hurt you. I will explain everything,’ he stroked her hair as if she were something very precious. He leaned over once more, this time to run his tongue along the wetness on her face where the tears had fallen. Emily turned her head away. She felt so torn. How was it possible that this man who had brought her so much fear and anxiety, bring her the pleasure that she felt? He sighed heavily and got to his feet. ‘Okay, I guess I should start at the beginning, and be patient, this is a long story, but I’m sure you’ll realize how you come into all of this soon.’ He raked his hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration, as if to gather his thoughts. Emily waited silently for him to begin his story. Mike paced the floor up and down before taking a seat next to her once more.

‘Well, as I told you, my father died when I was nine. We had always had a comfortable existence. Dad earned the living and Mom stayed at home and kept house. Mom was one of those women, who let the man do everything. Dad controlled the finances, and ruled the household. Mom was content to let him, so when he died, it was a bit of a shock to discover that my dad had kept a mistress. He had set this woman up in her own house and had apparently bought her expensive gifts. It had drained his resources. Our house was heavily mortgaged, and dad had been in debt. Mom’s only option was to sell the house but with all the bills that were owed there was barely anything left for us to live on. For the first few months, we lived like nomads, moving from relative to relative. When we out stayed out welcome in one place we would move on to the next place,’ he paused for a moment as if in reflection. His mouth twisted in an ironic smile.

Reluctantly Emily’s heart went out to him. She could not imagine growing up in those circumstances. Sensing her pity, his jaw tightened rigidly and he continued with his story. ‘Anyway, Mom did what she could, taking a job here and there, mostly cleaning people’s homes and working in a grocery store as a cashier. We were able to move into an apartment of our when Mom was able to say up enough money, but of course the neighborhood was a pretty shabby affair as was the apartment we lived in. It was pretty trashy, homeless people sleeping openly on the pavement, hookers on the street corners, the blare of constant police sirens. Mom busted her ass trying to make ends meet by taking on yet another job. Steve and I helped out all we could too. Steve got a paper route, and he didn’t have a bike so he would get up around three in the morning, to get the papers delivered a but risky for a twelve year old especially in that neighborhood. I would run little errands for a local shop keeper and he gave me twenty dollars a week. It wasn’t much most of it went towards groceries and she let me keep five so I could get a school lunch. Sometimes that school lunch was my only meal that day.

‘Mom was proud that she was able to keep us off welfare although we didn’t have much. Steve and I both hated it, but we never let Mom know because sometimes when she didn’t think either one of us was looking, she would cry. It tore me and my brother to see her like that but there really wasn’t a lot that we could do. Things went on like this for about a year and then Mom met Robin. I don’t know how they met but meeting her, had changed our circumstances for the better. It was Robin, that had made the suggestion that Mom could be making more money for doing less work, if you catch my drift,’ Emily could only stare back at him blankly.

‘Oh, yes, I forgot that you were such a babe in the woods. Well, to make the picture a bit clear, Robin, ran a house of ill repute. A whore house. Of course I didn’t discover this until much later on, but anyway Mom started working in that house. And just as Robin had said, Mom was making more money. We were soon able to move into a bigger apartment in a nicer neighborhood, and Steve and I didn’t have to work anymore because Mom was making good money. Very good money. She said that she cleaned offices buildings, and in our ignorance we believed her. Mom worked nights but we saw her in the day time, and I had a pretty good life. Steve and I didn’t want for anything. Robin would come and visit us often and I believe that she was my first real crush. She was a goddess, a long mane of chestnut hair, and beautiful green eyes….kind of like you actually. She was stunning. She was a big flirt and she’d make me blush all the time. I offered to marry her, but of course she told me that she would wait for me until I was a proper age. Steve was a little in love with her too,’ he laughed.

Emily wished that he would get to the point and soon, because her muscles were beginning to ache from being tied up and she couldn’t see what any of this had to do with her. As if reading her mind he began to need her limbs, ‘Patience little one. It’s all part of the story. It wasn’t until I was about fifteen and Steve was eighteen when we found out the truth about Mom. Everything was cool, I was a sophomore, in high school, Steve was taking classes at a community college and was assistant manager at a gym. Life was pretty good. One night when all three of us were home, which was a rare thing, there was a loud banging on the door. I was the first one to the door, and when I opened it, Robin, collapsed in my arms.

‘Mom was screaming and Steve was talking about calling the police. Robin, as weak as she was, was very firm about not calling the police. She was a messed both of her eyes had been blacked and blood was running out of her mouth, she was missing some teeth, and she had bruises all over her face and body from what we could tell. Mom said that we would put her up for as long as she needed to stay. Steve and I didn’t know what to make of it, but neither of us said anything about it. Robin stayed with us for a couple of weeks. It was on that last night that she stayed with us that we learned the truth. I had come home that day from school, and Robin and Mom were waiting on the couch for me. They told me to take a seat so we could wait for Steve. He came home, not long after, and it was Robin, who began to tell us, about the type of business she ran.

‘Like mom, she had a family to support and her husband had left her in a financial bind when he had died. That was one of the bonds she had with Mom apparently, anyway she told us how she had started out turning tricks to feed her children, and how one of her johns suggested the idea of her opening up her own service. She ran with that idea, with the help of the john who financed for her. Well, business was good but unfortunately she lost her children. She didn’t say how, and we didn’t ask because it seemed a raw subject to her. Anyway, she had gone on to say how she had met Mom and had gotten her involved in the business and how they became good friends. It was then she explained that a john had gotten a little rough with one of the girls, and she had gotten involved which was how she had gotten beaten up. There was no way she could go to the police with it in her line of business. Steve and I sat there stunned wondering how Mom could have done this.

‘It was then that Mom explained that she agreed to go into a partnership of sorts with Robin, and she wouldn’t be turning tricks anymore. As if th
at was supposed to make us proud! Can you fathom that? She then had told us as boldly as she pleased that she wanted our support. I was just floored because I didn’t know how to react at first. Steve stormed out of the apartment without a backwards glance, and we didn’t see him for days after that. I pretty much kept out of the house as much as I could coming home only for meals and sleep. I knew that it was hurting Mom the way we treated her, but we were hurting too. It was Robin who finally made us see what a sacrifice my mother had made for us. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to put food on the table. She then went on to explain that the partnership would not be the two of them running a whorehouse, but then going into a whole different direction in the sex industries. As opposed to selling their sexual favors, they would be selling sex. They had an idea to start an adult catalogue service. Have you ever heard of that before?’ He asked.

Emily shook her head.

‘Oh yes, you are an innocent aren’t you? But after tonight, you won’t be,’ he promised. She shivered involuntarily. The veiled threat should have frightened her, especially since she didn’t know how this story would end. His comment had the opposite affect and excited her to the extreme. She could feel a wetness seeping from between her legs. His eyes followed her squirming lower body. He smiled as his hand moved downward from her taunt belly to her swollen pussy lips. He squeezed them slightly and Emily instinctively bucked up against his hand. he played with the folded until slipping his forefinger inside, making her gasp in pleasure. He slid it in and out, loving the way her muscles clinched around his finger. ‘I am going to love sliding this cock in that tight cunt of yours,’ he murmured. Emily grew wetter, as she watched in amazement as he removed his finger and inserted it in his mouth. ‘Mmmm,’ he relished the taste of her, ‘and you taste good too.

She blushed furiously. He stood up and then began to pace the room. ‘Okay, back to the story. Now where was I…..? Oh..yes, well, I didn’t understand this thing either but Robin had taken some business courses when she was in school. Steve, and I eventually forgave Mom and things were cool again. The four of us got a house with the money Robin and her had saved up over the years. They started their business in our basement. You know about LL Bean of course, well this catalogue was like that but, it featured adult aides like dildoes, vibrator, whips, porn videos. The first year was a bit of a struggle for them, but to everyone’s surprise, it was a wild success.

‘By this time we all moved into a huge house. Steve got into the business, and when I turned eighteen, they asked me if I would be in it. I worked with them, but my heart wasn’t really in it at the time, so I went to school, and started working on my teaching degree. That my dear is the family business. Most people wouldn’t admit to having heard of us, but a lot them have. We’re international now,’ he said proudly.

‘But what does that have to do with me?’ she finally voiced the question that was on her mind.

‘Listen and you will find out. One of my first girlfriends in college was into the kinky stuff, I mean like S and M. I won’t get into another long drama about it, but she gave me a taste for it, and I haven’t gone back since. I find that I like the be the dominator. I found a club that I meet people who enjoy my lifestyle as well, ordinary people by day, but we gather every now and then I have for a little fun. There are about eight people in this little club, excluding myself, two males, four females. I believe that you’ve met Zeke.’

Emily’s eyes widened trying to comprehend what she was telling him. ‘Ah I see that you’re trying to figure out how this all fits together. Well, I didn’t start this little thing until after we met so let me tell you where this all comes in. I was substituting at your school and I was stunned when I saw you. I was bowled over. You looked like Robin, but a younger version and I couldn’t help wondering why you always seemed to melt in the background because you were such a beautiful girl. Against my better judgment, I asked you out. I knew that I shouldn’t but you intrigued me. You turned me down but that was okay, that night I was talking to mom on the phone and I told her all about you and your uncanny resemblance to Robin. Mom made a big deal about knowing what your name was. I told her. She said that she would call me back.

‘I didn’t think much of it but Robin called back and asked me in detail all about you. I told her and then she broke down in tears. It all came out then that she had had a son and a daughter, and there had been a freak accident and her son fell down some steps and broke his neck while she was sleeping. The state had found her an unfit mother, and took her daughter away. Apparently they put her in the custody of her only living relative. A spinster aunt. Your mother was never set eyes on you again, because your aunt Ruth moved away without leaving a forwarding address.’

Emily was stunned. ‘My mother….is alive?’

Mike shook his head sadly. Emily’s heart beat fast. How could this all be? It sounded so improbable. ‘When I disappeared, because of that family crisis, it was because Robin, had gotten into an automobile accident. She was coming to see you.’

‘But Aunt Ruth said…..’

‘Your Aunt lied to you. You mother was very much alive and she wanted you with her, but she didn’t know where you were. She also left you a very wealthy young woman.’

‘But…..why have you…why have you done this to me.’

‘Emily, it started out with me coming to find you, and tell you everything but I saw you walking home one day from the bus stop and you were still the same dowdy little thing you were three years ago. I wanted to wake you up. I knew when I left you that first time that I would come back for you. You just weren’t ready for me then, especially with your upbringing, but I think you’re ready now. It was me who put the book in the book drop. I got this idea in my head to make you realize that you are a beautiful and sexy woman. I only wanted to keep it to a few phone calls and little things like the underwear. That was me by the way who took the pics and there are no more pictures, that was Zeke’s idea. I got Zeke involved to throw the scent off me. I forget that he gets a little over zealous at times. I wanted it to just be a secret admirer thing. He got into the whole thing and ran with it.’

‘But he called you Master…..’ she pointed out not understanding how this all worked.

‘Yes, I am in a sense, because I am the leader of this club and they all call me that, I suppose someone has to be. He listens to me, but I never gave a him limit of what he could and couldn’t do with you although I told him that he would not harm you physically. The trashing your house thing, was a bit much, and I’ll deal with him later on that but, really this is all just a game to him, and I keep him around because he keeps the other slaves in line.’

‘Do you ever….punish people?’

‘Sometimes. Look, I’ve wanted you since I first saw you, but I won’t keep you against your will. We can talk some more about this later, if you want, but right now, I want you too badly. If this is all too weird for you, say so, and I will let you, go. If not, I will call Zeke back in and we can have start having some fun.’ All the information that she had taken in was overwhelming. Her aunt a liar, her mother had been alive all that time, Mike into some kinky S&M thing. Why was she even thinking about this?

‘Oh, by the way, if you choose to stay, you will refer to me as Master.’

To Be Continued…

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Banging My Sexy MotherInLaw When Wife Was Abroad 8211 Pt 1

I dated a beautiful girl for a year and then married her. Her mother was a divorcee. Since we all work in different companies in the same city, we stayed together in 3BHK home in the heart of the city with a beautiful view. I always wondered about the beauty of my wife, Nipurna when we were dating. After seeing my wife’s mom, Aparna, I had got the answer to that question. Nipurna had derived the beauty from her mother. Since this story is mainly about my wife’s mom Aparna, let me describe her...

4 years ago
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Aladdin and the Magic LampChapter 2

In the early morning light the vendors were sitting up their booths or opening their shops. Aladdin was stretched out over the awning of a fruit vendor. Abu hung by his tail off the other side of the awning and made noise as he tried to grab a melon. The vendor rushed over to save his melon and shoo the monkey away. While he was occupied Aladdin leaned down over the other side of the awning and plucked a large ripe melon and retreated to sit on a ledge of the building the awning was attached...

3 years ago
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Mary's parents were split and she lived with her mom but stayed with her dad on the week ends. She loved her dad and was happiest when she was with him and he also loved having her with him. She was excited because he was picking her up tonight and she would be with him till Monday morning. She carefully packed her suitcase and was ready when he pulled up. She ran put and jumped in the car. He grabbed her and hugged her giving her a kiss on the lips. He told her "Hi baby. You look so pretty."...

2 years ago
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Destiny Ch 01

She had no idea the trip to Australia last year was the way to meet him. She went to Sydney for her doctor internship for one year. Thanks to her teaching diploma, she would be able to find a part-time tutoring job to earn extra money. After arrived Sydney about a month, she started working at the hospital for six days a week and took a part-time job as chemistry tutor in a prominent boys high school. After she finished her hospital work on Fridays, she had to go to the school for the two hours...

1 year ago
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The PropositionChapter 3

When we got to my apartment building I pressed a remote control to open the gate to the underground parking and started going down the ramp. She was craning her neck to take in the building itself. Little 'oohs' and 'wows' were escaping her mouth. In the clean and well-lit basement, I started unloading the car. "It will be easier if we put most of your new stuff in the suitcase," I said and opened it. "Oh look! It comes with matching toilet bag and beauty box," she exclaimed in...

3 years ago
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Waterbury Hills High School Teachers Friday Night Fun Club Part II

The three female teachers taught different subjects and were at different stages in life.  But they all had one thing in common.  They were cougars, and they had their sights on Bradley, the young first-year science teacher.Bradley was twenty-three years old, six feet two inches, one hundred seventy pounds, socially awkward, but still adorable.  At first, they saw him as their son, but that changed one Friday morning.  He was gaining confidence as a science teacher but was very uncomfortable...

2 years ago
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Thangai Pundaiyil Thenai Suvaithen

En peyar Vimal, en vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil pen paarthu kondu irukiraargal, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar ananthi vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En thangai parka azhagaga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Engal veetil adikadi mutton kari eduthu seivaargal. Naangal kari athigamaaga sapiduvathaal sunniyil vinthu irunthu konde irukum. Naan adikadi kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen, en thangai athu pondu thaan oru naal padukayil paduthu kondu irukum pozhuthu...

4 years ago
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The Doctors Widow Gets Blacked 2

Juliana loved to be fucked in her ass. Especially by big black cocks. Well, she had only learned that love two days ago on her trip to East Cleveland. On that trip the petite white widow received her first anal sex of her life when she wandered into what turned into a BBC five-man gangbang. She went looking for black cock and bingo she had found it. The 31-year-old tiny 5’1” 126-pound recent doctor’s widow with the 34b-25-32 measurements handled it all like a champ. The contrast of her...

1 year ago
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Perfect Saturday afternoon with a big boob gilf

I’m your average joe kind of chap however my taste in women seemed different,while my mates were eyeing up the women of our own age group I was always looking for their mothers ,even buying top shelf magazines I was instantly drawn to 40 plus and 50 plus - I’ve definitely always loved older last few meetings have been with a sexy 67 year old widow from a dating site called penny , now some women won’t hear of talking or going any further with guys younger but penny wasn’t fussed ,I’d...

4 years ago
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Flying the more than Friendly Skies Part I

It's been ages since I've posted an experience on the site. I love to share my adventures from travel from location to location.Yesterday, I caught a commuter flight from SD to CO. I was immediately struck by the appearance and demeanor of the Purser of the flight. She was fair-skined, lovely, stunning smile, and only slightly taller than I (my height is 5'9"). Her greeting was overwhelming and I felt more welcome than on any previous flight (I'm a 'road warrior').During out relatively brief...

1 year ago
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Early RetirementChapter 8

Right after Sue Ann and Carol went into a bedroom and started to work each other, the guests started arriving. Soon, there was a room full of Ruth, nine guys, and me. All these guys were pretty big and muscular. That was great as I figured that Carol would get a real workout. You could hear the moaning from the other room as Carol and Sue Ann got to know each other carnally. The guys were interested. "Ruth, go in there and get them out here so they can start satisfying these guys." She...

2 years ago
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Suprise Cuckold

Had my first every craiglist meeting. Fabulous and I guess a bit like winning the lottery i.e. chance in a million. Meet in male mode a couple where the guy could not get it up any longer and wanted to watch his wife fucked and she need some cock so badly or so it turn out.She was an Asian in origin from Thailand I think and I’m guessing a catalogue bride. Now her in her forties and him in his seventies she was not getting a lot. From the advert and the original message exchange I was thinking...

4 years ago
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How I got into Selena Gomez and started lusting af

I always liked Selena Gomez, she was in a little part of my c***dhood and early teenage years, I used to listen to her music at home and at school with my friends, we were all straight dudes listening to Selena Gomez haha she has had amazing music since her teenage years. At that time I was not a fan of her, I just liked some of her songs, but I didn't have her in my thoughts a single second of my life, only when I was listening to her. She was always pretty for me though, I remember telling my...

1 year ago
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The Hot Pink Dress

The Hot Pink Dress Husband who had bought himself a dress experiences more crossdressing fun at the hands of his wife and her best friend. This is a continuation of the story begun in The Green Dress. They say there is no going back in life. Time, like a river, always moves forward. So, after being made to return to the store where I had purchased a dress for myself, and then openly diving into the world of feminimity at the hands of my wife and my co-worker/her best friend,...

3 years ago
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Owners daughter

Hi friends I suggest to all readers to read it in “one” go, to enjoy it!! This is my first story submission. My name is Ashik I am 30 years of age and staying in Chennai. First of all I will appreciate iss for providing such a place where we can convey our feelings and share with each other today I think I should share my true experience with all of you. About me my name is Ashik my height is 5’8″ and having good built structure. As I was from Chennai, I have to stay on rent. We are 8 of us on...

2 years ago
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Kingdom of LoveChapter 7

"Hello, Joan." Amanda Westmore stood in the compartment doorway as the girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Is it that late already?" yawned Joan. She felt as though she had only slept a moment before Amanda's knock awakened her. "It's nearly noon," said Amanda, "but I can well see how you might be tired. Look, dear! I've brought Eric with me." "Oh, Eric!" Joan's sleepy mood changed instantly and she was wide awake. "Let me have him," she said anxiously, reaching down...

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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

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We are just about the luckiest generation to see the face of the world. Just a few decades ago, porn wasn’t as accessible as it is today. Currently, anyone can stream porn from wherever, on whatever device they have. And even better, you can fap to any content you are in the mood for. In the past, you had to make do with whatever you got. The point is that instant access to porn has made the experience a ton better. But then again, we are prisoners of our own habits, so we often feel compelled...

BBW Porn Sites
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A Shade of PurpleChapter 11

Aspen got wind of a party taking place and word that Kara was definitely going to attend. It was unsure if Cash would be there, but one is better than none. It has been two days since she dealt with Fred and by now the disappearances on lacrosse players and their coach is starting to gain some attention. To make matter worse, Aspen was called into the school’s office and questioned about her previous school. Apparently they hadn’t quite yet received her transcripts—no surprise there. She was...

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Public Quickie

I, for one, love me a quickie!! That raw, intense, super-buzzed feeling one gets when you know you could get caught at any moment but it just feels too damn good to stop. It's a high...and it's addicting. Last Saturday was a hot one and I couldn't think of doing anything else then lounging in my boyfriend's mom's pool. Big deck and warm water; a girl could get used to this ;) He was in the garage being a sexy grease-monkey and working on his '91 Honda Civic EF. I was floating away in the water...

2 years ago
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Neighbour in need

The other morning on my way back from dropping the kids at school, yes I do sometimes have to spend my valuable time on activities such as these, I noticed my neighbour’s car standing at the side of the road with an obvious breakdown. I take good care of my cars and have them in mint operating condition, so I do not have much sympathy for idiots who find themselves in situations such as these. But this neighbour was worth my attention as she was in her late 30ties, approximately 1.8m with long...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 10

New characters appearing in chapter 10 and after: Phil Del Vecchio Captain, Bill met him in Bangkok, 5’-7”tall, 185 pounds, 36 years old, black hair, hazel eyes, very muscular Tweed SSG, Engineer, Bill’s friend from Cambodia, 5’-9” tall, 155 pounds, 32 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Carson SSG, Infantry, 5’-11” tall, 170 pounds, 32 years old, black hair, gray eyes Williams SSG, Infantry, 5’-9” tall, 150 pounds, 30 years old, Brown hair, hazel eyes Colby SSG, Artillery, 6’-0” tall,...

2 years ago
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Girls who love girls

I had been in the club, with some friends from work on a Christmas party night out, we had drank and danced all night. I noticed a young large busted curly blonde haired girl watching me, overtime I caught her eye she would look away, but always looking back when I looked away. She wore a beautiful sapphire blue dress, which came to mid thigh. Her long shapely legs encased in black sheer stockings, which I noted when she crossed her legs, and silvery sandals. She was with a large group but...

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Cindy and MeChapter 8

I sat near the concourse glancing up at the arrivals display. Cindy's flight was delayed due to local weather and I was hoping it wouldn't be diverted. Outside a line of thunderstorms had passed through and the skies were beginning to lighten. On the board an arrival time flashed: 3:45. My watch read 2:27 and I hoped this was a firm time, or else I would need to change plans for the evening. I stood and strolled to the window overlooking the tarmac. Planes were beginning to depart and I...

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Personal Ad Rick

I’ve had some interest in cock since my days of teenage experimentation. I really never had the opportunity to find another guy to explore with until the internet made it very easy to meet like minded people without cruising bars, etcetera. I always fantasized what it would be like to jack another guy off again, or more. While checking out the adult personals, I ran across a post that caught my eye. It was a 50-something guy looking for someone in my age range who didn’t have much experience....

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Library Virgin Part 1

Tara loved her job at the town library. She always felt there was something mysterious and romantic about the old three storey building. The beautiful architecture perfectly complimented the rows upon rows of books and there were old wooden desks lit by soft lamps. It was her job to sort the books and put them away. She rarely interacted with anyone as she quietly went about her duties. She was a shy young woman of twenty-four. She preferred being alone as the time allowed her to fall into...

First Time
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Al Bundys Afternoon Delight

Al Bundy hurries home from work to watch the Cubs play only to find Peggy and Marcy in the way of the television. (MFF, orgy, oral, bi, sitcom-parody)***Al Bundy has just finished working the Sunday afternoon shift at the shoe store, smelling fat women's sweaty feet all day. Driving his Dodge down the freeway, Al listens to the Cubs game on his AM radio... hoping he can catch the last couple of innings on TV when he gets home. Al hurries into his humble house and goes straight to the kitchen,...

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Japanese Girls Kissing Pt 1

Japanese Girls Kissing Pt 1This story is meant to be read with my videos "Japanese Girls Kissing" playing in the background.24 year old Suzy Wong, sometimes known as Mama-San, is a lesbian and runs a halfway house for young women who need assistance getting along in life. She uses the girls for her own sexual gratification and sells their services to traveling Japanese businessmen. Kissing, enemas, perverted sexual trysts among the girls living there is highly encouraged.====== OPENING24 year...

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The Best Conference Part III

For the next couple of days, I spent my days at the conference and my evenings with Catherine.When we saw each other at the conference, we would exchange pleasantries and maybe chat briefly. Of course, I used the opportunity to have a little fun.The last morning when I saw her between sessions, I told her to find a bathroom to fuck herself in. When she was on her way I called her, and told her to keep me on the phone.She told me when she had found one, that there was no one in there, and I...

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