South Of Bikini 3- Rendezvous' free porn video

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Sand Dollars' next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex' crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission. Episode 7 "Rendezvous'" 1142hr, 200 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "Alex, Rommie's found the Freemont and she says we're about thirty minutes out through clear water," Jack said as she knocked lightly on my doorframe. "Okay, Jack, when we get close, take us to periscope depth. I want to look around before we surface- just to be sure." "Alex?" "My orders, Commander." "Aye, cap," Jack acknowledged. She came in and sat on my rack. "What's up, Alex? Why have you been distant since you got back from Terra?" "Terra Nuevo, Jack. I left from New Citadel, Terra Nuevo." " traveled that far ahead?" I looked over to my Ex-O, sister, and friend. "How do you know how far ahead I had to travel, Jack?" I growled. "I really don't know,, but if I'd have to guess..." "Jack, I don't even know how far ahead we go to get to Terra- if we do at all." "Sorry, Empress," Jack lowered her head in shame. "I...I didn't mean to question you...I...I just felt like we...I...I feel things shift...when we..." Then maybe you should be the Empress instead, Jack, since you can 'FEEL' when we travel through time?" I snapped and quickly got up and stormed past her out into the passage. "Alex?" Carroll asked in confusion as I hurried through the Con and its aft hatch. "Captain Steinert, might I have a word if you..." Mina tried to confront me as I continued on through the galley into the main crew quarters. "I'd like to be left alone right now, Highness, thank you." "Come on girls, let's get number four back together before the Captain wants us topside!" Chief Samuels barked as I approached engine room one's aft hatch. All work stopped abruptly on diesel number four as soon as I entered the second engine compartment. "Why'd ya stop for? Get yer pretty little ass's back to work!" Ricky Lynn shouted, verbally cracking the whip. When her repair crew still didn't move, she tried stronger words. "Well the damned thing's not gonna reassemble itself, you candy-asses! The Skipper's gonna want full power when we surface and I for one don't wanna hear her say 'y'all done disappointed me, chief!'" It was a fair imitation given her higher pitched voice and Brooklyn accent. Ricky Lynn's four mates' eyes' grew larger. "Aw shit, she's right behind me, aint she?" She swore as she slowly turned around. Samuels gulped loudly. "Sorry, didn't hear you come in, Skipper," my chief engineer said nervously. "A fair impression, Chief, but right now I'm not amused. Carry on," I said as I squeezed past them on the catwalk and headed out the aft hatch into the maneuvering compartment. "Skipper? Is there something I can do for you?" Sasha Trent asked as I almost bumped into her. "I just decided to go for a walk," I replied crisply. "Oh, let me move out of your way then, Skipper. I could have sworn you were hell-bent on escaping something." I stopped and looked at the woman. Escape? Was I trying to escape something? "Ma'am, I'd leave the compartment to you if I wasn't on duty. Is there something I can help you with?" Was there? I had to think about why I had come all the way back here in the first place. Had I really wanted to escape something...or someone? Jack. She was asking questions...assuming things in an attempt to gain information on... I had to relax and stop worrying about what would happen this afternoon. 'Why, what's going to happen today, Alex?' Jack asked in my head. "I'd rather not discuss it at this time!" "Skipper?" Sasha asked looking confused at first. "Oh, you're talking with Miss Cummins...sorry; I didn't mean to eavesdrop, ma'am." "What?" I asked, returning my attention to the woman before me. "Alex, what's on your mind...not that I would ever understand it anyway?" I felt so embarrassed. "Sorry Sasha, as you assessed, my mind is focusing on upcoming events. I'll just go back to my quarters until I'm due in the Con," I apologized as I turned toward the hatch I'd just come through. "Alex?" she asked just before she wrapped her arms around me and hugged tightly. "Things will work out in a positive way, you'll see." Though it felt really good, I had no idea how to react! Sasha relaxed her hold and took a step back from me. "I'm sorry, Captain, I slipped into pixie mode for a second, but things will work out. You always find a way to make things work." "Thanks for trying, hun." I laughed. "And so you know...I know Mina gave you a heads up earlier." "She told me you'd say that too, skipper." She laughed back. I don't know why, but I leaned over to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you," I said before turning and heading forward. "We'll be ready when we hit the surface, skipper," Chief Samuels assured me as I squeezed past her and continued my way forward. "Keep up the good work, lieutenant," I replied pleasantly. "Mina?" I called as I cleared the hatch into the main crew quarters. "Yes, captain, what do you require?" "I'm sorry..." I said, but couldn't finish. "Alexandra, please settle down. What is to happen was destined to happen and cannot be swayed either way. You, of all people know this to be true. Fretting about it has absolutely no purpose." "I realize that now, Highness. Sometimes this backwoods farm girl loses focus," I said lowering my gaze to the deck. "Alexandra, you are about to develop another portion of your identity- who you are- or will become. Future memories can only provide so much satisfaction," Mina tutored. "So in order to fully understand, I actually have to experience the memory- first hand, I mean?" I asked hoping I was getting the right meaning. "Just as the rest of us, Empress, but thanks to your arrival that isn't always the case now." For some reason I took her hand in mine. "Mina, I've always been here. You make it sound like I just arrived- that I replaced the original Captain Steinert." "In a way, you have indeed replaced the original Alexandra Steinert, Empress. Are you not five years older and several universes wiser than you were just days ago?" She said, looking down at our clasped hands with a devious smile. "Do you want Jack to find out?" I gasped in shock of her question. "Are we not out of phase with this reality, Empress?" she shot back as she swung her free hand through the bulkhead. When had I done that? I stared at our hands in amazement. "I wouldn't have mentioned any of this had we still been attached to this realm, Alexandra. Surely you realize that?" "I'm sorry, Mina, I...I didn't realize I had done it. And before you start acting all high 'n mighty yes, I'm five years older than I was just four days ago...and yes...yes I've been to another universe- not..." I paused, "not that I had any control over that," I admitted. "Then I trust mother, daughter, and father are reunited...and that you have once more 'broken the rules'?" "Y'all know me pretty well, Highness," I replied, shaking my head side to side. "Why wouldn't I, child! Remember that we are related, and as close relations, we behave in similar ways." "What?" I asked in astonishment. "Come now, you have never looked forward when in the past to learn of my manipulative dealings? How I maneuvered the Sand Dollar's destiny to save millions of lives...those alive or yet waiting for life?" "I know about you seeding Admiral Demmit. I was there, remember?" "I was breaking the rules, my precious Empress. Apparently we both love and cannot resist paradoxes, Alexandra!" Mina's smile became bright and excited. "We closed that paradox though, Mina." "Did we, Empress? Or...or did we open a few more in the process?" she asked as she winked. "You told yourself indirectly that you had a hand in your emergence, did you not?" "Admiral Covington alluded to something like that, but..." "But the memories are not there to corroborate? Why do you think that is, Alexandra?" "Because I withheld those memories from me." "You now know how to do that, Empress. Sir Tibius made sure you were skilled in memory management before leaving Terra Nuevo." I stared at my sister for a moment or two. "Why is it that you always claimed you couldn't see past 2015 when clearly you see much farther?" I asked. "What sort of mentor would I be if I gave you all the answers, Alexandra?" Mina laughed. "You did the same with Alexandra Reilly and look how she figured it out." "But she is me, Mina. Of course she would figure things out." "Yes, you two are the same, Empress, but you two are also very different too. Each learns at a different pace...driven by the difficulties each endures." "I knew that, Mina." "Did you also know that, if not for your granddaughter, you would not be as graceful or accepting of your femininity?" "I'm not getting that one, Mina." "Was your granddaughter not born of your daughter's relationship with Nathan?" "Well, ya, your point?" "Alexandra was born into this universe as she is. You have had interaction with her through Alexandra Covington's shared memories." "Okay, I got that part, Mina, but what does this have to do with my acceptance of who I am?" "You met your future twin shortly after your Mahanilui. You received her memories when you touched at the time? Didn't you wonder why you felt so comfortable in a bikini? The dresses? That scandalous Arian prostitute outfit?" "Hey, I only designed that for the mission to Poland, Highness!" "Yet you wore it on several other occasions both here and on Terra...and Terra Nuevo?" She had me there. "" I asked, though I knew she had a valid point. She stared at me. "Okay. I got it...I think," I admitted. "So...even though I didn't grow up a girl, I got the experiences and lessons from my granddaughter, Alexandra...through my future twin?" "Today's lesson has concluded, Alexandra. Now if you would be so kind as to store our conversations and lesson in the place that Jacquelyn cannot access and return us to the present reality, I will return to my station?" I nodded having filed everything said in the last minutes to that secure place Tibius had instructed me to find and develop. Releasing Mina's hand she smiled and gave me a wink before heading forward ahead of me. So I really am my own paradox, I thought to myself? "There you are, Alex!" Jack cried in relief. "I thought we had lost you for a few minutes." "Mina and I just needed a minute or two in private, Jack. We were never in any danger," I consoled her. "I'm always afraid that you're going to phase out or miss the boat somehow and drown, Alex." "Unless something drastically changes, that will never happen, Jack," I assured her. "I'm glad to hear that, cap; I'd hate to break in a new commander." She smiled devilishly. "Alex, we're about fifteen minutes out; request permission to take us to periscope depth," Carroll asked as I glared at my first officer. I nodded. "Aye! Dive Control, take us to three-five-feet," she ordered, nodding back. "So why don't you trust Rommie, Alex? I haven't sensed any deception or malice from her." "It's not that I don't trust her, Jack. I fear what I might surface to, should we just assume everything is fine," I replied cryptically. "Alex?" "Let's just say that at least one scenario has Rommie getting caught and neutralized before she can get word out. Can you imagine what would happen to a real-life mermaid if netted by land-sick sailors?" I asked in despair. "I'm scanning the area around the Freemont, Alex. I'm picking up no unusual activity or thoughts from the ship's crew." "Can you sense Rommie, Jack?" "No, not yet." "Periscope depth, Alex," Carroll informed me. "Up periscope, Jack." "Coming up, Cap." "Now, if my vision holds true she should be..." A huge, bright smiling face filled the viewfinder making me jump- even though I knew she should be there! "I love my crew," I said to myself as I turned the scope left and right quickly. "What is it, Cap?" Jack asked. I let her have a look. "I'm going to have a word with her once she's back onboard! I told her to keep in contact with me the whole time," Jack growled as she returned custody of the scope back to me. "Carroll, 'all stop' and surface the boat to retrieve our reconnaissance team," I ordered. "Team, Captain?" She asked in confusion. "Rommie brought along some friends," I told her as I reached for the squawk. "Ensign Two Eagles and Lt. Williams to the Con." "What's going on, Skipper?" Scotti asked as she and Josie appeared through the forward hatch thirty seconds later. "I need Josie's translating skills topside." "I thought this was an American freighter, Captain?" Ensign Two Eagles asked. "You'll see when we get down onto the foredeck." "Decks should be dry, Alex," Carroll informed me. "Thanks, Carroll. All stop. Ladies, shall we?" I said motioning to the ladder. Rommie had assumed her new station as of late- that of playing 'figurehead' on Sand Dollar's bow. Her free hand intermittently would rise above her head and a pod of dolphins would leap into the air just ahead of us on cue. It was truly a spectacular sight to behold. "I see you made some new friends, Ensign," I said as Josie, Scotti, Jack and I slowly walked up behind her. "They befriended me, Captain." She giggled. Her cat-like eyes sparkled as she turned to look at us. She then raised her hand gracefully over her head again- this time holding her palm parallel with the sea. A pod of eight dolphins surfaced twenty yards off our port bow and began chattering enthusiastically. Josie suddenly began to make similar clicks and whistles right back! Scotti and Jack turned to look at our sister with confused stares. "So what are they saying, Josie?" I asked with a giggle in my voice. "Huh, what?" She blinked as if coming out of some kind of trance. "The dolphins," I pointed over my shoulder. I also looked to see Rommie's reaction. As expected it was priceless! "What are they saying, hun? You were just talking to them, weren't you?" Jack and Scotti now were looking at me as if I had a third eye. Well...maybe...considering that some people considered foresight a 'second sight' and represent it with a 'third eye'. "I was?" Josie broke my present train of thought. "Clicks and whistles?" I smiled. "Y'all don't talk to us that way, hun." Rommie's new friends continued to chatter, click, and whistle animatedly and Josie stared at them with concentration evident on her face. "They want us to play, Alex," Josie suddenly said. "They want Sand Dollar to swim with them- to race them, I think." "That's exactly what they want, Josie!" Rommie exclaimed, beaming at her from our bow. "Her gift, Alex?" Jack asked as Scotti looked between Rommie and Josie in amazement. I nodded. "Josie's got a new tat," I said with a bright smile. "Tat, Alex?" "Tattoo, Jack. Josie just got a new symbol." "That just about makes all of us now, right?" she asked. "There are still going to be some surprises, Jack, but most of the crew has now realized their gifts, yes," I continued to smile. "Rommie, we have work to do so tell your friends that you have to go home now, hun," I turned to our resident mermaid. "Do I have to, Captain?" she moaned. "Yes, Ensign, unfortunately. We can't have the tired sailors' eyes playing tricks on them, now can we?" I answered as I looked down along her sinuous, semi curved body. I happened to notice a gill or two peek out from behind her shoulder-blade length hair. That said, it was almost dry already and billowed teasingly in the open ocean breeze. Something else caught my eye after I mentioned 'tattoos'. Rommie's two tattoos were clearly displayed in her brilliantly colored scales just aft of her dorsal fin. They looked hand-painted on the lusterous, but delicate- looking individual scales. "Aye, ma'am," she replied sadly before making a series of clicks and a whistle or two. She waved goodbye to the pod and they disappeared under the waves only to jump into the air in formation another forty-yards farther off. Rommie's tail fluke began to shrink and change. Within a few seconds I extended my hand to help her up. She stumbled a few steps before getting her sea legs- or should I say 'land legs'? "Wow, I didn't think I spent that much time in the water!" she said in surprise. "You were out here for about six hours, hun, not bad for just receiving your gift a few days ago," I told her with a smile. "You should go below and get some rest before we need to carry you there," I suggested. "Aye, ma'am, I am starting to feel a little tired." "Ensign?" I asked as she started for the bridge. "Good job, hun." "Thanks, captain." "Captain?" Josie asked turning to me. "You knew I could talk to dolphins?" "Of course. You can also converse with snakes, sharks, horses, sheep, cattle..." I paused as a devious grin came to my lips. "Lions, tigers, and bears..." "Oh my!" she exclaimed. I couldn't help but break out laughing as she unintentionally completed the movie's line. 1212hr, 183 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "So are you really the skipper of the Sand Dollar, Capt. Steinert?" Capt. Reese of the Freemont asked as we began the damage tour of his freighter. "We're part of a pilot program...and that's about all I'm at liberty to divulge, Capt. Reese," I said politely. "Well, if they sent anyone, I'm glad they sent the best lookin boat crew in the fleet." "You're too kind, Captain." "Jim. It's Jim," He stumbled as he said my rank and surname hoping I would fill in the first name I had intentionally left blank. "Alexandra. Commander Alexandra Steinert." "Commander?" he whistled. "That must really be some program, sweetheart!" "You have no idea, hun," I purred. "So, I trust you can have your aft deck crane swung over the stern by the time my repair crew is ready to salvage the screw?" I asked changing the subject. "It'll be there when you need it, sweetheart." "I hope so. My crew is very efficient and all take their jobs very seriously, Captain Jim. I'd give the order now if I were you." I smiled confidently, ignoring his sexist slight again. "Capt. Steinert? Lt. Samuels estimates the screw should be ready to hoist in a little over fifteen minutes, ma'am," Jack informed me as she appeared and saluted. "Thank you, Lt. Commander that will be all," I replied, returning the salute. "Aye, ma'am," She responded officially while quickly glancing over at Freemont's captain twice. I winked at her and smiled. "I told you my crew is very efficient, captain," I said as I turned and observed his expression. "How..." He stared at me then Jack as she walked back down the deck. " can they almost have it off? My men have spent over two days with no success so far?" "Maybe my Lieutenant knows her way around a freighter's propulsion system a little better?" I giggled. A man appeared out of the superstructure behind Capt. Reese as he shook his head in astonishment. I recognized him immediately. "Skipper, yer not gonna believe this, sir, but them Sheila's almost got the port screw ready fer hoistin'..." Andrew O'Neil stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed me. "It's you!" "You know her, Mr. O'Neil?" "Sure do, Skipper. She's the one that rescued me and a few o' the boys a while back. Pleasure to see you again, Captain," he said as he offered his hand. His gentle handshake was strong, warm, and welcoming. "Nice to see you up and around, Mr. O'Neil," I greeted him with my brightest smile. Why did I do that? The three of us remained silent for a moment. "Mr. O'Neil, would you care to continue Capt. Steinert's tour of the ship? I forgot I had reports that I need to update." "It'd be a pleasure, Skipper." "I'll have my Ex-O check in when they're ready to lift, Captain. Too bad you had all those reports to go over," I smiled and shook Reese's hand. Capt. Reese quickly disappeared through an open bulkhead door. "Please lead on, Mr. O'Neil." I motioned in the direction Reese and I had been heading. "I never got to properly thank you, captain," O'Neil said as we started walking. "For what?" I asked. "Well, for saving me an' me mates that day. We thought we was gonna die on that rock...never expected a submersible full of pretty girls to just pop up an find us on the spot." "Miracles do happen, Mr. O'Neil," I said as I looked at the handsome sailor with the slight Irish-Australian accent. "Or...was it a coincidence at all?" I added raising an eyebrow as a devious grin appeared on my face. I felt a flutter in my gut- almost a tickle. "Either you're a big tease or I've stumbled onto something I'll never begin to understand, Captain," he replied after stopping and staring at my face for a moment. "Guilty on both counts, Mr. O'Neil," I said, my devious grin becoming an evil smile. "You can be right scary when you wanna be, Capt. Steinert," he stated nervously. If he only knew! We remained silent as he led me through a watertight door into the mid- ship hold. It was filled with crate after crate of ordinance and other war supplies for our troops. "This is one of Freemont's holds- mid-ship to be exact. I get extremely nervous every time I come down here. Thank the saints the slant eyes aim was bad," His voice got strangely hushed. "We better keep moving, ma'am," He said suddenly. I noticed his eyes shifting sporadically between the stacks and stacks of crates around us...and me. I suddenly felt sorry for this man. In a moment he would hesitantly share his relatively new fear of ship holds, and how that fear materialized in another ship's hold just months before. "I was just closing the forward hold's hatch when we got torpedoed," He confided just above a whisper with no hint of a topic change. "The bulkhead breached and threw me down the passage. It's a good thing the water brought me to. I barely made it out on one leg. I know it sounds cowardly, but I don't feel so confident down here anymore." "Andrew, it's not cowardly to fear something that almost killed you," I told him as I placed my hand on his sweat-moistened bicep. "I can honestly say that I have had quite a few terrifying incidents since becoming captain of the Sand Dollar," I said tentatively. His hand came up and settled on mine and gently patted it a few times. "Like when we first met, Alexandra?" he said as he slowly turned around and paused. "Why wouldn't you announce to the world that you were the first woman captain of a navy submersible? That is an unheard of achievement! You do realize that there has never been a woman sea captain since the 1700's..." He paused as if checking his facts. "Or so says legend." I snorted in disgust. She was no better than her fellow male privateers of that era, maybe worse even, I thought to myself! Andrew O'Neil was now staring directly down into my eyes. Both of his hands were somehow on my waist. "What was that about, Alexandra? I take it you have heard the stories and disapprove of them?" I didn't reply, instead I continued to gaze into his brown eyes...wonderful...brown...eyes. "You could say that," I finally replied, nervously. As much as I tried, I couldn't avert my eyes from his. Why did I say that and what power did this man have over me? "By your reaction," he scanned me from head to toe, "you act almost like you knew her." What was it about his eyes? "You are such a mysterious woman, Alexandra Steinert. I like mysterious." His lips were on mine before I could even react. They were warm, soft, and ... "I'd like to show you my appreciation for any and all assistance you offered, Alexandra," He told me as our lips parted. Our bodies were suddenly pressed against each other. My stomach was twisting and turning cartwheels! My heart was pumping faster than a late DC to New York train! The heat emanating from both of us at this moment was more intense than I had ever expected. It was happening. Despite dreading this moment, was going to happen. I wanted it to happen- God, did I want this to happen! Andrew's hands started their northerly migration after a short stop at the back of my britches. I found I was starting to breathe faster, heavier the longer his hands stayed in contact with me. Everything about his touch felt amazing! He kissed me again...and again...and again. I began sharing that duty with him having never felt anything like this before. I had never felt before! It was even better than I remembered! "That was the most intoxicating thing I've ever experienced, Darlin'! It was like..." Andrew paused as he handed me my blouse. "It was our surroundings kept changing! You were simply amazing!" I felt myself blush intensely, yet I said nothing as I fastened my brassiere. "At one point I could have sworn we were in some kind of hospital!" He paused again to watch for any reaction on my part. I didn't make eye contact. "That's crazy though, huh?" He was putting his right shoe on now, but stopped as soon as he put his foot in. A look of confusion appeared on his face as he pulled it back off and dumped a small amount of sand out. I forced myself not to look up at his face. "Are you saying you had a good time?" I asked coyly. "You were out of this world, Alex...quite heavenly!" I gulped. How many places did we actually go in our passion? How long had we been at...'it'? "O'Neil to the bridge!" Capt. Reese's voice boomed over the ship-wide Public Address. Andrew picked up his watch from the floor and noted the time. "Holy God, I'm an hour late for my watch!" He said in alarm as he ran out of the cabin still buttoning his shirt. He didn't even say goodbye. Why did I think that? I made a fellow sailor late for his watch and all I thought about was him not saying goodbye? I started to recall what had just happened- where I had taken him. I recalled that we spent some time in my bed at Reilly Research Station...when I didn't exactly know. That might have been the hospital Andrew had mentioned. He dumped sand from his shoes. That could only mean that we spent some time on one of Kili's beaches. Looking closer at the small pile of green sand, we had obviously gone to some other beach, but where on this planet would you find green sand? His statement about being out of this world... Could it possibly be a metaphor and not my domain, Terra, or Terra Nuevo? I prayed that was the case! There again he did say 'heavenly' too! Hopefully I didn't reveal too much about my actual identity and cause a divergence in the time line! My mind went into high gear examining the possibilities. 2012hrs, 183 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 19440 "Capt. Steinert, the salvage crew has finished and returned to the boat," Jack reported as my attention began to focus on her and my surroundings. "Captain? Captain Steinert?" Jack continued, awaiting an answer. I was suddenly unsure again of what had just happened. Had I just...? With a man? I looked down at my body, it still felt wonderfully sated- it still vibrated with energy! "Alex..." Jack tried to establish contact again. "Alex, it's getting late, the sun is almost on the horizon," She informed me gently. "The it finished?" I asked, my voice sounded strangely serene- like I was talking from some puffy, white cloud somewhere. Jack broke into a wide smile and tried to keep from laughing. "You could say that, cap." What was so funny? "Alex, we really should get underway. I'm sure Capt. Reese would like to get his cargo to port. "Where's Andrew?" I asked suddenly looking around the cabin. "Mr. O'Neil had to report for duty, Alex, although he seems to have been on station well before that...metaphorically, that is," Jack said and continued to giggle as she offered her hand to help me off the rack I found myself on. "He was an hour late for his watch, captain. That was an hour ago." My thighs felt sore and my lower abdomen felt...uncomfortable. It finally hit me that Jack said it was almost dark. "Jack? What time is it?" I asked as I started to really pay attention to my surroundings. She looked around, partially stepped out into the passageway, and looked in both directions before stepping back into the cabin. "Empress, it is 2025hrs, July 4th, 1944," She said quietly, but her smile never abated. "Six hours?" I gasped. "About two hours and ten minutes ago you finally reappeared, Alex." "I" I gasped again. It was true! It had all happened! "Ya, I was really concerned when I couldn't hear you anymore. When you hadn't reappeared for four hours, I really started to worry, Alex," Her expression turned serious. "You had me really scared, ma'am! I'm just glad you're okay." "I phased out?" I asked in disbelief. "For four hours?" "Four and a half, actually," she corrected, and winced. "So, how did it feel, Alex?" She asked as her smile appeared once more. "What?" "You know. How'd it feel?" "I'm not sure what you're asking, Commander." "Oh, come on, Alex! How'd it and O'Neil? There was a good reason you had to phase out...wasn't there?" She pressed. I started thinking about the last six hours. "It was that good, huh?" "I didn't say a thing, Jack. Don't assume an answer when I haven't given one yet." "But you did answer the question, Alex. That look on your face shouts volumes. Alexandra Steinert had a goooood time!" She giggled. "Let's get to the boat, Commander," I growled as best I could, given the raw electricity still coursing through me at the moment. "I'll tell Reese we're going." "Already done, Empress. I would advise a discrete departure." Jack continued to giggle. I offered my hand, though I wondered if I had just done something stupid...gone too far... ...Gotten too carried away. To my extreme relief, my cramped quarters on Sand Dollar appeared around us. "Release moorings and chart a course for home, Miss Cummins," I ordered as I released her hand. "Aye, cap. Carroll already has our return computed," she informed me before disappearing into the passageway. "Many of our sisters have inquired as to the interaction and feelings experienced during your liaison with Mr. O'Neil earlier today, Alexandra," Mina asked, breaking me from my daydreaming. "I informed them that to kiss and tell was not proper etiquette for young women and highly frowned upon." "So, how was it?" She giggled deviously in the next breath. "You obviously don't practice what you preach," I responded flatly. "Royal prerogative, Alexandra." "I thought as much, though I suspect you could lecture for hours on the subject, sister." "A wise and well thought response, Empress. Still, it is said, there IS no privacy amongst the aristocracy." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just say...for a novice it went extremely well." "Yet another well-thought response," Mina giggled. "Memory has nothing on the actual experience," I finally admitted as I blushed. Mina's expression suddenly changed. "You know what happens now, Alexandra," she said in a serious tone. I nodded. "And you know what needs to be done." "I must let the accusations, the conspiracies and subsequent in-depth investigations, AND the fictional books all happen. Yes Mina, I've outed the 'Empress' as the timeline requires. The legends will now begin in earnest." "It is the key to you, the paradox, Empress." "I thought you hated paradoxes, Mina?" "Someone wise and knowledgeable once told me that the very definition of 'woman' was 'paradox'." She giggled. "Verne?" I asked. "Homer." "You and Alex Reilly visited Greece, huh?" "Several times, in fact. It was civilized and barbaric at the same time- an intriguing combination really." "Do I really need any more information than that, Highness?" "Fill in what you will with your own experiences, Alexandra, but I'll always have a Spartan!" She giggled. "And I'll always have the Freemont, Reilly Research Station, Andromeda Gaia, and my private domain." "My word, we WERE busy, weren't we?" "Mina, a lady never kisses and tells." We both laughed for a long time. "Alex, what was going on up here? The crew is murmuring about you comparing notes," Emily asked as she stuck her head into my quarters. I blushed profusely. "Why blush, sis, I already knew about it." Mina looked at me and winked. "Don't tell me that Jack..." "No, no, no, no! Jack had nothing to do with using my gift, Alex! I was monitoring you like I always do when you join the away team. Did you think I wouldn't recognize an increase in respiration, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in core temperature- especially in certain regions?" She smiled deviously at me. I continued to blush. "You are such a novice, Alexandra Steinert!" She and Mina began giggling again. "Okay, so we're tied now, sis," I grumbled. Emily shook her head and broke out into a laugh. "You said I was your first!" I protested. She kept laughing! I decided to think about Andrew a while longer. "Welcome back to Reilly, Empress. It is 2303hrs. August 1st, 1997." "What?" I asked in surprise. It is 2303hrs, August 1st, 1997, Empress. Is something wrong? Do you require assistance?" I found myself alone in my quarters at Reilly. "No. No, RVP I'm fine; I just wasn't expecting to be here so soon." "I'm sorry, Empress, but that does not make sense...even for you. Are you sure you do not require medical attention?" "I'm fine, hun. Maybe, better than fine," I finished in a whisper. "Sensors indicate that you have recently interacted with a male of the species, Empress. Should I alert Emily?" "No, RVP, I'm just here a shower," I stuttered, my face burning with embarrassment. Even the A.I. knew what happened! "A long soak in the therapeutic bath would be more beneficial in easing the numerous muscles, joints, and nerves associated with the detected activity, Empress." Who was I to argue with the A.I.'s logic. "That would be great, hun!" "Spa number two is online and ready for your indulgence, Empress." "Thanks, hun," I said as I stood from the edge of my bed and exited. 0112hr, Reilly Research Station, August 2nd, 1997 "Director, it would benefit you to egress the spa before irreparable cellular damage is experienced by your epidermis." "Huh? What?" I asked as I came out of a wonderful dream in which Andrew O'Neil figured prominently. "Y'all need to get outta the hot tub 'fore y'all get prunified, sis!" my voice said with a definite laugh. "Alex? When did you get here?" I asked my future twin in surprise. "Long enough to remember that I threw hot tub etiquette out the window this once! RVP, after the Empress exits please drain, sterilize, and refill Spa number two." "Yes, director." Alex walked over and retrieved a towel from the storage shelf. "I think you'll need this, hun," she said and handed it to me when I stood up. "Don't worry, sis, I did the same thing." "No kidding?" I asked - my voice thick with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes as I wrapped the towel around me. "It gets better," she said with a wink. "It was thousands of times better than what I already remembered, sis," I said as I felt the smile return to my face. "Actually being there IS the best, Alex," she admitted. "So I found out." "Sandy was better." Her face suddenly turned sad. "You miss him," I said as I offered my shoulder and wrapped my arms around her. The familiar tingle felt stronger this time. "Been a while, sis?" I asked quietly. She nodded her head slightly. My future twin began to cry. "It'll be okay, Alex." "I...I know, but it hurts so bad!" "I know," I agreed softly. I let her cry for a while before we parted. "Empress, your covering has been recharged and awaits you in your domicile," RVP interrupted. "Thanks, hun. Alex and I will be heading there now." "Acknowledged. Do you require anything else before I initialize requested maintenance routines?" "No hun that will be all, good night." "And a good morning, Empress." "So, are we ready to do this, Allie?" Alex asked a few minutes later as I finished dressing. I selected my dress whites and keyed the change. Alex did the same and we looked identical with the exception of our rank. "Yes, Rear Admiral Fleming, I'm as ready as I ever will be," I said sadly. "It's a shame we can't..." "You know what that could do to the time stream, Allie." I bowed my head sadly and took her hand. Our quarters at Reilly became an unknown bedroom. An elderly man- maybe early nineties sat propped up in bed before us. The room looked like it hadn't seen a fresh coat of paint in quite some time. Over all, it felt old, tired...dying. "I'll go first, Allie," my twin said squarely. I nodded once before she released my hand. " did you get in here? I gave orders that I not be disturbed!" The older man exclaimed in surprise. "Hello, Andrew," Alex greeted calmly. "Do I know you, miss?" "A long time ago, Andrew." "You shouldn't be in here, I gave or..." "Yes, Andrew, you gave orders not to be disturbed, you said that already," She interrupted him. "Who are you? How did you get past my caregiver?" "I just popped in, hun," Alex said as she reached down and touched his exposed arm. I walked the few steps over to take my twin's free hand. It was easier than expected to synchronize our phasing. "Evelyn! Evelyn, how did this woman get in here?" He began shouting. "She can't hear you, Andrew," I said loud enough to counter his shouting. "Two of you? Twins? Who are you? Why can't she hear me?" he shouted, demanding answers. "She can't see or hear you, Andrew O'Neil, you see, we aren't really here anymore," I continued. It never dawned on him to move his arm from under my twin's touch. That's impossible! I'm still in my bed and you two are still in my room!" "Are we?" I asked as I passed my free hand through the nightstand and lamp. The old man's eyes bulged! "What are you?" He asked again, this time at a normal, but frightened volume. "Our name is Alexandra, Mr. O'Neil. We met a very long time ago," I told him. "I have been the subject of many of your 'investigations' over the past several decades, Andrew," Alex added in disgust. "Why...why would I investigate you two? What are you really?" "Why didn't you say goodbye to me before you hurried out of that cabin, Andrew?" I asked as a hint, though I didn't expect him to remember. I really wanted to know the reason, though. "What cabin? Why would I say goodbye to somebody I don't know?" "Does 'Freemont' mean anything to you, Andrew?" Alex asked. "Freemont?" He looked down for a moment. "Freemont. Freemont. Freemont!" He looked back up at us as the name finally triggered the needed memories. "I served on the Freemont for eight months back in '44 and '45!" He exclaimed in triumph. "Do you remember July 4th, 1944, Andrew? I know I saw skyrockets and other fireworks that day!" I said with a genuine smile. "July 4th? I don't think I...wasn't that right around the time our port screw got torpedoed?" "Yes, Andrew, and I helped you with another screw as the repair crew worked on Freemont's." Alex giggled. O'Neil's eyes bulged again. "That's impossible! two couldn't possibly be her! What do you want? I don't have much time or money left so please leave me be!" "We're not here to rob you, Andrew," Alex said as she giggled. "We're here to confirm your suspicions," I added, also with a giggle. "Suspicions? What suspicions?" "Your suspicions as to what you experienced that day, of course. Don't you remember?" "I...I remember it was the best...the best damn shaggin' of my life!" He chuckled before coughing a few times. "Thank you!" Alex and I said in unison. "That can't be you! Either of you! You can't possibly be the same person! The universe would cancel out and we would no longer exist!" he cried in fear. "A popular misconception, Andrew. As a matter of fact, five of us have interacted successfully as you now see- maybe more, we still don't know the exact limitation," Alex informed him with a devious smile. "No, this is impossible! I must be dreaming or delirious!" "You're as healthy as an eighty-four year old with advanced cancer can be, Andrew. We're here to prove your theory correct, though," Alex answered sadly. "How?" "For me, Andrew, July 4th, 1944 only just happened several hours ago. For Alex, well, it happened..." "Eighty-six years ago," Alex replied, filling in the blank and thereby letting me know her base date. "That's impossible! You would have to travel..." His voice trailed off as he stared at us- his eyes doubling in size. "Were you about to say travel through time, Andrew?" I giggled. "But everyone knows that's impossible, right?" The old man continued to stare at the two of us. "I believe it was Einstein that first postulated the possibility of time travel, Andrew. I remember having a very long and in-depth discussion about that very topic with him back in 1950." "You couldn't possibly have met or even talked to Einstein! He was dead well before you both were born!" O'Neil cried. "For your information hun, I was born in 1916, never mind the exact date," Alex said in an annoyed tone. "That's impossible!" "You keep sayin' that, hun, but we're here, so..." I laughed as I let the statement hang. "Can you stand, Andrew?" Alex asked. "Of course I can stand! Her job is to keep me comfortable not locked up, but that wench outside keeps threatening me with the needle if I so much as want to get up and piss on my own!" "Wow, that's way more information than I needed," Alex said as we both scrunched our noses. "So why would I get out of bed for you? Are you here to trick me into more pain medication? If so, I should tell you now that my doctors have run out of options." "No, Andrew, we're here to prove a theory...validate a conspiracy..." Alex began. "Demonstrate the unbelievable...and," I continued, but paused sadly. "To provide some proof as to my existence and allow you to pass from this dimension into the next with some peace of mind." "So you're angels of death?" I shook my head. "No, WE are Alexandra. WE are one in the same. We are not sisters, but the same person only from different times, Andrew." "I am also known in legend on many worlds as the 'Empress of Time and Space'. Maybe you've heard of me?" Alex added. The old man remained dead still for a long time- so long in fact; I thought he might have had a coronary! "That is impossible! My investigations concluded that the Empress was strictly myth- stories told around the fire to the young!" "Your investigations only revealed what I wanted them to reveal, Andrew," Alex told him. "Think of the stir it would make if I were proven to exist- that it was possible for someone to travel time and space unabated by machinery." "You can do that?" he asked as his eyes got even bigger. "And more, Mr. O'Neil," I added as Alex and I laughed. "Then show me! Don't stand here teasing and giggling like schoolgirls!" "For that to occur, you must stand and take hold of my hand, Andrew," I said offering my free hand to help him up. It took a while, but finally he stood between us. "So where would you like to go, Mr. O'Neil?" "Where?" "Or when, it really doesn't matter. What'll it be, hun?" Alex said nonchalantly. "If you really are Alexandra Steinert, show me the Freemont." "The Freemont was scrapped in 1947, Andrew, therefore it no longer exists," She replied. "Then this will demonstrate your ability to travel time as well!" "I'll take us there. I was just onboard a few hours ago, sis," I volunteered. Alex nodded and our surroundings changed from O'Neil's dingy, depressing bedroom to a not so unoccupied ship's cabin. I suddenly felt embarrassed by my previous actions and position. With a loud, moaning scream, the previous, much younger Andrew and 'that' me disappeared. "This is impossible!" "Y'all better stop sayin' that, hun," Alex warned. "Funny, I don't remember making that much noise," She added, looking toward me with a stupid grin. "Where did they go? How could they just disappear?" "The same way we just vanished from your bedroom, hun." "It's just impossible!" "Here's something that's impossible, Andrew O'Neil," Alex growled as we changed locations again. Gone was the embarrassing cabin with its strewn clothing; it was replaced now by a barren, arid, mountain landscape of sand, deep holes in the ground, and death. "Welcome to the Valley of the Kings, Sept 3rd, 1973." I recognized Tish, Scotti, Josie, Mina, Emily, Jack and I walking past us. I was wearing my favorite disguise: long, mousy, light brown hair, khaki cargo shorts, a sweat-stained, tan, cotton T-shirt, military jungle hat, and my 'secretary' glasses- in short, we all looked like archeology students. "That's me!" O'Neil cried in a weak voice as we saw another group of four- three men and one woman approach on an intersecting course. "This happened over twenty years ago!" "Twenty-four to be exact, Andrew. Can you tell us what you hoped to accomplish?" Alex asked as we watched the two parties draw closer. "We just wanted to participate in the opening and ask some questions about the, I think it was, they recently discovered." "Are you sure that's all you wanted answered?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow. "Listen and remember, Andrew." "Excuse me, girls, could we bother you to answer some questions?" the younger O'Neil asked, stopping the other group. "That's him!" I heard Emily whisper with a giggle. The younger O'Neil glanced at her for a second, thinking she had recognized him from his investigations. "Are you here for the opening of KV70?" he asked without waiting for the group's answer. "That's where we're headin', hun," That me, Alex Fleming, answered. "What do you expect to find?" "Oh, just the usual: jewelry, gold, hieroglyphics, pottery, and maybe a mummy," Alex Fleming answered again in a mocking tone. "And do you think it will be an important tomb?" "Hun, they're all important. There are actual people buried in them- that has to be important to somebody," Alex Fleming laughed. "Yes...well, what I meant was do you expect to find anything significant that might change what we know about the ancients?" "Look, every excavation we undertake reveals more about that era in history- more about the people that lived it." "I see. So, could I ask you ladies a couple more questions?" "Hun, we'd like to get to the site before they break the seal," Alex Fleming replied. "We can walk and talk at the same time. Have any of you ever heard of the legend of the 'Empress'?" "Which Empress, hun, in our business they're all too plentiful." "The legends of an Empress that can travel the universe- some say even time?" My group of sisters started snickering. Even now it sounded humorous as I recalled my future memories of that day. "You see we're here to investigate a legend...some would call it see if there is evidence to corroborate the stories," He continued. "Why on Earth would you come all the way out here to find evidence of a myth- of some old wives tale?" "So you have heard of the legend then?" Younger O'Neil seemed to perk up. "Hun, my great grandma told me that story when I was just outta diapers. Why spend the cash on something so foolish? Wouldn't it be better to investigate say, President Nixon instead? I hear that's gonna be a great story." Again our sisters and Alex Fleming giggled knowing the truth about that one! "What's this about Nixon?" "Don't you listen to the news, hun? They're thinking about impeachment. He supposedly kept recordings of his deals and scams in the oval office. Some of them...they got lost," Alex Fleming shook her head and began to laugh. "Is that so?" O'Neil's eyes narrowed as he stared into her face. "That's what we heard this morning, hun." One of Andrew's associates whispered something into his ear. "No I hadn't heard that, but my colleague backs up your information." "Hun, I wouldn't lie to y'all. Why so skeptical?" "According to the legend, the Empress can circumvent the normal passage of time to travel any place or era that suits her fancy. I am always careful to know my facts and current events...just in case." "In case she was to slip up and say something that has yet to happen?" Alex Fleming smiled deviously as our sisters continued giggling. "If the legend holds true that could prove to be a real possibility, yes," he said seriously. Alex and I looked at our aging companion. "So you believed it possible then, but impossible now, Andrew? What happened to change that belief?" she asked. "We never found anything...only just the slightest hint that an 'Empress' might really have existed. I spent years, all of my funding, and finances in a feeble quest." "Yet deep down you still held some hope that I was real." "How do I know this isn't some elaborate ruse?" "You don't. You have absolutely no idea if this is dream or reality- just as with the Freemont's cabin all those years ago, Andrew. Let's continue listening and follow them though," Alex replied. "So do you know of the myth or not?" the younger O'Neil pressed. "It would be Miss, wouldn't it?" Alex Fleming laughed at the pun. O'Neil just stared at her, drawing a complete blank. "You know? You asked me about this Empress? 'Empress' would indicate someone of the female persuasion, I would think?" We watched as his familiar brown-haired assistant placed her hand over her mouth to cover a giggle "Look, hun, we really should be getting to the dig site! The professor is going to have our hides if we aren't there!" "For my records, miss, what is your name?" "Alexandra." Everybody noticed his eyes bulge. "Alexandra Fleming." The surprised expression quickly vanished, replaced with disappointment. "Thank you, for your time, Miss Fleming. Would it be okay if we accompanied your group to the tomb? We have the authorization of the Egyptian antiquities ministry to participate." "Not at all, we'd enjoy the company, Mr...." "Sorry. Andrew O'Neil, Historical Investigations Magazine. These two men are my photographer and producer, Sam Peters and Frank Polk, and this is my personal assistant, Carolyn Shelton. "Miss Shelton, you don't look very comfortable with Egypt," Alex Fleming observed. "Someone has to watch the old guy, Miss Fleming, plus...he pays better than scale, so I'll let it slide," She replied with a giggle as she glared at her boss. "In retrospect, Carroll should have never said that. She didn't know how close she came to placing doubt on herself," Alex related as she looked at me. "You knew her?" The old man gasped. "Of course, she's my navigation officer," I chimed. "Let's jump ahead, shall we? Andrew looks to be tiring." Alex nodded. The bright, open terrain suddenly became pitch black. "Where are we?" "I always wanted to see what it looked like from the other side," I said in a cheery voice. "To see what? Where are we?" "We're in the tomb, of course!" "You mean we're trapped in her...?" The muffled sound of steel on stone began echoing through the darkness and a pinpoint of dim light sprang forth in front of us as a worker's pick breached the tomb's seal. "How could we be in here if it hadn't been opened yet?" "I thought you were a very learned man, Andrew?" Alex asked as more dim light began to pour through the ever-widening hole. Soon came the sound of stone sliding on stone and the flood of more light signaled the official opening of the newly discovered tomb KV70. Andrew looked down noticing he was standing in the near life-sized statue of a jackal placed next to the sarcophagus and immediately jumped back. In the dim light he looked sick. "Ahhhh! Unbelievable! Simply unbelievable!" A heavily accented, Egyptian, male voice echoed through the chamber. "You see? Just as I predicted, the tomb has been untouched! What a marvelous find!" With even more light flooding into the chamber, I noticed that the three of us were standing waist deep in artifacts! With a gentle nudge to O'Neil, we took a few steps to the right into one of the rare places we could see the tomb's floor. "Alexandra, please take your photography equipment in quickly! I want everything documented and photographed before we go any farther." "Professor, there doesn't appear to be too much room to move." "Just be very careful. It is better for you graceful women to enter than your heavy bull of an instructor! You and Mina go in and begin the process." "As you wish, professor." "They're coming in! They'll see us!" the old man said in alarm as he started to twist and turn seeking to break our grips and find refuge. "We aren't really here, Andrew, remember?" I reminded him as I easily passed my foot through the pottery at my feet. They can't see us?" he asked as if still unsure. Any answer was interrupted as Alex Fleming carefully entered the chamber. She stopped before us and winked with an impish smile on her face. "She knows we are here!" the old man gasped. "Of course I know I'm here, I'm standing right here, Andrew," I laughed. "I personally haven't done this yet- not for another twenty-nine years, anyway," I paused to control my laughing. "So why wouldn't I know where I was standing with you today?" "Welcome Empress', it is 1134hrs, September 3rd, 1973," Alex Fleming whispered, as her smile got wider. "She called you Empress," O'Neil exclaimed. "She said Empress'. Plural. As I have already said I know both of 'us' are here, Andrew," Alex corrected as she paused from laughing a moment. "Welcome Empress', I know why you both are here and I know who is with you," Mina whispered, as she looked our way. "I hope this satisfies your curiosity about our wondrous Alexandra, Andrew." "Alexandra, I don't see any photography flashes! We are waiting," the male, Egyptian accented voice echoed impatiently from the next chamber. "We're tryin' to find a place to stand, professor. This place is packed full!" Alex Fleming took Mina's hand and disappeared momentarily, reappearing across the chamber from where they were originally. "Here it is, Highness, Anna-Beth's cartouche. We have to obliterate any mention of me before the professor has a chance to see it, and definitely before Andrew O'Neil has his chance!" "Jackie? Could you bring in the extra film and flash bulbs? There's a whole lot more here than we first thought." Jack entered the tomb chamber and quickly looked back out. Once satisfied there were no onlookers, she began to hover and floated over to Alex Fleming and Mina. "What are you doing, Jacquelyn? If someone were to see you..." I'd just erase their minds, Mina, relax." "Jack, enable your text translator and deface any mention of the Empress or the sisterhood on these walls. Make it look like the plaster just disintegrated from age." "It'll take a couple minutes, Alex. You go around and snap the pictures, I'll handle this." Jack looked back toward the three of us. "Hey, Cap. Hope Mr. O'Neil's enjoying the trip." I glared at Alex as Andrew O'Neill stared at me. "You told her?" I asked her in amazement. "She's seeing the memories that are going through my-," she pointed to Alex Fleming across the room. "-head. I didn't tell her anything, Allie." "She can read minds?" "Of course, and that's not all," Alex told him. "Watch the walls carefully," She pointed. Systematically, small segments of hieroglyphics began to disappear with a poof and small cloud of dust- though the flash of the cameras Mina and Alex Fleming were using intermittently disrupted our vision. "I don't understand? What's she doing? These writings shouldn't be destroyed. They are priceless recordings of the past." "What 'they' are is a tribute to me, Andrew," Alex said with disdain. "They tell of the wonderful things I have done for the land of Pharaoh- all against my wishes by the way! Before leaving Memphis, I specifically asked them to never mention me in any and all texts with the sole intention of keeping the Empress out of every culture's history! Tell me, Andrew, what would you have done had these writings not been expunged?" "It would have proven that, at least in Ancient Egypt, the Empress had existed." "'At least' wouldn't cut it, Andrew. Think about it. A being that could travel the universe unfettered wouldn't be limited to just one specific time period or location now would she?" The old man lowered his head and shook it slowly a few times. "We knew Anna-Beth would do this though, sis. You know that once she makes up her mind not even the great Khufu stood a chance of changing it," I reminded her. "It still doesn't change the fact that Andrew had already found several obscure references in other temples around the planet." "No it doesn't change that at all, but this at least deters him from exposing the sisterhood and our humanitarian efforts," I admitted. "Humanitarian efforts?" "Yes, Andrew," Alex glared at him. "Who do you think tries to help the victims of the world's worst catastrophic disasters? Have you never wondered why more people weren't killed in some of them?" She paused a second. "An earthquake hits Japan and only a few hundred deaths occur despite whole towns being leveled?" "A sixty foot tsunami hits Micronesia but most of the residents in the low-lying villages escape unharmed, nobody can understand how they evacuated so quickly?" I continued. "Did you ever wonder how those people in San Francisco survived on the bridge?" I added. "Do you think that those were chance occurrences?" Alex asked adamantly before stopping to compose herself. "Do you even know what my true purpose is, Andrew O'Neil?" She paused again and waited a moment for the answer we both knew wouldn't come. "The Empress of Time and Space is here to watch and help protect the current time stream. To simplify, I'm here to make sure that your past, present, and future flow as smoothly as possible." "I am also here to make sure people help themselves, but mostly to protect my family, friends, and loved ones, Andrew," Present Alex said right before she walked straight through us. I could hear her giggle quietly. "Andrew, if the world ever found out about me, entities past, present, and future would stop at nothing to sway me...involve me...force me into manipulating time...and possibly space to what they imagine it. If this universe is to continue, that can never be allowed to happen," I told him as I finished our explanation. "Alex, I found something about Janelle Hathor over here, erase it too?" Jack said, drawing our attention. Apparently her acoustic shield was active. "Leave it, Jack. Hathor is a crucial part of Egyptian history and mysticism." "Got it. All references to the evil bitch stay intact." "Hathor? The Goddess mother of all Egyptian Gods had a first name?" The older O'Neil gasped in complete surprise. "Janelle was not the mother of Egypt's Gods or Deities! She wasn't even from this universe, Andrew!" Alex growled in distain as she glared at him again. Did I have that much fire in my eyes when the woman's name came up, I wondered? His mouth dropped open! "She is from the next universe up...or...was from the next one up," I tried to explain. "Janelle was one of us...a bad one of us, but she came to this universe with the rest of our sisters when I exchanged our universes, Andrew." " exchanged universes?" he stuttered unbelievably. "I did," I answered soberly. "That is complete lunacy! Nothing can exchange an entire universe!" The old man argued. "I know a certain educated T-Rex that would avidly argue the point with you, hun," Alex said with a giggle. "There again he'd just assume eat you if you disagreed!" "Alex!" I glared at my future self with contempt. "The planet our sisters lived on exploded because of a global experiment gone wrong. The planet-turned-sun around which their Research Station orbited became unstable and guaranteed their total annihilation as a species had I not arrived and affected rescue. I had only meant to transport the asteroid on which they lived, but I wasn't as in control...of my the time," I rambled on, but decided to stop while I was ahead. I could see our guest's eyes starting to glaze over. "You travel between the universes too?" "Is that really so hard to believe now, hun?" Alex asked in amazement. "After what y'all have seen so far?" O'Neil shook his head cautiously a few times. "Alex!" Jack whispered loudly. "Alex, I found something from the Commander!" She motioned to her location with her hand. "It's addressed specifically to you!" "What is it, Jack?" Alex Fleming asked. "It's inscribed, 'Touch the seal, kind Empress, and receive our heart's deepest thanks.' What's it mean, Alex?" "Let's find out. If I know Anna-Beth, it's something sentimental." Jack floated my present self across the chamber and we watched as her pointer finger touched a slight depression below Anna-Beth's cartouche on the left side of the beautifully ornate sarcophagus. A small drawer, maybe six inches wide then extended out from it. "She shouldn't have!" Alex Fleming cried in surprise as she looked in. "What is it, Alexandra? Mina asked quietly. Alex, Andrew, and I watched as Alex Fleming lifted out a large golden broach. In the middle was a huge red ruby similar to the one on my tiara back at Reilly. It reflected the flashlight beam exquisitely! Reaching back into the drawer she withdrew a small rolled papyrus scroll- unbelievably still in perfect condition. "Commissioned to honor Alexandra, Empress of Time and Space by Khufu, Supreme Manager of the people of the Upper and Lower Nile. Gratitude and well wishes in your continuing efforts to save humanity from itself. Your friendship and professionalism will be remembered not in writing, but within the hearts and memories of those whom you touched so lovingly," She read. "It's written in Ancient Terran." "She took a big risk, Alex. What if we didn't get here in time? What if O'Neil got here first?" Jack said in concern. "That's Anna-Beth for you. I'll be right back, ladies," Alex Fleming seemed to shimmer for half a second. "There. All safe and sound back at Reilly." "What did she mean it was written in Ancient Terran, and where is this Reilly place?" the elder O'Neil asked in confusion. "Time to leave, Andrew," Alex nodded to me as our location changed once more. "Wait! What just happened? What is Terran and what made her shimmer like that?" the old man cried again. "Terran is the written and spoken language on the planet Terra, Andrew, over one hundred and eight light-years from Earth if you must know," Alex said matter-of-factly. "Another planet...out there? But what of the shimmering effect?" "That's how it looks when I return a fraction of a second later than I left. Not many people can see the switch," I answered. "You still have good eyes, old man." "Wait, why am I back in my room?" he asked, finally looking around. "This is where I leave you, Andrew O'Neil. You now know the truth- a concealed truth, which you sought so diligently you're whole life- about the Empress. I trust you understand enough about the journey we have just undertaken to now realize the consequences should you choose to reveal me," Ale

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South of Bikini First Mission

South of Bikini Episode 6 "First Mission" 0800hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 11th, 2026 "Good morning, Empress! How did you sleep?" Spencer cheerfully greeted as I cleared the last step and shuffled, still not quite awake, into the kitchen. "Have you ever slept in a Quonset hut, or on a regulation cot, Spence?" "Can't say I've ever had the pleasure, Allie." "Well, this was nothing like that! That mattress was worlds better than anything I've slept on up to this point-...

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South of Bikini 5 Celestra

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 7 "Celestra" 4:30PM, Reilly Research Station, July 17th, 2020BC "Welcome back Empress. It is 4:30PM July 17th, 2020BC." RVP announced as I rephased our group- all thirty-six of us. Needless to say the Rec Room was instantly alive with some of my sisters rushing for the four food stations, some others- the Pixies- changing modes to stretch their wings after such an extended sequester- actually just two days. A few- Mom, Franny Darough,...

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South of Bikini Terra

South of Bikini Episode 8 "Terra" 0940 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 9th, 1944 "As you can see, Empress, this facility is very crude by comparison. I'm afraid it will be some time before our technology will catch up to Reilly." I told Alex Reilly as we finished our tour of Atlantis-Minor- Mina's chosen name for our base on Ni'ihau. "Captain, though you call it 'crude', I find this small settlement of yours wonderfully relaxing! I am reminded of similar places on...

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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

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South of Bikini 4 The Game is Afoot

Welcome back! Season 4 finds the Empress a diplomat helping to negotiate peace for an entire planet, but can it guarantee the Homeworld's survival this time around? Will Alex finds new friends and some new facets to her gift as she and her sisters try to limit the destruction from Clemson's rewriting time to fit his own academically opinionated knowledge of historic events? Can they find a temporal sanctuary from which to survive the resulting changes and extinctions? ...

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South of Bikini 5 Well Always Have Athens

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 2 "We'll always have Athens" 4:03PM, Athens, Greece, July 22nd, 1199BC "My love, where have all the people gone? Where did the distressed earth disappear? With the exception of the missing buildings and homes, it is as though the events of today never happened," Theseus questioned his mate after we reappeared next to Billie on the outskirts of Athens. The crater was gone and so were the destroyed buildings- rubble and all. "Sangiere...

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Lizzies Rendezvous

June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...

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South of Bikini 5 What Happens in Whitechapel

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what...

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South of Bikini Developments

South of Bikini Episode 2 "Developments" 0400 hours, 700 Nautical miles East of Baker Island March 31st, 1944 "Andrews, I'm here to relieve you. How's the prisoner?" "He's been moanin' pretty loud. His ribs must be hurtin' but good. I thought Hilf was 'spose to be my relief." "She asked me to cover for a few minutes while she took care of if you know what I mean." "Ya, I heard. You...

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South of Bikini Conference of the Empress

South of Bikini Episode 10 "Conference of the Empress" 1005hrs. Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 12th, 2028 "Empress, welcome to Reilly Research Station. It is 1000hrs on May 12th, 2028." My Samantha immediately dropped to one knee to greet us. "Aunt Mina!" Samantha squealed when she saw her. Standing, she ran over, wrapped her arms around the woman, and kissed her several times. When finished she stepped before...

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South of Bikini 2 Losses and Beginnings

Returning from Egypt, Alex suffers her first real loss since becoming Empress. An emergency mission to right a fatal mistake ensues requiring her to re-establish balance between two Universes. South of Bikini: Onward Episode 7 "Loses and Beginnings" 1303 hours, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 28th, 2028 "Welcome back, Empress. It is 1303hrs,...

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Border Town Rendezvous

Border-town Rendezvous Townville was a quiet, sleepy little border-town that had certainly seen better days. Sadly there were far too many retail shops with For Lease signs, old decorations from holidays long past dangling in the windows and an unfortunate air of abandonment. If tumbleweeds existed in this part of the world, they would surely have been blowing down the street. In its heyday, it was quite the travel corridor between two very popular vacation destinations. The vacation resorts...

4 years ago
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Secret Rendezvous

SECRET RENDEZVOUS   By   Dulaney Browne       I had expected the knock on my hotel door for a long time. When it came, I checked my watch: 7:00PM. Right on time. However, it took a bit before I answered. I wanted to make sure everything was just perfect.   When I opened the door, I could tell she was apprehensive. We had discussed meeting in various exotic locales for a solitary magical night— Paris , Monte Carlo , Rio de Janeiro . I was a bit surprised when she suggested the Caribbean ....

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Border Town Rendezvous

Border-town Rendezvous Townville was a quiet, sleepy little border-town that had certainly seen better days. Sadly there were far too many retail shops with For Lease signs, old decorations from holidays long past dangling in the windows and an unfortunate air of abandonment. If tumbleweeds existed in this part of the world, they would surely have been blowing down the street. In its heyday, it was quite the travel corridor between two very popular vacation destinations. The vacation resorts...

Straight Sex
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the conference room rendezvous

I have to admit that there are some days while I'm at work when my erotic mind interrupts my focus and stirs up my horny ache for orgasmic release, but then I'm left somewhat tortured with orgasm-denial where even the opportunity for relief by my own hand can not come easily...or soon enough. Anyway, it also brings to mind a time when I was fortunate to have the pleasure of being able to share those horny workday cravings with my girlfriend at the time (Susan), who also had a very erotic mind,...

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Secret Rendezvous

SECRET RENDEZVOUS   By   Dulaney Browne       I had expected the knock on my hotel door for a long time. When it came, I checked my watch: 7:00PM. Right on time. However, it took a bit before I answered. I wanted to make sure everything was just perfect.   When I opened the door, I could tell she was apprehensive. We had discussed meeting in various exotic locales for a solitary magical night— Paris , Monte Carlo , Rio de...

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Rendezvous “Let’s see… sandwiches, crackers, cheese, bottled water… check, check, check… and check! Napkins, table cloth and wash cloth… check” Glancing at his watch, Sam saw that he’d better get a move on or he’d end up being late… again. Closing the picnic basket, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Out of his apartment and down stairs to his car. As he was putting the basket in the back seat, he remembered something. “Damn!” he said aloud, turning to rush back up and to his...

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South of Bikini Just a routine mission

The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...

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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

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South of Bikini Her Arrival

South of Bikini Episode 4 "Her Arrival" 2313 hours, Howland Island, April 14th, 1944 "Are you sure you want us to leave you here, Admiral? We can drop y'all off at Pearl just as easy." I thought it too late for the Admiral to be leaving the safety of Sand Dollar. "I'll be fine, Alex! I'll call for a PBY to come get me in the morning! I have a lot of work to do both paper and otherwise, to get the ball rolling on...

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South of Bikini Travel for Friends and Family

South of Bikini Episode 5 "Travel for Friends and Family" 1301hrs, Five miles west of Tuba City, Arizona, August 10th, 2026 The banner stretched across the two-lane pavement in the distance read 'DARPA 20th Annual Fully Autonomous Solar Vehicle Ecological Challenge 2026'. "We're here! Welcome to the next millennium!" I said with excitement. "Where are we, Alex?" Ma said confused by the instantaneous...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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South of Bikini The Evil


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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

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South of Bikini 2 Danger Developments and Confusion

South of Bikini II: Onward Episode 2 "Danger, developments, and confusion" 1820hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 19th, 2028 Alex was waiting for my return from Detroit. "So, does Vern still know about Peyton, sis?" "Was there ever any doubt?" I answered with a wry smile on my face. "Well...ya! Everytime you change our future I have to wonder if we're going to sync up the next...

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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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South of Bikini 2 New Beginnings and Conspiracy

South of Bikini: Onward Episode 5 "New Beginnings and Conspiracy" 1355hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 12th, 2028 "Miss Alexandra?" Sarah called to me as Corrine, Mina, and Jamie joined me at my side. "Ya Hun?" Instead of answering, she and Liz rushed me and wrapped their arms around me. Both girls remained silent, though I could feel quaking and heard muted sniffling from both...

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South of Bikini 2 Out of the fire a new hero

Continuing her mission to 1945 Poland, Alex must find a way to safely secret the Meridian Spacecraft and her team out of the heavily defended Wonderwerks facility and preserve the precious timeline. Will she be able to rescue the hundreds of lost souls locked away in the Wenceslas Mine? Can Alex rescue one very lost, very confused soul in particular? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 6 ...

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South of Bikini 2 Meeting the Relatives

Admiral Demmit arrives with a mission request. Apparently he had found Reilly's vast historic library on his visit to the future and researched a few old friends... South of Bikini: Onward Episode 8 "Meeting the Relatives" "Mommy?" a small girl's voice whispered in my ear. "Mommy!" the same girl's voice whispered with a little more force. A pair of small hands shook my shoulder urgently. "Mommy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!" The small hands shook my shoulder...

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South of Bikini 2 Setting the Past Right

An offer is made to the women of U103. While giving as much information via a meeting with Grand High Counsel Tibius, Alex tries to fulfill one of the rescued German officer's wishes- to say goodbye to his wife- who, in 2029, is long deceased. Will the Empress succeed in saving another lost soul? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 10 "Setting the Past Right" 0757...

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South of Bikini 5 Home is Where the Heart Is


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South of Bikini 5 May Old Acquaintances

More questions are answered about Reilly Research Station personnel and the Homeworld. Can Alexandra keep the Timeline intact and save her home Planet at the same time? South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 4 "May Old Acquaintances.." "So..Alex.." Billie began as she gracefully sat at the kitchen table with her breakfast of citrus juice and this world's version of cultured, active biomass with fruit- 'yogurt' on twenty-first century Earth. "How can you eat that?" I asked as I...

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South of Bikini 5 Lest Be Forgot

The Empress transmits a special multimedia news report that explained the strange happenings and illnesses around the Homeworld. A 'Welcome to the Universe' party goes awry when Camille's mom and dad have a spat. What strange turn of events will the Empress of Time and Space experience this episode? Copyright: 2016, R.G. Beyer South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 5 ...

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South of Bikini 5 Landing the Big One

With their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...

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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

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Ch 4 Roxanne And The Hotel Rendezvous

Tom's world had been drastically altered.  His sex life at home with his wife of thirty years had dwindled to a point of non-existence.  She never initiated sex and when he asked for it, she routinely turned him down.  She was too tired, busy playing spades online or watching a show on her tablet.  The very rare occasion she did relent and agree to sex, it consisted of her turning on her side, pulling down her bottoms and telling him to be quick.  It was like she was doing a chore that no one...

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Fortuitous Rendezvous

Fortuitous Rendezvous Gemma was enjoying her new life since moving to Australia. Sure she had left a lot of memories and some friends behind in the Rock wall but it meant she could leave a lot of sad memories behind to have a fresh start where nobody knew her or her father. Gemma, her Mum and Her Dad had been a very close family until the untimely death of Gemma’s Mum. In the process of grieving and healing Gemma, who was the spitting image of her Mother, and Adam her Father had...

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Wife Tales Secret Rendezvous

No matter how hard I fight my sexual urges when I meet a stranger who gets my juices flowing, I find that I give in to my naughty side. Not that I actually fight that hard but I tell myself that I do. I’m sure we’ve all had these inner battles between our ‘good’ self and our ‘bad’ self so you know what I am referring to. Oh hell, just read my story and let your ‘bad’ self win.Cold air whipped across the snow covered parking lot. It was much colder here than I had thought it would be. I guess...

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A secret rendezvous

It's mid summer and I'm sitting in work when my phone rings. I answer and hear a voice that I last heard when it was moaning with pleasure as I ejaculated deep inside of you. I say "well if it isn't Jane Doe, it's so great to hear from you." You say "Hi, I think it's time we had a little rendezvous don't you?"......I'm instantly aroused by your voice and I'm so glad you took my number that HOT night in the City. We agree to meet. I arrive in the swanky 5 star London hotel and, as arranged, I...

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The Rendezvous

Comments and/or Constructive Criticism is Welcome*************************************************************************************************************************It was some months after my unintended meeting with an older gentleman, a nice man who I met and had sex with...I gave him my number and never heard from him.  Then, one day my phone rang."Hello" I said. "This is Frank, uh, we met some time ago" the voice on the line replied.  "Okay, but do I know you?"  I could tell the person...

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MidWeek Rendezvous

It had only been three days since we saw each other, but it felt like months. We weren't sure we could pull off a mid week rendezvous, but we sure wanted to try. He had the day off from work. But I had a husband off work too. We wanted to see each other so badly though. I had this burning desire to please him more than usual. We met at our hotel. He already had the room and was eagerly awaiting my arrival. As I walked in, he smiled that smile. He gave me that look. It was going to be a very hot...

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Rendezvous He sat nervously at the hotel bar, his hands idly playing with the edges of the napkin that his drink was resting upon, his third drink. He didn't often drink like this. Normally one or two beers will suffice over an entire evening. But today was different, today his throat was perpetually dry and his hands needed something to do. Finishing his drink, he looked at his watch again and noting the time he ordered another Captain and Coke. How much longer, he wondered. How much longer...

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the rendezvous

Author's Note: This is a shorter story than many of those I've shared, somewhere between a mix of plot and sexual content. It's not a sudden, sexy read but there's a faster progression with characters leading to intimacy. Of course, same thing as usual, please bear in mind that this is adult content so don't read this if you're not of legal age. Enjoy!***Chapter IDrenched in sweat, I wake in a mass of sheets with the cotton fabric stuck to my back, heavy with sweat. The dreams are gone now and...

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Hotel Rendezvous

Derrick presses her body firmly to the wall, holding her still while Tanya squirmed. It wasn’t a smart move, with the handcuffs on, she was at her Master's mercy. He smiled. Devilishly. First one breast then the other, giving each a playful smack. “I think I like you this way."She sighed in delicious defeat and rested her head against the cool wall of their hotel room. She could feel the smooth wall teasing her nipples to hard, naughty points...begging for her Master.Shivers up and down her...

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Jamaican Rendezvous

I stood alone on a silvery dune, staring out to sea as I fidgeted with my finger. A cool breeze came in off the waves making the Palm fronds sigh and shudder and lifting strands of my wavy strawberry blond hair, which fluttered behind me like streamers. The sun was low on the horizon and sky was flecked with clouds, promising a magnificent sunset. I smiled in anticipation of my lover’s arrival and walked into the surf, letting the water cool my toes. Soon he would be here, and the perfect...

Love Stories
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We Met Online A Daytime Rendezvous

We met online and now it was time to meet in open the door and let me in thinking, 'what am I in for'. As you turn to shut the door you are pressed up against it from behind thinking, 'what have I done'...only to realize that my lips are caressing your neck, my tongue glides across your earlobe. My hands slide up your thighs and graze between your legs, you gasp, and as my hands reach your hips I turn you, my lips meet yours and they part as our tongues dance together. You grasp my...

Straight Sex
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Chapter 1. The Rendezvous The midday sun came streaming in though the windows and warmed his chest. Today was the day! As Gene drove the winding path to through the tangled vines, he had a slight knot in his stomach. He had thought about today for many weeks after the date had been set. Would Alyssa find him attractive, or would she be disappointed and feign an excuse to hurry home. While they had spent hours together on email before getting the courage to talk over the...

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Molly And Kellys Delightful Ipanema Rendezvous

Since surviving the terrible erotic activities, Molly had been tricked into participating in that night on the Island off the Brazilian Coast; the unpleasant memories had eventually faded with the passing of time. Molly was still happy she had done it for Antonio. However after—both knew they never wanted to attend any other of the Group's harsh and cruel activities. Molly, greatly relieved, had settled back into her comfortable familiar routine. She thought happily to herself, I love Rio de...

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Alleyway Rendezvous

Marissa wasn't the dirty kinda girl. But she had her urges. So once in a while she would go on to sexy personals to have cybersex with guys, usually with foreigners,because she was too she'd meet anyone she knew. She had some regulars she chatted to and her personal favourite was an Australian teacher,Shane, who was oh-so-hot. He looked deliciously sexy in the photo he sent and he was so graphic and descriptive when they 'chatted' that she nearly came just thinking about it. Australia was a...

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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

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South of Bikini 3 Proving Gound

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth's fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to 'step back' to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes? Episode 10 "Proving Ground" 0811hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 22nd,...

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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

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South of Bikini 4 Exodus 1

Episode 7 "Exodus I" 2200hrs, L. Scott home, Bridgeport, Conn, August 29th, 1944 "So Lu Sei found your flask?" Emily asked, as we got ready for bed. "Didn't waste a second after I left the room, sis. It was comical in a way, though. You should have seen her face when she found out it was just water!" "She knew that there would be alcohol in it?" "She was living on a base of fighter pilots. I'm sure at least one of them needed some 'liquid courage', Em." "But how would...

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South of Bikini 3 Paradoxes Galas and Gifts

With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis- Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger? Episode 6 "Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts" Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era "So why do I...

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South if Bikini 3 Things that go bump

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel's missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow 'poltergeists' to enjoy the 'witching hour'? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels' theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers. Episode...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 0810

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

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