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“So I used to say undress to your comfort level, but here that seems kind of silly, right?”

“I don’t know,” I said slowly. “I haven’t quite gotten the courage to go to the clothing-optional side of the beach.”
“First time?” The tiny blonde girl asked. 

“First day!” I said, a little too loudly. “And this was the first thing that I picked. I thought maybe if I undressed in front of a professional…”

“Oh I’m not that professional,” she winked. “So feel free to leave a large tip. But yeah, I know what you mean. The resort can be a little jarring at first; I used to be so shy. Trust me, once you and your man get comfortable though, clothes will feel just totally unnatural.”

“I’m not… I’m here by myself.”


But there was so much more in the expression like there was a little excitement hidden in that upward inflection. For a second, our eyes met, and then the almost miniature masseuse brought her eyes down, staring right at my breasts, bouncing behind the loose white frock. 

Okay, so I wasn’t naked…

Just pretty damn close. 

“So I am like the weird one, at the swinger resort all by myself?”

“Hedonism isn’t just a lifestyle resort…”

I rolled my eyes. 

‘Okay, yeah I know, it mostly is. But if you are looking to get laid, there’s plenty of couples willing to fight to the death over a pretty woman like you.”

“Thanks, but I…”

“Just here for the tan and scared of the swingers?”

“Not… scared. I mean… I... ”

“There’s a story there,” she said. “Come on, tell me on the table.”

“So… you’re going to be working on me then?”


“Just… not what I was expecting."

“Some girls get island fever real bad. I know I did when I first moved to Jamaica. I couldn’t find enough dick, but then I calmed down. It’s your vacation, though. If you like, I think Teddy’s free for the hour. I promise, I’m stronger than I look, but if you want to flirt with a hung black guy, I totally get it.”

“No… no… it’s my back, I promise I’m not…”

“Of course, with breasts like that, you could pretty much pick exactly how happy you wanted to be at the end.

“And you said I had to ask for someone else to flirt…” 

“It’s a different place here,” the diminutive blonde said with a flourish.

Did she curtsey?

No, not quite.

And she was really cute, bubbly and bouncy, almost like every blonde Disney character scrambled into one petite and foxy frame. The leather table wasn’t quite near the shore, secluded under the shade of a few palm trees, but close enough that I could hear the waves crashing against the white sanded beach.

So why wasn’t I relaxed?

Probably because it was my first time getting naked in front of another girl since...

“I know, I know, I keep clicking my heels together,” I said, looking down at my bare feet. “Oh… well I guess that explains it.”

Her hand went to her mouth, then out to meet mine. 

“I’m Rachel,” she said. “Your card says 'Nicole'.”

But the words were already spilling out of my stupid, stunned mouth.

“I’m Nic- right.”

Rachel laughed in those same small fluttering breaths that seemed to show she understood my embarrassment in more ways than one.

“Would you like me to turn around so you can undress?” Rachel asked. “I will promise not to peek.” 

“Maybe you could peek…” I thought out loud, then caught myself. “I guess I’ve gotta get used to it one way or another.”

“I’m going to see it anyways under the sheets…” 

“Still… I was always shy, even when we went…”

“There’s that story,” Rachel said. “Okay, I’ll turn around but you’re going to tell me whatever you need to get off your chest.”

“I don’t know…”

“I have ways of making your talk.”

The accent wasn’t quite Russian, but close enough to make me chuckle. 

Or maybe she was infectious enough to make me giggle at anything.

But she turned. With a deep breath and a learned now or never sort of fatalism, I pulled at the sleeves of the top. Quickly, I shimmied out from underneath the frilly white fabric, taking the matching massive brimmed hat off almost as an afterthought. 

It would also be fair to say entirely as an afterthought because had Rachel been peeking she would have seen me remember my hat only after the neckline of the garment collided with the brim, leaving me awkwardly struggling as though a mermaid caught in a net.

Or maybe a sailor caught by a siren...

I hadn’t been wearing a bra, a deliberate effort to make myself go topless. I was always self-conscious about my breasts hanging too low without a bit of a boost. So I tried to arch my back a little, replicating the effect best I could. I walked with my clothes still clutched like a shield over my nipples, looking away for more than a moment with a rush of uncontrolled sheepishness. 

Wondering what she had seen as Rachel turned around.

Again I adjusted, throwing the hat down quickly, not sure what to do with my covering. There wasn’t anything to hang it on, apparently, most of the guests went nude. So I just kind of awkwardly let my clothing dangle in front of me, not daring to take off my underwear.

Even though… really what was I hiding?

“Oh, I see. Don’t put that on the sand. Um… here, let me, I’ll just wear this instead,” Rachel said, taking my outfit. “You don’t have to turn around if you don’t want to…”

And before I could react, she had pulled the green and white hedonism t-shirt over her head, giving me a full glimpse of those immaculately shaped breasts. Small and still curvy, staying perfectly still, weightless and unaffected by gravity, while having just enough to grasp.

“You aren’t wearing a bra…”

“Oh my god!” Rachel’s palm went in surprise to her cheeks. “I totally forget about them all the time.”

“Must be nice.”

“Stop! I would have killed for your breasts in junior high.”

“I would have killed not to have them. God, all the attention.”

“But now… all the attention, right? Especially here.”

“Especially now.”

I tried to say it confidently, turning my head. 

“You’ll never hear this lady protesting too much,” she winked.

“Lady? That may be liberal.”

“Look who’s playing awfully fast and loose with the person in charge of their pain and pleasure for the next fifty minutes. Get on the table. And you might as well undress completely, it’s not like covering your crack is going to keep you modest.”

“It’s not like the waistband is going to keep you from fixing my back.”

But something about the casual command made me pull the thin garment down to my ankles, kicking my panties off without a care where they landed. Almost as an afterthought, I realized that I was completely naked as if baring my bottom seemed no big deal after letting her wear my top. 

There was actually something more intimate in that, like we were friends sharing clothes.

Despite my comfort, I quickly bolted to the bed, wrapping myself in the relative safety of the sheets. I could feel the excitement between my legs, enough to dampen the sheets. Silently, I cursed myself for making eyes at someone who was clearly just here to provide a service. 

Rachel probably spent all day flirting for tips and fending off advances from over-sexed swingers. She probably wasn’t even gay or bi or whatever it would take for me to imagine her taking off my shirt and…

There was that.

She would have to show me her breasts again when we traded back. 

Something twisted and tangled up inside of emotions snapped back to a memory, replacing her with Rachel, imaging us as lovers, awkwardly exchanging garments back. I could sense already the wetness between my legs, wondering how I would manage to make it through an entire hour without showing my appreciation.

I felt like a creep, trying to calm my libido, promising to leave such a tip… 

But then again, she hadn’t really forgotten about the bra. 

She wouldn’t have traded clothing or even flirted with someone she wasn’t at least a little into. Especially not for some paltry trip. 

Or was this one of those happy ending deals?

I was wiggling against the sheets, afraid of soaking them, when I heard her speak. I steadied myself, feeling her around me, nearly able to taste her aroma while she walked around and stretched her hands. 

“So where are your trouble areas?”

“Pretty much everything,” I answered honestly. 

“With breasts as big as yours, I’m sure your back screams murder.”

“You did peek!”

“I didn’t have to… even with that frock.”

“But you did…”

“Shhh… don’t tell.” 

“Never,” I said.

“They are perfect by the way,” Rachel said. “So natural. I don’t like the ones that look like they belong on a piece of plastic.”


My nipples hardened, shifting against the sheet until I started deliberately rubbing them. God, I hoped from the back it only looked like I was arching my shoulders.

Her touch caused me to tense, squirming a little with surprise. 

“Relax… that’s kind of the point,” she said. 

Her dainty hands expertly exerted enough force on my shoulders to soothe my face down into the hole. She started softly, stroking and threading her fingers to unlock knots I didn’t know had twisted all up the muscles in my back. 

Slowly, she worked her hands into my bare back with more pressure until I let out an involuntarily groan, almost sexual both in pleasure and expression. 

At least I didn’t have to look at her, praying she didn’t notice my obvious arousal.

Rachel went a little lower, her hands down and around my spine, the feeling of her fingers spreading out around my ribs and just barely brushing the sides of my breasts. 

She was so close, all I would have to do was move the wrong way and she could be cupping the side. And I imagined her throwing me over, hands kneading and hefting up my breasts so that she could suck on each nipple before diving lower….

I groaned again, sounding more and more like sex. Beneath the blankets, my pussy responding, seeping just a little into the sheets. She moved a little lower, her nails against the sides of my boobs pressed down against the mat, her palms really finding all those tender spots in my muscles causing me to gasp in an embarrassing gush. 

“Tell me if I’m too hard,” Rachel said.

I couldn’t speak. I tried to steady myself, to keep my mind from remembering the last time a woman touched me. I became impossibly shy, withdrawing as her hands continued lower, the tips of those fingers reaching

“Nicole? I’m not hurting you, right?”

I had to say something or own my inappropriate arousal.

“No.. no… you’re good. It’s…”

“I get it,” she said, pulling up. “Let’s try this. Ever had someone walk on your back?”

Rachel jumped up, the tiny blonde Tinkerbell barely weighing enough to shift the padded cushions. Her toes, just as diminutive as the rest of her, found spaces to push down as she walked. Her heels digging it, alleviating the deeper tissue…

And temporarily my deeper desire.

“So why are you so unafraid of swingers?”

“I… I don’t…”

“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” Rachel said. “But it might help distract you when I dig in deep. Besides, who could I tell?”

I started to resist, then again the touch of her bare feet made me shudder. 

“Okay, okay. I was with someone.”

She perked up, the inflection rising in her voice.

“Just some…. One?”

“Okay, alright, a girl, and uh… her husband.” 

“Oh, so you’re a unicorn,” Rachel said, stepping down off the platform. 

“A what?”

“A single gal who likes threesomes,” Rachel answered.

“I don’t know if I would say I like, like them,” I said. “Okay, oh god wow, that feels so good…”

“Almost like your threesomes?”

“I guess four hands are better than two. Or really six hands better than four. Maybe, like at a certain point it gets too busy.”

“But you’ve liked them, right?”

Her hands were lower, towards my waist.

“Yeah, I guess. It’s just so new. If it hadn’t been for Allison...”

“I get it. For me, it’s just part of the job. Working here, I could have my pick. Like, what guy isn’t looking for that perfect single girl to fit into one night, then disappear.”


She squeezed harder, as if in response. It didn’t hurt, hurt, and maybe it was a coincidence, but I tensed.

“Just because I work here, guys make assumptions.”

“I’m sorry!” I cried out, almost confessing.

“Too hard?”

“No…” I whimpered.

But she softened her grip, working right above the cleft of my cheeks.

“Not that there are times I’ve been tempted.”

“Oh god…”

“And times when I’ve given in to temptation….”

“What happened?”

“We were talking about you,” Rachel said. “Besides, you’re the one at a swinger’s resort too shy to talk about a threesome. If you can’t tell me what you want, how are you supposed to negotiate a scene?”

“I’m not sure what I want.”

It was the stupid, painful truth. 

“Then why did you buy the tickets?”

“Because we broke up!”

It came out louder than I expect, the breath almost throwing the petite blonde off of the table in a gush of anger and hurt. 

I wanted to cry, to scream, to say something else to qualify the hurt, but how could I?

I hadn’t even been able to talk about it.

“Whoa...  Nicole,” Rachel said. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… it’s just it helps to make conversation, especially at the hard parts and most people here, well they are, and you know, Christ on a stick, look just please don’t cry. You’re on vacation. You deserve this.”

“I’m okay.”

I was not super convincing.

“I know,” Rachel said. “You’re a bad ass bitch. You’re going to find someone much better for you. And talking about it isn’t going to make you upset or anything. It’s just a distraction from how much I’m hurting you.”

This time, she really did grinding into my lower back, making something almost pop. 

“Okay! Okay, I guess I hadn’t talked about it at all.”

It came out like a confession.

“No one? When I go through a break-up I gush to every girlfriend dumb enough to answer their phone.”

Again, I struggled from breath, her well-practiced pinch painful. Then the muscle stopped spasming, relaxing like it had smooth out a little. 

“It’s… it’s not something that I can really talk about with my friends. It’s too… too…”


“Exactly. I mean, I never thought anything like it would happen but…”


“Okay, it’s a long story…”

“We have forty minutes,” Rachel said, almost like she was smiling on top of my back. “More if it’s a really good story. I don’t have anyone scheduled next.”

God, she was easy to talk to. Maybe it was the feeling of intimacy as I finally started to relax, forgetting I was naked and letting her hands work up and down the small of my back. 

“So… well fuck it, I work at a library…”


“And I know this guy, he’s not an employee…” I added quickly. “But he also works for the city. Jason was one of those guys, the type that can say those things I should find so chauvinistic and crass, and I guess it would be if he wasn’t anyone else.”

“If he wasn’t hot…”

“He is,” I said. “I mean, I can’t think of him now without feeling this white hot rage, but…”


“He kept asking me out,” I said. “They’re swingers, and he likes to go to this club in Houston and eventually, I don’t know, he wore me down.”


“It’s like a regular club. TMZ, the Mystery Zone. The name totally reminds me of this ball pit place I used to go to when I was kid, Discovery Zone or something. Okay, now I sound weird, but it’s just like a bar. Except, well it’s got stripper poles and this back room with beds and…”

“Oh, you’ll love it here then. They have a few cages. Shadow boxes, this big sawhorse that overlooks the entire club. Once… okay… are we in the trust circle?”


“Once, my boyfriend at the time fucked me on it, like in front of everyone…”

“That’s sexy…”

“No, no, that’s not the embarrassing part. So first he tied me up so that I had my hands behind my back, topless except for the ropes, ballgag and everything. Then he leads me around on a leash and tells every man there that I want to be fucked by a hung stud.”

“Oh my god, that’s so…”

I fidgeted, feeling my pussy start to swell with excitement. 


I tried to nod, but couldn’t.

“In a good way.”

“He had it fixed. He didn’t ask anyone I wouldn’t have wanted. But it was so humiliating. Ryan would go on. She needs a big cock. My slut wants to walk funny the next day. You can do almost anything to her so long as she gets a big dicking…”

I wiggled, her hands moving to the tippy top of my ass. They rested on the part of my cheeks poking out from the sheets, not really working as she spoke. 

“Three guys made the cut. They took turns, one after the other as I lay strapped there in front of what felt like the entire island. I came like so ridiculously much. The last one slapped the condom on my ass like he was claiming a trophy. Then Ryan had my ass, the whole time whispering my ear that it was the only hole he wouldn’t rent out tonight.”

“And then?”

My voice dripped with caramelized lust. 

“The others had waited,” Rachel said. “God, I have never been so covered in cum. Three might be too much. You know how it burns if it lands on your eyes. Mine were almost glued shut… but it was worth it. They finished all over me. I was dripping everywhere, completely used up and then…”

“Jesus, Rachel, the story still has ‘and then’?”

“Trust circle!”

“Okay, okay, just tell me.”

“He made me stay like that,” Rachel said, almost longingly. “Then I got to speak as he led me around the club, letting every see the cum dripping down my neck onto my breasts.”

“What did you say?”

“As little as possible,” She answered, leaving me with still so many titillating questions. “But your turn! Now, what happened at your club?”

“Oh god, now I sound like such a prude.”

“That was the intention,” Rachel said. “It’s not like I do that every weekend, or actually since. But it still excites me to think about…”

“Me too…” I muttered.

“Okay, your turn,” Rachel said. “I’m moving to your feet.”

I let out a whimper, barely audible as her hands left the beginnings of my ass.

Fuck, I was so wet. I keep thinking of the enormous tip I was going to leave her, hoping it would make me less of a creep when she started up again, prying the details out of me.

“Come on, I showed you mine.”

“I guess I could start with the club, but it’s so cliche. Drinks, flashing, stripping… okay maybe not so cliche but Jason was smart enough to let Allison do most of the heavy lifting.”

“Your official boob holder?”

“Haha, one thing led to another and we are kissing on stage. They have these small little rooms, mostly he watched, but at the end, when I was so turned on, he fucked me while she licked all up and down my body.”

“Hot…” Rachel said, moving to my calves.

But I didn’t believe she meant it and found myself spilling out more details in order to prove I could be nearly as slutty as the hottie moving up my legs.

“She liked roleplay. I mean really, really liked roleplay, like a theater student at a local theater sort of performance every time. Her favorite… okay my favorite…”

I paused, suddenly self-conscious. 

“Too late now,” Rachel said. 

“Okay, okay, gentle, gentle!”

“You’re at my mercy.”

“So I was dressed as a Catholic school girl and I’d been caught making out with another girl from the volleyball team, and Father Jay…. I mean Jason dressed up, well-”

“I get it,” Rachel said. 

“He wants us to confess all of our naughty thoughts. So he has Allison tie me up on this cross, well, I mean it’s x-shaped. Chains and everything. He whips me first, old school flogging, making me say all the times I’ve eaten Allison’s pussy. Each time he flogs me I have to confess the body parts I like on a woman, how long I’ve lusted after women. Really just her and a friend in college, it has to be just right, that’s what made it so hard when we…”

I held some of it back, not sure how to say my part in the jealousy ridden break-up. Not because I wanted to steal him.


I tried to keep it together. 

“I guess I just wanted more with her, like it was more special to me. I guess that makes sense. They had each other, but still, it’s been… hard.”

“I’m sorry, that, that really sucks.” 

I swallowed hard and managed to continue, not wanting to ruin the one story I thought capable of competing with hers. 

“So Jay is all into the roleplay, asking me when I first experienced such sin with a woman. He hardcore play-acted the conversative bigot the entire time. Actually, I kind of hated him by the time it was done. But that made fucking me that much hotter, and…”


She sounded in disbelief.

“He… well he had her tease me for like an hour. Everything. Nipple clamps, oral, dildos, even a finger up my ass, everything! Until I was shaking on this wand, desperate to cum, begging. That was our thing too, she liked to make me beg to cum, it turned us both on so much. Then he tells me that I can cum, but only if I do it like God-intended.”


She was up on my thighs now, closing in on the bottom cleft. I was certain she noticed. I must have left a noticeable stain on the sheets from my sweet and musky aroma.

But she continued, getting closer until I was sure Rachel squeezed my ass sensually.

“I hated him. There was so much of that, so much of how I hated him for having her all to himself in that moment. God, and fuck me if it wasn’t the hardest I’ve ever come. He wrapped my legs around him, holding me by the thighs, forcing me to bounce up and down. Then he pushed me against the cross, pounding into me until he came.”

I wasn’t sure about saying the last part, letting it spill out when the silence called out the real end of the story.

“Then he made her licked it up from me. It was… the best orgasm of my life.”

“So far,” Rachel said. “You’ve got a long weekend ahead of you.”

“Yeah… I don’t know, I’m only here because we bought the tickets.”

“How long were you together?”

“Four months…”

She sucked in her teeth. 

“Too soon for a trip,” Rachel said. “Especially as a third.”

“Yeah, I know, I know. Now I feel so stupid….”

“Everyone feels stupid sometimes, or should. Especially when they are into somebody. It doesn’t mean you should stop. Just maybe pause, think about what they want, like long term, but also this weekend.”

She moved her lips close to my ear, her breath hot on my neck.

“Or even right now…” 

She let the last words out slowly, letting them linger up to prickle my earlobes. 

Now it was so obvious that her hands were on the edge of my buttocks, the sheet pulled up enough so that she could see straight up into where her thumbs parted my sex. Rachel was so close to my lips, she had to sense and even see the arousal her rubs were causing. 

And now, was she asking?

“Do you… do you do that?”

It was all I could manage, and even then, it seemed like a violation. 

She laughed.

“No.. no it’s not part of the massage. I could be fired. But...”

“You… you said you could have your pick,” I stammered, confused. 

“I did,” Rachel said, adjusting my thighs. “I choose you, Pickachu.”

I burst out in a fit of giggles.

“God that would have been too good of a line if you hadn’t…” 

I laughed so hard I thought I would throw her. But it was exactly what I needed, the fear of everything being the same suddenly evaporating, like I was breathing out every toxic bit of her exhaust.

“It would have been too good,” Rachel answered. “And I’m not that. I fuck things up most times. I need to be told what to do, where to touch, if I’m too rough… okay I’m always too rough. So tell me how I can make you feel good and then… well then don’t tell anyone else.”

“I promise…”

And now her hands were kneading the clefts of my cheeks, no longer pretending to be just about the muscles. Only in the way, she flung the sheet from the bed, leaving me completely naked and vulnerable.

I thought she might turn me over, diving between my legs and devouring my hunger body, but Rachel stopped, slowing to knead again at the muscles just below my ass. 

“Relax… you’ll enjoy it…”

“Okay…” I said, unconvincingly. 

She moved up the back of my thighs again, this time spreading her hands so that I could feel her thumbs digging into the space right below my bottom. She was so close again, moving up so that all it would take was a little adjustment…

“Oh yes…” I cooed, trying to move my ass back towards her.

“I’m going to do a very special technique here in a second,” Rachel said, keeping her voice steady. “But I need your permission. Tell me I can touch you anywhere.”

I couldn’t get it out fast enough.

“Please, Rachel, please, you touch me anywhere. Do whatever you want to me.”

God, have I ever meant anything so much?

“Don’t worry, I’m only going to make you feel good… you have a lot of tension right here..”

Her finger slipped into me so easily, the natural lubricant opening up my pussy so that she could unfurl one digit inside of me. She curled and rubbed, twisting and finding the right spot inside of my aching cunt. Normally, I would need a little lube, but the foreplay of laying vulnerable on the table while she touched me proved more than enough.

“Does that help?”

I moaned, feeling her hand on the top of my ass, right where the cheeks met into their cleft, holding me down while I writhed underneath the steady rhythm of those tiny penetrating fingers. 

I don’t even know when she added the second, only that her hand was so much like a cock, her tiny frame balanced expertly so that her left hand could keep me from rocking off the table. 

“Does that help?” She said in a breathy voice. “You seem to be carrying a lot of tension in this area. Try and stay still, best you can. And I’ll help you work it out. 

I let out another cry, muffled in my own head by the open-holed headrest around my ears. I was so close, right on the edge, needing her to push me past the mental block that reminded me of our location. 

We were both completely exposed, the table outdoors and open against the beautiful Caribbean Sea so that any beachgoer might stumble upon this sensual scene. 

She seemed to seize on this, adding a little more effort to each thrust as she leaned closer, whispering in my ears. 

“Anyone could see you, Nicole, out here, getting fucked by the masseuse like a dirty slut. They could see me too, I could lose my job, but I don’t care. You’re so fucking I hot I had to have you. Thank god you asked. I wanted you since you undressed in front of me so shy and…”

I let out one last breath, then bellowed out a guttural groan. I started to shake, my head arching up and then smacking down against the soft cushion. I spasmed, the orgasm overtaking every sense of propriety. I no longer held the capacity to care about the beach or open air, if anything our oblivious passion added a new element of arousing exhibitionism. Everything could be encompassed so simple in that singular embrace. 

She was still moving her fingers back and forth when I managed to speak, needing to let her know what was happening as if it wasn’t completely obvious. 

“Oh god, oh god, I”m cumming!”

“There you go, oh fuck, you’re hot.”

“Please, oh please don’t stop…”

“I wasn’t going to stop,” she said devilishly. “This is mine. I’m going to make you cum until you can’t anymore, until you pass out relaxed and content on my table.”


It was all I could say as her rhythm increased, the next climax building on the other so that I was never really sure how many times she brought me over past the brink of ecstasy. She drove her fingers back and forth until my helpless thrashing stopped, the continual waves of pleasure pulling back into the recesses of my cove, needing time before being touched again.

Then she slowed, the swelling subsidizing as I turned, presenting my body towards hers. She met my mouth in an open kiss, quick and all-too fleeting. My hand went down to her waist, wanting to reciprocate, only to feel her surprisingly strong grip around my wrist.

“Not now, this is all about your needs.”

I giggled a little, awkward in my approach.

“And what if I only need to return a favor.”

“It wasn’t a favor,” Rachel said, beaming. “But if you like, I can write my address on my card. I’m not allowed to stay with guests at the resorts, so it will be a lot more Spartan than you paid for…”


“A shithole. One that I will clean immaculately in the hope that you are in the mood to go slumming. God knows you could have your choice of-”

I cut her off with a kiss.

“I’m happy with my choice.”

She finished the massage, turning me over and working up my thighs. For the most part, Rachel was entirely professional, even when she peeled off my frock for the last few minutes of the rub down, neither of us caring anymore about the pretense of keeping it clean. Blissed out, my muscle sore and tender, her stiffening nipples pressed against me, working me up again. The topless blonde sprite took one last chance to feel up every inch of my spent body until my insatiable pussy started to react again…

Only our hour was up.

Hurriedly, she pulled on the green and white top advertising Hedonism. Bashfully, I started to dress, wanting to take my time and bask in the warmth of her gaze. 

Then she spoke.

“You know, you don’t have to get dressed,” Rachel said. “And really, I wish you wouldn’t. If you have to leave, I want to see that ass while you walk away.”

She got her wish.

I took each step slowly, wanting to draw her eyes down to each curve she had already caressed while giving me this happy beginning.

Because as soon as her shift ended, I took the taxi to her tiny little bungalow by the beach. And yes, Spartan might have been overselling the one-bedroom shack by the beach. She had made a hurried effort to clean it, only forgetting a few dildos left on the twin-sized bed. 

Or maybe just displaying them…

God, her taste, the way that bare pussy grinded against my face. She would direct me like a guy getting head, cupping my ears, interlocking her fingers with my dark hair to bring herself to a climax riding my mouth. 

I could barely breathe at points, but that didn’t matter. I licked up lovingly at the tiny blonde girl bouncing up and down, crying out so that the entire island might have known what we were doing.

I didn’t care. 

And for the first time in weeks, I never thought about Allison.

Every second of attention with the succulent taste of her flesh, holding her barely bloomed breasts, pinching at her nipples harder and harder at her request. Then she changed positions, and we did our best to contort ourselves into a sixty-nine position until it became apparent that the height disparity made such a coupling awkward and difficult.

So we took turns, her hands finding a long, purple vibrator that easily slid into my dripping sex. I gasped, spreading my legs and holding my knees up to my chest so that she could penetrate deep inside until all that remained out of my pussy were the buttons on that white handle. Rachel pulled back and forth, fucking me until I came around the shaking rabbit, then she bent her head down in between my legs.

Her tongue darted in between the two tiny prongs on my clit, preventing me from any post-coital rest. Licking delicately, she revved me up again with the toy, my hands clutching her head down, legs squeezing against her ears until I thought I might actually hurt her. Like that, shaking and curling up into a ball around her, I finally collapsed, sweat stinging my eyes, my tongue still sweet with her nectar.

It wasn’t enough. She reached into her dresser drawer, pulling out a harness to go with a massive flesh-colored cock, bigger than any man I had ever taken. Still, I’m not sure how she managed to fit such an incredible thing inside of her tiny little kitty. I only remember being glad she didn’t want to use the sizable dildo on me.

She started nearly swallowing the thing whole with her dripping lips. Rachel had gushed so much into my mouth that it was no wonder she never needed any lube, her pussy was already wet and wild enough to take every inch to the hilt. Distracted by the sight of her masturbating so excitedly in front of me, I ended up fighting with the harness, barely able to hike it around my waist.

Rachel turned, her tight bubble butt presented to me on her hands and knees. The toy was soaking and slippery, but still I managed somehow to fit the circular base into the ring. 

Slowly, my new cock disappeared again into her cunt. I pulled back, still expecting her to urge me to stop and find something smaller. Only keyed up from the day, Rachel seemed completely insatiable. With my hand clutched around the flopping length, I pulled it back all the way in and out perhaps a dozen times, loving the gaping part I left with each exit. 

Then I found my rhythm, my bountiful breasts heavily against my ribs a little painfully with each quickening thrust. I reached down to grab her by the thighs, pulling her ass into my waist, easily hoisting the petite blonde up into the air with every rapid push into that perfect pussy. She convulsed, climaxing around my dick, making me wish it was real just so I could feel the warm contractions against my flesh.

In that moment, I wanted to cum inside of her, if only to claim her as my own. 

Breathing heavily, exhausted by the exertions, I asked to switch positions. And with those initial needs met, the next orgasm came slowly in between kisses and longing looks into each other’s eyes. 

Just as suddenly, it became raw and rough again. Following her motions. I was biting down on her neck. She screamed, begging for everything harder, and by the time we had finished, she had three distinct impressions of my teeth right above her clavicle, a lingering memory of this transcendent moment. 

We didn’t sleep much. It was too exciting to feel her lying against my breasts, and more than once we intertwined, taking turns pleasuring each other until the thought of another orgasm caused each cunt to ache with a satisfied disapproval. Only occasionally did we actually nod off, and even so, there was still the push of her nipples against my body, always hard and waiting for me to reach out and tweak.

In the morning, I watched her dress, still thinking I was asleep until I laughed. She put her socks on first, then disregarded the rest of her garments. 

“What? My toes were cold.”

“Come back here, the rest of me is cold too.”

We kissed again, and I wondered how I would ever be able to leave the island, clinging to her as I would this intransigent moment becoming more than simple hedonism. 


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TJ MorgChapter 9

It was a good thing that Morg was a big man otherwise the impact of his two youngest sisters charging into him would have sent him into the luggage chute. He glared them into immobility from under frowning brows and as they stepped back a half pace to regard him with excited eyes, he extracted the baggage, activated it, and told them "Lead the way." His sisters clutched an arm apiece and guided, led, dragged him to the shuttle track, punched in the call number to the parking 'puter and...

1 year ago
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ValerieChapter 16

The following day I figured would be pretty quiet for me, from a sexual relations with others point of view, as Jan was on a day off. Normally I'd have another day off on the Wednesday but had agreed to work it to cover for a guy on the opposite shift who had a hospital visit; he'd agreed to do my Thursday shift and then I'd do my remaining normal three shifts. We'd decided to tackle the garden, well, gardens, as we had a lawn and a few bedding plants at the front next to the drive, as...

2 years ago
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So, here we are, almost five years after the fact, and this is the first thing I’ve written since. Oh, how I’ve missed writing. Let me give you some personal history. At seventeen, I left home to move in with a man that abused me. It wasn’t until he left me, hot, dehydrated and pregnant on a street corner that I got away. I didn’t want to be away, I thought I loved him. A woman, an acquaintance takes me in to live with her family, her husband and three kids, her husband’s single best friend...

2 years ago
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Ellies Lost Innocence Chapter 4

To: Maria From: Ellie Subject: I’m Scared I don’t know if you’re online, it’s 11:30pm here – I’m still wondering if I should meet him..? Help me out! ------ To: EllieFrom: Maria Subject: RE: I’m Scared  Don’t be stupid Ellie go, I mean come on! This is Frank we’re talking about I bet he was a Greek god in a past life! ------ To: MariaFrom: EllieSubject: RE: RE: I’m Scared  Ok I will – thanks! ------ To: EllieFrom: Maria Subject: RE: RE: RE:  I’m Scared  Ok wow hehe something tells me you had...

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Hysteria 3

Victoria lay on the table in a maelstrom of emotions. First, what in the world was she doing? An upstanding and moral woman, like she was, did not enjoy what was going on. Sex was a woman’s duty, not for pleasure. Second, why did she want this so much? It was almost an obsessive craving. Did she want him to stop? No, she didn’t. Her nerves were strung tight. Was he going to do what he did to Amelia to her? God, she hoped so. Watching as he walked to a nearby cabinet, Victoria strained to see...

3 years ago
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I Left My Heart and Her Vibrator in San FranciscoChapter 3

Back in the room, she pulled something out of her purse. "I snagged a couple of shrimp out of the extras they bought. Want to try me out as a bowl?" She offered a low, naughty laugh. How could I resist? She spread her legs on the edge of the bed, and, after finishing the shrimp, I finished her clit -- without cocktail sauce. The mixture of orgasmic sounds, with hysterical giggles, is fascinating. After we were resting, I offered a couple of club suggestions. "From what I've heard, The...

2 years ago
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Episode 17 8211 The Beginning Of A Secret Affair

The Sunday is a lazy morning. The sun too, takes his time to rise, so the rest of the human race. It is one of those days when even the early riser, Mrs. Nair, too sleeps for long. Reddy too takes a day off on Sundays, so his otherwise buzzing Gym too remains silent and empty on Sundays. Reddy was in deep sleep in his flat, while Anita too was enjoying a sound sleep at her home. She was convinced that she would finally be able to remove Kiran off her way, after what had happened in the gym few...

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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Mother Part 1

 Marty O’ Conner and I have been best friends since grammar school and live across the street from one another. We both attend the same high school and our senior year has just come to an end.Marty’s father took him on a one week fishing trip to Canada. My dad is on a business trip for the week and when he gets back, the three of us will be going on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park.In the meantime it is just me and Pauline, my hot looking stepmother. At forty, she could easily pose...


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