Party_(0) free porn video

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These contact nights were pretty frequent and took place at our house or at one of the contact’s houses and they were all big parties. Sometimes Louise and I would be the only women there and other times there would be someone’s swinging wife to join in the fun and, more rarely, there were occasions when other daughters were there too. Daddy’s contacts are all high profile people – he sees no special reason to involve anyone less. They include corporate managers, doctors, lawyers and judges and even several politicians, one of whom is a former Cabinet Minister (if I stated his name most readers would be able to picture him, especially those in the UK).

Tonight we were going to a politician’s house. He is tall and dark with piercing blue eyes and he has a charisma to light up any room he enters. I shall call him Andrew for the purpose of this story. Daddy told us he expected there would be about a dozen or so people present and it was to be a small social and business event followed by our involvement in ‘keeping everyone happy’.

We drove down the long gravel entrance way to park at the front of the house. There were half a dozen other cars there already and the door was unlocked for us to walk right in. This house is one that I really love. It is quite large with wood panels everywhere and a beautiful central staircase leading off to two wings. We went through to the large library area where everyone else had gathered and daddy began to circulate as Louise and I helped ourselves to drinks and eyed the other visitors. We knew most people present and were greeted as we walked through the room. Our host’s wife (whom I shall call Angela) was also present and she was talking to another woman when she saw us and waved us across to her.

“Louise, Ruth,” she beamed at us, “you both look so ravishing tonight you really do put me to shame. Have you met Chantelle?” she indicated the other woman who smiled and air kissed us both. “Chantelle, this is Louise and Ruth, they are Michael’s daughters and I’m so pleased to see them both here as I’m sure you will be too.”

The four of us chatted there and absorbed the admiring looks from the men around the room. Louise and I had dressed for the occasion – we are both tall and slim blondes with neat 34B boobs and long shapely legs and we were both wearing clinging little black cocktail dresses with nothing beneath but hold-up’s. Angela wore a bottle green halter neck gown, slashed to the thigh and Chantelle wore a deep blue velvet dress with a plunging neckline. Angela was probably the eldest of the four of us in her mid forties, Chantelle maybe a couple of years younger, Louise was twenty five at the time and I was twenty three.

“You two really are lovely,” Chantelle purred giving Lou and I a knowing look, “you could easily pass for twins which would be so special tonight but I’m sure I will enjoy the company of sisters such as you two just as much.”

“Now Chantelle, you know we have to go through the boring bits of the evening first or the men will get very haughty if we interrupt their business connivings” mused Angela as she draped her arms around us both and brushed her finger tips over my nipple. I felt it spring to life immediately and it pushed forward in the material, drawing an admiring stare from Chantelle who disengaged from Angela’s other arm and gently stroked Lou’s arm, tracing her finger up and along it to eventually caress the side of her neck. “Come,” continued Angela, “lets get some air in the garden whilst they finish off their business chatter” and she led us through the French windows, out onto the paved walkway.

Almost as soon as we exited the room, Angela took my hand and led me across the patio and over to a wicker bench where she sat before me and reached up under my dress to begin caressing my buttocks and raising my hemline so that she could look at me neatly trimmed pussy. “You are just so gorgeous Ruth, it’s times like this that I wish I were a man so that I could fully enjoy you,” she mused as Chantelle and Louise joined her on the bench. Chantelle reached forwards and gently ran her finger along my slit and I felt the cool night air as she parted my lips there.

“Such a pity we have to be bothered with the men tonight,” she agreed with Angela, “although I’m sure you two have enough charms for the men and us tonight.”

Louise obviously agreed with her as she nestled her lips into Chantelle’s neck and began to lightly kiss her there, moving around to plunge her tongue slowly into Chantelle’s open mouth as she slid her hand inside that deep neckline and began to softly stroke her breasts.

Angela glanced sideways at them and gave a throaty laugh, her hot breath flowing over my pussy lips “Well ladies, I think we have something to savour between us here and as lovely and inviting as you all are,” she leaned in to me and swept her tongue along the crease between my pussy lips, “mmmm that tastes so nice, yes, as inviting as you all are I think the men will be expecting us by now and I for one am ready to oblige them now and as hostess for the night I think I have little choice than to take us all back inside.”

We spent maybe another five minutes or so on and around the bench kissing and fondling each other and then we followed Angela back into the house.

“Ah, there you all are!” beamed Andrew as his wife led us back into the room “We were about to send out a search party to look for you but it seems that you were anything but lost out there” and he grinned broadly while fixing his gaze on me and I felt myself getting wetter just at the thought of what was shortly to come. He moved over to me and held his arm for me to take as he led me through into the library. As I expected, everyone else followed us there, Angela grouped herself with a small cluster of the men whilst Louise and Chantelle moved over to the large couch and a few other men followed them there.

Andrew however, had other ideas for me and he edged me towards a large oak reading table where he pressed me back towards its edge and began to kiss me heavily, his tongue swirling around my mouth. I could feel his bulge growing as he nudged it against my crotch and his hands began to fondle my breasts and buttocks, slowly raising my dress upwards above my waist, then over my breasts and finally removing it over my head to leave me standing naked except for my hold ups and shoes. “My darling Ruth, you are so beautiful. I have someone who would like to spend some time with you, if you don’t mind of course. Here is His Honour Judge Baker who has a particular yearning for you.”

“Of course I don’t mind, in fact I’m rather flattered,” I responded, fully aware of the reason daddy had brought Louise and I to this party “good evening Judge, how may I be of service to you?” I crooned at the judge whilst staring demurely into his eyes.

Judge Baker was into his mid 60’s then and although he was anything but attractive there was something about him that I liked. He was always ultra polite and very respectful and he had a sparkling gleam in his pale blue eyes which suggested he had been something of a lady’s man in his earlier years. Now though he was much more a voyeur and usually preferred to gain his pleasures in his mind and his imagination although on occasions he would still indulge.

“Well my dear, you know how much I have admired you over the years and I would just like to spend a little time with you again, perhaps getting to know you in greater detail once more.” I had a fair idea what he was going to suggest as he had done so several times previously and it would be interesting to see how the others reacted tonight. “I wonder, would you mind lying on this table for me and showing your charms?”

I smiled and nodded agreement, “Of course, your Honour” and I slid myself up onto the table and eased myself onto my back with my feet tucked up and my legs spread open in front of his eyes as he drew up a chair to sit himself comfortably between my open thighs. He sat there in silence for a few minutes as I smiled knowingly through my spread thighs at him and then very gently he reached forward and eased my pussy lips open before sitting back to stare again. “Oh my dear Ruth, you have such an exquisite quim you know. I could simply stare at its delicate pink folds for hours as I sniffed your sweet aroma. If only I could feel myself inside there, now that would be heaven.”

“Thank you Your Honour, but you know very well that I would just love to feel you inside me again, if you wished. You always flatter me and I would be so pleased to return a favour to you.”

“You are so kind my dear, but I think the times for me to venture into a young lady such as yourself, probably need a little more stimulation for an old man although I would greatly appreciate it if you permit me to watch you through the night and if anyone could charm me to enter them then I’m sure it would be you.”

“Oh Judge Baker,” I admonished “you are not an old man and I’m sure you would thrill me as much as I would you if we did get together later.”

The judge and I smiled at each other between my thighs and as he continued to visually examine me, I began to turn my attentions to the rest of the room. I soon spotted Angela and Louise, both of whom were as naked as I was. Louise was spread across a couch with Angela licking her in front of a circle of the men, most of whom were stroking their cocks at the sight whilst one was slowly fucking the kneeling Angela and another had hitched himself up over the side of the couch so that Louise could nibble his cock head and swirl her tongue around the tip as she grinned impishly at him and the rest of the audience.

For a moment I couldn’t see Chantelle but I knew where she was as there was another cluster of men over by the fireplace and they were clearly well occupied there. As they moved I caught a glimpse of her as she squatted on her haunches in the small circle, moving from one cock to the next, stroking or sucking each in turn. She was still wearing her dress at this stage although the plunging neckline had been slid off her shoulders to reveal her superb breasts thrust before her. I noticed daddy was one of her admirers at that time and he smiled broadly over to me when he saw me look across at the group.

I felt a hand on my head and turned to see Andrew at my side, his cock was thrust through his open fly and was standing proudly before him so I turned and opened my mouth to take him in. Neither of us spoke as I licked the bead of precum from the tip of his cock and swirled my tongue slowly around the joint between the head and shaft of his cock, paying particular attention to the strip of tight skin beneath. Daddy has taught me well in the art of cock sucking and I guessed that I was pleasuring Andrew at a more intense level than Angela could. He held my head tighter and pushed himself forwards into my mouth and began to steadily thrust into me as I filled my mouth with saliva and sucked gently on his thick shaft, clicking his cock head with the back of my tongue with each in stroke.

Judge Baker continued with his praises of me and now included comment on my oral skills. “Ah Andrew, if that feels half as good as it looks then I don’t know how you are managing to keep from filling that delectable mouth with your cum. Even I can feel my cock twitching just watching you and I feel I must decide between the sight of Ruths lovely mouth and her delectable pussy - which I clearly can’t do so I’ll just enjoy watching them both. Michael” he called over to daddy “come see this beautiful daughter of yours in all her glory.”

As I continued to suck on Andrew I noticed daddy cross the room to us and he stood at the other side of the table from Andrew and then I felt him stroke his fingers along my pussy slit. “Open it a little for me Michael,” judge Baker pleaded “let me see deep inside her. My god, how wet she is, and such a beautiful bright pink colour. You have trained her well my boy.”

“That was easy Judge” daddy replied “Ruth and Louise were both born for sex and they enjoyed my attentions from very early ages, isn’t that right my dear?”

I smiled at this little diversion from the game “But of course daddy, we had such fun together and maybe we can have some more fun on the way home later tonight as well.” At that, all three of them laughed and I returned to sucking on Andrew as daddy began to insert his fingers into me and stroke deep up to my ‘G’ spot with Judge Baker watching intently as I began a shuddering orgasm.

This continued for a few minutes and I was lost in the ecstasy of the situation when I felt another pair of hands fondle my breasts and stroke my nipples to a hard erectness. Maintaining Andrew’s cock in my mouth I looked sideways to see that it was Chantelle who had now joined our group, bringing another two or three of the men with her and it was she who stroked my nipples to attention. She had shed her dress somewhere in the room since I last saw her and her large breasts wobbled gently before her and I admired the lovely brown areolas on them as she, in turn, favoured my own breasts. “I love your little tits,” she mumbled as she began to suckle on them, flitting from one nipple to the other and back again. Now she began to kiss and lick me lower and lower until she was nuzzling my pussy and I felt her tongue dart into the gap held open for her by daddy. She dipped the tip of her tongue in and then raised it to flick my clit and then dipped back again, rushing me towards another orgasm as daddy continued to plunge his fingers in and out of me and Andrew rapidly fucked my mouth.

Someone took hold of my hand and placed another hard cock in it for me to milk and I slowly began to stroke along the hot rigid shaft. Daddy extracted his fingers from me and I felt Chantelle gasp as he moved around and plunged his cock into her from behind.

“Ah yes, yes,” gasped Andrew as he finally lost control and began to shoot into my mouth where I gulped his sperm down until he pulled free and jerked the final few spurts onto my titties as I then turned to the cock in my hand to repeat what I had done with Andrew. I had hardly begun to suck on this new cock when he began to cum down my throat. I could feel the thick jets travel the length of the shaft and then hit the roof of my mouth in a series of large gobs, much thicker in consistency then those of Andrew and I admit I was a little disappointed that he had not lasted longer for me to enjoy sucking on him.

I continued to slowly wank on the cock after he had finished but I released it from my mouth to enable me to watch Chantelle licking me as daddy slowly fucked her from behind. “Oh yes! Oh that feels so good Chantelle. I think I’m going to cum again with your tongue in me like that.” I gently bit my bottom lip and gave the Judge a long and sensuous stare and ran my tongue around my lips to accompany my sensuous stare as I watched Chantelle’s tongue lap around and plunge into me.

Judge Baker remained where he had been all night and watched the scene with open mouthed pleasure when Chantelle reached behind her and undid his zipper to ease his semi limp cock out which she then began to stroke with such skill that he began to harden almost immediately. “Oh my god Chantelle! Don’t stop, this is marvellous! A hard cock after so long. Keep going, I think you are going to make me cum after all!”

I had been with the judge previously when he had cum but he did not do so often and although it was a rarity, when he did cum he shot copiously and I looked at his hardening cock with anticipation as Chantelle now began to concentrate on getting him off. She moved from my pussy lips to flick her hungry tongue over the judge’s cock head as she began to speed up her stroking. Now he was really hard and it was evident she would get him to cum soon and he was gasping and clenching his teeth as he concentrated on keeping hard and tweaked her hard nipple between his finger and thumb.

“Oh yes Chantelle,” he gasped, “now, now yes!” and the first spurt of his cum flew through the air to hit my open pussy and I felt the warmth of it as it splashed over me. Chantelle then surprised us all as she tugged him forwards and stuck the end of his cock into me as he shot spurt after long spurt of cum which I could feel deliciously splash up into my cervix. “Oh my god, I’m in her!” he cried and then he took over the plunge and shoved himself fully into me and I shuddered through another orgasm and gripped his cock in my rhythmic contractions and squeezed his juice from him as daddy looked on and smiled in encouragement and I smiled back knowingly. Daddy could now surely rely on Judge Baker for his support in whatever his next venture might be.

“Oh judge,” giggled Chantelle between gasps as daddy continued to slam up into her, “you are such a naughty boy pretending you couldn’t cum like that when you really had such a massive load in you!” She had reached behind him when she first pushed him into me and she eased his trousers down to allow access to his hole where she slid a finger in and began to massage his prostate for him causing his cock to twitch and bob all the more. He had felt good inside me when he started to cum and now he felt even better as with Chantelle’s ministrations assisting him, he managed to maintain a degree of hardness to his cock as he slowly fucked me.

Judge Baker gasped and smiled at her and at me as he continued to slide in and out of me, gradually breathing more slowly and leaning forward to support himself on the table edge as he savoured every moment inside me. I had to admit he did feel good and when he eventually softened I began to feel sorry that he had not been able to fuck me for longer. As his cock slackened and slid from me another of the guests, David, eased him to the side and took his place with no form of preparation as he slid fully into me and began to fuck me at speed.

Unlike the judge, I disliked David but he was one of daddy’s ‘targets’ so I endured him again. He was a senior administrator with the government and he made every effort to remind people how important he felt he was and how he believed he was able to influence some decisions made by the cabinet. This may or may not have been true but if he had been the Prime Minister himself I would still not have been impressed by him. However, I smiled at him as he plunged into me and pretended to be enjoying his ferocious thrusts. I clenched my muscles to increase the pressure on him and this soon had the desired effect as he yelled out and began to shoot his load into me, pulling out and pumping his cock so that he could watch the final spurts land across my belly.

Chantelle squealed in delight as daddy began to cum into her and she reached between her legs to rub her clit and bring herself to orgasm with him and he leaned across her back and smiled at me, knowing I had allowed David to fuck me because daddy would be wanting a favour from him later in the evening. David meanwhile had simply pulled out, finished cumming and then walked off to get a drink without speaking to any of us, just demonstrating what a self opinionated bastard he was.

Now Angela took my hand and helped me from the table. I had not realised how uncomfortable I was until then and we both moved to the rear of the room where we helped ourselves to more drinks and turned to watch the others. Angela draped her arm around me and we both half turned to each other and pressed ourselves together and I felt her superb tits press into mine as I reached down and slid my finger into her and sipped wine from the glass held in my other hand.

Across the room Lou had taken over from me in entertaining the men for daddy and he subtly nodded to the ones he wanted her to pleasure and at some point or other he would lead them over to her and she would either suck them or bend for them to fuck her from behind as Chantelle indulged herself with the others.

“They are both so beautiful like that” murmured Angela as she gasped to the feel of my fingers inside her. I followed her gaze to Chantelle who was on her knees before a Harley Street surgeon. She was gazing up into his eyes as she slowly wanked his cock for him. She would make a long, slow down stroke pulling his foreskin right back from the head so that it almost split at the joint and then she would ease her hands back along the shaft to finish the stroke with a swirl around the head. “It looks like Chantelle is preparing to get a discount on her next batch of surgery” laughed Angela as we both viewed the look of ecstasy on the surgeons face as Chantelle stroked his cock to completion, I nodded my agreement with Angela as we watched a long thick stream of cum fly from his cock and spatter over Chantelle’s head to the cheers of the men grouped around them.

Chantelle grinned widely and swooped her mouth over the leaking cock head to suck the remnants of sperm from it before reaching out to start repeating the process with the next cock in line. “What do you think of Chantelle Ruth?” Angela asked “She once told me that she loved wanking men off and sometimes she preferred it to having sex. She says she loves the feel of a hard cock shooting in her hand, knowing that she has just made it cum.”

“I think she’s gorgeous,” I responded “and I know just how she feels. There is something very rewarding in making someone else cum with no real effort from them. I love the feel of a shooting cock as well and I also love the feel of a pussy squelching and throbbing round my fingers as I bring a woman to orgasm.” So saying, I gave her proud clit head a swift tweak with my thumb and brought her off all over my hand as she dropped her head onto my shoulders and sobbed and shook as I kept her feelings going.

As her shuddering subsided we were joined by daddy and Neil, a trader in the city and I felt daddy’s hand cover mine and replace me inside Angela and he tipped her face backwards to slide his tongue into her mouth as Neil replicated this with me. Neil is another member of daddy’s group whom I like, with strong shoulders and legs and a rather large thick cock which he knows how to use. As daddy moved my hand away from Angela he gently placed it in his mouth and sucked her juices from my fingers before leading her towards a sofa where he spread her legs and opened her, ready for him. I watched with a little tinge of jealousy as he swiped his cock across her open pussy lips and then slid it inside her where he began to slowly plunge in and out as she wrapped her legs around him and crossed her ankles behind his waist.

Neil meanwhile had grasped hold of my buttocks and pulling me tightly to him he opened and closed them alternatively, stretching my pussy and my ass hole at the same time. I could feel his handsome cock pressing against my belly and I clung around his neck as he raised me from the ground. I lifted my thighs and gripped either side of his waist as he lowered me onto his cock. He felt sensational and it was almost never ending as he slowly slid me down his pole. “Oh my God Neil! This is wonderful” I gasped as I clenched my pussy walls to grip him tighter and I shot through yet another orgasm as I felt his rigid cock bump against the opening of my cervix.

He continued to prise the cheeks of my bottom apart as he lifted me up and down his cock and I just clung to him, enjoying every moment. Then he began to move forwards and I started to giggle at what he was doing as he paraded round the room with me impaled on his cock. At every group of people he would stop and pump me up and down on his rigid rod and when he received sufficient cheers he would move on to the next group and repeat the performance. Whilst I’m not particularly heavy, he was amazing the way he simply carried me around whilst lifting me up and down his cock with no apparent effort. Even daddy seemed impressed when he stopped alongside him and Angela to present him with an eye level view of his daughter being fucked in mid air as he himself laboured inside Angela. Angela however, got a fit of the giggles like me and her vibrating abdomen was enough to send daddy over the top and he suddenly began to cum deep into her as he held her tightly to himself.

Neil then seemed to think it appropriate for him to do the same with me as daddy watched and he began to raise and drop me with increasing speed. I was gasping for breath with the excitement and as daddy pulled out of Angela to turn and face us I watched a thin stream of his white cum leak from her, as it had done from me and Lou so many times in the past, and dribble over the edge of the sofa. Neil gave one great roar and slammed me down hard onto his cock and I felt him buck and thrust inside me as the first thick hot wad of cum shot from him followed by spurt after spurt. His head was tipped backwards in this primeval roar as he filled me with his cum and I could feel it leaking from around the edges of my pussy, down the sides of his shaft and drip onto the floor at his feet.

I clung tightly to his neck and kissed him deeply as he jerked inside me and I went through a roller coaster series of orgasms before we both collapsed onto the sofa next to daddy and Angela. The next thing I was aware of was the rest of the guests applauding us and I began to giggle again. Daddy was smiling at me and Lou was laughing her head off at the show we had given. “Me next!” she yelled and Neil just rolled his eyes upwards and everyone laughed all the more.

The party continued for another couple of hours but I was too exhausted to join in much more and apart from sucking off another few cocks I just rested to the end, knowing that daddy would treat both Lou and myself to something special when we eventually got home the next day.


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I usually never drink but my friend was getting married and I had a few glasses of champagne. I was drunk and Jim said he would take me home. Instead he took me to his house and I woke up the next day naked in his bed full of cum and Jim was sucking one of my nipples as he finger fucked my cunt. When I stirred he looked at me and said "Your tits are amazing. Big and round and firm with nice plump nipples. I sucked them a lot last night." Then he pressed his hard dick against my leg and it was...

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PARTY1.TXT 1 of 4. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humil Dear Readers: This is a four part story that I wrote as a followup to an introductory story written by someone else. In the introductory story our hero lets his girlfriend Annie put panties and makeup on him for what he thinks is a little harmless fun between the two of them. She has other ideas ... The doorbell rings, and you tell me to the answer it. But I'm dressed only in panties. You smile sweetly and insist that I answer it...

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Flexible Possition

Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. Shutting down my laptop I sigh and lean back as my chair creeks. I work from home, I had never been great with people in person, they thought I was too feminine so I started doing remote contracting and consulting work. It didn't pay a whole lot but it helped pay the bills I thought looking around. Looking down at my desk I see a picture of me and my girlfriend. Well back then I guess she was...

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Saras Surrender Ch 2

Chapter 2Seraph had active hobbies. He liked to hike, was part of a beer league kickball team, and even went along with his oldest friend and neighbor to the occasional mud run, but he didn’t work out to increase his performance in any of them. It felt good to look good. That’s why Seraph worked out.He had been a skinny, poorly styled nerd growing up whose romantic prospects had been limited by a lack of self‑confidence. Fortunately, the last few years of high school development had been good...

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Erica8217s Bathroom Fun

Erica was sitting at one of the rubber tables outside the main doors of the high school. Her two girlfriends were sitting there with her. They were all drinking Raspberry ice tea and talking amongst either, enjoying their fourth period free period and the nice warm sun that shown down upon them. Just as Erica finished her ice tea she suddenly felt the need to go potty. Standing up, she told her friends she’d be back shortly. She threw away her bottle in the nearest trash can and walked through...

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Ah Hawaii

We’ve been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each other’s bodies and how well they work together. It’s lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try – including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not...

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Rebecca Redux Chapter 5 The Finale

A quiet anxiousness has settled over Becca by the time she was leaving the Times downtown office. The glow over the Senator’s change of heart had faded in the light of her own personal issues. She tried Matthew’s number again and again. It went straight to voicemail as it had all day.Part of her wanted to be angry. She had been so certain that he, of all men, would understand what she was doing, but he had reacted just as she would have predicted any other man to react. With anger. She was...

Straight Sex
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Books and Glasses

The woman had always loved that old late night show. You know, the one where you’re not sure if it really happened and, if it did, what did it mean.? With all the horrible recent globe shattering calamities it was hard for her to remember a lot of things. She was quite sure it was hosted by a tall skinny man with glasses and definitely broadcast in black and white. Not that it mattered. Nothing was being broadcast now or would be for a very long time. If ever.Her favorite episode involved books...

Straight Sex
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Maxines Divorce episode 15

"Dot, take off that pretty blouse while I wash your hair." Maxine turned to the cabinet to fetch a clean towel. When she turned back to the wash basin, Dot was sitting on the stool bare breasted. "I don't like to wear a bra," Dot said to a mildly astonished Maxine. "Or panties," she added. "Oh! That's okay, she replied. Maxine was immediately turned on. Dot's breasts were smallish but beautifully formed. Maxine stepped up to Dot and nervously draped the towel around her...

3 years ago
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1st GH suck

When I was in college in the 90’s I use to go to an ABS by campus, first to buy some porn and then eventually to get my cock sucked whenever I got horny. I went into the store one night and purchased my coins and headed to the back for another quickie blow job. I went to a booth I knew had a GH and soon had a video playing and my cock out in my hand, hoping someone would enter the booth next door. I saw a light in the other booth through the GH in the wall and soon saw an open mouth with a...

2 years ago
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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 11

(Friday Night In the Moonlight)Relaxing in the whirlpool with Jeannie, my beautiful young lover, in my arms was heavenly, but we needed a break from the heat of our passion and the hot water. Our lovemaking had been wonderful so far, but I knew it was only going to get better as we continued to explore. Jeannie left the tub first and I watched as she walked across the room to start the shower. Just watching the beautifully sexy movements of her perfectly toned athletic body was so exciting, and...

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A Story Of Colleagues Ch 03

I looked at Lana… “How about you next?” She smiled, and began taking off the rest of her clothes. “You said you had taken it in the ass before, Lana… did you enjoy it? If so, did you want to do it again?” She looked up at me as she released her bra, freeing those gigantic orbs on her chest. I reached for them and took them in my hands as she thought. “I enjoyed it, but the guy was smaller than you. If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not.” I looked up at her as she responded, and placed...

Straight Sex
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One Long Dream 3 of 7

“Back in black, I hit the sack. I've been too long, I'm glad to be back. Yes, I'm let loose from the noose, that's” blared from Janet’s phone until she reached over and dismissed it. She turned over to face Jim and said, “Good Morning”. “Morning” Jim replied “AC/DC! Good song to wake up to. Aren’t you afraid it will get stuck in your head?” “AC/DC is always stuck in my head. I love those guys”. Janet then leaned over, reached down and grabbed his dick and gave Jim a small kiss....

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Cock ring chaos

Angela and James were always experimenting with sex. They had been together almost six months and had gone through every position and every room in the house. Angela loved the little quickies in the kitchen when James came home. The only place they hadn’t done it was on the staircase, but she was working on that. One particular Friday afternoon, James had come home early and was eager to try their new toy. They always talked about things first, although it had been Angela’s idea to get him a...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 12

Leah jumped me at breakfast. "How do you do that?" "Do what?" "You know, what you did last night. It was almost an orgy after you left. Dorian had my shirt off, Eric and Savanna were on the couch fucking in front of all of us, and it was all Cathy and Tory could do to stay clothed long enough to make it to their room. I came to my senses long enough to get my shirt back on and tug Dorian to our room. My shirt was off again before we made it, and I led him inside by his dick. Some...

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Learning Jenny

Wow, got such a huge response from my stories I thought I would devulge another one since you liked the last one so much, allow me to tantize you with yet another of my wild escapeds. And to answer your question. These things are real, have happened, and have helped me live a very full and adultered life. Hope you enjoy -redd_Growing up on a farm out in the middle of nowhere my closest neighbors were about 10 miles away. On a clear summer day, with our wheat freshly cumming up you could...

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Seducing Alfred

A true story...I’ve been working at a restaurant, part of a large chain. There are quite a few very hot young men and women to flirt with and keep the days and nights interesting.And then I saw him…Deep ebony skin and two diamond stud earrings to accentuate this blackness. I walked up and looked in his eyes and introduced myself. His name is Alfred and he is 24 years old. I am 38 and I could tell he was surprised and instantly aroused. I wondered if he had ever had a white woman or a sexy...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 111

"So you want to do this. He knows the location, the condition of our people, and the numbers and types armaments. We absolutely want to know and we don't give a crap what shape he is in when he talks. He most likely will not be filing a complaint," the mission commander said. "So you want to take the first crack at him. Remember he is a drug dealer not a terrorist. We don't have time to fuck with him and he has no rights." "I'll see what I can do," I said. "His name is Hector,"...

1 year ago
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The Cashier

PART 1 It had been a long, grueling day for Josh. Someone once said that time flies when you're having fun. He supposed it only stood for reason that time drags when you're fucking miserable. Ted, Josh's office neighbor, had been in an especially prickish mood today. He kept creeping over to Josh's space like a snake and trying to steal looks at his computer screen, as if he was hoping to see porn there. Ted had been working at the company for six weeks now, and he had taken an...

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Ninas Double Spanking

Living athome Mum meant her Mum always had the upper hand over 37 year old Nina and this week more than usual her Mum was being so picky about everything she did. It was as though she was trying to goad Nina into misbehaving and as her Mum got shorter tempered with Nina so Nina was feeling more aroused at the thought that perhaps her next spanking was just minutes away. In fact Nina’s Mum didn’t realise at all the impact her irritation was having on Nina. She was still livid with her daughter...

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Just For You

I’m at your house, in your room. I’m wearing a too-small pencil skirt that hugs my ass just right and a crop tank top that shows just my tummy and bellybutton ring poking out over the top of the skirt. As I plop down on your bed, you look at me at just the right angle to see my cleavage jiggle just slightly in my push-up bra. With a cute little sign I lay down on my stomach, just like a always do, in my favorite position. you can’t take your eyes off my ass, sloping from the deep arch in my...

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Pamalas first adventure

I joined the army after I quit school in the 12 th grade. After joining the army it put a crimp in my dressing up as a girl. I did wear panties whenever I got the chance but I really wanted to dress up completely as a girl. I wanted to go out dressed and I have to admit I was attracted to several guys in my unit. My third year in the army I went to Viet Nam in December 1967. I was in the 101 st Airborne. I had a best friend in my unit and we were friends since we were both assigned to the...

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Icarly hellip

Most people probably wouldn’t stay friends with someone who had knocked them u*********s on multiple occasions, especially if the victim in the scenario was supposed to be smart. However Freddie Benson’s friendship with Sam Puckett had always been… unique. No matter how much physical and verbal abuse he received from her Freddie could never stay mad at the violent blonde girl like he in all honesty should. Why that was used to be a mystery, now it was very clear. He had feelings for her. He’d...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 Middle Sector No 131

“Die?” For a moment Zax failed to understand the question. Was he not dead already? In a way that was his assumption. He was ready to also make it his answer when a cold sensation from his dantian changed his mind before he could get a grasp on it. “I won’t die here”. It came out as a casual matter of a fact, against their disheartening circumstance. Numerous projectors shed light at the bottom of the crevasse. The sky was only a distant, finger thick crack. The earth was laced by tracks...

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Black Cock Warning Pt2

As I knelt there in the middle of the room, my face wet with Jake'scum and my saliva I realized that I had finally descended into the depthsof total submission and humiliation. In one night, I had become a totalwhore to black cock. I had allowed myself to be treated like a sex slave,to be used for the pleasure of black men and to service their cocks attheir whim. Now I found myself in an incredible position. I was trapped ina black guy's apartment, naked and with no hope of getting my clothes...

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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 5

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain adult themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some...

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The Feminization Amy Maid

[ ] A long day of cooking for a group of angry men who are all big brutes that make iron slabs all day had me horny and ready to beg one of them to let me suck him until he got hard like a iron rod and bend me over to fuck me deep in my ass. Yet I was to scared that I would be called a fag or worse. I came into my bunk to sleep and I had a toy that I was going to use under my covers to satisfy my needs for a man. It was not a good comparison. The room was occupied by me and three men that were...

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Topology of Knots

"Topology of Knots" by Stinky Boot Dr. Greg Danton relaxed on the patio lounger, savoring the moment. He was a devout believer in not working on Sundays. His note for JKTR, an amusing trifle, was ready a week before deadline; he'd give it to UPS when they made their stop in the morning. One of the subjects of his note, which he'd modeled in flax, with its central opening suitably enlarged, now surrounded his garden gate. He couldn't see it from his chair, but its presence almost glowed...

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Exodus A Postlude to Genesis

Conceived as a sequel to the Great Shift story "Genesis" by Morpheus. Based on characters and events created by Morpheus. This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Exodus: A Postlude to Genesis By Pretzelgirl "A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation." -- Friedrich Nietzsche "Dammit, Rhonda let's talk about this!" shouted Lazlo, rising from his chair. The red, tear-stained...

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New Start Rays StoryChapter 5

"Liz, I think part of the change is that I think Dana is cheating on me," Ray admitted to the attractive doctor. "Why do you think that?" Liz asked still writing in her journal. Ray figured he was probably going to win her a Nobel Prize with the case study on his neurosis. "It was something that I never would have noticed before. Her hair changed. It was long at one time. Now it's trendy. It's flashy and it looks great on her. With light blonde highlights." "Women change their...

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A Second Chance Chapter 7

A Second Chance -- Chapter 7 SUNDAY, May 1, 2016 Bobbie really didn't want to get up on Sunday morning, until Rachael told him that they were going to make breakfast to take to his new Grandpa. Then he was into the bathroom like a bomb had gone off. Rachael again made French toast, something easy to carry, and had the first batch done by the time Bobby appeared in the Sunday clothes that Rachael had laid out for him. "Do you want to eat now? Or shall we take it to Grandpa's and...

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Shoe Shopping

This is about pantyhose hope you enjoyHere is a story that happened when I wentshopping for shoes one night.After work I had stopped and had dinner withfriends,I didn't bother going homejust went straight from the bank for drinksand dinner I had on tan pantyhose,tan pumps and a nice black skirt,white top. I decided I wanted new sexy black heels for a date I hadthat weekend. I decided to stop at the mall at one of those small shoeshops. I went into the store and a very young man about 20 came up...

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EvilAngel Paige Owens She Loves Anal

Cute Paige Owens flaunts her sculpted body in a revealing bikini and sexy, black heels. She gags on stud Mark Wood’s hard cock, giving him a deepthroat blowjob. He expands her puckering asshole with a big black butt plug. Next, he slides his meat inside and plows her bunghole while she rubs her clit to orgasm. Mark chokes Paige playfully as he buttfucks her. A passionate anal reaming makes her eyes roll back in her head. See hot butthole gaping, nasty rimming and an ass-to-mouth blowjob....

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Pretty thoroughly fiction, based in part on a few events from my life, though I will keep them private. There’s no sex in this story, more a relationship entry. * I’ve never liked the concept of abortion. Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I’m no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb, neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, ‘Murderer!’ when women walk into them. For me it’s far more personal. My dad and I never really got along. He didn’t even want...

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Shopping Trip

His mind wandered as he walked through the mall. He had several things to buy today, in preparation for her birthday, and he wanted to make sure that he got everything on the list. His first stop was the Art of Shaving store. He was out of his favorite shaving cream and soap, and needed to pick them up. She loved the way his face felt, and it was definitely worth the extra couple of dollars to buy quality items. Occasionally, he'd thought about picking up one of their razors, but he couldn't...

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Sharing Sister ndash in law 6

Summary of this fabel so far Jane was in a hotel with guys & a hooker running up a big bill on her credit card. Next day she sought JJ's advice on how to get the bill paid. Then a choir member wanted to know why she smelt of sex on the bus home. For more complete info start with Sharing Sister – in Law and read them all.To be continued.After the next choir practice the woman who sat beside Jane in the bus and commented on the smell of sex, took Jane aside.“Jane I am guessing the smell of...

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Peeping son Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! I tried to pulled mom near but she stopped me. She gripped my cock and lightly pulled it near her moist opening. She ran my bloated cock head up and down the lips of her steaming cunt. She loved the feel of the swollen head of her son"s cock nudging against her burning cuntlips. With a sob of delight, she ran the chiseled tip of my prick up and down her scalding wet cunt lips; mashing it against her throbbing clit. I obliged my mother willingly, easing...

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Daddy Kidnapper or Both

"Over here!" I look towards the noise and grin, seeing my best friends Lily and Lucas under a giant, tacky neon sign flashing "The Bird". Affectionately nicknamed "Shifties" after all the oddities you normally meet here on a Friday night it has been my friends and I's favorite spot to drink ourselves to regret almost every Friday and sometimes Saturday night since I turned the legal age to drink. I had yet another birthday here last week so I've been here well over my fair share of times....


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