South Of Bikini 5- What Happens In Whitechapel... free porn video

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South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what we seen was..." His voice dropped off as Alex and I stared at him while clearing our throats loudly. "Um...what I means is, there might still be some disreputable blokes out there amongst the shadows. Gentleman, keep an eye out. Ladies," Officer Robert touched his brim and Margie escorted him to the front door. Seven of us began to emit a bluish hue as time stopped around us. "Aunt Alex? Pardon my asking, but what the hell was that all about? And what is this?" James Sadler asked anxiously as he looked around us- his eyes unsure of what he was seeing just now. "Just setting up a small urban legend, Jim," Alex answered as Rommie, Amy, and Lena all looked on, astonished by her response. "Honestly? You... Empress of Time and Space...had to 'create' an 'Urban Myth'?" James asked in exasperation. "Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle?" "We...are a paradox!" Alex and I chorused royally as we smiled back brightly. "Of course. How silly of me," James deadpanned. "Oh bugger! There they go!" Amy groused as she rolled her eyes comically. Alex glared at Amy for five point six seconds before answering Mr. Sadler. "Yes, Jim, it was necessary. The myth of the victim, 'Fairy Fay', is part of Ripper-lore, be it a very small part, it is still important to the timeline nonetheless. According to my foresight something even more heinous would have happened tomorrow night. By creating this myth...physically creating it...with witnesses, the real murderer lays low for a while. "He's one of the men here tonight, isn't he? Which one? Alex, we could stop the Ripper before he even gets started!" "That's not the mission, Jim. As despicable as he is, 'Jack the Ripper' is an integral part of nineteenth century history and must stay that way. Some common and widely used forensic techniques are developed and implemented during the investigation or because of it," Alex told him sorrowfully. James nodded his understanding. "God, I hate this part of the job." "Y'all ain't the only one, honey," I agreed as we all exchanged sad glances. "So who is she, Alex? I've never seen her before tonight," James asked after thirty full seconds of silence. "Simone and the Redhead, Ginger, are on loan from Atlantis, James," I answered. "Atlantis? By the Goddess! It really exists? Mother wasn't just pulling my leg?" He gasped. "Andromeda would be hurt that you think her city was just a story that Plato made up, James," I grinned. "Aunt Andie?" James' mouth fell open for four seconds. "She never talked about At...lan...tis... That's where she's from, Alex?" He gasped in surprise. "Well, they're actually from a planet called Celestra, Jimmie, but they live here, now...then...sort of seventy thousand years...ago," Jacki stumbled as Billie rolled her eyes at her twin. "You make it sound like a disease, sister!" Billie groaned with distain. "And you've never got tripped up with all the temporal verbiage crap?" Jacki sniped. "Girls? Need Ah remind y'all that Ah'm holdin' time? Mina's aunt might suspect somethin' if'n mah hair starts ta gray?" Alex interrupted. "We'll continue this at a later time, Jacquelyn Cummins," Billie threatened. "You got it, Queen Bitch!" Jacki retorted with equal venom. Somehow, I had the feeling that we were only hearing a small portion of their conversation. "Resuming the time stream in three, two." Sound and movement again filled the room. "So, Mr. Sadler. Where were we?" Margie asked pleasantly as she reentered the sitting room mere seconds later. "Begging your pardon, ma'am, but after all tonight's 'excitement', I find myself rather exhausted, and since my medical acquaintance has opted to retreat for the evening, I feel we must call it a night. Gentlemen, I believe we should still compensate the ladies for their somewhat truncated companionship?" James and three of the other men nodded and reached for their billfolds. "I for one, James, feel even more randy from whence we first arrived. Claire? You still willing, my dear?" The still unintroduced man to James' right inquired of one of Margie's girls- a medium height young woman of average beauty and straight, brown hair...actually, the one who lost her continence in the alley not long ago. "Bloody right! Could use a good snoggin' after the night we've 'ad! Come on, 'enry!" "Margie?" One of the other guys asked shyly. "Mind if me an' me brother takes the blonde twins fer a whirl?" "Jacki an' Billie, you up to it?" Margie asked as she walked over between them. "Colin an' he's brother...they's gent'ler than feather pillows an' tip handsomely, too." Jacki looked to be eyeing the two up for consideration, but Billie remained neutral for about ten seconds. Her face suddenly developed a devious smile. "Sure, ma'am, Jacki and I are game," Billie replied gleefully. Jackie gave a quick, deeply concerned, glance to her twin sister then offered her hand to one of the gentlemen the same time as Billie did to the other. "Top of the stairs. Third floor, second an' third doors on the left is yours, dears," Margie instructed as the twins excitedly guided their gentlemen toward the stairs. She quickly added, "An' clean-up when yer done! I ain't yer chambermaid." "So... Mina's aunt," I asked as Alex and I lay in the well-used bed under a warm, woolen blanket? The warm blanket was the only thing I found comforting about this bed. From the look on Alex' face before we turned the lamp down, we were of like mind. "Her father's sister-in-law," Alex replied. "Philip's Uncle died in one of the wars a while back. Without his income, she had to make a living somehow. Philip Smith had no idea what his aunt really did for a living. Mina's pa, embarrassed by her choice of profession, would never talk about her. Of course, Philip Smith is only twelve years old here." "And Mina? When we arrived, she said they were going back to her flat..." "Barrister Smith keeps a business residence here in London. At the present, Mina's Pa is back home on 'holiday' with his family, sis. It's the day before Christmas Eve, ya know." "And I didn't get you anything, Alex, I'm sorry. I neglected to note the date of our arrival." "Spendin' time with you and our sisters is a good enough present, Alex. Now what about that performance by...Simone, is it? I see from our memories that she and Ginger are Yuuka's mishap from Celestra?" "Yes, she's one of Andie's pixies. Alex, I have to apologize for her. See, Simone isn't the brightest pixel in the display. As you now know, until I harassed and belittled her into a fitful rage, she had no concept whatsoever of normal flight." "Well, she done took off like a bat outta hell tonight!" Alex giggled. "Y'all know she's the fastest Pixie in the hangar, right?" It was my turn to giggle softly. "After provoking her, I had to slow down time just to stay ahead of her, sis. I saw that she would be fast...but I never would have imagined she was THAT fast!" "So..." Alex paused. I could almost see the smile on her face. "How'd y'all like 'pixie mode'?" I sighed without even realizing it. The memory of being that free...having that much "Yep. Ah felt the same way," Alex admitted. "Almost better than sex." "Almost," I concurred with another giggle. 'You do know there are some of us that want to get some sleep, Empress?' One of our Mind Warriors thought to us in an annoyed tone. Most likely Billie. "So, the one that never wanted ta use her gift cain't turn it off now? That what Ah'm hearin', Billie Sangiere?" Alex said aloud as we both giggled. There would be no reply before I finally fell asleep. 0604hrs, London, England, December 24th, 1887AD "Come on ya lazy hens! Get yer arses' up and ready fer the day! This isn't no boardin' 'ouse an' we gots work ta do fer tonight's visitors!" Margie shouted from our room's door as she threw it open hard enough that it banged against the wall. I hated the woman instantly! It had been around two in the morning before Alex and I were able to achieve something resembling sleep. After James and three of his friends kindly donated to Margie's business and left, two other men had arrived late and two previous gentlemen had decided to return to 'properly patronize' their 'favorite establishment' later in the evening. Luckily, their tastes trended more toward the familiar girls in Margie's employ. During one of our earlier interim conversations last night, Margie had commented that Jacki and Billie were taking too long with the brothers O'toole- that she and her girls had dubbed them the 'twenty-minute men'. "An' that includes the clothing!" she had laughed, shaking her head at the conjured image. Amy wisecracked that they were probably hoping for bigger 'tips'. No innuendo there...especially when Margie indicated that's why the girls were so friendly with them in the first place. As Alex and I arrived on the first floor, Lena met us in the hall making use of a feather duster and wearing a plain, off-white apron. Amy was busy stoking the coal stove back to life in the lounge and Rommie could be heard humming from one of the rooms toward the back of the building. "Well don't just stand there. Grab a broom an' get to it! The floors don't sweep 'emselves!" Margie ordered as she appeared at the top of the first flight of stairs. I wondered if she had been a Marine Gunny in a future life. "Thank you for that memory, sis," I said aloud. "The one of her bein' a DI?" she asked without even looking toward me as she opened the door under the stairs to retrieve our cleaning implements. "It fits." "Agreed," I giggled. We giggled. "So where's them Cummins?" "Them that works, gets the sleep, girls," Margie said from directly behind me. "Shit!" I jumped with a start. Margie had a huge, satisfied, smile when I turned to face her. "So whats this about a 'DI', girls?" she asked, practically daring us to answer. "Back home, in our mil'tary, a 'DI's a drill instructor. Usually some ill-tempered, diabolical cuss of a sergeant, hell-bent on workin' his subordinate's asses into the lowest parts a hell and prideful of it! Y'all call em task masters or workhouse bosses over here," I answered, taking that dare. "Now listen 'ere, princess!" Margie threatened. "I'm not exactly proud of it, but this place is what keeps me OUT of the workhouse. It keeps you lot out, too! So even though you claim to know m'brother-in-law, it don't exclude ya from earnin' yer keep. I don't mean ta sound like some slave driver. Ya just need to help out during yer stay." "Look, Margie, we meant it as a compliment, not the slight Allie made it sound like. She jus' had a bad experience with one a them fellers. Damn ass did her wrong!" Alex said as she handed me a broom and dustpan. "An' ain't none a us no strangers ta housework. We all done our share an more! Truth is, y'all cain't begin to fathom the kinda things me an' mah sister done over the years." I purposely bumped into Alex as I moved to start my cleaning. I hoped that our hostess hadn't noticed the very slight bluish hue emanating from my sister. A quick glance back revealed a furrowed, well-kept, brow. She had seen 'something', but her look of consternation indicated a lack of understanding as to what it might have been. "Com'on, sis, we got us some chores needin' done," I said as I took Alex' forearm and gently pulled her back toward the kitchen. Rommie, along with two of Margie's girls, Ginny and Rita, were busy in the kitchen making breakfast when Alex and I arrived. "Hey, Alex. Allie. Care for a cuppa while we put the finishin' touches on the fry?" Rommie asked pleasantly. "Ma'be after the chores is done, hun," Alex answered as she began slowly and carefully sweeping the floor. "I'm guessin y'all struck out last night, as well?" "Can't all be lucky like them Cummins's girls. Those two 'ad their gents screamin the almighty's name to the heavens last night! Think they'd share us some points on what they done?" The girl named Ginny asked offhandedly. "Oi, Ginny's right. What they done that we ain't to them twenty-minute blokes, Allie?" Rita turned from beating a bowl of eggs. I smiled to Alex before looking back at the other girls. "Them Cummins twins got some wild thoughts, ladies. Ah'm sure they really cut loose last night. Noise bein' any indication." Rommie broke out in a hearty laughing fit and almost dumped the skillet she was using off the front of the stove. "What's so humorous, Rommie? Thought you was still buggered 'bout Margie's 'lean' slant to yer figger?" Ginny asked. "Weren't in the mood last eve, truth be told. Owed Alex and Allie a fav, though," Rommie revealed. "None 'em struck me fancy anyway. Seemed too stuffed...specially that one tosser, Doc whats 'es name." "Ya! 'e dis'peared right quick, did'n 'e? Run off quicker 'an a mouse in a house fulla Tabbys," Rita giggled. "These is ready when ya needs em, Rommie." "Bangers need another tick, Rita, then we starts the pegs." "Where'd you learn to cook like that, Rommie?" Ginny asked. "Use'ta work for a bunch of tossers few years back," she replied honestly. "Tossers?" Amy repeated angrily as she appeared in the doorway. "Them 'tossers' was good to us, Roms. Treated us like princesses. Right gentlemen, them blokes." "Not the 'Company', Ames! I meant the 'Hill'! Them tossers wouldn't know good cookin' if it crawled up 'ere arses!" Rommie corrected. "Now the 'Company'...that were the challenge, it were! I miss them days. Didn't realize it till it was decomm'd." Rommie paused sadly. "You ever miss the old days, Alex?" she asked as she turned to us sadly. "Seems like it was so long ago, Rommie. Me and the rest of the gals rem- nis ever' time we get ta-gether," Alex replied. We were almost done sweeping here and were about to move to the next room when she asked. "Still, we're here now an' Ah... we're enjoyin' bein' with you, Amy, and Lenora..." Alex began. "LENA! Bloody hell! She never gets it right! Ditzy Yank!" Lena interrupted from the front of the house. "Told ya she got ears like a rabbit, Alex," Amy smiled. "Changes moods faster'n London changes weather, too," Rommie giggled. There was a flash outside and a clap of thunder shook the house. "Blimey! Ain't a cloud in the sky! Where'd dat come from?" Ginny asked as she quickly looked out the window. "Better go have a little heart ta heart with the tart," Amy groaned, smiling nervously, before hurrying away toward the foyer. "So where you an' Allison call home, Alex?" Ginny asked as she motioned to the table and chairs with a couple steaming cups in her hands. Alex and I sat down with a nod of appreciation. "Oak Ridge, Mahzzura. Ma an' Pa got some dirt there- Cows, chickens, a few goats, wheat, barley, an' corn...plenty'a corn," Alex replied with a wistful grin. "If'n Pa could grow sugar cane on the property, he'd be in heaven! Right, sis?" I added with a giggle. "Best damn still in the state!" she retorted and we both laughed. "So...the Cummins girls...where they call hom..." "We're from the great state of Indiana and 'Hoosiers' through and through," Jacki said as she and Billie appeared in the doorway. "Sounds pretty 'hoity-toity' to me. You some kinda gentry?" Rita giggled as she placed the sausages on the table. "As a matter of fact...ouch! Jackiiiiiiii!" Billie began to answer before Jacki elbowed her. "Take a seat, 'princesses'!" Margie sternly advised as she entered the room and pushed the Cummins twins into a couple seats. She looked to Alex and I. "Decided to let those two talk in private. Little Lena gets the menses bad, seems," she told us quietly before turning her attention to the Cummins'. "Don't know what ya did last eve, but ya sure impressed the brothers O'toole! Here's yer cut," she continued as she handed Jacki and Billie a few slips of colorful paper- currency, Alex' memories called it. "Blimey! Got to be a few quid there!" Rita gasped out as Jacki unfolded the currency to count it. "Got ta thank you two. This covered this month's expenses an' then some. Alex? Where'd ya find these two?" "Told y'all before, Margie. Ah got me some connections." "Apparently." The doorbell tinkled twice in the hallway. Someone was at the front door. "Too early to be any gents," Margie thought aloud as she went to answer. "Yes?" We heard Margie say as she apparently opened the door. "Excuse me, mum, but I'm looking for a woman..." "Down the street a block, second door on the left, dearie," Margie interrupted the voice. "Excuse me? Madam, I do not think you understand. Allow me to finish," Mina's voice jumped an octave or two. "I am looking for a woman by the last name of 'Smith', a Margaret Smith and I have been directed to this address. Do you know of this woman? If not I shall not waste your time further." "Who wants ta know, dearie?" "Philamina Smith, mum. I have received information my aunt might reside here," Mina answered. I pictured her holding out her hand to our host in greeting. "Don't have no niece, only a nephew to my hoity-toity Barrister brother, Philip," Margie answered, sounding quite irritated. "Uncle Philip was reluctant to provide me any information, Aunt Margaret. It took several visits before I managed this lead. Father would never speak of you, Uncle William's widow, and was also reluctant to assist when I first set upon my quest." "You're Harold's girl?" Margie's voice jumped a few octaves in surprise. "Didn't even know the stuffy old arse had a child! Haven't spoke to 'im in years, though. Come in, child, let's have a look at ya!" "Ya don't look like a 'Smith'," we heard Margie say forty seconds later. "Mother is from the Orient, Aunt Margaret. Siam to be precise." "Had heard Harold was planning a trip...that was right before..." "Oh, Aunt Margaret. I'm so sorry to bring back those memories!" Mina responded. "Was a long time ago, dearie. Care for some tea?" "Thank you," Mina replied and the two appeared in the kitchen two minutes later. Margie fetching a cup and pouring Mina some tea. "So how is the ol' horse's arse?" Margie inquired brusquely. Mina's expression saddened as she carefully placed her cup back on its saucer. "Aunt Margaret! Surely you know that father left us almost three years ago? Uncle Philip claims to have sent you a wire stating as much. Mother and I were in the Far East at the time," Mina answered as she looked down sadly into her cup, added another teaspoon of sugar, and began stirring it slowly. "Sorry for that, luv. Can't be too careful these days- 'specially here in Whitechapel. The place has gone downhill these last ten or so years and the shadier blokes been takin' over." "So why are you here..." Mina paused as if finally understanding. "This is a Brothel!" Mina's mouth dropped open. "Then the stories Uncle told me are true! Oh, Aunt Margaret! How can this be?" "Yer uncle left me no choice, luv," Margie answered, her eyes lowering to the floor. "William left me with only debt and nothing else. It was either this or the workhouse." "Uncle Philip..." Mina started to say but was cut off. "Wants nothing to do with me, luv. Claimed I was an embarrassment to the family and a political caveat- one that his profession couldn't have if he was goin' to Parliment." There was a long pause in the conversation. "So how is young Philip these days?" she finally asked. Mina smiled. "The naughty little cupid tried every chance he got to chat me up! Especially after he found out I was part Oriental. He was constantly asking what his aunt's country was like and when I thought he could go see it and her." "So mum stayed and you..." "Felt obligated to return and see to the estate," Mina finished Margie's statement. "Mother sees to it that I receive a stipend every quarter so that I might survive comfortably, but Uncle Philip is allowing my use of his flat here in London while on holiday." Mina sipped her tea and again placed it tenderly on its saucer. "Tell me...Alexandra and Allison Covington, how is it that we meet once more? Twice at my uncles and now here...with Philip's nanny AND two of uncle's servants?" "Rommie's on vacation since ol' Phil's up at the mansion. Amy an' Lenora..." "It's LENA!" Our young sister shouted venomously from further forward in the house. Alex rolled her eyes. "Amy an' Lena asked fer time off, too. Kate thought it'd be a change a' pace to share the housework again. Claimed that's what they done when first hitched. Young Philip, he even offered to sweep the floors. Ol' Phil...he didn't look so happy." "I di...? I had no idea how enthusiastic the little cherub could be," Mina began to protest, but quickly caught herself. "Pegs is ready, girls," Rommie announced. "LENA!" Margie shouted, aiming her voice to the front of the house. "Food's ready. Get that tart arse back here 'fore the fry's gone." Margie and Mina had been talking most of the morning, even during morning tea. Now as Alex and I prepared the midday meal, both entered the kitchen to observe. "So, what's on the stove, girls?" Margie asked as she sniffed the air, intrigued. "Ah asked Ginny if she'd grab a few pounds of beef while she was out doin' rounds. This here's something we call hamburgers back in the states. Y'all might call 'em meatcakes or some such thing- don't know cause y'all call meatloaf, 'salsbury steak'," Alex replied with a frown. "Don't worry none 'bout no cost, Ah give her a few pounds to cover it." "Well, it smells remarkably tantalizing. What are the ingredients, Miss Covington?" Mina asked, knowing full well what seasonings were used. "Salt, pepper, some diced onion, an' an egg ta hold it all together," I answered to reinforce our 'twins' status. "So what's simmering in the small pot?" Margie asked. "Canned tomater paste, some more salt an' pepper, water, and vinegar. Y'all're gonna love it once cooked down," Alex crowed. "Goes great on the burgers along with some onion, lettuce, and slice of tomater!" "Need I remind you it is winter in London, Alexandra. Vegatables other than onions are rather hard to find," Mina reminded needlessly. "'Course Ah knowed what season it is, Miss Smith! Amy wouldn't a been stokin' that damned coal hog if'n it were summer," Alex said as we both giggled. Mina rolled her eyes and shook her head twice. "She don't know Pa built his-self a greenhouse, Alex, that we had us fresh veggies almost all year long," I added to cover my sister's exubberance to our favorite lunch item. "So you two come from an affluent background? My word, why ply this particular trade then, Miss Covington?" Mina continued her line of questioning. "Ma an' Pa had a few acres, Miss Smith, wouldn't call us rich by any means. Most years Pa broke even, some he didn't. Nothin' like yer stuffy Unc up north," I protested, hoping to protect our dignity. "And just how did you two end up in London?" Mina pressed. "Well, ya know? We just 'popped' in on this street a few months back, found this time period intriguing, and decided to stay a spell. Answer yer question, hun?" Alex answered brusquely. "Girls?" Margie abruptly asked to get their attention. "How 'bout you five excuse us for a few ticks. The twins an me got a few things ta discuss." Everyone but Alex, Margie and I stood from the large dinner table and began to file out of the room. "If you wouldn't mind, Philamina?" Margie said as she motioned for Mina to sit back down. "Who are you girls?" Margie asked pointedly once she sat back down after closing and latching the pocket doors to the next room. "I believe I've already provided sufficient proof as to who I am, Aunt Margar..." "Tut! I'll get to you next, Philamina. Right now I'll hear it from Alexandra and Allison...if those are your real names, dearies. You should know that I'm considered brilliant when it comes to spotting the odd duck." "We got no idear what y'all're talkin' 'bout, Margie," Alex answered innocently. "What I'm talking about, ladies, is the little details that I've noticed since our meeting. Little clues, if you will, that you two have dropped as if breadcrumbs. Were you hoping I would notice or was it purely accidental?" Margie asked as her city accent instantly vanished, replaced by the proper tongue that Mina used. "What 'little details, Margie? Ah got no idea 'bout no crumbs, bread er otherwise," I asked, also playing the 'innocent' card. "Last night when that tart raised from the supposed dead, you two didn't seem to start one bit, nor did you react as I would have expected two young women of today might." "Then there was the fact I had to wake you two. No working girl would dare over sleep unless she was working later than usual." Margie paused for twenty seconds as she evaluated us, glancing every so often to Mina, too. "Today, my 'niece' arrives at my door- one that I never knew I had. Granted, I've never kept in strict touch since my husband's demise, but...I do make it a point to follow the Smith family's activities. Interesting how much personal information one learns in this business." Margie smiled as if having it all figured out. "Just a moment ago...your rather sarcastic response, reminded me of something...a story actually, that I was told during my days abroad with William," she continued and paused for fifteen seconds. "William and I had been visiting Egypt- Cairo to be precise. We met a local historian who shared quite the tale. Whether he was simply bollixing us, I wasn't sure until just now." "That man told us of a shadowy figure- more myth or legend than real- from the great period of Pharaoh...? Anyway, about a woman or rather women possessing extraordinary powers; equal to the Gods themselves! He went on to relate that this woman, whom he called the 'Empress' protected Pharaoh and his queen and even assisted in uniting the Upper and Lower Kingdoms." "So what's that got ta do with Allie an' me, Margie?" Alex inquired curiously. "Our learned acquaintance told us how this 'Empress' could make the heavens darken, the skies erupt with lightning and she alone could affect the passage of time itself!" "Ah'm still not seeing how y'all think this connects ta us, ma'am," I stated gently. "William and I were astounded by that revelation. From the look in our historian's eyes he truly believed. Imagine being capable of controlling time! Having the power to move forward or step back through the ages on a mere whim..." Margie paused and stared at Alex and I intensely. "Can you imagine..." Actually, we could. Our hostess smiled gently for ten seconds as she appraised us. "I welcome you to 1887, your majesty." 'Aw, shit.' Jacki thought to us both. My sister and I began laughing hysterically! "Y'all're a real hoot, hun!" Alex snorted as we both collected ourselves. "Ya, sis, she really had me goin' there! Must be some sorta English inishee-a-shun." Margie grimaced angrily, her face reddening. "Aunt Margaret! These two are no more royalty than I am the queen! How could you even begin to think..." "Bollix!" Margie growled abruptly. "Pardon?" Alex and I chorused. "Pure rubbish! I consider myself quite accomplished at identifying one's character and you two seem too humble to be anything but true royalty! You see...only true royalty has the ability to captivate and enthrall their subjects without the need to subjugate or demean. Humility is the true characteristic of a worthy monarch," Margie suddenly glared at Mina. "Even you, dear niece, exhibit that defining trait," Margie continued, placed her hand on Mina's then sat silent for thirty long seconds. "The three of I look into your eyes...I see wisdom...wisdom that far exceeds your apparent ages. Please do not patronize me further to tell me I am wrong, Majesty. Rudeness is not becoming of your legacy." The four of us began to glow with a bluish hue and the noise from the neighborhood stopped. Margie picked up on it instantly. She began to look at her hands and around at us. Her mouth opened but no words exited. Billie, Jacki, Amy, Rommie, and Lena entered the dining room. Each emitting the same bluish glow. "Y'all better got a damn good reason fer stoppin' time, highness!" Alex demanded. "With all due respect, Empress, the conversation was not going as I had foreseen. I felt it necessary to discuss this discrepancy before the mission proceeds any further." Margie looked whiter than new-fallen snow as her eyes observed our sisters enter and Billie's interference. "What has happened has been foreseen, Billie Sangiere. Had you taken the time to examine more scenarios, you would've seen this one," I answered in a heated tone. "Forgive me, Empress," Billie bowed and gave Alex and I a fancy hand flourish. "Y'all are a real piece'a work, Billie Sangiere! How can the past Queen of Kili Island be so remiss in the use of her gift when the present Queen of Kili shows no such deficiency?" Alex asked as she looked to Mina. "Really, Alexandra! Even though the mission does not specifically determine my Aunt's involvement there is the element of 'plausible deniability'. Have I missed her relevance to our correction of the timeline?" Mina asked as she looked between us and her aunt. A bluish ball of light slowly flew through the partially closed doors of the dining room. The bluish glow made Trina's wings appear green and she began increasing in size as she approached. Brown-haired, Ginny reached full-size just as she stopped next to where I sat. "Why have we broken our cover, Empress? I believed everything was going accordingly." "Gggggin...Gggginny?" Margie gasped, mouth agog. "I am Trina, second daughter of Mei Lee of Avalon, third Pixie to the Empress of Time and Space," Trina announced as she bowed to our hostess. Margie didn't move a muscle. "Jack?" Alex said as she looked at Billie. "Billie's about to release her hold on time. I suggest you all reposition before she does." "Aye, cap. Come on, girls," Jacki acknowledged with a nod. All but one turned and left for other parts of the house. "That goes for you too, Billie," Alex groaned when my assistant director didn't move immediately. "As you wish, Empress," Billie acquiesced gracefully before turning, exiting the room, and reclosing the sliding doors. Noise again filled our ears and our bluish glow dissipated. Still Margie remained immobilized, her complexion pasty at best. "So quiet now, sis," I observed as I looked at Alex then turned to Mina. "Your aunt is very intuitive, Mina." "And rendered completely speechless at the moment," Alex added. "It's never on a 'mere whim'," I said as I regarded our hostess. "Wwwwwwwhim?" Margie mumbled. "When we travel through time," I clarified. "It ain't never on what y'all call a whim. The Empress of Time and Space protects the timeline or the linearity of it. We smooth or correct the bumps and derivations that crop up." "Alexandra Reilly, may I suggest limiting the information divulged?" Mina recommended. "Y'all sayin' she's not yer blood, Mina?" Alex asked as Margie's attention shifted instantly. "That is not what I'm saying, Alexandra Covington. She is very much my relative- one I cherished from my birth through my departure from Britain. I reference that one fact and maintain what you have stipulated multiple times. No one should know too much about their own future." "Is that the recommendation of my mentor or a warning from my friend and sister?" I asked as Alex nodded her agreement. "Sister? You both are related to me, too?" Margie gasped in surprise. "Sisters in regard to the gifts we've received, hun. Although us an' Mina are of the royal family as she calls it," Alex explained. Our hostess looked on in confusion. "Mina shares our gift of precognition and some of our more...elaborate attributes, ma'am," I added. "I have a niece that can control time?" Margie gasped in awe. "Aunt Margaret, please. You are not making this any easier. My manipulation of time pales in comparison to either Alexandra. They each are the ultimate manager of Time and Space in all the known universes. Hope you are happy now, Billie Sangiere!" Mina exclaimed to the ceiling angrily. "Why did she do that?" Our hostess asked cautiously. "Jacki and Billie are telepathic," I answered. "Tele-what?" "They can read minds...and much, much, more," I simplified. We sat silent while Margie thought over what she had learned. "What is your mission here, Empress?" she finally asked gently. It was our turn to mull over what and how much to reveal. "The mission was two-fold," Alex started and I recognized the line from one of the books my sister had read recently. Or, was it the movie? "Our first objective was to assure an 'urban myth' actually became that myth. Now that we've done that, we will move to the second." "So you're all leaving?" "Not right away, ma'am," I answered. "Mina needs time to reconnect with her aunt. We'll be moving forward tomorrow." 1158hrs, London, England, December 25th, 1887AD "You dears sure you need to leave so promptly?" Margie asked as we started to gather in the large lounge. "It's Christmas you know." "We know what day it is, hun, but we do have things to do. Holidays mean as much to us as they do to you, but..." Alex replied but stopped when one of Margie's girls, Lizzy, stuck her head in the room from the hallway. "Pardon, mum, we've dressed the goose and just placed it. What you want us to do next? Oh, what you girls up to now?" "I'll be back presently, Lizzy. In the meantime keep the others at the back of the house." 'Is everything ready over at Mina's, Jack?' Alex's voice asked in my mind. 'As soon as Mina clears us for arrival, Alexandra," Billie instead thought in response. "Margie? Why not have the gals come in an' visit a spell? Take a load off?" I asked. Our hostess' eyebrow rose in curiosity. "Lizzy?" "Mum?" "Lizzy, have everyone join us, luv. It's Christmas after all. A time for friends and family to be together," Margie told her. "None of us gots family, mum. You know that." "An' what'm I? Hagus?" Margie dared. Lizzy smiled excitedly and disappeared, but quickly reappeared with her four other compatriots in tow. Trina...Ginny looked at Alex and I curiously as she entered. "Ladies? Alex an' Ah wanna wish y'all a Happy Christmas an would ask that y'all join us fer our celebration. "But we just placed the bird, Alex," Rita reminded. "Ah'm Allison, hun," I corrected. "It'll be taken care of, hun," Alex guaranteed with a devious smile. "Now, shall we go someplace swankier?" "Go someplace swanki..." Bridgette began saying before our surroundings instantly changed. We were now surrounded by several more of our sisters in a much larger, much fancier room done in fine stained wood and plastered walls. Exquisite paintings finished off the walls, but in one corner, an evergreen decorated with popcorn garland, knitted, hand-made, hanging ornaments and unlit candles added to the holiday d?cor. As we rephased, the smell of our feast filled my nose. "Happy Christmas, Aunt Margaret!" Mina greeted brightly as she stepped forward and embraced her. Margie, as well as four of her five 'employees' stared incredulously at the new venue that had 'magically' appeared around them. I felt a familiar but very slight weight land on my right shoulder. "Welcome, y'all!" Alex greeted excitedly. "Do make yourselves at home, ladies. Dinner shall be served within a few minutes, but first we invite you to join us for our traditional lighting," Mina announced pleasantly. Our guests simply stood where they were, not moving except to shiver violently. "Girls, there is nothing to fear from us or this place. Come, it's Christmas day! A time of wondrous and legendary feasts...of miracles...and...of magic!" Mom told them dramatically as Yuuka flew from my shoulder. She was joined by Allie from Alex' shoulder and both flew toward then hovered above the decorated, but unlit tree. "My sisters! Let the magic of the season light your hearts and likewise the traditional Smith family tree!" Mina announced as she waved to the evergreen. I laughed silently to myself as Yuuka and Allie, still hovering above the tree, waved what looked like sparkling magic wands over it. The candles magically lit themselves- each candle one of five colors: white, blue, green, red, and yellow. A gasp escaped our guests. Poor Rita folded like a pack of cards. "She's startin' ta come 'round, Margie," Trina...Ginny announced as Rita's eyes started to flutter. "Ginny? Where am I? What's going on? I coulda swore I'd seen..." "Easy there, dear, you passed out. You're currently in the business residence of his Lordship, Barrister Philip Smith. My niece, Philamina, has graciously invited us to her Christmas festivities," Margie informed her. "!" Rita babbled almost incoherently. "Magic, Dearie! It's all, magic! We all been chosen an' asked to join the Empress for her holiday celebration. Things are very strange here, Rita. Very surprising. I suggest you expect the unexpected and do try to stay sharp," Margie told her with a child's wonder and excitement visible in her eyes. "Empress? What Empress, mum?" "If I understand things, Alexandra and Allison are known as the 'Empress of Time and Space', child, only Allison's real name is also Alexandra, but they still have different surnames- Alexandra's being Covington and Alexandra's being Reilly," Margie explained, not really believing what she said and looking very confused as she pointed to Alex and I. "Mum?" Rita looked just as confused. "Think of this as a wonderfully magical dream, child," Margie advised as she gently placed her hand on the younger woman's forearm. Trina...Ginny and a still somewhat dazed Lizzy helped their friend up. "Rita! They gots Fairies! They really exist! Isn't that brilliant?" The brown-haired, five-four, seventeen-year-old, gushed. "Excuse me. Empress. Queen Mina. Queen Billie. The fowl has reached optimal temperature and has been removed from the primitive cooking appliance. All additional side entrees are also awaiting placement and distribution." "Thank you, Lilly. I believe Aunt Margaret should slice the goose as she is my guest, but foremost, my relative," Mina responded. "Have Simone, Rommie, Amy, Lena, and Ginger ready the table. Lexi will supervise." "Why is it dark out already? Wasn't even mid day when this nightmare began," Rita questioned as she looked around. "Was I out that long?" "Y'all care for a drink while we wait for them to setup?" I asked our stunned guests. "Ginny, be a dear and fetch..." I began as I listed- to our guests' surprise- their drink selections to our camouflaged sister. "What are you people? Why'd you pick us? What we done to draw yer wrath?" Rita kept asking after quickly downing the contents of her glass. "You ladies have done nothin' to draw our 'wrath', hun," Alex began with a smile. "There are circumstances about to occur in the vicinity of your 'house' that, regrettably, must happen. We're sorry to have given y'all the scare of yer life, but we've seen what is to be and needed y'all to be with us tonight," I took over the explanation. "The events destined to happen in the next few years are very heinous and brutal, but cause many positive outcomes in the field of forensic science," Mina continued. "Why us, Philamina? What could we possibly represent or cause?" "Lady Margaret, one of your employees, Miss Blythe," Billie started. Rita gasped hearing her name. "Has been seen to be the initial victim of a monster the likes of which have heretofore never been seen," Billie continued callously. That squelched all conversation for thirty full seconds! 'Still about as subtle as a hand grenade? You really should work on your comedic timing, sister.' Jacki giggled in my head. Simone appeared from the kitchen carrying a silver, serving bowl and carefully placed it on the dining room table. "You!" Rita shouted excitedly and pointed to our skittish sister. Simone instinctively popped back into Pixie mode and flew from view. "That's her! The corpse...girl from the other night!" Rita accused, still pointing into the dining room. "Very observant, hun," Alex giggled. "Simone is on loan from our sister, Andromeda. Simone and her sister, Ginger, are on their very first mission with the Empress." "Simone, honey? Could you come back out here for a moment?" Mom asked from the dining room with a gentle smile. A very shy, very embarrassed, Simone cautiously appeared and walked slowly toward us. She made no eye contact, instead keeping her eyes to the floor. "This is Simone, a Pixie of my sister, Andromeda of Atlantis. Say hello to Rita Blythe, hun," Alex introduced. "Hello, M'lady. Sorry to have frightened you. I meant nothing by it," Simone greeted, slowly offering her hand in friendship. "Her hand's warm!" Rita exclaimed in surprise, her mouth opening wide. We all giggled. "Of course her hand is warm, as is her blood, hun. Simone's as human as you or I," I told her, still smiling. "She's not some doll." "So how you do it?" Rita demanded as she looked over Simone, head to toes. "Do what?" "How you shrink an' fly about like that?" "I...I just think about it...I guess?" "Miss Blythe, Are you more curious about Simone or would you like to hear our reason for bringing y'all here tonight?" I asked, beating Alex to the punchline. "Well, I never met no fairy a'fore, but I'll bite. Why's we been tapped for the entertainment tonight?" she asked in a blustery tone. "Y'all ain't been tapped fer no entertainment value, hun," Alex responded. "Y'all been asked here tonight so's y'all could live a longer life. What we done the other night, staged that little murder scene, we done to deter the real culprit for a spell. History records that the real killin' didn't start until next year." "How can you possibly know that?" Rita asked in a somewhat upset tone. "Cause, fer some of us this is our past, hun. See...I was born in 1916," Alex revealed. "Alex here...her base'a operation is in the year 2020BC- that's before ol' J.C., hun- two thousand years before the birth we're celebratin' tonight. Over four thousand years ago in total." "How...hhhhow old are ya?" Rita stuttered in shock as her finger feebly raised to point at Alex and I. "Well, Ah been around for two hundred an' three years- give er take," Alex admitted. "Nine hundred and fifty revolution...I mean, years for me this time," I answered. "This time?" five women chorused. "I am the third revision of mys...never mind, it's too confusing given this technologically inept time period," I answered though decided to give up while I still had their attention. "Look, just know that we've been 'round for a while an' leave it at that, huh?" "Way ta bamboozzle 'em, sis," Alex laughed. "That's mah daughter! What a nerd!" Mom laughed with Alex. "Ladies, please. Our guests are confused enough by our very presence. I fail to see the need to confuse even further with bickering," Rommie advised as she appeared. "Dinner is waiting, Ladies." "Can I see you do it again?" Rita asked Simone as the dishes were being removed from the table. "Do it?" Simone tilted her head slightly. "Fly, you silly fairy! Fly!" "Oh. Alex, would you mind if I show her one more time?" Simone asked my sister. "Knock yerself out, hun," Alex said as she nodded. "So who forgets about this and who remembers, Alex?" Jacki asked while looking around to everyone in attendance. "Yes, Alex, who gets to remember us?" Yuuka asked from my right shoulder. Mina and Margie were at the other end of the table conversing quietly. Margie, though talking, suddenly went silent as she looked at me. Her jaw dropped. "I see that you have detected Alex Reilly's resident Pixie, Yuuka. Come up and say hello, Yuuka," Mina said after turning slightly to follow her aunt's stare. Yuuka took off from my shoulder and flew the short distance to the other end. She was joined by the entire squadron. Eight Pixies formed up and landed in parade formation on the table directly in front of Margie. Each bowed as Mina named them. Bridget walked into the large dining room. "Anybody seen Ginny? She was right next ta me then vanished straight aw..." The girl's mouth dropped open and her face paled as she stared at the parade of Pixies standing on the tabletop. Our yellow-winged Pixie hovered up slowly breaking formation, moved away from the table, and began to grow. "I'll be dipped in horse shat!" Bridget gulped incredulously at the sight. "Hi, Bridget," Trina waved nervously as she reached normal height. "Who you then? Ain't seen YOU before." "Oh. Sorry, I forgot," Trina apologized as she shimmered for a second and a half. Ginny stood in Trina's place with a sheepish expression. "Yer one'a 'em? Why?" "Trina was my secondary plan, hun," Alex explained calmly. "Secondary...plan?" Margie and her other girls chorused. "We learned from experience that time...well, time ain't nobody's friend. Time does what time wants and is very self-centered and greedy. I asked Mina to transport Trina back a few months- incognito- as my case things didn't go as planned. We couldn't risk losing any of you to the monster about to hit the streets of Whitechapel," Alex went on sadly. "Why?" Margie asked as she held back a tear or two. "Why protect us from...whatever? What do we mean to you girls- to the Empress of Time and Space...and company?" she added as she motioned around the room. "The Empress of Time and Space has vowed to protect those she loves: those in her sisterhood,," Billie answered softly as she looked at Margie. "I'm not her family! I never met her before a couple 'a months ago," she denied vehemently. "Philamina Smith bears the runes of the 'royal' bloodline, or so she has told us numerous times, Margaret Smith. Since you are her aunt, you are officially family, and since you run a 'boarding house' and treat those under your roof as daughters..." Alex stated royally before her voice dropped off. "We treat y'all as family- bloodline or not," I finished with a bright smile. "Go on then! What's a 'rune'?" Rita demanded. "A rune is or can be a character or letter, even a picture of sorts from some old, even ancient, language. A rune represents something or...someone," Mina instructed. "So! Let's see these 'runes' yer goin' on about," Rita dared. I stood, took a step away from the table and selected my dress whites as I walked to their end of the table. All non-sisterhood eyes stared at me in varying degrees of fright. Lifting the tail of my regulation blouse, I pointed to the small of my back. Mina took over as I felt her touch the lowest 'tattoo', as Alex called them. Mina was silent for ten seconds. "The lowest rune or marking is that of the 'royal' bloodline- the bloodline of the Empress. Next is the rune symbolizing foresight or prophecy. The third rune indicates the Empress' ability to time shift in any given reality. Above that is the true mark of the Empress, the infinity sign or mobius rune. This one indicates that Alex can travel to any time period, any planet or galaxy, and to any universe she sees fit. The fifth rune..." "WHAT?" I exclaimed in surprise. "I have a fifth tat?" Mina seemed to ignore me entirely as she was silent for fifteen more seconds. It was enough time that Alex hurried over and now stared at my back also. I felt her lift my blouse a little higher. "The fifth rune word, can this be possible, Alexandra? Could you have actually...have you actually been there?" Mina rambled as I heard her sniff back tears. "What is it, Mina?" I asked anxiously in concern. "What's it say, sis?" "What does the rune mean, Mina?" Alex asked from behind me. It sounded like she was as confused as I was. Mina remained silent. "Hey! Let me at least change into something a little more revealing, Mina!" Alex complained sharply from behind me. There was a gasp from Margie and her girls. I looked around to see Alex standing there in our black bikini ensemble. "My word!" Mina gasped as she raised the sheer, black wrap from my sister's back. "Alexandra, when did you do it? When did you go?" "Been to a lotta places, hun. Care ta narra it down a bit?" Alex growled in annoyance. "The first...first...the first Universe, Alexandra! When did you go there?" "First universe? Y'all care ta explain?" I asked as I turned around to face our sister and mentor. "The ancient creation myths...I've studied them at length...they refer to something some scholars call the 'first universe'- the original universe...the place from whence all life came to be. While visiting Samaria I spent many days talking to their scholars, trying to learn all that I could of their history. I've only seen this rune once, and the description I was given tells of the origin place. A mythological, some would say spiritual, place where everything started." "Heaven!" Margie gasped out quietly. "In our language and terminology, quite possibly, Aunt Margaret. Alexandra- one or the other...or both," Mina took a step back and looked intently at Alex and I for several long, uncomfortable, seconds. "What was it like? Who did you see there?" Mina asked before pausing for another ten seconds, eyeing us carefully. "What was he like?" "He? What was HE like?" We asked in unison. "I really wish you two would stop that, Alex! It's still as creepy as ever!" Amy complained. Mina looked back at our Weather Mage with a frown then turned back to us and awaited an answer. "First Allie and I went to our stay in Memphis, Egypt to rescue Pharaoh and Anna Beth," Alex Covington explained. "We played a very, very strange game of chess...with an entity Andora called 'Time'," I continued. "And there they go again," Amy interrupted, drawing her hand down her face. "Andora? I've never heard of this 'Andora', Alexandra! Who is she?" Mina asked curiously, though cautiously. "She claimed to be my daughter. When asked how that could be, she claimed she came into existence the moment I took my first time trip...that day in Honolulu, 1944." Margie and her girls gasped again hearing the word 'time trip' or the year. "Fascinating," Mina commented. I could almost picture the pointed ears she sported from a few years ago- according to my sister's memories. "We met again when I went to represent Ruth. This time, we arrived in a courtroom of sorts- a very Spartan looking courtroom. Something that was straight outta the witch trials of 1692," Alex continued. "Yes. The few women in the gallery looked like they were from Athens. Their attitudes though, were straight from Mt. Olympus. To think they were just there for entertainment- especially the one- when Mother Scott's life was in question," I added. "But she was the one that seemed the most interested after Ah called her on her rudeness, sis. She actually seemed to be the one in charge'a that place," Alex concluded. "In charge? Could she have met the creator?" Mina mumbled to herself, but loud enough that we heard. "Ah thought the same thing. When she first approached, Ah was reluctant to look her way, but she assured me that Ah'd suffer no ill effects if Ah did." Mina's eyes opened wide and her brows shot skyward. "What did she look like, Alexandra?" "Looked normal...nothing really remarkable. Looked just like any other gal you'd meet out on the street on any given day. An don't be placin' me or Mah sister on any pedestal or dias, highness. Neither a us'll stand fer that!" "Mina," Jacki asked as she walked around the table, her clothes transforming to her white bikini and wrap, "Just out of curiosity, how many runes have I collected? I remember going with Alex and playing the same crazy chess game." Yuuka and Trina hovered off the table and grew to full size. "Trina and I remember being there too. Care to check our runes, also?" "Well, I wasn't there...exactly...personally, but my temporal twin, Sunny Smithson also attended our Empress to the chess tournament." Mina nodded and motioned them over. One at a time, she examined our sisters' back's, gasping a little each time. "So? What's the verdict?" Jacki inquired. "You all have the mark, but not as visible as our Empress, ladies. I find myself envious of you all." "So you're saying these girls have all seen the almighty?" Margie stated, just to verify that she understood our conversation. "Maybe our Empress, but most importantly, they have visited the original universe- the place where everything started," Mina clarified. "Funny. I don't remember crossing any universal barriers," Jacki shook her head a few times. "I don't either, Miss Cummins. It just seemed like a very exotic dream- with some ripped guy in it- to me," Yuuka added. "He was handsome, wasn't he?" Jacki looked like she held some latent thoughts for our adversary of the time. I held back a giggle. "Wasn't really my type, but yes...he was," Yuuka smiled. Margie and her girls had taken seats around the table and were listening intently, elbows firmly planted on the table, hands cradling their heads. "OI! Dish's ain't cleanin' themselves!" Rommie shouted angrily from the kitchen. "Miss Marsh has a point, ladies. We can talk and clean up at the same time," Mom agreed as she stood from the table and motioned us all to get moving. "Alexandra?" Margie said as we were left alone in the dining room. "Yes?" We both answered in unison. Margie's face grimaced. "Have you truly seen heaven, yer majesty?" "If anyone would call heaven a fifteenth century courtroom then I'd have to say yes. Why would it matter? Everyone says that heaven is what you, personally, make of it, Margie," I answered matter-of-factly. "Maybe our idea of heaven IS a fifteenth century courtroom or a human-sized chessboard." Margie thought about that for a full minute. Alex and I were replacing several serving bowls in the cabinets before she spoke again. "What you said earlier...about me being your relative through my niece?" "Mina is your niece, Margaret Smith. She is the daughter of your brother- in-law, Philip," Alex told her bluntly. "Philip's daughter? Philip has one son and no daughters, unless...she hasn't been born yet. You are time travelers, correct?" "That statement is correct to a point, that is true, but Philamina is twelve years old here in 1887," I told her. "That doesn't make any sense, Empress! The only person I know of that would be twelve would be..." Margie stopped suddenly with a gasp. Her mouth dropped open and she glanced quickly out to the kitchen. "Young Philip? How?" "The process is quite complicated but in short, Philip has undergone a 'rebirth', Margaret Smith. Twenty-seven years from now. We have all undergone the same process, but at differing times," I explained. "Rebirth? But she looks so...real." "Ah'm sure her four daughters are glad for that, hun. As far as Ah know she had each of 'em naturally," Alex smirked. "She's actually a girl?" "Through the rebirth, yes. As are we all. Alex has four children, three grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. I have two girls and one granddaughter," I revealed. Margie gasped again and she examined us closer. "You don't look old enough..." "Another benefit of the rebirth, Aunt Margaret," Mina said as she re- entered the room to place more cleaned dishes on the table ready for storage. "We revealed that during dinner tonight. And yes, I am Philip Smith's progeny." "Are you really Philip's..." Margie frowned as she realized Mina had answered her question already. "You read my mind!" "No, as we have mentioned before, I am of the royal bloodline of the Empress. I share her gift of foresight, so I foresaw you ask that question previous to your asking it, Aunt Margaret," Mina said serenely as she produced a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to her aunt. "I have also foreseen your tears." "Thank you, your highness," Margie said as she wiped her eyes and cheeks. "I am Philamina Smith, Aunt Margaret, Mina if you'd like. I share Alexandra's dislike for royal title." "She coulda fooled me when we first met," Alex whispered close to my ear. I nodded. "Being your mentor, I felt respect should be first and foremost in my lesson plan, Alexandra." Alex and I giggled. Whether she meant it or not, Mina's tone had taken on her regal tone. "So what happens now, Empress?" Margie asked for about the fifth time tonight. "Being your relative, do I experience this 'rebirth', too?" "Only if Alexandra has seen a beneficial scenario that dictates that," Mina told her aunt. ""Indeed there are several that include Margaret Smith and her sisters joining the sisterhood, Mina, but they involve very exclusive requirements being met...very specific requirements of a very sensitive nature. They would also leave...questions," I revealed evenly. "Questions?" "Questions arising from your sudden disappearance, hun. You and your sisters would not be able to maintain your secrets after receiving your gifts. The fifty-year-old Margaret Smith would be replaced by your twenty-year-old self- as would the other girls. That would not go unnoticed by the clients," I informed. "Then there is the possible exchange of bodily fluids during Because components of the rebirth reside in the blood and other fluids, there is the possible risk of contamination during certain...'acts'. It would be best if you forgot about us and this holiday celebration, hun." "Wish I could be like ye," Bridget whispered to herself from a short distance away. "So you will somehow cause our memory of this night to disappear? Is that what I'm hearing?" "You are very intuitive, but that is not necessary at this time," Alex told her with a mysterious smile. We need to move ahead a few years after tonight to continue our mission." Margie began to shake violently. "After returning you to the house, we'll visibly disappear and, from your perspective, suddenly reappear four years hence. Now we must ask: can you and your girls keep our secret?" I asked. Mom led everyone into the dining room and we explained our conditions then asked that specific question to Margie's 'employees'. Though we both knew things wouldn't go exactly to plan...or agreement, Alex and I agreed to spare the mind wipes and move on to the next stage of our mission. Margie's lounge appeared around us. "Please try to honor our pact, ladies. The secrecy of our sisterhood rests in your hands," Alex pleaded. "We will return to this very room at exactly 10:30PM, Friday evening, February 13th, 1891," I specified. Yuuka nodded to her squadron and all eight women began to shrink. Once all were in Pixie mode, they flew up and landed on the shoulders of my sisters and I. Once again Margie and her girls gasped then remained silent. "Until 1891 then, friends of the Empress," Alex bid goodbye. The room around us didn't change much. A few paintings were different and the curtains had been changed, but otherwise things had remained static. 2230hrs, London, England, February 13th, 1891AD "Thought she distinctly told us 10:30PM this very eve, Mum?" Rita grumbled in an annoyed tone as we remained out of phase. "Jus' like bloody royals ta be late!" Bridget began nodding, but quickly tilted her head slightly to one side, her eyes quickly searching the walls, floor, and ceiling. Alex silently nodded to Jacki. "Took three months fer a well night's sleep after 'ey popped out. Startin' ta think the night was some beastly fever," Claire, the youngest and quietest of Margie's girls commented. "I'm thinkin' Becca an' Jane was right 'bout getting' attached an' forgettin' what we think we seen that night," Rita added. Margie looked sad as she began to lose hope, slowly realizing Rita might be right. "Oh, they're here, mum. Can feel 'em eyein' and mockin' us," Bridget announced with confident certainty. I looked at Alex and received a wink. "We're going to need a bigger base, director," Billie moaned. Jacki looked to her twin and giggled. "Rephasing in three, two, one," Alex announced. Those already in the room jumped in fright, but then quickly dropped to their knees. "Welcome to 1891 London, Empress. We await your commands," Margie all but whispered in a shaky voice. "Yer late! Bloody royals," Rita mumbled. I rolled my eyes in response as Margie snuck a terrified glance at her defiant employee. "First command. Y'all will get no commands from me or Allie! Got that?" "Yes, your majesty!" They chorused. "We could leave now and do this piecemeal...without your help, if y'all'd like," Alex growled. "Please, Empress, stay," Bridget pleaded as she quickly stood and approached the two of us. "We're simply excited by yer arrival and didn't mean no disrespect to ye. Some us, mum, thought the hap'nin's a four years past, just figment." "And you know...differently," I insinuated with a smile. "A few days after ye left, I managed to overdo it a bit while out for the evenin' with a kind, young gent. Woke up the next morn in me own bed an' felt...well, differ'nt somehow. What ye done to me, Empress? Why ye done it to me?" "Nothing that hasn't been foreseen, Bridget Catherine O'Grady," I answered looking at her squarely. "Ye mean um destined ta be this fer...fer the rest of me life?" she asked as she let slip her carefully guarded Irish brogue. "Wasn't that your wish that night three and a half years ago, hun? To be like us?" Alex asked as we observed her expression change. "Ah mean, Ah remember it like it just happened a few moments ago," she giggled. "Might have that ye mention it," she admitted sheepishly. "You knew she would go through that 'rebirth' thing you told me about?" Margie asked in startled surprise. Alex and I just looked at her and smiled. "Aunt Margaret, in an hour's time, several officers will seek entrance and inquire about a Mr. James Sadler. You will answer honestly and politely. You shall not think of lying of your knowledge of him, understand?" Mina requested of her aunt. Margie's expression turned to worry. "So what did our new Irish lass get for a gift, Allie?" Jacki asked as she leaned close. "Wait for it, Jack," I recommended with a smile and nodded to the girl in question. "I can go if you don't feel you can, mum," Bridget said as her shape began to change. Within a few seconds Margie was looking at herself curiously. The imitation Margie seemed to be struggling to breathe in the younger woman's tighter clothing. "I thought I told you never to do that in front of the other girls, you silly twit!" Margie growled angrily as the other girls' mouths dropped and eyes bulged in surprise. "Cool, Corinne's twin," Jacki said with a smile then stopped and eyed Alex and I. 'Sort of.' I thought back. "But I thought your Renee was already..." she said to me. 'Not me, Miss Cummins, ask Lexi what she thinks of her new cosmetologist.' I thought to her. 'She'll be subbing for Rose when she goes on maternity leave.' Jacki silently nodded understanding. "Aunt Margaret will perform admirably, Miss O'Grady, so your assistance is not necessary, but thank you for your kind offer. We might ask for your assistance sometime in t

Same as South of Bikini 5- What Happens in Whitechapel... Videos

4 years ago
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South of Bikini First Mission

South of Bikini Episode 6 "First Mission" 0800hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 11th, 2026 "Good morning, Empress! How did you sleep?" Spencer cheerfully greeted as I cleared the last step and shuffled, still not quite awake, into the kitchen. "Have you ever slept in a Quonset hut, or on a regulation cot, Spence?" "Can't say I've ever had the pleasure, Allie." "Well, this was nothing like that! That mattress was worlds better than anything I've slept on up to this point-...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 5 A Change of Perspective

Welcome Back for Season 5 of South of Bikini. We rejoin the Empress as she deals with several family challenges on the home front and manages to finalize a previous mission satisfactorily. South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 1 "A Change of Perspective" Terra Neuvo, 10:01AM, Climax, Neptunian 14th, 437 of the New Era "We're going to miss you and Aunt Cami around here, Aunt Alex," my great niece, Alexandra, said as she hugged me tightly. I felt that unmistakable tingle. It...

4 years ago
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South of Bikini 5 Celestra

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 7 "Celestra" 4:30PM, Reilly Research Station, July 17th, 2020BC "Welcome back Empress. It is 4:30PM July 17th, 2020BC." RVP announced as I rephased our group- all thirty-six of us. Needless to say the Rec Room was instantly alive with some of my sisters rushing for the four food stations, some others- the Pixies- changing modes to stretch their wings after such an extended sequester- actually just two days. A few- Mom, Franny Darough,...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini Terra

South of Bikini Episode 8 "Terra" 0940 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 9th, 1944 "As you can see, Empress, this facility is very crude by comparison. I'm afraid it will be some time before our technology will catch up to Reilly." I told Alex Reilly as we finished our tour of Atlantis-Minor- Mina's chosen name for our base on Ni'ihau. "Captain, though you call it 'crude', I find this small settlement of yours wonderfully relaxing! I am reminded of similar places on...

4 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 The Game is Afoot

Welcome back! Season 4 finds the Empress a diplomat helping to negotiate peace for an entire planet, but can it guarantee the Homeworld's survival this time around? Will Alex finds new friends and some new facets to her gift as she and her sisters try to limit the destruction from Clemson's rewriting time to fit his own academically opinionated knowledge of historic events? Can they find a temporal sanctuary from which to survive the resulting changes and extinctions? ...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 5 Well Always Have Athens

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 2 "We'll always have Athens" 4:03PM, Athens, Greece, July 22nd, 1199BC "My love, where have all the people gone? Where did the distressed earth disappear? With the exception of the missing buildings and homes, it is as though the events of today never happened," Theseus questioned his mate after we reappeared next to Billie on the outskirts of Athens. The crater was gone and so were the destroyed buildings- rubble and all. "Sangiere...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini Developments

South of Bikini Episode 2 "Developments" 0400 hours, 700 Nautical miles East of Baker Island March 31st, 1944 "Andrews, I'm here to relieve you. How's the prisoner?" "He's been moanin' pretty loud. His ribs must be hurtin' but good. I thought Hilf was 'spose to be my relief." "She asked me to cover for a few minutes while she took care of if you know what I mean." "Ya, I heard. You...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini Conference of the Empress

South of Bikini Episode 10 "Conference of the Empress" 1005hrs. Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 12th, 2028 "Empress, welcome to Reilly Research Station. It is 1000hrs on May 12th, 2028." My Samantha immediately dropped to one knee to greet us. "Aunt Mina!" Samantha squealed when she saw her. Standing, she ran over, wrapped her arms around the woman, and kissed her several times. When finished she stepped before...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 Losses and Beginnings

Returning from Egypt, Alex suffers her first real loss since becoming Empress. An emergency mission to right a fatal mistake ensues requiring her to re-establish balance between two Universes. South of Bikini: Onward Episode 7 "Loses and Beginnings" 1303 hours, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 28th, 2028 "Welcome back, Empress. It is 1303hrs,...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini Just a routine mission

The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini Her Arrival

South of Bikini Episode 4 "Her Arrival" 2313 hours, Howland Island, April 14th, 1944 "Are you sure you want us to leave you here, Admiral? We can drop y'all off at Pearl just as easy." I thought it too late for the Admiral to be leaving the safety of Sand Dollar. "I'll be fine, Alex! I'll call for a PBY to come get me in the morning! I have a lot of work to do both paper and otherwise, to get the ball rolling on...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini Travel for Friends and Family

South of Bikini Episode 5 "Travel for Friends and Family" 1301hrs, Five miles west of Tuba City, Arizona, August 10th, 2026 The banner stretched across the two-lane pavement in the distance read 'DARPA 20th Annual Fully Autonomous Solar Vehicle Ecological Challenge 2026'. "We're here! Welcome to the next millennium!" I said with excitement. "Where are we, Alex?" Ma said confused by the instantaneous...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini The Evil


1 year ago
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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 Danger Developments and Confusion

South of Bikini II: Onward Episode 2 "Danger, developments, and confusion" 1820hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 19th, 2028 Alex was waiting for my return from Detroit. "So, does Vern still know about Peyton, sis?" "Was there ever any doubt?" I answered with a wry smile on my face. "Well...ya! Everytime you change our future I have to wonder if we're going to sync up the next...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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South of Bikini 2 New Beginnings and Conspiracy

South of Bikini: Onward Episode 5 "New Beginnings and Conspiracy" 1355hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 12th, 2028 "Miss Alexandra?" Sarah called to me as Corrine, Mina, and Jamie joined me at my side. "Ya Hun?" Instead of answering, she and Liz rushed me and wrapped their arms around me. Both girls remained silent, though I could feel quaking and heard muted sniffling from both...

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South of Bikini 2 Out of the fire a new hero

Continuing her mission to 1945 Poland, Alex must find a way to safely secret the Meridian Spacecraft and her team out of the heavily defended Wonderwerks facility and preserve the precious timeline. Will she be able to rescue the hundreds of lost souls locked away in the Wenceslas Mine? Can Alex rescue one very lost, very confused soul in particular? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 6 ...

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South of Bikini 2 Meeting the Relatives

Admiral Demmit arrives with a mission request. Apparently he had found Reilly's vast historic library on his visit to the future and researched a few old friends... South of Bikini: Onward Episode 8 "Meeting the Relatives" "Mommy?" a small girl's voice whispered in my ear. "Mommy!" the same girl's voice whispered with a little more force. A pair of small hands shook my shoulder urgently. "Mommy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!" The small hands shook my shoulder...

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South of Bikini 2 Setting the Past Right

An offer is made to the women of U103. While giving as much information via a meeting with Grand High Counsel Tibius, Alex tries to fulfill one of the rescued German officer's wishes- to say goodbye to his wife- who, in 2029, is long deceased. Will the Empress succeed in saving another lost soul? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 10 "Setting the Past Right" 0757...

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South of Bikini 5 Home is Where the Heart Is


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South of Bikini 5 May Old Acquaintances

More questions are answered about Reilly Research Station personnel and the Homeworld. Can Alexandra keep the Timeline intact and save her home Planet at the same time? South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 4 "May Old Acquaintances.." "So..Alex.." Billie began as she gracefully sat at the kitchen table with her breakfast of citrus juice and this world's version of cultured, active biomass with fruit- 'yogurt' on twenty-first century Earth. "How can you eat that?" I asked as I...

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South of Bikini 5 Lest Be Forgot

The Empress transmits a special multimedia news report that explained the strange happenings and illnesses around the Homeworld. A 'Welcome to the Universe' party goes awry when Camille's mom and dad have a spat. What strange turn of events will the Empress of Time and Space experience this episode? Copyright: 2016, R.G. Beyer South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 5 ...

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South of Bikini 5 Landing the Big One

With their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Whats Good for the Gander

Bikini Beach: What's Good for the Gander... By Jezzi (c) 2000 As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond's mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches, finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart. Carl...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

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South of Bikini 3 Proving Gound

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth's fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to 'step back' to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes? Episode 10 "Proving Ground" 0811hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 22nd,...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

1 year ago
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South of Bikini 4 Exodus 1

Episode 7 "Exodus I" 2200hrs, L. Scott home, Bridgeport, Conn, August 29th, 1944 "So Lu Sei found your flask?" Emily asked, as we got ready for bed. "Didn't waste a second after I left the room, sis. It was comical in a way, though. You should have seen her face when she found out it was just water!" "She knew that there would be alcohol in it?" "She was living on a base of fighter pilots. I'm sure at least one of them needed some 'liquid courage', Em." "But how would...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Paradoxes Galas and Gifts

With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis- Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger? Episode 6 "Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts" Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era "So why do I...

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South of Bikini 3 Rendezvous

Sand Dollars' next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex' crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission. Episode 7 "Rendezvous'" 1142hr, 200 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "Alex, Rommie's found the Freemont and she says we're about thirty minutes out through clear water," Jack...

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South if Bikini 3 Things that go bump

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel's missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow 'poltergeists' to enjoy the 'witching hour'? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels' theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers. Episode...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 0810

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1416

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 14 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The...

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

3 years ago
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A Bikini with a Mind of its Own

Erin drove as quickly as she could, but the evening rush hour traffic slowed her way home from work. The package lay on the passenger seat next to her, and she couldn't wait to get home and open it. The package had arrived at her office early in the afternoon, in plain brown anonymously marked cardboard, as she had known it would. When she had placed the order for it, she deliberately had chosen to have it arrive at work, so her husband wouldn't see it. But she didn't want anyone she worked...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1719

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 17 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. ...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 1113

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 11 The Following Days and the Firmlove Meeting Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non- canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist,...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 06

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 6 Lucy's Next Few Days Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by...

2 years ago
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The Pink Bikini

The Pink Bikini by Pamela ([email protected]) My mom and dad, Carrie and Rod Franco, rented a house on the shore of Poplar Lake for our summer vacation. Their good friends Rex and Cynthia Cocklesmen rented a house a quarter of a mile away from ours along the lake front for the same time period. My parents are avid golfers and their plan is to play golf every day of the month long vacation. Since the Cocklesmen's son Jimmy is my best friend, we will hang out together during...

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Bikini Beach Glenn Matsumoto Visits

Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 03

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 3 Back to Bikini Beach Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by...

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My Neighbors Sexy Bikini

For as long as I can remember, I've always had a thing for panties. Not wearing them. Seeing them, smelling them, touching them. And, of course, coming on them. I'm almost always turned on when I see a girl's panties. With the current trend of low-slung jeans and pants, my eyes are always on the lookout for a girl whose panties or thong is in view. I'll go out of my way to enjoy that forbidden view for as long as I can. The sight of those colors or fabrics caressing a woman's ass will almost...

3 years ago
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Bikini Office

Bikini Office ?Au travail! On ne vous paie pas pour regarder vos sites pornos favoris.? dit Amelia Norton ? deux de ses subordonn?s, Mike Smith et Luis Delgado. ?Mike, voici la liste de clients ? contacter d'ici ce soir. Luis, je veux votre rapport sur mon bureau d'ici 16h.? Amelia Norton est une des plus jeunes cadres de l'entreprise Baker&Orgov, et aussi une des plus belles. Cheveux blond platine qui descendent presque jusqu'aux cuisses, un tailleur chic qui met en valeur son corps...

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South African Gang Rape

SOUTH AFRICAN GANG RAPEBy Shabbadew2002 Contact me at: [email protected]  Five white wives were lounging and gossiping at the home of one of them in Polokwane early one Friday afternoon.  Four were married to businessmen who made their living as vendors selling to the South African National Defence Force.  All of their men that week were away on business.  Colonel Binda, commander of the Mechanized Brigade stationed in Polokwane, had been having them watched and decided he wanted the five...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 07

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 7 The Bikini Beach July 4th Celebration Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this...

1 year ago
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Bikini Beach A Friend In Need 2019 update

I admit that my story work seems to have been getting longer and longer, primarily due to the way I have tried to embellish the tales with as much detail as possible to place the reader right there in the story. If this is getting to be too much, I would like to hear from you. There are a couple significant names used in this story. See if any of you can figure out just how they may apply to anybody in RL. True to form for me, you just know I'm going to say that this story utilizes...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 01

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 1 Thanks to Elrod, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The protagonist, and thus the narrative, are what the protagonist believes or interprets from...

2 years ago
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A Bikini Beach Summer part 04

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 4 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The...

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Bikini Party

One of the benefits of having a pool in the backyard that is private and surrounded by greenery is that you don't always have to be clothed appropriately to enjoy the water. Although our house was always open for visitors and the friends of our kids, there were times when my wife and I could enjoy a quiet uninterrupted swim. On those warm nights when the kids were asleep, it was so refreshing to strip off and have a naked swim before going to bed. There is something erotic and exciting about...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

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Bikini Beach The Doctor

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Guideline and Concordance

Bikini Beach -- Story Guide As one of the reviewers of stories for Elrod, I've been asked about guidelines and such. Elrod had a bunch of material on his web site, but he took that all down. I had printed some of that out. I also reread all of his stories. I'm treating the material I printed, his stories, plus those stories of mine that he had reviewed for me, as "canon." Here it all is. If you have a story you'd like me to review, in keeping with the wishes of Elrod some...

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