Hedonism free porn video

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After my divorce, I was back into the single scene. I felt free and wanted enjoy my new life, or should I say I find the pieces of me pre-marriage. I went out every weekend, took trips, and most importantly, did as I wanted. I started to get back into the “Swinger” scene that I experienced before marriage. I enjoyed it then and figured I would enjoy it again. I started getting close with several couples and other single women. We hung out on football Sundays, holidays, and “played” with each other at the club often.

It was Friday night at my favorite swingers club, which meant single girls got in free. I placed my finger on the buzzer to the private club and smacked my lips together just to taste my lip gloss. The door opened and one of my favorite bouncers opened the door.

“Hey beautiful!” Jerome smiled as he opened the door wider for me to walk in. He was huge black guy, very intimidating if you didn’t know him. I kissed him on the cheek as I walked by. One of the first rules I learned at a swinger club was to be nice to the bouncer, they may be the one literally saving your ass one night.

“Thanks Jerome! How was your son’s graduation?” I made small talk, making a purpose effort.

“We couldn’t be prouder! I have pictures.” I stopped and turned back. He took the pictures out of his pocket and handed them to me. Making the effort to have “my ass” saved later, was definitely worth it. I flipped through them, making oh’s and ah’s. When the doorbell rang again, I handed the pictures back.

“Thank you for sharing.” I playfully tapped his large arms. “That is really awesome!”

I walked in and was waved in by the cashier at the door. She winked at me. “Make time for me later?”

“I’ll be upstairs, come find me.” I ran my hand down her breast. Lori was woman that made me glad to be bi-sexual. She ate a great pussy and always shared her toys with me. Walking on, I made my way up the steps to meet my crew. As often as the crew saw each other, we always greeted each other with hugs and kissing. It was like a type of foreplay. Being single made it more fun, you could make out with everyone. I was one of the last to arrive, so I made my hellos around the bar. I laughed because it was like an 8 th grade dance. All the men or husbands were on one side and the women were on the other side of the bar.

“Did you see the signs downstairs?” Liz asked, seemingly excited about something.

“I didn’t really notice anything, but a lot of new faces. I came right up here,” I told her.

“The Club is planning a group trip to Hedo,” She exclaimed loudly handing me a sheet of paper with the details. “Please say you’re going too!” She reminded me of a little girl at Christmas. I got a drink and started reading the details to the trip. The details included the dates, cost, transportation details, and a little about the Hedonism resorts. I was the only one in the group that had been there before. I had 3 weeks of vacation left at work, I had the money. I couldn’t see any reason not to go. After give me a few minutes, Liz started back. “SO? You’re the only one who’s been there! And I want to go enjoy this with you!” She didn’t realize she was still yelling. She leaned over and whispered in my ear. “You’re the only one I trust playing with me and my husband. Please go?”

Hedonism is an erotic Carribean resort, in Negril, Jamaica. It caters to couples, singles, swingers, and any other type of sexual fantasy you could imagine. Hedonism is nicknamed “Hedo” and has 2 resorts called Hedo I and Hedo II. The trip was being planned for Hedo II.

I wanted to use my answer as leverage. “What do I get if I go?” Liz hopped off the bar stool and came up to me. She started kissing me, squeezing my tits, then running her hand up my skirt. She stopped and looked at me. “Still not sure,” I answered playfully. She placed her fingers on my clit.

“I promise to eat you everyday?” Liz asked, wondering if that would be enough to do it.

“Hmmm, I’m listening.” She definitely had my attention.

“I’ll use your favorite glass dildo to fuck you,” she paused. “While I eat you.” She continued to rub my clit.

“If I say yes now, does that mean you’re gonna stop doing that?” I was really enjoying her fingers.

“Well…” Liz stopped abruptly. I caressed her arms. She leaned in and exposed one of my nipples. This was a normal scene, so no one even thought twice about Liz’s actions. She began to suck my nipple and slipped her already playing finger inside of me. I got off the bar stool to reach her face better and we started to kiss. “Get back up there.” She pointed to the bar stool. I got back up and she parted my legs. Her tongue felt smooth against my clit. She began to suck, just perfectly. As she slid her fingers inside me, I started playing with my nipples.

“You two are starting already?” Gina asked, watching us. I put my hand on Gina’s shoulder, holding on and inviting her.

Liz perked up, my wetness glistening from her lips. “I’m trying to talk her into going to Hedo with us.”

“Why didn’t you say so?” Gina asked, accepting the invite. Gina and I started kissing as I felt her tits. They were already pretty exposed from her top. I brought them all the way out and pinched her nipples. I started moaning, Liz was doing a great job and I was pretty close to finishing. Gina broke my hold of her tits to sucking mine. With that combination, I came hard with my legs around Liz’s shoulders.

Liz stood straight up. “So?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” I smiled at her as we kissed again. “That was awesome.”

“Bartender,” Liz was waving the bartender over. “Sign her up.” I went off with the bartender to finalize my seat and room for the trip. As I walked away, Liz slapped my ass. “It’s a month away! This is going to be great!”

The plane was landing in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I was beyond excited for what the week held. Being the only one of the crew that’s been to the Hedo Resort before, I was just as excited for them. We had a couple small planes booked to get to the other side of the island, instead of taking the 2 hour ride to Negril on the bus. We got our luggage and went to the TimAir terminal. The small plane didn’t go that high up, but the scene was definitely worth the $85 per person. The pilot was kind enough to do an ariel view of Hedo before landing. The landing strip was literally right across the street from Hedo.

The cab driver waiting, took our bags to the office of the Hedo resort. As we arrived, there were about 20 of us, all standing around, taking everything in. You couldn’t see much of the resort from the check in location, but there was a wonderful waiter serving beverages and explaining the check in process.

It has been about 10 years since I’ve been there, but drinking the rum punch brought me back like it was yesterday. My soon to be roommate, Carrie and I, toasted. “Here’s to getting off as much as possible this week!” We toasted, kissed, and took a long drink. The waiter was around with a pitcher, making sure no one was empty. Lucky enough, Carrie and I were called to check in first. As we walked deeper into the check in location, I took in the open room, which was mostly outside with a roof. It was the typical Caribbean colors with a tile floor. Pictures and beautiful plants were all around. The check in desk wasn’t like a usual hotel. There two chairs where you sat as you checked in. Carrie and I sat down as the waiter refilled our drinks. Carrie was busy looking to see what was beyond the check in point. The bellhop stood with our bags as the woman behind the desk gave him our room number. The lady behind the desk was quite happy and entergetic.

“Say goodbye to your bags. They’ll be in your room next time you see them.” She teasingly waved to the bags. Carrie and I looked at each other again, excited to be there. We each got a key that had a bracelet attached to it. “Most people put it around their ankle. When you are on the nude side, well, there’s no where else to put it.” We all laughed as we got up from the plush pink chairs. Like two little kids, we raced into the next section. Carrie used me as her guide.

“What’s this?” She was looking around, her eyes wide open.

“This is the main dining room. Buffet style eating, lots to choose from.” I pointed to where the food was already set out. “There is ALWAYS food around.” I pointed out the stage and explained some evening entertainment. There was another bar upon the exit of the dining room. We stopped to get more drinks. The bar was covered in small blue tiles, some metallic, but beautiful. Before making our way towards our room, Carrie noticed the first pool. It was large. “That is a fun pool at night! There are window to the dance floor at that end.” I pointed.

“You mean they can watch you swim, naked?” Well, ordinarily yes. But we’re still on the “prude” side (clothing a must). That is the night time must do!” I pointed to the naked water slide.

That quick, Carrie’s eyes took her to the hot tub. It was up on a deck, about 20 steps. “That thing is HUGE!”

“Oh yea, fits lots of people. During the day, not much action. But at night…hmmm. Lots of naked bodies running around here.”

We made our way, following the signs to our room. It was on what is referred to as the “nude” side. This means you can be naked all the time. We walked in our room and saw the contents. Our bags were on the king sized bed. I started grabbing my bags to unpack. I barely got it open when Carried stopped me.

“No way! Not now!” She was already naked. “Let’s go!” She screamed at me and started untying the back of my halter top with two towels in her hand. I removed the rest of my clothes. She grabbed my hand and headed towards the door.

“Wait, room key!” I grabbed her and mine. We both stuck our foot in the bracelet and put it around our ankles. As if I never left, I remembered the way to the nude side pool. It was covered by neatly placed shrubs. As we walked in, Carrie gasped.

“Wow!” She took in the sea of naked people, the swim up bar, and the grill. We picked out some beach chairs and got in, Went right to the bar for refills.

Carrie had planned on making one of her fantasies a reality and having at least two men at once. She spotted some prospects and left me at the bar to get to know them. I ensured that I would be ok and pushed her to go. I stood in the pool, by the bar and smoked a cigarette. I just people watched, waiting for some other members of the crew to arrive. I couldn’t have been standing there more than 5 minutes when I heard a voice.

“Oh my God,” the person sounded seriously shocked. “Katie?” The voice was almost whispering, but I heard it and turned at hearing my name. Standing there naked in a wealth of other naked people, I expected the person to not even be talking to me or hoped that it wasn’t someone I knew. I never, in million years, expected to see the person that stood before me. I stood there, naked and shocked. There was Alex, an old love from many years ago. I couldn’t believe I was looking him in the eyes.

I shouldn’t call Alex a “love,” but I did love him. He was married and we had an affair for many years. I never expected a relationship with him, but did rate him as the best lover I’d ever had. The mere sight of him made me nervous. I forgot I was naked. I just stared at him with scenes of our torrid sexual past running through my mind. Then I remembered how we lost touch. I had an affair with him when I was married. I had trouble dealing with the guilt and stopped responding to his emails or any form of contact. I basically ignored him, not because I didn’t want to have sex with him. It was because I wanted to have sex with him way too much, too often. Our intimacy with each other was steamy enough to put a porn flick to shame. I never trusted myself alone with him, he knew how to push my buttons and then I had no self control. I wanted him inside me. Even at this moment, feeling nervous, I wanted to jump on him. I fought my inner self for self control.

As I just stood there staring, he started to talk again. “It’s me! Alex? You don’t recognize me?” He sounded hurt.

“I am sorry, I do, of course. I am just shocked.” He was wading through the water to get closer to me. Does one still hug in a situation like this? I guess that question wasn’t in Alex’s head, he came right up and hugged me. My wet body pressed against his chest, I could feel his soft cock against me. He broke the hug short.

“Shit, I can’t do that too long.” He looked around and then looked down at his own member. “You do crazy things to me.” He leaned against the bar and ordered a drink. He looked at my cigarettes and took one. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re here! This is just…” he paused. “Wow, its been so long since I’ve seen you. Are you here with your husband?”

I was still shocked and kind of starting at him. “No, I got divorced a couple years ago. I got back into the swingers clubs again. I’m here on a group trip with them.”

“Fantastic. I mean about the divorce, if you don’t mind me saying.” Alex smiled that evil grin that always swallows me. I laughed anxiously.

“It’s fine. Really. What about you? You actually get your wife to do something like this?” I pointed around me.

“No,” he held out the O, laughing as if I was crazy for even thinking that. “I am here with a few guy friends to celebrate the finalization on my divorce. It was official 3 days ago.”

“Congrats.” My pitch was high as I wondered what it all meant when it came to sex between us. We used to fantasize about being able to freely be together. I wanted no type of relationship with him or anyone, but I did want to feel him fill me again. He must have been thinking the same thing.

“Hmm. Interesting.” He put his hand on my hand. “So we’re both free to do what we want?”

“Yes… how ironic meeting here?” I said to him, immediately taking his advances. Now he was staring at me, straight into my eyes. Reading me. He was always a little too good at that. For that silent moment, the world was still, but broken when he leaned in to kiss me. For a second I stood there, just letting him. Then I put my hand through his wet hair. I got closer, purposely pressing my body to his.

“Wait… Oh God. I can’t do that here. I can’t even hide my reaction.” He looked around to see if anyone noticed his hardness. I noticed and felt it. I reached down to grab it. Quickly, he grabbed my hand. “If you do that, I’ll never be able to get out of this pool. Do you want to go somewhere? Somewhere a little more private?” I think my answer had everything to do with if he’d be willing to get out of that pool with a hard cock. He was offering exactly what I wanted.

“Yes.” My answer was swift and breathless. He took my hand and lead me toward the steps. I looked over at Carrie who was the center of 3 men’s attention. She looked back at me. Behind Alex’s back, I gave her a thumps up. She returned the signal. “My room is close,” I offered. He nodded, concentrating hard to keep his cock soft til we left the area.

At the threshold of my door, I took the key from my ankle and let us in. The door barely opened when he took me into his arms. Already being naked, was quite helpful. He kissed me deeply as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Wait.” I let him go and broke free of the kiss. “Don’t you want to know why I stopped talking to you?”

“Well,” his voice was quite sexy about it. “If I had to guess, knowing you, you wanted to fuck me too much.” He took my hand and pulled my back to him. My eyes told him he was right on the button. “I understand. I been there, many times over the years with you. I wanted to stop, but couldn’t. You are more addictive than most drugs.” I thought of all the times we tried to stop, back before I was married. It never last more than week and then he was calling me. I leaned back into him.

“So are you.” This time, I started kissing him. Wrapped in a tight embrace, our tongues were interlocked. This was the first time, neither of us had to hide. He leaned his ass on the high bed. Immediately, I dropped to my knees and started sucking his hard cock. I didn’t hold back or even start off slow. I dove into sucking him. I sucked and tongued the tip before moving on to lick his balls. When I went back to sucking, he breath quickened. I looked up at his face and seen his head falling back as his hands held my hair.

“If you keep that up…” he stopped. I had no intention of stopping until I tasted his cum.

I took his cock out of my mouth and played with his balls as I stroked him. “I want your cum. Besides, I WILL make you hard again.” I sucked his cock back into my mouth.

“And that would be why I get so addicted to you,” Alex had trouble getting the words out of his mouth. I feverishly kept sucking. I could feel his hands on my tits. I tickled his balls lightly with my nails. He was letting his moans freely fill the air. His warm cum shot into my mouth. I took it all and kept sucking. Alex was going nuts. I reached my hands up to feel his chest and stomach. I slowly took him all the way in my mouth. I remembered how perfectly his cock fit in my mouth. I felt it get hard again and was even more turned on than before. He lifted me and immediately felt my wet pussy. He started to maneuver me on the bed when he noticed all the luggage. We both started to put it on the floor.

“My roommate.” Alex shook his head.

“Lay down.” He pointed, demanding. I did what he said as just watched my naked body. “Spread your legs.” I did. He made himself at home on the bed with his mouth attached to my clit. His fingers touched on my wetness. “You are wet. You really like sucking me, don’t you?”


“Does it make you wet?” I missed this little game he played. He’d ask questions he already knew the answers to and If my answer was good, it would be reflected by his mouth or cock if he was in me.


“Do you like when I finger your cunt?” I liked it even more when he talked to me like this. I was starting get breathless from his fingers inside me and other hand rubbing my clit.


“Tell me you like it.” I don’t know, but I was so turned on when he forced my shyness away and made me talk dirty back. “Tell me now or I’ll stop!”

“I like it when you finger my cunt.”

“Good girl.” He went back to licking me. “I want your cum all over my fingers. I want to taste your cum.” His sucked my clit.

“Yes, oh wow… Yes.” I moaned back. I looked up and noticed the mirrors above the bed. I watched him pleasure me. My hips were thrusting under his mouth. My moans got louder. “Please,” I breathlessly whispered. “Fuck me.”

“Tell me again.” Alex demanded quietly, but firmly.

“Fuck me.”

“No.” I’d love to say he was teasing, but he wasn’t. He made a craft out of eating my pussy. I finally came on his fingers and my body went wild. He kept his fingers inside me. “Maybe I’ll fuck you now.”

“Please.” I begged and meant it. I wanted him in me. He leaned up and spread my legs wider with his hands. He continued to toy with my cunt.

“You want me to taste it?” He said as he watched my pussy.

“Yes.” His eyes were glued to mine as I watched him lick my cum off his fingers. He moved to get on top of me. Before his cock reached my pussy, he licked and sucked my tits. He moved again and this time he lead his cock to my opening. Slowly he placed his head at entrance.

“You want that?”

“Yes.” I could feel his throbbing cock waiting to enter me. I tried to grab his thighs to slam into me. He overpowered me.

“No. Don’t be greedy. Slow.” He went inside me a little further. I closed my eyes as I felt him. He pushed a little more in, then started to slowly thrust me. “Rub your clit.” I really enjoyed when he told me what to do rather than asking. I started rubbing as he watched me.


“Is that how you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes.” I hoped that he would. He slid himself deep inside me. I gasped at the feeling.

“You like that?” He started pinching my nipples. “Tell me how it feels?”

“I love it.”

“That’s not enough, tell me more.” I knew what he meant, what he wanted to hear. The naughtyness of me actually saying it turned me on more.

“Your cock feels good when you…” I stopped, moaning from his thrusting me.

“Finish it.”

“When you fuck me!” I exploded. With every piece of strength in me, and using his unexpecting body, I flipped him off me. I got on top and lead him back inside me. He laughed, full well knowing THAT IS what he was trying to do.

“You think you are so good don’t you?” I asked.

“Yes.” I started riding him harder and faster. He grabbed my tits as they bounced. He pinched my nipples so perfectly. “Don’t stop.” I put my hands on his wrists and held him there as I rode.

“I’m gonna cum on all over your cock.” I whined it through my moans.

“Yes, baby. Let it…” My screams cut him off. I didn’t stop, but slowed down. His hands guided my thighs.

The sound of the key in the door stopped me.

“Oh,” I said as a matter of fact. “That’s Carrie.” He looked puzzled. “My roomie.” Alex shook his head. As the door opened, I whispered, “She’s bi too.” Alex and I have had a threesome before. Alex just laid there, his cock still hard inside me.

As the door swung open, Carrie was alone. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s your room too! Don’t worry. Unless I burned your eyes?” I laughed. “Did you get anywhere with your little project?” Code for her wanting 2 or 3 men.

“Nah. Not them. One got me off though.”

“Cool.” Without asking Alex, I continued. “You want to get off again?”

She perked up from her suitcase, feverishly looking for something. “Yea?” She questioned. “You share?”

“Best thing to do.” I watched her and motioned for her to come on the bed.

She was still naked from the pool. She got on the bed and came right to me sitting on Alex’s cock. I was rocking slightly. “Oh yea… I love helping and getting off.” She turned to Alex, but asked me, “Can I fuck him?” She situated herself behind me. Grabbing my tits, she started rubbing my clit.

“Yes.” I turned back and started kissing her. Alex reached up to touch my sides. “Give me your pussy.” I couldn’t reach from where she was sitting. She stood up completely on the bed and hovered over my face. I leaned back with Alex’s cock still inside me, thrusted my hips on him and started licking Carrie. Alex leaned up and started fingering her. I sucked her clit hard, the way she liked it. She started moaning at Alex and I pleasuring her. It didn’t take her long to cum. When she moved and plopped on the bed, I got off Alex.

“You cum on his cock yet?” Carrie asked.

“Yes,” I giggled. She kissed me. I want to taste it. She started going down on Alex. I joined her and started licking his balls. Alex had access to both of our pussies. He fingered us both. I leaned up and offered him up. She sat on him and started fucking him. Alex pulled me towards his face. We kissed as I whispered in his ear. “You like that?”

He didn’t get a chance to answer. Carrie got up and ordered him to fuck her from behind. When she came again, she ordered Alex to fuck me. I got in the same position and allowed Alex to fuck me. Carrie laid in front of me with her legs spread for me to eat her. I started eating her. I felt Alex’s chest against my back. He was fingering her as I ate. I could hear Alex’s moans getting louder.

“Rub my ass,” Carrie ordered. Alex obliged and got her off again. She perked up while Alex was still fucking me from behind. She leaned down and kissed me. “Thanks. I hate to say this but, people are expecting me.” We kissed again as Alex watched intensely. “Bye.” She started walking out. “Oh yea, nice to meet you!” We both laughed. Alex pulled out.

“Suck me again. I love it when you do that.” I started sucking and he pulled out of my mouth as soon as he started cumming. He sprayed it all over my tits. I rubbed it in.

We both sat up on the bed. Kissing gently, “This is going to be a good week.” I stated, hoping there would be more of what just happened. He caressed my tits and shook his head.

“I agree. This could be an amazing week.” Alex continued with my nipples.

“Keep that up and you’ll have to give it to me again.”

“If that’s an offer, I will.” Alex showed me his cock was hard again. He took me into his arms and laid back on the bed. We went another round.

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BigTitsRoundAsses Katarina Hartlova Her Natural Immense Tits

Today we got a really good treat for all the tit lovers in the world. Katarina brings her massive big juggs to bangbros! Watch her tease her natural big tits to the camera before she swallows a cock in between them as she gives a great tit fucking. Once she has enough of the tease and sucking she ends up getting the bare hard cock deep inside her from multiple positions until she makes the guy explode jizz all over. Her boobs look fantastic as they bounces on all positions so make sure you...

3 years ago
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Unfinished Business

It’s been almost a year that these neighbors from around the corner have been parking their vehicles in front of my house and my neighbors on the same street. I never really understood it as they rent a house around the corner that has a huge driveway. I get the fact that they can’t park their vehicles overnight on their street, but why can’t they park in their own driveway?It was actually over 6 months before I actually figured out who’s vehicles these were. There was a extended bed truck...

2 years ago
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A Coffee Encounter

  Shopping.My favourite pastime.I love shopping for clothes, shoes, especially underwear and… I like to shop alone.My husband hates shopping, he thinks it is boring. On the odd occasion that we go together he refuses to enter ‘women’s’ shops and prefers to wait outside. He is probably watching the girls go by. I like to watch the girls too but he doesn’t know that.This fantasy started on a shopping trip on my own.I had been in town for a couple of hours but had bought nothing so far. I'd had a...

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Dr takes her vitals

Wrote this for a friends wife tailored just for her. Patient and dr. I take total advantage of you at my office. Using you and your body at my pleasure......Twice a year you go to your regular check up. And every time its the same ordeal. Lay down try to relax and then the ultimate all clear have a good day bit. But this time when you go to the office they mention that the dr is running a couple min late. No worries you think as you make your way to the private room and dress in the paper gown....

2 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 6 Ron checks it out

Ron had been telling me about Ronnie’s first time out for the night with Sue. The thing that stuck in my mind was when he repeated Ronnie’s description of her experience with one of the guys with a huge cock. I went home that night, and Sue and I made love several times. I just didn’t seem to be able to get enough.Next morning Sue asked, “You were overly excited last night?”The way she said it made sure that I understood that she expected me to explain. Initially, I was a bit lost for words but...

3 years ago
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The time I realized my girlfriend no longer though

Talk about being ashamed and pathetic! When I was dating my then girlfriend laura, it came to my attention that size in fact did matter as laura pointed out numerous times towards the end of the relationship. At the time laura had been cheating on me on multiple occasions due to the fact that my 3 inch penis never really satisfied her. I really had no say in the matter and even got to watch her fuck bigger, stronger more competent men all the time. It cam to a point where I was getting so...

1 year ago
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Screwed By Classmate 8211 Part 1

Hey all sexy people out there, I read few stories on ISS and ended up discharging in my panties and fingering my silky cunt. So thought of sharing my 1st sexual experience here. Hope you all enjoy reading about my best day when I lost my virginity to my classmate. thanks to him for giving me such a wonderful sexual satisfaction. To begin with I am from a orthodox south Indian family but always fantasized having sex. Thanks to net and porn sites which educated me about sex. I was not aware of...

1 year ago
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My Dominant Family

Everyone in this fantasy is over the age od 21. Looking over the fields of hay at the back of our house, I remembered the many happy memories. There was and still are lovely, lush, green fields and woods, with many different paths you can take, all different but all beautiful. I used to spend many happy hours running nearly naked through the hay and woodland trees, trying to catch the beautifully coloured butterflies, while listening to the bird song, the long grass tickling my legs....

3 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 21 Families Cumming Together

The morning after the party Lana awoke to a familiar feeling and thought, "Oh Honey, I love you family pet, but it's Saturday, let me sleep." As the heat and moistness between her legs increased greatly between her legs and the aroma of an open inviting pussy continued to flow down to her nose (as well as a few drops of cunt juice) Lana couldn't fight her lust to have her tongue plunging in and out of that beautiful bald pussy anymore and her eyes finally shot open. She found herself, as...

1 year ago
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My new friend

My teen years didn't start out all that well. I was a bit of a nerd and that meant a real lack of friends for the most part. While, like most teens, horny was my normal state there certainly weren't any girls willing to help me with that. Not that I tried, my urges mostly embarrassed me and just made me more shy.One day a new k** came to our school and somehow we became friends. Jay's house was on the route I took home so we often ended up there after school watching TV and drinking coke. One...

1 year ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 9

Wayne grabbed his daughter from my hands and threw her inside. She landed on the carpet and hit her head against the couch. I took a step back but in a few seconds Wayne's giant fist flew into my eyes. A stinging bolt of pain shot up into my head. Wayne managed to leap forward and catch me before I fell. He threw my body into his living room. I landed near the couch and crashed my head against a metal bar on the coffee table. Wayne stared at his daughter and pointed to the stairs. "Get up...

4 years ago
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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 15

"Alfred Marshall illustrated two ways in which ceteris paribus can be used to consider the effects of some causes of isolation." "Ceteris paribus?" Jack muttered to himself, as he reread the sentence. "What the hell is ceteris paribus?" He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he flipped back to the index of his Microeconomics textbook. He knew this stuff. He'd read the words many times before, but for some reason he just couldn't remember what it meant. Was it possible...

2 years ago
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Sex Education

This story was related to me by my wife, hope you enjoy....We had lived on the continent for some years and were used to visits from friends and family eager to take advantage of the Mediterranean sun so I was not surprised to receive a call from my sister to arrange for a holiday, although this one was going to be different. My sister had separated from her husband a few years ago and I had not seen her during this time. She and her daughter,Melissa had apparently been struggling but...

2 years ago
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A surprise for birthday present

Another year… so; another birthday.And of course, another boring business trip by my dear Victor…I woke alone at our marital bed that morning, feeling I needed a hard dick inside of me. I really wanted it so bad.As I was inserting my naughty fingers in my cunt, my loving girlfriend Helena called me, to wish me a nice Birthday…I told her my bad feeling about being alone; but she laughed and said we could make something different that evening for a birthday party. We could celebrate it at her...

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The Reality Bomb

A decade ago, scientists made an incredible discovery. Alternate realities existed. An infinite, or so near infinite that the distinction barely mattered, number were just barely beyond the walls of our own reality. Every choice or encounter could be tracked to an alternate reality, as could more uncontrolled circumstances. The scientists were able to view worlds inhabited by wildly different species than humans, humans with different characteristics, and worlds so alarmingly close to our own...

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Reina the Warlock Part 3 The New Assistant

"So who is this new little pet who is joining us?" Beleeza was splayed over a table in Reina's workshop watching her bondmate rummage about. The Daemon was looking especially outlandish today, her curved horns larger than usual, covered in dangling jewelry and chains. Her skin was charcoal grey, with only a few spots of brilliant red strewn across her face and arms. The elegant cloth around her waist was only there because Reina had ordered it so."She has worked under Mistress Loranna, who...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Becoming Freya

Becoming Freya. I paused at the door to my older sister's room, aware of the gravity of what I was about to suggest to her, of what it might lead to, but I had to ask her. I knocked on the door. "Come in Michael," I heard over the soft music coming from her stereo. I opened the door and walked in, suddenly feeling horribly self conscious and ashamed. "Hi Kelly," I said, trying to force some cheer into my voice and, I suspect, failing miserably. Kelly looked up from her bed where...

3 years ago
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Lust for Lily Part Three

We arrived at the club to find a queue snaking around the corner. “Crap, maybe we should just head back to yours?” I suggested hopefully. “Don’t be daft! I know the doorman…Or rather I will do in a minute!” Lily said with a cheeky wink. I watched as she walked towards the front of the line, her slinky white dress riding further and further up her tanned legs. The lace of Lily’s thong was starting to irritate my pussy as I became more turned on, and I contemplated taking it off inside the...

4 years ago
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After commencing my final year at high school I encountered Percy, a new pupil in our school who also happened to be in my class. First of all let me ask, who the hell would call their child, Percy? What a nerdish name! As if that wasn’t bad enough, Percy was one of the most awkward individuals I had ever met. Physically, he had absolutely nothing going for him. Percy was a large lumbering oaf. He wasn’t really overweight, but he had a really big backside that made the top of his body...

Gay Male
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Warrior WoesChapter 35

I had two jobs now. Lawyering during the day, and playing the currency markets after hours. It was kinda fun actually, playing the markets. I’d fooled with it some in the past and I knew the game. I’d never tried to make any money; I just studied the systems—the international systems—and figured it out. The biggee? I need to make me a minimum of four million, maybe five, in six months. I used the second million that I’d gotten from the sergeant as my seed money, and the other million to get...

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Stage Two Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

Life was becoming a little confusing. I was out of high school and attending the local community college part-time at night while I worked at the machine shop during the day. I played soccer on the college team in the inter-county conference. Mom helped me buy a nice used car. Still, I wore panties, a bra, and nightshirt to bed every night. Sis was working part-time at a hairdresser while taking cosmetology courses in the evening. We still sat together in our panties and nightshirts...

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Gtb Nagar Metro Station To Her Room

Dosto main sandy apni pehly sex story likhne ja raha hu…. Ye kahani meri or ek metro traveller priyanka ki hai jiska figure 36b-28-36 hai…. Jo muhse new year eve pe metro m dikhai di.. Main kashmiri gate se gtb nagar metro station aa raha tha or wo mujhse pehle hi metro m mojood thi… Jaisi hi gtb nagar metro station aaya to main utrne k liye gate k pass aa gayamaine dekha to wo bhi meri side me aake khadi ho gayi. Or by chance utarte time meri kohni uske books ko jor se lagi aur uske muh se...

4 years ago
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The Game Of Sex 8211 Part V

Farm house poche par dekha waha do gadi aur bhi thi parking me main utri aur viberator chut se bahar nikala aur apne ko saf karke uske sath andar chali gaye waha do jawan ladke aur ek ladki thi wo mere dever ke dost the jinhe me nahi janti thi tab devar ne mujhe intro karwaya ek ka name mittul tha aur dusra jitesh aur wo ladki mittul ki behan minal thi jo ki waha unke sath thi ascharya ki bat thi jab wo mujse Gale mili to usne jor se meri gand daba di me use dekthi reh gaye tab usne kaha kya...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 20 MaturingmdashLiam

Liam stretched, a little disoriented as to where he was. His arm, however, was stretched over Meredith’s sleeping form. Recollection of the night before sprang upon him. He had made love to Meredith Sauvage. There was no other word for it. The joining of their bodies had been merely the climax of the love they shared for each other. He stroked her bare shoulder and placed a kiss there. “Are you up already, love? It can’t be more than six.” “I’ll quietly slip away for my morning run. Meet me...

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Its my 21st birthday.my sisters have given me kiss as wish , but my mom have not wished yet.she surprised me with her natural gift to me. TODAY IS MY 21ST BIRTHDAY.MY SISTERS HAVE WISHED ME IN THE EARLY MORNING.THEY LEFT FOR WORK & SCHOOL.MY CLASSES ARE OFF DUE TO HOLIDAY. I am having breakfast with my mom.our house hold maid is in kitchen.looking at me , she smiled........" Garry today is your birthday & my gift is waiting for you (Garry) i am desperate to see it (Lousie)wait for maid's...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 63 Take down

Luks rounded the largest trunk he'd seen for a while and suddenly went tumbling, punctuating each successive impact as he rolled downwards into the dark. "OH! OW! FUCK! DAMN!" His eloquence in motion was halted abruptly by a large bramble at the bottom of the gully he'd unintentionally discovered. Both cushioning and making his final impact a most memorable occasion. Realizing, eventually he was still somehow conscience and not at all certain that was such a good thing. He lay for...

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How I Met In The Park And Fucked In The Car

Hi, this Romy. I am 24 and from new Delhi. I am writing this for the first time as I get motivated after reading ISS Stories. I find this very interesting that how people are sharing their feeling and experience of sex. It was not my first sex encounter but was totally different from the past. I am a student and love to hit the Gym but due to shortage of time could not made to it. So, I started jogging in the Park. It was a routine for me and I always went by 6:30 Pm in the evening. The Park...

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Suzettes Norma

Suzette's Norma - By Norma Grace .....I untie your ankles and wrists from the bed posts, tie your wrists together and tell you to get on the bed with your ass in the air. You are on your forearms and knees and I stand behind you. I ightly brush fingers across your ass and spread your legs a little further. Your pussy is quite wet, glistening with sticky moisture. I touch your pussy lips and trace their outline lightly with my fingers. It feels wonderfully slick. I take some of...

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My sexy wife enjoying solo

So today while I was at work my wife texted me telling me that a friend had texted her asking if he could come over and fuck her. Normally we always play together, I love to watch my wife get fucked and suck someone else's cock, but there was something about today that was special... This particular guy was special; my wife just loved his cock.I knew how happy it would make her, so I wanted her to enjoy this experience. Ana was working in the afternoon; so therefore she was alone at home during...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 10

Renee bent over and pulled down the covers, which she hadn’t even gotten under, because it was warm in the room. It was still warm but, despite the boldness of her behavior, there was still a residual level of nervousness in her that demanded she do something routine and normal. Turning down the covers served that purpose. “It really is a cute butt,” said Bobby, from behind her. She looked over her shoulder, to see him staring, where the shirt had ridden up to show her bare buttocks. Once...

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Something Unexplainable

Glad that classes for the day were nearly finished, I celebrated in the thought that it was Friday and the Omega club was holding a free for all party. Being of age for alcohol, I figured I could contribute to their stash. So when the final bell rang, I headed to the nearest liquor store. Browsing the shelves, I settled for some rich, red wine and several cheap six packs of beer. Going to the counter, I flashed my ID and an easy smile. The horny boy on the other side of the counter never stood...

College Sex
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A MILF and her son

After weeks of pestering him his friends finally convinced Matt to either take pictures, or better yet, videos of his mom naked. He decided the best way to do it was to set up a camera in his dads closet and wait in there until his mom got home from work. She arrived home around the same time, called for Matt and once she thought he wasn’t home headed upstairs to change. She was in one of her blue business suits that was purposely cut a little too low and the skirt a little too short. She...

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Sissy B

SISSY by Sissy Property of: __________________ (part 2) Mistress hands Master an envelope which He stuffs inside His coat and leaves. Standing in front of Mistress, She then places a heavy steel collar around my neck, locking it. Introducing Herself, Mistress tells me about my new life. "Your name is now sissy. I'm Mistress Catherine. And this is my personal slave susan. I have just purchased you from you former Master. You will accept the fact that I now own you totally. First...

3 years ago
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Me And My Friends With My Little Brother

Hi All. This is Nivitha from Chennai. This is a story about how I and my friends enjoyed sex with my brother. After completing our college we all three that’s my friends (Jyothi and Sharanya) were looking for a job. We got too frustrated and started being at home and enjoying more. Both of my friends come to my home early morning and leave by night sometimes they stay as their homes are nearby. We were watching movies and discussions and started about sex. During college days we use to talk a...

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Vintage whore

“The newly organized women’s social gathering known as “The Club” met for the second time last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Warrington on Alameda Street. A light luncheon was served and Mrs. Amelia Stringer, of 1124 Fillmore, gave a lively talk on the history of beekeeping in early California, followed by open discussion. The once a month sessions of “The Club” are closed to invited members only.” “Thank you, ladies. Have the servants all left?...

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Getting kinky while shooting a porno Banging the BlondePart 3

The day had arrived when I was going to shoot the movie. Jofre was on set and there were more people than last time. I told Jofre that I was uncomfortable with so many people on the set. He assured me that once they set up, the actual shoot would only have a handful of staff and they would be discreet. That gave me some courage and then I saw Joanne walk in. She was looking good but had too many clothes on I guess, so she went to the changing room and then re-emerged in a transparent shirt and...

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t was Steffie's last year of college(grad school) and her last sorority banquet that she would be attending and she wanted Brad of all people to escort her to the ball. It's not like he minded, hell Brad jumped at the opportunity to go.Brad and Steffie had always been close, extremely close in fact so it was only natural that Steffie would ask him. Brad would have thought she had a boy friend she would have invited but when she said she wanted him he was all for it and honored.Brad and Steffie...

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Laundry Day

          New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...

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Lollipop for a good boy

Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees but, thankfully, the buttons didn't go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment. [email protected]

2 years ago
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A New Day For The Brady Bunch

Authors note: This is not my usual type of story. But the idea came to me and I couldn’t resist. Carol Brady unlocked the door to her husbands office building. Mike Brady is one of the city’s most prosperous architects along with his partner Jonas Wilson. Ah, Jonas Wilson, what a hunk. 6’6′ inches tall about 240 lbs. of muscle. Blonde hair and blue eyes and great buns. Carol knew all about those buns. She also knew about his package. 11 1/2 inches and 4 3/4 circumference. (she had...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 41

Brody checked the lasagna while he waited for Ryan. He hoped she hadn't gotten stuck in traffic, although he figured she'd call if something like that happened. It seemed strange that the six weeks were over. The only thing wrong was that he wasn't still playing hockey. Not that he would be even if the team was still in the playoffs. He was improving and would try skating again the next week. Still, he chafed at the restrictions. The knock at the door jerked him out of his thoughts and he...

Love Stories
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The interview

Jane Crawford looked nervously around the outer office of PIG studios while trying to maintain her outer calm. "Judas priest," she mumbled under her breath. "What the hell am I doing here?" She picked up a two year old copy of People magazine to try and take her mind off the reason for her appointment. She was just getting interested in an article about face lifts, tummy tucks, and breast implants of the stars when like a gun shot a woman from the half open door to the inner offices called out...

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CompanionChapter 2 The Cavalry Arrives

Caleb Connor felt his anger continue to build as he stalked towards the helicopter that was landing closest to him. Men in odd looking hazmat suits started piling out of the helicopter, some with instruments, and some with guns. "What the hell are you guys doing," he yelled at the nearest man that happened to have a rifle. "Look what you did to my truck!" Caleb continued gesturing wildly towards the slag heap that he used to be so proud of. "Who's going to pay for that?" he...

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How I Satisfied Married Women

Hi all my name is anji not real name changed and my age 25 Na sulli size 6 inches nenu white ga untaanu good body shape. Starting lo konchem bore koduthundhi next meere enjoy chestharu. Nenu cheppaboye story lo heroin peru ramya she is like heroin preeti zinta. So beautiful married lady. Size 34.32.36 chala sexy ga untaadhi, 5.4 height. Present I am living in bangalore. I love to do foreplay and I love married women’s. Yevarikanna interest unte na mail id ki ping cheyyandi Ok coming to the...

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Secret Story Of My Drunk Girlfriend

Hello mates this is Venky from Bengaluru. This is my first story so kindly bear with me if you didn’t find me narrating well. I’m 30 years old and married, this incident happened 7 years back in Mumbai. To the point, let’s get into the story I was working for an MNC there and having crush with one of the girl working in a different team. She is one of the sexiest and most beautiful girls in our office and many people were dreaming about her, very nice assets and the way she laughs we all would...

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