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“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.”

David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop.

“I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped.

I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed.

“Give it to me” I demanded. Slowly her arm moved and her hand came above the covers holding the long vibrator which she gave to me.

“Get up Betty, we need to chat” I snapped. The adrenalin was going. I was on a high having caned her and then had the most glorious series of orgasms with David. I might only be 23 years old but I found the power I was now exercising over my 48 year old Mother in Law intoxicating.

I watched as she slowly pulled back the covers, pulling her nightdress down when she realised it was still above her waist, blushed, and stood up. She looked worried, probably thinking I was livid she had ignored my instructions just when I wanted to be with David. She was going to come first though. Rules are rules and I was going to punish her for breaking this one.

“Well I guess you get spanked tonight after all. Lift your nightdress up and get across my lap now” I snapped as I sat down on her bed. Betty groaned, looked at me as though she was going to argue, thought better of it, rolled her nightdress up giving me a perfect view of her shining hair mound which told me how close to orgasm she had been, and lay down across my lap.

When she obeyed my command I took the vibrator and put it in front of her face. It was still wet as well.

“So, you used this when I specifically told you to go to sleep did you?” I sounded cross because I was cross.

“Sorry Chloe” Betty said.

I switched the vibrator on and thought I would tease her for a bit before thrashing her. I slowly ran the vibrator up the inside of her thigh, first one leg and then the other. Betty was enjoying the sensation and spread her legs open and even lifted her tummy. She might well be my Mother in Law but I couldn’t stop, not just then, and I moved the tip of the vibrator to her vagina and ran it once slowly up and down. Betty gasped in delight.

Then I took the vibrator and ran it along her bottom crack and surprisingly she raised her tummy again. Just as I ran it across her anal hole I pressed down and again she gasped. This lady was turned on and no mistake .

“So let’s get this straight Betty, you were turned on by spanking your son?” I doubted it but why not make her squirm.

“No no Chloe, I wasn’t, I promise. That’s discipline when he is childish. No. I erm, well I found being caned by you exciting.”

“But that was discipline as well Betty. I’m confused.”

Betty looked embarrassed, and appeared not sure whether she wanted to say anything else but did. “I enjoyed being caned Chloe.”

“Enjoyed the pain you mean?” I took pleasure from playing dumb.

“Yes, the pain, and the pleasure afterwards. I didn’t realise how much I needed to be disciplined like that. Well not so much the caning itself because it really hurt, but the feeling of helplessness, having to obey someone else, having that person in charge for a change. I have been the matriarch for so long, I just wanted someone else to take responsibility.”

“Spanking David wore a bit thin did it?”

“No, he’s my son. He needs discipline and that’s different, 24 or not. Spanking him is a given.”

“But I’m your daughter in law, and you wanted me to discipline you?”

“I know. It’s normally the difficult Mother in Law isn’t it, but this time it is the severe daughter in law.”

“Do you want me to discipline you again sometime?”

“Yes please” she said simply, looking at the floor, blushing before adding “and you should be strict, just like I am with David.”

“Was strict Betty.”

Betty gave me a look but understood that control had moved away from her.

“I see Betty. Ok, I will discipline you again, and yes I will be severe, and strict, but as David will also be subject to my discipline I think he should watch me spank you now, a discipline spanking Betty, nothing sexual.”

“Please no, I’m his Mother.” Now she was fearful again

“Oh, I think it will do him good. You won’t be spanking him anymore anyway, I will, so he needs to see what he is in for if he is naughty. It will be a deterrent you know.”

Betty moaned which I took as the end of the discussion.

I shouted “David, in here please.”

David came in and stopped short when he saw his Mother across my lap, her bare legs, bare unprotected bottom with the clear weal’s spread right across it, which he saw for the first time and quite a bit of bare back. “Stand and watch David” I said as I gave Betty a couple of dozen hard hand spanks. Her bottom was already marked with the weals and I was sure my hand was causing her much more pain and discomfort than it usually would.

As the spanking continued I noticed David staring at his Mother but not her bottom. I kept spanking Betty but followed his gaze. I smiled as I realised Betty’s nightdress had travelled further up her back as she squirmed around on my lap and her ample breasts had fallen clear and were bouncing around as each spank hit home. I wondered, with some enjoyment as I realised the embarrassment Betty will suffer when I tell her, particularly as David got an erection until he felt my gaze and averted his eyes but he had seen his Mother in several new lights today, and must have felt the transfer of power happening in front of his eyes.

I continued spanking and was pleasantly surprised just how hard I was able to spank Betty with my hand. I had watched with admiration when Betty spanked David for so long but reckoned my hand would hurt fairly soon, however that wasn’t the case. I kept up a steady rhythm and whilst I remained relaxed poor old Betty was struggling more and more to cope. If my hand started to hurt I focused on the tops of her legs and whilst I was sure those spanks stung Betty they helped me recover so I could again spank her bottom. A delight, and a turn on.

After several more minutes and a lot of crying I said “I need to discuss some new rules with you both “I said sharply. “In fact David, put your hands on your head whilst you listen, so I know you are paying attention.”

David did as he was told and his pyjama jacket rode up leaving his midriff showing.

“First, Betty will never spank you again David.”

David’s eyes lit up, but I followed the comment with “but I will be.” He looked downcast. “Exactly David, I will spank you when I decide you need one, or when your Mother calls me to say you have been naughty at hers. Do you understand?”

David nodded. Good enough I thought.

“You Betty will also be subject to my discipline.” I heard a further groan of acceptance from my Mother in Law and definitely no argument. I knew she wanted to be spanked when she wanted to be but that wasn’t my plan, not now she had made it clear she wanted me to take responsibility.

“You heard right Betty, I will decide when you need to be spanked. You will phone me every Wednesday night and we will discuss your behaviour . If I decide you need to be spanked then you will come over and stay with us on the Thursday night when you will go across my knee for a spanking. If you have been particularly naughty you will get the cane. You will stay over because I doubt you will be able to sit in the car and drive home after one of my discipline spankings. Understood Betty?”

“Yes Chloe” she responded.

“That’s in addition to whenever we see you in any case, like at weekends. You will be spanked at those times as well.”

Betty nodded.

“How many of these canes have you got?” I demanded.

“Six Chloe.”

Impressive I thought. “I will take all the canes home with me Betty.

She groaned. I remembered she just said how much the caning hurt. Well it goes with the territory my girl I thought.

“Now let’s get your spanking over with and don’t expect a short one. David, you keep your hands on your head.”

I started spanking my Mother in Law again. Her bottom was already red and she was crying before long, deep cries that were pleasing to my ear as she was learning a valuable lesson.   I didn’t feel sorry for her. She was overbearing at the best of times and I was delighting in getting my revenge, knowing I will be in charge of her discipline in future as well.

After about 10 minutes I stopped and waited for her crying to stop. When it had reduced to a sob I told her “get up and face the wall Betty with your hands on your head.”

I watched as she slowly eased herself up and walked over to the wall, putting her nose against it and her hands on her head, her red bottom a delight to see.

“David, I hope you see what you are in for?”

David still had his hands on his head and more interestingly had an erection clearly seen through his pyjama bottoms. I smiled, wondering which part had turned him on. Watching his Mother being spanked or watching me spank her. I will ask him later on.

“David, go back to the bedroom. I will be along to put that cream on shortly.” I watched him leave and close the door before walking over to Betty, standing behind her.

“I hope you learned your lesson Betty?” I asked, lifting her nightdress up so I could feel her bottom. There was no resistance. Betty was as obedient as they come. Now.

“Yes Chloe, thank you.” Her eyes were still wet, but she had calmed down now.

“And you like your warm bottom do you?”

“It hurts Chloe.”

“Good” I said as I slowly moved my hand to her stomach and moved it up until I felt her soft breast, cupping it in my hand and feeling her erect nipple.

“So Betty, quite sexed up I see” as she gasped when I squeezed her nipple but still not resisting.

“Oh my” she panted.

I kept squeezing her nipple and caressing her breast whilst I ran my other hand around to her stomach moving it downwards between her legs, brushing her hair mound and running my fingers along her vagina. Her sopping wet vagina. This woman was really aroused, and as I drew my fingers back along her vagina she gasped and shuddered. Oh my, I had just given my Mother in Law an orgasm. How crazy is that? I realised too she was pressing her bottom back in to me, as though trying to arouse me.

I almost laughed at the thought of having my arms around my 48 year old Mother in Law, one hand on her vagina and the other on her breast, giving her an orgasm, with her trying to get me going. Almost laughed that is. In fact I was aroused myself and I thought what the heck. She might be my Mother in Law but right now she was one hot woman oozing sex. I ran my fingers along her vaginal lips again before edging a finger inside her and she gasped again with her second orgasm and as she kept gyrating her body I soon found her clit. I turned her around and put her arms around my neck and whilst I kept my finger inside her she kissed me, her mouth open, and I shot my tongue inside her mouth and encircled her tongue. I caressed her breast and she lifted up my skirt and before I knew it her hand was inside my knickers and inside me and she was playing with my clit. She was now not just hot and oozing sex, but she was also bringing me to one titanic orgasm as we were both gyrating and both exploded with wetness.

We hugged each other for a while before I gently pulled away and said sternly “I hope you won’t be expecting that after every spanking Betty.”

“No Chloe, only when you want to.”

I looked unyielding still but felt a tingle between my legs when she left it to me to decide whether there would be a repeat. Somehow she looked gorgeous right now and I felt like taking her again but as it was left open I could pick my time. Instead I said “how about another hug Betty?” I pulled her towards me again and she put her arms around my neck and I pulled her close in. She hugged me hard, kissing my neck, not amorously I thought, but like a child relishing the warmness of a parent following a reprimand.

“OK Betty, now we know don’t we? You get a kick out of being spanked huh?”

She let go of me and blushed. “I’m sorry Chloe, over the three years since I first met you your whole manner has excited me. Your sometimes sharp tongue, your uncompromising manner. I was getting tired of being the one in charge and as I spanked David so often I started to think what it might be like to be childish again myself. Once I decided that was the way to go I needed someone to take over. That someone must be able to take charge, and be able to give me the spankings I then craved. Who better than you? That’s why I made David show you his red bottom the other day. To get you riled up and set the scene.”

“So you always expected me to spank David as well?” I asked, getting annoyed again but still amazed at how she had controlled the whole thing.

“David has always been a naughty boy. Does it matter he is 24? The only way to keep him in line, and you sane, is to spank him, and I bet you’ll be doing it for years and years now.”

I had to admit she had a point. David was often childish and I was sure spanking him is exactly right. The old crow, I thought, wily as they come, manipulative, but right. On the plus side I end up in a position of authority as well. Still, I thought I needed to act annoyed to retain my position.

“How did you know I wouldn’t accept the cane from you?”

“I expected you to fight, and you did. If not, hell I would have caned you so often you would have done eventually.”

“So the whole thing was to get me to spank you? You have still manipulated me haven’t you” I snapped.”

“It worked didn’t it?” she said with a smile. “Go on, admit you enjoyed it as well.”

She didn’t realise how much I enjoyed it, nor that I only learnt today what spanking someone does for me. Now I know I will be spanking her and David time and again.

“Yes Betty, I did enjoy it, but take care as I am likely spank you harder next time” I said with some bite.

I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her around. “Lift up your nightdress my girl” I demanded and as she did I gave her half a dozen hard spanks on each bottom cheek, being rewarded with a groan or a gasp after each one. She didn’t resist, just as David hadn’t resisted, and I knew my position of authority was enforced.

“Let that be a lesson. I will be very strict with you, so expect to be spanked regularly. Understood?” I said smartly but with the edge of a smile.

Betty smiled back, and said “I know I will be making many more trips across your lap, and I’m sure you will give me whatever I deserve including the cane” but she blushed and rubbed her bottom so I knew she was concerned, and well she should be.

I looked seriously at her. “You know there is no going back Betty, you will never have a position of authority over David again.”

“Why do you say that Chloe?”

“David saw you spanked, half naked, your breasts hanging out of your nightdress, oh yes and he got an erection.”

Betty blushed from the top of her head to her neck and I felt her complete humiliation, and. recognition that she will always be under my control filled her face. I so enjoyed that moment. Never again will my Mother in Law be the tyrant.

“I see” she said quietly. “Oh I see” she repeated.

“Look on the bright side Betty. You don’t have to worry about making decisions in future as you won’t be in charge. You just have to behave well so you don’t earn yourself a spanking. If David is naughty all you need do is phone me and I will give him what he deserves as soon as he gets home.”

I let that sink in before continuing. “I will now always hold sway over you Betty. If I am going to be the matriarch I fully intend to make sure you bend to my rule, and that includes bending across my lap for a spanking and bending over a chair for a caning.”

“Of course” she said quietly, still pondering. Maybe not what she had intended but us matriarch’s often get that reaction I thought. A very satisfying reaction actually.

I gave her a few more moments for that thought to sink in. “OK Betty, back to bed” I ordered. “Get used to early nights as well because naughty girls, even 48 year old naughty girls, are sent to bed early so the grownups can have the evenings to themselves.”

She nodded, still blushing but compliant, even submissive, as she turned towards her bed. I gave her a hard smack on her bottom to speed her up and enforce my position once again and she gave an almost girlish shriek as she got into bed and pulled the covers up.

Now don’t forget I’ll be in first thing to give you that spanking we agreed you would get in the morning.

Betty opened her mouth to speak but I stepped in first with “don’t argue Betty. Tonight’s spanking was an extra one because you disobeyed me. Right?”

Betty sniffed and nodded which I accepted.

“David will come in as well to watch. You can go to the bathroom during the night but otherwise you must stay in bed until I come in to discipline you.   No arguing or else?”   I gave Betty a glare, taunting her to answer and risk further punishment, but she pursed her lips and stayed silent.

I bent down and kissed her forehead. With a friendly smile I took the vibrator and handed it to her. “You’ve been disciplined Betty so stay in bed but you can use this now” I said giving her another kiss on the forehead.

Betty smiled back as she took the vibrator from me, like a child just given a coveted present after it had been taken away for a while. I left the room switching off the light before I closed the door. I stood for a moment outside her door and smiled when I heard the buzz again.

I walked back in to our bedroom and hoped David was up for what I needed. I was riding high. This control thing was great I thought. Everyone so worried about upsetting me I thought as David stood up when I entered.

“Have you got the cream?” I asked smiling. He handed me the tube. “Go on, lie on the bed for me” I said.

David lowered his pyjama bottoms and lay down. I pressed some cream on to my fingers and slowly rubbed it in to his warm bottom. Soon he was groaning, and I knew his erection had returned. I leant down and kissed both his bottom cheeks and rolled him over. He winced a bit but he lay there as I kissed him, my mouth opening and welcoming his tongue, entwining it with my own.

We kissed for several minutes before I pulled away and said very seriously “David, you do know me being in charge has happened and I will be spanking you when you are naughty or childish” I said firmly.

“If you say so Chloe” he said, and although I knew there would be some resistance I was determined to see this through.”

“You just have to accept it David, because you will still be spanked regularly and I will only do hard. I won’t be playing” I said

“It’s just that it hurts so much you know.”

“Of course I know silly, but it has to hurt, so you benefit from learning you have done something wrong and I benefit from teaching you. But no more discussion on that. I will be spanking you and that’s final. Understood?”

“Yes Chloe, I do understand, really I do.”

“Good. Now I need you to give me a present.”

I smiled at him, our faces almost touching before I went on to my back and David lay by my side, his hand on my breast, squeezing my nipple just as I had done before to Betty, and mine was just as erect. Slowly David caressed and then kissed my breasts working down to my stomach and then kissing my hair mound and edging his lips along and then inside my vagina, finding my clit and kissing and sucking and licking as my breathing became deeper and deeper until I shuddered to orgasm.

It took me a few moments to recover before turning to David and saying “your turn.”

I manoeuvred myself and took his still erect penis in my hand, rubbing up and down, looking up at David who now had his eyes closed and was enjoying the sensation. I bent forward and started to lick the tip, then the sides, and as he groaned so I opened my mouth and encircled his penis and David shuddered in delight. I sucked hard licked and sucked again, David was groaning louder and louder until I felt the cum shooting up his shaft and my mouth filled with his hot sex fluid followed by the second flood and the third, whilst David groaned a long drawn out moaning groan.   My mouth full of cum was something I would normally have baulked at but today I was so high I loved it, and welcomed it, swallowing it all.

I moved back up and rested my head on David’s heaving chest whilst he stroked my breasts, both enjoying the closeness to each other.

I looked at David and said “don’t be naughty just because you think I will do that every time David. If you misbehave and I decide you will be spanked then I will expect you to sort me out but you will be in disgrace and have to sort yourself out. You do know that David don’t you.”

“Yes Chloe. Mum only spanked me when I was childish and need to be disciplined so I guess the only change is I will be going across your lap rather than Mum’s. I won’t expect sex afterwards if I’m naughty.”

“That’s right. Well, at least I will decide that” I added to give him hope and because I was sure I would want sex when I spanked him as I would be so turned on. I continued “and your Mum will be going across my lap as well don’t forget.”

“Oh yes. That was a bit embarrassing though.”

“What, watching me spank your Mum? Don’t worry, by the time you’ve watched me spank her a few times you’ll just be thankful it isn’t you” I said laughing, then added “and don’t forget there will be plenty of times she will watch me spank you.”

His face crumpled as he must have realised it was going to be embarrassing for both his Mother and him, but he also knew I was in charge now, and that was the future.

So I now had disciplinary control over both my Mother in Law and my husband. I never realised how erotic spanking someone would be, but now I did and had a Mother in Law who wants to be spanked and a husband who I will spank whether he likes it or not. I was looking forward to it, certain David will give me great orgasms afterwards, and wondering whether I will have sex again with my Mother in Law. Time will tell.


If you liked this story please read the series using the link

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A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Naughty Daughter Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “We're not angry with you,” my mother said, giving me a slight smile, “we're just disappointed, Bess.” “Disappointed?” I groaned. “That's it? Disappointed?” I glanced at my father's car, the front end crumbled, radiator fluid forming a larger and larger puddle. I pushed up my glasses and then rubbed at the back of my...

4 years ago
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Spanked by Captain carl

My Uncle Carl is Captain of a research ship, near 80 meters long and a crew of about forty including a couple of girls. Uncle Carl was going to be in port for repairs so he called me to come down to spend some time with him on the vessel and maybe go to sea for a while. I hadn't seen Uncle Carl for a few years and have fond memories of when I used to visit him even though I would invariably end up over his knee for doing something naughty and get my bare bottom smacked. He was a no nonsense man...

4 years ago
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Spanked by the Boss

I stood outside the office door with David, my Manager. We had been summonsed by Mrs Shute, the Sales Director. I noticed David was sweating. Looking quite alarmed in fact. He looked at me and said “sorry.” I asked “what for?”   “This” he answered, pointing at the office door.   “What do you mean David?”   “Look, I know you have just graduated from University, but you read your contract didn’t you?”   David was sweating more profusely. He is about 30 years old but his hairline is...

3 years ago
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Getting spanked

My name is Emily, and I have an awesome husband named Daniel. We're both in our forties, and have three kids together. I'm a blonde, but I'm very smart though. One odd thing that my brain makes me enjoy is, that I like to be spanked. I have no idea why I love it, but I do. With a hand, I might add, and not a paddle. Two of our kids still live with us, and other moved out, and is happily married. Even with the two others still living with us, we still do our best to bring out our feisty sides....

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My Sister Got Spanked by the School Bully pt 2

The day after my birthday, Michelle and I were cleaning up the backyard from the mess left by all the kids who attended my party. Neither of us had spoken about the prior day's incident as we were both somewhat humiliated by it. But as we were picking up the trash in the yard I could sense a growing restlessness and anger in her. I wasn't sure where her anger would be focused, on Brian for spanking her and then fucking her, or on me for not rushing to her rescue but instead just staring...

3 years ago
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Spanked 2

December 25th, 11:00 pm. Today is Christmas, I got mostly clothes. My mom did gave me a journal, she told me it’s good to write down your thoughts if you have no one to talk to. So I’ll give it a try. Dad gave me a new ping pong paddle, I wonder why? Haha. We then went to my grandparent’s house, they are Aaron’s parents. Grampa has a big farm behind our farm that my dad farms for him. There are woods between our houses, with a stream going through the woods and a small pond, in the summer I...

3 years ago
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Spanked by my Babysitter 2

Spanked by my babysitter 2  We had just got done watching a thriller outside In the living room that night. Lori decided to fall asleep on the couch. I laid in bed for an hour restless. I kept going to the bathroom.Then I decided toplay with myself and thinking about getting spankedand punished by Lori like I did the Friday before. I pulled my pajamas all the way down. The covers were also all the way down at the bottom of the bed.My mind drifted into the episode of last Friday night. I let my...

3 years ago
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Becoming Daddys Good Girl Chapter 2 Bad Girls Get Spanked

Chapter Two: Bad Girl's Get Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 When my mom took my fraternal twin sister to visit my grandparents for three weeks she made me promise to take care of Daddy. But I very much doubt she meant for her eighteen-year-old daughter to take over all her wifely duties. But Daddy did. And I wanted to be a good girl like I promised Mom. Yesterday, Daddy took my virginity in the changing room of a lingerie store. I was modeling my new sexy underwear for him,...

1 year ago
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I woke up very early in the morning because I had to use the bathroom. And since the upstairs toilet that’s by my room didn’t work, I had to go downstairs. My stepdad was supposed to fix it weeks ago, but as always he puts it off. I walked down the stairs, I had to skip over the sixth step because it squeaks. We live in an old farmhouse, that my stepdad lived in all his life. My stepdad, Aaron, but I call him dad. He’s 56 years old and he’s in very good shape. He’s tall, slim, and has...

3 years ago
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Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter 4 Spanked by the Dominating Teacher

Chapter Four: Spanked by the Dominating Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This is based off a one-off story was commissioned by a fan! Brenda and Izolde clung to my arms as we left the cafeteria behind. They had glommed on to me. Like every other girl in school, they had become attracted to me, turned on by my presence. I was a cambion. The son of a succubus. My mother claimed that this was all me. “So, uh, you girls on birth control?” I asked, my cheeks burning at the...

2 years ago
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Spanked by Their Housekeeper

“What time do you call this Matthew?” Zofia snapped.   I froze. The last thing I wanted was an annoyed Zofia. Mind you, I knew she would be. She had told me, very clearly I had to admit, to be back home at 9 o’clock and here I was at 10.30 just walking through the door.   I turned and looked at Zofia, trying to be as respectful as possible. 26 years old, slim, tall, long dark hair, and one had to say attractive, from Poland . Zofia had been the housekeeper for Kayleigh’s...

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Spanked by Their Housekeeper

“What time do you call this Matthew?” Zofia snapped.   I froze. The last thing I wanted was an annoyed Zofia. Mind you, I knew she would be. She had told me, very clearly I had to admit, to be back home at 9 o’clock and here I was at 10.30 just walking through the door.   I turned and looked at Zofia, trying to be as respectful as possible. 26 years old, slim, tall, long dark hair, and one had to say attractive, from Poland . Zofia had been the housekeeper for Kayleigh’s Mother who was...

4 years ago
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My Sister Got Spanked by the School Bully

After that foiled coup attempt, we all settled into an uneasy hierarchy with Brian at the top but all the original class athletes seething at him just below. He would force the smart kids to do his homework and create cheat sheets for the tests. We all hated him but couldn't do much to change the situation. Halfway through the semester at a holiday break comes my birthday. I was excited as my parents had said I could have a party with all my classmates. But when Brian's parents had met...

4 years ago
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Nina is Spanked for Masturbating

Oh crikey I thought. Yes, masturbating when on the naughty spot has earned me a second spanking. What an idiot. The second spanking will be much worse. 38 years old, I have just been put across my Mum’s lap and given a hard hand spanking, and now, just a few minutes later, I am on the naughty spot again, my nose touching the wall, naked from top to toe, knowing my bottom is going to be thrashed again.   My extra 10 minutes facing the wall were awful as I pondered what will happen.   I...

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Boarding School Encounter 06 Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher

Chapter Six: Henrietta is Spanked by Her Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My bowels had a wonderful ache to them as I stumbled out of the Headmistress's office, once again dressed. I closed the door behind me. The Headmistress sat at her desk, writing on it calmly like she hadn't just sodomized me with a dildo she had strapped to her crotch with a curious, leather harness. She had pounded me with a wonderful fervor, ramming her dildo deep into my bowels and giving me such an...

2 years ago
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Spanked wife

Like getting kissed one moment and being spanked the very next, Michael took me out to a lobster dinner that night, then hurried home to one of his stupid basketball games. Deciding I was too full and aroused to be angry–I really love lobster–I sat in my favorite position, between his legs, with my cheek resting on his thigh. I pretended he knew I was there. Playing with the cuff of his pants, thinking of our adventures the night before and how wonderful he looked, I snuck a peek...

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Spanked By Her Babysitter

Katie Hartwall shuddered as she heard the front door close quietly. She sat on the sofa and tried to look like she was watching what was on the TV. The seventeen-year-old tried to do anything to take her mind off what was coming her way in the next few moments when her mum would walk into their comfortable living room. Katie Hartwall began to play with her long, brown hair, which she had tied up neatly behind her head, listening all the time to the sounds made by her mum who was undoubtedly...

2 years ago
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SpankedChapter 2

Journal December 25th, 11:00 pm. Today is Christmas, I got mostly clothes. My mom gave me a journal, she told me it’s good to write down your thoughts if you have no one to talk to. So I’ll give it a try. Dad gave me a new ping pong paddle, I wonder why? Haha. We then went to my grandparent’s house, they are Aaron’s parents. Grampa has a big farm behind our farm that dad farms for him. There are woods between our houses, with a stream going through the woods and a small pond, in the summer...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife Hotel Olivia Gets Properly Spanked Part Four

Olivia opened her Hot Wife Hotel account to check for emails and see how many appointments she had scheduled for this coming Wednesday. There was a message from Marilyn asking her to please reconsider and add another day to her schedule as she was quickly becoming one of the most sought-after Hot Wives.She was still leaning toward saying no when Marilyn told her she would allow her to be choosier about who filled up her schedule. She decided to at least give it some consideration. She wouldn’t...

Wife Lovers
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Spanked by my Babysitter

My babysitter Lori lived across the street from us. She was about 16 or 17 years old and attractive. She was also about 5'8" tall with long dark brown hair. She would wear blue jeans a lot and she wore them rather tight with white or blue all star converse. She watched me for a long time.  When I got to be 16 or 17 years old my parents still asked her to come over and watch me since I liked and respected her. She was there to keep me in line since she was 7 years older then me. I loved when...

3 years ago
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Jason Spanked and Humiliated by his FatherinLaw

I was sat in the lounge, pretending to read the newspaper, but in actual fact wondering what was going on next door. David, my father-in-law, had returned home an hour ago after dropping my wife at the railway station. He'd said a brief hello to me on his return before he'd been ushered into the kitchen by his wife, Sheila, a faint look of surprise on his face.It was now a week since “That Day” with my mother-in-law, as I liked to call it. David and my wife Emma had arrived that very same...

4 years ago
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I love to be spanked and banged

I was around the naive age of twenty when I had first met Ted. Ted was in his mid thirties and had been recently divorced. He was the manager of the clothing store that I had work at. It hadn’t been too long after I had started working at the store that Ted and I began to date. In the beginning everything was perfectly normal. Then one night while at his place he asked me what I thought was a weird question, “How would you like to be spanked!” I was a little taken back at first when I said,...

1 year ago
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Asking To Be Spanked

  Asking To Be Spanked   by Dennis C. Lee  She is entranced to ask strangers to spank her. (mc mf md hm)_____________________________________________  If your ex-boyfriend ever studies hypnosis, I am here to tell you DO NOT go anywhere near him ever again.  This was my mistake.  Just chalk it up to me being young, pretty, female and stupid.  At least I feel stupid at this moment.   Because at this moment I am at the big store, in the sexiest little miniskirt I could find and with my cute face...

3 years ago
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Racist Susan spanked and used

Susan was now knickerless, and totally humiliated, there she was minus her knickers in front of two indian men.The owner of the restaurant said to her there is only one way to treat racist bitches like you and that is to punish them severely. At this she pleaded with them not to hurt her, aat this point i said to Susan, you will have to take your punishment otherwise they will go to the police and you will be arrested and you will lose your job. Susan on hearing this was very close to tears.the...

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Mom Tied And Spanked

Mom Tied And Spanked Mom caught me with my finger in my sister’s pussy. I had her down on the floor, face down, and I was sitting on her. I had my back facing her head and I was leaned over getting a good look at her. I had her skirt up under me, I had her panties off, and I had two fingers as far up her pussy hole as I could get them. That was when Mom caught me. She grabbed my collar and dragged me over the couch when she sat down, pulled me across her lap, and started spanking...

2 years ago
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Anne sometimes liked being spanked found it a great turn on, apparently it started when she was at high school. She went to an all girls high school and she had a crush on her french teacher I can't remember her name, apparently one day Anne did something wrong and the teacher said her punishment was to be spanked this to be done at the end of the day in her quarters. Anne had never been disciplined before and as far as she knew what she had done wasn't that bad, however at the end of the day...

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The Accountant Gets Spanked

I was spanked at work today. It wasn’t the first time, but it was certainly the worst time. I’m the accountant for a small company. A couple of years ago the owner threatened to fire me because of my persistent tardiness. My husband had been laid off from his corporate job earlier that year and was struggling to land clients for the consulting business he started. If I lost my job, we would lose everything. I begged the owner not to fire me. I told him that I would do anything to keep my job....

4 years ago
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I Spanked my Teacher part one of two

As far as I can remember, I had a very ordinary time at school until that is, I went to College. My Dad had said, "Now you are eighteen, you’ve become a man. Now you’re off to College and away from home for the first time." Then he decided it was the appropriate moment to give me a lecture on the birds and the bees and girls and boys and sowing my ‘wild oats’ and taking precautions and all that. Trouble is, I had never actually had a ‘proper’ girlfriend and I was still a virgin. Almost unique...

1 year ago
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Asking to be Spanked

If your ex-boyfriend ever studies hypnosis, I am here to tell you DO NOT go anywhere near him ever again. This was my mistake. Just chalk it up to me being young, pretty, female and stupid. At least I feel stupid at this moment. Because at this moment I am at the big store, in the sexiest little miniskirt I could find and with my cute face made even cuter with heavy, bright color make-up to make myself which also makes me look slutty (powder bue eyeshadow, cherry red lips). I am and walking...

3 years ago
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Spanked by my Wifes Sisters and a Girly Party

I am nearly 21 and Sally is a few months younger than me. We struggled financially when we bought our first house and it was my stupid idea to try to prevent us overspending. Sally was often extravagant and I suggested that if either of us wasted money on something we didn’t need then they would be spanked by the other one. Sally agreed to this but after talking to her sisters about it she told me that as she was not as strong as me her sisters would help punish me if needed. As I say, Sally...

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Spanked Teen

Well I’d finished my school year ready to go to university, but had really let things slip a little before my A levels and had ended up with insufficient grades to get into my university of choice. I needed an A and 2 Bs, and while I had achieved my A in History, the English and French Grades were Ds. I could still have got to a lesser college, but I had my heart set on my school of choice. When the results came out I was in floods of tears knowing that I had blown it. However on...

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Spanked by My Sisters in Law a Second Time

Sally and I were married when we were 20, nearly 6 months ago. We’d been lucky to find a new terraced house we could just afford but finances were very tight and we’d struggled to stay within budget. It was my own fault that I’d ended up being spanked by Sally and her sisters as it was me who’d come up with the idea of a spanking to help us to stop overspending. But I hadn’t banked on Sally demanding that her sisters help if I needed to be punished because ‘Sally wasn’t as strong as me’. ...

2 years ago
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Spanked by My Sisters in Law a Second Time

Sally and I were married when we were 20, nearly 6 months ago. We’d been lucky to find a new terraced house we could just afford but finances were very tight and we’d struggled to stay within budget. It was my own fault that I’d ended up being spanked by Sally and her sisters as it was me who’d come up with the idea of a spanking to help us to stop overspending. But I hadn’t banked on Sally demanding that her sisters help if I needed to be punished because ‘Sally wasn’t as strong as me’. ...

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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 7 Bratty Sister Gets Spanked

A hand shook my shoulder as I slept. I didn’t want to wake up. I was still so tired from yesterday. So much had happened yesterday. I went on a roller coaster of emotions. It started off with Daddy taking me to a private dungeon to show off how much of a good girl I was. My fourteen-year-old body was on display for the other Master’s and their submissive sex slaves, some as young as me, others older. There were even mother/daughter teams of submissives. That should have been a clue for what...

3 years ago
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Getting Spanked by Mom part 2

The doorbell rings and I go answer it. There they are. Mrs. Donna is wearing a sexy red dress showing some serious cleavage. Amy is also wear a nice dress that is red and black but not showing much cleavage. Her dress is backless, and she is not wearing a bra. Nice. The dinner goes well, and we retreat to the living room to watch a boring romantic comedy. I am not the only one bored. Amy's mom and my Mom are chatting the whole time. That's all they do. Even Amy looks bored as we engage...

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Getting Spanked by Mom part 1

I forgot to mention that when she spanks me, I must be completely nude. I didn't care about it when I was young; except for a few times we had company. Yes, even in front of company. But when I started puberty, it freaked me out. I went through almost a year without being spanked because I thought I was too old for that. Then a couple of months ago, I did something really stupid (which is another story). I remember my Mom yelling for me. "Bill, get your ass over here right now!" she...

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When I opened the door, the first thing that hit me was the blaring sound of rock music. Even as I shook my head, my lips turned up in a big smile. That music could mean only one thing. Sharon, my young daughter, had come to pay me a visit. Sharon was my only daughter. She had left for college two years ago. I only got to see her when she graced me with a rare visit. She had been very bitter after the divorce and had stayed with my ex. Since she had a key, she would let herself in and make...

1 year ago
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Spanked for Fifty Years

or A Painful Prank © Big Billie 2003 and 2004. Not to be distributed or sold for monetary gain. My name is Mary Wainwright and I went to infants' and junior schools, as they were then called, between 1948 (when I was 5 years old) and 1954 (when I was 11 years old). I then moved to an all girls' grammar school, where I studied from 1954 until 1962, when I left to go to university at the age of 19. In those days the routine method of keeping order and discipline among school children...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 17 MindControlled Brat Spanked

Chapter Seventeen: Mind-Controlled Brat Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! June “Junebug” Michael Excitement rippled through me. Daddy was having more fun with his mind-control device. And I got to enjoy the aftermath. It was so exciting. And it was my best friend that he controlled. He used my friend Britney for his pleasure. Daddy was amazing. I led my naked friend across the cafeteria. Every girl kept looking at us in envy. Jennifer...

4 years ago
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I sat on her because I'd had enough. For over ten years she'd been the bee in my bonnet and I'd told her time and again that one day I'd have enough of her sarcasm, barbs, snide remarks, cuts and jabs and if it continued I'd turn her over my knee.She was a friend of an old girl friend. The girl friend and I had broken up within weeks of starting to go together but in that time I'd met a circle of the gal's female friends and she was one. After the breakup I still saw most of the gals around...

1 year ago
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Connie Spanked

Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had...


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