Spanked wife
- 3 years ago
- 29
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It was quite a scene. David, my 22 year old brother in law, across his Mothers lap having his bare bottom turned a bright glistening sore red. Her hand rising and falling methodically as she splattered David’s bottom with the open palm of her hand before picking up her wooden backed hairbrush and applying that as precisely and so effectively. David was already a crying sobbing heaving squirming repentant young man who knew there was still a long way to go before his Mother would stop thrashing him.
My husband, Ben, 24 years old, and I were looking on. Ben was scrunching his face up at the sound of his Mothers hairbrush on his younger brother’s bare bottom Something both David and Ben had experienced on many an occasion. And me, newly married, watching my husband squirm as he stood there, watching, knowing that he had been spanked on a regular basis by his Mother right up to our wedding day. Yes, we both watched as David wriggled uncomfortably, trying to avoid the constant smacking of the wooden backed brush on his bare bottom, resulting in the inevitable gasp of pain, the deep intake of breath, the groan, and the sobbing. Even from a man of 22 years old. David still lived at home and knew he had to follow the house rules. His Mother’s rules. Always under his her watchful eye. Her very strict, not to be tested, watchful eye. “Please Mum, I’m so sorry” David wailed. “That’s all very well my boy but how many times do I have to tell you. You do not drink too much. You do not show me up with your tongue loosened by the booze.” “I won’t do it again. I promise.” “What did you say last time? Don’t bother answering. You said you won’t do it again. Remember?” Do you?” “Yes. But I mean it this time. Really I do.” “Enough my boy” she snapped and focussed again on the job at hand, ignoring her son’s plea’s. Spank after spank splattered his burning bottom. The sobbing now constant. The resistance ended. The acceptance of her parental control over him so obvious. I watched Ben. The two brother’s had been drinking together. I had been with their Mother, chatting when they got home. Loudly. I could see the annoyance in her face. I knew what would happen. David was going across his Mother’s lap for a long and hard spanking. Ben and I both knew that if this had been before we were married, just a few weeks ago, he would also have gone across his Mother’s lap. But not since we were married. Only David got spanked by their Mother now. Ben wasn’t going to be spanked because he was married to me. His Mother had made it clear that he was now my responsibility. His Mother snapped “Now go and stand facing the wall. 10 minutes. No rubbing. No looking. No speaking. I’ll tell you when to come back for more. Understood?” “Yes Mum” David said, still sobbing, face wet, eyes red. “So Charlotte, that’s how I handle the boys when they are naughty, at least that’s how I start off. I always allow them the calm down a bit before the next part of their punishment” she added, looking satisfied she had meted out the enough punishment for the first session. She looked at Ben and snapped “It’s lucky you don’t live at home Ben, because you know where you would be right now, don’t you?” “Yes Mum” he said quietly. He looked at the floor and didn’t see my smile at his discomfort. “Well, you are Charlotte ’s problem now” she added before putting the hairbrush on the table and leaving the room and going into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. I let Ben think about that comment of his Mother’s. I was thinking about what his Mother had said to me last week. She had criticised me for not being strict enough with Ben. She told me how he needed rules, boundaries even, so he knew what he could and could not do. She was worried that if I didn’t keep making sure he behaved he would go right off the rails. I had agreed. We had discussed what to do. How over the next few days I would give him a few playful smacks when in bed, making love, and once or twice a sharper smack. She told me to come over today and to follow her lead. Today was the opportunity. She knew what would happen. They were going out with their mates to watch the game at the pub. She knew how they would return from the pub and be too noisy. How she would turn David across her lap. What she would say to Ben. We looked at David, or at least his back, and in particular his very red bottom and I asked “so what do you think about what your Mother said then Ben?” “Erm, what do you mean?” he replied. I knew he had also thought about it. “You know, that you would have been spanked by your Mother if you had still been living at home.” “Oh that. Yes, well, maybe she is right, but I don’t live at home any more. I’ve outgrown all of that stuff.” He looked at me, sideways, blushing. Questioning. Perhaps testing me I thought. Certainly in the early days he had tried to be the dominant partner in our relationship. He was always telling me what to do and I thought I should be the obedient wife. That is until his Mother had that chat last week. I hardened my tone. “Who said you have outgrown it. Sure you are married, but that’s not the same. Not by a long way. You have to grow up, and that’s very different.” “Well, I guess” he said quietly. “So, just carrying that forward, let’s see. You went to the pub with your brother. You both drank too much and both became rowdy. You both got home and continued to be noisy. But only your brother gets spanked. Is that just about it so far Ben?” “I guess” he repeated. “So, why shouldn’t you be spanked? You have earned one after all.” Silence. A silence that told me he had no answer. No answer at all. “Maybe you should go and bring me that hairbrush Ben. The wooden backed one your Mother just used on your brother.” I stared at Ben. He grimaced. I kept staring. He blushed. He nodded. He turned and went to the table, picked up the hairbrush, slowly, but came over to me and handed me the hairbrush. This was the defining moment, when Ben knew dominance had passed to me, or at least it was mine for the taking if I played this out properly. I took the brush. “Come with me” I instructed, and walked over to the chair their Mother had used to spank David. I sat down. “Take them off please” I snapped, pointing at his trousers. Just as his Mother had instructed David earlier. He knew the score. He knew I meant his underpants as well. He took them both down and slipped them off, putting them on the sofa, before walking back me and as soon as I patted my leg he bent down and lay across my lap. My 24 year old husband, across my lap, bare bottom staring up at me, knowing that it would be turned in to a burning caldron. David turned and looked in to the room. I snapped “David turn back to the wall or I will give you something else to think about. Now!” He turned away, pressing his nose against the wall. I found the control so exciting. Arousing even. I returned to concentrating on Ben. “You know you deserve this don’t you Ben” I said severely. “Yes” he answered, meekly, respectfully, knowingly. I raised my hand and brought it down hard on his left bottom cheek and was satisfied to draw a gasp. Then a second gasp when I spanked his right bottom cheek. Then gasps and grunts as I spanked each bottom cheek in turn whilst I watched his bottom turn a deep pink. He gasped more intensely as I spanked the same cheek time after time, his bottom bouncing delightfully as a direct reaction, inter action, with my hand. He didn’t resist. He didn’t try to get up. He knew he mustn’t. He had conceded control. Straight after that first spank he knew, and I knew, that he would lie there and accept every spank I gave him. I wondered if that would change when I used the hairbrush. But no. Only the noises he made grew stronger, more intense, and as I hit him more rigorously so his reaction became more desperate, his breathing more laborious, as my determination to punish was met by his unavoidable decline in to the sobbing, groaning, crying, young boy he had always turned into when his Mother had thrashed him. I looked at his bottom. A beautiful cherry red, both his bottom cheeks and the tops of his legs. He was heaving now. Deep sobs each time the brush bit in to his burning cheeks. “Well Ben, you are only getting your just desserts. I hope you learn your lesson. Does it hurt?” Ben remained silent, except for his sobbing as I continued to plaster his bottom. “Answer me Ben please” I said, emphasising the statement with some very hard spanks all landing on the same spot. “I’m sorry Charlotte . It hurts Charlotte . A lot.” “Well, that is the idea. So I guess I’m doing it right.” I smiled. He couldn’t see me smile. I kept spanking him, but I knew control was passing over to me. I let him rest there for a while once I had finished. Stroking his bottom. Telling him quietly the first bit was over. He of course knew his Mother always gave them three sessions across her lap. He knew there would be two more sessions before it was fully over. He was being disciplined and I hoped he would learn. But we both knew that we would have to repeat this because he was basically a naughty and often childish man. Time and again we knew he would need to be put across my lap to be disciplined. I looked across at David. I could see his erection. Clearly. His nose still touching the wall but his bottom now slightly away, to give his erection room without being pressed against the wall. “How dare you” came the shout from the doorway. Mother had returned. She went right up to David and smacked him hard on his bottom. He gasped but dared not turn around. “How dare you get aroused by Ben being spanked. Well my lad, I guess you haven’t learnt your lesson so I am going to have to teach you properly during the second session. Come with me.” She grabbed his arm and led him back to the chair I had now vacated, and pulled him across her lap. Immediately she started to spank him with her open palm. Spank after spank, scolding him all the time. I turned to Ben and said “are you learning your lesson Ben or do you need some more of that?” I asked nodding towards David and his Mother. “No I’ve learned Charlotte . Really I have.” I looked at him. He was hoping I would not spank him any more. I had deliberately given him that hope, reeling him in, so he would be oh so thankful when it was over. “Really? So how come you have an erection as well?” I stared at his penis. He looked down, open mouthed, and back up at me, still open mouthed, still speechless. We both looked at David as he was again squirming and gasping and crying, suffering as he continued to be soundly thrashed. I looked at Ben and said sternly “We’ll go upstairs, to your old bedroom and discuss this in private” I said, grabbing his penis in my hand, and pulling towards the door. He grabbed my hand and I stopped still, glaring at him. His mouth gaped open again. He looked at his Mother who had seen me pull him by his penis and smiled. Ben went an even deeper red, scarlet almost, in embarrassment. I doubted it was rage. Not now. “Remove your hand Ben. Immediately.” He did so, tears in his eyes, maybe from the indignity of being led by his penis or maybe still from the spanking. Either way he wasn’t telling me what to do any more. Not by a long way. Now he knew which one of us was in charge. “Put your hands on your head” I demanded to enforce my undoubted superiority. Once he had done so I turned and led him by his penis across the room to his Mother who was still spanking David. I held out the hairbrush. “Will you want this again?” I asked politely. She looked up without stopping and said “no need. You keep it dear.” She looked back at David’s red bottom and continued to spank him. “Thank you” I said, catching her eye again. She smiled and said “that’s ok dear, I can tell David’s erection has almost gone, but I will just take another few minutes to make sure. You take care of Ben.” “Oh I will, believe me I will.” I tugged gently on Ben’s penis and he followed me out of the lounge and up the stairs, his hands still on his head. We went straight to his old bedroom. “Get the rest of your clothes off Ben” I instructed. He stood naked, hands still on his head, his penis still erect but less stiff than before, unsure what was going to happen. Slowly I removed my vest top and then my bra. I unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. His penis stiffened again as he eyed me, naked, slowly moving his eyes down my whole body and then back up again, settling on my breasts. “Come here Ben, and remove my knickers please.” He came over, knelt down, hooked his thumbs inside the elastic of my knickers and gently pulled them down, his face brushing against my hair mound. I looked down at him, and said “I see your erection is back. That is very naughty you know.” “I’m sorry” he said earnestly. “It’s not all bad Ben. Things will be different to when your Mother disciplined you. Later, you will lick me, there” I said pointing at my now wet glistening hair “but first you will get back across my lap for the next spanking.” “Let me lick you Charlotte. Please let me. Please.” “Stop it Ben. You must take your punishment first. You have to learn to behave. Now, put your hands on your head please” I said nicely but firmly. I took hold of Ben’s penis again and led him to the bed. I sat down but he remained standing, his hands still on his head. “You are naughty so you have to be disciplined again. With this hairbrush” I said more sharply. He groaned. “So, Ben, do you deserve to be punished again, for what you did earlier.” He looked at me, like a child, knowing he has been naughty. Knowing he deserves to be disciplined. Knowing that his wife controlled him and he must obey me. He nodded and when I patted my leg he again dutifully lay across my lap, his red bottom looking up at me, already sore, just asking, begging, to be made redder, much redder. I raised the hairbrush above my head and before bringing it down hard on his bare and unprotected bottom I said “Learn Ben. Learn quickly.” I thrashed him for many many minutes. His bottom bounced as the hairbrush smacked into each buttock in turn, and even more so when I concentrated on the same spot. He was sobbing before long, much as he will have done when his Mother thrashed him if the spanking she gave David was anything to go by, so her husband was simply reliving an experience he had had many times before. The difference is that now I am imposing my control over him, and he has allowed that control to pass to me. “OK Ben, I have finished. For a while. There is still the third session don’t forget. You can get up now but stand in front of me with your hands on your head still.” He was a bit slow to place his hands on his head. Perhaps he was thinking that if he gave in totally today he will always have to obey me. I lent forward and gave him a heavy swipe on the side of his leg, which drew a loud gasp and resulted on his hands going on his head in a blur. “That’s better Ben. Much better. Now, you have a choice. You can lick me, or you can face the wall for 10 minutes before going back across my lap for another round with my hairbrush. What will it be?” Ben looked at me, unsure. He was more used to me sucking him off. I gave him another hard smack on his leg. He was about to say something but I jumped in with “Listen Ben, there is another difference with me spanking you. If you lick me well, and give me a huge orgasm, then there won’t be a third spanking. Understand? It’s up to you. How well you do it.” I smiled. Suddenly Ben realised what I was saying. What I was offering. He jumped at the offer. “I’ll lick you. I’ll lick you” he shrieked kneeling down and putting his head between my thighs trying to get to my hair mound.” “Not here, on the bed” I snapped. “Oh right, yes of course.” He stood up and I grabbed his penis again. “Follow me.” He had no choice about that of course. I led him to the bed and sat on the end, let go of his penis and slid up the bed, leaning against the wall, my knees up, my legs well apart. My vagina spread open. My wet glistening hair waiting for him. “Come here”” I said, pointing between my legs. He crawled up the bed and I raised my legs, lowering them over his shoulders until I was really comfortable. I put my hand on the back of his head to guide him in between my legs. He licked and kissed my inner thighs until I started to groan and I moved his head to my hair and soon he found the spot on my clit and with every flick of his tongue he sent surges of pleasure through my body. He flicked his tongue with a steady rhythm over my clit and I started to gyrate in time with his tongue. He kept the rhythm going until I reached an intense mind blowing orgasm. He kept licking me for a while until he looked up and saw me smiling back at him. Ben, when you are naughty and have to be spanked you will do this every time, as a present to me. Understood?” “Oh yes Charlotte . No problem.” We stood up. “OK Ben, as you have given me a very good orgasm I won’t spank you the third time. Your punishment is over this time. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on his lips. His penis stiffened and dug into me. I could tell though he was now anticipating something in return. Something pleasurable. “Ben, what are you expecting?” “Well, erm, er, erm, well, I was rather hoping you would deal with this for me Charlotte ” he said, looking down at his erection. “Oh I see, like this you mean?” I said wrapping my hand around his balls. He groaned as I closed my hand around his erect shaft and gyrated his hips inviting me to stroke him, to bring him to orgasm. “Do you like this Ben?” I asked. “Yes, yes, yes” he replied. “So Ben, have you learnt your lesson this time Ben?” I asked still stroking him. “Yes I have Charlotte .” “Good boy. Very good boy.” I kept stroking his stiff wet penis. Then suddenly I let go and gave his ball sac a hard smack. Ben cried out in pain. “Do you really expect me to give you pleasure when you have been so naughty?” “But erm but I, erm” Ben stammered. “Oh I see, you think one gift deserves another do you?” “No, well, erm er, yes, well” he spluttered. I pulled my hand back and he covered his penis with his hand. “OK Ben, will you be a good boy? “Yes yes Charlotte I will.” “And you will accept my authority? My discipline?” “Yes Charlotte . Of course.” “If you are naughty you will accept me spanking you, without question, without resistance, my decision, my whim even? You promise do you Ben, you absolutely promise?” “Yes yes Charlotte . Please, I need you.” “OK” I said with a smile. “I will, this time, Ben, but not every time you are naughty. Only when I decide. OK?” “Yes, yes, I agree Charlotte .” I smiled, and took his penis in my hand again and felt it stiffen. I stroked it until I could feel it throb and the cum was shooting up his shaft and showered over my hand. Ben groaned as the second and third shower gushed out. The sticky gunk now all over my hand. He moaned and smiled and sighed. He was relieved, spent, now more relaxed. “So Ben, this is different to when your Mother spanked you don’t you think?” “Oh yes Charlotte so so different.” “Stay on the bed.” He closed his eyes as I got dressed. “Let’s go Ben” I demanded. I smacked his leg and he shot up. I grabbed his penis and stared as he was about to complain, but didn’t. He lowered his eyes as he completely gave me control. I led him out of the bedroom, still naked, and still holding his penis and went downstairs and in to the lounge. David was still facing the wall, still sobbing. His Mother smiled as we entered. “I see you have got Ben’s attention. Good.” She looked at Ben and said “so Ben, you know who is in charge don’t you my lad?” “Yes Mum. I really do. It’s Charlotte .” “Turn around and let her smack your bottom.” Ben obediently turned around and bent slightly forward. I smacked him once on each bottom cheek and when he stayed in position I smacked him twice more. “Yes, he knows who is in charge.” I smiled, then turned to Ben and asked “don’t you Ben?” “Oh yes Charlotte . You are in charge.” His Mother said “at least he is a good boy. Unlike his brother who still hasn’t learned his lesson. Right David, let’s have you back across my lap.” So once again Ben and I watched as David bent across his Mother’s lap. As she spanked him again with the palm of her hand. Then with the hard wooden back of the hairbrush. All the time I was holding Ben by his penis and so knew immediately as he started to stiffen. I looked at Ben who froze, but relaxed when he saw me smile. We watched for a while as David squirmed and sobbed under the constant barrage of spanks. Then I tugged Ben and he followed me. Back up to his bedroom. I could tell he was worried. Not knowing if I was going to give him that third spanking anyway, just as David was now getting from his Mother. We entered the bedroom and I pushed him gently on to the bed, lying on his back. I eased myself down and placed my mouth fully around his long stiff shaft. Ben gently stroked my hair as I sucked and licked him, until I again felt the gush of cum shoot up his shaft and this time in to my mouth. Something I had done many times before and enjoyed. Ben was smiling when he looked up. “Thank you Charlotte ” he said. “A pleasure Ben. Just to show you that when you are good I will be good to you.” This time Ben got dressed and we went downstairs where David was still being spanked across his Mothers lap. I smiled as we watched the steady slap of wood on bare skin and David now squealing louder and louder, squirming more and more. Ben scrunched his face up again, feeling for his brother. I took his hand, squeezed it, and he mouthed to me “I love you.” Yes, domination had successfully passed to me. We both knew I controlled him, his behaviour and his penis.
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or A Painful Prank © Big Billie 2003 and 2004. Not to be distributed or sold for monetary gain. My name is Mary Wainwright and I went to infants' and junior schools, as they were then called, between 1948 (when I was 5 years old) and 1954 (when I was 11 years old). I then moved to an all girls' grammar school, where I studied from 1954 until 1962, when I left to go to university at the age of 19. In those days the routine method of keeping order and discipline among school children...
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I was spanked by my piano tutor once. She was a middle-aged housewife type. Overall, a very sweet lady, but as I found out she could be quite vicious when she was angry. I think she felt that a spanking was justified because I went to a Catholic school that still used paddling. If my teachers could do it, why not my piano tutor as well? Ha. You’d think that the threat of spanking would have motivated me to practice, and I guess it usually did, but I could be awfully lazy sometimes too. I was...
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IncestHi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...
IncestThe envelope with Nicola's name on it was lying on the hall carpet where her younger sister found it at breakfast time. An innocent-looking bombshell as it turned out for when Nicola glanced at its contents her stomach gave a lurch and she felt her throat go dry. She hastily folded the note and shoved it back in the envelope, fearful that her mother or Julie might see. A gulped mouthful of cornflakes almost choked her.'Anything interesting, dear?' asked her mother across the breakfast...
I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...
I have a good friend who until recently has moved up north with his wife, a very pretty lady with dark red hair, but thats another story on how i saw her spanked. I came home from work to find my darling wife chatting to my friend via webcam and left them to it while i had a shower. She can sometimes be a bit flirty, i could here giggling as i dryed myself off.I came out and found her wriggling her cleavage at the camera and my friends eyes popping out of his head. I knew she was a tease when i...
This happened on our way back from Las Vegas about 4 months ago. While driving home we reached the town of Mojave. My wife informed me that she was going to spank me when we got home but first she wanted me to pull off the freeway at the next exit and take the dirt road. I did as she requested thinking she had to pee. We drove down this gully and I shut off the truck and jumped out to pee. She got out the other side and walked to the back of the truck. I finished and zipped up. She said come...
This is a true storey that happened many years ago when I was nineteen. I was still living at home and my parents had gone on hols. One evening while I was sitting at home watching the tv the door bell rang , I answered the door to find it was the local councillor who lived a few doors up the road. he was in his sixties, and about six foot , balding ,and overweight. He said my parents had asked him to keep an eye on me whilst they were away , and he needed to come in to talk about something...
Vicki's whole body was jolted as Parker's hand slapped hard against her ass. She cried out, "Oh! Stop! Oh, what are you doing? Ouch! Stop it!" She tried to escape, but the blows began raining down. Pain shot through her body, from her sensitive ass, to her toes, to her brain. With each smack, she uncontrollably jerked in the man's lap. Her legs kicked out in involuntary reflex. Crying out, she moaned with the pain as each blow landed on her tender ass. She gripped the man's leg and...
I went out with Nicola for two years during the nineties, she was the sister of a mate of mine, and we’d been eying each other for probably 15 years. When we did finally get together it was certainly worth it, Nicola was attractive, and extremely naughty, I think I spanked her the first time we went to bed. Nicola was tall, slim, leggy, with smallish pert breasts, and a nice firm bum. Nicola tanned easily, and I always loved seeing her white buttock set off by long brown legs. Nicola loved...
The concept that Hyacinth presented to the board of review for a reality show called, "Domestic Discipline Exposed in the Midlands" met with mixed reviews. Some of the more conventional minded older women who represented a significant portion of the board were opposed to it because it cast females in a degrading light not matter how much they appeared to enjoy the entire process. One of the male members of the board disclosed he felt it slighted the male audience because no males were in...
A group of students TP’d a disliked teacher’s house as a trick for Halloween. Only Lily took it farther than that by throwing rotten eggs at the front door. Sean, her dad is notified to come to the school and must spank her before she can return to school. Sean, was busy with his construction work with the city and he wasn’t always there when his daughter Lily needed a firm hand. He didn’t micro-manage every aspect of Lily’s life. She wasn’t Sean’s little girl anymore! That fact was now...
_______________________________________________________________________ This work of fiction (pack of lies) is copyrighted by the author. Permission is hereby granted to re-post it to any FREE site provided the title, text, and author's name are unchanged. The names and/or descriptions of all persons, locations, firms and events are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any resemblance, or perceived resemblance, to actual persons, locations, firms, or events is purely coincidental and...
Claudia wondered how she had allowed Eddie to put her in her present blackmailed position. Claudia had outsmarted by farting around and getting her work done and one of her boss’s had caught her red handed as she was absent minded when she had forgotten all about getting the beer kegs for the bar the bar crucial anniversary celebration party. Mr. Eddie explained, “Claudia I will cover the loss if you take a spanking in my office.” “I think we both know you deserve to be spanked like a...
Spanked by my babysitter 2 We had just got done watching a thriller outside in the living room that night. Lori decided to fall sleep on the couch. I laid in bed for an hour restless. I kept going to the bathroom. Then I decided to play with myself and thinking about getting spanked and punished by Lori like I did the Friday before. I pulled my pajamas all the way down. The covers were also all the way down at the bottom of the bed. My mind drifted into the episode of last Friday night. I...
The Whist DriveBy DummersPrologueMrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report.The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And...
"You're late, Emily!"Lisa was waiting at the kitchen table as her younger cousin came through the door."I'm so sorry Lisa!"Emily's face was apologetic, willing to please. Her denim shorts hugged her pert bottom just right, and her little breasts pushed against her tight yellow T-shirt.Emily had been staying at Lisa's over the summer before going back to college. Her older cousin Lisa had recently graduated as a doctor and had found the job very fulfilling and... stimulating.Emily was quiet and...
Hi to all SS readers I am Jyoti and I will share here my true experience and this is my first story. I am very fan of ISS and regularly read all update so I think I should also share some my experience. May you like please send you comment to my id This incident happen when I was 18 years old and we are family of 5 members and I am younger them all. I have eldest sister Veena who was 24 years old and brother Ashish who was 21 years that time and we have 2 bhk flat at Ahmedabad. My sister and I...
IncestI walked up to him dressed in a white mini skirt with a lacy pink shirt, wearing my hair up in a ponytail, I was wearing my favorite pair of shoes, we were going shopping and I wanted to look nice and presentable for my lover. It was always very important that I look good, and underneath my skirt was white panties with pink lace, he loved white on me, it showed off my tanned skin. He was taking forever to get ready as usual, so I went into the bathroom to help him get ready faster well one...
SpankingI walked up to him dressed in a white mini skirt with a lacy pink shirt, wearing my hair up in a ponytail, I was wearing my favorite pair of shoes, we were going shopping and I wanted to look nice and presentable for my lover. It was always very important that I look good, and underneath my skirt was white panties with pink lace, he loved white on me, it showed off my tanned skin. He was taking forever to get ready as usual, so I went into the bathroom to help him get ready faster well one...
Cum Girl is happiest when Master uses her for His pleasure. She craves instruction and left unattended she soon falls prey to doubts and worries as to whether Master wishes to own her. This evening I will ensure there will be no reason for her to doubt Master’s desire to possess her. In erotic fiction dominant males always seem to wish to turn the females under their control into bimbo sex sluts only fit to service their friends and neighbours. This seems to me to be destructive and...
Prologue Mrs Diana Fortescue-Slagg was very pleased. She was chairing the Annual General Meeting of the Middle England Whist Club, and there had been a highly satisfactory agenda item. It was the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer, Marjorie Snatch, wasn’t a very exciting speaker. (She was a Chartered Accountant, you see.) And the Whist Club was skint. But Marjorie was a great planner and forecaster. Which is a kind of ‘creative accounting’ term for fantasist. And Marjorie’s report hadn’t...
EroticOr Rachel's Atonement © Big Billie 2004. Not to be distributed or sold for monetary gain. The things that I am about to write were best left unwritten; the events that I am about to tell should not be told. Yet despite this I have decided to relate how I came to marry my wife, and how our first child was conceived. My name is Bill Faulkner. I am a committed Christian, and an active member of one of the biggest of our nonconformist faith groups here in the UK. My faith brings me not...
This is the sequel to the story i added about my wife getting a spanking via webcam for my friend and stripped nude for his viewing pleasure. I wrote in the first one that his wife Rebecca was due a spanking that evening and it would be shown to an audience of just me and my wife, well this is what happened that evening.We eagerly logged on that evening and clicked on his camera to see Rebecca looking nervous and sexy at the same time."Ive been told that Jessica got spanked today and Paul saw...
Midnight is approaching and I am sat at the kitchen table reading to Master. I find it difficult to express how I feel about all the pleasure I receive, so tonight Master has instructed me to write Him a thank you note. My head is bowed, my voice small and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I read the following: Thank you Master for Cum Girl’s overdue and well deserved spanking. Although spanking is punishment, Cum Girl very much enjoyed having her arse and pussy spanked with the...
Hello readers, thank you for your lovely feedback on my previous story. It was great to interact with some of the readers. I am back with an incident that happened with me just 2 days before the lockdown with an old friend of mine from my coaching center. So here is how it went. I called an old friend. We have been in touch on and off through the years but haven’t met many times. I called Shalu (name changed) 3 days before the Janta Curfew. I asked if she’s up for a coffee as it has been a long...
Before starting, it is necessary to tell few words about me and my family. I am Hriday Joshi, aged 26 years from Vadodara. My father is a businessman having whole sale and retain cloth shop at God dhod Road Surat. We stay at far off locality from Surat Called Olpad. My father gets clothes from manufacturers and sells at his show room. I am 19 years old and is studying in MS University in first year of engineering and staying in a hostel. In fact, I am son of my father’s second wife. My father...
Hi folks, I am Rajiv, 24 yrs aged and I live in Tamil Nadu. I would like to share my great sexperience with my brothers’ wife. I have two elder brothers and both are married. My elder Bhabhi is Punya, she is 26 yrs old and have two girl kids. Punya bhabhi is fair, cute and bubbly with coconut boobs and round ass. My younger bhabhi is Seema, same age as mine. She is slim, fair but has a good body shape. She has a baby boy. Both my brothers are outside the country. So in my home my bhabhis with...
IncestReddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...
Reddit NSFW ListHi Iss friends this is Sandeep. I am 20 years of age and I stay in Hyderabad. This story of mine is all about how I fucked my bhabhi. Friends my bhabhi is too hot and white in complexion. Her actual name is Pooja. She married my cousin brother 1 year back. My cousin brother and Pooja bhabhi stayed in Bangalore. They are staying in a rented flat. My brother works in a software company. He goes to job at 8 am in the morning and returns back at 9 in the evening. Now at present I am staying in...
IncestSpanked by Neighbour My name is ‘Arthur’. I was living alone. I was almost eighteen. I am an indiscipline and irresponsible boy. My neighbour was very strict. She was a beautiful woman of 25 and doesn’t like any kind of indiscipline. Her name is ‘Maria.’ She was irritated with my indiscipline. One day she called me. We have a little talk about my discipline. She asked me why I was so undisciplined. Maria firmly believes in corporal punishment, especially in my case. She said me,...
It’s a normal day at work sat at your desk when an email pops up on your screen. You open it and read it, “meet me by the toilets door at 1145 or I tell the boss about you wearing no underwear". You look around the room to see if anyone is watching, no one looks at you. You look at your at watch 1130, you slide your hand under your desk and rub your naked pussy. It was going to happen sooner or later, you loved the feel of being naked under your clothes, being able to have a little fondle with...
Hello readers, Sammy, here again with the second part of my adventure with my friend with a big ass, whom I spanked. If you haven’t read the first part, please do so. After some time, I went to the washroom to wash my face and to use the tooth-paste. She came along and did the same, as she was doing it, she grabbed my cock and slowly started to stroke it. As I finished, I was again on her nipples, and we made our way back to the bed. As we lay down on the bed, she came over me and placed her...
M. Thinks I went a bit too far with this one and he would never ever treat me like this. Challenge accepted I say. He clearly doesn’t know what he got himself into when he chatted me up a few months back. I was at Tesco browsing the chilled aisle for some chicken fillet for dinner, when he called me. 'Are you done having your hissy fit?' he set off. 'What? I am not having a hissy fit. I can't believe you just said that.' I should have known, he was just teasing me with pesky little comments...
Straight SexFor some reason my parents kept sending me to stay with Auntie Beryl. She wasn’t even my real Auntie she was just a friend of my mum’s who we called auntie. The last time I’d stayed here Auntie Beryl had caned me and caned Kate and two of her friends and then spanked my cock with a ruler in front of them all. So I had been completely taken aback when Auntie surprised me by coming up to my room before pulling back the bed covers and working on my rigid cock till I shot my load.. I was on my...
I am nearly 21 and Sally is a few months younger than me. We struggled financially when we bought our first house and it was my stupid idea to try to prevent us overspending. Sally was often extravagant and I suggested that if either of us wasted money on something we didn’t need then they would be spanked by the other one. Sally agreed to this but after talking to her sisters about it she told me that as she was not as strong as me her sisters would help punish me if needed. As I say, Sally...
Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...
IncestI still keep in touch with my babysitter Lori. I'm in college and it seems that she thinks I need her to keep me in check because of my behavior. She always promises me discipline punishment and spanking to keep me from screwing off. To refresh the memory, Lori is about seven years older than I am and she has been my babysitter for a long time. I am now nineteen and in my freshman year of college. Lori about twenty-six years old.Lori gives me the usual discipline punishment and spanking routine...
Spanking1I Masochist - Chapter One - Performance ArtBy The TechnicianBDSM, Public Bondage, Electro-sex, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A college professor presents a performance art production of "I, Masochist" with a little technical help from W. Afterwards, the professor who referred the masochistic models to her asks her and W's help in recording the six young women's stories of how and why they are masochists.The eight chapters of this story each stand on their own, but...
Hyacinth felt rightfully proud of her performance in the spanking review and looked at the small screen of her laptop watching her very own legs kicking as she took it on the bare over the knees of the handsome workman with the large calloused hands. She made a note to herself to watch the sweets because her cheeks were jiggling a bit too loosely at the end. Still, it was very inspiring television and she saw great possibilities for the inclusion of a "real people" late evening series...